control (394)

The good perps and the bad TI strategy

The remote hypnosis might be able to persuade the TI into engage in the actions that might bring a conflict between the one and the others. This remote hypnosis might have the effect that the feeling of something like "it would be fun for destroying the effort" or "this could be bad for myself." I know this is wicked, but I think such feeling like the wishing of the third person would give the strange impact on the TI's mind. That is as if the TI feels like enjoying the destruction of one's life - such as quit going to the workplace with the strange reasoning that that would put the others at the work in trouble. This kind of desire only lasts for the moments, and the temptation is something totally different from the normal behavior of the individual.Such temptation is like the alcoholic husband trying to use all the savings of the family to buy drinks and blaming of one's parents and his wife for the past mistreatment on him. Or, a gambler trying to steal money from his friends and family members to use it on gambling and feeling the satisfaction from what the one has done to be look much like loser enough.The characteristic of these remote hypnosis is that the wicked behaviors seems to have some comfortable feeling in one's brain as if they are in the most relaxed state. Then they might be deceived to believe that such thoughts are positive due to the classical conditioning effect from the mind control.Perps might pretend themselves to be the good people by trying to solve the problem like the above ones. They might act like the moderators of the problem between the mind controlled people and the others. What they can do is to speak from the above or pretend to be the expert of such situations. What they do is to suggest the others to lock up the mind controlled victims into institutions where they are used for the human experiments. The perps attitudes are fake if the others know what their true intention is, but they would look like charming and helpful in the situation as if they are a bunch of sociopath.
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Affidavit Completion ReEXAMINE

Affidavit Completion ReEXAMINE

We were hoping to get 3 Affidavit in this weeks conference call.Unfortunately, we did not meet our mission. So I want to know how can Iget an affidavit from you so that we can start this coalition? As youknow, the coalition will be setup to assist us in addressing thesecrimes, because the coalition will be run and control by TI's.

The Affidavits will establish legal credibility, while giving TI's the confidence to know who we are dealing with.

Lets move forward with this affidavit so we don't spend the next 5, 10, 20 years being assaulted.

Contact me at with a brief description about howyour crimes started and the parties involved. Then summarize how youwant these crimes to be dealt with and I will write the affidavit foryou to have notarize.

Once this has been completed, we will start moving forward with the coalition.

Chris J. Brunson
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Government Sponsored Stalking


Idid some intensive upgrades to my parent website. Although it is closeto finished, it would never get to the point where it fully fulfill itmission. The mission to end all organized crime world wide. That's whyit is important that this is a group effort. Otherwise, the missionwill be lost.


You can still reach me at my sister's website:

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National Crime Victims Rights Week: April 18 - 24
Letter to the Editor - please forward to your local newspaper

I just learned of this occasion yesterday and so have just now dashed off this sample Letter to the Editor that you all can forward to your local newspaper. It's just under 250 words, a general requirement for newspaper letters to the editor. Any questions, feel free to call.


513 344 4113

Dear Editor,

In observance of National Crime Victims' Rights Week, I'd like to call attention to the newly-emerging crimes of organized stalking and remote electronic torture. These are covert crimes committed by rogue elements of government, corporations, and individuals against American citizens. They are secret assaults on our constitutionally-granted rights to privacy that are surreptitiously being siphoned away. Secret mind control programs have been with us since the '50's and their existence brought to light during the MKULTRA hearings in Congress in the late 70's. Although this CIA program was officially dismantled after the hearings, according to whistleblower accounts the research continued just the same. There are some estimates that victims from these secret programs number in the millions from over 60 years of research in centers located in every major city in the US. As the remote frequency technologies have advanced over the decades, victims have suffered increasingly intrusive effects of the mind and body, such as migraines, heart arrhythmias, cancers, strokes, blurred vision, unexplained fatigue, unexplained voices in the mind, also known as synthetic telepathy, ringing in the ears, sleep deprivation, to name a few. The assaults are no less than criminal invasions of personal space. The human rights organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance is working to help the victims of covert crimes to regain their lives and livelihoods from unwanted intrusions. If you or someone you know is a victim of these crimes, please visit us at: or call us at 1-800-571-5618. Thank you.

Derrick Robinson, President and Executive Director

Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
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Conference Call Thursday 9PM Eastern Time

Dear Comrades,

I will be hosting my own talkshoe program on Thursday, May 27th at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. It will be an introduction to a work meeting we plan to develop through the conference call. Other highlights of the call will be recorded interviews and music interludes. 724-444-7444 id 83319 then 1#

Chris J. Brunson
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Affidavit Completion

Affidavit Completion

Dear Participants,

I want to thank you all for participating in last week's GSS conference call (our teleconferences are every Thursdays at 11PM on Call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #). It was a pleasure to present you with all the information you need to complete your Affidavit. As you know, affidavit completion is the first thing we need to do to get rid of these crimes. The next step is to create a coalition and elect officers.

If you are serious about getting rid of these crimes, you will have your affidavit completed by Thursday's conference call. This is the time that I will set aside to go through the affidavits that was submitted to me.

Remember, I will be checking your affidavits for grammatical errors and content reliability. Once this has been completed, your affidavit will be resubmitted to you.

Here's my email address to submit you affidavit:

Once your affidavit is completed, you should:

1) take your affidavit to a notary republic and have them sign and stamp it. Please have your id or license.
2) make 5 copies (3 copies will be submitted to the parties listed in the affidavit).
3) send your affidavit in a 9' by 12' envelope and ask for certified return receipt from your local post office before mailing it.

We are shooting for 10 competed Affidavits before discussion of a coalition occurs. So please make this possible.

If you need assistance, I can be contacted by:

Phone: 347-285-7954

Once 10 Affidavits are completed, we will be discussing the new coalition next week. This includes:

1: name
2: mission
3: elections
4: robert rules of order
5: forming committees
6: duties concerning committee members
7: outreach

At this point, GSS will no longer be hosting this conference call. The date of the next conference call will be decided by the chair and voting members.

Thanks for your assistance.

Chris J. Brunson/Kwalspony/Qolspony
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Dear readers,

Is anyone familiar with these websites? I'm currently using photobucketto upload photos and videos that I have taken to document these crimeshappening to me. Unfortunately, I have been having trouble uploadingvideos and thought of an idea of using NING to continue thisdocumentation. Has anyone thought of using NING to do the documentation?

NING is quite a bit more expensive than the photos/videoswebsites and offer less features. However, it does offer a forum aroundthese photos and videos and this might just be enough to switch.

Notbeing able to upload videos through traditional onsite functions doeslimit my ability to get this evidence to the public. But the FTP optionis a must for uploading large video files.

Youtube has been thebest offer so far, but I'm very limited on how many videos I can upload.There is just too many videos with a lot of substantial evidence for itto be a logical choice.

Besides, only the strongest evidence iswhat I want the masses to see. The less evidential video is just thereto piggy back on the more prominent material.

Your comments aboutthis subject will be gladly appreciation as it will enlighten me (aswell as others) on which available options exist.

Thanks you foryour comments when given.
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Seit. dem 11. SEptember besteht International eine riesen Anfrage betreff (nicht)TödlicheWaffen. Es handelt sich dabei um hochfrequent WAffen. (Nicht tödlich) Waffe ist sehr untertrieben. Die Dosis macht das Gift. Die Behörden haben die Möglichkeit mit diesen unsichtbaren WAffen, Menschen komplett in den Wahnsinn oder in den Tod zu treiben. Sie haben die Möglichkeit Ihnen Stimmen direkt in Ihr Kopf zu Strahlen, so dass sie denken, sie wären an einer Psychose erkrankt. Die stimmen können in menschlicher From oder in teuflischer From sein. Es können aber such undetuliche Stimmen sein. Sie hören sie von jeder Himmelsrichtungen. Es handelt sich um das sogenannte LRAD System. Diese Waffen werden an unschuldige, sowie mögliche Terroristen verwendet. Zu Forschungszwecke werden auch unschuldige beschallt, einfach so, bei Ihnen zu Hause, bei der Arbeit, draussen von überall und dies über Jahre hinweg bis Sie beim Psychiater landen und Sie sich mit irgendwelche Neuroleptikas vollpumpen lassen oder Sie aus den Land abhauen. Wie Sie am einfachen feststellen können, ob SIe ein Opfer von akustischen Schallwellen sind; Gehen Sie ausser Land, soweit wie möglich. Sollten SIE keine Symphtome, wie Stimmen ect. haben, dann sind die ein OPFER von (nicht)tödlichenwaffen. Die BEhörden werden alles abstreiten und werden Sie durch den Psychiater mit NEUROLEPTIKAS vollgepumpen wollen. Tun SIe dies ja nicht. Erzhählen SIe es allen, dass Sie ein Opfer sind. Haben SIe keine Aengste sich zu offenbaren. Gehen Sie zu den Medien. Kämpfen Sie für Ihre Rechte. Ich bin ein Opfer, dass in einem Zeitraum vom 8 Jahren mit unterbrüchen beschallt werde. Die Zukunft mit solchen "nonlethal weapons sieht düster aus.....ES KANN JEDEN TREFFEN....

P.S. Lassen Sie sich nicht in den Wahnsinn treiben, leben Sie Ihr leben weiter un kämpfen Sie, um diese Stimmen zu umgehen, hören Sie Musik, lassen Sie sich krank schreiben und verlassen Sie das Land. Keine Macht den Behörden...

...Bei erhöhten Schallwellen kann es zu Herzrythmusstörungen, Panikattacken, Schlaganfälle, Hörschäden, starke Ermüdikeit bis zur totalen Isolierung kommen. Klartext, Sie wollen Sie fertig machen, die Behörden!!!

...Bei erhöhten Schallwellen kann es zu Herzrythmusstörungen, Panikattacken, Schlaganfälle, Hörschäden, starke Ermüdikeit bis zur totalen Isolierung kommen. Klartext, Sie wollen Sie fertig machen, die Behörden!!!
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GSS Conference Call Was A Total Success

GSS Conference Call Was A Total Success

Dear Comrades,

The conference call was a success. We were able to interview two TI’s about the crimes happening to them. Affidavits are currently beingprepared for them, which they agree to take to a notary next week.

We do hope that you follow their direction, as we are close to starting the coalition.

Next conference call will be Thursday at 11PM on Or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #

Affidavits and descriptions outlining your crimes should be submitted to:

If you will like to be place on the talkshoe list for future conference call, contact me at

Our website is located at:
Our Affidavit is located at:

Thanks for your time and hope you attend the next conference call.

Chris J. Brunson

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Thursday Night Teleconference

Thursday Night Teleconference

Good Day Comrades,

We are in the fight for our lives and it is not getting easier. Butone thing we do have is each other. Won't we take this this opportunitybefore it passes us by?

What I'm referring to is the idea to create this coalition. But firstI need you to do one thing. Won't you put together an affidavit so wecan began the process of ending these horrific crimes?

The crimes I'm referring to is organized gang stalking, electronic harassment, chemical warfare and so on.

If you want these crimes to stop you will take heed. If you areunable to fulfill that mission, I won't just let you go, but I do needyour help.

If you find it too difficult to write this affidavit, in return, I can accept a summary description outlining these crimes.
It should start with when the crimes happened (specified date), whowas involved (name of person(s) and place), what techniques were used(organized gang stalking, electronic harassment, chemical warfare, etc),and how can your elected official assist you in stopping it.

All correspondents should be sent to:

Other matters. Recently, there has been a lot of rumors that acoalition should not happen. But this is the reason why it shouldhappen. Perpetrators don't like coalitions, because they operateindependently from government sponsored 501c3 organizations.

First of all, Targeted Individuals will dictate what happens with thecoalition, not some IRS corporation that operates in Washington DC. Wewill make decisions whether the government likes or not.

Another issue is the sudden interests in these other conference callsaround the importance of creating an affidavit to document thesecrimes. Do not be fool by this new position as it is there to distractyou away from forming this coalition.

The members of these conference calls are affiliated with anorganization that has failed TI's for over 5 years. Don't think for aminute it will change. It would be business as usual once the coalitionis no longer a factor.

Please do not let this happen.

If you need help with putting this affidavit together, I will help you every step of the way.
Do not believe that the affidavit is all you need to stop thesecrimes. The affidavit is just one process in stopping these crimes.

I have written 5 affidavits and since this time, my crimes havegotten worse. Reason? I did not have an organization behind me.

Now that we are almost there, all it will take is YOU willing tosacrifice an hour of YOUR time to put this affidavit together.

Anyway, if you are still hesitant in making this decision, just thinkabout your current situation. Is not doing an affidavit worth 5, 10 oreven 20 more years of cointelpro targeting?

If I thought so, I probably would not being pushing this idea.

It cost dearly to do this every week and I don't get paid a red cent.I don't expect to. But I do expect that there is enough TI's willing tosupport this idea.

What do we have to loose? One more Saturday teleconference of constant blabber?

Weekly conference calls that repeat the same message about how bad things are, but never have a solution of how to solve it?



We can't sacrifice anymore of our PRECIOUS life for this NONSENSE!!

We must get down in the drenches and tell the world that if these crimes continues, THERE IS A BIG PRICE TO PAY!

Are you tired?
Teleconference are held every Thursdays (TODAY) at 11PM on or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
Chris J. Brunson - GSS 3

PS: If you will like to be place on the list for future conference calls, contact me at

Important links:
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Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM EST

Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM ESTTOPIC: We will be having a writing workshop to produce Affidavits. If you have not receive the Affidavit sample, you can find it below:Link: purpose of producing these Affidavits is to develop legal standing. By developing legal standing your credibility is upheld.Web Connection: If you have a persistent web connection, you should visit and click on "LIVE". Then you should search for "GOVERNMENT SPONSORED STALKING". Once you have found this room, you should click on "JOIN IN". Another browser window should open up. You will be listed in the room as guest until you create a talkshoe account. Creating a talkshoe account will give you your own identity and at some future date, allow you to create your own room.PHONE: If you don't have a persistent web connection, dial 724-444-7444. You will be prompted for an ID, which is 83319 # (pound sign). Then the operator will ask you for your PIN, which is 1 #. If you already have an account, your PIN is usually a phone number that you assigned. Just type that in and the "#" sign and your identity will show up in the chatroom.For any reason you have trouble getting into the conference call, please feel free to contact me at 347-285-7954 or email me at: bmarkforce@yahoo.comHope to see you tonight!Chris J. BrunsonKWALSPONI
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Tratándose de que tenga un microchip instalado, que me imagino que así es, debido a que no puedo creer en un arma de control
mental dirigida que opere sin la coherencia emisor-receptor, que influya SOLO EN MI 24hr/7dias. O Los hay?. Me es dificil concebir la idea de que los haya, pero aun tambien me es dificil concebir la idea de que en algun momento me instalaron un implante. He hecho memoria y que me acuerde solo he pasado por una cirujia en mi dedo corazon y algunos cad, para que haya dado a alguien la posibilidad de insertarme un implante, espero tener un implante, creo que es preferible quizas asi solo eliminandolo me liberaria. Al ver que De los servicios que ofrece el departamento de imaginologia con lo cual se pude detectar un microchip, por acá no se ha tomado niunguno, se habla muy poco de asistir a la salud para detectar el implante o será porque es posible ser victima de armas de control mental sin implantes? Cuál sería a su
entender la mejor forma de detectarlo sospechando que se encuentra en mi cabeza
o debajo de la piel en mi mano derecha.?

Estos son los examenes que por la cual espero poder pedir asistencia

Exámenes Radiológicos y Fluoroscópicos
Tomografía Computarizada de 64 cortes
Resonancia Magnética
Medicina Nuclear.
Radiología Intervencionista

Mi gran pregunta:

¿Es posible ser victima de armas de control mental sin tener implantes?

I can be a victim of mind control weapons without implant?

Arturo Garces.

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here you find all important information - unter diesem link finden sie alle wichtigen infos:
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Thursday Night Conference Call - Affidavit Completion

We are accepting Affidavit drafts today and expect that it would becompleted next week. Then we will move forward in starting theCoalition. This involves naming, electing a chair, creating committeesand much, much more. Hope you join us.

If this is your first time seeing this message, please go here:

Conference calls are held every Thursdays at 11PM EST and 8PM PST Just click on "LIVE" and scroll down until you seeGovernment Sponsored Stalking. Or if you preference, call: 724-444-7444.They will ask you for an id. Just type in 83319 # (pound) and your pin 1#.

If you have trouble, just contact me at or 347-285-7954.

We want to move forward in creating this coalition and if you seriouswant to stop these crimes, you will put your Affidavit together.

I will assist you at your convenience.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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Room Closing

Room Closing

If you are a regular participant of Government Sponsored Stalking andwas in the room on Thursday July 29th, I apologize. The controversysurrounding the room closing is very complicated and I learned avaluable lesson from this experience.

If I'm not able to moderate the next call, I will send out a notice informing you that it won't be open this week.

I do apologize for the abrupt closing as this was not of my doing. Igenerally will keep the room open after recording has ended.

Because I was not moderating the room at the time of closing, I hadno control over this action that was taken against my will.

No longer will I be entertaining secondary moderators.

Thanks for your acknowledgment to this understanding.


PS: This isn't a SUPPORT call. Calls are hosted on Thursdays at 11PM EST. 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
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2 Guests, 2 Opportunities

We had an unusual conference call last night. We were visited by two unexpected guests at the call bearing potentially very good news for us. The first was Lynniceia (pronounced lin-NEE-see-uh). She lives in California, is Native American and also targeted. Targeting her ultimately proved problematic for the stalkers since because of her heritage, she was able to marshal tremendous forces to come to her defense.

After discovering her plight, she went to the elders of her tribe who then launched an investigation. Because they are an autonomous nation, they had the resources to commission investigators who surveilled those who were surveilling her. How long this investigation went on, I'm not for sure however, it was not until she came to our group Thursday evening and attended Orville's conference call, did the stalkers realize that they, too were being spied upon, identified, tracked, recorded, and that evidence had been gathered as to their activities by her nation.

To hear her defiant spirit and how she spoke about those who were surveilling her that now they were being surveilled in their private moments, along with their friends and their family members. And that their private information was being collected and gleaned for litigation and more, resonated so much with the group at the call that we felt like standing and cheering for all they had accomplished!!! It was the most hope that I had felt since this struggle began.

Lynniceia's matter and our own, will now be presented not only in a court of law, but at the United Nations as these people are a sovereign state.

We spent around 2 hours at last night's conference talking to Lynniceia, as she fielded questions from the callers about her and her situation and how the tribe can be of assistance to us as well as her. The elders feel that we are all one family and are outraged at the atrocities that are being committed upon us and feel that something must be done. If one family member is suffering, then all of us are.

As a sovereign nation, they apparently have the resources to investigate claims of illegal activities and further, realize that we do not have the resources to address these issues on our own.

So for those that would like to join the lawsuit they're starting, they are asking that you send a brief summary of your situation to Orville Weale or Gerry Duffett, who will then forward the information to Lynniceia.

Here are the addresses to send a brief summary:

Orville Weale:

Gerry Duffett:

Bryan Glazer came on the conference call last night to appeal to the community for a last-ditch effort to keep our issues on the list of shows for the upcoming season of Jesse Ventura's "Conspriacy Theory". He is requesting that as many as possible read and sign this letter he wrote to the producers by sending your:



City, State. Zip



to Cassandra Lewis at: - so she can affix your information to the end of this letter and forward it to the production company.

Dear Misters Smith & Weed:

My e-mail to you respectfully requests you reconsider ASmith and Company's decision regarding the production of an episode of Conspiracy Theory on the matter of advanced electronic harassment and psychotronic torture.

We, the undersigned have been victims of these atrocities for many years.

We are hopeful that Conspiracy Theory will confirm the existence of the advanced technologies used to torture countless, innocent Americans and that your producers will interview the targeted individuals that have been in conversations with them since last year.

Although the plight of people who are being attacked by microwave weapons, satellite acoustic transmissions and orchestrated stalking may sound like science fiction, there is plenty of scientific fact to support our claims which we could present to you immediately.

Mainstream media coverage of this issue is critical. This widespread, covert pervasive war needs to be exposed in hopes that America's leaders will take notice and investigate these crimes against humanity.

I hope that ASmith and Company will lead the way in what needs to be a crusade to inform the American public about these attacks.

Please take this matter seriously.




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Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance • 3925 Paxton Ave. • Cincinnati, OH 45209
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Please use the common subject/reference: I join the lawsuit of the victims of mind control - electronic
harassement and surveillance worldwide or the reference number

Please use the following link as a guide:

Togehter we are strong

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Letter to the Editor Published

FFCHS at Democracy Now! Event in NYC


Dr. Posner in Fresno to Start TI Meetup in Central/Northern California

Radiation Measurement Device


Indymedia Article About Gangstalking

Fly on the Wall Drone/Spy Uses Ultrasound Sensors


Survivalist Communities

Food for Homeless Animals


HAARP Documentary



Printer-friendly link:


So far, we have one letter to the editor that is known to have been published: The Douglas Enterprise in Douglas, Georgia. If anyone else has information about other places that published the letter, please let me know.


April was quite a high-profile month for FFCHS. First, there was the press conference in Louisville, Kentucky, then on to New York City for the Democracy Now! fundraiser.

Due to the generosity of one of our members, two TI's from our community, FFCHS paralegal, Lynn Weed and Attorney Keith LaBella, recently attended Democracy Now!'s fundraiser in New York City, at $250 per person. Some attendees apparently paid $1000 per ticket to attend this event. It was a small, elite gathering of 40 individuals who listened to Amy Goodman interview film producer Michael Moore, singer Patti Smith, and journalist Juan Gonzalez.

The event went quite well and that FFCHS attended was a plus for our group, as some attendees were national journalists and other activists who would possibly take our claims seriously.

One hitch to the event was that in the process of all this, Lynn Weed lost her glasses. So we're trying to fundraise to replace them at a cost of $200. If any of you all can help with this effort, it'd be appreciated.


513 344 4113

Here is Lynn Weed's account of the evening.

Amy Goodman’s Interview With Michael Moore At Democracy Now
By Lynn Weed

New York City April 27, 2010

On April 26, 2010 Keith LaBella, Esq. and Lynn Weed, paralegal attended Democracy Now’s interviews with actor/producer Michael Moore, singer/poet Patti Smith and journalist, Juan Gonzalez at Democracy Now’s new studio in New York City. Award winning humanist journalist Amy Goodman, of Democracy Now interviewed all three. About 40 event attendees listened in a semi circle around the TV stage. Viewers commented that the interviews were interesting and brought many facts to light.

Michael Moore related information concerning events, following his Academy Award speech. Apparently because of his comments concerning the Bush Administration and the Iraqi War, his home was vandalized and he has received death threats. He travels with a security team and rarely gives out personal interviews to the general public, at this time. His interview with Amy Goodman was lively, informed and extremely witty. He is engaging, talented and willing to share his political views. Some of his earlier exploits with the nuns in the parochial school he attended, had the listeners laughing.

Patti Smith sang several songs. In her last song, “Because the Night Belongs to Lovers”, she had the audience singing along with her. Guest were heard commenting that her singing was "amazing and very good." Her Baez-like tones were appreciated.

Award winning journalist Juan Gonazalez spoke of the need for independent journalism to continue, as corporate journalism looms and internet journalism threatens to diminish the professionalism, characterized in the field for so long. He spoke of the need for an independent free press, in a capitalistic society, to keep democracy working. It was a good intereview and his points seemed well taken and were well received.

During her interview with Amy Goodman, Patti Smith spoke eloquently and poignantly of a man, she is working with, in a human rights capacity. He had been detained and kept in a small cell in Guantanamo Bay. He had been shackled there for many months. The light had been kept on the entire time he was in the cell (months) and he described this as another form of torture. When he was finally freed, as an innocent, he had trouble walking because of damage to nerves and muscles from those months of being shackled.

As she told each step of his plight, this poetic artistic clearly portrayed the pain inflicted on this innocent man and how it affected his life. The story was extremely moving story and I believe everyone listening was touched by the pathos of this true story. Later, thinking of her descriptions and the pathos now in this innocent man’s life, I became aware; his plight had truly touched me. I realized that the parallels between our plight and his were many and in some ways similar.

We then moved to the wine and hors d’ oeuvres part of the evening. Keith and I circulated and gave our information to many people attending, who may be of help to us. This included some show producers, a journalist, two lawyers and one Midwestern camera and cable man, who may have been with Michael Moore’s party and showed interest in what Keith and I were presenting. It was a productive evening.


Hello All:

I am attempting to start a meetup group of TI's in Central California, specifically the San Joaquin Valley, which covers an area loosely from Bakersfield to Modesto.

I live in Fresno, which is the most populous city in Central and Northern California outside of San Francisco and Sacramento, the state capital. I anticipate that we would meet up--depending upon the wishes of the group--between one and four times a month.

Myself included, I have three individuals who are interested. If you have any knowledge of individuals who might be interested in joining such a group. please encourage them to contact me through this forum.

Thank you,

Dr. Moss Posner


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