(1) Debbie: I note that one of the comments mentions that there will be a rally/march on Washington in Sept 4, 2010..we the targets that live in the US may want to join this march to expose torture.
(2) Discussion: How do we start an FM radio program? like CNN.
From Sue Leboeuf
Negatively Targeted? How do we start an FM radio program?
We're have a class discussion next Friday, at 7:30PM eastern standard time!
We are discussing a topic very dear to my heart; how to topically discuss everything of interest to our lives, brought up in an intelligent way as discourse by way of an FM radio broadcast show that gets translated into several languages -- like CNN's getting translated around the world in different languages! We could discuss safety issues and whatever else is vital to our lives in the face of technology used as weapons to harm us and
all their is on earth.
Class will occur here:
See the announcement on facebook here:
(3) John N. Anubis looking into a way to have implants removed from people safly without any human risk
I am looking into a way to get implants out of people with out talking the risk of killing them i know about DNA Chips I read there is a way to remove and im looking into getting a way to remove them or leave them in and destroy them for people so they no longer work.
(4) Mass petition
M.P. Dillon
Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands
TEL: 31-70-5158515 FAX: 31-70-5158555
WEB: http://www.icc-cpi.int
EMAIL: OTP.InformationDesk@icc-cpi.int, jelena.vukasinovic@icc-cpi.int, otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int,
OTP-CR-70/07 John Finch, Australia
EM_T01_OTP-CR-00122_07 Soleilmavis, China
EM_Ack_OTP-CR-742_09 James Gee, China
II) If you are an organized gang stalking target, I'd like you to know that abuses to your civil liberties can be reported to the Office of the Inspector General at: www.justice.gov/oig by clicking "Report Violations of Civil Rights or Civil Liberties."
(5) Remote controlled Woman
More information about Mind reading, Mind Control, Voice to Skull:
(6) Targeted individuals include Liberals and Conservatives, rich and poor and middleclass, Famous and not, Young and Old, Humans and pets......
click the link.... scroll down. The Remote Neural Monitoring/ Gang Stalking/ Stasi Program is alive and well in America.
(7) Watts per kilo weight, personal dosimetry fundamental rights
A Freedom of Information request to Health Protection Agency by Joanna Iatridou
2 June 2010
Dear Health Protection Agency,
There is a number of people in UK (as well as abroad, who corroborate the UK data)who record on youtube physical assaults inside their home, done by electromagnetic systems (also called DEWs, Masers, PHaSRs, ADS, Lasers, Microwaves etc.) These people got a right to use your personal dosimetry facilities and measure honestly and accurately how many Watts per kilo energy is stored in their body. They do the youtube recordings to show to their GP what is meant by "electronic sleep deprivation" and why is this forcing them to ask for a sleeping tablet.
Also because RIPA 19 dictates that if unauthorised disclosure is done to a target that he is being spied under RIPA, then Police, GPs, Housing Council must ALL deny this RIPA decision to the end and must section the person as insane purely to be compliant with RIPA article 19 unauthorised disclosure offense and not get jail
penalties up to 5 years. So, the last resort has been to document how they are attacked with high tech through the walls and the ceiling late at night, so as to get proper medications for external assaults and not get misdiagnosed.
Please supply what is the exact procedure for any UK citizen resident to obtain watt per kilo measurements at your facilities as soon as he suspects attacks with harmful frequencies in his home.
The proof is there and all UK residents and citizens got a right to honest dosimetry, a right to honest healthcare and no unfair use denials, perjury or abuse of the Mental Health Act just to keep abusing the RIPA 19 offense of disclosure.
Because these harmful frequencies, whether by industrial accident, power lines, work place contamination or criminal abuse of high tech weapons and systems can be detected with your accurate dosimetry and this secures the fundamental rights to life, equal treatment and freedom from torture.
All documentation about EMF and ELF dosimetry at your centre will be much appreciated.
Plausible deniability politics and "on the basis of probability denials" by Law Enforcement made youtube.com the only way to proof of attacks at home, look up Mike Matloff an American and maryduttonhughes and English getting shot in ONE eye to incapacitate them from driving their car and commuting freely. This is serious abuse and please supply all documentation and policies how these people can secure their fundamental right to accurate honest dosimetry on an immediate basis, no questions asked.
The abuse is done with RIPA as to shoot a target in his bed late at night high tech spying systems must be used to see clearly through walls and curtains. It is abuse of power that without your direct access, no GPs or red tape bureaucracy, straight to your personal honest accurate with integrity done dosimetry, UK people got no right to life and to honest medical care and good medical/clinical practice. Your documentation and any support you can point is much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Joanna Iatridou
(8) Important video
(9) Victims Project: DOState's [every 4 years] call for Human Rights Complaints/comments is due June 15, 2010
Norman Rabin
Plainview, New York, U.S.A
June 3, 2010
Dear Fellow U.S. Victims of electromagnetic-signals monitoring and/or assault of their body and brain, and other victims of electromagnetic weapons harassment,
[If you are not a victim of EM weapons, then please excuse this Email. Please Reply with Subject line "Not a Victim".]
[If you notice that one or more fellow victims who you know, or who you know best, are not on this Email list, then feel free to provide me with their name and current email address. For those who don't know me, I know about 80 - 90 or so victims across the U.S., some for many years.]
As many of you may know:
The U.S. Dept of State is requesting public input upon their UPR [Universal Periodic Review] - their 'once every 4 years' 'Universal Periodic Review' of the human rights record of the United States of America, by the UPR Working Group of the 47-member-nations of the U.N. Human Rights Council.
The U.S. Dept. of State is requesting:
"input from non-governmental organizations and other domestic civil society groups, state and local authorities, tribal governments, universities, and individuals on the status of respect for human rights in the United States today. Your feedback is vital for us to better gauge the U.S. human rights situation now, and how protection of human rights can be improved in our country and around the world. We look forward to receiving your comments."
"[W]e kindly request that submissions from all stakeholders be as succinct as possible."
Submissions, to the U.S. Dept. of State for the UPR, are due by [Tuesday,] June 15, 2010.
Although I have suggested to our largest National victims' group [FFCHS] that we adopt this as a group project (namely, that FFCHS submit a formal 1-page Statement for this U.P.R., and that FFCHS also submit an Appendix to that submission - including 1-page Complaints of Human Rights Violations from many, many, many individual Victims), FFCHS seems to be too busy.
(FFCHS Members - I urge you to Email to Derrick Robinson, if you wish that this should be an FFCHS Project [this project will be all done within a week and 1/2].)
Therefore, fellow U.S. citizen victims, I am opening up my proposal, to you all. Let's do it ourselves. We can do it, and We can do it near-good or good.
Therefore, FFCHS U.S. citizen members, and other U.S. citizen victims of covert harassment, are here requested to:
begin drafting, composing, formulating, a 1-page 'succinct' description of their Crime-victimization. These 1-page mini-Complaints of Human Rights Violations will be included as part of an Appendix to formal 1-page submission [whether sponsored by FFCHS or not] to the U.S. Dept. of State for the UPR.
Thank you. If you know that want to participate in this UPR Project, or if you believe that you may be interested in participating, then please do register your interest, by a reply to this Email: Subject Line: "Interested". [It helps us to guage and organize this effort.]
[ Due to our fears of mind-control and other EM-weapons targeting distracting individual victims, we urge you to not delay your expressing interest in this project, for fear that you might forget. Keep this project 'on you desk', in your "Email to do, or Email Drafts folder", at least until June 15.]
This Project will attempt to have each 1-page description of Crime-victimization to be proofread, reviewed, by 1 of a number of Regional teams of 3, 4, or 5 Proofreaders/Facilitators. The goal of the Proofreaders/Facilitators will be to help each victim obtain a high quality 1-page depiction of the crime against that individual victim.
[FFCHS Members or other Victims who are interested in being a Proofreader/Facilitator for their Region should contact, me [Norman Rabin] at this project Email address us.emweaponsvctms.hrts2010@ gmail.com , using email Subject line: "Regional Proofreading".]
Guidelines, suggestions for the 1-page description of Crime-victimization:
Work with goals: 'what truthfully depicts how you are physically/mentally targeted': e.g., by degrees of severity (suffering and/or disruptiveness and/or disruptive-intrusiveness), bodily areas or bodily processes, types of significant assaults on daily, days per week, weekly, basis; other notable rights violations); maybe a line or two - 'how did you become, or suspect that you became to be, targeted'; maybe a line or 2 'targeted time-spanA this degree', 'time-spanB this degree', etc.; maybe up to a few lines: notable areas of life affected [if applicable]: (health, employment/career, financial/penury [if caused degrees of poverty from it], marriage-and-family, family relationships, social relationships).; Maybe option to mention: 'Omitted [if omitted]: areas of 'embarrassing' or 'violative' targeting '.; Other info? (please make any suggestions) for that 1 page, depiction.
[ Also, it is suggested that members, and other victims of covert harassment or related crime, review the particular victimization survey which is posted at: http://www.freedomfchs.com/ id26.html .]
The goal for the 1-page description is to enable a knowledgeable reader to have a meaningful idea of some of the most serious or most notable ways in which the victim's Human Rights are being, or have been, violated.
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'Fictional example: [name, city, town, zipcode] 30 year old, male, college graduate. Electrical engineer. Was married (but Crime-alleged [henceforth "Crime"] caused separation). 1 Child, visitation-rights limited [due to Crime]. Targeted by voice to skull, '2-way telephone' to my head (day and night), starting May 2002. Bodily assaults began in Sept. 2005, after some phone and/or written Complaints to U.S. and local Government offices. Job loss (after 3 years on job) due to Crime in August 2004 (Crime reduced my productivity on job). ...
Unknown cause of targeting. Some projects (but none of mine) at former employer required security clearances. But causation unknown.
Crime is causing a horrible destruction of a young person's marriage, and preventing me from raising a family (more children were planned). Horrible destruction of a young, successful, person's promising and financially-rewarding career. Caused to move back to parent's residence. Strains on all personal relationships, including near-family, and what was formerly my group of friends. (Almost all of the (4 -6) friendships that I still have are limited by my friends being cautious 'I'm still your friend, but don't talk to me about that apparent U.S. Gov't Crime you're a victim of. I'm afraid of them, and don't want to be involved with that, but I'm still your friend.')
I tried taking a graduate college course, in Engineering/Computer Science, but the Crime significantly diminished the quality of my work (and my grades) for that class [prior to crime, in college, I excelled in my classes].
I try to maintain my health, and fitness, but (due to Crime) my sleep quality is significantly decreased. Also, due to Crime, my degree of fitness (pre-crime I was in excellent physical condition) is not nearly as good.
My financial resources are badly depleted due to the job loss. Even if I found a lawyer (to contest this Crime), I could not afford much at all.'
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Fellow victims of Ongoing EM-weapons and related targeting:
because we realize that some of you may be afraid to put things in writing to our U.S. Government, the following NOTICE will be attached to this Project's 1-page Formal Statement for the U.P.R., and will be pre-pended to its Appendix [collection of 1-page victim mini-complaints]:
'The Justice For All Act of 2004' includes a clause that Governments [including the federal Government] are obligated to 'reasonably protect the Crime Victim from the accused'. Any copy of this Crime-Allegation/Description/ Complaint, when forwarded to any U.S. Government official or employee, is to be kept by the recipient only on condition that he/she agrees that the fact of, or any of the contents of this Crime-Allegation/Description/ Complaint, WILL NOT BE USED TO HARM any of the types of Crime Victims here referred to, nor any innocent citizens, nor any innocent persons (i.e., that the recipient agrees to not intentionally be a party to such persons being harmed as a result of this Crime-Allegation/Description/ Complaint). OTHERWISE (a non-original-) COPY OF THIS Crime-Allegation/Description/ Complaint IS TO BE DELETED BY SUCH RECIPIENT.'
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Action Points:
- If you are Interested, or may be interested in, Participating in the Project upon the U.P.R., please Reply to this Email, with subject line "Interested".
- If you would like to be a Regional Proofreader/Facilitator for this Project [and we do need participation], then please Reply to this Email, with subject line "Regional ProofReading" [please confirm the State where you currently reside, and the approximate total number of years you have resided in that State].
- If you would like FFCHS to formal adopt this Project as an "FFCHS-supported" project, then please inform FFCHS of that.
- Most importantly - start formulating, outlining, composing your 1-Page description of serious Human Rights violations against you [please take into account the above "Guidelines, suggestions for the 1-page description of Crime-victimization".
Very Sincerely, Norman C. Rabin ["Norman"]
[ I am a victim of Non-Consensual electromagnetic-signals monitoring and assault, of my body and brain, day and night, for over 19 and 1/2 years with my knowledge of it, and with my complaining of it, in writing, to U.S. Dept. of Justice and U.S. Government (since Oct.-Nov. 1990).
[ Additional, I have been a victim of an Ongoing EM weapons crime against me for a total of over 24 years [I was targeted covertly, without my knowledge at the time, in each of 1986, 1987, 1989, and 1990]. ]
Since 1992, I have been targeted by:
- 2-way 'voice to skull' [thought monitoring, including surveillance persons reading back to me my 'thought verbalizations'], including audible voice assault and 'barely audible' [whisper level voice] voice assault, and the transmission of information 'directly to brain';
- electromagnetic signals-assaults at my body [bodily assaults] [of many, many varieties, over time]; and,
- during my sleep, 'artificial dreams' during my sleep [transmitted, dream like compositions, having visual contents and sound contents], and also, electromagnetic signals upon my brain processes [neural pathways, and various brain regions] during sleep, which decreases the quality of my sleep.]
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[Note: Cheryl Welsh is founder and Director of MindJustice [ www.mindjustice.org ]
(8) Join Us in Demanding an Investigation into Evidence of Illegal CIA Experimentation on Detainees
On June 7, Physicians for Human Rights released a report
URL http://phrtorturepapers.org/?page_id=451