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The great socialist experiment in Russia, which lasted some 70 years, seemed to prove the old saying that communism is only good in theory. However, at its most critical moment, after
the soviet victory in the Russian Civil War, the movement's most
vital piece was lost. Lenin, the professional revolutionary, the
orator, the instigator, the tactician, the brilliant Marxist scholar
died at the age of 53, after two years of declining physical and
mental heath on January 21, 1924. During those last two years, he
suffered three strokes and was therefore obviously extremely limited,
prompting him to promote Joseph Stalin, not true Marxist scholar Leon
Trotsky, to General Secretary. Though Lenin attempted to remove
Stalin before his death, the new communist leader had already grown
to powerful. It was at this point that the USSR drastically altered
their approach towards communism and consequently forever changed its
understanding. Although Lenin certainly used violence in securing his
revolutionary state, most notably the Red Terror and War Communism,
he nevertheless truly believed in raising Russia to a utopian society
where the government would famously “wither away,” leaving only
socialist ideology to rule. Where Lenin created an authoritarian
dictatorship, declaring a “vanguard of the party” necessary, he
did so in order to consolidate Soviet power during the civil war and
lead the uneducated, apolitical masses of Russia towards equality.
Stalin on the other hand saw these foundations of totalitarian rule
as a political end in itself in order to ultimately create a dominant
political and militant force within the international world ruled by

Lenin dedicated his entire life to Marxist teachings and socialist revolution. After being imprisoned and later
exiled at the end of the 19
century, he did nothing but work towards the development of a
worldwide socialist movement. Upon returning to Russia during the
1905 revolution, the young ideological Lenin saw his window of
opportunity to initiate his life's work. After years of squabbling
amongst the different factions of the Russian Soviet Congress, which
Lenin saw as weak and not progressive enough, the Soviets officially
took control of the Russian Government on October 25, 1917. Though
this negated any hopes for a more democratic multi-party system by
effectively establishing a foundation for a dictatorship, Lenin saw
it as a necessary step in order to fully achieve his socialist goal.
The Menshevik and Social Revolutionary parties would not aggressively
implement the radical reform Lenin demanded. Therefore he stated at
the Central Committee, “the masses have given the Bolsheviks their
trust and demand from them not words but deeds, decisive polices both
in fight against the war and in the struggle with economic
dislocation” (Suny, 1998, 53). With one bold strike Lenin seized
the government and put himself in a position to delineate the
direction of the socialist movement within his beloved Russia.
However, while this was a major step for Lenin, the next four years
of civil war would significantly demoralize this greatly ideological

Despite, or possibly because Lenin was so strongly ideological, he was incredibly driven as well as practical.
As he slowly took control of the government he soon realized the huge
strides the country had to make if they were to successfully
transition to communism. For starters, the counter-revolutionary
movements on the fringes of the country were still a considerable
threat due to the frailty of the young Bolshevik government. Secondly
the country was famously backwards, undeveloped, and agriculturally
based, filled with uneducated and politically ignorant peasants,
especially after the government's removal of bourgeois and
upper-class participation in politics. If Lenin was going to succeed,
he needed to forcefully alter the economic base as well as the
culture within the country. It was at this point that Lenin made a
major break with this beloved Marxist thinking, declaring a vanguard
of the party be created in order to lead the Russian people towards
socialism without the hindrance of any opposing political ideology.
In doing so he created a new center of power in the communist state,
the Politburo, which was made up of the five most senior party
members; Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Kamenev, and Krestinkii. Instead of
a representative, bottom up government as socialist ideology
outlines, Lenin effectively created a top down government where the
local soviet administrative organs became an office for one-party
policy implementation. As the counter revolutionary groups gained
strength on the outskirts of Russia proper, the need for Lenin to
enforce party discipline and reprimand dissenters grew exponentially.
It was during this time of Soviet consolidation of power that Lenin
employed War Communism and the Red Terror. At this time Lenin stated
“whoever is not for us is against us” (Suny, 1998,125) and
gradually began to tighten his authoritarian grip over all of Russia
eliminating any party opposition, through denying freedom of speech
and freedom of press under the stipulation that they were “another
weapon” of the bourgeoisies (Suny, 1998, 126). During the years of
the Civil War Lenin managed to manipulate power into his own hands,
away from the workers and legitimize a centralized party rule over
the state.

However despite these rather harsh measures taken by Lenin during the Civil War, his actions following its
conclusion, in 1921, spoke to his determination in creating a truly
equal society. First off he created the New Economic Policy, or the
NEP, which allowed for some privatization and free trade within
Russia. Lenin realized that the first few years of Soviet rule had
not lived up to its promises stating, “Russia emerged from the war
in a state that can be likened to that of a man beaten to within an
inch of his life” (Suny, 1998, 137). Therefore Lenin, very
practically, made major concessions to his ideologies in order to
save his dream of true socialist revolution. No one was more aware of
these digressions than he, yet he was always ready with an answer for
their implementation. In this regard, he argued,

“there is no doubt that in a country where the overwhelming majority of the population consists of small
agricultural producers, a socialist revolution can be carried out
only through the implementation of a whole series of special
transitional measures which would be superfluous in a highly
developed capitalistic countries… it will take generations to
remold the small farmer, and recast his mentality and habits. The
only way to solve this problem of the small farmer - to improve, so
to speak, his mentality- is through the material basis, technical
support, the extensive use of tractors and other farm machinery and
electrification on a large scale” (Suny, 1998,137).

Ultimately the NEP was a way to help the impoverished peasants, allowing them to sell all of their excess
grain. It was under this policy that the living standards slowly
began to rise for the proclaimed backbone of Russia, the workers and
peasants, and the socialist light began to shine through the dark
misery of the pervious years.

However, just as life began to improve for the Russian people, Lenin's health declined and Stalin rose to power.
Unlike Lenin, however Stalin was never expertly versed in socialist
ideology. In fact he had only been a member of the Bolsheviks since
1903, after having read some of Lenin's work following his expulsion
from seminary school. Even after joining the ranks of the Bolsheviks,
Stalin acted as a party operative involved within the illegal, often
violent party committees, rather than as a political activist. By
1922 he had worked his was up the party ranks and was elected to
General Secretary. By the time of Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin was
the only party leader to be a member in all three of the highest
political institutions, the Politburo, Orgburo, and Central Committee
(Suny, 1998, 146). He used this position to consolidate his own power
within the inner workings of the party and insulate himself from
political rivals, especially that of Trotsky.

Once he had consolidated his position a top the communist party, Stalin took the revolution into his own hands and
began to drastically change its direction. Most notably he dropped
any aspirations for worldwide revolution and instead began to focus
on a policy known as socialism in one country, which depended on
drastically improving the country's industrial output (Suny, 1998,
140). Riding off the success of Lenin's NEP policies, in 1926 the
economy reached its pre-WWI industrial levels (Suny, 1998, 157). At
this point, when the economic situation was improving, Stalin
appeared to be a moderate and levelheaded leader. However this
economic success was mostly due to the fact that the old pre-war
factories, which had been decimated during the Civil War, were put
back into use. However, once this economic honeymoon ended, after a
poor harvest in 1927, the somewhat inflated industrial growth was
exacerbated, as the old factories could not continue to raise the
industrial production level without further investment. However, in
the midst of a poor harvest, the government had very little grain to
sell abroad while still providing food for the workers and soldiers
(Suny, 1998, 158). This crisis brought Stalin face to face with
failure and ultimately caused Stalin to revert to extreme measures of
a very anti-socialist nature.

In response to the, once again, failing economy, Stalin removed himself, and consequently the government,
from the formerly socialist, pro-peasant stance of the communist
party and directly blamed the local governments for their policies
failures (Suny, 1998, 225). Due to the poor state of the economy,
farmers were hoarding grain because of its low market price and
therefore Stalin instituted his policy of collectivization in the
infamous the Five-year plans (Suny, 1998, 168). He saw the peasantry
as unreliable section of the country and a potential capitalistic
threat to the Soviet Union in the face of rapid industrialization. To
counteract this, Stalin first ordered forced requisitions of grain
from the peasants in 1918 and 1929 as a supposedly temporary
emergency measure to boost the productivity of the industrialization
process in the cities. Next came a phase known as “dekulakization”
where the wealthy peasant class were exported, exiled, or executed
from 1929-1930. Finally, around the same time the forced
collectivization of all agriculture was put into practice. This
collectivization ultimately had dire effects for the peasantry; there
was widespread famine due to the constant transport of grain into the
industrial centers, elimination of equal wages, uninterrupted work
policy, and internal passports. One immigrant in 1933 wrote “here
on the collective farms I am living the life of a badly fed animal. I
have been robbed of my grain and all my reserves. My cattle have been
taken… Life is impossible. I go into town, get a job as a workman,
and there will be fed” (Suny, 1998, 242). All of this was supposed
to reign in production by limiting the peasant's ability to move as
well as their workers rights, essentially robbing the peasants of
their grain in order to trade abroad and provide the industrial
workforce with food. This maneuver was entirely against all socialist
ideals, Marxian or even Leninism's revised ideology. Lenin said “the
transition to collective cultivation must be carried out by the
proletarian state power with the utmost caution and gradualness, by
force of example, without the slightest constraint on the middle
peasantry” (Suny, 1998, 222). Lenin was in fact right as these
polices gave little reprieve to the ailing peasantry and in fact
created a disconnected and discontented populace. In addition this
created great upheaval within the upper echelons of Soviet power,
most notably Bukharin, who favored more conservative economic reform
more in line with the NEP. It was at this point that Stalin began to
systematically remove any and all suspected opposition.

The beginning of this forced removal of opposition is characterized by an incident in 1928 known as the
Shakhty Trial. This involved a group of engineers who had ties with
their former owners and disagreed with Stalin's policy of rapid
industrialization, were accused of sabotaging party rule at a certain
coalmine, put on trial and either executed, jailed, or deported. This
public show trial reminded the Russian people of the consequences
that come with crossing the state and set the stage for what would be
known as the Great Terror (Suny, 1998, 235). Throughout the 30's
Stalin used violence to impose subordination and strict discipline,
but as the decade moved on and increasing amounts of resources were
needed to continue to grow the economy, the violence was ever
expanded. Spanning from 1936 through 1938 the violent coercion that
had progressively grown throughout the 1930's reached its peak. As
the trial, which lead to the execution of two close advisors to
Stalin illustrated, even highly ranking party officials were not safe
from the suspicious eyes of Stalin. Any person suspected of any form
of opposition or the slightest dissent were either exiled, put to
work in labor camps, or merely executed (Suny, 1998, 263). It has
been estimated that Stalin killed some ten to eleven million people
throughout the 1930's. This massive loss of life obviously had
terrible consequences for the country (Suny, 1998, 266). Not to
mention, Stalin had successfully eliminated all forms of resistance
and created a new elite class that was totally subordinate, allowing
him to rule unquestioned until his death in 1954.

Although Stalin did manage to develop Russia's industrial base and raise Russia to the status of an international
superpower, he did so at great expense to the Russian people who had
entrusted the Soviet powers to lead them towards a better, more
equal, and fair society
Lenin was faced with huge obstacles in
consolidating and legitimizing Soviet power being entrenched in WWI
and the Russian Civil War simultaneously. When the
counter-revolutionaries threatened to overthrow the young Bolshevik
government before they could even attempt a socialist revolution,
Lenin was forced to take drastic measures and temporarily neglect the
needs of the peasants in implementing War Communism. However, once
the war was over, and power consolidated, he immediately turned a
helping hand to the peasants by implementing policies like the NEP,
relaxing the socialist ideology, allowing bourgeois specialists to
work within the government, and even began to open boarders to
foreign investment. For, Lenin, unlike Stalin quickly realized the
transition to communism would take years due to the state of the
peasantry. Stalin completely disregarded the livelihood of the
peasants as well as socialist ideology in everyway. He exploited the
legitimacy of the Soviet government that Lenin built as well as the
trusting Russian-soviet workers in order to develop a dominant
military state under his rule.

Works Cited

  • Suny, Ronald Grigor. The Soviet Experiment; Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States.
    New York: Oxford University, 1998.

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Diary Entry October 21, 2010

This past Monday night I slept so automatically knew something was up. The next night, Tuesday, October 19th they ran what felt like a frequency vibration or current moving slowly up and down and around inside torso. Since that night when I slept and they obviously worked me over, I am now being
attacked on many fronts in new and unusual ways.

Added into the picture is concentration on ears-eyes-nose-throat – tweaking and messing with my head with throat as though an apple is lodged at site of Adam’s Apple when I swallow; both temples and cheekbones made to be sore; base of head/neck .

Suddenly they are targeting me multiple points of contact at the same time. I’ve been working on my testimony recording details and, of course, naming SRI
as lead perpetrator with much to lose if this corporation’s covert
criminal history both past and present in collaboration with U.C.
Berkeley and Lockheed-Martin, the Department
of Defense
, et al. behind the backs of the American
people gets leaked out and at long last the public becomes educated
as to where trillions of their taxpayer dollars have gone. Let the taxpayers
know why there is a Federal budget deficit in the trillions – get
it blown wide open that it's being spent on Human Enhancement,
Nanotechnology, Man – Artificial Intelligence Interface, cloning,
all kinds of multi-billion $ experimentation along with testing
their military weapons arsenal on American citizens – harassing and
torturing us the same as in days of old in Nazi-occupied Germany and Russia... see if Americans don’t suddenly get a rude wake up
call when it comes to “trusting” their government. All of Europe
has always known better than to trust their government. We’ve got
to get these dark dirty secrets out but forget about writing your
Congressmen because they know and they DON'T CARE ENOUGH ABOUT IT –
only showing up in D.C. in large numbers will speak to them; and I
guess ya all are just too busy to commit to that kind of statement. At least keep handing out those
flyers and working at the grass roots level so your local legislative body (saturate their offices with literature and wake up their staff) so they cannot ignore
you and do it in a polite way so they cannot be tempted to cart you off to one of those FEMA camps in the works. What should have been exposed after the end of WWII when all
those well-educated Nazi scientists were brought over by the CIA to work in American
laboratories to further the U.S. agenda and advancement of mind control
weaponry was all kept top secret like everything else.

Beginning at 4:30 a.m. this morning they began what gave off the sensations of a frequency vibration or current flowing throughout upper and lower torso and effecting entire colon running the frequency up and
down and around as well as being felt in organs of digestion –
ultimately forcing me to toilet and being used as a new toy in their
tool box to squeeze every drop of urine out of me and swipe clean
colon which effectuated feces the length of which is hard to believe
could possibly be expelled from a human being. The frequency
vibration begins at (L) foot and travels up connecting points as
through an acupuncture meridian (L) leg. This new type warfare on my bladder, as opposed to the usual application of "pressure," results in
flushing and sweating of face and neck which has just got to be real

I was riding to town this morning and my mind for a few minutes flashed on the Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo. When I got to the health food store 25 minutes later a lady
with a Frida Kahlo shopping bag in her shopping cart was in front of

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#991 Evidence I have that this is the government

So many people say that we don't have evidence or that this isn't the government so I will list what I have here. A real investigation would expose far more:

1. East Bay mental health records say that I was hospitalized by police while they searched my home for bomb making materials. A scan of this page is on mcforums and mcactivisms photo page.
Far more than that happened like the false diagnosis, the attempt at a forced suicide using V2K, MEDUSA and voice cloning.

2. I have written about the supposed MEDUSA attack long before the Navy admitted to this weapon. That in it self is evidence how do I know of a powerful microwave weapon that only I could hear years before its admission. It also has the same attack mode as LRAD another weapon developed by the Navy. I described this as blasting crickets until I heard the demonstration of LRAD on the military channel.
When heard the clearest you will hear the clicking like crickets.

3. Before being committed police moved the brother of two past police into my second floor apartment. This may be an association of there intent. Others were found to be up there when he was away exposing to me that something was wrong. At this time the surveillance was abusive with V2K and I was followed where ever I went in my apartment till I stopped then something heavy would be dropped on the floor above me.

4. A tape of me talking to my attackers before the MEDUSA attack was taken with me to the hospital after the all night attack left me shaking and pissing brown. I'm sure these would be the recorded effects of that length of exposure to the attack mode and I'm sure the tape was recorded. Later I tried to file a police report. Police refused but took the tape for safe keeping. Later they said they didn't know where the tape was.

5. Because of the false diagnosis and 12 days of involuntary commitment I was given an appointment to a psychiatrist. I cancelled because I knew full well I was under attack. Records at East Bay Mental Heal say just this that police informed them that I didn't make the appointment so they contacted me. this proves that I was under surveillance by police.

6. The Doctor that was drugging me to death on 1,400 mg per day of Seroquel over twice the maximum dose named Dr. Mindi Rosenbloom wrote in the East Bay mental Health records that I still suffered from the delusion that police had me under surveillance and that I had been attacked by a "Radiation weapon". Right in the records that she had was the evidence that this was not a delusion that I had been attacked. Still she was drugging me to death which will be expose on the next evidence number by the Huffington post article.

7. Huffington post exposes troops taking high doses of Seroquel are gaining 40 lbs and dying in their sleep in less than a year.

Cilla McCain Author, Murder in Baker Company
Posted: June 23, 2010 05:42 PM
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Dying In Their Sleep: The Invisible Plague Attacking U.S. Soldiers
This proves they were experimenting this form of murder almost ten years earlier on me.
Dr. Mindi Rosenbloom's expertise was also in Geriatrics. Because of a very high rate of deaths the elderly had died in large numbers causing a death warning to be put on the prescription bottle shortly after I had learned of my attacks and had gotten records to prove it. Both the elderly and troops coming home are on government assistance something that I was forced into from my attacks. Are they experimenting on me and others to learn how to kill our elderly who spent there live being productive members of society and troops on disability that have risked their lives for this country.

8. The beginning or this directed energy weapons revolution started when our Embassy was attacked by the Russians with low level microwaves as a form of surveillance like radar or millimeter wave surveillance and to charge the listening devises. I third purpose was to harm the staff at the embassy. the staff had complained about feeling nautions and sick. In this early story by TIME/cnn below they thought the only physical harm was high try glycerides leading to an increased risk of heart attack. Later they died of lukemia and other ailments. The article though shows that the microwaves increase tryglycerides as dose the drug Seroquel above killing the troops and the drinking of alcohol. These together are a sure slow kill.

...................But some officials expressed concern for the health of embassy residents and workers. High-intensity microwaves, like those used in electronic kitchen ovens, can "cook" human cells. They can cause cataracts and raise levels of serum triglycerides, or blood fats, in humans, predisposing them to heart attacks...........................

Read more:,9171,918076,00.html#ixzz130mLwJvA

9. My triglycerides have been as high as over 1,500 when when drugged on Seroquel. I also believe I'm being hit with low level microwaves. Anything above 150 is considered high and you are at risk of a heart attack. I had such an attack where my heart raced to 180 bpm. I was rush ed the hospital and lived. They tlod me I didn't have a heart attack and my heart looked strong by nuclear imaging, all are on record. Before I left the hospital two plain clotheed women came in and told me what was happening and to change doctors, get off the medines or I would be dead. I now have the records and evidence and have put all the peices together. This is real and a crisis in our country that we have to face, the exterminaion of undesirables by our government.

Peter Rosenholm

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#990 Efforts to Prosecute Blackwater Are Collapsing

This article concerning immunity and others on the fleecingof American dollars might be a good reason for not becoming a countrythat uses contractors for everything. Some matters are just to importantand need oversight and accountability. What if the programs TIs areunder are being done by contractors? Is that just a way for ourgovernment to surveillance/torture and limit liability, to commit acrime without anyone having to answer for it?
I still think XeService means , "Kill(X) the enemy(e) Services. The question then is whois the enemy and who determines that? When innocent people are killedwho gets charged for murder? For TIs there is no accountability or evenan admission thatthese programs exist yet they are using the latest technology andweapons against us.

Peter Rosenholm;emc=th

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Efforts to Prosecute Blackwater Are Collapsing
Published: October 20, 2010

WASHINGTON— Nearly four years after the federal government began a stringof investigations and criminal prosecutions against BlackwaterWorldwide personnel accused of murder and other violent crimes in Iraqand Afghanistan, the cases are beginning to fall apart, burdened by alegal obstacle of the government’s own making.

Times Topic: Blackwater Worldwide

Inthe most recent and closely watched case, the Justice Department onMonday said that it would not seek murder charges against Andrew J.Moonen, a Blackwater armorer accused of killing a guard assigned to anIraqi vice president on Dec. 24, 2006. Justice officials said that theywere abandoning the case after an investigation that began in early2007, and included trips to Baghdad by federal prosecutors and F.B.I.agents to interview Iraqi witnesses.

The government’s decision todrop the Moonen case follows a series of failures by prosecutors aroundthe country in cases aimed atformer personnel of Blackwater, which is now known as Xe Services. InSeptember, a Virginia jury was unable to reach a verdict in the murdertrial of two former Blackwater guards accused of killing two Afghancivilians. Late last year, charges were dismissed against five formerBlackwater guards who had been indicted on manslaughter and relatedweapons charges in a September 2007 shooting incident in Nisour Squarein Baghdad, in which 17 Iraqi civilians were killed.

Interviewswith lawyers involved in the cases, outside legal experts and a reviewof some records show that federal prosecutors have failed to overcome aseries of legal hurdles, including the difficulties of obtainingevidence in war zones, of gaining proper jurisdiction for prosecutionsin American civilian courts, and of overcoming immunity deals given todefendants by American officials on the scene.

“The battlefield,” said Charles Rose, a professor at StetsonUniversity College of Law in Florida, “is not a place that lends itself to the preservation of evidence.”

Thedifficulty of these cases also illustrates the tricky legal questionsraised by the government’s increasing use of private contractors in warzones.

Such problems clearly plagued the Moonen case. In theimmediate aftermath of the Christmas Eve shooting, Mr. Moonen wasinterviewed, not by the F.B.I., but by an official with the RegionalSecurity Office of the United States Embassy in Baghdad, the StateDepartment unit that supervised Blackwater security guards in Iraq.

Mr.Moonen’s lawyer, Stewart Riley, said that his client gave the embassyofficials a statement only after he was issued a so-called Garritywarning — a threat that he might lose his job if he did not talk, butthat he would be granted immunity from prosecution for anything he said.

Thelegal warning and protection given to Mr. Moonen weresimilar to warnings that embassy officials later gave to Blackwaterguards involved in the Nisour Square case. In each case, the agreementspresented an obstacle to prosecution in the United States. In effect,the Blackwater personnel were given a form of immunity from prosecutionby the people they were working for and helping to protect.

“Onceyou immunize statements, it is really hard to prosecute,” said AndrewLeipold, a law professor at the University of Illinois. “In the field,the people providing the immunity may value finding out what happenedmore than they do any possibility of prosecution. But that just makesany future prosecution really very hard.”

Justice Departmentofficials declined to comment Wednesday about specific Blackwater cases.But the department has appealed the dismissal of the Nisour Squarecase, and a new trial has been scheduled for next March in the Virginiamurder case after a mistrial was declared.And Justice officials noted that the government had had a number ofsuccessful prosecutions against contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan,including several for sexual assaults and other violent crimes. Morethan 120 companies have been charged by the Justice Department forcontract fraud and related crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait,officials said. ........................................................
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there is much we can do as a group. sure, no one trusts anyone. well, it would take only once for a perp to slip up and get caught being an infiltrator. besides, it is easy to tell them apart. even some ti are remotely controlled and used as perps, that is something to be cautious about.
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Biophysical Warfare - The Mind
Has No Firewalls
By Tim Rifat

The US Army War College published an article called The Mind has no Firewalls, sent to me by Harlan Gerrard - America's leading mind control expert - who asked me to comment on the American military's drive to dominate the mind. It is well known that microwave mind control using the TETRA system, based on CIA mind control research, is in the process of turning the UK into matrix-land. The 30,000 plus transmitters will zombify the population and police, and dissidents can be terminated by implanting them with Digital Angel and using computer controlled microwave weapons targeted on their home, street, shopping mall, car, trains-to covertly kill all subversives.
Unfortunately for the US military and NATO controlling the mind does not end with microwaves and ELF.

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Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance (Part I)

Pages:; background-attachment: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-color: rgb(163, 12, 12); text-align: center; font-size: 18px; line-height: 17px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); vertical-align: middle; padding-left: 5px; padding-right: 5px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: repeat no-repeat; ">123
Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance (Part I)

By John Fleming

Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors or deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person’s every action and relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites include reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam. Remote reading of someone’s mind through satellite technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from a futuristic dystopia!

Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance (Part II)

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John N. TI Targeted Individuals V2K Voices To Skull Who Implanted Me And Why Pawtucket Rhode Island 02860 USA Police And Federal Government Harrassment

Video Attached >>>>

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#989 Connie Marshall speaking out on the news

#989 Connie Marshall speaking out on the news

Thanks to for putting this up.

She is extremely brave and courageous for tryingto expose this in the courts and on the news. In the future....about 50 years when the governmentusually admits to wrong doings I wonder if people then will be able torelate to attacks, harassment, suicides and murder that we areexperiencing?
Hillary and Bill Clinton's admissions and apologies concerning non-consensual human experimentation that happened 50 years ago at Guatemalaand Tuskegee are disturbing but do people loose the connectionthat this is still taking place in varying forms. I have to wonder ifanyone tried to expose these experiments in the days when they werehappening? Did they loose there jobs did their wife or husband desertthem and run off with another?
The first stories I here of OSwithout the directed energy weapons were with the Stazi in East Germanyor the practice of, "Spotlighting"(OS) in the UK. I wonder if we couldsome how find records of the victims suffering from this type of assaultwhen trying to expose a horrible crime against humanity that they were a victim of.
In 2060 will a president or secretary of state be apologizing forexperimenting on American citizens with directed energy weapons andpsyop tactics to discredit, misdirect, drug, chip and kill the TIs oftoday? Or will they still be using the weapons and psyops and justdiscuss testing of RF and microwave on the population? A sugar coatedversion so to speak, even so, ugly and brutal as it will appear at thetime. From the actions of police and the FBI there will be little or norecord of what has happened to me. It will in fact if left to the lawenforcement and mental health records at the moment to appear that I wasconsidered a possiblebomb maker and that I was involuntarily committed for twelve days andput on disability. We need to change that. Through our efforts we canleave the message of what truly happened.

Peter Rosenholm
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John N. TI ( Targeted Individuals ) Mind
Control Masters And Slaves Killing Victims And How It's Done - Me Being
Attacked During Video

Video Attached >>>

--- 2nd Post Was Removed had to repost in Youtube

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John N. TI Targeted Individuals Mind Control V2K Vioces To Skull LRAD And The Phraselator Togather But Don't Forget There Are Many Others Types Of Equipment And Implants

Video Attached >>>

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John N. TI ( Targeted Individuals ) About Me Being Threatened And Harassed For Revealing Information About Mind Control And Talking About It

Video Attached >>>

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#986 A small peice of one of the best writings yet

High-Tech Crimes and Electromagnetic Madness
by Arlene Tyner

......................Thisarticle completes a four-part series on Mind Control begun in 2000. Thefirst three parts were published in Probe magazine in the March/April,May/June and July/August 2000 issues. Part 1: Canadian and U.S.Survivors Seek Justice can be accessed online at Parts 2 and 3 are in print form only, but can be purchased from the Probe website:

Arlene Tyner

October 2001

"I know the capacity that there is to make tyranny total in America andwe must see to it that this agency [the National Security Agency] andall agencies that possess this technology operate within the law andunder proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. Thatis the abyss from which there is no return."

Senator Frank Church, 1975 (1)

At56, Admiral Jeremy "Mike" Boorda had everything to live for. As Chiefof Naval Operations (CNO), he was at the pinnacle of his career.Supported by a loving family and widely respected as "an officer oflegendary devotion to the Navy," why would the admiral suddenly andviolently take his own life?

On May 16, 1996, Boorda was foundshot through the heart on a bench outside his official residence in theWashington Navy Yard. The police instantaneously diagnosed "suicide."But Boorda's recent advocacy of suicide prevention cast an eerie shadowon the official story.

" Can the sailor commit suicide and nothave the leader know that he or she was in distress?" the admiral hadasked in a speech at the Annapolis Naval Academy the previous month.Answering his own query, he continued, "No. We can't ignore things wemust work on and if we hide them, we do everybody a disservice." (2)

Byall indicators, Boorda was not depressed. His wife and several admiralsvouched for his high spirits only hours before his body was found. Tointimates, it made no sense that he would destroy himself withoutwarning. Furthermore, as one woman on an Internet listserve so astutelyobserved, "People who commit suicide by shooting do not do it in thechest." (3)

Mike Boorda was an unlikely suicide candidate foranother, more personal reason. He and his wife Bettie were the mainsupport for their first-born son David, who is legally blind andseverely handicapped by congenital malformations. The Boordas raised himto adulthood in their own home while rearing three other healthychildren, two of whom are Navy officers. Known to be very attached toDavid, the admiral had planned early retirement to spend more time withhis family. (4)Would a responsible and loving father suddenly opt toleave his wife to care for their disabled son alone?

Midway intoresearch for this series, a number of alleged mind control (MC)experimentees began sharing their suspicions that Admiral Boorda hadbeen assassinated to prevent his speaking out against nonconsensualhuman experimentation in military weapons research. Blanche Chavoustiereferred me to a sinister CIA document from the 1950s that entertainsways of "disposing" of experimental MK-Ultra subjects and people "whocannot be trusted" to safeguard military secrets. Chemical lobotomy,drugs, and "ultrasonics or some other radiating energy" were the methodssuggested as possible alternatives to an "ice pick" lobotomy orpermanently locking the person away someplace. (5) "Now, with newimproved techniques," Chavoustie says, "victims such as Admiral Boordahave been known to self-destruct on their lunch hour." (See Part 2 ofthis series, May/June 2000 Probe for Chavoustie's story.)

Twoadditional people told me Boorda could easily have been done in by oneof the surefire assassination methods the Navy has finessed after 50years of covert research and field testing. This little-known secretslipped out on July 6, 1975 with an article in the London Sunday Times,"How the U.S. Navy Brain-Trains Political Assassins." The Times quoted aspeech by Navy Lt. Commander Thomas Narut to a group of 120psychologists at a NATO conference in Oslo, Norway. Narut worked at theU.S. Regional Medical Center in Naples, Italy. He reported the Navy hadbeen programming "hit men and assassins" who would kill on command; somesubjects were drawn from the ranks of convicted murders serving time inmilitary prisons.

The "damage control" boys soon moved in. Narutwas flown to London and forevermore silenced. The Navy issued astatement in his name saying his remarks were merely "theoretical."Newspapers were told the lieutenant commander was having "personalproblems." Narut's loose lips reached the U.S. only through the ChicagoSun Times (July 7, 1975). (6)

Corroboration for the existence ofan operational MC assassination program can be found in a declassifiedDefense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document prepared by the U.S. Army inJanuary 1972 (Author: J. LaMothe); Part III is titled "Mental Suggestionand Controlled Behavior." Section B elucidates how hypnosis can be usedto create a multi-personality "super spy" assassin, based on thewritings of psychologist and Army consultant George Estabrooks. (Part 2of this series, May/June 2000 Probe documents the U.S. military'screation of Manchurian Candidates going back to World War II.)

A5/26/95 article in The Herald (Glasgow), "Brainwash killers 'still inuse'," contains information about a psychotronic influence systemdeveloped in the 1970s in the former Soviet Union that createsprogrammable "human weapons" through the use of hypnosis andhigh-frequency radio waves. The article warns that this system "hasfound its way on to the free market, where mobsters and private securityfirms are using it."

"Self-Initiated Execution"?

From theearliest days of the MK-Ultra program in the 1950s, the CIA hassystematically searched for execution methods that could be disguised assuicide. All indications are that the macabre Doctor Deaths of themilitary/intelligence world have succeeded, using untraceableelectro-magnetic (EM) technology to commit the "perfect crime."

In1995 Perceptions, an independent magazine dedicated to environmental,political and health issues, published a strange and scary story titled"The Secret War Against Medford, Oregon." Author Mark Metcalf revealed a14-year-old conversation with Dr. David Fraser, former head of theDepartment of Toxicology at the University of North Carolina. Nowdeceased, Fraser had assembled a scientific team that traveled to Oregonto investigate an alarming cluster of suicides in the City of Medford(Jackson County) in the early 1970s.

With a 1970 population ofonly 28,454, the city saw the number of suicides between 1970 and 1975rise from 2 to 10; in Jackson County the number shot up from 13 to 24.Suicide rates are calculated per 100,000 population and averaged in5-year compilations. Although the number of suicides in and aroundMedford do not meet the usual criteria for reliable rate calculations,turning them into rates allows comparisons. In 1975 Medford's rate of 17per 100,000 was higher than for Oregon (15.4) and for the USA as awhole (12.4). (7)

According to Metcalf, the scientists soon foundthat Medford was being bombarded with ultra low frequency (ULF)electromagnetic waves originating from a nearby military base. Thecommander of the military base told the investigators that he knew aboutthe radiation but claimed it was caused by the Russians. However, theULF bombardment mysteriously ceased the very next day after thisconfrontation. After they returned to the east but before theresearchers could write up their report, Metcalf wrote, "Several mendisplaying CIA credentials arrived on campus and said that the ULF wavesbeamed into Medford were a 'national security' matter. They explicitlythreatened to kill each of the researchers, including Dr. Fraserhimself, should anyone speak further about it. As far as I know, no onedid." (8)

On April 8, 1994, popular rock star/writer Kurt Cobain(of Nirvana fame) was found dead in his own home. He appeared to havebeen the victim of a shotgun blast to the head three days before. Adeadly dose of heroin (three times over) was found in his blood. Hisso-called suicide note did not indicate he was going to take his ownlife. Many fans believe the evidence does not prove suicide and thatCobain was more likely murdered. (9) But why?

The answer may liein a technical document purporting to reveal secrets of NationalSecurity Agency (NSA) "psyops" (psychological operations) and systematicMC. Posted on several Web sites in 1999, it was provided by an engineerwho claims he had worked as a consultant to the NSA and feared for hisown safety as a whistleblower (hence the author's anonymity).

MCliterature on the World Wide Web constitutes the cutting edge of seriousresearch into radio frequency (RF) or directed-energy weapons (DEW). Atthe same time, one can easily find writings laden with wild, unprovencharges and undocumented speculation. It is a daunting task to pluck thegems out of the confusion and purposeful disinformation, which areplentiful. (10) After two years of wading through bizarre personaltestimonies, and filling up three file-drawers with scientific research,hundreds of periodical articles, patents, interviews, correspondence,and muckraking pieces that support the existence of powerful MCtechnologies, (11) I find this particular document compelling and worthyof serious study.

Among several examples of "NSA self-initiatedexecution (suicide)," it claims Cobain was a casualty of brainwashingwho was "terminated" for "writing clues" about his victimization intohis songs. "Once the NSA puts on the highest level of brainwashing pain,the subject expires quickly," this document alleges. "Cobain usedheroin to numb and otherwise slow the effect of the brainwashing." (12)

RauniKilde, MD, former Chief Medical Officer of Finland, lectures and writesabout an NSA MC system using radio implants and microchips connected tosatellites that is remarkably similar to what is described in the "NSApsyops" document. "With electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) brainstimulation fully coded," she writes, "pulsating electromagnetic signalscan be sent to the brain, causing the desired voice and visual effectsto be experienced by the target. This is a form of electronic warfare."Kilde warns that "connecting our brain functions via microchips (or evenwithout them, according to the latest technology) to computers viasatellites...poses the gravest threat to humanity." (13)

The Boorda Mystery

TheBoorda mystery deepens when a whole range of facts gleaned fromworldwide press coverage of his shocking death is integrated with theexperiences of alleged MC experimentees. One woman told me that in March1996 the Air Force and the Navy had finally opened investigations intoher claim that she and about 500 other people were being tortured byremotely controlled, neuro-electromagnetic (NEM) or RF weapons. Bizarrestories alleging surveillance, electronic harassment and remotelycontrolled torture of people throughout the world are posted on many Websites. (14) The amply referenced research of Cheryl Welsh, 1997 founderof Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse (CAHRA), supports many of theseclaims, especially "Nonconsensual Brainwave and Personality Studies bythe U.S. Government," "The 1950s Secret Discovery of the Code of theBrain,"and the Russian Book Translation Project. (15)

In anarticle published last year in Matrix 3000, Band 4, a Germanpublication, Welsh writes, "Heart attacks, suicides, assassinations,blackmail, all can be done remotely leaving no trace of evidence to tieit to the perpetrators."

Blanche Chavoustie is one of a number ofallegedly targeted individuals who had contact with Admiral Boorda'soffice shortly before he died. She points out that burial of the Navy MCinvestigation followed quickly upon the admiral's own interment;however the Air Force probe may still be open. (16)

The naggingsuspicion that Boorda did not willfully self-destruct is bolstered byhis renowned toughness regarding media attacks on the Navy and himself.Appointed by President Clinton in 1994 to overcome the long-runninglegacy of the 1991 Tailhook sex scandal, Boorda soon made enemies withinthe military. The "old guard" considered him a "political admiral"appointed to dismantle the notoriously racist and sexist Navy culture.They were angered at decisions that halted the career advancement ofhigh-level male personnel and supported the promotion of Navy women andethnic minorities. (17)

But Boorda very publicly asserted hewould not fall into the trap of feeling sorry for himself. He waspopular among rank and file sailors. Eulogized as a "sailor's sailor,"he was the only enlisted seaman to rise to CNO in the nearly 200 yearsof Navy history. This made him an outsider, resented by the blue-bloodadmiralty. As the Guardian of London aptly put it, "Admiral Boorda wasshort (5 ft. 4 in.), Jewish, clever, gregarious, astute and knew his ownmind. He was hardly the Platonic role-model for the man to command themost WASP-ish and hereditary of the U.S. armed services." (18)

Theadmiral's body was found just after 2 p.m., about one-half hour beforehe was to meet with two Newsweek reporters at Navy headquarters. In theofficial story, Boorda abruptly went home for lunch after being informedby Rear Admiral Kendell Pease to expect accusations that he lackedauthorization to wear two Vietnam-era, bronze "V" pins (decorations thatsignify valor in battle).

Pease later told the press that Boordahad not appeared unduly upset at the prospect of such questions andresponded matter-of-factly, "We'll just tell him the truth." Boorda hadalready removed the tiny pins from his uniform the year before whenquestions were first raised about them. After lying dormant for a year,the medals issue was suddenly pushed into public view as the mostplausible motivation for Boorda turning a pistol on himself. One of thetwo typed notes found beside Boorda's home computer was addressed "to mysailors" and said, "I couldn't bear to bring dishonor to you." (19)

Aninch-thick report by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service wasinconclusive as to Boorda's motive for suicide. It cited several unnamedpeople who insisted the admiral was not distraught in discussing themedals query. Significantly, the autopsy report was never made public. Ablacked-out version was secured by the NYT under the Freedom ofInformation Act (FOIA), lending credence to suspicions of a coverup.(20) If the autopsy unambiguously substantiates a self-inflicted gunshotto Boorda's chest using the.38 handgun given him by his son-in-law (asreported by the media), then why keep it secret?

Boorda & "Cognitive Warfare"

TheGuardian reported on May 18, 1996, there was "another cruel twist toAdmiral Boorda's death" regarding a newspaper. It revealed that Boordahad finally agreed to give "his first full interview" for a seriescalled "Bosnia: The Secret War." (21) Few Americans know of theadmiral's role as advisor to President Clinton during the controversialU.S. intervention in Bosnia. From 1991 to 1994, Boorda wasCommander-in-Chief of U.S. Naval Forces in Europe and Commander-in-Chiefof Allied Forces in southern Europe, based in Naples, Italy. Despite"his position," Boorda had agreed to speak to the London newspaper onunspecified "highly controversial themes."

" The last years ofBoorda's career were marked by his insistence that the US take a robustline and intervene militarily in the carnage of Bosnia-Herzegovina," theGuardian said. "This opinion became the admiral's anthem, and bothisolated and vindicated him within a Pentagon which was stubbornlyresistant to intervention." (22) Could military opposition to Boorda'sGuardian interview have played a role in his untimely and inexplicabledeath?

In October 1996 the respectable, Paris-based IntelligenceNewsletter alluded to "lurid reports" that Boorda "was murdered becausehe was about to reveal sinister undertakings by the Navy in mind controland brain warfare." It disclosed that the admiral "was deeply involvedin a study on the possibilities of cognitive warfare, a form of mindcontrol that uses acoustical, optical and electromagnetic fields or acombination of the three to interfere with the biological processes ofan enemy." (23) This information provides a compelling reason to see themedals controversy as a bogus motivation for suicide. Corroboration forthe existence of "cognitive warfare" can be found in New World Vistas, a16-volume, 1996 Air Force publication. The section on "biologicalprocess control" says that it is possible "to create high fidelityspeech in the human body, raising the possibility of covert suggestionand psychological direction...[making it] possible to "talk"
to selected adversaries in a fashion that would be most disturbing to them." (24)

TheIntelligence Newsletter reported that Boorda headed a secret bodycalled the Strategic Studies Group investigating technologies forproducing speech and "covert suggestions" in the "enemy's head." It saidfurther, "The same techniques, say the experts, could be used toprevent voluntary muscular movements, control emotions and actions,produce sleep and interfere with short-term and long-term memory."

Couldit be mere coincidence that these same biological and psychologicaleffects had been reported by CAHRA members to Navy and AF investigatorsin the months preceding Boorda's sudden demise? Many allegedexperimentees also say they hear artificial voices inside their heads orreceive thoughts that are not their own! Did Admiral Boorda find outabout nonconsensual human experimentation conducted by the Navy, raiseethical objections or even order them to cease, thereby renderinghimself too dangerous to live?

Questionable "suicide" of Aussie Attache

IfBoorda was "taken out" by means of MC technology that induces "suicide"by remote control, he may be the highest ranking official in recentyears to have met this fate. But by no means is he the only suchsuspected case of murder most foul.

On June 13, 1999, in theWashington suburb of Arlington, Virginia, Mervyn Jenkins, the NorthAmerican attache for the Australian Defence Intelligence Organization(DIO) was found hanged in the backyard of his home a week before theJenkins family planned to return to Australia. Jenkins, an expert incovert action and electronic warfare, had been posted in Washington for athree-year assignment. He had been stressed by bureaucratic infightingbetween two Australian intelligence agencies over which documents couldbe shared with the CIA and the DIA. But would this happily marriedfather of three sons take his own life on his 48th birthday? His diaryshowed detailed plans for his life in Australia 10 weeks into thefuture.

On April 16, 2001, the Australian BroadcastingCorporation's (ABC) popular investigative news show "Four Corners"probed Jenkins' mysterious "suicide," which had produced a storm ofcriticism in Australia, leading to a government investigation. Notsatisfied with the results (the Blunn Report), Jenkins' wife filed alawsuit against the government. Both his wife and mother appeared on theABC broadcast, a transcript of which is posted online. (25)

BettyDaly-King believes Jenkins was murdered to prevent him returning homewith knowledge that the Pentagon didn't want him to bring back toAustralia. Daly-King is a Western Australia peace and human rightsactivist who claims she has been tortured with DEW in retaliation for 40years of working for alternative means of resolving conflicts that leadto war. Focused on ensuring peace in the Indian Ocean region, she isresponsible for peace studies professorships in two Perth universities.Daly-King cites several other cases of DEW being used to silencescientists, activists and writers, just in Western Australia alone.

Accordingto the official story laid out by "Four Corners," Jenkins was caught inthe crossfire between U.S. and Australian intelligence agencies overthe issue of intelligence sharing. Daly-King believes that the conflictcentered on the Indonesion repression of East Timorese who had voted forindependence, with the U.S. backing the Indonesians and the Australiansleaning toward the East Timorese independence fighters. InfluentialAustralian organizations such as the Returned Servicemen's League havehistorically sympathized with the East Timorese because so many hadrisked their lives to save Australians during World War II, sheexplains, and people-to-people relationships have been maintained eversince. (26)

" The USA would do anything to appease Indonesia tokeep access through their straits to get to and from Saudi's oil," shewrote to me. "They were not amused at Australia being in the forefrontof restoring East Timor against perceived Indonesia and USA interests!All that lovely East Timor offshore oil, too."

A map of theWashington area posted on the ABC Web site is chilling in itsimplications. With large red dots, it visually depicts the Jenkins homein Arlington surrounded on three sides by the Pentagon, the CIA, the DIAheadquartered at the Bolling Air Force Base, and the British, Canadianand Australian embassies. (27)

Mysterious Deaths in the British Defense Industry

Anepidemic of unexplained deaths in England's defense industry occurredfrom 1982 to 1988 (totally blacked out of the "free" U.S. press).Twenty-five British computer programmers and engineers working onelectronic warfare programs died in a rash of suspicious suicides,disappearances, and bizarre accidents. They were the subject of Britishjournalist Tony Collin's 1990 book Open Verdict: An Account of 25Mysterious Deaths in the Defence Industry. Five of these scientists weretalented computer programmers who worked for Marconi Underwater Systems(a major contractor for the Reagan Administration's "Star Wars"Strategic Defense Initiative or SDI), or one of its subsidiaries. Manyworked for the government or military installations directly. Britain'snuclear arsenal is submarine-based. Most of the dead programmers wereworking on top-secret simulator programs used in underwater submarinedeception warfare. "In the majority of cases, there were no
eyewitnesses and the periods before their deaths could not be explained," Collins writes (28)

Investigationsbegan when two young men were found in Bristol, more than 100 milesfrom their homes, where they had no apparent connections. In 1986 VimalDajibhai, 24, was found under a bridge with an unexplained puncture markon his thigh and his pants down around the ankles. A few months laterArshad Sharif, 26, alleged hanged himself by tying one end of a ropearound his his neck, the other end lashed to a tree, and acceleratinghis car until his neck snapped. Family members interviewed by Collinssaid the two men were actively planning their futures and had no motivefor suicide. Shortly thereafter, PhD student Avtar Singh Gita, 26, whowas working on submarine warfare under a grant from the defenseindustry, disappeared from Loughborough University. Singh Gita's thesiswas titled "Underwater Signal Processing." He was found in Paris monthslater, but could not recall why or how he got there. (29)

Severalgifted scientists and programmers employed in other branches of thedefense industry died under suspicious circumstances in 1987. PeterPeapell, 46, a simulator expert in stealth and EW, was found underneathhis car with the engine running. David Sands, 37, allegedly drove athigh velocity into a brick wall, after filling his car with cans ofgasoline. Richard Pugh, 37, was found dead in his home with a plasticbag over his head and his feet tied. Royal Air Force computer specialistMark Wisner, 25, was also found suffocated by a plastic bag. Dr. JohnBrittan, 52, was found dead in his garage with the car running; he hadbeen a computer expert at the Royal Armaments Research and DevelpmentEstablishment. In 1988 the body of Russell Smith, 23, who worked for theUnited Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority in Harwell, was found on acliff. Family members of these deceased individuals indicated no motivefor suicide. (30)

Tony Collins concludes that "psychologicalengineering" of suicidal behavior is a possible explanation for theseunexplained deaths. His conclusion is based on the experience ofAustralian engineer and investigative journalist Joe Vialls who says hesurvived such macabre manipulations in 1983. Vialls had becomeunwittingly involved in a Cold War espionage operation while working on asensitive oil drilling operation in India. He reports he suffered bothmicrowave radiation and post-hypnotic suggestions implantedelectronically by unknown controllers, whom he suspects were working forthe CIA. Doctors who treated Vialls at the London-based MedicalFoundation for the Care of Torture Victims verified that he wassusceptible to clandestine hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestions.Vialls, whose story can be found in Collins' final chapter, haspublished a book and many articles on suspected ManchurianCandidate-type assassinations as well as exposes of the
U.S.military's Omega above- and underground communication system, which hebelieves has the capacity for mind control operations worldwide. (31)

Europeans Reject Invisible Weapons

Warningson the perils of electronic MC can be found in the European press.Scientists, intellectuals and government officials there have beenbanging the warning drums for several years about dangerous U.S.surveillance and NEM technologies. (32) A 1997 editorial in the BritishMedical Journal alerted the healing profession to "guard against itsknowledge being used for weapon development." Written by surgeon RobinM. Coupland, the editorial warned that the new category of "non-lethal"(NL) weapons, including "devices generating infrasound orelectromagnetic waves, and devices for riot control," was not covered byexisting international treaties banning chemical and biologicalweapons. (33)

In 1998 a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur inParis cautioned that "advances in cerebral imaging" were "capable ofbeing used at a distance" and would "open the way for abuses such asinvasion of personal liberty, control of behavior and brainwashing."Another researcher at the French Atomic Energy Commission said imagingtechniques have reached the stage where "we can almost read people'sthoughts." (34) In 1998 the Scientific and Technological OptionsAssessment (STOA) panel of the European Parliament "shocked Europeanleaders" with its voluminous report subtitled "Appraisal of Technologiesof Political Control." The CIA's mind control (MK-Ultra) program isfully referenced therein. (35)

On January 28, 1999, whileCongress and the U.S. media were diddling with the impeachment ofPresident Clinton, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling"for an international convention introducing a global ban on alldevelopments and deployments of weapons which might enable any form ofmanipulation of human beings." (36) And a 1999 UN-sponsored conferenceon human consciousness passed an ethics resolution urgingneuroscientists to ensure their discoveries are used to serve "humanwelfare, never warfare." What is known as the Tokyo Declarationdeclares, "Today, we have the intellectual, physical and financialresources to master the power of the brain itself, and to developdevices to touch the mind and even control or erase consciousness." (37)

SecretMC technologies have already been used by U.S. armed forces in ThirdWorld interventions without any public discussion. According to JudyWall, editor of Resonance(newsletter of the Mensa BioelectromagneticsSpecial Interest Group), the EC-130E Commando Solo aircraft, built byLockheed at a cost of $100 million each, conducts psychologicaloperations through broadcasts "in the standard AM, FM, HF, TV andmilitary communications bands." Wall discovered that Commando Solo isequipped with Silent Sound Spread Spectrum, a MC technology that can"entrain the listener's brainwaves into a preselected emotional state."(38) Commando Solo aircraft were used as far back as the 1983 U.S.military intervention in Grenada, and later in Panama, Haiti,Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Iraq. (39)

The British ITV News Bureaureported that this technology was used in Operation Desert Storm in 1991to demoralize Iraqi soldiers and instill "a perpetual feeling of fearand hopelessness." (40) In "Military Use of Mind Control Weapons," Wallexposes how human brainwave patterns known as "emotion signatureclusters" can be stored on a computer, then piggybacked to Silent Soundcarrier frequencies to "silently trigger the occurrence of the samebasic emotion in another human being." Voice commands can also be usedin subliminal messages attached to music. (41)

The U.S.military's secret strategy for post-cold-war conflicts "short of war" iscalled "The Revolution in Military Affairs," a deceptively futuristicscenario based on an arsenal of grotesque psychotechnologies unknown tothe American taxpayers who fund their development. Among the newmilitary-speak one finds "strategic personality simulation," exactly thesort of neofascist MC that could explain the bizarre harassment storiesof many hapless civilians. (42) Readers still skeptical about theexistence of MC technologies are urged to check out "The Mind has NoFirewall," an article published in the Army journal Parameters (Spring1998). (43) Evidence of plans to incorporate mind control in future warsis as unambiguous as it is repulsive.

Constructing Thoughtforms to Order?

FormerNavy engineer Eleanor White traces her victimization as an allegedinvoluntary NEM experimentee to the spring of 1980 when she asked theBureau of Naval Personnel to update her service record. The harassmentbegan later that year -- on the street, at work, and in six successiveapartments, she claims. "I just thought I was the unluckiest human beingon the planet, entirely unique and alone," she says, until 1996 whenshe found Ed Light's Mind Control Forum on the Internet. (44) "Thenear-perfect congruence of my effects with what others were experiencingwas like entering a whole new life." This sameness of "effects" isreported by hundreds of people throughout the world. Many arewell-educated and hold down responsible jobs; others are physically andpsychological disabled by torturous hospitalizations and years of abuse.The sheer volume of their highly literate communications convinces methat every allegation of psychological-warfare
experimentation cannot be conveniently pigeon-holed as the paranoia of a disturbed person.

EldonByrd has been similarly persuaded. A medical engineer, Byrd is retiredfrom the Naval Surface Weapons Center, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons. Amember of the U.S. Psychotronics Association (USPA), he has publishedpapers on the telemetry of brain waves (measuring them wirelessly from adistance), (45) and the psycho-activity of extremely low frequency(ELF) electromagnetic and scalar fields. After corresponding with Whiteand other alleged experimentees for several years, he concluded theywere neither hallucinating nor allergic to ELF waves. "You haveconvinced me that this is something going on that should beinvestigated," Byrd wrote White. He affirmed that "images can beprojected directly into a human brain from a distance using the 'scalar'component of a weak magnetic field." But he questioned who would be soevil as to inflict this technology on unsuspecting people? (46)

Lt.Col. Thomas E. Bearden, also a member of USPA, is a PhD scientist,nuclear engineer, and proponent of "the new physics," which may becrucial to understanding the MC technologies developed by the U.S.military-industrial complex. Bearden publishes SPECULA, a magazinedevoted to psychotronics and bio-energetics. (47) His books include TheExcalibur Statement, Analysis of Scalar Electromagnetics, andGravitobiology: A New Biophysics (Tesla Book Company). In a February1991 interview conducted by Michael Hutchison, editor of MegabrainReport, Bearden revealed that "scalar electromagnetic phenomena" make itpossible to construct "thoughtforms to order, and input them directlyinto the mind and longterm memory." This can be done through "a hiddenchannel to pipe in inputs" and it can be done "surrepticiously, from adistance and without the knowledge and consent of the individualaffected," he said further. Bearden calls this "the ultimate mindcontrol."

On July 23, 2000, Byrd delivered a paper tothe 26th annual conference of the USPA in Columbus, Ohio, titled "RecentAdvances in Scalar Technologies." He told the audience that many peopleclaiming they are victims of remote MC devices appeared to be highlyfunctional, and that there must be something to their claims. He pointedto thousands of documented cases during the Cold War of the U.S.government experimenting on citizens without their knowledge or consent.

Hethen cited a July 2, 1997 statement by Major General Sydney Schacknowof the Army's Special Forces (Ft. Bragg, North Carolina) that ourmilitary was "working on synthetic telepathy (the ability to readpeople's intentions at a distance using a magnetic laser -- a maseroperating at extremely low frequencies," which can "alter behavior at adistance." In private conversation, Byrd told one participant thatMarines had been shown a device that projects images into the brain froma distance, and that a Superconductor Quantum Interference Detector orSQUID machine (a sophisticated EEG device) can detect the mysteriousrays many people suspect are causing them pain. (49) Byrd's paper at the2001 USPA meeting in Columbus, Ohio, July 20-23, is titled "MindControl: Paranoid Delusions or Frightening Reality?"

Synthetic Telepathy

"Synthetic telepathy is a term used to describe the beaming of words,thoughts, or ideas into a person's mind by mechanical means...some typeof electromagnetic transmitter...operating in the microwave frequencyband," begins a May, 1995 article by Judy Wall in Resonance. (50) Thefirst known U.S. experiment in which audible voices were communicatedvia pulsed microwaves was carried out in 1973 by Joseph C. Sharp andMark Grove in Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in the USA. Theirsuccess was based on biophysicist Allen Frey's post-WWII experimentswith "microwave hearing." (51)

Commenting on Sharp's "pulsedmicrowave audiogram" in his 1985 ground-breaking book,The Body Electric,Robert O. Becker, MD, points out, "Such a device has obviousapplications in covert operations designed to drive a target crazy with'voices' or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin."He also noted, "Nearly two-thirds of the $47-billion 1984 federalresearch budget went for military work, and in the field ofbioelectricity the proportion was even higher." In denouncing "thebuying of science by the military," Becker boldly declared, "To call it aform of prostitution is an insult to the oldest profession." Becker wastwice nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, but his careersuffered because of his condemnation of the military uses of bioelectricresearch. (52)

Two years ago the career of SUNY-Albany ProfessorKathryn Kelley also suffered a setback because of her probes into themysteries of MC. In August 1999 Kelley's provocative research on thesurgical implantation of communications devices to read thoughts wassuddenly shut down. She had delivered a paper to a professionalconference in Orlando, Florida, in which she described acoustic implantsin human beings called RAATS (short for radio wave, auditory,assaultive, transmitting implants). Kelley wrote, "When (short-wave)operators transmit to or scan RAAT implants in victims, they can talk tothe victims remotely and anonymously, and hear the victim's speech andthoughts."(53).......................................................................................................................
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