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response from Canada international trade

I have read an artical on this website and there was a link to Canada international trade, which talks about Canadian government is against some exotic/introduced weapons, therefore i wrote an email to them and got a reponse today as following:Good morning Vickie Wei,You have reached Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada. Thank you for your recent enquiry. My apologies for the delay of this reply as this office has been receiving an unusual high volume of enquiries.Unfortunately this office cannot assit you with this matter.Again, my apologies for the delay of this reply.Sincerely,Dominique LabrecqueClient Service Representative/Représentant, Service à la clientèleEnquiries Service/Service des renseignementsForeign Affairs and International Trade Canada/Affaires étrangères et Commerce international Canadaenqserv@international.gc.caFax/Télécopieur: 613-996-9709
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THE ARTICLE FROM NY TIMES IS BELOW FOR WHO DOES NOT KNOW ABOUT IT Dear doktor Bell , (sorry for my usual bad English first of all) I did contact you before already , and i understand that i maybe was not clear enough to support the to my only possible logical consistent conclusisions on alien abductions and mind control , but i will do one more effort and i really hope that you will forget all what the entere academic world believes , and use your own pure reason to analyze the connections , put the different possibilities next to one another and see yourself which one is the most consistent and is confirmed by the facts. I will try to go step by step , in the new york times there was your statement “The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person's "culture or subculture," it is not a delusion. Dr. Bell, whose study was published in the journal Psychopathology, said that it does not suggest all people participating in mind-control sites are delusional, and that a firm diagnosis of psychosis could only be done in person.” And indeed compared to your colleges thanks god this statement was already more nuanced than usual is the case , that psychosis could only be diagnosed by person. Still you keep somehow in the back of your mind that for sure at least some of those people must be delusional, because there is no government beaming voices to peoples head ….fully understandable . Further you say , and you do know pretty a lot on that thanks god once more compared to many of your colleges : “Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers. Some alien abductees had said similar things. Subsequent research generally showed that those who believed they had been abducted were not psychotic, but suffering from severe memory and sleep problems, or personal traumas, Dr. Bell said.” What is anyway surprising is the fact indeed that alien abductees on who has been done much more research before than on the relatively new mind control site visitors , are not psychotic. This is the first in fact unexpected and unexplained fact you know about , put it on a paper as point 1 please . You also very correctly say that the alien abductees are traumatized , and indeed this is another surprising result confirmed by the sceptic community of Harvard , more specifically Mc Nally and Susan Clancy ….also they notice surprising and objectively noticeable trauma s in abductees , but the fact they started from a specific assumption, and they stick with that as fact , leads to not be able to explain the trauma so just ignore it as if it was not there … Abductees showed surprisingly strong physiological reactions to the tapes of their alien encounters. Their reactions were as great or greater than those of individuals who cannot shake memories of combat, sexual abuse, and other punishing events. Victims wake up and find themselves paralyzed, unable to move or cry out for help. They see flashing lights and hear buzzing sounds. Electric sensations zing through their bodies, which may rise up in levitation. Aliens with wrap-around eyes, gray or green skin, lacking hair or noses, approach. The abductee's heart pounds violently. There's lots of probing in the alien ship. Instruments are inserted in their noses, navels, or other orifices. It's painful. Sometimes sexual intercourse occurs. Then it's over, after seconds or minutes. The intruders vanish. Victims are back in their own beds and can move again. McNally, and their colleagues made some tantalizing discoveries. Measurements of sweating, heart rate, and brain waves showed that those claiming to be abductees show the same symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome as combat veterans. . Earlier this year, Clancy and McNally reported on another study that found those who recalled childhood sexual abuse or abduction by aliens experience higher rates of sleep paralysis than those who do not make such claims. Strikingly, the first group also scored high on underlying traits of fantasy proneness, paranormal interests and experiences, and inability to relate socially to others this is of course very human to ignore something they dont understand, but its another unexplained fact , please put this fact on your paper as point 2 (please forgive me my educative sounding attitude , but I am sure of this situation , sure that it fits and know that people have the tendency to ignore whatever results do not confirm the existing paradigm, a mechanism that has been very correctly described by Thomas Kuhn and is indeed a very persistent one. Now lets move to the next surprising fact that surprised me to see so many did notice the similarities between alien abductees and mind control victims , or targeted individuals., but so little have drawn a pretty obvious conclusion out of it, that both experiences are the same kind of experiences , and even have the same cause . In the Washington post januari 2007 we can read from mrs Clancy "In her book, Abducted, Harvard psychologist Susan Clancy examines a group that has striking parallels to the TIs: people who believe they've been kidnapped by aliens. The similarities are often uncanny: Would-be abductees describe strange pains, and feelings of being watched or targeted. And although the alleged abductees don't generally have auditory hallucinations, they do sometimes believe that their thoughts are controlled by aliens, or that they've been implanted with advanced technology ] stimulation to their sexual organs (as the TIs describe) or feelings of paranoia. And precisely the same similarity was mentioned by yourself in the newyork timses about the mind control victims "Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers." Isn’t stimulation to the sexual organs such a specific symptom that its surprising to be present in two distinct groups of people , not know to be associated with any kind of mental disease as is the case for the much more general expression hearing voices . And on top I can assure you that both communities are usually totally unrelated and do dispute extremely on the cause of the targeting , and as was mentioned in the wp "..(On the online forum, some TIs posted vociferous objections to the parallel, concerned that the public finds UFOs even weirder than mind control. "It will keep us all marginalized and discredited," one griped.) " This is finally also the reaction that i get from many ti”s when i compare the two experiences but it do not agree that there is anything discrediting to it , because being targeted with government weapons sounds probably as weird as being abducted by aliens, but the main thing and much more important is that realizing that both experiences are simply just the same, is the start of a big totally consistent picture no matter how unbelievable and surprising it may be. And because i do believe that logical patterns and statistics don’t fail , while humans with beliefs and prejudices do very often, i consequently want to use this strategy to show the big picture of all these unexplained and weird epidemics. Please if you find any inconsistency in my building up of argumentation or the facts, bring it under my attention please. So lets say , both experiences are so similar , traumatic ( i assure you that mind control victims mainly are traumatized , and suffer indeed from the same sleep deprivation as alien abductees ) , and have in common that thoughts are being controlled , and that is also the case for the mind control victims, its rather thoughts or telepathy than voices other words its the same. And the suspicion of both groups sometimes they are implanted with some device, which is not the case but points to the feeling to be remotely controlled indeed by no matter alien or government technology. I want to point still to the remark of Walter Bowhard in his lectures with Randy Noblit and Allen sheflin , were he noticed correctly Lecture by Authors Walter Bowart, Alan Scheflin, and Randy Noblitt Walter Boward “I've seen several patterns emerge, and one of them is the Satanic or cult ritual abuse pattern, and the other one's the alien abduction experience,reports from people that report alien abduction experiences, ritual abuse, and the government mind control side of things. And it's very interesting for the similarity, there are so many similarities it looks like one and the same thing,. Indeed the patterns show the entire picture hidden wel between seemingly unrelated phenomenon’s If I get to my survey of targeted individuals were in one specific sample a pattern is visible of a sudden rise in incidence in the year 2000, than I suppose that the change this to be coincidental is very small , especially if this patterns shows up in each new sample again and again and indeed this all around the world without that the targets even have knowledge from each others existence, The question was what year the respondents became aware to be under attack Before 1980: 2 1.43% 1980: 0 0% 1981: 0 0% 1982: 1 0.71% 1983: 0 0% 1984: 1 0.71% 1985: 2 1.43% 1986: 2 1.43% 1987: 0 0% 1988: 0 0% 1989: 0 0% 1990: 1 0.71% 1991: 1 0.71% 1992: 1 0.71% 1993: 3 2.14% 1994: 2 1.43% 1995: 1 0.71% 1996: 6 4.29% 1997: 6 4.29% 1998: 5 3.57% 1999: 2 1.43% 2000: 4 2.86% 2001:10 7.14% 2002:12 8.57% 2003: 8 5.71% 2004:16 11.43% 2005:14 10% 2006:15 10.71% 2007:12 8.57% 2008:13 9.29% 2009: 0 0% Total Responded to this question: 140 96.55% Indeed in 2000 the incidence rose pretty suddenly , and after 2005 even more, this sample taking is repeatable , please don’t ignore it , its easy to exclude that it’s a mistake. This sudden rise in incidence all around the world is maybe point tree that you can put on your paper as not just unexplained but nearly contradicting the fact that this problem is an individual one. But it does not contradict the fact that in case both the alien abduction experience and the mind control targeting experience is the same, a thing that is rather obvious because of the enormous resemblance, and the alien abductees do not suffer from psychosis, also the targeted individual do not suffer from psychosis, It answers your surprise that this phenomenon challenges the basically criteria of delusion …., in case it is the way I present it its not due to the internet were many can share their “delusions” that the phenomenon does not anymore match the criteria of delusion, it would be even a mistake to adept the DSM criteria of a delusion , because they are still correct; a delusion is not shared with many others of a large community , nor are delusional people while psychotic able to such cooperative social behaviour as one sees in the mind control community . Maybe still briefly , the third thing that Walter Boward mentions is the satanic ritual abuse experiences that resembles so much and indeed, also this fits into the story perfectly and brings up a scary conclusion of the recovered memory dispute . Just look at the similarities between ritual abuse survivors and alien abductees , and take note of the fact that both groups again have no knowledge of one another , don’t take each others explanation seriously but still …. California based therapist Gwen Dean noted forty-four parallels between alien abduction and satanic ritual abuse (SRA). Both emerged as widespread phenomena in the late 1970s and early 1980s, both often use hypnosis to recover lost or suppressed memory. Furthermore, the scenarios and narratives offered by abductees and SRA victims feature many similar elements: both are typically said to begin when the experiencer is in their youth; both are said to involve entire families and to occur generationally; the alien examination table is similar to the satanic altar; both phenomena focus on genitals, rape, sexuality and breeding; witnesses often report that the events happen when they are in altered states of consciousness; both phenomena feature episodes of "missing time" when the events are said to occur, but of which the victim has no conscious memory. (Bryan, 138-139) CHRISTOPHER D. BADER In the 1980s two different groups emerged that exhibited a strikingly similar combination of the quasi-religious and psychotherapeutic—UFO abductees and ritual-abuse survivors In the mid-1980s an increasing number of support groups appeared that were centered around so-called UFO abductions. UFO abductees support groups attempt to help people recover repressed memories of victimization at the hands of extraterrestrials. Also in the mid-1980s an increasing number of therapists and support groups focusing on “ritual abuse” began seeking clients/members. Ritual-abuse support groups also attempt to recover repressed memories of past abuses. In this case, the abuse is believed to take place at the hands of secretive, underground, usually Satanic, cults. Although much has been written about both these movements, little of this research has focused on the members themselves; Ritual-abuse survivors skew slightly older with an average age of 48 (47.7). The UFO abductees were slightly younger with an average age of 44 (43.69). Randy Noblit, a USA therapist who works with sanatic ritual abused people wrote me the following thing : R Noblit : “I mostly work with people who say that they were ritually abused and they are also dissociated. Some of them say that they think they are currently harassed by radio or similar technology, but some of them say there programmed to have this belief by their abuser group, whom they say used radio and radio-like devices during their abuse and programming. “ When I was trying to suggest to him that the memories could be not real or from childhood but simply remotely induced , he carefully rejected this idea with following statement : 2008 Randy Noblitt I try to avoid making judgments about other people's memories and beliefs. I have worked with people who have described what I call ritual abuse. My definition of ritual abuse is similar to what many people also call "trauma based mind control." People who have this problem can often be helped by therapists and my experience has been as a therapist. Best Wishes, It may also draw your attention that he considers what is called satanic ritual abuse the same thing as trauma based mind control …indeed because content of the memories is less important than the symptoms the trauma and the experience itself of recovering horrifying traumatizing memories in adulthood, just as Christopher Bader noticed average age in his population survey of abductees and ritual survivors is around 45. And indeed this is also the average age of mind control targets, I am myself now 45, and even if the ages differ, middle age is the average age to become mind control victim , not really a typical age to get schizophrenia either. And now the results of the 2007 extrele abuse survey of which I find that the questions could have been more relevant and all that, and were I miss the question when it started so any search for the evolution of the problem in incidence rate …but ok , still it provides some interesting information . RESULTS EXTREME ABUSE SURVEY EAS rapports 2007 Microwave abuse12% 04% Non-lethal weapons abuse 56% 24% Electronic harassment 50% 12% Sleep deprivation 79% 36% Auto-immune disorders 48% Sleep problems 93% 75% Migraine headaches 66% 38% Fibromyalgia 31% 18% Posttraumatic stress disorder 93% 70% Unusual fears 90% 67% Thyroid problems 31% 20% Cancer 08% 04% Seizures with organic basis 27% 16% The rapports of remote weapon abuse no matter if it is called microwave , non lethal weapons or electronic harassment , no idea why this question is asked tree times when it’s the same in fact , are very high , just as Randy mentioned that half of his patients rapport remote technology And all the symptoms are so typical for mind control victims and alien abductees, the autoimmune disorders, Fibromyalgia, sleep deprivation ect, the list is longer I just chose the most prevalent points. Also here is often reported to suspect to have implants … Why the memories are so same and such different subjects but such same evolution? I am convinced that Karla turner did guess it correctly , they are NOT implanted in childhood , but at the moment they come up , together with the fear the trauma and the virtual reality ….they are indeed purely artificial , and that explains of course why the trauma is so real , because the experience is so real, not matter it is virtual , Susan Clancy never even considered this idea, is it so extremely impossible ? I would enormously like to hear your reaction on this idea , because I know its sounds incredible but at the same time I know its correct and I can very hard estimate how this sound to someone who never looked at it this way and is not aware of it …., it is the purpose that it goes unnoticed and looks unrelated …and I believe by the way that the morgellons disease is another part of this, just as chronic fatigue and golf war syndrome, multiple personality disorder and the highly rising supernatural experiences and demonic possessions and rapports of voodoo , it is meant to sound as weird as this to go unnoticed . If you check briefly the main conclusions of the rather serious alien investigators (from whom John Mack was a remarkable man his dead in 2004 was a great loss to the community) you will each time again find the same essential elements that come back and point just as targeted individuals , and satanic abuse survivors to “technology” . How can that be so similar ? Kind greetings from Belgium and apologies for my usual bad English , Monika KARLA TURNER In Memory of Dr. Karla 'Kandy' Turner - Abduction Researcher Karla Turner A former college instructor who held a doctorate in Old English Studies from the University of North Texas, Turner had authored three books on the abduction phenomenon, *Into the Fringe (1992), *Taken (1994), *Masquerade of Angels (1994). Two traits, characterized alien behaviour above all: deceitfulness and cruelty. (During encounters, they control our perceptions. They can implant false memories. From childhood, they manipulate us physically, spiritually, and sexually. They create virtual reality scenarios that are absolutely real to the abductees. ) "Turner cited many cases pointing to a psychic technology that enabled the aliens to make us see whatever they wanted us to see. They could create virtual reality scenarios at will, she was certain. The abductees took home from their abduction experiences as memories whatever the aliens wanted them to remember. Even what was revived under hypnosis might only be a screen memory." By Colleen Johnston Colleen Johnson Out of this group, another majority are experiencing massive trauma in conjunction with their abductions-- anything from being mind controlled with disaster images that are being forced into their minds by artificial means, seeing loved ones tortured if they do not cooperate, seeing what appears to be clones of themselves, forced to hold alien/hybrid children, themselves forced into submitting to painful experimentations, even being given a deadly disease for non cooperation. Many female abductees are reporting, autoimmune disorders like Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well as a sudden onset of female urinary tract infections and a host of female problems which eventually lead in some cases to hysterectomy. If the creatures creating this type of misery for their captives were here on a peaceful mission to help humanity, why does this sort of abusive treatment happen with the same style of administration reminiscent of the Nazi German concentration camp doctors? I have come to believe something is more than amiss; something sinister is happening to the abduction populace without regard for the abductee. Why us and why now, someone might ask. EVE LORGEN The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships (2000), Eve Lorgen A small but growing number of aware abductees who began to realize that some of their love relationships were engineered by the aliens who abducted them.” “It became clear that the alien abductors be they Grey aliens, reptilians, human military or other unknown species, were heavily manipulating their "chosen ones" down to the very detail of their love and sex lives! These are not normal love relationships where one or the other partner simply wants to break up. These are clearly orchestrated and manipulated with full paranormal features.” Canadian, Sunday, Nov. 9, 2008. EVE LORGEN In order to have a thorough grasp of the hypothesis I have suggested regarding the aliens’ true motives, once must understand the basics of human mind control, sexuality, divine potential and spirituality. From a simplistic standpoint, the exploitation of humans via mind control can be achieved by: 1Removing the person from their normal environment of influence; 2. Deprive them of sleep; 3. Pain if they disagree, pleasure if they agree; 4. Change in biochemistry; 5. Trauma The Matrix Hive Mind Manipulators By Eve Lorgen M.A.© 1999 Identifying Mind Control and Abductions By Eve Lorgen, M.A. © 2000 KATHARINA WILSON To read Katharina Wilson's complete 10-part monograph Project Open Mind / MILABS: Are Some Alien Abductions Government Mind Control Experiments? Click on Or “Maintaining Secrecy whether we are dealing with extraterrestrials or a nefarious group of powerful human beings, there appears to be a disinformation campaign underway. This has been orchestrated to mislead abductees - and therefore the research community and the public - as to what the truth is. In order to take the focus away from the true agenda, the aliens may want us to remember seeing "humans," and the humans may want us to remember seeing "aliens” Who Are We Seeing? The military personnel... a. may actually be aliens using the techniques of camouflage and screen memories to deceive abductees into believing their government is involved. b. may be part of a secret agency or military team that is involved in retrieving information from abductees about the aliens. c. may be working with some of the aliens. d. may be Hybrids - a genetic combination or cross between humans and aliens, who wear military-type uniforms to confuse the abductee.² e. may be part of a secret human agency or military team abducting humans in order to create or increase the impression that aliens abduct humans; or to sow confusion regarding the possible presence and activities of aliens on Earth; or for some other reason beyond our current understanding.” I Forgot What I Wasn't Supposed To Remember Read Katharina's new book Free on-line Click > Barbara Bartholic Why do I continue to research, under terrible duress, the most important subject in our universe? It’s clear. What could be more compelling than identifying what I call a “master control system” that defies all locks, law enforcement, physics, and governments, and last but not least, human rights; or identifying an alien-organized operation possessing such technical supremacy that they can hide in plain sight. It's a force that can delude people into refusing to believe in their existence. At the same time, alien manipulative “overlord ship” is altering the course of human life. In a lengthy article, Martin Cannon makes the admittedly speculative argument that memories of alien abductions might in fact have been created in the "abductees" by a secret government mind control program, such as MKULTRA by Martin Cannon “The Controllers” released circa 1990 Maxwell Brierley Burns : UK. Feature Articles: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Alien Abductions Is there a connection between Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and the alien abduction scenario? Investigator Max Burns shares his thoughts and initial findings. Marianne Friedman, whom I felt would follow in Karla Turner's footsteps, died soon after she was abducted and interrogated during a dream, in what appeared to be a joint military/ alien base. She was tortured, and required medical treatment and future surgery on her neck due to her inhumane treatment. She was a warrior, and uncovered so much information about the human mind and the use and function of 'implants.' She was intuitive, and no novice to the aliens' medical agendas. She could not discern whether the aliens had used illusions and mind control to make her believe the human military was involved, and admitted she remembered reptilian alien forms wearing American military garb, confusing the memories. Now we will never know. Following the alien intimidation to break her willful resistance, her beloved dog suddenly died of cancer. She followed shortly thereafter—dead from a sudden brain attack at the age of 47. ABOUT THE POPULAR INVESTIGATORS WHO FOCUS ON ALIENS AS SUCH THIS Some researchers (especially Budd Hopkins and David Michael Jacobs) have been accused of excluding, minimising or suppressing testimony or data which do not fit a certain paradigm for the phenomenon. Budd Hopkins (born on June 15, 1931 in Wheeling, West Virginia) is a central figure in abduction phenomenon and related UFO research.[1] He is also a painter and sculptor of note. Official Website Budd Hopkins is a world-renowned artist, author, and pioneer UFO abduction researcher. Having investigated well over 700 cases, he now heads the Intruders Foundation, a nonprofit, scientific research and support organization. David Michael Jacobs is an American historian who is prominently known in the field of Ufology for his research into alien abductions and UFOs. Employment David M. Jacobs, PhD, is Associate Professor of History at Temple University[1] specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. PS still this unexplained syndrom , same time , same symptom, same increase , coincidence? Persistent genital arousal disorder (also known as persistent sexual arousal syndrome or PSAS) 2001 “Awareness in Japan of PSAS -- which was first documented by Dr. Sandra Leiblum in the United States five years ago -- is growing, especially in the blogsphere, where it is being called Iku Iku byo. Hideo Yamanaka, a doctor at the Toranomon Hibiya Clinic in Tokyo says the disease can be debilitating.” Persistent genital arousal disorder (also known as persistent sexual arousal syndrome or PSAS) It was first documented by Dr. Sandra Leiblum in 2001, only recently characterized as a distinct syndrome in medical literature. Targeted Individuals and sexual genital attacks Mind Games in de Washington Post Januari 2007. “Both male and female TIs report a variety of "attacks" to their sexual organs. "My testicles became so sore I could barely walk," Girard says of his early experiences. Others, however, report the attacks in the form of sexual stimulation, including one TI who claims he dropped out of the seminary after constant sexual stimulation by directed-energy weapons. Susan Sayler, a TI in San Diego, says many women among the TIs suffer from attacks to their sexual organs but are often embarrassed to talk about it with outsiders."It's sporadic, you just never know when it will happen," she says. "A lot of the women say it's as soon as you lay down in bed -- that's when you would get hit the worst. It happened to me as I was driving, at odd times." What made her think it was an electronic attack and not just in her head? "There was no sexual attraction to a man when it would happen. That's what was wrong. It did not feel like a muscle spasm or whatever," she says. "It's so . . . electronic Sharing Their Demons on the Web By SARAH KERSHAW November 13, 2008 Sharing their demons on the web Vaughan Bell, a British psychologist who has researched the effect of the Internet on mental illness, first began tracking sites with reports of mind control in 2004. In 2006 he published a study The extent of the community, Dr. Bell said, poses a paradox to the traditional way delusion is defined under the diagnostic guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association, which says that if a belief is held by a person's "culture or subculture," it is not a delusion. Dr. Bell, whose study was published in the journal Psychopathology, said that it does not suggest all people participating in mind-control sites are delusional, and that a firm diagnosis of psychosis could only be done in person. And the users of some sites have found the support of Jim Guest, a Republican state representative in Missouri, who wrote last year to his fellow legislators calling for an investigation into the claims of those who say they are being tortured by mind control. "I've had enough calls, some from credible people — professors — being targeted by nonlethal weapons," Mr. Guest said in a telephone interview, adding that nothing came of his request for a legislative investigation. "They become psychologically affected by it. They have trouble sleeping at night." He added: "I believe there are people who have been targeted by this. With this equipment, you have to test it on somebody to see if it works." The mind-control sites remind some experts of the accounts of those claiming to have been abducted by aliens in the 1970s and '80s. One person's story begat another until many insisted they had had virtually identical experiences of being taken onto space ships by silvery sloe-eyed creatures. Some of those now posting on mind-control sites say they are being remotely "sexually stimulated" by their torturers. Some alien abductees had said similar things. Subsequent research generally showed that those who believed they had been abducted were not psychotic, but suffering from severe memory and sleep problems, or personal traumas, Dr. Bell said.
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Donald Rumsfeld, MIND CONTROL, Tamiflu and Gilead Science Inc-rumsfeld is the Chairman of Gilead- company that developed tamifluThe Disastrous Road of HopeIt is perhaps only coincidence that swine flu’s history is linked to the US Army and that President Obama was exposed to swine flu on his recent visit to Mexico and that Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense, was chairman of Gilead, the company that developed Tamiflu, the antidote to swine flu. Will Donald [...]

The US flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Real FLAG, REAL US/WORLD NEWS

Radio Show- Freedom Fighters for America and Manhattan Project Backstep- Download 36 Meg file and 43 MB file to hear very useful shielding and thougts to stop harrassmentShielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.A radio Show that looks at very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry and the US Dept of Defense as well as the FAA, NSA and private companies like Hitachi Corporation as well as private individuals for protection from unwanted, unwarrented, Illegal directed energy.http://www.ramayes.comFreedom Fighters for America (world) and Manhattan Project Bakcstep March 18th 2009 with Eric Evansthe link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Manhattan Project Backsep Radio Show May 21-2008 with Dave Case, Dale Wahl, Ron Angell, Helen Roedrig, Carolyn PalitHere is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of All on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com mind control technologies exposed

The US Flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Can you say the same? am a member of Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth. http://www.ae911truth.orgHere is my Profile particles in food, water, chemtrails in air have been introduced to ruin the world. and it must be recongnized now and reversed through education WORLDWIDE. "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg MistakeGilead INC...U.S. Locations of Gilead Sciences INCFoster City, CA (Headquarters):333 Lakeside DriveFoster City, CA 94404Phone: (650) 574-3000Fax: (650) 578-92641-800-GILEAD-5 (1-800-445-3235)Map and DirectionsPalo Alto, CA:3172 Porter DrivePalo Alto, CA 94304Phone: (650)-384-8500Fax: (650)-858-0390Map and DirectionsBoulder, CO:3333 Walnut StreetBoulder, CO 80301Phone: (720) 887-8500Fax: (720) 887-8680Map and DirectionsWestminster, CO:37577 W. 103rd AvenueSuite 212Westminster, CO 80021Phone: (303) 410-6666Fax: (303) 410-6667Map and DirectionsDurham, NC:4 University Place4611 University DriveDurham, NC 27707Phone: (919) 493-5980Fax: (919) 493-5925Map and DirectionsSan Dimas, CA:650 Cliffside DriveSan Dimas, CA 91773Phone: (909) 394-4000Toll Free: (800) 870-0105Fax: (909) 592-8530Map and DirectionsSeattle, WA:2025 1st AvenueSuite 800Seattle, WA 98121Phone: (206) 728-5090Fax: (206) 728-5095Map and Directions
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#530 This Where The Battle Lines are Drawn?I have evidence so have put together a good deal. I commented about an article from the E version of the New York Times and my very sane comments about the domestic torture program using directed energy weapons was edited out and not allowed to appear. Many comments were outrageous but I was blocked because my words and evidence are being blocked as a national security concern I believe. The same goes for CNN and even when I spoke at a town council meeting I was told that there were never so many people coming and going from the town council chambers all day long. I was blocked there also. I've contacted all the groups against torture and no response what ever.I question the government's desire to block me and all of us from exposing the abuses, torture and murder committed by these so called non-lethal weapons. just part of the problem is how LRAD and I believe V2K are designated as hailing devises but when brought together with active and passive millimeter wave surveillance they become a weapons system that can be used for psychological torture, a lie detector or even to cause a forced suicide. That is the reality these are designated as non-lethal alone but together they are the most advanced weapons system going. I suppose a lead bullet is harmless until it is attached to a cartridge with gun powder and put in a gun.I just taped Obama talking about court cases not being heard because of "National security issues". It seemed like they were talking about issues like ours, he seemed concerned and agitated over the problem. He says they are trying to find ways around this that won't compromise state secrets. He mentioned portions of the case might be discussed in the back chambers so as to not expose state secrets to the general public and the world. I hope he can do something, I'm sure we have brought our issues to Obama and people who already know of these weapons and know of the suffering and deaths they have caused us.Ask yourself why this reporter asked this question without getting specific. They discussed blocking unknown cases, for National Security reasons. Then ask yourself what cases? How does this reporter know all this and he and Obama have this discussion about what would be hypothetical court cases blocked over national security concerns and what might be done about it. Are they trying to publish what we send them?. Keep calling, writing and posting, that is all we can do.You will not get an official response but I have had a conference call with the NIJ(National Institute of Justice). They called me after I told them of how non-lethal weapons were used in an attempt to kill me. It is there job to test and approve these weapons for law enforcement. So they know, they definitely know, they monitor our groups and they know what evidence I have and that we are for real.I can only assume they are working on it. My attacks have stopped. Nothing stays secret for ever and with so many abuses and sick testing in some cases I can only suggest we continue our efforts where ever and when ever we can.Let's hope the decent people in government are willing and capable of defeating the corrupt, sick out of control ones who have no problem with what we go through. It is that battle that will determine the fate of us and people around the world.Peter Rosenholm
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My letter to ICC as John Finch has proposed to do in following message i also added the list of names below and the case summuries , Greets Monika ps thanks to Dannie for checking out my text on spelling and English In case you want to support this message but dont know what to write precesely , just copy the letter and use the reference too , put the contacts of the mailteam below like it is in the letter and TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE AND FROM WERE WHEN YOU WERE TARGETED FIRST TIME CONSIOUSLY AND THAT YOU SUPPORT THE DEMAND FOR AN INVESTIGATION , EASY AND SIMPEL , greets Monika ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Monika Stoces Date: 2009/4/30 Subject: surprising overlaps in patterns and symptoms between the TI’s rapports of mind weapon abuse, and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, Morgellons desease a U.S. a sudden increase of suicides in middle aged people To:, M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 DEAR M.P. DILLON We would like to draw your attention to a a very serious but not yet well known situation of silent crimes against humanity. There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding this, The phenomenon of people who report some type of remote attack or manipulation by what they call directed energy or neurological weapons, mind manipulating technology or electronic harassment emerged during the cold war and visibly increased in late 1990’s. But in the year 2000, an unexplainable and dramatic increase in incidence of these complaints occurred. These reports are coming from every continent all around the globe and the similarities of testimonies and exponential increase point to a GLOBAL problem. This group of individuals, who report this problem, call themselves “Targeted Individuals” shortened to TI’s, or "mind control victims". There are surprising overlaps in patterns and symptoms between the TI’s and chronic fatigue Fibromyalgia, a U.S. public health mystery of a sudden increase of suicides in middle aged people that started at the beginning of this decade. Another unexplained global phenomena like the debilitating and bizarre condition first mentioned in medical reports as PGAS, the not yet understood disease named Morgellons that also first became public around the same period which seems to have the very same kind of global increase, and also it was previously dismissed as a delusion because it was not understood until finally in 2008 an investigation was launched because of the growing list of patients worldwide with symptoms and lab results showing it was much more than just a delusion. The complaints about mind manipulating weapons are in the same way treated as mental illness, and are therefore not monitored officially and remain “invisible” in any kind of statistical results. The sensational symptoms like telepathic experiences and embarrassing sexual electronic sensations, draw the attention away from the much longer list of health problems like autoimmunity disturbances, permanent fatigue, muscle pain that remind of Fibromyalgia, a significant high number of thyroid gland disorders, headaches and neurological symptoms and measurable reactions of post traumatic stress disorder. Hardly any outsider is aware of the simultaneously occurring problems with electronic devices and communication like computers or even car electronics. The consequences of their ignorance is that observers have no idea of the scale of this and don’t recognize the reports as part of the same issue and keep classifying them as individual cases, imaginations or superstitions, paranoid conspiracy theories or just mental illness. At the same time already a statistical investigation by any official body would show this problem is much different from just one of coincidental internet delusions. Reports of TI's mainly include the following 3 things. A -Most TI's report the physical and mental symptoms they experience from the moment they consciously experience the technology affecting them. B -Most TI's report interception of mail, interception and alteration of telecommunications, telephone and internet communications and malfunctions of all types of electronic and electrical devices . C -Most TI's experience organized stalking, which they explain in different ways and that in most cases starts earlier than the typical symptoms and physical sensations referred to as electronic harassment. These three things (nearly) always go together and the number of new people reporting this had a sudden increase in 2000, continuing to the present. This should at least raise the question of how the complaints cannot be related. Meanwhile there have been many warnings by scientists in the fields of the emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and nanotechnology, about the possible dangers related to these technologies and mentioned by many as one of future risk and even possible human extinction scenarios. Predictions of emerging technological super intelligence or self organizing nanotechnology mention the fact that it would not be necessarily bound to any physical body or would not even be recognized as such because of our limited human nature in comparison with it and not necessarily have goals consistent with the benefit of humanity. A huge part of military research into these technologies as advanced technological weapons has been done secretly by several superpowers as a part of the weapons race and still remains classified. The past has shown that historically important disruptive changes, referred to as low probability but high impact events are always a totally unexpected surprise to the world and pose severe consequences for humanity. In foresight, research of these kinds of disruptive events are called Wild Cards, or Black Swan events and emerging technological surprises often are named as a possible cause. Also the evolution of science has a similar nature of sudden surprising changes and was named by Thomas Kuhn as a “Paradigm Shift”. Human nature seems to have a natural blindness to gradual changes. The increased knowledge of these mechanisms should prevent ignoring the signs of possible emerging risks (mistakes humanity made previously in history). The serious threat emerging technologies are posing, the numerous warnings from AI experts on this matter, combined with the striking increase of people asking for recognition because they are targeted with technology interfacing with their mind and body and access to electronic systems of any kind should be a justified reason for an urgent and serious investigation into this internationally. Many people from all around the world are asking, “Please help us, help us, please give this problem the attention it deserves and investigate this situation in order to provide possible answers to the large scale suffering of many who are suspecting that they are guinea pigs in non-consensual human experimentation and who are feeling like a hostage of the silently emerging information war against humanity. Not recognized, not helped and dismissed as being mentally ill and put in a position to be subjected to unjustified, unrelenting and inhumane torture. These groups of brave individuals who have gone public are just the tip of the iceberg and represent a much larger group of people that keep silent in fear of being tortured extensively and marginalized by friends and family and of jeopardizing their livelihood. Many are waiting for the miracle that someone will appear who can expose the horror and injustices that are occurring globally. That some event will take place to ease their pain and suffering and allow them to return to the normal life that they had prior to becoming TI’s prior to becoming aware of the insanity and evilness that is allowed to destroy and disrupt innocent human being. Our mission is to strive to terminate this silent epidemic, to generate the requisite attention deserving of the atrocities that are occurring globally infringing on the human rights, the health and the security of all of us. We are asking the United Nations, the World Health Organization and political leader’s to investigate this problem and reveal the nature of it in a way that does not rely on any assumptions, prejudices, or values of any particular individuals who investigates. Ocourse the nature of the problem without any doubt can be defined as crimes against humanity, war crimes., crimes against peace, and violations of the most fundamental human rights on large scale, even if its is not yet known or recognized as such. Therefor are asking your help in this matter to help us to get an investigation of the situation officially so that the global nature and alarming increase can become clearly visible and reveal how serious this matter really is . In my own name and that of many others and the world wide movement against abuse of mind manipulating technology and nonconsentual human experimentation , and the Federation Against Mind Control of Europe I do demand your attention and help , for this highly underestimated and unknown problem. Monika Stoces Oudemansstraat 22 2000 Antwerpen Belgium -- In The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called "paradigm shifts" , in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed. In general, science is broken up into three distinct stages. Prescience, which lacks a central paradigm, comes first. This is followed by "normal science", when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by "puzzle-solving". Thus, the failure of a result to conform to the paradigm is seen not as refuting the paradigm, but as the mistake of the researcher. As anomalous results build up, science reaches a crisis, at which point a new paradigm, which subsumes the old results along with the anomalous results into one framework, is accepted. This is termed revolutionary science. Our International Mailteam General CONTACT MC Mail Team Members (part of the world wide movement) AUSTRALIA: John Finch 00 61 4 2400 9627 CHINA: Soleil Mavis Main Blog: BELGIUM: Monika Stoces 00 32 (0)3 288 83 20 Federation Against Mind Control Europe Friends Network USA_OHIO: Derrick Robinson 00 1 513337 9632 FCHHS CANADA: Mostafa Hosny Rule of Law Defenders www.hosnyinfo.comv Our (very, very partial) LIST OF VICTIMS OF DIRECTED ENERGY & NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS:- ect ect ...............
Read more… TAKE ACTION ON Help Stop the Iranian Nuclear Threat TAKE ACTION ON SIGN OUR THANK YOU LETTER TO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS ARRESTED AT DARFUR PROTESTS TAKE ACTION ON Cigarette Tax Conferees are Meeting on Tuesday! TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Hold Wall Street CEOs Accountable TAKE ACTION ON Lift the Cuba Travel Ban TAKE ACTION ON Tell President Obama: We need a non-partisan inquiry to make sure we don't repeat past mistakes TAKE ACTION ON This Thursday, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will go before the Senate Appropriations Committee and make the case for an additional $83 billion in supplemental war funding. Call your Senators immediately and urge them to ask Secretaries Gates and Clinton the imperative questions about costs, military escalation, the dire situation in Pakistan, and more. TAKE ACTION ON Tell Senate to Support Fair Pay TAKE ACTION ON Time To Make Your Voice Heard on Electronic Medical Records—When Security is Breached, What Happens TAKE ACTION ON Senate Judiciary Subcommittee to Consider Amnesty ThursdayCall Your Senators NOW! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Letter to Congress - Cosponsor the Healthy Families Act TAKE ACTION ON Congratulate 2009 Youth Advocate of the Year Award Winners TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Senators to Support the Paycheck Fairness Act TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Ask Obama a Tough Question on Torture TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Millions of civilians deprived of aid by the Sudanese government TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Demand Accountability for Torture!Tell Attorney General Holder to Appoint an Independent Prosecutor TAKE ACTION ON May 9 is the deadline to roll back Bush regulations on endangered species TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Oppose fast track of healthcare reform! TAKE ACTION ON The public wants real reform 365 days a year. Please let the Democratic Party committees know that we aren't fooled by fake gestures. TAKE ACTION ON Oppose fast track of healthcare reform! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON EPA Finds Global Warming a Clear Threat to Public Health TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell your Senators: end the partisan attacks on Sebelius TAKE ACTION ON Nominate an Ocean Hero TAKE ACTION ON Tell Your Congressional Representatives to Support a Nuclear Weapons-Free World TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Pass the Budget TAKE ACTION ON Tell Interior Secretary Salazar to reverse Bush administration attacks on endangered species TAKE ACTION ONPartners of ConscienceThank you for your interest in joining the Partners of Conscience, Amnesty International's monthly giving program. Your dedicated monthly gift will help provide Amnesty International with the steady, reliable support we so urgently need to protect Human Rights and save lives.Sustain the fight for accountability on tortureHelp support our fight over the long haul to hold accountable those behind the failed Bush counter-terrorism policies that led to torture. Make a pledge today to join Partners of Conscience, Amnesty International’s monthly giving program.Your monthly gift will help continue our vital efforts to defend human rights and uphold human dignity wherever they are threatened around the world.Sustain the fight for accountability on torture TAKE ACTION ON It's time to end forced arbitration. Companies must stop taking advantage of Americans and must be held accountable. TAKE ACTION ON Welcome to the Webby People's Voice voting site, where you can voice your opinions on the best of the Net. Vote for your favorites from five nominees in Web and Mobile Sites, Interactive Advertising and Online Film & Video. Register now or login below! TAKE ACTION ON Invest in Women: Increase Funding for International Family Planning TAKE ACTION ON Environmental responsibility is everyone’s responsibility. Today, instead of having only 17 thousand EPA employees working to protect the environment, we now have over 300 million Americans as environmental partners making environmentally protective choices. By equipping this growing army of environmental stewards with the tools they need to meet today’s challenges, EPA is helping America shift into a green culture. TAKE ACTION ON For over 7 years the U.S. government has bombarded the Afghan people with nightly bombings and a military state. We cannot stop terrorism with terrorism. The only solution for Afghanistan is a diplomatic one. We need to step up our humanitarian efforts and invest in the peaceful future of this important country. TAKE ACTION ON Letter to Eric Holder: Appoint a Special Prosecutor for Torturers TAKE ACTION ON DOL Secretary Solis Must Protect Whistleblowers Now! TAKE ACTION ON It's time to end forced arbitration. Companies must stop taking advantage of Americans and must be held accountable. TAKE ACTION ON Ports' Clean Truck Promise, Ports' Clean Trucks Promise TAKE ACTION ON Tell the truth about torture through an independent commission TAKE ACTION ON Please co-sponsor the Eliminating Disparities in Diabetes Prevention Access & Care Act. TAKE ACTION ON Impeach Judge Jay Bybee TAKE ACTION ON SB789 Passes CA State Senate on Lobby Day. Take the next step. TAKE ACTION ON End Sexual Violence against Native American and Alaska Native Women TAKE ACTION ON Two Weeks to Save the Endangered Species Act TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Stop Mercury Pollution from Chlorine Plants TAKE ACTION ON Save lives by saving land: Sign the pledge TAKE ACTION ON Support the American Clean Energy and Security Act TAKE ACTION ON Dismantle the Drug War - Support Sentencing Reform TAKE ACTION ON Join Jeff Corwin to Help Save Wildlife Threatened by Global Warming TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Keep Nuclear Power out of Senate Energy Bill TAKE ACTION ON Ask them to sign on to the Lincoln-Roberts Dear Colleague TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Unions save lives TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Prevent South Sudan’s Collapse TAKE ACTION ON Support Long-Term Services and Supports in Health Reform TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Support the American Clean Energy and Security Act TAKE ACTION ON China: Release Tibet's Panchen Lama TAKE ACTION ON Stop Climate Change and Improve the Lives of the World's Poorest TAKE ACTION ON Tell Your Senators to Confirm Kathleen Sebelius for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) TAKE ACTION ON Help Reignite the "War on Cancer" TAKE ACTION ON Dismantle the Drug War - Support Sentencing Reform
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The perpetrators of this crime against us have been profiting from our untimely deaths for almost 20 years.Monies from various sources have been put aside in our name. These include:- Court Ordered Judgments- Fabricated Letters of Agreement (supposing willful participation in various programs)- Settlements- Life InsuranceYears ago when an ending to this atrocity was first funded by all Countries, the perpetrators denied knowing our identities. They also indicated that the number of victims were greater than there were at the time. An arrangement was made to pay the victims as they were identified, and a Fund established to hold these monies, "Ronald McDonald House Charities Fund, UK". (More of us were implanted with "radio teeth" in 1999 after this technology was already outlawed... white enamel finished crowns, radio active on the inside... these can easily be identified on an x-ray... a white halo will emanate from them, and often times the gum's around them will recede.)If we identified ourselves (and we all have more than once) we should have been paid something substantial and our implants should have been removed. Instead, the perpetrators have been perfecting their ability to control, manipulate and impede our communications. They, over many years found ways to disguise their purpose and intent and increase our value to them dead. They have tortured us, ritually abused us, destructively manipulated our life's and the life's of our loved ones, and lethally engaged us. They purposefully recklessly endanger our life's and continue to fabricate allegations of wrong doing against us.They have controlled the media in order to discredit our testimonies. They even illegally and illicitly flagged us as "enemy combatants" in order to impede justice and prevent or deter other organizations and agencies from coming to our aid. This has resulted in our rights as guaranteed by the Constitutions and Charters of our respect Countries and our inalienable rights being denied to us.Their intend is and has always been to shorten our lives by extraordinary means. Have our deaths appear to have been from suicide, or natural causes like an illness or an accident. They then send in our death certificates with evidence indicating we were implant victims; and having listed themselves as beneficiaries, collect all monies that were put aside for us. They have done this also with other settlements that have been issued in our names through the use of charitable sounding organizations like the following Eugenic Society organizations: International Planned Parenthood Federation, UK, Society for the Study of Social Biology, USA and For Kids Sake, CAN.It is very important for all Targeted Individuals to understand this crime being committed against us so that we can stop them. And to deter their continued attacks and prevent them from profiting from our death, to establish a Will and designate primary and alternate beneficiaries.
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25 Apr 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Write to X zone Radio and TV show To view tonight broadcast schedule with interactive links visit For your Daily Horoscope by Lady Elaine visit To view The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper NEW Website visit To view the REL-MAR McConnell media Company NEW Website visit The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is available at iTunes at Rob McConnell Executive Producer. REL-MAR McConnell Media Company Radio – Television – Satellite Publishing – Internet www.rel-mar. com The ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV Show The ‘X’ Chronicles Newspaper Hamilton, Ontario , Ca nada. Office: (905) 575-5916 Studio: 1-877-528-8255 Skype: xzoneradiotv MSN: talkstarradio@hotmail. com Toll Free: 1-800-610-7035 (2) Please sign the following petition No Amnesty for Torturers I) No Amnesty for Torturers On April 16, President Obama said he would not prosecute CIA agents who engaged in torture, because George Bush's lawyers told them it was "legal." President Obama also said Attorney General Eric Holder would use taxpayer dollars to defend torturers against lawsuits by torture victims, and to pay all judgments if they lost. These decisions are intolerable and unacceptable. Torture is utterly immoral and un-American. It produced absolutely no useful intelligence. It recruited terrorists responsible for at least half the U.S. deaths in Iraq. And it endangered every U.S. soldier who may be captured in the future. And torture is absolutely illegal. The U.S. ratified the United Nations Convention Against Torture, which prohibits torture and requires prosecution of torturers. In 1947, the U.S. prosecuted a Japanese officer for waterboarding. No lawyer can "legalize" what is illegal. Congress must take the following actions: 1. Demand the appointment of a Special Prosecutor by Attorney General Eric Holder for torture, warrantless wiretapping, and other heinous crimes of the Bush Administration. (Thanks to Rep. Jerrold Nadler for leading the way!) 2. Prohibit the use of any taxpayer dollars to defend government officials who committed such crimes against lawsuits, or to pay for judgments against them. 3. Impeach Judge Jay Bybee, the torture memo author who serves on the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in California. 4. Protect human rights by restoring Habeas Corpus and the Fourth Amendment (search and seizure), including repeal of the Orwellian-named Protect America Act, U.S.A. Patriot Act, the FISA Amendments, and Military Commissions Act. 5. End secret government by prohibiting use of "State Secrets," "Sovereign Immunity" and "Signing Statements." As my representative in Congress, I urge you to act immediately. II) TELL PELOSI: SUPPORT THE INVESTIGATIONS & PUT PROSECUTION ON THE TABLE! Nancy Pelosi says she didn't know that Bush Administration was torturing. Now that she knows she has the responsibility to use her power and lead Congress to do the right thing! It is time to expose the torture and abuse committed in our name and hold perpetrators accountable. Sign our letter to Pelosi below: III) Sign the ACLU petition calling on Attorney General Holder to appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate high-level involvement in torture. IV) Please take the survey from ACLU, it only need few minutes V) Please sign the petition Waterboarding. Slamming into walls. Excruciating physical positions. The United States tortured detainees after September 11, 2001. Make sure this does not happen again. Call on the President to create a non-partisan commission to investigate the torture and abuse of detainees. Help protect America’s national security and re-establish its standing in the world. (3) Meeting in Germany I will meeting with some new faces and protesting non-lethal weapons at a conference at Ettingen, Germany. I will be happy to see any of you who may stop by on May 11, 12 and part of 13. There is an annual event in Ettingen to propagate interest in new torture weapons, so we will be there to propagate the TRUTH. Harlan G. ( (4)Join Demo on Jun in Europe Mind Control Victims pacific demonstration at the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe will take place on June 22 and 23, 2009. On June 22 at the European Court of Human Rights, Allée des Droits de l'Homme (from 9.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m) and on June 23 at the Council of Europe (9.30 a.m - 5.30 p.m). We wish to demonstrate against the criminal use of electromagnetic and neurological weapons for the purpose of Nazi-like experiments on innocent citizens and we demand a law at European level that prohibits the manufacture, the possession, the transport, the trade and the utilization of such weapons. We thus dare to hope that you will be able to attend at least one of the two events to support our action, even by a brief act of presence . More information: (5) Please keep writing to Mr. Obama (6) Legal tips to Ti's as follows: The coming end to your imprisonment is at hand! 1.) Our complaint was given a hearing date. 2.) The complaint was similar to the complaint entered in 2006 that was dismissed with prejudice by affirmation of the appeals court, it was some 90 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits. 3.) The current complaint was entered on the 23 of March and the defendants federal government asked for dismissal citing the previous complaint as similar and included an exhibit of the previous complaint dismissal. 4.) The court refused the dismissal request of federal government defendants. 5.) The complaint is 140 pages long with 1100 pages of exhibits. 6.) The case will win. The defendants will loose as a result their allowance to weight what they have done to all of us as unconstitutional. 7.) Never take for granted a person whom claims they are an authority in anything. Those who continue and try to right wrongs will find they can accomplish what they have be told was impossible. 8.) Before you attempt to try this on your own, remember I went to the school of hard knocks for 9 years and it took all of that time and 1/2 a million dollars to learn what technique would effect the goal many said was impossible of attaining a hearing in the case. We have a more work ahead but the issue is that we will overcome those obstacles too. 9.) In a week or so on we will put up some information explaining the process of how our circumstance was used formulate a complaint and how that as a matter of theory can be used in all future complaints. It is assumed that there will be a need for a complaint to be filed by all of those affected, despite the anticipation that the laws will change after our complaint wins. That would be cause there are so many laws we have found that could be active either alone or together on a person. It is likely as government has in the past make new other sinister laws to allow the psychotic few who admire such ill use of their official post to do such as we have experienced in this nightmare. 10.) As the exposure and defeat of unconstitutional actions comes about; I would ask that even when this is brought to a complete stop that you endeavor to increase your activism and actions in exposing abuse and warn the world such as this generation has experienced should never be allowed to occur again. 11.) There is a lot of work to do, we will in the near future in say 2 weeks begin a workshop to indicate from experience the summation of the methods and strategies needed to bring your nightmare to an end too. Sincerely Yours John Mecca and Deborah Lamb
Read more… Forgive them for what they have done.. especially Patrick Anquetil's.. for he knew what he was doing had sinister purpose..Forgive these people.. for they did not know the extent of the torture and murder from their research... Naam Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchRamez Naam is a professional technologist who was involved in the development of widely-used software products such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook. He was the CEO of Apex Nanotechnologies, a company involved in developing nanotechnology research software before returning to Microsoft. He currently holds a seat on the advisory board of the Institute for Accelerating Change, is a member of the World Future Society, a Senior Associate of the Foresight Institute, and a fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.[1][2] is the author of More Than Human: Embracing the promise of biological enhancement, which offers a tour of new technologies and makes a case for embracing human enhancement, showing readers how new technologies are powerful new tools in humanity’s quest to improve ourselves, our offspring and our world.He is also the recipient of the 2005 HG Wells Award for Contributions to Transhumanism, awarded by the World Transhumanist Association.[3][edit] References

But.. the man behind the evil is:

Rodolfo LlinásFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchRodolfo LlinásBorn 1934Bogotá, ColombiaResidence New York City, New York, United StatesCitizenship AmericanFields NeuroscienceInstitutions NYU School of MedicineAlma mater Universidad Javeriana and Australian National UniversityKnown for Physiology of the cerebellum, the thalamus, Thalamocortical dysrhythmia as well as for his pioneering work on the inferior olive, on the squid giant synapse and on human magnetoencephalography (MEG)NeuropsychologyTopicsBrain-computer interfaceTraumatic brain injuryBrain regions · Clinical neuropsychologyCognitive neuroscience · Human brainNeuroanatomy · NeurophysiologyPhrenology · MisconceptionsBrain functionsArousal · Attention · ConsciousnessDecision making · Executive functionsNatural language · Learning · MemoryMotor coordination · Sensory perceptionPlanning · Problem solving · ThoughtPeopleArthur L. Benton · David BohmAntónio Damásio · Phineas GageNorman Geschwind · Elkhonon GoldbergPatricia Goldman Rakic · Pasko RakicDonald O. Hebb · Kenneth HeilmanEdith Kaplan · Muriel LezakBenjamin Libet · Rodolfo LlinásAlexander Luria · Brenda MilnerKarl H. Pribram · Oliver SacksRoger W. Sperry · H. M. · K. C.TestsBender-Gestalt TestBenton Visual Retention TestClinical Dementia RatingContinuous Performance TaskGlasgow Coma ScaleHayling and Brixton testsJohari window · Lexical decision taskMini-mental state examinationStroop effectWechsler Adult Intelligence ScaleWisconsin card sortingMind and Brain Portalv • d • eRodolfo R. Llinás (b. Bogotá, Colombia in 1934) is the Thomas and Suzanne Murphy Professor of Neuroscience and Chairman of the department of Physiology & Neuroscience at the NYU School of Medicine. He went to the Gimnasio Moderno school and received his MD from the Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá in 1959 and his PhD in 1965 from the Australian National University working under Sir John Eccles. Professor Llinás has published over 400 scientific articles.Contents[hide]* 1 Work* 2 Memberships* 3 Contributions* 4 Selected bibliography* 5 Newspaper articles* 6 External links[edit] WorkHe is especially known for his work on the physiology of the cerebellum, the thalamus, Thalamocortical dysrhythmia as well as for his pioneering work on the inferior olive, on the squid giant synapse and on human magnetoencephalography (MEG).[edit] MembershipsLlinas is a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences (1986) the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1996) American Philosophical Society (1996) the Real Academia Nacional de Medicina (Spain) (1996) and the French Academy of Science (2002). Dr. Llinás has received Honorary Degrees from the following universities:* Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) (1985)* Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) (1993)* National University of Colombia (1994)* Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain (1997)* Universidad de los Andes,(1998), Colombia* Toyama University, Toyama, Japan (2005)* University of Pavia, Italy (2006)Resumeby Patrick AnquetilClick here for PDF versionPatrick A. T. ANQUETIL, Ph.D.Address: MIT Room 3-14777 Massachusetts AvenueCAMBRIDGE, MA 02139 - U.S.A.Telephone: +1-617-258-8628e-mail : patanq(at)mit.eduwww: - Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA.Advisor: Professor Ian Hunter at the BioInstrumentation Laboratory – a pioneer in nanotechnology.Thesis on the development and characterization of novel artificial muscle materials based on nanostructured, shape changing conducting polymer molecules. Minor in Business Administration, including technology and competitive strategy class taken at Harvard Business School together with MIT Media Lab (Spring 2001).1993-1998 - M.Sc. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH ZURICH), Switzerland.Advisors: Professor Andreas Stemmer (ETH) and Professor Tomomasa Sato (The University of Tokyo).Thesis on the development of high resolution force sensors for nanomanipulation written at The University of Tokyo (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology – Research conducted from Oct. 97 to Mar. 98) and sponsored by the Hubert Kudlich Fund. Major in Robotics, minor in Business Management and Economics.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEJan. 99-Present - MIT Bio-Instrumentation Laboratory (MIT), Cambridge MA, USAPostdoctoral Associate since October 2004Graduate Research Assistant prior to October 2004Head of the Conducting Polymer research group. Synthesized and characterized large contraction conducting polymer-based molecular muscles. Supervised undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. theses. Built high-throughput optical instrumentation for drug discovery, including a Raman spectrometer in collaboration with Novartis AG. Responsible for materials testing instrumentation (AFM, DMA, DSC, etc.). Chemistry lab manager, computer systems administrator (60+ networked computers, incl. file servers, firewall, Wi-Fi wireless network access). Extensive experience in writing grants and acquiring new sources of funding.May 04-May 06 - Susquehanna International Group (SIG), Boston, MA, USASenior Financial Analyst. Expert in nanotechnology investments and commercialization. Responsible for developing SIG’s coverage of the nanotechnology industry, including authoring industry reports and marketing research to SIG’s clients. NASD Series 7, 86, 87, and 63 licensed equities research analyst. Also performed due diligence on prospective companies for SIG’s investment banking division under tight deadlines.Oct. – Dec. 98 - Post Master’s The University of Tokyo, JAPANAwarded a three-month, full scholarship by the Japanese Government, to continue research work on Nanotechnology at Professor Tomomasa SATO’s Intelligent Cooperative Systems Laboratory at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST).Mar.-Oct. 98 - ETH Zurich, Student’s Computer Center, SWITZERLANDSystems administrator on Windows NT Server and Workstation platform.Apr.-July 97 - Institute for Business Management + Institute for Textile Machinery, ETH Zurich, SWITZERLANDResearch project on “Profitability of production plant for fabrics with the revolutionary Sulzer weaving machine M8300” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Urs MEYER.Feb.-May 97 - Institute for Technology Management, ETH Zurich, SWITZERLANDResearch on “the role of the Japanese Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) - Japan’s way of managing technology at country level” under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hugo TSCHIRKY.Oct.-Feb. 97 - Institute for Robotics (IFR), ETH Zurich, SWITZERLANDResearch project at IFR laboratory on “Flexible structures for micropositioning”.Feb.-April 96 - ABB Flexible Automation AG, Zurich, SWITZERLANDInternship in Robotics-Engineering. Member of the research team working on the integration of the ABB vision system in a new robot controller, including tests. Developed new mechanical structures for the ABB robots. Several of my designs and recommendations were implemented.Oct.95-July 96 - Institute for Machine Design (IKB), ETH Zurich, SWITZERLANDResearch, as a spare-time occupation, on the possibility of simultaneous utilization of piezo ceramics as sensor and actuator for active structure control.May - July 93 - SULZER AG, Winterthur, SWITZERLANDTechnical internship as part of the ETH undergraduate engineer training scheme.August 92 - BARMAG AG, Remscheid-Lennep, GERMANYBasic manual internship.HONORS AND AWARDS* 2006 - Listed in the 2007 edition of the Who’s Who in America directory, to be published in Nov. 2006.* 2004 - Semi-finalist MIT 50k entrepreneurship competition. Founder of Universal Muscle a company dedicated to commercialize artificial muscle technology.* 2004 - Invited to the MIT-BASF Workshop on Nanotechnology in Ludwigshafen, Germany – declined.* 2003 - Awarded a $30,000 grant from the Microsoft / MIT iCampus Alliance for the iLabNoteBook project, an experiment to use tablet PCs as electronic laboratory notebooks.* 1998 - Awarded a full scholarship from the Japanese government (Mambusho) to pursue post graduate work at the University of Tokyo, Japan.* 1997 - Awarded a scholarship from the Hubert Kudlich Fund (Switzerland) to study at the University of Tokyo, Japan.* 1996 - Winner of the Swiss smartROB championships. An annual competition of mobile robots at ETH Zurich. Leader ofthe winning teamPATENTS1. Mar. 2003 - Anquetil Patrick A., Hunter Ian W., Madden John D., Madden Peter G., Pullen Anthony E, Swager Timothy M., Yu Hsiao-hua, Xu Bing, “Molecular Actuators”, U.S. Patent pending (Application No. 10/392,354).REFEREED PUBLICATIONS1. 1. Anquetil P.A., Madden J.D., Yu H.-h., Swager T.M., Hunter I.W., “Biologically Inspired Large Contraction Conducting Polymer Actuators”, 2006 to appear in the Handbook of Organic Electronics and Photonics edited by Nalwa H.S.2. Madden J.D., Rinderknecht D., Anquetil P.A., Hunter I.W., “Creep and Cycle Life in Polypyrrole Actuators”, Sensors and Actuators A, 2006, accepted for publication.3. Madden J.D., Barisci J.N., Anquetil P.A., Spinks G.M., Wallace G.G., Baughman R.H., Hunter I.W., “Fast Carbon Nanotube Charging and Actuation”, Advanced Materials 18, 870-873, 2006.4. Llinas R.R., Walton, K. D., Nakao M., Hunter I.W., Anquetil P.A., “Neuro-vascular central nervous recording/stimulating system: using nanotechnology probes”, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 7, 111-127, 2005.5. Madden J.D., Vandesteeg N.A., Anquetil P.A., Madden P.G., Takshi A., Pytel R.Z., Lafontaine S.R., Wieringa P.A., Hunter I.W., “Artificial Muscle Technology: Physical Principles and Naval Prospects”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 706-728, July 2004.6. Madden P.G., Madden J.D., Anquetil P.A., Vandesteeg N.A., Hunter I.W., “The Relation of Conducting Polymer Actuator Material Properties to Performance”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Vol. 29, Issue 3, pp. 696-705, July 2004.7. Anquetil P.A., Brenan C.J., Marcolli C., Hunter I.W., “Laser Raman Spectroscopic Analysis of Polymorphic Forms in Microliter Fluid Volumes”, The Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Vol. 92, Issue 1, pp. 149-160, 2003.PUBLICATIONS IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS1. Anquetil P.A., Rinderknecht D., Vandesteeg N.A., Madden, J.D., Hunter I.W., “Large Strain Actuation in Polypyrrole Actuators”, Smart Structures and Materials 2004: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, edited by Y. Bar-Cohen, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5385, p. 380, 2004.2. Vandesteeg N., Madden P.G., Madden J.D., Anquetil P.A., Hunter Ian W., “Synthesis and Characterization of EDOT-based Conducting Polymer Actuators”, Smart Structures and Materials 2004: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, edited by Y. Bar-Cohen, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5385, p. 182, 2004.3. Anquetil P.A., Yu H.-h., Madden, J.D., Swager T.M. Hunter I.W., “Recent Advances in Thiophene Based Molecular Actuators”, Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, edited by Y. Bar-Cohen, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5051, p. 42, 2003.4. Vandesteeg N., Madden P.G., Madden J.D., Anquetil P.A., Hunter I.W., “Synthesis and Characterization of EDOT-based Conducting Polymer Actuators”, Smart Structures and Materials 2003: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, edited by Y. Bar-Cohen, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5051, p. 349, 2003.5. Bowers T.A., Anquetil P.A., Hunter I.W., Hogan N., “Analysis and Modeling of Electro-Mechanical Coupling in an Electroactive Polymer-Based Actuator”, MRS Proceedings, Volume 785, 2003.6. Anquetil P.A., Yu H.-h., Madden J.D., Madden P.G., Rinderknecht D., Swager T.M., Hunter, I.W., “Characterization of novel thiophene-based molecular actuators”, First World Congress on Biomimetics and Artificial Muscles, Albuquerque, NM, USA, Dec. 9-11, 2002.7. Anquetil P.A., Yu H.-h., Madden J.D., Madden P.G., Swager T.M., Hunter I.W., “Thiophene Based Molecular Actuators”, Smart Structures and Materials 2002: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices, edited by Y. Bar-Cohen, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 4695, pp. 424-434, March 18-21, 2002.[pdf]8. Madden J.D., Madden P.G., Anquetil P.A. and Hunter I.W., “Load and Time Dependence of Displacement in a Conducting Polymer actuator”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 26-30, 2001.9. Madden P.G., Madden J.D, Anquetil P.A., Hunter I.W., “Parallel Electrochemical Methods to Accelerate Material Discovery and Optimization”, Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Nov. 26-30, 2001.10. Madden P.G., Madden J.D., Anquetil P.A., Yu, H.-h., Swager T.M., Hunter I.W., “Conducting Polymers as Building Blocks for Biomimetic Systems”, 2001 UUST Bio-Robotics Symposium, The University of New Hampshire, Aug. 27 - 29, 2001. [pdf]11. Madden J.D., Anquetil P.A., Madden P.G., Yu, H.-h., Swager T.M., Hunter I.W., “Efficiency of polypyrrole and calixarene bithiophene actuators”, Electroactive Polymers and Biosystems: New Directions in Electroactive Polymer Materials for Biomimetic and Interactive Processes, University of Pisa, Lucca, Italy, July 30-Aug. 3, 2001.12. Anquetil P.A., Madden J.D., Madden P.G., Hunter I.W., “Conducting Polymer Molecular Muscles”, New Data & Research In Applications For Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine, The Knowledge Foundation, Cambridge, MA, Sept. 13-14, 2000.13. Madden J.D., Anquetil P.A., Madden P.G. and Hunter I.W., "Efficiency of polypyrrole actuators", Utilization of Electroactive Polymers, The Knowledge Foundation, Coronado, CA, Oct. 28-29, 1999.THESES CO-SUPERVISED1. June 2005 - S. Naomi Davidson, “Development of Conducting Polymer Based Biomimetic Muscles and Fabrication Techniques for an Artificial Pectoral Fish Fin”, MIT Master Thesis.2. June 2005 - Bryan Schmid, “Characterization of Macro-Length Conducting Polymers and the Development of a Conducting Polymer Rotary Motor”, MIT Master Thesis.3. June 2004 - Nicaulas Sabourin, “Artificial Muscle Technology Applied Towards Treating Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation Caused by Left Ventricular Remodeling, MIT Master Thesis.4. June 2004 - Angela Chen, “Electrodeposition of Conducting Polymer Fibers”, MIT Bachelor Thesis.5. June 2004 - Terry Gaige, “Continuous Production of Conducting Polymers”, MIT Bachelor Thesis.6. June 2004 - Vanessa Peña, “Design of a Biomimetic Pectoral Fin Joint in an Artificial Fish”, MIT Bachelor Thesis.7. April 2004 - Nick Powley, “A Device for Testing the Electronic and Mechanical Properties of Conducting Polymers with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy”, MIT Bachelor Thesis.8. June 2003 - Bryan Schmid, “Device Design and Mechanical Modeling of Conducting Polymer Actuators”, MIT Bachelor Thesis.9. Aug. 2002 - Marie-Eve Aubin, “Nanofabrication and Self-Assembly Techniques Towards Characterizing Single MoleculeConducting Polymer Actuators”, MIT/Ecole Polytechnique de Paris Scientific Traineeship. Awarded a specialdistinction prize by the dean of academic affairs at Ecole Polytechnique de Paris, France.10. July 2002 - Reed Oshel, “Characterization of Conducting Polymer Actuators utilizing Novel Ionic Liquids”, MIT Center forMaterials Science & Engineering Summer Internship Thesis.11. June 2002 - Derek Rinderknecht, “Design of a Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer for the Active Characterization of Conducting Polymer Actuators”, MIT Bachelor Thesis.12. Jan. 2002 - Marie-Maude De Denus Baillargeon, “Measurement of the Charge of a Single Mitochondria”, MIT/EcolePolytechnique de Montreal Bachelor Thesis.13. Aug. 2001 - Rachel Zimet, “Synthesis and Characterization of Conducting Polymer Composites”, MIT Center for MaterialsScience & Engineering Summer Internship Thesis.14. June 2001 - Elizabeth Ellington, “Simultaneous Visual and Electro-Cardiogram Measurements of Zebrafish Embryos”,MIT Bachelor Thesis.* Supervised seven additional undergraduate researchers at MIT (UROP) since 2001: Bryan Ruddy, Nikhil Shenoy, Cameron Sadegh, Sean Colbert-Kelly, Alexis DeSieno, Michael Nagel, and Jonathan Garcia.INVITED TALKS1. The Impact of Nano-Fabrication”, Indo-US Nanotech Conclave, Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), New Delhi, INDIA, February 22-23, 2006.2. “The Public Markets & Nanotech: What does Wall Street Want to See from Nano Companies Before Going Public”, IBF 5th Nanotech Investing Forum, Rancho Mirage, CA, February 1, 2006.3. “BioInstrumentation - the Creation of Novel Instruments, Medical Devices and Bio-inspired Systems”, CMC Microsystems Annual Symposium, Ottawa, CANADA, October 13, 2005.4. iDAT & iLabNotebook - Wireless Sensors and Electronic Lab Notebooks to Streamline Scientific Research”, Microsoft eScience annual symposium, Redmond, WA, October 6, 2005.PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS1. Anquetil P.A., Madden P.G. Swager T.M., and Hunter I.W.; “Conducting Polymers as Building Blocks for Biomimetic Systems”, First ACS/MRS/IEEE CPMT Organic Microelectronics Workshop, Newport, RI, July 10-13, 2005.2. Anquetil P.A., Vandesteeg N. Davidson S.N., and Hunter I.W.; “Characterization of Conducting Polymer Actuators in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids”, SPIE 12th annual symposium on Electroactive Materials and Structures, San Diego, CA, March 2005.3. Anquetil P.A., Yu H.-h., Swager T.M., and Hunter I.W.; “Large Contraction Polymer Actuators”, AMN-2: Second International Conference on Materials and Nanotechnology, Queenstown, New Zealand, February 6-11, 2005.4. Anquetil P.A., Schmid B., Davidson S.N., Swager T.M., Hunter I.W., “Conducting Polymer Exo-Muscle Demonstration –Presentation of Technology Developed at the ISN”, 24th Army Science Conference, Orlando, FL, Dec. 1, 2004.5. Anquetil P.A., Madden J.D., Rinderknecht D., Vandesteeg N., Hunter I.W.; “Large Strain Polypyrrole Actuators”; Talk, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec. 1-5, 2003.6. Zimet R., Anquetil P.A., Yu H.-h., Swager T.M., Hunter I.W.; “Synthesis of Poly-?-hydroxyether Doped Polypyrrole Actuators”; Poster, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA, Dec. 1-5, 2003.7. Yu H.-h., Anquetil P.A., Hunter I.W. and Swager T.M., “A Molecular Mechanical Approach Towards New Actuating Materials”, 224th American Chemical Society Meeting, Boston, MA, August 18-22, 2002.8. Anquetil P.A., Yu H.-h., Madden J.D., Madden P.G., Swager T.M. and Hunter I.W., “Molecular Actuators”, 2001 Materials Science Day, MIT Stratton Center, Cambridge, MA, 2001.9. Anquetil P.A., Lu H., “Cell Decision Processes – Area 3: Cellular Microanalytics”, DARPA Bio Info Micro (BIM) kickoff meeting, Hilton Washington Dulles Airport, November 2000.Five additional public talks, covered in the conference proceedings publication section.MEDIA COVERAGE1. Oct. 2005 - IEEE Spectrum, Jones W.D., “Polymer nanowires threaded through the bloodstream may be a practical way to enter the cranium”, Oct. 2005 - Research Chanel, “Streamlining Scientific Research via Electronic Laboratory Notebooks and Wireless Sensors”, July 2005 - National Science Foundation: “Nanowires in Blood Vessels May Help Monitor, Stimulate Neurons in the Brain”4. June 2005 - Interviewed on CNBC’s Wake-Up Call: “Nanotechnology Investment Strategy of Large Corporations”.5. Sept. 2004 - MIT Technology Review Insider Series, with Upland Productions: “Artificial Muscles”, Apr. 2004 - Boston Business Journal, "Muscular Plastics, Med Device vie for MIT $50K Prize", (Vol. 24, Issue 10).7. Mar. 2004 - Wired Magazine, Nadis S., “Plastic on Steroids - Artificial muscles pump up everything from military gear to drug delivery”. Available at: June 2003 - Women’s Wear Daily (Supplement), Gilbert D., “Putting the tech into textile”.9. Apr. 2003 - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, “Nanomedicine: the Future of Medicine and Medical Care”10. Feb. 2002 - MIT Technology Review, Cameron D., “Artificial Muscles Gain Strength”.11. Feb. 2002 - Swiss-up Magazine: Profile about my research activities in the U.S. Available in French and German at: to Patrick Anquetil's WebsiteFOREIGN LANGUAGES* French - Native Language* German - Bilingual, gained from living and studying in Germany and in Switzerland for more than six years.* English - Bilingual, TOEFL Score: 627 (August 21st, 1998). Living in the U.S. since Jan. 1999.* Japanese - Basic knowledge. Everyday practice during my nine-month stay at The University of Tokyo.COMPUTER EXPERIENCE* OS - Windows 2000, XP, UNIX, Solaris, Mac OS X.* Tools - Microsoft Office, MathCAD, Matlab, Maple, Pro-Engineer, Solid Works, CADAM, ANSYS, Dreamweaver.* Language - Visual Studio .NET, Visual Basic, C/C++, C#, Java, Pascal, Modula 2.* Internet - Passionate about information technology. Followed the Internet industry since 1994. Highly interested in the latest development of the WWW and e-commerce. System administrator of the MIT Bio-Instrumentation Lab (60+ networked computers, incl. file servers, firewall, Wi-Fi wireless network), web and graphic designer.EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES* Music - Eight-year study of solfeggio and flute-playing at Academy of Music Francis Poulenc, Paris (evening classes).Performed in Symphonic Orchestras.* Sports - Basketball, tennis, squash, roller-skating, mountain biking, skiing, soccer (captain of the MIT MechanicalEngineering Department Team during the Fall 2000 and 2001 season).* General - French gourmet cooking, Connoisseur of vintage wines (especially Bordeaux wines), Arts, literature, photographyand the movie industry, Executive Member of the Board of Rotaract Club Zurich (1996 – 1998). Elaboratedpartnership with IWATZ, Swiss Institution for handicappedLast Modified, October 16, 2006Copyright © 2006Copyright Notice: Journal reprints are protected by copyright. The journal articles available in PDF format may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited. 2005 - IEEE Spectrum, Jones W.D., “Polymer nanowires threadedthrough the bloodstream may be a practical way to enter the cranium”,
  • Oct. 2005 - Research Chanel, “Streamlining Scientific Research via Electronic Laboratory Notebooks and Wireless Sensors”,
  • July 2005 - National Science Foundation: “Nanowires in Blood Vessels May Help Monitor, Stimulate Neurons in the Brain”
  • June 2005 - Interviewed on CNBC’s Wake-Up Call: “NanotechnologyInvestment Strategy of Large Corporations”.
  • Sept. 2004 - MIT Technology Review Insider Series, with Upland Productions: “ArtificialMuscles”,
  • Apr. 2004 - Boston Business Journal, "Muscular Plastics, Med Device vie for MIT $50K Prize", (Vol. 24, Issue 10).
  • Mar. 2004 - Wired Magazine, Nadis S., “Plastic on Steroids - Artificialmuscles pump up everything from military gear to drug delivery”. Availableat:
  • June 2003 - Women’s Wear Daily (Supplement), Gilbert D., “Puttingthe tech into textile”.
  • Apr. 2003 - Ivanhoe Broadcast News, “Nanomedicine: the Future of Medicine and Medical Care”
  • Feb. 2002 - MIT Technology Review, Cameron D., “Artificial Muscles GainStrength”.
  • Feb. 2002 - Swiss-up Magazine: Profile about my research activities in the U.S. Available in French and German at:

Brian Ruddy

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The US Flag is not a False Flag. The US FLAG is REAL!

The US flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Real FLAG, REAL US/WORLD NEWS

Come join Myself and Chris Zucker on Freedom Fighters For America RADIO Friday and Saturday Nights at 9:00 PM Eastern Time http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.comRadio Show- Freedom Fighters for America and Manhattan Project Backstep- Download 36 Meg file and 43 MB file to hear very useful shielding and thougts to stop harrassmentShielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.A radio Show that looks at very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry and the US Dept of Defense as well as the FAA, NSA and private companies like Hitachi Corporation as well as private individuals for protection from unwanted, unwarrented, Illegal directed energy.http://www.ramayes.comFreedom Fighters for America (world) and Manhattan Project Bakcstep March 18th 2009 with Eric Evansthe link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Manhattan Project Backsep Radio Show May 21-2008 with Dave Case, Dale Wahl, Ron Angell, Helen Roedrig, Carolyn PalitHere is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of All on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com mind control technologies exposed

The US Flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Can you say the same? am a member of Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth. http://www.ae911truth.orgHere is my Profile particles in food, water, chemtrails in air have been introduced to ruin the world. and it must be recongnized now and reversed through education WORLDWIDE. "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg Mistake
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24 Apr 2009 Media Releases in 10 languages


Please publicise THESE WEAPONS AND CRIMES by sending these MEDIA RELEASES everywhere.


11. Japanese 日本語

12. Korean 한국의

13. Arabic



Thousands of people are asking for an international investigation of enormous human rights violations that are silently taking place worldwide at this moment.

In recent years the numbers of those crimes against humanity rose so much that we can openly speak about the civilian population being under attack.

This attack is committed with technology working invisibly at a distance, beyond the bounds of borders, and is at this moment being used against helpless and unsuspecting citizens.

The victims are constantly lobbying to report these crimes to government officials, human rights organizations, world leaders and the press. Mostly, they don't get answers because of a general lack of knowledge about the technology. Mental institutions may diagnose the victims as delusional. And complaints lodged a t local police stations are often treated as psychological problems or ignored.

It may take several years, before the "silent holocaust" becomes public knowledge. And for the victims, the comparison is very real.

The scale of the crimes being reported, and the seriousness of the accusations, justifies an urgent international investigation.

Because there are so many victims worldwide, spawning a worldwide movement coordinated via the Internet, it is only the most diligent and conscientious of victims who are able to report this crime; the actual number of victims being many times larger than this group of activists.

In January 2007, the article "Mind Games" appeared in "The Washington Post", written by journalist Sharon Weinberger, about the American victims and the activist organization, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance.

Meanwhile, from all parts of the world new victims are showing up in greater numbers. They are asking for these crimes to be made public and are insisting on an international investigation of this problem. And starting a collective campaign against directed energy weapons (DEW) harassment .



Des milliers d'individus demandent que soit faite une investigation internationale d'énormes violations des droits de l'homme qui sévissent actuellement dans le monde entier, dans le plus grand silence.

Ces dernières années, le nombre de ces crimes contre l'humanité s'est accru à tel point que nous pouvons visiblement parler d'agression de la population civile.

Cette agression est commise avec une technologie qui agit, à distance, dans l'ombre,au-delà des limites des frontières, et qui est utilisée contre des civils sans défense et qui ne se doutent de rien.

Il y a une pression continuelle de la part des victimes pour dénoncer ces crimes auprès des hauts fonctionnaires de l'état, des organisations pour les droits de l'homme, des dirigeants internationaux et à la presse. La plupart du temps, elles n'obtiennent pas de réponse en raison d'une méconnaissance généralisée de cette technologie. D'après les diagnostics des établissements psychiatriques, les victimes ont des hallucinations. De plus, les plaintes déposées dans les commissariats de police locaux sont souvent considérées comme des problèmes psychologiques ou sont tout simplement passées sous silence.

Cela risque de prendre plusieurs années avant que "l'holocauste silencieux" ne soit connu du public. Pour les victimes, cette comparaison est tout à fait juste.

L'ampleur des crimes dénoncés et la gravité des accusations justifient une investigation internationale urgente.

Etant donné le nombre considérable de victimes à l'échelle planétaire, qui a engendré un mouvement mondial coordonné par le biais de l'internet, seuls les plus zélés et les plus consciencieux parmi les victimes dénoncent ce crime, le nombre réel de victimes étant, de loin, plus important que ce groupe d'activistes.

En janvier 2007, la journaliste Sharon Weinberger a publié dans le "Washington Post", l'article intitulé "Mind Games" sur les victimes américaines et l'organisation militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Droit de vivre sans surveillance ni harcèlement occulte).

Entre-temps, de nouvelles victimes de plus en plus nombreuses se font connaître des quatre coins du monde. Elles demandent que ces crimes soient rendus publics, elles insistent pour qu'une investigation soit faite sur ce problème et entament une campagne contre le harcèlement par les Armes à Energie Dirigée (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS ) et contre le harcèlement collectif -





3. Обращение к средствам массовой информации



Как специалист в области работы психики человека я обращаюсь с просьбой, к средствам массовой информации (газеты, журналы, радио, телевидение). Одна надежда на Вас, потому что только Вы можете поднять всю мировую общественность и остановить тех, кто не думая о наших детях и внуках, создают и испытывают оружие, уничтожающее человека как личность. Недопустимо чтобы сегодня, когда человечество достигло такого технического прогресса, люди возомнившие себя Богами над людьми, управляли разумом человека через вмешательство в человеческую психику делая из человека послушного робота. Не останьтесь равнодушны к моей просьбе, пожалуйста, и помогите донести знания всем людям земли для защиты от зомбирования теми, кто пользуется человеческой слепотой в духовности. Ни одна религия или атеизм не способны защитить душу человека - жизнь человека от так называемого психогинератора, который был создан Гитлером и Сталиным в годы Второй Мировой войны и в настоящее время продолжаются официально подобные исследования над человеческим разумом. Прямое назначение такого оружия - это подчинение воли человека и создание послушных рабов.Об этих разработках сегодня в очередной раз заявила официально газета "Взгляд".

C уважением Светлана Ясиновер





Viele tausend Menschen fordern eine internationale Untersuchung der ungeheueren Menschenrechtsverletzungen, die gegenwärtig weltweit geräuschlos grassieren.

In den letzten Jahren haben diese Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit derart zugenommen, dass wir offen von einem Angriff auf die gesamte Zivilbevölkerung sprechen können.

Dieser Angriff wird mit einer Technologie verübt, die unsichtbar auf Distanz jenseits aller Grenzen und Begrenzungen funktioniert und die in diesem Augenblick gegen wehr- und ahnungslose Bürger eingesetzt wird.

Die Opfer betreiben fortwährend Lobbyarbeit, um diese Verbrechen an verantwortliche Regierungsvertreter, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, internationale Führungskräfte und die Presse heranzutragen. Meistens erhalten sie keine Antwort wegen des allgemeinen Mangels an Wissen
über diese Technologie. Psychiatrische Einrichtungen diagnostizieren die Opfer häufig als psychotisch.
Und Anzeigen, die bei den örtlichen Polizeirevieren erstattet werden, werden oft als psychische Probleme behandelt oder ignoriert. Es mag einige Jahre dauern bis der „stille Holocaust“ öffentlich bekannt wird. Für die Opfer ist dieser Vergleich sehr real!

Das Ausmaß der beklagten Verbrechen und die Schwere der Beschuldigungen rechtfertigen eine dringende internationale Untersuchung.

Während es weltweit so viele Opfer gibt, die sich mit Hilfe des Internets zu einer global koordinierten Bewegung vernetzen, sind nur die eifrigsten und bewusstesten in der Lage, über diese Verbrechen zu berichten; die tatsächliche Zahl der Opfer ist um ein Vielfaches größer als diese Gruppe von Aktivisten.

Im Januar 2007 erschien der Artikel „Mind Games“ („Psycho-Spiele“) in der „Washington Post“, geschrieben von dem Journalisten Sharon Weinberger, über die Opfer und die Selbsthilfeorganisation "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Recht, ohne heimliche Folter und Überwachung zu leben).

Seitdem treten überall auf der Welt neue Opfer immer zahlreicher in die Öffentlichkeit. Sie fordern, dass diese Verbrechen publik gemacht werden, bestehen auf einer internationalen Untersuchung und initiieren eine gemeinsame Kampagne gegen Folter und organisiertes Stalking mit gelenkten Strahlenwaffen (DEW: Directed Energy Weapons).

Aufruf an die Medien

Als Fachmann auf dem Gebiet der Psychiatrie wende ich mich mit der Bitte an die Medien (Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Radio und TV- Sendungen). Ich hoffe, dass Sie bei diesem Problem helfen können, weil nur Sie die Weltöffentlichkeit aufrütteln können und diejenigen stoppen, die weder an unsere Kinder noch Enkelkinder denkend eine Waffe produzieren und testen, die den Menschen als Persönlichkeit zerstört. Es ist nicht hinnehmbar, dass heute nachdem die Menschheit einen solchen technischen Fortschritt erreichte sich bestimmte Leute als Götter über die Menschen erheben, indem sie das Bewusstsein der Menschen durch Eindringen in die menschliche Psyche steuern, um aus ihnen gehorsame Roboter zu machen. Bleiben Sie meiner Bitte gegenüber nicht gleichgültig und helfen Sie, das Wissen darüber allen Menschen der Erde nahe zu bringen als Schutz vor der Programmierung der Menschen. Wehren Sie sich gegen diejenigen, die die menschliche Blindheit geistig ausnutzen. Weder irgendeine Religion noch der Atheismus sind fähig, die Seele und das Leben des Menschen vor dem Psychogenerator zu schützen, der von Hitler und Stalin während des Zweiten Weltkriegs geschaffen wurde. Und auch gegenwärtig werden die Forschungen am menschlichen Bewusstsein offiziell fortgesetzt. Der tatsächliche Zweck dieser Waffe ist das Beherrschen des menschlichen Willens und die Schaffung gehorsamer Sklaven. Die Zeitung „Ansicht“ berichtete über die gegenwärtigen Forschungen offiziell noch einmal.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Svetlana Yasinover




Migliaia di persone chiedono che sia fatta un' indagine internazionale sulle violazioni enormi dei diritti dell'uomo che imperversano attualmente nel mondo intero, nel più grande silenzio.

In quest'ultimi anni, il numero di questi crimini contro l'umanità aumentato a tal punto che possiamo ovviamente parlare d'aggressione della popolazione civile.

Quest'aggressione è commessa con una tecnologia che agisce, a distanza, nell'ombra, oltre ai limiti delle frontiere, e che è utilizzata contro civili senza difesa e che non dubitano mai di nulla.

C'è una richiesta continua da parte delle Vittime per denunciare questi crimini presso gli alti funzionari dello stato, le organizzazioni per i diritti dell'uomo, i dirigenti internazionali ed alla stampa. Di solito, non ottengono risposte a causa di un'ignoranza generalizzata di questa tecnologia. Secondo le diagnosi degli stabilimenti psichiatrici, le vittime hanno allucinazioni. Inoltre, i reclami depositati nei commissariati di polizia locali sono spesso considerati come problemi psicologici o sono semplicemente passati sotto silenzio.

E tutto cio nonostante le ammissioni del Presidente degli Stati Uniti in materia sia del 8 ottobre 1995 e numerosi testi di militari e specialisti, pubblicati e conosciuti, circolino in internet e nelle librerie senza alcun commento particolare da parte dei partiti politici di governo dei paesi occidentali e dell'Italia in particolare. Ricordiamo che in Italia sono stanziate circa 120 basi militari americane, alcune delle quali di migliaia di uomini e donne in armi.

Ció rischia di far passare molti anni prima che "l'Olocausto silenzioso" sia conosciuto dal pubblico. Per le Vittime, questo raffronto con l'Olocausto è completamente giusto.
L'ampiezza dei crimini denunciati e la gravità dei carichi giustificano un'indagine internazionale urgente.

Dato il numero considerevole di Vittime su scala planetaria, che ha generato un movimento mondiale coordinato tramite l'Internet, solo i piu zelanti ed i piu coscienziosi fra le Vittime denunciano questo crimine, essendo il numero reale di Vittime, di gran lunga, più importante di questo gruppo di attivisti.

Nel gennaio 2007, il giornalista Sharon Weinberger ha pubblicato nel "Washington post", l'articolo intitolato "Mind Games" sulle vittime americane e l'organizzazione militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and surveillance" (diritto di vivere senza sorveglianza ni molestia occulte).

Nel frattempo, nuove Vittime sempre più numerose si fanno conoscere dei quattro angoli del mondo. Chiedono che questi crimini siano resi pubblici, insistono affinchè un'indagine sia fatta su questo problema ed iniziano una campagna contro la molestia con le Armi ad Energia Diretta (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS )







Millares de personas piden que se haga una investigación internacional de enormes violaciones de los derechos humanos que prevalecen actualmente en todo el mundo, en el mayor silencio.

Estos últimos años, el número de estos crímenes contra la humanidad ha aumentado tanto que podemos obviamente hablar de agresión contra la población civil.

Esta agresión se comete con una tecnología que actúa, a distancia, en la sombra, más allá de los límites de las fronteras, y que se utiliza contra civiles sin defensa que no sospechan nada. Hay una presión continua por parte de las víctimas para denunciar estos crímenes a los altos funcionarios del estado, a las organizaciones para los derechos humanos, a los dirigentes internacionales y en la prensa. La mayor parte del tiempo, no obtienen respuesta, debido a una ignorancia generalizada de esta tecnología. Según los diagnósticos de los establecimientos psiquiátricos, las víctimas tienen alucinaciones. Además, las denuncias presentadas en las comisarías de policía locales a menudo se consideran como problemas psicológicos o se han silenciado simplemente.

Se corre el riesgo de tardar varios años antes de que "el holocausto silencioso" sea conocido del público. Para las víctimas, esta comparación es totalmente justa.

La amplitud de los crímenes denunciados y la gravedad de las acusaciones justifican una investigación internacional urgente.

Dado el número considerable de víctimas a escala planetaria, que ha generado un movimiento mundial coordinado por medio de Internet, solamente los más afanosos y los más concienzudos entre las víctimas denuncian este crimen, el número real de víctimas sigue siendo, con mucho, más importante que este grupo de activistas.

En enero de 2007, la periodista Sharon Weinberger publicó en el "Washington post", el artículo titulado "Mind Games" sobre las víctimas americanas y la organización militante "Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Derecho a vivir sin vigilancia ni acoso ocultos).

Mientras tanto, nuevas numerosas víctimas cada vez más se hacen conocer de las cuatro esquinas del mundo. Piden que estos crímenes se hagan públicos, insisten para que una investigación se haga sobre este problema y empiezan una campaña contra el acoso por las Armas a Energía Dirigida (DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS) y contra el acoso colectivo.



Milhares de pessoas pedem que se faça uma investigação internacional sobre violações enormes dos direitos humanos que se verificam em todo o mundo, no maior silêncio.

Nestes últimos anos, o número destes crimes contra a humanidade aumentou tanto que se pode obviamente falar de agressões contra a população.

Estas agressões são cometidas com uma tecnologia que actua à distância, e na "sombra", para além dos limites fronteiriços, e que é utilizada sobre cidadão indefesos, que não desconfiam de nada.

Existe uma pressão contínua, por parte das vítimas, para denunciar estes crimes a altos dirigentes do estado, nacionais e internacionais, a organizações para defesa dos direitos humanos e também à imprensa. Na maior parte das vezes, sem obter resposta, devido à falta de conhecimento generalizada sobre esta tecnologia. Segundo os diagnósticos apresentados por várias instituições psiquiátricas, as vítimas têem alucinações. Para além disso, as denúncias apresentadas nas esquadras de polícia são frequentemente tratadas como problemas psicológicos ou simplesmente ignoradas.

Podem passar alguns anos, até que o "holocausto silencioso" se torne do conhecimento público. E, para as vítimas, a comparação é bem real.

A escala dos crimes que são denunciados, e a gravidade das acusações justificam uma investigação internacional urgente.

Porque existe um número tão grande de vítimas à escala planetária, que gerou um movimento mundial coordenado através da Internet, apenas as as vítimas mais conscienciosas, denunciam este tipo de crime, sendo o número de vítimas muito superior ao deste grupo de activistas.

Em Janeiro de 2007, o artigo "Mind Games", da autoria da jornalista Sharon Weinberger, foi impresso no "The Washington Post", retratando as vítimas americanas e a organização activista "Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance" (Liberdade de Viver sem Assédio Oculto nem Vigilância).

Entretanto, de toda a parte do mundo, novas vítimas estão a aparecer em número cada vez maior, pedindo que estes crimes sejam tornados do conhecimento público e insistindo numa investigação internacional deste problema e começando uma campanha colectiva contra o abuso com Armas de Energia Dirigida (Directed Energy Weapons – DEW).



Χιλιάδες άτομα ζητούν τη διεξαγωγή διεθνούς έρευνας σχετικά με τεράστιες παραβιάσεις ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο, με κάθε μυστικότητα.

Τα τελευταία χρονια, ο αριθμός αυτών των εγκλημάτων κατά της ανθρωπότητας αυξήθηκε σε τέτοιο βαθμό ώστε να μπορούμε καταφανώς να μιλάμε για επίθεση κατά αμάχων.

Η εν λόγω επίθεση διαπράττεται με τη βοήθεια τεχνολογίας η οποία ενεργεί εξ αποστάσεως, με μυστικό τρόπο και η οποία δεν γνωρίζει σύνορα. Η ενέργεια αυτή χρησιμοποιείται κατά άοπλων, ανυπεράσπιστων ανθρώπων οι οποίοι δεν υποψιάζονται καν την ύπαρξή της.

Τα θύματα ασκούν συνεχή πίεση για την καταγγελία των εγκλημάτων αυτών ενώπιον κρατικών αξιωματούχων, οργανισμών υπεράσπισης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, διεθνών ηγετικών προσωπικοτήτων και του τύπου. Τις περισσότερες φορές, δεν λαμβάνουν απάντηση λόγω της πλήρους άγνοιας αυτής της τεχνολογίας από τους ιθύνοντες. Με γνωματεύσεις τους, ψυχιατρικά ιδρύματα χαρακτήρισαν τα συμτώματα που παρουσιάζουν τα θύματα παραισθήσεις. Επιπλέον, τα συμβάντα που κατατίθενται από τα θύματα στις μηνύσεις τους στα κατά τόπους αστυνομικά τμήματα, αποδίδονται συχνά σε ψυχολογικά προβλήματα ή πολύ απλά αποσιωπούνται.

Η αποκάλυψη αυτού του «σιωπηλού ολοκαυτώματος» - χαρακτηρισμού ιδιαίτερα επιτυχούς για τα θύματα – στο ευρύ κοινό θα αργήσει ακόμα.

Το εύρος των καταγγελλόμενων εγλημάτων και η οξύτητα των κατηγοριών δικαιολογούν επείγουσα διεθνή έρευνα.

Παρά τον σημαντικό αριθμό τους σε πλανητική κλίμακα και το συντονισμένο παγκόσμιο διαδικτυακό κίνημα που προκάλεσε, μόνο τα πιο ένζηλα και συνειδητά θύματα προβαίνουν σε καταγγελία. Ο πραγματικός αριθμός θυμάτων είναι πολύ σημαντικότερος από αυτήν την ομάδα ακτιβιστών.

Τον Ιανουάριο του 2007, η δημοσιογράφος Sharon Weinberger δημοσίευσε στην Washington Post, το άρθρο με τίτλο «Mind Games» και με θέμα τα θύματα στις ΗΠΑ και το σωματείο Freedom From Covert harassment and surveillance (Λύτρωση από τη συγκεκαλυμμένη παρενόχληση και παρακολούθηση).

Εντωμεταξύ, όλο και περισσότερα νέα θύματα εμφανίζονται από όλα τα μέρη του κόσμου για να ζητήσουν τη δημοσιοποίηση των εν λόγω εγκλημάτων, να επιμείνουν στη διεξαγωγή σχετικής έρευνας και να συμμετάσχουν στην εκστρατεία κατά της παρενόχλησης με όπλα κατευθυνόμενης ενέργειας (DEW: Directed Energy Weapons) και κατά της συλλογικής παρενόχλησης.



Γεώργιος Στάμκος
Συνέντευξη σε: Iaveris


SECRET geofysiske, målrettet energi & PSYCHONEUROLOGICAL våben tortur og mishandling

Tusindvis af mennesker beder om en international undersøgelse af enorme krænkelser af menneskerettighederne, der er tavst, der finder sted på verdensplan i øjeblikket.

I de seneste år er antallet af disse forbrydelser mod menneskeheden steget så meget, at vi kan tale åbent om den civile befolkning er under angreb.

Dette angreb er begået med teknologi arbejder usynligt i en afstand, ud over grænserne for grænser, og er i dette øjeblik bliver anvendt mod hjælpeløse og intetanende borgere.

Ofrene er konstant lobbyvirksomhed til at indberette disse forbrydelser til regeringens embedsmænd, menneskerettighedsorganisationer, verdens ledere og pressen. Oftest, at de ikke får svar på grund af en generel mangel på viden om teknologi. Mental institutioner kan diagnosticere ofrene som vrangforestilling. Og klager, der indgives på de lokale politistationer er ofte behandlet som psykiske problemer eller ignoreres.

Det kan tage flere år, før den "tavse holocaust" bliver offentlig viden. Og for de ofre, den sammenligning er meget reel.

Omfanget af de forbrydelser, der rapporteres, og alvoren af de anklager, berettiger til en hurtig international undersøgelse.

Fordi der er så mange ofre på verdensplan, gydende en verdensomspændende bevægelse koordineret via internettet, er det kun de mest flittige og samvittighedsfulde af ofre, som er i stand til at rapportere denne forbrydelse; det faktiske antal af ofre er mange gange større end denne gruppe af aktivister.

I januar 2007, artiklen "Mind Games" udkom i "The Washington Post", skrevet af journalist Sharon Weinberger, om de amerikanske ofre og aktivist organisationen, frihed fra Covert Chikane og overvågning.

I mellemtiden fra alle dele af verden nye ofre viser op i større tal. De beder for disse forbrydelser, der skal offentliggøres, og insisterer på en international undersøgelse af dette problem. Og starter en kollektiv bekæmpelse rettet energi våben (DEW) chikane.







同时,来自全世界各地数量很多的受害者。他们要求将这一罪行进行公开,并坚持就这一问题进行国际调查。并且正在就大脑控制技术和定向能武器(DEW)酷刑虐待和骚扰和有组织的跟踪. 展开一项世界性的集体运动。(DEW: DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS )



PEACEPINK (in Chinese)



(11) 日本語メディア放送














2007年の1月に、シャロン・ワインバーガー記者による、アメリカの被害者と「極秘のハラスメントと監視からの自由(Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance)」という活動家団体についての「マインド・ゲームズ」の記事がワシントンポスト紙上に発表されました。




(12) 한국의

비밀 지구 물리학 무기, 고에너지빔 무기 및 신경학적 무기 고문과 학대

수천명의 사람들이 막대한 인권 침해에 대한 국제 조사를 요구하는 움직임이 보이고 있다.

최근 몇 년 동안 민간인이 공격을 당하고 있다고 말할수 있을만큼,인류에 대한 범죄가 무척 늘어났다.

이 침공은 국경의 경계를 넘어, 보이지 않는 먼거리 에서 사용할수있는 기술을 쓰며 , 지금 이순간에도 예상치 못하고 있는 선량한 시민들에게 사용되고 있다.

피해자는 지속적으로 정부, 인권 단체, 세계 대표, 언론등을 통해 이범죄를 신고 하기위해 로비 활동을 하고있다. 대부분 그들은 기술에 대한 부족한 지식때문에 답을 얻지못한다. 정신병원에서는 망상으로 진단을 내린다. 지역 경찰서에 보고된 신고는 종종 심리적 문제로 취급되거나 무시되어 버린다.

"전자파 피해자"에 대한 사회의 인식은 아직 부족 합니다. 그리고 피해자들의 심각성은 매우 현실입니다.

보고된 범죄의 규모, 혐의의 심각성은 긴급 국제 조사를 정당화합니다 .

전 세계적으로 인터넷을 통해 많은 피해자들의 활동이 있으나, 이범죄를 신고 할수 있는 사람은, 열정적이고 양심적인 사람들로, 실제로 피해자들의 단체 숫자는 몇배나 더 됩니다.

2007년 일월 워싱턴 포스트에 저널리스트 Sharon Weinberger 님께서 "마인드 게임" 이란 제목으로 미국의 피해자와 활동가 조직, 은밀한 괴롭힘과 감시에서 자유를 찿는것에 대한 기사를 실었습니다.

한편 세계적으로 새로운 피해자가 늘어남에 따라 . 그들은 이범죄에 대한 문제에 대해 공개적인 국제 조사를 요청하고 있습니다. 위성과 두뇌 무기에 의한 고문,폭행과 손상에 대한 공동 캠페인을 시작했다.

일부 위성과 두뇌 무기에 의한 고문, 폭행과 손상의 피해 내용을 보면 인류 역사에서 인권을 독자적으로 짓밟는 악랄한 정신학대,강간,성적 학대,수술 훼손,두뇌 조종및 다른 정신과 육체의 손상



이 악랄하고 잔악무도한 인류에 대한 범죄---형언할수 없이 끔직한--- 전체주의와 합쳐져 그리고 우리에게 도움을 주기를 거부하는 이들, 끔직하고 무시무시 하게만듭니다.


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Fund-raising for a cure for CF

My daughter, Beth, was born with cystic fibrosis, and most years we get involved in the annual Great Strides walk to raise money for a cure. I've been asking for donations or donated items for the silent auction at the walk,and the response has been OK. I need more cash donations though. If any of you can spare $10 to our team, Band For Beth, it would be greatly appreciated. you click on the state of Iowa, we are under the Quad Cities walk and our team name is Band For Beth, and you may need to search under my name, Sheri Grutz to give the donation. questions, you can just email through this site and I'll help you out.Sheri
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#522 My letter to the ACLU

#522 My letter to the ACLUI signed the petition to Eric Holder. I would like you to know that I am a victim of domestic torture by what appears the JTTF(Joint Terrorism Task Force). The JTTF and now HLS set up Fusion centers combining military, CIA, FBI, police and even civilians to surveillance for terrorism and it is being abused. Looking on line I'm finding people in similar situations and even people around the world. I became targeted for some reason and was severely harassed by my local East Providence Police. After a staged false arrest and attack that fell apart, I came under surveillance.It escalated to non-lethal or directed energy weapons attacks. One night I was attacked by what appears to have been the Navy's MEDUSA weapon. I ended up doubled over and pissing brown by morning. My ambulance was diverted to Pawtucket memorial where the through wall directed energy attacks continued. And I was committed to St. Joseph's hospital where weapons attacks continued. these weapons are through wall and covert. I was being attacked with psychological tactics with weapons like V2K, Infra sound, voice cloning and others. I had to act as if nothing was happening to get out in the shortest time because it was nearly unbearable. There attackers were attempting to get me to attempt suicide. there was drilling in the floor late at night when I slept with my head where my feet go one night. I believe I was being monitored and possibly attacked from the floor above.Most of the weapons seem to be the Navy's non-lethal weapons. I soon discovered That the Naval war college and salve Regina university are4 in my district with Patrick Kennedy as my congressman.The point is I have a great deal of evidence like. all the records show me being admitted on 1-2-2001 when I knew I went in on new years day. I now have proof records were altered except for one.I have had been contacted by the NIJ(National Institute of Justice) that tests non-lethal weapons by a conference call where they let me talk but weren't allowed to help. They recognized my description of the effects of the non-lethal weapons as being authentic I believe.I have tried to file complaints with police, FBI, NSA, the attorney general, my congressman, Home Land security and others. I am blocked at every turn. I at first spoke with a microwave scientist from and air Force base who clued me in on the weapons I was possibly attacked with and told to look up the microwave attack on our Embassy by the USSR in Moscow.I have spoken of police corruption at my town council with another woman. We were both written up in the Journal. Within three days her son went nuts racing off on the high way and crashed and a relative of mine was caught in a sting for drunk driving. Both were on the front page, both went to prison and her son was on the news at night. People can't imagine what can be done with the advanced directed energy weapons.At a second meeting I spoke of an officer who was involved in an attack against me in a park by multiple people. His part was to create a false police report. the council that had supported me at the earlier meeting now sat silent. I later found that the very officer I named Eric Lewis had already been convicted of falsifying police reports against a young man whose was in a car with his moth when the criminal in a police chase crashed into then killing his mother and he had been in a comma for two weeks suffering brain damage.I believe these weapons are being used to silence opposition and law suites against my town. In 1992 it was listed with Providence and Pawtucket as having the most complaints against it's police in the country. This is liability control and the end of our human rights if not exposed and stopped. I have had everything possible done to me and it started by making a complaint against an officer.I have taped the town meetings. I have some news paper articles and more can be obtained. I have false police reports that were to be complaints made by me against another victim of these assaults by police. They ruined this guy and then told him I was the reason and gained his cooperation in the false arrest and attempted attack that he couldn't go through with. There was even a second weapon a knife hidden behind the railing of his truck that was written up in the report that I have. i have the evidence for so much including the admission of the latest weapons that another targeted person like me got from a FOIA request from the army. Psychological warfare tactics are being used.In the end I was being drugged to death and three nurses told me so. Two secretly. I was on 1,400 mg of Seroquel, my feet had turned black and I had developed diabetes. I could barely stand when I secretly stared cutting the medicine, I was on over twice the maximum dose of Seroquel along with massive doses of other medicines. I later found out this Doctor a Dr. Rosenbloom was on the Governors board of mental health. She had had me transferred to her care and then began this drug assault to silence and kill me. Her specialty is geriatrics and the drug company was about to put a warning on Seroquel that this medicine kills the elderly and she had to have known it.I changed doctors and began looking into my records. They said police had me hospitalized while my home was searched. Mean while they had been writing that my claims of police surveillance and radiation attacks were delusional when they new the truth and it was in their records all a long. I then discovered the proof of the missing day.I am now 50% recovered and discovering all this. The evidence is great that I have and I wonder if I will ever get my day in court befor I'm killed to cover this up. You want to expose torture then help me. There is a lot more, enough to right a book with evidence to back it up.This also took place before 911 so 911 isn't an excuse for the torture. They money make developing, manufacturing and distributing these weapons to law enforcement alone amounts to billions of reasons to keep me quiet.Peter
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Testimonials of Torture INSIDE THE USA

Testimonials of Torture IN AMERICA Aramark Facility Service/Aramark Foodservice 911 Connection. I worked forI am a member of My profile is here: Facility Services in Chicago and discovered they were tied to the World Trade Center Attack.;article=120758;I am a member of My profile is here: of human rights abouse inside the USA by directed energy weapons: MK-Ultra Project Documents: The NSA's mission and the NSA's domestic Intelligence operation. Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Blanket coverage of all electronic communication in the U.S. and the world to ensure national security. The NSA at Ft. Meade, Maryland has had the most advanced computers in the world since the early 1960's.

The US flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Real FLAG, REAL US/WORLD NEWS

Shielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.A radio Show that looks at very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry and the US Dept of Defense as well as the FAA, NSA and private companies like Hitachi Corporation as well as private individuals for protection from unwanted, unwarrented, Illegal directed energy.http://www.ramayes.comFreedom Fighters for America (world) and Manhattan Project Bakcstep March 18th 2009 with Eric Evansthe link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Manhattan Project Backsep Radio Show May 21-2008 with Dave Case, Dale Wahl, Ron Angell, Helen Roedrig, Carolyn PalitHere is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of All on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com mind control technologies exposed

The US Flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Can you say the same?

I am a member of Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth. http://www.ae911truth.orgHere is my Profile particles in food, water, chemtrails in air have been introduced to ruin the world. and it must be recongnized now and reversed through education WORLDWIDE. "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants. The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg MistakeExcerpts from:Operation Mind ControlWalter H. BowartNew York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978Please download the 43 MB file of my radio Show that was done May 21st 2008 with Dave Case, myself, Dahl Wahl, Caroline Palit and Helen Roedrig. is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of AI on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.Previous Blog Posts Mind control is the most massive crime against humanity and violates article 1 of the treaty against torture of the United Nations from 1975 Presdient William Clinton under mind control "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants. The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg Mistake Cheney Aide Suggests That Hersh’s Account Of ‘Executive Assassination Ring’ Is ‘Certainly True’Last month, The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh revealed in Minnesota that former vice president Cheney presided over an “executive assassination ring.” “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving,” Hersh explained.Today, CNN interviewed Hersh and former Cheney national security aide John Hannah. Although he expressed regret for revealing the story (calling it a “dumb-dumb”), Hersh stood by his initial statements. “I’m sorry, Wolf, I have a lot of problems with it,” he said about the assassination scheme:HERSH: I know for sure…the idea that we have a unit that goes around, without reporting to Congress… and has authority from the President to go into the country without telling the CIA station chief or the ambassador and whack somebody. … You’ve delegated authority to troops in the field to hit people on the basis of whatever intelligence they think is good.Hannah replied that Hersh’s account of the assassination scheme “is not true.” Yet in the same breath, when asked about a “list” of assassination targets, Hannah echoed Hersh’s statements. Hannah said that “troops in the field” are given “authority” to “capture or kill certain individuals” who are perceived as a threat. “That’s certainly true,” he said:Q: Is there a list of suspected terrorists out there who can be assassinated?HANNAH: There’s clearly a group of people that go through a very extremely well-vetted process, interagency process…that have committed acts of war against the United States, who are at war with the United States or are suspected of planning operations of war against the United States, who authority is given to our troops in the field in certain war theaters to capture or kill those individuals. That is certainly true.Hannah didn’t directly dispute Hersh’s claim that Congress wasn’t informed about the assassinations. “It is extremely hard for me to believe,” he said. Watch it:Speaking about the program to MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, former Nixon White House counsel John Dean said, “It’s potentially a war crime, it‘s potentially just outright murder, and it could clearly be in violation of the Ford executive order” — referring to a 1976 Executive Order that said, “No employee of the United States government shall engage in or conspire to engage in political assassination.”Drugs in the water control the population- Please send in international investigators to sample the water in the USA Aramark combined with Cheney and Bush have murdered millions inside the USA and worldwideInvestigative reporter Seymour Hersh describes 'executive assassination ring'mp_main_wide_SeymourHersh452.jpg Al-AssaadJournalist Seymour Hersh speaking in Doha at an Al Jazeera forum on the media in 2007.Photo of Sign in New Jerseyl_255bfb42cd2d4f3190eab5cd2bafb56f.jpgNational Cremation Headquarters in North Fort Myers Florida on March 25th 2009. InvestigateAt a “Great Conversations” event at the University of Minnesota last night, legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh may have made a little more news than he intended by talking about new alleged instances of domestic spying by the CIA, and about an ongoing covert military operation that he called an “executive assassination ring.”prisoncampletter.jpgHersh spoke with great confidence about these findings from his current reporting, which he hasn’t written about yet.In an email exchange afterward, Hersh said that his statements were “an honest response to a question” from the event’s moderator, U of M Political Scientist Larry Jacobs and “not something I wanted to dwell about in public.”Hersh didn’t take back the statements, which he said arise from reporting he is doing for a book, but that it might be a year or two before he has what he needs on the topic to be “effective...that is, empirical, for even the most skeptical.”"Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants. The evening of great conversation, featuring Walter Mondale and Hersh, moderated by Jacobs and titled “America’s Constitutional Crisis,” looked to be a mostly historical review of events that have tested our Constitution, by a journalist and a high government official who had experience with many of the crises.And it was mostly historical, and a great conversation, in which Hersh and Mondale talked about the patterns by which presidents seem to get intoxicated by executive power, frustrated by the limitations on that power from Congress and the public, drawn into improper covert actions that exceed their constitutional powers, in the belief that they can get results and will never be found out. Despite a few references to the Founding Fathers, the history was mostly recent, starting with the Vietnam War with much of it arising from the George W. Bush administration, which both men roundly denounced.At the end of one answer by Hersh about how these things tend to happen, Jacobs asked: “And do they continue to happen to this day?”Replied Hersh:“Yuh. After 9/11, I haven’t written about this yet, but the Central Intelligence Agency was very deeply involved in domestic activities against people they thought to be enemies of the state. Without any legal authority for it. They haven’t been called on it yet. That does happen."Right now, today, there was a story in the New York Times that if you read it carefully mentioned something known as the Joint Special Operations Command -- JSOC it’s called. It is a special wing of our special operations community that is set up independently. They do not report to anybody, except in the Bush-Cheney days, they reported directly to the Cheney office. They did not report to the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff or to Mr. [Robert] Gates, the secretary of defense. They reported directly to him. ..."Congress has no oversight of it. It’s an executive assassination ring essentially, and it’s been going on and on and on. Just today in the Times there was a story that its leaders, a three star admiral named [William H.] McRaven, ordered a stop to it because there were so many collateral deaths."Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving. That’s been going on, in the name of all of us."It’s complicated because the guys doing it are not murderers, and yet they are committing what we would normally call murder. It’s a very complicated issue. Because they are young men that went into the Special Forces. The Delta Forces you’ve heard about. Navy Seal teams. Highly specialized."In many cases, they were the best and the brightest. Really, no exaggerations. Really fine guys that went in to do the kind of necessary jobs that they think you need to do to protect America. And then they find themselves torturing people."I’ve had people say to me -- five years ago, I had one say: ‘What do you call it when you interrogate somebody and you leave them bleeding and they don’t get any medical committee and two days later he dies. Is that murder? What happens if I get before a committee?’"But they’re not gonna get before a committee.”Hersh, the best-known investigative reporter of his generation, writes about these kinds of issues for The New Yorker. He has written often about JSOC, including, last July that:“Under the Bush Administration’s interpretation of the law, clandestine military activities, unlike covert C.I.A. operations, do not need to be depicted in a Finding, because the President has a constitutional right to command combat forces in the field without congressional interference.”(“Finding” refers to a special document that a president must issue, although not make public, to authorize covert CIA actions.)Here is a tape of the full Mondale-Hersh-Jacobs colloquy, a little over an hour, without the audience Q and A. If you want to look for the Hersh statement quoted above, it’s about at the 7:30 mark.The rest of the evening was, as expected, full of worry and wisdom and quite a bit of Bush-bashing.Jacobs walked the two elder statesmen through their experiences of:The My Lai massacre, which Hersh first revealed publicly and which he last night called “the end of innocence about us and war.”The Pentagon Papers case, which Mondale called the best example of the “government’s potential for vast public deception.”Henry Kissinger’s secret dealings, mostly relating to the Vietnam War. (Hersh, who has written volumes about Kissinger, said that he will always believe that whereas ordinary people count sheep to fall asleep, Kissinger “has to count burned and maimed Cambodian babies.”)The Church Committee investigation of CIA and FBI abuses, in which Mondale played a major role. (He talked about the fact that FBI director J. Edgar Hoover not only spied on Martin Luther King but literally tried to drive him to suicide.)The Iran Contra scandal. (Hersh said the Reagan administration came to office with a clear goal of finding a way to finance covert actions, such as the funding of the Nicaraguan Contras, without appropriations so that Congress wouldn't know about them. Mondale noted that Reagan had signed a law barring further aid to the Contras, then participated in a scheme to keep the aid flowing. Hersh said that two key veterans of Iran-Contra, Dick Cheney and national security official Elliot Abrams, were reunited in the George W. Bush White House and decided that the key lesson from Iran-Contra was that too many people in the administration knew about it.)And the Bush-Cheney years. (Said Hersh: “The contempt for Congress in the Bush-Cheney White House was extaordinary.” Said Mondale of his successor, Cheney, and his inner circle: “they ran a government within the government.” Hersh added: “Eight or nine neoconservatives took over our country.” Mondale said that the precedents of abuse of vice presidential power by Cheney would remain "like a loaded pistol that you leave on the dining room table.")Jacobs pressed both men on the question of whether the frequent abuses of power show that the Constitution fails, because these things keep happening, or whether it works, because these things keep coming to light.Mondale stuck with the happy answer. “The system has come through again and again,” he said. Presidents always think they will get away with it, but eventually reporters like Hersh bring things to light, the public “starts smelling this stuff,” the courts and the Congress get involved. Presidents “always, in the long run, find out that the system is stronger than they are.”Hersh seemed more troubled by the repetitions of the pattern. The “beautiful thing about our system” is that eventually we get new leaders, he said. “The evil twosome, Cheney and Bush, left,” Hersh said. But he also said “it’s really amazing to me that we manage to get such bad leadership, so consistently.”And he added that both the press and the public let down their guard in the aftermath of 9/11.“The major newspapers joined the [Bush] team,” Hersh said. Top editors passed the message to investigative reporters not to “pick holes” in what Bush was doing. Violations of the Bill of Rights happened in the plain sight of the public. It was not only tolerated, but Bush was re-elected.And even Mondale admitted that one of his greatest successes, laws reforming the FBI and CIA in the aftermath of the Church Committee, were supposed to fix the problem so that “we would never have these problems again in the lifetime of anyone alive at the time, but of course we did.”All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. FAIR USE NOTICE: This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to:
  1. Hersh: Cheney ‘Privately’ Says He Prefers U.S. — Not Israel — Strike Iran Because ‘We’ll Get Blamed Anyway’
  2. Hersh: Joint Special Operations Command in Iran
  3. Secret police unit set up to spy on British ‘domestic extremists’
  4. The Political Assassination of Eliot Spitzer
  5. Cheney weighs fratricide to sell war on Iran
  6. Secretive Pentagon Spy Unit: Closed or Outsourced?
  7. Army deploys combat unit in US for possible civil unrest
  8. Hans Blix Would Testify Against Bush-Cheney War Crimes
  9. Bush Administration Not Neocon Enough for Liz Cheney
  10. Legal experts question US Attorney’s decision not to prosecute Obama ‘assassination plot’
  11. Cheney: Bush’s actions legal if not impeached
  12. The Cheney Doctrine
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Or with Rush?* Be Your Governor's Best Supporting Actor!* Fight Drilling* Fight Global Warming* Help save the home of the black bear!* Make Clean Wind Power Happen* NEPA Proposed Rule: Fight Over-fishing* Repower, Refuel, and Rebuild America* States Must Be Allowed to Reduce Global Warming Pollution from Vehicles* Stop overfishing* Tell Congress to Resist Calls for Drilling* Tell Congress to say "No" to the liquid coal industry* Tell Congress to strengthen and pass the Climate Security Act* Tell Congress: Stop Rolling-back Clean Water Protections!* Urge the EPA to Take Action on Global Warming!* Write Your Local Newspaper to Say -- We Need to Protect ALL U.S. Waters Now! TAKE ACTION ON Early last week, EFF asked for your help fighting the Obama Administration's cover-up of the Bush Administration's warrantless wiretapping program. In the week since we sent that appeal, we've seen further confirmation that the warrantless wiretapping situation is just as bad as we feared. TAKE ACTION ONTake Action to Protect Beluga Whale Habitat TAKE ACTION ON Release journalist Roxana Saberi from detention after flawed trial TAKE ACTION ON Act now to stop commercial whaling for good. TAKE ACTION ON Now that you own Citibank, Contact Shareholder Relations! TAKE ACTION ON Test your knowledge of women's reproductive health policy. See if you can answer these five questions. Results will be on the next page! TAKE ACTION ON Join farm workers in lobbying for basic rights on the anniversary of Cesar's passing TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Senators to Co-sponsor the Paycheck Fairness Act TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON The American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF) is leading a campaign to reform the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). We ask you to join with us in signing the Reform FDA Petition presented below. This petition will be delivered to Congress. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Accountability for Torture TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell President Obama: Health Care Reform MUST be a Top Priority. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION NO Ban mind control/directed energy weapons abuse and torture TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Change Colombia Can Believe In TAKE ACTION ON Taxpayer Proxy TAKE ACTION ON Impeach Torture Architect Bybee TAKE ACTION ON Stop Discriminatory Sentencing TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON SPLC Sues Mississippi County to Stop 'Shocking' Abuse of Children at Detention Center TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON SAFETEA-LU ReauthorizationThe National Center for DWI Courts NEEDS YOUR HELP!! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Stand for balanced energy policy TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ONTell the House: No Nuke Loan Guarantees, No Reprocessing TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Strengthen Climate Regulations Today! TAKE ACTION ON o: Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and Head of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi TAKE ACTION ON Tell the Pesticide Peddlers: We support Michelle Obama's organic garden. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON A loud and clear Thank You from the women of the world TAKE ACTION ON Support Industrial Hemp TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Ask Congress to Support Peace in the D.R. Congo The crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) needs your action today more than ever before. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Sign on letter to President Obama on radioactive waste policy TAKE ACTION ON Petition: Support Tax Reform TAKE ACTION ON Support Working People in our Campus Communities! TAKE ACTION ON Great Turtle Race 2009 TAKE ACTION ON TELL PRESIDENT OBAMA TO SEND A U.S. DELEGATION TO THE DURBAN REVIEW CONFERENCE TAKE ACTION ON Other Advocacy Campaigns you can participate in: TAKE ACTION ON Call on the U.S. Government to Help Stop the Executions! TAKE ACTION ON Support the Global Food Security Act TAKE ACTION ON Congress, President Obama and the Federal Communications Commission have made drafting a national broadband plan an urgent priority for the United States. TAKE ACTION ON President Obama: Send a Just Message at the Summit of the Americas! TAKE ACTION ON Break Up The Banks TAKE ACTION ON Fair Elections for Congress-2009 TAKE ACTION ON Support Obama's Supplemental Request for UN Peacekeeping TAKE ACTION ON Tell the State Department, we don't need a dirty tar sands oil pipeline TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Include Incidents at Sea in Negotiations with Iran TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: No FTA with Tax Haven Panama! TAKE ACTION ON Don't let Fathi el-Jahmi die in detention TAKE ACTION ON Please Contact Your Senators about Their Attendance at This Important Event on Health Care Reform TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Luis Posada Should be Indicted and Extradited! TAKE ACTION ONSign on letter to President Obama on radioactive waste policy TAKE ACTION ON Prevent accidental war with Iran TAKE ACTION ON Obama: Lift the Cuban Embargo TAKE ACTION ON Many people are dedicated to going green this Earth Day, but here at we believe making small, consistent changes are the way to take better care of the planet every day! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Hold Bush and His Joint Co-Conspirators Criminally Accountable! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Urge the Bureau of Land Management to protect California's unique Carrizo Plain National Monument TAKE ACTION ON Sign the Petition to End Forced Arbitration TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress: Fund Aid, Not WarTAKE ACTION ON Improvements in the Child and Adult Care Food Program TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress:We need an HHS Secretary now. TAKE ACTION ON Demand Accountability for Torture TAKE ACTION ON Contact Your Representative Today!HUMAN RIGHTS SOLIDARITY CONCERTFestival Center (Servant Leadership School)1640 Columbia Road, NW, Washington, DC 20009.SATURDAY APRIL 18, 20096:30PM - 9:30 PMTo unsubscribe from this list: send mail - unsubscribe
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That terrible woman

That terrible woman who lifted lines from Welcome to Holland, we will have to show her that it is copyrighted, she can't get away with that, and she has a daughter with cystic fibrosis while she's a target and everyone watching her, why does this have to happen to good people like us, so we have to tell her that 65 Roses is copyrighted too before she goes and tries writing something very similar or very much in the same, let's make sure we get this right---we can steal from her, but she cannot. Are we understanding this? Maybe someone should call her up and tell her that all these really profession-all people don't take her writing seriously now, and she can never write again. Tell her, that we are all watching her and she cannot get away with anything. Doesn't she realize that most things are protected in this world, just because she isn't doesn't mean that everything is up for grabs. This is our world, this is the world where people write and have their works copyrighted and protected and I see that she writes and lets everyone take anything from her. Why does she put all of her good writing out there for anyone to steal? Are you kidding me, you mean she doesn't lock her doors at night? No! Say it isn't so. She doesn't do anything for protection, just keeps getting hit with weapons. She goes claiming she is writing her own work but we know about what she has tried to pull off, what, from inspiration? She was inspired to re-create this work? No. Definitely no. We have to watch people like her, just to make sure she doesn't get away with anything else. All we can do is shake our heads at her, anyway. She really just doesn't get it.
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The US flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Real FLAG, REAL US/WORLD NEWS

Shielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.A radio Show that looks at very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry and the US Dept of Defense as well as the FAA, NSA and private companies like Hitachi Corporation as well as private individuals for protection from unwanted, unwarrented, Illegal directed energy.http://www.ramayes.comFreedom Fighters for America (world) and Manhattan Project Bakcstep March 18th 2009 with Eric Evansthe link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Manhattan Project Backsep Radio Show May 21-2008 with Dave Case, Dale Wahl, Ron Angell, Helen Roedrig, Carolyn PalitHere is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of All on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.http://www.freedomfightersforamerica.com mind control technologies exposed

The US Flag is not a FALSE FLAG. The US Flag is a REAL FLAG. Can you say the same?

I am a member of Engineers and Architects for 911 Truth. http://www.ae911truth.orgHere is my Profile particles in food, water, chemtrails in air have been introduced to ruin the world. and it must be recongnized now and reversed through education WORLDWIDE. "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg MistakeExcerpts from:Operation Mind ControlWalter H. BowartNew York: Dell Publishing Co., 1978Please download the 43 MB file of my radio Show that was done May 21st 2008 with Dave Case, myself, Dahl Wahl, Caroline Palit and Helen Roedrig. is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of AI on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.Previous Blog Posts Mind control is the most massive crime against humanity and violates article 1 of the treaty against torture of the United Nations from 1975 Presdient William Clinton under mind control "Geheimes Ruland. Moskau -- Die Zombies der roten Zaren" "Secret Russia. Moscow -- The zombies of the red czars"] Russian Scientist Igor Smirnov Describes Russian Psychotronic Technology ZDF German TV Documentary December 22, 1998. When Reagan asked Gorbachev to "Bring down that wall" the worst escaped to the Western world to spread Communism/Fascism. China and Russia have been ahead of the USA in the torture Industry always. Remember Russia was in Afghanastan for 30 years prior to the USA. The diamond in Afghanastan are the size of softballs and when the hills were being blown diamonds were being mined by US missles and strikes. There are 6 Countries that mine the wealth of Afghanastan. Where is that going? Is the US fighting a war for Communism/Fascism? The USA has no purpose to be in the middle east other that to clear the way for Russia. It is obvious that the USA has been taken over by Russia and that the politicians need to educate themselves as to the degree of influence that is going on and the tricks playes by the Russians to comprimise politicians. They all need to THINK and get a full body MRI to disable their implants.The USA and Russia NEVER should have done joint space missions- BIg Mistake Cheney Aide Suggests That Hersh’s Account Of ‘Executive Assassination Ring’ Is ‘Certainly True’Last month, The New Yorker’s Seymour Hersh revealed in Minnesota that former vice president Cheney presided over an “executive assassination ring.” “Under President Bush’s authority, they’ve been going into countries, not talking to the ambassador or the CIA station chief, and finding people on a list and executing them and leaving,” Hersh explained.Today, CNN interviewed Hersh and former Cheney national security aide John Hannah. Although he expressed regret for revealing the story (calling it a “dumb-dumb”), Hersh stood by his initial statements. “I’m sorry, Wolf, I have a lot of problems with it,” he said about the assassination scheme:HERSH: I know for sure…the idea that we have a unit that goes around, without reporting to Congress… and has authority from the President to go into the country without telling the CIA station chief or the ambassador and whack somebody. … You’ve delegated authority to troops in the field to hit people on the basis of whatever intelligence they think is good.Hannah replied that Hersh’s account of the assassination scheme “is not true.” Yet in the same breath, when asked about a “list” of assassination targets, Hannah echoed Hersh’s statements. Hannah said that “troops in the field” are given “authority” to “capture or kill certain individuals” who are perceived as a threat. “That’s certainly true,” he said:Q: Is there a list of suspected terrorists out there who can be assassinated?HANNAH: There’s clearly a group of people that go through a very extremely well-vetted process, interagency process…that have committed acts of war against the United States, who are at war with the United States or are suspected of planning operations of war against the United States, who authority is given to our troops in the field in certain war theaters to capture or kill those individuals. That is certainly true.Hannah didn’t directly dispute Hersh’s claim that Congress wasn’t informed about the assassinations. “It is extremely hard for me to believe,” he said. Watch it:Speaking about the program to MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann, former Nixon White House counsel John Dean said, “It’s potentially a war crime, it‘s potentially just outright murder, and it could clearly be in violation of the Ford executive order” — referring to a 1976 Executive Order that said, “No employee of the United States government shall engage in or conspire to engage in political assassination.”Drugs in the water control the population- Please send in international investigators to sample the water in the USA
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