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Human Protection Software Suite (Episode: 183)

Human Protection Software Suite (Episode: 183)

Dear All,

I want to first wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Anyway, the interview concerning the Human Protection Software Suite was an absolute success! Joselle Rozario provided positive testimony and Mellhedek who designed the software gave us a full view on how it will help us.

The suite is expected to be release in late January. Full details will be provided when the date is announce.

In the meantime, if you were not present for the live interview and want to listen to it, please feel free to visit this link:

Go to Episode 183 (December 23, 2011/9p EST)

If you have trouble accessing this link, please go to type “83319″ in the search area. You can download the interview or your can listen from your computer. It is listed under Human Protection Software Suite (Episode 183)

Thanks for your time and Happy New Year!

Chris J. Brunson


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Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 (Wed./Sat. 9P EST)

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GTA meeting before ...

Dave asked if Tim Hortins is ok for everyone at 2pm 29/12/11. Pls feedback to us.



> >;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

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mind control attacks destroy soul

after got mind control,always sadness, my mood  change a lot , i understand what was a blue day,  all kind of emotion comes, anxiety .nervous... , i  lose mind to read long story , not draw any picture,   i always think i was not myself when under mind control attacks.   first time under mind control attacks, i am afraid to  see any film at all,  because sadness things cause my tears,    i need more time to recover myself  and face the normal life again.

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Constantly My Wife Jennifer Is Harassed And Threatened By Others. They Threated To Rape And Kill Her. This Is The Stuff They Do All Day Long To Her. They Try TO Act Like Im Doing This Stuff At Times There Assholes Need To Be Shot They Do This To Girls All Day Long. They Try To Master Them Into Doing Stuff. There Loosers They Think There  Going To Get Away With This Stuff. Sooner Or Later They Will Be Cought. It's Just A Matter Of Time Before They Are Found. If You Also Have This Problem Like This Please Message Me. I Have Alot Of Older Post They Explain Alot Of Stuff. These Post May Help You In A Way

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There Are A Few Assholes That Think They Will Do Whatever They Want To Other And And Play Games With There Nanotech Implants. Trying To Do All Sorts Of Stupid Stuff. It's Like 5 People They Claim. Some People Tryed To Make Bot Scripts To Run In Implants. I Have Some Older Post About This Stuff. These People Are Scum They Will Do Anything To Not Get Caught They Lie All Day Long And Talk Shit To Others And Blame Other People For It. Basicly Starting Fights And Acting Like Assholes All Day Long. They Cause Problems With Others But They Do Not Want To Be Found. Lieing To Others Doing Stupid Acting Like They Can Not Control Themselfs. Belive Me They Know Exatly What There Doing To Others Anything To Save There Own Ass. Saying There Implants Are Scripted And Stuff To Do This. They Need To Play A Game To Survive Others Would Like To Kill Them. They Try To Blame Others For There Actions. There Liers They Know What They Do And If There Claiming There Scripted To Do Stuff There Just Lieing About Everything They Do. There Implants Get Fixed They Go Right Back To Doing Stuff Again To Other. So There Knowingly Doing Stuff And Lieing There Way Out Of Stuff. Right Now I Have Others In My Nanotech That Do This All Day Long Acting Like There Not Doing Things To People. These Assholes Want To Talk Shit To Others All Day And Make Threats To People And Stuff Like That. Message Me If You Have Any Info About This Please. I Have Alot Of Videos In Youtube And Stuff Like That. I Need To Fix My Password They Tryed To Hack It And Have Been Trying To Use My Implant For Years My Wifes Also. I Would Like To Have Others Read My Web Pages About This Stuff And The Videos I Have Talk About Lots Of Different Stuff It's All About Implants And What I Have Been Through. Doctors Refuse To Listen To People And Do Nothing To Help. I Need A MRI To Find The Implant I Have. But The Doctors Fefuse To Give Me A MRI Or Catscan. I Wonder If There Is A Way To Detect A Nanotech Organism Or Morgellions Parasight. Please Messsage Me If You Can Help With Info. Thanks.  Please Take Some Time To Watch My Videos In Youtube. You May Find Them Interesting

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Tonight’s GSS conference call guests will be...

Tonight’s GSS conference call guests will be Joselle Rozario and Mell Mellhedek. The topic will be: Human Protection Software Suite. Your comments and questions will be appreciated.

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

What you expect to learn from this call is how the technology can reduce the attacks so common with Targeted Individuals of Electronic Harassment, Organized Stalking, Implantations and Chem-trails spraying.

Conference call rules:

Chatters: make sure you direct your questions to the person by name. Callers: before you confront our guests, please say your name and than say the name of the guest who will like to direct your question. Thank you.

Your participation will gladly be appreciated.

Chris J. Brunson


Yahoo Groups:


Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 (Wed./Sat. 9P EST)

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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST or 6PM PST Conference Call 122311

Government Sponsored Stalking (GSS) Conference Calls are held every Friday Nights at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or call: 724-444-7444 code: 83319 # pin 1 #

Topic: Human Protection Software Suite  Developer: Mell Mellhedek

About US: Our Human Protection Software Suite is a composition of many software installed in the Human´s body. After its installation, it starts working with the following components.

Your participation will be gladly appreciated!

Chris J. Brunson


Yahoo Groups:


GSS Spiritual Revival is every Sundays at 8PM EST/5PM PST and is moderated by our spiritual leader Pastor Anthony Carstarphone

Other Conference Calls:

KELB: 724-444-7444 code: 80812 # pin: 1 (Wed./Sat. 9P EST)

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my experience about mind control

when i was in the  middle school , one day i study at  home, suddenly i hear the vioce,  i think the vioce come from  outside the window, i guess  someone talk each other ,  all the men vioce disturb my study,  and begun to find the vioce and see outside window, nobody outside, i was very surprise who were  they?  i asked my parents to find the vioce, i tolk to them : 'my classmate follow me ', but they could not find any person outside, they told me : 'you are wrong, no vioce,no people outside window,you got mental disease. ', my god ! i can not believe i was crazy, i never hear this words before, it is too terrible thing for me. i had to hosipatal visit and drop out from middle school, i was tear for a long time, at night i did not sleep at all, my tear made the pillow wet, i could not imagine what was my future like?  i look at sky to say my sadly words,  but no use , the vioce still attack to me, my headach very much,  i could not sleep well,  in order to sleep i must be take medicine  everyday......   from middle school , i still under mind control attack.    i know what is a blue day from i got mind cotrol, i did not know my unhappy life just began......

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Effects of Electronic Attack and Data Manipulation

I was just trying to write a blog today when my whole page. Curious problem eh?

I will be briefly recommend:

"The Soft Cage" - Christian Parenti. - You will be amazed at the way that your data is manipulated. If I say that I have spent 25 years in the software industry and was surprised that might help. It would be good that while reading this book you researched the concerns of the ACLU about data manipulation in 2008.

I have had nauseas and nightmares in two opportunities in the last two weeks due to the intensity of the electronic harassment, which was changed during the evening. The death threats go on. People in the street - and this is a very quiet place - once in a while play violent songs. But for the first time some of the people that I have come across are human in their behavior and have treated me well. First time in a lot of times.

One of the most contradictory elements in what is happening to me is that everytime I describe these actions it is consider that I am a mental cause. Only after reading some of the articles of the site mentioned above I started to understand the complexity of the process to which the T.I.'s are submitted. Probably too late.  Previously I had been for a long time in a complete shock.

Remember that it is not only electromagnetism. Radiation can also be used to destroy. Research the Cincinatti experiments that were conducted using minorities. And track the different nuclear accidents, past and recent.In that respect, Germany has taken a courageous step forward with the freezing of the nuclear plants projects. Research past and recent nuclear accidents and their consequences, in the country where they occurred and in other places, far from the origin of the accident. This is not a hypothesis, it is something that is really happening.

Please collect data about the perpetrators. One day will be able to trace them down and they will have to respond for the Violation of Human Rights and the false profiles that they are creating. Describe what they do to you and their devices and describe the time and the look of the perpetrators. What they are doing is a crime, bullying is not the right word to describe their actions. How is possible that a group of people create situations in which the well being and the health of a person are threatened and "nothing happens"?. Isn't it evident that at some levels there is an authorization - tacit or explicit - for their actions to be carried out. Isn't it truth that there have been numerous protests and explanations trying to find a solution to all this?

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Re " Media Release in 11 languages"

Dear friends:

Thank you very much.

Pls no rush. Furter discussion is needed.

In this media release, we must state the seriousness of the use or misuse of these technologies.

Here is the example :

“Boris Ratnikov , former general of Russia, stated in 2007 that in less than ten years psychotronic weapons will grow more dangerous than nuclear and atomic weapons. “


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TI for 5 years now.Found docs of personal/family surveillance on my new laptop I ordered from Dell.Since then I have been harassed and stalked 24/7.No privacy since.Now I am a victim of their electronic and directed radiation weapons daily.Have many videos and pictures of the gang stalkers.Including pictures of them w weapons in hand.Pictures also shows radiation and or other types of rfid being released into the air from their weapon, and entering my home.Have had enough.My security is at great risk.There must be 20-30 stalkers on me at the present time.The docs I found on my computer must be pretty important to them."Still remain strong in Penna"I will not be bullied nor silent much longer.Anyone...please respond.Also, are there any groups in SE Penna.Thanks,Suz
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The two cases below are all about how UN and ICC will get involved and conduct an inquiry if the State refuses to uphold a public inquiry into cases of torture, murder, and crimes against humanity. Please take time to read it.


Ottawa, ON (December 13, 2011) – UN Will Conduct Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women.

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Hi everybody,

This is vincent george after a long time, it is really wonderful to keep in touch with you all, for quite some time i was not able to be in contact with you all, the reason is i was busy doing nothing useful, its all because of the toture of these evil perps, they have still not stopped the torture, but, the torture is increased in different techniques, they try different techniques so that i surrender to their evil ways. all that i do during such time is to go and sit in the church and start meditating, and i have decided what ever they do to me, i will not surrender to these evil perps but rather i will submit to the lord, and put all my sufferings at his feet, and bear it in the name of the lord. sometimes when i sit before jesus in the church i feel i can take up any sort of suffering. though my condition is not all that good but still i submit myself only to lord jesus, and not for anybody else on this universe.

  I wish so many guys who are suffering like me should put their trust in lord jesus and fight against these evil perps, definitely lord will help us in our battle and finally we will win the battle against these evil perps, i will definitely remember you all in my prayers and in return expect your prayers for me.

Thanks and Regards

Vincent George

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I am a victim

I am a victim of business of human experiment which is very much hitech using satellite.
 what should i do? please help me.

my situation:
1. sound point in left brain side.
2. liquid thing which is interacting with koreans of KKK laboratory
   is set up around me.
3. ............

help me.
telephone: +82-10-9457-5427


please help me.


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