mapping (4)




1.     睡眠時,腦控賤人利用我作為定位系統併芯片竊聽,又但心我知道他們的竊聽內容,所以在我清醒前,將併我芯片時段的記憶全部刪除,令我感覺有如發夢,清醒後夢中的內容完全沒辦法記得。






2.  賤人繼18-20日持續遙控電子武器令我#頭痛44小時後,21日上午6時又發起另一次電子武器摧殘,令我5-7級頭痛約6小時,然後持續兩日#睡眠剥奪。


22日閱報紙知道#武漠肺炎病例又多幾名,因為同病患#併芯片引起相同的反應。 另一方面,持續50小時電子武器摧殘,據講是同他們正在坐牢的大佬有關,年近歲晚,同監獄大佬索錢不逐,唯用遙控電子令他就範,以前大佬教他們怎樣害人,今天全部回饋到坐監大佬身上,也是報應也。




3.  近日持續有政界名人子女被綁架事件發生,請各方小心謹慎,密切保護下一代。


Mind Control News this week (January 18 to 24, 2020)


1. When I sleeping, the metamorphosis chip controller used me as a positioning record and mapping me with someone who #eavesdropping, to avoid I knew what they were eavesdropping, before I awake, used to deleted all my memories during mapping period. I felt like dreaming but I can remember the content of the post-dream after awaked.  


According to the information I collected, the brain control machine has this function, which can delete and increase the memory of the person who being brain controlled at any time. Unfortunately, if you become a #victim of brain control, your daily memory may be lost at any time, so keep more records to recall your memories. 


On the other hand, the most worrying thing is that as an academic research, the memory in your brain can be deleted at any time and become as same as dementia, and the person who plagiarizes your knowledge of research result will input to your memory and replace it. When under mind control, the right for protection of intellectual property is gone! So the patent register will be necessary. 



2. The metamorphosis chip controller after electronic harassment #headache for 44 hours on the 18th and 20th, continuing on 21st at 6 am to 12 noon, electronic harassed over 6 hours, which caused me headache at level 5-7, and then continued to #sleep deprivation for two days long.

Reading the newspaper on the 22nd knew that the deadly coronavirus has spread far and wide, of cause, since this few days wide mapping with patients and remote electronic #harassment, making people got a same symptom as coronavirus.


On the other hand, the electronic harassment also related to the big brothers who were in jail. At the end of the year, the gangster begging for money from their big brother in prison. Only remote electronics harassment can force to pay.  As said they big brother were taught them how to harm people to live, now they pay back to their big brother as well as retribution.


The perps who Disasters against the country: Paul Chun and his brothers, Francis Ng, Timothy Cheng etc. 


3.  The #kidnapping was case by case, the victims most of the children of political celebrities. Please keep more attention to your children and take a closely protection.


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1.         目前香港示威暴動人士之所以如此偏激,主要原因是被腦控,一部腦控機搞到警察,示威人士完全失控。全部已進入情緒被控制模式,將示威人士同警方的對立情緒推向高峰。 據參加者自白,好似吸毒者上癮一樣,很想出街搞事,情緒不能一刻安靜,已到不能自拔的狀況。所以除非毀了腦控機,否則此現象仍會持續下去; 現尋求各方專家意見,如何摧毀腦控機,或者破解腦控機的設定模式。救香港於微波聽覺效應之中。 



2.         本週變態腦控賤人當我閱讀新聞,書籍時,關閉我的思維掣,令我對資訊沒法理解,分析和記憶。


3.         本週有口渴難耐者併我芯片,令我有相同感覺。懷疑有人藏匿於貨櫃逃亡;



4.         近日變態控芯片賤人將我同皮膚非常干躁者,頭部油脂分泌失調者併芯片,令我有頭皮屑,此是我從未試過的情況。



5.         腦控空間有人提到有犯罪分子,將有問題郵包寄到受害者地址。在此呼籲受害者,如收到可疑包裹,一定要報警,切不可按腦控賤人所講,怕事而掟出街等人接貨。此是刑事罪行。




Mind Control Space News this week (Sept. 23 to 29, 2019)


1. Today I talking about why the rioters in Hong Kong are so extremely, because they are manipulated by the mind control machine. A mind control machine get the police and the demonstrators are completely out of control. All have entered the emotional and behavior control mode, pushing the conflict between the demonstrators and the police to the peak. According to the confession of the participants, they thought seem like a drug addicts, they want to go out and making trouble, their emotions can't be quiet for a moment. it was involuntary behaviors. Therefore, unless destroyed the mind control machine, otherwise this phenomenon will continue. Now we are looking for expert opinions, how to destroy the mind control machine, or to decoding the setting mode of the brain control machine? Save Hong Kong out of the microwave auditory effect.

The emotional control, as well as behavioral control, can control a person in persistence to do somethings that they have never done or do not like before. For example, I believe that many targeted individuals whom have been tried by brain control machine which set to shopaholic models, and they are keeping shopping to an unreasonable level, some people even shop until debts that they cannot afford. It only can stop after the mind control machine changed setting to normal. So this principle is the same as the demonstrators, it is a kind of emotional plus behavior control;


2. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller turn-off my mind when I read news and books, so I could not have understood, analyze and remember all the information after read.


3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller someone mapping me who got extremely thirst, which makes me have the same feeling. The person suspected that may a perp hiding in a container to fleeing so;


4. Two days ago, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who got very dry skin, also with the head oil secretion disordered, such makes me have dandruff that I never ever happened before.


5. As someone mentioned in the mind control space that some criminals sent the parcel to the victim’s address. Warn to the victims. If you receive a suspicious package, you must call the police, you should not as tell to throw it out and wait for someone to pick it up. This is a criminal offence.

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Neuro weapons technology criminals can now turn a non-consensual and extremely unwilling human being into a human robot over the course of many years of laborous work. When a human robot is created, the human being who is being remote controlled by pre-programmed automation no longer has any human rights.
Human robots would have a special status where they would be officially known as human robots.
Human robots are real live human beings who have never committed a crime in ...their entire lives.
Human robots are human beings who do not fit in to the rigid control system currently being created by dark luciferian criminals who manipulate world systems from behind the scenes in our lives.
Human robots are human beings who may have challenged false authority figures and who have then been targeted by neuro weapons for many years.
Anybody can be turned into a human robot if they refuse to agree to be a slave to the future technological control system.
We are being sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano particulates which we inhale and ingest and which can be wirelessly manipulated inside our bodies.
Creating a non-consensual human robot out of a real live human being involves first of all partially mapping the brain of a human being by speaking to them and asking them questions over a number of years via voice to skull military communication technology.
When a human being is slowly and incrementally being changed into a human robot capable of being remote controlled by wireless means and from a remote location by unknown operatives, that human being is fully aware that they are being slowly bio-robotized. Many such human beings commit suicide.
When a human being is fully bio-robotized they can be programmed to cut off their own fingers or place their hand on a hot stove or even kill themselves or carry out mass genocide.
We can easily stop human bio-robotization in its tracks by disassembling and destroying all microwave transmitters combined with fifth generation millimeter wave transmitters. We now know that the existence of both satellites and space based weapons have been hoaxed. All human enslavement technology is ground based and can easily be disassembled and destroyed.
We have no other option.
Time is short.

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Non-Consenting Remote Neural Monitoring.

A well known tutor at the University of Illinios has encouraged her students to commit what some would consider acts of extreme evil, namely to carry out neural engagement activities on non-consenting human subjects of remote neural monitoring.
These neural engagement activities sometimes enable partial brain mapping also known as mind mapping of said non-consenting human subject of remote neural monitoring. When the mind is partially mapped to a certain level they non-con...senting human subject of remote neural monitoring can then have all of their muscles moved against their wills. They can then be neuro enslaved on a part time basis for the rest of their lives. If they fail to carry out the wishes of the unknown neuro enslavers who verbally communicate with them via brain to brain interface and from an unknown location they will then be terminated.

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