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Somebody asked what is my background .    I am a non-consensual subject of wireless remote controlled experimentation for nearly nineteen years. I have suffered because of it and I have researched it thoroughly. However, I have no academic credentials whatsoever. I have been non-consensually implanted with technology and data is being transmitted into my brain and body in the form of voice projections, images, visions, forced muscle movement, pain and other sensations for nearly nineteen years. Further to that, data is being harvested from my brain and body. I don't know who my assailants are because they are anonymous cowards who psychologically torture me by wireless means from vast distances. I have made two serious suicide overdose attempts because of intense fear caused by the psychological torture of those who wirelessly transmit their voices or simulations of their voices inside my head. My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. I am close to my 62nd birthday. I have several friends throughout Ireland who are also going through much the same as what I am experiencing. We are not believed by government officials in Ireland because we can not prove that we are wirelessly linked to a control and partial enslavement system. Please offer me suggestions about what I should do to raise awareness of this situation. If we say too much we end up locked inside psychiatric hospitals where we are mandated to ingest psychiatric drugs which torture us from the inside out by giving us tardive dyskinesia and tardive akathisia and also by blocking us from accessing parts of our own brains.

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Do you know how to deal with chronic pain?

After the primary source of the pain has healed, chronic pain remains. Adults frequently experience this type of discomfort. The present approach to treating chronic pain is seriously faulty. Opioids are supplied to the vast majority of persons with chronic pain, despite the fact that studies have shown that they have little effect on pain or depression or anxiety.

Fibromyalgia, an illness that causes widespread muscle and joint pain, is the most frequent kind of chronic pain. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by symptoms such as extreme tiredness, sleep problems, headaches, and IBS.

How to Manage Chronic Pain.

Chronic pain treatment aims to maximize function, decrease impairment, reduce pain, enhance the quality of life, and offer long-term relief. Most chronic pain sufferers, however, are unable to get substantial relief from current treatments.

When chronic pain management is used, an individual may lead a normal life despite the fact that they are dealing with chronic pain. For chronic pain treatment, the main objective is reducing symptoms, improving quality of life, and enhancing overall health.

Physicians design medically controlled chronic pain programmers to assist their patients in self-managing their symptoms. Interventional radiology, general medicine, and anesthesiology are the three principal fields in which medically controlled chronic pain programmers are provided.

Depression, anxiety, and sleeplessness are common symptoms for those who suffer from chronic pain. Chronic pain can lead to a variety of additional issues, such as spinal stenosis, arthritis, and more, depending on its intensity and length. If you have chronic pain, it's critical that you find a means to successfully manage it so that you can go about your daily activities without fear of becoming incapacitated by it.

How do you deal with chronic pain?

Medication and physical therapy, as well as dietary and environmental adjustments and self-care, may all be part of the treatment approach.

However, the absence of readily available medical treatment has led to an expanding pandemic in the area of pain management.

Meditation is one of several techniques to deal with and manage chronic pain (breathing exercises). Meditation can help alleviate the symptoms of numerous forms of pain by reducing the impact of stress on your body.

Is Medication the Only Way to Manage Chronic Pain?

Chronic pain can be effectively managed. Medication and physical therapy are two examples of these approaches.

Opioids, muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), and so on are some of the pharmaceuticals that can be used to treat chronic pain. Patients who use these medicines for pain treatment report less discomfort and impairment than those who do not take them, according to several studies.

A wide range of therapeutic options is available for chronic pain, including non-opioid medication, opioid therapy, interventional treatments, and surgical therapies.

1.      Pain or discomfort in the body

For millennia, people in Asia and Europe have relied on this remedy to ease the symptoms of persistent pain.

Pain o soma is a popular painkiller that is routinely prescribed. It's been used by people with chronic pain for millennia to alleviate their symptoms. It's an all-natural, non-addictive pain reliever that works wonders for chronic pain.

For those who suffer from chronic pain, pain medication has been proposed as an option.

Pain o soma is one of the healthcare medicines offered by to relieve chronic pain.

2.      Pain o soma 350 mg

Chronic pain may be well managed with the use of Pain o soma 350mg tablet, which has been studied extensively. As a result, most patients have been using this medication for a long time and haven't had a bad reaction.

Back, neck, and joint issues are among the most common reasons individuals turn to this medication for relief. Because this medicine does not lead to addiction, it is the greatest option available. It

3.      Pain o soma 350 mg

For persistent pain, Pain o Soma 500mg is prescribed. Following surgery, dental work, or an injury, it is used to relieve pain for a brief period of time. It is the primary active ingredient that helps reduce chronic pain without making you drowsy or impairing your ability to see the world.

In a few words:

For chronic pain, Pillspalace Pharmacy has come up with the most effective and cost-effective solution. People who suffer from pain deserve to be able to get their lives back on track so they can spend time with those they care about, as well as participate in the activities they like.

Although chronic pain can be exhausting and emotionally draining, it can be managed. Some of the greatest advice and resources for treating chronic pain may be found on this site.

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Press release

Stephen Wong                   For immediate release
Telephone number: (852) 6720 8860
Stephen's blog:

The book Songs of Experience has been published

The book Songs of Experience is written by Studio Silicon, the pen name for Stephen Wong who is a modern day Bible believing poet. Songs of Experience is a collection of poetry written from 2005 to 2021. Stephen has been a pastor since 2003 and a poet since 2005.

This collection of poetry documents the struggle against evil of the author. This collection of poetry reveals the right and humble attitude of a Bible believer. They expose the evil in this world. This book also guide people towards the feet of our Great Saviour YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH / Jesus Christ.

Finally, this book is a good companion of the Bible.


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They are covering up their ongoing crimes against humanity.



By firewall, by everything possible, "Canada" is intercepting, blocking everything , anyone I am contacting, including Prime Minister of Canada, and UN.



My neighbors are now attacking madly my hearing with Microwave Weapons after I contact you , which cause serious tinnitus  in my home. Here is evidence, which includes nearly all Non-Lethal Weapons ; which includes how Non-Lethal Weapons can be used to  incapacitate and control human hearing, especially, in my home and my workplace :






UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

TRIAL International 

International Court of Justice 

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer


CC :



Contact : 


Temporary  email :



Recently, just recently, I sent this below to  TRIAL International for Crimes Against Humanity , International Bar Association, and International Court of Justice, "Further evidence from Attorney General of Canada..."





What happened and what happening in Ontario, Canada? 


Please see our emails between UN Human Rights and  me:








They hack UN, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court and everything I am using because they commit terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra for nearly 20 years with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons and by every possible means.


Terror, Psychological torture, and MK Ultra. Any kind of them can totally destroy your life and leave you  unimaginable aftermaths. And  how serious are they? Just Google them. 2 years ago   UN Human Rights Office and UN realized the seriouness and swore to collect evidence about "psychological torture"  all over the world.



15 years ago, all Canadian lawyers refused me:



My neighbors are now attacking madly my hearing with Microwave Weapons, which cause serious tinnitus in my home. Here is evidence, which includes nearly all Non-Lethal Weapons;

which includes how Non-Lethal Weapons can be used to incapacitate and control human hearing

especially, in my home and in my workplace:






Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.



Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.



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Those who are being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring are having voices, images, pain, electric shock  and other sensations projected into the brains and bodies on an ongoing basis against their wills and without ever having given their permission for this.   As this torture technology operates invisibly without leaving a trace those who are subjects of it  are not able to prove that it is happening to them.   When the subjects of it inform the police or their medical practitioner they are severely punished for doing so because the police  or their medical practitioner  will in most cases send them for psychiatric evaluation in order to cover themselves in case the subject who is complaining of being Remote Neural Monitored  should commit suicide.  The psychiatrist will in most cases then commit them to a psychiatric hospital where they will be mandated to injest psychiatric drugs with extremely torturous side effects.   Simply by reporting a crime being committed against them they are severely punished for doing so.   Why is this system in place and when is it going to be changed and who is going to change and why was such an inept system ever set up in the first place.

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Computers are being used to analyse complex patterns of activity in the brains of any member of the general public which have become embedded with wirelessly connected nano technology. Those computers translate those complex patterns of activity into the emotions that the subject is feeling, the thoughts that the subject is thinking and the images that the subject is imagining.
Many people are already linked to Brain EEG Pattern Data Analysis computerized technology remotely by means of nano technology inside our brains and bodies which have been injected into us without our awareness or consent.
This morning I was listening to the news on a radio station known as Mid West Radio. During the news announcement the public were informed that a jewellery theft had taken place in Castlebar, Co. Mayo yesterday which was 4th January, 2022. While hearing that radio news I automatically generated in my own imagination a scene inside a jewellery store and a robbery taken place. That data being generated by my brain was automatically translated into images and viewed by the remote neural monitoring staff as a possible clue to a jewellery theft that had taken place. A voice was then projected into my brain which was heard by me to say the following:- "Cordon off the home" This voice was projected into my head because the EEG pattern remote analysis capability appears unable to differenciate between the imagination of the subject based on what the subject was hearing on the radio and real occurrences. Is this still the case?
Further to that incident and because I am continually wirelessly connected to a brain EEG pattern data analysis system, voices, images, sensations and other experiences are being constantly projected into my brain and body throughout each and every day. I here below give you an example of other voice projections which have been projected into my brain recently as follows:-
"You may tell her from me that someonw will come to her house one night and kick down her door."
"There is a smell off you. Rant about that why dont you."
"Curtail her budget."
"Who owns this lady."
"It will be forbidden in the future to unplug the landline phone at night or indeed any time."
"It is hazing" "It is alot worse than hazing. It is psychological torture." "Find another job if that is the way you are going to describe it."
"Are you vaccinated."
In my opinion, most if not all senior politicians, the police, the military, the medical profession and the judiciary have nano technology imbedded in their brains and bodies at this time. Neural stimulation of their brains is occurring in mass by wireless remote means in order to make them gullable and trusting when information from the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organisation is being transmitted to them. Those who run the United Nations, the World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation are Satanists who practice human sacrifice of children. They remove the adrenal glands of children directly after those children have been tortured and before they are murdered in order to exctact adrenachrome from them because adrenachrome sustains the youthful appearance of the Satanists who drink it. Can we stop wireless remote neural stimulation of our brains from unknown remote locations by unknown assailants by having all microwave transmitters and receivers and all other transmitters and receivers throughout the world disassembled and banned within days as it is an urgent matter. Please discuss this matter on the main stream media today and everyday until it is solved.
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Luxury web Design

Make your company stand out online with unique luxury website designs created by a skilled designer exclusively for you. Are you looking for inspiration? From our global community of designers, we've gathered some incredible examples of luxury websites. We provide 360-degree solutions for you and your company. The strategy, design, and development deliverables are all tailored to serve one goal: providing the user with a valued, impactful experience. We provide unique solutions that connect profoundly with the requirements of your target audience and inspire action, not just affection. Get inspired and start developing your ideal luxury web design right now.

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Due to ongoing wireless brain interference, politicians, the military and police worldwide have become so incompetent that they are busy implementing policies which are in the very worst interests of their own people. Why is this situation allowed to occur?
Any government throughout the world that was asked by their own citizens to provide proof of the existence of a covid-19 virus under the Freedom of Information Act have failed to do so. The Covid-19 virus has never been identified, isolated or purified at any time or in any place throughout the entire world.
The PCR tests and the Antigen Tests are highly unreliable and yet the PCR test has been used as the reasoning behind locking down the entire world.
Scientists, medical professionals and others have appealed to us in online forums to avoid taking poisonous covid-19 vaccines but their information is being censored from the mostly privately owned main stream media.
The real reason extra people are dying is from some of the following reasons:-
5G millimeter wave radiation combined with graphene oxide nano particles found inside vials of covid-19 vaccines and now also found inside the bodies of those who have been vaccinated is leading to oxygen starvation and is also leading to lowered levels of glutathione. The ingredients found within the covid-19 vaccine also lead to blood clotting within the human body. Further to that, some drugs such as MIDAZOLAM and REMDESIVIR which are now being used by the medical profession because of policies which originate in the World Health Organisation are euthenising the patients who they are being administered to. Those who wish us to submit to their will under false concern for public health and also under false concern for the environment are mainly believed to be Satanists who often practice human sacrifice and the drinking of the blood of their victims for the purposes of ingesting a substance called Adrenachrome which is secreted from the adrenal glands of people when they are tortured. The Satanists who practice human sacrifice believe that drinking blood and eating flesh containing Adrenachrome will prolong their own lives.
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Satanists are all sworn to secrecy because they commit mass crime together as a group.
Names of various satanist groups are as follows:-
The Ninth Circle, Hell Fire club, The Order, The Doctrine, Abraxas, Krypten, Sons of Sam, The Finders, O9A, Astral Bonw Knawers, Sabbatean Frankists, Order Des Martinistes, The Cvlt, etc. etc.
They sacrifice the lives of children which the European Mafia obtain for them from the following sources:-
residential school children, immigrant children who dont have proper documentation, children from youth detention children, children from war torn countries such as Guatamala, children who dont have stable families, children from compromised social workers, aboriginal children in North America are easy to take for legal reasons because they are legal wards of the state,
The Saturnalia Ninth Circle Satanic Cult have been operating in the Vatican for at least two hundred years. The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult was set up by the Jesuits who are the military wing of the Vatican. They set up the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult as a means of controlling Popes and some cardinals. There are records of it in the Vatican library in latin. Cermonies and ritual torture and killing of children sometimes take place within the Vatican state, possibly at the San Lorenzio Jesuit Church at the sub basement crypt area. The members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult carry out their ritual killing and cannibalism of children on the winter solstice and on Roman feast days and on many other occasions. All Popes are expected to be part of such ritual killings so as to be controllable by the Jesuits and by those other individuals who control and run the Vatican. Many European Royal Family members are also expected to be part of such ritual killings.
There are many whistleblowers to Satanic child sacrifice and cannibalism rituals and the common law courts of Justice throughout the world are compiling evidence against them. You will find the testimony of one Dutch woman who was raised by the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult on a website called Murderbydecree(dot)com. Her husband was a Ninth Circle Cult Member. They entrap politicians by bringing them to what the politicians think is a regular dinner. Suddenly the politician finds himself in front of an altar where is child is being brutually sacrificed and the politician is being video recorded as being there. The politician is then controlled by that means. The mob and the C.I.A. blackmail people by this means on a frequent basis.
Further to that, the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult conduct human hunting parties. They obtain children and teenagers from youth detention centres and they let them loose in forests which have been cordoned off by some members of the Belgian army. The Satanists then hunt the children and teenagers down and kill them like animals. Psychopaths among them are unable to feel remorse. Satanists actively promote anything which involves human death such as euthenasia, abortion, assisted suicide and wars. They believe people are a threat to planet earth so they also promote depopulation. Satanists actively pursue and are working towards a one world government with themselves , Luciferians and Ultra Zionists in charge.
During the act of Satanic Ritual Abuse the children are tortured in order to traumatise them severely which makes their bodies secrete a substance known as adrenachrome into their flesh and blood. They are then murdered and their blood is drank and their flesh is eaten raw by the Satanists because the adrenachrome in their flesh and blood is a strong drug which is much sought after by the Satanists. The Satanists dress up as animals and frightening entities in order to deceive their victims. If those of their victims who are not sacrifised during the ritual ever relate their experiences to the police, the police are less likely to believe them if they report that they saw what looked like animals walking around during the ritual. Dark robes and hoods are standard costume during Satanic rituals.
Many Satanists are very wealthy and have senior positions in politics and the law. Their wealth and senior positions in society help to protect them from law enforcement. Most police are aware that they are sometimes serving criminals in high office so as a group the police are not able to be very effective in thwarting the activities of the Satanists. However, as individuals they are very helpful to the common law courts of the world who are compiling evidence against Satanists throughout the world. Satanists inside police forces promote and fast track other Satanists up the career ladder so that they quickly gain enormous power over their fellow good will and good living police officers. Many police officers wish to investigate incidences of Satanic Ritual Abuse but they get over ruled by more senior officers. Both individual satanists and groups of satanists hide behind works of charity in order to disguise their true nature.
If you have any information about Satanic Ritual Abuse please email it to
Itccs is short for The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State.
Another place to submit such information is to the contact address at
I obtained most of the above information from Dr Kevin Annett of the International Court of Common Law in Vancouver, Canada and also Wilfred Wong being interviewed by Shaun Attwood at the following online link
Still further to the above information I found the information presented herebelow at the following online link as follows:-
The 9th Circle: Child Sex/Sacrifice Cult Initiation
“The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, a child sacrifice group composed of global elites, appears to be routinely raping, torturing and murdering children” it was announced yesterday by the ITCCS. Recent court filings against the international child kidnapping ring go to court April 7.

Named as chief defendants for the Brussels Common Law Court trial were Pope Francis, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. Among possible Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members named by witnesses who would testify at the trial were former popes Joseph Ratzinger and John Paul II, UK High Court Justice Judge Fulford and members of the British Royal Family.
“Queen Elizabeth had direct involvement in the kidnapping and death of aboriginal children and Royal Family members appeared to regularly participate in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk Indian School in Brantford Ontario Canada” yesterday’s announcement proclaimed.
According to two affidavits filed in court, not only did different witnesses see Ninth Circle Satanic Cult members commit murder, but claimed the brutal killings of innocent children continued today, some in sub-basement vaults.
The international court was set to consider:
· Testimonies of two former Mohawk School inmates who both say they were present at the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult murder of a 5-6 year-old girl at the Mohawk Indian School in Branton Ontario Canada.
· A copy of the ‘Magisterial Privilege’ that was filed within sealed archives of the Vatican library. The Ninth Circle Satanic Cult operated according to this canon law statute dated Dec. 25 1967. It was said to document that before each new pope assumed office it was mandatory that they participated in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rites. The document referred to ceremonial murder of newborn children and consumption of their blood.
· Testimonies of two witnesses who claimed they saw former Pope Joseph Ratzinger, Dutch Cardinal Alfrink and Prince Bernhard take part in a Ninth Circle Satanic Cult murders in Holland and France, one of a little girl in the fall of 1987.
· One of those witnesses was Dutch therapist Toos Nijenhuis who in this video interview with Kevin Annett, discussed seeing Ninth Circle Satanic Cult murders as late as 2010. At least one of those murders involved former Pope Ratzinger.
· Testimony of Anglican church researcher Leona Moses, whose 2011 interview with Kevin Annett and Mohawk elder Cheryl Squire could be seen in this video.
· Testimony of a former Argentine civil servant during the 1970s Dirty War who took extensive notes of meetings between the now-Pope Francis and Junta military officials. Pope Francis’ fast ascension to head the Argentine Catholic Church was a suspected result of his agreement to traffick missing political prisoner children from Catholic orphanages.
· Testimony of a police-accredited investigator.
· The “G12” collection of documents of the Anglican Huron Diocese from the Church of England secret archives in London, Ontario Canada.
· A January 2012 memo from Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz in Toronto ordering destruction of forensic human remains and evidence of murdered children in the Mohawk Indian School archives.
“In October, 2011, excavations commenced by Mohawk elders on the grounds of the (Mohawk) school revealed…bones that had been cut up in sections. Two of these bone fragments were positively identified as being those of a small child by Ontario forensic examiner Greg Olson and archaeologist Kris Nahrgang, as well as by senior forensic pathologist Dr. Donald Ortner of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C. Ortner died of undisclosed causes shortly afterwards.”
Mass genocide of Mohawk Confederacy children began in 1832 at the former Church of England-Jesuit run Mohawk Indian Residential School in Brantford Ontario Canada. Since the 2008 discovery of a child mass grave site at the Mohawk School, there have been 31 other mass child grave sites identified at native residential schools across Canada, in Holland and the United States. The schools were mainly run by Catholic Jesuit priests.
On Feb. 28 2013 this same international court found Head of the Anglican Church of England Queen Elizabeth and former Pope Joseph Ratzinger guilty of Crimes Against Children – the same day Ratzinger became the first pope in history to resign from his office.

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A group of wealthy men are seeking to control the people of the world under their own will under the guise of environmental concern and health concern. That group of wealthy men control the United Nations. They drew up a plan for world control which they called U.N. Agenda 21. The United Nations went on to publish a 350 page book about their plan for total and absolute control over all of the people of the world and all of the resources of the world and they called that book 'Agenda 21'. They drew up a further plan known as Agenda 2030 which was approved by two hundred world leaders in 2015. U.N. Agenda 21 is being implemented by means of a non-governmental organization known as I.C.L.E.I. which stands for International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives. Those two hundred world leaders who approved 2030 in 2015 were most definitely being subjected to little known technologically induced mind control programming which is carried out by the following means:-
Vaccines and numerous other injections are vectors for the installation of an intra-body nano-network inside the human body and brain. A nano-network is a set of objects and elements with the ability to interact with each other through signals in the form of pulses, electromagnetic waves and electric fields. Brain nano-networks form a neuronal interface to interact with cognitive, physical and electrical processes of the human brain for neuromodulation, neurostimulation and neurocontrol. This nano technology inside human brains and bodies allows unknown others to partially wirelessly control human brains and bodies, physically, emotionally and mentally from vast distances. The two hundred world leaders who signed up for Agenda 2030 in 2015 would definitely have refused to do so if they had been able to think independently without wireless interference of their brains. This true fact renders both the Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 articles null and void.
Covid-19 is not a viral contageon. Covid-19 is a 5G millimeter wave contageon combined with graphene oxide poisoning. The so-called covid-19 vaccinations have been proven to contain a poison known as graphene oxide. When 5G millimeter wave radiation is combined with graphene oxide inside the human body it leads to oxygen starvation and it depletes the levels of glutathione in the human body. Those who feel ill from so-called covid-19 symptoms, they should take glutathione supplements or N-Acetylcystene (NAC) which is a precursor to glutathione in the human body. Also take one of the following oxidizing agent such as Ozonated water, Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Black Oxygen, or Dimethylsulfoxide which is known as D.M.S.O. in order to oxidize any heavy metals in your body. You can also take Zeoline, Bentonite Clay or a number of other agents which will also get rid of heavy metals from your body.

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Whenever you stand close to a digital media device or wear a smart watch or keep a digital communication device in your pocket the electromagnetic energy which is generated by that digital media device is absorbed into the nano technology which is in your body and brain which will then allow unknown neuro operatives to manipulate your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, bodily functions and muscle movement from vast distances while remaining anonymous. This capability is in widespread use and is being kept secret by the use of cover stories such as the demonic possession hoax cover story and the mental illness cover story.
Also if you continue to wear a digital media device such as a smart watch or a fit bit or an internal blood sugar monitoring device they will all contribute to giving you radiation poisoning eventually.
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There is a war of attrition being fought against us be a number of different means, one of which is the following:-
The skies over our heads are being continually sprayed with barium, strontium and aluminium among other heavy metals and also biological ingredients and some other ingredients in what is known as the chemtrail program and it is also known as geoengineering. Then those heavy metals are ionized with electromagnetic frequency radiation. An electron is removed or added and the material in the sky becomes plasma which can be set on fire and made to fall on top of us. A plasma sky can also be used as a cinema screen to show images of frightening spectacles in order to frighten the uninformed.
The solution is to have the chemtrail spraying of the skies stopped immediately by means of using our own military forces to control our airports and to check the contents of aviation fuel and other areas of airplanes of such a cargo.

When our bodies and brains are saturated by graphene oxide from the contents of vaccines then electromagnetic radiation in our environment coming from our smart phones, our smart watches, our computers and our fit bits is absorbed into our brains and bodies. You must throw away all smart watches and fit bits. You must only use your smart phone when absolutely necessary and keep it in a faraday case for the rest of the time. Keep your credit card in a small faraday case because it can be read remotely in order to identify you when you are out in public and in order to steal money from your bank account.
Wear a piece of shungite which will help to nullify electromagnetic radiation in your environment. Bees who can not find their way back to their bee hives due to electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere from both microwave and millimater wave transmitters can then easily find their way back when a piece of shungite is placed close to the bee hive. Shungite is very powerful. It is a stone found in Northern Russia close to Finland.
Because our bodies are now saturated by graphene oxide we can receive a signal from our smart phones which can kill us instantly without anybody knowing that is what killed us. Solution - remove all heavy metals from the human body using a large number of different solutions such as oxidizing agents such as Dimethylsulfoxide which is also known as D.M.S.O., Chlorine Dioxide, Hydrogen Peroxide, Ozonated Water, Black Oxygen or you can used other types of heavy metal detoxifying agents such as Zeolite and Bentonite Clay and many other solutions which you will find online.
The common good is such a vague term that it has no meaning. You are more important than society because society exists for the sake of you and I and all of us. Society is an abstract concept is it is not alive. You and I are alive.
"Politicians invoke the common good in order to hide that they have no justificiation for imposing their values on others" Quote by Barry Brownsteain.
Government violence is now being used to force the individual to comply with the plans of the government. Government violence is being used to force people to accept poisonous vaccines into our blood streams. Government violence is being used to force us to wear masks which hinder the oxygenation of the human body because by oxygenating the human body correctly we oxidize and therefore destroy the poisonous heavy metals in our bodies and brain.
I enclose here an online link to a very important article about brain weapon science as follows

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The common good a such a vague term that it has no meaning. Government violence is used to force the individual is comply with the plans of the government.
"Politicians invoke the common good in order to hide that they have no justification for imposing their values on others." Quote by Barry Brownstein.
When science wins we lose because neuro science is now being used to wirelessly enslave us. They have injected most if not all individuals with nano technology to the extent that we are now generating digital signals from our bodies and brains and these digital signals can be detected with meters. This has allowed the central planners to wirelessly connect us to computerized control systems which capture data from our brains and bodies and transmit data to our brains and bodies to the extent that many people are no longer able to think independently. Their thoughts, emotions, beliefs and behaviour is being partially controlled by incoming digital signals which come by means of transmitters and receivers around us. We can degrade, if not entirely destroy the nano technology inside us by ingesting various oxidizing agents such as ozonated water, chlorine dioxide, black oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, dimethylsulfoxide aka D.M.S.O. and other formulas. It would possible take several months to degrade or destroy the nano technology inside a person's body by which time politicians would then require that person to accept another booster vaccination which would replace the nano technology inside his or her body again.
Those who administer government violence are the police and the military. They have become far more mind controlled than the general population so that they are willing to enforce violence against their own fellow country men and women for no good reason other than to comply with the plans of the new world order cabal who are known Satanists, Luciferians and Ultra Zionists.
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Hey Everyone! 

Just wanted to share some thoughts. 

Like every other website where the Victims of the Secret Services and Military bodies  (the hell with "Targeted Individuals") are trying to find help and unite, this page too is captured. What it means that it is being monitored by criminals. BUT DON'T LET THIS SCARE YOU AWAY FROM REACHING OUT, USING YOUR VOICE AND GET HELP. 

Some tips: 







That's all for now. Have a good week and if I don't talk to you, happy mew year! 

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The Rothschild and Vatican run New World Order Cabal wish us to take booster vaccinations containing nano technology every six months because we can get all of the nano technology out of our bodies in less than six months using a wide variety of oxygen therapies to oxidize all of the heavy metals in our bodies and to destroy all of the pathogens in our bodies so that they can then no longer transmit signals into us to control our minds and bodies.
We can prove that nano technology is inside our bodies by downloading a blue tooth detection app onto a smart phone called 'Blue Radar' which will detect blue tooth signals coming out of the bodies of those who have been vaccinated with so-called covid-19 vaccines and antiflu and other vaccines. Those people who have various digital signals coming out of their brains and bodies have already been connected wirelessly and invisibly to the brain internet where some of their thoughts and opinions are under external wireless control. That is why they are unquestioningly obedient to orders which come from the United Nations run central control system in the world in spite of the fact that the United Nations is owned and controlled by dark occultists such as Luciferians, Satanists and Ultra Zionists.
When anybody officially complains about the fact that the lockdown of the whole world is based on a faulty PCR test which can easily be manipulated to generate false positives those who officially receive such complaints are wirelessly programmed to only focus on the messenger and never on the message. They immediately ask who sent them the complaint and they attempt to analyse their behaviour and they also attempt to imply that they are mentally unwell rather than ever focus on the message which they appear unable to do due to external mind programming. What is to be done about all of the above?
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Your Phone Signal Can Be Used To Murder You.

Your smart phone emits a signal which activates the nano technology inside your body and you fall to the ground while spasming violently.     If you are able to move away from all digital technology the spasming may lessen.   The real and only reason to mandate you to take a so-called vaccine is to innoculate you with graphene oxide, parasites  and nano technology.   You can lessen or eliminate all of  those vaccine contents from your body by taking any oxidizing agent such as ozonated water, chlorine dioxide, hydrogen peroxide, black oxygen or dimethylsulfoxide which is also known as D.M.S.O.  You can also eliminate it in other ways.  Some people have suggested taking Borax or Ivermectin.   An online expert known as Tony Pantaleresco whose website is called  has invented a simple nano technology nullification device which can be made at home by those with a basic knowledge of electricity.   Tony Pantaleresco can also be found on youtube explaining how to make his device.   It can take up to six months of continually taking an oxidizing agent before you become no longer impacted by frequencies.   However, the evil men who wish to enslave us by means of frequency weapon control are attempting to make us receive more nano technology into our bodies and brains every six months by means of booster vaccinations.    Many of them are unable to think clearly due to manipulation of nano technology in their brains.

Many people are calling to have all transmitters and receivers throughout the world disassembled and banned urgently.   For further information about this topic please watch the following online video WATCH VACCINE NANO BOTS KILL AFTER BEING ACTIVATED BY A CELL PHONE (


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Further evidence from Attorney General of Canada's letterS  for international (legal  ) proceedings against them.

Hacking UN Human Rights and the

Right now, I can hardly post and send anything to you because of their  hacking regardless of anything.

2 years ago, in my home I was given this message : "What you can't see can murder you. "
And, Amnesty International " visited" my home.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
International Court of Justice
Canadian Government
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer

CC :

Contact :

Temporary  email :

After reading Mr Attorney General of Canada's letterS of 10 years ago


, and after seeing the whistleblowering :

" more than 200 police officers are living around and surrounding  one human rights lawyer."

All my neighbours , at least 2 Philippine couples,
they don't work at all for 5 , 10 ,or 15 years. But, they are so rich. "

1. ( before hacked this address)

2. ( before hacked this address)

, you all  can see for nearly 20 years who hack UN, International Human Rights Community, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court and everything I am using as they  continue to commit terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada.

For details, here is my message I sent to you already. After I uploaded it, they at once hacked it. I couldn't open what I uploaded.

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.

Read more…


The scientific and technological capability which is detailed in the enclosed article  called 'Vaccines as Vecctors for the Installation of Nano Technology'  is being used against me to torture me from an unknown remote location and my name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,  Republic of Ireland.  This aforementioned torture has continued for more than eighteen years.



Vaccines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Inoculated Into the Human Body - Truth Comes to Light

Vaccines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Inoculated Into the Human Body

Evidence Found That Would Confirm the Theory of Nano-Networks Centered in the Human Body: Nano-Rectennas
by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect
published in Spanish December 16, 2021
rough translation via translation software


Research on nanocommunication networks for nanodevices inoculated in the human body continues to accumulate evidence. On this occasion, the article by the researchers (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) is presented entitled “Nanoredes centered in the body driven by nano-Rectenna in the terahertz band = Nano- rectenna powered body-centric nano-networks in the terahertz band” which confirms the theory that Corona2Inspect had been studying through the observation of the images of the samples of the c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines obtained by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). Nano-arrays centered on the human body require the use of nano-antennas that operate in the terahertz band, these being the same type as those found in the vaccine samples ..

In the literature, these plasmonic nano-antennas are also called bowtie antennas or “bowties antenna” and in the article in question they are called “nano-rectennas”. The explicit mention of the type of antenna and the technology of intra-body nano-networks, would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, vectors for the installation of nanotechnology, or nanodevices in the human body. However, beyond the pure coincidence, the authors make explicit the use of graphene and carbon nanotubes, as necessary elements for this network model, elements that were also identified in the images taken by Dr. Campra and that coincide with the presence of graphene in its technical report with spectroscopy. Micro-Raman.

To what has already been described, the article adds that the method of communication and data transmission in nano-networks is carried out through TS-OOK signals (sequences of pulses that transmit binary codes), which matches with studies and protocols of nanocommunications and would endorse all the research carried out by Corona2Inspect so far on this matter.

If what has been explained is not enough to confirm the theory of intracorporeal communication nano-networks, the article by (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) makes explicit the use of nano-sensors that are linked by means of electromagnetic signals, by means of the aforementioned nano-rectennas or bow tie nano-antennas, which necessarily evidences the presence of nano-routers that serve to manage the intra-body and out-of-body data link, with gateways (gateway) such as mobile phone. Given the importance of the content of the article, it will be dissected in detail.

Article analysis
The research object of the work of (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) is the comparative analysis of the energy harvesting capacities of nano-rectennas, aimed at their implementation in networks wireless nanodevices and intra-body nanotechnology. This is reflected in the introduction of the article as follows “in the field of health applications, the objective is to develop a network of therapeutic nanodevices that is capable of working in the human body or within it to support the monitoring of the immune system, health monitoring, drug delivery systems and biohybrid implants “. This leaves no doubt that nano-antennas, here called nano-rectennas, necessarily imply the presence of a network of nanodevices or nanotechnology aimed at controlling the biological variables and factors of people.

Furthermore, (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) state that “There are two main approaches to nanoscale wireless communications, namely, molecular and electromagnetic (EM) communications (Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM 2010). The latter commonly operates in the terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) and is a promising technique to support data exchange in nanosensor networks for healthcare applications or body-centered nano-networks. For the expected size of nanosensors, the frequency radiated by their antennas would normally be in the optical range, resulting in a very large channel attenuation that could make nanoscale wireless communication unfeasible. To overcome this limitation, graphene-based antennas have been developed, which are able to resonate in the THz band with sizes of a few 𝜇𝑚, at a frequency up to two orders of magnitude lower than a metallic antenna of the same dimensions“.

This explanation corroborates the two types of intra-body communication , the molecular type used for monitoring and neuromodulation of neuronal tissue and the central nervous system ( Akyildiz, IF; Jornet, JM; Pierobon, M. 2011 | Malak, D.; Akan, OB 2012 | Rikhtegar, N.; Keshtgary, M. 2013 | Balasubramaniam, S.; Boyle, NT; Della-Chiesa, A.; Walsh, F.; Mardinoglu, A.; Botvich, D.; Prina-Mello , A. 2011) and electromagnetic, conceived for the control of biological variables and factors in the rest of the body, by means of nano-nodes (also known as nano-devices, nano-biosensors, etc.).

It also corroborates the operating band in which the intra-body nano-network is operating, in a range of 0.1-10 THz, confirmed in this blog according to (Abbasi, QH; Nasir, AA; Yang, K.; Qaraqe, KA ; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Zhang, R.; Yang, K.; Abbasi, QH; Qaraqe, KA; Alomainy, A. 2017 | Yang, K.; Bi, D.; Deng, Y.; Zhang, R. ; Rahman, MMU; Ali, NA; Alomainy, A. 2020). It also addresses the fact that the scale of the nano-devices, nano-sensors of the network forces to “resonate the THz band” by means of special antennas of a few microns (𝜇𝑚), but with the ability to retransmit signals and in turn of harvesting energy to run the grid. These special properties are achieved through the plasmonic effect given by the nanoantennas scale, which confers special physical and quantum properties to these objects, as explained in (Jornet, JM; Akyildiz, IF 2013 | Nafari, M.; Jornet, JM 2015 | Guo , H.; Johari, P.; Jornet, JM; Sun, Z. 2015 ).

In the introductory dissertation, (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) mention a substantial aspect “the exchange of information between implantable [injectable] nanosensors is the most significant, since it allows control and monitoring the release or flux of molecular, biochemical compounds, and other important functions within the human body.” The relevance of this statement is crucial since it assumes that nanodevices have to be installed, injected or implanted in the human body, but also that it is necessary to receive their signals and data generated to carry out the corresponding monitoring, even at the level of molecular flow and biochemical compounds, such as neurotransmitters produced by neuronal tissue or the nervous system ( Abd-El-atty, SM; Lizos, KA; Gharsseldien, ZM; Tolba, A.; Makhadmeh, ZA 2018).

This explains the need to introduce graphene, carbon nanotubes and derivatives to capture these signals and bio-electrical markers to capture the information, but also a wireless nano-network, which allows transmitting this data outside the human body. Therefore, it must be understood that the nano-antennas or nano-rectennas in charge of repeating the signals could not only do it from the inside out, being able to carry out the reverse process, altering the neuronal synapse, for example.

Likewise, (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) state that a relevant problem in intra-body nano-networks is the availability of energy (Bouchedjera, IA; Aliouat, Z.; Louail , L. 2020 | Fahim, H.; Javaid, S.; Li, W.; Mabrouk, IB; Al-Hasan, M.; Rasheed, MBB 2020 ), for which efficient routing protocols and processes have been developed ( Sivapriya, S.; Sridharan, D. 2017 | Piro, G.; Boggia, G.; Grieco, LA 2015 ) that make the operation of the nano-network plausible. For the purposes of nano-antennas or nano-rectennas, Rong and his team state the following: “One of the biggest challenges in body-centered nanogrids is caused by the very limited energy storage of a nano battery … Since electromagnetic waves carry not only information but also energy, rectenins can operate at THz and frequencies. microwave, allowing them to work overnight. Since electromagnetic waves carry not only information, but also energy ( Varshney, LR 2008 ), nano-rectennas can share the same signal that is used to carry information within nano-networks. As a result, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) becomes a critical technique for powering nanogrids and is a promising solution to power bottlenecks … A major advantage of the The technique is that the proposed nano-rectennas are capable of converting an EM signal into a direct current without any external power supply of the system. In addition, achievable energy conversion achieves approximately 85% efficiency.“.

These statements are fundamental to confirm that EM electromagnetic waves, or what is the same microwave, serve to transport energy and data simultaneously, being able to do so in the THz band compatible with the intra-body wireless network.

This confirms what has been explained in the entry on nanocommunication networks for nanotechnology in the human body, published on this blog. This ambivalent phenomenon of transporting energy and data is known by the acronym SWIPT, which allows us to infer that nano-antennas or nano-rectennas have this property. In fact, the authors affirm its ability to convert an EM signal into direct current without external power, with a very high efficiency, which would explain why enough energy was generated and probably stored to make the intra-body network work. In fact, according to (Zainud-Deen, SH; Malhat, HA; El-Araby, HA 2017) nanoantennas with a geometric diode such as bow tie or other polygonal type, based on graphene, not only collect energy from electromagnetic waves EM ( microwave), they can also do it with the infrared spectrum (El-Araby, HA; Malhat, HA; Zainud-Deen, SH 2017 | 2018), which guarantees a constant flow of energy.


On the other hand, (Rong, Z .; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) define the concept of rectenna as “a combination of an antenna and a rectifier device, generally a diode, with the purpose of collecting energy in and to the nanowires, so that the EM waves are received by a nano antenna and then coupled to a rectifier … this makes it possible for them to be used to harvest energy from THz and higher frequencies. How nano-sized antennas operate In the THz band, their associated rectifier diodes need a fast response so that they can react properly to the incoming signal and deliver a DC (Direct Current) signal … The rectifier can collect energy from the THz signal or from residual energy in the environment“.

However, it is known that rectennas are also capable of transmitting and collecting energy and data in the GHz band as explained in the work of ( Suh, YH; Chang, K. 2002 | Abdel-Rahman, MR; Gonzalez, FJ; Boreman, GD 2004 ) .In this regard, the work of ( Khan, AA; Jayaswal, G .; Gahaffar, FA; Shamim, A. 2017, should also be highlighted .) in which it is shown that nano-rectennas are capable of collecting energy from environmental radio frequency (RF) for which they use tunneling diodes, which hardly consume energy during the process of conversion to direct current. These tunneling diodes also known as MIM (metal-insulator-metal) diodes can provide zero bias rectification, allowing it to operate in a frequency range between 2-10GHz, allowing it to adapt to input impedance.

In fact, Khan and his team state that “Although the real advantage of MIM diodes is the high frequencies (THz range), their zero-bias rectification ability can also be beneficial for collecting and wireless feeding at RF frequencies. .. Characterization of DC (Direct Current) indicated that the MIM diode could provide a zero bias responsiveness of 0.25V -1 with a decent dynamic resistance of 1200 Ω (Ohms). The metal-insulator-diode-metal RF (Radio Frequency) characterization was performed using two methods: 1) S parameter measurements (Diode tunnel barrier thickness) from 500MHz to 10 GHz, and 2) RF rectification to DC with zero polarization. The presented input impedance results may be useful for integrating MIM diodes with antennas for harvesting applications. The second part of the RF characterization verified the rectification of RF to DC zero bias.”

In other words, the researchers confirm that nano-rectennas can operate in lower frequency ranges and even by radio frequency, which explains that it makes them the ideal method for powering wireless nano-networks and their connection applications. to the IoNT (Internet of NanoThings).


Returning to the analysis of (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018), his work addresses the comparison of two types of rectenins oriented to intra-body nano-networks. One of them is nano-rectena based on carbon nanotubes, which matches with the identifications observed in the vaccine samples . In this sense, Rong and his team cite the work of (Sharma, A.; Singh, V.; Bougher, TL; Cola, BA 2015) who proposed the rectennas of CNT (Carbon Nanotubes) “which consisted of millions of nanotubes that functioned as nano antennas, with their tips made of Insulator-Metal (IM) to behave like diodes. The CNT rectennas showed great potential for body-centered nanodevice applications and wireless EM energy harvesting.”

This could confirm that the observed carbon nanotubes and plasmonic nanoantennas are intended, among others, to deliver energy. To the nano-network installed with the different inoculations of the vaccine, an aspect that would explain the need for several doses to complete the basic supply of energy for its perpetual operational maintenance. Abundant in the carbon nanotube rectennas, it is also stated that “When CNTs absorb EM radiation, a direct current will be generated after rectification across the tip area. This converted current is used to charge a capacitor. The process of conversion to DC (Direct Current) is carried out using the THz signal within the system and environmental free EM, so the power source of such a nano-rectenna generator does not need another specific external power source.” Which suggests that no other components are required to function.


In addition to CNT nano-rectennas, (Rong, Z .; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) compare them with their main proposal, bow tie nano-rectennas “dipole nano-rectennas have been proposed bow tie, with two triangular sections. The thickness of the antenna is 100 nm, and nano diodes, made of graphene located in the middle of the hole area of ​​the bow tie antenna, producing the action of the rectena. Additionally, can connect to form a nano-rectilinear array or array. The bowtie dipole antenna receives EM radiation and converts the signal into AC (alternating current) flux to the nano diode. The diode then rectifies the AC (alternating current) into current continue DC “.

This would confirm the type of Plasmon nano-antennas observed in the vaccine samples , as well as the graphene material used as a link between their triangular sections, which matches with the presence of graphene detected by Campra in the vaccines . Another relevant detail is also provided, nano-rectennas can operate in a matrix or array, which means that thousands of them can operate, as stated by Rong and his team “As the output power of a single rectenine is 0.11 nW (approximately), if we use an array of these lines, the power and size required by the nano-network can be satisfied … More elements connected in series can increase the production of current and power “.

This is demonstrated in the work of ( Aldrigo, M .; Dragoman, M. 2014 ) entitled “Nano-rectennas based on graphene in the far infrared frequency band where it is explained that nano-rectennas are capable of collecting human heat in the infrared frequency band, and that the The proposed model is encouraging “both in terms of the rectified current of a single nano-receptor, as well as the power rectified by a macro-system that combines thousands of nano-cells“. Which leaves no doubt that nano-rectennas are not an isolated component, in fact they are more common and numerous than might be thought a priori. Perhaps one dose of the vaccine involves thousands or perhaps millions of nano-rectennas, depending on its scale.

Rong’s article continues to provide very relevant keys, this time in relation to the CNT rectennes, indicating that “the output voltage generated by the CNT rectena is of the order of tens of millivolts … the channel access scheme for the communications will be based on femtosecond pulses to the nanowire … the digits 1 (of the binary code) are transmitted using pulses of 100𝑓𝑠, this is a long pulse, while the digits 0 are transmitted as silence … as the time The separation between adjacent bits is 1000 times the pulse duration (Ts = 100ps), the average power will return to the nW level. Therefore, the output power of the CNT rectenna is able to satisfy the power requirements of the system (from the nanoret)“.

This statement confirms what was already investigated in Corona2Inspect, nanogrids operate with TS-OOK signals for the transfer of data packets (see nanocommunication networks for nanotechnology in the human body , CORONA system for nanogrids , nanorouters , nanogrids software electromagnetic ) due to their simplicity and reduced energy consumption. Furthermore, it confirms that carbon nanotubes can operate in the transmission of signals and data, as well as the collection of energy, as was suggested in the entry on nano octopuses and carbon nanotubes of this blog .



According to Rong’s calculations, “For a rectenna CNT device, the maximum reported output voltage is 68 mV and for a 25-element rectenna bowtie array it is 170 mV. Therefore, according to (9), the rectena matrix bowtie (bow tie) delivers more charge than rectena CNT … when these two rectena devices are used to charge the same ultra-nano capacitor (9nF), it is evident that rectena CNT takes longer (more than 6 minutes) due to its very high junction resistance. Whereas for the rectena bow tie, the resistance is comparatively very small, so it only takes about 6 ms to supply more power to the capacitor“. This explanation is very important when comparing the two types of rectenna for intra-body nano-networks.

Arrayed bow tie nano-rectennas present better performance than those based on carbon nanotubes, taking a nano-capacitor to charge in only 6 milliseconds. This would explain the presence of these components in the vaccine samples, at micro and nano-scale. In addition, the allusion to the ultra-nanocapacitors used to perform the load test is relevant. Capacitors are passive electrical devices capable of of storing energy by maintaining an electric field.

This could lead to the question: Where is energy stored in intra-body nano-grids?

The answer is very simple, in an abundant and recognized material in vaccines, this is graphene itself. act as capacitors, as shown in the work of ( Bai, J .; Zhong, X .; Jiang, S .; Huang, Y .; Duan, X. 2010 ), because “the graphene sheets nanoribbons with widths less than 10 nm can open a band gap large enough for operation as transistor at room temperature“. This is de facto what allows the generation of a magnetic field, as a result of the electrical charge transmitted by the nano-rectennas.

This would explain the phenomenon of magnetic arms (among other parts of the body) after inoculation of the vaccines. In fact, if you look at figure 5, a nano-mesh (made of graphene) similar to that found in the scientific literature can be seen blurred, which could act as a condenser. In many cases, these shapes were found around polygonal, quadrangular objects. and nano-antennas, which seems to make sense to provide an energy carryover for nano-grids.


Finally, among the conclusions, Rong and his team highlight the following “Along with the continuous advancement of the SWIPT technique ( simultaneous wireless information and power transfer) , the pioneering CNT matrix receiver and the nano-matrix bowtie (bowtie) open the door for wireless nano-sensor powering. Since a nano-rectenna is capable of powering nanosensors without any external source and its broadband property allows rectenna to be a very efficient and promising way to power implanted nanodevices and in the human body. CNT’s rectenna array can successfully deliver the required human body-centric wireless nano-network power, estimated to be around 27.5 nW. Also, the bow tie rectifier array is much smaller in size, but provides similar power … Although nano-rectenins cannot provide such a high voltage compared to a piezoelectric nanogenerator, an array of nano-rectennas bowtie (bowtie) is much more efficient producing in addition DC (Direct Current) directly from the THz signal within the system (the human body) and the environmental EM signal without any other external power source of the system“.

This seems to make it clear that this type of nano-antennas are the appropriate ones, if what is desired is to install intra-corporal nano-networks of nanodevices and nanosensors. Therefore, a very sharp deduction is not necessary to realize that the The presence of plasmonic nano-antennas in the vaccine samples, whether in the shape of a bow tie or cube, or a prism, as has been observed, are clear evidence of the presence of undeclared nanotechnology.


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