蔡昭儷 (48)


1. 本週變態控機賤人又將右邊子宮有肌瘤者同我併身體,令我右邊小肚突出,我十一年前因被賤人併身體而做了微創手術,差點連子宮都被摘除,今天賤人又重施故技害我;




2. 近期,變態控機賤人將一長髮男子同我併身體,令我原本做負離子順直的頭髮變得鬆散彎曲,極之影響儀容,原來併身體會完全改變一個人的髮型和樣貌。


3. 本週電子武器摧殘仍是每星期7天,背後指使的禍國殃民者是港台和新城財經台的職員。由星期四開始,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我心律不正和呼吸混亂,當我做運動時倍感辛苦.


4. 腦控空間賤人利用我和我家庭成員的Wechat相頭組成Wechat朋友圈,望親朋好友小心核實,以免受騙。


Mind Control Space News this week (July 24 to 30, 2021)


1. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with someone who got Uterine fibroids in right hand side, cause my lower gut bunching up. I have done a minimally invasive surgery 11 years ago, since got fake uterine fibroids caused by mapping. Now the mind controller doing same stuff to me, I will not falling the trap again.


 At the same time, mapping me with few perps’ stomachs which I felt got gastroptosis, and felt so heavy in my stomach.  Seriously harm my health, caused my walking loss balance, look so odd in my appearance. My weight actually 70 pounds, the metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with several perps, caused my weight increased to about 130 pounds, such evil case I will deem as murder with intention.


2. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping me with the man who had long hair in outlook, such strangely cause my straight perm hair became loose and curvy, now I know mapping not only harm to the health, also can change the outlook without permission.


3. This week, the electronic harassment for headache still going on 7 days a week, as known the suspects were the DJs of HK radio and metro finance. At Thursday, the metamorphosis mind controller remote control electronic attacked my heart for arrhythmia when I doing Yoga, it also caused me difficulty in breathing.


4. The perps used my WeChat photo and my family members created a friends group in WeChat, warn to my friends and relatives, please telephone confirm before you use.


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Mind Control Space News this week (December 19 to 25, 2020)

1. This week, another fake chief executive appeared in the brain control space again. When I asked her for name, she answered “Tsang" and I asked is it “Tsang" or “real” because “Tsang" and “real” are same pronounce in Cantonese. Finally confirm her name is “Tsang”. Except for the different way of presentation, her voice was exactly the same as Chief Executive Carrie Lam.

As said, Eric Tsang and Cuson Law used the voice of the false chief executive to order private company to provide surveillance video recordings which record the daily movement in public places, they used for editing to framing someone else, It was seriously infringing the privacy to citizens.

2. The mapping with two people, if other one in difference country with different voltage will caused light cases, the light will flicker, the humidifier will automatically turn off, even the main switch will auto off . So when you got flashing light, it means does not really the ghost in the house, but perps ghost were mapping you.

3. The metamorphosis mind controller mapping with someone who got congested nose at night, those were suspected to be Stephen Chow’ term, they mapping breathing with me, caused me difficult breathe and unable to sleep. In the daytime, the metamorphosis controller mapping me with someone who got deflated in the lower back of the brain, when I waved my arm, I felt the sound ”squeak" in my back of the head. I felt so terrifying!

This week, The metamorphosis mind controller start electronic harassment at 14:00 of the 22nd, he continuous remote control of electronic weapons caused me headache, I have reported the case to the Hong Kong police at 09:00 on the 23rd. The report number: Ref#ERC2012232093237. However, the harassment keeping on and also increased its torture power until 16:00, and then launched another attack at 21:44 until 03:00 on the 24th. It is said that this torture taking order from Lam Kin-Ming, Stephen Chow, Simon Yam, Andy Lau and famous Cantonese opera actors. As media statistics, at least 25% of Hong Kong citizens felt headache and dizziness every time when attacked.


1. 本週另一位假特首又出現在腦控空間,我問她大名時,她答”曾”,我問是”曾”或”真”,因為”曾”和”真”在廣東話是同音,最後確定她的名字是”曾惠妹”,除了講話的內涵不同外,她的聲音同林鄭特首一模一樣。


2. 原來同身處不同電壓的地方人士合併會令到電壓發生變化,輕者電燈有閃爍,放濕器自動關閉,嚴重者跳電掣。所以當有電燈閃爍時,並非家中有鬼,而是有寄生鬼同你併身體引起。

3. 變態控機賤人長期晚間將鼻塞者,懷疑是田啟文,陳文輝,林敏聰兄弟同我併呼吸,令我呼吸困難,沒辦法入睡。日間將後腦痿縮者同我併感覺,當我揮動手臂時感覺到後腦"吱吱"聲,很恐怖!

另一方面,本週變態控機賤人於22日下午在14:00時開始,持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,我已於23日早上09:00向香港警方報案,報案編號:Ref#ERC2012232093237. 但電子武器摧殘仍未停止,反而加大力度持續折磨至16:00, 然後於21:44又再一次發動攻擊至24日早上03:00才停止。據說此次摧殘來自林建名,周星馳,任達華,劉華和粵劇名伶,香港最少有25%的市民感覺到頭痛,頭暈。

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Mind Control Space News this week (November 28 to December 04, 2020)

1. There is someone acting as chief executive Mrs. Lam in brain control space to chatting with people at night, making people so puzzle and nuisance, since they are questioned about the chief executive is real or fake one? If she is the real one, all should sit down and listen to his advice to avoid disrespect. Finally, it turned out that she was Cuson Law tone voice acting as the chief executive for disturbing people sleeping.

This reminds me why some people say that they felt so nuisance when they hear "Monita", I guessed which may the perps also uses the same technique, acting as "Monita" with the same voice to disturb people sleeping and cause people angry, as said, the perp used such cheap trick to nuisance someone to begging for benefits and money in mind control space . if it is true, makes me puzzled is why no one contact me to talk about it?

2. According to sources, the famous Cantonese opera actress has a stage name of Red Mum with surname Lee. The face is very similar to Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam. Honestly I don’t like Cantonese opera and can not recognized the actress in fact. When I searched the actress name, but I cannot found any relevant information. If you know Red Mum, please let me know to confirm.

3. In the brain-controlled space, There is a rich man order a lawyer to apply ten court injunction orders for his own ten perps in the mind control space for protection not being electronic harassment and got the court approval. But made me felt unfair was someone used the ten perps’ defecation, incontinence to mapping with victims to got same feeling for harassment; one of deliberately to made me spray when I drunk coffee, some of own respiratory diseases mapping with victims for archives of fake confirmed Covid-19, as well as various elderly diseases mapping the five senses with victims for physically and mentally abuse. This incident wake me up. The law of Hong Kong is used to protect the perpetrators not the victims. the law gave the right to perpetrators for torture and abuse the victims. why? What is going on the Hong Kong legal system, is it really dying as said?

4. Someone asked me what is my opinion for the Hong Kong government today? My answer is "When there are more pharmacies than grocery stores on street, what do you think? good or bad?" When asked how to improving the management for mind control space? I personally though that the only way is to have the death penalty in law. As our known, it is about mind control, the real die is brain death, Imprisoning penalty only the evil perps body, their brain can use high technology to hacking to outside victims’ brain and use victims’ body for doing illegal, only the death penalty can be completely resolved.


1. 腦控空間的特首扮演者,於夜䦨人靜時出來同人聊天,令不知者不知所措,因不知是真特首與否?如果是真特首,定必正坐聽教,以免不敬。但最後證實是羅啟新調聲扮特首滋擾人,令人不勝其煩。


2. 據消息人士透露,粵劇名伶藝名紅菊,姓李,樣貌同香港特首林鄭月娥極為相似,因我不好粵劇,不熟悉名伶,又未能在網上找到有關資料,暫未確認。

3. 腦控空間有富豪找律師帮他們在腦控空間的十個人申請法庭禁制令,禁止被電子武器摧殘而得法院批准。但奇怪的是,有人利用此十人的便溺,失禁,刻意令人噴飯,各種老人病同受害者併感覺,併身體,精神虐待受害者,更甚者用其中有呼吸道疾病者同被腦控受害者併五感而被確診Covid-19。

此事令我如夢初醒,原來香港法律是用於保護腦控施害者,而非保護被腦控受害者。是帮助腦控賤人攞正保護去精神虐待摧殘受害者,製造更多假性的Covid-19 確診者。唉!我已對香港的法律制度失去信心!

4. 有人問我對今時今日香港政府的管治有何見解?我的答案是”當市面上藥店多於米店時,您認為是好還是壞?” 當問到如何能更好管治腦控空間?我個人認為最好的方法是恢復死刑,需知人死腦死,囚禁腦控賤人只是肉身,其腦仍可利用高科技駭入受害者的大腦和侵佔受害者身體去作惡,只有死刑可徹底解決。

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1. 26日上午,變態控機賤人將右腳斜放後同我併身體,令我行路時拗柴; 晚上變態控機賤人遙控電子武器激我腸,令我2小時內肚瀉5次。

2. 原來一直同我併身體的人是周星馳的帮底,晚間是陳文輝和他太太齙牙珍,陳文輝鼻塞,齙牙珍呼吸聲很大,同我併感覺令人沒法入睡。日間是現住周星馳故居姓鄧一家,經常將太太和老者的便溺,失禁,發泡同我併感覺,同時將鄧子豐潛我聲,發放負面思維,以此心身精神折磨。

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Mind Control space news this week (November 07 to 13, 2020)

1.  This week, the metamorphosis mind controller continued to remote-controlled electronic weapons causing me and victims headache. I reported to the police twice for help.

At the same time, many people committed suicide since can’t stand electronic tortured. The suspects were the employees of Hong Kong radio stations, Apple Daily, TVB and Cantonese opera.

2.  It is said that the group of Chaozhouness has been uprooted, but still have small group exiled at Thailand and Philipine were being used by actors of Cantonese opera and movie stars for electronic tortured to China citizens and Hong Kong citizens for living.

The government has promoted to development the Greater Bay Area, but the Cantonese opera perps are so rampant in mind control at that area, how can the China Government protect Hong Kong citizen without brain control and electronic weapons during their work in the Greater Bay Area? If the government can be guaranteed, I will not hesitate go to Greater Bay Area for business.


1. 本週腦控空間持續有人遙控電子武器令我和受害者頭痛。我兩次報警求助。同時有很多人不堪電子武器摧殘而自殺。出面搞事者: 馬鼎盛,吳君如,鄧英敏,羅啟新,秦沛三兄弟; 因得益者有港台員工,蘋果日報員工,TVB員工, 商台員工和粵劇名伶。所以大家認為背後指使者是黎智英,譚詠麟,許冠傑,汪明荃,鄭裕玲等娛樂圈大哥大姐。

2. 據說腦控空間潮州幚已被連根拔起,剩下流亡泰國和菲律賓的一小撮被粵劇名伶和明星所利用,於腦控空間繼續遙控電子武器摧殘香港市民以及中國內地市民為生。


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立約人: 蔡昭儷
The Punitive claims for mapping dine
Since the metamorphosis chip control mapping me with someone for dine whom I even do not know who they are, such made me felt disgust and unhygienic. For my heath consideration, herein make a legally binding contract as follow:
I urging to the controller of mind control machine, any mapping for dine with intentionally or unintentionally, all deem as harm to my health of human, I can claim HK$100,000 per meal per time. As a controller of mind control machine, you can choose whatever go or not to go, but as a being mind control victim like me, I have not choice, I only can choose is legal protection.
This contract will effective after post in my blog, after taking effect, if someone still mapping me for dine, I will deem that the controller accepted my term above, and willing to pay all the Punitive claims as will.
Choi Chiu Lai
April 17, 2020 at Vancouver
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Ming Control Space News this week (Sept. 26 to Oct. 02, 2020)

1. Remind everyone again, have the same Chinese and English names as mine bank A/C in Hong Kong, of cause with different ID numbers, as said, the same name account was used by brain-control perps for money laundering. The mind controller used my reputation to blackmail other people's money and deposit it into a money laundering account with my same name. If you are being blackmailed, please contact me ASAP.

2. The metamorphosis mind controller often exchanges my sense of hearing with someone who stay in high noise circumstance, which makes me being at high bass environment for a long time, seriously harm my sense of hearing and mental health.

3. Many victims as well as mine, when suffered electronic harassment, we will complain and blame to government, why the government did not taking any action against the mind control perps?

As our known, the chief executive sitting only 7 years, and the mind controllers are hereditary in long term, the officers will not put themselves at risky situation, they prefer wronged a victims than upset a narrow minded controller.

From the above, we understood that the facts of brain control have been secretly taking control in Hong Kong. Everyone knows that the controllers are the retired superintendents. They are already operating many years and now pass to their next generation, even the current police officers are afraid them sometimes.

The three branches of Hong Kong government, the executive, the legislature, the judiciary all manipulated by mind controllers, and the mind controllers all under money control which means they only listen to rich men, not victims as poor as mine.

How about Hong Kong’s future, we can not expect, we only can do is keep ourselves safe, keep our mind fresh everyday.

Today, everyone were focusing on the China-US disputed and seems to have forgotten the most importance thing is settle inside first. even forgot that the mind controllers own the mind control machines were made in Germany.

4.  Recently, there is a person who acted as chief executive of Hong Kong in the brain control space. She got a same voice as Chief Executive, but got difference though most of time. She was being Imperceptibly mind by Cuson Law, Ma Dingsheng, Leung Wei Hong, and Mak Chi Yung etc. In order to get rid of those who disagree with them, frame and set the victims up, misled the listener to making wrong decisions.


1. 再次提醒大家,香港銀行有同我相同中英文名,但不同身分證號碼銀行戶口存在,據說是腦控賤人用於洗黑錢的戶口。變態賤人利用我的名譽,勒索他人金錢後存入相同姓名的洗黑錢戶口。如您是被勒索者,請同我聯絡。

2. 變態控機賤人經常將我同處於高噪音者換聽覺,令我長期有如處於高音貝的環境,嚴重影響我的聽覺和精神健康。

3. 香港很多被腦控受害者,同我一樣,當被腦控賤人騷擾時,都會埋怨政府管治無能,任由腦控賤人無法無天。





4.  腦控空間近日有一位假扮香港特首的人,除聲音相似外,其它不值一提,她於腦控空間以特首之名,被羅啟新,馬鼎盛,梁雄偉,麥志鑫等人潛聲,以排斥異己,陷害和誤導被腦控的受害人。

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Mind Control space News this week (September 5 to 11, 2020)

1. Many of Targeted Individuals ignore the problems of eye tracking. The TI’s eyes are the camera. The brain control machine records what the TI saw and heard every day. When the victim has a companion, The eyes tracking will records TI’s companion every moment when they together. After the metamorphosis mind controller collects the memory records, will clip and edit into a "deep fake" film, than your companion becomes a dirty movie star with innocently.

Therefore, as a Targeted Individual, you should remind your companion, behaviour in your daily life and proper dressing at home, avoiding to becoming a dirty movie star.

2. Since the Targeted Individual day at August 29, 2020, I have had more than 500 "friend requests" on my Facebook every day, my purpose of set up the Facebook is to wake up the public awareness about brain control, so the "friend request" are welcome at all. However, some of them upload dirty images in my facebook, I believed that all dirty come from perps’ side and I have block them at once.

I strongly condemn the perps who uploaded dirty images on my Facebook, if you not a TI with sincere, please do not disturb.

3. In mind control space, few perps who claim that they are Andy Lau, and the voices are all similar, I don’t no their real name at all, they are the trouble makers in brain-controlled space. As you know, I am a victim, alone in brain-controlled space, never ever participate in brain-controlled space affairs. I firmly declined to cooperate with fake Andy Law in all.

I was alone in mind control space, I only belong to myself not others. If you want me to participate in your business, please understand that not electronic harassment, not sexual harassment, not mapping and not criminal.

4. There are many elders in the brain control space. They are originally in healthy, but the metamorphosis mind controller mapping them with the patients when they are in body checking, caused they got a records with difference kinds of illnesses, taking medication in long time. The perp used cheap tricks In order to prepare a long-term medical record, one day when they kill by remote-controlled electronic weapon that can blame to.

5. In Australia and Taiwan, the TIs can apply a apprehended violence order (AVO) follow the local laws, which used to prohibits brain control and electronic harassment.

In Hong Kong, many of lawyers who not guts apply for victims, so I apply to the High Court myself. Because there is no AVO in Hong Kong, when I consulted the High Court, the staff provided the habeas corpus application form and I filed the application after sworn.

After above, I received the responses from the court judge that text said”the applicant is not currently in custody. She alleged that her mind was controlled by an unknown source, but the court only issued habeas corpus to the person in custody. This declaration is based on a misunderstanding and is now cancelled."

May we discuss the wording that “Mental custody” is it including to “body custody”? The human body is controlled by the mental which was part of body, so the mental custody should including in body custody.

My application form was provided after consulting with court lawyers. After review by the second court staff, the oath was taken in front of the third court staff, and then submitted to the fourth staff for review and filing. Are the all above court staffs misunderstood? or the judge have wrong judgment?

in Hong Kong, May all the courts manipulated by a small group of people? Or the judge also being mind control? you tell me.


1. 很多被腦控受害者都忽略眼部跟蹤問題,受害者的眼睛就是相機,腦控機會記錄被腦控者每天的所見所聞,當受害者有同伴時,受害者每天都在記錄和同伴者相處的每一刻。當變態控機賤人收集記憶記錄後,用"深假”的方式,將片段剪接為三級片,而你的同伴就無辜地變成三級片的男女主角。所以做為被腦控受害者的另一半,日常生活和家居衣著盡量小心,以減少成為三級片女主角的機會。

2. 自從8月29日列為世界被腦控受害者紀念日開始,我Facebook每天都有超過五百個"朋友請求",因為我開Facebook的目的是喚醒大眾對腦控事實的關註,正常情況下對"朋友請求”都無任歡迎。但其中有些以TI之名,上載三級影像,污衊,猥䙝反腦控的宣傳,相信是控機賤人的所為。在此向在我Facebook上載淫䙝照片的人提出強烈譴責,望非誠勿擾!

3. 本週有自稱劉華,據說是A貨劉德華(真名不詳)的人在腦控空間搞事,本人在此聲明,我是被腦控受害者,從不參與腦控空間事務,堅決謝絕同A貨劉德華(真名不詳)合作。


4. 腦控空間有很多被腦控的長者,原本身體健康,但變態控機賤人將他們同病患併身體,當他們檢查身體時,制造很多有病記錄,導致長期食藥。此舉意在有朝一日遙控電子武器害死受害者時有堂而皇之的長期病歷記錄。

5. 在澳洲,紐西蘭和台灣的被腦控受害者,可以按當地法律,向法庭申請暴力禁制令(AVO),禁止腦控和電子武器摧殘。





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Mind Control News this week (August 22 to 29, 2020)

1. Start from 23rd this month, the metamorphosis mind controller electronic harassment for headache over 42 hours, the detail please refer to http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4701010. I have report to police via E-report at noon of 23rd, the reference no. Ref#ERC2008232069509.

Someone complained that he have paid but still got headache, the perp response that he paid no including RTHK and Police station, they also got mind control machines which were own by government, according to Anti-corruption Laws, send and take bribes also illegal, so they paid not including RTHK and police station. And this time the electronic harassment came from RTHK, so you still got headache even you have paid protection fee. OMG!

2. I have been issued a topic that at December 4, 2017, talking about the mind control technology can mapping people to difference appearence.

in addition to spelling out different ugly looks, the brain-controlled machine can also be equipped with a beauty filter to make your appearance more beautiful. I asked the controller why you did not try to add beauty filter to all the people in Hong Kong to make Hong Kong becoming a city of beauties? He ask me go to hell. Ugh! I don't understand why the controller would rather being called the metamorphosis mind controller and not be a good person, sick man!

On the other hand, the brain-controlled machine not only mapping out different looks, but also copy the look exactly like me. It is said to merge my past memory record to A, and select my appearance in the mind control machine, A will becomes exactly the same looks as me.

It was the same case in past 10 years, the metamorphosis mapping me with B without my consent, use B's appearance change to me, whatever I like it or not, my appearance becoming as stranger B who I don’t know who is she. Here I strongly urge to return my own appearance.

This technology caused the appearance to change without victims approve. What is even more frightening which is the identity swap, used by countless illegal cases.

This technology has also caused many celebrities, rich men, and police officers in Hong Kong to disappear unknowingly, and then appear in the public eyes with the same appearance. Of course, they got the identity card of the missing person. Except the DNA tests, How can the people use for identification? The answer is non, all people just by their own memory appearance to confirm the friends, not DNA.

3. As told that my IQ had being turned down to six degrees than my normal in the past ten years. When I questioned the controller, he said just turned down three degrees not six, and said will turn back to normal for me later.

Why? Why they do that to me? he really will turn back to me? can my IQ return to the previous normal situation?

According to my knowledge, when IQ be turned down, our daily reading is like mental food which cannot be fully absorbed. IQ will slowly dying.

During the above situation, the metamorphosis mind controller also mapping my feeling with the patient who got mental sick with me, makes me felt difficult in reading. Each newspaper took half an hour to read before, and now it takes at least three hours to complete. The metamorphosis mind controller was increasing their mental tortured in seriously.

4. This week the metamorphosis mind controller mapping my appearance and feeling with the patient who got kidney sick, made my look got dark circles and bags under the eyes, and at the same time I felt very tired. The bitch perp used this to exhausted my physical energy, lower my social activity , and further more seriously in their mental abuse.


1. 本週由23日開始變態控機賤人遙控電子武器摧殘我同受害者頭痛超過42小時,詳細請參閱 http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4701010. 我已於23日中午向警方備案。報案編號:Ref#ERC2008232069509 .


2. 我於2017年12月4日刊登過我被併樣貌時,可併出同自己完全不同的多種樣貌。





3. 我被告知,近十年來智商被調低六度,我向控機者提出質問時,他直言只調低三度,遲些時帮我調回正常。我不禁質疑為何要調低我智商?調回之後是否能返到之前的正常狀態?


4. 本週變態控機賤人將腎病患者同我併樣貌和感覺,令我樣貌呈現黑眼圈和眼袋,同時感覺非常疲累。賤人利用此舉消耗我體力,影響我社交,更進一步加強精神虐待。

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Mind Control space news this week (July 25 to 31, 2020)

1.  Have you given all Facebook "friend requests" to join? My answer is "yes", because the purpose of my social network is to let more people know what about “mind control” and how it can harm us deeply. So I approved all the friends on Facebook, but only limited to communicating information about brain control, not others.

2. Every time, the metamorphosis mind controller remote electronic harassment, the first to harm were victims without a shield in the brain-controlled space.

There were many of fake politicians and the impersonators of the media have also been harassment. But the strange thing is that my identity impersonator was keep safe, and I was headache for more than 55 hours. As said who my identity impersonator was under big brother in the entertainment industry and was used to fake me for extract the benefits that belong to me, so she was the perp’s own person.

Now I believed that everyone understood who taking the main control in mind control space, not only the impersonators, but the real politicians and media.

3. I believe that many people have a experience that sleep in bed and whole body unable to getting move in a short period of time, if can not get up in long time, we will think who may got a CVE or hemiplegia. But in today’s brain-controlled technology, the mapping with the patients of CVE or hemiplegia also can caused the same feeling and same symptoms. As long as the body is separated, the healthy person can move freely. But if the metamorphosis mind controller refuses to separate the mapping, the victim will stay in fake hemiplegia situation, even be wrongly prescribed medicine. There is a health victim suffered a physical stroke and slept in bed for three days until the mapping released.

Therefore, many foreign countries banned body mapping technology, but in Hong Kong, the mind control mapping technology has becoming widespread, they not only mapping two persons, even three to four persons mapping together to tortured the victims all the time. It was horrible.

In Hong Kong, there are many being mind control victims whom suffered the mild CVE by mapping with CVE patients. My father was the one who also suffered CVE with his left hand by mapping the patients this week. The doctors was helpless and only can do is physical therapy until the the mapping separate. As my father’s children, we will keep continue to looking for the shield device which can block the mind control, and pray my father can recover as soon as possible.


1. 你是否對facebook的”朋友請求"全部給予加入?我的答案是”是”,因為我開立社交網絡的目的是想讓更多人知道何謂”腦控”,腦控如何對我們造成傷害的實況。所以我facebook的朋友只限交流腦控方面資訊,不作它想。

2. 每次變態控機賤人發動電子武器摧殘,首當其衝的是腦控空間沒有屏蔽器的受害者。而當中很多政界,娛樂圈人的身份假冒者同樣被摧殘。但奇怪的是我的身份假冒者卻絲毫無損,而我卻被摧殘超過55小時。原來我的身份假冒者是娛樂圈大佬所供養,被利用於假冒我提取我在腦控空間所得的利益。相信大家對腦控空間的控制權在誰人之手己呼之欲出。

3. 相信很多人都試過在半睡半醒中短時間內全身動彈不得的感覺,以為中風,半身不遂。非也此實是腦控科技,同半身不遂者併身體所引致,只要將身體分開,健康者即可行動自如。但如果變態控機賤人不肯將身體分開,健康受害者將會感受到半身不遂的痛苦,甚至被錯誤用藥。有受害者曾經被併身體假中風睡在床上三天後才獲得放人。所以外國很多國家禁止身體合併技術,而香港身體合併技術已到泛濫程度,不只二人合併,甚至三至四人合併,其喪心病狂程度已令人髪指。


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Mind Control space news this week (July 18 to 24, 2020)

1. From the 21st of this week, the metamorphosis mind controller remote-controlled electronic harassed me for headaches more than 55 hours. I had already reported the case to the Hong Kong police at 3 am on the 22nd. The reference number is ERC2007222063435. However, as of the 23rd, the electronic harassment still continued, the police did not take any action, and the victims as well as me still being tortured. . .

As known the trouble makers were the staffs of Metro Finance FM104 , Joe Nieh and Ng Mat Take, fake Andy Lau and Lau Wei Man etc.

2. After back to Hong Kong, according to the government guidelines, I have to wear a mask or face shield. Since the weather was too hot, I chose to wear a face shield for protection that can cover my eyes. This unintentional move caused the perp who mapping me distort the vision when tracking in the brain-controlled space. I like it, the film of the mask shield will distort the tracker's vision.

But in the restaurants and shops, they are often asked to wear masks not mask shield, why? Tell me why, becaused the perp unable to tracking the target. They control the restaurants and shops to do so.

3. There is a elder in the brain-controlled space was killed, his identity was fraudulently used to sell his own property, and the funds were transferred away. The entire procedure, including the lawyer, the land Registry office, and the bank, were not noticed.

As above-mentioned professional organizations,the should strengthen identity authentication to ensure the safety of citizens' lives and property?

As a victim of targeted, how to arrange our own property in the later years, it is an important issue.

Avoiding being deceived and protect our own safety. The perp’s target most of the lonely elders who have no children, and a small number of them are those with children. for the no children one is so easy, just joint to their social life for tracing with fake care. For got the children one, they used misleading sentence and emotional manipulate to separated the children from the elderly, caused the distrust to each others, then isolated the elders, then the perp will able to taking control.

Warn to the elderly, should keep you mind clear all the times, don’t fall into the trap that set by brain-control perps. You should understood, when you being mind control, your emotions, behaviour, psychology will total under control, they will control what they want. So keep your mental health in positive thinking is very important.


1. 本週21日開始,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器持續令我頭痛超過55小時,我己於22日零晨三時,向香港警方報案,報案編號:ERC2007222063435。但至23日,電子武器摧殘仍在持續中,警方並沒有採取任何行動,被腦控受害者仍在受苦受難中。。。


2. 返香港後,依照政府指引,戴口罩或者面罩,因天氣太熱,我選擇戴面罩同時可保護眼睛,此無意之舉,令併我身體者在腦控空間用眼睛跟蹤目標時出現影像變形,原來面罩的膠片會令跟蹤者視覺變形。但不知何故,在食店,商鋪經常被要求戴口罩,感覺上戴面罩很不受歡迎。相信很多食店,商鋪都被腦控操控。

3. 腦控空間又有長者被死亡後,身份被冒用於物業變賣,資金轉走,整個過程,包括律師,田土廳,銀行都未被察覺。



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1. 有人問,香港政府做得如此差勁,為何你仍支持政府?
2 本週變態控機賤人24小時潛我聲,誘發我思維,挑潑離間,中傷我同家庭成員的關係。想不到他們除了分裂國家的同時也在分裂我的家。
3. 我曾在我社交媒體帮智行基金做宣傳,但近期聽到此基金很多負面的新聞,雖然仍未得到證實,但責任上,有必要提醒大家,做善事時要小心,避免受騙。
4. 7月9日有關7億仲裁案,我因此案提前由溫哥華返香港,但直至7月8日,仍未收到要求上庭的書信,當然也未能出席。特此告知,以防有誤。 據說之前有很多場仲裁同我有關,但因為我收不到信而被當放棄。
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Mind Control space news this week (June 13 to 18, 2020)
1. As known, the mind control machine have a function, can highlight a group of people in specific area for group infection. Warn to the victims of being mind control, don’t go to demonstration, as you known, we are the main target, the perps will kill you without any excuse. don’t taking any stupid action to kill yourselves. Stay safe, be strong.
Refer to the black matter, The trouble makers in mind control space have a intention to stir up Philippine maids going out for demonstration, if you hired the maid at home, please warn them stay home, stay safe, don’t joint any demonstration to keep their working visa.
2. Most of female like low-rises pants, someday, if your pant does not fit as before, then you shall be careful, the male perp is mapping your body.
As you know, most of perps got a ugly appearance, using mapping with female mix to beauty without the female consent . They don’t mind whatever the moral integrity and human right, forcing to mapping caused a lots of harm and inconvenience in the females. The male perps’ behaviour were sexual harassment, and such situation has reached the level of flooding in Hong Kong.
Why so many people in mind control space, there are police officers, the politicians of legislative council, the governance team, the members of National people representative of China and The national committee of consultative of China etc. why they turn the blind eyes when the metamorphosis controller remote electronic harassment? Why they don’t stop them when they saw the male perps mapping with female for sexual harassment?
What kind of people taking control of Hong Kong today? Is the actor of cantonese opera or political swindler, we should take a detail mind before go.
3. many of people ask me, what do you think about Hong Kong? Feel confidence or not? Before year of 2014, my answer alway positive, and proud of being Chinese. But after what I saw, what I listened in mind control space, I was confused, why so many people whom I have been respected to, becoming evils in mind control space, such as the members of National people representative of China and The national committee of consultative of China etc. they used electronic tortured to citizens, money laundry as their jobs. is that what we said Hong Kong people autonomy, is it really what we Hong Kong people want? If you are the Hong Kong citizen, do you call into question about the abilities of Hong Kong government? Will you shaking confidence of Hong Kong’s future, or whatever follow the flow?
1. 再次呼籲被腦控受害者,不要受他人搧動上街示威,以自身安全為前提。需知腦控機有一功能,隨時可令群體確診冠狀病毒。你們上街示威遊行,有如給腦控賤人借口,將你們除之而後快。等同自取滅亡。
2. 很多女性喜歡著低腰褲,但如果忽然間覺得平時很合身的低腰褲拉不到腰,原因只有一個,有賤男同你併身體,務必小心!
3. 很多人問我對香港有信心嗎?在2014年前,我的答案永遠都是充滿信心,甚至以自己為中國人感到自豪。但經過在腦控空間的所見所聞,我感到疑惑,為何一些我們認為正面的人仕,例如代表香港的人大代表,政協委員們統統都變成在腦控空間以摧殘市民健康為己任,以洗黑錢為生計的禍國殃民一族,難道這就是我們香港人所要的港人自治嗎?如果你是我,對香港的管治能力有懷疑嗎?對香港未來的信心會動搖嗎?或者只是抱著隨波逐流的心態?
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Mind Control news this week (May 9 to 15, 2020)

1. About two week ago, there is a lady in mind control space fake to Regina Ip, her Chinese name just one word difference from me, she alway mapping me for shower, so I know she got a big round face with small nose. At the same time, there are 5 fakes of Andy Lau in mind control space, they all used electronic harassment for making money. I hated the fakes in deep since I also have fake in mind control space, under the perps control to ruin my reputation.

As you know, I am a victim under mind control situation, the perp separated the space from me and the fake, so I don’t know who they are. But as Regina Ip and Andy Lau, they are powerful persons in Hong Kong, also in the mind control space, why can they accepted such fakes stand in mind control space, torture people to live? May be as someone said , they manipulated the fakes to making money to support their political career, or pay to whatever they want whom torture to?

And also have another horrible rumour, said that Regina Ip and Andy Lau already dead under mind control kill, and someone used mind control technology to switch their appearance and identities, manipulated for against China government, and doing something that Hong Kong government not willing to do. True or dare? I don’t know, please tell me after you got confirm.


2. At Vancouver time noon of May 9 to 10, 2020, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment for heartache, I had reported to Hong Kong police. The ref No. Ref#ERC2005102044477

At the same time, there are some perps in mind control space stalking the royal family of Thailand.


3. Vancouver is the most beautiful place in the world, when I went to outside for exercise everyday, the perps group stalking me for sightseeing without my consent, and the metamorphosis chip controller also mapping me with someone who over weight, I felt difficulty in breath, big belly prompt show, my body not my own, like a difference person, I felt my under wear very tight, soon becoming wear and tear, after the mapping separated, the amazing thing happened that you can not believe my skin still in perfected situation, only the fatty perp got hurt. why? there are a lots of unknown come from mind control technology that we need further study.

This week, The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the perps who got over weigh, used to stop my running exercise. After I back home, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment for headache over 10 hours, sometimes remote electronic for sleep。At night sleep time, they remote electronic sleeping deprivation to about 2:00 to 3:00 AM, totally upside down day and night, seriously affecting my physiological nature. I can not do anything what I want, only wasted my time, wasted my whole life. All about mind control, it can ruin your everything that you have already got or not yet.


4. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping my face with someone else, caused my whole face unbalanced, the ears was one high and one lower in big difference, I can not wear my glass, also my eyes unbalance too, It was seriously harm my appearance and social life.


5. This week, the metamorphosis mind control perp projected a baby to my inside apartment, I don’t know why they doing? And the other hand, I read the news that few of baby got allergy in skin, if it was microwave symptom, not medicine, not scratches, only water wash everyday, and put some baby body powerder for smooth, until the mapping separated.



1. 前兩周開始,腦控空間出現1位假扮葉劉的女士,據說真名同我只差一字。面大鼻細,經常同我併芯片沐浴,從而引來其他男子併芯片性騷擾; 另一方面,有幾位自稱是劉華的人在空間以害人為生,已知者: 劉玉翠哥哥,江華,杜亦衡,彭偉華,廖偉雄,張松枝以併聲假冒劉華。我對假冒者深惡痛絕,因為在空間有多位假冒我的人,都是以抺黑我為目的,不同之處在於我是受害者,對假冒者束手無策。但他們無論在社會,在腦控空間有很大的影響力,也是空間話事人之一,為何對假冒者視若無睹?難道真如外間傳說一樣,利用假冒者在腦控空間作孽害人賺取政治本錢,或者供養手下?另一更恐怖的傳說是,真的葉劉和劉華己死,所以利用腦控機換面術,將假冒者呈現於公眾眼前,利用他們的公眾影響力做一些反中或者政府不能做的事。到底真相如何?有待大家去觀察和判斷。


2. 溫哥華時間5月9-10日中午,變態控機賤人遙控電子武器令我持續頭痛,我已於9日中午向香港警方報警,報警編號:Ref#ERC2005102044477



3. 因溫哥華的景致實在太美,可謂百看不厭,每當我出外散步時,有大堆不認識的眼部跟蹤者同我併芯片,有超肥者同我併身體,令我肥腫難分,呼吸困難。因為我們衣服的尺寸是根據自己的身材而定,當超肥者併身體時,明顯感覺到內衣緊勒,當行走時,會磨損緊貼的肌膚,但奇怪的是,當將合併者分離後,我肌膚完整無損,損傷者是併我身體的超肥者。我相信腦控機仍有很多我們未知的功能。

本週每當我出外運動時,變態控芯片賤人將超肥胖者同我併身體欣賞溫哥華景致,令我沒辦法跑步; 當我回家後,即遙控電子武器令我頭痛,有時令我昏睡; 而到了晚上睡眠時間,又遙控電子武器睡眠剥奪至零晨二時,24小時大群人跟蹤,長期如此,日夜顛倒,將嚴重影響我的生理規律,沒辦法在家工作,沒辦法處理個人事務,每天都在浪費人生寶貴的時間。 腦控是多麼可惡的事情,可以在短時間內癈了人武功。


4. 變態控芯片賤人長期將我的樣貌同他人合併,令我左右面不平衡,而最明顯的是左右耳呈現高低,令我沒有辦法戴眼鏡。同時眼睛,眉毛都呈現高低不平,嚴重影響儀容。


5. 本週變態控機賤人將小孩投射到我家中,不知有何動機? 另一方面,我留意到新聞提及有小兒全身無緣無故皮膚敏感,如果是出於微波症狀,只需用水洗,不需食藥,如感覺痕癢,可用無剌激性的嬰兒爽身粉即可。


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The additional Punitive Claim about mind control


If the guilty party is unable to pay the compensation after the liquidation, the claimant agrees to use the prison period as a substitute. Because the brain control and electronic harassment are criminal offences, it can be add as additional terms to the original sentences, one-year prison period will replace HK$500,000 of punitive amount. It cannot be executed simultaneously with other sentences. If the guilty party dies during the unfinished prison, his debts shall be borne by his children and grandchildren (if his income benefits his children and grandchildren)


以上條款以中文版為準(subject to the Chinese version)。


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1. 變態控機賤人每天將最少三人同我併身體,然後再將此三人幾何式併開去。此舉令加拿大控機人感到太不人道,腦控機指明不可併身體,而香港變態控機賤人居然一次併三人,而且是身型,體重相差很大的人,以此虐待被腦控受害者,其行為受世界唾駡。最後令人以為中國人沒有文化和修養。大家不明白的是此帮變態控機人不停令中國人蒙羞,而仍有人用他們?而用他們的正是中國香港人,為什麼?


2. 加拿大黑人因用假錢被捕時壓頸造成死亡事件被傳媒渲染成種族主義,令警長下跪而平息。而香港的現職警司聯同離職警司卻在腦控空間遙控電子武器摧殘無辜受害者。到底天理何在?為何全世界都變成本末倒置?


3. 香港由反蒙面法到暴動,世界疫情大流行到全民戴口罩,很明顯是執法者為掩飾因腦控造成的人命死亡,商家要發藥業財,賺口罩錢,黑社會可光明正大地蒙面去犯案。明顯地是政府,商家,盜賊互相勾結,壟斷世界的政治,經濟和罪惡。再加上傳媒的假新聞,顛倒是非黑白,試問我們現時正處於何種環境? 經此一疫,相信大家很清楚了解腦控的權力是掌控於何人之手。


Mind Control news this week (June 6 to 12, 2020)


1. The metamorphosis controller mapping me with three perps everyday, and then used three perps mapping more as sparkle style to increasing. As the Canadian controller said, he never saw mapping three people in same time before, as the instruction of mind control machine, mapping is prohibited, and Hong Kong’s controller mapping over 3 persons were inhumane and urgely condemned.


The metamorphosis controller not only mapping three perps, also tortured victims by mapping with some persons who shorter, over weight, there was seriously harm to victims’ health. The metamorphosis controller’s behaviours were scolded by the world. Why caused such shame? Shame on Chinese, make people though that the Chinese so stupid without education, or lack human being since they are poor in self cultivation.  they harassed to the Chinese, force Chinese left  their own country, left their own family.  Why the Hong Kong people still used them as killer to harm Chinese all over the world? And the Hong Kong government known but turn a  blind eye. why?


2. This week all news talking about George Floyd case, such case rising to racial discrimination, force the officer kneeled down to peaceful. I don’t understand why a criminal for used fake currency becoming a hero? Not matter white, black or yellow, but criminal. 


And we can see at Hong Kong, the police officer together with resigned officer in mind control space, used remote electronic harassment to the innocents. Why the policemen becoming evil? what is wrong? Why the world was turned upside down?


3. Review Hong Kong, from prohibition on Face Covering regulation to riots, then the Covid-19 to people all cover a mask. Obviously it was a game, used to cover the large numbers of people dead caused my mind control. All about were open the door to the merchants for making money from medical equipment and masks, convenience to the underworld can justly mask to commit crimes. 


It was very clear which government, merchants and bandits collude together to monopolizing world politics, economy and criminal cases. Also used the media to making fake news, turned the world upside down, would you tell me what situation we are stand for? 


After all above, I believed everyone knows clearly who was the powerful one to taking control in brain control technology.

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1. 本週,變態控機賤人持續遙控電子武器令我輕度頭痛,同時將呼吸困難,鼻塞,鼻水倒流,痰塞者同我併芯片,令我沒辦法呼吸,非常辛苦;






2. 於5月1日至2日,變態控機賤人用微波影像技術,將多位智障人士投影於我家中,我問原因時,有人答我,他們是用於智障考生思維,同時誤道他人以為智障人士是為我所用。大部分被智障的考生都是被腦控愛害者。


3. 提醒自駕的被腦控受害者,小心檢測車輛後再出發。有變態賤人經常刺破受害者的輪軚,調鬆腳掣,調鬆軚盤,造成很多交通意外,因不知道是處於何國家,所以只能呼籲大家盡量小心!




Mind Control News this week (May 2 to 8, 2020)


This week, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassment for headache, at the same time, mapping me with some people who got hard breathing, Stuffy nose, postnasal drip and throat filed with phlegm in turn, caused me have a same effect, I felt difficulty in breathing, and can not wear a mask in long time.


At the same time in Hong Kong, there are 22 students have rejected by DSE examinations since fever and Acute respiratory tract infection, now you know what happened, all being mapping caused, all fake infection. Why the creepy do that to students, they are all innocents?


At the same time in Vancouver, most of the Chinese were rejected by supermarket since slight fever. The fever was caused by electronic energy weapon, it can turn the body temperature what you want through remote control. So checking body temperature is not the available way to confirm the infection. 


2. This week, the mind control machine controller projected few metal disorder persons seating in my home, when I ask why? Someone said that the controller used the metal disorder persons to mapping with students whom are taking examination, used to set them up and misled observers the metal disorder people were work for me. Sick perps!


3. Warn to drivers whom being mind control, please check your car carefully before get go, there are some group stalkers taking action for broke your tires, loosen the screw of brake, broke your wheel, I don’t know the nation of perps, only can remind here to all of you for safe drive.


4. At 3:00 am of May 8, 2020, the metamorphosis chip controller remote control electronic harassed my nose, my felt like machine washing my nose, non stop running nose and sneeze under attacked for 2 hours long. creepy perps. 

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1. 腦控空間每把電子武器都有它不同的功能,而擁有者都必須登記,以便追究法律責任。據說有賤人為了逃避法律責任,將其中一把攻擊頭部的電子武器,以我的名義登記超過十年,令我蒙上不白之冤。望腦控空間管理者正視電子武器被冒名,濫用的嚴重性,對因此對本人所造成的傷害,保留法律追訴權。


2. 本週當我戴口罩時,變態控芯片賤人將呼吸道有問題者,流鼻涕者同的併芯片精神虐待,令我沒辦法戴口罩,好在街上無人,否則真不敢上街。


此令我想到冠狀病毒測試的方式都離不開,深喉唾液測試,鼻咽樣本測試,量體溫。但對於被腦控受害者,此方法是否可行?近期經常有鼻塞,流鼻水,痰塞者同我併芯片,所採樣本到底是我的還是併芯片者? 被腦控受害者的體溫大部份都受電子武器操控,所以量體溫是否一個有效的方法? 作為一位被腦控受害者的我,剩下的只是擔憂。。。


3. 近期有一天,當所有芯片分開後,我的體重又下跌至36公斤。自問我每天兩餐飲食正常,平常很注重養生,為何體重會不停下跌?原來變態控芯片賤人長期將帮餓鬼同我併芯片一起飲食,吸收我所食的大部分營養,而其中固定同我併芯片的女子體重不斷上昇,當同我併芯片時的體重是60公斤,所以當我體重下跌時,她的體重上昇,總體重保持不變。當體重維持不變時,平常人都不以為意是合併芯片所引起,當有朝一日,芯片分開後,你見到的自己只剩皮包骨,皮膚鬆弛下垂,慘不忍睹。


在此再次提醒被腦控受害者,腦控賤人此舉是想在不知不覺的情況下,將受害者變成病懨懨的樣子,再將其同癌症病患者併芯片做測試後,向外宣佈死於癌症。多毒的殺人於無形招數。 大家要自強不息,小心防範!



4. 本週當我染髮時,頭皮敏感,痕癢難當,因我用的是韓國牌子,中藥研製,我已用超過十年,從未試過敏感,在百思不得其解之際,被告知原來變態控芯片賤人將我同另一位正在染髮而引起頭皮敏感者併芯片,令我有相同的感覺。 另一方面,有時無論我如何天天洗髮,頭髮感覺仍是很油膩,原來是同長期不洗頭,頭皮油脂分泌失調者併芯片而引起,同樣原理,當同有頭皮屑者併芯片,你也會有頭皮屑。當將直髮同曲髪併芯片,直髪者很難將直髮梳順。所以當變態控芯片賤人將我同不同髪型併芯片時,我唯有選擇戴帽子。


5. 在此再次提醒被腦控的受害者,過馬路時要小心,變態控芯片賤人會在十字路口整盎你,令你思想混淆致紅燈時有衝動過馬路,綠燈時會呆滯地原地不動。安全第一,大家小心。


Mind Control space News this week (April 11 to 17, 2020)


1. There is a policy in mind control space, anyone who got a remote electronic microwave weapons shall register in person for law responsibility. But someone who registered a weapon which can cause headache used my name without my consent over 10 years, I being a targeted individual over 10 years,  suffered over 10 years electronic harassment, and now you told me that someone who used my name got a electronic weapon, what the hell you doing? Who in charge of electronic weapon management?  I urge you to clarify all your negligence, and will preserve my right for legal prosecution.


2. This week, I wearing a mask when out since Covid-19 pandemic, but the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with the perps who got respiratory disease, and run nose in turn, it was no way for me to wearing the mask in long-time. 

Since above, I queried the effective that we used to confirmed cases of Covid-19, most of ways will use deep throat saliva test, nasopharyngeal saliva test, and checking body temperature, if mapping someone who got disease without our know, are there really can confirmed the cases, I am a targeted individual, always being mapping with the patients of difference microwave symptoms, when get a test, how can I know which sample they got? Also as known, the remote electric weapon can causing human body heat or cold by remote control, all above give me a question mark?  all above just increasing our victims’ nervous and anxiety, I am so worry about how can our victims’ do a test that under chips separated.


3. Few days ago, when all the chip leave me alone, I checked my weight was drop to 36 kgs, what’s happen, I have two meal a day with nutritional balance, why my weight still drop down? until someone told me, that the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with few hungry perps who may in prison, so they absorb all my nutritions, special a female who mapping me in long-time total 60kgs, when my weight drop down, her weight was going up, so when I mapping her the weight unchanged,  keeping in 60 kgs.  So if someone who being mapping without self wakeness,  they will deem it was remand uncharge, when the chips separated, you can see a skinny sick person with sagging skin, then mapping you with someone who got a cancer for test confirm. The perp use to misleading people that you are dead for cancer, not matter others. It is a poisonous tricks which perp use to kill people invisibly.


4. This week, when I colour my hair by myself, I got allergy in head skin, why? I used same brand over 10 years, and never got allergy, the hair dye was produced by Chinese medicine, it was impossible for allergy. until someone told me that the woman who mapping me also doing colour at same time, she used the hair dye caused me have a same effect. OMG!

And the other hand, may you have a same experience that your hair felt oily but you just shampoo, or you got dandruff that you never got before, all above based on same principle, mapping with person who got disorder of scalp oil secretion. Also when you mapping someone who have different hair styles with you, you can not do hair styles what you want, only can do is wear a hat to cover.


5. Warning again to the targeted individual, beware to crossing the road, the mind control perp can control you crossing the road when red light on, manipulate nonsense to stop when light turn green.











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1. 有人質疑我為何疫情期間不留在家中,仍出外賞花? 我的回答: 我是被腦控的受害者,當腦控機同醫療機連結測試時可證明我不是帶菌者(在沒有帶菌者併芯片的情況下),所以我首要任務是確保自己不被感染,我必須時刻保護自己的心肺功能呼吸系統正常,堅持出外吸收新鮮空氣和曬太陽,做帶氣運動,保持血含氧量在正常水平,以此抗禦病毒入侵。






2. 本週溫哥華時間早上8時,聽到有聲音問 ”ETC,是不是海外圖書館個位?" 我不明所指,因我經常在圖書館,所以想問清楚時,却沒有人回應。我擔心是否有人利用我在圖書館作為定位系統做犯法事情。


3. 近期我飲水經常外溢,原來變態控芯片賤人將我同歪嘴的覆舟口併芯片所引起。而另一發現,當我食菜時,發現菜黏貼在牙齒上,原來當變態控芯片賤人將牙齒琺瑯質受損者同我併芯片食菜時造成,當牙齒琺瑯質受損時,食物會沾上而很難自動脫落。


4. 本週變態控芯片賤人利用流鼻水,咳嗽,頭痛病患同我和受害者併芯片精神虐待,以此作為威脅索取金錢。




5. 在此提醒腦控空間控芯片人,當意圖和企圖併我芯片前,請先閱讀加拿大政府在疫情期間所訂立的法規,併芯片如同現實,人與人之間必須保持2米距離,注意個人衛生,違例者按加拿大法律或香港法律執行。




Mind Control news this week (March 28 to April 2, 2020)


1.  When I post some blossom photos in my WeChat, someone ask me why you don’t stay at home? My answer:  I was being mind control by brain control machine which can connected to the medical machine, and it can proved that I am a non-bacterial(under no mapping situation), so I only concern is how to protect myself without infected, How to keep my lung function in normal and respiratory system in smooth situations, of course, the nature way is  out for fresh air, taking sun bath and jogging to bring up the blood oxygen content, made all above ready to against Covid-19.


Although the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got respiratory sick, joint pain, femur pain, foot pain in turn, I keep out for exercise every day under the 2 meters social distant policy.


As a solitary person under current situation, I have to keep concentrating in prevention as well as a lots of cleaning. On the other hand, I suffered most of microwave symptoms that come from mind control every day, 24 hours V2K harassment, I feel exhausted every day. So I have to relax and relief myself, I don’t want to bother my fiends and increasing the burden of social medial system. So I out for Cherry blossoms and taking photos, post the photos as positive energy to influence the infected patients and being mind control victims, be strong and be happy, we are support to each other in such rough moments.


2. This week, I heard that someone said “ETC, is the person who in the library”, since I stay in library frequently, so I ask for detail, but not one give me a answer, I worry about may someone used me as GPS to make crime.


3. The metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got wry-big-mouth, caused me spillover when drinking. Also mapping me with someone who loss the enamel of his teeth for dinning, caused the vegetables leaf stick in my teeth, it is so disgusting and horrible.


4. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping someone who got gastrointestinal upset, run nose, cough, headaches in turn with me and victims for harassment, also used for threatens money. 


Warn to the threatener, The Covid-19 is attached to the condition of “Biochemical weapons”, anyone threatens to spread the virus, or use the virus as a weapon to attack being brain control victims, all constitute a terrorist threat. Severe people can be sentenced to death in China.


5. Warn to the all chip controllers in mind control space, according to law enforcement of Canadian government, every body should keep social distant in 2 meters, wash your hands regularly and maintain personal hygiene. So please stop mapping, keeping distant when stalking,  ask your perps to maintain personal hygiene, your perps were too dirty in every time.


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1. 據腦控空間討論,當腦控人將他人的人生記憶記錄同你併芯片,你會沿著 “他”的人生軌跡行,你會有同 “他”一樣的人生,如果 “他" 的記憶是死於自殺,被併芯片者死於自殺的機會很大,除非你知道記錄的內容,走出原有的圈圈去改變腦控人為你設定的命運。


我個人認為,被自殺的記憶大部分是被腦控至憂鬱, 足不出門,擔心被整蠱, 害怕社交時出丑, 害怕溝通時用詞不當, 慢慢自己鑽牛角尖, 繼而被腦控走上自殺之路。所以只要多走動,多晒太陽,去時差同原居地不同的地方,無論身在何處,只要感覺到不開心即轉換地方,直至開心為至,以此走出被腦控人操控的命運。


2. 幾位女性朋友閒聊時,談到女性經期,有人提到無論如何都沒辦法使用衛生棉條,以為是使用方法有問題。實則,很大機會是變態控芯片賤人將女性和男性一起併芯片,如是者,肯定沒辦法使用衛生棉條。 




3. 拜讀小說” Poisoner in chief” 其中的記錄提到,因腦控技術,某人可在沒有脈搏,心臟停頓的情況下,仍處於活著的狀況。




在此提醒變態控芯片賤人,根據”中華人民共和國刑法” 第三百零二條規定,盗竊,侮辱尸體罪判處三年有期徒刑。


4. 近期,不知何故,我發覺自己沒有丹田氣,唱歌時沒辦法運氣,有時聯講話也好似換不到氣,很奇怪!我每天最少一小時快步行練氣,已超過十年,也經常練習腹式呼吸法。我懷疑變態控芯片賤人又在腦控機上做了手腳害我。可惡!


Mind Control News this week (March 8 to 13, 2020)

1. According to the discussion in brain control space, when the metamorphosis chip controller mapping you with the records of memory that belong to someone else life, you will follow "he" life to live, and you may have the same life as "he". If the memory record was died of suicide, then the probability being suicide is very high, unless you know the detail of the memory record, get out the memory life circle which already set by the brain controller.If you do not want to according to the arrangement by brain controller, and you did not know whom you are mapping on, the only way to change your future is to leave the original place and start your own new life.My personal opinion that most of the memories of suicide are brain control to depression, they did not want to go out, worry about being tricked, fear of ugliness when socializing, fear of inappropriate words when communicating, slowly dying to dead end, then to commit suicide as perps’ will. 

How to get out?  walk more and sun more, going to a place where time zone is different from your original place. No matter where you are, if you feel unhappy, change the way until you are happy.


2. The girls talk, talked about women's menstrual periods. Someone mentioned that she could not use tampons whatever, may something wrong in use. In fact was the metamorphosis chip controller mapping the woman with men caused, so she is no way to use tampons.On the other hand, it is proposed to female elders who got urinary incontinence problems use tampons to keep themselves clean and hygienic. That makes the metamorphosis chip controller cannot mapping you with someone else for nuisance.


3. Reading the novel "Poisoner in chief", it mentions that someone no pulse and the heart stop, but still alive. In real life, there is indeed such a case. Someone was dead but still able to speak. Under mind control technology principle was mapping the dead person with alive one, use the alive person to inducing voice to speak and inducing eyes to blink for misleading people that who was not dead yet.Hereby reminds to the metamorphosis chip controller that according to the "Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China", Article 302 Whoever steals or insults a corpse shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance.

4. Recently, I found that I cannot breathing, inhaled air in smoothly when I singing, and the joint speech seems to be out of breath. It was strange!

I train myself walk quickly for at least an hour every day last more than ten years, and I often practice abdominal breathing. I suspect that the chip controller has done some harms to me in the brain control machine. hateful! 



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