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Call these people. This will help you. **** you perps.

Hi!  My name is  YOUR NAME HERE. 

I’m contacting you because I want to share a story with you.  The Federal government has a program where people are being listed and  punished  in a cruel and unusual way.  These people are usually innocent and never have the benefit of rights, lawyers, or even sympathy.  The three main types of punishment include, driven to complete mental breakdown, driven to commit suicide, and finally driven to commit a violent crime.  No one knows who is in charge of the list.  No one knows who is on the list.  No one knows where the funding is coming from. 

The tactics used against the mostly innocent civilians and their children, and unborn children in the womb, include, gang stalking, vandalism, tainting food supply, execution of pets.  The targets automobiles are also targeted and damaged, or even destroyed in “set-up” car accidents.  The target’s job, lovers and spouses, children, and reputation are destroyed or placed under control.  The target’s doctors are also placed under control.  When the targets go for help they are usually labeled mentally ill, or criminal.  It has been estimated that over 350,000 US citizens have been affected.

The vast number of dead and injured due to this program will make it easy to shut it down.  More people are being killed than in workplace accidents. 

Although I have a clean criminal record, and a college degree and I am a normal person, apparently, I have been secretly sentenced to death, or self-committal, or harassed until I appear to be, or act like a criminal.  Federal tax dollars are spent every day carrying out this sentence.   The aircraft involved range from fighter jets to AWACS and helicopters flying over me every day.  Large numbers of people in mostly white or red cars with vanity plates following me on large columns everywhere I drive.  When I go shopping there are large numbers of cars in the parking lot that match the cars on the road, and the food is sometimes tainted.  The night stockers at some of the stores also have the same type of cars and plates.   I have been on this list since the 1990’s or ealier.

THERE IS A LIST AND THERE ARE SOME BIG NAMES ON IT.   Some potential targets were Tim Russert, the shooter in AZ, Jared Lougher, and Ted Koppel’s recently deceased son.  The head of NPR, targeted. Other names on the list could be veterans, for example Daniel Cointner, the 2005 Marine of the year appears to be a target.  Pat Tillman appeared to be targeted in Afghanistan.    There will probably be other military, religious, or political figures once the list is finally disclosed.  It would not surprise me to see children on the list as well.  Children scheduled for torture in the United States. Children who may never be allowed a normal life or even medical attention. 

 The death toll from this targeting list is larger than the number of people killed on the job or in fires.   It has been estimated that 99.5% of all targets are innocent.   This is a huge issue.

Would you like to know more?

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Up till now, 700 signatures.  Thank you everyone.

We can and must stop them if we can co -work more efficiently and more smartly. We are fast workers. But, we don't rush. We are smart. But, we don't play game. The world is watching. The world is listening. The world wants to put crule and atrocious acts of torture, murderer, crimes against humanity to an end.

If you are going to sign " Petition to the House of Commons", please download from this page.Thanks.

Bioethics Commission Urges Compensation for Victims of Human Research

This article at the link below was welcome news when announced a few days ago. Apparently Amy Gutmann is calling for compensation for victims who have been harmed by gov......ernmental research programs. And according to Peter she stated that this would include military experiments as well. After hearing this, I was reminded of the one point I made in my speech to the commission requesting a similar system of redress for TI's. So maybe the commission listened to us after all! Well, I believe that it would not have happened at all if we had not gone and spoken up to them about this. I believe this to be a positive result for our efforts! Congratulations to all who participated in this process!

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Sign the Gov. WhiteHouse Petition...........

I cant believe there is only 20 and 110 signed names on those two Petitions...!!!

We are over a thousand of members here at PP. What are you waiting for?

How are we ever gonna get recognizion if we dont act. There are so many more petitions in regarding other issues and they are signed by much more people. They wont even have a look at this if we dont reach 5000 signs before the end of October.


I dont even live in the US, but have signed anyway, I dont know if my sign counts. But as I have read alot of you members here at PP. are americans, living in the US. Pls go in and sign if you want to make a change and if you want this to hell we are under ever is gonna end one day./Annie


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Controllo mentale e NATO


Controllo mentale e NATO


"Gli eventi sulla scena politica internazionale, negli ultimi anni, conferma che il concetto di controllo remoto del cervello umano è una questione di negoziati. Nel gennaio 1999 il Parlamento europeo ha approvato una risoluzione in cui chiede a una convenzione internazionale l'introduzione di un divieto globale su tutti gli sviluppi e le implementazioni di armi che possano permettere a qualsiasi forma di manipolazione degli esseri umani. "


Il termine "controllo mentale" significa essenzialmente tentativi segreti di influenzare i pensieri e il comportamento degli esseri umani contro la loro volontà (o loro insaputa), in particolare quando la sorveglianza di un individuo viene utilizzato come parte integrante di tale influenza e la "tortura termine Psychotronic "deriva dalla psico (di psicologia) ed elettronici. Questo è in realtà una forma molto sofisticata di distanza tortura tecnologica che invalida lentamente e inabile una persona. Questi assalti invisibile e non rintracciabili tecnologico sugli esseri umani sono fatti per distruggere una persona psicologicamente e fisiologicamente. In realtà, come par risorse scientifiche, il corpo umano, molto simile a un computer, contiene una miriade di processori di dati. Essi includono, ma non solo, il chimico-elettrici attività del cervello, cuore e sistema nervoso periferico, i segnali inviati dalla regione di corteccia cerebrale in altre parti del nostro corpo, le cellule ciliate piccolo nell'orecchio interno che elaborano i segnali uditivi, e la luce sensibile della retina e della cornea dell'occhio che l'attività di processo visivo. Siamo sulla soglia di un'epoca in cui questi processori di dati del corpo umano può essere manipolato o debilitati.


Definizione di psicotroniche (psico-fisico) Armi
armi psicotroniche (PF-armi) questo è l'insieme di tutti i possibili metodi e mezzi (tecno-geniche, suggestivo, farmacologico, paranormale, complessi, e altri) di nascosto, costretto influenze sulla psiche di una persona allo scopo di modificare la sua coscienza, comportamento e salute per ciò che si desidera nel modo di influenzare gli aspetti del controllo ... "Questo non è solo pericoloso, è letale!"


La prima fase è la molestia / sorveglianza del programma.

Usano Echelon, Tempesta, microchip, impianti, vedere attraverso radar muro, ottenere informatori, i vicini, e co-cospiratori per molestare, screditare e danneggiare un individuo. Le vittime perdere le loro famiglie, lavoro, case e automobili. Scopo ultimo di distruggere la vita delle persone che li isolano dalla famiglia, dagli amici. L'isolamento è necessario per avere accesso alla persona per condurre molti degli esperimenti su di loro.

La seconda fase è la assalti di armi ad energia diretta.

Dopo una vittima si isola da tutti nel mondo. La vittima ora avere sentimenti di rimpianto, rimorso, di perdita, trauma e sono drenati e rotti emotivamente e fisicamente. Durante questo periodo molti sono stati impiantati con microchip. Molti cominciano a sperimentare un dolore estremo alla loro testa. Alcuni sentono voci. Poi il dolore è consegnato a varie altre parti del loro corpo. Il dolore è fornito da armi ad energia diretta.

Regia Armi a energia.

Alcune delle armi erano conosciuti come armi non letali. Usano armi come le armi degli Elfi estremamente bassa frequenza elettromagnetica (che è stato utilizzato in controllo mentale), l'acustica, armoniche (che sono stati usati come una tecnica di controllo mentale), l'ecografia, audiogrammi forno a microonde, forno a microonde a impulsi e la frequenza radio. Un altro fascio di energia elettromagnetica può essere usata per indurre "notevole agitazione e l'attività muscolare" o "indurre debolezza muscolare e letargia" questa arma è noto come Ultra High Frequency EM. Tattiche di guerra psicologica vengono usati contro i cittadini ignari di distruggere il loro lavoro, le loro famiglie e le loro vite. Gli autori si fermerà davanti a nulla. Il loro obiettivo è quello di distruggere completamente una persona, molto spesso con conseguente persona che la sua vita, o finire in un ospedale psichiatrico. Questo ha avuto luogo per anni e nulla è mai detto a questo proposito. Nulla è mai stato scritto su di esso. Alcune persone hanno inoltre esperienza molestie elettroniche. Questo è estremamente dolorosa, dolorosa e invasiva, e si sente come la propria mente e il corpo sta subendo uno stupro costante, 24 ore al giorno, 7 giorni alla settimana. La tecnologia utilizzata per fare questo è sconosciuta, ma centinaia di vittime rapporto le stesse sensazioni fisiche ed esperienze. Molti si tolgono la vita nel tentativo di sfuggire all'orrore. La tecnologia prevede l'utilizzo di onde elettromagnetiche di varie frequenze per ottenere risultati diversi. Alcune frequenze farà una persona stanca, mentre altri possono causare confusione o perdita di memoria. "Molestia elettronica" o e-molestie è un catch-all termine usato per descrivere un insieme di circostanze che un gran numero di persone che stanno vivendo in comune.



Sabato, Febbraio 19, 2011



Nel mese di ottobre 2010, il deputato Denis J. Kucinich ha introdotto al Congresso americano una legge, che obbliga il presidente americano di impegnarsi nei negoziati per il bando delle armi spaziali. In questo disegno di legge la definizione di un sistema d'arma comprende: qualsiasi altro mezzo non riconosciuti o non ancora sviluppata infliggere la morte o lesioni a, od danneggiare o distruggere, una persona (o la vita biologica, la salute fisica, salute mentale o fisico ed economico essere di una persona), attraverso l'uso di sistemi terrestri, basati in mare, o spaziale utilizzando radiazioni elettromagnetiche, psicotroniche, sonico, laser o altre energie rivolte a singole persone o popolazioni bersaglio o lo scopo della guerra dell'informazione, controllo di gestione d'animo, o mente di persone Cush o popolazioni. Come in tutti gli atti legislativi citati in questo articolo del disegno di legge conta con il suono, la stimolazione elettromagnetica della luce o fweapons brain.Psychotronic umani restano, almeno per un laico non informati del segreto di ricerca militare, nel campo della fantascienza, dato che finora nessuna delle gli esperimenti scientifici pubblicati è stato presentato in modo che consenta la sua replica.

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Big Business

It is a big business and works like this.
You don't like a guy and you target him.
Then you send some criminals to harass or attack that person. Harassing is
better With satellite surveillance combined with the internet. You can have that
person harassed everywhere in the world. Everywhere.

It all depends on your money.

If you are very rich, you can control more harassers.
Have you every thought of that before ? thoroughly. It all depends also on
the intentions of the attacker. It can be revenge what drives his actions, but it
can also be just the pleasure of attacking minorities, or people that he/she does
not like for specific reasons. So it is a dangerous world out there. And there are
many inocent minds whirling around without knowing what is going on.

I was one of them. Which is almost unforgiveable, given the fact that I have worked
for infomation technologies for more than 25 years. My only 2 justifications - I was
trying to get into a postgraduate course at California State University of Long Beach
and I felt in love. When those two things get together your mind is in wonderland. That
is not good. There is no real perception of the reality. And there are always guys, under
different covers, creating realities in the dark. The size of the lies they invent, depend
on the pockets size. The pocket size of the owners of the media and satellites.

During my visits to Long Beach University, to seek the possibility of a postgraduate course
to which I could attend with a grant from Americorps, I came across different stumbling blocks.
It was not easy to put the budget that had been separated for my case into the specific kind of
postgraduate course that I was looking for. So I had to pay several visits to the university. Most
of the times I was treated fairly. It was a good environment.

In the meantime I was working as a night auditor at a Hotel in Long Beach. At some point I started
working part time at a store specialized in Art that was in the same block as the hotel was. So
I had planned to stay the area for some time. If the project of the post-graduate course turned
out to be successful, then I would be able to have both the place where to study and the
places where I was working near to each other.

It was then that I met Val. The person who was going to be my wife later. I think that I loved
Val because she was simple. In the evenings, when I was working at the hotel, I tried to attract
the attention of some clients with websites that I had created. This was one of the reasons why
I was employed at the Art Store; the owner was kind of attracted by some of the websites and thought
that I could be useful to her projects in the store. So one of the subjects of the conversations
that we had was web design and a company that she had and she wanted to expand,according to her
words, in CA. I asked her where and she responded in Santa Mónica. And that was the beginning of
our friendship.

Sometimes I heard people making strange comments about me. I attributed what I heard to drugs or
something similar. I had observed that some guys in the train seemed to know me - that was strange to
me. In some ocassions, at least two times, some of them made sort of threats in their dialects
of gangstalking about me with the intention of attracting the attention of people in the train towards
me. That is one of the reasons why I tried to take the train in the hours that it was not so
populated. I am not familiar with that kind of culture. Now I think that I should have made an effort
to understand what there was behind their attitudes. One thing strange, that I reported to Peter Miller,
who had been my supervisor at Americorps Vista, was that whatever effort I had made to structure
a client/server environment while living at Boulder in East LA, had been torpedoed by Kent, the owner of
the house. Wether it had been a matter of his character or a plan that other people had to slow me down
I will never now. It looked strange to me so I reported it. Over that structure I had mounted Qt and had
made it work. It was the first step to create applications in the flavor of C++. I think that I had spotted
what was going to happen with phone applications at the right moment. For some reason it was very difficult
to get a job in that area, that is why I had to go to Long Beach.

I am absolutely sure that with what I practiced in 2009 - 2010 at Bay Motors in Qt I can implement wordclass
applications in Qt that address database issues. It is not that difficult given my background.
I can currently create Joomla, Wordpress and Prestashop applications over Darwin, Linux and Windows 7. It has
already been done in different scenarios. So what is the point of constantly repeating that I am not capable
of things - valuable things - in the computers. My biggest fear is that I am put in an environment where all
I have created and I am capable of creating as human been were jeopardized with medicines or mistreatments. I
have been promissed death several times. I think that I am discriminated because of my ethnic origin and color.
Also because at some point I worked close to LGTB people. There are great contradictions in this
country and I am afraid of dying in the big struggle that is taking place at the time I write.

It seems to be that, when one's mind is immerse trying to get into the technical worlds described
above, other people are in another kind of business. The business of inserting cameras in your shower, monitoring
you through walls to know when you leave your room and steal or add information in your belongings. And who knows
what else. I had numerous reports about strange incidents before arriving to CA in 2005. Also, in the personal
perspective, I felt that my mood changed abruptly when I moved from one apartment to another. In ocassions I detected,
in the course of my thoughts, like intrussions. I was not able to discern or identify what was going on in
certain layers of reality because I was focused in the technical matters that I described above. A study of the literature
that I borrowed or bought at the libraries and book stores can corroborate this. No wonder, little by little,
strange events were registered in my mind. Big busines put you in a specific context for them to make money,
feelings are aside. At some point I realized that people were talking of me as if they had seen me in a film. It looked
ridiculous to me, but it happened. First time that my mind registered this was when I was working at a company in 2000. Then
in 2001 the same. There was no reference to a film but evidently something graphical was exciting the minds of some coworkers.
In 2003, while working at a hotel, I heard the first reference, like in the context of a joke, and by people who were really
friendly to me , to a film. What is this, I thought - and I still think. Later on, putting together the reports that I had
made about penetrations in my room I started to suspect that something dark, very dark was going on. I think that at that long before I had suspected it I had been targeted by Big Business.
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Dear all:


To our surprises, we have received over 500 signatures to support and demand a public inquiry into cases of non -lethal weapons, mind control, organized stalking. We can stop them. We must stop them. Thank you all.


If you are going to sign " Petition to the House of Commons", please download from this page.Thanks. nt/d/1tALhmrQ7pxm1szIOaLndM8Dv 3x9WSibwC2pqmsPiwis/edit?hl=en _US&pli=1#



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Could we create a group that is focused upon gathering funds to buy spots in magazines in major cities advertising our plight? It would tell those who don't know about us thatwe exist, and it would let those of us who don't know they are TIs, but something is wrong in their lives where to turn. We could do one city per month.
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I am in a Meeting with the State of California in Sacramento along with the Army Corp of Engineers, KSN incorporated in regards to the Levees of the central valley of California summer 2007 My voice is very horse in the meeting after I went to a Ice Hockey game in Stockton California. PLEASE "SAVE AS" and keep a copy
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Research the threats

Fear makes us to reject research.

Unconsciously we try to avoid identifying the guilty ones. As if that could save us. On the contrary, it empowers them.

At some point you have to conquer your fears and try to find out who is the real brain behind.

It can be costly, but you have to. Slave minds are what they want. Slavery has always achieved with mind control.

In my particular case it was a painful research. It started when I was mistreated at a hospital. It was the fourth time, so  I took things very seriously. When you hear talking about death as I heard you have to awake one way or another.

So I started to research the net, but it was not enough. You have to research the street. And one day, in several places where I tried to get a job, people mentioned a name and made some references that were directly associated with me entring their places and not belonging to. And then I associated name with methods and everything was clear. I also associated name with power. It was a powerful name.

Then I realized that I had to be, in a way lucky and protected implicitly by other people and that my life was at great risk. And that had a paralyzing effect in me. And I secluded myself - not so much as before.  I kept on trying to get a job, but going to places that I thought could be friendlier. To no avail. There was always a way to bias people against me. There was always a pretext. And that is the reach of the power of the name that I research.

No wonder there should be hope. Where? I do not know. But I think that I owe to those who helped me the explanation of my perceptions, as I recover from Risperdal and Geodon. Geodon, particularly, almost kills me. In what refers to Risperdal, has obvious effects on memory and control of the body. It might have helped or not. In your particular case. Research these medicines and their side effects. Some people say that they are part of "the game".

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The game, actors and executioners

It is evident that the group was more powerful than I imagined.

In a short briefing, I will try to pinpoint my mistakes and their power.

In order to make it easier for you to understand what is going on, what
was going on and what will happen in the next years.

The group acted according to a plan.

The executioners sometimes new each other, some other times they did not.

Problem is that we thought that the group was static.

It had in fact ramifications all over the world - first mistake I made.

Second mistake : they were playing with Einstein and Tesla. And with no rules, neither writtenn nor in
their minds. I am going to give an example, simple, but crucial, of this fact:

"It is obvious that V2K is used currently. One of the reasons why it is not recognized is the following
one. At the early stages of its discovery, different scientists - many of them from universities
worldwide known - expressed their reservations about its used. Those reservations were caused, among other
factors, because it was well known at that time that the waves that were used for V2K could produce
cancer in the human beings if used at certain intensities and probably even if used at low intensities but
continuously. Not recognizing or regulating the use of such devices avoids being liable. Question:
Is there any protocol signed among nations in which V2K is mentioned?

Third mistake :
They had infiltrated different layers of the population in different ways.
These layers of the population were not loyal to themselves sometimes and did not know each other either.
Only the upper echelons know each other enough. That is one of the reasons why the whole thing
is called "a game". Even though sometimes some of the groups that mention this word try to look smart and
think of it "in the context that they are allowed". So while they are playing on game on certain human beings
other people are considering them as simple "pawns". It is not "pawns" what worries the upper
echelons, it is when those who are considered like such start thinking "out of the box".
That is not allowed.

Curiously, everything is related with technical level of those who participate in "the game".
It is obvious that in order to understand that you are in danger you have to have elements in your mind to
perceive the nature of the danger. For example, you know that if you get near a furnace you can get burned because
you know how it works and how heat is generated. It is more difficult to perceive that if you live near a place
where high voltage cables exist, your probability to get cancer increases - this is not so well known by the general
public, they have to know about electromagnetism to understand what is happening and, besides, they have to think
about it thoroughly, since it is phenomenon that does not damage immediately the human tissues.
But at least they see a source that is capable of creating some damage. At least that is a lead.

Now lets see a third case, which is the one that really is related to the non-lethal weapons that
could damage us. Nobody is able to see who is handling them, their shape or the intensity that is used. Does it
give you a sensation of the danger that they represent. Let's take for example the tasers, visible, studied and regulated.
We all know that, depending on the intensity of the tasers, they can be lethal or not. Yes, there are lethal tasers nowadays.
So, why don't we take into account all these facts and get a measure of the danger that surrounds us.

Now think of a weapon of this nature installed in a satellite - without regulations. And draw health related conclusions.
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Tip of the Day

Hi Folks:


Today's tip of the day.  Figure out which family member or members are working with the perps.  Most TI's have family members giving "permission" to target.  Sometimes under the guise of "therapy" or "treatment".  Usually it is someone the target has contact with and they may possibly offer you small sums of money.  Break off all family contact and watch the perps freak out.  You will have family members coming out of the woodwork to talk to you.  And remember all perps are gross!!!

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Hi Folks:


Just had a second "mysterious" brake problem.  On the left side.  Front and back.  One caliper freeze.  One piece of bent metal making noise.  Like someone did my brakes and used the car as cover.   I think my coffee was spiked again.  Got sick at the mechanic.  Probably so someone could lie and say "stress" makes me ill.  It doesn't.


I am looking at property.  My realtor's kid stopped breathing after I met him.  My home inspector had brake failure on the way to last home inspection.


This website rules. 


The perps here usually use an excrement/urine theme.


I think they are doing the dogs here in these buildings too.


My dog happened to show worms today too...But it was only $15 to fix.  Very little air traffic when I post on here...

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ARMONK, N.Y., - 18 Aug 2011: Today, IBM (NYSE: IBM) researchers unveiled a new generation of experimental computer chips designed to emulate the brain’s abilities for perception, action and cognition. The technology could yield many orders of magnitude less power consumption and space than used in today’s computers.

In a sharp departure from traditional concepts in designing and building computers, IBM’s first neurosynaptic computing chips recreate the phenomena between spiking neurons and synapses in biological systems, such as the brain, through advanced algorithms and silicon circuitry. Its first two prototype chips have already been fabricated and are currently undergoing testing.

Called cognitive computers, systems built with these chips won’t be programmed the same way traditional computers are today. Rather, cognitive computers are expected to learn through experiences, find correlations, create hypotheses, and remember – and learn from – the outcomes, mimicking the brains structural and synaptic plasticity.

To do this, IBM is combining principles from nanoscience, neuroscience and supercomputing as part of a multi-year cognitive computing initiative. The company and its university collaborators also announced they have been awarded approximately $21 million in new funding from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for Phase 2 of the Systems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (SyNAPSE) project. 

The goal of SyNAPSE  is to create a system that not only analyzes complex information from multiple sensory modalities at once, but also dynamically rewires itself as it interacts with its environment – all while rivaling the brain’s compact size and low power usage. The IBM team has already successfully completed Phases 0 and 1.

“This is a major initiative to move beyond the von Neumann paradigm that has been ruling computer architecture for more than half a century,” said Dharmendra Modha, project leader for IBM Research. “Future applications of computing will increasingly demand functionality that is not efficiently delivered by the traditional architecture. These chips are another significant step in the evolution of computers from calculators to learning systems, signaling the beginning of a new generation of computers and their applications in business, science and government.”

Neurosynaptic Chips

While they contain no biological elements, IBM’s first cognitive computing prototype chips use digital silicon circuits inspired by neurobiology to make up what is referred to as a “neurosynaptic core” with integrated memory (replicated synapses), computation (replicated neurons) and communication (replicated axons). 

IBM has two working prototype designs. Both cores were fabricated in 45 nm SOI-CMOS and contain 256 neurons. One core contains 262,144 programmable synapses and the other contains 65,536 learning synapses. The IBM team has successfully demonstrated simple applications like navigation, machine vision, pattern recognition, associative memory and classification. 

IBM’s overarching cognitive computing architecture is an on-chip network of light-weight cores, creating a single integrated system of hardware and software. This architecture represents a critical shift away from traditional von Neumann computing to a potentially more power-efficient architecture that has no set programming, integrates memory with processor, and mimics the brain’s event-driven, distributed and parallel processing.

IBM’s long-term goal is to build a chip system with ten billion neurons and hundred trillion synapses, while consuming merely one kilowatt of power and occupying less than two liters of volume. 

Why Cognitive Computing

Future chips will be able to ingest information from complex, real-world environments through multiple sensory modes and act through multiple motor modes in a coordinated, context-dependent manner.

For example, a cognitive computing system monitoring the world's water supply could contain a network of sensors and actuators that constantly record and report metrics such as temperature, pressure, wave height, acoustics and ocean tide, and issue tsunami warnings based on its decision making. Similarly, a grocer stocking shelves could use an instrumented glove that monitors sights, smells, texture and temperature to flag bad or contaminated produce. Making sense of real-time input flowing at an ever-dizzying rate would be a Herculean task for today’s computers, but would be natural for a brain-inspired system. 

“Imagine traffic lights that can integrate sights, sounds and smells and flag unsafe intersections before disaster happens or imagine cognitive co-processors that turn servers, laptops, tablets, and phones into machines that can interact better with their environments,” said Dr. Modha.

For Phase 2 of SyNAPSE, IBM has assembled a world-class multi-dimensional team of researchers and collaborators to achieve these ambitious goals. The team includes Columbia University; Cornell University; University of California, Merced; and University of Wisconsin, Madison.

IBM has a rich history in the area of artificial intelligence research going all the way back to 1956 when IBM performed the world's first large-scale (512 neuron) cortical simulation. Most recently, IBM Research scientists created Watson, an analytical computing system that specializes in understanding natural human language and provides specific answers to complex questions at rapid speeds. Watson represents a tremendous breakthrough in computers understanding natural language, “real language” that is not specially designed or encoded just for computers, but language that humans use to naturally capture and communicate knowledge. 

IBM’s cognitive computing chips were built at its highly advanced chip-making facility in Fishkill, N.Y. and are currently being tested at its research labs in Yorktown Heights, N.Y. and San Jose, Calif.

For more information about IBM Research, please visit

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IBM Media Relations

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Todays been a very strange day, a helicopter has been circling around my residence all day.And just as my daughter left to go to the store i watched as the helicopter followed her.Anyone else having this happen to them???

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