Gordana Filipovic's Posts (36)

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I accuse

I have a great need to inform the Russians as a people who liberated Auschwitz and at the same time felt the shame that belongs to the same human species, what it looks like to have a programmed dream, perfectly convincing in my school example of a digital Auschwitz, a dream of suffocation with poisonous gas in a gas chamber! The dream was programmed for me by Serbs, pro-Russian oriented because of my support for the most massive student demonstration in the 21st century in Serbia with the slogan our hands are boody"!

Likewise, I use the oportunity to admonish the Germans who created Auschwitz for not putting pressure on the disclosure of crimes all over the world, those  whose exceeds their own!

And above all, with such an intense experience of creeping during that programmed nightmare, I invite all those Jews around rhe world whose anccestors died in gas chambers to testify to them about what their first moments of crawling looked like before dying!

And the message for the rest of the world is: "Celebrate in a few months eighty years since the victory of the anti-fascist world, if you are not ashamed!"

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And still and getting closer to the goal and the discoveries of the principals, under torture and in avoiding the attemps of the  most brutal humillations and all night long on guard, but the old woman - I don't give up! For the fourth year  in a row, I am writing these words for all of us!

Today, on this day that  had certain importance in history, I ask all men, boys, young men and the elderly: "Do you expect your mothers to be silent when you are tortured, destroyed and broken and they know who is behind it all? Do you expect them to be silenced by a death threats and abuse threats?"
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Freedom for Julian Assange

In my Belgrade, too, journalists organized protests in support of our Julian Assange, a targeted individual, as we think and know about him. They also carried pictures and banners! Although they know that he is a whistleblower, they think that journalism as a profession would be irretrievably endangered and they accepted him as a colleague who above all fights for freedom of speech and thought and in this way is in the service of defending national interests and their protection, precisely because protect the rights and freedom of the press, which protects the rights of journalism, which is a public good. 

On the other hand, remember us! Let's remember us, our hopes that we tied to Julian Assange, to our lawsuits to the International Court of Justice of the OUN, to Nils Meltzer and the promise for the absolutely sure prosecution of our evildoers and the top of the pyramids of the government of  ours countries who are causing us so much harm! We never got that promised session with the assistance of Antonio Guterres! Some of us were absolutely convinced that their lawsuits had the best chance, very corroborating evidence and a very large number of witnesses, possible collaborators! 

There are, also in this same city, a large number of those who oppose the idea that Russia and Putin killed the brave oppositionist Navalny. They immediately tear at those whose hearts are with him and his, and take as an example the criminal West and its cruelty towards Assange! Julian Assange has many defenders in Serbia, among whom is the famous director - Russophile, Emir Kusturica, who wears a T-shirt with his name on it! 

My personal torture in my country does not stop, it is continuous, and while I am writing this, I also hear the messages of their voices "We broke you", which has a special purpose for the Goebbelsian propaganda against me and that for all of  us, the well-known "street theater!" 

The reasons are especially bigger now,  because of the intrusion of foreign observers, because of the stolen elections both in Belgrade and in Serbia, and because of my affiliation with the political party of which I am a member and the Stop Violence movement! 

Victory and freedom for all of us targeted individuals - orphans of the world, freedom for Julian Assange and great  glory for Alexei Navalny!

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Remembrance of the Holocaust

The world marked the day of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust on January 27. Savindan is a holiday of the Serbian Orthodox Church that is celebrated on the same day and was introduced to Serbian schools as a school holiday. That is why the President of Serbia decided that in Serbia that day, the day of commemoration of the Holocaust, will be marked a day later, but he still emphasized on that date that we must fight so that such a thing never happens to anyone again and that it does not happen again. 

On this occasion, a comment by a member of Peacpink was published, which refers to Serbia as a country and to Serbs as a people. The very fact that the comment was published on the portal of  an independent media is evidence that support is being given in the fight against the existence of enslaved people from the top of the pyramid of the local criminal authorities, which is also known outside of Serbia.  The support - Stop gang stalking! Unfortunately, people are still not aware of the significance of this form of demeaning the meaning of life. The comment follows:

"It's already happening! Evil has already happened again! The existence of digital concentration camps all over the world, school examples of digital Auschwitz, with the realization of Josef Mengele's unrealized dream with body torture and mind tracking, with all those forms of "street theater" with Goebbels' persecutions, with all those bizarre and perfidious forms of barbarism, brought back hatred, meanness, the most passionate urges and great suffering! The world is definitely rushing towards self-destruction, and this unfortunate space and this content unfortunately, shamelessly and with a lot of supporting evidence and a witness - damn the leaders!"

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Dear CM , I want this letter of mine to be the simplest  version of my text My Taliban.

It is obvious that we targeted individuals are doing everything to prevent and stop this evil. 

Soleilmalis has published several books about it. 

We all write complaints to institutions around the world, and above all to the UN International Court of Justice. Two years ago, we hoped that the matter of the day would be the prosecution of our lawsuits. It was said that they were pulled out from under the UN carpet and all hopes were tied to Nils Melzer ((by the way, a Serbian son-in-law who speaks perfect Serbian and who even converted to Orthodoxy), UN special rapporteur for torture and other cruel, inhuman or humiliating treatment or punishment. We know about his involvement with Julian Assange. We thought that we, as Mr. Noam Chomsky would say, citizens from the margins, can hope that our suffering will end. We also know and it is definitely that behind each of us in 95% of cases, our country and the representatives of our people stand! We also know that the targeted individuals are always packed with such abominations and lies, such fakes, incredible, which they cannot refute with great difficulty or at all. They can only say "God is my witness that I am innocent"!

What is done to children is especially terrible!

Dear, help us to get to know your country, your government and your people. We all know that it always starts from the top of the pyramid of power, goes down to the lower levels and finally as they are the agents of deep evil are cowards, they know that they are attacking God, they mainly employ psychopaths, sociopaths, never lived, poor men and  women, those from the bottom of the social ladder, relatives who have their own problems and reasons, neighbors and not infrequently, one can read prisoners of multiple murderers who they have time to spare and who get small privileges for it. 

Tell us specifically what they do to you, how and in what way, and the part called "street theater" is especially important. We don't need to be gifted with writing to list all our experiences! 

I was very lost and sad reading Sugey's confessions and testimonies... She doesn't write anymore. Maybe she, like my son, is not more with us. Almost not a day goes by that I don't think about her. The horrors she went through, claiming that she was in the hands of a drug cartel and a drug addict, not the authorities, and whose testimonies came close to mine, so that I don't endlessly despise Colombia and Colombians.

Write what they are doing to you! One day, if this planet does not live its last days and if this evil of ours ends, our testimonies will be our pictures from the digital concentration camps even more terrible than the originals. 

Evil has happened again! 

In order to get to know Serbia as a country and the Serbs as a people, I will cite just a few examples of my abuse and my suffering.

-- They, my gangstokers say that those who were war heroes, warriors, volunteers and various patriots (right black) handed me over to prisoners who try to abuse me and call me "madame", which does not cause the outrage of the people in a mass percentage, but a reason for mockery and contempt! 

- Because they made my son commit suicide. He jumped from the fifth floor, in his own country among his own people, illegally exposed to the public who watched him grow up in front of their eyes. He was a guinea pig from the seventh years. He turned to the sky with every bone broken after the autopsy. They program my dreams and when in my sleep I rejoice that they brought him to life and those dreams are so real, while I cry from happiness they tell me: "Fuck we are your mother"! Dreams, similar to that, were repeated almost dozens of times!

-- Every night for the last seven years, they programmed me the most diverse dreams that I, knowing myself well, would never have dreamed! 

- They programmed my dreams in which I am (it's true that I have absolute tolerance for diversity) a lesbian.  It was especially painful for me since I'm not. They asked me to swear and I did it to make it stop! Those were erotic dreams with this content. It was especially scary when they programmed my dreams related to my childhood friend who died a few years ago and I swore that I had never even had a thought like that and that was the truth.

 - In addition to working as a journalist, I worked in a school with children for 4 years, so they programmed me pedophile dreams, claiming that I was a pedophile. Idiots!

 - I just entered my eighth decade, they killed my son, I had bilateral breast cancer surgery and they want to turn me into what we, the targeted individuals , call - an electric woman.

- Except that in the letter to Elizabeth, I wrote that I now know and completely reconstruct that I was raped in May 1997 and that it was in the presence of my two small sons, because I woke up covered in blood and went to the gynecologist terrified when I told him that I was very afraid that it was a tumor and my face was completely convincing to him. I remember every word he said. 

- In the 1990s, they falsified me, using my face and turned me into a fierce and passionate porn diva with my baby face and a face that is incompatible with such brave experiments.

- I doubt that now they are using me in the same way, using my face again, my head and someone else's body in some games for raping women, which I call - games of the dictator! The reasons for my doubts are because my neighbors tell me that they love me because I know how to enjoy myself and even at the cemetery when I  go people  keep telling me that I'm alone now at home and that I'm enjoying myself all night long. The combination of so-called street theater and “hearing voices” is synchronized! While I'm sitting on the bench next to my son's rosary, the workers, apparently participants in the alleged wars for the "Serbian world" throw me the most shameful comments related to fake porn movies about me and all kinds of the worst propaganda, and the voices in my head at those moments are shameless, vulgar with the most incredible contents which I cannot write here.

 - As for the "street theater", the reaction to me was different! Sometimes, the target group for my persecution was children, and I saw children on the streets of Belgrade mocking me and literally spitting on me when I came across them because they received such instructions. Sometimes they were refugees from Bosnia. Sometimes angry women. Often these are members of the Roma communitty, which is especially  tragic when you know the scale of their suffering in the Nazi concentraion camp Birkenau. Here, Serbia gave them the opportunity to be  the realization of Josef Mengele's unfulfilled dream. I could write a lot more about it! The most important thing is that I know that everything I write is absolutely known to the police and state security, since it is the work of their organization, and the president personally.  If he is not the initiator, gave the green light, without hesitation. Also, I know too that all foreign embassies in Belgrade can confirm this. 

I hope that it is enough for you, my dear CM, to get to know life in my country! 

What are they doing to you?

 Are you a random sample like the majority of targeted individuals or are there political reasons for you too! I hope that I have comforted you a little and that you think like me that there is evil everywhere, but just like this - nowhere! 

Our friends tell you very well - "We are all on the same boat”, if not all boats sink!

I am fully aware that if there is anyone in the world, who can succeed in trying to save us all from this torment - it is me, with all the evidence that goes with me, with recognized voices, with numerous witnesses, with my biography, with my human qualities and above all, with my brave son who, like me, ran far, far ahead of me sacrificing himself for - freedom!

Many greetings!


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Stop the insidious network of psychotronic terrorism pressures on the citizens of Serbia, especially intensified during the election campaign, which is the only hope to remove the government that once again glorifies all war criminals from the 1990s. This method of intimidation is a decades–long practice in Serbia and is an order from the very top of the government. The branched network of abusers-perpetrators consists, first of all, of war volunteers, prisoners, drug addicts, psychiatric patients..., protected by all security pillars. It is not difficult for me to find out who they are. Based on the content of their “hearing voices” and the “programmed dreams” they torture me with.  They drove my older son to commit suicide in that way and with the most terrible threats of bloodthirsty murder. This is always followed by the Goebbels machinery of unseen lies from the time of the “Balkan butcher” ministry of Information, which gives instructions for the persecution of targeted citizens, both on the street and in other public places. There is a lot of talk everywhere about gang rape from 1997 from poitical reasons under the influence of injection by breaking into my apartment in the presence of my two under-aged drugged children, which I don’t remember and which makes myself a special target of persecution. They organize my persecution even during my visit to the cemetery.

At the protests in London in favor of an the end to the war and the suffering of Palestinians, one protester said that he thinks that one victim of a terrorist act is a signal for alarm, but he  also thinks the same for every Palestinian civilian who has died!

Both evils are at a work in Serbia. Stop a kind of GENOCIDE against children, women and people in Serbia who are not supporters of the dictatorial government of Serbia with this horrible form of terrorism, psychotronic TERRORISM, by the dictatorial government against its own people.

Pass a resolution on preventing terrorist acts, genocide and the release of hostages  - everywhere in the world!

We, the targeted individuals, are held  hostages in digital  by the most gruesome terrorists “whose unethicality surpasses that of the Nazis”. Pull our accusations from under the OUN carpet again, which is said to have been “created on the ashes of Auscwitz”! We, digital camp residents, some of us for almost four decades, expect that from you, even at this moment when many are talking about the end of the existence of this civilization on this planet. We think that sufferings such as ours, and deprivation of freedom such as ours, if they become general, will completely render the existence of human beings meaningless. We also think that our cry for justice sent to Heaven - will have an answer!

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Tito de Alencar Lima - one of us


Many of us are on the pages of our Peacepink portal because we are strengthened by the words of “God Bans Mind Control”, whether we are believers who go to their churches or not or those  who carry their God within them!

An important question for all of us is how our Churches are announced and posed when we, the targeted individuals, are in question! For us, members of the Christian religion, the question whether our priests were Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox is very important, whether they would hold a memorial service to our murderers, and not to us, who did not want to or could no longer endure the humiliation or torture we were subjected to, and which ones are most often aimed at our revision?  How do they see us? Some of us think we are - the greatest saints and martyrs!

 I recommend the story of Tito de Alencar Lima, Brazilian Dominican friar who was severely tortured during his country’s rule by a military dictatorship. This torture eventually led to his suicide! Would the priests you know hold a funeral service for him or those who brutally tortured and forced him to do so? There is nothing in his biography that we know, no digital torture and there are no executioners whose unethicality surpasses the Nazi, fascist one, however, there is no science that gets his hands dirty and yet - everything is the same!

I know the views of the top of the Serbian Orthodox Church, since I have already informed them in detail about all the decades of experience and persecution that I know and that my brave and rebellious son has obviously gone through, since his earliest childhood! The Serbian Orthodox Church Serbian are under the rule of the country in which I live!

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"A man"


If any of us had just read Oriana Falaci’s “A man”, a biography of Alexandros Panaogoulis, a Greek hero of the Resistance Movement during the fascist military dictatorship in Greece, he would have been appalled by the gruesome torture of this Greek anti-tyranny fighter. He would be appalled by these torturers in prisons and the imaginativeness of his executioners and the hatred that accompanied it. Each of us might think that we could discuss the similarities and differences of the evil of abuse that we have had the misfortune to know! Similarities and differences of torture in the real and digital world! There is no answer to the question of how these executioners could have been so determined, how they were not sorry!

Is it just an addiction to the pleasure of Inflicting pain or obedience in fulfilling orders? In dictatorial regimes, it is – the unpunished possibility of probing not the limits of the victim’s endurance, but the limits of endurance of both the one who issues orders and the one who executes them.

Does this mean that there is already a way to replace torture in camps and prisons for political disobedient people in dystopian societies, which may be waiting for us? How many of us have already been anonymous Alexandros Panaogoulis? Haw many have lost the battle with such gruesome punishments and   persecutions? Have our homes become our prisons in which we suffer without knowledge and evidence for others in the Orwellian lying world of persecution? And how passionate it would be if it was known to a large part of the public, which would follow it with the compassionate arms crossed?  This could lead to a gruesome collective collapse of a community, society, state and difficult paths of recovery. The decision on the impunity of such crimes should not be commented on!

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Nikola Tesla rolls over in his grave

Thanks to the brave journalists and editorial offices of various portals in Serbia, they are increasingly publishing my comments about what we are fighting for and thus showing that they support me, all of us and all who come after us. Very offten I write something that absolutely reveals this parallel world of ours - digital conentration camps. The comment published a few days ago is related to a text that was a criticism of the Serbian government due to the leaking of the roof of the Belgrade airport named after our great Nikola Tesla. The title was: ‘Brooke Airport leaks, buckets and buckets everywhere! Nikola Tesla rolled over in his grave”.  I took the opportunity to write something completely different. Here is my posted comment:

“Nikola Tesla overturns in his grave because of something else

Serb Nikola Tesla rolls in the grave because of the insanity of his, identified compatriots who use and abuse his discoveries to punish and persecute people, women and children, his own citizens and because of creating Orwellian reality and demonstrations of intimidation of political dissidents, which many witnesses understood both in the country and in the world. He rolls over in his grave for manifesting how ‘caveman’ armed with his, Tesla’s electricity and discoveries, can persecute, torture, kill, induce suicide, induce murder, suffocate sleep, program dreams, try or succeed in raping digital, to commit and repeat the war crimes they committed against members of other nations in the real world and now against members of their own people in the digital world.

If we think that the Church’s attitude towards this evil could have been expressed in the words of the late Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej ‘Devils work everywhere’, we must agree that this is true! But in the world, this is done by vicious professionals who are not caught and who take care not to be caught, because they know that they would be prosecuted and end up in prison, according to the laws of their countries and UN laws that apply to all member states!

And besides, their airports, recently renovated, are not leaking!”


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Letter to Mr. Noam Chomsky

Dear Mr. Chomsky

This letter aims to introduce you to the testimonies of a woman who is the targeted individual and to explain to you how different our experiences are, all of us from all over the world and how our only goal is - stop gang stalking. I am from Serbia and I am one of those who have been persecuted and belong to that world for political reason for 35 years. My older sun was also a targeted individual, who in his resistance to the dictatorial regime in Serbia was led to orchestrated suicide two years ago. My activity is related to the discovery and prosecution of his and our family’s abusers. I was always aware that I was the main target.

In Serbia, you are known primarily among citizens, not as a scientist, writer and researcher, but as a left-wing political dissident! I have to tell you that I believe that is difficult for a foreigner, no matter how and how much he was informed, to assess when and how he should support without regretting it! And the last I heard about you was a letter to Aleksandar Vucic on the occasion of the Institute of Philosophy. That is the absolute truth!

Today I read in the newspaper that a Serbian philosopher contacted you to inform you about the current situation in the country where I live! I know and testify that this is an enslaved country, occupied from within, a perfidious dictatorship that does not dare to clash its supporters against brave citizens just to preserve power, especially before the upcoming elections!

 I am one of those who sincerely   supports people who have taken to the streets and roads looking for the basics: clean air in often the most polluted city in the whole world, clean water, land without all kinds of waste and above all - laws, since the institutions of the system do not work at all! But I would add – stop gang stalking and we do not allow you to turn our children into slaves, you will not make our children robots! Serbia is a country that uses scientific discoveries to kill, torture and intimidate people opposing regimes, which directs bloody scenarios and great deceptions, since Goli Otok, a concentration camp in 1949.

 I just want to point out that we who live in dictatorial regimes as targeted individuals have particularly severe suffering, but it is also much easier to identify both our persecutors and principals!

I know that you know how the societies of Eastern Europe were unfree and how this area, the Balkans, was viciously destroyed during the wars, during the disintegration of the former SFRY, and that you have studied that.  If you or your friends and associates would be interested in our suffering in our own country and among our own people, you can find it at the following address!


I suppose that my brave fellow citizens will receive your support and thank you for that, and I am here, but I know that the struggle of us targeted individuals, which is the most important thing in the life of every child, woman and man, is – thorny!

I wish you all the best

Gordana Filipovic

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Letter to Mario Vargas Llosa - El pez en agua

Querido senor Llosa,

Le escribo por su novela autobiografica El pez en agua por motivos muy personales!

Soy Gordana Filipovic, una mujer Serbia, quince anos mas joven que Usted, una lectora apasionada  desde la primera infancia, una periodista poco  talentosa, una traductora poco firme y una maestra muy dedicada que a los ninos les encantaba. Tambien soy un individuo objetivo o targeted individual , durante 35 anos por razones politicos. Tambien fue mi hijo mayor, tambien por motivos politicos. El no aguanto, cometio un suicidio dirigido, hace dos anos. Luchando por la idea Stop gang stalking he escrito miles de cartas a varias organizaciones y personalidades de todo el mundo en los ultimos dos anos!

Recuerdo su llegada a Belgrado en mayo de 1995. Trabaje en Politica Internacional y fui un activista “expuesto” por la paz y democracia. Recuerdo su apoyo a los periodistas valientes pero recuerdo su respuesta a la pregunta de la valoracion del escritor frances Louis Ferdinand Celin. Dijo que le consideraria pesimista si era su fan! Descubri Celin en esas dias y el fue mi consuelo. Conozco su biograia. !inexplicable! Lei Viaje al final de la Noche y las paginas de la locura colectiva de la gente en el barco unida en su persecucion en su viaje a Africa eran identicas a mi sentimiento de ser perseguida  y atacada en mi Belgrado. !No se como alguien que pudo hacer escrito esas paginas pudo convertirse en antisemita!

No le molestare con mi opinion sobre sus libros  que he leido. He leido algunos, pero definitivamente  Conversaccion en la Catedral es mi eleccion! Hay varios libros en mi vida que he leido con todo mi cuerpo, este es uno de ellos!

En febrero de 2017, la campana  presidencial en Serbia estaba en pleno apogeo, y mi hijo mayor y yo (el hijo menor estaba en el extranjero) apoyamos  absolutamente nuestro candidato que se opuso al dictador! Mi hijo fue  expuesto de  una manera diferente y mas peligroso y  yo lei todo lo que podria beneficiar el exito de nuestro candidato y contaba de eso. !Lei con gusto su obra autobiografica El pez en agua! Todo estaba muy cerca de mi, su candidatura, 50 vidas perdidas en la campana electoral, la revuelta da las mujeres mencionadas en la novela y la rabia en la vida real… Era obvio que la posibilidad de ganar  estaba condenada de antemano. Por eso, como una ocasion, por supuesto, comenzo de nuevo mi brutal abuso, que fue detenido durante varios anos. La tortura  comenzo de nuevo con voces en mi cabeza, descargas electricas y amenazas de matarme  a mi  y a mi hijo especialmente. Es cierto que su exposicion  fue mucho mas irritante. !Mi tortura no se detiene hasta el dia de hoy en formas mas pequenas o mas grandes! !No voy a renunciar!

Esta extrana carta tendria un importante anuncio de que una mujer, casi anciana, en algun lugar del mundo, se durmio con su libro y que fue despertada por una tortura inalambrica nocturna con las amenazas mas terribles.  Si usted quiere saber un poco mas sobre nosotros, aqui tiene la direccion! Quiza para sus amigos! Imaginese la aplicacion de alta tecnologia militar en la tortura en America Latina.


De todos modos, me gustaria que supiera, antes de comenzar esta carta que lei su disurso  en el Premio Nobel sobre el significado de la palabra escrita! Es hermoso.

Saludos y todo lo mejor!
Filipovic Gordana
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Pink colors of my Belgrade


With great pleasure I managed to “smuggle” a few comments in various dailies in my country about this content on the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month: ‘Wonderful! My city in pink! Pride! Greetings and gratitude! I had an operation a couple of years ago. My diagnosis was bilateral breast cancer in the early stages. I am not active at all in these women’s organizations, but I am an active member of PeacePink international organization’.

Well, that’s roughly the comment that I pushed ‘for us’ even in Montenegro, not only in Serbia. Rarely does anyone know who we are, but of course, those who need to know – know it quite well. In my current torture by a deep criminal state, programed primitive and frightening dreams fall hardest on me! Also, the sleep deprivation project, according to the testimonies of the detainees from concentration camp Goli Otok in this area, was practiced 70 years ago. It has not yet completely given up on humiliating this seventy-year-old, “benevolent” old woman, by turning her into a sex slave.

You know the painful circumstances of my brave son’s death. If we say that being the target individual is the worst thing that can happen to you, then we need to know that it is worse than doing it to your child! My prayers for no forgiveness are constant.

In the public here and in the world, there are woman who have fought with breast cancer, so they talk about and they are given publicity. We, whose health is deliberately destroyed and who are killed by powerful specimens and monsters, do not have that publicity. The time of death is huge all around because of the Coronavirus, and I know that – courage, fear and death have never been more relative, and the structure on which this world rests has never been more farcical and hypocritical!

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The Colony

In the country where I live and in its capital, where I live, a long-announced “ecological uprising” or protests against serious environmental pollution are being prepared. The day before that event, they published my next comment on a column of “gloomy” content by a great journalist of rare independent media:

“On a foreign portal, when asked if we already unknowingly live in the nightmare world of Margaret Atwood’s story, my answer was – yes. I wrote that the space, content and the time in which I live are scarier than the content of a series and a book that has upset the world. The reason why I want to upset you is related to the topic of your column. In the second part of my comment, I stated that I see the country I am calling from in the future as a Colony, which is ‘there somewhere’ in the world of Margaret Atwood’s dystopia and to which those who oppose the new system are being sent. The colony is a huge, uninhabited landfill, full of all kinds of garbage, nuclear, chemical, biological…It is clear to everyone that life once existed there and that some civilizational breakthrough, some crime must have taken place …

Apart from this gloomy vision of the future, this will be my contribution to your bells. Let the bells of the ‘uprising’ ring if they have anyone!”

On September 11, I planted some more rosemary and lavender seedlings in the cemetery. As always, I would say that I know that I should never give up.

On September 11. protests were held in Belgrade against environmental pollution. Several thousand people were present. They said that 15.000 people die in Serbia every year from polluted air.

On September 11, repeated protests took place in Sarajevo, “Justice for David, Justice for Dzenan”, where several thousand people demanded the discovery of the killers of young men in two separate events, a Serb and a Muslim. Police and judicial institutions tried to heal those murders!

On September 11. more than 120.000 demonstrators protested again in a number of French cities over the introduction of the so-called health Covid passports.

On September 11, Greek police smashed demonstrations in Thessaloniki with tear gas and water cannons due to mandatory vaccination.

On September 11, exactly 20 years have passed since the deadliest terrorist attack in the history of mankind carried out on American soil. That day changed the world!

What should happen if that what we talk about in vain, why we suffer, seek justice - change the consciousness of the rest of humanity? Is it possible that no one but us sees psychotronic terrorism surpassing in many parameters and not just in the quantum of evil, this one that everyone is terrified of and condemned?


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The Army nowhere

One of the few Serbs in Afghanistan, Aleksandar Cvejic, managed, with the help of a Croat friend who worked for the same employer, to get out of Kabul and return to Gracanica, Kosovo. In his earlier appearance and the appearance of another Serb, the Serbian public feared for their lives, and most of us for the lives of innocent Afghans. The words that there is chaos, fear, horror, the coming lawlessness, the darkest forebodings sounded dramatic, and these words “and The Army is catastrophically bad”, ”the Army nowhere” sounded terrifying!

The horror that I personally know, here in Serbia, I is not the one  which is talked about by journalists of independent media, even those who were professional soldiers who suffered from delinquency of opinion and who announce the collapse of everything in this area and at this time “which long ago turned into Joseph Conrad’s vision ‘The  heart of darkness’”. If I see the reality I am surrounded by, in the same way, and I see it, I could say and “The Army nowhere.”

My “The Army nowhere” is perfectly personal and is related to what is called decades of torture, surveillance, Goebbels propaganda, mind control, directed behavior, destruction of health, leading to suicide, gruesome persecution, engaging the public in bestial complicity, the most horrific abuse of science, dream programming, revelation for breaking  and humiliating my target family.

The following are the reasons why I call out The Army:

  1. Persecution by high military technology, and not just the illegal exposure of the public, my family and me since 1986, begins with “minor patriotic wars”, as irresponsibly interpreted horrors seen in Europe for the first time since World War II. My position, very open and well-intentioned, was that it was the worst possible option for solving political problems. This provoked the anger of the notorious government in the world against all of us. Because of that, we have experienced various forms of persecution and disavowal and I was presented as a traitor. Upon the return of the old authorities in 2012, my older son, a like-minded and rebel, became again their target. In his persistent resistance, he was forced by high military technology to choose between life without freedom and freedom without life, fully aware under the treats of “hearing voices” of the growing horror that awaits him!
  2. If in one country there is a public persecution of civilians in peace, high military technology, which in much of the world is called psychotronic, digital, black or electronic terrorism, is not among the other duties that The Army has and that – the fight against all forms of terrorism?
  3. Studying ganstalking or psychotronic terrorism on the Peacepink website, I found that in 2016. Mr. Antoni Macierewicz, Ministry of National Defense (2015-2018) held a meeting with a group of citizens of his country who claimed to be targeted individuals, promising them support, investigation and cooperation, knowing that when it comes to high military technology it is the duty of both The Army and the Ministry of National Defense. On several occasions, I have written to the current Minister and the accompanying of the Army.
  4. A serious reason why I address The Army with accusations in the data from my son’s life. In 1999. when Serbia was bombed as a high school student, my son thought that it was his duty to defend the attacked country and to play around the military checkpoints - in vain! It was forbidden to mobilize teenagers. On the shelf, in addition to other photos of my child, there is also a photo from the later obligatory service in The Army, on which it says “I swear by honor and life”! The defense of the country is implied! On one occasion there, he put the fire in the barracks with his bare hands and received ten days of rewarded leave. They kept him to stay as a professional, but his job at the audit firm was waiting for him.
  5. The next reason I turn to The Army is – I am a military child! My father fought for this country as a partisan, he was an officer of the Yugoslav Army. He was very honest. He had problems in his career because he was a whistleblower. He would be called a fool today. My grandfather, a resident of Bosnia after the assassination carried out by Gavrilo Princip to avoid being mobilized in the Austro-Hungarian army and sent to Serbia to fight against the Serbs, in the military camp where he was housed, starved himself and brought up to 50 kg. He was very handsome and 190 cm tall. He drank tobacco at the same time – he dipped the tobacco in water, waited a couple of hours and drank it! They told him he would get tachycardia that way! At the examination, they stated that he was a “scrap”, that he was not for the Army. My grandfather, the Serb, managed to find a way not to shoot at Serbs, but he remained seriously heartbroken. His son, my uncle was in the partisans all the years of the war as well, and died just before the liberation. I live in a country where they would say about them – they are some fools!

My husband’s father, my children’s grandfather, was a royal officer. After the capitulation of Serbia on April 17, 1941, he was captured and spent all the years of the war in a concentration camp in Lowe Saxony. When the Americans liberated the camp, they called on him to go with them after a new state was established – the socialist republic! Although from an educated and wealthy family, he played the violin, and even a royal officer, he refused because he was attracted to the idea of social equality and justice, and he loved his country. He made a mistake! They never trusted him, although he had a job as a former detainee. Everyone would say about him now – what a fool. He will never know that his grandson who bore his name Dusan will spend five- sixths of his life in a digital concentration camp, the Auschwitz school, where he will die so young in the country he returned to.

  1. Thanks to high military technology. I heard the threat of being shot in the legs and my son being shot in the head with the qualification that he was a fool. To my warning, my son had an answer that Serbs would comment on – what a fool! He said, “For freedom, life is worth giving!” This country and this people did not deserve us. Recently, the famous rocker we all listened to for decades had a concert. Sang the song:”Fools die for ideals”. At the time when his old song was being written, it meant condemning such an attitude, and now it means recognition, since he also sided with the authorities and the time that swallowed almost everything worthwhile.


Am I blind? Do I have the illusion that such an old woman and my older rebellious son should have been protected by the Army both in their duty, because of our human values and because of our ancestors. Was I naïve? What is there to think about? What nonsense! The Army nowhere! Still, I am hurt by the answer that is being imposed on me!

The Army behind everything 


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My Taliban


Holed Hosseini, one of the world’s most widely read and influential writers, said he watched the events in Afghanistan with great sadness and prayed that the international community would press for respect for basic human rights, especially for women and girls, and refrain from using violence against Afghan citizens. This was published on the portal of one of rare media that are not under the control of the governments in the country where I live.

My comment that was published was as follows: “We whined to the Thousand Splendid Suns and The Kite Runner! Now we are with them there again in uncertainty and suffering! And on the other hand, in relative and parallel worlds, we hope that our pain, discovery or experience to shake the world one day!”

For a very long time, I did not even know that the persecution I was suffering, which I Immediately recognized as an abuse of science, was suffered by other people around the world. I really thought that this was just happening to me. That started before 35 years ago. I thought that someone from the deep state of the country where I lived got hold of some secret documents of Nikola Tesla, a Serb by nationality, so I was being persecuted. I always knew that the persecution was the result of revenge for my “unpatriotic” speech and opinion and the way they interpreted it. I especially did not believe that any experiments or persecutions would be carried out on my family members, especially children.

During 2018, I searched and found a lot on the Internet. I joined Peacepink and kept quiet. I researched and read about the members of this organization. In researching those stories, I remembered the confession of an Afghan. The voices that warned him were these: “Don’t mess with us! Don’t use the fact that we can’t kill you since you’re someone’s son, father or brother!”

I started writing about me, when it was too late for my unusual, defiant son who, in words, rushed against evil, unstoppable, not sparing himself! My child, I now face reconstructing everything – was a guinea pig from the age of seven. He never  lost his characteristics, and above all costs choose the right side, with justice and truth. He never lost his soul.

The number of those who grumbled at him was huge. It was a crowd of people at the cave level armed with high-technology, ruthless and with a huge need to prove loyalty to the authorities. Some of them watched him grow and knew whose son, father and brother he was. That did not stop them from bringing him to be forced to give his life for freedom.

 I listen to those people now. They program my dreams. Sometimes they program my dreams about my son and when they bring me to tears they say with great pleasure:”We fucked your mother”. They are my Taliban, they are Serbs.

If my Afghan was accidentally tortured by the Taliban, I would like these words of mine to be an appeal to them – don’t hurt men, women, children! By doing so, you are definitely killing yourself!


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Dreaming of Gavrilo Princip

Gavrilo Princip was a Bosnian Serb, member of Young Bosnia. At the age of 19, he assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the Archduke wife in Sarajevo 28 June 1914.  At his trial, he said he regretted the killing of the Duchess and meant to kill Potiorek, but was nonetheless proud of what he had done “I am a Yugoslav nationalist, aiming for the unification of all Yugoslavs, and I do not care what form of state, but it must be freed from Austria.” The Black Hand was implicated in the assassination which led Austria-Hungary to issue a demarche to Serbia known as the July Ultimatum which led up to the outbreak of World War.

Many Serbs regard Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb, as a pan-Slavic hero, with the shot he marking the death knell for centuries of foreign occupation over the various nations and faiths that would make up the Yugoslavia that emerged. To others he is a terrorist, a nationalist fanatic whose act triggered a war in which 10 million soldiers died and the world order was rewritten.

 Depending on the circumstances, the angle of observation and the experience, the same person can be a hero or a terrorist. When I was a student in the former Yugoslavia, I learned that he was a hero.

When I read in Nicosia, what my younger child was preparing for graduation for the chosen work “Serbia in the First World War” in the American high school, I saw Gavrilo Princip as an idealist, a victim of different strategists who used his youth and libertarian ideas. At the time, I was severely tortured by high technology. Somehow I dealt with that parallel life. Then, in addition to all forms of abuse, I listened to all the terrible threats and consequences that my children will bear as their hostages if I seek asylum at the American embassy. It really didn’t even occur to me. I was there for my younger child to graduate. The moment I read during the day (torture and voices usually occurred at night) I heard a very clear male older voice: “I like what you read”. I was reading at that moment about Gavrilo Princip’s dreams.

After a trial in Sarajevo, Princip was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment, the maximum penalty allowed for a person under the age of 20 on the day of his crime. Princip underwent amputation of an arm because of tuberculosis of the bone and died in a hospital near his prison. Princip met with a psychiatrist in the Austro-Hungarian army, four times. He wrote that Princip believed the World War was bound to happen, independent of his actions, and that he "cannot feel himself responsible for the catastrophe. Gavrilo Princip died on 28 April 1918, three years and ten months after the assassination. At the time of his death, weakened by malnutrition and disease, he weighed around 40 kilograms..

He also talked about his dreams, real dreams. Dreams of living in freedom, dreams of nature, the sun, dreams of love. He said:”I dream wonderful dreams, amazing…Thanks to them I survive. I would not survive without them…” It made me especially sad. For me, dreams have always been a particularly important part of my life. I thought I was even gifted with predictions through dreams. At that time, I did not register that my dreams were being programmed, don’t remember that at all. Now yes. I am sure. Almost regularly. I may have been sold by some side of the Mengele beast or mass exploration of programmed dreams in the time of Corona.

 In Gavrilo Princip’s poem, these words are “Who wants to live let him die, whoever wants to die let him live”. My son said “Life is worth giving for freedom” but my son said of dreams quite differently: “I have passionate dreams, strange ones. I wake up and fall asleep again and continue where I left off. They are so intense that it’s hard for me to tell them apart from reality”. They programmed dreams for him in his country, his own people who pushed him not to live but to die. I am only now aware of everything and because of that I suffer a lot.

Whether the hero is, a terrorist or an idealist, I have vague feelings for Gavrilo Princip but even then and now I think – he could be my child.  It’s been 100 years. One century. Today he would definitely be with the same idea as my son. He would show resistance to this morbid way of enslaving man. He would rise up against the monster. And here, the same ones my son fought against and lost his life, erected a monument to Gavrilo Princip in that park near our former apartment where he liked to walk his dog a Labrador Casper. The other day I passed by, stopped and said: ‘The world is uglier and your people are different than in the time of your ideals that shone in your eyes”

One should not be deceived by lies. Behind all our persecutions are only our governments. Other explanations are only the use of Pilate’s washing of the master’s hands and the use of shameless associates of the authorities in these heinous crimes. In dictatorial regimes, that story is as clear as day. Let the mark of shame remain on the UN, which does not react to these terrible tortures and murders…Yes, the project of torture and experimentation, according to what is happening to me and what I discover by researching other confessions  is now mitigated and reduced mostly on dream programming. It’s not even the scariest thing they did to me, but I remember my dreams from my childhood. They were a real treasure of beauty and foresight…Let them be damned!





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There are many men and women living  in the Handmaid's Tale. There are, above all, the experiences of those who survived the camps during the wars. Special attention should be paid to the experiences of targeted individuals in digital concentration camps  whose persecutors already had some experiences related to real and not digital crimes. Electronic terrorism or our gang stalking are  a bigger nightmare off the future than the world of dystopia Margaret Atwood.

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Letter sent to Pope Francis

Dear Pope Francis,

I would like to express my great respect for your unusual personality, which I learned about through the press, Serbian and abroad.

I loved reading about your ring-kissing controversy which I was trying to explain to myself. I read the articles “Pope washes the feet of prisoners”, “Pope washes feet of Muslim migrants and refugees”, about your modest living arrangement…

I came across this article in the British Guardian by chance:

“Pope Francis kisses Holocaust survivor’s Auschwitz tattoo

Pope Francis has kissed the tattoo of an Auschwitz survivor during an emotional meeting at the Vatican.

Lidia Maksymowicz , a Polish citizen who was deported to Auschwitz from her native Belarus before the age of three, showed the pope the number tattooed on her arm by the Nazis, and Francis leaned over and kissed it.

Maksymowicz, 81, told   Vatican News she did not exchange words with the pope. ‘We understood each other with a glance,’ she said.”

There is a strong possibility that I missed your statement about digital concentration camps scattered around the world, which are school examples of digital Auschwitz where people whose contemporaries you are, right now are suffering severely and that the number of those exposed as their defenders is shamefully small. As a member of the Serbian Orthodox Church, I felt a great obligation to inform the Serbian Patriarch too about the suffering of targeted individuals, because my persecutors are from his flock and also because I am a member of the Peacepink organization (in addition to some others) who constantly emphasize these words – God bans this.

I have never visited the Auschwitz Museum. My children are. They told me about the heavy sadness they felt there. I had the opportunity to see an exhibition dedicated to Auschwitz at the War Museum in London and I couldn’t separate myself from the photos of beautiful, skinny faces of children with big, dark eyes. I still remember them.

We were all convinced that the Holocaust and genocide would never happen again in history.   

I do not want to sadden you for facing the fact that your struggle and hope (and many like you, victims and descendants of victims) with the goal not to be forgotten, not to be repeated - failed.

I am a targeted individual for 34 years for political reasons, My older son was targeted individual too. He is no longer with us.  As an opponent of the ruling dictatorial regime in our own country, he was “driven” to suicide a year and half ago.

It can be read on the pages of our activist that “the proliferation of mind control and their accompanying abuse has become one of the twenty-first century’s greatest violations of human rights Thousands of innocent victims across the globe have become activists for their freedom. We are demanding an international investigation into these crimes which constitute immense violations of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.”

I remembered these sentences of the victims of gang stalking or electronic terrorism about the perpetrators, persecutors and abusers: “Their unethical go beyond the Nazi…”, “They realize the unfulfilled dream of Josef Mengele, torture the body and follow the mind…”.Some of us say that we are the greatest martyrs and saints in history.

Digital concentration camps with the aim of punishing, humiliating, trafficking and kidnapping people in digital, leading to murders and suicides are the nightmares of the future of us and all those who follow us. That is what we who are fighting this evil are convinced of. Many are no longer among us and have given their lives in that struggle for essential freedom.

In the hope that in the near future you will be one of the new defenders of us “most modern” detainees and slaves in sophisticated digital torture chambers,

Thank you and Best Regards

Yours sincerely

Gordana Filipovic


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Since the place of my story is in a digital concentration camp that is still visible, my words to members of my people are: "We are your children  from the nightmare of the future. We are a warning among you. You did not recognize your child  by killing mine. You don't recognize your girls  by abusing me. We're just prototypes of your loved  ones coming". In vain. They look at me but  they don't see me, they listen to me but they don't hear me...An indoctrinated bunch of  blind fools...Nowhere man, there are no people who would understand that.

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“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything” Albert Einstein

Good day,

I feel a great need to send you my sincere greetings and support to realize your ideals from a country so far away from you. 

I feel an even greater need to send you a part from the Facebook page of my beautiful, unusual, smart, brave, honest son who is no longer with us.

He showed his commitment long before the tragic event related to the death of George Floyd by setting up this post. He did not face Floyd’s suffering, but he visionary placed himself among those who always chose the right side and the side in favor of justice and humanity!

The post was posted in admiration and I will translate the content for you:

“Eh, what a weird organ called your balls.  NFL in spite of Trump – black players kneel while whites stand. The “war” between athletes and US President Donald Trump continues, and a new blow was dealt by the players of American football."
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