Shungite is a black carbon based stone found in Northern Russia  in a location near Finland. It provides protection against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. There are several books written about the unique properties of shungite.

If you wear  thin layers of elite shungite measuring at least one tenth of an inch in thickness inserted into  eye masks while sleeping you will   protect yourself from interference from directed energy weapons which can come from many sources.  Information concerning your brain and body functions can be accessed through your eyes by those in the know who use classified weaponry to do so.  This is a  heavily classified technique which is now in covert and widespread use.  If you purchase two flat shungite pendents these would be imminently suitable for insertion into your eye masks which are also known as eye shades.  Wear them throughout the night while you are sleeping. 

 Wearing pendents or ear rings made from shungite also provides protection. It takes three shungite nuggets of any size to create a coherent field, meaning the field of each nugget unites with the other two energy fields to produce a whole new field of greater 'cohesion'. Therefore it is advisable to wear three pieces of shungite jewellery  during each day in order to protect yourself from electromagnetic.

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The neuroscientist Dr James Giordano informs us in the following linked interview that there are well over two hundred universities and college level programs solely devoted to brain science. Brain science is now a world wide endeavour. Neuroscientists are studying what makes individuals think and feel the way they do. https:www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQZ7zp50gpM&t=1028s

Neuro scientists can access human brains on an individual or mass scale and they can indirectly affect human behaviour. Unknown agents have accessed my brain and body by implanting me with technologies which allow them to wirelessly affect my brain and body in a myriad of different ways. This has been achieved non-consensually and in secret and by the use of classified technologies and by using criminal science. These criminal scientists use a two way wireless link to collect and collate data from my body and brain. They also use the aforementioned two way link to send inner voice messages into my brain which allows them to conduct conversations with me against my will whenever they wish. They also send me moving images, sensations, pain signals, odours, feelings, and forced muscle movement whenever they wish. They monitor all of my thoughts. They can see me at all times because they have built up a 3D image of my body. I have no mental or physical privacy. This has been going on for sixteen years. I have suffered at their hands to an extreme degree.
These neuro operatives speak to me on an almost constant basis and I post a daily blog online of what they have been saying to me. Some of it is very upsetting. Here below is a small sample of what they have been saying to me in the past few days:-

“Her long term health is in jeopardy if this program continues.”

“We have no way of loosening the bonds with Gretta. Once the bonds are tightened they can never be loosened again till death. The same applies to the rest of you so don’t come crying to us after you all have been wirelessly linked to this computer control system. It is for life.”

“You conniving bitch. This is not what we are doing to you.” This was followed by another voice which was heard by me to say the following “It is what we are doing to her. She is writing the truth in her blog.”
I heard one of the inner voices of the neuro operatives say the following to one of their colleagues as follows ” If you don’t wish to conceal what we are doing then leave. We will conceal what we are doing. Are there any others of you who wish to leave. ” This was followed on by my hearing another voice which was heard by me to say the following “No.”
“If there is any type of digital media screen in the family home we can clearly see and clearly hear what the individuals who live in that home or visit that home are doing or saying. Scientists read the images which have been procured from digital media screens by the use of a USB signal. “
“She is hamming up her daily blog”. This was followed by another inner voice of a neuro operative who was heard by me to say the following ” Her daily blog is accurate. She does not ham it up.”
I informed the neuro operatives by wireless means that I am a positive agnostic. I heard an inner voice of a neuro operative say the following to me ” We don’t allow the word agnostic to enter our lexicon. We wish everyone to have a belief system so that we can overlay that belief system with mind control.”
“We prefer her to purchase kindle e-books. We will block all orders of solid books. ” My reply to that statement was as follows ” Kindle e-books can all be deleted by the use of pulse weaponry. Solid books can last many life-times.”
“This system is off limits to the public for the moment. We do not wish them to know anything about it.”
“Put your hands on your knees please.”
“We have a bowel movement in motion as we speak.”
“We own you.”

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Cancer Cures

   These weapons cause cancer. Below are some links and videos to known cancer cures. These are alternative medicine and not believed to do anything by the powers that be and the doctors themselves.

  Cancer medication is a multi billion dollar industry around the globe. Why release cures to an ailment that makes the pharmaceutical corporations money? Greed I say, eugenics plays a large roll in this as well. They want depopulation and controlled breeding habits.

  Artemesinen: A chinese herb that has been proven effective. Below is a video of a doctor explaining it's benefits.


  Vitamin B17: The safer way to beat cancer and in the below video seems to shrink tumors.


  Cannabis Oil: A favourite amongst stoners as well as people who know the many benefits of pot.


  Baking Soda: In the below video a doctor explains that cancer is a fungus and cancerous tumors can be killed by injecting them with baking soda


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