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Ex-IBM Employee reveals TV Abandoned Analog Band to Make Room for RFID

The EPC Gen2 RFID chips use UHF-VHF band and currently standardized international standard at functional across the worldwide UHF frequency bands between 860– 960 MHz.

Conspiracy theorists like Kathleen Albreight claim the push for Digital TV is to open up the wide

bandwidth for RFID EPC Gen2 chips to avoid too much interference.

That's because its going be covering almost every industry & aspect of life : manufacturing, medical, logistics, personal ID, immigration, currency notes (latest Japanese yen with Hitachi RFID chips as small as grain of sand), to farm animal, pets, and humans.

Many countries have signed the agreement.

Canada being the pioneer country to switch to digital tv broadcast, followed closely by US and Japan this year.

Current cost of RFID chips is 5 cents and going to be 1 cent per unit with mass production.

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#985 exemptions from protection to human testing

Thanks for the first link Ron. Follow this down to this exemptionfrom the protection of this directive at 2.3:

2.3. Does not apply to the use of investigational new drugs, biological products, or devices
for purposes of Force Health Protection. Such use is not research and is governed by DoD
Directive 6200.2 (reference (d)).
It then says to refer to DoD Directive 6200.2(reference (d)).

Then look at 3.4. under Particular Military Operations. of this directive
3.4. Particular Military Operations. A military operation or specific military
mission or function, which involves any chemical, biological, or radiological warfare
or endemic disease threats.

Then this exemption comes under:
21 CFR subpart I of part 312 and subpart G of part 601 (reference (c)) and I can't locate this on the Internet.

It is clear they deem to exclude curtain subjects from protection basedon needed science to protect our troops. The truth is though that Icame under attack after a false arrest and attack set up by police that fell apart and which I attempted to prove.
The drug testingwith massive doses of Seroquel are now killing soldiers coming homefrom war with PTSD. It doesn't sound like they actually have theirprotection in mind either. It seems more likely they don't want them ondisability for life even after the service they gave to theircountry.

links below: Peter Rosenholm
Department of Defense

NUMBER 3216.02
March 25, 2002
Certified Current as of April 24, 2007
SUBJECT: Protection of Human Subjects and Adherence to Ethical Standards in DoDSupported
References: (a) DoD Directive 3216.2, "Protection of Human Subjects in DoD-Supported
Research," January 7, 1983 (hereby canceled)
(b) Section 980 of title 10, United States Code
(c) Title 32, Codeof Federal Regulations, Part 219, "Protection of Human
Subjects," current edition
(d) DoD Directive 6200.2, "Use of Investigational New Drugs for Force Health
Protection," August 1, 2000
(e) through (m), see enclosure 1
This Directive:
1.1. Reissues reference (a) to update policies for protecting the rights and welfareof
humans as subjects of study in Department of Defense (DoD)-supported research, development,
test and evaluation, and other related activities hereafter referred to as "research."
1.2. Implements 10 U.S.C. 980 (reference (b)).
1.3. Supports implementation of 32 CFR Part 219 (reference (c)), referred to as the
"Common Rule."
1.4. Establishes other DoD policies for the ethical conduct of research.
DoDD 3216.02, March 25, 2002
This Directive:
2.1. Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Military Departments, the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector
of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities and all
other organizational entities in the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as
"the DoD Components").
2.2. Applies to research involving human subjects, asdefined herein, conducted by a DoD
Component (i.e., intramural) and other research that is supported by a DoD Component (i.e.,
extramural) through a contract, grant, cooperative agreement, or other arrangement.
2.3. Does not apply to the use of investigational new drugs, biological products, or devices
for purposes of Force Health Protection. Such use is not research and is governed by DoD
Directive 6200.2 (reference (d)).
2.4. Does not apply to accepted medical practice, including the use of investigational
products in such practice, undertaken for purposes of treatment, not research. Such medical
is not research and is not subject to this Directive.
Department of Defense
NUMBER 6200.2
August 1, 2000
SUBJECT: Use of Investigational New Drugs for Force Health Protection
References: (a) Section 1107 of title 10,United States Code
(b) Executive Order 13139, "Improving Health Protection of Military
Personnel Participating in Particular Military Operations," September
30, 1999
(c) Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 50, 56, 312, Subpart I of
Part 314, Subpart G of Part 601, current edition
(d) House Report No. 105-736, Conference Report to Accompany
Proposed Strom Thurmond National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 1999, page 685
(e) through (f), see enclosure 1
This Directive:
1.1. Establishes policy and assigns responsibility for compliance with references
(a) through (c) for the use of investigational new drugs for force health protection.
1.2. Designates the Secretary of the Army as the DoD Executive Agent for the
use of investigational new drugs for force health protection.
This Directive:
2.1. Applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, theMilitary Departments,
the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the
Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field
Activities and all other organizational entities within the Department of Defense
(hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").
2.2. Applies to all uses of investigational new drugs by the Department of
for force health protection.
2.3. Does not apply to actions by DoD healthcare providers that are within
standard medical practice in the United States and are not subject to FDA regulations
at reference (c).
3.1. Force Health Protection. An organized program of healthcare preventive or
therapeutic treatment, or preparations for such treatment, designed to meet the actual,
anticipated, or potential needs of a group of military personnel in relation to military
3.2.Investigational New Drug (IND). A drug or biological product subject to the
FDA regulations at 21 CFR Part 312 (reference (c)), including:
3.2.1. A drug not approved or a biological product not licensed by the FDA.
3.2.2. A drug unapproved for its applied use.
3.3. Drug Unapproved for Its Applied Use. A drug or biological product
administered for a use not described in the labeling of the drug or biological product
approved by the FDA (referred to in subsection (g)(2) of reference (a)), and for which
FDA requirements of use authorization and prior informed consent (referred to in
subsections (d)(4) and (f)(1) of reference (a)) are applicable, but not including uses to
which those requirements are inapplicable based on standard medical practice in the
United States (referred to in reference (d)).
3.4. Particular Military Operations. A military operation or specific military
mission or function, which involves anychemical, biological, or radiological warfare
or endemic disease threats...........................
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#983 Injustice for All? US Justice System Failing

Thanks to Allen for putting thisup.

Published on Friday, October 15, 2010 by Russian Times RT
Injustice for All? US Justice System Failing

The World Justice Project released its 2010 ‘Rule of Law Index’ ranking the top 11 developed countries based on its citizens’ access to civil justice. The US ranked thelowest.

The report also found that less than one in five low income Americans get the legal assistance they need.

“Wealthierpeople get good lawyers, private lawyers. They get out of whatever theywere accused of and the same accusation against a low income person of color will lead them to jail for lengthy periods of time,” said MedeaBenjamin, an activist and co-founder of CODEPINK.

Thestudy also looked at other factors including absence of corruption,limited government power and fundamental rights. The US ranked belowseventh out of the eleven developed countries in all categories exceptone.

go to link and watch video..........................
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Seit dem 5. sept. 2007 werde ich mit Mindkontrol und Mikrowellenwaffen gefoltert,taeglich 24 std...Inzwischen bin ich zum Krueppel gefoltert worden, (linke Koerperhaelfte,Hinken und kontrolle der Hand/Arm)....Jeglicher versuch (25) Anzeige zu erstatten oder hilfe zu organisieren :EDA,Botschaft Caracas,Consulat Trinidad,Sozialamt Zuerich,Anwalts Kollektiv Zuerich,DR.Schneider Langstrasse,Ringier Verlag,Beobachter,Tele Zueri, Stadtpolizei Zuerich, Kriminalpolizei Zuerich, Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft Zuerich,

Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft Bern, Bundesamt fuer Polizei Bern,Polizei in San Fernando Trinidad,General Hospital San Fernando ,verschiedene Aertzte in Trinidad etc., ueberall werde ich abgewiesen und zum hohn schreibt mir die Botschaft in Caracas (Hr. Schoenbaechler) als ich wegen mittellosigkeit die Rueckfuehrung in die Schweiz um Persoehnlich Anzeige zu erstatten verlange (Flugticket) : "OB ICH NICHT NACH BRASILIEN
REISEN MOECHTE).???? Ein Komplott, das perfekte Verbrechen von meiner Familie,ehemalige Bekannte,der Stadt Zuerich ,Kirche und dem Schweizer Staatsaparat organisiert, man laesst mich im rechtssystem der Schweiz ins leere laufen. Meine Frau und Familie ist inzwischenzeit ob dieser grausamen tragoedie in den Ruin getrieben worden und schwer Krank und die Folter geht von Staates wegen weiter, Tag fur Tag, stunde um stunde leide ich hoellische schmerzen,bin mittellos,arbeitsunfaehig mit 58 Jahren, und weit und breit keine hilfe in will mich in den Wahnsinn treiben,oder zum Selbstmord zwingen.

Ich habe einen sauberen Leumund...Ich habe alle Beweise fuer den komplott.Ich kenne alle Namen des harten kerns dieser Terroristengruppe......Ich brauche schnellstens HILFE!!!!!!!!

Meine Adresse:Michael Aebi, 11 Hubert Rancestreet Vista Bella San Fernando Trinidad

Tel. 1-868-6524846 /1-868- 4795323



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#982 TIs with microwave induced high TriglyceridesOmega3

In the Story below about the microwave attack on our embassy in Moscow they mention high triglyceridesin the blood. I have written about Seroquel also doing the same and thesoldiers gaining 40 lbs and dying of a heart attack in their sleep inless than a year. This was done to me but I survived a heart rate thataccelerated up to 180 bpm. I was lucky, but now off this medicine mytriglycerides are still high. On the medicine they were 1,500. Off ofthe medicine last year they were 600, then 500 6 months ago and now theyare 450. Anything above 150 is considered high and puts you at risk of aheart attack because triglycerides is like three sugar moleculesattached, they are large and thicken your blood. This might also bewhy I have lived in front of a fan for the last 10 or so years. Justlike the attack on the embassy staff I have high triglycerides. I alsobelieve many of you do as well from themicrowave hearing effect or other microwave weapons. I showed my doctorthis article and explained why mine will never likely come down to safelevels unless he had some kind of solution.
We had agreed a whileback to move forward from what had been done to me and work onrestoring my health, but he had to know of my concern that this maystill be happening and will never end. What he suggested is that I thentake between 2,000 and 2,500 mg of omega 3 twice a day. This isexpensive with capsules but I recall going to a feed and grain supplierand buy a quart for very cheap. He told me to calculate the omega3 andconvert it to teaspoons or table spoon quantities so that I got thesuggested 2,000 to 2,500 mg per dose twice a day. I am a big man so manyof you might be OK with a smaller amount, but please have yourtriglycerides checked. This may also be a way to show you are beingirradiated with microwaves.
Below is thearticle by, "TIME cnn" about the embassy attack and at the bottom the link to the PTSD soldiers dying in there sleep:

Peter Rosenholm

Science: Moscow Microwaves - TIME
Butsome officials expressed concern for the health of embassy residentsand workers. ... They can cause cataracts and raise levels of serumtriglycerides, ... Physicist Fred Sterzer, director of RCA's Microwave Technology Center at...,9171,918076,00.html - Similar,9171,918076,00.html

Science: Moscow Microwaves
Monday, Feb. 23, 1976

Americandiplomats and their families have learned to live with the fact thatthe walls of the U.S. embassy in Moscow are probably infested with"bugs" put there by the Russians. But last week they were givensomething else to worry about. Embassy staffers and their families weretold that high levels of microwave radiation had been detected in thenine-story embassy building on Tchaikovsky Street. The source: Sovietantennas, which are beaming the waves in both to charge up the batteriesof their listening devices and to jam embassy-based U.S. electronicmonitoring of Russian communications.

U.S. officials were notalarmed about any serious breach of embassy security; diplomatsroutinely hold important conversations in alead-shielded "safe" room that is regularly swept for bugs. But someofficials expressed concern for the health of embassy residents andworkers. High-intensity microwaves, like those used in electronickitchen ovens, can "cook" human cells. They can cause cataracts andraise levels of serum triglycerides, or blood fats, in humans,predisposing them to heart attacks. The waves can also interfere withthe operation of heart pacers.

State Department officials insistthat they have thus far found no ill effects from the radiation. ButPentagon scientists have recommended that the U.S. demand an immediatehalt to the microwave bombardment. They have also proposed putting inalarms to let embassy staffers know when they are being irradiated sothey can leave the building.

Physicist Fred Sterzer, director ofRCA's Microwave Technology Center at Princeton, N.J., points out thatthere are well-known and commonly used countermeasures. All theembassy need do, he says, is use metal Venetian blinds, place a layerof wire mesh under its floors, and paper its walls with metal foil,which can then be covered with regular wallpaper. These precautionswould not only block any incoming microwaves, but would also preventbugs in inside walls from sending signals outside the building bymicrowave.

Read more:,9171,918076,00.html#ixzz12LxmNR1l

Soldiers dying in their sleep:
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controling my life

i call them moniter people aka perps...they are a bunch of busy bodies that add thier two cents into every areas of my life while they torture me..i think they have multiple personality disorder.. they talk through my throat and have conversations with people as if they are living thier lives through me and have to sit at thier moniters 24 hours a day..they tell me what to to including try to sublimially promp me to do things that i hear them tell me what to do...
I dont understand why they want to use me to live thier lives.. are they that ashamed of themselves, they have to hide behind a moniter.. i dont know how anyone could yell and scream for hours promt, stay up all night and electricute me. mine say "come come come" continually for hours at a time.
they have to talk for hours about everything that happens and are very negative..and paraniod. they change thier vioce and pretend that they are different people and are authorities on subjects..medicla law ect
i like one of them.. he calls himself JIM. He is nice and try to help. He has a great sense of humor and makes everyone lauph and is very spiritual. He plays music like me. He doesnt like the other moniter person who is psycotic and is helping me incarcerate her because she is trying to kill me and him...he is upset because she prevents us from listening to our angel meditations. He has manners and is polite and is a compassionate soul. She is cruel and evil and ruins everyone life.
my implants have enabled me to do interesting things like travel all over the world .. i though i was meditating...i also am kept up with world affairs and have all types of information that doesnt concen me..i visited the tombs in egypt.. i can visit people homes .. with my implant that they implanted me with...i feel like google map
they like to move my body parts and fight me for my body movements..i dont know why they spend thier precious time trying to move my body parts and yelling at them.
they keep threatening to murder me so i have to check to see if i have life insurance on my so i can collect for thier damages. i am told how much they hate me so why dont they leave..
they are trying to kidnap my grandaughter and steal her father and my son disappeared after a threat but i raised him and he is not nice..
i have to protect myslef from this crazy person so i have to do things back to her . i think its a her , sometimes she sounds like a man. she sounds like a witch.. spider lady..she retches like an old misarable hag..its worse,,i feel sorry for the other monitor people that they have to be subjected to her and her insane behavior. s\She think that she is in charge and tells everyone that they have to kill me and its only a game.. she is angry because i wont do her prostitution job and give her money.. im only to be paid 10 dollars if i can collect. she tried to sent me a few johns and i took thier license plate number and yell at them. I am punished because i wont do her johns and if she needs money ..she could do her johns.. as she knows all about the buisness of prostitution and how to do it from A to Z. She has a comprehension problem.. she doesnt understand why i wouldnt do this. I am a career person. After a year of exrtreme torture from her she is still angry at me for not doing her job and feels that i deserve to die and be tortured. After everything she doenst understand why i am investigating her and putting her in jail so that its a safer place. i am not sure if she killed anyone else. as she is trying to kill me with her mcequipment and insists that this eqipment worked on someone else and she is an expert at what she does. she also imitated the dying sounds she heard when some died on the moniter equipmet. I almost passed out from the voltages a little to high a few time. If it was a child or ederly or not well and unaware. i belive a person could die from this eqiupment.. I called a electronic co. and they said it could as well.
She has sexual issues and tries to use her monitor for phone sex.. i hope she doenst go public with this.
I get burnt and tortured when i try to socialize and she doesnt shut be contiued......
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本本和和 写与2007年,2010年9月作了补充,欢迎大家转载到自己的博客


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#980 John B Alexander: mind control: why you?

#980 John B Alexander: mind control: why you?

On the history channels that's incredible I recall John B Alexandersaying, "if people are the victims of mind control then why them"?
I just want to point out that this question was made to make you lookat yourself for the cause of your torture. Just like victims ofmolestation or incest or any other assault ask what did they do todeserve this treatment. Did I
walk down the wrong alley at the wrong time? Don't be baited. Themilitary studies how to create or allow a false flag to happen, how toquickly kill and destroy any opposition and make them think it was alltheir fault that women, children and babies are blown to bits.
It is not about anything you did, it is just another exercise inlearning how to have complete control over people's, mind, body andsoul. Never give up your soul, ever, we are not that stupid. This is psychological warfareand you need to know this is their goal while believing in your self,in spite of all the people being programmed around you while watching TVprograming. Always wondered why they call it that, "TV Programming"?
A TI told me today that their mother understands what is happeningfrom a CSI show or something. They showed characters who believed likewe do, but the show proved that they were crazy and delusional. People
can't hear voices in their head and be normal. Of course TV doesn'tTalk about the Navies MEDUSA weapon or microwave hearing, at least noton the mindless authority and medical based dramas people watch. Thepowers don't want the population educated in reality so that thisdemocracy can work. That is how TV programming works, it sets theboundaries in peoples minds of what is real and what is not. Of courseall the agents are good looking, well groomed and actors and all thecrazies are ruffed up.
I also thing they leak out what technologies are going to be exposedin the near future through Scifi and fictional shows so when technologyis exposed it won't be to traumatic for the public.
Now I think they wish to discredit us while slowly exposing it to the population. Let's face it Hollywood should be called, "Mind Control

Peter Rosenholm
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People Around Pawtucket R.I. In The USA. Have Been Trying To Tell People There Implants Are Computers. There Acting Like Assholes So People Of New Englad Can Get Away With all Sorts of Stuff They Want To Harass People For Years And Try To Hide Evadance About What They Do To Others.

Some Were Involved In Rape And Have Famileys And Are Afraid There Going To Get Cought And People Will Know These Swine Are No Good. They Get There Self Involvred In Some Things A Few Of Them. Then They Get Others Involved Now There Afraid Of Getting Cought. The Guys That Started This Shit Are Assholes And Afraid Of Everyone Doing Anything They Can To Hide It All.

Check Out My Facebook >>>

John Verichip
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On October 14-15, 2010, there will be the America ’s Spiritual Revival conference call starting at 7:00 p.m. EST. The call-in number is 218-339-2500. Access Code is 1080656#.
October 10, 2010 was the start of the year-long God-sent America ’s Spiritual Revival (A.S.R).
A.S.R. will follow the principles of 2 Chronicles 7:14. In order for us to be successful, we must have the support and commitment of the church who want to bring more people to God and see a healing of the nation take place. This commitment will involve both prayer and action like Nehemiah did. We want to unite and empower the churches.
We want to revive, restore, and renew people's belief in the church and in God because many people are presently "lost". People can no longer distinguish the Christians from the non-Christians. There is lawlessness. There has been an increase in murders, teenage suicide rates, thefts and divorces to name just a few. There has been greed and corruption from politicians to religious leaders. Many people are asking themselves the question: Where is God? God is here and have answered your prayer about having a Spiritual Revival.
God revealed the acronym W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G. which stands for:
W stands for “Worship”
R stands for “Repent”
A stands for “Anoint”
P stands for “Praise and”
P stands for Pray”
I stands for “In the”
N stands for “Name of”
G stands for “God”
In other words we should enclose or cover ourselves through Worship, Repent, Anoint, Praise, and Pray In the Name of God.
PASTORS, MINISTERS, and RELIGIOUS LEADERS: We must be in one accord. We are requesting that all pastors, ministers, and religious leaders preach and teach on the subject of SIN for the month of November 2010. The sermons and teachings should include all types of sin including " The Sins of Omission”, “Sins of Commission”, and the “Seven Deadly Sins”. The church must get their house in order, for this Spiritual Revival to be successful. Many Christians are not totally committed to God. Each month will be a different topic for the year.
YOUR COMMITMENT TO PRAYING FOR 21 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: For the next 21 days we are requesting that you pray between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 am and/or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm each day in your designated time zone. Your prayer time can be done with family, friends, and co-workers either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. In order for our prayers to be heard and answer by God, we must be in one accord. God will hear our prayers for hours and in addition, our prayers will become “exponential” because so many people are praying at the same time.
FAMILY MEMBER PRAYER WARRIORS: The devil has destroyed many families. Unlike many years ago, many families are living thousands of miles apart. We are asking that the prayer warriors set-up a designated time to pray time either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. There are many free conference calls which are available online, which you can do this.
VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED FROM EACH STATE: We are looking for volunteers from all states to lead the prayer in their state (STATE PRAYER WARRIORS). In addition, we are looking for people to help coordinate visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities in their state (STATE COORDINATORS). We are looking for YOUTH COORDINATORS from each state.
SPONSORSHIPS: We are looking for sponsors to provide 2 RVs, which we can travel around the country, as well as, office equipment (computers, printers, etc.). We are looking for someone to develop website and updating the site.
PARTNERSHIPS: We are looking to partner with churches, religious leaders, organizations, individuals, community leaders, Christian artists/musicians/singers, and Christian TV networks, in order to make this massive endeavor successful.
A.S.R. TEAM: We will be visiting each state for the next year. From November 7 - 13, 2010 The A.S.R. team will partner with churches in New Jersey to visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities. PA will be November 14-20, 2010. DE will be November 21-27, 2010. We will have a full schedule of the states available by October 21, 2010.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? We invite everyone of all ages and for believers and non-believers. Everyone can do something. Pastor Miles McPherson wrote a book Do Something which talks about that issue.
IS THIS JUST FOR AMERICA ? No, we are asking for other nations/countries to join us in this event.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Get involved! You can post this on your website; send it to your friends, family members, religious leaders, pastors, ministries, and co-workers. It is the only way that change can occur.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, please contact us. We look forward to hear from you.
For more information, please contact the A.S.R. office at 347- LOVE JESUS (568-3537).
God bless you,
Letitia Peters
A.S.R. Organizer
“ America ’s Spiritual Revival: Healing the Nation through W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G”

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Der Ku-Klux-Klan und Vodafone

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Schlüsselwörter: Geheimbünde, Ku Klux Klan

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ku klux klan und vodavone03.12.2006 um 19:04

die ähnlichkeit ist schon erschreckend, aber mal ehrlich wer glaubt denn dasder
konzernriese vodafone etwas mit dem ku klux klan zu tun hat?
find ichschwachsinnig!
nur zufall

Profil von Lamm
at.gif anwesend
allmy_icon_tiny.png dabei seit 2005

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Direkte Nachricht

ku klux klan und vodavone03.12.2006 um 19:06

Malboro und ku klux klan

ku klux klan und vodavone04.12.2006 um 07:43

Anhang: kkk.gif (139, KB)
dass nenn ich ein tolles Bild.......

ob der Depp das überlebt hat und nachdem erdas Foto sah, sich dann gleich umbrachte...hahahhaha. Was für ein Idiot.

ku klux klan und vodavone04.12.2006 um 09:52

Idiot hin oder her, ich glaub allgemein, dass man sich keinen Arzt aussuchenkann, wenn man irgendwo halbtot herumliegt...

...was er allerdings mit sichanstellt, falls er je dieses Bild sieht, dürfte klar sein, von daher könnten die Ärzteauch einen "Ruhigen" machen...

ku klux klan und vodavone04.12.2006 um 12:26

warum sollte man sich denn den Arzt aussuchen, Hauptsache der/die flickt mich wiederordentlich zusammen.... trotzdem ist er ein Idiot.....Ku Klux-Fritze....dummerKasperleverein!

ku klux klan und vodavone04.12.2006 um 13:38

Bei dem werden sie sich besondere Mühe gegeben haben. spass.gif

ehemaliges Mitglied

ku klux klan und vodavone04.12.2006 um 20:14

denke mal der hat, wenn er es den tatsächlich überlebte, seine meinunggeändert.........für ihn wars definitiv ne scheiss situation.....aber lustig........shithappens........hmm was wohl die ärzte gedacht haben .....

ehemaliges Mitglied

ku klux klan und vodavone10.12.2006 um 19:31

ihr dürft nicht weiter über diese thema shreiben sie überwachen alles

ku klux klan und vodavone11.12.2006 um 08:51

Ach nö, nach 50 + Seiten bis zur Löschung über Kukluxklan in Marlboroschachteln jetztauch noch in Vodafone.
Ja, Kids, lernt Ihr denn nix? Immer nur die ewig gleichenunhaltbaren Halbwahrheiten, die ich schon vor 40 Jahren hörte, welche fiesenVerschwörerlinge sich hinter Markenbezeichnungen verstecken.
Procter & GamblesSatanismus, HB als Erkennungsmarke alter Nazis, dito Rothhändle für Kommunisten, FordsVerbindungen zur Pornobranche und der ganze uralte Müll - jetzt eben mal für dieHandy-Generation. Schaden Mobiltelefone doch dem Hirn?

ehemaliges Mitglied

ku klux klan und vodavone11.12.2006 um 09:05


stichwort: mk ultra....^^

ku klux klan und vodavone15.12.2006 um 01:27

kenne noch mehr solche "zufälle": baphomet hinten auf´m perso oder auch daszeichen von expert was ein davidstern ist oder die pyramide auf dem 1 doller schein.Alles zufälle?????????? Sehr komisch bin nich der meinung dass es zufälle sind. von wemsind wir eigentlich das personal???(personalausweis)
einen link zu baphomet: untergoogle und dann satan+personalausweis eingeben. link zu expert: rechts obensteht das zeichen

ku klux klan und vodavone15.12.2006 um 10:14

Hast Du schon mal geguckt, was sich für eine Quersumme aus Deiner Perso-Nr.ergibt? Hast Du schon mal die Schwingungen der angeblich harmlosen sogenannten "Barcodes"(Zeichen des Tieres) messen lassen? Die Richtantennen, mit denen sie Dich belauschen, dieAbhörwanzen in Deinem Handy, die Pinhole-Kameras in Deiner Wohnung? Weisst Du, was siebeim Arzt wirklich mit Dir anstellen? Wie sie Dich langsam vergiften, über dieNahrungsmittel, das Trinkwasser, die Atemluft in Deiner Wohnung?
Sie wissen allesüber Dich! Sie werden Dich holen!!!


ku klux klan und vodavone30.09.2007 um 00:11

Ich muss jetzt auch mal meinen Senf dazugeben:
Ich arbeite für den genannten Mobilfunkanbieter, um den sich der Thread hier dreht und ich kann dementieren, das er in irgendeiner Weise mit dem KKK zutun hat. Das Logo ist ein sog. "Speechmark" und soll das Sprachzeichen darstellen.
Da ist nichts Wahres dran, also könnt ihr alle aufatmen spass.gif

ku klux klan und vodavone04.10.2007 um 21:35

Aber die Ähnlichkeit ist schon verblüffend. *staun*

ehemaliges Mitglied

ku klux klan und vodavone06.10.2007 um 00:42

Hallo !

Es wäre seltsam wenn vodavone eine F1 Team mit einem farbigen Fahrer finanzieren würde und gleichzeitig den KKK :-)


ku klux klan und vodavone06.10.2007 um 15:16

naja, ein speechmark hat ja eine recht simple form. ich denke, der designer war nicht der einzige, dem die idee kam, ein speechmark zu verwenden. und das symbol bei KKK soll einen blutstropfen darstellen. und bei vodafone ist das symbol ein speechmark. also zwar gleiches symbol, aber völlig verschiedene bedeutungen spass.gif

ku klux klan und vodavone07.10.2007 um 19:45

also, die ähnlichkeit is wirklich extrem, aber sonst muss ich MacLeod zustimmen ^^
ach, kkk, erinnert mich immer an die eine folge bei southpark, nur so nebenbei^^ -> witzfiguren

ehemaliges Mitglied

ku klux klan und vodavone04.10.2008 um 18:26

Link: (extern)

ich bin fest davon überzeugt das der ku-klux-klan was mit vodafon zu tun hat...
in einem logo von vodafone ist der bluts tropfen oder die sprechblase auf einem weißen hintergrund...

-die anhänger tragen WEIßE kostüme
-rotes symbol auf beiden zeichen???zufall???auf gar kein fall...

ku klux klan und vodavone04.10.2008 um 18:33


ich bin fest davon überzeugt das der ku-klux-klan was mit vodafon zu tun hat...

Dann geh' mal ins Detail und sag' uns, wie Dein "was" aussieht!

zufall???auf gar kein fall...

Und hier will ich wissen, wie Du einen Zufall ausschliesst.

ku klux klan und vodavone04.10.2008 um 18:34

dein link geht irgend wie nicht.


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A limited hangout is a public relations or propaganda technique that involves the release of previously hidden information in order to prevent a greater exposure of more important details. It takes the form of deception, misdirection, or coverup often associated with intelligence agencies involving a release or "mea culpa" type of confession of only part of a set of previously hidden sensitive information, that establishes credibility for the one releasing the information who by the very act of confession appears to be "coming clean" and acting with integrity; but in actuality, by withholding key facts, is protecting a deeper operation and those who could be exposed if the whole truth came out. In effect, if an array of offenses or misdeeds is suspected, this confession admits to a lesser offense while covering up the greater ones.

A limited hangout typically is a response to lower the pressure felt from inquisitive investigators pursuing clues that threaten to expose everything, and the disclosure is often combined with red herrings or propaganda elements that lead to false trails, distractions, or ideological disinformation; thus allowing covert or criminal elements to continue in their improper activities.

Victor Marchetti wrote: "A 'limited hangout' is spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting - sometimes even volunteering - some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."

Disinformation is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. It is synonymous with and sometimes called Black propaganda. It may include the distribution of forged documents, manuscripts, and photographs, or spreading malicious rumors and fabricated intelligence. Disinformation should not be confused with misinformation, information that is unintentionally false.

In espionage or military intelligence, disinformation is the deliberate spreading of false information to mislead an enemy as to one's position or course of action. In politics, disinformation is the deliberate attempt to deflect voter support of an opponent, disseminating false statements of innuendo based on the candidates vulnerabilities as revealed by opposition research. In both cases, it also includes the distortion of true information in such a way as to render it useless.

Disinformation techniques may also be found in commerce and government, used to try to undermine the position of a competitor. It is an act of deception and blatant false statements to convince someone of an untruth. Cooking-the-books might be considered a disinformation strategy that led to the Sarbanes–Oxley Act.

Unlike traditional propaganda and Big Lie techniques designed to engage emotional support, disinformation is designed to manipulate the audience at the rational level by either discrediting conflicting information or supporting false conclusions.

Another technique of concealing facts, or censorship, is also used if the group can effect such control. When channels of information cannot be completely closed, they can be rendered useless by filling them with disinformation, effectively lowering their signal-to-noise ratio and discrediting the opposition by association with a lot of easily-disproved false claims.

A common disinformation tactic is to mix some truth and observation with false conclusions and lies, or to reveal part of the truth while presenting it as the whole (a limited hangout).

The Cold War made disinformation a recognized military and political tactic. Military disinformation techniques were described by Vladimir Volkoff.

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In the early torture experiments she was controlled with a joystick.. now chemtrails and nano particles coat the nervous system creating a two way radio combined with massive supercomputers are used to monitor and control ALL OF US. All of Florida are Remote-controlled humans- Psi Tech. Marvin Bush and John B Alexander company in Florida 1991. THE CELLPHONE TOWERS.. Google Weaponized power grid- appliances that have frequencies that control the human being
Read more… AVIARY ALERT: Here is a list of some of the members of the AVIARY, key ufologists who also reportedly serve as covert military-intelligence assets in the UFOlogical and exopolitical fields. (Caveat lector)THE AVIARY ALERT: Here is a list of some of the members of the AVIARY- Marvin Bush Psi Tech FLORIDA (Son of GHB and Brother of GWB) and Cointel Pro John B Alexander Psi Tech Florida Aviary: Key players of the 1980s and 1990sThe story of artificial telepathy research in the 1980s and 1990s centers on The Aviary and their leader, Col. John B. Alexander (see photo)."The Aviary" is a collection of strange birds: a group of key scientists, military men and intelligence agents who share an intense interest in UFOs, telepathy, remote viewing, parapsychology, mind control and the creation of psychotronic weapons.They seem to work and flock together, and they are reportedly part of a secretive cell. Its members are codenamed after birds, hence they are called "the Birds" and their cell is called the "Aviary."See: strange UFO slant on this group appears to be simple disinformation.Members of the Aviary have reportedly participated in MILABS operations -- black operations by rogue military-intelligence units that stalk, harrass, terrorize, kidnap, drug, gang-rape and mind-rape innocent civilians, using hypnotic mind-control programming to implant a false post-hypnotic "memory" that the episode was an "alien abduction."See Dr. Richard Boylan's article on Fake "Alien abductions": well-designed program to torture civilians requires plausible deniability and a built-in means or method to discredit the victims. Certainly people who hear voices or run to the police complaining of an "alien abduction" are instantly discredited. Hence the UFO debate: are alien abductions real, or just some kind of psywar cover for nefarious deeds by "men in black"?For John Alexander's comments on MILABS, and his plausible denial that any such program exists, see: Alex Constantine's rebuttal: Armen Victorien's comments: to the Doc Hambone site is still a great deal of uncertainty over who belongs to the Aviary, and what their codenames really are:"The individuals involved expanded to include almost anyone that supports or debunks UFO research that is in any way connected to the government. Michael Persinger has been included, as well as Susan Blackmore for interviewing him. It has degenerated to the point that it's now an inside joke on the newsgroups, with people giving each other codenames like Pigeon and Dodo Bird."The Aviary in Order of Codename:BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.CHICKADEE - Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIACONDOR - Capt. Bob Collins, USAFHAWK - Ernie KellerstrausFALCON - Sgt. Richard "Dick" DotyMORNINGDOVE - UnnamedOWL - Dr Harold Puthoff – Parapsychologist, Ex NSAPARTRIDGE - Jacques Vallee, PhDPELICAN - Ron Pandolphi – Physicist CIAPENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-techRAVEN - Dr Jack Vorona – DIA DoDSEAGULL - Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.SPARROW - William Moore, USAFThe Aviary in order of real name:COL. JOHN B. ALEXANDER - PenguinCAPT. BOB COLLINS - CondorSGT. RICHARD "DICK" DOTY - FalconDr. CHRISTOPHER GREEN - BluejayC.B. SCOTT JONES - Falcon or ChickadeeERNIE KELLERSTRAUS - HawkBRUCE MACCABEE - SeagullWILLIAM MOORE - SparrowRON PANDOLFI - PelicanDR. HAL PUTHOFF - OwlJACQUES VALEE - PartridgeJACK VORONA - RavenThe following are short profiles of the reported members of The Aviary.John Alexander (PENGUIN), Ph.D. in Thanatology [Death Sciences], Col. ("Ret."), U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), which is undoubtedly his military cover for the National Security Agency (NSA). He is a former Green Beret, and completed his Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, an expert in "out of body" experiences during near-death trauma.He entered the Army as a private in 1956, and retired as a Colonel in 1988. Commander, Army Special Forces Teams, U.S. Army, Thailand, Vietnam, 1966-69. Chief of Human Resources division, U.S. Army, Ft. McPherson, GA, 1977-79. Inspector General, Department of the Army, Washington, 1980-82. Chief of human technology, Army Intelligence Command, US Army, Arlington, VA 1982-83. Manager of tech integration, Army Materiel Command, US Army, Alexandria, VA, 1983-85. Director, advanced concepts, US Army Lab Command, Adelphi, MD, 1985-88.In December 1980, Colonel Alexander published an article in the US Army's journal, Military Review, "The New Mental Battlefield", stating that telepathy could be used to interfere with the brain's electrical activity. This caught the attention of senior Army generals who encouraged him to pursue what they termed "soft option kill" technologies. After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the US Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the CIA.As director of the Non-Lethal (sic) Weapons Department at LANL, Alexander has been reportedly involved in counter-intelligence remote-viewing, psychic-warfare, psychotronic and mind-control projects with military/security applications, while maintaining the cover of nonlethal military/crowd control physical-countermeasures research.Along with INSCOM General Al Stubblebine and INSCOM Major Ed Dames, Dr. Alexander has been serving as a Board Member of PSI-Tech Corporation, involved in proprietary remote-viewing projects for hire.According to the National Institute of Discovery Science (NIDS), a Department of Defense funded think tank which explores so-called fringe science and psychology, Dr. John B. Alexander serves as a "Discreet Project Scout."NIDS states: "Dr. Alexander, a staff member of the National Institute of Discovery Science, provides interface with Science Advisory Board Members. He joined NIDS when it was formed in 1995 shortly after retiring (a second time) from the University of California. . . . Dr. Alexander was chairman of the first three major US conferences on non-lethal weapons. His work has brought him international recognition and he has been a US delegate to three NATO studies on advanced weapons. He has written many articles on a wide variety of topics and co-authored The Warrior’s Edge. "The Penguin also serves on the adjunct faculty of the California Institute for Human Sciences. has it that Alexander is head of the Aviary, and that the Aviary is headquartered at Los Alamos.Victorian, Armen "Nonlethality: John B. Alexander, The Pentagon's Penguin" Lobster, June 1993 Also: The Three Faces of the Penguin regarding the many connections of John B. Alexander: many more sources, try searching on the string "Alexander, John B." at Namebase: Robert M. "Bob" Collins (CONDOR), USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, engaged in UFO-related intelligence operations; reportedly appeared clandestinely on 1988 Kodak-produced network television (dis-)information program "UFO Cover-Up Live", where Collins, *reportedly* along with "former" CIA contract employee and current UFO-conferences disinformation lecturer, John Lear, presented accounts of alien autopsies, UFO retrievals, and the government's awareness about UFOs and ET presence.See Also: Richard C. "Dick" Doty (FALCON), USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations, reported to have engaged in UFO disinformation projects, including reportedly hoaxing TV producer Linda Moulton Howe concerning availability of a tape showing a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base, NM; and of allegedly waging psychological warfare on Albuquerque defense electronics contractor Paul Bennewitz, concerning Bennewitz's electronic monitoring of UFO activity around Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, reportedly causing/exacerbating a mental breakdown in Mr. Bennewitz. Reportedly, FALCON claims to have seen the Roswell Alien Autopsy film (shown worldwide August 28, 1995) some time ago at Los Alamos National Laboratory.See Also: Christopher C. "Kit" Green (BLUEJAY), MD, Ph.D., Chief, Biomedical Sciences Department, General Motors; former custodian of the CIA's UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; received the National Intelligence Medal for his work on a classified project during the period of 1979-1983; recently reported to be White House UFO liaison. Dr. Green has admitted that the CIA has compiled over 30,000 files on UFOs, 200 of which are extremely interesting. Green was a key CIA member in examining the UFO problem for several years: a former Scientific Advisor on the Advisory Board to the Directorate of Intelligence, CIA. He apparently has interests that extend into remote viewing, neurophysiology, and other highly interesting areas. Known for his stony silence.See Also: C.B. Scott Jones (CHICKADEE), Ph.D., USN (Ret.), former officer with the Office of Naval Intelligence and other Agencies; with 30 years service in U.S. Intelligence overseas; involved in government research and development projects for the Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) and other organizations; former Senate aide to Sen. Claiborne Pell, who has had a long-standing interest in UFOs and the paranormal, *and has tried to get Congressional Hearings held on UFOs; President, Human Potential Foundation; and "point-man" for Laurence Rockefeller on UFO matters, currently tasked to contact world leaders concerning upcoming public announcements of UFO/ET reality; recently convened the May, 1995 Washington, D.C. "When Cosmic Cultures Meet International Conference."See Also: Kellerstraus (HAWK), security-cleared for UFO information, worked at Wright-Patterson AFB in the 1970's, and is reported to have lived with a Star Visitor for a while; reported to have worked with Dale Graff (*HARRIER*?) and Captain Bob Collins (CONDOR), Air Force Intelligence, to supply UFO information to widely-suspected disinformation operative and self-styled ufologist William Moore.Bruce Maccabee (SEAGULL), Ph.D., research scientist in optical physics and laser weapons applications at the U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Lab, MD; MUFON physics/photo-interpretive consultant, and prolific author and consultant expert on selected "leaked" or disinformational UFO cases/topics, such as the Gulf Breeze-Ed Walters alleged UFO photos, the Canadian "Carp UFO" hoaxed "incident", and the documented repeat UFO landings at the hyper-secure Manzano Canyon Facility at Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Laboratories-Military Reservation. L. Moore (SPARROW), USAF (Ret.), Special Agent, Air Force Office of Special Investigations; prolific UFO "author"; reportedly publicly admitted at a MUFON Conference to being an Air Force Intelligence operative involved in UFO-related disinformation projects. Pandolfi (PELICAN), CIA Deputy Director for the Division of Science and Technology, and current custodian of UFO files at the "Weird Desk"; involved in the White House Initiative, as UFO liaison, to expedite (at Laurence Rockefeller's behest) the release of UFO information to the public; and has been quietly leaking UFO information the past few years.See Also: E. "Hal" Puthoff (OWL), physicist with the Institute for Advanced research in Austin, TX who specializes in Zero-Point Energy, a quantum/resonance physics phenomenon with reported potential for above- unity ("free") energy; formerly an Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and reported DIA researcher, (along with psi guru and fellow Scientologist Ingo Swann,) into parapsychological, psychotronic, remote-viewing, and mind-control projects, and reportedly involved in classified ET-technology studies.See Also: Vallee (PARTRIDGE), Ph.D., formerly an astrophysicist with GEPAN, the French Goverrnment's UFO investigative agency, later moved to U.S. as principal investigator with Defense Department computer network projects; worked with famed astronomer Dr. J. Allen Hynek who left and denounced the military's Project Blue Book as a disinformational smokescreen; prolific author on UFO subject, lately turning to metaphysical explanations for the phenomenon.See Also: Jack Vorona (RAVEN) one of the initiators of the DIA's Sleeping Beauty project which aimed to achieve battlefield superiority using mind-altering electromagnetic weaponry; Appears to be a kingpin in The Aviary, and a Washington insiders' guessing game has sprung up, as devotees of UFO intelligence data argue for the probable identity of their favorite "candidate". [Possible candidates: Henry Kissinger, Ph.D., Edward Teller, Ph.D.; General Brent Scowcroft.]See Also: by M at 9:21 AM
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This is the only known interview with Julianne McKinney, a former US army intelligence officer.

She became a member of the Association of National Security Alumni, an organization of former intelligence officers dedicated to exposing excesses by the US intelligence services.

Either of these links should be OK.

I have summed up the 10 most relevant points she makes in the interview which I pasted below.

1) Which organizations are responsible?

It´s difficult to pinpoint everything at this stage on the US government exclusively. The pattern and protocols of surveillance and harassment are virtually identical on a global scale, so someone is overseeing the entire activity. The US government is obviously complicit because otherwise these operations wouldn’t be allowed to exist. Why, it´s hard to say. Whether it´s just for testing electronic weapons systems for future use under combat conditions or whether later there´s a holocaust in the offing, it´s hard to say.

2) How is targeting accomplished?

In order to target someone, it requires that that person be put under surveillance to establish their personality traits and their capacity to interrelate with people, their capacity for corruption or non-corruption and even their religion factors into it. They are singled out for preliminary stages of harassment which would include gang stalking, entry into their private homes or apartment followed by gradually intensified and ultimately extremely intensified electronic harassment. This is the pattern that has unfolded over, and over, and over.

3) What are the criteria for selecting a target?

Quite a number of the women who are singled out appear to be too independent, perhaps too intelligent. They tend to live alone and pursue professional careers. There´s a heavy predominance of these types of women in the TI community. Men are in a smaller proportion and seem to be those who have a propensity to fly off the handle. They have a sense of self-esteem and pride that seems to invite targeting. There is a curious predominance of a certain lack of religion amongst TIs, as opposed to a certain predominance of a particular religion amongst the perpetrators.

What about numbers of targets?

4) The persons that have realized what´s going on are just a drop in the bucket. The persons that she has seen being targeted are completely unaware of what´s going on so the persons complaining of it are just the tip of the iceberg. So she would say this is very, very widespread but she can´t under the circumstances come up with any figures.

What happens with the information gathered on a target?

5) It appears that the perpetrators don’t do anything with the information gathered on a target once they get it, apart from to establish a harassment protocol which will follow that targeted individual for the rest of his or her life.

Why do they do it?

6) Part of the objective is obviously to test the latest and greatest of electronic weaponry, and other forms of technologies. A part of it is to control and choreograph those who are involved in these harassment operations on the dispensing end. And it would appear that those being targeted are simply objects, who she sees as ultimately being disposable. In other words, she thinks that once full control is established over a major percentage of the population, and enough of the population is silenced and unwilling to stick their necks out, we would inevitably be heading towards a HOLOCAUST.

7) What means to they use to lock into the target in his or her own home?

In order to target a person in their own home, they first of all need to be able to see that person. There are plenty of technologies available that allow for the imaging of a person who might be sitting in a chair for example. Using infrared imagery techniques for example, they can capture your image by monitoring the concentration of heat emanating from your body. Using certain acoustical frequencies, they can detect mass. And using sophisticated computer software, they can convert those images to likenesses on computers, which conceivably could be used in a software program that would be connected to an electronic weapon´s system. Devices draw on the existing electrical grid, and do involve microwave towers. Devices are used which are fixed to poles that are connecting to power lines. These weapon systems are used by neighbours surrounding persons who have been singled out as targets of opportunity.

8) What can targets do to protect themselves?

It´s very difficult to advise targeted individuals on how to acquire peace. All of the frequencies can somehow be blocked or deflected. The pain can be ameliorated if not halted altogether. Writing to congress or state legislators might not be a better alternative because you will be treated as something worthy of the circular basket. They just won´t intervene. Writing to the various agencies won´t help either because they will say there are no laws prohibiting these types of activities. Try to protect yourself to alleviate the pain you´re experiencing. Keep your faculties together and don´t go to psychiatrists, physiologists or doctors because many of them are involved.

9) What is the involvement of religious groups?

Perpetrators appear to belong predominantly to one particular religion, whereas targeted individuals do not belong predominantly to that particular religion. She is not prepared to name the religious group. There is a religious influence but that´s is not to say that these people aren’t being used as puppets by some broader interest.

10) Does moving help?

No, every community everywhere is wired up to the network and the protocol follows the target wherever he or she may choose to go. No TI should look for a reason as to why this is going on. It´s a serious, serious mistake. It´s a natural tendency that should be avoided. She did that herself when they started on her and over the years she came up with six different possibilities.

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John N. TI's Targeted Individuals Mind Control Verichip, 2020 Neural Violent Offender Implant IBM And Governemnt Scerw Up

Video Attached >>>

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Dissident wins Nobel Peace Prize, enraging China

Liu Xiaobo AP – ** ALTERNATE CROP OF XAW801 ** In this photo taken in November, 2007 and released by Liu Xiaobo's friend …

BEIJING – Imprisoned Chinese democracy campaigner Liu Xiaobo on Friday won the Nobel Peace Prize — an award that drew furious condemnation from the authoritarian government and calls from world leaders including President Barack Obama for Liu's quick release.

Chinese state media blacked out the news and Chinese government censors blocked Nobel Prize reports, which highlighted Liu's calls for peaceful political change, from Internet websites. China declared the decision would harm its relations with Norway and promptly summoned Oslo's ambassador to Beijing to make a formal protest.

In Oslo, China's ambassador to Norway met with a state secretary at Norway's Foreign Ministry, ministry spokeswoman Ragnhild Imerslund said.

The Norwegian officials explained that the peace prize committee is independent of the government and that Norway wants to maintain good relations with China, Imerslund said.

This year's peace prize followed a long tradition of honoring dissidents around the world and was the first Nobel for China's dissident community since it resurfaced after the Communists launched economic but not political reforms three decades ago.

Liu, 54, was sentenced last year to 11 years in prison for subversion. The Nobel committee said he was the first to be honored while still in prison, although other Nobel winners have been under house arrest, or imprisoned before the prize.

Other dissidents to win the peace prize include German pacifist Carl von Ossietzky in 1935, Soviet dissident Andrei Sakharov in 1975, Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa in 1983 and Myanmar democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi in 1991.

The Nobel committee praised Liu's pacifist approach, ignoring threats by Chinese diplomats even before the announcement that such a decision would result in strained ties with Norway. Liu has been an ardent advocate of peaceful, gradual political change.

The Nobel committee cited Liu's participation in the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing in 1989 and the Charter 08 document he recently co-authored, which called for greater freedom in China and an end to the Communist Party's political dominance.

Obama said in a statement that Liu "has sacrificed his freedom for his beliefs" and is "an eloquent and courageous spokesman for the advance of universal values through peaceful and nonviolent means."

"We call on the Chinese government to release Mr. Liu as soon as possible," Obama said.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the award, calling Liu "a brave man." Her spokesman Steffen Seibert said Merkel hoped Liu would be released from prison to accept the peace prize in person.

Chinese authorities would not allow access to Liu on Friday, and it was not clear if he had been told about the award.

His wife, however, expressed joy at the news. Surrounded by police at their Beijing apartment, Liu Xia was not allowed out to meet reporters.

But she issued a statement through Freedom Now, a Washington-based rights group, saying she was grateful to the Nobel committee.

"It is a true honor for him and one for which I know he would say he is not worthy," she said, thanking former Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel and two former Nobel Peace Prize winners — Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama and South African Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu — for nominating her husband.

"I hope that the international community will take this opportunity to call on the Chinese government to press for my husband's release," she said.

Liu Xia planned to go Saturday to deliver the news to Liu at his prison, 300 miles (500 kilometers) from Beijing.

China's Foreign Ministry quickly criticized the Nobel decision, saying the award should been used instead to promote international friendship and disarmament.

"Liu Xiaobo is a criminal who has been sentenced by Chinese judicial departments for violating Chinese law," spokesman Ma Zhaoxu said in a statement. Honoring him "runs completely counter to the principle of the prize and also desecrates the peace prize."

The ministry said the decision would damage relations between China and Norway.

Ma's statement was later read on the state television channel intended for broadcast overseas.

In China, broadcasts of the announcement by CNN were blacked out. Popular Internet sites removed coverage of the Nobel prizes, placed prominently in recent days for the science awards. Messages about "Xiaobo" to Sina Microblog, a Twitter-like service run by Internet portal, were quickly deleted. Attempts to send mobile text messages with the Chinese characters for Liu Xiaobo failed.

The Nobel committee said China, as a growing economic and political power, needed to take more responsibility for protecting the rights of its citizens.

"China has become a big power in economic terms as well as political terms, and it is normal that big powers should be under criticism," prize committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland said, calling Liu Xiaobo (LEE-o SHAo-boh) a symbol for the fight for human rights in China.

More than a dozen friends and supporters of Liu gathered near the entrance to Ditan Park in central Beijing, holding up placards congratulating him. They shouted "Long Live Freedom of Speech, Long Live Democracy" and wore yellow ribbons on their clothes to signify, they said, their wish that he be freed.

The small group of demonstrators was later taken away by police. Liu is almost unknown in China except among political activists.

Ru Shengtao, 38, a migrant worker with several large bags of cement strapped on his motorbike, stopped to see what the group was shouting about. He said he'd never heard of Liu and didn't believe anyone jailed for a crime in China should be receiving an international award for peace.

"If the person who won got it because he opposed the government, then I don't think it's good," he said. "People who defy the Chinese government should not get this prize and if they do, it's because people overseas are trying to split China."

Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stoere told national broadcaster NRK he saw no grounds for China to punish Norway as a country for the award.

"I think that would be negative for China's reputation in the world, if they chose to do that," Gahr Stoere said.

Several previous peace laureates have been unable to accept the prize in person because of restrictions imposed by their governments, including Sakharov and Walesa.

Suu Kyi, who was awarded the 1991 prize and has been detained 15 of the past 21 years, is due to be released from house arrest Nov. 13, a week after Myanmar's first elections in two decades. Suu Kyi's political party won the last elections in 1990 but the ruling junta never allowed it to take power.

President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize last year, which this year carries a cash award of 10 million Swedish kronor (about $1.5 million).

The Charter 08 document that Liu co-authored was an intentional echo of Charter 77, the famous call for human rights in then-Czechoslovakia that led to the 1989 Velvet Revolution that swept away Communist rule.

"The democratization of Chinese politics can be put off no longer," Charter 08 says.

Havel, who helped draft Charter 77, said "Liu Xiaobo is exactly the kind of a committed citizen who deserves such an award and that is the reason why I, together with my friends, nominated him."

In an e-mailed statement, Havel praised the Nobel committee "for not bowing to Chinese threats."

Thousands of Chinese signed Charter 08, and the Communist Party took the document as a direct challenge.

Police arrested Liu hours before Charter 08 was due to be released in December 2008. Given a brief trial last Christmas Day, Liu was convicted of subversion for writing Charter 08 and other political tracts and sentenced to 11 years in prison.

"Through the severe punishment meted out to him, Liu has become the foremost symbol of this wide-ranging struggle for human rights in China," the award citation said.

In a year with a record 237 nominations for the peace prize, Liu had been considered a favorite, with open support from Tutu, the Dalai Lama and others.

When the Tibet-born Dalai Lama won the peace prize in 1989, both the Chinese government and some of the public were angry — the exiled Buddhist leader was endlessly vilified in official propaganda as a traitor for his calls for more autonomy for Tibet.

The Dalai Lama on Friday issued his congratulations to Liu.

"I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call to the government of China to release Liu Xiaobo and other prisoners of conscience who have been imprisoned for exercising their freedom of expression" the spiritual leader said.

The son of a soldier, Liu joined China's first wave of university students in the mid-1970s after the chaotic decade of the Cultural Revolution.

Liu's writing first took a political turn in 1988, when he became a visiting scholar in Oslo — his first time outside China.

Liu cut short a visiting scholar stint at Columbia University months later to join the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing in 1989. He and three other older activists famously persuaded students to peacefully leave the square hours before the deadly June 4 crackdown.

Liu went to prison after the crackdown and was released in early 1991 because he had repented and "performed major meritorious services," state media said at the time, without elaborating.

Still, five years later Liu was sent to a re-education camp for three years for co-writing an open letter that demanded the impeachment of then-President Jiang Zemin.

The 2010 Nobel announcements started Monday with the medicine award going to British professor Robert Edwards for fertility research that led to the first test tube baby.

Russian-born scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov won the physics prize for groundbreaking experiments with graphene, the strongest and thinnest material known to mankind.

Japanese researchers Ei-ichi Negishi and Akira Suzuki and American Richard Heck shared the chemistry award for designing techniques to bind together carbon atoms.

The literature prize went to Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. The last of the 2010 awards — the economics prize — will be announced Monday.

Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, established the awards in his 1895 will. He left only vague instructions, dedicating the peace prize to people who have worked for "fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."

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