RODOLFO +5804145850044 VALLEJOS
Capriles POLICY +5804144279308
POLICE criminologists +5802415859748
NCTV +5804142204371
What Is Verichip?
The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
Each person That will have The Have a unique VeriChip Subscriber Number, Which Provides instant access to something Called the "Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry."
What Will The Verichip Cost?
Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.
Who Is Using The Verichip Now?
The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.
They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.
Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.
redaccion.noticierodigital @ gmail.com
comercial@europapress.es, sistemas@europapress.es, rrhh@europapress.es, noticias@europapress.es, jeisen@moc.edu, cparks@moc.edu, llindsey@moc.edu, bcates@moc.edu, wclingan @ moc.edu, kherrington@moc.edu, rneal@moc.edu, dshulimson@moc.edu, flamm@moc.edu, clancaster@moc.edu, rwatt@moc.edu, jsherrer@moc.edu, jlancaster @ moc. edu, jhigginbotham@moc.edu, egabriel@moc.edu, wlee@moc.edu, bbagwell@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby@moc.edu, cspiron@moc.edu, crose@moc.edu, cspiron@moc.edu, crose@moc.edu, mlawson@moc.edu, gkelam@moc.edu, gmiller@moc.edu, pcoleman@moc.edu, mhisler @ moc.edu, rclewis@moc.edu, churba@moc.edu, kcoghill@moc.edu, kkarcher@moc.edu, kcoghill@moc.edu, kkarcher@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby @ moc. edu, msmith@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby@moc.edu, msmith@moc.edu, ctallman@moc.edu, slusk@moc.edu, ctallman@moc.edu, slusk@moc.edu, ewills@moc.edu, rector@uc.edu.ve, sugiere@uc.edu.ve, viceacuc@uc.edu.ve, viceacuc@uc.edu.ve, viceaduc@uc.edu.ve, secreuc @ uc. edu.ve, secreuc@uc.edu.ve, decfacde@uc.edu.ve, decfaces@uc.edu.ve, di@uc.edu.ve, dir-rrhh@uc.edu.ve, actualidad105produccion @ gmail. com, redicecreations@gmail.com, henrik@redicecreations.com, mcmailteam@gmail.com, monika.stoces @ gmail.com, tijohnfinch@gmail.com, soleilmavis@yahoo.com, defend_law@yahoo.ca, dcr618 @ msn. com, ewraven1@sympatico.ca
The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm
• Laws that protect American citizens ^
http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp
http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170">• ^ http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.
All Posts (12220)
RODOLFO +5804145850044 VALLEJOS
Capriles POLICY +5804144279308
POLICE criminologists +5802415859748
NCTV +5804142204371
What Is Verichip?
The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
Each person That will have The Have a unique VeriChip Subscriber Number, Which Provides instant access to something Called the "Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry."
What Will The Verichip Cost?
Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.
Who Is Using The Verichip Now?
The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.
They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.
Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.
redaccion.noticierodigital @ gmail.com
comercial@europapress.es, sistemas@europapress.es, rrhh@europapress.es, noticias@europapress.es, jeisen@moc.edu, cparks@moc.edu, llindsey@moc.edu, bcates@moc.edu, wclingan @ moc.edu, kherrington@moc.edu, rneal@moc.edu, dshulimson@moc.edu, flamm@moc.edu, clancaster@moc.edu, rwatt@moc.edu, jsherrer@moc.edu, jlancaster @ moc. edu, jhigginbotham@moc.edu, egabriel@moc.edu, wlee@moc.edu, bbagwell@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby@moc.edu, cspiron@moc.edu, crose@moc.edu, cspiron@moc.edu, crose@moc.edu, mlawson@moc.edu, gkelam@moc.edu, gmiller@moc.edu, pcoleman@moc.edu, mhisler @ moc.edu, rclewis@moc.edu, churba@moc.edu, kcoghill@moc.edu, kkarcher@moc.edu, kcoghill@moc.edu, kkarcher@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby @ moc. edu, msmith@moc.edu, mvanlierop@moc.edu, jkirby@moc.edu, msmith@moc.edu, ctallman@moc.edu, slusk@moc.edu, ctallman@moc.edu, slusk@moc.edu, ewills@moc.edu, rector@uc.edu.ve, sugiere@uc.edu.ve, viceacuc@uc.edu.ve, viceacuc@uc.edu.ve, viceaduc@uc.edu.ve, secreuc @ uc. edu.ve, secreuc@uc.edu.ve, decfacde@uc.edu.ve, decfaces@uc.edu.ve, di@uc.edu.ve, dir-rrhh@uc.edu.ve, actualidad105produccion @ gmail. com, redicecreations@gmail.com, henrik@redicecreations.com, mcmailteam@gmail.com, monika.stoces @ gmail.com, tijohnfinch@gmail.com, soleilmavis@yahoo.com, defend_law@yahoo.ca, dcr618 @ msn. com, ewraven1@sympatico.ca
The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm
• Laws that protect American citizens ^
http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp
http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170">• ^ http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.
The thalamus contains a very rich nuclear organization. Have been identified as 50 thalamic nuclei [4], several of which are microscopic subdivisions. The nomenclature of the thalamic nuclei is very complex, and in some cases are unaware of their connections and the functional significance of the smaller [2]. They have proposed various classifications of the different nuclei comprising the thalamus based on an evolutionary perspective [5], shared characteristics and fiber connectivity functions [6], citoarquitectónicos criteria [7,8] and anatomic criteria of the different thalamic nuclei ( Table).
Thalamocortical and corticothalamic connections.
The organization within the cerebral cortex of thalamocortical and corticothalamic projections and neurophysiological properties of the fibers that ascend or descend to or from the cerebral cortex are the basis of the complex relationships between different thalamic nuclei and cerebral cortex [9 ].
It was Lorente de No [10] who described the thalamocortical afferents and thalamocortical fibers and fiber specific thalamocortical nonspecific. The former have their origin in specific nuclei of the thalamus, forming synapses in layer IV of the cortex and are carriers of information of general and special sensation (except olfactory). The latter are ascending fibers with collateral primarily to layers I, II and VI. These pathways are nonspecific thalamocortical pathways related to diffuse from the nuclei of the midline and intralaminar into the cerebral cortex [11,12] and related to the mechanisms of arousal (vigilance). We also note that there are reciprocal projections of all relay nuclei and some nuclei of association ranging from the thalamus to the cortex and from cortex to the thalamus through the internal capsule, called 'thalamic radiation'.
Although this radiation make connections to virtually all parts of the cortex, the richness of the connections varies between different cortical areas. The most abundant are directed toward the precentral gyrus and postcentral giri, the calcarine area of Heschl convolution, the posterior parietal region and adjacent parts of the temporal lobe [2]. To conclude this section on anatomophysiological aspects of the thalamus, we note that this brain structure is irrigated mainly by fine branches of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA), along with branches of the internal carotid artery and posterior communicating artery . Talamoperforantes arteries (arteries posteromedial or paramedian), which originate in the medial parts of the ACP and the terminal part of the basilar artery, supplying the medial thalamus (medial thalamic territory), particularly the intralaminar nuclei (centromedian nucleus and parafascicular), dorsomedial (dorsal), ventral lateral, ventral anterior, and ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral [13,14]. Talamogeniculadas branch (posterolateral artery) of the ACP supplying the caudal half of the thalamus (posterolateral thalamic territory), including the following centers: ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies (lateral and medial) pulvinar, dorsomedial, lateral and reticular. The posterior communicating artery supplies the anterolateral thalamic territory through the branch tuberotalámica (polar optical): ventral anterior, ventral lateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The internal carotid artery supplies the lateral thalamic territory through its anterior choroidal artery: the lateral geniculate body, ventroposterolateral, pulvinar and reticular. The posterior thalamic territory is supplied by the posterior choroidal artery, provides nourishment to the lateral geniculate body, pulvinar, dorsolateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The cerebral venous drainage depends on two systems, the superficial and deep. The first drains the cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter, and the second drain the choroid plexus, periventricular regions, the diencephalon and the num-Table. Classification of thalamic nuclei. Main Classification criteria thalamic nuclei. Arquitálamo perspective: the midline nuclei, evolutionary [5] intralaminar and reticular.
Paleotálamo: bodies geniculate nuclei, ventral posterior and anterior cerebellar relay Neotálamo: medial nuclei, laterodorsal, lateral and ventral anterior connections [6] specific mode: nuclei ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies, ventral lateral, ventral anterior, anterior and dorsolateral multimodal associative: dorsomedial nucleus and pulvinar-lateral posterior complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular Function Engines: ventral anterior and ventral nuclei play [6] side) Sensitive: ventroposterolateral nuclei and geniculate bodies ventroposteromedial and Associative: core dorsal medial-lateral and posterior pulvinar complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular cytoarchitecture [7.8] lateral nuclear group: ventroposterior complex, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral anterior and medial ventral medial nuclear group: intralaminar nuclei and dorsomedial nucleus.
Posterior nuclear group: complex posterior, posterior lateral nuclei, pulvinar and geniculate anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nuclei.
Anteromedial, anterodorsal and dorsal lateral reticular nuclei.
Anatomic anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nucleus, dorsomedial nucleus anterodorsal and anteromedial lateral nuclear group: dorsolateral nucleus, lateral posterior, ventral anterior, ventral lateral nuclear group ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral and later: pulvinar, geniculate bodies of the midline nuclei: paratenial, paraventricular, reuniens, rhomboid intralaminar nuclei: centromedian, parafascicular, paracentral, central medial and central lateral reticular nuclei.
CINI II: SPECIFIC neuropsychological syndromes
Rev Neurol 2004; 38 (7): 687-693 689
The core serves ventroposteromedial sensitivotalámico relay center of the head and face. The efferents of this nucleus are directed through the internal capsule to the primary somesthetic cortex of the parietal lobe.
Through this area thalamic projections to frontal areas (areas 4, 8, 6, 44 and 45), the thalamus is involved in sensory perception of movements.
The thalamus is also involved in pain mechanisms. The main target nuclei axons ascendentesn for pain and temperature are in the ventral posterior nucleus. The ventroposterolateral ventroposteromedial and receive most of these afferents. The ventroposteromedial receives nociceptive information from the face, and ventroposterolateral, the rest of the body. The similar arrangement of mechanosensitive and harmful stimuli is responsible for discriminating mechanisms of pain [15]. The intralaminar thalamic nuclei, in terms of pain is concerned, involved in evoking the response triggered by a noxious stimulus through projections from these nuclei reach the reticular formation. Some sensory modalities are perceived in the thalamus, a fact that becomes apparent when lesions or ablations.
RODOLFO +5804145850044 VALLEJOS
Capriles POLICY +5804144279308
POLICE criminologists +5802415859748
NCTV +5804142204371
What Is Verichip?
The VeriChip (TM) is the world's first implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) microchip for human use.
The VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and Each VeriChip contains a unique verification number, Which Can Be Used To access a subscriber-supplied database over the Internet Providing the implanted person's information, Regardless of Where They are or what they're doing.
And unlike typical forms of identification, the VeriChip ™ can not be lost, stolen, misplaced or counterfeited.
Once implanted just under the skin, via what The Verichip Corporation calls a "quick, painless outpatient procedure (much like getting a shot)", the VeriChip can be scanned when to necesario With A proprietary VeriChip scanner.
The brief outpatient "chipping" procedure lasts CHIP Just a few minutes and only local anesthetic Involves Followed by quick, painless insertion of the VeriChip.
A small amount of Radio Frequency Energy passes from the scanner energizing the dormant VeriChip, Which Then emits radio frequency signal to an individual's unique Transmitting the verification (VerichipID) number.
Each person That will have The Have a unique VeriChip Subscriber Number, Which Provides instant access to something Called the "Global VeriChip Subscriber (GVS) Registry."
What Will The Verichip Cost?
Applied Digital Gave away scanners to a FEW hundred and veterinary clinics subjets in when it first Entered the pet market 15 years ago.
To kick-start the chip's use in people, Applied Digital will Provide Price: $ 650.
Who Is Using The Verichip Now?
The chip Has Been Used for club-hoppers in Barcelona, Spain.
They now use the microchip to enter a VIP area and,-through links to a different database, speed payment much like a smartcard.
The implantable microchip stories seem to be coming fast and furious these days.
First, There Was the News that you can go bar hopping in Spain and Have your tab via a microchip implanted Settled in your upper arm.
Valencia, 04.02.2001.
State of Carabobo.
These include efforts provided by eminent personalities like Dr. Nick Begich, Dr. Rauni Kilde, Luukanen-Kilde and the very famous author, Gloria Naylor. So far, everything has been ignored by the media News owned and controlled by crime.
Some already are accused by U.S. law firms and accuse them of having brought about personality disorders. These technologies using microwaves have the ability to cause rupture of aneurysm (aneurysm rupture is 120,000 per year in France, it would be interesting to know how many tears were caused by psicotechnologias ...), stroke (Investigations and experiments of Dr. Allen Frey ), loss of memory.
With NANOTECNOLOGA vision in the injured optic nerve, the nerve is cauterized with photovoltaic nano downloads. With these electrical discharges flip back and eyes in other directions. To produce changes in behavior and personality change subjects are not allowed to sleep. The information that the brain produces is transmitted to some satellites with some agencies and organizations to study the human race "read" thoughts. Such studies of the Human Race is a continuous and ongoing program in which organizations capture, encourage people who are not in the studio, so that OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CASINO GAMBLING, believe that the person who cauterization made with nanotechnology, made ACTIVITIES IN ORDER OF SOFTWARE.
72. Elpida Gouliova matter of 70 years: rich proprietary half of a building.
She was admitted illegally in 1992 by two psychiatrists, following the request of his daughters, who wanted to avoid becoming disinherited. Out of the Psychiatric Clinic, the opinion of the doctors who treated her was senility. Two years later, the woman in question, at the time of writing his will at the request of the notary, was examined in public psychiatric hospital in Thessaloniki, and had found healthy-minded and capable of managing her fortune. Sentenced to 2 psychiatrists to 18 months imprisonment for illegal confinement and false medical certificates. Acquitted on appeal. The Civil Court declared that Ms Elpida Gouliova was sick. one of the psychiatrists was appointed director of all peripheral hospitals in Thessaloniki with the new Karamanlis government in 2004.
73. Anaïs Fitsiori case, ill 84-year Alzheimer's:
The director of a branch of a private bank, where he had deposited the sum of one million euros, and the lessee of a warehouse which owned stole the sum previously mentioned 4 stores, of which it owned, making sign receipts as the withdrawal of the amounts on their own, while the money she made was to remove their own accounts. By exploiting their legal incapacity, sent a notary to store the tenant and there, she signed deeds of sale of the 4 stores, on behalf of the Director and the lessee, without obviously charge a penny. Moreover, when a person has deposits of around one million euros, it has no need, at the age of 84 years, selling its stores for more money. Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, who had examined her in September 1999, had found his legal incapacity at the time he had signed all the aforementioned acts. The Chairman of the Board of the Psychiatric Hospital of Thessaloniki, person appointed by the Government, a surgeon by profession, had forbidden the delivery time of a certificate. In 2000 he was appointed by the Socialist government deputy director Peripheral every hospital in Thessaloniki, but laid off in February 2002 after the report of the psychiatrist Anastassios Kanistras against him.
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The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts and tribunals in The Hague and some international police, and Interpol, this claim can be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint that is argument based on non-existent, was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........
Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.
In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content. In cases of Voice in to Skull, subjects with this type of nano voltaic stimulation in auditory processing centers have discussed the perception of voices, many voices have alphanumeric content, which from the standpoint of criminal psychology can be used to understand the characteristics of each organization, but also features not only the purposes calculated to achieve different objectives.
All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
Some of the purposes set out to determine include the purposes of achieving economic, information extraction, state security, torture, genetic research, trades and theft of biological material.
For legal assessment of such cases in which laws are designed in the state, the definition of crimes of this type has not been included as the biological damage produced by the action of these technologies, are diverse and international consideration are punished.
In court in The Hague, which have been conducted trials in which cases of genocide and crimes apartheid set the penalties for crimes that have a comparison with crimes set forth in state law that occur crimes can be solved, so that international JUSTICE laws designed generally in countries that are submitted, met for the guarantee of crimes that may be considered for large population systems.
The inclusion testable drug or food technologies, allows the possibility of cell stimulation, DNA damage, metabolic changes and biological damage.
In the conception of biological damage can establish that this impairment is performed by the use of electro magnetic fields, these fields emitted into the cells may alter the structure of DNA, but having information on the existence of nanotechnology, it may be able to capture the signals coming from emanadores, one of the most important considerations about these technologies is the ability in terms (hardware) to convert these transmissions in voltaic and nano downloads also produce high frequency fields which directly affect the structure and atomic affinity I DNA molecule and other chemical molecules, causing vibrations in the structure of the molecule which change the configuration of the same, when we have a molecule in which atoms are joined and these are subjected to vibrations which affect the structure, some atoms that compose it, by friction between the fields and the attraction of the atoms can change the configuration of the molecule, but when talking about DNA molecule which has elongated structures may change in the configuration causing some atoms out of adjustment, change or mute the code. Some genetic variations produced by structural changes in the DNA molecule. In terms of the DNA molecule the appearance of genetic disease or mutation of the gene activation code, can be accelerated even off as the possibility that nanoparticles whose size has the potential to enter the nucleus to decrypt information by the theories described at the end, the ability to emit electromagnetic fields at these scales opens the possibility of friction can be decrypted information fields of a DNA molecule.
Using these technologies we believe that nanotechnology might be able to contain internal processors nano as the measure is a measure to be observed, requires resolution electronic technology that can only be obtained by atomic force microscopes or laser microscopes . To observe in processors that carry electrical impulses to make and generate internal frequencies that allow the nano particle capture information and send it from the body to cell antennas would require devices with the ability to manipulate these structures gauge scales, the measure is 1/1.000.000 explanation millimeters.
Only atomic force microscopes and laser microscopes allow observation of these technologies in samples that could be made on food and medicine, for it suggests some laboratories are in the country, the Central University of Venezuela and IVIC, the realization of these observations may only be made with simple methods used in criminology, the process is not complex, but the samples are large, a story in the possibility of finding food and drugs containing these nano structures.
For the assessment of cases where people have different types of symptoms, the medical or psychiatric knowledge could be interpreted as diseases or conditions, we have some people who have symptoms in the case need to study for determining alterations and biological damage. The evaluations can be performed by different types of methodologies since in almost all cases these people have the same symptoms.
The presenting symptoms and sometimes doctors and professionals could diagnose as diseases or conditions should be observed with methods different from the methods used by traditional medicine and psychiatry. The psychiatric disorders set as the psyche may have different types of events according to different precepciones, neural stimulation, and neuronal damage. In cases of harassment electronic impulses that generate this type of technology may exhibit different types of symptoms that a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist, as a professional could identify such pathologies, but in the case studies in different parts of the world as these subjects exhibits symptoms tartan with psychologists and psychiatrists e these, with additional knowledge diagnose symptoms that are part of psychiatry.
From the medical point of view, there is the possibility that the conclusion about the symptoms presented by patients who are treated by the possible identification of disease occurs due to the use of procedures, methodologies and knowledge, without using the information that could complete the diagnosis on a person suffering from crimes.
From the psychiatric point of view, the identification of diseases that are traditionally done through the interview, may not be adequate because the symptoms can include cases from neurological symptoms that can be interpreted as activators of psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia , psychosis, bipolar disorder, split personality, motor problems, neurosis, psychopathy and other psychiatric disorders.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, Latin America, North America, Europe and Asia, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of cases of harassment and Voice Mail in to Sckull, the subjects report that they perceive voices, but the content of the voices follow the same patterns from the viewpoint of mathematical statistics and the creation of algorithms for performing various purposes such as events, internal migration and the ability to manipulate subjects for non- legal. All cases report that the voices that perceive, are produced by organizations, study of the human race, intelligence agencies and organizations for various purposes.
In the explanation of some cases people who suffer from stimulation, the most noticeable aspects are perceived voices, but these voices are being recorded content and then be studied, there appears to be a content based on normal communication Custom Language The study leads to the conclusion that these voices are created from the standpoint of alpha numeric codes, these codes are being transmitted and in cases can be identified, as some organizations perform different types of activities.
How are you commenting activities are conducted, the data can affect the movement and operation of systems normally consider states, the system involvement by technological influences, creates manipulations, stimulation and changes in perceptions of travel including changes unique to ends, purposes are theorized to the needs of the states.
Needs to achieve effects on population groups, including national security, political views, economic interests and purposes that usually do not know since in such systems include having the potential needs and fulfill them by the possibility of better conditions.
From the point of view of criminology, the possibility of finding or verdict about cases of people who have committed crimes in the conception of the Code of Criminal Procedure, could have different interpretations as the possibility of producing photovoltaic nano downloads, allows the possibility of cellular manipulations, even change their functioning and that the cell contents, metabolism is based on complex processes, but when considering the functioning of the cell from a chemical standpoint in nerve cells, photovoltaic nano downloads can alter brain function, such as short term memory and long-term visual processing centers, drive centers, sensations and perceptions.
Jeus Doc Cordova
We send this information in psychiatric cases that are happening in some parts of the world.
From the psychiatric point of view, the conclusion of cases that may present some psychiatric disorders like symptoms, might have, different views about studies that may prove as subjects might suffer psychiatric illness. In case the statistics presented in these files is found that in the world there are cases that really are psychiatric illnesses that could be tested through the analysis, neuro psychiatric point of view of classical psychoanalysis and psychology.
We send this information to broaden their training in the use of psychiatric treatment, which should be treated with drugs that your dosage is indicated for such purposes.
In cases of recent searches for psychiatric treatment, drugs used, refer to block receptors for the neuro eliminate imbalances in the metabolism of nerve cells. The consequence of these treatments should produce a decrease in synaptic processes erratic. The use of substances to anesthesia and propofol effects and other substances that are not normally recommended, side effects of using these drugs, ranging from memory loss, serious metabolic problems or death.
As part of an education campaign on the knowledge we are sending this information to the psychiatric knowledge, be expanded as current treatments including the use of propofol could be considered from the legal standpoint, as crimes against humanity.
On the other hand the treatment of patients with different categorization must be permisado, which includes a different point in the legal conception of procedures, methods, etc..
We invite you to read the following information.
Crimes against humanity - Torture in Venezuela
We tried to talk with President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias about these crimes happening in some parts of the world
Satellite 1.Radiación.
2.Deterioró genetic (DNA) for Nanotechnology in Drug.
Some cases asias
WIKIPEDIA accepted knowledge
• Directed-energy weapon
• Electromagnetic shielding
• Electroshock weapon
• Microwave auditory effect
• Non-lethal weapon
http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/2003-2004/publicact/htm/2003-PA-0257.htm
• Laws that protect American citizens ^
http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp">• Laws that protect American citizens ^ http://www.mainelegislature.org/legis/bills/bills_122nd/chapters/PUBLIC264-1.asp
http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170">• ^ http://www.malegislature.gov/Laws/SessionLaws/Acts/2004/Chapter170
We'd love to put themselves in touch as there are some lawyers and prosecutors.
Professor at the University of Carabobo.
David Vega
In reference to damage the hypothalamus.
CONNECTIONS afferent hypothalamus and the limbic system olfactory, somatic functions that reach the hypothalamus as collateral lemniscales systems, memory cortical afferents that reach the hypothalamus directly from the frontal cortex, afferents from the hippocampus via fornix-mammillary nuclei,
Anatomophysiological aspects.
The thalamus occupies approximately 80% of the medial diencephalic region. The term 'thalamus' derives from the Greek word thalamos, which means 'inner chamber' or 'marriage bed'. Galen (130-200 AD.) Gave this name to the 'chambers' located at the base of the brain. Embryologically, derived from the diencephalic vesicle, from turn of the prosencephalic vesicle: the two telencéfalos after training involves defining a central area which will create the future diencephalon. The thalamus has an oval shape, is a pair structure age or younger and more symmetrical with respect to the midline. In humans, each thalamus is about 3 cm long (anteroposterior) and 1.5 cm wide at its widest point [1]. Is crossed by a band of myelinated fibers, inner core sheet, which runs along the rostrocaudal extension thereof, adopts a special distribution in the anterior pole Y-shaped and divides the thalamus into large blocks anatomic. This sheet contains intratalámicas fibers that connect the different thalamic nuclei together. Another band medullated, the external medullary lamina, form the lateral boundary of the thalamus, medial to the internal capsule. In the thalamus there are two types of neurons from a functional point of view:
- Principal or projection neurons (transmit information outside the thalamus), representing about 75% of the total neuronal population.
- Local interneurons or local circuit, which can receive information from the same sources as the principal neurons, but only come into contact with thalamic cells involved in the same stage of processing.
Constitute around 25%. The principal neurons send their axons to the cerebral cortex, where they release an excitatory neurotransmitter (glutamate, usually) to activate cortical neurons. Glutamate and aspartate are excitatory neurotransmitters and are present in corticothalamic terminations and cerebellar and thalamocortical projection neurons. An exception is constituted afferents subcortical gray cores of the base, which are GABAergic, inhibitory. The local circuits of neurons release acid (GABA) in projection cells inhibit them. This inhibitory neurotransmitter is located at the ends that come from the globus pallidus neurons in local circuits and projection in the reticular nucleus and lateral geniculate body. GABAergic projections are major segment pallidal projections to the ventral anterior medial (parvocellular) and the lateral ventral (pars oralis) and projections of the reticular part of substantia nigra to the ventral anterior nucleus (magnocellular) and dorsomedial (paralaminar). These afferents play a key role in motor function [2]. GABAergic neurons have been identified in all laminae of the lateral geniculate body and are most abundant in laminae 1 and 2 (magnocellular). Afferents from subcortical regions and the cerebral cortex that are directed to the thalamic nuclei excited (depolarized) to projection neurons and local interneurons in these nuclei. In turn, neurons in local circuits inhibit (hyperpolarize) a projection neurons and the neurotransmitter GABA is used. Thus, afferents to the thalamus influence the projection neurons (thalamocortical) via two pathways: a direct excitatory and inhibitory indirect, through the local circuit neurons. The neurons in local circuits modulate the activity of projection neurons, which send their axons to targets extratalámicos. In addition, cells projection sent to a side branch reticular thalamic nucleus neurons, which contain the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA neurons and act as local circuits. The cells of the thalamic reticular nucleus send axon branches to projection neurons and local circuits, so that both are inhibited.
The cerebral cortex, which received afferent projections excitatory cells thalamic axons projecting excitatory sent back to all cell types thalamic, so activate both cortical afferents to projection neurons as the inhibitory local circuits and reticular nucleus. Thus, the thalamus is not just a simple relay afferent information between centers and the cortex, but is in charge of information processing, and therefore influence on cortical function.
Thalamic nuclear groups.
The thalamus contains a very rich nuclear organization. Have been identified as 50 thalamic nuclei [4], several of which are microscopic subdivisions. The nomenclature of the thalamic nuclei is very complex, and in some cases are unaware of their connections and the functional significance of the smaller [2]. They have proposed various classifications of the different nuclei comprising the thalamus based on an evolutionary perspective [5], shared characteristics and fiber connectivity functions [6], citoarquitectónicos criteria [7,8] and anatomic criteria of the different thalamic nuclei ( Table).
Thalamocortical and corticothalamic connections.
The organization within the cerebral cortex of thalamocortical and corticothalamic projections and neurophysiological properties of the fibers that ascend or descend to or from the cerebral cortex are the basis of the complex relationships between different thalamic nuclei and cerebral cortex [9 ].
It was Lorente de No [10] who described the thalamocortical afferents and thalamocortical fibers and fiber specific thalamocortical nonspecific. The former have their origin in specific nuclei of the thalamus, forming synapses in layer IV of the cortex and are carriers of information of general and special sensation (except olfactory). The latter are ascending fibers with collateral primarily to layers I, II and VI. These pathways are nonspecific thalamocortical pathways related to diffuse from the nuclei of the midline and intralaminar into the cerebral cortex [11,12] and related to the mechanisms of arousal (vigilance). We also note that there are reciprocal projections of all relay nuclei and some nuclei of association ranging from the thalamus to the cortex and from cortex to the thalamus through the internal capsule, called 'thalamic radiation'.
Although this radiation make connections to virtually all parts of the cortex, the richness of the connections varies between different cortical areas. The most abundant are directed toward the precentral gyrus and postcentral giri, the calcarine area of Heschl convolution, the posterior parietal region and adjacent parts of the temporal lobe [2]. To conclude this section on anatomophysiological aspects of the thalamus, we note that this brain structure is irrigated mainly by fine branches of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA), along with branches of the internal carotid artery and posterior communicating artery . Talamoperforantes arteries (arteries posteromedial or paramedian), which originate in the medial parts of the ACP and the terminal part of the basilar artery, supplying the medial thalamus (medial thalamic territory), particularly the intralaminar nuclei (centromedian nucleus and parafascicular), dorsomedial (dorsal), ventral lateral, ventral anterior, and ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral [13,14]. Talamogeniculadas branch (posterolateral artery) of the ACP supplying the caudal half of the thalamus (posterolateral thalamic territory), including the following centers: ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies (lateral and medial) pulvinar, dorsomedial, lateral and reticular. The posterior communicating artery supplies the anterolateral thalamic territory through the branch tuberotalámica (polar optical): ventral anterior, ventral lateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The internal carotid artery supplies the lateral thalamic territory through its anterior choroidal artery: the lateral geniculate body, ventroposterolateral, pulvinar and reticular. The posterior thalamic territory is supplied by the posterior choroidal artery, provides nourishment to the lateral geniculate body, pulvinar, dorsolateral, dorsomedial and anteroventral. The cerebral venous drainage depends on two systems, the superficial and deep. The first drains the cerebral cortex and subcortical white matter, and the second drain the choroid plexus, periventricular regions, the diencephalon and the num-Table. Classification of thalamic nuclei. Main Classification criteria thalamic nuclei. Arquitálamo perspective: the midline nuclei, evolutionary [5] intralaminar and reticular.
Paleotálamo: bodies geniculate nuclei, ventral posterior and anterior cerebellar relay Neotálamo: medial nuclei, laterodorsal, lateral and ventral anterior connections [6] specific mode: nuclei ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, geniculate bodies, ventral lateral, ventral anterior, anterior and dorsolateral multimodal associative: dorsomedial nucleus and pulvinar-lateral posterior complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular Function Engines: ventral anterior and ventral nuclei play [6] side) Sensitive: ventroposterolateral nuclei and geniculate bodies ventroposteromedial and Associative: core dorsal medial-lateral and posterior pulvinar complex and reticular Nonspecific: intralaminar nuclei of the midline and reticular cytoarchitecture [7.8] lateral nuclear group: ventroposterior complex, ventral lateral nucleus, ventral anterior and medial ventral medial nuclear group: intralaminar nuclei and dorsomedial nucleus.
Posterior nuclear group: complex posterior, posterior lateral nuclei, pulvinar and geniculate anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nuclei.
Anteromedial, anterodorsal and dorsal lateral reticular nuclei.
Anatomic anterior nuclear group: anteroventral nucleus, dorsomedial nucleus anterodorsal and anteromedial lateral nuclear group: dorsolateral nucleus, lateral posterior, ventral anterior, ventral lateral nuclear group ventroposteromedial ventroposterolateral and later: pulvinar, geniculate bodies of the midline nuclei: paratenial, paraventricular, reuniens, rhomboid intralaminar nuclei: centromedian, parafascicular, paracentral, central medial and central lateral reticular nuclei.
CINI II: SPECIFIC neuropsychological syndromes
Rev Neurol 2004; 38 (7): 687-693 689
The core serves ventroposteromedial sensitivotalámico relay center of the head and face. The efferents of this nucleus are directed through the internal capsule to the primary somesthetic cortex of the parietal lobe.
Through this area thalamic projections to frontal areas (areas 4, 8, 6, 44 and 45), the thalamus is involved in sensory perception of movements.
The thalamus is also involved in pain mechanisms. The main target nuclei axons ascendentesn for pain and temperature are in the ventral posterior nucleus. The ventroposterolateral ventroposteromedial and receive most of these afferents. The ventroposteromedial receives nociceptive information from the face, and ventroposterolateral, the rest of the body. The similar arrangement of mechanosensitive and harmful stimuli is responsible for discriminating mechanisms of pain [15]. The intralaminar thalamic nuclei, in terms of pain is concerned, involved in evoking the response triggered by a noxious stimulus through projections from these nuclei reach the reticular formation. Some sensory modalities are perceived in the thalamus, a fact that becomes apparent when lesions or ablations.
of the cerebral cortex. In these cases, after the lesion is lost all sensitivity contralateral to the lesion, and recovered the pain, temperature and sensitivity epicritic (gross). The clinic is well described this painting, known as thalamic syndrome. In these cases, the threshold of stimulation that produce these feelings are high and the sensory modalities are exaggerated and unpleasant, moreover, are usually accompanied by a strong emotional response, usually attributable to the indemnity of the dorsomedial nucleus (common in vascular lesions). Vascular lesions affecting the posterolateral thalamic territory (cores ventroposterolateral, ventroposteromedial, medial geniculate body, pulvinar and centromedian) can result in contralateral sensory loss, paresthesias, and thalamic pain. It has been well described Dejerine and Roussy syndrome, characterized by severe pain, persistent and paroxysmal, often intolerable, usually present at the time of injury or after a period of transient hemiparesis, sensory loss hemiataxia and hemibody. The involvement of the thalamus in motor control is reflected by the afferents from the base gray nuclei, cerebellum and motor cortex that come to him and that he depart efferents to the motor and premotor cortex. In the motor system involved primarily the following nuclei: ventral anterior and lateral, intralaminar and reticular, we are two main systems: pallidal and cerebellar. The separation between the two circuits is that afferents are distinct and their efferent toward the cortical areas that project. Alterations in the ventral lateral projections can lead to movement disorders (dyskinesias). Lesions in this nucleus decreases the abnormal movements and cerebellar gray nuclei of the base [6].
Lesions in the ventral intermediate nucleus (Vim), the ventral caudal nuclei, the centromedian, and pulvinar sensory nuclei can cause a wide variety of movement disorders including dystonia, tremor, tribalism and Korea [16-18].
Vascular lesions affecting the ventral nuclei above, lateral, dorsomedial and anterior nuclei can cause contralateral hemiparesis and visual field disorders. gray cores of the base. The deep cerebral veins of interest are the internal cerebral vein, basal vein (of Rosenthal) and the great cerebral vein of Galen. The internal cerebral veins are the superior choroidal veins (lateral drainage of the choroid plexus), the roof of the lateral ventricle (deep white matter of the frontal lobes anterior and posterior parietal), the dorsal horn of the lateral ventricle (white matter of the lobes occipital and temporal posterior fornix) and the thalamus.
They drain into the internal cerebral vein through small veins talamoestriadas, which are responsible for drainage of the thalamus.
Click to enter the organization website. http://www.worldtisupport.icoc.cn/ TIs here are invited to share your stories and post important information you want more people to know. I will host charity events to raise money to purchase shielding gears for TIs. There is no politics more important than maintaining our health. Please write to me if you with to take part in my charity events. Below is the mission statement of my organization,
World Victims of Stalking Support Union was founded in New York in Summer 2012. Our mission is to safe guard the rights of the innocent victims of stalking.
We are an apolitical grass root organization pledges to aid innocent victims of stalking. Our mission is to promote equal rights, to unite victims of stalking under the protection of law, and to safe guard the victim' rights to live a healthy life as well as to seek fairness, respect and peaceful coexistence they rightfully deserve. Our contribution aims to support people’s rights to pursue freedom, compassion, and happiness.
Our union shall reach out to closely unite innocent victims of stalking. We shall save and rescue the victims whose physical or psychological health are in danger. We shall help them to understand the current social environment and encourage them to survive the sorrowing realities they are encountering. We shall also proactively promote the world wide social moral and rights processes.
Our Union shall leverage our social network to enable the victims' pursue of fairness.We shall organize friendly panel reviews and cultural tours. And we shall also actively promote non-governmental exchanges in the education, culture, academia and technology sectors to build the victims' self esteem,confidence and psychological health. In the name of honor and respect, we shall take advantage of all the social resources available to promote world peace and to create the living conditions we need to pursue our happy lives in harmony with the world.
Unethical social realities tend to accompany social developments. Join us to survive the reality of stalking and to live a free and quite life.
World Victims of Stalking Support Union
该联盟是无辜被跟踪受害人为唤醒自救而创立的民众团体。 它的宗旨是;要求维权,要求人人平等,团结联络一切因被跟踪而受迫害的无辜受害人,在维权法律的保护下广泛联合,同心同德,努力维护人的尊严与健康,公平和谐的相处。 为按照人权行动计划, 为增进人间情义和人民福祉而贡献力量。
该联盟救死扶伤,密切联系和团结无辜受害的目标人, 协助他们了解社会发展动态, 鼓励他们自己设法解脱苦难现状,积极参与为公德的升华维护人权至上诏之于天下而努力。
该联盟发挥其凝聚力量的优势,为正义创造一切条件: 举办联谊研讨会, 文化之旅,慈善晚会,积极推动包括教育,文化, 学术, 科技等各项民间交流活动, 提高人的信心和心理健康。努力为提高维护人的尊严,动员社会一切力量,为实现人类和平,去创造和谐幸福的生活条件。
随着社会的发展所呈现不道德的社会现象是无奇不有。为了解脱被跟踪的困境,争取自由的平静生活, 就来加盟吧。
Thank you,
hai every body,
Greetings to everybody after a long time, i have been undergoing the above torture for the past 15 years, they have been continously and constantly torturing for all these years, these days its become too much they dont even let me pray peacefully nor allow me to do any work, when i pray with my eyes closed they give me different pictures before me they say that so and so images and actually those images come in my mind and that image lasts as long as they change it to a different image, they mention the image and the same image i will be seeing, they distract me during my prayer, during my work, as you all know they spoilt all my jobs and now i am still with out a job and they dont even let me to read when i read and try to remember and when they say that i will forget what i read my memory will be wiped out they try all possible ways of torturing me, apart from giving me head ache gastric acidicity to be more clear they have not spared any part of my organ untouched.
Vincent George
Excuse my langauge again, but I just wanted to get this out there. They call me a punk, funky ass punk, a faggot, a bitch, a lowlife, a backstabber, a fake, a fake bitch, a pussy, worthless, a wolf, an asshole, pathetic, selfish, stupid, an idiot, a poser, a wannabe, a coward, a cocksucker, weak, weak bitch, wack, an attention whore, a whore, tramp, a cunt, disgusting, fake punk, a joke, sick, cock fucking bitch. Things they say about me and to me. "You ain't shit", "your songs ain't shit", "he ain't goth", "I don't know who he thinks he is", "he thinks he's bad", "he thinks he's hard", "he makes fun of people", "yeah he's goth (in a mocking way)", "he can go to hell", "he's gonna be a fag", "I'm not going to his funeral", "he ain't depressed", "Commit suicide", "he needs to kill himself".
Mr. Tom has designed a Logo for Peacepink. Welcome your opinions.
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I feel the need to share what i have noticed about my perps and the technology they use/have. Sometimes i can close my eyes and i can see someone sitting at a computor or i see people in thier homes or apts.. A couple times i saw someone approach thier computors and place a card or something that blocked thier webcam and then i could not see any more..I wonder if this is somehow like remote viewing..I know they use sattelite and internet and wireless technology to link to my EEEG's..The INS. hospital i get my medical care from recorded my EEG,s twice right before i started hearing thier voices..By the way i started hearing them speak just as clear as day in my head (synthetic telepathy) in Dec. 2005 and they have not stopped the forced telepathic attack for a single minute..It sucks but i have learned a lot from it.. Several times i would be hearing the usual person doing the usual insults, and judging me and trying to intimidate me..Then i could very clearly tell that someone else came into thier room or got near thier computor because instantly the persons mind was being read and transmitted to me and my perp would get mad and tell the other person to leave or back-up..Once i realized they had such techno-abilitys i made it clear that i was fully aware and i made them very nervous..Im not real computor literate at all but i know that they can use remote desktop and other types of remote connections to read our thoughts and much more i think..One last thing, i had local computor repair guy fix my laptop and he installed stuff i didnt want and he didnt tell me about it untill i returned to his store..After i got my laptop back i sat for four hours trying to connect to internet and i couldnt do anything...Worst part is i kept noticing little dots of light flashing all around my screen and it was making me weaker and weaker by the minute..The next day i was admitted into the hospital with 640 count blood glucose and almost had a stroke..I got out three days later and went to walgreens for meds and something told me to check the magazine rack it was an overwhelming instinct or intuition to look at the magazines..I found the scientific american mag. that had an article about OPTO-GENETICS..I have since found INTEL and AMD software installed in my computor that makes the flashes of light..This cant be coincidence.. There a lot more but i just wanted to give a heads up..They have incredible amounts of software installed in every computer and they got us thinking its just normal stuff...IT AINT..
Excuse my language, but these people are fucking sick and they are serious assholes. Someone I know recently ended their life and these people are accusing me of not caring, when in all actuallity I do care. They call me an asshole, a bitch, a punk. They blame me for everything. I would go to his funeral but I can't because of these sick assholes following me everywhere and harassing me. I know that if I go to his funeral that I will be harassed by the perps and they will just get more people to join in the harassment. I have to avoid going to most places because of these people. Here recently, they have also called me sick.
I thought his name was michael f. But a search of google earth, national geographic maps, and bing maps, shows his home, real name, heck! it even shows the white pickup that he used many times to do the drivebys through my alley! mark freeman, lives with his brother shawn in nine mile falls wa.
http://maps.nationalgeographic.com/map-machine#s=b&c=47.82639279342247, -117.60251828972485&z=19
if i die tomorrow, and i may just, i will die satisfied that i know who the "weird ass stalker" is that set me up for this repugnant derelict insectile cowardly targeting.
all of this info was given to me, but as clues, not using real names etc. i saw his brother the same place i saw him. i saw the damned white pickup that he drove through my alley a hundred times, a former friend fed me some of the info (even tho it wasnt accurate, exactly. thanks kathy! you're what i call a "real" friend).
Glenn Carle worked for the CIA for 33 years. He spent most of his career working on counterterrorism. After 9/11, the CIA had him interrogate a detainee. That interrogation is the subject of the book he wrote.
The detainee
After interrogating his detainee for a while, Carle determined that his detainee was telling him the truth. But the organization Carle worked for – the CIA – wasn’t. The CIA assessment of this so-called terrorist was not accurate. The assessment claimed that his detainee was “a senior involved person in or with Al Qaeda.”
“I found that this wasn’t true,” said Carle. “I found that fundamentally he was answering my questions not entirely accurately all the time. But fundamentally I assessed him to be speaking the truth.”
He was “not a jihadist, not ideologically, theologically similar to or identifying with the views of Al Qaeda.” He was “not even intentionally, willingly complicit” in his dealings with other members of Al Qaeda. However, Carle did say there were “some exceptions.”
“He wasn’t simon-pure,” said Carle.
He described the way his detainee interacted with Al Qaeda as follows.
If a member of Al Qaeda “bought a train ticket in Grand Central Station to go to Long Island … does that make the ticket taker complicit?” said Carle. “I think not. And this was, I came to feel, very broadly the situation with my detainee.”
Carle did say that some of the information provided by his detainee was useful for the CIA. So presumably, his detainee did have some sort of weak relationship with Al Qaeda.
The interrogation
Carle tortured his detainee. There is a technical term for what he tried to do. He tried to “psychologically dislocate” his detainee. Here is Carle explaining the rationale behind what he did:
“We all know that gravity pulls us down, that the sky is up. The sky is blue. The sun rises in the East. We tend to sleep once a day, for a set period of time. We have a regular series of meals. Sound is at certain levels. That’s how we perceive the world. That’s how we have a sense of ourselves. That’s how we then have rational thoughts and interact with the environment.”
“Psychologically dislocating someone is designed to change all of that so that you don’t know not only where you are or what’s going on but who you are. You lose your sense of self, become detached from your body, from your senses. It’s astounding. It’s shockingly rapid that one can have this happen.”
Carle had firsthand experience with this technique. The CIA psychologically dislocated him during his training. According to Carle, this “was a relevant, useful part” of his training. The training taught him how to deal with those psychological dislocations. CIA officers need this training because they need to know how to react if they are captured, interrogated, and tortured. And in order to learn how to cope with psychological dislocations, trainees must themselves be psychologically dislocated.
To psychologically dislocate his detainee, Carle did several things. He blasted his detainee with “noise of all different sorts” in order to make it hard for him to think. He raised and lowered the room temperature in which his detainee was located “as a way to manipulate” his “sense of self and wellbeing.” The lighting of the room was raised and lowered. Often he would subject his detainee to “total darkness.” He also manipulated his sleeping patterns and his diet.
Carle claims that the U.S. government decided to use these techniques to extract information from their detainees. He is lying. These techniques are not used to extract information from detainees. One victim of the U.S. mind control program put it best: people have known since Galileo that you don’t torture people to get information out of them. You torture people to put information into them.
Project Bluebird
According to declassified government documents, in the fifties the CIA had a program called Project Bluebird. The project got its name from the phrase “sing like a bird.” As the phrase suggests, the goal of the program was to find ways to make detainees spill their guts during an interrogation. But this was not the only goal of the project. In fact, the other, and perhaps more important goal of the project was to control the subjects after the interrogation was over. The CIA put it this way, “Can a man be made to commit acts useful to us under post-hypnotic suggestion?” Apparently, the CIA wanted to hypnotize their detainees during an interrogation and in doing so, gain control of them.
The CIA had a term for this kind of interrogation. They called it a “special interrogation” (SI). To conduct these so-called “special interrogations,” each interrogation team had experts in medicine, hypnosis, electric shock, the EEG, and the polygraph.
Before Project Bluebird began, a group of CIA officials went to Western Europe to determine if Russia was using drugs and hypnosis during their interrogations. One of the officials who went on this trip was Morse Allen (who would later lead Project Bluebird). Ironically, to discover if Russia was using drugs and hypnosis, a group of suspected Russian agents were drugged and hypnotized while being interrogated. As these interrogations were conducted in Western Europe, presumably the officials who conducted these interrogations were European officials. Declassified documents imply that the CIA officials who attended these interrogations did not how to interrogate suspects using drugs and hypnosis.
“In four different cases, suspected Communist agents were processed by drugs and the establishing of the state of hypnosis for interrogation purposes,” said the CIA. “(It was interesting to note that Polygraph tests could be run and the hypnotic state could be established and maintained through the use of an interpreter.)“
That European officials were able to do these things (while we apparently were not), is an indication that America got its “special interrogation” program from Europe.
During that trip, the CIA determined that the Russians were using “drug interrogation to a considerable extent.” The CIA also determined that Russia was using “hypnosis in special and important instances.”
“It would seem that the Russians are not, at this time, utilizing hypnosis operationally in their espionage set up,” said the CIA. “It is, although, interesting to note that the Russians definitely do possess the know-how of such operations, should they care to utilize these techniques.”
Well, heck. If the Russian have this technology and we don’t have this technology then clearly we must develop this technology, right? This is the justification that America used to engage in its egregious behavior: well, it may be evil but if the Russians are doing it then we need to do or else we will be screwed.
If the Russians were holding back for some reason in the late forties, they wouldn’t hold back for long. A couple of years later, the story changed. Then, Britain told America that Russia was training its own special interrogation teams. These interrogators were bombarding their detainees with sounds and lights. They (or at least some of them) were trained by a Swedish psychiatrist who was an expert in sensory deprivation and fatigue.
And so America embarked on its own mind control program, Project Bluebird. In February of 1951, Morse Allen and his Bluebird team received hypnosis training from an expert. The training went extremely well.
“Certain fundamental questions were specifically answered in the course of the instruction,” said Allen.
One of the questions answered was, “What percent of subjects can be subjected successfully to hypnosis techniques?” And the answer was “85% to 95%.” Another question was, “Can a person under hypnosis commit an act against his religious or moral scruples or against his training or upbringing?” And the answer to this question was, “Yes. Anything could be done by a person under hypnosis, including murder.”
Soon after this, the CIA changed the name of Project Bluebird to Project Artichoke. It appears that this project was successful. For example, a June 12, 1952 cable from an Artichoke Team in Germany read, “Team considers case most successful in their experience.” The cable also said that the subject of the interrogation “experienced complete amnesia.”
Inducing amnesia in the subjects was very important. According to the CIA, ideally every Artichoke subject would have “a complete and perfect amnesia.” Presumably, this was to prevent the subject from remembering what the CIA did to them. And so the CIA looked for drugs that induced amnesia. One such drug was scopolamine. According to Morse Allen, that drug “produces amnesia fairly regularly.”
By the end of the year, the Artichoke Team in Germany was using drugs during their interrogations. And in February of 1953, the CIA said Project Artichoke was progressing well ahead of schedule.
In 1954, Morse Allen was able to hypnotize a secretary into sleeping. He then hypnotized another woman and told her that if she could not wake the sleeping secretary she would be so outraged that she would not hesitate to kill that secretary. Allen placed a pistol nearby. The woman picked up the gun, pointed it at the sleeping secretary, and pulled the trigger. The gun was unloaded. But the woman didn’t know that. After bringing the woman out of her trance, she denied ever shooting the secretary.
By 1954, Allen was working on hypnotizing people into becoming counteragents. And for whatever reason, the CIA was hypnotizing one of its officials into harming another one of its officials (which he did on several occasions).
This is the story of Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke as told by the documents that the CIA has declassified. Actually, I tend to question whether America really “discovered” these special interrogation techniques during the fifties as part of Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke. I say this because other documents indicate that America was using these techniques during World War II.
During the war, the OSS was administering drugs to its detainees during their interrogations. What’s more, both the OSS and British intelligence used hypnotists during the war. Sidney Gottlieb, who would later head the CIA mind control program called MKULTRA, noted that the U.S. government had done something with hypnosis before Project Bluebird.
“The origins of CIA interest in hypnotism began before I arrived at the Agency with [Morse] Allen and others in SRS who recognized the practice as a possible means for eliciting information,” said Gottlieb. “Apparently there was earlier interest in the subject with the OSS, but I’m unaware of the details or extent of that.”
So why would the CIA lie about how they got their mind control program? I believe they are trying to hide the fact that they got their mind control program from Britain. So they invented a cover story, the idea that we got our mind control program from the Russians (and from former Nazi scientists).
This is the story that Glenn Carle told when commenting on the origins of the psychological dislocation program he used. He claimed that the CIA learned these techniques from the Communists, from what they did to U.S. soldiers during the Korean War and from what they did to Jewish intellectuals during the thirties. He is lying again. If the Communists had our mind control techniques before we did, they would not have lost the Cold War.
Britain and the IRA
In fact, almost everything the Bush administration did to its detainees in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay was exactly the same thing that Britain did to its Irish Republican Army (IRA) detainees three decades prior. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at the evidence.
First, let’s examine what America did. Don Rumsfeld infamously agreed to force Gitmo detainees to stand for hours on end. The detainees were hooded when they were flown to Gitmo and when they were at the facility. When detainees refused to behave their heads were banged against the wall. In Abu Ghraib, our soldiers stuck an object in the anus of at least one detainee.
Now let’s compare that to what happened in Britain three decades prior. On October 17, 1971, the Sunday Times reported that Britain was brainwashing its detainees in Northern Ireland. The Times reported that Britain was blindfolding these detainees and transporting them by helicopter while still hooded. While detained, Britain stood these men against the wall and made them stand spread-eagled. The room in which these men were standing was filled with a high-pitched throbbing sound which drove the detainees mad. Of course, this media report caused an uproar and an investigation was launched. The results of that investigation were published in a report, the Compton Report.
According to the report, the detainees were forced to stand. When they collapsed, they were picked up and forced to stand again.
The report contained a list of allegations made by the detainees. Several detainees, including James Auld, Kevin Hannaway, and Joseph Clarke, said their heads were banged against the wall. Patrick Joseph McClean said his head was slammed against the floor. Brian Turley said his head was slammed against the door. Sean McKenna, Gerald McKerr, Brian Turley, and Kevin Hannaway said they were beaten if they refused to stand correctly. Joseph Clarke said he was beaten until he collapsed. Patrick Joseph McClean said he was beaten and kicked in the genitals. Michael Joseph Donnelly said he was struck in the genitals and an object was shoved into his anus.
The inquiry said they found no evidence of injury to support these statements...with the exception of the injuries suffered by Joseph Clarke. Oh, and they did find bruising on the body of Joseph McClean. And Kevin Hannaway had a black eye. But other than that, no evidence. Really.
The Compton Report said there were some cases of ill-treatment but no brutality, a lie that was parroted by the British media. The Times of London said that British officials did nothing approaching brutality.
“The picture that emerges from the committee’s examination of complaints of the first type is of occasional examples of unnecessary roughness by particular soldiers or policemen,” said the Times of London.
Apparently, this was not the first time Britain did something like this to their detainees. They did something very similar in Aden in 1964. This is how the Time of London described Britain’s behavior in Aden, “Such behaviour was regrettable, but alas occasionally understandable.”
Britain even had its own version of Dick Cheney. Reginald Maudling, a Conservative MP, told the House of Commons that the information gained from the interrogations saved civilian lives.
Now let’s fast forward thirty years. Did the torture Carle imposed on his detainee make him reveal more information? No. According to Carle, the psychological dislocations he imposed on his detainee did not make him “more willing to share information.” It merely made him “unhappy and angry and miserable.” The key word there is angry. The CIA wanted to make their detainees angry.
What documents?
Carle did other things to make his detainee angry. During the interrogation, he asked his detainee a question. His detainee said he could answer the question if Carle gave him the documents he had with him at the time when he was arrested. So Carle asked the CIA to send him these documents. The CIA told him that they would send these documents to headquarters (which was 6,000 miles away from where Carle was located). And he was told that the documents would arrive in six to eight weeks.
“I tried to explain that I wasn’t at headquarters and that I needed them [immediately],” said Carle.
But the CIA refused to send him the documents. Carle said he considered sending one of his staff to get the documents but he decided that he couldn’t do that. He said he considered going to grab the documents himself but he said he couldn’t do that because “the interrogation would grind to a halt.” And so he never got the documents. Apparently, this charade made his detainee very angry.
“Of course the detainee became progressively disdainful of me … because he thought, ‘Of course you’re doing this on purpose to me just to harass me,’” said Carle.
Once again, the detainee was telling the truth. Once again, Carle and the CIA were trying to make their detainee angry. They wanted him to hate the CIA. They wanted him to hate America. They wanted to turn him into a terrorist. The CIA assessment of him wasn’t so much a reflection of the truth – it was more of an aspiration. Don’t believe me that the CIA tortures people in order to turn them into terrorists? Let’s consider another case, the case of the Unabomber.
The Unabomber
Many of the mind control techniques used by the U.S. government are based on reverse psychology. A good example of reverse psychology is what Henry Murray did to the Unabomber at Harvard. During World War II, Murray was the chief psychologist for the OSS, which was the precursor to the CIA. He was interested in both brainwashing and the use of drugs. After the war, Murray became a professor at Harvard, where he conducted a series of “experiments” which were in fact exercises in brainwashing. The goal of these “experiments” was to indoctrinate people with a certain outlook on life.
For these “experiments,” Murray used second year undergraduate students at Harvard. Murray had a reason for using sophomores. Most sophomores do not have a “personal philosophy of life.” If you asked a college sophomore to write down their “personal philosophy of life,” they would probably just regurgitate some of the ideas they learned during their first year in college.
In fact, this was the first stage of the “experiment” – having the participants write down their “personal philosophy of life.” Presumably, many of participants, for want of something better, wrote down the “philosophy” they learned during their first year at Harvard.
At this time, Harvard was indoctrinating its students with an anti-technology outlook on life. Presumably, this is the philosophy the Unabomber wrote down. But at this point, the Unabomber probably didn’t have a strong attachment to these beliefs. They were just something he learned over the past year. To make the Unabomber a full-fledged zealot, Murray would have to do something more than just have the Unabomber attend a few classes. Because if all you are doing is lecturing people, they may remember what you told them for a while, but eventually they will probably forget what you said.
For stage two of his “experiment,” Murray put the Unabomber into an interrogation room and he had an “interrogator” belittle the Unabomber and make fun of his “personal philosophy of life.” Needless to say, this experience was very upsetting for the Unabomber. The reason Murray had the “interrogator” attack the Unabomber and his beliefs was not to convince the Unabomber that he was wrong. It was to convince the Unabomber that he was right. If you attack someone verbally without cause or justification, there is no chance they will agree with what you are telling them. Instead, they will be more likely to return fire and take the opposite position. And that was what Murray was counting on in his brainwashing “experiment.” In fact, I would bet that during the interrogation, Murray drugged the Unabomber with something that heightened his anger even further.
The traumatic experience of this “experiment” left a life-long impression on the people who had to suffer through it. And I imagine that it left them with a desire to prove that the beliefs they brought before their interrogator were the truth and not just the silly ramblings of some kooky college professor. If so, Murray succeeded in brainwashing his subjects. He certainly succeeded in brainwashing the Unabomber. Not only did he succeed in making him adopt the anti-technology outlook that Harvard was teaching him, he also turned the Unabomber into an angry, hateful individual. Such a person, needless to say, would be capable of committing acts of terrorism, which is what the Unabomber did after he left Harvard.
Who’s lying?
Glenn Carle and the CIA did other things to anger their detainee. When the detainee couldn’t answer certain questions (because he was not the person the CIA assessed him to be), CIA headquarters told Carle that his detainee was lying.
“The fact that he is not answering, proves that he is guilty,” said headquarters.
Apparently, this was the policy the CIA had for all its interrogations.
“The formal approach in our interrogations at that time was to instruct the interrogators that the lack of response was proof of guilt and withholding information,” said Carle.
And when confronted with this situation, the interrogators were told to “use stronger measures.” These stronger measures, of course, probably made the detainees hate America even more.
While his detainee was suffering, Carle seemed to be not too upset about the whole situation.
“It became funny to talk about and I would make black humor jokes with my colleagues,” said Carle.
The U.S. government held his detainees for eight years. At the end of that period, the government released him and gave him a “muted apology.” It would be interesting to find out if he became the person the CIA originally assessed him to be.
No accountability
Glenn Carle does not want the government to prosecute any of the officials responsible for the Bush torture program. He argues that prosecuting those officials would be “divisive.” According to him, such an act would be “perceived as an act of vengeance.” To justify his position, he cites the Civil War as an example. After the war, the North did not persecute the people in the South.
“I think things may have been dramatically worse had the North been vindictive and punished people more directly,” said Carle. “We would have then probably had a guerilla war.”
We prosecuted the people who waterboarded U.S. soldiers during World War II. We prosecuted U.S. soldiers for waterboarding detainees during the Vietnam War. Those prosecutions did not result in a civil war in Japan or America so why would prosecuting people result in a civil war now?
What he seems to be saying is, “If you come after people like me, we’re going to start a civil war.”
The fact that we tortured detainees has badly damaged our image abroad. This has real consequences. Muslims are joining Al Qaeda because they are outraged at what we have done. It does not help that the people who supported torturing detainees are using the legal theories of Carl Schmitt, the former Nazi, to justify their positions. Unless we hold the torturers accountable, Muslims will continue to believe that America is anti-Islamic and they will continue to join Al Qaeda. But that, of course, is the reason why we tortured those detainees in the first place.
If we don’t hold people accountable, there is nothing to deter people from torturing others in the future.
Carle pretends like he is all torn up about what he did. But if that were true, why didn’t he just quit the CIA? Not only did he agree to torture his detainee, after he finished torturing his detainee, he continued on with the CIA for several more years. In fact, he finished his career as the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Transnational Threats at the National Intelligence Council. According to the New America Foundation, that position is “the pinnacle of our national intelligence community.” Would our government have appointed him to that position if he fundamentally opposed the Bush torture program?
So how does one become the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Transnational Threats? You need to have the right pedigree.
“I’m a central casting New England Yankee WASP,” said Carle. “My ancestors go back to 1700. Most of them were loyalists actually. One was actually convicted for spying against the Americans. He was a British spy.”
Perhaps Britain controls Carle just liked they controlled his ancestor. One could argue that the CIA has been doing a better job of protecting European interests than American interests (for more information on this, read some of my other writings).
Carle is not the only U.S. official who got his position based on his ancestry. Frank G. Wisner, the former U.S. ambassador to Zambia, Egypt, the Philippines, and India, is the son of Frank Wisner, the former head of the OSS. John P. Clay, who worked for the Army Chemical Division and was apparently the U.S. official who sixty years ago discovered that Europe had this great new drug called LSD, was a descendant of Henry Clay and John Clay (Henry Clay was the former Speaker of the House of Representatives and John Clay was one of the original Virginia settlers who came to America four hundred years ago). And of course, our current president, Barack Obama comes from the same line as George Washington (they are both descendants of Laurence Washington).
If anyone tells you that America is a classless society, they don’t know what they are talking about.
Decades ago, when one U.S. official heard about what we were trying to do in Project Artichoke, that official said the following.
“What in God’s name are we proposing here? Does it not strike anyone but a few that these projects may be immoral and unethical, and that they may fly in the face of international laws? What really are we attempting to accomplish? Where does respect for life and human dignity come into play?”
Articles about how Britain tortured IRA detainees. All articles published by the Times of London.
(10/18/1971) “Inquiry on ‘brain washing’”
(11/17/1971) “A legacy of interrogation”
(11/17/1971) “Maudling denial of brutality”
(11/17/1971) “Ill-treatment but no Ulster brutality”
(11/17/1971) “Issues of the Compton Report”
(11/18/1971) “Interrogation disclosures saved civilians, Mr Maudling tells House”
For references on Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke, read “A Terrible Mistake” by H.P. Albarelli Jr. In particular, read the chapters “Bluebird” and “Artichoke.”
To learn more about what Henry Murray did to the Unabomber at Harvard, read this:
Shouldn't you be the one afraid?
You're the one stalking, hacking, harassing.
Even if you consistently assign police, military or "secret agents" (who call attention to themselves) on the places I frequent.
Even if you station them in the places I go to daily, in the public commute I take every time.
Even if you assign OB vans, ambulances, police cars, wherever I go. EVERY TIME.
... I don't care.
You are the ones who are supposed to be afraid.
I am not doing anything against you or anyone for that matter.
Even when I had been receiving all the abuses and harassment all these years, I have tried my best to do what is right by God, opting to stay away when I can not take on the pain any longer.
So stop thinking your scare tactics will work.
It only works on cowards.
On those who are guilty.
I have not done anything against you.
Why should I fear you?
Or your ilk?
I only fear God.
What is wrong with these people? They literally persecute me for every thought, action, and even while I'm sleeping, all the way to the time I wake up. Something is very wrong with these people. Does anybody know what their problem is?
This has been a daily Occurrence. Day and night to be exact.
He's a sadist, psychopath, deviant. He "rescued" me from the initial attack about 3 months after I was made aware, and claimed to be a TI from Florida, suggested we "team up" to help protect one another. He had some savings and would drive to Washington State to get me, and we could go anywhere we wanted. He said he would take care of me. And I believed him. I thought, "Ha! I got away", at least with someone that understands and believes me. He knew I was leaving my job and would be totally dependent upon him. He said he'd take care of me and I would take care of him. How was I to know that he was really my attacker, a psychopath/narcissist? At first he was really sweet and charming, mild and sort of meek. Spoke in a really low soothing voice and seemed very gentle. At first. But little by little I started to see what the agenda really was. His name is James F. Lico, and he's active with FFCHS.
While he was driving cross-country he called me constantly, with one huge problem after another. This was to keep me stressed out and to consume all my spare time that I could have otherwise spent on useful research. His tone sounded funny when I would call him, falsely jovial. He told me on one call that he belonged to the IOEW - the International Order of Electrical Workers and it freaked me out, I told him I can't go with him (the mobbing was by that same group, they had stickers on their windows and patches on the sleeves of their shirts). My sister said he could stay at her house until we decided where we would go,then changed her mind. She and my son performed an elaborate gas-lighting before he showed up, all the while I was being microwaved. When he arrived in my town, I met him at his motel. He resembled the troglodyte insect puke and his family that tricked me into this cowardly trap. But he was very convincing, said it was just a coincidence, etc.
I was desperate for help. I don't blame myself for falling for it, why should I? The things that were done to me were to induce a state of shock. And I was further duped by Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, and the infiltrators that show up to many of the conference calls claiming to have been TI's for years and years (if you are a real TI and want me to elaborate on the reasons why I claim the above about FFCHS and many of the members, leave a comment and your phone number and I'll call you. You can believe what I say or not).
I made a list of reasons why I think I'm with my handler: it's 2 steno-book pages long. The reasons may appear silly. But a real TI knows EVERYTHING that's done to you is meant to appear silly so you will have no credibility. This man owned a large, beautiful home in Florida and showed me photos, traded in the stock market, inherited rooms full of expensive furniture and original artwork from his mother. Other details were fed to me by him, over time, to heighten the fear and suspicion, the sense of helplessness and dependence.
He told me his old girlfriend, Ellen, started having sex with his neighbors who were firemen, policemen. That he had photos (that she deleted from his computer) and he enhanced the part of the photos that were taken by the pool, and had reflections showing in the chrome of the pool step-ladder which showed men without clothes on, and of her performing sex acts on them. He said it took him a year to get her to leave. She has Multiple Sclerosis. His next relationship was with a woman named Janet that he met on a dating website. He said she had him falsely arrested for threatening her with a knife, that he spent a month and a half in jail (he was able to get the charges dropped - I believe it as he was emailed a copy of the court clerk' filing). She has all of his expensive antique furniture.
He and I "met" on a FFCHS conference call. He claims it's the poison that they can shoot with a microwave weapons that are the most dangerous, that it enhances and increases the effects . I believed him (when I was still living with my sister, I found "stuff" that I think I was tricked into believing was poison, by being allowed to observe family members planting a white powder in my handlers' clothes and on the dog, and by "hearing" small pieces of it go through aluminum foil - tic tic tic). I believe TI's are poisoned. But not by having micro-pieces of it shot off the walls or floor or clothes. That was misdirection. I've had the most God-awful perfume sprayed outside my apartment door whenever I announce I'm leaving. I was sprayed with it while living with a relative. There were blue spots on the shirts I was wearing, and my hair stunk of it. I have no other “proof” of poisoning. Two really terrible things about his claim that poisons are worse than microwaves are: 1. you have to keep blocking the poison, by putting up big ugly pieces of plastic, or wrapping yourself in visqueen (it drove me crazy-I was a neat freak), and 2. NOTHING IS DONE TO SHIELD AGAINST THE MICROWAVES.
Something I just realized about him is that he seems to get turned-on when I report a lot of pain from the microwave attacks, and especially if I cry. When I'm feeling strong and have energy I'm mostly ignored while he watches one msnbc show after another.
I can go back to at least 2006 and maybe as far as 2004, to when The Conditioning began. In 2004 I worked for a major waste company, and there was talk of unionization at the landfill I worked at. My job category wasn't part of the union effort, but I was none the less dragged into it by the men that were in jobs that wanted the union. This is also when I filed a workman's comp claim for carpul tunnel in my right hand, and my boss didn't like that - he asked me to let the company pay for the co-pay, and I show up and answer phones with no time loss, which I refused. I had another surgery in a delicate place in 2004.
Also around this time, I had gained a lot of weight and wanted to start exercising. I started walking down the country road I lived on, got about 25 feet and felt a horrible shock going up my bottom. The pain was paralyzing, but I managed to make it back home. I only tried it one more time and the same thing happened. I fell through my rickity back porch and got a big bruise on my left thigh and a little cut on my left shin. The little cut wouldn't heal, became filled with what looked like water, not discolored, and tests showed no bacterial nor viral infection. On my left calf, I developed a solid red rash with water blisters that stung like bee stings until they popped, then it itched. The rash spread all over my legs and body. I saw my GP, a dermatologist, and went to the wound clinic but no diagnosis was given. It looked and felt exactly like shingles, but I was told by everyone that you get shingles only on one side of your body. That same year my best friend since childhood, Tina, died of liver failure. I don't think my targeting and her death are coincidental - she was the only friend that didn't make a habit of treating me like a second class citizen. She was always sweet and kind to me, no hidden agenda. Also, I was sprayed with pesticide while waiting for a light to change. It was a very windy day and there was a man spraying the shrubs that surrounded a hotel parking lot. It came in the open window of my car and made me sick. Little by little, the women in my life (most of them) began wearing more and stronger perfume, which made me sick when I was around it for too long (headaches, burning eyes, nose and throat, and fatigue).
There was a lot of other marginal stuff going on then, but not like there was in 2006 when I worked for a major insurance company in the call center. That's when very strange things happened. For example, the managers were having a meeting and found that someone had pooped on the floor outside the meeting room. Later I was told by the husband of my dearest friend Tina (he also worked for the insurance company but in a different department) that the pooping wasn't deliberate. That a woman that worked in his department had been ill and couldn't make it to the restroom. This happened again after I was mobbed and the targeting started in earnest (in 2011). I had to work in the office (I was working at home, telecommuting) after the mobbing, I was scared to death. My old manager and an employee that was on my telecommuting team came down to visit with me, and told me that the managers found poop outside the meeting room door...very strange. While I was working in the office, the gang stalking was pretty bad. I was coming back from lunch and turned around to face front in the elevator. A woman in a business suit was standing outside the door to the brokerage firm that was on the main floor of the building I worked in and said, "That's Sam X____". I had never seen either one of them before in my life.
The agenda is all about frustration. Everything that can be done to frustrate me is done. My partner/handler consistently leaves kitchen cupboard doors and drawers open. Leaves food smears all over the refrigerator, cupboards, etc. misplaces everything, never puts anything away, goes through so many towels and clothes because he takes at least 2 showers a day, often more, to escape from the invisible poison. He makes no visible effort to alter his behavior. Not ever. Now, I know people, especially men, can be lazy, but this is beyond the realm of the worst of slobs. He seemed absolutely clueless that you have to wash the peanut butter off your hands before you start touching 'frig doors. And if you have a cockroach problem (and we did for the first 3 months we were here) you simply can't do that. You have to take a little care. And it didn't happen once or twice, it was every time he went anywhere in the apartment he left a trail of stuff to be picked up, or laundered, or mopped or vaccuumed or wiped off. And the bathroom - don't let me commence! Anyway, my point is that I have no problem taking care of a man, even a total slob. I was (and am, dammit!) grateful that he "rescued" me from the hell I was in, and gleefully kept things clean every day, even when we were moving nearly every day from motel to motel, getting very little sleep at night because of the DEW attacks (and we were using plastic to shield against it! Good one, James!). And I was honestly falling for him. That really gives me pause now. [Right after I was mobbed, I went to the laundrymat by my house and there was a couple in there that made it a point to sit at the table next to me. He looked very fit and healthy, her hair was brittle and dry and very short, and she kept it pulled back in a kerchief. One of those hoarding shows was on the TV, and every once and a while she would look over at me, put her head in her hands and shake it back and forth. Then he would rub her arm as if to comfort her. I've had many theories about that couple, but mostly about that woman. I would bet a wooden nickle that she was/is a target, and was worn down, and gave in. Became a slave to them (to him), willingly, to save her life]. I'm not going to be able to do that.
Trying to keep up with the messes James made, while dealing with the gang stalking, gaslighting and DEW was impossible. I would have had to stay up 24/7 to keep up with him (James has narcolepsy - perfect for handling a TI). And the only solution to shielding against the microwaves was plastic and painting, which don't do a thing. James is an electrician, for God's sake! And he feigned ignorance. When he finally decided to do something, it involved wrapping a piece of aluminum screen in visqueen. That was it. Hell, I had better shielding with the aluminum cookie sheets and $99 xray apron! But I recognized the pattern as the one that started in Spokane. I'd fell for the trap. I knew why I got away so easily and quickly. Because I didn't. The most compelling reason I suspected him and now am certain in my assessment was because, if the government has me on a watch list (or whatever you want to call it) or some other group of powerful people with lots of money wanted to strip me of my life - essentially ruin me - would either have allowed me to get away? Absolutely not.
...We went through a period of time where we wouldn't leave the apartment together because someone was coming in a poisoning the place. Then I insisted we go together to the store, that I was sick of always having to face the stalkers alone, and it was a nightmare. The other day we were idling out of the apartment complex, kids were getting home from school and they were everywhere. We had gotten notice from management that there were complaints we were driving erratically and had to comply or get thrown out. He starts tying his left shoe and asks me to take the wheel. Then he sped up! I told him to wait until he stopped to tie it, that it wasn't an emergency, and got screamed at. I was mobbed on that day, and insisted he take me home and go to the store on his own. (will continue later)
6-3-12 daily journal: I've been having problems with my ears for the past week or so, and James took me to the emergency room early this morning. I've had swimmers' ear before and thought I had it again, but in both ears (was told by the doc that having it in both ears is rare). The pain was pretty bad, not as bad as the first time I'd had it (that time my ear canal swelled shut and was a fungal infection-unbearable pain), but I looked on the internet for what to do about it, and it said to go to the emergency room if it's causing dizziness, if you've had problems with your ears before, etc, so we went. The doctor that examined me was very kind. I asked him about the scars behind my ears and he said that my ear canals in both ears "were a mess", that I had a lot of scar tissue in both of them. Now I've had many illnesses in my life, I was a sickly little kid. But I have absolutely no memory of any operations on my ears!!!!!! Anywayyyyy, back to my journal entry...On the way home from the hospital, James was just driving down the road when my heart started pounding in my chest like a hammer! I saw a white Dodge pickup, and the driver looked a lot like the manipulative cretin Michael F! (I'll explain who he is later, and give a description). James pretended to not know what to do to help me. I thought that this was it, they were going to kill me right here on the street. The pain was unbelievable. I tried to explain to James what happened and all he said was, 'oh yeah. I've had that happen to me'. He said to me on more than one occasion that I should notice that when we are getting along (or having sex) that they don't microwave us, but when we fight we get microwaved more. Well, that's true, except his use of the word "we". If you look at someone that's been microwaved (just look at a few Youtube videos of the women TI's and it's undeniable: they look like they've been microwaved. Their hair is kinky and dry and brittle looking and they appear washed out. James looks as fresh as a daisy, and not half as old as he is). As long as I went along with everything he wanted the attacks were less frequent and severe - they have never stopped, and never will (he'll tell you that I always got my way, I always got what I wanted. Believe me, he lies. I'm a target because I've always gone by the motto of 'tell the truth and shame the devil'. Lots of people don't want truth tellers around, aka whistleblowers). James just told me today that I could've had it all. But the price I would have had to pay was my soul, my will, my self. And even if I'd agreed to give myself up they wouldn't have stopped the harassment and terrorism. He would have used me up and thrown me away when he was done with me.
Who is Michael F?
He's the guy that pretended to like me, deceived and manipulated me into the targeting. He's tall and skinny, with sort of curly dark hair, looks like he's in his 30's or 40's but is really probably closer to 50 years old. He pretended to be a poor guy working for Winco Foods in Spokane. He drove passed my house almost every day, followed me to the store, had relatives that lived right behind me on Wellesley Avenue that harassed and spied on me. I couldn't get away from this stalker. His family owns car dealerships, gas companies, etc. He's one of the "people that have all the money that want to keep all the money". He's a soulless insect (I was using the term 'pig' for a while, as in Nazi pig, but these people that are doing this don't deserve the status of even a farm animal. So insect it is).
While I was looking online for information about cults, I found a Wikipedia entry for Margaret Singer's book called Cults in Our Midst and thought, "This is exactly what happened with my targeting". She lists 6 steps to thought reform: 1. Keep the person unaware of what is going on and how attempts to psychologically condition him or her are directed in a step-by-step manner. 2. Control the person's social and/or physical environment; especially control the person's time. 3. Systematically create a sense of powerlessness in the person. 4. Manipulate a system of rewards, punishments and experiences in such a way as to inhibit behavior that reflects the person's former social identity. 5. The group manipulates a system of rewards, punishments, and experiences in order to promote learning the group's ideology or belief system and group-approved behaviors. 6. Put forth a closed system of logic and an authoritarian structure that permits no feedback and refuses to be modified except by leadership approval or executive order. %%%%%%% James could have written the manual on this! Step-by-step, this is how he did it: 1. I thought I was the luckiest person alive, to have found someone that A. believed me, and B. was going to help me. I was at my most vulnerable and they took advantage of that fact. 2. He had the car, the resources and the knowledge (he had convinced me poison was EVERYWHERE). We spent weeks going from motel to motel, washing the poison off the walls. And at each place it would become re-infested with poison, so we'd have to wash more walls. Took up a lot of my time. I was constantly exhausted (by the way, not just blood, urine, semen and poison show up under black light. Take a look at the hood vent on your stove. To James this was poison). 3. Tell me you wouldn't feel powerless if you thought you had to wash everything every day to stay poison-free. And contend with gang stalkers and DEW. 4. You had to be there to appreciate how this worked. Always being cut short and interrupted in conversations; expected to never doubt anything he said, and with no logic behind the arguments. I was hit hardest with DEW on the days that I argued with him; at a "TI's" (I'll explain the quotation marks at another time) house we stayed at for a couple weeks, BOTH of them spoke to me in the tone a parent uses with a misbehaving three-year-old. 5. See explanation #4. 6. There was NO negotiation about the shielding efforts we were going to take, the fact that grease spatters show up purple or orange under black light, etc. It started with washing walls every day, until I refused to do it anymore. Then we finally get into an apartment, I agreed to help paint, once. We finished painting and he announced that the PAINT had poison in it!!!!!!!!!! So he had to paint over that, and still it wasn't enough. He said that they kept shooting the poison in through a hole in the screen. Then we had to keep all the windows closed. I balked at that, so he duct taped these black plastic panels near the openings of the sliding glass door and other windows. It's
like living in a box. It's a totally isolated and isolating situation.
6-15-2012 8:09 AM
When my behavior was being manipulated prior to the mobbing, I had encounters with several people in Spokane WA that are part of influential, affluent families that own most of that city. Robideaux, Finley, Jaremko, Wendle, Barton...follow the money and you'll find who is behind the targeting.
I started out thinking my targeting was a result of just my activism. But I wasn’t THAT active! I signed petitions online, and went to one rally to stop subsidies for big oil. I also suspected it was ONE wealthy family in Spokane WA that I’d insulted (I exchanged personal ads with a man named Michael F – I think his last name is Finley). But a recent find on wordpress.com makes me suspect it isn’t just one family of rich people that want to keep all the money. Rather, it’s a cabal of affluent families whose interests are such that any change in the way business is run globally, i.e., changes to laws governing emissions, fuel efficient cars, hydrogen powered engines, banking, real estate mortgages, etc. could severely restrict their cash-flow. THESE are the people responsible for targeting. They’ve set up forums/informational and support websites to misdirect TI’s and feed them full of BS. THIS site is one of them. So is FFCHS. Both have become overrun with perps that misdirect, misinform, and confuse real TI’s with time-wasting propaganda. Here's the link to the wordpress.com blog that hits the nail on the head.
I'm going to try and find out who invented the game cabal4 (or whatever it's called), along with inventors of technology that could change the status quo.
My advice to all who are really targeted is to be true to yourself. You don't deserve what's happening to you. Study psychology, and how it can be used to manipulate a person. This is how they're doing it. Learn, recognize, overcome, and live your own life. If you have been a church going person, keep going. If you haven't, going now won't change a thing. Know that the harassment will continue no matter what you do. You've angered someone that has money. Period.
If None, do you think such an organization will be supported or funded?
How can Targeted Individuals pool all their talents together so as to come up with the most potent of formula to counter the attacks being done by perps?
If it's the mind's power that's being harnessed by the perps, then enmeshed and working as one, the TIs' shared consciousness will be able to come up with concepts/ideas perps will find difficult to counter.