Used (39)

Many people throughout the Republic of Ireland including myself are being attacked and tortured from unknown remote locations by means of frequency weapons.   The Gardai are disbelieving of their complaints and generally tend to send them for psychiatric evaluation.   Psychiatrists are disbelieving of their complaints and tend to erroneously diagnose them as being mentally unwell.    I herewith enclose a post by Magnus Olson on the topic of torture by means of frequency weapons which is known as cyber torture or no touch torture.

Magnus Olsson, Geneva 8 March 2020                                                                                                

UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Special Rapporteur Professor Nils Melzer on torture revealed during the 43rd HRC that Cyber technology is not only used for internet and 5G. It is also used to target individuals remotely – through intimidation, harassment and public shaming. 

On the 28th of February in Geneva, Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel Inhuman Degrading Treatment and Punishment, has officially confirmed that cyber torture exists and investigation is now underway on how to tackle it legally.

Electromagnetic radiation, radar, and surveillance technology are used to transfer sounds and thoughts into people’s brain. UN started their investigation after receiving thousands of testimonies from so-called “targeted individuals” (TIs).

Professor Nils Melzer is an expert in international law and since 2016 he holds the Human Rights Chair at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. His team has found evidence that Cyber technology is used to inflict severe mental and physical sufferings.

“Judges think that physical torture is more serious than cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” he told the Guardian on 21 February. “Torture is simply the deliberate instrumentalization of pain and suffering.” These psychological torture methods are often used “to circumvent the ban on torture because they don’t leave any visible marks”. (1)

Cyber psychological systems like cognitive radio are used to interrupt human perceptions and memory. They can also be used to spy on people violating personal integrity which could lead to corruption and slavery in society. Cyber torture is also called no-touch torture or brain-machine interface.

One way to handle this situation is to regulate new technologies and use AI control mechanisms by independent and impartial investigators. The evidence gathered could then be used to convict criminals easier and quicker in the future.

Professor Meltzer and his team is now underway to create an international legal framework covering cyber technologies that can cause torture which previously was hard to prove. In the future it may be necessary to establish Radio Frequency Spectrum police in order to protect humanity from cyber terrorism. Nils Meltzer also revealed to me personally that the HRC will release several reports on this subject soon in the future.

  1. Owen Bowcott, ‘UN warns of rise of ‘cybertorture’ to bypass physical ban’ (The Guardian, March 2020)

On February 28, 2020, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Professor Nils Melzer, issued his World Report on “Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This report included a definition of “Cybertorture,” the Crime Against Humanity where millions of targeted victims worldwide are remotely assaulted with Electromagnetic Weapons in actions directed via computer, often from Supercomputers.

(A/HRC/43/49) Cybertorture:

1. A particular area of concern, which does not appear to have received sufficient attention, is the possible use of various forms of information and communication technology (“cybertechnology”) for the purposes of torture. Although the promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the internet has been repeatedly addressed by the Human Rights Council (A/HRC/32/L.20; A/HRC/38/L.10/Rev.1), torture has been understood primarily as a tool used to obstruct the exercise of the right to freedom of expression on the internet, and not as a violation of human rights that could be committed through the use of cybertechnology.

2. This seems surprising given that some of the characteristics of cyber-space make it an environment highly conducive to abuse and exploitation, most notably a vast power asymmetry, virtually guaranteed anonymity, and almost complete impunity. States, corporate actors and organized criminals not only have the capacity to conduct cyberoperations inflicting severe suffering on countless individuals, but may well decide to do so for any of the purposes of torture. It is therefore necessary to briefly explore, in a preliminary manner, the conceivability and basic contours of what could be described as “cybertorture”.

3. In practice, cybertechnology already plays the role of an “enabler” in the perpetration of both physical and psychological forms of torture, most notably through the collection and transmission of surveillance information and instructions to interrogators, through the dissemination of audio or video recordings of torture or murder for the purposes of intimidation, or even live streaming of child sexual abuse “on demand” of voyeuristic clients (A/HRC/28/56, para.71), and increasingly also through the remote control or manipulation of stun belts (A/72/178, para.51), medical implants and, conceivably, nanotechnological or neurotechnological devices.1 Cybertechnology can also be used to inflict, or contribute to, severe mental suffering while avoiding the conduit of the physical body, most notably through intimidation, harassment, surveillance, public shaming and defamation, as well as appropriation, deletion or manipulation of information.

4. The delivery of serious threats through anonymous phone calls has long been a widespread method of remotely inflicting fear. With the advent of the internet, State security services in particular have been reported to use cybertechnology, both in their own territory and abroad, for the systematic surveillance of a wide range of individuals and/or for direct interference with their unhindered access to cyber technology.2 Electronic communication services, social media platforms and search engines provide an ideal environment both for the anonymous delivery of targeted threats, sexual harassment and extortion and for the mass dissemination of intimidating, defamatory, degrading, deceptive or discriminatory narratives.

5. Individuals or groups systematically targeted by cybersurveillance and cyberharassment are generally left without any effective means of defence, escape, or self-protection and, at least in this respect, often find themselves in a situation of “powerlessness” comparable to physical custody. Depending on the circumstances, the physical absence and anonymity of the perpetrator may even exacerbate the victim’s emotions of helplessness, loss of control, and vulnerability, not unlike the stress-augmenting effect of blindfolding or hooding during physical torture. Likewise, the generalized shame inflicted by public exposure, defamation and degradation can be just as traumatic as direct humiliation by perpetrators in a closed environment.3 As various studies on cyber-bullying have shown, already harassment in comparatively limited environments can expose targeted individuals to extremely elevated and prolonged levels of anxiety, stress, social isolation and depression, and significantly increases the risk of suicide.4 Arguably, therefore, much more systematic, government-sponsored threats and harassment delivered through cybertechnologies not only entail a situation of effective powerlessness, but may well inflict levels of anxiety, stress, shame and guilt amounting to “severe mental suffering” as required for a finding of torture.5

6. More generally, in order to ensure the adequate implementation of the prohibition of torture and related legal obligations in present and future circumstances, its interpretation should evolve in line with new challenges and capabilities arising in relation to emerging technologies not only in cyberspace, but also in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and neurotechnology, or pharmaceutical and biomedical sciences, including so-called “human enhancement”.

1. Al Elmondi, “Next-generation nonsurgical neurotechnology”, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, available at…/next-generation-nonsurgical-neurotechnology.

2 See Human Rights Council resolutions 32/13 and 38/7. See, most notably, the 2013 disclosures by Edward Snowden of the global surveillance activities conducted by the United States National Security Agency and its international partners, see Ewan Macaskill and Gabriel Dance, “NSA files: decoded – what the revelations mean for you”, The Guardian, 1 November 2013.

3 Pau Pérez-Sales, “Internet and torture” (forthcoming).

4 Ann John and others, “Self-harm, suicidal behaviours, and cyberbullying in children and young people: systematic review”, Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol. 20, No. 4 (2018); Rosario Ortega and others, “The emotional impact of bullying and cyberbullying on victims: a European cross-national study”, Aggressive Behavior, vol. 38, No. 5 (September/October 2012).

5 Samantha Newbery and Ali Dehghantanha, “A torture-free cyber space: a human right”, 2017.

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According to world renowned neuro scientist and directed energy weapons expert Dr Robert Duncan, there is a sixty year gap in knowledge of advanced technology between the public sector and top secret laboratories. This ongoing situation allows those who have access to these hidden technologies to appear God like because of their abilities to use neurological cloning and behaviour science manipulation methods.
Information was released to the public at the 'American Chemical Society Fall 2000 event which informs us that a polymer called the 'PEDOT' polymer is being manufactured which allows human brains to be linked to computers. Applying a layer of 'PEDOT' to other materials makes them conductive.
This information has been presented to the public sector as new. However, black budget military scientists have successfully integrated the brains of non-consenting human beings to computer control systems dozens of years ago and whenever the victims of this technology reported the matter to their local police or general medical practitioner they were always falsely accused of being mentally ill. Most of the general public now have bio-synthetic materials inside our brains and bodies which we either inhaled, ingested or had vaccinated into us. Many people, including senior politicians have been placed under wirelessly administered mind control as well as wirelessly administered physical nervous system control without their knowledge and consent. If you are placed under wireless control, voice commands, images and pain signals can be sent directly to your brain and body from unknown remote locations either by human operatives or pre-programmed algorithms. Sovereign countries are now being overthrown from the inside by their own politicians who are under external electronic mind control as well as external body control. Our only recourse to taking back our sovereignty is by disassembling and banning all wireless enabling technologies as well as all phased arrays and other related technologies throughout our countries while we still can.
The war to gain control of our minds and bodies by wireless remote means is being fought against us by the United Nations who work through the World Health Organisation and by many other means. U.N. Agenda 21 is the action plan they are using to enslave us. Under the U.N. Agenda 21 action plan we would no longer be allowed to own our homes, our vehicles or even our clothing. Those of us who would be allowed to live would be forced to move into smart cities where we would be under full spectrum surveillance and control by our slave masters who are believed to be mostly dark Luciferians.
Some of the above information was obtained at the following links:-
Some of the above information was obatined from a Book called 'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.

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There is no scientific basis for the germ theory whether bacterial or viral. The medical establishment was once legally challenged to prove that a virus caused measles and they failed to do so. A supreme court judge in Germany found in the favour of the legal challenger who was a virologist named Dr Stefan Lanka against the medical establishment.
In order to prove the existence of covid-19 the medical establishment need to be able to isolate the virus and categorise it with its genetic make-up. They then need to produce an original scientific paper which proves that this particular virus is thesole cause of that particular disease which it is attributed to causing. This has never been done for measles, HIV or corid-19. Therefore the world has been shut down without any proof.
Even by the recognition of the medical establishment, the particulates which they have named viruses are not alive. They don't meet any of the scientific criteria for being alive because they do not replicate, they do not eat, they do not excrete and they have got a minimum DNA. They are dead. They are bits of protein.
Medical doctors and scientists who are brave enough to speak out are challenging the medical establishment to come up with the proof of the existence of covid-19. The problem starts with medical education. Trainee medical doctors are told that that a certain bacteria or a certain virus causes a certain manifestation. Trainee medical doctors are never shown the esperiments to say how that information came about. It is all being built on assumptions.
Louis Pasteur admitted at the end of his life that he was completely wrong and that he was a fraudster.
The above information is to be found at the following youtube link
The youtube video itself is called 'What is disease and how to stay healthy. The keys to life' by David Parker, Dawn Lester, Clive de Carle.Measles Virus put to the test

Here is some more online information about the legal challenge of Dr Stefan Lanka against the medial establishment which he subsequently won, and it is to be found at the following link

Dr. Stefan Lanka wins in court…

Since the early 1990s, German biologist Dr. Stefan Lanka has been at the forefront of challenging the medical theory stating that viruses are the cause of infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, the flu, polio, herpes, or measles. Caroline Markolin has presented Dr. Lanka’s activities in her lecture video “Virus Mania” in great details (watch Part 2 of the recordings on this website – starting at 08:08).

Based on his studies in virology, Dr. Lanka discovered that viruses are vital components of simple life-forms that do not exist in complex organisms such as humans, animals, or plants. His research shows that the viruses believed to cause “viral infections” are in reality ordinary cell particles that have been misinterpreted as constituents of the viruses in question. Dr. Lanka also determined that viruses don’t have a destructive effect on the host, as commonly believed. These findings are in full accordance with the discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer who demonstrated already in the 1980s that contrary to the standard theory, microbes do not harm the organism but play instead a supportive role during the healing process of diseases (see Fourth Biological Law of the New Medicine).

The “measles virus trial” between Dr. Stefan Lanka and German medical doctor David Bardens has by now received international attention (see the 2015 reports in CTV News Canada and BBC News). The court case has not only heated up the ongoing “virus debate”. It also fuelled the discussion about the justification of childhood vaccination and of vaccinations in general.

Here is a brief overview of the court proceedings:

On November 24, 2011, Dr. Lanka announced on his website that he would offer a prize of € 100,000 to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. The announcement read as follows: “The reward will be paid, if a scientific publication is presented, in which the existence of the measles virus is not only asserted, but also proven and in which, among other things, the diameter of the measles virus is determined.”

In January 2012, Dr. David Bardens took Dr. Lanka up on his pledge. He offered six papers on the subject and asked Dr. Lanka to transfer the € 100,000 to his bank account.

The six publications are:

1. Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1954 Jun;86(2):277–286.

2. Bech V, Magnus Pv. Studies on measles virus in monkey kidney tissue cultures. Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand. 1959; 42(1): 75–85

3. Horikami SM, Moyer SA. Structure, Transcription, and Replication of Measles Virus. Curr Top Microbiol Immunol. 1995; 191: 35–50.

4. Nakai M, Imagawa DT. Electron microscopy of measles virus replication. J Virol. 1969 Feb; 3(2): 187–97.

5. Lund GA, Tyrell, DL, Bradley RD, Scraba DG. The molecular length of measles virus RNA and the structural organization of measles nucleocapsids. J Gen Virol. 1984 Sep;65 (Pt 9):1535–42.

6. Daikoku E, Morita C, Kohno T, Sano K. Analysis of Morphology and Infectivity of Measles Virus Particles. Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College. 2007; 53(2): 107–14.

Dr. Lanka refused to pay the money since in his opinion these publications did not provide adequate evidence. Subsequently, Dr. Bardens took Dr. Lanka to court.

On March 12, 2015, the District Court Ravensburg in southern Germany ruled that the criteria of the advertisement had been fulfilled ordering Dr. Lanka to pay up. Dr. Lanka appealed the ruling.

On February 16, 2016, the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) re-evaluated the first ruling, judging that Dr. Bardens did not meet the criteria since he failed to provide proof for the existence of the measles virus presented in one publication, as asked by Dr. Lanka in his announcement. Therefore, Dr. Lanka does not have to pay the prize money.

On January 16, 2017, the First Civil Senate of the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH) confirmed the ruling of the OLG Stuttgart.

Critics of the judicial verdict argue that Dr. Lanka’s victory is solely based on how he had formulated the offer of reward, namely to pay the € 100,000 for the presentation of a single publication of evidence (which Dr. Bardens was unable to provide). This argument, however, distracts the attention from the essential points.
According to the minutes of the court proceedings (page 7/ first paragraph), Andreas Podbielski, head of the Department of Medical Microbiology, Virology and Hygiene at the University Hospital in Rostock, who was one of the appointed experts at the trial, stated that even though the existence of the measles virus could be concluded from the summary of the six papers submitted by Dr. Bardens, none of the authors had conducted any controlled experiments in accordance with internationally defined rules and principles of good scientific practice (see also the method of “indirect evidence”). Professor Podbielski considers this lack of control experiments explicitly as a “methodological weakness” of these publications, which are after all the relevant studies on the subject (there are no other publications trying to attempt to prove the existence of the “measles virus”). Thus, at this point, a publication about the existence of the measles virus that stands the test of good science has yet to be delivered.
Furthermore, at the trial it was noted that contrary to its legal remit as per § 4 Infection Protection Act (IfSG) the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the highest German authority in the field of infectious diseases, has failed to perform tests for the alleged measles virus and to publish these. The RKI claims that it made internal studies on the measles virus, however, refuses to hand over or publish the results.

Dr. Lanka: “With the Supreme Court judgment in the measles virus trial any national and international statements on the alleged measles virus, the infectivity of measles, and on the benefit and safety of vaccination against measles, are since then of no scientific character and have thus been deprived of their legal basis.”
If you wish to know exactly how the covid-19 hoaxed pandemic has been created please watch the following live explosive interview which the independent researcher David Icke gave to Brian Rose on a platform called London Real. This interview was subsequently deleted from youtube and can now be found on another video platform which is called at the following bitchute link
David Icke stated on the aforementioned interview that the medical establishment control the covid-19 death figures in various ways and one such was is by misattributing death from other causes to death after being tested positive from covid-19 and further to that, because the covid-19 virus has never in fact been identified, the test that is being given is for a genetic material which is known to be found in the bodies of most healthy individuals and it is not for covid-19 at all.
If we attempt to challenge the by now well known covid-19 hoax then psychiatric labelling is being used as a tool to suppress us. Psychiatric labelling is now being used as a means to deny individual freedom to many who attempt to publicly challenge the false reality which is being created by the by now mostly privately owned main stream media. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders is a political document which is being used by the establishment on some occasions to shut people up if they speak up voluntarily or write the truth and then come to the attention of the main stream media. Millions of people are now being falsely labelled as mentally ill. Patients have been diagnosed with "chemical imbalances" despite the fact that no test exists to support such a claim and the fact that there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance should look like.
If 5G is erected and activated on a worldwide scale then members of the world military or world intelligence service acting alone could then wirelessly torture someone else to death on the other side of the world without experiencing any legal repercussions to themselves. 5G is millimeter wave technology which is capable of carrying extreme pain signals which can be made to lock on to your unique energy imprint signature and then to torture you by wireless means. If you wish to have a normal future where you enjoy free will you will immediately do something about it today.

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Shungite is a black carbon based stone found in Northern Russia  in a location near Finland. It provides protection against the effects of electromagnetic radiation. There are several books written about the unique properties of shungite.

If you wear  thin layers of elite shungite measuring at least one tenth of an inch in thickness inserted into  eye masks while sleeping you will   protect yourself from interference from directed energy weapons which can come from many sources.  Information concerning your brain and body functions can be accessed through your eyes by those in the know who use classified weaponry to do so.  This is a  heavily classified technique which is now in covert and widespread use.  If you purchase two flat shungite pendents these would be imminently suitable for insertion into your eye masks which are also known as eye shades.  Wear them throughout the night while you are sleeping. 

 Wearing pendents or ear rings made from shungite also provides protection. It takes three shungite nuggets of any size to create a coherent field, meaning the field of each nugget unites with the other two energy fields to produce a whole new field of greater 'cohesion'. Therefore it is advisable to wear three pieces of shungite jewellery  during each day in order to protect yourself from electromagnetic.

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I am non-consensually linked by a connection from my brain and central nervous system to a computer control system which is being operated by extremely cruel evil doers who hurt me both physically and mentally on a constant basis. They force me to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head by a brain to brain link process or something similar. I sometimes post online some of what they say to me. I sometimes link what they say to the exact time and date they said it and by doing so they might be held accountable at a later time. The times which are linked to the words which were heard by me are linked to Grenwich mean time which is London time which is the time we use in the Republic of Ireland where I live. Here is some of what they have been saying to me during the past few days as follows:-
“We have to bury it.” (by it they meant my website which is called This was said at 8.26am on Sunday 27th Oct. 2019.
“I’ll knock her off her comfort zone very fast.” This was said at 8.33 pm on Sunday 27th Oct. 2019.
“They don’t appear to be unaware of her but she has a penchant for being bitchy.”
“Let me know when you get her tied down and then I’ll talk to her.” ” Everything I have ever done has been for the good of this system. Am I going to be allowed to fail?” “No. She will be held back.” This was said at 3 minutes past 3pm on 28th October, 2019.
“You can thank your lucky stars that you are still out there.” This was said at 3.57pm on 28th October, 2019.
“You putrid bitch.” This was said at 8.20pm on 28th October, 2019
“It will be on her permanent record after she dies.” “What?” “Her website” “No. It won’t.” “What about her youtube videos?” “They most certainly will not. We decide what goes into her permanent record.” (All of that was said at 5.o6 am on29th October, 2019.)
“The police have asked us to immobilize you so that you will be paralysed from head to toe, Gretta.” “That essentially means that we would have the ability to paralyse you from head to toe at random times and that this would be carried out by unknown individuals who would then torture you at will as they always do. The individuals who requested that we organise to generate the ability to paralyse you at will are the British police and not the Irish police.” (This was said at approximately 5.25am on 29th October, 2019.
I also heard some of the criminals say the following:-
“If you ever cross my path I will kick you. ”
“They are giving me a package deal here. I don’t have to reveal my identity.”
“If we are not making arrangements for Gretta Fahey to see a psychiatrist we have to control her by some other means. We have to activate. ”
“All of the bio-robotization team are on time clocks. They get hurt if they don’t complete their actions.”
The voices which I hear coming from inside my head by technological means have informed me that the microwave transmitters which are currently attached to telephone towers can be trained horizontally rather than pointing out as they are at the moment and that this can be achieved by wireless remote means and that they are a danger to the individuals who live under them.
I heard the voices mention the name Eamon Clohessey on many occasions as pertaining to the island of Ireland. I don’t know him or anything about him other than that and I don’t wish to get him into trouble if he is innocent of all crimes.
“She has a legal right to be offended but she has an obligation to answer any questions I put to her.”
“This woman is indulging in unsequestered purchasing without our approval.” (I made a few small purchases by using cash rather than a cash card so the purchases could not be listed and categorised by the neuro operatives who have illegally placed me on remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation.)
“We are not pushing her to suicide at the moment but pushing her to suicide would be better than this.”
“We know who you are and we know where you live.”
“I am going to antagonize Gretta Fahey until such a time as I can gain access to her home in a police convoy.”
I was cycling my bicycle along a road near my home in a country area when I found a large metal object which had fallen on to the road from a passing vehicle. I got off my bicycle and I moved the object into the ditch so that it would not cause an accident. I was admonished for moving the obstacle by one of the voices which I hear coming from inside my head and that unknown voice was heard by me to say the following:-
“People wont be on the road in future. Many of them would be locked inside smart cities and we would own the roads, primarily for our own uses but some would grant permission to be chauffeured around. Self-driven cars wont come into being now. All bandwidth would be used for the purposes of microwave mind control and millimetre wave body control. Several individuals who would then control the world’s population strictly, without any knowledge of us and our technology becoming evident at all.”
I asked the unknown neuro operatives whose voices I hear coming from inside my head who was the wealthiest politician in Great Britain and Ireland and they answer I received back was Adrian Soames.
I heard one of the voices of the unknown neuro operatives tell a colleague that I had finally been bio-robotized. The colleague was then heard by me to say the following “Bring her in so and I will control the situation. The pharmacist will determine if she is taking her medicine. She will be sent to a psychiatric hospital.”
I continue to hear those voices possibly by brain to brain link. These unknown individuals whose voices I hear coming from inside my head speak about me among each other and they manipulate their words in ways that the listener will misunderstand the meaning of what they say. Extremely versatile information modules can be presented in any light and here are some examples “She aught to take a bath now and again” is sometimes said because I shower daily but I do not own a bath and I have no access to one and the listener is wrongly led to believe that I am in need of a wash. Another example of word manipulation is as follows “She drinks a lot.” The listener is wrongly led to believe that I drink alcohol but that is not true because I drink only ever water or tea. A third example of word manipulation which is being used against me by the neuro operatives when speaking about me to each other and to unknown outsiders is as follows “She is cleaning up.” This is sometimes said when I am cleaning my home and it allows the listener to wrongly believe that I am making a lot of money when in fact I live off my disability allowance alone and I do not earn or receive any money besides whatsoever.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo. Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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Posted on August 15, 2019 by gretta fahey 
There is a wirelessly enabled control system being set up throughout most of the world. It is the wish of the would-be controllers to have everybody other than themselves implanted with technology and wirelessly connected to a super computer enabled control system. The would-be controllers themselves plan to remain outside of the control system. Some of the technology required to connect and control you to the control system is probably already inside your body. It came to be there through inhalation and ingestion of dust particles which carry the required technology and it is then carried throughout your body via your blood stream.
We currently do not have enough broadband to support a system where everybody in my country and further afield would be wirelessly tethered to such a system so that is the real reason that fifth generation millimeter wave transmitters which are capable of carrying pain signals are now being installed throughout many if not all European countries as well as further afield.
I have been informed by my sources that operatives have been corralled inside large structures and they have been implanted with said technology. I have also been informed that many of these operatives have attempted to leave these large structures but even though the doors of the buildings where they reside are nearly always ajar they can not leave because as soon as they attempt to leave something untoward occurs which renders them either paralysed from the waist down or damaged in some other way. Pre-programmed microchips can now be implanted inside human beings which have been programmed with pre-set boundaries that the implanted individuals can never pass without suffering injury.
The operatives who have been wirelessly implanted with pro-programmable technology use wireless interfacing in order to speak to me. I am forced to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission because of the technology which is inside me. I have never met any of them and I never wish to meet them. The wireless interfacing which links me to these unknown operatives us used to upload all of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and my body on a continual basis to super computers where it is automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. The operatives respond in real time to some of my thoughts, words and deeds. They issue me with voice commands and sometimes with pain signals. They force me to see virtual reality scenes inside my closed eyes and the only way I have found to escape from this type of virtual reality hold is by attempting to hold my eyes open so that I do not have to view distressing virtual reality scenes. Other targeted individuals have reported that they can be held in a virtual reality scenario with no chance of escaping from it by opening their eyes. Some of their senses are taken over where they become engulfed inside a virtual reality setting and they must remain there until whatever neuro operative wirelessly controls the control system decides to release them from it. The operatives have the capability to partially control some of the muscles of some targeted individuals. They have forced some targeted individuals to hit themselves with their own fists against their wills, a feat which was enabled through wireless control. They have forced some targeted individuals to walk a short distance against their wills.
I believe that many senior politicians throughout the world are under wireless control. They are afraid to speak openly about the existence and abuse of wireless weapons because they could be sent pain signals or partially paralysed if they chose to speak openly about this whole body control technology, some of which you possibly have inside you already. Because microwave mind control is also being used through most countries throughout the world at this time it has served to damage the brains of most people to the extent that they are unable to express some feelings such as outrage or anger when confronted by information about this control system.
We have been informed by the media that in future nobody would be able to exist outside this control system. They have informed us that the control system would be used to depopulate most of the human race by killing them by wireless remote means, and the remaining people would be obliged to live inside smart cities where they would not ever be allowed to own anything. They would not ever be able to leave their appointed smart city without permission because their pre-programmed implanted microchips would disable their ability to do so. They would be persuaded to agree to live in smart cities initially due to the invented hoax of global warming and due to the fact that they might not be able to over ride whatever electronic mind control they were being subjected to.
It is in the interest of the would-be controllers of the human race to bring this situation about as soon as possible because if the majority of humanity wake up to the truth of what is happening before it is finalized we would stop it from ever happening. I have been wirelessly enslaved to this system for more than sixteen years and despite informing all and sundry of this fact I have received no help because most are unable to over ride their electronic mind control influences and for many other reasons.
Many and varied hoaxes have been invented in order to cover up the extreme capabilities of wirelessly controlled neuro weapon capabilities such as the demonic possession hoax, the existence of extra-terresterials hoax, the near-death experience hoax, the hoax that claims that satellites can send signals a distance of sixty five thousand miles down from space to our brains, and many other hoaxes.
Some people are still outside the control system including the people of Iran. While they remain outside the control system we have hope of taking down the system. We must support Iran in its attempts to remain free of the control system.
We can easily solve the problem of human enslavement by internal technology. We must create jammers which we can keep in our homes in order to protect us from unwanted digital signals. We could even sever all of the under-sea fibre optic cable which transmit signals throughout the world if we deem it necessary. If deemed appropriate we could tear down all microwave transmitters and 5G millimetre wave transmitters now before it is too late. If they are torn down people will recover from the electronic mind control which has been inflicted on them within one month according to my sources.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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Currently, the capability exists to spray minimal sized electrodes close to individuals so that they adhere to the mucus membranes of the mouth, nose, ears and eyes of those individuals and these devices would then navigate the human vasoculture, cross the blood brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a cloud based super-computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction. The minimal sized electrodes provide real time monitoring and control of signals to and from brain cells. Please watch any youtube videos presented by Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, U.S. for this and further information.

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1. Switch off the electricity to your home every night.

2. Switch off all electrical appliances inside your home during each day when not in use because they generate electromagnetic energy while they remain switched on and that electromagnetic energy can and is being used to render us incapable in various ways

3. Make sure both your home and your car use non-electric energy.

4. Do not use a smart phone ever. Disassemble it and render it unoperable before you throw it away.

5 Do not use a television because it is now being used as a type of spying tool wherever it is to be found such as in schools and universities and in private institutions for the reason that measurements can be taken from television screen analysis and from all smart screen analysis which allow neuro operatives to discern how many individuals are in a room and what they are saying to each other as well as other measurements.

6. If and when it becomes necessary, disassemble all electric cables throughout your home because they can be used against you and your family because when you have switched off all electricity to those cables they can be re-electrified wirelessly and then used against you at a time when you are unaware it is occurring for example while you sleep.

7. Bluetooth is now being used to collect data from all of your digitalized electrical appliances about you such as your smart phone, your printer, your computer, your smart television and your digital radio. This data is then being used to compile a profile of you and that profile can then be used to build a map of your brain and following on from that, your brain map could essentially be used to bio-robotize you and then to wirelessly control you on a physical basis by external means. The capability to bio-robotize and then externall control human beings by wireless means is now in use throughout the world leading to extreme danger for humanity in general. The optimum situation is to use no digitalized electrical appliances. If you must use one such a computer keep it in a garden shed at all times if possible and do not bring it into your home ever.

Targeted individuals of electronic harassment and torture are not ever going to be helped by church or state so as to protect us from further electronic harassment and torture so it is in our own interests to protect ourselves from those signals. Most government staff and most senior politicians are now under the control of a mystery system which has rendered them unable to think independent throughts.

Many human beings are being wirelessly harassed and tortured while they are inside their own homes. They first become wirelessly linked to a network of closed-circuit computers from implants and electrodes which have come to be inside their brains and bodies without their knowledge or consent. Unknown neuro operatives who are enabled to work from a remote location because of the wireless capabilities which they now use harass and torture the victim in a multitude of ways until they eventually die many years later. If the victim complains they risk psychiatric incarceration as well as forced medication with substances which bear no resemblance to actual medicine and which have such extreme side effects that the patient experiences these side effects as being tortured from the inside out.
Minimal sized electrodes can now be put in a network within a human brain which allows neuro operatives to read and write into the brain function of that human being in real time while working from a remote location. The aforementioned minimal sized electrodes could be sprayed close to a human being and they would then adhere to the mucus membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth and ears of that human being and they would then navigate the human vasoculture, cross the blood brain barrier and precisely auto-position themselves among or even within brain cells. They would then wirelessly transmit encoded information to and from a super computer network for real time brain state monitoring and data extraction. The minimal sized network of electrodes provides direct real time monitoring and control of signals to and from the brain cells, leading to the capability to bio-robotize a human being and remote control that human being in real time. Please watch the following youtube video which is being presented by Professor James Giordano of Georgetown University, United States for information on current capabilities in brain science and technology.
Many individuals have been non-consensually wirelessly linked by a bi-directional link to a network of super computers where all of the electrical activity being generated by their brains and bodies are downloaded to super computers and where all of that electrical activity is automatically translated in real time to everything that individual thinks, says and does and this happens on a continual basis. Unknown neuro operatives who work from unknown remote locations use the bi-directional link to upload sounds, voices, images, sensations, pain, feelings and forced muscle movements to those non-consenting individuals.
A pre-ordained path has been mapped out by which all targeted individuals of the above non-consensual wirelessly enabled remote experimentation must follow if they wish to officially complain about their experiences. No matter how well we voice our complaints and no matter who we complain to, whether it be the police, psychiatrists or general practitioners, that pre-ordained path which has been mapped out for all of our complaints more than likely leads to involuntary incarceration inside a psychiatric hospital, and because of this pre-ordained path that we must follow when we officially complain of being wirelessly tortured, our complaints never get heard from an official perspective. More often than not, we are wrongly regarded as insane.

Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901. My website which I alone own and control is called My facebook page is

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I am wirelessly linked from technology inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers and super computers who are staffed by neuro scientists and many other neuro operatives. These neuro operatives send and receive material to and from my brain and body via the various wireless links which fuse me to their equipment. I hear their voices coming from inside my head which we now know to be which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing and not mental illness as previously thought. Wireless enabled harassment and torture have been occurring for more than a hundred years without the knowledge of the general public and everything was successfully covered up by the use of the false science known as psychiatry.
I have never met any of the aforementioned neuro operatives or their financial backers and I as yet do not know who they are. I can not prove when or how the technology came to be inside my brain and body but it occurred without my knowledge or consent. These neuro operatives who interact with me regularly send signals to my brain which have the capability of interacting with both the visual centre and the hearing centre of my brain as well as forcing my muscles to move against my will as well as sending me pain signals when ever they see fit. I have been locked inside what is known as a virtual reality hold where I was forced to see moving images while my eyes were closed. I have also been forced to see images of a variety of entities and even television cartoon figures which were moving around my home while my eyes were open which is another one of the many and varied capabilities of neuro science at this present time.
The worse of these neuro science enabled experiences which I am experiencing right now is the experience of having the neuro operatives send information into the muscles of my face and body in order to allow them to eventually gain total control of the muscle structure of my body so that they could possibly externally control me by wireless means and from a remote location. I am frightened by this capability more than any other.
Yesterday, I was sent several short term pain signals to my right knee which made me scream and complain to the neuro operatives who are constantly engaged with me via this internal technology. A male voice which was coming from inside my head was heard by me to say the following “Will you stop hurting her right knee.” I female voice responded as follows “I can’t. I am in the middle of a routine.” Through prompting from me she continued as follows “I have an anomaly with your right knee. It is not information which I can insert as expected. Every time I insert information in your knee I need updates on what is gone before and I am not getting them. The technology inside your knee is still there as expected but it probably has moved out of alignment so I am not getting feedback from what I already inserted. I wish to make your knee available for remote control because I get paid for it and I am in debt so therefore I am forced to conduct immoral work.” I myself then asked this female voice if she was sorry that she ever undertook the evil work of bio-robotizing me. She replied as follows “No because I am a psychopath and I have no such qualms.”
All targeted individuals including myself should be supplied with jammers to jam the digital signals which are being sent to our brains and bodies on a continual basis at this time. Please make that happen.

Last night something unusual was made to happen to me by these unknown neuro operatives. I felt a strong energy forceably come into my body and pulsate through my heart for about five or ten minutes. I then heard one of the neuro operatives say the following ” She will have senergy cascading through her.” I do not know the precise meaning of the word “senergy” when used in this context but I post absolutely everything I experience online in case it is helpful to people who are fighting against this control and enslavement system. This morning I heard another internal voice say the following ” Your blood is now streaming inside the areas we have worked on over the years and you are soon to be almost totally bio-robotized.” Many of my facebook friends and others are also reporting the same experiences of having their own muscles forceably moved against their wills as I am. We are all experiencing unusual experiences because many of us now have unwanted technology inside our brains and bodies which has been put there against our wills and without our permission. The individuals who do not have any dust sized technology inside their brains and bodies are dark occultists who live in a country which this dust sized technology is not being placed in the food or water supply and is not being sprayed from the skies over their heads. One mathematician who charted all of the airline flights throughout the world stated that said country is Madagascar

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I and many other of my fellow Irish men and women are being subjected to clandestine no touch torture inside our own homes and while we go about our lives and some of what we experience on an ongoing basis is described here below by Dr Robert Duncan in "The No-Touch Torture Report".  This type of no-touch torture can even be carried out on children.  We can not easily report the matter to any authorities because if we do so we will be almost certainly wrongly classified as mentally ill and incarcerated inside  psychiatric hospitals.     It is time we took action by disabling all wireless enabling capabilities right now.   My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.   My name has been verified because I posted a copy of a letter which I received from the office of The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on my website which is called    

No-Touch Torture Report
Based on “The Torture Memos” and the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Declassified “Torture Report”

By Robert Duncan, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D.

June 08, 2015 "Information Clearing House" - Torture is a horrific topic and most minds will turn away from it because it can’t be comprehended that humans can be motivated, or computer programs can be run to do this to other sentient beings. Just when we believed we were becoming more civilized as a culture, the technology for torture has advanced more than a hundred fold in recent decades.
This summary will get into ‘the minds of the dishonorable monsters’ of the psychology of torture. Those like Dick Cheney who helped authorize it under certain administrations and regimes of the U.S. government which have been proven to be criminal under U.S. law, treaties, and the International Criminal Court. There are many people involved in the conspiracy and cover-up including General Hayden.

The full report discloses the spectrum of techniques of interrogation and torture used by the U.S. and its allies. The United States government will officially deny the claims of this “no-touch torture report” but in time it will stand firm.
The technologies used are still classified as state secrets and will not be discussed in this summary. The torture methods have been leaked through thousands of American citizens who have survived the no-touch torture programs. The research and testimony has been accumulated since 2002 and merely used as examples but the names of the victims are withheld.
This report will not use skewed, misleading language such as “enhanced interrogation” to describe the torture techniques.
Why torture? The CIA claims it works. The assumption is that it works to gain actionable intelligence. Torture is often used for revenge, punishment, interrogation, and behavior modification. In other terms torture is used to remove the continuity of thought to confuse the target to reveal information, erase brain patterns such as values and beliefs, or to break down the human spirit to make them submit and obey their handlers.
The downside of torture is that the countries that do it lose “moral soft power” in world politics. Without due process, over 25% of those reported in the Senate Torture Report were declared innocent. Blowback is always a repercussion of torture. Torture often takes a long time to affect the target from months to years. Torture has shown to be unreliable except for getting false confessions and bad information but the U.S. and its allies are improving on their tactics and techniques.
The purpose of this report is to draw the parallels between physical torture techniques and no-touch torture methods used in secret by governments who possess the technologies that still go on today. This is a brief summary of offensive psychological and information warfare methods using traditional methods and modern cybernetic techniques while exploring hyper-game theory to walk the target to the desired path: leak intelligence, commit assassinations, or change beliefs.

Numerated Torture Methods for
Interrogation and Behavior Modification
(A comparison between physical and no-touch torture tactics)
1. Induction of Depressive/Manic states
The idea is to shake up the emotional states of the target because different information can be accessed at each state. Making the target feel despair and helplessness is the objective. This cycle of hope building and then breaking is done in many ways. The techniques between the physical methods and the no-touch technological methods are similar. Speech is very important during this process of emotional manipulation. Such examples are, “We have imprisoned you without due processes or hope of it. You are indefinitely detained.” Hope building examples include, “Sorry. We have mistaken you for someone else. You will be compensated for false imprisonment and torture.” The main difference between the cybernetic technology and physical is that emotional state clusters can be entrained into the target mind which speeds up the process. The communication is done differently but perceived as human speech. In the no-touch torture methods it is helpful if the target is labeled with mental illness that is being created for discrediting purposes so as not to draw human rights groups’ attention.

2. Memory Erasure
The military and CIA have been researching memory erasing drugs for half a century. The focus of this summary report is on interrogation. Memory erasure is an important technique during interrogation. It is used in combination with sleep deprivation. There are many drugs that have been developed for physical memory erasure. One such interrogation method requires acquiring information from the target while on these drugs and recording the subject. After a sleeping cycle, the interrogator claims that the target has confessed. Of course the target remembers nothing of their conversation. The interrogator will play samples of the subject’s conversation back to them making the subject believe that the interrogator knows more than they do. Similar techniques are used in the wireless, no-touch torture and interrogation programs. The cybernetic methods of memory erasure have additional purposes. The memory erasure can be used on the cybernetic target to make the target believe people have broken in and moved their belongings. While physical black bag jobs do occur, it is a way to make the target more paranoid.

3. Electricity and Shocks
Pain and fear of death are common tactics during interrogation. Shocking by electricity is a traditional method of torture and exposed in the CIA’s secret prisons. Shocking the testicles and nipples are the most common due to their sensitivity. Interestingly, the thousand of interviews of no-touch torture involves “stings” and “shocks” to various parts of their bodies over long durations.

4. Fear and Terror
There are many techniques to induce extreme fear in the target. In physical renditions dogs, power drills, guns, insects, mutilation, blow torches, water boarding, suffocation, mock burials, and mock executions are just a few the United States government have used. Remember that many targets of torture die from the physical effects. It is torture to death.
Let us compare the no-touch torture methods used to inflict the same terror and mental anguish. In several of these techniques the target needs to hear their handler’s voice. This report does not describe the technologies used to broadcast voices to the target at a distance. While the subject can be broadcast mental images to their mind using hypnosis and other suggestions as well as visual entrainments, the more invasive controls of the brain manipulation technologies can be used to entrained the brain’s autonomic nervous systems such as not breathing causing the target to not be able to sleep from fear of suffocation equivalent to water boarding. The neural linguistic programming can add fears such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer threats. Even motor cortex mapping can cause twitches in any part of the body. One example used a swift neck movement with a voice transmission, “We are trying to break your neck.” Directed energy effects such as Active Denial System can make the target feel that they are on fire indefinitely without the target dying from burns. Maximum pain and torture weapons have been evolving. Every drug effect can be artificially induced into the target mind including those of poisons.

5. Imprisonment and Isolation
Isolation is commonly used as punishment in prisons. Many whistleblowers like Bradley Manning suffer this condition. In soft interrogation it is used to get the target to talk to their interrogator since humans have the need for companionship. In no-touch torture the target is driven from their friends and family using different techniques in order to isolate them so that the electronic mind control has more effect on their psyche. Like in Guantanamo, the target becomes isolated losing their job and medical care. Part of the method involves slander in their community. They end up on the most part in poverty and paranoid about doctors and other people from false correlations that are purposefully induced into their lives. Isolation is also a form of sensory deprivation which will be discussed later. Days and weeks lose their meaning.

6. Sexually Disturbing Tailored Pornography
The Summary of the Senate Torture Report disclosed the disgusting revelations that in the secret torture prisons the targets were forced to perform homosexual acts on each other against their will and religion in order not to be beaten or killed. This is a common break down tactic of belief systems and the human will. In no-touch torture the techniques are more psychologically specialized for each target. Most common examples include homosexual targets that are forced with voices that are derogatory to their lifestyle and similar mental images. Almost all targets are forced to view child pornography in their minds. And vice versa is true, that heterosexual targets are forced to view homosexual sexual acts like in the secret U.S. torture prisons.

7. Mutilation
Also mentioned in the declassified report on torture was mutilation of the human. Cutting the naked target’s penis and scrotum, pulling nails or teeth is common. In no-touch torture mutilation is done by trickery. Let us look at a couple examples. There have been several targets who believed that the microwave hearing effect and other voice induction methods were done by microchips implanted in their teeth or ears. They had all their teeth pulled because they believed it was a technology called bone conductance. Others have poked out their ear drums in the belief they had micro implants in their ears. There are many more examples of trickery used to make the targets mutilate themselves.

8. Personal and Spiritual Defamation
In physical torture the CIA and other groups use propaganda and defamation of character for those they oppose. For detainees they try to disenfranchise the target from their religion. They will defecate on their Bible or Koran for example. They might say, “Why is your God not saving you?” In no touch torture and behavior modification they might try to make an atheist believe in god. It is just a mechanism to alter belief systems for control and experimentation. Perhaps the target may wish to confess their secrets to a “voice of god weapon”. Information warfare covers the gamut of electronic communication as well. The government training exercise uses language like “befriend”, “infiltrate”, “mask/mimic”, “ruse”, “set-up”, “disrupt”, “create cognitive stress”, “use deception”, “ruin business relationships”, and “post negative information on appropriate forums” - in a malicious effort to target bloggers, activists, journalists, social event organizers and anyone else deemed to be a ‘emerging leader’ or voice in the public sphere.

9. Psychological Intimidation
This is a topic for a target at the beginning of the trials and programs. Physical break-ins are common even if the target has an alarm system. The NSA has used stalking of foreign officials in the past for economic gain. The FBI does black bag jobs to invade a home without a warrant. The point is to let the target know they are being watched and to increase their paranoia. The NSA easily hacks all computer systems and causes harm to the victim’s intellectual property and their relationships from that endpoint. In the no touch torture false correlations between pain and a neighbor coming home can be induced.

10. Rape
Rape is a common practice in torture. It causes much psychological trauma. In the United States methods of rape in their military and CIA secret prisons it is often relabeled. It is commonly done by prods but “rectal rehydration” is the more common misnomer. Often they call it forced feeding through the rectum but it is meant to induce psychological scaring and trauma. Several have died from the technique due to rectal bleeding. In no-touch torture the psychological trauma of simulated rape takes on different forms. Using technique often called EEG-heterodyning the targets will receive molestation effects of their genitals. In men this can be the anus and genitals. Similarly women can be wirelessly raped by the analogous function of perception.

11. Dietary Manipulation, Forced Weakness and Sickness
The idea behind dietary manipulation is to weaken the target. This is easily done in a physical setting but in no-touch the hunger trigger needs to be suppressed. Sometimes a false correlation between eating food and sickness is induced to make the target believe they are being poisoned. However, poisoning is common in physical renditions too.

12. Repetition
Verbal breakdown is most important during interrogations and torture. Obviously speaking the language of the target is necessary. This is why there are interrogators in all languages. Repetition is an important neural linguistic programming interrogation tactic to influence the target mind. During the breakdown process, threats to kill and to torture the target’s family or friends are common. Repetitious questioning and breakdown phrases are automated in both the physical and no-touch versions of torture. An interesting technology that is used for no-touch torture is called chatter bots. Chatter bots, an artificial intelligence program, automate much of the repetition so that the interrogators don’t drive themselves crazy during the neural linguistic torture and programming phases. Let us not forget the Chinese Water Torture, a single drop of water on the forehead of the detainee for months. Repetition is a form of torture.

13. Sensitization of Pain Impulses
While the reverse can be obtained, optimizing perceived pain and misery is the objective in torture. Each trauma adds to the overall misery throughout life. Optimization of pain has been studied by the military and intelligence agencies. In the past the CIA has used drugs such as LSD to enhance fear and terror in the subject. Other methods such as hypnosis can increase perceived pain and the power of suggestion such as telling the subject his pinky finger is going to be cut off before it is done. In no-touch torture the same psychological manipulations are exerted. Subliminal and overt suggested are often told to the subject before the directed energy or EEG heterodyning pain inductions in order to maximize their effectiveness.

14. Sensory Overload and Deprivation
Again, this technique of overloading or depriving the human of sensory stimulus is ubiquitous in torture around the world not just in U.S. secret prisons. Torture subjects in the United States have reported the use of repetitive bad music and noise campaigns. An unusual torture technique used in the U.S. secret prisons was of a use of a plastic suit filled with ice while they beat the target. Ultra bright lights for days on end in the prison and hot/cold temperature changes in the environment are frequent. In no-touch torture, the target’s brain is forced to release dopamine which causes pupil dilatation. This acts as a sensory overload. For example the non-lethal microwave weapons research done by a professor in University of Nevada has shown this capability. Body metabolism can be altered with these weapons causing cold and hot flashes. Targets of no-touch torture often hear endless tinnitus.

15. Sexual Humiliation and Lack of Privacy
Often used in common prisons is a lack of privacy. It is both necessity for security and a form of sexual humiliation. Also in prison many people are raped. No-touch torture offers the same sexual humiliation and lack of privacy by using through wall radar, cameras, and EEG visual cloning to let the target know they are being watched. Degrading comments are often used on the no-touch torture subjects while they are naked or in the bathroom.

16. Maximum Sensory Pain Techniques
Basic torture involves brutalization, i.e. physical strikes, kicks in the groin, pepper spray or tear gas, etc. Anything that involves maximum pain is the objective. Amazingly, these same basic tortures can be done wirelessly into the human mind. All forms of sickness have been reported without any real illness behind the suffering. All suffering can be entrained into the minds of no-touch torture subjects.

17. Sleep Deprivation
This is the number one torture method along with the popularity in the press of water boarding. This is done in every country that uses torture. The United States is number one in torture since they are currently the world’s only superpower. A repetitive sleep deprivation cycle is generally done 180 hrs/7.5 days at a time in the physical renditions, or in no-touch torture five days awake and two days of sleep. Sleep deprivation accomplishes the objective of memory loss during interrogation and induces hallucinations which help with the interrogation process. In behavior modification and programming it is necessary too.

18. Stress Positions
Keeping detainees handcuffed above their head and to walls so that they must stand for days is a common ploy in torture. These types of poses are called stress positions. They can be mimicked in no-touch torture. An example of one such trick requires the target to believe they can deflect radar energy using pots or pans and that it is directional. The target is being given an ample amount of pain until their hands and arms are spread apart holding the pans trying to block the signals. They must maintain that position in order to get any relief from the torture signals. However the stress position itself is physical torture. Often accompanying this technique are voices saying to the target, “You are doing it to yourself.”

We will finish off this summary of U.S. and its allies’ torture, interrogation, and behavior modification experimentation with ideas of why they are done to the general public and falsely accused detainees. Anyone can be put into these programs. Justice and rule of law does not exist at the highest levels of government. Treaties are worthless because the #1 agreement in the rules of war, a ban against torture, is not obeyed. This creates a more brutal and barbaric society lead by example.
No-touch torture uses the same interrogation tactics as physical interrogations but with some new twists. Techniques such as “Jeff and Mutt” a.k.a. “Good Cop Bad Cop” are used. The bad cop tortures the target and the good cop tries to gain their trust. In mind control, trust games are commonly employed to manipulate the beliefs of the target. Creating hatred of groups through false correlations and deception is a common CIA method of trickery.
In the CIA programs, the target is put through these phases as written in the documentation, “Disorient and confuse the target. Use them for our purposes, and then dispose of them in any way possible.” We can only surmise by our sample set of a thousand people what “dispose” means: prison, suicide, or perhaps a mental hospital. Coercing and torturing people to suicide is very common. Both tactics in physical or no-touch torture involves plausible deniability.
The no-touch interrogations are better than physical rendition techniques for exposing support networks. Traditional NSA tracking of email and phones calls are useful but if the targets are taken into a secret prison they can’t contact their networks. In no-touch torture, the target will contact everyone who might help them. Then those relationships can be destroyed to isolate the target. All these techniques rely on the target having a fear of death and pain.
Deception is very important during interrogation. In physical interrogations the targets are often drugged. This creates the confusion necessary to pull off certain trickery. In terrorist interrogations, for example, the CIA uses fake newspapers to make the target believe whatever event they were suspected of plotting had already happened, obviously looking for a confession. Sometimes the government in charge of the torture is looking for a political gain through a false confession. None-the-less false flag operations are commonly used in both forms of torture and interrogation. The trick is to make the target believe another foreign country is doing it to them. In no-touch torture the trick is to make them believe someone related to them is behind their suffering.
Voice transformation and morphing is an interesting technology also used in both physical and wireless interrogations. It is a form of deception used against a target to trick them into believing that they are speaking to real people that they know. It has been used in war to trick generals. Obviously spoofing email and other identities on internet forums can be used in this manner too.
Finally, the topic of human experimentation for improving weapons, torture, interrogation, and social disruption methods will be breached. Most of the techniques mentioned above work most effectively if the target has no SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) or psychological understanding of the methods to influence the human mind. Unfortunately, every sample point in the world’s society needs to be studied to improve the weapons systems. This is why many random people are put into the torture and mind control experiments. There are some devious uses of a secret army of remote controlled assassins in every country in the world. The samples must include different education, language, culture, and economic factors. Obviously, silencing dissidents, oppositions of political parties, and whistleblowers are included in the lists of applications. The most disturbing of the trends in torture is testing and improving it. No-touch torture is much more complex than physical torture. Testing design flaws and weaknesses of the signal intelligence is one reason why it is necessary to test on innocent targets. Often the subject will be taunted by the statement, “Try to stop us.” This statement forces the torture subject to try to figure out shielding and jamming techniques to stop the wireless torture and helps the weapons designers to improve on the system.
However, the psychological and perceived physical pain is only half the story with no-touch torture. It also involves a set of scripts, mind games if you will, to walk the target to murder and/or suicide. This is called “Hyper Game Theory”. It is used in war games to determine how to control your enemies and targets. Game Theory can be used on governments, individuals, or for determining propaganda to alter cultures. The experiments on the public provide a means to test the efficacy of these scripts and determine under what circumstances to use them.
One last comment on why “We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex” as President Eisenhower warned. During these torture programs run by the United States and its allies, accurate “truth” data points need to be used to judge the efficiency of the interrogation methods. This is why there is a dispute between the CIA and Senate Intelligence Committee reports about the usefulness of torture. Subterfuge by the CIA hacking into the senate oversight committee’s computers is a big deal; a rogue agency has been formed. Data fusion centers, Homeland Security Data Fusion Centers, NSA, and FBI collect data on Americans. This data in turn is used during torture and interrogation of Americans in no-touch torture.
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Gretta Fahey
Fri 30/08/2019 17:43

Dear Minister Zappone,

I am deeply disappointed that you are attempting to introduce home inspections of private homes by stealth. You are first of all targeting people who need jobs as child minders and who can not refuse to have their private home inspected by government officials if they wish to attain employment in that area. When governments wish to take away more and more of the legal rights of the general public they always cite concern for children or other social groups.

If home inspections of private homes are being introduced into some sectors of society it is only a matter of time before they will be introduced into all areas under the guise of public safety or under some other guise.

I believe that all members of the Irish government are under mass mind control to the extent that they appear to be constantly acting against the wishes of the people of Ireland where they enact new laws on a constant basis which disempower the people of Ireland and hand that power that the Irish people once enjoyed over to government staff whose job it is to enforce those new laws.

I do not blame the Irish government for this state of affairs because I believe that mind control technology has been deployed close to Leinster House and close to other government buildings which is similar to what has been deployed throughout the United Kingdom and which has lessened my confidence in the capabilities of the Irish government. In order to explain what I believe has occurred I enclose a transcript from Channel 4 News, dated 5th February, 2001 which outlines what has occurred with regard to the erection of mind control technology in the United Kingdom as follows:-

Begin quote:
The new Home Office microwave system called TETRA is to be the mainstay of British police force communications and will be placed in every major population centre. The British Government is spending 2 1/2 billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcasts 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain's police and anyone living near the planned 30,000 transmitters.
The first place these transmitters will be deployed is Glastonbury. The effects of these transmitters, which entirely duplicate CIA research in optimal mind-control technology, are
1. Destruction of short and long-term memory by disrupting calcium reflux from synapses, due to the effect of the 17.6 Hz ELF.
2. Disruption of synaptic neural networks, leading to behavioural and character changes.
3. manic behaviour, followed by nervous exhaustion after use, or exposure.
4. Disruption of higher brain function, leading to the so called 'zombification'.
5. Enhanced suggestibility.
6. The development of pre-cancerous cells, which can lead to long-term tumour growth.
7. Effects on the Limbic System, leading to emotional and behavioural modification.
8. ELF frequency in the TETRA system strongly affects calcium ions, causing them to efflux out of brain cells due to psychotron resonance.
Since these ions are the chief factor in long and short term potentiation of synapses, the braincell junctions, and are crucial to memory and cognition, use of the TETRA system on such a scale could cause irreversible brain damage by disturbing not only calcium ions but sodium and potassium ions, all vital to nerve and brain function.
The TETRA system will also flood the New York and London Underground, so commuters will regularly be exposed to behavioural modification during Rush Hour.
End quote

I am also worried about the unknown capabilities of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters which are capable of sending separate transmissions of different strengths to each individual if deemed necessary. They are also capable of carrying pain signals to a human being. It is being widely claimed online that fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters are weapons capable of killing or enslaving each and every one of us. Please do your best to stop the current ongoing erection of fifth generation millimetre wave transmitters.

Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
Landline Home Phone Number 0949360901

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The undetectable crime of placing random individuals under wireless neural control by linking these random individuals to computer networks from electrodes which have become embedded inside their brains and spines  is not yet common place but is spreading rapidly throughout most of the world.   Because the individuals who are informing the general public of this crime are outside the general sphere of influence of people in power nothing gets done to stop its continuance.  It is my belief that government staff who are generally mandated to use smart phones are under electronic mind control to the extent that they do not accept information which does not conform  to government group think.   In fact, it is widely believed that inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is now being used against individuals who are in charge of government departments, as well as judges, lawyers, university staff and journalists.   They believe that collectivism is the way forward.   We are now being led to believe that the whole world is being prepared to be governed as one large communist state in the future.   I know this because I have been placed under wireless neural control for many years and standard inculcation methods are being used on me every day by the use of voice to skull direct communication.

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I am non-consensually wirelessly linked to a computerized control network more commonly known as direct access control,  where I regularly hear voice commands from the control network supervisors. The whole field of psychiatry is being used to provide a cover for this human wireless control system by having largely uninformed psychiatrists falsely diagnose anybody complaining of being wirelessly linked to said wireless control system as being mentally unwell. The individuals who operate the computerized human control and command network have the capability of pushing a racist agenda against ethnic minorities by placing voice commands of a racist nature inside the heads of the non-consensually wirelessly tethered human subjects of which I am one and have been one for more than sixteen years. This morning, a racist comment was placed inside my head directly from the voice command and control centre by an individual who did not have such authority. Later this morning another voice command operative informed me that the offending staff member will be contained within a police station within the Island of Ireland before today is over.
I am Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I own and control is called My facebook page which I alone control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901.

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A diet high in carbohydrates and sugar causes an increase in the levels of insulin in the human body. High levels of insulin causes the intestines to become inflamed which is just one of many possible reasons to experience chronic irritable bowel syndrome.
A diet high in carbohydrates is recommended by nutritionists who developed the food pyramid. It is not the optimum diet for human health. When the levels of insulin in the human body become far too high due to eating a diet high in carbohydrates this invariably leads to the that human being experiencing false hunger. This false hunger then leads to constant eating of still more carbohydrate food which allows the chronic hunger to increase which often leads to irritable bowel syndrome, type two diabetes and obesity among many other chronic illnesses.
The real reason we have been wrongly encouraged to eat a diet high in carbohydrates instead of the optimum diet for human beings which is a diet very low in carbohydrates is because slaves are more easily controlled when they are chronically hungary and the individuals who created the food pyramid belong to the new world order cabal whose ultimate aim is to enslave the rest of the human race by any and all means possible.
When human beings avoid carbohydrate and sugar rich foods their insulin levels then stabilize. After several weeks of eating a low carbohydrate diet of mostly above ground vegetables, freshly ground flax seeds, chia seeds and a large variety of other seeds as well as any and all animal products the cells of their bodies then become adaptive to burning fat as their body fuel instead of glucose as their body fuel. Fat is a much cleaner fuel to sustain the human body than glucose. Once the human being who adheres strictly to a low carbohydrate diet becomes effecient at burning fat as their fuel they lose all of their false hunger, the can easily skip a meal without becoming weak, they lose excess weight, the recover from type two diabetes and they cure their irritable bowel syndrome over time.
I suffered from irritable bowel syndrome for many years and I received disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome during that time. I still am in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome. As there is no legal medical model to assess if somebody who is in receipt of disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome is entitled to it I was secretly placed on a new type of a constant monitoring and control system by wireless means from what I believe are either illegal implants inside my body or micro technology inside my body or else my unique brain signature or unique DNA signature or my energy field or all of the above. This new type of constant monitoring and control system is now known as the cerebral internet-of-things and it is a human enslavement and psychological torture system which I have written about in extreme detail in my website which is called
I now eat only a low carbohydrate diet which is composed of mostly above ground vegetables, a large variety of freshly ground seeds and any animal products I wish. My irritable bowel syndrome is almost completely cured but it will probably be a few more months before it is entirely cured. The individuals who have illegally wirelessly tethered me to the human control and enslavement system which is called the cerebral internet-of-things have informed me that they wish to introduce legislation to control all applicants of disability allowance under the cerebral internet of things so that they become enslaved by the system. However, I believe that it would be much preferable if they promoted the optimum diet for human health instead. However, I belive that they do not wish to do this because their ultimate aim is to enslave the whole human race and they know that they can not enslave a vibrantly healthy and intelligence race of human beings. Therefore it is in their interests that we remain unaware of the optimum low carbohydrate diet and continue to live lives of chronic ill health.
I have been illegally wirelessly tethered to the cerebral internet-of-things for sixteen years. I am wirelessly tethered to it by what I am led to believe is a two stream of low frequency electromagnetic energy which allows unknown neuro operatives to send me voices, images, sensations, feelings, forced muscle movements and a wide variety of other experiences. These unknown neuro operatives collect data from my body and brain and they translate this data into what is occurring throughout my brain and body throughout the course of every day as I go about my life, while I myself am totally aware that I am being monitored to a level bordering on the forensic. These neuro operatives speak to me constantly and I am forced to hear their voices coming from inside my head. They interfere with my minds eye to the extent that they often send me unwanted and upsetting mental images whenever they wish. They can and have sent me visions of various kinds. They force some of my facial muscles to move whenver they wish. They have once nodded my head vigorously against my will and on another occasion they have shaken my head against my will. They have moved my eye balls around in many directions against my will. At this advanced stage of brain scientific and technological research anybody who has access to specific brain scientific and technological equipment can enslave a human being by wireless means and from a remote location, while leaving no trace of their crime.
I have so far been unable to prove that this has happened to me and that I am now a neuro slave. However, I write about it constantly in the hope that somebody, somewhere will believe I am telling the truth and will come to my aid and free me from wireless enslavement. I know of many others throughout the Republic of Ireland who are currently undergoing the same fate as myself and I know of one young lady who committed suicide because of being targeted by this technology.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland.

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Hundreds of thousands of human beings throughout most parts of the world have become attached to the wireless internet of things. Most of those currently attached to the wireless internet of things have become attached to it non-consensually and at a time when they were not made aware that they were being attached to it. The long term consequences of becoming attached to the wireless internet of things whether consensually or non-consensually always results in huge distortions occurring in the human energy field of the individual who has become attached to said wireless internet of things. The human energy field is also known as the human aura. It is now understood by a large majority of individuals in the Irish government at a senior level that all targeted individuals of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation have already become attached to the wireless internet of things. Therefore their energy fields are more than likely heavily distorted by now. Because of this truth, human energy field cameras similar to the type invented and promoted by the British inventor Harry Oldfield should be made available to all citizenry at a local level rather than at a senior government level in case certain members of the Irish government have already become wireless slaves which is what all individuals who become non-consensually attached to the internet of things eventually become. All individuals who are currently complaining of being remote neural monitored as well as remote neural manipulated should have their auras photographed as a matter of urgency. Anybody who disputes this fact is likely under the wireless external control of the wireless internet of things.

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I live close to Claremorris town in the West of the Republic of Ireland. I am being targeted by directed energy weapons for neuro research. I have been connected to advanced computerized technology via an energy link. My computer screen is being controlled by remote means by unknown neuro workers. When I check my weather forecast on a website called, I find that my location is wrongly presumed to be in the Eastern side of the Republic of Ireland and the location I am presumed to be at changes from location to location frequently. I copied the relevant data from and I am now posting that copy here below.

Latest Rainfall Radar showing live precipitation and the last 90 minutes precipitation over Ireland, updated every 5 minutes. Precipitation can be rain, hail or snow. Accumulations can refer to rainfall only. Lightning strikes, when they occur, are displayed as a cross. Initially they are red but change to orange and then yellow after a period, then disappear.
Weather Maps
Rainfall Radar
Forecast Overview
Rainfall Forecast (7 day)
⦁ Present Location
⦁ Wicklow
⦁ Recent Locations
⦁ Howth
⦁ North Dock
⦁ Pembroke West
Wicklow - Forecast


My name is Gretta Fahey.  My place of residence is at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.  My Eircode is F12 Y560.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website which I alone own and control is called

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We are all aware that a social credit score system has been set up in China and is due to become mandatory in 2020. Data is being collected by electronic means on every citizen in China. Computerized algorithms award or deduct points based on every piece of data which has been collected. These include amount of hours worked each week, the amount of taxes paid to date, credentials, financial debts, financial credits, motoring penalty points, grocery purchasing history, clothing purchasing history, legal involvement, history of raising children, as well as many other pieces of data. A profile is being built on each human being who uses a smart phone, based on everything they say while in the proximity of their smart phone, and also everything they do while in the proximity of their smart phone based on electronic signals which come from their bodies and are being read by said smart phone. The smart phone also collects data on wherever they travel to and how long they remain at each location.
If the amount of points awarded to a Chinese citizen is low they are penalized in many and varied ways. They could possibly be denied access to public transport or be denied access to public buildings such as libraries or art galleries. Their credit card could cease to work if they attempted to purchase luxury items and would only work if they attempted to purchase groceries or other basic needs.
In order to set up a social credit score system which works by computerized algorithms in Ireland, this social credit score system but be first set up manually. Individuals, including myself have been selected for around the clock monitoring so that all of our words and actions can be studied in great detail in preparation for setting up a social credit score system at any time in the future. We are also being monitored in order to conduct many and varied types of research on us. I feel that I have already been partially if not fully incorporated into a manually run social credit score system already. My debit card ceases to work at inopportune moments. The individuals who speak to me via classified wireless voice to skull bio-communication methods have informed me that they deliberately wirelessly disabled my debit card so that it would not work because I have not answered them respectfully. Many other negative occurrences in my life have also been instigated by these same individuals. A social credit score system is an enslavement system. We must stop it ever being set up in Ireland. In order to stop we need to disable the technological infrastructure that supports it.
A social credit score system could possible be installed in Ireland above the heads of our senior politicians because a remote neural monitoring system combined with a remote neural manipulation system has already been instigated throughout the whole island of Ireland and our senior politicians claim to know nothing about it. Has the Irish nation lost its sovereignty?
For information about my unique experiences of being a targeted individual of directed energy weapons in Ireland, Europe please read my website which is called www.

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I am a non-consensual  victim of an unknown crime syndicate who use formerly classified voice to skull direct human communication to  to  speak to me by wireless means and from a remote location  against my will and without my permission.   I have been brain to computer linked for more than fifteen years.  These criminals are able to decode much of the electrical activity generated by my brain and body throughout each day via a two way stream of electromagnetic energy which is wirelessly linked to embedded material inside  my brain and body.   I sometimes write down what these individuals who reproduce their voices inside my head say to me and post it online in many and varied social media sites and on my own website which is called ; Here is some of what these voices which I hear coming from inside my head have been saying to me over the past few days.

"Sidney house corporation has asked why is this woman being allowed to send secret information around the world".

"It is highly inappropriate to throw out that many carrots".

"How dare you write down what we say.  It was never in the bargain. Certain people are extremely distraught."

"I have become an accomplice in this so I may as well destroy the woman".

"If we fail to get her married off we will instead deem her to have borderline paranoid schizophrenia."

"They will kill us or they will kill her if that goes out".

"She is neither elegant nor astute."

"She is not one of us.  Why the heck didnt we know that before we came here?    This was replied to by another unknown voice as follows  "We did know it because none of them are with us.  They are all non-consensual.  It server us better to pretend we believe that they have consented to being neuro research subjects.  

"The Antifada are here at the lookout post.  The lair of the neuro research group is underground in London.  It can be accessed through a chamber inside the house of Lords."

"How many chances does this woman need.  Speak to me or else".

"There is no income stream coming from this woman.  This was responded to by another unknown voice as follows  "An income stream will be now set up to come from this womans estate.   Further to that I heard the following information also coming from inside my head   "This is against all known laws of the circuit courts".   The response I heard then was as follows  "Signalling each other is not the way forward.  I have killed your information source".    While this was being said I got a strong feeling that the individual who I was brain to brain linked at that exact time had been killed because I can feel their emotions and I felt something very strange and unexplanable coming from the brain to brain link into my own head.

"We will decommission the system if this much information is out there".

"This pig of a woman has no right to exist".

"We will have to abandon ship.  We are in danger".  

I had been kept awake at night because of hearing constant voice to skull direct human communication voices coming from inside my head.  I had complained about this during the day via the voice to skull direct human communication system.  I had been unable to carry out my own business due to extreme tiredness.  They then informed me that they had deprived the night staff who had been keeping me awake of work for four weeks as a punishment.  However, other night staff had then later on  begun to keep me awake.  I complained to these individuals that they were keeping me awake by their continual talking during the night.  I then heard the following voices coming from inside my head while speaking to each other "Do you want a four week vacation?.  This was followed by "Yes."   This was followed by "Well keep her awake then."  This was followed by still another inner voice which said "You are going to have to leave this employ.  You are turning against the welfare of this woman."

"If this woman had had a hysterectomy we would have had her by now.  We would have got to the bowel and scared it a bit in order to cause her problems in the future".  

"You have gone out of your way to make me cross".

"Keep your head above the radar and I will slowly inform you that we will kill you".  

"We can pretty much do what we like here.  We have no consideration for you.  Obviously we care enough to keep you alive.  It would be counter productive otherwise."

I would like to strongly advice other recepients of voice to skull unwanted voices to reply to the voices in the following manner as a matter of course.  "Why am I hearing your voice coming from inside my head entirely without my permission while saying the following   (then you repeat whatever you heard them say).  This may lead to exposure in the future for the following reason,   A permanent electronic record of anybody who uses wirelessly enabled  technology  in order to speak to unknown targeted individuals remotely and without their permission might be kept for security reasons.  If and when the courts obtain those electronic records the perpetrators will not be able to claim that they did not know that they were projecting their voices inside the heads on non-consensual and extremely unwilling human beings if you inform them each time they speak to you that you are hearing their voices coming from inside your head and it is non-consensual.  .

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"We will put your name on the board of directors".
The above sentence among others is often said to individuals who have previously been placed under negative neuro linguistic programming in order to boost their egos so that they would become extremely controlling in the way they treat their colleagues. This type of negative neuro linguistic programming is being carried out among the British police as well as medical students and presumably many other professions.
A top down based chain of command is being set up throughout the whole human race. In order to achieve this purpose negative neuro linguistic programming is being implemented across the board. First of all, both students and staff of many disciplines are being asked to answer detailed questionaires as well as doing psychometric tests in order to identify the most suitable personality types, i.e. the people with the biggest egos in order that they would then undergo neuro linguistic programming so that they would then become dictatorial and controlling.
For information on neuro linguistic programming in the United Kingdom please watch the following youtube video featuring Brian Gerrish

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There are 751 members of the European parliament. They have no real power. Most of the power within the European Union resides with the European Commission which is composed of 28 members who are unelected. The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker who is also unelected by the people of Europe has most of the power within the European Commission itself. The President of the European Commission determines the European Commissions policy agenda. He decides on the organization of the European Commission. He allocates portfolios to the other members of the European Commission and he can make changes at any time. The meetings of the European Commissioners are not open to the public.
Even though the European Commissioners are changed every five years the European Commission can not be removed. The European Union is undemocratic and socialist. Jean-Claude Juncker has indirect dictatorial power over all European citizens. Jean-Claude Juncker has thirty four advisors/staff who are also unelected by the people of Europe. The European superstate now has so much power that it often goes over the heads of national leaders of European countries.
The European Union is hierarchical based. The top individual in any hierarchy can be secretly controlled. Currently, frequency weapons are in existence which can alter the brain functioning of any individual including the president of the European commission. Therefore we can not know where the European Union is heading and that is not in our interests. We should disassemble the European Union. We should return to a European Economic Community where all European countries retain all of their sovereignty which was originally what the people of Europe agreed to.

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