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So Far I Had A Fun Day. went out for a while and got to Johnston Rhode Island. There Still Having Problems there with rape and stuff like Central Falls Rhode Island And Pawtucket RI also problems in Cranston RI. these 4 citys are a problem with Digital Bots And Rapeist. all wanting Rage Rape something Danny Costillo Made in 2006 about it was gone untill 2009 and has been here again ever since. rhode Island is all messed up. The FBI will not talk about implants or anything and the cops laugh at people and cal them crazy. some of these people are Sex Offenders in the state and others are citizens doing all this stuff. they want to rape people and stuff my wife Jennifer has been bothered for years now. others are being attacked by Digital Bots and others stuff there all over the place and people need to have there implants cleaned out. so far there is no luck there some of the people are further away in other citys and doing things to others. there key word is your crazy so no one will know what they do.

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International Class Action Lawsuit

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please send me your statement of claim if you are a t.i.  A statement of claim is your personal account of how, when, where and why you became a  t.i. victim. Who you believe is the defendant responsible for you being a targeted individual and causing you pain and suffering. How your life is being handicapped and impaired from your normal everyday life. The courts are barely familiar with our language of MK-Ultra,V2-K, Medusa Tech, Micro-Wave and Mind Control Technologies. Keep your written testimony to no more than 3 pages and do not drift into speculation. Stick to the facts about what you know and imagine a normal person with no knowledge of t.i.'s is reading your statement of claim. The Lordship's and Her Majesty's Court will for the first time read the written transcripts and watch the videos from the Presidential Committee Hearings. , .
They will hear from expert witnesses.

and watch several important videos on torture using invisible technology. The courtroom will be filled with all the t.i.'s living in the United Kingdom. They will be introduced as local victims, material witnesses and plaintiffs in our class action lawsuit.

We will not be over ruled by 'Ultra Virus' conduct or dismissed using Sec. 19-24, Hard to Prove and Frivolous.

We are building a Strong Solid Case against, the Epidemic of Invisible Technology, no one cares about.

The courts are just becoming aware of invisible technology targeting individuals. Do not have flights of fancy and talk about Perps, God, Aliens, the Bible or Karma. You are a good person who happened to fall prey to a nightmare of technology impairing and tormenting your normal life. The technology used on you is a human rights violation under the laws of civilized countries. I am hoping to start a Royal Commissioners Inquiry, Just like Commissioner Braidwood's Inquiry in British Columbia. The Taser is a Direct Energy Weapon. Look at the other statement of claims at the bottom of the comments in this link.

Do the best you can and if you have any medical wellness reports, please send them. Invite any t.i.'s you know, who need our help. This is not brain surgery, just legal maneuvering to win. You are a targeted individual and our Human Rights Laws protect you against torture in the United Kingdom.

The U K should also examine whether the conduct amounts to a crime of torture subject to the jurisdiction of the international criminal court or universal jurisdiction under the torture convention. Similarly, the U K would be under an obligation to investigate how the information came into the hands of the UK police and/or other UK offcials.

The Arar Inquiry in Canada, established to investigate Canadian complicity in the rendition of a Canadian national to torture in Syria in 2002, has made it clear that when torture is committed abroad it does not occur in a vacuum. Evidence before the Inquiry showed that the Canadian police shared intelligence with the Syrian Government knowing that there was a real risk that Maher Arar was being ill treated. If the British Government obtains information knowing it has been extracted by torture, it is bound under international law to conduct an independent investigation to establish whether UK agents were complicit, and to take appropriate measures to prevent similar acts in the future. If the UK Government were to accept the material without raising questions about the illegal conduct by the sending Government, investigating potential violations of international criminal law, and signaling its profound opposition to the use of torture under any circumstances, then it would be effectively condoning the torture that took place, and arguably be encouraging further torture, in breach of its erga omnes obligations to prevent torture.

If everyone will send me their statement of claim by the end of April 2012 - subject line: International Class Action Lawsuit - I will swear the new affidavit, under oath to include all the t.i. participants in early May and file the class action lawsuit by the end of May. I have most of the Canadians from Galina, several dozen t.i. victims from around the world and am hoping for more. We have strength in greater numbers. Any help is much obliged.



"Injustice never rules forever"

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A Cry For Help

I am in desperate need of help. I am now experiencing around the clock "gang stalking" and am being tortured with remote electronic weapons, drugged...etc. I have already lost almost everything I had and am out of resources! I used to own a beautiful home and am now living in my car! I am about to be on streets and am not the type of person who can survive this under these circumstances. I need a miracle that can bring enough money for me to protect myself ASAP.  

FYI: Anyone who knew me before I hit this crisis point, knew me to be an extremely independent
woman who rarely asked for help. So, when I ask it is because it is desperately needed.

Please know that this is a genuine life or death plea that 
is praying you will send what you can to help me.

A few of the things I will do with your offerings:
Have myself scanned for microchip and have it removed, if one is found.
Protection from "gang stalkers" and laser rays...etc., 
Medical attention., A vehicle and gas for it.
Healthy food. . .a chance to heal..

If I reach a point where I can pay you back with interest, I gladly will, 
 because your help RIGHT NOW could save my life. Seriously.

Please. I am begging you to find the heart to send as much as
you can as quickly as possible. Thank you. . .from my heart.

Sharon R. Poet
PO Box 383
Mont Vernon, NH 03057


  Please Sign NEW Government Petition


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New USA Government Petition Against EH

CLICK HERE to Sign USA Petition to end EH

25,000 Signatures are needed by March 28, 2012

Many lives, including your own may depend on this petition.

Please sign it and pass it around ASAP.

The url is here for you to copy and send...!/petition/cry-our-government-immediately-end-all-human-rights-abuses-which-utilize-covert-weapon-technology/7SGSW5pb


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A Dream Vanishing into an Empty Future

I rubbed my forehead this morning and some of my skin came off!

   Going through another day of grieving the past, the present and even the future. Tears keep flowing into the helplessness that I feel. Part of me can't believe this is happening.

   I remember the dreams I had of being with my children and becoming a grandmother. I had myself all set up - mortgage free in a nice country home and running my own business. . .and now I am about to lose my car - the only home I have left. Don't know what is going to happen next. I'm trying not to care, but I do.

   I feel like I don't matter to anyone anymore.

I guess I don't.


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Note personali del blogger: John Keel fu un grande investigatore. Le sue parole testuali attinte da questa intervista, sono monito di riflessione; egli in questa ultima intervista testualmente dice :"Faccia attenzione al fatto che se esaminiamo alcuni documenti dell' FBI o della CIA,questi sono pessimamente redatti e investigati.Se i documenti validi,diaciamo così,sono da qualche parte,devono essere sepolti ad una tale profondità, che non sapremo mai nulla. Ai militari il tema non interessa affatto,a dispetto della falsa immagine che continuano a offrire i mezzi di comunicazione"

Il blogger vuole inoltre esprimere alcuni suoi concetti che ha formulato diversi anni fa,grazie a X-times e a questa intervista in quanto John Keel, era un uomo molto determinato a investigare con attenzione ed era capace di viaggiare dalla Florida alla California. Per me sarebbe stato capace perfino di viaggiare da Lisbona a Mosca oppure da Palermo ad Amburgo. Ovviamente era una persona che amava scrutare le cose sul campo e non stare con le mani in mano a guardare le cose da un monitor all'altro di un computer.

Scrivo ciò,perchè immettendo cose mie personali, ho avuto modo di notare che moltissimi mi hanno lasciato le loro impressioni soprattutto su facebook riferendosi al mio personalissimo caso.

Io ho immesso in rete,alcune cose mie personalissime nella speranza che qualcuno,notando le "anomalie" si facesse avanti per approfondire il caso in maniera seria e determinata,ma invece (almeno per ora) mi sono attirato addosso solo cialroni/e e le loro attenzioni morbose.

Nessuno che ha mai avuto serie intenzioni di svolgere approfondite indagini sul mio personale e reale caso. Nessuno che ha mai avuto voglia di alzare il buco del cu** dalla sedia e eseguire test mirati, esami medico-scientifici approfonditi. Tutti molto bravi a formulare ipotesi e dare impressioni,ma mai una certa auterovole dimostrazione di maturità,esperienza e coerenza.

Il blogger, rivolto a militari e servizi segreti oltre a curiosi facilotti e sempliciotti di paese e presunti ufologi, medici,avvocati, hackers, politici  e non solo, vorrebbe dare una propria massima,che seppur espressa in maniera assai rude e volgare dovrebbe far riflettere: "Per farsi i cazzi delle persone alla cazzo di cane, ne derivano solo cazzate e ciò risulta esser solo voglia di cazzeggiare".

Il motivo di questa frase volgare è dovuta al fatto che sono stati chiesti più volte accertamenti sul caso e siccome in molti passano e vorrebbero lasciare le loro impressioni, quando chiedo loro la specializzazione ci si accorge che non hanno competenza in materia e per guardare e farsi quattro impressioni son capaci tutti, quando invece ci sono da effettuare test medico-scientifici mirati no effettuare misurazioni,nessuno sà da che parte cominciare.

Un attento ricercatore svolge delle indagini e per farlo,deve avere il soggetto di fronte a sè e ciò gli implicherà,tempo,fatica,ma i più onesti,intraprendenti e volenterosi sono coloro che poi hanno soddisfazione personale, vedi Pablo Ayo con il presunto feto umano-alieno. Egli non lo ha studiato per mesi e mesi da un monitor all'altro di internet.Non ho mai capito perchè moltissimi malanghiani, dicevano di usare anima,ma quando chiedevo loro misurazioni e test scientifici, non sapevano neanche loro da che azz di parte cominciare.

Ovvio che poi una persona non li prende neanche in considerazione,perchè se devo misurare il magnetismo di un microimpianto capire quanti Herz o Db provoca,che faccio? Uso anima? Se devo prendere le misure di cicatricine sparse sul corpo e che poi sotto nascondono un corpo estraneo che faccio? Uso anima?

Qualcuno è capace di usare un rilevatore geiger o un misuratore di frequenze? Boh,lascio perdere,ma questa non è la maniera scientifica di affrontare le cose.

Analisi impianto microchip alieno di Roger Leir con rilevatore geiger

E.B.E. (entità biologica extraterrestre)

oder  Milab (military abduction - task force)?

Hacker, uno su quattro è una spia… June 14, 2011

Lo ha affermato il popolare quotidiano statunitense ‘Guardian’. Secondo la ricerca svolta dal giornale, sembre che un hacker su 4 sia una specie dei servizi segreti o dell’FBI. La ricerca è stata svolta su scala mondiale. In realtà gli hacker presunte spie, sarebbero nient’altro che degli informatori che bazzicano i forum dedicati e i canali IRC dando notizie agli inquirenti ogni qualvolta osservano qualcosa di anomalo. Eric Corley, curatore della rivista ‘2600 The Hacker Quarterly’, ha confermato che il 25% degli hacker è stato reclutato dalle autorità federali, le quali forti della inesperienza in quanto a leggi e della giovane età che spesso hanno i pirati informatici, utilizza la minaccia di pene severe per convincerli a collaborare. Uno degli esempi più recenti è il caso di Adrian Lamo, l’hacker che avrebbe scovato e consegnato ai federali Bradley Manning, ritenuto la presunta ‘gola profonda’ di WikiLeaks.

Cover Notiziario ufo n°67 febbraio-marzo  2007

9143051862?profile=originalMilton Sette? Occultismo,simbolismo,massoneria?


Si fa presente che se non ti piace notare che c'è un mio logo sulle immagini,puoi sempre acquistare gli arretrati di queste riviste e potresti trovare altri articoli interessanti e suppongo che chi ha scritto tali articoli non sarà dispiaciuto dal fatto che te lo faccio presente perchè di solito,hanno sempre fondi di magazzino e perfino a loro non dispiacerebbe vendere gli arretrati. Ho immesso un mio logo solo per il fatto che io - a differenza di altri - ho immesso in rete materiale inedito personale e tutto ciò per dare anche la possibilità ad altri di eseguire riflessioni usando il proprio cervello e il proprio intelletto, tuttavia c'è gente che se ne approfitta e che non immette nulla di inedito con i giusti accorgimenti per non incappare in sanzioni oppure cazziatoni e quindi a mani estremi, estremi rimedi. Io sono uno abituato a chiedere le cose e a cercare un accordo perchè prediligo l'incontro e non certo lo scontro. Sono riferito a giornalisti,editori che di solito sono ben propensi a indirizzarsi sulle mie idee. Non amo certo pestar loro i piedi e alla stessa maniera non voglio che li pestino a me.

Se tutti i naviganti,impartassero a chiedersi le cose,la rete internet sarebbe ancora più "spaziale".

* 聞くは一時の恥聞かぬは一生の恥
* Kiku ha ittoki no haji kikanu ha isshou no haji.
* Domandare è lecito, rispondere è cortesia
* Il domandare è senno, il rispondere è obbligo.
* Chiedere è vergogna di un momento,NON chiedere è vergogna di una vita.
* To ask is permissible,to answer is courtesy.
* Demander est permis, répondre est courtoisie.
* Zu fragen ist zulässig, zu antworten ist Höflichkeit.

Dossier alieni n.11 febbraio-marzo 1998 £ire 7.000

Intervista a Eugenio Siragusa.

La formula del G.N.A

9143052866?profile=original9143052891?profile=original9143053455?profile=original9143048094?profile=original▲ Note : CICATRICI TRIANGOLARI on PENIS !!!

Un altro rapito,anche lui con una cicatrice sul pene,tentò addirittura di scattare una foto della zona interessata.
è difficile pensare che qualche uomo si procurerebbe apposta una simile cicatrice solo per dimostrare di essere un rapito.



►Dr.Giuseppe Colaminè di Napoli: ˝La presenza seppur incostante di corpi intraorganici (o corpi estranei) di origine ignota,emittenti onde elettromagnetiche a bassa frequenza (LOW FREQUENCY), ha permesso di escludere l'ipotesi di un semplice DELIRIO di PERTINENZA PSICHIATRICA.˝

►Pablo Ayo : "Purtroppo i Governi sanno di queste cose ,ma ovviamente per non creare il panico non dicono niente e spesso anche il cittadino medio preferisce vivere in un modo tranquillo ed esser rassicurato e sapere che se non ci sono queste cose lo fa sentire più tranquillo.
Ci sono persone che tranquille non dormono, perché gli alieni gli entrano in casa, occultandosi in maniera invisibile

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The misuse of Microwave weapons
Lynn A Surgalla, Former Vice-President United States Psychotronics Association
PO Box 2
Monmouth Beach, NJ 07750

To the Court:

As Former Vice-President of the United States Psychotronics Association, I assure the Court that the illegal testing, development and use of Psychotronic, Microwave, Laser and other forms of Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weaponry is a matter of grave concern to both the US and International Communities. These weapons are ALL potentially LETHAL, although sublethal injuries may also be inflicted as with the use of any other lethal weapon such as a gun, knife or chemical poison. Assault and Battery and/or torture/murder with any form of Directed Energy Weapon IS Assault and Battery and/or torture/murder with a LETHAL WEAPON. Despite claims to the contrary by criminal elements in our own government, there is NO SUCH THING as a NONLETHAL WEAPON (even those currently in vogue for “Slow Kill” torture-interrogati on by war criminals worldwide).

In 2001, HR2977, The Space Preservation Act (2001) was introduced into Congress to BAN ALL Directed Energy Weapons. Its passage has thusfar been blocked. In 2002, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) formally listed a NEW CATEGORY of WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION (Psychotronic Mind Control and other Electromagnetic Resonance Weapons) in their 2002 Media Guide to Disarmament. In 2003, the State of Michigan passed into Law House Bills 4513 and 4514 BANNING the use of ALL FORMS of ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS against Human Beings in the State of Michigan . In 1999, the European Union Parliament passed Resolution A4-0005/1999 Section 27 which “Calls for an International Convention introducing a GLOBAL BAN on all developments and deployments of weapons which might enable any forms of manipulation of Human Beings.” (PSYCHOTRONIC WEAPONS).

Ms Millicent Gabrielson’s claim of being assaulted with some form of DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON is to be taken very seriously. If the criminal assailants are found to be law enforcement personnel or government employees, then the crime is an EVEN MORE SERIOUS OFFENSE with grave political implications. If the crime is found to be racially or religiously- motivated torture-assault, then the bias-crime laws also apply.

I assure you that similar cases are being addressed all over the world and that Ms Gabrielson’s case is not unique. Please give this case your closest attention. The INTERNATIONAL HUMAN-RIGHTS COMMUNITY is deeply interested in the outcome and concerned that justice be served in all cases of Directed Energy Weapons assault.

Attached to this letter is a copy of my resume and relevant pages from HR2977 which lists the forms of Electromagnetic Directed Energy Weaponry currently in use.

Lynn A. Surgalla
Former Vice-President
United States Psychotronics Association

Lynn A. Surgalla Videos
寛頻觀看.wmv 撥號觀看.wmv
A4-0005/1999 Section 27 HR2977
2002 Media Guide to Disarmament


German doctors unite


Medical Report




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Still being targeted here in Rhode Island. (USA) I Have had people yelling out car windows going buy makeing the statment - I Raped Your Wife - this s what goes on in Pawtucket R.I. and the surrounding Communitys. we still have Poroblems from the bot scripting made by Dannie Costello. these Digital Bots are worthless and the people are dumb enough to put up with it. Dannie Made RAPE GOD. probly the stupidest thing i have ever see someone use with implants. this is all Rrhode Island stuff people with there rape are dumb. This started in like 2006 to 2007 and has been in alot of implants for years but someone will figure it out sooner or later. there key word is your crazy. every one got to be crazy if they talk about Rape God or Rape Goddest. this is how there people are scripted with mind control embeddings and scripts. it's kinda stupid when you think of it. people are loosers im rhode island and none of them want to give out there names. they just want to make threats don't do this don't do that. don't talk about it or we will rape your wife. this is what people in the USA have been spreading for a while now. this all started in Rhode Island Just A Few years ago.

see there are recalls and different scripts in implants to make people do stuff mastering scripts they have been useing for years.

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somthing i wanna say

First of all I want to ask people in here that is there a person (persons) who has (have) got rid of these tortures ?

I assume there is no way to get rid of them completely for now


What I wanna say is we are living in this world and apparently those lucky guys who don’t experience this won’t give a damn about us (but I’m sure that almost all of inhabitants of earth are being observed and read 24/7 but just some of them like us has chosen to being written !)

I’m sure they won’t give up and have some huge plans for all the humanity.

So we have to change our strategy, our point of view about future and life and every thing

At least this is what I did,

I changed the philosophy of life and death in my mind,  they didn’t I did J

Maybe that god who we used to know doesn’t exist …

Maybe there is no justice as we have taught in school !

But I do believe in my existence, in life on earth, in human capability of being peaceful and mature enough to become the master of universe.

This is the situation:

They have turned the biggest opportunity into the greatest threat of all time, remember the invention of iron? Of course we can’t remember it but we know that so many useful instruments were made from iron, among them were some nasty weapons for killing like all kinds of swords, now again this is happening, some one who have all the money and power in their hands, made this nightmarish situation for us to remain supreme powers in the world. They don’t want to repeat the mistake of internet !

They madeinternet accessible for almost every one and now see it as a threat ! and scalar waves and other recent unknown technologies are the same story.

They are just like kids who are playing video games and killing and torturing people for pleasure, their minds are full of nonsense and their hearts are frozen.

We should stop living for us !

We should start our own game !

Peace game !

Death is not a nightmare !

And remember, this is not some thing new !

Iron story, remember ?

And now scalar waves and so on …

We are immortal, all humans are

I guess I won’t survive but I’m sure any moment I live, I will be glad that I’m not one of them !

I will die as a mature soul, not a manipulated mind, not  a crazy kid full of hate as they are

New era is coming with so much rush!

Some day they will awake that is too late ….

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Free business to join never have to pay a cent

FREE" Gateway (aka our "REAL" and "REAL2" Gateways):

This Gateway features listings of our latest enrollments and earners and brief info on TripleClicks, as well as a built-in registration form so everything is all in one nice, compact page. 

TripleClicks "Song-of-the-Month" Artist Gateway: This Gateway is designed to help you attract artists for our monthly TripleClicks "Song-of-the-Month" contest. Learn more.

The Natural™ Cleaners:

Advanced Liquid Nutrition Gateway:

Pricebenders Gateway:

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Stalking Puppets Poem

Stalking Puppets
Copyright by Sharon R. Poet

Scrambling, little puppets line up in a row,
Stumble upon each other to get to where I go.
One cuts me off, while another repeats my song...
All foolishly think that I'm the one who's wrong.
Some are veterans, still caught up in a fight,
Controlled by those who intrude upon their plight.
Some are only citizens who choose to believe
Lies and rumors cast into them by thieves.

Some are just as evil as those who control -

Aiming to prosecute the innocent who know.
Dare I feel it. . .feel more sorry for them?
Dare I pray they find their Hearts again?
Sometimes I do.

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International criminal justice standards and Non Lethal Weapons NATO policy that express : ... “The research and development

 procurement and employment of Non-Lethal Weapons shall always remain consistent with applicable treaties, conventions and international law, particularly the Law of Armed conflict as well as national law and approved Rules of Engagement.”

 International criminal justice standards The following criminal justice standards were adopted under the auspices of the United Nations: 

• 1979 Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, and the • 1990 Basic Principles on the Use of Force. (Page 36)

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