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A reliable essay writing service can provide students with the help that they need irrespective of their subject and topic. But before you choose a service for your next essay writing task, it is better to decide what to look for in such kind of service.

First thing to look for in an essay writing service is its cost. There are many services who offer discounts and very cheap rates for these services so it is better to look around a little before you settle for any particular service provider. 

This service is really in high demand these days so to cater this high there are several companies that are offering various services at different rates to help you out. By doing a research on these companies and the money they charge, you can get to a much affordable solution of your problem.

Secondly you should look for services that offer more than just an essay writing service. They should offer you support and consultancy in all essay writing related problems. 

So if you can find a service that can guide you and provide you consultation then that is definitely the best essay service for you.

Finally you should aware of what your chosen essay editing and writing service are going to offer to you. A good essay editing service would help you to construct the right structure for your essay. 

They would guide you towards choosing the right way so that you get the best response for your success. These companies have worked with all the prestigious schools and universities and they definitely know what approach to follow for each school.

 While you can yourself write essays to but that essay would lack the professional look which can only come with these companies. So I would encourage you to opt for such essay writing service since they can help you to write an essay in a professional manner that would be appreciated and accepted by all the schools and universities.

So for students today it is now possible to get their essays written from experts. Visit to get latest reviews of writing services and chosen the best one for you.

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You are being programmed through your smart phone to accept a socialist platform for worldwide control where one human being would own and control every living being throughout the earth and that same human being would be a worldwide slavemaster and we as his slaves would be wirelessly attached by our central nervous systems to his central super computer control system. If we dared to challenge his false authority he could wirelessly torture or eliminate us and he could achieve this from his desk top computer.
At the moment, if you walk through an airport terminal the security cameras there can identify you by facial recognition or by recognition of your unique energy imprint or by several other means. They can then generate a number of details about you from their data banks. If you have ever done anything to challenge the false authority of central controllers you would be then apprehended and detained at the will of unknown false authority figures. If you are unaware of these advances in technological capabilities it is because individuals such as yourself and most of the rest of the men, women and children of the world who have been pinpointed as future slaves are not likely to be warned in advance of that.
Now, however, a new solution has been found to hold back the incremental slide into worldwide enslavement. If each visitor to an airport terminal were to carry rolls of repelling magnets in their pockets the forcefield being generated by each roll of repelling magnets would render the ability of the facial recognition technology or the unique energy imprint technology unable to identify you. You would return to enjoying your right to privacy and anonymity while out in public. We must all carry rolls of repelling magnets in our pockets from now on in order to halt our slide into technological enslavement which has been planned for us for multi generations. The late United States President John F Kennedy warned us that there was a plot to enslave all of us approximately ten days before he was assisinated.
If you are uninformed about the topic of our impending technological enslavement please read a very valuable book called "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A. Parsa. However, I disagree with Cyrus A Parsa in his belief that it is artificial intelligence who are attempting to technologically enslave us because I strongly believe that all technology is actually being programmed in advance by agents of dark occultists who would remain outside the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command. It has been claimed that they have purchased large tracts of land in Madagascar as well as the claim that Madagascar has never been sprayed with biologicals, chemicals and nano technology unlike almost every other country throughout the world.
We should disassemble and ban HAARP phased arrays as well as GWEN towers, microwave antennas and 5G millimeter wave antennas as soon as we have finished raising awareness of the widespread but covert crime of in-home remotely administered wireless torture.

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Militaries of sovereign counties can now be taken over and controlled by outside forces because their uniforms have become imbedded with nano technology which is being used to externally control both their thought patterns and their moods. Our militaries are our protection against outside forces and yet we are now left unprotected. What is to be done about this matter?

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Our world has changed dramatically recently. It bears no resemblance to what was once considered normal. Hundreds of thousands of good will, good living human beings are now being tortured inside their own homes by energy weapons. Some are being forced to commit suicide by wireless means from a remote location without ever having met their aggressors.
Remote controlled torture is being carried out by individuals who first of all access our bio-fields when we stand close to a digital media device. Digital information is being sent into our bio-fields creating a bio-digital field in and around our human bodies. This bio-digital field can be accessed by individuals who have access to directed energy weapons and many other types of exotic weapons and they can remotely torture us from that day forward. However there is an easy solution.
Purchase approximately forty 30millimeter wide neodymium disc countersunk hole magnets and then arrange them in rolls whereby each magnet is repelling the one next to it. Hold them all together in their repelling forcefield by means of strong duct tape and you can even place them inside a piece of waterpipe in order to keep them in place. Make at least three rolls of these repelling magnets and keep them on your person. Keep them in your bed at night. They will create a protective forcefield around you while you are sleeping.
Prisoners are reporting that they are being virtually raped inside their prison cells by wireless means from an unknown remote location by unknown aggressors. Many women who have been targeted by wireless weapons are also reporting that they are being wirelessly virtually raped while they are alone in the privacy of their own homes. I myself have been virtually violated from an unknown remote location over nearly seventeen years by unknown aggressors who transmit their voices to me through advanced technology while they are violating me. However, the strong forcefield which is being generated by the repelling neodymium magnets enormously hinders their efforts. All prisoners should be given rolls of repelling neodymium magnets. All children should be given rolls of repelling neodymium magnets to place in their beds at night while they are sleeping.
While you are arranging your magnets in repelling rows they will be held in place if you place a skewer through the hole in the middle of each magnet. It also helps to hold the magnets in place by use of a three quarter inch water pipe. It is essential to remove the skewer before you bind the magnets in place with extra strong duct tape. Make at least three rolls of them for each family member in order to protect them from remote directed energy weapons. Watch Tony Pantaleresco on his youtube channel HerbsPlusBeadWorks demonstrate how to create rolls of repelling magnets.
I am now reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A. Parsa which explains the capabilities of modern technology in great detail. I also recommend a second book called "How the Illuminati Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave" by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier. Knowledge is power and by keeping ourselves informed we will defeat the enemy who wishes to enslave us using classified advanced technology.

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Software inside your smart phone or a variety of other digital media devices can be externally programmed from a remote location to transmit frequencies which would change your mood from suspicious to apathetic, or to gullable or even to naïve, and this can all occur without you having any conscious awareness of it ever occurring. We are now being slowly enslaved and our Irish politicians and both senior Gardaí and senior civil servants continue to use smart phones which is very worrying for the rest of the Irish race.
The senior politicians of the Republic of Ireland have signed over some of the resources of our country, the Republic of Ireland in the past to foreign prospectors. Were said senior Irish politicians using smart phones or other digital media devices during the time when they signed the relevant documents which entitled foreign interests to own and control resources which previously belonged to the Irish people and if they were using digital media devices when signing any and all legal documents in the past were they aware that externally programmed frequencies could have been transmitted from their digital media devices at that time to negatively affect their ability to think clearly?
Can we ban all digital media devices from all government work places and if so when can it be done?

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Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy  is a very powerful homeopathic remedy that is able to bring implant chips to the surface of the skin without surgery. Please read the following excerpt about it:

Silicea 30 C homeopathic remedy on website:

"Silicea 30C is also useful in expelling material from the body.

It is used to remove splinters, bits of embedded glass, and other foreign irritants."

If you are a TI then you will have implant chips that the perps use to cause the harrassments to your body and the V2K voices in your head. If you can get these out of your body then they can't Gang stalk you any more. Please see my page for all the information. 

You must not use this remedy if you have a pace maker as it can dislodge it. 

I was a TI from 2012 to 2018 and I used Silicea 30C homeopathic remedy to get out the implants. I am not a TI anymore. I do not make any money from the sale of this item. I am just trying to help Tis.

If you use this remedy and it works for you please let me know so I can help other TIs with this information.

Kind regards

Music Teacher

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We have all become embedded with nano technology to the extent that any of us can at any time be activiated as a sender and receiver of direct digital communication both to and from the human brain and central nervous system. Those of us who have already become activated to receive unwanted messages directly into our brains are fully aware that this system is a digital enslavement system which has already been activated inside us. I have sent a message to all of the County Councillors who act for County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland asking them to attend a meeting where I would arrange for them to meet approximately twenty Irish men and women who are willing to substantiate my true statement that we have already been non-consensually activated to receive voice messages and other information which is being sent almost continually to our brains from unknown neuro operatives who I now believe have become partially enslaved by this system which is sometimes known as a cybernetic control system or a neural control system or it is also known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation.

The main policy of dark occultists when challenged in any way is to induce negative attention on the individual who challenges them and to attempt to ignore the challenging message almost entirely.

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I have noticed on a couple of blogs that Psychiatrists are our worst enemy?  I refer you all to Dr. Geofrey Schaler, who does a brilliant five minute presentation.  He was a Psychologist & Professor, who came out and viremently criticised his fellow peers for their total lack of science with particular reference to the DSM! (The Diagnostic & Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders),  You can find this on YouTube, by just putting his name on the search drive.  He had a very good friend, Dr. Thomas Szasz, Professor of Psychology who was equally perplexed with Psychiatry, also on YouTube.  He has made a complete set of seminars held at The University of Birmingham, (England), free for all to see.

One of the big problems is that some people know the truth, but some don't.  The reason?  Pluasible Denighability, if you do not know the truth you automatically accept what education & those in authority tell you.  I believe therefore it is down to us to educate the world.  The more you keep to yourself the more they get away with.

All the best to everyone,

and may God be with you

all,  Robert.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

Canadian victim of torture, Robin Yan  has one piece of advice for you and us.

To guarantee no dirty hands  on our internet,  please try to use " telegram", or any other   type of online services  as one of your options because they are now  hacking everything, everyone no matter who you are.

Please see this below:

“By providing a strong voice advocating for victims and condemning abusers, the Secretary-General can stand tall against governments committing serious rights violations ..."

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
, thanks.

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People who live by moral laws benefit, regardless of whether they are religious or not. It is preferable to live my moral laws without belonging to an organised religion because moral laws on their own are fully sufficient. There is a moral reality and this moral reality is independent of subjective human thinking. A large majority of organised religions demand that their followers abandon logical thinking and instead adopt faith based thinking which means they believe what they believe because of constant repetition since early childhood and for no other reason.
Because moral laws on their own are fully sufficient why do organised religions exist and what is their purpose?
" Religion is a system of socialogical control based in unchallenged erroneous and dogmatic beliefs which are specifically designed to hold back the progress of human consciousness."

Quote by Mark Passio from

Even though the Vatican has its own private army of deep underground intelligence agents the pope who has a network of followers throughout the world has failed to warn his followers that they are in grave danger of being enslaved by inhaling and ingesting nano technology which is then manipulated and controlled from inside their bodies thereby eventually controlling and enslaving them. 

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The spirit of rebellion

The spirit of rebellion

Most people in this world do not care about the soundness of our political systems. As long as they have a job and money in the bank, they are willing to look the other way. This is especially true in China. Some will even take advantage of the political systems and be parasites. In other words, they will abuse the political systems for self gain.

We are placed in this world to serve and to love. But sadly most people are in league with the spirit of rebellion. That is the reason why Papa YAHUVAH is getting so mad at them. My advice is do not be one of them. Hell is forever. Once you get to hell there is no chance of coming out. Your suffering will be forever.

For those of you who will take heed of this message, please go to and read the salvation prayer to get saved. We are here to love one another and to edify one another. Now is the time for salvation, tomorrow maybe too late. Learn to do the Ten Commandments. Learn about the biblical festivals. Learn about our Saviour YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

Lastly, politicians around the world are treating economy as God. They will pay for their mistakes.

Thank you for reading this message.

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Health Standards for Novichok in uk

The following observations are intended to guide Emergency Departments by
updating them on a number of issues that have become apparent through the
experience of receiving, assessing and managing cases of Novichok nerve agent
poisoning in the Salisbury area recently.
Important contact number
Assistance on managing such incidents should be obtained quickly through the national
ECOSA (Emergency Coordinated Scientific Advice System) and the clinical management of
individual patients supported by NPIS (National Poisons Information Service).
ECOSA: 0300 3033 493
NPIS: 0344 892 0111
The recommended overarching source of guidance on CBRN incidents is the
recently issued PHE handbook Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear
incidents: clinical management and health protection
Detailed notes about management of specific poisons are available from NPIS on
Time of onset & symptomatology
Patients with Novichok poisoning present within hours of exposure, typically less than
6 hours; however any illness occurring within 12 hours after potentially linked to
contact with suspect materials / contaminated locations should be investigated
The symptoms exhibited by the cases seen to date have been typical of
organophosphate poisoning:
 Breathing impaired due to secretions ++
 Sinus bradycardia
 hypotension
CNS/Peripheral Nervous System
 Painful dim vision1
 Muscle weakness / fasiculation
 Convulsions / coma
 Involuntary defecation
Therapeutic challenge
 Good response to high dose atropine (increased heart rate and blood pressure)
is highly suggestive of nerve agent poisoning
The most important differential diagnosis is suspected opiate overdose, and a trial of
naloxone should be given initially. Colleagues should be mindful that to exclude the
possibility of fentanyl contamination rapidly escalating doses of naloxone are
required to exclude mixed heroin / fentanyl overdosage.
NALOXONE: may be given IV / IM / IO
Adults and children aged 12 years or over: initial dose of 400 micrograms (0.4mg),
if no response after 60 seconds, give a further 800 micrograms (0.8mg), if still no
response after another 60 seconds, give another 800 micrograms (0.8mg); if still no
response (after a total of 2 mg), give a further 2mg dose. Large doses (4mg) may
be required in a seriously poisoned patient.
Children (under 12 years of age): initial dose of 100 micrograms/kg (0.1mg/kg) up to
a maximum of 2mg, if there is no response after 60 seconds give another
100micrograms/kg (0.1mg/kg) and repeat until a satisfactory response has been
obtained or a maximum of 2mg has been given.
1 Miosis was present in all cases seen due to Novichok agents – however, experience with other nerve agents
mydriasis may be present where nicotinic effects predominates, and therefore the best clinical summary is that
painful blurred vision is the best descriptor of potential clinical presentations with either miosis or mydriasis being
If there is a failure to respond to naloxone then give atropine and seek specialist
help with further management:
ATROPINE: may be given IV / IM / IO
Adults and children aged 12 years or over: 4.0 - 4.2 milligrams (8 x 500 / 7 x 600
microgram ampoules).
Children (under 12 years of age): 50 to 75 microgram/kg in a child.
Doses repeated every five minutes until secretions are minimal and the
patient is ‘atropinised’ (lungs are clear, heart rate is greater than 80/min, and
blood pressure is adequate).
Note: as the pupils may remain constricted / dilated for several days due to
direct nerve agent exposure, pupil size should not be used as an end point for
Safety of staff
When treating symptomatic patient’s suspected of Novichok poisoning standard
NHS PPE (gowns, visors and two pairs of nitrile gloves) is adequate2
It is not necessary to invoke lock down procedures in this situation.
Assessment and care of these patients should ideally take place in a single
person room where clothing and clinical waste can be secured safely for later
Primary decontamination of a patient is achieved by removal and double bagging
of their clothing.
When time allows decontamination using a careful wash of the patient’s skin using
soap / detergent and water is desirable using standard NHS PPE (gowns, visors
and two pairs of nitrile gloves).
Cleaning of clinical areas
All NHS hospitals in the UK, have fittings and furnishings that resist contamination
(including mattresses) and may be readily cleaned to a high standard; where
possible disposable materials should be used.
NOTE: other traditional nerve-agents will have higher volatility and other precautions need to be taken to protect
staff; including decontamination using removal of external layer of clothing before admission to the ED.
Guidance on decontamination and sterilisation of re-usable clinical equipment in
the intensive care area has developed to ensure that there was no risk of crosscontamination where the use of single-use equipment is not feasible (see appendix
In clinical areas where assessment and care of people who have been affected by
Novichok agents has taken place:
 The routine cleaning protocols, methods and materials already in use will be
sufficient to give a high standard of assurance that these clinical areas remain fit
to use, and are safe for staff, patients and members of the public
 There is no need to dispose of any furnishings
 There is no need to undertake any re-assurance environmental sampling
 Following completion of clinical care normal terminal decontamination should be
undertaken and consideration given to including an additional step of a wipe down
of hard surfaces using a 1:1 dilution of standard 5% hypochlorite (bleach) solution,
not mixed with any other chemicals or cleaning agents, taking account of
appropriate safety precautions
 In all cases it is recommended that specialist advice should be sought from
PHE Emergency Response Department on the need and actual process to
be followed
Cholinesterase testing
Cholinesterase testing is a useful adjunct to diagnosis of symptomatic patients
and the monitoring of the recovery of established cases of nerve agent
Cholinesterase testing has no value in the assessment of asymptomatic patients
or as a screening tool (see appendix B).
This note has been prepared by Dr Nick Gent PHE and Dr Bob Winter NHSE.
It is based on advice from Dr Christine Blanshard (Medical Director Salisbury NHS
Foundation Trust).
Appendix (A): Practice note: safety and management of reusable
equipment in patients suffering from nerve agent poisoning (Salisbury
Advice has been requested on the safety of re-use of the following equipment:
1) Transfer trolley
2) ECG equipment
3) EEG equipment
4) Infusion pumps
5) Ventilators (ICU / MRI / transfer equipment)
6) Surgical equipment (non-disposable)
 The transfer trolley is prepared as normal with the usual surface coverings
 Items (2)-(4) are attached to the patient with disposable connectors / catheters
 The ventilators are using disposable circuits and filters
 The surgical equipment is subject to normal CSSD cleaning and
decontamination processes before re-use
In assessing risk of exposing a subsequent patient to risk we have noted that:
Ventilation equipment is already designed to offer a high level of protection between
patient re-use for control of infection.
Given the anticipated low levels of surface contamination, transfer amounts will be
very small and wipes containing surfactants (e.g. Clinell Universal Wipes) or
chlorhexidine (e.g. PDI Super Sani Cloth Plus Wipes are sufficient. A terminal
clean would be best performed with an Actichlor solution in its usual dilution.
The free chemical agent is not expected to be present in significant quantities in
blood or sputum. It is possible low levels of active metabolites are present.
Normal CSSD practices should be sufficient to clear free active agent and
metabolites. If this includes a detergent-based dishwashing stage (with heat) and/or
a direct steam- instrument contact sterilisation full inactivation would be expected.
The ordinary personal protection systems in use should be adhered too.
All of the items listed in (1)-(6) above may be safely re-used without risk to staff or
patients should notes above be adhered too.
Appendix (B): Cholinesterase testing practice note
Cholinesterase testing for nerve agent / organophosphate exposure is available
from a number of PHE laboratories, DSTL, and some NHS hospitals.
This brief note explains how and when it may be appropriately used.
Cholinesterases are bound by organophosphate (nerve) agents causing a
malfunction of acetylcholine mediated nerve transmission.
Exposure to nerve agents decreases the level of cholinesterases detectable in whole
blood specimens.
The normal levels of cholinesterases in the blood are not well defined (as routine
testing for cholinesterases is only ordinarily undertaken in certain occupational
Further, it is known that cholinesterase levels vary throughout the day, over weeks,
and in response to certain medicines.
As a result of the known issues of lack of a reliable normal range estimate;
cholinesterase testing may only be considered to be wholly suitable for differential
diagnostic purposes where significant exposure to a nerve agent may have
occurred and confirmation that the symptoms present are probably due to that
Cholinesterase testing is also probably of therapeutic use in monitoring response to
treatment, especially judging the safety of withdrawal of antidotes.
Cholinesterase testing is not suitable for use as a screening tool to judge exposure to
low- doses of a nerve agent, and cannot be used for re-assurance that such
exposures have not occurred. It should not, therefore, be used in the absence of any
characteristic symptoms of nerve agent poisoning.
Please seek advice early.
Published September 2018
PHE publications gateway number: 2018400

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I've sent an email like this.

Barbara Rogers <>
Tue, 10 Mar at 17:06
If your product with chlorhexidin is being used for novichok and wiping down surfaces then do you think as you have already produced mouthwash with same ingredient in it, that most of the world bacteria, viruses, and fungi being wiped off a surface and leaving no traces of novichok or coronavirus - it might helpful understand that you have developed the holy grail of medicine and it can cure all that, that you know, and you alone can cure the world's ill if you marketed it.  use the cleaner to cure the world - even of all chemical weapons!!!!
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If you remember I told you that Wikipedia have told on their own when it comes to defining torture methods.  The wikipedia reference I shall include in this blog - I have heard from my perps who have confessed to torture here in Fleet yet the various professional bodies that usually get involved in gang stalking still continue - when this goes to a court of law - they will have to go in for life. They admitted torture several times and also it has been referred to and they do not seem to mind.  If you can get your perps to admit to it.  It's brilliant if they are cocky and show off and also if they continue to find support and warn that support what they've done and by continuing gang stalking they are an accessory - whether they knew about and paid the perps before or even during the gang stalking, If they join after, they're still involved in gang stalking and are accessories even then.  It's all crime - during being psychotronically torture to get them to mention their threats of different type torture listed here and try to log and worst thing they do is record - try to record the events and remember them for a court of law- if others you know are told to use a machine - it will probably be some perp or other professional bodies using it and stealing voice print - you might have visible signs that others you know are listening - then give them the warning they need to record things for you.  If they do - they don't agree with your torture it's better. Don't let them dupe you.  If professional bodies ask them for recording report it to peacepink or stoppeg- try and record as many events as possible and record as many events as you can.  The words can be used against them.  Wikipedia told on their illuminati.

Psychological torture methods[edit]

Physical torture methods[edit]

Instruments of torture[edit]

Note that the line between "torture method" and "torture device" is often blurred, particularly when a specifically named implement is but one component of a method. Also, many devices that can be used for torture have mainstream uses, completely unrelated to torture.

Medieval and early modern instruments of torture[edit]

These torture devices were devices used in the Middle Ages or early modern period to cause pain, injury, and sometimes death, usually to extract information or a confession from criminals or prisoners, also as punishment for crimes.

Chair of Torture[edit]


There are many variants of the chair, though they all have one thing in common: spikes cover the back, arm-rests, seat, leg-rests, and foot-rests. The number of spikes in one of these chairs ranges from 500 to 1,500.


To avoid movement, the victim's wrists were tied to the chair or, in one version, two bars pushed the arms against arm-rests for the spikes to penetrate the flesh even further. In some versions, there were holes under the chair's bottom where the torturer placed coal to cause severe burns while the victim still remained conscious. In other versions, there were weights that would be placed on the victim's thighs or feet. In a special version, there were spikes on the headrest and the executioner pushed his head against it.

This instrument's strength lies primarily in the psychological fear caused to the victims. They would often use the victim's fear to scare them. It was a common practice to extract a confession by forcing the victim to watch someone else be tortured with this instrument.

The time of death greatly varied ranging from a few hours to a day or more. No spikes penetrated any vital organ and the wounds were closed by the spikes themselves which delayed blood loss greatly.

The Rack[edit]

A torture rack in the Tower of London


The rack was first used in antiquity and it is unclear exactly from which civilization it originated, though some of the earliest examples are from Greece.
Arrian's Anabasis of Alexander states that Alexander the Great had the pages who conspired in his assassination, and their mentor, his court historian Callisthenes, tortured on the rack in 328 BC.[4]


The rack is a torture device that consists of an oblong, rectangular, usually wooden frame, slightly raised from the ground, with a roller at one, or both, ends, having at one end a fixed bar to which the legs were fastened, and at the other a movable bar to which the hands were tied. The victim's feet are fastened to one roller, and the wrists are chained to the other.


The torturer turned the handle causing the ropes to pull the victim's arms. Eventually, the victim's bones were dislocated with a loud crack, caused by snapping cartilage, ligaments or bones. If the torturer kept turning the handles the limbs would eventually be torn off.

This method was mostly used to extract confessions, not confessing meant that the torturer could stretch more. Sometimes, torturers forced their victim to watch other people be tortured with this device to implant psychological fear.

Many knights from the Knights Templar were tortured with the rack. The limbs collected from this and other punishments of the time were "emptied by the hundreds".

Sometime this method was limited to dislocating a few bones, but the torturer often went too far and rendered the legs or arms (sometimes both) useless. In the late Middle Ages, some new variants of this instrument appeared. They often had spikes that penetrated the victim's back - as the limbs were pulled apart, so was his or her spinal cord increasing not only in physical pain, but the psychological one of being handicapped at best, too.

Brazen Bull[edit]

A brazen bull as depicted by Hans Burgkmair the Elder.


The Brazen Bull was invented in Ancient Greece, by Perillos of Athens. Perillos proposed his idea of a more painful means of execution to Phalaris, the tyrant of Akraga. Phalaris liked the idea of the Brazen Bull, and so it was made. Once finished, Phalaris ordered it to be tested on Perillos himself. Perillos was removed from the Bull before he died, but was later killed by Phalaris when he threw Perillos off a hill.[citation needed] The Greek had specially engineered tubes to make the screams of the victims sound like the noise of a bull.


The Bull was made wholly of brass, and was hollow with a door in the side.


When a victim was placed inside the brazen bull, she or he was slowly burned to death. The device gradually became more sophisticated, until the Greeks invented a complex system of tubes in order to make the victim's screams sound more like an infuriated bull, and also made it so the smoke from it rose in clouds of incense. This torture is similar to being boiled alive.

Even though this torture was not used during the Middle Ages as it was used earlier by the Greek and Romans, a simple form of boiling was still used in Central Europe, without the use of the bull.

Chinese Iron Maiden[edit]


Similar to the Iron Maiden of the 19th century, this device was first used in the Ming Dynasty.


It stood like a coffin but was raised on a platform with an iron grate on the bottom instead of a piece of wood. Like the Iron Maiden, this coffin was made of brass or sometimes even iron. But, unlike the iron maiden, it was optional to include spikes or not.


The Chinese Iron Maiden was generally used to punish those who were not loyal to the king but it was also used to set an example for other future wrongdoers. The prisoner would be locked into the coffin and made to stand on the grated bottom. Then, the executioner would pour water onto hot coals that they placed under the grated platform. The mixture of hot coals and cold water would create a cloud of steam that went into the coffin, steaming the person alive.

Pear of Anguish[edit]


A pear shaped instrument, consisting of four leaves that slowly separated from each other as the torturer turned the screw at the top.


There is no contemporary first-hand account of those devices or their use. An early mention of a spring-loaded gagging device is in F. de Calvi's L'Inventaire général de l'histoire des larrons ("General inventory of the history of thieves"), written in 1639, which attributes the invention to a robber named Capitaine Gaucherou de Palioly in the days of Henry of Navarre.

Further mentions of the device appear in the 19th century. They are also mentioned in Grose's Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1811) as "Choak Pears," and described as being "formerly used in Holland."[3]

They were also discussed in a book by Eldridge and Watts, superintendent of police and chief inspector of the detective bureau in Boston, Massachusetts (1897). While accepting that ordinary pear-shaped gags exist, they observed that contemporary robbers used no such device as Palioly's Pear and cast doubt upon its very existence in the first place, saying that "fortunately for us this 'diabolical invention' appears to be one of the lost arts, if, indeed, it ever existed outside of de Calvi's head. There is no doubt, however, of the fashioning of a pear-shaped gag which has been largely used in former days by robbers in Europe, and may still be employed to some extent. This is also known as the 'choke-pear', though it is far less marvellous and dangerous than the pear of Palioly."

Though there is little or no evidence of its being used by bandits, there are a number of examples of ornate and elaborate, pear-shaped devices with three or four leaves or lobes, driven by turning a key that rotates the central screw thread, which spreads the leaves. These are generally held in museums devoted to the subject of torture, and are described as instruments of torture by distension or evisceration. Some, but not all, have small spikes of uncertain purpose at the bottom of each leaf. However, these devices do not seem to match the descriptions given by Calvi or the 19th century sources.


Punishing a common scold in the dunking stool.


This was a form of punishment that was mainly reserved for supposed witches. The victim was tied to a chair which was elevated by ropes above a pond or vat of water. The victim was then lowered into the water until completely submerged. The chair was raised if the victim was about to pass out, or to give the victim a chance to confess. Often, some form of plug or more simply, a piece of fruit, was placed in the victims mouth and nose beforehand, so they couldn't get a good breath before being dunked. If the victim confessed they would most likely be killed. This method was widely used during the Spanish Inquisition and in England and France. The victim was usually intermittently submerged for many hours until he or she revealed information or death had occurred. Ordeal by water began with the witch-hunts of the 16th and 17th centuries. King James VI of Scotland (later also James I of England) claimed in his Daemonologie that water was so pure an element that it repelled the guilty.

While supposed witches were commonly tortured using this method, thieves and murderers could be subjected to it in order to extract a confession. This was more common when other more sophisticated torture devices were not present.

Dunking was also used as punishment for common scolds.



In England, statute 22 passed in 1532 by Henry VIII, made boiling a legal form of capital punishment. It began to be used for murderers who used poisons after the Bishop of Rochester's cook, Richard Rice, gave a number of people poisoned porridge, resulting in two deaths in February 1532.[5] Boiling to death was employed again in 1542 for a woman who also used poison.[6][7] It was also used for counterfeiters, swindlers and coin forgers during the Middle Ages.[8]

A large cauldron was filled with water, oil, tar, tallow or molten lead. The liquid was then boiled. Sometimes the victim would be placed in the cauldron before it was boiled so as to be cooked slowly. Or they would be placed, usually head first, into the already boiling liquid.

This was more frequently a way to execute a prisoner rather than to extract a confession.



Freezing to death[edit]

In the winter, the naked victim was forced to stand outside in full view of everyone. Slowly, the torturer poured water on the victim's head which eventually became frozen, making them die slowly and painfully. Sometimes the body was left for the whole winter to terrify the population and dissuade any further crimes.


In the summer, the person would be coated with a mixture of boiling water and oil while stripped naked, and put out in the sun. They would then burn them to death.

Live Burial[edit]

As its name implies, this method consists of exposing a victim to the elements. The victim could be buried up to his neck letting any animals, insects or other people kill him slowly.


In some towns there were chains, stocks or ropes used to quickly restrain someone outside. In very severe cases, the victim was simply left to die of hunger and thirst.

In addition to regular restraint, the gibbet, a large basket made of iron or other metal, with holes large enough for arms and legs, but not for an entire body to fit through, would be hung from a pole with a person inside it. During hot days, the metal would heat, causing pain. During cold days and nights, the chill, as well as lack of protection from the wind, could easily sap a victim's body heat. The holes in the grating were also big enough to allow carrion birds, and the occasional rat, to enter and pluck at a victim's skin and eyes.


Due to its cost efficiency and cruelty, the exposure torture was very widespread in medieval Europe. The victim's remains often served as a warning to the population.

In many cases, the victim was sentenced to a short period of exposure, depending on the crime. However, death was frequent since they were completely defenseless.

Brown Rats[edit]

A cheap and effective way to torture someone was with the use of rats. There were many variants, but the most common was to force a rat through a victim's body (usually the intestines) as a way to escape. This was done as follows:

  1. The victim was completely restrained and tied to the ground or a bed.
  2. The victim would then have many slits cut in their stomach.
  3. Then they would place rats and trap them with a bowl on the victim's stomach, then place hot coal on top of the bowl and the rats would get hot, a few seconds would go by and they will go into your stomach.

Gnawing the intestines usually resulted in a few hours of agonizing pain for the victim. This almost always resulted in death.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ "'It Was Torture': An Abu Ghraib Interrogator Acknowledges 'Horrible Mistakes'". National Public Radio. NPR, National Public Radio, US. Apr 4, 2016.
  2. ^ "Ex-Abu Ghraib Interrogator: Israelis Trained U.S. to Use "Palestinian Chair" Torture Device". Democracy Now!. Democracy Now!. Apr 7, 2016. Retrieved 9 April 2019.
  3. ^ R.D. Melville (1905), "The Use and Forms of Judicial Torture in England and Scotland," The Scottish Historical Review, vol. 2, p. 228; Geoffrey Abbott (2006) Execution: the guillotine, the Pendulum, the Thousand Cuts, the Spanish Donkey, and 66 Other Ways of Putting Someone to Death, MacMillan, ISBN 0-312-35222-0, p. 213. Both of these refer to the use of the pendulum (pendola) by inquisitorial tribunals. Melville, however, refers only to its use as a torture method, while Abbott suggests that the device was purposely allowed to kill the victim if he refused to confess.
  4. ^ The Anabasis of Arrian
  5. ^ Kesselring, K.J. (Sep 2001), A Draft of the 1531 'Acte for Poysoning', The English Historical Review Vol. 116, No. 468, pp. 894–899, JSTOR 579196
  6. ^ Newlin, George (2000), Understanding Great expectations, Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, pp. 136, ISBN 978-0-313-29940-7, OCLC 41488673
  7. ^ Leslie, Frank, Frank Leslie, and Ellery Sedgwick. 1876. Frank Leslie's popular monthly. [New York]: Frank Leslie Pub. House. p 343
  8. ^ Monter, E. William (2007). A bewitched duchy: Lorraine and its dukes, 1477-1736. Librairie Droz. p. 163. ISBN 978-2-600-01165-5.

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The dark new world order cabal attained ownership of a large amount of the worlds money and resources by using electronic mind control on those that they have been doing business with which effectively means that they have come by their finances and property by both illegal and immoral means and because of that situation we can take it off them again and distribute it among the rightful owners throughout the world. Who will volunteer to take them to a common law court and thereby rightfully gain back what they attained by illegal and immoral means?
By gaining control over what the dark new world order cabal now own and control we would also gain the right to disassemble and ban all HAARP phased arrays along with all microwave and millimetre wave transmitters and all other paraphernalia which is now being used to gain wireless control of our central nervous systems under patent number US6965816. The aforementioned patent outlines the capability of unknown criminal neural control operatives to take over, control and manage a human being through their central nervous system as well as to take over, control and manage other systems such as vehicles and airplanes. In my opinion, the dark new world order cabal wish to be able to control their fellow men, women and children of the world in hundreds of different ways including immobilising any of us who dared to ever question their ever growing false authority. By using your smart phone you can be programmed to accept values such as cruelty and intolerance as well as unquestioning belief in all information which comes through certain predesignated channels regardless of whether that information is true or false.
By wirelessly gaining access to the central nervous system of a human being or a selection of human beings unknown neuro scientists as well as neuro operatives can extract electrical impulses from the brain and central nervous system of the targeted human being and have them automatically translated into what that human being is thinking, saying, doing, feeling as well as intimate details about their bodily functions. This can be done to the targeted human being while said targeted human being is fully aware that they are being subjected to constant monitoring of their neural systems and while said targeted human being is actively complaining to anyone who will listen that this is occurring to them continually without end.

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They have destroyed  the  evidence about their ongoing torture, terror, crimes against humanity.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

They have destroyed  the  evidence about their ongoing torture, terror, crimes against humanity. Meanwhile, they are hacking Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch , Europe. In fact, they  are now madly hacking UN, International Human Rights Community  International Criminal Court, everything I am using, and all evidence for International Bar Association, even my home security cameras?

Please see how they did:

What happened? Please see our emails between UN and me:



All Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
, thanks.

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I believe that this film is one of the best films on Gangstalking ever known. Check out the Mkultra hoods at the stone table. Don't forget names of the murderers and the professions all link to the various illuminati organisations i.e. Porter - hoteliers like Trump and Guinness Porter associated with Aga Khan. It’s funny because it shows you what they'd do without DEWs and telecommunications for cyber torture and they use the weapon to end it all - walkie talkies - see peacepink for my blogs. Gang stalking and police activities in Kent, London, Hants and Merseyside, See Justice Watch websites. Ironically we all need the 777 police officer that knows it's wrong to murder demographic groups and store them under the Castle. references to stag do's on the door of Martin Blowers Dressing Rooom should let you know of the Stasi!

Summary: Gang stalking and 777 - We need you

Walkie Talkies and Electrostatic engines a plenty please – they blow it up or interfere with the wave.

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Industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products and yet it has been banned from the market place by individuals who wish to empoverish us for some of the following reasons:-
The first step to taking over a country and its people is to first of all find ways to empoverish the people of that country. That has already been achieved by banning industrial hemp and by thereby banning all of its products from the market place. We could build, furnish and carpet and power our homes by using industrial hemp as the main raw material to achieve this. We could feed our animals with industrial hemp. It takes only ninety days for industrial hemp to grow to full maturity from seed. It has been banned from the world market place by individuals who wish to take over our countries and to enslave us.
A second step to taking over a country and its people is to destroy the health of the people of the country which has been designated for takeover and enslavement. In medical school, students are being deliverately misinformed about all aspects of human health. This has now become apparent because medical practitioners are coming to the fore online and relating stories of how they given misinformation at medical school and since then through their own private endeavours have found much better ways of treating and curing illnesses, information which was denied to them during their medical training. Further to that, Iatrogenic events in medical practice is the third leading cause of death in the United States at this time.
A fourth step needed in taking over a country and its people is to intellectually dumb them down so that they are unable to think logically and rationally. Magical thinking is encouraged in all areas. Government education is mainly about subjugation, brain washing, mass control and conformity. Children are not been taught how to think critically. A future dictatorship does not wish to be challenged by individuals who are truely educated and independend minded. They would like the population they control to think collectively because they hate individuality because they can not and never could mind control individual thinkers. School has become a process of non-educational programming. Schooling is also being used to make children aware of time constraints so that they could be controlled by this means in the future. Public schooling is now being used to indoctrinate students into the political principal of collectivism which means central control of people.
A fifth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take total control over the main stream media which has already been achieved throughout the world. The dark occultists and others who aim to enslave us have purchased most newspapers, magazines, television stations,publishing houses and film studios. They push the same propaganda from all avenues so that it then becomes more believable when people begin to hear the same message from several different sources. All avenues of information have now been centralized into fewer and fewer hands and those fewer hands are attempting to manufacture a false reality where we would be given fewer basic human rights that those within the dictatorship.
A sixth step needed to take over a country and its people is to take control of the police of that country. At present, masts over police stations affect the beta rhythm of their brains which is responsible for sound judgement in emergency situations. Police are being forced to enforce unjust laws. Police are being denied access to information about directed energy weapons and their true capabilities. They are being wrongly guided to send complainers of directed energy weapons attacks for mandatory psychiatric evaluation, thereby mistakingly covering up in-home wireless torture and in-home attempts at wireless enslavement of good living people through attempts at controlling them through their central nervous systems. An attempt to turn human beings into cyborgs through control of their nervous systems has been partially achieved. With the use of invisible and silent weapons, peoples biological and electrical systems and their minds can be controlled via telephone masts.
A seventh step needed to take over a country and its people is to use brain entrainment and subliminal programming of the populace through television, smart phones and wifi whenever the would be enslavers wish to introduce unjust government ligitation such as privatising property which is owned by the people of that country and thereby allowing it to be purchased by unknown investors who are acting for the dictatorship. Such brain entrainment and subliminal programming and other mind control techniques are being used on you without your knowledge and consent during elections, political meetings, conferences, demonstrations, large consumer purchases such as when purchasing private homes or holiday homes, as well as during court cases. Brain entrainment and subliminal programming has become so advanced now that it can be used to cover whole countries or whole continents at the same time.
An eight step needed to take over a country and its people is to keep them working continually while often performing pointless tasks so that they will not have time to figure out what is really occurring behind the scenes in their lives. It has been widely discovered that at least eighty percent of all work being performed across the world only benefits the would-be enslavers of the human race. In order to provide ourselves with everything we need and in order to lead lives of absolute abundance each man and woman in this world would really only need to work one day per week. Further to that, it is advantageous to the would-be dictatorship to keep both students and workers permanently tired and stressed because conditioning which is installed when somebody is in a state of stress or fatigue goes deeper that conditioning which is installed at other times.
A nineth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people a platform of complaint whenever they are being subject to unjust treatment or when they are being wirelessly tortured inside their own homes. The main stream media refuse to print our stories and politicians refuse to act on our requests for assistance and they refuse to provide technology which would enable us to prove that we are under wireless attack. Universities refuse to reply to our requests for help.
A tenth step needed to take over a country and its people is to encourage everyone to belong to groups or teams. Anyone who lives alone or who acts alone or who is an individual thinker is to be portrayed with suspicion by agents within the main stream media. Group members try to minimize conflict in order to reach a consensus often without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints. If you belong to a group you are often isolated from outside influences.
An eleventh step to taking over a country and its people is to manipulate the young people into becoming addicted to substances and to sexually depraving themselves by offering them misleading advice when they are too young to be able to assess it critically. If we live lives of loyalty and fidelity to one partner throughout our lives and if sexual behaviour is moderate rather than extreme then we will have peace of mind throughout our lives. The nuclear family is destroyed when people become sexually promiscious thereby paving the way for greater intervention into our lives and manipulation of our lives by a would-be dictatorship.

A twelfth step needed to take over a country and its people is to deny the people adequate living space because by living in over crowded spaces we are being subjected to undue stress which would make us move maleable to being controlled by false authority figures . If there were a stable six billion individuals on earth and each apartment building was only six floors high we could then give every man, woman and child on earth their own large fifty square metre apartment for the duration of their whole life and it would take approximately twelve million acres of space to build those six floor apartment buildings on and considering that there are thirty six thousand, seven hundred and ninety four million acres of land on earth, after we subtracted the twelve million acres of land needed for the spacious apartment blocks, we would then have thirty six thousand, seven hundred and eighty two million acres of land left for food and for wild animals.
36,794,000,000 Acres of land on earth.
- 12,000,000 Acres needed to give every one their one fifty square metre apartment for life
provided each apartment building was six floors high and the population of earth
remained at a stable six billion.
36,782,000,000 Acres left over for farm land and wild land.
We should enact laws where we are all entitled to own personal property such as our own fifty square metre large home which could be built by industrial hemp building blocks and furnished by industrial hemp furniture and carpeted by industrial hemp carpets. Nobody could then accuse us of wasting the resources of the planet because it only takes ninety days to grow industrial hemp from seed to full maturity so therfure we would not be burdening the planet in any way whatsoever. We would no longer allow laws which would entitle us to own private property such as land, roads, lakes, seas, apartment blocks, banks, museums and government buildings because these publicly owned resources are now being privatized all over the world and are being purchased by the same group of would-be dictators of the world who if allowed to continue would eventually own all of the resources of the planet and legally enslave the rest of us so that we would not be able to live if we ever dared to challenge their future dictatorship. Please raise awareness of this.

Whenever those who run governments from behind the scenes commit crimes they apply the word "classified" to each crime and by this means secrecy allows evil to flourish. Senior politicians and other government staff should refuse to sign secrecy clauses and they should disclose whatever they know about government criminality because full disclosure allows good to flourish. Honesty and truth holds society together.
We must become self-sufficient within each country. We must refuse to finance the intelligence services. We must switch back from digital to analogue communications. We must own and control our own central banks. We must use common law courts whose laws would be enforced by a peoples militia. We must take down HAARP phased arrays. We must not allow children to become unquestioningly obedient order followers because by becoming unquestioningly obedient they could in later life easily be persuaded to commit acts of extreme evil by the would-be dictatorship.

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