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Truth or not?

So in the 70s they can easily do B2B EEG mapping. This tech is in the hands of corupt garbage. He in my opionion worked for the CIA and got access to this tech. He being occasion mapped profoundly retarded and quadrapelgics to some TIs who belong to minorty groups. He convienced these pathetic people they can live their lives like in the movie Avatar where a handicap person takes on an Avatar. My guess if you were quadrapelgic who can move his eyes it would be appealing. Now this person who did this pride is swelled beyond comprehension. Why? Because in 60s he had access to tech that to rhis date is still more advance than tech in 2019. For example remote control animals and insects in the 60s would make a person think that Noahs Ark was fake. It might even swell a persons head so much with pride that he thought he was better than others. Almost God like. Also though there was true CIA experimentation besides electronic rape. Thats why you see many other victims from different ethnicities. To clarify electronic rape is rape. The person EEG mapped B2B to the victim feels everything when you have sexual intercourse. Its rape and this garbage is a serial rapist and murder!!!
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I was being spoken to via brain to brain interface yesterday when one of the unknown cyber space personnel was heard by me to say the following to one of their own colleagues "you assumed a stance of arrogance in my presence". Even though we are all equals on this earth these cyber space personnel appear to be playing a game of heirarchies which is a game which involves creating a false reality construct where some of our own equals falsely attempt to equates money and power with superiority. If these individuals wish to live inside a false reality construct of delusions please do not attempt to drag the rest of us into it.

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I was being spoken to via brain to brain interface yesterday when one of the unknown cyber space personnel was heard by me to say the following to one of their own colleagues "you assumed a stance of arrogance in my presence". Even though we are all equals on this earth these cyber space personnel appear to be playing a game of heirarchies which is a game which involves creating a false reality construct where some of our own equals falsely attempt to equates money and power with superiority. If these individuals wish to live inside a false reality construct of delusions please do not attempt to drag the rest of us into it.

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During basic training, trainee police and military are being heavily inculcated into cult like behaviour where they become unquestioningly obedient to a heirachical based chain of command which has now become almost worldwide in scale. All of their activities have become homogenized to the extent that one human being who sits on top of the heirarchical based chain of command throughout the whole world can give one order and have it carried out throughout most of the world that very same day. These orders are not in the interests of most of the human race. They are only in the interests of a few human beings who sit near or on the top of the heararchical based chain of command.
In order to keep the human race doing pointless work the military are tasked with destroying cities so that they have to be later rebuilt. They are also tasked with killing their fellow human beings which is not in our interests.
Further to that information you must also know that the police are being tasked with turning each country into a police state where we are all expected to be unquestioningly obedient to the hierarchical based chain of command. The hierarchical based chain of command are now militarizing police which ensures that many of the police have dual functions so that the general public do not know how to behave towards them anymore.
Further to this, both the police and military are being heavily manipulated by wireless technology which is affecting their brains and central nervous systems and which is the cause of many suicides inside the police and military forces throughout the world. Technology may even now be inserted into their helmets which might adversely affect their brains and bring on brain tumours.
The military throughout the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland are currently breaking the law because they are performing a dual function where they outwardly claim to be assisting the police in solving largely unsolveable crimes while at the same time they are attempting to wirelessly bio-robotize a real live human being in the west of Ireland called Gretta Fahey, the writer of this article. Many are highly aware that this is the case and they have prepared a docier for the military police in Southern Ireland who have steadfastly refused to accept it over many years through no fault of Gretta Fahey who is a good living human being and always has been. The most senior police officer in Southern Ireland attempted to turn states evidence against the practice of silently torturing human beings inside their own homes by the practice of human bio-robotization which is now being practiced widely throughout Southern Ireland and further afield but suddenly everything in that area was quietened and the police officer in question will no longer speak to the informer. The private informers of some of this information are worried for the life of this writer whose name is and always has been Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

We must urgently disassemble and ban all military and police forces throughout the whole world and we must then re-employ them as a private police force in each town where the towns people pay their salaries and decide what they wish them to do, independently of what all other towns are employing their private security police for. We must organise this urgently because the fabric of society is shortly about to collapse due to the widespread existence and abuse of wireless crime which I hope will shortly be brought to the surface of public awareness.

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I have become wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the human computerized control and enslavement system which has recently become known as the wireless internet of things. The wireless link which I am connected to the system by is a two way energy link which sends and receives data to and from my brain and body to said computerized control and enslavement system on a continual basis. The data which I receive through said link is composed of sound, images inside my field of vision and my minds eye, both sensations and pain in various parts of my body, partial disablement of one of my limbs for a short space of time, external interference with my intestines, external control of some of my facial muscles and external control of my vocal cords to the extent that I can be forced to speak words and phrases which do not originate from my own brain against my will, among many other types of brain and body interferences.
Recently each morning before I wake up, pain signals are sent to my right knee and to my right thigh which then wake me up. I scream out in pain because of these externally induced pains. The neuro staff who control the computerized control and enslavement system which I am wirelessly linked to have informed me that they can and they will administer wirelessly induced pain signals by external means to the whole of Ireland if the Irish people refuse to be obedient to their rule at any time in the future. The only way to avoid this type of wireless enslavement of Ireland through advanced technology in my opinion is to have all wireless enabling capabilities disassembled and banned outright. If anybody has more knowledge of the matter of how we can protect ourselves from wireless enslavement in Ireland and throughout the whole world they should contribute their information to this forum as a matter of urgency. I have already become wirelessly enslaved. You must stop this happening to you and to your family.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My facebook page is called My website which I alone own and control is called I have never and I never would in the future accept payment for anything I write on this forum. I am simply attempting to raise awareness of the extreme danger to the freedom of most of the human race at the hands of a dark cabal of individuals who own and control extremely advanced wireless weapons.

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Many people who have already been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things from two way links to their brains and bodies have openly stated that they would prefer to be dead and many of them have committed suicide or attempted suicide multiple times. Many other people are already connected to the wireless internet of things and may be receiving subliminal information from it but they are completely unaware of it. However, their mode of thinking is profoundly affected by its influence to the extent that they appear unwilling to accept its existence. The only ones who benefit from the existence of the wireless internet of things are the would-be enslavers of the human race who promote the new world order agenda and the erection of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters throughout the world. The main reason that many people have already been non-consensually wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things without the rest of the human race being allowed to know about it is because the police throughout the world wrongly psychiatrically evaluate anybody who complains of wireless interference into their brains and bodies as being mentally ill and by doing so they refuse to take a statement from us when we complain to them that we hear voices of unknown individuals coming from inside our heads. Then then send us for mandatory psychiatric evaluation without allowing us to go home so nothing ever comes of our legal complaint.
We first become wirelessly tethered to the wireless internet of things without our knowledge or consent. However, the connection from our brains and bodies to said wireless internet of things remains dormant until the connection is found to be secure. When it is first activated we being to hear the voice commands and other conversations of the staff who manage the computer network which regulates the wireless internet of things coming from inside our heads. All of our inner dialogue is read and prepared for commissioning to the highest bidder. Many buyers line up to purchase all inner resources of the human being who has at this stage become a neural controlled slave which is more commonly known as a wireless slave. I am a wireless slave. My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control and where I outline my experiences of being a neural controlled slave in extreme detail is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital , Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...they are stopping me from uploading one photo from Canadian Security Intelligence Service to UN though this UN's contact

Fight for my life and fight against torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this, thanks.


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Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior government level in case certain members of the Irish government have already become wireless slaves which is what all individuals who become non-consensually attached to the internet of things eventually become. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.

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Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior police officer level, due to the fact that senior police officers both in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland have been known to contaminate evidence when that evidence has been given to them or when it has been left at their disposal. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.

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I have become non-consensually, wirelessly connected to a remote neural monitoring in combination with a remote neural manipulation program, by a two way link. I non-consensually hear the voices of the neuro staff who manage and control the computerized remote neural monitoring in combination with remote neural manipulation control system which is also known as the internet-of-things or the cerebral internet-of-things. These voices are heard my me coming from inside my head. Just a moment ago at 18.38 approximately on the 23rd June, 2019, Irish time, I heard the voice of one of the neuro staff tell another member of the neuro staff that their role is to observe and guide whenever they are observing me. I am now officially asking who exactly decided that I needed to be observed on a continual basis as well as guided on a continual basis for the past more than sixteen years? I am also now officially asking why I needed to be observed and guided on a continual basis for the past more than sixteen years? I am also now officially asking who exactly throughout the entire world has been given the authority to authorize other individuals to both observe and guide me for more than sixteen years totally against my will and without my permission? I am equal to every other human being in this world so take that into consideration when answering these three questions. My name is and always has been Gretta Fahey. I reside at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control and where I detail many of my experiences over the past more than sixteen years is called ; I never have and I never would in the future accept money for anything I write in my efforts to expose this human control and enslavement system which is known as the internet-of-things which I am wirelessly tethered to.   I have never met and I never wish to meet any of the individuals who place their voices inside my head or indeed any of the individuals who own or  control or  who work in this aforementioned human control and enslavement system. I have no wish to ever meet any of them.

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Human energy field cameras are now needed in order to tell the difference between a human and a remote controlled  robot.   Remote controllable robots are being manufactured in all shapes and all sizes which are so expertly controllable from behind the scenes by unknown operatives who work from a remote location that many humans have been and continue to be fooled into believing that they are sentient.    Humans now wrongly believe that they have encountered extra-terresterials when in fact they were speaking to remote controlled robots of every shape and size.   This is one of the main ways that the extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated.    Another way in which the extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated is by the fact that the sky has now been altered to an extreme degree by the use of chemtrail spraying which is sometimes known as geo-engineering.    Parts of the sky can now be turned into a cinema screen for a short space of time and various images are being reflected onto it from the ground that have the appearance of extra-terrestrial craft while flying at enormous speeds while appearing and disappearing at random times. 

If some individuals continue to wrongly believe in the existence of extra-terresterials, the dark new world order will use that false belief system to lay the blame for their own acts of extreme evil on non-existent extra-terresterials.  If you continue to wrongly promote the existence of extra-terresterials you are actively helping to further their evil agenda.    They are using reverse psychology on the human race by secretly using military psychological operations to both create and further a false belief in an extra-terrestrial presence on earth while simultaneously appearing to be distainful of anybody who buys into that false belief.

Whenever the psychological operations of presenting remote controlled robots to human beings as if they were sentient extra-terresterials, the human beings who are at the scene are simultaneously having their brains entrained into a state of believing in the false belief that the remote controlled robots are sentient extra-terresteials and perhaps they are also being subliminally hypnotized in a way that would further their belief in this hoax.   This has been played out on numerous occasions throughout the world so as to distract and terrify the masses of humanity because when human beings are in a state of fear and when they falsely believe that the source of their fear is supernatural and they feel helpless to deal with it they are easier to manipulate and disempower.   The extra-terrestrial hoax has been perpetrated by the dark new world order cabal in the false belief that we are infinitely gullible.  Please further the truth urgently.

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Psychiatrists throughout the world are extremely abusive towards their patients in the sense that they force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances which in many instances cause said patients to feel as if they are being tortured from the inside out as a direct result of being forced to ingest or have injected into them said toxic psychotripic substances. The decisions of psychiatrists to force their patients to ingest or have injected into their bodies extremely toxic psychotropic substances is backed by the violence of whatever state the patient resides in. If the patient should fail to take these extremely toxic substances, they are then mandated by psychiatric law to have a nurse come to their abode and inject them on a fortnightly basis with a long acting injection of the toxic substances, which has been mandated by law to be injected inside their bodies, mostly against their wills and without their permission. If the patient should refuse to allow their nurse to inject them with the prescriped toxic psychotropic substance they are then escorted by their local police back inside the psychiatric institution where they will remain until they become compliant. On some occasions if the patient continues to refuse to ingest or to have injected into them the mandated toxic psychotripic substance they are then placed in solitary confinement until they decide to become complaint. This policy of placing non-compliant psychiatric patients in solitary confinement in order to get them to comply with the mandated policies of psychiatry is now coming onstream throughout the European Union.
If a psychiatric patient should experience severe side effects from their mandated psychotropic poisons and if they then complain to their psychiatrist about that the psychiatrist will not allow them to stop taking said psychotropic poison and instead they will mandate them to take an extra substance which the psychiatrist will claim will alleviate some of the side effects of their mandated psychotropic substance. This extra substance will also go on to affect side effects in the brain and body of the patient. These poisons from both mandated substances will build up over time in the brain and body of the psychiatric patient and have been known to eventually cause brain injury.
To prove my point, I enclose herebelow a list of possible side effects a patient may experience as a result of of ingestion or having injected aripiprazole which is more commonly known as Abilify into their brain and body. Other psychotropic drugs have similar side effects in similar measures for the most part.

Like all medicines, Aripiprazole also known as Abilify can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
Common side effects (may affect up to 1 in 10 people):
diabetes mellitus,
difficulty sleeping,
feeling anxious,
feeling restless and unable to keep still, difficulty sitting still,
uncontrollable twitching, jerking or writhing movements, restless legs,
shaking and blurred vision,
decreased number of or difficulty making bowel movements,
feeling sick,
more saliva in mouth than normal,
feeling tired.
Uncommon side effects (may affect up to 1 in 100 people):
increased blood levels of the hormone prolactin,
too much sugar in the blood,
altered or increased sexual interest,
uncontrollable movements of mouth, tongue and limbs (tardive dyskinesia),
muscle disorder causing twisting movements (dystonia),
double vision,
fast heartbeat,
a fall in blood pressure on standing up which causes dizziness, light-headedness or fainting,
The following side effects have been reported since the marketing of oral aripiprazole but the frequency for them to occur is not known:
low levels of white blood cells,
low levels of blood platelets,
allergic reaction (e.g. swelling in the mouth, tongue, face and throat, itching, hives),
onset or worsening of diabetes, ketoacidosis (ketones in the blood and urine) or coma,
high blood sugar,
not enough sodium in the blood,
loss of appetite (anorexia),
weight loss,
weight gain,
thoughts of suicide, suicide attempt and suicide,
feeling aggressive,
combination of fever, muscle stiffness, faster breathing, sweating, reduced consciousness and sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate, fainting (neuroleptic malignant syndrome),
serotonin syndrome (a reaction which may cause feelings of great happiness, drowsiness, clumsiness, restlessness, feeling of being drunk, fever, sweating or rigid muscles),
speech disorder,
fixation of the eyeballs in one position,
sudden unexplained death,
life-threatening irregular heartbeat,
heart attack,
slower heartbeat,
blood clots in the veins especially in the legs (symptoms include swelling, pain and redness in the leg), which may travel through blood vessels to the lungs causing chest pain and difficulty in breathing (if you notice any of these symptoms, seek medical advice immediately),
high blood pressure,
accidental inhalation of food with risk of pneumonia (lung infection),
spasm of the muscles around the voice box,
inflammation of the pancreas,
difficulty swallowing,
abdominal discomfort,
stomach discomfort,
liver failure,
inflammation of the liver,
yellowing of the skin and white part of eyes,
reports of abnormal liver tests values,
skin rash,
sensitivity to light,
excessive sweating,
abnormal muscle breakdown which can lead to kidney problems,
muscle pain,
involuntary loss of urine (incontinence),
difficulty in passing urine,
withdrawal symptoms in newborn babies in case of exposure during pregnancy,
prolonged and/or painful erection,
difficulty controlling core body temperature or overheating,
chest pain,
swelling of hands, ankles or feet,
in blood tests: increased or fluctuating blood sugar, increased glycosylated haemoglobin.
Inability to resist the impulse, drive or temptation to perform an action that could be harmful to you or others, which may include:
strong impulse to gamble excessively despite serious personal or family consequences
altered or increased sexual interest and behaviour of significant concern to you or to others, for example, an increased sexual drive
uncontrollable excessive shopping
binge eating (eating large amounts of food in a short time period) or compulsive eating (eating more food than normal and more than is needed to satisfy your hunger)
a tendency to wander away.
Tell your doctor if you experience any of these behaviours; he/she will discuss ways of managing or reducing the symptoms.
In elderly patients with dementia, more fatal cases have been reported while taking aripiprazole. In addition, cases of stroke or "mini" stroke have been reported.
Additional side effects in children and adolescents
Adolescents aged 13 years and older experienced side effects that were similar in frequency and type to those in adults except that sleepiness, uncontrollable twitching or jerking movements, restlessness, and tiredness were very common (greater than 1 in 10 patients) and upper abdominal pain, dry mouth, increased heart rate, weight gain, increased appetite, muscle twitching, uncontrolled movements of the limbs, and feeling dizzy, especially when getting up from a lying or sitting position, were common (greater than 1 in 100 patients).
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the Yellow Card Scheme, Website: By reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. I became a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation back in the spring of 2003. I was gang-stalked initially. My home was broken into and my belongings were interfered with in minor ways, just enough to emotionally destabilize me. I then began to hear voices coming from inside my head which I now know were transmitted into my head by the use of military communication technology by a direct wireless link which I had earlier unknowingly become linked to military technology by. The voices continually threatened me in a miriad of ways. Among other things that were said to me by the voices was the fact that the voices threatened to paralyse me from head to toe but they said they would leave me with the ability to feel pain and after I was paralysed they would send me endless pain signals for the rest of my life and I would not be able to inform anyone that I was being tortured. I attempted suicide on more than two occasions. I have been informed that I nearly died on two of those occasions. I was so frightened by the silent psychological torture that I was undergoing that I asked psychiatrists in the adult mental health section of Castlebar hospital if I could stay inside the psychiatric hospital for a short period of time in order to regain my equilibrium. I thought that the psychiatrists would believe me when I informed them of what was happening to me with regard to being silently tortured by the voices of military neuro operatives which I could hear coming from inside my head. However, the psychiatrists not only did not believe me, they falsely believed that I was mentally unwell and they wrongly mandated that I take a variety of different psychotropic medications including the above mentioned aripiprazole, all of which gave me such extreme side effects that I suffered greatly from said side effects. I am now no longer taking any type of psychotropic medication and I feel much healthier that I did when I was taking them. They are extremely poisonous and should never be given to anybody whatsoever. Psychiatrists have more than likely never taken any of the psychotropic medications they prescribe to their patients. If they did they would reconsider offering them as a solution to any type of mental health problem.
Psychiatrists now appear to be wrongly identifying any type of short term emotional crisis as a serious mental health problem where they can engineer the tax payer to pay for psychotropic medications from that particular patient for the whole of their lives as well as wrongly categorising that patient as being chronically mentally ill rather than suffering from a short term emotional crisis which is often the case.
I have become so frightened of the bogus psychiatric system that I can not now inform my own general practitioner that I continue to hear voices and I continue to be psychologically tortured by neuro operatives who use psychotronic weapons against me in case he wrongly decided to send me for further psychiatric treatment. In this way, and in many other ways, the people of Ireland and the wider world are hindered from communicating effectively with agents of their own government, thereby helping to take down the Irish government bit by bit through no fault of their own.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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I am a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation where I am non-consensually, wirelessly linked to a computerized control system where I have been constantly monitored and manipulated over many years. When the neuro operatives who operate this computerized control system wish me to get up in the morning they send me pain through the wireless link which connects me to their computerized control system. When I scream out in pain some of the neuro staff ask if my neighbours can hear me scream. The co-ordinating staff then inform them that I live in the country side and I don’t have any near neighbours who could possibly hear me scream. If I then refuse to get up out of my bed the level of the pain which is sent to me from the computerized control system is then increased. If I then get out of bed because of the intensification of the pain I am effectively a slave. Why is there a policy to enslave me?
Whenever targeted individuals attend their local police station to file a complaint of remote wirelessly enabled torture the duty officer considers it his or her duty to send the filer of the complaint for further psychiatric evaluation and from then on it is considered no longer an area of concern to the police. The psychiatrist almost always confines the complainant inside a psychiatric hospital where they lose their legal rights. Even though there is thought to be a legal system in place known as an advocacy system which has been set up to protect the legal rights of psychiatric patients this advocacy system has no real power and is sometimes thought of as a system which was set up to falsely make the general public believe that psychiatric patients has legal representation. Through concealment of the lack of legal power of targeted individuals of remote electronic torture, many of them go on to commit suicide from their ongoing wirelessly enabled torture or they go on to experience further enslavement into this system which is now being set up throughout the United Kingdom as well as the Republic of Ireland to include one and all.
Violating the secrecy act carries a heavy fine or even in some instances a prison sentence for police officers who should wish to expose the installation of a human computerized control and enslavement system which is now being set up throughout Great Britain or throughout the Republic of Ireland.

Where is the outrage that should be rightfully felt during this time?  Why is it not apparent?   You must allow for the fact that you are under electronic mind control which gives us another legitimate reason to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters which have been admitted by the dark side that they are being used as part of the human enslavement program a number of years ago in the British parliament.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called I never have and I am not now and I never would at any time in the future accept payment for all that I write about wireless harassment and torture now or in the past. I am simply attempting to raise awareness of the fact that I am a partial neuro slave and you could be next unless we disassemble and ban all of the technological infrastructure which enables further technological enslavement of the whole human race.

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I am a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation where I am non-consensually, wirelessly linked to a computerized control network where I have been constantly monitored and manipulated over many years. When the neuro operatives who operate this computerized control system wish me to get up in the morning they send me pain through the wireless link which connects me to their computerized control system. When I scream out in pain some of the neuro staff ask if my neighbours can hear me scream. The co-ordinating staff then inform them that I live in the country side and I don't have any near neighbours who could possibly hear me scream. If I then refuse to get up out of my bed the level of the pain which is sent to me from the computerized control system is then increased. If I then get out of bed because of the intensification of the pain I am effectively a slave. Why is there a policy to enslave me in the Republic of Ireland?

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I am non-consensually wirelessly connected to a network of computers for the purposes of illegal and immoral experimentation on my brain and body which has been ongoing for more than sixteen years. The connection from the network of computers to my brain and body is a two way link which allows these unknown criminal neuro scientists as well as neuro operatives to force me to listen to their voice commands against my will and without my permission. It also allows them to non-consensually move some of the muscles of my body and to externally control my vocal cords and my facial muscles against my will and without my permission. Just now at approximately 19.25 hours on 21st June, 2019 I began to rub the back of my neck and immediately the voice of one of the unknown neuro scientists who experiment on me was heard by me to complain to his colleagues that I had just destroyed about two years of his work. He then asked for legal advice from one of his advisors. His advisor was heard by me to inform him that he was considered a criminal and he had no right to be there.
If you are a targeted individual of non-consensual wirelessly enabled experimentation which has come to be known by those in the know as remote wireless torture, try rubbing the back of your neck often because said back of your neck is a key area that illegal research scientists often focus on during their wirelessly enabled research which is being conducted from a remote location while leaving no visible trace for the police to investigate.

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I have already become linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things. My experiences are so extreme that most uninformed individuals can not believe that neuro science and neuro technology has advanced to the extent it has and instead they prefer to disbelieve me when I recount my experiences. First of all, back in the spring of 2003 my brain and body were linked by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy to a network of computers, and those computers may well be also linked to a super computer. This link enables the neuro staff who operated these computers to force me to listen to their voices coming from inside my head at all times of the day or night. They wake me up from sleep whenever they wish by speaking to me or by sending me a pain signal.
Over time the neuro operatives built up a brain map which then enabled them to take control over my facial muscles and some of my neck muscles as well as my vocal cords on some occasions. When I move my facial muscles of my own accord the exact sequences of events that happens in my brain is then tabulated and repeated so that the criminal neuro operatives can later move my facial muscles against my will. Now, whenever the neuro operatives take external control of my vocal cords while speaking through me they also take external control of my facial muscles at the same time. If the neuro operative who is speaking through me is angry I now can tell that that is the case because my own eyes blaze up in anger and my face grimaces in anger when I am being spoken through. These experiences mostly occur when I am alone, but they could easily be made to occur when I am out in public. I have many friends and acquaintances who are also experiencing similar experiences. I have become technologically possessed.
At some time in the future, if the neuro operatives sever the link between my brain and central nervous system, I could then be entirely taken over and run from behind the scenes. I have been informed by brain link that programs have already been written which would then be used to operate me like a an automaton, by remote control if indeed the link between my brain and central nervous system was every severed. However, in such an eventuality I would not be kept alive for very long because the level of intelligence needed to operate me by remote control would be too high.
Many targeted individuals are telling the same story as I am and we are all attempting to raise awareness of this horrific situation but one of the main reasons we sometimes fail to be believed is because most of the human race may already be linked to the internet-of-things other than just targeted individuals and it appears from the point of view of us targeted individuals that most other individuals have become locked into a state of subliminal hypnosis where they are unable to believe us and that this state of subliminal hypnosis may also be combined with wirelessly enabled brain entrainment because their responses are not normal. They are not outraged activists like they would be expected to be when hearing of wirelessly enabled technological enslavement and human bio-robotization. It is as if the general public have been rendered unable to think past a certain point. The only way we can return to normal as a human race is by disassembling and banning microwave transmitters and all related paraphernalia in my opinion.
I plan to dry fast over the next forty eight hours. Many online reports declare dry fasting to be very beneficial for human health. I believe that dry fasting will nullify some if not all of the work of the technological enslavers. I will write about how successful this strategy of dry fasting has been to dislodge the technology of the would be enslavers at some time in the near future.

My name is Gretta Fahey and my website is I write about my experiences of being wirelessly and non-consensually linked to the wirelessly enabled cerebral internet-of-things simply in order to raise awareness of the extreme danger humanity is now it. I never have, and I never will accept payment for what I write and send to the public and for what I post online.

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