Protest (10)

Global protest on Dec 10, 2012 (Human Rights Day)

Dear all,

Global protest on Dec 10, 2012 (Human Rights Day) (some locations are possible on 8,9 Dec, Saturday) is under discussion.

Please share your opinions by adding a comment.

If you want to be an organizer of your local protest location, (Please apply protest permission from local authorities), please just comment to this post.


If you want to see contacts and press release of "global protest on 14 Oct 2009", Please go to:

Reports of Global protest on 14 Oct:

Photos of previous protests: 

Press Release in 10 languages:


List of protest locations:

Worldwide protest location: China

(It is hard to apply permission of street protest from local authorities in China. No street protest. Only Internet emails and websites promotion)

Contact Person: Soleilmavis



Soleilmavis case summary.

Online petition:


The UN Human Rights field offices, Civil Society groups in many countries and other UN organisations have also organized events to mark Human Rights Day.

Please come to see what events you can participate. 

Worldwide protest location: USA

San Jose and Santa Maria, CA

Damien Torres

He passed out about 30 more flyers in San Jose by the Great Mall on 25 Oct 2012. These flyers were on Electronic Weapons Testing and Non-Consensual Medical Testing within the Medical Industry. He has passed out about maybe 300 in Santa Maria and San Jose, CA. He will pass out more info.

''These Non-Consensual Electronic Weapons Abuse Programs need to stop. There seems to be a strong cover-up between the Department of Defense, CIA and the team of Researchers and Scientists (in the Dept. of Neuroscience) that they are funding. I will always blame the Military for this crap and their Black-Budget funding into programs like this.''


Bothell, WA.

Daniel James Matzke

cell number is: 1-(425) 239-4061      

lets all join forces worldwide....


Washington, DC

Contact: Marc Burnell


Location: Lafeyette Park, near White house

Time: From 8am to 6pm.

I put in the application today for the permit and there should be no reason why I won't be turned down. Its the same process as it was last time in 2009. Its free. No one else is protesting there on Monday either.  I already know about 5 or 6 that are definetily coming but might leave early. I have to leave early around 2pm. People should still able to stay.

Know how to answer questions and speak about this situation intellegibly, there are lots of small newspapers and radio stations that do interviews. Bring refreshments. No speakers, or music, just signs.

Here is the protest in 2009: Global Protest - USA, Canada, UK

richard demuth confirmed to attend the protest, please contact him.

 Meki Bandaon is interested in attending the protest, please contact him.


Baltimore, MD

Contact: Meki Banda 


Worldwide protest location: Canada

Toronto,ON, Canada

Galina Kurdina

protest in Toronto, ON, Canada on the 8,9 or 10th of December, 2012 (Human Rights Day)

Email: Galina Kurdina

Vancouver bc, Canada

ken W2 is looking anyone in vancouver bc or surrounding areas.


Worldwide protest location: UK

denny32 is looking anyone from UK organising activities on 10th Dec 2012

Paolo Fiora (paolo) is planning to go with his anto oseh placards to LGC: london guantanamo campaign. He may also try to read something about torture the right of people not to be subjected to inhuman degrading treatment etc.
He welcome other TIs living in or around london to attend too.
This is how the LGC: london guantanamo campaign advertize the event:
Monday 10 December: 6-8pm: US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, W1A 1AE: Vigil to Mark International Human Rights Day
The London Guantánamo Campaign invites you to join us in a vigil outside the US Embassy to mark this day, regardless of the human rights you campaign for or feel most strongly about. We invite you to join us as well - if you wish - in a reading of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - - which are supposed to apply to all people and at all times... Feel free to pick an article that you wish to read out. This action will replace our monthly demonstration for December.
For more details, e-mail or call 07809 757 176


Worldwide protest location: France

T.G. is looking anyone from France organising activities on 10th Dec 2012.

Worldwide protest location: Malaysia

 SUBRA and Samiah binte Ibrahim is looking anyone from Malaysia organising activities on 10th Dec 2012.

In Malaysia, Victims and supporters can bring their own flyers to join some protests on December 10.

Amnesty International and Malaysian Bar Council are organising Human Rights Day Dec 10th. and this wedsite works on international Humans Rights Business.


Other activists for supporting the protests

(1) Mass email or mail petitions

Mailteam calls all victims to send their Mass petitions to Governments, Military/Security Agencies, International Organizations, Human Rights Organizations, Universities, Scientific and other Institutions, and the International Media all over the world over and over and over again and have had our appeals for justice, protection, assistance and/or publicity. You can use the following sample letter:

(2) write to Europe

(3) SheriGrutz's actions

Here is what I do: 

having a poetry reading

having a band play

passing out fliers

writing letters to congressmen in your state

writing letters to human rights agencies

putting up posters all over your city

putting ads in newspapers

And many, many other things. 

(4) Demand for the Government from Arlene Johnson

Be smart and use my Demand for the Government page to achieve your goals. There isn't hardly any goal that people have that I don't have somewhere in my work on the page that makes my work unique-the Demand

for the Government page. For TIs it is For other issues,
the Demand for the Government page is other links. But it is always the last link in every edition of which there are 37.
God bless,
Arlene Johnson
(5)  Carrin Behr  and  rajeshmangalsterlite have mailed on this issue:
The Deputy President;
The National Police Commissioner;
The Director General of Intelligence (I was invited in for an interview, my car broke down on the way, which is probably just as well, as I heard later that the Advocate that has been assigned to my case, had a hidden listening device under her table, and was going to try to catch me out - will take legal representation with me, and get her to talk, IF I ever decide to even enter her offices in the future).
The Community Policing Forum (who forwarded my complaint through to Crime Intelligence, asking for an answer, interviewed by them in June and July, and really they admitted to a friend of mine, that if this were to come out, 'too many people would be exposed').
The opposition parties MP for Safety and Security;
Newspapers, various government officials who my friends have contacts with (one of which announced on radio recently that he wants to set up a task team to do investigate corruption in government).
Very hard hitting TV expose program;
Various other people. 
(6) November 2012 is Indigo Ribbon Month!
Participating Sites/Groups/Organizations:
* Indigo Ribbon Campaign (International Site, the site that first started the campaign)
* Indigo Ribbon Campaign (USA Site)

Participating Individuals and Activists:
Feel free to "Like" to add your name or alias to our page and why you are participating in this important activism effort.
(7) Rally The People calls to write letters to worship groups.

 I propose that all those who worship send letters and packets of info to their own and other places of worship.  We should ask them to pray for us all, teach them how to support targeted individuals and provide them with educational materials instructing them on the kind of stalking, harassment and assault we experience.  This will help us get the word out and create a support base for those who are suffering a lot.


(8)  Catherine Sarah Hislop will attend a conference about Domestic Violence and mental Health on Jan 14, 2013

I am unable to take part, as i am attending a conference about Domestic Violence and menatl Health

Think it would be good if someone from here could take part to highlight the torture


Pictures and videos of Human Rights Day (Dec 10)
London Human Rights Day event pics:
only the first 5 pics from the top the rest are previous events i don't think you need to be on facebook to see them
same event me talking about torture and extra-judicial punishment (apart from first pic) with my freedom from war and warmongers freedom from covert harassment and surveillance placard
some posters i posted at the julian assange vigil in london in front of the ecuadorian embassy plus a bad pic of myself leafleting at westminster and other miscellaneous pics
myself leafleting a few months ago at the Brain Exhibition at the Welcome Collection in london
and finally myself with my posters at the Peace Camp in front of the house of parliament pics taken by peace camp barbara tucker who was brian haw's companion and took over the peace camp after his death
a full video of the london human rights event will become available later
paolo fiora


Preparing for a News Interview

A newspaper reporter has just called you to schedule a mid-afternoon interview for tomorrow's newspaper. What do you do? Well, the information that follows will help you decide what to do and give you tips on how to do it. This fact sheet discusses strategies to help you succeed in presenting yourself in an interview for television, radio or print.

Many people assume that being interviewed is as simple as walking into an office or studio and waiting for a reporter or interviewer to ask questions. However, if you are not fully prepared, both in terms of the content of your presentation and the process -- what to expect during an interview -- being interviewed can be a frightening experience. Conversely, if you know your material and feel confident about your ability and appearance, an interview can be a rewarding and enjoyable endeavor.

General Interview Guidelines

The following recommendations are general hints that will give you the tools you need to succeed in most interviews. Going through these steps in a mock news interview setting will help you prepare for the "real thing." (A mock news interview is when someone acts as a reporter and asks you questions that a "real" reporter would ask. You may wish to videotape the mock interview so you can review and critique your performance.) The interview skills described in this section pertain to all forms of media unless otherwise noted at the end of the sentence.


  • Prepare two to three ideas you want to convey. These are your communication points, the three most important issues or points you hope to address and get across to the reporter during the interview.

  • Make alist of the questions you anticipate being asked. Anticipate issues and questions that may arise during the interview, and be prepared to use those issues to launch your communication points.

  • Know your subject matter well.

  • Have your best answers ready.


  • Make short, simple, and specific statements.

  • Explain your most important point first.

  • Don't stray from the topic.

  • Summarize and then elaborate. (Example: "We have the best organization in the area because our volunteers really care. Let me explain what I mean...")

Answering questions

  • Pause after complete statements. The interviewer will appreciate these breaks during the editing process (radio and TV).

  • When you think you've answered a question adequately, don't feel compelled to keep talking simply because the interviewer has a microphone up to your mouth. If you're satisfied with your answer, sit in silence. Rambling leads you to say the wrong thing.

  • Do not say the reporter's name in the middle of a sentence; do not use phrases like "as I explained earlier." Example: "We got all of our information in March 1995, John, and as I explainedearlier, this will back up our first estimates." The reporter's name and the phrase will be difficult to edit. Also, viewers may not know what you and the reporter have discussed previously, and may not understand what you are referring to (radio and TV).

  • Think before you speak. Avoid fillers such as uh, ah, well, yeah, and you know (radio and TV).

  • Respond to negative questions with positive responses.

  • Always tell the truth. Your credibility is crucial.

  • Avoid "off the record." If you say something to a reporter, expect that it will end up in print. If you don't want it printed, don't say it.

  • Avoid "no comment" answers. It sounds as if you have something to hide.

Try these yourself --

  • Determine your communication points. What three ideas do you want to get across to the reporter?

  • List some possible questions a reporter might ask. Be sure to prepare answers to these questions.

  • Ask a friend to interview you, and videotape the mock news interview. Analyze it for strengths in your presentation and areas you need to improve.


Because of the sins of mankind, Victims have been suffering horriblly from the abuses and tortures of voice to skull and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Government and public had ignored victims' complaints and did not stand on the side of justice. We must seek justice by calling aloud in the streets; raising voices in the public squares; crying out at the head of the noisy streets; and making speech in the gateways of the city (Proverbs 1:20-21). 

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There is another thing I would like to explain see the people are fighting but the law enforcement is also afraid to get cought they never remove my chip and my wife chip depending on there degree of involvment see they would never admit what they did now. i know some are people others are afraid for getting cought for drugs some are sex offenders and others the police and government are killing and threatning becouse they do not want people to know there Involved. it's a mixture of people me and my wife are 2 people. some are from other citys and came here and the gvernment dose not want me to talk to anyone they want o make up a story about it after they try to get me and the others that know killed.

alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?

They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.

See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.

These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.

They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.

what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.

see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.

now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.

they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.

yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.

see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen

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There is another thing I would like to explain see the people are fighting but the law enforcement is also afraid to get cought they never remove my chip and my wife chip depending on there degree of involvment see they would never admit what they did now. i know some are people others are afraid for getting cought for drugs some are sex offenders and others the police and government are killing and threatning becouse they do not want people to know there Involved. it's a mixture of people me and my wife are 2 people. some are from other citys and came here and the gvernment dose not want me to talk to anyone they want o make up a story about it after they try to get me and the others that know killed.

alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?

They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.

See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.

These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.

They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.

what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.

see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.

now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.

they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.

yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.

see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen

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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and arevictims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found andremoved. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people havelied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it wasmyself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired theydeserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't knowanything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military andothers it started with the police department. Then I found out therewere Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happenedhere i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation theylied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife theytold me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .nAnubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and iwould like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there werefamileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when theysaid it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defendedher Jennifer is not at fault.

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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and are
victims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found and
removed. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people have
lied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it was
myself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired they
deserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't know
anything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military and
others it started with the police department. Then I found out there
were Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happened
here i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation they
lied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife they
told me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .n
Anubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and i
would like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there were
famileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when they
said it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defended
her Jennifer is not at fault.
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Global protest on March 2010 for discussion

Global protest on March 2010 for discussion

Dear all,
Another Global protest on March 2010 are under discussion.
Please share your opinions by adding a comment.
If you want to be an organizer of your local protest location, (Please apply protest permission from local authority) ,please just comment to this post.
If you want to see contacts and press release of "global protest on 14 Oct", Please go to:
Reports of Global protest on 14 Oct:
Photos of previous protests:
Press Release in 10 languages

List of protest locations:

Worldwide protest location: China
(No street protest. Only Internet Mass emails and websites promotion)
Contact Person: Soleilmavis
Online petition:

Worldwide Protest Location: Washington D.C.
Date:March 2010
Contact Person: Marc Burnell
Email: (burnellmarc(a)
Tel: 202 528 2752
Note from Debbie: In the US there is a march in Washington on March 20 to stop the war..This march will also be held in San Fran and Los Angeles..this is good event for us as targets to join and pass out info or carry our signs.
It matters not what the event is or date, it matters only that you get out and expose this crime..Other activist are far more likely to support us TIs and if you network with other like minded people who are exposing this or that, you will find more targets. I have begun to do this in my part of the world and it is staggering how many activists are targeted.. for general information and transpotation links.. prior events, training, literature, posters and ecat times, locations.

Another protest on 15 March:

We will gather in Lafayette Park (across from the White House) at 10am the morning of the parade.
For more info, message me back, or email:
Love, Peace and Victory!
Cindy Sheehan

Worldwide Protest Location: San Francisco, California
Location: Market Street March 20
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Christine Harris
Email:,, (christinelynnharris(a), christinelynnharris(a), cococobella(a)
Tel: 415-235-6466 c

Worldwide Protest Location: Los Angeles, California
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Keith
Email: (mgb.young(a)
Contact Person: Wanda D
Email:, lloydjameson(a), wanda(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: Philladelphia Report
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: T. Josephine
Email: (xposperps(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: Cincinnati
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Derrick Robinson
Email: (derrickrobinson(a)
Tel: 513-344-4113

Worldwide Protest Location: New York

brooklyn new york

Date: March 2010

Contact Person: Mr. Korea


Worldwide Protest Location: Burlington, Vermont

Date: March 2010

Contact Person: Lynn Clarise Bahrenburg



Worldwide Protest Location: Nanaimo BC Canada.
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Debbie Newhook
Email: (dbnewhook(a)
Note: in Canada there is a march to bring awareness to the over 500 missing Native women..this march will be on March 13 or 14? I think we need to have our signage/hand out material and join such groups that are protesting all over North America.

Worldwide Protest Location: Toronto, ON Canada.

We will protest in front of the Legislative Building and the Superior Court of Justice in Toronto on the 26th of March, 2010. We will start at 11 A.M.
I kindly ask you to come to the Legislative Building 10-15 minutes to 11 A.M.

Date: March 2010
Contact person: Galina Kurdina
Email: (helenkurdin(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: United Kingdom
Planning meeting 20 March, London
Activism at venue 24 - 26 March, London
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: John Allman, Paolo Fiori
(john_w_allman(a), paolo_bf(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: Poland
(Probably no street protest. Only Internet Mass emails. Maybe also websites promotion)
Date: March 2010
Contact Person: Andre Landberg
Email: (andrelandberg(a)

Worldwide Protest Location: INDIA

(No street protest. Only Internet emails)
Date: March 2010
Contact: Vijay Karthic
Email: (vijayk_dsp(a)

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Final Reports of Global Protest on Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Photos of protests: Oct. 14 Protest: Reports from the Front Here are the reports of the IAACEA (International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse) October 14th Global T.I. Protests for Truth and Justice. Starting with IAACEA creator, Debbie Newhook reports on the Victoria, Canada protest. Then on to reports two from San Francisco (Bruno Marchisani, Mesha Monge-Irizarry, and Christine), two from Toronto (by Helen Galina Kurdina and Danielle DiBari) and London (by Paolo Fiori). Paolo did a tremendous amount of work to get the word spread about the protest in the UK. Then move on to T. Josephine's concise Philadelphia report at the end. I want to give kudos to T.Josepine for braving the cold and rain all alone. The reports finish up with final thoughts by Debbie Newhook. - Nancy aka, A Word the the Wise T.I. China By Soleilmavis We have more than 500 victims daily being tortured and abused by remotely directed energy weapons. But we remain resolute and most of us work diligently to expose this crime on the Internet, and won't stop reporting this heinous to the Chinese government. In China, as in the rest of the world, the official police position is that Targeted Individuals are mentally ill, so we cannot get permits to do street protests. However, we did promote the global protest via the Internet. We got nearly one hundred Targeted Individuals to publish the IAACEA press release on their own websites, along with the list of protest locations, and to send many letters to public. Here is our online site of supporting signatures: (in Chinese) Soleilmavis, PeacePink WASHINGTON, USA REPORT By Marc Burnell Thought the protest went well. Weather wasn't the greatest. Kind of nervous with all the cops and undercover cops around. Ate alot of the chips and drank sodas I bought by a great donation from Cynthia. There were lots of tourists that stopped by and took pictires of the White House and us. Enjoyed talking to other TIs about their situation. Learning alot from other TIs about how to cope and different remedies to use to uplift myself.. Many of the TIs were form NY. We spoke to a freelance writer who took notes and took our pictures. We spoke with other human rights groups that were nearby. Handed out fliers. SAN FRANCISCO, USA REPORT by Bruno Marchisani SF Photos by Scott at OneWorldLove- you'll have to join to view Yesterday, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, from 11:00am to 2:00pm, there was a civil protest against OS/EH at city hall in San Francisco, California, one of several being planned on or about that same day in several cities around the world, including Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington D.C., Cincinnati (meeting only), Victoria and Toronto in Canada, London, India (internet mailings) and China (internet mailings), as part of a global day of protest being organized by a newly formed TI activism group called the International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse, Debbie Newhook and Galina Kurdina in Canada, Soleilmavis in China and Derrick Robinson of FFCHS were some of the planners. Christine Harris in SF was the contact person for the San Francisco protest, with Mesha Monge-Irizarry being a resource having had experience in protesting. Mesha is a non-TI activist Christine recently began networking with who among other things setup and moderated a forum to help organize the global protest. She has an office in San Francisco and apparently moderates 250 internet forums, one of them being the recently created Targeted_Individual s yahoo group. She is considering holding TI meetings at her office in San Francisco. A possibility of rain was forecast but the weather was clear and mostly sunny. I counted 16 protesters being present, including Christine, Richard in Marin, many other TIs who I've met before, a few I hadn't met yet, Mesha, and Marlon Crump,writer for Poor Magazine who Christine has recently began networking with. Most had arrived within the first half hour of the 11:00am protest start time. We originally planned to protest at the park across the street from city hall,to be respectful of city hall workers, but a police officer came by and said we needed a permit to protest in a public park, though he said this first time he'd allow it. He also indicated we could protest directly in front of city hall if we liked, so we moved our protest to the sidewalk in front of city hall. There was a plethora of protest signs of various sizes, colors and styles: "stop group stakling," "stop organized stalking," "stop organized terror," "stop covert torture," "stop electronic harassment," "stop electronic torture," "stop electromagnetic weapons," "stop defamation of character now," "restore human liberties now," "stop residential directed energy attacks now IAACEA," "unforgivable! MKULTRA should never happen again," and "my family is victim of mind control program illegally run by the US gov agencies. Torture, mental rape, robbery -- the outcome of the Nazi experiment." Also I brought buttons with the FFCHS logo for us to wear. The mood was positive if not festive, with us talking amongst ourselves, getting to know each other. Some of us had come from as far away as Modesto and Fresno,and for at least one of us this was our first time meeting with other TIs. Foot traffic was light, even during the lunch hour, with some passers-by looking to see what our signs said. A few spoke with us to try to understand what we were protesting. Due to the relatively light foot traffic and us not being very aggressive at distributing handouts, we didn't distribute all that many. Handouts included one of the IAACEA press releases announcing the global protest, a letter from Missouri State Representative Jim Guest acknowledging the existence of OS/EH on many of the constituents in the country, a flyer on the book "A New Breed: Satellite Terrorism in America" by Dr. John Hall, who has treated patients suffering from the effects of OS/EH, a copy of an article entitled "Is the NSA Conducting Electronic Warfare On Americans?" regarding former NSA intelligence officer Russ Tice and the NSA's purported mind control technology, and a compilation of excerpts from Cheryl Welsh, FFCHS and H.Michael Sweeney. Vehicular traffic on the other hand was ongoing, and heavier during the lunch hour. Some of us were lined along the edge of the sidewalk displaying our signs -- several drivers honked their horns and gave us the "thumbs up" in support! At one point a reporter and cameraperson for an independent San Francisco internet video news group came by and did a brief interview with Christine and Mesha -- everybody felt they did a great job! Later on a CBS van parked across the street to cover a different event and Christine went over and gave them some handouts. I spoke with several TIs at the protest. Christine says she is doing what she can to network to help end our harassment, a TI from Fresno says he is educating some of the people in Fresno on OS/EH, and another said God's message of love is the most important tool in counteracting our harassment. Marlon wanted everyone to know about his new, second, article on OS/EH, entitled "Targeted Individuals. In my opinion the protest was certainly successful in terms of turnout -- this has been the largest turnout for any TI event in the San Francisco Bay Area I'm aware of and slightly exceed my expectations! Most of us stayed there until the 2:00pm protest end time, shortly after which we disbanded. I and at least a couple of others who were present took pictures of the event and I will be forwarding mine to Felix, a TI who plans to make a video of the global protests. President Obama was to be visiting San Francisco the following day and Christine along with some of yesterday's protesters planned to be present to gain more exposure. Reports of some of the protests in the other locations have been posted. Debbie declared her protest a success in Victoria, Canada -- there were 5 TIs present -- they handed out about 400 flyers and were interviewed by a local university student -- later on heavy rainfall brought an end to their protest. There were 5 TIs present at Galina protest in Toronto, Canada -- they spoke with several people, some sympathetic, and handed out a few flyers -- after the main protest had ended and they had some coffee they decided to do a second impromptu protest at another location. An early report from London, England, indicated 5 TIs were present but more were expected. The Philadelphia protest apparently only had one protester show up, but none-the-less the protester remained and handed out flyers! The LA protest was postponed to next week due to a heavy storm and flooding. Nancy is posting the recaps of the protests at http://wiseti. and Mesha is considering doing a compilation on For questions about the protest please contact Christine directly. Judy and I went to the Obama protest last night [Oct. 15th] at 5:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M. at Powell Street and Geary Street, with over 1000 people. I brought my huge sign, and Russell Tice FBI fliers, and had many inquiries, and victims stopping to talk with us. With the support of Judy, two reporters from cable channels 13, and 26, which may have been on T.V. last night at 10:00 P.M. stopped to interview me. I was brief, but stated our plight. Three interviews in two days, I like it!! Christine Harris (415) 235-6466 Bruno Marchesani (650) 776-1814 SAN FRANCISCO, USA REPORT by Mesha Monge-Irizarry We were a "crowd" of about 20 TIs & Allies with signs brought by Bruno, Richard,a Black Brother who came from Fresno (name?), Christine, the Kats Family, Judy ... Who am I forgetting? Among us, a Black Sister who is a college professor in Political Science in Oakland, accompanied by a Latina and a white woman TIs. Also was present a San Franciscan woman, former nurse who blew the whistle on her medical unit at PMC, when she saw several patients with electrodes in their brain, and realized from their encephalograms that something terribly wrong was being done to them... she disconnected everything, and the electronic torture started, did not let up for over a decade. At first the cops, then the sheriffs tried the intimidating routine by demanding to see a permit, but when told: "we are not blocking traffic, we are only exercizing our right to peaceful assembly, this is a peaceful demonstration", they did not know what else to do. Then when they approached us again, twice, I gave them a big smile, told them I was a City Commissioner and asked: "Are you going to keep us safe, Officers?" which was sufficient to make them instantly go away after exclaiming "Of course!!" One sheriff, astoundingly, raised a timid fist and quickly told us GO GET "EM" as he walked away with his colleagues (Refreshing! A TI cop ?) Christine, Richard, the Kats Family, Carole, Judy, John, Yolanda, Carol , Bruno, Marlon, educated onlookers and passed on flyers (forgive this fried brain for omissions... ), and Bruno passed out Buttons. SF Based Tom MCray, TI and political writer, and a homeless person soon joined us. I talked to a colleague,a Veteran for Peace, published poet, who actually wore many political buttons, among them one on Covert Surveillance: Robert W., who is the acclaimed Honorary chief of the Native Nation, although he is white, due to his incredible activism for Natives and Aborigines and tireless fight to ban School of the Americas and ROTC. He happened to just be waiting for a friend on City Hall steps, and enthusiastically interacted with us. Robert stated: "We are ALL targeted !". I will stay in touch, potential powerful ally for us. I talked about the protest and IAACEA Goals & Objectives as defined in Debbie's pres release to Sophie Maxwell, City supervisor of my district, and to a campaign team member of James Keys, District 6 Supervisor candidate. Many participants actively engaged passerby's, including an Asian Gay Youth who now wants to be an ally to our movement. No negative interaction whatsoever! (To the sorry exception of a perplike loser... older white dude in a SUV who sped by, hollering: "Go get a job!" Which made us laugh.... Comic relief of the day) One press interview with Christine who handed out a press package and with myself. Christine connected with the City Hall Court TV Media Liaison, and participants took many pictures and videos of our event. ...Marlon C. from Poor Magazine PPN came to interview participants, stayed with us during the entire event, and will work on his third article on "Targeted Individuals" that he will submit to his editor, the formidable "Tiny" Gray Garcia ! Christine and I will work on an article , recount that we will self publish on Indybay along with a compilation of pictures, under Health isues (Covert Violence IS a Public Health issue !) People came to join us from : Modesto, Fresno, Marin County, Oakland, Berkeley, local San Franciscans too ! Mesha Monge-Irizarry, Founder SFTEC Philladelphia Report by T. Josephine Yes, I did give out flyers alone. Yes, some people wanted them. Plenty more were dying to get home. I am glad for the ones who were interested and next time we should have a group petition and get people to sign it. TORONTO CANADA Report by Galina Kurdina We protested in front of the Legislative Assembly Building and near Medical Science Building of University of Toronto today. We started at 10.30 A.M. There were 5 people in front of the Legislative Assembly: Robin Yan, Regan Hallett, Carlo Calandra, Mark Holden and I, Galina Kurdina. People approached us and we distributed about 10 fliers. One woman came to us and started a scandal. She offered us to hire people, pay them and ask to hold our posters on streets of Toronto. She suggested us not to appear ourselves on the streets. She persuaded us that we had to put some soft information on our posters, not the truth that we experienced and described. When asked, what soft things she would advice to write on our posters, she did not answer. She asked Robin, what was the reason of his targeting. It was clear for all of us that she worked for police, or RCMP or Government. Robin took his camera and wanted to take pictures of her, and she immedieately disappeared... We left Legislative Building about 1.30 P.M. Robin, Regan and I went to Tim Horton and had some coffee. After that we decided to go to any street and came to Medical Science Building of University of Toronto. Regan left us 30 minutes [later], Robin and I stayed there for one hour. We distributed our fliers very quickly, people approached us, read our poster about mind control and took fliers. One student of UofT, sweet boy, said to us that, in his opinion, these experiments were disgusting, another person wished us to continue our struggle. We made pictures and video records. I will send them to all of you, as soon as get them. Toronto Report by Danielle DiBari, as provided by Robin Yan Many of you do not know me, but Galina and Robin do (who ran the protest yesterday at Queen's Park do) and I will save introductions for later for those who are dedicated to working to expose the truth about our cause. I would like to send you all a little run-down of events yesterday -- I think Galina and Robin will agree, it was an excellent day with superb weather (my nose is totally toasted..LOL~ ) and we were treated with dignity and respect, a generous amount of interest (so much so that we RAN OUT OF letters), and a FEW VERY INTERESTING CONTACTS!All times are approximate. 10:00 AM We were greeted by Security and shown where we could set up. We were asked if we would be "chanting" and we said no. We were asked not to interfere with people on site and that we should let them come to us, we agreed. We set up across from a woman on a month-long protest of her autistic son being cut off from therapy and put in a regular school. www.tooautistic. com (HEY! OUR PIC IS THERE!) 11:30 am, A HUGE tour of Italian and Spanish speaking tourists get stuck outside the legislative building for some reason, and (possibly to kill some time) the tour guide relays and translates in both ITALIAN and SPANISH, the story of Covert Mind control as dictated by Galina. The group is sympathetic and interested (until they get to go Nothing too interesting happens after that for a couple of hours, we get a number of people stopping and asking about our situation -- some stopping for longer than others ... needless to say, we only have ONE letter left when we spot the CBC vehicle in the parking lot! 1:00 pm Media Trucks start arriving -- our hearts are in our throats as we feel as if they may intend to interview us! Acutally, the set up is for speaker Dan McTeague to present his speech on the treatment of Omar Kadhr at Guantanamo Bay! 2:30 Dan McTeague shows up to do his interview. About half an hour of talking on Dan's part -- the issue with Quantanamo Bay is loosely connected to OUR issue ... the underlying facts being that PEOPLE ARE BEING TORTURED WITHOUT MERCY/JUSTICE/ ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS! Here is a link to the situation he spoke of(but nothing on,oh well) Unfortunately, he only appeared on the news for about 10 seconds! (Robin, did you VHS it?) Legislature Watchdogs (while polite) stood guard IN FRONT OF AND AROUND THE CAMERAS so that WE WOULD NOT BE IN ANY SHOTS! However, Mr. McTeague's assistant came over to talk to us, took our picture and,I believe, strategically placed a camera to include US in the shot! Once the shoot was over, Mr. McTeague came over and shook all our hands, talked with us for a bit, gave us his card and told us "You sure got THEIR attention"(possibly meaning the media - I mean, is it coincidence that a talk on a HUMAN RIGHTS TORTURE ISSUES by a prominent M.P. is scheduled on the SAME DAY as our protest? I think NOT! Anyhow, he said we should contact him if we need anything...we already got a very good thing from him, we got a confidence boost like you wouldn't believe! And so, our first protest day came to a close. Sunburned, but happy, we took a walk to the subway, and went on our way. I would say it was a VERY successful day, no one was disrespectful to us, we got a good deal of attention, learned a lot about what to do better NEXT TIME -- and ALMOST got on TV ... lol! Most of all we learned that FEAR is THEIR greatest weapon ... none of what we feared came about. The perps will keep on doing what they do no matter what we do...being afraid only helps their cause so...we may as well make some noise 'cause they ain't going away by themselves. Cheers and talk to you all soon. Danielle DiBari TI - Toronto &Vancouver VICTORIA, CANADA REPORT by Debbie Newhook, founder, IAACEA I feel our Victoria protest was a success. We had 5 people present at the protest: Keith Tickleback from Nelson BC, Consuelo Galomar from Vernon BC, David Smith from Grabriola, Heather Quinn from Victoria BC and me Debbie Newhook. We had one protester from Nanaimo, Doug (Jerry) Rose who could not make the protest as he reported he was feeling horrible the night before the protest and he did not think he would be able to make it. As soon as we arrived at the protest location we were greeted by a University of Victoria student who wanted an interview with us. David and I spent 30 mins with her speaking about this crime. We gave her hand out material which included FFCHS material along with a Jim Guest letter of support. In addition we suggest that she research James Walbert and directed her to an article in Wired Magazine about James Walbert. She was genuinely interested and shocked at many of the details about this crime. During the time David and I were being interviewed, the police arrived. Consuelo spoke to the friendly police officer and was told that the police got 2 telephone calls indicating that we were obstructing the sidewalk traffic. Upon his arrival he saw that we were only a small group and that we were not blocking the sidewalk traffic and asked that we continue to allow the flow of pedestrians and not to interfere with them. Keith was our camera person and did take still pics only of the event and did capture a picture of the police as he was talking to Consuelo. Later I was approached by woman who knew she was a target of this crime. She knew much about the goings on of the world and she expressed that she was a whistle blower. David and I could tell that she was genuine and she was fearful.I gave her my contact info. We had many other people briefly speak to us about this crime and did take hand out material.The area of the protest was a very busy location in Victoria and we all thought it was a success. After about 2.5 hours we had given away about 400 fliers and we were almost out of hand out material when the skies opened up and it began to rain very hard. We called it quits at that time and went back to Heathers house for a chat and a meal. In my opinion, I thought this was good activism day. David and I later talked about doing this in Nanaimo at a later date and discussed the date of Dec 10 as it was the UN day of Human Rights. Debbie Newhook International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse 'We live to achieve justice. London Report by Paolo Firori For all of you on the other side of the Atlantic who would like to know what happened at the Trafalgar Square protest. I received a voicemail from Winston at about 2pm London time, saying that at that point there were 5 people present at the protest, but that they were expecting a few more to attend later. I believe that besides Winston, John Allman and Amanda Palmer were there, as Winston used Amanda's mobile to ring me and John told me of his intention to attend the night before. If people [took] any picture of the event and feel able to share them, I really look forward to seeing them. [Here's] a short message [Winston] sent me... "There were 8 of us in the end - we handed out flyers in Trafalgar square and outside the Old Bailey. It was good to meet other T.I.s. We are going to try to set up regular meetings of T.I.s in London." I may try to do something similar in London on the 24th at two very important events happening on the same day, the annual Anarchist Bookfair and a national Anti-War demo starting in Hyde Park, it will be actually very easy to leaflet there because there are already hundred of different people, leafleting on behalf of hundred different causes, I mean I will probably end up going there by myself, but I would certainly not mind if other London TIs were to decide to join me. Paolo Fiori
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Worldwide protest on 14 Oct 2009 (Some protest locations are possible on 12 - 17 Oct) Dear all, Here is the list of worldwide protest locations of banning Mind Control/Directed Energy Weapons abuses and tortures Worldwide protest location: China (No street protest. Only Internet Mass emails and websites promotion) Contact Person: Soleilmavis Email: Website: Facebook: USA Worldwide Protest Location: Washington D.C. Department Of Justice, White House, Local Transportation: Metro stop - McPherson Square, Farragut North. Housing: Local volunteers will put up out-of-towners. Date: 12-17 Oct 2009 10am-5pm Contact Person: Marc Burnell Email: (burnellmarc(a) Cassandra Lewis (gardenlove1988(a) Tel: 202-528-2752, 410-532-6223 (lynnmweed(a) Notes: Protesters must keep moving if holding a signs or banners, cannot have any boxes on sidewalk. Should dress appropriately. Everything must be 3 feet from fence, always. Will have soe sodas on the 14th and will be leaving early on other days. Bring a copy of the press release to read to the media if asked questions. Marc Burnell will participate definitely on the 14th all day. May leave early on the other days. Worldwide Protest Location: San Francisco, California 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (the "Victory Garden:" between Polk, Grove, McAllister and Larkin Streets, across the street from F City Hall) Directions: MUNI bus line: 49 Van Ness, or Civic Center BART Station, then walk up one block on Grove to City Hall Time: 11 am to 2 pm Date: 14 Oct 2009 Contact Person: Christine Harris Email:,, (christinelynnharris(a), christinelynnharris(a), cococobella(a) Tel: 415-235-6466 c Bruno Marchesani (bruno_marchesani(a) (650) 776-1814 cell There is a park across the street, directly in the center of City Hall, this is where the protest will be held. Respectfully and gracefully so we can gain respect. We are protesting with a large group downtown, as Obama is going to be here for a fundraiser, at 5:00 P.M. at the Westin St. Francis, Powell and Geary Streets, San Francisco, CA We will get some media attention. Our own Cathy Meadows in Merced has produced a video for the protest viewable at Worldwide Protest Location: Los Angeles, California Location: On the corner of Westwood Blvd &Leconte, ACLU campus. Date: 14 Oct 2009 8am Contact Person: Keith Email: (mgb.young(a) Contact Person: Wanda D Email:, lloydjameson(a), wanda(a) Worldwide protest Location: Philadelphia: pamphleteering - Location: Southwest corner of 15th and Market Streets Date: 14 Oct 2009 4pm New location: "This way, if it rains we can go below ground where there are a lot of shops and plenty of people. And if it is sunny we can give out flyers right there a there at the Clothespin. I will be at the top of the el giving out flyers. If other T.Is want to help T, she will pass out bright orange plastic vests with the logo "ww.mindjustice. org" on the back for volunteers to wear. Contact: T. Josephine - Email: (xposperps(a) Worldwide Protest Location: Cincinnati PLACE: MAIN LIBRARY DOWNTOWN, 800 VINE ST. Date: 14 Oct 2009 10:30 AM Contact Person: Derrick Robinson (derrickrobinson(a) Tel: 513-344-4113 Worldwide Protest Location: New York (No protest, could not get City Permit on time) new york will be sending letters and press releases to legislators, NY media and organizations. However, Denise is giving rides to NYers who want to go down to the Wash, DC protest. Her phone number is 917-273-2200. Canada Worldwide Protest Location: Victoria, British Columbia in front of Chapters, 1212 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC Canada. Date: 14 Oct 2009 2:30 pm Contact Person: Deborah A. Newhook (dbnewhook(a) Tel: 250-591-5888 Worldwide Protest Location: Toronto, ON Canada. Legislative Assembly grounds, in front of Legislative Assembly, if no city permit, we will protest not far from it (on any street). Date: 14 Oct 2009. 10am to 3pm Contact person: Galina Kurdina Email: (helenkurdin(a) UK Worldwide Protest Location: United Kingdom Trafalgar Square, London Date: 14 Oct 2009 Contact Person: Winston Smith Email: (winston_smith_will_win(a) INDIA 12-17 Oct 1009 No street protest. Only Internet emails Contact: Vijay Karthic Email: (vijayk_dsp(a) Several Press Release for Discussion (1) Press release (A previous Press Release given by mcmailteam) Thousands of people are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment. In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack. This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance,beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens. The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly,they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored. It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real. The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation. Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists. In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post",written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And Starting a collective campaign against abuses and tortures of the following:- DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS; NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS; MIND CONTROL WEAPONS; BODY AND BRAIN MANIPULATION WEAPONS; PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS; SPACE WEAPONS; NON-LETHAL WEAPONS; COINTELPRO; AND any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means inflicting death or injury on, or damaging or destroying, a person (or the biological life, bodily health, mental health, or physical and economic well-being of a person) through the use of land-based, sea-based, or space-based systems using radiation, electromagnetic, psychotronic, sonic, laser, or other energies directed at individual persons or targeted populations or the purpose of information war, mood management, or mind control of such persons or populations. Online petition: (2) Press release (Given by Judy T., mfa (visual artist/unemployed teacher), Please discuss)(envisionarfarf(a) Thousands of people are demanding international investigations into incidious human rights violations, covertly being waged against innocent humans worldwide. In recent years the numbers of targeted individuals of these crimes has grown to such an extent that people the world over are now able to speak out against the torture/attacks they have been enduring. These attacks are committed with the use of technology that functions invisably to the naked eye, having the capability to function from vast distances, invade through structures/materials, and effect harm on innocent human beings. People are suffering severely: their health, and quality of life under constant attack. People are dying, a slow torturous death. Along with technologically oriented attacks, the stalking, defamation of character, and persistant abusive treatment by government employees, retailers, employers or potential employers, and others has to be stopped. Victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly,they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. For the most part victims do not get answers due to the lack of knowledge (or professed lack of knowledge) concerning the technology, on the part of the organizations or related professionals victims approach for assistance. Victims are bounced around from one agency to another, or from one lawyer to another; leaving the crimes against innocent humans to continue. Complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored. The enormous international scale of these crimes being reported, and their serious nature, necessitates immediate international investigation into these atrocities against innocent humans. The international scope of humans under attack has spawned a world-wide movement coordinated via the internet to address these crimes being waged against them, as well as to inform others who are under attack, and people in general. In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post",written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance. Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. Victims are demanding that these crimes be made public, and that an international investigation commence immediately. (3) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Given by Derrick Robinson) Thousands of people are seeking an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are secretly taking place worldwide. To raise awareness of these crimes, the privacy rights organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) in the United States, the Anti-Fascist Resistance Movement in Canada along with victims worldwide are holding collective protests during the week of October 12 - 17 in several locations throughout the globe: Toronto and Nanaimo, Canada, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC in the United States, London England and China. Covert harassment groups use classified technology to render electronic assaults remotely and often further harass their victims with organized stalking. In recent years the number of those crimes against humanity rose significantly so that now we can openly speak about a civilian population that is under attack from rogue elements of government and business, as well as private citizens that harass, threaten, and sometimes torture their victims. The persons targeted continually report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. However, there has mostly been no response because of a general lack of knowledge about the technologies that can access and harass the human mind and body from a distance. Complaints lodged at local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored. And psychiatrists at mental institutions may sometimes diagnose these patients as delusional. In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, which detailed the plight of directed energy weapons and organized stalking victims. With the upcoming event, groups of targeted individuals are starting a collective global campaign against remote electronic assault and mind control technologies in hopes that enough people will awaken to the dangers that are facing humanity to bring these criminal abuses to an immediate halt. (4) For Immediate Release Press Release October 14, 2009 ?Global Day of Protest The International Alliance Against Covert Electronic Abuse (IAACEA) is a worldwide campaign for the right of people to be free from covert community based harassment and electronic abuse. This abuse has caused serious and widespread violations of basic human rights. Such unlawful acts of covert harassment have been going on for decades, and are now commonplace throughout the world.. Our global aim is to break the silence around the issue of covert abuse and reclaim our basic rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thousands of documents exist regarding the usage of this shameful, criminal technology: military patents, government reports, declassified documents, scientific journal and mainstream magazine articles, information obtained through FOIA requests, books written by former military personnel, etc. The amount of information is overwhelming, but it is mostly kept hidden from the mainstream media. For more information, please visit: Victoria BC Canada, Wednesday, October 14, 2009: the IAACEA is staging a worldwide protest against the use of electronic technologies that assault and harass members of the unwitting public. This coalition unites concerned professionals and victim groups from all over the world. Protest will begin at 2:30pm, 1212 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC. Simultaneous protests are taking place in the following global locations: USA Los Angeles; San Francisco; New York; Washington, DC; Philadelphia; Cincinnati Canada Victoria, British Columbia Toronto UK London China Email protest only Through these protests and international solidarity, our goals are: *To Educate the public about the erosion of our basic human rights. *To Lobby the government to create laws to protect people from covert electronic abuse. *To Provide community support for those people and their families who are affected by covert electronic abuse. *To Challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and respect international human rights law. *To Collaborate with international organizations: to obtain justice for survivors of torture; to hold accountable the governments and individuals who perpetrate torture; to develop the means of ensuring compliance with international standards and securing remedies for victims.
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Dear all, Global protest on Dec 10 (Human Rights Day) (some locations are possible on 12 Dec, Saturday) are under discussion. Please share your opinions by adding a comment. If you want to be an organizer of your local protest location, (Please apply protest permition from local authorities), please just comment to this post. If you want to see contacts and press release of "global protest on 14 Oct", Please go to: Reports of Global protest on 14 Oct: Photos of previous protests: Press Release in 10 languages: List of protest locations: Worldwide protest location: China (No street protest. Only Internet emails and websites promotion) Contact Person: Soleilmavis Email: Website: Online petition: Congress Alert: Press release in many languages USA Worldwide Protest Location: Washington D.C. in front of the White House Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Marc Burnell Email: (burnellmarc(a) Tel: 202 528 2752 Worldwide Protest Location: San Francisco, California on the Steps of City Hall on Polk Street Between Grove and McAllister Streets Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Christine Harris; Email: (mesha), (SF2010mm(a),, (christinelynnharris(a), christinelynnharris(a), cococobella(a) Tel: 415-235-6466 c; 415-595-8251 (Trilingual Spanish/French/English) Group: Worldwide Protest Location: Los Angeles, California Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Keith Email: (mgb.young(a) Contact Person: Wanda D Email:, lloydjameson(a), wanda(a) Worldwide Protest Location: Philladelphia Report Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: T. Josephine Email: (xposperps(a) WEB:, Worldwide Protest Location: Houston Texas 150 campbell, pasaden texas, 77502 Date: 12 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Ron Price Email: (ibenscamed2(a) Tel: 713-473-0233 832-289-6378 Worldwide Protest Location: Cincinnati, Ohio USA meeting only Location: Main Library, 800 Vine Street Time: 10:30 am Contact: Derrick Robinson - Tel: 513-344-4113 Canada Worldwide Protest Location: Nanaimo BC Canada. city of BC (British Columbia). Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Debbie Newhook at: (dbnewhook(a) Stop Organized Stalking, Nanaimo Website: Worldwide Protest Location: Toronto, ON Canada. In front of the Legislative Building Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact person: Galina Kurdina Email: (helenkurdin(a) Europe Worldwide Protest Location: United Kingdom Trafalgar Square, or in front of No.10 Downing Street, London Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Winston Smith (Darrim Daoud, passed away on 17 Nov 2009) Paolo Fiori Email: (paolo_bf(a) More story about Darrim Daoud Worldwide Protest Location: Poland (Probably no street protest. Only Internet emails. Maybe also websites promotion) Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Andre Landberg Email: (andrelandberg(a) Worldwide Protest Location: GERMANY (Probably no street protest. Only Internet emails. Maybe also websites promotion) Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact Person: Swetlana Schunins Email: (s-schunin(a) Association Against the Abuse of Psychophysical Weapons Worldwide Protest Location: INDIA (No street protest. Only Internet emails) Date: 10 Dec 2009 Contact: Vijay Karthic Email: (vijayk_dsp(a) Group:
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