Starcat's Posts (15)

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Implant Equip falling into the Hands of Sickos

It has been 15 yrs since my targeting began. It has been mostly a NIGHTMARE of voices, pain, sickness, sleep deprivation, loss of appetite, burns in mouth, EXTORTION for MONEY, forced HEAVY DRUG USE, forced consumption of CROWN ROYAL WHISKY at a FIFTH a day, drunk driving, hospitals, mental hospitals last count 18 times.

My family is wondering where the Money went? Well, through sleep deprivation even for a week at a time. Well, the forced drug use peaked at $6,000 a month. Many other months were $4,000 $5000 and this was FORCED ON ME for at least a year or more. Combined with MASSIVE HOSPITAL BILLS this depleted my RESOURCES. Now Marty(perp) wants me to PAY HIM for THIS? THREATENING ME for MONEY! HE already depleted it, now he is MAD. Even if I could I would not pay him for the torture, loss, pain, sickness, 2 operations in Hospital. I will never pay him OVER MY DEAD BODY. And I will never pay relatives for this, because some of the Money might TRICKEL down to Marty Buss Jackson st 68005. I have been Clean & Sober for 18 mo. now. I do not DESERVE THIS. 

He thinks he has to put me in HOSPITAL because IF I acquire CANCER from the prolonged ABUSE of this EQUIP then I could get a LAWSUIT against him. I do not NEED to be tortured to DEATH OR INSANITY because of his FEARS. I have a NASAL IMPLANT and Marty has the TRANSMITTER at LOCATION above. I know the IDENTITY OF the people who forcibly IMPLANTED me, and about 5 eye-witnesses to Marty ABUSING this equip on me. HMarty is a 30 year DRUG ADDICT and gives DOPE OUT then they abuse me and think its FUNNY. He needs DRUG TREATMENT or loss of equip.

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I have contacted FCC in 1999 about a Mr. Marty Buss(perp) abusing this implant equip. Out of ALL the law enforcement agencies not a peep heard. Except FCC wrote back and said it was not in their jurisdiction. I have an Advanced Class Amateur Radio Licence. FCC could enforce this if they wanted too.


Contacted FCC again a week ago via e-mail about the abuse problem. Hopefully they will take this serious this time. The signal my perp told me is 1.114 GHz. I keep all I know about this PRIVATE tech quiet so I stay out of trouble. My entire mouth is covered with ulcers, bite marks, quite difficult to eat. On and on on and on. The signal is (I will take responsibility)being transmitted from and I am angry! 2204 Jackson ST 68005. SE corner of basement. Alley is adjacent so it could be parked in and listen to his(perp) voice coming out of basement window with no warrant necessary.

It sure is a drag to be afraid to eat because the 30 year junkie might make me bite myself. And worse than that, he is running a drug house, younger people come over all the time to get loaded and PLAY with the equip. and laugh at what they can do to me-including cutting off breathing so squad took me to hospital AGAIN.

 At least if no one can touch him(he thinks) they could cut off his drug supply and drug test him.

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Lately my Perp is burning radiation burns on my tongue. How am I supposed to EAT? He must be on DOPE again-a 30 year JUNKIE. Letting his friends on dope mess with the equip burning a CRATER on my tongue. THE PAIN that results is unbearable. What can I do. He needs INTENSIVE OUT-PATIENT TREATMENT DUAL DIAGNOSIS and weekly drug tests. I refuse to be a part of his network unless he seeks help and weekly Drug scans. I will not meet, or talk with him ever because of what he has done to me. If I am this important to his little network, then he will HAVE to go or DETOXED-weekly compliance DRUG TESTING. The PAIN is becoming intolerable. How can an oral surgeon help me when it is RADIATION BURNS-he cannot seem to stop on his own. We used to be best friends 1980 to 1987. I don't know why MARTY B. Bellevue, NE USA PERP is getting so much worse lately? 

Marty has actually said that the reason for this is because I refused to take a shower in the morning becaused he HURT me needlessly. This whole Very Extensive Research Project V.E.R.P. as he calls it would have "shaped" me if he had not resorted to OBEY HIM-OR ELSE PAIN MENTALITY. IT is NOT WORKING. 14 years of him now.

ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED! I keep my mouth SHUT about this EQUIPMENT. I know much more about this equipment than he does. Why is he DOPED UP using it. I could use it at 100 times the intelligense of him. I also have a current Advanced Class Amateur Radio License. I understand the frequency and modulation physics of this. WHY HIM? He is a High School DROPOUT with the IQ of 80  or so.

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Remote control implants

I've been an involuntary implant victim for 14 years. My perp Marty alias "The Dumb Ass" omaha, ne usa. has subjected me to torture every day and night. i am sick to death of him. I have piece by piece understood what this is about. He has basically told me why he is doing this. He has a unit that transmits to my implant from the security of his home. Says he is an independent contractor who gets paid for everything he does to me to change me into a different person.

Example: Smoking-he burned my lungs for months and gave me pnuemonia 3 times. I had to quit smoking. Then he gets paid for THAT. At what cost to me.

Drugs and booze I quit on my own no credit to him. Once again he got paid to do this. I've been clean and sober for 13 months! Once again he was paid for this- weeks.

He actually told me that he will be PAID $3000 to get rid of my sexuality. Says he has no choice but to keep on with the torture at what harm and danger to me. He only prolonged and increased the addiction so I had to be hospitalized for 5 weeks  and pain and harm physically and mentally. I cannot change my sexuality even if i wanted to. 

It will be over my dead body before he gets $3000. If necessary I would pay for sex before he got paid. I am 55 yrs old and do not need him to take care of me. To stop me from having risk of AIDS he has tortured me. I know how to protect myself. i am HIV negative and always will be. He caused serious harm to me for THIS?

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Strange Static Electricity Explodes In Home

OK, no names this time. I shall call my perp(The Dumb Ass) omaha, ne usa. He got angry last night when I said(thought) that I Hated him for what he did to my Mother with this equip in 2000. Must have been angry with her? He turned it up all night and BAM, pnuemonia took her even with me begging him to stop.

I've noticed a powerful presence of static electricity in my home. it makes my arm hair stand up 4 inches from wall, along with powerful sparks. He got angry when I thought about what he did to My Mother. Suddenly when I thought of this, the glass light fixture went snap and fell to the floor with a loud bang and shattered glass all over. And a battery powered toy cat across the room came on. Either a concussion or static turned it on across the room. it sounded like a gun shot. This equipment is in bad hands with children and intoxicated people.

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Perp actually tried to choke me.

Well, perhaps forgive me, i am very angry. Marty Buss omaha, ne usa perp choked me today. same as many years ago. just sucking on a harmless cinnamon ball. he grabs a hold of my throat, cinnamon ball goes down before i could cough it out. so i tried to swallow it. got stuck in throat so i could not swallow, and it hurt. thought about 911 before i dropped. realized   that i could get some air. it hurt even trying to drink water. it finally dissolved enough to go down. this is terrible abuss of this advanced equipment. 14 years now. he thinks he is untouchable in his house. what does it take to get the FCC or FBI or even other perps to get him away from the transmitter?

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The Mark of the Beast

Rev. 14:9 "if anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand' he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of his indignation."


Rev. 14:11 and the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name." 

Sleep deprivation?

Rev. 16:2  "poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image"

Radiation burns?

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24/7 The Dumb Ass(perp)omaha, ne usa

Well, perp won't let me sleep so i might as well let others know what perp does to me. lately in the past 5 months he has given me pnuemonia 3 times. He does this to force me to give up cigarettes. He forces me to lie in bed with the signal on for hours on end, but no sleep. It makes lungs develop pnuemonia and be suceptible to more and more of it. it is torture to just lay there and listen to their mouths make threats and very hostile sentences. then The Dumb Ass waits until i say the wrong thing(calling him names, etc.)This makes a dandy excuse for him to torture me even more. He needs to be regulated or FIRED for this. and he's always on drugs.

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My perp tries to extort money.

my perp actually thinks i have no choice but to pay him! this is something exceedingly DUMB. but he says i owe him for his time spent by "shaping" me. He cost all that i had over last 14 yrs, and i am supposed to pay him for this. i would like to die of his torture before paying him! he simply wiped my life out-and to pay him for this? i would not pay him 1 cent. He even has destroyed some of my loved ones, and blocked the rest of them from caring for me.

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Not being allowed to eat much...

Mr.Marty B. omaha,ne usa(my perp) has daily gotten worse. today i have had no appetite. what does he think he's doing? i'm scared to death what is coming down from him. he is abusing me to the point that i cannot do anything accept lay around with no sleep and no eats. thank God for you people to be there so i'm not alone. "Blessed are you who suffer for rightousness's sake." working out in the fitness room is beginning to help me feel alot better.

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today was highly exploited in that my perp forced me to converse with him all day. 2 friends with me pointed out that i was talking outloud to no one. this is highly embarassing. i cannot seem to keep the words in my head-he puts me in a sort of trance where i don't know i am talking outloud. now my friends think i have some sort of mental problems. he has kept me from going out in public. well its a weekend i suppose he was on dope again with his underage friends. they all laugh at what he is causing in me. sick all day-no appitite-why won't he let me live a normal life. i try to keep this quiet but it has became worse again

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To: Mr. Marty B. of omaha,ne usa is my perp. -Implant

"MY SEXUALITY IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" He has actually burned my mouth, and painful jabs to my shoulder, and half-sick all this week to "cause me to lose my marbles". so i would be put away because of my sexuality. 

They " my relatives" have offered to pay him to stop my sexuality. AIDS is their concern as if at 40 years old I need to be protected from my sexuality. I can make my own decisions. This is done through a nasal implant with a transceiver that he plays with when he is LOADED on his drugs. I know who he is but I am helpless. Government agencies will not respond to my complaints. I would keep my mouth shut if I could live a human life. He says I have seen too much of his livlihood. He said he is trying to "shape" me, but to be in pain and sick, tortured all week? I gave up booze and drugs 6 months ago. Enough is enough. I cannot give him anymore.

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Mr. M.B. omaha,ne burned my tongue with hundreds of painful jabs to my tongue. it was very painful. it started to bleed with a 1/4" burn in it. He also completely destroyed my hip joint the same way-very painful-had to have a total hip replacement. He says he wants me in a mental hospital to change my sexuality. This is all done thru a transciever that he has. It makes the microchip implant transmit signals of radio microwaves to keep me awake, burn me, make me sick, stop eating for days, and listen to him talk to me with threats that i must cooperate with his orders or else. he is on drugs and becomes cruel and destructive. all this because of my sexuality which cannot be changed.  I am me and will continue to be so. It is my choice what risks i take. no government agencies will take any action. I wish someone in law enforcement could at least CUT OFF HIS DRUG SUPPLY so he would not torture me to extremely high levels-if i must participate in this V.E.R.P. (very extensive research project),as he calls it.

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microchip for 14 years.

a Mr. M.B. of omaha,ne usa has been talking for 16 hours a day for 14 years. can,t sleep again. i think he is still on drugs-for 30 years now. if i must participate in this "V.E.R.P.(very extensive research project) as he calls it-then why can't someone in charge CUT OFF HIS DRUG SUPPLY? he hurts me on his drug binges. and lets other people hurt me. They want to take away my sexual orientation. in 14 years and 16 hours a day-this works out to roughly 80,000 hours. he said he was offered $3,000 to get rid of my sexuality. this works out to 3.7 cents an hour. He wiped out my fortune for this? He must be dumb or something.

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