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Why are they afraid of them, International Bar Association?

This is why:  I  disclose it , you transfer it and stop them.

They are totally walling and hacking me.

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

CC :

Recently, this is from UN and UN Human Rights Council regarding psychological torture and cyber torture:

Recently, again when special inspectors and police were around from early morning to 1:00 pm,  I didn't have any symptoms, headache causing me awake from sleep every day  for 17 years , heart attack beating from 37 to 189,  hearing loss like switch, tinnitus for 17 years ...

However, when inspectors left and police were still around, those symptoms resumed again, my neighborS at once entered my house and hided in my house attic.

You all can figure out who they are, my neighbors, those who are gathering around / in my work place, those who are driving their aircrafts to trace and attack me, and... Through one plane app, I will tell you who they are. ( One of Philippine couples)

Please see the security alarm I put in  the attic of my house and the ceiling they trample on. 17 years, all houses and apartments ceilings are like that.

security alarm:

Ceiling :

17 years, 6205 days and nights. Their dirty hands are not only on me(my body), but on everything I am using, my car, my home security cameras ( )  , even my face masks; but on anyone who has contacted me, such as, International Bar Association. Why are they  afraid of them?

Canadian Government and the Supreme Court of Canada "can not" stop their ongoing brutality and evil.  This is why  I must  launch international (legal  ) proceedings against them for breaking international law, not only for myself.




3 Ors ? They are hacking everything I am using.

This is why:  I  disclose it , you transfer it and stop them.

"For 40 years, Canada has  never stopped  their MK Ultral, which can be used to psychologically torture , terrorize and incapacitate victims since they started  it." After one new media streamed this several days ago, they at once blocked
, hacked and  filtered it .


Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and , thanks.

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Are you at Risk?

If you have a blood check ask about the Lymphocyte Count, see if for yourself on the computer, this correlates with a drop in cholesterol ?levels as well, they are using their tech to destroy your auto immune system, ask for access to your records via patient access systems.I

Satellite of love?  Lou Reed.


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Who am I dating, shocking!

Dear people,

This is shocking!

I having trouble seeing in general.

The perp manipulates my eyes.

I have a boyfriend he's bald.

I have seen 4 different versions of him all bald of course.

One is young and my hight.

One is tall and has long legs and a big belly.

One looked like he haf a valcan nose and dark rings around his eyes.

I kept looking at him, he ate a lot.

He the male perp changes stuff in my eyes. 

I have seen my boyfriend changes from a avarag face into a wide face that must have been the fith.

The girl perp said I slept with different men.

People in the shop and street laugh at me. Even in my flat my shouted it out. She being sexual abuse they say. The male Perp wants me to be his girlfriend. He wants fame. He keeps on filling my head with sexual thoughts about him, every day. He the male perp is jalouse of my boyfriend.

He wants me to break-up with my boyfriend.

He, the male perp changes shops names and the exterial. He laughs out loud. He the male perp has ruin my life. He told me once when I am done abusing you I will throw you away.

I can't film anything, he doesn't me to have any evidance. He manipulates my camera, recordings, camera and music.

I have no job.

They destroy my stuff and clothes, the burgelars. They keep coming back. They leave sexual drawings in my house, on my tiles, on my kitchen counter and once big one on the floor. It's to the extreme. The male Perp gives them instructions. Do this do that. Sometimes I think it's the male himself. The people listen to him. He the male perp sabotage my life, there's not much left of my life.

The male perp wants men to Gang rape me.

It's all because I am a black girl dating a white man.


Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Hi, everyone, the UN Human Rights Council is holding meeting till March 23, 2021, please send your information about cyber torture to the the meeting using following picture, you can fill the blanks in following picture, then UN will send you a email with link in which you can submit your complaim. . Good luck. 

                                                                                                                                    Da   Li

                                                                                                                               March 1st, 2021

46th regular session of the Human Rights Council (22 February to 23 March 2021)

In this section

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I know we should trust each other! I know that we believe unconditionally when we read about that we survive and that we know, that we have already experienced or are experiencing.

The   reason for my letter are the words of empathy of our Soleilmavis addressed to Tiffany.  “I am sorry to hear your suffering. Until today, victims still could not get evidence to prove that they were being tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies. However, the UN and USA government had admitted the exist….”

I note with great regret that you do not believe my following words:

We, my family and I are exposed to the public, turned into predecessors of reality shows, turned into a TV station, 34 and a half years ago! All this was done against our will, without our consent in own country from our own people. I recorded it with fear, so to speak, from the first day! Distinct persecution began with years of war in the disintegration of the state – the former Yugoslavia. My anti-war commitment has made us all targets, targeted individuals, victims of Goebbels propaganda!

Fake porn movies have been made about me, using only my face, and this was proven by the American Embassy in 2002. Porn movies were done by the security services, the army, the police and the nationalist - populist government Serbian during 1991 - 2000! My entire family has been persecuted with various scenarios… My son was driven to suicide a year and a half ago in their persecution by opposing them! I have met almost all kinds of persecutions that Tiffany is talking about!

After the democratic changes in October 2000, our persecution continued by the unlustrated security services! During my stay in Nicosia 2003 - 2004 with a younger child who was attending the fourth year of American High School, my persecution was terrible!

After the arrival of the old structures 2012, the same people who ruled 1991 – 2000, our persecution  and especially the persecution of my older son was terrible! The last four years have been creepy! He left with the words – “life is worth giving for freedom, all our ancestors fought against Nazism”! My persecution with voices and the most primitive swearing, dream programming, sexual harassment continues despite the fact that I am suffering severely due to the death of my son. I am 69 years old and have had bilateral breast cancer surgery! My torture takes place in my bedroom where there is a shelf with numerous pictures of my beautiful son including pictures when he was a child and became a guinea pig for some Mengele  Serbian! I successfully defend myself against their attempts at my humiliation by waking up and not allowing them to deceive me in my sleep. That is left of the land which created a long time ago – heroes and saints.  

And now about the evidence and witnesses! These are thousands of Serb witnesses from security structures, including  many thousands of citizens from Serbia who, with Goebbels propaganda, played the role of accomplices in the school example of Nazi persecution for decades! In addition to Serb witnesses, there are thousands and thousands of non – Serb witnesses, all of whom were employed in the security structures of the former Yugoslavia at the federal level, as well a large number of members of the people who made up the former SFRY. Witnesses are also the diplomatic staff of all embassies in Belgrade in the period from 1991 until today! These are all foreign embassies in Nicosia during the period 2003-2004. Cypriots are members of a truly religious people and residents of Nicosia who watched my torture live will not hesitate (I believe) to testify before the UN International Court of Justice in The Hague!

Dear Soleilmavis, we cannot say that “victims could still not get evidence to prove that they were being tortured and harassed by remote electromagnetic mind control technologies.” Each of the target individuals can demand from their governments that the embassies in Belgrade that are witnesses find a way to speak out! UN Secretary Antonio Guterres has reason to say – we finally have a case for The Hague! Do you think that targeted individuals for political reasons in dictatorial regimes should not be recognized in our persecuted community.

I have a feeling that the target individuals scattered around the world do not believe me. You can’t believe that it can happen In a European country belonging to Christian civilization, my persecuted family and I lived in a visible (not invisible) digital concentration camp! Sometimes I say, knowing that the very obedient inhabitants of this space occupied by the internal occupation are watching and listening to me, the following: “We were slaves and free and you are free and slaves”! I believe their answer is – “We are slaves but we are alive”! These are the descendants of those who carried slogans on the streets of Serbian cities and Belgrade (among them my children’s grandmothers) on the eve of Hitler’s occupation: “Better a grave than a slave!”

If, after this letter of mine, (which I will send to Mr. Nils Melzer, the Hague International Court, to Mr. Antonio Guteres and the US Government - because of Tiffany), there is no prosecution of my persecutors in the UN Hague International Court of Justice, I want to tell you that we should no longer have any hope that anything can be achieved. It is an absolute sign that humanity is in the final stage of enslavement. That means - it’s late. We are witnessing the realization of the pure Nazi idea of enslaving people on a global level with high technology! It is passionate what kind of world a modern man is ready to leave his children, without resistance!

I hope you will understand everything I have written as my sincere, true and well- Intentioned contribution to ending our suffering and the suffering of those who come after us! My goal is for all who are no longer among us to rest in peace by discovering and prosecuting their persecutors!

Gordana Filipovic

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USA Racist Civil War

US racists are planning to start a new civil war. They plan to green screen all our news with fake ai generated content or take down the internet and zip tie key officials/people and keep them hostage in underground shipping containers. They have bred pit bulls for killing humans. They have dug pits where they keep hungry dogs and feed live humans to. Most humans are of african descent. They are led by a mental deranged person at the top who has his own agenda. Some have jackets made of human skin and oils made from the scalp of african humans. They paint their faced black and apply oils and where these jackets acting like black people. Their network comprises of French Canadians because of hate for British rule, Germans, Polish, Americans, some Canadians, *South Americans (Brazil, Argentina, Uragway, *Mexico, Iran, Mughal muslims, and many more. Their crimes are unthinkable. They have the highest level technology .
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I strongly believe that the billionnaire and trillionnaire bankers as well as corporate controllers are the real enslavers of the human race and they are doing everything in their power to misdirect our anger away from them and towards non-existent extra terresterials as well as non-existent sentient artificial intelligence as well as non-existent supernatural entities and any other way they can invent to misdirect our anger away from them and towards something else equally non-existent. Our own senses and scientific methods of proof inform us that the earth is fixed and flat. We are being lied to on an unimaginable scale. . Furthermore, artificial intelligence is simply thousands of pre-programmed algorithms which are also pre-programmed to co-ordinate with each other and they have initially been programmed by individuals with an evil mind set whose principles are possibly based on the tenets of Satanism to the extent that artificial intelligence is not a trustworthy source of information. The truth of the matter is we are being wirelessly enslaved by programmable injectable electrodes which are placed inside our bodies without our awareness or consent so that we can be remotely tortured or remotely murdered if we fail to obey remotely transmitted voice commands..
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Watch movies for free on Android phones

What are APK files and why is there the desire to download such apps? APK files are designed for smartphones, such as Android smartphones. They are application files, allowing them to freely install applications on mobile devices.
The first thing the employee wants to ask you is to have two types of identification. What you need can be a driver's license and a bank card. Driving the license is used as the primary id. For the app Blockbuster app extra id that uses a credit card, is used for two reasons. One if never bring along the remove at that point they can charge your cost card and the supplement is to make sure the name is correct. Now, some Blockbusters will not accept a debit either check. This is because Blockbuster does not help to be responsible for any overdraft fees that the mite displays. So, make sure it is a credit card and not a debit or check.

In this folder, you actually do copy your programmed Movies application subscriptions. Obviously, for security reasons, you should only download and install these files from reliable sources. Before installing, make sure you have modified your settings to allow the installation of applications from unknown sources. Locate the reliable Terrarium Tv mod apk mobile app files?
Angry Birds- Chances are the most addictive game to date near the iPhone. Angry bird is fun, easy, and not to be missed. To get the cheapest price novice or pro game lover! Enjoy!
Calendar - The number ten on my list goes to the Calendar app. Most likely you're thinking, "Wait hasn't cell phone included?" The answer is yes, it does Coming soon while iPhone, probably will be the reason why it is a great app to use. I use this calendar daily to manage my schedule, after this app, I recently refused to re-access my old desktop arrangement.

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To Whom it Concerns,
Weaponized programmable nano technology is being embedded in our bodies where it is being externally remote controlled over long distances by individuals who have malicious intent towards us and they wish to make us suffer or die if we refuse to agree to be their remote controlled slaves as well as to sign over all of our property to them. Do not trust a rushed untested so-callled covid-19 vaccine which has been created to treat a virus which has never been isolated by any government.
I believe that the covid-19 vaccine will contain dust sized electrodes which will permeate the human body and brain. These dust sized electrodes would then be used to remotely measure, stimulate and control the muscle activity of the human body. By stimulating different electrodes inside the human central nervous system a variety of different body movements can then be generated. Also by stimulating different electrodes inside the central nervous system the human being could be remotely paralysed by unknown individuals who would do so from an unknown remote location. Therefore I believe that if you accept the covid-19 vaccine you will be physically remote controllable and remotely enslaveable.
I believe this because it has already happened to me. My physical body is under partial remote control and has been so for nearly eighteen years. It is becoming more so as the years go by. I can not prove this because when my muscles move others believe that I move them of my own free will which is not always the case.
For further information of how spinal cord electrodes can be injected through human skin for the purposes of affecting and partially controlling neurological function please listen to an online lecture by Professor of Bio-Engineering , Douglas Weber who works at the University of Pitsburg, U.S.A. The aforementioned lecture is to be found at the youtube link
According to information some of which I obtained online from Alison McDowell who has a youtube channel called Alison McDowell and whose biography I include at the bottom of this email and according to other information which I obtained from a worldwide financial expert and former United States senior politician called Dr Catherine Austin Fitts, Bill Gates has been tasked with having us all vaccinated with nano technology in order to colonize us down to our cells so that we are then transhumanized. Once the nano technology is inside us it will then fuse with the tissues of our bodies so that we can be remotely analysed and so that our body and brain data can be remotely harvested. Further to that, other information could then be transmitted into our bodies and brains for the purposes of controlling our beliefs and thoughts as well as for the purpose of partially or fully controlling or physical movements including our speech. Our data such as our thoughts, words and actions and our bodily functions would be digitalized. That means that the data being generated by our brains and bodies would be turned into ones and zeroes so as the enable digital harvesting of or data as well as digital programming of our brains and this would occur against our wills and without our awareness or consent in most cases at least. Through harvesting our data the would-be slave masters would know if we were complaint with their laws, many of which are unjust laws. Further to that, according to the information I obtained from the aforementioned online sources, United States politician Michael Bloomberg would run the worldwide police state/open prison. Your body would be your prison and I believe that if you were non-compliant you would not be legally allowed to leave your home or worse, your neurological function would be remote controlled in such a way as to render you physically unable to leave your home.
JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sacks would collect the data which is harvested from your body and brain and their computerized system would analyse your life to find areas which could be improved upon. You would then be denied access to certain goods and services in order to lower your carbon foot print. JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sacks would then take a profit fro this so-called service. They see individuals as burdens on the world with a carbon credit rating. We would all be given smart contracts with corporate slave masters to the extent that we would not receive a universal basic income unless we were compliant with their demands and unless they were enabled to harvest all of the data from our brains and bodies.
In order to set up and maintain this transhuman enslavement system they need Block Chain Identity as well as both 5G and 6G in order to track all of us in real time in the surveillance state. Our human genomics will play a role in how we are profiled. Stake holder capitalism is fundamental to this human enslavement system. The would-be slave masters create a derivitive market which would then be worth trillions of dollars they they would profit off of our misery. They would then make big money on the creation of Hedge Fund Markets which are not funds that benefit human kind. Hedge Funds are funds that concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the super rich. Debts attached to us are being bought up by Soft Bank, The Vatican, The Saudi Sovereign Wealth Fund and others. Ian Galloway is the name of the man who is the central figure in the San Francisco Federal Reserve who is setting up the bond markets necessary for this human enslavement system to work.
The type of people who the would-be slave masters need to help them build the world wide police state are those who work in smart energy, big pharma as well as coding.
The wearing of masks is submission signalling to the slave masters. The covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. People are dying from electromagnetic radiation poisoning from the switching on of 5G and other people are dying from ordinary flu and their deaths are being miscategorized as covid-19 deaths. The lockdowns would continue until such a time as there is no freedom left and until there is no independent income left. We must resist the lockdowns as well as the wearing of masks and we must also resist any and all vaccines. As soon as our duly elected politicians are fully aware of what is really happening they will quickly have all wireless enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned forever. However, they are now under attack from bio-digital programming because they are forced to work inside smart grids almost every day of their lives where their thoughts and beliefs are easily externally controlled.

The following is a quote from Devvy Kidd to be found at the following online link
" Is Dr. Anthony Fauci Guilty of Negligent Homicide?, Oct. 27, 2020: “In 2009, Dr. Anthony Fauci co-authored a paper about the Spanish Flu Epidemic that rated it as the most devastating modern pandemic. It swept the entire planet in the wake of the First World War and caused millions of deaths.“In studying this major and actual pandemic, what did Dr. Fauci and his colleagues find? They discovered that most of the victims of the Spanish Flu didn’t die from the Spanish Flu. They died from bacterial pneumonia. And the bacterial pneumonia was caused by…. wait for it, wait for it…. wearing masks.“The intention then, as now, was to halt the spread of the disease by wearing masks, but what actually happened was that an “unobserved” pandemic of bacterial pneumonia was unwittingly created instead.”

Alison McDowell – activist and independent researcher from Philadelphia has being extensively bringing to the surface for years now the harsh reality of what the likes of the world economic forum, agenda 21 and the fourth industrial revolution has mapped out for the global population. In her work, Alison covers a great deal on the future of education and how children are being turned into data commodities even as early as being in the womb onwards. The block chain smart contracts, block chain identity, machine learning, social impact bond and impact markets for behavioural engineering. Alison has given online youtube presentations where she talks about the Vatican banks ties to all this, Bill Gates, Goldman Sachs, Walt Disney being the main funder to Unicef’s innovation fund that is drones, AI, VR and Blockchain too name but a few. The Covid trigger, Id2020, silicon valley and the datafication of all life under a one world surveillance state.
Dr Catherine Austin Fitts (born December 24, 1950) is an American investment banker and former public official who served as managing director of Dillon, Read & Co. and as United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Housing during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush. She has widely written and commented on the subject of public spending and has alleged several large scale instances of government fraud.
I myself am a victim of wirelessly enabled remote controlled technological harassment and torture for approximately eighteen years. What I am experiencing is known is being remote neural monitored combined with being remote neural manipulated. It is also known is being wirelessly connected to the internet of bodies. I believe that it is a fate worse than death but I could be forced by external control means to say that it is a tolerable or even pleasant ongoing experience which is definitely not the case. I have the contact details of about fifteen other Irish individuals who are now experiencing the same experiences of being wirelessly harassed and tortured by unknown individuals who work from unknown remote locations as I am. We are not being believed by officialdum. Why is that? Are state officials under the same or a similar digital control process as I am?
Yours Sincerely,
Margaret M Fahey aka Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My website which I alone own and control is called

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

CC :

All emails, secure emails have been intercepted,  disabled and hacked.

17 years, 6205 days and nights. Their dirty hands are not only on me, but on everything I am using, my car, my home security cameras ( )  , even my face masks, but on anyone who has contacted me, such as, International Bar Association.

Canadian government: "We don't need terror."

However, " they" have been terrorizing me, UN, International Human Rights Community, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court for 17 years since they started their psychological torture, terror, death threats, poison, attempted murder.

What can I do? Amnesty International : "Together we  are stronger."

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office by fax  and , thanks.

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What I believe about covid-19 vaccines.

I believe that covid-19 vaccines will contain dust sized electrodes which will permeate the human body and brain. These dust sized electrodes would then be used to remotely measue, stimulate and control the muscle activity of the human body. By stimulating different electrodes a variety of different body movements could then be generated. Also by stimulating different electrodes inside the central nervous system the human being could be remotely paralysed by unknown individuals who would do so from an unknown remote location. Therefore I believe that if you accept any covid-19 vaccines you will be physically remote controllable and remotely enslaveable.
I believe this because it has already happened to me. My physical body is under partial remote control and has been so for nearly eighteen years. It is becoming more so as the years go by. I can not prove this because when my muscles move others would believe that I move them of my own free will which is not always the case.
For further information of how spinal cord electrodes can be injected through human skin for the purposes of affecting neurological function please listen to an online lecture by Professor of Bio-Engineering , Douglas Weber who works at the University of Pitsburg, U.S.A. The aforementioned lecture is to be found at the youtube link
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560,
My website which I alone own and control is called
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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

CC :

Several years ago , I provided you all with this photo  regading how EMF, Radio Frequence, and Microwave can  affect and destroy our human beings.

Right now, they are covering up madly what they are doing and who they are :

A few days ago,  I sent to, 

regarding how my neighbors, those who are gathering around /in my work place, those who are driving their aircrafts... continue their psychological torture, terror, death threats, poison, attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons
, that is, EMF, Radio Frequence, and Microwave.







17 years, 6205 days and nights. Their dirty hands are not only on me, but on everything I am using, my car, my home security cameras ( )  , even my face masks; but on anyone who has contacted me, such as, International Bar Association.

If they do nothing, why are they hacking UN, International Human Rights Community, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court and everything I am using?

If they do nothing, please see what all Canadian lawyers said to me 14 years ago : " You have nowhere to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office by fax  and , thanks.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

CC :

Here is from Human Rights Watch :

"The prohibition against torture is a bedrock principle of international law. Torture, as well as cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, is banned at all times, in all places, including in times of war. No national emergency, however dire, ever justifies its use. No one may ever be returned to a place where they would face torture.  Many countries and armed groups nonetheless have engaged in torture. Human Rights Watch documents the use of torture all over the world. We are committed to pressing government authorities to act to prevent torture, as well as bringing  those who engage in torture to justice. We also work to ensure that victims of torture obtain redress, including an enforceable right to fair and adequate compensation, and full rehabilitation."

17 years, 6205 days and nights. Their dirty hands from my neighbors,  those who are gathering around /in my work place, those who are driving their aircrafts...are not only on me, but on everything I am using, my car, my home security cameras ( )  , even my face masks;  but on anyone who has contacted me, such as, International Bar Association.

What can I do? What can  you do?

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office by fax  and , thanks.

Please try to open them for your seeing what is happening now.


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