technologie (5)

Ok Im John N. Anubis I want to make an admitance about Swine Flu and why thew USA had to do this to people.

you know about the parasights and chips. in 2007 the technologie got to out of hand with the people and we had a out break of dangerous technologie. yes im a chip software technologist and there are others but then someone then stole stuff i was makeing and others made also. i was not the only one involved. you see i was in Florida on vacation and was talked someone then they wondered what to do about the problem with the people haveing chip weapons. i mentioned a biological way or destroying them. someone i do not know said swine flu. could have been CIA or Federal not sure. but the desision was made the idea was to destroy the people with implants because the government saw them as a threat. so I and my wife were no exclusion to what they decided they had to do. yes we had the pentential danger of dieing from it also. so the government had to do it. to protect national security they had to make it happen. im regretfuly sorry for your losses. they later asked how to make up for the deaths and came up with the american stimulas payment. they knew not who t pay so they had to pay the united states they were not sure who to compensate for there lost loved ones.

now the technologie that was stolen poses another threat im not sure what the govenment will do to us all this time.

the swineflu N1H1 is spose to inoqulate against the parasight so im hopeing the idea work.

im not responcable for the whole thing but i know 56 Million americans got sick and 17,000 world wide died because of this. im regretfuly sorry and my wife was never told about this.

you did notice that the swine flu was mutateing. these chips were spose to be destroyed then but they took the wrong action. i did cal the news about a chip recall then told them people were getting sick because of bad RFID implants. but now this is out of my hands.

a while ago i was spose to be deactivated and my wife but it never happened. so whoever has this technologie should come forward and speak to there governemt. it's life threatning and hazardist to humanity

still i look for a way to destroy the bad technologie but i may not be able to do it alone. rogramers may be needed to destroy this stuff i was not alone in makeing it and my wife i asure you was not involved in this work.
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Ok List Of Hacks That Are Known And Hidden From Others

Maskings - To Hide something To Hide a Connection. They started this it hide and change stuff.
if you know anything about KDX then you would know the computer program when running the standard port it's scanned and you do not see it. this is one way they did stuff they tryed to trojan some chips to make it look like they are not there.

blocking - to block others from listening or knowing to block from people getting into chips

Langual Hacking - to scan other peoples chip to know there langi

drodping blockers - to drop others blockers to get into chips

cloaning - to copy someones chip to look like them or to clone a clear to appear as as an item or shadow or anything to hide themself also voice cloannig

shealding - a way of blocking one calling it a shield to block clears to other things

back doors - a backdoor trojan to get in and out of peoples chips

password cracking - to crack passwords in others peoples chip

bots and bot scripts - to act like a bot and make people beive in it and to use bots from ones chip to setup people and use for an atttack

switches - to switch scripts and enbedding and clears also bots on and off. also to change frequencies so others do not know.

triggers - to make a word or action trigger things to happen

inbeddings - another way to put embeddings in a chip

chip spoofing - to make it look like another chip is doing something or another person

talking with the beats - to make it look way to try to get into people with a sublimial beat

slaveing - to make someone do something like Remote Neural Remoteing

Mastering - the same as slaveing

crooked truth detectors - to make it look like people are lieing by useing a fake truth detector that benifits people in one way

juggleing / 3 card Moite - for others to lie and juggle words and frequencies and ebdedding so they can lie and not get caught

turning around - to turn things around on other poeple used to lie and act like someone else did it

capping - to try to limmit someone or to ,limmit knowladeg and conections to another person

under handing - a trojan a way for others to put things into chips without people seeing to trojan people. also to lie with 3 or more peolpe to get a, b, c, a listens b lies c they never see you

cutting off words - to make it look like someone is saying something when words are cut off

wispers - to wisper someont in ones head so they repeat and another lies with underhand

scaning - to scan others chops or brains to invade privacy and steak things lie knowladge or thoughs to monitor someone / Remote Neural Monitering

tuneing in - to connect to someones chip and connect to them in a way. it should be ilegal

tuneing out - to tune out of someones chip after tunning in

Chip Numbers - to have a number to use with anothers chip or to mask it as a ip address or ip or word or set of numbers

passing - to pass data or scrips or enbeddings to others

chip spawning - to spawn a clear chip to use to hide the actual chip

Dead - To Edit A Chip so they look like there dead they used this with clears so people belive there dead.

Hidden - to hide themselfs on a frequencie to make it look like there not there

Directing - to direct words to another person or another frequencie or chip to direct things

redirecting - to redirect words to another person or another frequencie or chip to redirect thing

revealing - to reveal someone that's masked or hidden in a chip or frequecncie

Frequencie Nuke - the ability to hit a whole frequencie at once with a chip mod or embedding

double talking - to say one this on one frequencie and then lie to another

Mulit Frequencies - To be able to change to more than one Frequencie to lie on one and act like they do not know.

embedding - to use a file or technologie to put something in chips like a computer file used in some kinds of chip

Voice Masking - to analize voices and use other peoples voices. so they can lie abnd say there other people

frequencie spawning - to create a fake frequencie so it looks like a place that's usaly kept hidden from others.

Scripts - to make a script that runs in other peoples chip

channeling - to talk through other people

still shots - to try to look through others eyes and take pictures like a camera

fake - to make it look like someone is doing something so others can get away with it

satalights and beakers - to use a fake way of distencing clears to another place

routering - to setup others chips with trojansso they can use them to distance there self to gain distance by logging into chips to make themself be able connect to more chips


fake - Clears to use another likeness to pretend there other people
Real - Clears to be able to make it look like it's the real person you are talking to and to be
able to log into a mchip and make people feel things
Ghost - Clears to have a clears that appears as a ghost or invisable
shadow - Clears to use a clear as a shadow so people do not see them to blend in as a shadow
solid - Clears a clears tat's spose to be able to touch others

voice sysnthersizer mods are realy nothing but a macked voice to sound like someone else.

these are some or the technonlogies they been useing these assholes

this is the stuff you were not told about you need to know if you want to stop this stuff...

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See the clear types are solid clears to touch others when logged into achip and tuned in they can sometime feel. Ghost Clears that areinvisable you can not see. Real Clears resemble real people to make theclears look real. shadow clears to make a clear that looks like a shadowon the wall to belnd in. fake clears to make it look like your anotherperson. then there is spawning like a camra in a place to use a chip tobe connected to to watch others. and the other spawned things. also theability to look through the eyes see there called still shots. see thedifferent chip type some allow this. they also tryed to use some stuffto make DEW weapons and stuff and are useing LRAD and other machineslike computers to turn on and off chips with radio and an antenna it'show they program some chips. see some people thought they could stealthis and see it there stupid i was working on alot of this and also morebut they thought they could steal from me so now you know that it is

see when it started people did not get hurt untill they wanted to steal stuff and make money on it
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See they keep trying to get me to remove my web page i just witnessed someone logging into my computer with a RFID chip and trying to mess with the dvd burner. see chips people are assholes 99% of them and need to be remove from the public there logging the computer so now there a threat to national security so lets wait for them to break into a military system . lets not talk about the chip like they say and act like it's 2 people. yes it's how they do it the technologie is called clear. see it's a digital repentation of a human beaing it's spawned like a vdeo game. it's done through a chip this has been around for like 5 years. so people can apear before you and they also have called a ghost clear and a shadow clear to mimic a shadow this is how you do not see them. this is all a chip mod. look up modding like for a video game so these people do have chips or equipment. and they need one to do it if they do not have a chip or a peice of hardware it can not be done.

most of these chips are mind controal s it's done through computer programming and mind controal it's all the chips do. see they need to stay tuned into the people to make it work. it means they need to connect to you some how.
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Ok. im in the USA Rhode Island we got people here thet lie alot useing 2 meanings for workd and the repist are trying to look like there regular people using drug addics and drug dealers lieing to them to hide what they are doing to people around the new england this is the north east part of the United
States see there always sayng anubis is doing something and his wife some of these people will not disconnect from others implants they will not disconect. from people so they can act like it's one preson and then when others are connecting to them always saying someone is doing something dobule talking and stuff so if i do not come in contact with people that are chipped people then do come in contace with people around the world that's how they tryed to hide the story the rapist hide in other they should check there community and the missing persons list to check to see if they were chipped. these people are hide amungst others. some are using chips to make it look a different was and some do thing phisicly to people and try to abduct woman and children. so they use a chip to locate people and blame others for this they are agmungst you and the lie to others to hide what they did they some don't know others do and will not admit what there doing. some have a DNA chip and refuse to disconnect from other to blame them fr it. see they keep connecting back to people to make it look like it's one preson or 2 when it's so it's more then 100 people connecting to people spreading roumors and blaiming other so the sex offenders try to get away with it. what you forgot is sex offeders can also have this equiment. so they all blame 2 people or a few so where are the sex offends they figured they could not get cought becouse they use chips and use others chips.

I have called the United States Department Of Justice about the chips in R.I. Mass. And N.Y.

There are many types of implants and people never want to talk about it so thy hide the drugs and rapist themself. this is why some of these people are realy stupid for allowing these chips and machines to be used. by people hideing it all they allow this to happen.

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