mental (13)


1.     69日反修例大遊行, 反對派假冒反腦控訴訟大聯盟召集成員上街遊行. 在此再次澄清, 反腦控訴訟大聯盟立場是支持政府修例, 將逃亡在外的腦控賤人引渡返港受審. 反腦控訴訟大聯盟在未能確保成員安全的情況下, 絕不贊成上街遊行和做出過激又於事無補的愚蠢事情.

2.     腦控賤人在三天長假期間, 持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛, 已於68中午到灣仔警署報案, 警方回應仍在調查中… 

       據了解, 今次頭痛事件是由羅啟新控芯片, 張松枝指使畜牲遙控電子武器造成.

3.     本週腦控賤人持續每天長時間關閉小便掣, 在將有病者同我併芯片,令我小便困難, 意在令我尿酸中毒.

4.     記得多年前的廣信事件, 其中有一大筆國有資產現在腦控人手中, 相信同廣東幚有關

5.     每晚沐浴時, 林盛斌父親, 陳文輝父親, 彭浩翔父親出性騷擾; 按併芯片原理, 不到對方, 但能到對方的每一個動. 故此可構成性騷的嚴罪行. 望各方自律, 自重!


6.     當我書寫閱讀時, 吳震宇和一智障女子同我併芯片, 令我有閱讀書寫困難;

7.     變態控芯片賤人的精神虐待日趨嚴重. 當我在外購物時, 腦控賤人不停腦音滋擾, 同時將眼部老化, 腿部有殘疾者同我併芯片, 令我忙於應付, 既要小心路面交通, 又要擔心自己腿部受傷, 又要受電子武器攻擊, 又要記住購物清單, 以免遺漏, 以此令我不能集中精神, 嚴重傷害我的邏輯思維, 協調性和反應速度. 晚間睡眠剥奪,2小時喚醒, 難有深層睡眠時間. 我從過目不忘至現時需三讀才能記得. 變態控芯片賤人的精神虐待已到喪心病狂, 無藥可救地步. 而最奇的是腦控空間中人並沒有出面阻. 反而令人覺得是參與其中


8.     據了解, 腦控賤人在不同範疇, 收賣職員為他們所用, 其中有部份是政府公務員. 很多朋友郵寄賤人的犯罪證據給我, 都石沉大海; 當報紙有任何重要新聞不為我知, 我所訂閱, 每天派發的必定停送一天; 我的電郵信箱經常有被駭入的跡象, 而駭客是使用政府圖書館, 於圖書館關門的時間後. 此一切, 證明了腦控賤人所獵涉的範圍很廣, 受害者不可掉以輕心. 重要文件最好當面交收, 以免為他人所取.



Mind Control Space News this week (June 3 to 9, 2019) 



1. The march on June 9th, someone again pretending the members of Alliances for law-actions against mind control call for members to the streets for March. Here I clarify again that  Alliances for law-actions against mind control in position to support the government to amend the litigation as soon as possible, taking the escape mind control perp from oversea return to Hong Kong for trial.  The  Alliances for law-actions against mind control  never call on member in favor of taking to the streets and making excessive stupid things under unstable situation. 


2. During the three-day long vacation, the metamorphosis brain control perps continued to use the remote control electronic weapon to cause headaches. I had reported to the Wan Chai Police Station at noon on June 8. The police response is still under investigation...

As known that this headache incident was caused by chip controller of Cuson Law who got my chip and Deon Cheung gave the order for electronic harassment. I am not only one, but a lots of victims,

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller continue to off my urine key in mind control system for a long time every day, also within the chip with kidney disease person, which will cause uric acid metabolism disorder as the perps intention.

4. D
id you remember the case of GITIC of 1999.  As said there are large amount hold on the perps were belong to GITIC, of cause they all in the mind control space. 


5. When I taking shower every night, Bob Lam’s father, Chan Man Fei’s father, and Pang Ho-Cheung’s father within my chip for sexual harassment, as the technology for the within chips together, it will not touch to each other, but can feel to the each other every movement, so it was a criminal case for non-touch sexual harassment.

6. Said Francis Ng and a woman who got mental disorder always within my chip when I writing and reading, which made me short in time, and cannot do anything, but sitting for wait until the chip separated.

7. The mentality abuse is increasing every day, even in shopping, the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with someone who got legs disable, blurred my vision, and non-stop brain sound communication with me in turn for nuisance. I have to be careful for road traffic, worry about disable legs will injury me, and bearing the headache from electronic harassment, so as remember the shopping list to avoid omission, such used to tortured my concentration, seriously hurt my logical thinking, coordination and the speed of reaction. And the other hand, sleep deprivation in the evening, wake me up every 2 hours by remoted control, it is difficult to have deep sleep time. In before, I never even forgot a word after reading, and now I have to read three times and hard to remember. The mental abuse have developing to as madness as craze situation, totally out of control, and everyone turn blank eyes in mind control space, sees unwilling to involving but participated.

8. As said, the mind control perps manipulated some professional in difference field work for them, some of them are government civil servants. For example my friends have sent me the criminal evidence of the perps, all cannot reach my hand; they also manipulated in media, when the newspaper post any important news that they don’t want me to know, they can order to stopped for one day; Also my email often has signs of being invaded, and the hacker is using the computer inside the government library, and the time was after the library closed. All proves show to us that the mind control perps hunting scope were wide over our expectation, and victims should be extra careful. Important documents should be handed over in person, so as not to be taken by others.


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I am non-consensually surveilled twenty four hours per day and this unwanted surveillance has continued for more than sixteen years. This program which I am on is known as remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation. When anybody is on the aforementioned program they are forced to listen to the voices of unknown neuro operatives which they hear non-consensually coming from inside their own heads and this situation has been enabled due to extreme advances in neuro technology over the past half century. Today at 5pm Irish time, one of the voices of the unknown neuro researchers which I heard coming from inside my own head was heard by me to say the following “I can see Gretta Fahey from every angle.” I know that means that a 3D virtual image of me can be seen on the digital media screen of the neuro operative. This means that I have absolutely no physical or mental privacy whatsoever and this situation has continued on a constant basis for more than sixteen years. This is means for all human beings other than the would-be enslavers of the human race who are believed to be Zionists and Sabbatean Frankist Satanists among others.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number which I use to verify my identity is 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My email address is I am posting this post online on 31st October, 2019.

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David Icke in his book "The Biggest Secret" which he published in 1994, stated that there would be a worldwide central control system in the future and that we would be individually connected to technology by microchips which would be imbedded inside our bodies and brains.

I have been illegally and non-consensually connected to such technology for the past more than sixteen years.   My thoughts are automatically transmitted and translated by said technology because each human thought generates a unique electromagnetic frequency.  My thoughts are being replied to in real time by unknown operatives who work from an unknown remote location.  I have no mental or physical privacy and I would prefer to be dead because of being in this situation.  Many others who have also been already similarly connected to this central human control   system have also expressed that death is preferable to them also than ever to be continually treated in this manner.  Please act to inform society of this behind the scenes secret control and would-be enslavement system so that we can urgently disempower those who wish to control and eventually enslave the whole human race.

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I am being assaulted by stealth weapons which are purported by those in the know to be  electromagnetic weapons of an extremely low frequency which has the capability of affecting my brain and nerve cells and which allows unknown individuals working from a remote location by wireless means to hack into my brain and body and cause my health to deteriorate.  I have been locked into this hugely unethical program for many years.  These unknown individuals who focus their weapons on me have gained more and more control over my brain and  body throughout the years by sending information via a two way wireless link into my brain and body.  They send information to me which causes my facial muscles to move against my will.  They send information to me which causes me to see moving images as well as hear sounds and voice.  They also send information to my brain and body to make me smell odours and feel sensations and sometimes even pain.   I post online some of what these unknown neuro operatives say to me on a daily basis.  Here below is a small sample of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me in the past twenty four hours :-

"The intake of sodium chloride of Gretta Fahey detracts from my ability to work on her."

"I have done considerable damage to your reputation both at home and overseas."

"We want to destroy her reputation among the staff here because she has been called a sweet woman by a staff member recently."

"The office of the President of Ireland is closed off.   We have a member working there but he has not been able to access the files of emails in order to investigate whether the email Gretta Fahey sent to the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins has been accessed yet."

"She turned out to be a creep."

"I am diametrically opposed to the fact that we have to read what we pay the agents to say to Gretta Fahey.   However,   I am on board with what is happening to her with regard to her electronic harassment and voice to skull bio-communication."

"I am not advocating that this information goes out to the public."

"I shudder to think what is next for this lady."

"She is running amok with the information.  It is not nice."

"She has no privacy at all.  We can see her body.  We can read her mind."

"Emergency measures to stop this woman putting out what we say.   Call the troops.   We have no troops in Ireland who are willing to respond."

"Her clothing is informal.  This is not our clothing.  Why haven't we got her to wear out clothing? "    "It is not suited to her budget.  She is not one of our clients.  We call her a client in order to confuse the purchaser. "    I then asked the neuro operatives who speak to me via bio-communication the following   "What is a purchaser?"   The response I heard coming from inside my head via bio-communication was as follows " A purchaser is someone who would purchase you if we managed to enslave you, which is now a distinct possibility, now that we have sufficient information on you and on your social group."

"Get in here.  Why have you given this information to this woman."   "She asked for it."

"It is a pity you don't drink alcohol.  If you drank alcohol, we would be able to gain access to your brain and spine easier than when you remain constantly sober.  This is due to the fact that your brain is more fluid when you are sober and it can not be hacked into very easily."

"The lawful swearing-in of this system into the Republic of Ireland will not take place now ever."

"We are in the business of paralysing you from head to toe, followed by continuous torture if we ever succeed.   You better hope we don't succeed or you are in for a rough ride like no other."

"The people who live near microwave transmitters are the most idealized by having their minds manipulated by electronic mind control.  There is a man in every regional outpost through Europe who is dictating what the people who are being mind controlled are to believe.   Voices are being inserted into their minds by the same method that is being used to speak to you and to other targeted individuals who hear inner voices by this method.  Voices are sending them messages sub-consciously on a continual basis."  (I don't live near a microwave transmitter.)

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“We can put minimal sized electrodes in a network within a brain, through only minimal intervention, in order to be able to read and write into the brain function in real time, remotely. ” This is a quote by Dr James Giordano which can be found at the youtube link here below.

I personally have been implanted with brain technology and now unknown strangers are able to read and write into my brain function in real time, remotely. For many decades the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been implanting unaware members of the public with a large variety of implants in order to wirelessly conduct a large variety of experiments on them at a later date. The normal mode of operations of the CIA is to break into the home of the selected targeted individual and render them unconscious using frequency tools before they implant them. The targeted individual has no memory of the implantation procedure when they wake up the following morning. However, at a later date they realize that they have become targeted with extreme technology when they begin to experience strange and unexplainable phenomena happening to them on a continual basis.

When a targeted individual becomes implanted with black budget, classified brain technology they are then wirelessly connected by a two way low frequency, electromagnetic stream of energy which then allows criminal neuro staff to read and write into their brain function. The targeted individual is effectively online on a continual basis for the remainder of their life. The criminal neuro staff can force the targeted individual to listen to them speak by wireless means, whenever they wish. The criminal neuro staff can send moving images by wireless means to the targeted individual which the targeted individual would then perceive as a mental image inside their head. These mental images which the targeted individual receives are often images as well as a large variety of other types of disgusting images. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly send electric shocks and pain signals and other bodily sensations to the targeted individual. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly write false information into the brain of the targeted individual in order to render the targeted individual unwell at any time, or even paralyse or kill the targeted individual if they so wish.
I have been a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote experimentation for sixteen years. I keep a frequent online blog where I outline some of what the criminal neuro operatives say to me when they reproduce their voices inside my head using their extremely advanced and classified wireless technology. Here below is a small sample of what they said to me in the past two days and my response to some of it :-
“You will do what I say because I am your better.”
My response to that statement is that all human beings are equal under natural law and all are of infinite value. Anybody who believes otherwise is living in a false reality construct where they believe they should grovel to some of their own equals and look down on others of their own equals.
“Tidy up your image.”
“I am bitterly opposed to this technology being used in Ireland.”
“We are not interested in propriety. We are only interested in enslaving the human race.”
“I will take the wheels off your bicycle when you are in town.”
“We are forced to detail the life of a woman who doesn't do anything.”
“She is informed, and we know she is informed, and now we are going ahead and paralysing her from head to toe.”
“Implore her to get a housemate or they will kick her out of that house.” My response to that statement is – I was born in the house that I now live in fifty nine years ago. It was built by my grandfather without any financial help from a bank. It is my family home and they do not have a right to kick me out ever.
“Don't be naughty.” My response to that statement is – When human beings become slaves the slave masters treat them as children in the sense that when African American men were enslaved they were called boys instead of men in order to belittle them. By telling me not to be naughty they are treating me like a child instead of an adult woman in order to psychologically bring me down to the level of a child.
“She better get up. They don't tolerate her being in bed during the day.”
“Go and get a life” My response to that statement is as follows – I have a life. You are the one who is interfering in my life, obviously because no one will listen to you in your own life. That is why you and your colleagues force me to listen to you on a continual basis, each and every day for the past sixteen years.
“I’ll lock you up if you don't shut up.”
“You’re a lightweight.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901. I do not accept payment for my online blogs which can be found throughout many social media sites, where I outline my experiences of being a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons for sixteen years. I have attempted to inform government staff of the fact that I am being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology in the distant past but I have not been taken seriously by them. I made two serious attempts to take my own life when I first became a targeted individual and this can be verified by my local hospital. I now no longer trust church or state. I believe that church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. I believe that church and state were set up thousands of years ago for the sole purpose of eventually enslaving the human race. I also believe that anybody who works for church and state are mostly unknowingly being used to further the enslavement agenda of the dark new world order self-proclaimed elite. I write my online blog in order to wake the public up to the extreme danger of technological enslavement they are in. I believe that they are under electronic mind control.
Our first task is to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia so that the general public can awake from their electronic mind control spell and begin to think more clearly. After that it is a simple matter to tear down all of the infrastructure which allows unknown neuro operatives to enslave me and hundreds of thousands of others by wireless means and from a remote location. If this is not done soon, this program could be fully automated and everyone other than the would-be enslavers could be hearing computerized voices coming from inside their heads issuing them orders and delivering pain signals to them if they did not obey immediately. Those who are awake and aware are now mostly of the belief that the existence of satellites is a hoax, and all of the technology which is being used to technologically enslave us is ground based or air based. Therefore we can easily reach all of the technology being used against us in order to disempower and destroy it

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Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world are being illegally implanted both on their skin and inside their bodies by illegal spraying of the air with metallic chips in a process which is being called geo-engineering.  These targeted individuals are then being wirelessly linked to networks of computers from their brains and bodies via other illegal implants which are being induced to make contact with these metallic chips by wireless enabled technology.    I am one of these Irish targeted individuals.  I have informed the world of my experiences on my website which is called   ; All experimentations which are continually being conducted on Irish and other targeted individuals are being covered up by the mental health act.   All individuals throughout Ireland who are being illegally and immorally experimented on by wireless means via illegal implants are being dismissed as schizophrenic.  Censorship of their online blogs is currently in the works.   Electronic mind control is being encouraged to be used against all of the Irish people who are not already aware of the process of wireless enslavement of human beings which is a future possibility for them and their children.

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Virtual reality headsets are no longer necessary.  If you have imbedded nano particulates inside your brain and body which many believe are being sprayed from the sky you can experience an unexpected virtual reality experience where signals which generate  sound, vision, smells and sensations are injected into your brain.  You can be made to hear voices, see videos, and feel sensations which can be pleasant or unpleasant.    Your own muscles can be made to move against your will.   For added effect, focused ultrasound can be used to move the furniture in your room and break your ornaments.   This is the only explanation for near death experience, poltergeist experiences, demonic possession experiences,  extra-terrestrial experiences and a wide variety of other experiences that have been used to cover up the existence and abuse of wireless neuro weapons and a wide variety of other advances in technology.  The mental health act is also being used to cover up these wirelessly enabled abuses.
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There is a crisis occurring behind the scenes in all of our lives. Many individuals throughout most countries of the world are having wireless body sensor networks which are also known as WBANs implanted in and on their bodies, where they are then wirelessly tethered to a computer system which effectively turns them into electronic slaves, where all electrical activity in their brains and bodies are being monitored on a constant basis throughout each and every moment of their lives . When they complain to agents of the state nothing of any value is being done to help them to the extent that most of these so-called electronic slaves have stopped consulting the police, psychiatry, social workers, general practitioners, politicians, and clergy men about this growing and extreme problem. They can not effectively prove that they have been implanted by this wireless body sensor network, as the implantation is taking place at a time where they have been rendered unaware that they are being implanted by the use of frequency weapons.  However, when tested under controlled conditions, the frequencies which are being emitted from their bodies differ profoundly from the frequencies which are being emitted from the bodies of human beings who have not yet become wirelessly linked to this computer system. 

The ongoing process of turning human beings into electronic slaves has become a large and growing industry which is being conducted behind the scenes of our lives by a growing army of human beings some of who are being allowed out of prison early in order to continue the process of surreptitiously implanting their fellow human beings with WBANs.  Some human beings have been singled out for extra punishment whereby their whole bodies are being prepared for rigid immobilization also known as paralysis if they refuse to obey the would-be slave masters.   Some human beings are experiencing a relatively new phenomenon known as forced muscle movement due to the fact that their muscles can be wirelessly remote controlled by outside operatives. They can be made to commit a crime against their will. They can be made to have super human strength.

Some individuals who are deemed criminals by the false worldwide establishment are in reality victims of this technology.    We must not worry about how this information will effect the economy for now because the corporate shareholders who are behind the worldwide initiative to implant everybody other than the would-be slave masters with WBANs have stated that they are implementing  plans to ban the use of personal money in a future of worldwide electronic human slavery and worldwide wireless tethering to a network of computers.    A Remote Neural Monitoring super-computer would monitor and manipulate all electrical activity in the brains of human kind on a constant basis throughout each day. Currently fourth generation wireless capabilities can conduct remote neural monitoring on a few individuals in any community on a continual basis. If or when fifth generation wireless capabilities would be rolled out then all electrical activity in the brains of thousands of human beings could be both monitored and manipulated on a constant and simultaneous basis throughout each day to the extent that a wirelessly tethered human being would have no privacy of any kind for the rest of their lives.  Wireless human electronic enslavement would then become main stream. Please deny the Irish government the right to install fifth generation wireless capabilities within our country. Act now.  My website is called ;   For further information see attached link  by well known online journalist Ramola D

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I received a letter today from the Health Service Executive of Ireland forcing me to attend an interview with a psychiatrist tomorrow. This force is normally backed by the violence of the state.
I will not attend for the following twenty or so reasons:-

Psychiatry, through intentional false mental illness diagnosis, is being deliberately used to cover the widespread existence and misuse of Directed Energy Weapons.
I went into the care of the psychiatric services of my own free will, fifteen years ago, due to a belief that I was being electronically harassed. I sought out the safety of the psychiatric hospital as a place of sanctuary, and for that I will always be grateful. All of the psychiatric staff who I interacted with were helpful and courteous and extremely kind to me at all times. However, that is not a good enough reason to turn a blind eye to huge problems within the psychiatric services, as by doing so, it could lead to the total destruction of human freedoms, in the not too distant future.

When I first was admitted to St Teresa’s unit in Castlebar, Ireland, for mental health care, back in 2003, I was prescribed a drug called Haldol, also known as Haloperidal. According to Jon Rappaport of, this is a drug that was manufactured in Russia to be given to political dissidents. This drug causes some patients such strong Tardive Akathisia and Tardive Dyskinesia that it is akin to being tortured from the inside out, leaving psychiatric staff with plausible deniability. If you need convincing of this fact, please take this drug yourself for one month and see how bad it makes you feel. I myself experienced both Tardive Akathisia and Tardive Dyskinesia to an extreme degree. Tardive Akathisia left me with a strong compulsion to walk around constantly. I had an almost total inability to sit still. If I sat down or lay down for a short while, I would then feel an urgent compulsion to move again. I lost all my feeling of being able to rest and relax for even a short. All joy was squeezed out of my life. I felt as if I was being tortured. Please do not mistake this feeling for general agitation that might be caused by somebody who is mentally ill or overstimulated by drinking too much coffee or tea, as, at that time, I drank neither tea nor coffee. I also experienced tardive dyskinesia to an extreme degree. Tardive Dyskinesia made me experience almost constant involuntary movements of my arms and legs, even when I was in bed and trying to sleep. Psychiatrists are being informed by drug companies that the older anti-psychotic medications had more extreme side effects than the new ones. However, the majority of patients do not agree with this.
Under medical law, psychiatric patients are legally obliged to take whatever anti-psychotic medication their psychiatrist prescribes, and they are usually obliged to take it for the rest of their lives. If they refuse to comply with the taking of their medication, their psychiatrist must incarcerate them in a mental hospital until they decide to be compliant. Otherwise, they are forcefully given a long acting injection of their medication every two weeks. It is my opinion that one of the real reasons psychiatric patients commit suicide is because they cannot stand the side effects of their anti-psychotic medication, but have no legal way of coming off it.
Another real reason the psychiatric patients commit suicide is because psychiatrists refuse point black to believe their patients whenever their patients tell them that they are being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice to skull military communication systems and many other technological systems, thereby giving their patients no practical help, and hindering their freedom and unjustly stigmatising them, and making them chronically ill by forcing toxic substances into them. I believe the reason for this situation is that psychiatrists and all other medical personnel are legally obliged to carry phones that remotely entrain their brains. Because most medical personnel are not aware of the brain entrainment capabilities of smart phones, they normally choose to carry smart phones instead of the more innocuous dumb phones. Individuals who are being targeted with a large variety of directed energy weapons are unable to persuade heavily mind controlled psychiatrists of the true nature of their experiences. They can find nobody to fight their case and so in a large number of cases they commit suicide.
The American military openly admits that medications which have been found to have extremely distressing side-effects could possibly be useful as weapons. This practice of weaponised medicine has already been implemented, because people who are a threat to the would-be dictatorship often find themselves catagorised as mentally ill, and forced medicated with substances that cause extreme internal discomfort, for example, an inability to stay still, violent tremors, and confusion. If you complain about the severity of the side effects and ask to be taken off the forced medication, your psychiatrist will normally refuse to do so. They will just give you an anticholinergic agent in addition to your current medication, in order to suppress the worst of your symptoms. The anticholinergic agent also has severe side effects. The psychopaths who designed this torture program, under the guise of forced treatment, are evil to the core. Have psychiatrists taken the medicine they prescribe for even one week, themselves, in order to experience the severity of the side effects first hand? If not, why not?
If in-patients in psychiatric hospitals are hearing voices directly into their heads , which are being transmitted wirelessly by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology, when asked by their doctors, the patients are obliged to lie to their doctors about whether they are hearing voices in order to be allowed to leave a psychiatric institution. If the patient tells their doctor the truth that they are still hearing voices on a continual basis, their doctor is legally obliged to detain them in the psychiatric hospital until they are willing to declare that they no longer hear voices. In this way, the voice hearer is gagged from going public about the fact that voices are being fed to them by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology, and can only discuss their experiences of hearing voices in the past tense.
When I was released from the care of psychiatry, I was obliged to attend psychiatric review meetings every three months. At my psychiatric review meetings, I did not discuss by concerns about directed energy weapons with my psychiatrists any longer, as the balance of power between the patient and psychiatrist is so overwhelmingly in favour of the psychiatrist, that I was scared to admit that I still believed in the existence and misuse of electromagnetic weapons, in case it would lead to having a psychiatrist believe me to be mentally ill and re-admit me into a mental health facility immediately. At any review meeting I have ever had with a psychiatrist, I have only ever told them what I thought they wanted to hear, out of fear of being immediately re-admitted if I told them the truth. The truth is that these directed energy weapons are very real, and are being used to secretly torture many innocent members of the public, here in Ireland, and worldwide. The truth is that the world is slowly being turned into an electronic dictatorship. We can easily stop this electronic dictatorship at any time, by demanding that our government take down all mobile phone masts, thereby disabling the signals to our brains and bodies. We can go back to conducting our business and social affairs by using landline telephones. In order to disunify the planetary wide growing dictatorship, we may decide to sever the under-sea fiber optic cables which carry signals from the brains and bodies of weapons test subjects to black budget neuro scientists who may be thousands of miles away.
It is my belief that mental health patients have less rights than a hardened criminal. I can be involuntarily admitted to a psychiatric hospital on a whim, and not given a release date, which is something criminals enjoy.
Another reason I could not speak to psychiatrists, openly and frankly, about my experiences of being assaulted by directed energy weapons is because if a patient dare to question their diagnosis, they are then accused of having a lack of insight into their illness, and re-admitted and detained in a mental hospital until they are willing to admit they are mentally ill. Other patients have told me that this is standard procedure.
According to, the industry of modern psychiatry has officially gone insane. Virtually every human emotion experienced by a human being, sadness, grief, anxiety, frustration, impatience, excitement – is now being classified as a ‘mental disorder’, demanding chemical treatment.
According to investigative medical journalist, Jon Rappoport of , psychiatry is a pseudo, pseudo-science. The chemical imbalance theory is a fake. There are no defining physical tests for any of the three hundred so-called mental disorders, no blood test, no urine test, no antibody test, no brain scan, no genetic assay. All diagnoses are based on arbitrary clusters of menus of human behaviour. We have a potentially dangerous and completely unfounded model of the way psychiatric drugs work. The drugs are harmful, dangerous, toxic. Some of them induce violence, suicide, homicide. Some of the drugs cause brain damage.
For more information about the extreme dangers of antipsychotic drugs see…/antipsychotic-drugs-their_b…
Psychiatry is now being used as a weapon of war. Soldiers are being vaccinated and medicated with antipsychotic medication, totally against their wishes, for bogus reasons. When this is done on a large scale, it renders an army unable to fight effectively, which means they are unable to defend their country against domination by the planetary wide dictatorship. Perhaps the aspiring dictators wish to destroy the potential enemy before a war even begins. The use of nerve drugs in the military has led to record numbers of suicides. The only way most psychiatrists can get repeat patients is by using the false system of forced psychiatry, which is enforced by the police. Otherwise, these pseudo science trained so called specialists would have very few patients. I am being totally honest for the sake of the victims who are currently locked up in enclosed psychiatric wards against their wills, and who are crying out for help, but very few are listening.
Psychiatrists had to invent their own book of diseases because pathologists would have nothing to do with them. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (published by the American Psychiatric Association) is a work of fiction. Every disorder is invented, not discovered. A collective of quacks invents a fabricated disease, based on nothing but a consensus of opinion. Then they vote into existence whatever symptoms they wish to associate with this disease. Then they enter it into the D.S.M., which then enables them to sell more drugs. There is not one defining laboratory test for any of these three hundred disorders. In this way, most of us can be legally, and forcibly drugged, which renders us dumbed down and stupid. Psychiatrists have become pimps for the drug industry. – Dr Thomas Szasz – Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus.
"Psychiatric drugs create rather than reverse abnormal brain states. The chemical cure is a myth." Dr Joanna Moncrieff.
Psychiatrists are all getting their information from the drug companies, who go to extremes to cover up dangers. Psychiatric drugs shorten the human life span by twenty years. Second generation anti-psychotic substances, posing as medicines are worse than first generation anti-psychotic substances for causing metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, pancreatitis, and heart arythmias.
Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, prefer, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses while giving disproportionately less attention to information that contradicts. Psychiatrists often accuse their patients of confirmation bias, when, in fact, psychiatrists are equally guilty of this when trying to find reasons to prove their patients are mentally ill. Psychiatrists have the power to take away some of your birth rights and your freedoms, based on their subjective opinions. How did this situation come about in a democratic society.
It is being claimed that there is a simple and easy way to cure mental illness, through distilled water fasting. Fasting on distilled water for weeks at a time has been found to cure many illnesses. Somebody who is mentally ill needs to fast from all outside stimulation, including television, computer, reading and food. They must face their demons. In a Chinese mental prison, five thousand mentally ill patients were water fasted for several weeks, and all were sent home completely cured, except for a handful. However, there is no money to be made from water, so this cure is heavily suppressed.
I have a friend who has been through the psychiatric hospital system, due to confessing to psychiatrists that he is being attacked and persecuted by directed energy weapons, and voice transmitting technology. The psychiatrists totally dismissed the evidence he presented for the existence and misuse of directed energy weapons. He provided them with patent numbers, and scientific books and websites. He also provides them with the names of medical doctors, dissident psychiatrists and electromagnetic chemists who are supportive of his claims. Regardless of what evidence he provides, his psychiatrists were totally dismissive of his claims, and just kept repeating the mantra – "You must give your medicine a chance to work". It is a criminal offence to diagnose somebody as having paranoid schizophrenia, and force medicating them when they tell you they are hearing voices, without investigating the easily obtainable technology, which is capable of transmitting voices into people’s heads, by remote control, and from a distance. See
If a person comes before a psychiatrist and claims to be a target of electromagnetic directed energy weapons, then the psychiatrist should have an obligation to check if there are any radio frequencies coming from the body of that person, before deciding on a diagnosis. It has been proven that it is natural for some types of electromagnetic frequencies to be detected coming from the bodies of all human beings. However, a type of frequency called radio frequencies are only detected coming from the bodies of people who claim they are being targeted by directed energy weapons. See Lars Drudgaard of for further information. Psychiatry may be operating under legal paradigms but they are definitely not operating under moral paradigms.
Psychiatry is being used to cover up the gradual spreading of directed energy weapons, and psychiatrists in the know are afraid to speak up in case they are targeted. I believe most psychiatrists are fully aware of the existence of this voice transmitting technology, because this voice to skull, voice transmitting technology has been around for at least forty years. If this situation is allowed to continue unchallenged, we will all be locked down in rigid enslavement, in an electronic concentration camp, soon. We only have a small window of opportunity in which to take back our power, from the self-appointed, aspiring, global dictators.
When I was a psychiatric patient I was constantly under the influence of toxic drugs. I did not elucidate adequately what was happening to me to the psychiatric staff for a number of reasons as follows:- I felt strongly that the more information I informed psychiatrists of the more toxic drugs I would be given and I believe psychiatrists would agree with me on that point. Secondly, it took me many years to review my experiences of both hearing voices and psychiatry. It was only when I was no longer under medication that I was finally able to begin to write about my experiences in earnest. It took me many months to create this website. I could not have informed a psychiatrist of the information contained in this website in a few minutes at an interview. I am and have always been a much better writer than speaker as I am considered by many to be introverted.
Lack of political oversight is allowing the intelligence services, with the help of corrupt psychiatrists, to falsely incarcerate anybody in a mental health prison. When was the last time a psychiatrist was found guilty of falsely accusing somebody of being mentally ill? I have never heard of this happening, yet it should happen constantly, as diagnosing mental illness is totally subjective. According to John Rappoport of, psychiatry is not a legitimate arm of medicine. There is no proof that schizophrenia exists whatsoever. In my opinion, psychiatry needs to be eradicated from the face of the earth. It is one of the main tools the self proclaimed elite are using to enslave us. If anybody questions the authority of the self proclaimed elite, or accuses them of dishonesty, that person is usually gang-stalked by professional gang-stalkers for a number of months, until they are no longer able to take the sustained harassment. When they complain officially, they are discredited by being labelled as being mentally ill, forced medicated with poisonous anti-psychotic medication, imprisoned in a mental health hospital, and have some of their human rights taken away from them. What an ingenuous way, the self proclaimed elite have found of dealing with anybody who stands in their way of worldwide control and ownership.
There is a net in psychiatry that former patients find it difficult to escape from. When a man or woman leaves a psychiatric hospital forever, they are forced to attend psychiatric review meetings on a continual basis for several years. This is profoundly unnecessary, and is an enormous burden on the tax payers of Europe. Psychiatry is a pseudo science, and the major way psychiatrists can get patients is by force. Patients who pay up front for psychiatric services are few in number. When a human being takes most anti-psychotic medicine on a continual basis, over a number of years, it is known to damage their brains, and they become what is known as psychotic induced. What once was a vibrant and capable human being is now caught in the net of psychiatry for life.
When, in the past, the mentally ill were regarded as being possessed by demons, they were in fact suffering from poorly understood epilepsy.
Psychiatry is being used as a gagging order for directed energy weapon attacks. In order that totally sane people can be catagorised as mentally ill, the appearance of these wrongly accused individuals may be sabotaged in order to convince the public that perfectly sane people are mentally ill. When a totally sane person is falsely categorised as mentally ill and is forceably detained in a mental hospital, their clothes will be washed at an abnormally high temperature along with the clothes of all the other patients, under the guise of keeping the clothing extremely sanatised. When the resident of the mental hospital gets their clothes back from the laundry, the clothes may be shrunk to an extreme degree and may have fluff attached to it. The resident can not complain because there is nobody else available to do their laundry. When the resident sits outside the hospital on a park bench on a sunny afternoon wearing shrunken and shabby clothes and they their limbs periodically shake from the poisonous effects of the anti-psychotic concoctions they are forced to take, society has no trouble believing they are mentally ill, when in fact they are totally sane. The totally sane psychiatric resident is obliged to take part in demoralising activities such as papier mache, which is a suitable activity for a four year old child.
Mental health patients are offered a service whereby advocates can speak for them. The reason some patients ask for an advocate to ask questions on their behalf is because when a man or woman first begins to take anti-psychotic medication, this causes them to lose their ability to think clearly to an extent. Even if they are normally very articulate they then find it difficult to speak articulately when under the influence of large amounts of so-called anti-psychotic medication. Advocates have absolutely no power to fight for the right of the man or woman to walk away from what is often wrongful incarceration and from forced medication, with what sometimes are extremely powerful and brain damaging substances. The provision of advocates is just a smoke screen to give the illusion that mental health patients have legal representation.
When a patient enters a psychiatric hospital, they are generally asked to write an assessment of how they feel about the whole experience of psychiatry, and how they feel about their treatment plan. If they are an inpatient the writing of the assessment by the patient takes place several weeks before they are allowed to leave the psychiatric hospital. In order to be allowed to leave the hospital, the patient will always write something favourable, and they will never give their true negative feelings about psychiatry. When I was an in-patient in Castlebar general hospital, as a psychiatric patient, I filled in the assessment form without letting them know my true feelings. I was afraid that a psychiatrist would not release me if I displayed any negative feelings, so I gave a false positive appraisal. Asking a psychiatric patient to write an assessment of their experiences before they are released from captivity is a total and dishonest waste of tax payers money, because the psychiatric patient is afraid to tell the absolute truth, in case they are accused of being too negative, giving the psychiatrist a reason to detain them for a longer period of time.
In some cases, psychiatric staff are in fact jailers dressed up as health care professionals. I imagine they realise that themselves. They only way psychiatrists can acquire patients in the majority of cases is through force.
Massive amounts of brain and body research is being done for the purposes of completing The Brain Activity Map Project which was initiated by President Barack Obama. Research scientists need to be able to access the brains of the masses of humanity in order to complete this project, so that the information gained from this dubious project can be used by a dangerous dictatorship to wield power over humanity, in the future. Psychiatrists should be allowed to organise themselves in such a way that they are allowed to connect the current epidemic of so-called mental illness with illegal brain weapon research. This is currently not the case.
I know of one individual case where psychiatric intervention was used to cover up the mistakes of a psychiatrist. In that case the psychiatrist refused to grant disability allowance to an extremely debilitated individual, perhaps because of wrongly trying to save tax payers money. This act caused that extremely debilitated individual to lose all their dignity because of being forced to work when chronically ill in order to pay their rent. The individual was then seen as mentally ill and was registered as mentally ill. I can not prove any of this but I know authority abuse exists within psychiatry. Totally sane people who are wrongly categorised as mentally ill are disempowered to an extreme degree. I believe psychiatry is an extremely negative force in society and it should be removed from the face of the earth.
I was never forceably detained in a psychiatrist hospital. I signed a form, which indicated my willingness to stay there of my own free will. However, if I had refused to take the antipsychotic medication which had been prescribed for me, it is possible that structures would have been put in place to stop me from leaving the psychiatric hospital. I no longer am obliged to take anti-psychotic medication, which legally allows me to drive a vehicle again.
For information about human rights activism involving the institution of psychiatry, see
If you are ever forced to take medication or vaccinations against your will, there is a wonderful way you can help yourself and avoid being forcibly poisoned against your will. About twenty minutes before you are due to receive your forced medication or forced vaccination, just take several capsules of activated charcoal. Activate charcoal will absorb all of the harmful ingredients, and carry them safely out of your body. If you ever take a drug overdose, and you are rushed to hospital for medical treatment, you will be given a large quantity of activated charcoal internally, which will clear your system of all harm.
Activated charcoal is easily obtainable at any pharmacy/drug store, and is not expensive.
When a person is taking anti-psychotic medication on a regular basis, their ability to express themselves decreases to an extreme extent. When I was taking anti-psychotic medication on a regular basis my ability to express myself decreased by about ninety percent.
When an individual is give a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia by a psychiatrist, that diagnosing psychiatrist is using subjective reasoning to arrive at his/her conclusion because there are no physical tests that can be carried out in order to arrive at such a conclusion. When that diagnosing psychiatrist was a student of psychiatry at university he/she would have been inculcated into the cult of psychiatry and would no longer be able to see the individual in a true objective light.
I realise that my attitude towards psychiatry may appear very negative and condescending. I wish to apologise for my approach. I have found all psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses and patients to be really nice people. Psychiatrists have been misinformed about all manner of things at medical school. Toxic psychiatry has been covertly created by the self-proclaimed elite, and all of the blame lies with them-. However, I am so frightened for humanity, that I am willing to endure any type of hate that comes my way at this point so that humanity can live freely in the future.
My own general practitioner does not know what the voices have been saying to me because I have not informed him of this. He is a wonderful doctor who has helped to save my life on two occasions. However I did not inform him of everything that I was experiencing with regard to what the internal voices were saying to me and what sensations I was feeling, as he possibly would have been legally obliged to send me back to psychiatry if I informed him of everything. I imagine he has no idea of what psychiatry is really about. In my opinion it is merely a tool to incarcerate anybody and everybody who does not fit neatly into the plans of the self-proclaimed elite. I plan to tell my general practitioner about the two youtube videos I have published which inform the viewer of most of what the voices coming from inside my head have informed me of over a period of fourteen years. These youtube videos are approximately two and a half hours long and they are found under the titles of "Some of what the voices coming from inside my head have informed ne of Parts 1 and 2.
When people hear voices, for what ever reason, there should be a moral requirement that they transcribe everything the voices are saying to them, because, in all cases, these voices are being transmitted to them by the use of Voice to Skull military communication technology, which was widely reported as being used in the Iraq war as Voice of God weapons.
People who have experienced cancer or major transplant surgery are often featured in magazines, telling us of their experiences in great detail. They sometimes show us photographs of their breast surgery scars. Unlike victims of voice harassment, stories of the experiences of cancer survivors are never censored. Will victims of voice harassment, ever have accounts of what their voices are saying to them, published openly, in the main-stream press. If we ever attempt to tell the world of our voice hearing experiences, we are immediately transported to a mental hospital, where no one can access us, and we are given large doses of dumbing-down, anti-psychotic concoctions posing as medication, to shut us up.
Why are voice hearers discouraged from ever discussing the content of their conversations?.
"Traditional practice in behavioural psychology concentrated on either distracting the patient or ignoring references by the patient to the voice hearing experience, with the hope that the patient would concentrate on ‘real’ experiences, which would then be positively reinforced (the assumption being that the voice hearing was a delusional belief). The effect of this approach is to discourage the discussion about the voice hearing experience but without eradicating it (P.D.J. Chadwick, Birchwood, & Trower, 1996). "
Because of this policy of censuring all public discussion of what voice hearers actually hear, the fact that all of the voices are being transmitted by the use of directed energy weapons, using advanced psychological torture methods, goes unreported. Who gains from this criminal policy of suppression of information?
Article 19 of the UN Human Rights Charter explicitly states:
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
Below is a list of some of the technologies and various patent numbers, which have been published to support the existence of directed energy based technologies.
U.S. patent no 6506148, granted to Hendricus G Loos, in 2003, enables nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic frequencies, emitted from television screens and other monitors.
Microwave Hearing The Stocklin Patent # 4858612, and The Brunkan Patent # 4877027
Microwave hearing is a scientific fact. Existing radar units can be modified to transmit a beam of pulsed microwave energy into a person’s skull which causes sounds such as ticks, buzzes, hisses, knocks, chirps, and words. The sounds, which originate from within, above, or behind the head, are transmitted to the inner ear via bone conduction. This has been a capability since at least 1960.
Ultrasound transmission of Voice/Silent Sound The Lowery Patent #6052336, Monroe Patent #5356368, and Norris Patent #5889870.
Synthetic Telepathy Patent #6587729 and #3951134
Thought Reading Capacity Kiyuna Et Al Patent #5785653
Target Tracking Technology - Hablou Patent #5448501
and Fullerton Patent #6400307 and Rowan Patent #4893815.
It has been widely reported that the military has used the Voice of God weapon also known as LRAD during the Iraq war in order to create chaos within the ranks of the enemy combatants.
At least one method of Voice to skull transmission, using microwave pulses much like radar, is not particularly new. During World War II, technicians working in the path of energized radar antennas discovered they could hear a buzz, seeming to originate inside their skulls. For further information see…/article-what-is-vo…/
Psychiatrists use implied authority, by claiming that they are in the know regarding the existence or non-existence of voice to skull military communication devices. Psychiatrists could not have any knowledge of top secret military weapons testing, bearing in mind that top level security is employed in all areas when it comes to weapons testing on human beings.
The basis on which schizophrenia is diagnosed should be re-evaluated in light of the existence of directed energy weapons. The overwhelming power of ridicule is used at every turn against us, targeted individuals, in order to suppress the existence of these remote neural monitoring, and electronic brain link weapons. Please ensure that politicians in Ireland and elsewhere enact laws safeguarding people who claim experiences of voice harassment, from psychiatric intervention. Psychiatrists who falsely diagnose all voice hearers as being mentally ill are apologists for criminals, and should themselves be incarcerated, which will shortly be the case.

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The sick men behind the fake smile

This is an extract from Theodore Millon's "Personality Disorders in Modern Life", Antisocial Personality Disorder section:

At the very boundary of normality and pathology, we find persons who have never
come into conflict with the law, but only because they are very effective in covering
their tracks. Although these individuals share with most antisocials a guiltless willingness
to deceive and exploit others, they are not overtly physically cruel. Instead,
their premeditated restraint often makes them seem more sadistic than antisocial.

Stereotypes include industrialists and entrepreneurs who flourish in the gray area of
legal technicalities, as well as savvy corporate executives who exploit some market position, monopoly power, or regulatory loophole for huge advantage, even at great costs to others. Individuals who systematically dismember corporations for their own self-gain through hostile takeovers, for example, cannot be regarded as completely normal, much less altruistic.

Similarly, for many politicians, the deception of doublespeak is a talent necessary for
survival. Skirting the edge of deceitfulness, they “spin” objective events by minimizing
negatives and exaggerating positives. When cornered, they focus attention on mitigating
circumstances and lie by omission by failing to report the total circumstances and full
motives of their actions. Moreover, they deliberately create public policy so complex
that any particular aspect might be singled out to impress the special interest of the moment.

All are “premeditating antisocials.” In everyday life, they flourish in the form of
the smooth-talking businessman and the less-than-forthcoming used-car salesman.
Their damage to society is not as vivid as that of the murdering psychopath, but it is
more common and just as great and constitutes an important reminder than any scientific
theory of the antisocial personality must span both normality and pathology.

And this one is from Wikipedia's "Personality Disorder" page:

In 2005 and again in 2009, psychologists Belinda Board and Katarina Fritzon at the University of Surrey, UK, interviewed and gave personality tests to high-level British executives and compared their profiles with those of criminal psychiatric patients at Broadmoor Hospital in the UK. They found that three out of eleven personality disorders were actually more common in executives than in the disturbed criminals:

Histrionic personality disorder: including superficial charm, insincerity, egocentricity and manipulation.

Narcissistic personality disorder: including grandiosity, self-focused lack of empathy for others, exploitativeness and independence.

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder: including perfectionism, excessive devotion to work, rigidity, stubbornness and dictatorial tendencies.

According to leading leadership academic Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, it seems almost inevitable these days that there will be some personality disorders in a senior management team.

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A call to update mental health diagnosing!

A call to update mental health diagnosing: The DSM unreality!

In the continuing saga of reporting energy-based technologies used as weapons to harm certain targeted persons, the cross-over sharing of information between a variety of disciplines is needed more than ever before.

For example, the psychiatric manual to diagnose patients has undergone more changes and the DSM-5 will soon be published but may not be more accurate, but may be becoming more archaic, instead. Already, people complaining about torturous “voices” jamming their brains against their wills have been written off as being “psychotic” and schizophrenic. Let’s look at how these components are looked at from a psychiatrist’s point of view.

When a person is seen by a psychiatrist or psychologist who reports “hearing voices” that someone is putting into their minds somehow, this person is not taken seriously that this may truly be happening. The doctor may describe their patient as having “thought insertions” or “thought alienation”. Patients may believe that broadcasts from a radio or TV are being put into their heads in “thought broadcasting”. Ideas described as being stolen from the mind is labeled “thought depreivation” and these people are usually diagnosed as being schizophrenic, and often further catagorized as being of certain types, such as the paranoid type.

However, if there were a sharing of information among different disciplines such as psychology also learning about neurotechnology and specifically about frequency-wave technologies and how these effect the body, a whole new world of diagnostics of the human mind would emerge. A more accurate world based on more accurate reality, rather than one that potentially benefits criminal uses of technology.

A resistance to change, of anything that might challenge the towers of power in the mental health profession may contribute to the lack of transparency of some of the real causes of “symptoms” that may be mimicing the effects of horrific electromagnetic energies that are as heinous as any Nazi torture of the past.

It may simply be true that the world of mental health has not been given the exposure to wireless technologies that may be used to harm someone via remote control.

Having the ability and strength to go against the grain of the establishment can also be daunting. It is hard to be taken seriously when saying the exact same things their patients are saying and calling this “directed energy technology” can make a clinician look foolish. However in the face of such devastation of human lives this has to be done.

Of course there is a potential falsehood of reasoning for the need to protect electromagnetic energy weapons for the sake of national security“. National security seems to hold the highest hand on protecting secrets of the U.S. We spend billions of dollars on the “security” and secret departments of our nation since 9/11′s events that destroyed New York’s Twin Towers. Homeland Security has sprung out of “terrorism” developing “security” technologies that potentially can be used to harm society, instead. The military has held an ongoing special interest in mind-manipulating technologies.

Technology that utilizes human brain waves can potentially be of help to society. Neuroengineering is a field that learns how the brain functions and how to “rewire” the brain and at the same time fears of “remote neural monitoring” have sprung up in articles by citizen journalists like this one. Secrets of technology that can wipe out the human brain or body can alternatively wipe out certain groups of people or potentially hold our government hostage when allowed to propagate and go unscrutinized or unmonitored by officials.

A cross-over sharing of technology among public officials, independent journalists as well as the field of mental health would produce better public policy that works to aid society, not harm it. Investigating neurotechnologies as well as weapons utilizing the electromagnetic spectrum would certainly add a whole new dimension to the current health care debate.

In many people’s opinions, health care and public safety are lifesaving issues that should be investigated and reevaluated. Paying for health care when there is some potential that energy-based technologies can potentially harm the health of U.S. citizens seems self-defeating, and a waste of taxpayer time and money.

Petitions against using human beings as guinea pigs for electromagnetic experimentation and targeting like this one can be found when the public knows what to search for. Human rights activists have much to do in the face of all the people from around the world being ignored for providing citizen reports that they are being harmed through electromagnetic energy weapons.

The field of mental health is only a beginning in the need to get to the truth and to change the health of society, as well as to protect citizens.

—– More information can be found here.


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Did anyone experience sexual harassment

psychiatrist at xxx Hospital, xxx , CA. He put me on 14 days hold without seeing me for diagnosis. Few days later from my  admission to the hospital, he asked me to sign the voluntary patient  form and promised me to discharge from the hospital on next Monday.
However, he went on to the trip to the child psychology meeting on next  week (10/23/2006), and the substitute, Dr. xxx  tried to keep me  in the hospital.
I wonder if I was used for his study without informed consent. What I know is that after I signed the voluntary
patient form, I woke up in the morning with stomach pain and the  bleeding from the bottom. It was like I was raped while I was under the  deep sleep from  the sleeping pills I received from the nurse.

In the diagnosis, his information about me was half wrong and he only mentioned his sexual  interest. I supposed be claimed as suicidal, but he did not write  anything about destructive behavior nor any reason he thought me as
gravely disabled. It was much like his diagnosis did not show the reason  of what he thought as danger to others nor gravely disabled.

My concern is that he is a professional of child psychology. I wonder if  his diagnosis on children are the same as what happened to me. Also, if  he is working for the government's covert operation on mind control, I  can tell the possibility from his interest on child as well as legally  kidnapping patients like me with bogus diagnosis.

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