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On October 1st 2002 Agilent Technologies Engineer Richard C Walker filed a patent application number 10 260 525 which was later called US patent number 6965816 and titled PFN/TRAC system FAA and this patent would subsume all other patents in order to control everybody and everything on planet earth and this patent is euphemistically known as “the internet of things” patent. However, it is now believed that Richard C Walker is a front man and that the patent is in reality owned and controlled by Sir Geoffrey Pattie of the Pilgrim Society as well as of the British Privy Council which works within the City of London Financial District. A number of “American Intelligence Media” youtube videos give details about the Walker patent which many believe to be owned by Sir Geoffrey Pattie of the British Privy Council and which is being used in an attempt to technologically enslave the whole human race other than the would be enslavers who are thought to be members of the Pilgrim Society. This PFN TRAC patent capability has been put in place already at many levels and is being used to aggressively go in, take over, control, track and manage any system whether it be an airplane, a car, a motor cycle, a human being or an animal. Human beings are being called wetware and control mechanisms, devices and various types of chips are being put into our bodies and brains at different places which can control our muscles against our wills. However, the above mentioned American Intelligence Media are providing antidotes to the PFN TRAC patent capabilities on their youtube videos and their websites. I am a long time victim of remote wireless experimentation by unknown operatives who use the technological capabilities outlined in this patent to wirelessly force the muscles of my face and body to move against my will in an attempt to eventually totally bio-robotize me. I will list the antidotes offered by the American Intelligence Media and by other sources here below:-
1. Keep a piece of carbonized ionized iron (steel) on your skin such as a a necklace. Any type of steel which doesn't rust will do such as stainless steel. It will absorb the digital signals and keep you safe.
2. Take a product called carbon 60 or C60 mixed with olive oil. Toxins are neutralised within minutes of taking it because the toxins in the human body pull electrons off the carbon 60.
3. Use shungite which is a stone found in Russia and if you keep it near you of if you hold a peice of it in each hand it will cause coherence from electric bombardment. It neutralises radiation and it makes the bio-electric energy of our bodies more coherent.
4. Take a product called ormus which puts your brain waves into gamma waves. Your brain waves go into harmony when ormus is in your mouth.
5. Use an antenna sink hole in your home.
6. Take bentonite clay in order to detoxify your body from neural dust.
7. Peat moss can be turned into a fibrous material and worn as clothing and will act as a faraday cage.
8. Make printed sigils, free copies of which can be obtained from and place them around your home.
9. Purchase a qube which transduces erratic electromagnetic energy into coherent energy among other capabilities according to the owner of
10. The American Intelligence Media youtube presenter Douglas Gabriel said that there is a way that negative energy waves can be cohered into positive energy waves so that the more we are bombarded by 5G the more positive energy will be in our homes. Please check the following youtube link for information

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I don't have much time I am late for work appointment.  I want to get these pics posted before I find them altered or missing as I frequently experience that sort of thing.  I have been suspicious of this box for weeks now.  It has been there every night but always gone during daylight hours.  Today I inadvertently caught them moving it!!  I was focused on the perps out in the woods.  They didnt expect me to walk outside so they were walking around heavy footed so I caught them.  So I planted my butt on the deck and didnt move for an hour as I watched more cars than I can count drive by all trying to pick them up and get them out of there LOL.  I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.  Just being the one in control (even if it was only over them leaving and yes i know they could still choose to walk out in plain view.  But they didnt and i could feel their anxiety, frustration, and hostility! That was the best part although I'm sure I will be paying for it shortly.  That's ok with me dont I pay for every single day of my life no matter what I do?  I take my little shots at them when I get the opportunity its food for my soul, lol.  

anyway what's important is does anyone know what this is? Anyone ever seen one?  Any insight, feedback, knowledge would be much appreciated.  I am being infected with a biologic weapon and directed Energy but the more I know about how it's being delivered the better!!  If this helps anyone else out there that's even better!!9143222472?profile=original9143222864?profile=original9143222701?profile=original

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I don't have much time I am late for work appointment.  I want to get these pics posted before I find them altered or missing as I frequently experience that sort of thing.  I have been suspicious of this box for weeks now.  It has been there every night but always gone during daylight hours.  Today I inadvertently caught them moving it!!  I was focused on the perps out in the woods.  They didnt expect me to walk outside so they were walking around heavy footed so I caught them.  So I planted my butt on the deck and didnt move for an hour as I watched more cars than I can count drive by all trying to pick them up and get them out of there LOL.  I thoroughly enjoyed every minute.  Just being the one in control (even if it was only over them leaving and yes i know they could still choose to walk out in plain view.  But they didnt and i could feel their anxiety, frustration, and hostility! That was the best part although I'm sure I will be paying for it shortly.  That's ok with me dont I pay for every single day of my life no matter what I do?  I take my little shots at them when I get the opportunity its food for my soul, lol.  

anyway what's important is does anyone know what this is? Anyone ever seen one?  Any insight, feedback, knowledge would be much appreciated.  I am being infected with a biologic weapon and directed Energy but the more I know about how it's being delivered the better!!  If this helps anyone else out there that's even better!!9143222472?profile=original9143222864?profile=original9143222701?profile=original

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What are they doing to me? And, what did World Health Organization say? 

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

What are they doing to me? And, what did World Health Organization say?  After that, what did they do to WHO?

Here is evidence from WHO regarding the use of Non-Lethal Weapons, EMF, Radiofrequency, Microwave Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...who are living with me as my neighbors , gathering around and in my workplace . With them, they are attacking my head, heart and my hearing. So, every day I can't sleep and work normally.

Photo 1

Photo 2

They immediately hacked WHO and me to stop me from contacting WHO:

"The report explores the tools, capacities, strategies and resources employed by global ‘cyber troops’, typically government agencies and political parties, to influence public opinion in 70 countries."

UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything I provided regarding their ongoing torture, harassment, poisoning, threats, terror and murder .

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture,terror and murder. I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward to International Bar Association and all  by fax , thanks.

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     Solei, a lot has happened since 2007. PHR can determine that a person has been tortured psychologically.  The effects of severe sleep deprivation can be seen in brain scans. I have several bodily function impairments and I know others have impairments as well. The idea is to let the doctors at PHR in the United States and in other countries where ever they reside know that there are still people being tortured with Directed Energy Weapons and Mind Control Technologies. If we tell our individual experiences to each and every doctor who works with Physicians for Human Rights using their individual email addresses, fax addresses and physical addresses it will surely raise red flags in their minds and they will discuss these concerns among themselves. We must find these addresses and post them on peacepink and communicate with them until they help us. PHR has so much credibility in the world. Just for them to say that there is indeed torture being conducted in the United States, alone, would be victory for us all. We must persist with this organization until we prevail.  They will thank us and the world also.

 Sincerely, Michael

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I have no options to deal with their ongoing brutality.

I have no options to deal with their ongoing brutality.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

This is not the first time, not the second time  or not the third time...I can't remember exactly how many times UN, International Human Rights Community and International Criminal Court advised me to file complaints against "them".  I have no options.

Please see the newest file from UN Human Rights Office:


UN Human Rights ,  International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims, and International Criminal Court have everything regarding their ongoing torture, harassment, threats, poisoning, terror and attempted murder.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward to International Bar Association and all  by fax , thanks.


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Posted on September 29, 2019 by gretta
Most of us have inhaled and ingested particulates which have penetrated the blood brain barrier and turned our brains into two way transmitters and receivers. The technology was activated in my brain and body many years ago without my consent and I have been non-consensually receiving voices and other transmissions every since. I sometimes post online some of what these voices say to me in order to warn others of the extreme danger we are in from wireless technological enslavement. Here is a small sample of what I heard these unknown voices say to me and about me among themselves in the past number of weeks as follows:-

“We gave classified ourselves as slave masters and we have classified Gretta Fahey as a slave because she has been deemed to have no legal rights.”

” We will hurt you very badly if you eat food that we don’t sanction.”

“We are no longer in the installation process. We are in the information process. You will be obedient to my command.”

“These individuals are not allowed personalities. They are only allowed prototypes.”

“While we have wireless reach of somebody we can compromise them.”

“I hate these modern conveniences. Break a few of them.” (That was said in response to a remark I made that I had switched on the dishwasher and the tumble dryer.)

“Tell her she is not allowed to use her computer at certain hours.”

“She doesn’t need online access because she is not working full time.”

“I am not a moderator. I am a slave master and she will do what she is told.”

For more information my website is called

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If they are not evil, please don't forward it.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

You all must know how evil they are. But, I must tell you with this because exposure can defend Human Rights.

They are remotely controlling my heart rate monitor which monitors my heart rate. So, they can stop its functions at any time they want. My heart rate beats up and down  from 49-133 , sometimes very violently.

Why are they remotely  controlling my heart rate monitor?

Everything is clear.

Please see the attached photo, which is one record of my heart rate.


UN Human Rights, International Criminal Court, and International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims have everything about their ongoing torture, harassment, threats,  poisoning, terror and murder.

If they are not evil, they will not hack, block and filter UN, International Human Rights Community, International Criminal Court and everything I am using. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have "witnessed "what they are doing to us.

If they are not evil,  UN, International Human Rights Community, and International Criminal Court will not advise me to file complaints against them , so many times I can't remember.

Fight for my life being threatened  and fight against on-going torture, I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward to International Bar Association and all  by fax , thanks.

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Posted on September 23, 2019 by gretta fahey

 Many Europeans and those further afield have already been unknowingly wirelessly connected to a central control system from a large variety of implants in their brains and bodies. Many are under wirelessly enabled microwave mind control. Many have been inculcated into states of unquestioning obedience during their time at college and training school. Many have studied false and misleading information during their time at college and training school. Many are having their brains entrained by frequencies of apathy and passivity which are being wirelessly sent to their brains via phone towers and via microwave transmitters without them being aware of it. Others are being sent information via the aforementioned phone towers to their brains and to their central nervous systems in order to develop a scientific method of rendering them immobile if they refuse to obey the voice commands that they receive from unknown neuro operatives who work from an unknown location. I am one of these. I receive voice commands, pain, images, forced muscle movement, sensations and a variety of other unwanted experiences on a continual basis and this has been the case for more than sixteen years. Every few days I post online what these unknown neuro operatives have been heard by me to say in the previous days leading up to the post. Here below is a small selection of what they have been saying to me recently :-
“What are we doing?” “Nothing” “The subject isn’t available to us. She is transfixed by a lighting system.” (That was said in response to the fact that I was in bed alone in my home and I happened to be shining an ultra violet torch around my bedroom and because the lighting in my bedroom was rendered abnormal by the ultra violet light the neuro scientists and other neuro operatives could not then continue their remote wireless experimentation on my brain and central nervous system.)
“The bowel system is not what we are interested in. We are interested in bio-robotizing the woman.”
“This woman is going to cop it and I’ll make sure she does.” ” She has criticized the system to an extreme degree and she won’t get away with it.” “I have nothing on her” “Find something.”
“She is entitled to peace of mind, the same as everybody else. You’re the culprit, not her.”
“You’ll be placed under a hold if you don’t watch yourself, you stupid woman.”
“Gretta. We are not going to have a problem with you in the future because you are not going to be able to deal at all.”
“Is there any way we can deal that would ruin this woman.”
“Whose house is she in today. ” “Her own. She has the right of residence to live there until she does but she does not actually own it.”
“Gretta. We haven’t shut down the study. We just claim to do so when other people are listening in order to impress them.”
“You are living an unsustainable lifestyle” “We will force you to accept our help.” (This was said to me because I don’t work and I claim disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome.)
“Is someone attempting to sabotage these programs? This program failed. Are we having a problem? We are endeavouring to report a criminal offence.”
“No we are not. We can validate that this woman never has committed a crime in her life.”
“Incinerate the bitch.”
“We will maintain her in a controlled demeanour throughout.”

I believe that when 5G is erected in your country it will enable the individuals who run the central control system to have enough  broadband  available to them to send you voice commands, horrific visions and pain and you will then be enslaved if you don't canvas to have phone towers taken down and banned.

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     Thank you for commenting on my recent blog.  The reason I asked for someone to send my blog post as a email to Dr. Scott Allen, a medical expert on torture, with Physicians for Human Rights is that my email accounts have been hacked and I know some emails are diverted.

     You seem to have a sound mind and I have always like your comments about my blogs.  So, I want to asked you to help me to get other members and victims especially female victims to communicate with the experts at Physicians for Human Rights especially the women experts and the women on staff.  The experts and staff are mostly professional women and I don't think professional women in this human rights organization will turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the letters and voices of other women who are being abused so horribly. 

     The reason I don't do this myself is that I don't have an internet connection at home.  I use the computers at nearby libraries out of town and they have time limitations and I have been very tired lately.

Physicians for Human Rights is a relatively new organization and their mission is to right the wrongs that men and governments do without regard for human life and dignity.  If you go to and click on About, the drop down box shows a listing for experts and staff.  If you can, would you see if you can find email and physical addresses or fax numbers for as many of these professionals as you can and post their contact information on peacepink so everyone can send them an email or fax requesting their help.  PHR will look into these requests and they will begin to investigate and collect the necessary information to document these violations of human rights and expose them to the public and to those in governments.  This organization has tremendous credibility and they are not timid.

     I know this is a global horror and the reason I focused on the United States of America is because in my own thinking I thought it would be easier and quicker for PHR to find and examine more individuals in the country in which they have their headquarters.  But it is still necessary for as many as possible to contact PHR's experts especially if they live in other countries.

     At their website under Contact Us they give their addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers for each of their three offices.  Their fax numbers are a recent addition.  I want to also say that it cost nothing to become a member of PHR and they accept small donations as well as large.

     Sue, I think you have been having a terrible time.  I have been having a terrible time.  Assaulted from head to toe and from skin to soul while waiting for the soon return of Jesus Christ but the Anti Christ will appear before His Coming.  Take care of yourself, pray for me, I will pray for you.

Sincerely,  Michael

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I need someone or somemany to email this posting to Dr. Scott Allen of Physicians for Human Rights at

Dr. Scott Allen

     I heard a man on NPR say that with the Istanbul Protocol we can even tell if a person has been tortured psychologically.  That's the only thing I heard of the entire interview but if was what I so needed to hear.  I know you are aware of involuntary human experimentation  and that it takes place in prisons in the United States of America.  Well there is a program of nonconsensual involuntary human experimentation occurring in communities across the USA and it is being conducted in the very homes in which the live.  I am one of the thousands of victims that this has been happening to.  The suffering, the invasion of body, mind and soul of this horrific evil is beyond any evil that you have ever seen and it is impossible to imagine such evil if you have not experienced it for years.

     I have several bodily function impairments and it remains to be seen what the long term consequences are going to be for not only me but the many, many others both young and old, male and female. We have sent letters, faxes, and emails to representatives in government including the President, the Attorney General, the FBI, State and local law enforcement agencies all to no avail.  Of the thousands of requests for help and assistance we get no response.  Which brings me to the reason why I am writing to you, Dr.  Allen.  You know about torture and its consequences on an individual and this kind of torture is cruel and mentally brutal and it is our government that is committing these crimes against humanity with the assistance and active participation of some in the medical community.

     Who provided the technological weapons to these torturers and who taught them how to damage bodies?

     I am seventy one years old.  They are killing me little by little every day and night and they enjoy what they are doing.  I would like to leave my body to PHR for forensic research.  They have damaged me from head to toe.  PHR is the only credible investigative body with the will and skills and the courage to bring this evil to the light of day and to the American people.  I am including the name of my attorney and other educated persons familiar with this evil. Perhaps you could examine a reasonable number victims to prove what is happening to American citizens and people around the world.  PHR may very well be the only chance democracy has.


Michael Benoit


Dr. John Hall,, Anesthesiologist, San Antonio, TX

Cheryl Welsh,, I believe she lives close to you

Dr. Robert Duncan,, The Executive Summary: Neuropsychological and Electronic No-Touch Torture Report

Ramola Dharmaraj,, Author, Journalist, Educator

Connie Marshall, victim, survivor, descriptive documentation

Phair Firm,


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They use sorrow as a weapon in the harrasment system. They "shoot" me with this weapon for example in stores with high security. In my town it is for example in Esprit, Stadium, Intersport, Asko, but not in H&M, Gina Tricot, Jysk. As I wrote earlier, it took them a while to activate the thought of my mom in the system. Now they are using it all the time. Today I went to Stadium and in about 1-2 minutes I suddenly, in an unnatural way, remembered my mom's death, and I know it was them who caused it. It is very obvious. It is very difficult to explain this but I hope one day they will be caught and put in to justice.

They have also made it very difficult for me to write in this blog. They keep me in constant harrasment. At work, they kind of leave me alone and I am able to focus on my work.  One day I was working at my desk at work, I was talking to many people on the phone and focusing intensively on the computer programs. I felt I was getting tired because of blood sugar drop, so I got up, went to the kitchen to eat some fruits. I focused on eating the sweet fruits and I relaxed for a few minutes. When I was eating the fruit I felt how I got my energy back and I got a bit happier (you know this feeling) and immediately they started the voice harrasment! It feels like they can follow how I feel. Immediately when I am relaxed they start the harrasment, but when I'm working and focusing they leave me alone.

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Posted on September 20, 2019 by gretta fahey
I hear the intelligence sounding voices of unknown individuals coming from inside my own head and this is happening without my consent. When I was interviewed in the distant past by a number of psychiatrists none of them advised me to have myself tested for the presence of cochlear implants. Why was this?
I am experiencing constant broadcast assaults as follows. All of the electromagnetic frequencies being generated by my brain and body are being non-consensually wirelessly transmitted to a network of supercomputers where they are being translated into evoked potentials which are in turn being automatically translated and categorized into the words that I speak, the thoughts that I think, the sounds that I hear, the muscle movements that I make, the images that I see, the feelings that I feel, as well as the internal activity of my bodily organs. A frequency modulator can then be used to send electromagnetic frequencies back into my brain and body to force me to hear inner voices and to see both external images and internal minds eye images, to experience forced muscle movements and to experience having my vocal cords manipulated against my will to produce words which I did not generate of my own free will, among a vast number of other unwanted and non-consensual experiences.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Claremorris, Ireland and I am a victim of non-consensual experimentation and I have been so for many years. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head were heard by me to say the following ” We have bound ninety percent of the body of Gretta Fahey at this stage. When we have one hundred percent of her bodily movements placed under our control we have been informed numerous times that we will then disable her own ability to move her own muscular structure and we will than take over complete and total control of all of her bodily movements from that day forward. Gretta herself can put a stop to this by ceasing to be in the company of any and all digital signals.”
For many years I have been experiencing forced muscle movement. I now experience forced and vigorous movement of my facial muscles, neck muscles, eye muscles and vocal cords among some other muscles against my will and this often occurs while the voices which I hear coming from inside my head speak among themselves about having external control of many of my muscles. A Boston, Massachusetts, based online journalist called Ramola Dharmaraj has interviewed many individuals, including myself, who have reported both forced muscle movement and whole body takeover, on her youtube channel which is called Ramola D Reports.
A patent exists which outlines a method of controlling the central nervous system of a human being by external means and the patent number for this patent is US6506148 B2 and it is dated 14th January, 2003 and the patent holder is Hendricus G. Loos, who is said to be an inventor from California. He holds approximately nine other patents which give information about how to either manipulate or control the central nervous system of a human being by wireless external means. For further information on this patent please click on the following link

If the day ever came when the individuals who place a simulation of their voices inside my head ever gain one hundred percent control of my bodily movements would even my closest relatives be able to discern that I would no longer be acting of my own volition? The inner voices have informed me that the answer to the aforementioned question is definitely no. If this is in fact true how many individuals alive in the world today are under external wireless control with no ability whatsoever to speak or move a muscle of their own free will. I imagine they would rather be dead. How can we, the human race, discern who if anybody is under total external wireless control with no free will whatsoever and how can we set them free from this type of imprisonment? How can we, the human race, gain back control over the ninety five percent privately owned main stream media which is owned by a cabal of central bankers and their associates who work out of the London Financial District and who will not allow their associates from ever mentioning the subject of wireless control of human beings in any of their top newspapers to date and which is in opposition to the wishes of the rest of the human race?.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901. Mobile Phone Number 0870692278.

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Please don't forward, not finished.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

This is " Medical Torture "; this is " Systematic Torture".

10 years ago, one famous International Human Rights Community which is being listed on UN Human Rights Office's website, forwarded one link regarding " Medical Torture ".  Why did they forward this to me?

After that, Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, public hospital of Ontario Government,  Canadian torturers, Ontario Government... at  once hacked us and blocked us.

Please see these two photos below:

In addition, this email of 10 years ago,  now I  show you what happened and what are happening to me.

15 years have passed.  They stop their ongoing torture, harassment, threats, poisoning, terror, attempted murder although UN, International Human Rights Community and International Criminal Court stand up and speak out for me?  No.


Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture

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