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Nationality of targeted individuals

I have been in contact with some victims (targeted individuals) in this country that I live in-Sweden. I have noticed that a lot of the victims are immigrants. I, myself are not and there are a few more that aren´t, but a hole lot of them are immigrants. This is obvioulsy not a coincidence..


This gives me a really bad taste in my mouth, since the country I live in, have profiled itself and is usually considered being a democratic state and has an open border for people in need to escape from war conflicts, poverty and other things. Now they take advantage of these people who has language proplems, do not know the society, and are already in a vunerable situation from the beginning when coming here.


There is also a majority that, before being targeted, have had medical treatment. Clearly, there is a system, where people somehow are reported to some instance. In Sweden there are laws against leaving out privat information from one authority to another. There is also a law that makes you able to get out information about yourself and if any authority have had  access to your personal file. (after for instance a hospital visit or some other similar thing) I would suggest people to ask out for such information, maybe it will lead to some connections. I do not know about the laws for US people or others, but surely there must be a similar law for that purpose./Annie  

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We must understand " Torture", " Crimes Against Humanity" defined by UN and ICC. So, we can move on.

International Criminal Court

In 2002, the International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in The Hague (Netherlands) and the Rome Statute provides for the ICC to have jurisdiction over genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The definition of what is a "crime against humanity" for ICC proceedings has significantly broadened from its original legal definition or that used by the UN,[16] and Article 7 of the treaty stated that:

For the purpose of this Statute, "crime against humanity" means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:[17]

(a) Murder;

(b) Extermination;

(c) Enslavement;

(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population;

(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law;

(f) Torture;

(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity;

(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;

(i) Enforced disappearance of persons;

(j) The crime of apartheid;

(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.


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#1058 AFP prints 2nd article for Bioethics public Comment

   The DC news paper the American free press prints a second article about the public comments made at the President's Bioethics Commission. You can call the AFP at:   202-544-5977 to order a copy for $3.00 shipped. A 6 months subscription can also be ordered. Support the news source that has supported us.
    the AFP is also sponsoring the Freedom Palooza concert July 2-3 in eastern PA. Go to for details. We are going to see if we can get a booth of speak at this event.
    GE is the major stock holder of CNN while Rupert Murdock owns 50% of MSNBC. then there is Ted turner own owns Fox news. These news agencies have an allegiance greater than telling the truth about us. 

                                                              Peter Rosenholm

More Victims of Experiments Go to Bioethics Panel

Keith Johnson is an independent journalist and the editor of “Revolt of the

Plebs,” an alternative news website that can be found at


By Frank Whalen


On May 18-19 in New York City, the President’s

Commission on Bioethics convened

once again. Hundreds of people registered to

speak about their firsthand experiences as

unwilling test subjects of ongoing government experiments.

However, only 20 were selected to speak; they

were each given a paltry 90 seconds to summarize stories

that covered a lifetime of abuse.


AFP previously reported on targeted individuals

speaking before the Bioethics Commission at its

Washington, D.C. meeting in March, and this latest

forum resulted in more obstructionism.


This reporter spoke with several individuals present

in NYE. They mentioned supposed emails sent to people

granting them time to speak, only to discover they

had never been sent. Others weren’t permitted to speak,

only to learn later that they could have spoken. One eyewitness

described the disorganization as “a deliberate

effort to confuse the participants in an attempt to quash

this information.”


Aside from AFP, media outlets consider this stuff

untouchable. Participants recounted how, at the most

recent NYE hearing, “The room was dismissed for a

break and then we were called back to speak. With the

exception of two [reporters], the rest did not return.”


Many details were given from those who have been

repeatedly victimized. Some people spoke about gang

stalking where strangers speak to individuals about personal

matters that they should not know about. Such

occurrences could be coincidental, but as they happen

several times a day, even while traveling across state

lines, it suggests that surveillance is being used.


When AFP asked about the purpose of this harassment,

it was suggested that the perpetrators want to

breed paranoia and fear in their victims. Others mentioned

a connection to InfraGuard.


According to its website, InfraGuard is “an association

of businesses, academic institutions, state and local

law enforcement agencies and other participants dedicated

to sharing information and intelligence to prevent

hostile acts against the United States.” Utilizing citizen

spies and corporate partners in the private sector would

certainly lead to comprehensive scrutiny on anyone.

It’s clear that allowing a subject to know how thoroughly

they were being watched would make them suspicious

of anyone with whom they came into contact.


This tactic seems useful, since the targeted individual can

then be easily dismissed asmentally unsound, preventing

them from obtaining legal protection or subjecting them

to incarceration and forced medical procedures.

It’s easy to see how these psychological operations

are useful to the elite. As technologies are tested and

results gathered, the stealthy evolution of governmentsanctioned

mind control programs like MK-ULTRA

could be used, amazing though this may sound, to create

thousands of “Manchurian candidate” automatons that

become the domestic terrorists officials are always

warning us about.


During AFP’s conference call, one woman identified

as Leslie claims she discovered devices implanted in her

body with no recollection of the surgery. She mentioned

presenting visual proof to the commission.


The President’s Commission on Bioethics acknowledges,

and even seems remorseful about, experiments

perpetrated against American citizens.


Unfortunately, the media and elected representatives

are unwilling to admit that these supposedly dissolved

programs evidently still exist, and that they’re still harming

innocent victims.
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Phase II is being secretly performed, not in an airport, but secretively in a large venue.


This is the technology with claims it can detect biologic signs of bad intent. The Department of Homeland Security claims a 70% accuracy rate. I don't think their data could be valid when they instruct a volunteer what to think and how to act if the person does not genuinely have those thoughts or attitudes.


"Some scientists question whether there really are unique signatures for ‘malintent’ — the agency’s term for the intention to cause harm — that can be differentiated from the normal anxieties of travel."

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About the Conference

For more than a decade, NIJ's annual conference has brought together criminal justice scholars, policymakers and practitioners  at the local, state and federal levels to share the most recent findings from research and technology.                    

The conference showcases what works, what doesn't work and what the research shows as promising. It puts a heavy emphasis  on the benefits to researchers and practitioners who work together to create effective evidence-based policies and practices.                    

Who Should Attend

  • Researchers interested in criminal justice
  • Policymakers responsible for shaping public safety or social services
  • Practitioners in criminal justice interested in technology and DNA
  • Students interested in criminal justice issues

Registration, Travel and Lodging

Registration for the NIJ Conference is free and online registration is open Exit Notice.                    

Rooms are available at the federal per diem rate of $211 plus 10.25 percent sales tax per night. When making a reservation, call the hotel’s reservation department at (800) 228-9290 and refer to the “NIJ 2011 Conference” room block. You may also book online Exit Notice.                    

Find additional information on travel and lodging Exit Notice.                    

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the NIJ Conference, please contact Maureen McGough at            


The 2011 NIJ Conference: Translational Criminology - Shaping Policy and Practice With Research

June 20–22, 2011
Crystal Gateway Marriott
Arlington, Va.                    

Online registration is now closed. Onsite registration will be available at the conference.
Reminder: Attorney General Eric Holder is speaking on Wednesday, June 22.    

More details, Please come to the website:        


We call victims of secret mind control weapons abuse and tortures to attend this Conference, If this year it is late for you to register, you can register  next year.       

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Global Summit Against Discrimination and Persecution

September 21-22, UN Plaza, New York City


On September 21-22, as world leaders assemble in New York for the annual opening of the United Nations,
and to commemorate the 2001 Durban conference on racism and discrimination, an international
coalition of non-governmental human rights organizations will hold a parallel summit across the street.

This will be the premier human rights event at the UN in September.
The goal of the Summit is to place situations of discrimination and persecution on the international agenda,
uphold the UN's founding principles of human rights and democracy and give a voice to the voiceless.

Visit for updates and to watch the webcast on Sept. 21-22.



  • Discrimination against women
  • Freedom of speech
  • Discrimination against religious minorities
  • Persecution of dissenters and human rights defenders
  • Discrimination against LGBT
  • Genocide prevention
  • UN reform
  • And more

This is an important even for mind control victims and supporters give their voices to the United Nations and Human Rights Organizations.


Due to limited space, attendance at the Summit is by invitation only. Priority will be given to members of our partner human rights organizations. To request an invitation, click here to Sign up


Contact the Global Submit

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#1056 NIJ give DEWs to Eric Holder to speak 6-20-2011

   The (NIJ), "National Institute of Justice", is department of the Justice Department who tests and approves these weapons to be used on the public.

     We need to show up to this and other meetings!!!!! Here is where we need to expose those committing these crimes in the name of, "shaping public safety", This is who they think Should attend...................Who Should Attend

    * Researchers interested in criminal justice
    * Policymakers responsible for shaping public safety or social services
    * Practitioners in criminal justice interested in technology and DNA
    * Students interested in criminal justice issues

Social Services like the mental hospitals they have put us in and tortured me in? Later drugging TIs after a false diagnosis based on an attack from these weapons? Taking children From their Mothers?

 It is the Bradford Institute in the UK that does the same.

In Europe--European governments arming police with "non-lethal weapons"

     In the beginning I contacted them and they called me when I told them how non-lethal weapons were being used to kill.
   My targeting to subside after that and overt police harassment stopped. Police still used a group to jump me where I was kicked in the face. Police then wrote a false police report stating I acknowledged being the cause of everything. I then went to a town council meeting and spoke of police corruption and held up a bloody shit from that night. At the next meeting I named the officer who wrote the false police report. He had already been convicted and the council covered for him. The officer Eric Lewis then won an appeal 3 days later.
   It seems clear to me the town doesn't want to be sued and does cover for police abuses. Remote and covert directed energy weapons are approved by the NIJ for law enforcement. One writing I have clearly states the uses of these weapons to, "Limit the Liability of Law Enforcement".
   It also appears that this remote and covert nature meant to limit liability has also allowed police to attack and torture leaving no evidence.
   So when the, "President's Bioethics Commission", we must then press our case to the NIJ conferences and state publicly that we are being tortured and tested on with these weapons and surveillance tools.
Read below on one meeting with link.    -Peter

The 2011 NIJ Conference: Translational Criminology - Shaping Policy and Practice With Research

June 20–22, 2011
Crystal Gateway Marriott
Arlington, Va.

Online registration is now closed. Onsite registration will be available at the conference.
Reminder: Attorney General Eric Holder is speaking on Wednesday, June 22.

We invite you to:

    * Check out a preliminary conference agenda.
    * Subscribe to receive the latest conference news.

About the Conference

For more than a decade, NIJ's annual conference has brought together criminal justice scholars, policymakers and practitioners at the local, state and federal levels to share the most recent findings from research and technology.

The conference showcases what works, what doesn't work and what the research shows as promising. It puts a heavy emphasis on the benefits to researchers and practitioners who work together to create effective evidence-based policies and practices.
Who Should Attend

    * Researchers interested in criminal justice
    * Policymakers responsible for shaping public safety or social services
    * Practitioners in criminal justice interested in technology and DNA
    * Students interested in criminal justice issues

Registration, Travel and Lodging

Registration for the NIJ Conference is free and online registration is open Exit Notice [opens in pop-up window].

Rooms are available at the federal per diem rate of $211 plus 10.25 percent sales tax per night. When making a reservation, call the hotel’s reservation department at (800) 228-9290 and refer to the “NIJ 2011 Conference” room block. You may also book online Exit Notice [opens in pop-up window].

Find additional information on travel and lodging Exit Notice [opens in pop-up window].
Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding the NIJ Conference, please contact Maureen McGough at
Date Modified: May 24, 2011
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LENS treatment

Below is the treatment (LENS) that is suggested by the 






The LENS - Low Energy Neurofeedback System

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(developed by Len Ochs, Ph.D.)

The LENS is a brainwave biofeedback therapy that helps optimise human functioning in the areas of mood, cognition, and energy levels. It has consistently shown shorter clinical treatment times to ameliorate a variety of conditions characterised by Central Nervous System dysfunction. Rather than teaching voluntary skills to people, it works subliminally to optimise the capacities of the person to function effectively, learn new skills and to utilise skills already learned.

The LENS offers a behavioural, non-pharmacological, non-surgical and non-psychotherapeutic way to produce relatively rapid resolution of difficult cognitive, mood, anxiety, mental clarity, energy and physical movement problems when compared with more traditional forms of therapy. Treatment effects seem to persist long after treatment has been discontinued (unless new trauma occurs). This information is based on observations over the past 15 years by physicians, therapists and other scientists, with over 100,000 patients in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and Japan. Controlled studies have confirmed the clinical results. Different people will need different intensities of treatment stimulation and require different lengths and frequencies of treatment to achieve optimal functioning.

What is the LENS?

  • The LENS is a new form of brainwave biofeedback or Neurofeedback Therapy. Like traditional Neurofeedback Therapy, the person’s brainwaves are measured and translated into a stimulus that is fed back to the person's brain. The stimulation pulsates at a slightly higher frequency than the strongest brainwave being generated at any given moment. The brainwaves influence the stimulation, and the stimulation, in turn, influences the brainwaves
  • Unlike traditional Neurofeedback Therapy, LENS is a passive process and the person does not have to try to understand the feedback, or learn how to regulate his or her own brainwaves. Without the need to take time to learn how to control one’s own brainwaves, the process of change begins immediately; changes seem to come much more rapidly than in conventional neurofeedback and are often more noticeable to patients and their families.
  • LENS appears to shorten the treatment times required for the improvement of some serious cognitive, mood, energy, and motor control impairments.
  • The system consists of a brainwave-measuring device or EEG, software designed to analyse the brainwave signals and convert them into stimulation and a laptop computer to display the patient’s brainwaves both during and after the session. The patient relaxes comfortably in a chair, eyes closed, engaged in no specific task. No needles, shocks, skin penetration or other invasive procedures are used. The sensor wires simply rest on the head and are held in place with a waxy paste. They are connected to the EEG, which is then connected to the computer for analysis. The process is well tolerated and generally thought to be very comfortable and relaxing.
  • The treatment itself is in the form of invisible radio frequency waves (in the 15 – 100 MHz band) and at an intensity several thousand times weaker than an ordinary mobile phone or cordless handset. Usually 10-18 watts/sq cm in stimulation condition and 10-21 (a thousand times weaker) in the no stimulation condition used for brain maps, offset and treatment of the most sensitive patients.

How is the LENS believed to work?

  • It has frequently been observed that dysfunctional thinking, moods, and energy levels are correlated with high amplitudes of slowed brainwave activity. The LENS appears to positively impact this situation by changing and/or reducing this slow brainwave activity. As reductions in slow brainwave activity are seen, a person’s condition generally begins to improve.
  • We believe that the LENS also works to break up the rigid, self-protective way the brain has of responding after physical or psychological trauma. There is evidence that during any kind of trauma (physical, infectious, toxic, or emotional), the brain protects itself from seizures and overloads by releasing neurochemicals that protect it from these dangers. Unfortunately, this protective response also reduces the brain’s overall functional capacity, not unlike the swelling of a joint, following a physical injury. Long after the trauma is over and the danger is past, the “protection" may still remain. The person can, therefore, become stuck in various kinds of dysfunctions due to this reduced neurological flexibility. The LENS appears to have an effect in helping to restore the brain’s natural flexibility.

The results of this can be a significant reduction and/or elimination of some or all of the person’s symptoms.

How might the LENS treatment proceed?

  • Session 1: Initial Consultation - 2 hours
  • This session is used to conduct a clinical interview to gather information about the patient, and complete a medical and mental state examination. The patient will fill in two assessment forms related to LENS and the treatment program explained. If the person decides to continue with the treatment they will be asked to sign an Informed Consent form.
  • Session 2: No-Stimulation 19 site Brain Map and Offst Evaluation Procedure - 1.0 hour.
  • This session involves performing a topographic brain mapping procedure, which is used for the purpose of determining which areas of the brain are relatively functional or dysfunctional. Brainwave activity from each of 19 sites on the scalp is recorded by moving an active sensor from site to site and measuring the amplitude and frequency. This information is then processed by a laptop computer to provide a “map” or chart of the person’s individual brainwave patterns at each of these 19 sites. This helps us to determine the nature and extent of any brainwave irregularities that may be present, as well as give the therapist an outline for how to proceed with the LENS treatment. The equipment does not emit any electricity to the brain. It only reads the tiny electrical signals coming from the brain through the scalp. The Offset procedure determines the most effective stimulation dosage for treatment. The Offset establishes a baseline of one’s brainwave amplitudes prior to any treatment and then measures the response to varying degrees of stimulation. In this session, we are seeking to determine how both the person’s brain and his/her symptoms respond to the particular type of stimulation provided by Neurofeedback. The Offset is an exploratory procedure in which the computer is used to record a person’s brainwave activity at one site. After six minutes of monitoring the raw EEG to establish the baseline, four invisible and gentle radio-wave stimulations are given. Each pulse is separated by a minute of observation and recording of the changes in the brainwaves brought about by the stimulation. The 10 minutes of Offset data are recorded and translated into graph form. This information helps us to evaluate a variety of settings, which can help make treatment more efficient, and potentially reduce the time and expense of treatment. This information is crucial in establishing the format of future treatment sessions and the optimal stimulation dosage for the person’s particular circumstances. Upon completion of the Clinical Interview, Brain Mapping and Offset Procedure, the evaluation is finished. At this time, using an understanding of the person’s history, observations of the brain’s reaction to treatment andcareful reports of subjective and symptomatic responses, it will be possible to project an estimated treatment length for one’s condition.
  • Sessions 3 and upwards: LENS Treatment Sessions - 1 hour each. Each session consists of a 19 site Low-Stimulation Brain Map followed by LENS treatment where up to a maximum of 7 brain sites based upon the suppression maps generated from the Low-Stimulation Brain Map, are treated.
  • Session 3 and subsequent sessions involves the next phase of treatment consisting of a series of individualised sessions lasting up to an hour. First a No-Stimulation Brain Map is obtained and from this brain map, suppression maps are generated. Using the most appropriate suppression map, up to 7 brain sites are then treated using the most effective stimulation dosage obtained from the Offset procedure. The session format and dosage may change as the course of treatment progresses as a result of the reactions the person may experience during and immediately following the session, as well as in the time period leading to the next session. Visits are usually scheduled on a weekly basis. Prior to each treatment session, we will inquire about reactions since the previous session over the short-term (12-24 hours after the session) and the long-term (the remainder of the time up to the day and time of the current session). The reports of the person’s reactions to the treatment are critical to our ability to determine the optimal treatment parameters for each session, so we strongly encourage the person to be accurate and thorough in self-observations during the time between sessions. We are especially interested in knowing about any changes that occur in the frequency, intensity and duration of any usual symptom patterns, for better or worse, so that we are able to determine the efficacy of the LENS and make any necessary adjustments. In keeping track of a person’s reactions, we suggest that they familiarise themselves with the three major domains, or areas, into which most of the symptoms of Central Nervous System dysfunction fall.
  • Since the LENS is a non-psychotherapeutic procedure, patients being treated for some mental health disorders such as Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) etc. may need adjunctive psychotherapeutic treatment and support at a level appropriate with the nature and seriousness of their problems. This is provided at The Centre for Integrated Mind Care and is not part of the LENS treatment.

How many LENS sessions are required to achieve results?

  • The following is a general guideline:
  • If the problem is of recent duration after a life of high functioning, and the person is not overly-sensitive to Neurofeedback, we estimate up to 12 sessions.
  • If the problem is of recent duration after a life of high functioning, and if the person is highly-sensitive to Neurofeedback, we can expect up 24 sessions.
  • If the person has a lifelong history of multiple problems and is very sensitive to the feedback, we estimate up to 36 or more sessions.
  • Treatment effects, once achieved and stabilised have been observed to persist long after treatment has been discontinued unless some kind of new trauma occurs. Treatment results have been held for clients who finished treatment years ago. There have also been cases in which a patient would experience only modest results during the course of treatment, but later reported noticing significant improvements in their functioning; sometimes many months after treatment had been terminated.

Dimensions of functioning which respond positively to the LENS treatment:

The “3 F’s”:

Problems of Force - Energy/stamina (fatigue), sleep, initiative, motivation, perseverance, movement/coordination

Problems of Focus - Attention/concentration, distractibility, cognition, mental clarity, information absorbency/comprehension, memory, sequencing, prioritising, decision-making

Problems of Feeling - Mood (depression, anxiety), self-concept, panic, hypervigilance, obsessiveness, irritability, rage, explosiveness


Benefits of LENS can include:

  • Increased clarity (decreased mental “fog”)
  • Decreased feelings of irritability
  • Decreased feelings of anger
  • Decreased feelings of fatigue
  • Decreased feelings of anxiety
  • Decreased feelings of depression
  • Improved sleep at night
  • More energy during the day
  • Improved concentration and attention
  • Improved memory
  • Improved vision and speech (due to cortical problems)
  • Increased sense of ease due to the absence of the need to control intense feelings

The LENS has shown clinically positive results in cases of:

  • Addictions e.g. alcohol, drugs etc.
  • Anosmia (loss of smell)
  • Attention deficit disorders with and without hyperactivity
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression
  • Dyslexia
  • Excessive anger and explosiveness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Insomnia
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Migraine
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Seizure disorders
  • Self-harming behaviours
  • Social Phobia
  • Stroke
  • Tic disorders e.g. Tourette's Syndrome
  • Traumatic brain or spinal cord injury symptoms from mild to severe
  • Vertigo

The above-mentioned problems exist concurrently with EEG slowing, which consists of high amplitude, high variability, low frequency brainwave activity. Reductions of excessive slow brainwaves will often be noted within the first few minutes of the first session. Generally speaking, regardless of the diagnosis, if a condition is accompanied by brainwave imbalances, LENS can potentially be helpful in alleviating its symptoms.

Clinical improvements may be noted within 3 to 5 sessions in simple cases but in more complex cases many courses of treatment may be required before improvements begin to become noticeable.

Medication Considerations:

It has also been observed that the need for many medications often decreases and under the care of your physician, can sometimes even be eliminated. As the person’s neurological efficiency improves, medications remain in the body unused. People may experience side effects from them because the body is making less use of them, and they may no longer need the same level of medication. People in LENS treatment on the following medications are encouraged to ask their physician to moderate dosages when appropriate. The following medications may show interactions with Neurofeedback treatments:

  • Medicine for sugar problems (diabetes)
  • Medicine for thyroid problems
  • Medicine for migraines and other head aches
  • Medicine for seizure problems (anticonvulsants)
  • Medicine for emotional, thinking, or perceptual problems
  • Medicine for movement problems and spasticity
  • Medicine for hypertension
  • Medicines for anxiety and mood disorders

What are the potential risks or side effects of LENS Therapy?

No person has reported that the LENS has harmed them or produced any new symptom. However, any symptom could be temporarily exacerbated. Such responses are generally transient, lasting up to 24-48 hours, at most.

  • Brief Reactions
    • On rare occasion, patients may experience minor discomfort. A person may temporarily feel uncomfortable, irritable, tense, anxious, or fatigued. This rarely happens for more than a second at a time. If this happens, we adjust the settings on the equipment to the extent that the person is once more comfortable. The primary signs indicating a need for adjustment are feeling overly “tired” (fatigued) or “wired” (irritable/anxious), usually occurring during or shortly after the session, or seeing no change in one’s condition during the week subsequent to the session.
  • Longer Lasting Reactions
    • Very rarely these symptoms may persist for several days during the initial phase of treatment. Others have reported feeling as if they have tremendous energy to do things, or feel very tired. These longer-lasting reactions have especially tended to occur with particular feelings that people have been struggling to control for a long time. While these feelings can be intrusive and bothersome, it has been the experience of previous persons that they are still able to function adequately.
    • It has also been observed that the need for medications often decreases. As the person’s neurological functioning improves, medications remain in the body unused. People often start having side effects from them because of the decreasing tendency of the body to rely on them, and they may no longer need the same level of medication. People being treated with LENS who are also taking prescription medications are instructed to stay in close contact with their physician to monitor their reactions and possibly adjust dosages.
  • Between Sessions
    • While many people feel energy, calmness, clarity, and happiness after a LENS session, in some cases these positive feelings may be preceded by “overstimulation” symptoms of fatigue, depression, and anxiety between sessions. Those persons “rebounding” from good feelings often feel discouraged and doubtful about their ability to finish treatment. The rebound appears to be the brain’s way of struggling to remain in the old, familiar, and dysfunctional state. Overstimulation may be a good sign clinically, because it shows a physiological response to treatment. As people continue with LENS, both the intensity of the good feelings and the unpleasant rebound periods tend to become shorter and less intense until the exaggerated feelings no longer occur. To date there have been no exceptions to this pattern. Instead, people become clearer about the entire range of feelings they have, instead of becoming numb and flat in their emotional responses.
  • Reassessment
    • After each LENS treatment, a person may decide to continue or discontinue treatment. If the decision is to continue, we will conduct a brain remapping, which will allow us to view graphically the progress made in terms of changes in one’s brainwave patterns and movement toward greater balance and flexibility. It will also allow us to determine the most effective treatment protocol, with symptom improvement being the most important determinant.

Research articles and useful information on the use of Neurofeedback Therapy to treat a range of conditions can be found at:-

: The Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback -

: The International Society for Neurofeedback and Research -

: AboutNeurofeedback -

In Summary:

The LENS is a type of EEG biofeedback or Neurofeedback Therapy that has shown promising clinical and experimental results over the 15 years of its evolution. It is gentle, non-invasive and does not put any alien substance or energy into the body. It functions best as a collaborative process between the patient and the therapist. At its best it is essentially a gentle method of healing and growth.

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Today, around 9:40am, May 26, 2011, you knocked on my apartment’s door and explained : “Regarding the  heavy hits on your penthouse’s roof , I also heard them. I didn’t do it. It is due to the air conditioner and it’s related facilities on the roof.”


How stupid and ridiculous what you explained is. My questions: 1) Did you see that air conditioner on my penthouse’s roof? 2) Why did you care about this? 3) Who let you explain this? 


Please see my post on YOUTUBE regarding the way they are changing to torture me. And, please see my post on regarding what my Chinese neighbour, one of gang stalkers  is doing .



“Evidence list:


Torturers, you can keep on torturing me. You can also change the way of torturing me. Recently, you hit my penthouse's roof heavily just over my body at deep nights. Remember, there will be a day that you will be given enough time to think about the fate of being torturers and slaughters.

Dear readers, whoever you are, a victim of torture, a journalist, a lawyer, a scientist, a politician, or a civilian, please write to Mr. Attorney General of Canada and Mr. Prime Minister of Canada to ask them to uphold a public inquiry. " Only can a public inquiry deal with one torture case in terms of 'prompt, impartial and thorough'." What I am doing is not only for myself, but for the world that belongs to us. "

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concerning e-harassment


  The people that are e-harassing me out of pittsburgh pa are continually harssing me to the point where they're  

going to make me kil somebody!!!!!!!!!!!

  I know who they are!!!!! They're names are Blaire Goode,Robert Goode,Anthony Mitchell.......

  People need to find them and inform the police dept... and make sure they can never do anything to anybody ever agian!!!!!!

 I may not be able to post anymore blogs because I may be dead or in jail!!!!!!!!!!


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Back again with more unusual symptoms

Well, I still get my anxiety, but now it seems like they are desperate to torture me. They send microwaves to my brain and cause my neck to jerk for a few seconds or more. A while back I went into this neck and arm jerking mode and I started to shake rapidly for about 30 seconds + at a time. I told my grandma about it and she didn't believe me until I started to do it in front of her. She eventually took me to the hospital and they gave me a benadrill shot to calm my nerves but I still shook rapidly afterwards. Now since that day, I'll feel the pulse of the direct energy hit my head and cause my neck to jerk for a couple of seconds and on top of that, they send a thought my head shaking rapidly to scare me and make me think they are going to do that again. It's even worse when I have my "anxiety" attack. First I'll have a image of my head shaking rapidly and then the words, five, four, three, two, one...BANG YOUR DEAD! HA HA HA! play in my head over and over to scare and frustrate me. I'm learning more and more about what they can do to me and how to cope with it. I still haven't found any place that uses a Geiger counter. I would rather have someone use that on me when I get these anxiety attacks because I think they are sending even more energy to my brain when it happens.


I just wanted to re-post what happens when I get my anxiety attacks. Here's what happens when I get anxiety.


So far so good, it's all in the hood - to create fear.

Damn it James! - creates fear

You ever get the feeling that something bad is going to happen. - To make me paranoid.

What was that noise, where did they come from? Look out!- creates fear.

Don't do it James! Jameeeessss!  - like there will be a bad consequence if I do do it.

I guess this is thus the beginning of the end. - fear

You ever get the feeling that your being watched. - paranoia and fear and an increase in heart rate with pressure in my head.

In the next 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Bang your dead! HA HA HA HA HA! - fear

Are you listening!? No, he's not listening. - ?

Bump,  bump, bump - sounds of what may be drums hitting, usually goes with a thought. Weird.

Too bad James! - ?

There's no time, hurry, hurry! There's no time - fear

Stupid mother fucker god damn piece of shit! - a put me down thought, to make me feel worthless and scared.

Are you ready for this? - ?

This is the shit that I have to go through when they cause these anxiety attacks. Now try hearing (if you do) over and over this shit until a.) I take an ambien (sleep medication) or b.) I force myself to fall asleep to make it go away.

Any suggestions?



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Astrid, I don't assume that you are going to be open to hearing this, but here it is and you can do with it whatever you want. But this guy needs to be exposed for the narcissistic con-artist that he is. I don't care how good his information is...he has been fucking with the wrong woman.

by Jennifer Crawford on Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 1:43pm

This is my only way of responding to the the accusations Ron Angell is making about me and another person supposedly victimizing him, extorting from him, attempting to kill(?)/isolate or hurt him, etc., etc., etc. and whatever else he is saying…(after he "de-friended" me AGAIN so I wouldn't be able to see or respond to what he is writing about me all over his FB page)

I don’t like doing this at all, but I am being given no choice ... I don’t have the fear or the shame or whatever it is I’m supposed to have apparently to keep me CORNERED.

I put you in touch, Ron Angell, with “Jannie” because she helped me tremendously after someone put her in touch with me in 2008 when I was nearly dead…I KNOW that it MY CASE she saved my fucking life. In MY CASE, what was being done to me was electronic surveillance, torture with directed-energy weapons, poisoning, and gas-lighting combined with high-level sorcery…such as people trained in psychic assassination astral projecting into my house…as CRAZY as that may sound. As I spoke about with you many times, the gang-stalking phenomenon often does have a huge SPIRITUAL component to it and must be fought in spiritual terms. Dr. William Deagle understands this and explains it very well. He even knows a man in South Africa that does the same type of work that Jannie does that he's had on his show.

You seemed like you needed help REAL bad as soon as we started talking. You were the only individual “T.I.” I ever ‘referred’ to her; because it is difficult for people to trust to begin with and one has to be pretty open-minded to believe an Apache shaman could possibly be of help…But to me she was a God-Send and I wanted to share that with you. And as soon as I told you about my experience, YOU asked if she would help you.

Jannie helps A LOT of people who are targeted FOR FREE. Many people don’t even know she is helping them. Being “ambi-terrestrial” she operates behind the scenes most of the time. Obviously she CAN”T help everybody for free all of the time and that’s NOT HER FAULT. NO, She is NOT getting rich off of anybody; she can literally fit everything she owns into a couple of paper bags. But she’s not much help to anybody when she’s trying to live homeless, which she was for several months not long ago.

It’s because I liked you so much Ron, that my family even pitched-in to help pay for her to try to help you, even though they barely have a pot to pee in these days. I didn’t crow about it; I mentioned it only once because I wanted you to know that that is how much we believed in her ability to HELP you to get free. “HELP” being the operative word here…You may not be employed right now, but you are a lot financially better off than my family is; and STILL you have the nerve to publicly accuse me of ripping you off???....WTF??? You have GOT to be kidding me!

If you didn’t want to work with her you didn’t have to; nobody put a gun to your head. You are a forty-five year old adult man; you make your own choices. Nobody FORCED you to do A DAMN THING. But if the problem was that you thought that money was going to buy you CONTROL OVER anybody else, then that was YOUR mistake.

You told me repeatedly at the beginning that things were getting a lot better; that you didn’t know HOW she was doing it but that she was “breaking it,” that your neighbors had begun putting their homes up for sale, and that it would therefore be SAFE for me to go visit or stay with you. It wasn’t until she confronted you about your dishonesty in your relationship with me—and a lot of other (mostly) women-- that you decided she wasn’t helping, didn't know what she was doing, was ripping you off, etc., etc., etc., and that everything was as bad and torturous as ever….

Nobody ever told you Ron, that she could FIX IT ALL FOR YOU while you sit around and play sexual parlor-games with your WEBCAM “friends” a good part of the day every day of the week…. If that’s the way you decide to live, then that obviously doesn’t leave much room for a real life, like having a girlfriend or a job…. In order for something to change—something has to change.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt for as long as I could…(you're carrying on like this while telling me that you loved me, and admonishing me not to even speak to my ex-boyfriend???) I tried to believe I was mistaken, was imagining things, exaggerating, etc., etc. And Jannie DIDN'T WANT TO HAVE TO TELL ME what you're habits were. She waited for you to stop which you didn't....Then she waited for me to figure it out for myself and ask her, which I finally did.... Then I waited and waited and WAITED for you to GET HONEST about it. And that’s all I wanted was for you to be HONEST…but you couldn't or wouldn't do that either.

YOU KNOW YOU HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM. Call it a sexual addiction or need for attention/distraction--whatever --it is a sickness you get false ego-value from (at other peoples' expense) and only YOU can do anything about it. "Jannie" told you from the beginning she would not over-ride your free will....

Ironically, you reel people in with TRUTH. It’s when you make it personal -- there is NO more truth-- it’s just vicious psycho-sexual GAME PLAYING. You use your VICTIM STATUS and your 200-plus ‘followers’ as a weapon to manipulate, and bully other people. Anyone who figures it out and doesn’t want “play” anymore—on your terms—or God forbid, they get angry(!) about having been played, well, they become your NEW Enemy /Stalker/Torturer….

Most people won’t stand up to you about this because they are EMBARRASSED and they just go slink off silently…I’m NOT embarrassed. I’m angry that you don’t take any responsibility for anything ever. I’m pissed-off that you set me up—from the beginning—to be your new “bad guy.”

Just because you are a victim doesn’t mean you’re not a PREDATOR. That is the real reason you’re isolated and alone. In spite of all your proclamations of LOVE and all of your PRETTY WORDS, at the end of the day you really treat other people like shit.
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#1050a For participants of future Bioethics Commission meetings

   The number of TI's speaking can be seen watching the video. the first TI Cassandera I believe asked for those who were TIs to stand and then raise there hands. It turned out to be most of the room with some small amount out of the room. these people were so passionate I believe all to be TIs. It ended with Ed Cats a TI I know through ken Rhoades. Ed and his children have been chipped.
    He and his wife are also Russian immigrants,many being Russian Jews. Being in New York that number was high. This is further evidence that the FISA laws with a one sided court system was the fore runner and was then turned on Americans. Later being the cornerstone of the patriot act.
    Ed also has a recorded DVD of the FBI(agent Callahan) telling him that the president is fully aware of his implants and that he will just have to learn to live with it. We are building quite the library of DVDs made by TIs. We also interviewed for a second article to be written in the American Free Press news paper out of DC.
    I saw more evidence of implants from a girl Ken drove down with named Leslie. Retinal, cochlear, and wires in the lower jaw and skull. the images of the wire leading off the retinal implant seems like it might be an easy one to image by an eye doctor with photography. I can only assume these other implants are meant for subvocal speech recognition and Remote Neural Monitoring. I'm going to get the files of these images. This adds to what David Larson found and the Alfred E Mann spin off companies creating these implants.

Wikipedia on Alfred E Mann:   Mann then went on to establish MiniMed (insulin pumps and continuous glucose devices, now owned by Medtronic) and Advanced Bionics (neuroprosthetics), which was owned by Boston Scientific from 2004-2008. Boston Scientific and the Advanced Bionics management had agreed to split the company. Under this split, Boston Scientific would own the pain management and other neural stimulation portions and Advanced Bionics would focus on developing, manufacturing and distributing cochlear implants for the restoration of hearing to the deaf.

He is currently involved in several companies, including:

    I also met a New York TI put on 800 mg of Seroquel. Similar to my build up to 1,400 over 5 years. Even on this dose for just one year he had a heart attack and kidney failure. This gives me even more reasons to thank god that I'm alive.
   I also spoke with a lawyer and journalist who was there to represent a TI client. By the end she was pretty scared that this could happen to her. She also mention that this is why doctors and lawyers are reluctant to stand by us, or only in a minimal way.
   I wish I hadn't been on my second day with no sleep but I made it through the day. We brought two other TI's with us, both are on groups but had never met other TIs before. They were pretty solid when they contacted me and both did well adding to our numbers.
   Below is the video broken up for You tube. There were TIs still wanting to speak and in line when they stopped us, and it is impossible to ask anything of the commission like I tried in the last one. The commission is set and has been by President OBama. Listen to co-chair Dr. Wagner state the, limited scope, of these public meetings. I'll bet only my Seroquel will be concidered, being a drug. The military, law enforcement and CIA are exempt I'm sure. I think he was alluding to this fact. He also mentions the 300 people who called in to speak.
    I should mention the Vietnamese doctor who spoke this time. Also Dr. Hall, and an ethics lawyer and assistant proffessor now retired and and a journalist who spoke at the last meeting.
    I'm also increasingly seeing younger TIs in there twenties and they have been calling me as well. This program has been increasing. Still the majority are in there fifties.  Maybe our efforts will have an impact, who knows?    1   2   3    4    5
                                                              Peter Rosenholm
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#1050 For participants of future Bioethics Commission meetings

    I hope you guys in Europe are preparing for the last Bioethics commission to be held across the pond. There will be one more here first, for those of us here in the US that can attend.
   They made it harder for the public to speak this time. 300 people called in wishing to speak to the commission. This was stated by Dr Wagner the Co-chair at the beginning of public speaking. Normally only half the people speak. This means there could have been 600 people in attendance.
    The hall rented though was only 1/2 the size of the first one. After the 300 people had called in to Ester Yoo as requested to announce they would be coming to speak, emails were sent to those requesting to speak telling them they couldn't. only 30 t0 45 minutes is given for public speaking. This time they made the public speaking time at the end of the first day instead of the second. Also a guard was at the door this time keeping people from entering even though some seats were empty during the morning.
    The overflow congregated in the lobby like last time but as we began to interview and film other TIs we were told to stop by the hotel management. Then one girl asked the hotel for the WiFi code. This made it possible for us to watch the, "Presidents Bioethics Commission", live from her computer. Again hotel management came up and told us to stop.
    In the afternoon they gave in a little and let more people into the commission. They also opened up a room asking us to go there where we could watch the commission on our computers, do interviews and be out of sight.
    I had been denied the right to speak but had arranged to speak for Ted Gunderson. He was an FBI agent in charge of 700 men in Los Angeles when he retired. He is now a target for speaking against corruption. He had actually been involved in COINTELPRO thirty years ago but he said it paled in comparison to what we are going through. We were to fly Ted in but he opted out the day before his flight. He is 83 and has cancer. In a last minute deal he got the commission to agree to have me speak for him. Unfortunately when I got there I was told I couldn't. Just before lunch a woman approached me and said they were going to look into letting me speak. Later I was told no by others when I tried to follow up on it.
   I had a half hand written and half computer text that I transcribed from Ted over the phone hurriedly while trying to get ready myself. I also had to cancel his flight and go through a run around to try and get a refund even though we bought insurance on the ticket. He was sent forms to have his doctor fill out in the end. You need a reason to cancel so keep that in mind should you get the insurance. I had to deal with this on the day I was to pack and get ready.
   So when they called, "Ted Gunderson's", name during the, "public comment 1/2 hour", I was not ready to speak. When I tried to speak for myself they quickly shut me down. In the end I made a ten second statement for Ted. It didn't help that I was unable to sleep the night before. I might have been the subway rumbling under the hotel every 24 minutes or occasionally hearing the announcements over the speakers below in the subway. New York is a very strange place.
   The lesson is they will try to discourage you. Don't let them. Be prepared to speak in case they let extra people speak as they have done both times now. Remember the lessons learned that I just wrote down. Unimpeded there would have been 600 people representing the public there. Holding this in the middle of Manhattan had it's own challenges including a $45 fee for valet parking at the hotel.
   This is still an opportunity for us to go on record officially and we won't know if there are any concrete results until President Obama receives this Bioethics Commission's report and recommendations. Be polite and dress as professionally as you can.
   You might also want to see this as a form of protection. By going on the official record it would look strange if a number of us were knocked off or hospitalized.
   The Manhattan meeting location, the small conference room, Emails discouraging participation, hotel management interference and all we have gone through as targeted individuals by way of torture and mind control  reminds me of the movie, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Only the very persistent made it there in the end. At least for us who were not New Yorkers who knew how to navigate the subway system. Still it was worth the effort.

                                                                    Peter Rosenholm
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“Brain-Chip” Implant in the brain of Magnus Olsson. 

Mind Control TI Magnus Olsson Sweden from Henning Witte on Vimeo.



By: Media Group Sweden and MINDTECH, Magnus Olsson Stockhom SWEDEN …

( På Svenska under,,,)Magnus Olsson sweden

Magnus Olsson SWEDEN

For me, there was a day in life when everything changed. I went from a life as a citizen in a demo map indicative country into a world where violence and torture was the norm. It was not a journey across continents, but in life circumstances. It also included a science fiction drama that completely shattered my life. My name is Magnus Olsson, I am 38 years old, studied economics at the Cesar Ritz in Switzerland, American University of Paris and Harvard, Boston, USA, during the years 1988-1991. 1994 I started the company Jon Sandman who became a well known brand in the bedding industry. I managed with my life and had also met a wonderful woman whom I had two children with. They are now 13 to 16 years old. But all this harmony and success came to a sudden end. It happened five and a half years ago. After that, life has been about a constant struggle for survival. In order to cope with but also to be able to tell what has happened to me and get out of the nightmare.

The Follo wing Punkt Has Been posted on the World Wide Web as a Notice of Legal Purposes. I am-being framed by the illegal use of Remote Neural Monitoring.

  • Magnus Olsson, a Victim of Remote Neural Monitoring. Anything I Think May Not Be Used Against Me in a court of law or Any Other venue. The person or person performing the Remote Neural Monitoring are here by ordered to cease and desist operations said.Any person’s knowledge or variable Participating in said illegal activity must report to the proper Such Authorities.


It all started after I had been admitted to St. George (Capio) hospital. It was in spring 2005. I had been sedated and you must have deposited or injected one implanted in my head. I came in during a difficult exercise. It must have with defense research to do but I had never heard of this kind of technology before it happened, remote control of brain. Not had I not believed in it who claimed that such things occurred in Sweden.




magnus olsson sweden

From being an open successful person, I was transformed in my new life circumstances. There were many problems to overcome. The first was to cope with. Life was suddenly just as difficult as it had previously been a pleasant result of the days and weeks. Another problem was that no help was available. This was entirely in secret and was more like what the perpetrators of acts of madness trying to explain about his powerlessness of being repossessed. I was induced by sensory stimuli that could not be distinguished from the real. I assumed that most would consider me as a mentally disturbed if I tried to explain what has befallen me. It was an idea from the beginning. I had no information to relate to. At this time, I was knocked out. I was completely pacified and under their power. But there came a day when I started trying to do something even if it took over two years. First I went to the Royal Institute of Technology in Valhallavägen in Stockholm and spoke with several people. Asked if they knew who was involved in biological and remote computer connection with people. Then I got an address to the Alba-Nova. When I went there, I happened to come just when an international conference was in progress. Here I got the first facts that spoke of opportunities to establish communication with human biological systems. It was known as Biotech or Brain-Computer Interface. I realized that this was something the media. It is an amazing thing that the technology exists and that the project is ongoing.

Therefore, I contacted one of my acquaintances, Thabo Motsieola as a reporter and a renowned TV profile. I got to know him during my time with Jon Sandman Enterprises, which I had sold. He understood me and was interested in the subject. It was a great success. My mother and media  also came to mean a lot for me to get help to fight with this thing. But at first I could only say that there was something that had made my very difficult life change. It was something that had happened, I said, but could not explain more. She demanded to know, and when I told it. “When I was sedated at St. George’s Hospital in sweden, implanted  something inside my head. Then you use me in an experiment. I must fight to survive hurricanes. You know my thoughts, see what I see and feel. Everything. And you can communicate with me. Transferring different sounds and even speech directly into the brain. “It was in early 2005.

She and MIND TECH SWEDEN became not only my biggest support, but also my ally in proving what I am exposed to.

My mother Elisabeth Nystrom Barringer. She has personal experience of care, has worked with doctors and midwives have been for many years. Now she is active in this matter. Helps me, contacting people and is involved in everything.

Magnus Olsson

When I started searching the internet I became aware that there are people who share my situation. Implanted in hospitals or other places and used for experiments. It is about international organized crime research. Many of the stories from the victims was similar to my own case. The Internet contains research reports, opinion articles and documentary material.There is information from different parts of the world and the brutal mentality, to take advantage of people in life-destroying brain experiments seem to be the same in the country than the abuse occurs. Of all the impacts that many talked about was a lot of identical to my case. The usual torture is easier to explain as it is to burn, cut or physical torment. Anybody can associate with what it would be. There are probably not a difficult topic to address than this. Especially when you also will speak in their own cause. The whole subject of the great technology is largely unknown – and that some people would be exposed, it is most unlikely. It does not occur in our country! So it is. That says enough, most of these things. But there will be a resolution already in the letter.

magnus olsson sweden


Targeted :

Here are some examples of the methods they expose me to. Through interaction, you can bypass the sensory receptors and transmit messages / numbers directly into the brain. The same is with painful interfering signals and other sounds that you can often stay awake during the whole night. These applications are used daily for three years now. One can see through my eyes, hear my thoughts, manipulate my sleep and stay awake for long periods. Although increase or decrease heart rate, upload photos and scents into my brain as real as if I saw or smelled it in the natural environment. Of course you can hear what I hear, I am as a unit of the mainframe. You can change my behavior, including memory functions may be affected as well as emotions (having to be sexually aroused in inappropriate situations). For a long time has created a severe headache, nausea, blurred vision and problems with balance. Something that I never had before this started. In general, I am an example of that by inplantatet can create pain all over my body. Also, I collapsed and lost consciousness seven times within two months in spring 2008. On several of these occasions, I have come to the hospital by ambulance. My mom has been with me for five of those times and this is just one form of the consequences of what I am exposed to. It has no natural cause and you can never either to diagnose the cause.What I have mentioned here are the most common methods you use to torment me. All this is happening also in various stages day and night. In between, I try to sleep and rest so that I can survive. From my point of view, this is an equally crucial event that the establishment of concentration camps in Germany in the 1930s. Moreover, it seems a similar mentality that drives the perpetrators.

Proof of implants:



Fifty years after Skinner and Rogers warned of Science was a declaration by the European Ethics Group of the Swedish professor Goran Hermerén as chairman. The group advises the European Commission on ethical considerations of scientific issues. Their records of March 16, 2005 was also presented as a recommendation to the European Commission (Prof. Rafael Capurro) look at and what to do up there is exactly the same as I am exposed to. They speak in clear words about the danger of this technology and provides an understanding of all parts of it that I have mentioned. The following quotes come from the EU group is translated into Swedish by the network with Robert Naeslund, which we now work with. Ethical Council, which has a participant from each EU country has an official status within the EU. The Swedish professor Goran Hermerén is also Sweden’s first professor of medical ethics while he is also President ofthe EGE, The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies. In their descriptions, it is called we term as electrodes, transmitters, and brain chips for ICT implants, which stands for information and communication technologies. Their full document is 30 pages on the Internet in English at the following Internet address for the EU ethics group:

magnus olsson brain chip

It asks the important question of a human being ceases to be human when his brain was implanted: a human being ceases to be human cases in some parts of her physical self, especially the brain, has been replaced or supplemented by ICT implants? In particular, as inplantaten can help to create the front-line people, who are always connected and can be conformed differently, to receive and emit signals for meetings, habits and movements. This naturally affects their dignity. In my case, it translates as connected persons not primarily manipulation but rather to break down and torture me. It is a form of torture. When this happens to people like me, educated, self-employed and any links to psychiatry and the legal system is of course an even clearer symptom of social disease. Then you can understand the degree of hardship mental patients and criminals have to live with. This is clearly just as degrading as to start locking up people in secret concentration camps. There were people just like now, completely lost the rights to his life and his body. EU group writes:One can also see this trend as a threat to human dignity and in particular to the human body’s integrity … Sure it is. Here, man has lost the last own, his body and brain. It also writes that hjärninplantaten used to control people. In some cases, already implanted microchips with opportunities for individual and social control. The confirms that this is a system that retrieves information from the brain. Brain-computer interaction or direct brain control is performed by communications technology which retrieves information from the brain and evaluates it. The worst threat, as in my case is clear and has also distanced the concentration camp opportunities affecting the central nervous system and man’s identity as a species. They show that ICT implants may affect the nervous system and in particular the brain and man’s identity as a species and individual autonomy … As already mentioned inplantaten can be used for both health and non-medical purposes.Both possibilities with implants should of course be subject to the informed condition

It should be questioned about this technique, even with the informed consent should be used.From the following quotation, one can see that there is a threat not only to a few individuals, but against our entire society. In its evaluation EGE makes the general conclusion that non-medical applications of implants is a potential threat to human dignity and democratic society … The use of remote control to take control of people’s will must be absolutely forbidden. Those old dictatorships forced people to hold certain views, but here you can see that Sweden is one step further and implanted brain chip to control man’s will.

Another text from their document indicates that there are no studies on the health risks of what I face. It must be emphasized that there is no reliable research studies on the long-term aspects of health related to ICT implants in the human body … The unlimited freedom for some can be a danger to others’ health and safety … As in other areas, the freedom to use the implants in the cell, as the principle of freedom, can collide with potentially adverse social effects. We’ve seen it for that abuse, violence and abuse of people for increasing the authorities’ power over the individual has had disastrous consequences. It is good that the European Commission’s ethical council takes it up to do it the easier for everyone else to also realize it. Freedom principle that the mention is in this case, institutional violence and also the biggest lack of freedom any man or population can be affected by. How severe these implants can occur as a threat to human autonomy, particularly when they are implanted in our brains? … How seriously ICT implants create irreversible effects in the human body and psyche? You can take my case as a measure. I have completely lost my self-determination. I hope it does not create irreversible effects in my body and psyche, the EGE writes. But using the technology of an illegal criminal research, so-called life sciences, with devastating consequences for a democratic society, given that all are potential victims. Just one hospital visit. These implants can be implanted through the nose, set in the neck or injected into the bloodstream. How will people and society protect itself against this threat?

magnus olson sweden

Ethics group also asks the question to what extent this technology will be misused by the military. But no matter what career plans they are responsible, it is a horror story. See threats they paint up and understand that it has gone far on the road. I was a successful self-employed with good education, an orderly life, but despite that I was a victim, how far can inplantaten give an individual or a group, special opportunities which may become a threat to society? … How far is it acceptable to people checked with the applications of other individuals who exploit this potential? … To what extent will this technology be misused by the military?

colorfulbrain mind control

 What do journalists, MPs, party leaders on my case! Is it something that should continue? I’m an experiment victims who completely lost the right to my life! I must fight to survive but I am an adult and have support, can explain myself and that makes my situation hope after all. But even worse is it with children and the mentally ill as a professor Hermerén also suggests use of it here. ICT implants as through a network’s capacity can be misused in several ways for all varieties of social control and manipulation, such as for children and handicapped persons. Ethical Council also mentions, as I have said about their transfer of votes and other information that need not be perceived by the sensory receptors, but instead can is transmitted directly into the brain. It mentions it under the threat of military applications that need to be further examined. There will discuss: ‘Intrusive’ technology which bypasses normal sensory experiences. It’s the worst invasive you can experience. By disturbing the man of my brain. Creates a sounding cacophony of different tones and volumes that cuts into my head day and night. Moreover, adding to the number that can communicate with my thoughts but also has so much of other scary elements that it is not possible to describe what they claim.

But when this thing once and coming in under the media scrutiny, it must come out. We can see this power as part of their own insane idea, and with it follows all perversions. EU group suggests that it also spreads out racism among people. And there is of course through direct contact in people’s brains with the ability to manipulate perceptions.They write: EGE stresses the following possibilities should be banned: ICT implants used for the creation of cyber-racism … ICT implants used for changing the identity, memory, perception, cognition and perception of others … ICT implants in order to dominate others … Implants Monitoring of individuals also threatens human dignity. They can be used by government agencies, individuals and groups to increase their power over others. This topic must come to the knowledge, into the mass media. It must be addressed in parliament and every man must know it. The network we are part of the can indicate that the abuse lasted for 60 years without any uncovered. It must obviously be a big secret buried in the fact.

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He earned an M.A in economic geography, and a double B.S. in evolutionary biology and environmental science with high honors from UCLA. His master’s thesis examined how the Internet transforms communications and commerce.

You can follow Zack on Twitter at @neurorev

h+: You characterize the Neuro Revolution as the next revolution after the agricultural, industrial, and information revolutions. Others have characterized the Nanotechnology Revolution (for example, the ability to assemble goods at the molecular level) as such a paradigm-shattering period. Do you see a relationship between these two upcoming “revolutions?”

ZACK LYNCH: Nanotechnology is an enabling technology that will fundamentally drive progress in the neurotech sector. What makes this fundamentally unique, and why the neurotechnology revolution is so profoundly important, is that we are directing our informational and nano technologies at an entirely new domain of human progress: tools for the human mind.

We’ve spent human history — the past several thousand years as I said in the book — developing tools to improve our physical world. Now we are focused on developing tools that will take our wisdom, knowledge, and capital to develop tools that will improve our inner domain. Nanotechnology will be used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of drugs, devices, diagnostics, and brain imaging technologies.

h+: You describe a number of emerging neurotechnologies in your book, fMRI being somewhat the granddaddy of the Neuro Revolution. Where should the smart investor be watching for the next fMRI? Imagine a 65-year-old programmer living in San Francisco competing with a 25-year-old in Mumbai. Neither one knows whether the other is using cognitive-enabling drugs.

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bci mind

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Conceptual BCI system with various kinds of Neurofeedbacks. In the development of a BCI we need to handle two learning systems: The machine should learn to discriminate between different complex patterns of brain activity as accurate as possible and the BCI users should learn via different neurofeedback configurations to modulate their EEG activity and self-regulate or control them.

Another promising extension of BCI is to incorporate various neurofeedbacks to train subjects to modulate EEG brain patterns and parameters such as ERPs, ERD, SMR, P300 or slow cortical potentials (SCPs) to meet a specific criterion or to learn self-regulations skills. The subject then changes their EEG patterns in response to some feedback. Such integration of neurofeedback in BCI (Fig. 4) is an emerging technology for rehabilitation, but we believe is also a new paradigm in neuroscience that might reveal previously unknown brain activities associated with behavior or self-regulated mental states. The possibility of automated context-awareness as a new interface goes far beyond the standard BCI with simple feedback control. We hope to develop the next level of BCI system using neurofeedbacks for some selective cognitive phenomena. To do so, we need to rely increasingly on findings from other disciplines, especially, neuroscience, information technology, biomedical engineering, machine learning, and clinical rehabilitation.


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Magnus Olsson SWEDEN


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Stockholm August 7, 2009

Magnus Olsson


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Brain Research

Swedish Defence Research Agency Miniaturization is one of the most powerful technology trends Nanotechnology is here providing new materials with new properties. And micro-system technology providing sensors small as grains of dust or antennas only one thousandth of a millimeter in size (for optical frequencies). Or components so small that they can connect on nontrivial fashion to the brain. Shaking hands/talking with the brains minutest parts. Sensors small as dust. Or components which can connect themselves to the nervous system. Miniaturization is a powerful technology trend. What can be done with a lot of money in U.S. laboratories is one thing. Another thing is what can be realized in the form of cheap everyday objects. The common-sense definition of Miniaturization is that a component or system has become smaller while performing at least as well. Or it could be something built out of very small parts resulting in a new or improved function. Another important concept in addition to nanotechnology, microsystems technology. The researchers are talking about components plugged into the nervous system that can talk to the brain. These components would help the soldier to extract his subconscious. The soldier sees more than he thinks. The small components would capture the information that would otherwise be missed. The boundary between technology and biology is blurred and biology and technology are converging. One can imagine solutions to change the body’s biological systems, such as modifying the biochemistry and compensate for the lack of sleep. Or to take control of the nervous system of an animal, thereby creating biological UAVs. (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) Read article here The Human Brain ProjectBrain Probes: development of new nano, micro, genetic, optical, and electrical technologies making it possible to study an ever broader range of brain structures and functions in greater depth, and more rapidly than is currently possible. Ethical, legal and social issues: The HBP (The Human Brain Project) will raise important ethical, legal, social, political and philosophical issues both about the research itself and its potential applications. At the same time, its contributions to knowledge of the brain, cognition and behavior will have important philosophical and conceptual implications touching on basic concepts of what makes us human Against this background, the HBP will include a major program of activities dedicated to ethical, legal and social issues. The program will bring together scholars in the brain sciences, social sciences, and the humani ties to study and discuss relevant issues and will use all available channels to en courage open, well-informed debate, to dissipate potential public concerns and to enhance appreciation of the potential benefits of the project’s work. Read article here Ethical issues involved in hybrid bionicsystems research “What kind of privacy safeguards are needed if a machine can read your thoughts”? “Invasive research on humans could involve inhuman or degrading procedures” “Invasive research on humans could lead to new torture or inhumane punishment techniques” Will cognition enhancers exacerbate differences between rich and poor? Or, instead, will they relegate social diversity to the status of historical artifact? What happens if we deduce through neuroimagingthe physiological basis for morality? Or, and by the way, what happens to free will?” (Scientific American (Editorial), September 2003) Autonomous behavior of robots: what degree of autonomy should we give to the robot…if uncontrolled robot actions can be dangerous to humans (assistance robotics) If we wish to deal with cases when the user’s will is “ethically”unacceptable (robots used for military purposes) Are Asimov’s Laws adequate? Is realistically threatening the possibility of auto-replicating artificial entities? Ontological status of “cyborgs”and A.I. creatures: What is machine and what is human? Who may be re-programmed? Can we have dissidents in a world of replicants
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