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Hello, excuse me, I looked at all the applications peacepink.
Is there an application or a plugin, to put in a column of my blog topics, similar to a newspaper article?

For wordpress, there's this plugin, but I find nothing to peacepink. :)


English : Magazine Columns plugin for a blog similar to a magazine article

An example of article columns:


other example and an other magazine article columns.



An example of An italian blog of a female: clear, straightforward, clean, orderly, lined up and similar a magazine article columns.
A few photos, a few pictures.

 BLOGGER with plugin similar as WORDPRESS similar to a magazine article.


I prefer, write a few topics, but done very well rather than many facts wrong.
Unfortunately, I have many topics on my peacepink to correct. :)


I thought it similar to a newspaper article, are more pleasant and tidy. :)
Is there a plugin or application of peacepink, similar to those used on blogger or worldpress? :)

Who should I ask? I have to write an email to John A? :) :) 


:)  :) :)


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: Fbi To 'pull Plug' On 350,000 Virus-infected Machines - Cutting Off Web For Users In U.s. And Uk

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Fed up by the stalking/harassment I had been undergoing since early 2000s (didn't yet know that the stalking and physical maladies that appeared years before that were correlated. It's only now that I am able to synthesize events with the benefit of hindsight) - I went to talk to a defense official.

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Life of Soleilmavis in Brief Summary

Soleilmavis is a Chinese citizen, born and raised in China in a rural area which had a simple and vanilla environment. Her parents came from farmers’ families. Her mother graduated in a polytechnic school, and her father had middle school education. They were rare people who had some education in rural areas at that time. She studied in one of the top primary schools and entered one of the top secondary schools of Shandong Province, which was famous with its high educational standards in China. She entered a university at age 17. She liked to read history books since she was very young. Her friends regarded her as a “bookworm”! Her teachers often selected her essays as the model essays at primary and middle school.


When she was a young girl, she dreamed to travel all over the world, study hard, work hard, learn different cultures and meet different people. After university, she worked in the easternmost Prefecture of China; then she went abroad to work. When she had earned and saved enough money, she applied to a university to study a Master’s Degree in Australia.


She was first attacked in December, 2001 by remote voice-to-skull and electromagnetic spectrums mind control technologies when she was studying for a Master`s Degree in Australia. At the time, she was unfamiliar with mind control technologies. Eventually, she came to learn of these technologies that are being secretly used or covered up by governments worldwide to control and harass the populace.


Her brain was controlled by remote voice to skull technologies and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Since 2002, she has traveled to Hong Kong, Thailand, China, and New Zealand to try to escape from the remote torture and harassment of these technologies. She was 'kidnapped' by these technologies and was taken inside the USA Embassy in Hong Kong in April 2002. In April 2003, she went back to China and still lives there today.

 She kept in touch with other victims and exposed mind control and directed energy technologies torturing and harassing her through many channels worldwide.

She and other victims in her network have written countless letters to government departments, social communities, human rights organizations, the media and the general public, to expose such horrible crimes and seek justice. They have started a concerted campaign against secret mind control weapons/directed energy weapons abuse and torture. They are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They have not yet gotten any help to stop the alleged human rights violation until 2013.

Soleilmavis has also sent letters to and wishes to file lawsuits against the government who has covered up mind control weapons abuses and tortures.

 ( ).  


Soleilmavis Liu, Author of the book: “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”, is helping the public understand voice-to-skull, and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. Her book provides the sound facts and evidence about the secret abuse and torture with such technologies.

The Queen of the South in Matthew 12:42, authored by Soleilmavis Liu, is a strong and well-reasoned piece to demonstrate whom the Queen of the South is, by using plenty of detailed historical data and facts. It lets the readers understand where the Ends of the Earth are, how the Queen of the South comes from the Ends of the Earth, how she can be greater than Solomon, and what the judgment is etc. Readers will understand God’s big plan about the Queen of the South by answering all these questions.


I have a dream, that I can find justice from USA.

Torturers have been cruelly torturing and harassing me with remote voice to skull (V2k) and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies (possibly through satellite and other technologies) for more than ten years since December 2001.

Torturers used to control my brain with remote V2k and remote electromagnetic mind control technologies, and brought me inside USA Embassy in Hongkong in April 2002.

As an innocent civilian who has been horribly persecuted, I urge USA government to investigate my case, and sentence torturers according to law.

I also wish all countries to legislate against the abuse and torture of such technologies.

I am an innocent civilian. Even if governments have political struggles, they can not violate my legitimate rights and interests as a civilian.


The Fact and evidence

Soleilmavis was controlled by remote Voice to Skull technologies and Mind Control technologies, and She was brought inside US Embassy in Hong Kong

The Arguments:

Soleilmavis case summary of mind control abuses and tortures

An anonymous Survey for Mind Control Victims (result on 19 Dec 2009)


Thousands of victims have been suffering horrible persecutions from abuses and tortures of remote electromagnetic mind control technologies and voice to skull technologies. Some victims were tortured to be death or driven to be crazy; some victims were controlled to be bad. Most of them could not get strong evidences to prove that they have been horrible tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies.

Only few victims have facts and evidences to prove that they have been tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. I am one of them.

I know those victims, who have passed away, did wish me to win my lawsuits. My victory also will bring them justice.

I have collected those victims stories (even it was only a small partial among all victims), and wish everyone could remember their sufferings.

Some lawsuits filed by Soleilmavis

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We live on differents continents, but we have the same photos.
For Italy I am crazy, stupid and of psychiatry. My question for this people of Italy is: "Why my photos and your photos are identicals?

These people from three different continents, you do not know each other, but they have albums of photos and video very similars and many coincidences".

1) Album Joselle USA - Implantation Surfacing from Skin & Scalp - Courtesy of Noren!

2) Album Italia - Skin, scalp and scars

3) Album Germany


4) Bonnie from U.S.A.


5) Bonnie from U.S.A.

6) Album Scotland

7) Albania - Petrit Demo

8) Album China


9a) 2009 - Bob Boyce's un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed (USA)

9b) 2009 -  Dogs suffer cancer after ID chipping come Bob Boyce

9c) 14/may/2012 - The project of the Pentagon: microchip to monitor the health of soldiers

Dogs suffer cancer after ID chipping come Bob Boyce

Bob Boyce's un-requested VeriChip and associated tumor removed (USA)



9143055093?profile=original(Copyright Linda Hawkins 2010. All rights reserved.) (photo: Atascadero Pet Hospital and Emergency Center)


After my email because this is all in copyright, in data 14-06-2012 Concessions obtained from

thank you very much for reply and concessions !!!




In this topic, many X-rays of differents Italian cases.

I'm sorry, but the argument is only in Italian language.
My English is bad, but it is not my Italian.

Molars are always the right place

►Italian case n.17 teeth

►Italian case n. 38 teeth

►Ramon : my teeth X-ray

Michael :teeth

 Coincidences with the Movies (Theets)




Coincidenze tra il 35 e il 77


C.A., caso censito n.35, è persona degna di fede, ma più volte attraverso le penurie e le torture, e le prese per il culo di medici ed avvocati, è stato spinto contro la ns.Associazione, alla quale periodicamente poi torna a fare riferimento, senza che noi si faccia nulla per questo, in quanto spesso pensiamo rassegnati che le torture inflitte siano tali da farci perdere molte persone senza possibilità di aiutarle-aiutarci insieme più. Questo memoriale ben rappresenta una fase che moltissimi-e torturati-e vivono, quella del sentirsi abbandonati, di desiderare la morte. È assai probabile che un giorno per tutte queste Vittime e per le persone che, per esempio negli Stati Uniti ma non solo, vengono uccise nei momenti di disperazione o di massimo pilotamento da alcune di queste stesse Vittime, ci saranno dei-delle colpevoli. Noi lo auspichiamo. Auspichiamo che la Magistratura ammetta, che i paesi occidentali siano liberati da questa peste bubbonica che parte dal cervello degli uomini e delle donne del potere, e non solo o principalmente, come pare dalla storia di C.A., di carabinieri e medici, avvocati e parenti.

Facciamo presente che la persona Vittima di questo tipo di torture, come chiunque, qualunque persona normale, di fronte ad una persecuzione così infame e sottile, perseverante, pazzesca e nazista, non si rende bene conto delle difficoltà delle altre stesse Vittime, e nel descrivere la propria situazione, dimentica quella degli altri, non nel senso di dimenticarla, ma di non rendersi conto che gli altri sono anch’essi impossibilitati ad agire efficacemente per se stessi-e, figurarsi per altri-e.

Per questo noi siamo come Associazione stupefatti che in Italia, nonostante il gran numero di contatti, prevalga la decisione di mantenere l’anonimato da parte delle Vittime. Questo aspetto rende meno forte la ns.Associazione. Lo diciamo da anni, eppure la situazione non cambia.

La copertura istituzionale a queste torture è pressocché totale.

Perché è l’anonimato, la prima delle armi dei nazisti che sfruttano queste armi, in quanto anche l’anonimato serve a nascondere questi “sistemi” di stalking, mobbing tecnologico, e tentato omicidio, tentativo di rendere invalida e mentalmente incapace una persona. Si potrebbe dire, azzardando, che la Chiesa e certi settori Giudiziari, si è sposata con il Diavolo, ossia con la Psichiatria, e che insieme, cercano sempre clienti nuovi. In Italia.



Sagge parole e il 77 trova alcune interessanti analogie con questi commenti con il 35 e si auspica che questo scritto sul 35 venga riletto per comprendere cosa ha capito bene il 77 che in certi versetti qui si identifica appieno nello scritto,per altri meno...




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How many of the victims are actually from Florida?

When you say Florida, is that the real place or is this in reference to ARG Florida?

I ask because there may be a common source/common hub of terrorism for the victims.

I can totally relate to your post.

And if we are talking about the same group, there would be paper trail that would help trace the spark of intrigues and money back to the perps.

Believe you me, the only way these people will understand that other human beings are not a sub-class way down their level is if somebody stands against them.

I won't give a lot of details now but I can identify them.

That's the most I can say at this point.

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To the REAL victims

Do people intentionally cough/fake a cough when they are around you?

What does the cough/coughing mean?

There are several possibilities but i wanna hear the interpretation of somebody who's going thru the same thing as I am.

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I feel that many TIs dont understand that the perps can see through our eyes. They can look through our periphial vision clearly and see all that we look at. If you ar having sex with a lover and are lookung into their eyes, so do the perps. If you look into your new born infants eyes for the first time, so do the perps.

They can hear  through your ears. When your mom tells you 'I love you', the perps hear it too. When your daughter tells you a special secret, they hear it too.

This means they dont need cameras hidden in your house, they dont need bugs to listen to you. They dont need people fallowing you around to know what you are doing. They get it all as you do it!

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I feel that many TIs dont understand that the perps can see through our eyes. They can look through our periphial vision clearly and see all that we look at. If you ar having sex with a lover and are lookung into their eyes, so do the perps. If you look into your new born infants eyes for the first time, so do the perps.

They can hear  through your ears. When your mom tells you 'I love you', the perps hear it too. When your daughter tells you a special secret, they hear it too.

This means they dont need cameras hidden in your house, they dont need bugs to listen to you. They dont need people fallowing you around to know what you are doing. They get it all as you do it!

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