On October 14-15, 2010, there will be the America ’s Spiritual Revival conference call starting at 7:00 p.m. EST. The call-in number is 218-339-2500. Access Code is 1080656#.
October 10, 2010 was the start of the year-long God-sent America ’s Spiritual Revival (A.S.R).
A.S.R. will follow the principles of 2 Chronicles 7:14. In order for us to be successful, we must have the support and commitment of the church who want to bring more people to God and see a healing of the nation take place. This commitment will involve both prayer and action like Nehemiah did. We want to unite and empower the churches.
We want to revive, restore, and renew people's belief in the church and in God because many people are presently "lost". People can no longer distinguish the Christians from the non-Christians. There is lawlessness. There has been an increase in murders, teenage suicide rates, thefts and divorces to name just a few. There has been greed and corruption from politicians to religious leaders. Many people are asking themselves the question: Where is God? God is here and have answered your prayer about having a Spiritual Revival.
God revealed the acronym W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G. which stands for:
W stands for “Worship”
R stands for “Repent”
A stands for “Anoint”
P stands for “Praise and”
P stands for Pray”
I stands for “In the”
N stands for “Name of”
G stands for “God”
In other words we should enclose or cover ourselves through Worship, Repent, Anoint, Praise, and Pray In the Name of God.
PASTORS, MINISTERS, and RELIGIOUS LEADERS: We must be in one accord. We are requesting that all pastors, ministers, and religious leaders preach and teach on the subject of SIN for the month of November 2010. The sermons and teachings should include all types of sin including " The Sins of Omission”, “Sins of Commission”, and the “Seven Deadly Sins”. The church must get their house in order, for this Spiritual Revival to be successful. Many Christians are not totally committed to God. Each month will be a different topic for the year.
YOUR COMMITMENT TO PRAYING FOR 21 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: For the next 21 days we are requesting that you pray between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 am and/or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm each day in your designated time zone. Your prayer time can be done with family, friends, and co-workers either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. In order for our prayers to be heard and answer by God, we must be in one accord. God will hear our prayers for hours and in addition, our prayers will become “exponential” because so many people are praying at the same time.
FAMILY MEMBER PRAYER WARRIORS: The devil has destroyed many families. Unlike many years ago, many families are living thousands of miles apart. We are asking that the prayer warriors set-up a designated time to pray time either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. There are many free conference calls which are available online, which you can do this.
VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED FROM EACH STATE: We are looking for volunteers from all states to lead the prayer in their state (STATE PRAYER WARRIORS). In addition, we are looking for people to help coordinate visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities in their state (STATE COORDINATORS). We are looking for YOUTH COORDINATORS from each state.
SPONSORSHIPS: We are looking for sponsors to provide 2 RVs, which we can travel around the country, as well as, office equipment (computers, printers, etc.). We are looking for someone to develop website and updating the site.
PARTNERSHIPS: We are looking to partner with churches, religious leaders, organizations, individuals, community leaders, Christian artists/musicians/singers, and Christian TV networks, in order to make this massive endeavor successful.
A.S.R. TEAM: We will be visiting each state for the next year. From November 7 - 13, 2010 The A.S.R. team will partner with churches in New Jersey to visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities. PA will be November 14-20, 2010. DE will be November 21-27, 2010. We will have a full schedule of the states available by October 21, 2010.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? We invite everyone of all ages and for believers and non-believers. Everyone can do something. Pastor Miles McPherson wrote a book Do Something which talks about that issue.
IS THIS JUST FOR AMERICA ? No, we are asking for other nations/countries to join us in this event.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Get involved! You can post this on your website; send it to your friends, family members, religious leaders, pastors, ministries, and co-workers. It is the only way that change can occur.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, please contact us. We look forward to hear from you.
For more information, please contact the A.S.R. office at 347- LOVE JESUS (568-3537).
God bless you,
Letitia Peters
A.S.R. Organizer
“ America ’s Spiritual Revival: Healing the Nation through W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G”