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The Irish People are in Clear and Present Danger


gretta fahey <>

8:49 AM (4 minutes ago)
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Professor James Giordano of the Georgetown University Medical Center, United States has acknowledged that directed energy weapons and microwave weapons are being used on  civilians throughout the world.   These weapons are silent and invisible and work at approximately the speed of light.  We are now in a state of extreme public endangerment because any and all of us can be silently and invisibly tortured from a distance by unknown assailants who remain unknown to us.  By doing so we can all be forced to sign over our land and properties to our governments or church leaders against our wills and without our permission.   What are you going to do to put a stop to this situation.   While this situation is ongoing the police and the judiciary throughout the world are largely irrelevant.  They can be silently and invisibly tortured just as easily as anyone else in the world.  I enclose here below the basic detials of the aforementioned silent and invisible weapons which are being used from a distance.  

Beginning in Havana, Cuba in 2016, US intelligence officers and diplomats began complaining of an array of unusual symptoms ranging from ringing in the ears to cognitive difficulties to pain and radiation  burns on the skin.      Within the United States government  these complaints  have been taken seriously with US officials encouraged to report similar symptoms.   It is being suggested by Professor James Lin of the University of Illinois, Chicago,  that microwave weapons are the cause of what is now being called  Havana Syndrome.
Further to that Professor James Giordano who is a Professor of Neurology and biochemistry at Georgetown University said the following and I quote “Is it possible and probable that electromagnetic pulse devices that would then be propagated either directly or vectored could do this? Yes, it’s very, very possible and very probable.”

A team of University of Miami Miller School of Medicine faculty under the stewardship of Miller School Professor Michael E. Hoffer, M.D. FACS,  Professor of Otolaryngology and Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami , along with collaborators from the University of Pittsburgh,  presented a  report of acute symptoms and clinical findings in those aforementioned  25 diplomatic personnel living in the U.S. Embassy in Havana, Cuba, who experienced severe neurosensory symptoms after exposure to a unique sound and pressure phenomenon.
“Objective testing showed evidence of a balance disorder that affects the inner ear and a unique pattern of cognitive and behavioral dysfunction,” said Michael E. Hoffer, M.D., . “This cluster of auditory and neurological symptoms, along with associated psychological issues, does not resemble more classic traumatic brain injury (TBI) based on our team’s vast experience in this area.”Dr. Hoffer was lead author of the study, “Acute Findings in an Acquired Neurosensory Dysfunction,” published  in the peer-reviewed journal Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology

"Informative and landmark conversation with Dr. Len Ber, a physician by profession from the USSR with a background in working in Regulatory affairs in the food industry in Chicago, who reports experiencing DEW attacks similar to those reported by US diplomats and CIA spies, and who asked military neuroscientist Dr. James Giordano at a recent  UTSW Havana Syndrome conference the question on DEW attacks on civilians which led to Dr. Giordano's (cautious) acknowledgment of such cases where people are similarly diagnosed by University of Miami neurologist Dr. Michael Hoffer as legitimate and backed by science."   From online journalist Ramola D of
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey,  Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901
My email address is
Today's date is 9th March, 2022.
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The Pope of Rome has his own private intelligence service scattered throughout the entire world and yet he has not warned his followers about the existence and widespread abuse of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons and neurological weapons. He has not warned them to reject any and all injections less those injections contain nano technology which may be wirelessly connected to a computerized control system and which would allow unknown evil doers to wirelessly torture over vast distances those who accepted such injections. Pope Francis, You have earned our distrust and we will never ever trust anything you say ever again.

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Most if not all followers of organised religions including Christians, Muslims and even Dark Occultists are programmed from birth to adopt certain positions in society throughout the entire world. From birth until the age of seven we are unable to rationally analyse what we hear and see so we are easily programmed up until the age of seven. If we are born into a Christian or Muslim family we automatically become Christian or Muslim ourselves. If we are born into a Satanic family we automatically become Satanists ourselves. Further to that, children of Satanists are tortured and raped from infancy until at least the age of seven so that they will grow to be ruthless and cruel and psychopathic.
Christians, Muslims and many other religions are programmed to be unquestioningly and subserviently obedient to church and state whereas Dark Occultists such as Satanists and Dark Luciferians are alternatively programmed to have a commanding presence and to be controlling and dominant and to have leadership rolls throughout the entire world. Dark occultists are taught to hide their dark occult status by falsely claiming that they are Christian, Muslim or a follower of some other similar type of religion.
Jay Parker who was born and raised as a Satanist but who since has deprogrammed himself from the Satanic system has stated online that Christians, Muslims and followers of other similar types of religions can be compared to prisoners in a prison system while Satanists and Dark Luciferians can be compared to the prison wardens. He did not say who the owners and controllers of that worldwide prison system are. He did not say who pulls the strings throughout the whole world where ten percent of people are programmed to be prison wardens and ninety percent of people are programmed to be prisoners. Who is pulling our strings? Who are the puppet masters of the world? I used to believe that they were Satanists and Dark Luciferians but now I believe that such a situation could not be possible because now I believe that Satanists and Dark Luciferians are equal victims of the worldwide control system as the rest of us are. If you believe you know who is psychologically controlling the entire world by means of religiou programming please leave a comment below. Thanks.
Here is an online link to one of the many Jay Parker interviews which are to be found online.

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When I was a child growing up in the Republic of Ireland in the 1960 and 1970s , our primary and secondary schools were provided with canes for hitting us with. Most if not all schools throughout the Republic of Ireland at that time were provided with canes for hitting the children with and the school teachers had permission to hit us even when we were eighteen years old and over provided we were still attending secondary school at that age. I have asked in the past for the total amount of tax payers money which was spent on canes for the entire nineteen sixties decade. In my own primary school, some of the children once hid the cane on the school teacher. He then went down the road outside the school and broke a stick from a tree and brought it back to the classroom in order to hit us with it. Because of this type of papacy endorsed corporal punishment I grew up to be anxious and nervous and extremely fearful of false authority figures. It took me many years to regain my current equilibrium. I am drawing attention to this matter because I wish that future generations of children throughout the world are allowed to live without physical violence, and further to that I strongly distrust the Pope of Rome and the Jesuits and I wish to see them overthrown because they are believed my many to be behind the attempt at a one world government where we would not be allowed to own anything and they themselves would own everything. We would not be able to challenge them ever again because our bodies would be embedded with technology which would be wirelessly linked to a cruel and sadastic control system. This has already happened to many but whenever they come forward with information about this situation they are being wrongly classified as being mentally ill. To support my claims of the Pope of Rome's endorcement of corporal punishment I enclose relevant information which I found online and also the link to that online information herebelow:-

No, Pope Francis, there's nothing 'beautiful' about hitting a child
Pontiff ignores decades of medical literature on corporal punishment – and survivors like me
February 15, 2015 2:00AM ET
by Stacey Patton @DrStaceyPatton
Pope Francis has officially lost his revolutionary cred. Known for his willingness to challenge church doctrine, to bring religion into the 21st century and to speak truth to power, he clearly hasn’t gotten an updated parenting manual. He appears to still be reading from a 17th-century edition that advised Europeans that children could be possessed by a devil that should be driven out with a rod of correction.

During a recent general weekly audience, the pope decided to offer some advice to the world’s parents. “One time, I heard a father in a meeting with married couples say, ‘I sometimes have to smack my children a bit, but never in the face, so as to not humiliate them,’” he told the audience. “How beautiful!”

He then praised the father’s actions, saying, “He knows the sense of dignity. He has to punish them but does it justly and moves on.”

Did somebody slip a mickey in the pontiff’s communal chalice?

There is nothing beautiful or dignified about physically assaulting a child. At its core, corporal punishment — legalized brutality — is about intentionally causing pain. It is a form of humiliation that denies children the right to bodily integrity and puts them at risk for a slew of negative behaviors. If Francis had stopped — or sent one of his many researchers to the Vatican Library — to look at more than 60 years of medical literature, he would realize the numerous harms that come from smacking a kid.

The pediatrics, child development and psychological communities around the globe are in agreement that corporal punishment does not work to get children to comply. Parents will often repeat and escalate the intensity of hitting, placing children in danger. Scientists have repeatedly found that lightly spanking a child, even occasionally, is tied to mental disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, aggressive behavior and hyperactivity and juvenile delinquency. The trajectory of brain development can be altered when a caretaker spanks the gray matter (literally) out of their skulls, which leads to lowered verbal intelligence and decision-making skills as well as imbalances of the hormones cortisol and oxytocin, which can lead to an impaired ability to regulate emotions and risky sexual behavior.

In providing a moral justification for abuse and brutality, the pope's comments are another reminder of the false promises of a church that speaks for power.
And if science isn’t his cup of tea, the pope should simply talk to survivors like me. I guarantee they wouldn’t utter the words “dignity” and “beautiful,” unless the architecture of their brains have been damaged sufficiently that they’ve convinced themselves that being hit was an act of love that made them better people.

The pope’s endorsement of hitting as long as it is done with “dignity” suggests that he, like so many, see violence as both necessary and empowering as long as it is imagined as transformative. Such efforts to reconstitute abuse and violence as love and empowerment share an ethos with those who seek to influence behavior through violence. And they are particularly disturbing in a world in which kids are routinely beaten and brutalized in their homes, in juvenile facilities, on the streets, at checkpoints, in schools and in war zones.

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Psychiatric drugs cause chemical imbalance in the brain.
Every psychoactive drug disrupts brain function thereby causing harmful disfunction similar to what happens when someone takes alcohol or marajuana. Psychiatric drugs are an anasthesia of the brain. They suppress or disable higher brain function such as cognitive function and memory function. Such drugs do not stop psychosis but instead they block the pathway to the frontal lobe of the brain to the extent that the patient is being given a chemical labotomy.
Stimulants such as Ritalin work to suppress spontaneous behaviour such as exploring surroundings and instead intreases compulsive, obsessive behaviour unhealthy behaviour.
Psychiatric drugs work by making you less than your really are.
All of the above is a quote by psychiatrists Dr Peter R Breggin who works in Ithaca, New York. His website is
I was mandated to take psychiatric drugs in the distant past which gave me severe tardive dyskinesia and also tardive akathisia. Further to that , I could not think clearly while I was taking them. I felt as if I could not access part of my brain. They also made me felt very sick as if I was being poisoned. Psychiatric drugs should never be made mandatory.
I was mandated to take psychiatric drugs at that time because I was being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring which is also known as being wirelessly connected to the internet of living things and psychiatrists are not being made aware that such things are happening on a widespread scale throughout the world so they are falsely diagnosing people who complain of such an experience as being mentally ill. My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.


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To Whom it Concerns, 
The Jesuits have directed their agents to put nano-technology inside all people of the world by means of vaccine under the guise of there being a dangerous worldwide pandemic.  
The nano-technology then self-assembles inside the human body forming an intra-body nano-network thereby giving endless potential for those who indirectly work for the Jesuits to bio-manipulate or to wirelessly torture  all those who have been injected with nano-technology without or without their knowledge or consent.
The goal of the Jesuits is to be able to wirelessly torture to death anyone who does not bow down to the leader of the Jesuits, the Pope of Rome.    Another goal of the Jesuits is that  under the policies stated in U.N. Agenda 21,  the people of the world would own nothing, they would rent everything they use even their clothing, and that the Pope of Rome would own everything on earth and would be treated as God and would be considered infallable.
Agents of the Jesuits include the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, The Bilderbergers, The Club of Rome, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The United States C.I.A. and F.B.I.   According to many researchers the Jesuits and their agents are directly responsible for the sinking of the Titanic, the 9/11 Twin Towers event, the murder of President John F. Kennedy, both world wars and possibly all other wars which have occurred in the past more than one hundred years.    Many individuals who belong to the above groups may already have been implanted with nano-technology and may now be under wireless control.   Therefore, it may be difficult to ascertain who is guilty of criminal activity and who is innocent of all crimes.  
It has been suggested that we might be able to damage the capabilities of the nano technology inside our bodies and brains by means of strong pulses of magnetic energy.    Please give this information to the science department of all major universities so that they may search for a solution to this problem.  
Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain has concluded an official report stating that he found nano technology in several  covid-19 vaccine vials which he tested in laboratory conditions.   You will find a copy of his official statement in spanish at the following online link; You will find detailed information about the Jesuits and their agents in a book called 'Vatican Assassins' by Eric Jon Phelps, who has a website called    Many individuals have come forward in online forums stating categorically that they are already wirelessly linked to a partial enslavement system which is sometimes known as the internet of living things and is also known as the internet of bodies.    The rand corporation which is a worldwide thinktank has written a book called  'The Internet of Bodies' which is a basic introduction to this system but which leaves out most of its current capabilities and its extreme dangers to those who become captured by it.
The author of this post and letter is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris in the Republic of Ireland and I am wirelessly connected to the wireless internet of things against my will and without my permission for nearly nineteen years and I have been disbelieved whenever I have reported this crime to officialdum as have most other victims.

My email address is
Todays Date is 1st March, 2022 and the time now is 21.54.
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They are so panic and terrified because they  commit terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra for nearly 20 years.  Are they and do they ?


Please see how Canada, ...intercept and hack my emails although I use VPNs and anonymously secure emails.


They deleted my email from International Bar Association in my email box because I can not  log out my email box after login.




International Court of Justice 


UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

TRIAL International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer



Contact : 


Temporary  email :






Please see how Canada, "all my neighbours",  those who are gathering around and in my workplace, those who are driving ,operating aircrafts and drones to attack and threaten me...intercept and hack my emails although I use VPNs and anonymously secure emails after  their donating around 6 million dollars to UN Human Rights.


2., this is last stop for me. However, their dirty hands hack 

it by every possible means so that no one can see my posts and no one can leave comments.







They deleted my email from International Bar Association in my email box because I can not  log out my email box after login.



They are so panic and terrified because they  commit terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra for nearly 20 years. Do they?


They any time can automatically start and remotely operate my smart watch for my heart rate.Whose heart beats like this when sleep?



Again regarding who are   "all my Philippine neighbours" , UN Human Rights, has recently saved 2 files from me.


1. (  they changed this address on my phone's notepad ) 


2. ( they changed this address on my phone's notepad. ) 



Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture,  terror, poison, death threats , attempted murder, MK Ultra by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.




Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.



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The Jesuits have directed their agents to put nano-technology inside all people of the world by means of vaccine under the guise of there being a dangerous worldwide pandemic.
The nano-technology then self-assembles inside the human body forming an intra-body nano-network thereby giving endless potential for those who indirectly work for the Jesuits to bio-manipulate or to wirelessly torture all those who have been injected with nano-technology without or without their knowledge or consent.
The goal of the Jesuits is to be able to wirelessly torture to death anyone who does not bow down to the leader of the Jesuits, the Pope of Rome. Another goal of the Jesuits is that the people of the world would own nothing, they would rent everything they use even their clothing, and that the Pope of Rome would own everything on earth and would be treated as God. We may be able to use pulses of magnetic energy to destroy the nano-technology inside us. Please share this information widely.

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The Jesuits secretly work towards world domination using mass murder, torture and organized crime. They use religion as a mask for the political purpose of enslaving mankind. They are They are an organization of cruel tyrants who hide behind a veil of sanctity.
The Jesuits control the United States Federal Reserve Bank. The leaders of the Jesuits control Freemasonry, The Knights of Malta, The Knights of Columbus, Opus Dei, The Club of Rome, The Rothschild Zionist Illuminati, The Mafia, The Council of Foreign Relations, The Bilderburgers, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The United States Pentagon, The American C.I.A and F.B.I., the world council of churches, most major corporations and the main stream media.
They control and run the microwave mind control infrastructure throughout the world. They have used it to dampen down the intelligence and brain capability and to then program most if not all world leaders to be obedient to their dictates. They have also used it to wirelessly physically partially enslave many sincere and good living men and women throughout the world. They have placed themselves above all laws. They had President John F Kennedy murdered in 1963. They are responsible for the 9/11 world trade centre collapse and the death of 3,000 people. They foment all wars and they finance both sides of wars and each war allows them to further cement their power.
Some of the Jesuits use hand signals and cryptic language to trigger previously mind controlled slaves to then do their bidding. They control organized prostitution through the Mafia and through the C.I.A. The Jesuits indirectly control the medical education of young physicians. They also control drug companies as well as the American Medical Association, the American Dental Association and the Food and Drug Administration. They attempt to make the people of the world chronically ill in order to break any will to resist their dictatorship. They do this by censoring cures while blending drugs and vaccines with slow acting poisons.
The Jesuits run a system where many human beings are being injected with nano technology which forms networks inside them. The nano technology then self-assembles inside the human body. Once self-assembled it becomes the foundation of an internal electronic system with endless potention for bio-manipulation of the human host by remote wireless means. Once the living human being can be endlessly bio-manipulated from a distance they are then partially remotely enslaved. In my opinion, most if not all of those within the Council for Foreign Relations and all other organisations which the jesuits control are already wirelessly enslaved because it is in no ones interest to hand over all their free will to the Jesuits and yet they have done so. They are either under wireless physical control or else under wireless mind control or both.
The Jesuits wish to take over and control all sources of energy through the world and in so doing they wish to reduce us to extreme poverty while they maintain all the wealth and scientific capability throughout the world. If they succeed future generations of wireless slaves will not be educated and their bodies and brains will be remotely controlled by the Jesuits.
We must urgently have all microwave transmitters disassembled and banned if we wish to escape from enslavement by the Jesuits. We must have our militaries invade the Vatican and have all Jesiuts including Pope Francis imprisoned and questioned by the military and police. We must realize that any political leader who has been educated in a Jesuit college is possibly under extreme mind control and is unable to work for the best interests of the people they purport to serve. They must step down from their positions of power immediately. We must urgently find a way to destroy the capabilities of the nano technology which is inside our brains and bodies and we can possibly achieve this by the use of strong pulses of magnetic energy.
I have obtained this information about the Jesuits from many sources including a book called Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps, and a book called 'The Secret History of the Jesuits' by Edmund Paris. My name is Gretta Fahey from the Republic of Ireland.

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Please read the following in order that you my understand the fakery of the Pope of Rome and the secret history of the Jesiuts..
The Jesuits
[The Society of Jesus]
From the book: “The Secret History of the Jesuits” by Edmond Paris; translated from the French, 1975:
About the author “Edmond Paris”:
“In exposing such a conspiracy, he put his life at stake.” “Edmond Paris never knew me, but I knew him without meeting him personally when I, with other Jesuits under the extreme oath and induction, was being briefed on the names of institutions and individuals in Europe who were dangerous to the goals of the Roman Catholic Institution. His name was given to us.” “The Edmond Paris works on Roman Catholicism brought about the pledge on the part of the Jesuits to: 1] destroy him, 2] destroy his reputation, including his family and, 3] destroy his work.”
-Dr. Alberto Rivera
[Ex-Jesuit Priest]
The names and the faces change, but this is still the same program as Jewish communism. Christianity is a preparation for communism. When either one fails, the other is ready to take control of a region or country. Just as the former USSR fell in 1991, along with the other countries of the "Iron Curtin," Christians moved right back in like fleas on a dog, endlessly and forcefully proselytizing and working to convert the populace. This is a vicious cycle.
“The Jesuits secretly and relentlessly work toward two major goals for the Roman Catholic Institution: 1. “Universal political power” and 2. “A universal church in fulfillment of the prophesies of Revelation 6, 13, 17 and 18.” ¹
The Jesuits [Society of Jesus] are the spies and the assassination squad of the Catholic Church. People who believe this institution to be “religious” or “spiritual” are sadly deluded. It is and always has been political in every respect. It is a political front that operates to control people using many fictitious religious characters and ceremonies stolen from religions predating it from around the world. The separation of church and state mean nothing to the Catholic Church, which works relentlessly and ruthlessly for world domination by any means possible. This institution has been built on mass murder, torture, extortion, organized crime, lies and depriving humanity of true spirituality. It has controlled kings, queens, nobility, presidents, governments, and nearly anyone in power.
There are claims of a “Black Pope.” This is only a myth; a myth to divert the responsibility from the Catholic Pope and his organization of criminals. In truth, they employ the concept of Hegelianism by playing both sides against the middle to gain control. This is analogous to someone who openly preaches against illicit drug use, openly works for the DEA pretending to fight illicit drug use, and in secret, operates a drug smuggling and distribution ring right out of the DEA; or a crooked cop. While the Catholic Church openly claims to be a religious and charitable institution, it secretly runs and controls organized criminal activities, working hand in hand with Jewish communism.
The Protestants are all too happy to condemn the Catholics and dig up dirt on them as blame shifting takes away the need to explain how such degeneracy and odious actions could repeatedly occur within the Christian Churches. Of course, we all know Satan has been a scapegoat for these criminals all along, as they are too deluded and indoctrinated to see it has been their own “god” who has always been deceiving them.
Ignatius de Loyola was the founder of the Jesuits. The Protestant reformation had done serious damage to the uncontested control of the Catholic Church by the time he arrived on the scene. He came to the conclusion the only way the Catholic Church could regain the power it lost was to enforce the canons and doctrines on the temporal power of the pope and not just destroy lives through the Inquisition, as the Dominican priests and nuns were doing, but to secretly infiltrate every area of life.
“The constitution of the Company of Jesus was at last drafted and approved in Rome by Paul III, in 1540, and the Jesuits put themselves at the disposition of the pope, promising him unconditional obedience.” ²
Ignatius was more aware than any other Catholic leader who preceded him that the best way to control a man was to become master of his mind. “We imbue him to spiritual forces which he would find very difficult to eliminate later.” “…forces more lasting than all the best principles and doctrines; these forces can come up again to the surface sometimes after years of not even mentioning them, and become so imperative that the will finds itself unable to oppose any obstacle, and has to follow their irresistible impulse.” ³
One must always remember how the Catholic Church has much esoteric knowledge at its disposal from centuries of confiscating, looting, and systematic removal of these materials from the populace. The Jesuits have used this knowledge to the detriment of humanity. Unbeknownst to most, the Jesuits have infiltrated every country on the face of the earth and have been expelled by many. Through the Catholic sacrament of confession, the Jesuits gained control of Kings and Queens, rulers and nobility. They were even offered important political posts openly. It wouldn’t be at all surprising that blackmail was frequently used.
"Whenever a country was infested with Jesuits, they managed to take control. This was done through infiltration. Soon after, the authorities began consulting them with important issues, large donations would start flowing in and before long, “they occupied all of the schools, the pulpits of most churches and the confessionals of all high ranking people.” 4
"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the start of the two world wars- a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict." 5
“No state suffered as much as Poland did under the Jesuits’ domination.” “And in no other country apart from Portugal, was the society so powerful.” “While Poland was heading fast towards ruin, the number of Jesuit establishments and schools was growing so fast that the General made Poland into a special congregation in 1751.” 6
Teachings of the Far East were corrupted with the arrival and infestation of the Jesuits. Jesuit Robert de Nobile settled in India to convert the masses to Catholicism there. True to the nature of a Jesuit, he infiltrated the Brahmin priestly caste [always appealing to the ruling classes]. “He developed the clothes, habits, and way of living of the Brahmins, mixed their rites with Christian ones, all with the approval of Pope Gregory XV.” He converted over 250,000 Hindus. 7
This, more than likely is where a lot of the ludicrous new age teachings with their promotion of the nazarene, the teachings of “karma” and angels comes from- Christian infiltration.
"In South America, they conquered the natives who were subsequently forced to live under strict Catholicism. “The Jesuits watch over them…” “…they punish the smallest mistakes…The whip, fasting, prison, pillory on the public square, public penance in the church, these are the chastisements they use.”
“The culprit dressed in the clothes of a penitent, was escorted to church where he confessed his fault. Then he was whipped on the public square according to the penal code… The culprits always received this chastisement, not only without murmurs, but also with thanksgivings…The guilty one, having been punished and reconciled, kissed the hand of the one who struck him, saying ‘May God reward you for freeing me, by this light punishment, from the eternal sorrows which threatened me." 8
“We will compose poems; but may our poets be Christians and not followers of Pagans who invoke Muses, Mountain Nymphs, Sea Nymphs, Calliope, Apollo, etc…or other Gods and Goddesses. What’s more, if these are to be mentioned, may it be with the view to caricature them, as they are only demons.” 9
"The Roman Catholic Church was among the richest landowners in North Africa. In Mexico, they had silver mines and sugar refineries, in Paraguay, tea and cacao plantations, carpet factories and also control over the food supply as they owned the cattle and “exported 80,000 mules per year.” “And to make an even bigger profit, the fathers did not hesitate to defraud the state treasury, as seen in the well known story of the so-called boxes of chocolate unloaded at Cadix which were full of gold powder.” 10
January 7th, 1960, in Rome, there was a summit conference that took place that was intended to bring a peaceful co-existence between the soviets and the eastern bloc and the west. In the USA, Cardinal Spellman [who has numerous photos in magazines and newspapers standing beside important world leaders] urged Catholics to show open hostility to Mr. Khrushchev, when he visited the United States and was a guest here. Cardinal Ottaviani, Secretary of the Holy Office, delivered a most vehement speech at the basilica of “Saint Marie-Majeure” against the Soviets and the Western Powers who were involved in the peace project. 11
One might ask what purpose war serves when an institution such as the Catholic Church is striving for world rule. Nothing known to humanity changes lives, creates devastation and opens people up for domination more than war. Both sides of the conflict are aided and funded by those intent on establishing world domination and the creation of a slave state. At the end of the war, all countries concerned are at the debt of the international bankers, much of these owned, and operated by the Vatican. This is not to disregard others who are working for the same objectives. All parties involved use each other to achieve these ends, along the way, both despise each other out of greed and seek each other’s destruction so if the goal is achieved, the winner takes all. What they all have in common is the worship of the same “God.”
¹ Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus Including: Its Second Thirty Years' War [1914-1945], its Cold War [1945-1990], and Its Assassination of America's First Roman Catholic President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy [1963] by Eric Jon Phelps, © 2001
Other Reference:
The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; translated from the French, © 1975
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Los Angeles Times Opinion Great news, guys! We first heard talk publicly about civilian citizens being affected by microwave or directed energy weapons at the University of Texas / Psychiatry Department webinar a couple of weeks ago on Thursday, February 10. Now exacty two weeks later, on February 24, the Los Angeles Times has published an opinion piece written by one of its own staff journalists whose father was a victim of remote directed energy weapons attacks. She has previously detailed his experiences in a 2018 WIRED article which can be found here. She also cites former Rep Dennis Kucinich's bill that he introduced in 2001, which if enacted, would have banned much of the mind control weaponry affecting our community within the United States and globally via a world treaty. The author has evidently been closely following the recent developments in the news about directed energy weapons just as we have, as she cites the HAVANA Act noting that it currently only benefits government employees. She feels that private citizens should also be included in similar legislation. She even speaks of last Sunday night's "60 Minutes" episode and was heartened by CIA Director William Burns' comment that he was "taking reports seriously." She winds up her article by advocating that the "Biden administration should create a centralized location for reporting cases, including by private citizens." This was an amazing, astounding article to read considering the source was a mainstream, well-regarded publication such as the Los Angeles Times. Surely, it was also seen by many other mainstream news outlets since they often feed off of each other, which means that now the word is starting to get around. Let us hope that this report will be a catalyst for the type of public discourse about our issues that we have been awaiting for many years. Below is the link to the Los Angeles Times article. Column: Are electromagnetic weapons involved? Taking victims of ‘Havana syndrome’ seriously "60 MINUTES" SEGMENT ON THE HAVANA SYNDROME For those who still have not seen it, here is the link to last Sunday night's "60 Minutes" segment on the Havana Syndrome.
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The well documented scientific goal to put nano-technology in living human beings to form networks inside them is currently being deployed by means of nano-technology which has been found inside the covid-19 vaccine.
5G then powers the nano-technology to self-assemble inside the human body. Once self-assembled it becomes the foundation of an internal electronic system with endless potential for bio-manipulation of the human host.
Nano-routers inside the human body emit mac addresses which are able to be registered by means of bluetooth.
When we compare known side effects of graphene oxide to the side effects of covid-19 vaccines we find them to be the same.
The above information is provided by Greg Reese of and is to be found at the following online link which is called - 5G Powered Graphene Based Nano-tech in the Pfizer Vaccine


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An update on the international headlines the "freedom convoy" is making in Canada's capital. I'm in Toronto, roughly 280 miles or 450 km away from Ottawa, so certain things are hard to gauge. When the protest extended here, pick-up trucks & tractors arrived & left peacefully for the area requires immediate access to its hospitals & clinics.

From the media coverage, the incompetence of the police is obvious. Since surveillance would have indicated the convoy's funding & strength as it was organizing, how could the police have been so unprepared? This weekend marks a month into the protest. Unfortunately, force will now be applied & the embarrassment will grow.

To a targeted individual, this once again proves selective abuses of power & the disenfranchisement of innocent people. For untargeted individuals, be they perpetrators or observers without access to surveillance tools, this underlines the complicity to exploit cruel treatment while benefitting from it. Targeted individuals have been part of Canada's mosaic for decades & documentation verifies it.

The police are unionized. Ottawa's police budget is over $340 million, Toronto's over $1 billion & both cities are now searching for a chief-of-police. Before the last selections were made, Toronto's black community was split as to who could best represent the city - one candidate favoured surveillance & the arbitrary stopping of individuals & the other did not. 

An aerial view of the protesters in Ottawa streams on one of Toronto's television networks. The network owns several stations & a national newspaper. Spinning headlines - constructing & reconstructing reality - law & disorder.

After months of silence, I called The Canadian Civil Liberties Association this morning & left another message regarding my situation & the use of direct energy weapons against me. A response would be a pleasant surprise. 

There's a calculated effort to undermine the existence of a social contract - be it on a global, national or local level & further extend the poverty gap. (How's the stock market today?)

Love & Peace (make love not war)




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Hey Everyone! 

Happy (late) Valentine's Day! 

Sometimes all you want is some comfort. Someone to understand what is going on with you and not even help you because they might not know how, but just to say "I am so sorry that you are going through this". 

Well I am going through this and if you are reading this, I am truly sorry that you are too. But it's ok. We are strong and smarter than the morons who are too stupid to do anything else with their lives other than mess with innocent strangers. 

But times are changing. This WILL STOP eventually, and don't worry, eventually everyone gets what they deserve. (no violence intended ... that's not who we are, that is for loseres). 

So just know that if you are strong and that you are not alone AT ALL!!! And don't feel low or scared, remember, if someone is torturing you (remotely) , that automatically means, they are WAY BELOW you, they are simply not capable for anything more, to contribute to anything constructive in society. It's sad. They are cowards, YOU ARE A WARRIOR! They can press buttons from the dark, you can stand anything AND stay good. 

ps. if you don't know how to ask help or explain to someone what is going on with you, go to or show them the website. 



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Nothing can stop me from launching international (legal  ) proceedings against them.

Please download as soon as possible.

International Court of Justice
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
TRIAL International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

Contact :

Temporary  email :


Poison me

You all have



Please open the folder"document "on pcloud



Please contact me by


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


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