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Salvador Dali was a great catalan artist.Dali created a empire difusion.Dali was an individual targeted.

observe this form of cultural denunciation and exotica

1)Dali comes from a thalamic egg, The third eye.

2)Appears one god Mercury,with one wing only, It was not free.

3)Mercury god is the transmitter of knowledge.

4)book "mutant clocks" in time / space ... are moldable ..

5)emerges from a bloated space...

6)It has a golden beetle: reptilian system...inside out a butterfly=RF pulses.

7)plays with toroids.

8)He says: I like artichokes.The project was artichoke cia

the Spanish people are uneducated and stupid,They are labeled as fascism.

a Catalan gets inside shit if necessary...

made thesis on "PARANOIA CRITIC"

Dali took her to freud.

impossible to be paranoid and be critical.


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It was in the early 90s in Brownsville, Texas at a refugee center named Casa Oscar Romero that I experienced sanctuary of the Catholic Church rescuing  Central American refugees. It was Sister Norma Pimentel and Sister Juliana Garcia that made an exception and let my pregnant Mexican wife that I had illegally crossed across the Rio Grande River into Brownsville, Texas stay until my oldest daughter was born.

Today there is a war. It is the United States Government, State Governments with their law enforcement intelligence, special political and interest groups against targeted individuals.

Their objective is to keep targeted individuals "boxed in". Prohibiting us from traveling abroad and to profit from our torture and death. Any participant in the advocacy ofV2K and electronic rape deserves to be dead.

Even if you go abroad Direct Energy Weapons can be smuggled into other countries in U.S. Diplomatic pouch or simply inside laptop computers like the perps did when I entered Cuba. F#ck.YOU Raul Castro ,you let American slime  harass me in Havana with their Organized Gang Stalking and Direct Energy Weapon assaults.

Having traveled to 15 different countries there are only 2 countries that are acceptable for targeted individuals to gain freedom: (1.) The Republic of Iran (2.Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea).

My opinion is that Iran is the best option for targeted individuals. Hezbollah has the expertise for combat support vocational training for targeted individuals by allowing them to implant people like me that can have their heart damaged from lethal energy weapon assaults and use it as a deterrent for domestic terrorism as an excuse to kill me.

Self defense is not a crime. We need a region to protect ourselves from direct energy weapon assaults.

We can not continue to exist by allowing our bodies to be tortured and maimed while the perps sell our medical data and profit from U.S. government / corporate money. In another words if someone assaults you with a direct energy weapon you have the right to protect yourself with lethal force.

I have 25 years of harassment and have dodged over 120 years in prison from false arrest by federal , state , and local law enforcement. The prisons are generating money from slaves and these institutions provide assistance to enemies of targeted individuals

ISIS is an outlet a lot of people follow who want to fight against the United States however they are not educated or equipped to fight perps with direct energy weapons, V2K, Mind Control, Chip implantation etc. Iran and Hezbollah would be more suitable for targeted individuals.

If you have political connections inside Iran please forward this statement and I am open to any suggestions.

All targeted individuals that want to resist, give up their U.S. citizenship, and approach Iran and Hezbollah for assistance and fight for our freedom then you can start by emailing me information on obtaining assistance with the cooperation of Iran to help us advance in this cause.  We are the Opressed that need to be liberated . It is more dignified to stand fighting than to lie down and be murdered by an American Government coward.

As for all you perps and spies beware there are targeted individuals like myself that are looking for a sponsor to fight you until we die!

Best Wishes for all targeted individuals

Mark Iannicelli

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     One of the number one things that entertain perps is when you give them attention.  They WILL NEVER GO AWAY, so long as you feed them with your anger and outrage.  It drains GTIs' energy, and entertains the perps and all their friends who read their comments.

     So, if you know the PP member is a perp, do as you do with your personal perps - GIVE THEM NOTHING, EVER!

     I propose that once a perp has been identified, one of the PP respected regulars (Sue, God's Grace, JustMeKaren, etc) call for a freeze out of the perp.  If we can't report them to the adm and get them kicked off, then carry on conversations around their comments, as though they were not there.

     It is the quickest way to eliminate a perp from PP.  They will either end up making a comment that WILL get them kicked off by the adm, or they will just dry up from lack of responses from GTIs.

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What's that W-I-D-E yellow streak down your back?

     Has anyone even noticed how the page view count goes up disproportionately when a suspected perp is taking part in a conversation?

     QUESTION:  there are over 3000 members on PP, yet virtually none of them participate;  I know that some of the GTIs (I'm getting tired of typing "genuine" TIs) have come and gone, but I'm speaking of those new members who go to the trouble to join, then never post;  since anyone can read what we have to say w/o joining or signing in, why would anyone become a peacepink member, then never say BOO? 

     What facet of PP am I missing?

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Hola, mi nombre es Juan Estrella. soy de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Desde hace tres años comencé a ser experimentado con un segmento de rayos que provienen de un satélite en el espacio. Sufro de acosos electromagnéticos en todas las partes de mi cuerpo, voces en mi cerebro, depresión sexual e incluso de cambio de olores y gusto. Actualmente no se como salir de esta, las 24 horas del día los 7 días de la semana estoy siendo observado y expermientado por estos sujetos de los cual desconozco el paradero. Es una sensación perturbante y desmotivadora. Realmente es una apropiación injusta de mi cuerpo para el uso de aparatos de experimentación por criminales que lo único que quieren es estropearlo todo. Me gustaría saber si alguien en Sudamérica está sufriendo lo mismo. Puede tener que ver con experimentaciones en otras partes del mundo? Me gustaría escuchar de otros que estén padeciendo lo mismo a ver como se manejan con la situación e intercambiar experiencias e información.



Hi, my name is Juan Estrella. I'm from Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Three years ago I started to be experimented with a bunch of rays coming from a satellite in space. I suffer of electromagnetic abuse all over my body, voices in my head, sexual depression and chages of smell and taste. I actually don´t know how to get out of this, all day long I'm being watched and experimented for this peopole I don't know where they come from. It's a really disturbing and bodering situation. It's an illegal apropation of my body for their use. I would like to know if someone in Southamerica is suffering the same. Is there a conection with others experimentations around the world?? I'd like to hear fromm people handle with the same to share how we manage the situation and exchange information.



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TI's Joining

It's funny to run across a discussion re whether or not TIs should form groups.  I have been mulling this over, and been a supporter of TIs joining as a solution for many years.  I even went to Facebook (ugh!! - shows you how interested I am in this topic), and joined two groups whose purpose and direction is in setting up a TI community.  In light of that, yesterday I began writing up my argument on this subject.  It's still a bit rough, but I will also post it to a Wordpress webpage, and maybe even go back onto FB and post it there. 

Here, goes...


     Join for SURVIVAL

I have been a Targeted Individual of Gang Stalking since around 2005.  It began because I am a strong supporter and activist for the Rights of Animals.  As sentient beings, animals feel Fear and Pain just as humans do, and at the least, have the Right to be treated humanely.

Like animals in either the food chain or whose life is in some way useful to mankind, TIs are treated as "objects" incapable of suffering physical and mental pain.  TIs are no longer part of mankind, have become disenfranchised, and "live" barely at the margin of belonging to the species identified as human beings.

     WHO IS A TI

There are multiple forums, personal webpages, youtube videos and books answering this question.  The tactics used to cause inhuman suffering to TIs are varied, and well documented by TIs all over the world.  As to who the tormentors are...  well, that is a matter of speculation.  This is because there are multiple layers of entities involved, and by definition GS is a covert crime.

It does, however, seem that a seasoned TI's can identify another real TI "most" of the time.  And it does seem natural that we should all join together, put our backs to each other, and fight for our lives and freedom.  However, we have become so isolated and cautious (paranoid), that although we greatly desire joining with other TIs, we have been tricked by the GS'ers often enough to become suspicious of all strangers, even those we believe are other real TIs like ourselves.

Here's where TIs need to get a grip on their paranoia, and recognize the SIMPLE FACT that if we do NOT join with other TIs, we are condemned to fight alone for the remainder of their shortened miserable lives.  We spend too much of our time as TIs trying to convince Civilians (someone whose has no experience w/GS) that we are suffering and need help.  If Civilians can get past their impression that we are Crazy and believe us, they often either become TIs themselves or are otherwise warned off by GSers.  ONLY another genuine Targetted Individual can offer any understanding and Help.

     So, how does one under attack "Help" another under attack?

TIs are the only people capable of helping each other.  The extent of that help remains to be discovered.  For certain, we can give comfort and understanding on an informed basis, and share our successful coping skills.  Taking a page from the Cowards' book of conduct, cowards derive part of their strength by joining together into a Gang of like minded cowards.  It is the knowing that you are surrounded by those who feel and believe as you do that can make a single individual strong - whether that individual is a Gang Stalker, or a Targeted Individual.

The Black Panthers and Civil Rights Movement gained strength and a voice for the rights of negros, the Grey Panthers' power forced recognition and laws protecting older people, the Gay Rights movement has forced laws to allow marriage and insurance coverage in some states, and the Animal Rights Movement has exposed the savage cruelty of animals in the food chain and has forced businesses to close, McDonalds Walmart and many other giants to change who they do business with.

Joining together is NOT an option, it is the ONLY step to take to regain our rights to live free.  Until we join, we are doomed to suffer alone until the day we die.


Unlike most other groups seeking change, we are being attacked covertly and don't know who to trust.  Further, our attackers infiltrate, undermine and nullify our claims and efforts to bring attention to our plight.  In every TI forum and chat room you will find a handful of genuine TIs, and thousands of Gang Stalkers.  The GSer's are there not only in an attempt to nullify our claims, they are there to learn new tactics that might work on the focus of their stalking.

The thing to focus on here are those TIs who have made their bones and you are 99% sure they are the real deal.  TIs have grown some useful sensitive antenna for recognizing a Gang Stalker.  Reach out to just ONE of those individuals you believe to be a genuine TI, and form a bond.

IF YOU ARE WRONG, and that person turns out to be a GSer, what's the worst that can happen?  What will your personal GSer do about that that they already don't do to you?  Will they laugh and ridicule you?  They already do...  Will they make you suffer?  They already do...  Will they kill you?  They want you to do the wet work bcz they are too coward to do it...  Whatever you think you have to loose by overcoming the paranoia and forming a bond with other TIs is far OUTWEIGHED by the rewards if you do manage to connect with another GENUINE Targeted Individual.

Once you have formed a bond with another TI, both of you reach out to others you believe are genuine TIs.  Become active in every forum, blog, chat room and webpage where TIs might be.  Make your bones via posts and comments and use these as your indication of credibility.  DO NOT RUSH THIS PROCESS, no matter how much you are suffering.  This will not happen overnight, but the seeds do need to be planted in order for them to begin to grow, so start TODAY.

Stop spinning your wheels and complaining about all the emotional stuff.  We are ALL suffering, and it will get worse as time passes!  In all truth, YOU HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE (that you haven't already), and everything to gain by reaching out to others and growing to a Force for Change.

The only real thing we have to fear is fear itself, and its ability to paralyze and incapacitate.  Fear is a tool of your Gang Stalkers - be brave.

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For Your Entertainment

It's no secret.  The government has trolled many establishments over the ages.  They've embraced eugenics.  They have mind control and other annoying programs, like cointelpro.

So far, they've gotten to many of the typical hits: welfare recipients, disabled, mentally ill people and the poor in general.  One might ask oneself what these people do in society.  I know the middle class likes to be brats and shove the poor into Hell (I did it to until I understood better), but what about the elites that control the system?  Do they need ice picks to manage themselves and our affairs?

Another problem we have is the culture of celebrity.  For fame, these people are willing to harm us, to stay in the clique, like Madonna ( guess what that is).  I understand she isn't behind all the operations.  She's their dirty rag in our face and an activist of world slavery. 

Her attitude is part of the problem.

Why are we being punished by them?  Why can't they do something logical and help humanity?  They're in it for themselves, as always.

They do the same thing to me over and over again: ; I like how after brain surgery, they do the same games, use the keywords, try to frame me, etc.  People shouldn't be treated like that.  Clinics.  This is a disorganized bunch of bananas.  They can't handle it.  So special.  Turn the music off and listen to reality.  Stop the drugs, too.  Your handlers are clever doing that.  You're a tool.

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Brain Fingerprinting in Counter Terrorism:

Brain Fingerprinting in Counter Terrorism:

The Key to Investigating the Paris Terrorist Attacks, Preventing Future Attacks, and Responding humanely to the Migrant Crisis


The Paris Attacks, the Migrant Crisis, and the Pattern of Terrorist Attacks

The recent bloody terrorist attacks in Paris are the latest crimes in a series of escalating attacks against innocent civilians in Western countries.

The exodus of people from conflict zones in the middle east has unfortunately made the world a much more dangerous place. The influx of tens of thousands of migrants, including possible terrorist, has highlighted a critical lack in past counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, and law enforcement capabilities: Authorities have been unable to distinguish between terrorists and innocents until it is too late when the terrorists have carried out their deadly attacks. This report examines how Brain Fingerprinting can effectively address this critical need.

Since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the same scenario has been repeated over and over again in Western countries:

  • Authorities are aware of a terrorist suspect, but…
  • They lack sufficient evidence of his terrorist affiliations, capabilities, and/or plans to take action, until it is too late, and…
  • The terrorist perpetrates a terrorist attack, causing…
  • Destruction and loss of life.

The recent terrorist attacks in Paris have followed this same pattern. 

Please write letter campaigns to this editor and to the Brain Fingerprinting website.
Tell them your story of being a TI and our daily tortures, explain to them all the facts and documentation you've gathered through the years, and let them know you would be more than willing to take the TEST!
If we all start to offer our sides of our daily torture to these companies that have the way to relieve our daily gangstalking and our tortures we can either count them as a company that helped or a company that OPENELY denied our daily TOTURES!
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr


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Dear Sir/Madam

              Such is the extent of US National Security law that over 5,000 classified devices are currently covered by the US Inventions Secrecy Act. Many of these are either based on or working with many of the 20,000 plus satellites now circling the Earth (many in geosynchronous orbit) and the countless array of supercomputers that work in with them, operating at ground - based locations like The Langley Research Centre (CIA) and Fort Meade (NSA). These computers are all manned by technicians and are each capable of processing more information than the entire human population of the planet (something exceeding 700 trillion calcs a second each). And what is the upshot of all of this? That the agencies and military can rely on the blanket cover of tagging all such covert activities as a matter of "National Security"and thereby covertly and remotely take control of people and organisations as they see fit, without challenge.

Couple these technologies with the mass surveillance systems outlined by Edward Snowden and others and you will realise that the agencies are all seeing, all knowing and promote themselves and their usefulness in the name of security at the expense of liberty. Yet where are they when mass shootings, terrorist attacks and such take place? They watch, as accessories before, during and after the fact, and do nothing; more intent on controlling public figures with blackmail friendly material, more interested in oppressing writers, activists and whistleblowers than protecting the public at large. Equally, through false flag operations, protected trafficking syndicates and such, the agencies foster and profit from crime while all the while pretending to do otherwise...The agencies, in particular the CIA, are not securing our safety, they imperil it....

Even former Presidents recognised this and wanted the CIA stopped...."There is a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot"...JFK. And the CIA reply?..."I was in Dallas when we got the S.O.B." David Morales , CIA chief of operations. 

            US DOD Directive 5240 1.R saved 882013, Ch 4, Procedure 13 says "Experimentation is allowed on human subjects for intelligence purposes". So, whether it be a false claim, a National Security Letter or any other bogus move, the covert agencies can line up any or all critics, malcontents, political targets and thinkers that the PTB dislike and have them thrown into satellite facilitated mobile concentration camps where the aforementioned technologies allow all manner of mind control, cybernetic, neuroscience, genetic, brain / dream study and other experiments to be run.... unreported and with complainants labelled as paranoid etc..

Yet we had the UN Treaty of 1967 saying you cannot use satellites in conjunction with any weapon of mass destruction, (only to be amended to allow the Reagan era Star Wars system). We also have the UN's UNIDIR committee and the European Parliament calling for bans on all weapons for human manipulation (Eg A4-0005/99 EP). In addition we have Executive Order 13526 banning the use of classification to hide crime. But all of this clearly amounts to just words on paper when the PTB and the agency - controlled media ignore it all.

            I have researched this for over 25 years. I've spoken with countless spies, political aides, marginalised journalists, senior law enforcers, entertainers, scientists and more. Knowledge of this form of oppression, using classified technologies, is widespread in those circles but fear or complicity prevents many from speaking out.

In the absence of reliable, honest political and media representation the campaigners fighting against covert oppression of this sort (on behalf of millions of targeted people worldwide) are forced to rely on the marginalised media and various human rights organisations for support in their efforts to get this information to the general public. Nevertheless, by so doing we hope to expose and end the silent holocaust that sees the isolation of the combined genetic traits of all those willing to question authority as they are gradually wiped out; oppressed into oblivion.

           I call on any and all with a conscience or a soul to turn on this evil. Help to expose and end it and restore true democracy to a world where, at the moment, only lies and hypocrisy exist when it comes to true justice and freedom.


Paul Baird,
Human Rights Advocate,

A few apt quotes....

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity". A. Einstein.

"This satellite technology will allow us to track, monitor, torture, destroy and kill anyone in the world. It will give us complete global control. Develop it immediately"...Anon. world leader ...over 50 years ago.

" The world is a dangerous place to live, not (just) because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it". A. Einstein.

"Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless". D. Bonhoeffer.

"The further society moves from the truth the more it will despise those that speak it". G. Orwell.

"The CIA controls everyone of significance in the major media" William Colby, Ex CIA director. 

       "It is the duty of the patriot to protect the people from the government". Thomas Jefferson. 


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Activities from July 21st 2016: This is a screen shot documentation of organized stalking in the City of New York and the borough of the Bronx. The notorious Fordham Shopping District. As I was walking along Fordham Road I came across these individuals. 
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The Universal Peace Petition







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I may not be able to control who enters my personal space, but so far, I can control my emotional responses.

Like in the Startrek episode "Day of the Dove", when we respond emotionally to the hate filled tactics relentlessly used against us, we are feeding the monster and making it stronger.  We get caught in the vicious game, and become responsible for part of our own suffering.

Seek to make yourself as physically comfortable as possible, and otherwise rise above the hate being directed at you.  Just as any physically handicapped person might do to cope, laugh when you can, return to doing some of the hobbies/activities you once enjoyed, and live as normally as your situation will allow.

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