The new world order have created a deliberate universal policy of adding mostly toxic and wholly unnecessary substances to the public food, water, medication, vaccination, tooth filling and toothpaste supply as well as having created another policy of spraying the air with equally dangerous substances. Because of these policies a large percentage of the general public then go on to develop irritable bowel syndrome and a host of other ailments. Further to this, if one claims disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome one could then be placed on a covert program of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation, indirectly because of the dangerous policies of said new world order.
Some human beings are having their biological processes directly affected by the unethical imprinting of unnecessary digital signals into their auras. Even though we dont know what method is being used against us, many human beings throughout most of the world are now reporting that they are experiencing their own body energy fields being forced to move against their wills thereby forcing their own muscles to move also against their wills. One possible method being considered may be that surveillance operatives can now imprint said unnecessary digital signals into human auras by the use oof a spectrometer which may be capable of being used to see inside the home of the individual being unethically interfered with. It may even be necessary for the targeted individual to be using a digital media screen because there may be reverse energy field cameras being built into digital media screens so as to enable the unethical operatives to see the human aura of their target.
I myself am one of those individuals who is now experiending forced muscle movement of my facial and body muscles against my will and without my permission. For further information please see my website which I alone own and control and which is called My name is Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.
Demonic possession does not exist. It has been hoaxed over many decades and perhaps even more than a century in order to provide a cover story for unethical human energy field interference which is ongoing on a large scale throughout most of the world now.
An optical spectrometer (spectrophotometer, spectrograph or spectroscope) is an instrument used to measure properties of light over a specific portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, typically used in spectroscopic analysis to identify materials.
The new world order cabal have been using the strategy of "divide and conquer" in order to gain power over families, communities, nations and the whole human race. They have attempted to break down the family unit by many and varied subtle means. They have used both church and state to push their agenda. Most agents of church and state can not see the big picture.
Many decades ago before electronic mind control took over, trauma based mind control was used by schools and churches. The clergy urged parents to severely physically discipline their children on the understanding that if the children were not totally obedient to the teaching of the church they would burn in hell for all eternity and the parents might also burn in hell for not disciplining the children enough. Many parents believed this dictate because there was no conflicting information allowed into circulation via the main stream media at the time. This practice alienated many children from their parents.
Parents were also encouraged to lie to their children when the children were at a vulnerable age where they needed to totally trust their parents for reasons of survival. Parents forced the Santa Clause lie and the Tooth Fairy lie on their children so that the children could never fully trust their parents again in the future. This also served to inculcate the children into the belief that it is acceptable to be dishonest.
The main stream media attempted to break down strong family units through promoting promiscuity in magazines which were published for teenage readership on the understanding that Teenagers are at an impressionable age and can be much easier to manipulate than adults.
Private home ownership is a source of power for families who are fighting against the interests of the new world order cabal. The main stream media successfully pushed the idea of not allowing adult children to live in the mostly privately owned family home after the age of twenty four. The new world order cabal wishes young people to either borrow large amounts of money so that they become debt slaves or else to live in rented accommodation where they could be evicted if they did not fall in line with the wishes of the new world order cabal. In recent times, algorythms have been used to place ownership of homes out of the reach of most young adults.
Church and state encouraged parents to send children to school when the children had turned four years old. A childs mind can be compared to liquid which does not set into a solid mind set until the age of seven on average. When the state has access to the minds of children before the age of seven agents of the state can easily inculcate the child into a heirarchical based mind set to the extent that the child becomes unable to challenge false authority in adulthood and in this way they can allow themselves to be enslaved.
For every one homeless person in our country there are three homes lying empty and going derelict. If a homeless person was allowed to live in one of these homes they would keep it warn and clean and they would stop it becoming derelect. All of these empty homes are a source of value to our country. However, man made laws are being used against our interests at every turn.
The new world order cabal is actively building conflict between ethnic groups in Ireland at the moment. They have achieved this by first of all enacting unfair laws in favour of the travelling community so as to set up the travelling community as a hate group. They then subtly inflame hatred against the travelling community in a process where they use gradualism and incrementalism to achieve their aims. I believe that many travellers are being subjected to remote neural monitoring because I heard of one travelling family where four members committed suicide within a short space of time. The travelling community are difficult to control because they constantly move around, which is their birth right. The new world order cabal wish to rigidly control and eventually enslave all of us. They may wish to eliminate the travelling community entirely. In order to solve this situation, we aught to set up motor home parking facilities which we all can use at the edge of each town for the purposes of taking vacations, and which the travelling community can use for the purposes of continuing their nomadic lifestyle. In that way, we can befriend and integrate with the travelling community and protect them from hate groups.
The more government, the more rules,
The more rules, the less freedom,
When government expands, freedom contracts,
Limited government equates to more freedom and more opportunities.
The only function of government is to protect the rights, freedom and property of the people it purports to serve and protect. That is the only function of government.
It has been proven that people do more volunteer work and give more to charity when government is small. People become more caring. Less government makes better people.
However, we would be far better off with no government whatsoever. If you have a government you have a seed called "belief in authority" which grows into a monster.
Larken Rose.
"Authority is the concept of a diseased mind"
Mark Passio.
It is being claimed that eighty percent of the work currently being done on earth is for the benefit of the dark new world order criminal cabal and not for the benefit of the rest of the human race.
People build cities. The military destroy them in unnecessary wars.
Parents raise children. When they reach adulthood, many of them are killed in unnecessary wars.
Politicians make endless unnecessary laws, curtailing our freedom until such a time as we have no freedom left and we are totally enslaved.
The police enforce those unnecessary and largely unwanted laws,
Psychiatrists force mandatory toxic drugs on totally sane human beings because they believe what the psychiatrists say they should not believe.
The main stream media have been lying to us for decades.
There are twenty thousand conflicting organised religions and they all claim that only their religion is the truth. They are being dishonest with themselves and others.
Most of the work currently happening in the world today is unnecessary.
If we decide to live in a system of anarchy, which is a system of rules without rulers, a linear based self-regulating system, we would then only need to work one day per week each. We would have endless freedom and endless responsibility to provide for ourselves without any government employees ever interfering in our lives.
The only way to achieve this is not through arguing with the current leadership, but through ignoring them. Never, ever consult a government employee about anything ever. If you do you are empowering false authority. Just walk away. We would like to see politicians, the military, the police, and all other government employees walk away from their government tasked jobs and go back to raising their own food and building their own homes, on the understanding that people are basically good. The evil ones rise to the top and obtain false authority over others through government.
Governments have become larger and larger. They are now so intrusive into our lives that they have become the road to totalitarian enslavement.