i feel worst than ever this time , in my life i only hear lots abuse words from mind control ,and what i love to hear words leave me aways ,my life lose care and since i got mind control . why God forgot sent angel to me , why be a TI had to suffer lots trouble , why unfair thing not end ? only leave more tears and hurts in the world .
All Posts (12220)
The Will of God
Human life on Earth is subject to opposing powers:
jesus-saves-signDefined by the essential characteristic of omnipotence (ultimate power)
Loving by nature
His Will is a state of eternal perfect truth, peace and harmony (Heaven)
As a consequence of His loving nature, He endows man with free will rather than exerting absolute control over man, even though it is within His power to do so
Free will allows individuals the ability to choose to align their will with God, or to oppose His Will and rebel against God (sin / evil)
The existence of evil at a holistic level is therefore within the ultimate scope of God's Will. Freedom is risky, but God thinks it's worth the risks.
Tends not to reveal His presence or influence to man in any way that would convince man unequivocally of God's actual existence, power and nature, because armed with such knowledge man would be sure to choose to align his own will with that of God, thus rendering the choice a product of coercion rather than of free will.
Therefore, God tends only to reveal His presence and power to man via miniscule hints that suggest His presence, but leave a sufficient degree of doubt possible to the reasoning mind of man so that his free will is preserved.
Without a sufficient degree of opposition to God's own Will, man will have no opportunity to make a free will choice to align his will with that of God, so God requires that an opposing force of sufficient power, influence and intelligence be introduced into the equation.
A created being according to Bible doctrine
Ultimately subordinate to God at the holistic level, therefore not co-equal
Exercised his own free will choice to defy God's Will and attempted to elevate himself to the status of God. This fulfills God's need for the existence of an opposing force, and God therefore grants Satan significant influence in worldly affairs.
Seeks to rule and dominate man, but must operate within the constraint of respecting each person's free will just as God respected his.
To maximize his power over humanity, key areas of operation for Satan are government, banking and religion.
Extreme degrees of pressure, torment and influence can be brought upon man in an attempt to obtain man's free will choice to surrender to Satan, so long as the pressure is not so great as to leave man no other choice, which would be a free will violation
satanic-one-eye-signMost rational men would not knowingly make an explicit choice to give up their freedom, therefore Satan must be an excellent salesman and "seal the deal" using any and all means possible, and he must convince man that such a decision is something other than what it actually is
Deception is therefore the fundamental tactic, upon which all other tactics and operations will be built.
100% deception would constitute a fraud, and therefore a free will violation. Since God's law requires Satan to respect human free will, Satan may create a pervasive environment of deception, but somewhere within there must always be a disclaimer of truth in order that free will is not actually violated. Satan will minimize such disclaimers as far as possible ("the fine print,") but they must nevertheless be present. Therefore, if man decides to ignore the warning and purchase Satan's bill of goods, he can be held accountable for having made an informed choice.
Satan's disclaimers in the midst of deception may take any form, and no two situations will be alike -- they will be tailored to the individual person and their situation -- just as God's "hints" described above are.
Major Tactics of Satan
Appeal to man's doubts concerning the existence of God. If man doubts the existence of God and perceives Satan as all-powerful, man will conclude that it would be foolish to oppose Satan and therefore will submit to his domination (cults, organized crime, totalitarian governments).
Appeal to man's doubts concerning the existence of either God or Satan. If man doubts the existence of non-human powers, and believes man is the highest form of intelligent life, he can be led to deify his own God-given faculty of reason, which Satan can then use against him. Reason and logic absent from God can be used to convince man that Satan's will is the rational, logical and in fact obvious choice (atheism, communism).
Appeal to the yearning of man to be closer to God by masquerading as the agent and steward of God ("an angel of light" as the Bible puts it). If Satan can convince man that he is not actually Satan but is in fact God, he can then encourage man's natural inclinations toward good in areas of no importance to gain credibility, then use that earned trust in an attempt to influence and divert man's key decisions in areas that do bear upon Satan's goal of co-opting men's free will (some organized religions and quasi-religious organizations).
codex-sinaiticusThe Bible
In order to help communicate His Will to many people over long periods of time, God caused men thousands of years ago to commit their thoughts, ideas, stories and records to writing. Over time, He caused others to eventually compile these writings into what we today refer to as the Bible.
The Bible contains an enormous amount of written material which was written by human beings under the Divine inspiration of God. God also intended for some material of human invention such as the customs, practices and laws of certain people to also be preserved as part of His record. For example, certain Old Testament books call for the execution of people by stoning or burning at the stake for things we wouldn't even consider crimes today, such as cursing one's parents or breaking the Sabbath.
Many religious people today will tell you that God requires you to follow these rules, but Jesus' own words show them to be deceivers. The word "Christian" itself implies the simple meaning that someone is a follower after Christ. Today, though, many people find it easier and more convenient to just attend their chosen place of worship once a week and quote rules like the Pharisees did. But they are still following the teachings of the Pharisees instead of the teachings of Jesus, even if they wear a cross on a necklace or have a certain bumper sticker on their car. Many of them never think very long about the fact that it was the Pharisees -- the religious authorities of the day -- who conspired with the government to have Jesus put to death.
So we can see that various rules and other historical materials, though not purely spiritual in nature, are nevertheless recorded in the Bible. The important point is that God intended for this material to be there for us to know about, for His own reasons. Therefore the entire Bible is correctly referred to as God's Word.
Since the Word of God includes documentation of certain historical laws and customs that were not themselves of God's Will, Satan will find certain susceptible types of people and convince them that those laws and customs not only were God's Will, but that God still requires people to follow those rules today! He will inflate their egos and senses of self-righteousness, and try to get them to promote those laws, customs and rules and enforce them on others. This is called legalism, and is a trap that people from many different religious backgrounds fall into.
This tactic will only work, though, if Satan can get people to stop talking to God directly and praying sincerely for His guidance in their lives. Satan wants people to instead believe that they already KNOW God's Will and that it is their job to enforce it on others. If he can get them to worship "every jot and tittle" written in the Bible INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY WORSHIPPING GOD HIMSELF, then Satan has got them firmly in his clutches. They are damned, while remaining the entire time totally convinced that they are warriors for God.
Satan will also find lots of other people who didn't fall for the scam. When he approaches these people, he will very cleverly use the opposite approach and say, "look at those religious fundamentalists, trying to impose their beliefs on everyone else. They are obviously very dangerous, violent and backwards people for believing what they do. If there is a God and He is just, He would not be promoting these horrible doctrines. It is clear that this whole business of people believing in God is an outmoded idea that has no place any more in this day and age. Let us band together to stamp it out once and for all from the face of the Earth." And many people, some quite intelligent, will agree with the logic of this argument and turn away from God entirely. And they, too, will never realize that they have been tricked.
jesus saves_brickGod does not personally appear to most of us in a cloud of fire, pointing His finger at us and instructing us "This is My Word and you must follow it!" The reason He does not do this is because He has given us the free will to make up our own minds. As a result, there are many people who do not believe that the Bible is truly the Word of God.
Since Satan's purpose is to oppose the Will of God, he will do whatever he can to discredit God and sabotage God's work. Satan does not necessarily care if you believe in God or not as such; rather, he is more concerned with whether or not he can con you into working against God's Will, regardless of whatever religious or philosophical framework you are coming from.
are coming from.
are coming from.
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import QtQuick 1.0
ListModel {
ListElement {
title: "Virtual Data - How to read "
picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png"
caracteristics: "
- 1.- First, look to the right bottom corner and see if there are any arrows.
- 2.- If there are arrows. Please follow instructions.
method: "
If you are using a desktop device please go to the bottom right corner, position
your mouse on it and drag diagonally. It will increase the size of the screen at
your will.
What follows applies to all devices.
The application will have arrows on the right of the text when there is more text than the
one that is shown in the screen.
This is applicable to the main menu where you see the different
clickable buttons or when you see the menu items in detail.
You can browse the text by maintaing Ctrl key pressed and
clicking on the arrow and then dragging up or down . Do
not release the arrow that you click when dragging.
If you see two arrows in the bottom right corner it means that you are
seing the main frame and an interior one. Take the inner one as reference.
An arrow pointing downwards implies dragging upwards and viceversa.
ListElement {
title: "San Francisco"
picture: "content/pics/san_francisco.png"
caracteristics: "
- Arrival at the Airport
- Living in South San Francisco
- Going to San Francisco.
- Working at parking lot and office
method: "
- Some additional information can be found here Additional Info
- Individuals trying to make my life misserable previous to arriving to the airport.
- 2008. A mixture of people carrying out all kinds of harassment while at the terminal.
- Use of different kinds of audio devices - hi tech - for desorientation as soon I tried to leave the terminal.
- Frightened by these actions I get back to the terminal and stay there for a week. Starts my desorientation.
- I strongly feel that the guys responsible for all these actions were not from San Francisco but, at that time, I thought that all aggressions were local.
- Spent some time out in the terminal's shuttle area - around 15 days - and then moved painfully to South San Francisco.
ListElement {
title: "South San Francisco"
picture: "content/pics/south_san_francisco.png"
caracteristics: "* Go to live Under a Tree"
method: "
Before moving out of the area of the aiport I make an effort to make sense out of what was happening to me. I started to faint on the floor and remain there
motionless, whatever happened. First time this happened outside of the airport was at Burlingame. There I spent the night near a hotel at the coast, outside.
In the evening the water system rained on me and I could not move - so tired and frightened I was - and the employees laughed at me while observing. One of them
said that the water was poisoned and I, completely frightened, went the next morning to see the administrator. He told me that the water was bad but not poisoned.
At the time that I am writing this - 2012 - I believe that there was a complot orchestrated, somewhere before I arrived to these areas. And by very powerful people,
to create a fictitious persona of me. And that many people, for one reason or another, were synchronized with that. They way that the whole thing affected me was this:an
immense psychological attack.
During that evening several guys were around me saying that I made their task of killing me easier by staying outside of the hotel.
Next thing I did was going to the Westin nearby and ask for some help to verify if my parents were dead or not. I asked to see somebody in the hotel
who could help me with that. Next thing that happened was that they called the police. The officer did not pay any attention to what I was saying, said that he had
a friend that could help me and, all of the sudden a car came and I was told that I had no choice,that I had to get into the car. They took me to the hospital to
undergo a drugh test and be analyzed by a psychiatrist. There I heard things that gave me the impression that, for some reason, they considered me some sort of sex
problem, they mentioned Europe and looked at me really weird. From that moment on, during a long time, any complaint was directed to the psychiatrist, the guys who were
harassing and attacking me in many places, sometimes using very sophisticated devices and techniques, did not exist. The songs instigating to my death, widely disregarded, I was
leaving in one world and they were living in another.
There were several things that most of the population of the area believed when I was there
- I was HIV positive.
- I was a person who had had some sort of sex career.
- My parents were dead and I had laughed when they had died. This was continuously reinforced by the criminals with songs and street theater.
- There were more lies orchestrated - as far I could see at that moment - at the Hotel Claremont, where there had been such attacks that I had to take the decision of leaving the hotel and the area.
. When had it happened.
I spent so much time thinking about this that my mind practically left this world. Everyday was waiting for a new symptom. I guess that this is the moment in which my behavior changed radicallyObviously I made attempts to leave the area. Only to be rejected by the population in ways very aggressive. Sometimes before arriving the area there were people that somehow, knew that I was arriving and screamed for me not to reach their neighborhood.
The only solution that I had was to leave this country, and that was my next move. What I found was blocking of communications and of money going to the bank. Because of the sensitivity of this information I will be very short. But it happened and I documented it timely.
My perception at this moment is that, with a variety of methodologies, all unknown to me, the main objective was not let me leave the country and submit me to different tactics to destroy me in character and physically. It is only due to a miracle that I can write these words,
they have orchestrated everything so well, and I have been so isolated and attacked, that at this moment, according to their plans I would be taking dangerous medicines in a hospital. I felt so bad taking those medicines that I sent myself into research. And that is how I
explain what is happening to me now. But they were able to deteriorate me so much that physically I still suffer a lot.
It is only After certain time that you start thinking why there was so much interest in destroying you as a person. I think that I was taken as a proxy for a sex campaign and that my status as immigrant help the attackers, since I was going to
be used to deter people from doing certain things, attending certain places, and they were going to dehumanize me to the extreme. I felt that, somehow, my privacy had been violated, but when I requested information I was never informed. It happened several times. It was also remarkable
from those moments on,the actions of 'Vigilantes' making my life misserable.
ListElement {
title: "San Mateo"
picture: "content/pics/san_mateo.png"
caracteristics: "
- First steps. Inquiries.
- Living in the Parking Lot
- Creating Applications
- Staying at the Hospital.
- Returning to Parking Lot
- Leaving the parking lot
method: "
- Painful arrival. Very thin. Nobody would have stood seing me. The bad guys knew it.
- Asked in several places about what was going on with me. Went to the airport, police, called Department of Justice.
- The same as when I arrived and talked about the people harassing me. All times I was sent to the doctor- psychiatrist - as if I were out of my mind.
- When I went to the hospital - forced to stay - they gave me Risperdal And Geodon. Things did not get better. Memory and health deeply affected. Now diabetes took a toll on me.
- It was not only the memory. Ones feels really bad, desoriented, static.
- My teeth started to torture too. Spent around seven months to get Medical. First registration to Medical was missing three months after doing the registration at the hospital.
- The building was bombarded by sounds - stating that I was HIV positive among other things, the machines promoted what the operators wanted to be my sexual orientation. This happened
a lot of time. So I believed that I was really sick and there was not much time left in this world. - When I returned to the parking lot they ignored what had happened at the hospital. So I was worse than when I left but I could not explain them the reasons. Not in the state I was.
ListElement {
title: "San Jose"
picture: "content/pics/san_jose.png"
caracteristics: "
- It was hard when I came to this area. Very pretty and I did not know anybody.
- Hard looks or curious looks from the people.
- Some people help.
- Some people were intrigued. Not more than me.
method: "
- In this period of time it was very difficult for me to walk. Even that was painful.
- Some people looked at me with some sort of curiosity and despise. Other were troubled by my presence. I started to feel that there was a consensus in not treating me good.
- So the plan was to make me look like a guy did not know how to do anything.
- Weak, and with that kind of background behind of me I started to ask questions. Probably an african - american woman gave me the best answer. I cannot write down here what she said. She did not say any dirty word. She was a very educated woman.
- I recycled at Los Gatos and surrounding areas. Felt so frightened and weak that even though I was walking by buildings that hosted companies where I could have applied according to my curriculum I felt frozen.
- At this time in my life I had spent a number of months without taking a bath.
- I realized that I had to do something to get a better look. Went to the Home Depot and waited, with other people, for work over there. The food in San Jose is very good. And cheap in many places. I recycled again.
- I went to a beatiful small city - do not remember the name - and there I made a decision to go to Santa Cruz. I had heard a lot of good things about the place. But the most important thing was that it was in the mountains and I love nature.
ListElement {
title: "Santa Cruz"
picture: "content/pics/santa_cruz.png"
caracteristics: "
- Arrived to Santa Cruz after three days walking in the mountains.
- Went to live near the river.
- Worked at a computer store.
- Build websites.
- Lived as a homeless again. No work for some time.
method: "
- Spent some time walking in the mountains before arriving to Santa Cruz. It was cold, very cold, I did not have the adequate clothing and suffered a lot. I assume that it was dangerous too. Big trees. Great forest.
- Even in the mountains I was harassed. The guys insisted on saying that I was dead. So I spent all the time controlling my fears. That calls for a lot of energy. I am sure that the guys knew about this. And enjoyed it.
- I managed to survive and get the adequate clothing when I arrived to Santa Cruz. First place was Boulder Creek. I liked the culture of the town, but it was also the first place where I heard something so horrible and misguided
in reference to me that I realized that I was seeing by many people as a person that definitively I am not. My economic condition apparently was responsible for all this. But my health was really bad, and I took the things as they came,
step by step. I had a terrible pain in my bones and they were very rigid. Boulder Creek was also the first place where a person - a couple - went to the place where the place where I was sleeping with a dog and let the dog wonder and run
around me at 2 AM in the morning. I found that odd, the dog woke me up, but it did not attack me. It is a very artistic city. Heard some interesting comments about the hate groups that you can find in there.
ListElement {
title: "The Next Victim"
picture: "content/pics/virtual_data_logo.png"
caracteristics: "
- They carefully analyze data at the different places to select the victims.
- Once the victim is selected they contact the criminals, the musicians, the street players and more.
- They talk with their partners in the media.
- Hi-Tech, criminals and providers.
method: "
First method that was applied on me - with overwhelming negative results - was to make me believe I was HIV positive - at an airport - is that normal?
Second method that was used was to make me believe that my parents were dead. They really enjoyed that. I still remember the International Fligts Floor at San
Francisco International Airport and me asking to the man who is in charge of the only stand there: Sir, they are saying that my parents are dead. And he saying, go
to the police and then, when I turn my back, he is saying to other person: He is crazy , everybody knows that his parents are death.
That was something that happened
frequently afterward. They played with my mind and they were successful in taking me to another mentall state.
They select the tecnologies that will be applied. Criminals - Musicians get into the scene and make money with songs that instigate murder. Ordinary people act in most cases as if nothing were happening. It seems to be the normal attitude when a person is targeted.
This individuals, in most of the cases, do not know anything about music, but just repeating rhythmically what they have been paid for. The next step is real crime and they are ready to enjoy it. I will
never forget is when, walking by a street in San Francisco, 2009, a black man gets near me and says: Wait till they tell Us to get mad. Who were - they - the ones that were going to tell him to get mad?
Can you sleep normally after that when the other elements that were played at the airport are still in your mind? What is the time of recovery for that? This is an important element. Because they try to slow
you down by shock. Or you die with what they are doing or the doctor prescribes pills that turn you into an idiot and consequently you lose the battle, or you recover when it is too late. They enjoy that.
It is a perfect methodology that has been repeated again and again. And it also total corruption in many occasions. With not an angle overlooked. That is why the guilty ones are always the same kind of people.
Since they have been selected taking into account their economic status since the beginning it is assured that there will be no serious consequences. Maybe that is why I am trying to find the truth in all this.
Not every day you convert into a homeless a nuclear engineer.
- They talk with their lawyers to see how they can get away with what they are doing. After all, it is all business.
But this time they have extended the range of victims too much. The next victim is you. Why? Even a kindergarten kid would understand that with all the information that is going to be known about a person in this country anybody who has access to it can destroy you completely.
It turns out that now if a former boss - that did not like you - had send Miguel, for example, to a club to set you up in different ways and then make a drama of it and then tell his version of the set up and document it, THAT is going to be legal and accepted. At some point I worked in a place where ther was
a guy like this and was warned that I had to act against him. I did not do it. Do not make the same mistake if you are reading this.At the time that I interacted with this individual that was criminal and was blackmail and conspiracy to destroy a person.
This kind of people only enjoy destroying and controlling through innuendo. And they are dangerous. I cannot add more - for the time being.. So the cousin
of Miguel, when you arrive to an airport, is going to negotiate your information with criminals and your are done, next day you are what Miguel and his cousin want you to be in the STREET. And who is going to know, if everything has happened a long time ago and now it is a party with music,
clips, joy for the lynching and street theaters to reinforce? And to reinforce, the use of non-acknowledged technologies to spread and use the sound and consequently manipulate the minds of the audience - which correspondingly will be victims at the right moment too.It is the perfect business of the XXI Century - as far as now . The information is sold and manipulated as if it were a poison, a candy , life, death. Even phones are hacked and information that you never thought that existed - in your phone - is going to be placed there. And if there is
not even a law avoiding the exchange of pictures with criminal purposes, how is it going to exist a more sophisticated one avoiding that criminals, sent by someone that is supposed to protect you from them, put wrong information in your devices to change your whole world in seconds? It is
crime, data and technology. All together and all dangerous. But the real Gods are watching Us.
ListElement {
title: "Conclusions 1"
picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png"
caracteristics: "
Please read carefully what is stated below: "
method: "Some important moments here
- The person who said - A este negro le van a dar un pase diario- In a group that was
around me when was homeless is the one who triggered the first step of total terror in my mind. This
was 2009 and it was a multirracial group. I was trying to sleep in San Francisco near the Canton Restaurant.
In my blurred mind I think that they were around me and joked and made comments, usually during the evening. - The woman that , around 2009-2010 said: I am going to empty my gun in this nigger . When I was
taking care of the cars and sleeping at the parking lot was probably the one that trigger in me
the determination to fight against whatever ideology defended by this kind of people. As I remember
she was white, slender and the hair semi-red. - There were guys standing across the parking lot or near the place where they sell yogurt. They were singers
who assigned me nicknames and said a lot of things about me. - There were frequently guys near where I made my phone calls to listen or bother. The public phones started
to dissapear around and beyond the parking lot. Also when I took the bus they were frequently harassing. Always the same type
of people. A culture had been created around me. - I felt so much fear that I seldom left the parking lot.
- Among the people who have been watching me and destroying my life there are at least two women. They are white and cruel.
Enjoy making me suffer when I am sleeping as homeless. They play with the word death in their comments to frighten me and
to let the audience know the fate that they have prepared for me. I would like that an International Investigation on Human Rights
found out who these women were.
ListElement {
title: "Conclusions 2"
picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png"
caracteristics: "
What follows is very important: "
method: "
The fictitious scenario of equal opportunity created after spreading so much negative information - in a way that contradicts the
principles of the United Nations - should also be investigated. It is refined cynism to say that a person can work properly
when the people can exchange pictures, songs and clips instigating to his death. That person should be allowed to leave the country
as soon as possible. My attempts to return to my country were blocked since I arrived to San Francisco. In a way not perceived by those
who were watching -the show - the extreme surveillance that was used allowed them to block my communications in the bank and stopped
money from reaching there. Also I was blocked in my phone communications and completely destroyed mentally with false information about
my health and my family. Communications that I tried to establish to get back my money from the apartment that I rented - the deposit - were blocked continuosly.
It was total control over me in a none declared way. All this terrorized me in a deep and difficult to describe manner.
Those responsible for all this are laughing now. Many people have committed suicide from that moment on, due
to the exchange of pictures in the way described. I have stood much more punishment since then. Maybe somebody had to explain what is
going on and God chose me.A factual analisis of the period in which the actions against me took place is necessary. First of all the kind of sexual attacks that I suffered
is very difficult to be repeated and people more protected currently could try to disregard all what happened to me as something exaggerated. It is not.
At that time there was no goverment policy considering the issue of the transsexualism and it was still implemented the - Don't Ask, Don' Tell - policy.
Since there was an evident desire to make an example with me, all the weight of the lack of regulations in these two different fields fell on me. It should
also taken into account that there was an evident desire to make all what happened with me a political issue too.- There is an evident conspiracy in not acknowledging my skills in software. It has happened in several occasions. In Daily City a man saying
that I did not complete a project for him in Wordpress. I feel that somehow this guy was serving somebody because I found him in suspicious
circumstances in Redwood City, did not want to accept any option that I gave him and followed me with his wife in a car up to Palo Alto. He
behaved as if he had been paid for it. Later on in Watsonville, my evaluator did not know Joomla and discovered that it was written in JavaScript
and said that he was testing me; besides he like to play songs with sexual content when I was present. I have the title of the songs in the Internet.
The use of music - in different languages - has been one of the weapons that the haters have been using against me.
I feel that dangerous people had targeted me since a long time ago and that I was not capable of finding out on time. A had a mental collapse and only recently recovered. Not taking the pills was one factor. I have to find out about this, and I have talked to some lawyers about that. But I don't event know how to start. Until recently I was still forgetting things.I have to find out about who spread the false news at the airport and in the subsequent days - events that transformed my whole life. Also all the false atmospheres created by the media and other people.Not a single day of my life I have practiced a sexual act in exchange for money. I strongly believe that these people will try to eliminate me to leave no trace of their wrongdoing. They have done it before.All points to very powerful people, retailation and treason.My health has been seriously impacted. Physically and in what refers to side effects, the memory and some sort of static behavior that only recently started to fade off.
It has been particularly damaging
the use of non-lethal weapons. Sometimes they made me scream of pain in the evenings. They can damage your ears and accelerate your heart, I suffered that. These are dangerous individuals. And they have constantly
promoted violence around me.
ListElement {
title: "Conclusions 3"
picture: "content/pics/conclusions.png"
caracteristics: "
It is really out of the ordinary what has happened?: "
method: "
I am in doubt that it is really our of the ordinary what has happened to me.
I have read about a lot of cases where Virtual Data destroyed life by missusing information. It looks like a plan,
in certain minds, to conform the way according to their desires. And there had to be a pretext to access the info
of people and do business with it. And the pretext was the war. For the young people, who do not know how their
country was seen before I have only one expression : EverybodyWanted to come to the States
and few, very few people, had a different opinion. Probably the main point here is that people who do not handle
data hasNO CLUE about the way information is processed. But it is already time that all people be more responsible
about this - and avoid suffering as I have. Do not let everything to the ACLU, but read their website. It might save your
life. Do you, for a second, have thought in the number of blackmails that can be structured if information from 40 years ago
falls into the wrong hands. Better wake up.
They first put up a show in which you laugh at somebody. Then, in record time and with the same methodology
they will make some other people laugh at you - cruelly.
Another good reason for my insisting in following up with programming is that my health was really bad and that I did not
want to let them say - with some reason - that latinos and negro programmers are a matter of science fiction. And besides they managed
to create a terribly negative environment in every single place that I tried to have a beginning.
I loved my wife, I was happy with her and the kids and thinking that I was going to introduce them to my family. But Virtual
Data had other plans. They enjoy more cruelty than the happiness of other human beings. As a matter of fact, happiness is a
word almost forbidden in their world. You the readers are smart. Th>ink wether I am write or not and give yourself the answer.
I am providing you this information FOR FREE. But it could save your life.
Everything that happened from the moment that I went to Ocean Five Hotel on is criminal. Those people were blatantly destroying my
life with a powerful authorization. They were simply spreading information and authorizing mistreatment and death threats. And they
are doing the same now 2012, after a period of tense relative calm
When I arrived I had clear objectives. To have a job related to my specialty and be useful to this country and my family. It is impossible to have done something different from what I have done. I focused my mind in programming to avoid getting crazy and
to get back to normal after the pills. A lot of people, in the meantime, have committed suicide for similar reasons, as Tenkasi promissed.
Good times for people like him. Now it seems to be that every single intrigue and lie that they created will be allowed. Not for ever though.
The real God is watching Us
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import QtQuick 1.0
import "content"
// This example illustrates expanding a list item to show a more detailed view.
Rectangle {
id: page
width: 400; height: 400
color: "black"
// Delegate for the recipes.a This delegate has two modes:
// 1. List mode (default), which just shows the picture and title of the recipe.
// 2. Details mode, which also shows the Caracteristics and method.
Component {
id: recipeDelegate
Item {
id: recipe
// Create a property to contain the visibility of the details.
// We can bind multiple element's opacity to this one property,
// rather than having a "PropertyChanges" line for each element we
// want to fade.
property real detailsOpacity : 0
width: listView.width
height: 70
// A simple rounded rectangle for the background
Rectangle {
id: background
x: 2; y: 2; width: parent.width - x*2; height: parent.height - y*2
color: "ivory"
border.color: "orange"
radius: 5
// This mouse region covers the entire delegate.
// When clicked it changes mode to 'Details'. If we are already
// in Details mode, then no change will happen.
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: recipe.state = 'Details';
// Lay out the page: picture, title and Caracteristics at the top, and method at the
// bottom. Note that elements that should not be visible in the list
// mode have their opacity set to recipe.detailsOpacity.
Row {
id: topLayout
x: 10; y: 10; height: recipeImage.height; width: parent.width
spacing: 10
Image {
id: recipeImage
width: 50; height: 50
source: picture
Column {
width: background.width - recipeImage.width - 20; height: recipeImage.height
spacing: 5
Text {
text: title
font.bold: true; font.pointSize: 16
Text {
text: "caracteristics"
font.pointSize: 12; font.bold: true
opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
Text {
text: caracteristics
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
width: parent.width
opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
Item {
id: details
x: 10; width: parent.width - 20
anchors { top: topLayout.bottom; topMargin: 10; bottom: parent.bottom; bottomMargin: 10 }
opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
Text {
id: methodTitle
anchors.top: parent.top
text: "Method"
font.pointSize: 12; font.bold: true
Flickable {
id: flick
width: parent.width
anchors { top: methodTitle.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom }
contentHeight: methodText.height
clip: true
Text { id: methodText; text: method; wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; width: details.width }
Image {
anchors { right: flick.right; top: flick.top }
source: "content/pics/moreUp.png"
opacity: flick.atYBeginning ? 0 : 1
Image {
anchors { right: flick.right; bottom: flick.bottom }
source: "content/pics/moreDown.png"
opacity: flick.atYEnd ? 0 : 1
// A button to close the detailed view, i.e. set the state back to default ('').
TextButton {
y: 10
anchors { right: background.right; rightMargin: 10 }
opacity: recipe.detailsOpacity
text: "Close"
onClicked: recipe.state = '';
states: State {
name: "Details"
PropertyChanges { target: background; color: "white" }
PropertyChanges { target: recipeImage; width: 130; height: 130 } // Make picture bigger
PropertyChanges { target: recipe; detailsOpacity: 1; x: 0 } // Make details visible
PropertyChanges { target: recipe; height: listView.height } // Fill the entire list area with the detailed view
// Move the list so that this item is at the top.
PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; explicit: true; contentY: recipe.y }
// Disallow flicking while we're in detailed view
PropertyChanges { target: recipe.ListView.view; interactive: false }
transitions: Transition {
// Make the state changes smooth
ParallelAnimation {
ColorAnimation { property: "color"; duration: 500 }
NumberAnimation { duration: 300; properties: "detailsOpacity,x,contentY,height,width" }
// The actual list
ListView {
id: listView
anchors.fill: parent
model: RecipesModel {}
delegate: recipeDelegate
Flickable {
id: flick
width: parent.width
anchors { top: methodTitle.bottom; bottom: parent.bottom }
contentHeight: methodText.height
clip: true
Text { id: methodText; text: method; wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; width: details.width }
Image {
anchors { right: flick.right; top: flick.top }
source: "content/pics/moreUp.png"
opacity: flick.atYBeginning ? 0 : 1
Image {
anchors { right: flick.right; bottom: flick.bottom }
source: "content/pics/moreDown.png"
opacity: flick.atYEnd ? 0 : 1
I noticed that you were banned 749 times.
Always the same games, always the same messages.
Why, instead, you're not going to play with MISS PAC-MAN dear MISS Lilian aka MISS Rossetta aka MISS JENNY aka MISS PENELOPE, aka MISS DIANA, MISS, MISS MISS MISS and again MISS STUPID !!!
You're just a child asylum. I hope that these games of the 80's, you like them.
This is the place for you and that is a games room.
You live at Disneyworld? You have the brain of a child asylum.
▒▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ Ø ▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒
Do you like? Do you like babe kid the game of MISS PAC-MAN? The title is perfect to you MISS ROSETTA, MISS LILIAN etc etc etc LOL Ihihihih
MS PAC-MAN [(((((((d ^_^b)))))))]
Keyboard BUTTONS 1,2,5 and ◄ ▼►▲
PASS€GGIATA €UROP€A [(((((((d ^_^b)))))))]
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bests regards dear spammer. We'll see you at the next banning tomorrow, because I checked the notifications. Every day at least 4 accounts are locked and you are always exactly the same and the same spammer.
To play with MISS PAC-MAN dear MISS LILIAN ...
N.B. in IMPERARE SIBI c'è scritto (se leggi tutto approfonditamente bene) che secondo la vera concezione islamica,la GUERRA è DISTINTA in 10 parti. Bisogna combattere 9 volte contro se stessi e solo una contro gli altri.
N.B. il riff (ritornello) della canzone NORD SUD OVEST EST degli 883,si avvicina moltissimo a questa locuzione latina, infatti nella canzone degli 883,più volte si sente: "NORD SUD OVEST EST e forse quel che cerco neanche c'è ..."
Eccoti il video della canzone che con questa locuzione latina potrebbe farti riflettere e renderti più colto e più saggio o comunque più riflessivo/a.
___________________ ___________________
Io non scordo Stefano Frapporti (by AtlantiTeo)
The world would have you think only the United States Of America is behind all mind control technology if you concider China produces more eletronic technology than any other country in the world you can only assume they are the ones seeking world domination . with mind control technology and chem trails . Disease, viruses and bacteria can be induced into the atomosphere. who is flying those jets all over the world that causes chem trails . and what will be in them tomorrow ?
I don't know how to start this, I don't know what to write...
This goes way, way back.
And i don't even know if this is the right venue for this.
What I know is: I need to talk to you.
As to how I do not know.
There's that nagging feeling that you hold the key to this. You know something I don't.
All I know is the first time I noticed I was being blocked off from communicating with someone... It was with you.
I noticed because back then, you were a daily habit, one who I know was always there.
Always waiting. Always there.
You disappeared, that's the only thing that I know.
As to why, I do not know.
Check -up.
You with the guitar, drinking.
Plane ticket.
You going home.
We talked about those.
Then you disappeared.
Then the entire landscape changed.
... and now i remember. The last time you called, there were 3 curious gals..
...who later turned out to be perps.
Thank you for all sending email and to know about my profile . I would greatly appreciate for all you can able to common and also can sent through peace pink email mail too. Then I able to do your request.
You do not have the right to life. There is a "Project" put in place called The Liverpool Care Pathway. The name alone is misleading, it is not just local to Liverpool, the county or the country for that matter. The tentacles of this program are now stretched global. If those that are curious throw it through Google the search will return with sites that are heartbreaking but that paint a pretty picture of caring heroic professionals that are trying their best to make an inevitable end of life as lovely as possible. With a primitive tick box system that is as easy to misread as it is to manipulate and which is sometimes secretive and unjustifiable is a program of death which takes away the right to live. This program is aimed at the most vulnerable whether through illness accident or weakness of the mind When placed on this pathway all medical aid to progression and for life is withdraw. A syringe drive containing a cocktail of drugs sedates leaving a silent victim. This alone would be terrible but then added to this is the withdrawal of all fluid. This results in death by dehydration. The words fall too easy on the screen, they can be read without a thought. Death by dehydration. Death by dehydration. Death by dehydration. A poet, an artist the wisest of men could not hand you the true meaning of those words. If you could replace the word inhuman with a picture then the death I am trying to explain to you would be too much. Left for death with a look as if their life was been sucked from their open mouth that is set solid with dehydration. These are people that we have laughed and cried with our loved ones someone's child. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, if this is true you will get a great chance to peer in, the eyes are wide open unable to close any longer. There are many people out there that have managed to be pulled from the clutches of this hell. They are better equipped to explain what they went through. I can only warn you that this monster exists. I can only give you a start to the information that was with held from us even when a person we loved was placed on it. Like thousands of families we are still living with this hell. Knowing that blinded by authority wearing the blinkers of their secrecy we watched and read the pain we clearly saw in a strong fathers eyes as the anguish of a sad goodbye. How wrong we were and how deeply it cuts when with hindsight we now look back at the brief memories of the eye contact he struggled to achieve as he struggled against what was been done to him. That kind of hell has no escape and maybe that is rightly so, the fact we didn't have a clue that this type of thing went on is not much of a get out of pain free card. We should of known, what is it that makes us place something so important as the life of our loved ones and everything that involves, unquestioningly in to the hands of others. Others who no matter how good their intentions are, a job is but work and to work for someone you are expected on a whole to comply and follow procedures. Who is left to question those procedures if we the ones that claim to love them do not. How many are there that could sit in a waiting room reading a magazine full of mistakes and mess ups in connection with health care and still not think to question their care. Those that read this, those that are told, you have the start of information that is invaluable, and like anything it comes to you at a cost. You now have the responsibility of knowing. Those that know and do nothing are worse than those that are carrying this out.
Here is what I think. If this kid new that there is a rule that, somehow, restrains him from talking about me or playing songs about me or something similar, he would not do it. The opportunity that was given to hate songs has not been properly measured. It is important to consider events in an objective manner. It seems to be that there are so many aggressors that the victims have to live with what has been done to them and the aggressors will get away with what they did and nobody is going to do any search about the HATE ATMOSPHERES that were created and their implications in the lives of the victims. All seems to point in that direction, I have researched what has happened to victims of similar events at the time that I was attacked, before and after.
If in the beginning I was a person with a hope of some day find some help, when I have read about how difficult it is to get some compensation for a damaged that has been done to you I have become really scared. No wonder there is something that I can mention that perhaps helps me and you:
Would you like to live in a world where some people are playing with radiations that can affect your body and they get away with it?
That is exactly what is happening now. Masking their actions with the appearance of a show there are people that are taking sections of the population for unwitting human experimentation. The show is just a pretext. The technology that they are using and the statistics they are gathering about how this technology is affecting human beings is the real stuff. As a scientist, because wether or not they like it I am one, I cannot reject more the behavior of people who did it. Anywhere in the world.
This is a short brief of a bigger article:
About how how I was able to detect - partially - perpetrators:
The Soft Cage: Surveillance in America From Slavery to the War on Terror (2003), a study of surveillance and control in modern society. This book is a must for those who want to understand how information is handled in this world at this moment. It is a completely different scenario from the one that a human being supposes is existing. The actors are unknown, the interests are unknown, the crime is unknown.
Sometimes, many times, you are victim who is walking without knowing that is a victim. So, isn't it normal that you read the books that can allow you to save, up to certain point, your life? I learned about this book when I was in complete desperation, walking by the streets of Santa Cruz. I was practically with no strength on me. I have never found more polite people, in this country, than the good ones of Santa Cruz. I am talking about the good ones. They behaved well with me and I was able to get a little of energy near the San Lorenzo river, where I read the book - while part of the perpetrators went to the place where I tried to get my breakfast and made my life miserable. Rough life. I found the best and the worst there. But at least I started to have a glimpse of what is happening in this country with information, and how many people are victimized.
I am one of the 70% of nobodies who have been targeted and I am trying not to die.
The information that I had at the storage place, and that I thought that was privately held, is one of the main reasons of the attacks. I was recommended to take some notes of attackers. I did so. Giving the attackers - people that I had known while working at the corporate world - a sort of warning that something might happen in the future about things that they had done to me. Consequently they had a lot of time to planning retailation. I also observed strange things happening at the storage place that I thought were impossible, since it was a secure place. I am talking about Miami Beach.
addBook(q, QLatin1String("Organized Stalking. Information for those new to this issue"), 2010, whiteId, science, 4,QLatin1String("Excelent Website. Provides a lot of scientific information about numerous techniques of attack"
".abnormalities, sterility, birth defects, and genetic mutations which could be passed on from generation to generation."));
The result was that when Joseph Sharp sat in line with a microwave transmitter transmitting
pulses as shown above, he could hear a "robotic" voice speaking the numerals 0 to 9. He did
not carry the experiment further, at least according to available records. Sharp's experiment
took place in 1973, and although the potential for microwave radiation to cause cancer wasn't
as widely known, it may be that radiation danger is the reason this technology has not, at
least publicly, been developed further.
For some years in the 1990s and early 2000s, the United States Army recognized "voice to
skull" technology, which they abbreviated as "V2K," in their on line thesaurus. For reasons
unknown, the Army removed that thesaurus entry circa 2007.
Some references to developing more advanced types of voice to skull can be found among
patents, and rare United States Air Force references to the technology in the late 1990s
Voice to skull (V2S/V2K), a commercial version dubbed MEDUSA - "Mob Excess Deterrent
Using Silent Audio", was proposed for commercial development for military and police use,
per ABC news in summer 2008.
Targets report invasive sound transmissions of good fidelity at various times of day. Voices
saying profane and disparaging things are common. False sounds of telephones ringing,
pagers beeping, alarm clocks going off, knocking on the target's door, and other sounds have
been reported. The fidelity of these transtransmissions indicates improvement over the method
demonstrated by Dr. Joseph Sharp.
Organized stalking targets report overwhelming fatigue on the job at times. I'm retired now,
but I was hit so hard with some sort of fatigue that I would have to find a room at work and lie
down for as long as 30 minutes to just carry on. Concurrent with this, doctors could find no
disease which could explain these very sudden, drop-you-in-your-tracks attacks.
Organized stalking targets also report extreme trouble sleeping, describing the sensation as
"being injected with caffeine." I have experienced that too
According to my experience I have had:
"A lot of fatigue at the most unexpected moments". Intense fatigue. Very difficult to link to diabetes. I am a minor case of diabetes or nothing at all. No wonder in early 2011 I was with 350 of diabetes due to the medicines that I was taking.
"While at the Gold Line in the Metro of LA I heard a man - a black man who seemed to be very poor but was very, very healthy - talking about things that I had never pronounced in public. As if he were capable of accessing my sublingual expressions. It was a strange and amazing experience. That is why I recorded it in my mind ".
** A former prison inmate reported his harassment originated with a system called "the Inmate Computerized Tracking System." He reports that once this system was implemented unusual things happened in the institution, including suicides and suicide attempts, and numerous inmates being labelled mentally ill. When this man attempted to seek help from outside agencies, intense harassment by guards resulted. Apparently caused by this government surveillance program." I remember at this moment the strange attitude of several patients while I was at the hospital. They seemed to be very sure that I was going to be killed like in a movie or something.
** A man's start of harassment happened when one night, he was forced wide awake, with a pounding heart, at 3:00 am. (This is common.) His wife was sound asleep. He was on the wrong side of the bed, and the ceiling fan had been switched off by a cord switch instead of the outlet switch they normally used. No known cause for starting the harassment. This has connection to what I have described several times that happened at the hospital, where I experienced a sudden acceleration of my cardiac rythm and my heart started to ache. Also the patient that was sleeping across my bed behaved in a very strange manner, as if he were in combination with some group outside and asked me for a sexual favor. I thought that I was living a nightmare. The next morning I called the Immigration Office in New York. Then a girl was tortured in the adjacent room and somebody said a little after : Here is your call to New York. The nightmare had increased. And I was in hospital, where apparently I was being helped to recover my health.
Medical Records .- Why is it that some people say that medical records can dissapear?
Will the proof of how much medicines I was taking and the dossages dissapear?
I still remember the first day that I felt extremely tired in Northern California. It was at San Francisco International Airport,when I went to "sleep" in front of the Security Section of the Airport, as if nothing were more natural than that. Previous episodes of sleeping had taken place in Miami Beach and LA. It always happened as a sudden need, against which I could do absolutely nothing. It happens now too, with the addition that I have pain in the joints to such a point that the only thing that I want to do is to rest. What is explained in the manuals of Organized Stalking could be a good reason for this unusual states that I have been through. Another thing difficult to explain to me, until I started reading these books and articles, was why I was always walking and walking, I started to suspect something wrong with this in 2009, at San Francisco, with me whirling and whirling around the city with no reason and without stopping, until I found a place to fall down and sleep like a homeless, something completely unreasonable.
Are these non-traceable weapons creating all these side effects and, are there people gathering statistics about these crimes?
Mind Reading - 60 Minutes CBS News Video
June 28, 2009 4:50 PM
Neuroscience've Learned so much we think and how About the brain activity linked to thoughts Un Certain That It is now possible - on a very basic scale - to read a person's mind. Lesley Stahl reports.
How Technology May Soon "Read" Your Mind
Read more:
http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/1998/07/08/60minutes/main4694713.sht ...
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0, 2933,426485,00. html
LiveScience Topics: Mind Reading
Mind-machine interfaces can read your mind, and the science is Improving. Devices scan the brain and brain waves read with Electroencephalography, or EEG, Then use a computer to convert thoughts Into action. Some research has mind-reading electrical activity generated by Recorded firing of nerve cells the in the brain by Placing electrodes in the brain Directly. These studies lead to brain implants Could That would move a prosthetic arm or other assistive devices controlled by a brain-computer interface.
11/03/2010 16:09 © Alex Steffler
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
Mind-reading devices to help screen Russian cops
It reads like science fiction, But it'll soon be science fact. Special mind-reading devices are to be rolled out across Russia's revamped police force.
Victims are Encouraged to join this conference to rise the voices about the abuses and tortures of voice to skull technologies and electromagnetic mind control technologies.
3 to 5 April 2012 in Orlando, Fla.
Mark Roberti Interview on RFID in Defense
Discover how to successfully deploy radio frequency identification technologies, and hear how industry leaders are Benefiting from RFID today, at RFID Journal LIVE! 2012. Our 10th-anniversary event will feature more than 200 RFID technology companies Demonstrating true business solutions, and more than 50 real-world end-user case studies from industry leaders.
Co-located events:
Works--victims/supporters Mailteam work trends
https://www.youtube.com/embed/lFWQ_7-CEaA"; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>"><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/lFWQ_7-CEaA" allowfullscreen> </ iframe>
https://www.youtube.com/embed/4IzHp1rM-Qo"; frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>"><iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4IzHp1rM-Qo" allowfullscreen> </ iframe>
What Is Verichip?
The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
Each person That will have The Have a unique VeriChip Subscriber Number, Which Provides instant access to something Called the "Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry."
What Will The Verichip Cost?
Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.
Who Is Using The Verichip Now?
The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.
They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.
Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.
PASSWORD: 12345123451
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.
redaccion.noticierodigital @ gmail.com
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The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm
• Laws that protect American citizens ^
http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp
http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170">• ^ http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.
The thalamus contains a very rich nuclear organization. Have been identified as 50 thalamic nuclei [4], several of which are microscopic subdivisions. The nomenclature of the thalamic nuclei is very complex, and in some cases are unaware of their connections and the functional significance of the smaller [2]. They have proposed various classifications of the different nuclei comprising the thalamus based on an evolutionary perspective [5], shared characteristics and fiber connectivity functions [6], citoarquitectónicos criteria [7,8] and anatomic criteria of the different thalamic nuclei ( Table).
Thalamocortical and corticothalamic connections.
The organization within the cerebral cortex of thalamocortical and corticothalamic projections and neurophysiological properties of the fibers that ascend or descend to or from the cerebral cortex are the basis of the complex relationships between different thalamic nuclei and cerebral cortex [9 ].
It was Lorente de No [10] who described the thalamocortical afferents and thalamocortical fibers and fiber specific thalamocortical nonspecific. The former have their origin in specific nuclei of the thalamus, forming synapses in layer IV of the cortex and are carriers of information of general and special sensation (except olfactory). The latter are ascending fibers with collateral primarily to layers I, II and VI. These pathways are nonspecific thalamocortical pathways related to diffuse from the nuclei of the midline and intralaminar into the cerebral cortex [11,12] and related to the mechanisms of arousal (vigilance). We also note that there are reciprocal projections of all relay nuclei and some nuclei of association ranging from the thalamus to the cortex and from cortex to the thalamus through the internal capsule, called 'thalamic radiation'.
Although this radiation make connections to virtually all parts of the cortex, the richness of the connections varies between different cortical areas. The most abundant are directed toward the precentral gyrus and postcentral giri, the calcarine area of Heschl convolution, the posterior parietal region and adjacent parts of the temporal lobe [2]. To conclude this section on anatomophysiological aspects of the thalamus, we note that this brain structure is irrigated mainly by fine branches of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA), along with branches of the internal carotid artery and posterior communicating artery . Talamoperforantes arteries (arteries posteromedial or paramedian), which originate in the medial parts of the ACP and the terminal part of the basilar artery, supplying the medial thalamus (medial thalamic territory), particularly the intralaminar nuclei (centromedian nucleus and parafascicular), dorsomedial (dorsal), ventral lateral, ventral anterior, and ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral [13,14]. Talamogeniculadas branch (posterolateral artery) of the ACP supplying the caudal half of the thalamus (posterolateral thalamic territory), including the following centers: ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies (lateral and medial) pulvinar, dorsomedial, lateral and reticular. The posterior communicating artery supplies the anterolateral thalamic territory through the branch tuberotalámica (polar optical): ventral anterior, ventral lateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The internal carotid artery supplies the lateral thalamic territory through its anterior choroidal artery: the lateral geniculate body, ventroposterolateral, pulvinar and reticular. The posterior thalamic territory is supplied by the posterior choroidal artery, provides nourishment to the lateral geniculate body, pulvinar, dorsolateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The cerebral venous drainage depends on two systems, the superficial and deep. The first drains the cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter, and the second drain the choroid plexus, periventricular regions, the diencephalon and the num-Table. Classification of thalamic nuclei. Main Classification criteria thalamic nuclei. Arquitálamo perspective: the midline nuclei, evolutionary [5] intralaminar and reticular.
Paleotálamo: bodies geniculate nuclei, ventral posterior and anterior cerebellar relay Neotálamo: medial nuclei, laterodorsal, lateral and ventral anterior connections [6] specific mode: nuclei ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies, ventral lateral, ventral anterior, anterior and dorsolateral multimodal associative: dorsomedial nucleus and pulvinar-lateral posterior complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular Function Engines: ventral anterior and ventral nuclei play [6] side) Sensitive: ventroposterolateral nuclei and geniculate bodies ventroposteromedial and Associative: core dorsal medial-lateral and posterior pulvinar complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular cytoarchitecture [7.8] lateral nuclear group: ventroposterior complex, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral anterior and medial ventral medial nuclear group: intralaminar nuclei and dorsomedial nucleus.
Posterior nuclear group: complex posterior, posterior lateral nuclei, pulvinar and geniculate anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nuclei.
Mind Controlled Spy Robot - Emotiv EEG Headset pilots Rovio using Skype
4.5 year old boy plays with COPD Emotive
A Gaming Glove That's Fast Enough for Pros
Emotiv Video Games com Play by Thinking About It
Bullying STOP STOP STOP Voice to Skull Mental Torture Stop Electronic Harassment Mind Control Stop.
This information is written to be understood in some cases subjects did not have the technical knowledge to understand.
This device does not allow satellite transmissions come into your head.
Wha is electromagnetic noise What is the White Noise Audio Jammer?
How to stop the Government from tracking your Phone
Since satellites can obtain information from your cell phone into the microphone either on the microphone and speaking into the microphone when not speaking.
Voice to Skull are in Millions of People Now - Millions of people are the subject of such human rights violations.
Mind Control Out Of Control MK ULTRA Cathy O'Brien PT 1
Arizona Wilder - Bizarre Experiences of a Mind Control Slave - 1 of 6.
Mind Control: MK ULTRA Part 2/2.
Project Bluebeam, HAARP Futuba - China Earthquake (3/3)
Mind Control Solei Mavis Victims1 China
Mind Control part 1 of 6 Cauterizations in The Ipotalamus
Nervous cells Nano Particles cauterizing
President Clinton admits to mind control experiments
Psychotronic Mind Control 101
Bullying STOP STOP STOP Voice to Skull Mental Torture Stop Electronic Harassment Mind Control Stop.
Stop Stop Block Voices in the Brain, Electronic Harassment Stop Stop, Stop Stop Block Nanotechnology, Stop Stop Block cauterization, Stop Block Torture Stop, Stop Stop Block Voices in the Brain, Mental Torture, Stop Stopping Mind Control Block.
All system can transfer data, the data to be transferred on different computers in the case of human populations and the probabilities for processing canidad puededa data processing having data that is transmitted increasingly ....
Collapse the systems computer.
Demonstration of theories that can make organizations of the human race studies which use the probability MAIFRAMES colapcen nerviozas dedestruir the cells in your brain.
For a computer to function it must be composed of a mother trageta, records, reports.
These components through which data flows through the hard ward as packages and are processed in the processor, should not exceed the maximum capacity EL pocesarador.
In cases of harassment mail and voice to skull Iun, satellite transmissions are made desede satellites, and that concetan with all systems that exist in their geographical area with additional links on the subject nanoparticles in geographic areas in which you live.
The systems intelligence agencies and organizations in studies of the human race transmit information from their countries to the subjects that are objects of study. These trasmisions using data that is sent and then to transmit bueltos are llevads to databases that store.
The MEINFRAMES must process this information so that their processors ecxedan not limit which would cause the information or not puediese transmitirese recivirce.
In those cases where international and procuratorates tribunasle peueden not give any help EACH STUDY SUBJECT MAY RELEASE INFORMATION FROM A COMPUTER CACERA.
Dr. Mike D’Zmura- Professor & Chair, Department of Cognitive Sciences, from the University of California, Irvine and the lead scientist on the project.-"Public sale of Artificial Telepathy technology would inevitably result in the stealing of bank account numbers, PIN numbers, passwords, trade secrets, etc., which in turn would inevitably translate into actual theft. The damage to the economy could be catastrophic, and the sudden disappearance of privacy – all privacy – might literally cause society as we know it to melt down." 1998 http://www.socsci.uci.edu/~mdzmura/
Michael D'Zmura
Army developing “synthetic telepathy” UN Commission of Human Rights, Interpol, EU Commission of Ethics
Read This Thought: The U.S. Army is developing a technology known as synthetic telepathy that would allow someone to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. The concept is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG.
By Eric Bland
Oct. 13, 2008
Vocal cords were overrated anyway. A new Army grant aims to create email or voice mail and send it by thought alone. No need to type an e-mail, dial a phone or even speak a word.
Known as synthetic telepathy, the technology is based on reading electrical activity in the brain using an electroencephalograph, or EEG. Similar technology is being marketed as a way to control video games by thought.
“I think that this will eventually become just another way of communicating,” said Mike D’Zmura, from the University of California, Irvine and the lead scientist on the project.
Artificial Telepathy machine cannot possibly be advertised and sold on the open market for obvious reasons: they would utterly destroying the privacy of many, many people. “Peeking” into the lives of others would quickly pervert itself into stalking, mind rape, privacy violation, identity theft and information theft on a massive scale.
Public sale of Artificial Telepathy technology would inevitably result in the stealing of bank account numbers, PIN numbers, passwords, trade secrets, etc., which in turn would inevitably translate into actual theft. The damage to the economy could be catastrophic, and the sudden disappearance of privacy – all privacy – might literally cause society as we know it to melt down.
For all of these reasons, Artificial Telepathy may be rightly called a “non-lethal” H-Bomb. The damage done to society by release of such technology would be nightmarish. See for example the dystopian film Strange Days(1995, starring Ralph Fiennes) in which dream thieves use a technology called “SQUID” to jack into the minds of people, record their experiences, and sell those experiences on disc:
See also the film “Artificial Telepathy” (Dir. Mitchell Cox), from which the movie poster (above) is taken:
No one would die as a direct result of the Artificial Telepathy’s use. It is a “non-lethal weapon.”
But nothing would ever be the same again.
Most scientists and lawyers understand this. Indeed, if the maker of an Artificial Telepathy weapon tried to sell the product on the open market, the number of people who would line up to sue that manufacturer would probably circle the Earth.
Third in line would be a lawyer representing every voice-hearer and human rights advocate in the Western hemisphere. That’s a large number of people.
Second in line would be a lawyer bringing a massive class-action suit joined by every paranoid corporation that has a trade secret to hide. That is, almost every corporation in the world.
First in line would be the United States government. Every copy of the machine, its blueprints, and its patent documents, would be immediately seized and locked away on the grounds of national security.
The military reasons for grabbing up this technology and suppressing it are obvious: With Artificial Telepathy, there is no such thing as a surprise attack. And without the element of surprise, war becomes impossible. Artificial Telepathy machines could potentially put every single G.I. Joe at the DOD out of work. And as far as the Department of Defense is concerned, any technology that puts them out of work is a weapon of mass destruction.
Even if it doesn’t kill anyone. (But IT DOES KILL)
Translation: No one gets one of these weapons but Uncle Sam. The United States Department of Defense has no objections to weapons of mass destruction. It just objects to anyone else owning one.
Although any government would strictly forbid public ownership of such technology, every government would certainly want to use the Artificial Telepathy machine itself. Far from destroying such a weapon, most military service branches would probably compete for possession of one, as would every law enforcement organization and every intelligence agency under the sun. Some would argue that the machine ought to be destroyed, but others would find that the lure of knowing exactly what the “enemy” is thinking is far too intoxicating to pass up.
An Artificial Telepathy weapon is, after all, a spy agency’s dream.
Conclusion: If or (more properly) when an Artificial Telepathy machine is developed, it will certainly be classified as a weapon – specifically a “Non-Lethal Weapon.” It will never be released on the public market. The public will be given no clue that it exists, and the military branches of different countries will fight fiercely among themselves for possession of this cool new toy.
Within the U.S. military branches, the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines will probably squabble with the intelligence community, law enforcement and the Department of Justice for possession and control, then finally settle on a scheme for sharing control among themselves. Most likely they will combine forces (and budgets) to build and manage new weapons based on the first Artificial Telepathy technology. If the weapons work, everyone will claim to be the proud Papa. If the cover is blown, and Congress launches a massive investigation, the program will be orphaned. Everyone can back off and point fingers at each other.
Joining forces means everyone wins, and nobody is to blame.
Given this conclusion, we can now ask ourselves a simple question: Where would the military hide its deep-black research program into Artificial Telepathy, if such technology exists?
Answer: They would hide Artificial Telepathy under cover of a Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Program.
“It will take a lot of research, and a lot of time, but there are also a lot of commercial applications, not just military applications,” he said.
The idea of communicating by thought alone is not a new one. In the 1960s, a researcher strapped an EEG to his head and, with some training, could stop and start his brain’s alpha waves to compose Morse code messages.
Michael D'Zmura
Professor & Chair, Department of Cognitive Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Contact information
Social Sciences Plaza B 3219
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, California 92697-5100 USA
+1-949-824-2969 (phone) -2307 (fax)
B.A., Harvard College, Cambridge, MA (1979, German Studies)
M.A., University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (1986, Psychology)
Ph.D., University of Rochester, Rochester, NY (1990, Psychology)
Professional positions
Chair of Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine, 2005-present
Professor of Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine, 1998-present
Visiting Professor, University Jean Monnet in St.-Etienne, 1995/96, 1997
Associate Professor of Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine, 1994-98
Assistant Professor of Cognitive Sciences, UC Irvine, 1990-94
Fellowships and honors
American Psychological Assocation Distinguished Scientific Award
for Early Career Contribution to Psychology, 1998/99
Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst Scholarship, 1997
Bourse d'Accueil Fellowship, Region Rhone-Alpes, France, 1995/96
Society for Mathematical Psychology, New Investigator Award, 1993
IBM Graduate Student Fellowship, 1985-87
NEI-ARVO Young Investigators Travel Fellowship, 1984
Research interests
Vision, hearing, language, attention, brain imaging, and brain-computer interfaces
D'Zmura, M. & Lennie, P. (1986). Shared pathways for rod and cone vision. Vision Research 26, 1273-1280. [PubMed], [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Lennie, P. (1986). Mechanisms of color constancy. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 3, 1662-1672. [PDF]
Lennie, P. & D'Zmura, M. (1988). Mechanisms of color vision. Critical Reviews in Neurobiology 3, 333-400. [PubMed]
D'Zmura, M. (1991). Color in visual search. Vision Research 31, 951-966. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. (1991). Shading ambiguity: reflectance and illumination. In Computational Models of Visual Processing, Landy, M.S. and Movshon, A.J. (Eds.) Cambridge: MIT, 187-207.
D'Zmura, M. (1992). Color constancy: surface color from changing illumination. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 9, 490-493. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Iverson, G. (1992). Color constancy: adaptation to the illumination environment. Optical Society of America topical Meeting on Advances in Color Vision Technical Digest, 107-109.
Kakarala, R., Bennett, B., Iverson, G.J. & D'Zmura, M. (1993). Bispectral techniques for spherical functions. Proceedings of the IEEE Int'l Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Minneapolis, IV, 216-220. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Iverson, G. (1993). Color constancy. I. Basic theory of two-stage linear recovery of spectral descriptions for lights and surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 10, 2148-2165. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Iverson, G. (1993). Color constancy. II. Results for two-stage linear recovery of spectral descriptions for lights and surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 10, 2166-2180. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Iverson, G. (1994). Color constancy. III. General linear recovery of spectral descriptions for lights and surfaces. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11, 2389-2400. [PDF]
Iverson, G. & D'Zmura, M. (1994). Criteria for color constancy in trichromatic bilinear models. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11, 1970-1975. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Mangalick, A. (1994). Detection of contrary chromatic change. Journal of the Optical Society of America A 11, 543-546. [PDF]
Singer, B. & D'Zmura, M. (1994). Color contrast induction. Vision Research 34, 3111-3126. [PDF]
Singer, B. & D'Zmura, M. (1995). Contrast gain control. A bilinear model for chromatic selectivity. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 12, 667-685. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M., Iverson, G. & Singer, B. (1995). Probabilistic color constancy. In Luce, R.D., D'Zmura, M., Hoffman, D.D., Iverson, G. and Romney, K. (Eds.), Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 187-202.
Iverson, G. & D'Zmura, M. (1995). Color constancy: spectral recovery using trichromatic bilinear models. In Luce, R.D., D'Zmura, M., Hoffman, D.D., Iverson, G. and Romney, K. (Eds.), Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 169-185.
Luce, R.D., D'Zmura, M., Hoffman, D.D., Iverson, G. and Romney, K., Eds. (1995) Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena. Articles in Honor of Tarow Indow's 70th Birthday. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
D'Zmura, M. & Singer, B. (1996). The spatial pooling of contrast in contrast gain control. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 13, 2135-2140. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. (1996). Bergmann on visual resolution, Perception 25, 1223-1234, translation of Bergmann, C., Anatomisches und Physiologisches ueber die Netzhaut des Auges. Zeitschrift fuer rationelle Medicin II, 1857,83-108.
D'Zmura, M., Colantoni, P., Knoblauch, K. & Laget, B. (1997). Color transparency. Perception 26, 471-492. [ PubMed]
D'Zmura, M., Lennie, P. & Tiana, C. (1997). Color search and visual field segregation. Perception & Psychophysics 59, 381-388. [ PubMed]
D'Zmura, M. (1997). Neural network for color contrast gain control. Proceedings of the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Bruges, Belgium, April 1997, pp. 67-72.
Colantoni, P., D'Zmura, M., Knoblauch, K. & Laget, B. (1997) Detection of color transparency. In Rogowitz, B. & Allenbach, J. (Eds.) Human Vision and Electronic Imaging II, Vol. 3016, 360-368.
D'Zmura, M. & Knoblauch, K. (1998) Spectral bandwidths for the detection of color. Vision Research 38, 3117-3128. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M., Knoblauch, K., Henaff, M.-A. & Michel, F. (1998) Dependence of color on context in a case of cortical color vision deficiency. Vision Research 38, 3455-3459. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M. & Iverson, G. (1998). A formal approach to color constancy: the recovery of surface and light source spectral properties using bilinear models. In Dowling, C., Roberts, F. and Theuns, P. (Eds.) Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 99-132.
D'Zmura, M. (1998). Color contrast gain control. In Backhaus, W., Kliegl, R. & Werner, J. (Eds.) Color Vision. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 251-266.
Chen, V.J. & D'Zmura, M. (1998), Test of a convergence model for color transparency perception. Perception 27, 595-608. [ PubMed]
D'Zmura, M. & Singer, B. (1999) Contrast gain control. In Sharpe, L.T. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (Eds.) Color Vision: From Genes to Perception. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 369-385.
Hagedorn, J. & D'Zmura, M. (2000). Color appearance of surfaces viewed through fog. Perception 29, 1169-1184. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M., Rinner, O. & Gegenfurtner, K.R. (2000). The colors seen behind transparent filters. Perception 29, 911-926. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M., Colantoni, P. & Seyranian, G.D. (2000). Visualization of events from arbitrary spacetime perspectives. In Erbacher, R.F., Chen, P.C., Roberts, J.C. & Wittenbrink, C.M. (Eds.) Visual Data Exploration and Analysis VII 3860, 35-40. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M., Colantoni, P. & Hagedorn, J. (2001) Perception of color change. Color Research and Application S26, S186-S191. [PDF]
D'Zmura, M., Colantoni, P. & Seyranian, G. (2001). Virtual environments with four or more spatial dimensions. Presence 9, 616-631. [PDF]
Knoblauch, K. & D'Zmura, M. (2001). Lights and neural responses do not depend on choice of color space. Vision Research 41, 1683-1684.
D'Zmura, M. (2002). Psychology of colour perception. In Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. London: MacMillan.
D'Zmura, M. (2003). Color and the processing of chromatic information. In Mausfeld, R. and Heyer, R. (Eds.), Colour Perception: From Light to Object, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-152.
Ge, M. & D'Zmura, M. (2003). 4D structure from motion: a computational algorithm. Bouman, C.A. & Stevenson, R.L. (Eds.) Computational Imaging (Proc. SPIE/IS&T) 5016, 13-23. [PDF]
Ge,M. & D'Zmura, M. (submitted). Recovery of structure from motion in four or more dimensions. Journal of Mathematical Psychology.
Ge,M. & D'Zmura, M. (submitted). A hybrid model for color transparency perception. Journal of Vision.
Cognitive NeuroSystems Lab
Who is it given to and who gives it?
2012年6月初的一天晚上,我在回忆过去的一段经历时,我的大脑记忆图片上开始出现了大片的白色“雪花”,后来,在其他的记忆图片上,大片的白色“雪花”还变成过密密麻麻的黑色斑点。此外,我的大脑中,每天都有voice to skull的“声音”,我自己可以在大脑卢骨里听到这种声音,周围的人听不到,我经常感到自己正在和他人对思想,有时也像听广播,我的思想有被控制感,并且感到有人故意让我“听”,“偷”、利用我的思想。
另外,我还在想办法治voice to skull,希望找到治疗办法的朋友们可以帮助我。
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241
Conspiracy Against Rights
This statute makes it unlawful for two or more persons to conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person of any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the United States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same).
It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured.
Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to ten years, or both; and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years, or for life, or may be sentenced to death.
Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law
This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.
This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citizens on account of such person being an alien or by reason of his/her color or race.
Acts under "color of any law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under "color of any law," the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.
Punishment varies from a fine or imprisonment of up to one year, or both, and if bodily injury results or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire shall be fined or imprisoned up to ten years or both, and if death results, or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
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