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THE VIRTUAL SLAVE. by Gretta Fahey

THE VIRTUAL SLAVE by Gretta Fahey.

He inhaled the nano-particles from the chemtrails in the air....
The neuro-weapons operatives then zapped him here and there.
Their wirelessly transmitted voices came through loud and clear.
These operatives entrained his brain into a constant state of fear.

They decoded his motor cortex and reprogrammed subsets then.
They now controlled his speech and his actions later on.
Psychiatrists thought him mad and put him under care.
The world is in great danger. They need to be aware.

Phone Masts are the super structure that carries signals to our brains.
Enslaving humans one by one and still no one complains.
A false reality construct was created over time.
The dark occult enslavers use hoaxes by design.

Where is the science to back this up. Our knowledge is controlled.
Black budget science is forty years ahead of what we are told.
Over two thousand years they have planned our downfall.
The satellite hoax is the key to saving us all.

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Mind control and Memory loss

The Perps have given me memory loss. And after noticing that I don't remember what to do they remind me what I have to do.Of course they tell their followers on social media that I forget things in a disgusting way. To them he sounds reasonable. He sounds like someone who cares about me. He makes it look like something is wrong with me. He mocks me. He and my neighbours bully me a lot.
The dogs barks, he laughs and is happy gets help from them. The people don't believe I am being gangstalked. They love the app. They listen to it and make sure I hear it also. Strangers on the street call my name.

They want to kill me for my look and clothes. They want my food, they want to my life. They make fun of me like they are better than me. He Mind controls me in my house. HE tells me what to buy, how much money I should spend. How to brush my teeth.He wants to control my time, he keeps a close eye on the clock. When I shower he tells me how to shower, he tell me to how to write, how to clean, how to sing, how to eat, he tells me to touch my nose, head, hair, face, back,lips. He tells me when to get up. When I sit on the couch he tells me to get up and do something.What close to wear, what to watch on the tv, how to cook, what to do on the toilet, when to go to the toilet, when to wash the dishes, he mocks my speech which he has manipulated.
I can't pronounce some words anymore, and he mocks me. He tells me when to cry. He tells me when to go online.What under wear I should wear. Do this do that is what I hear every single day. He promised me he will keep on doing this to me and that he will never go away. He has damage my my brain in a way that I sound stupid. He mocks my languages he can tell everybody I can't speak English. He is afraid of my true intelligence that's why he keeps me stupid with his electronically weapon. The people around me are happy about it, they drive by touching their head like I did, they put their lips in the same way I did. They show up wearing the same clothes I do. They are serious hating on me for my clothes. The haters wanna be like me. He tells me when to write something. What I notice is that these people were already bad mannered before they knew me. I hate my neighbours and the people on the street. I have send their demons back to hunt them. They deserve all the bad luck they get. Karma is badly needed. They have to suffer until they change. Then happynes should follow for them.

He tells his social media lovers all about him controlling me. He told me yesterday that he will kill my unborn child. He tortured me into thinking I'm pregnant. For 3 days he's been torteringy my belly. I am in serious pain.

Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas

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Mind control and Memory loss

The Perps have given me memory loss. And after noticing that I don't remember what to do they remind me what I have to do.Of course they tell their followers on social media that I forget things in a disgusting way. To them he sounds reasonable. He sounds like someone who cares about me. He makes it look like something is wrong with me. He mocks me. He and my neighbours bully me a lot.
The dogs barks, he laughs and is happy gets help from them. The people don't believe I am being gangstalked. They love the app. They listen to it and make sure I hear it also. Strangers on the street call my name.

They want to kill me for my look and clothes. They want my food, they want to my life. They make fun of me like they are better than me. He Mind controls me in my house. HE tells me what to buy, how much money I should spend. How to brush my teeth.He wants to control my time, he keeps a close eye on the clock. When I shower he tells me how to shower, he tell me to how to write, how to clean, how to sing, how to eat, he tells me to touch my nose, head, hair, face, back,lips. He tells me when to get up. When I sit on the couch he tells me to get up and do something.What close to wear, what to watch on the tv, how to cook, what to do on the toilet, when to go to the toilet, when to wash the dishes, he mocks my speech which he has manipulated.
I can't pronounce some words anymore, and he mocks me. He tells me when to cry. He tells me when to go online.What under wear I should wear. Do this do that is what I hear every single day. He promised me he will keep on doing this to me and that he will never go away. He has damage my my brain in a way that I sound stupid. He mocks my languages he can tell everybody I can't speak English. He is afraid of my true intelligence that's why he keeps me stupid with his electronically weapon. The people around me are happy about it, they drive by touching their head like I did, they put their lips in the same way I did. They show up wearing the same clothes I do. They are serious hating on me for my clothes. The haters wanna be like me. He tells me when to write something. What I notice is that these people were already bad mannered before they knew me. I hate my neighbours and the people on the street. I have send their demons back to hunt them. They deserve all the bad luck they get. Karma is badly needed. They have to suffer until they change. Then happynes should follow for them.

He tells his social media lovers all about him controlling me. He told me yesterday that he will kill my unborn child. He tortured me into thinking I'm pregnant. For 3 days he's been torteringy my belly. I am in serious pain.

Well Bye bye for now,
Angeline Klas

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Join Us


Former F.B.I. Chief Ted Gunderson states this is real

Here are some documents


Flier here

Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons

May God Bless All Targeted Individuals With End To These Crimes SOON!

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Wireless no-touch torture of good living private individuals in the privacy of their own homes has become common place through out all NATO countries and further afield. Wireless no-touch torture is easily achieved by first spraying the whole population with nano particulates from the skies in a process which is most commonly known as chemtrail spraying. All people inhale and ingest these nano-particles and these nano-particles become embedded in their brains and bodies. Neuro weapons operatives can then select certain good-living individuals who are privately going about their lives and harass and torture them every waking moment for the rest of their lives.

If you have become selected for no-touch torture, first of all you will begin to hear the wirelessly transmitted voices of the directed energy weapons operatives coming from inside your head. They have the capability of reading your thoughts in real time due to the fact that you have now been connected to a brain to brain interface modality. The operatives first of all map your brain and decode your motor cortex.

There is a large spectrum of torture that the directed energy weapons operatives can select from to use against you. These operatives can entrain your brain into a state of constant fear. They can send you electric shocks. They can send you all types of feelings and sensations throughout the surface of your body. You will be made to feel strong surges of foreign energy surging up and down the inside of your body at all times. On numerous occasions bio-energy therapists have detected this foreign energy when they were attempting to healing their clients.

The mind of the targeted individual can become overloaded with stimulus because of constant verbal abuse being fed into their minds every waking moment for years at a time. Targets of no-touch torture sometimes hear endless tinnitus. Sleep deprevation and coercing targeted individuals to commit suicide are among some more of the torture tactics that are being used against them.

Some of the reasons targeted individuals are selected are for the purposes of silencing dissidents and whistleblowers and to test and improve the directed energy technology. Targeted individuals from all countries throughout the western world are being selected in order to understand the culture and linguistics in that part of the world, as well as to test the strength of the signal in that part of the world.

Neuro weapons experts can wirelessly decode the motor cortex of a selection of targeted individuals remotely and from a distance. They will then follow on by partially re-encoding subsets of said motor cortex with their own private codes so that they can take over and fuse with a targeted individual in order to make that targeted individual speak and act totally against their will. Many targeted individuals have complained of being forced to say words and whole sentences that did not originate from their own brains. Many targeted individuals have complained of being forced to change the expressions in their own face and emit sounds and swears totally against their own free will. This clearly explains how the demonic possession hoax is being achieved.

If a targeted individual experiences intense pain if they endure a minor accident while going about their private lives, the neuro weapons operatives can then take an energy imprint of the bio-field of the targeted individual while they are experiencing that pain at that time. At a much later date the neuro weapons operatives can then re-introduce the energy imprint of the pain impression on to the bio-field of the targeted individual so that the targeted individual might continue to feel the original pain they had felt at the time they initially felt that pain.

For the past one thousand years or more the same thirteen bloodline families produced most of the popes, most of the United States presidents, and all of the royal families of Europe. They own and control the Vatican along with the Crown Corporation as well as the British Commonwealth and Washington DC and the Pentagon. They own major corporations and banks. They now control the Chinese and Japanese people through their birth certificates. They control wars from both sides. They collectively own 99% of the main stream media. They have re-written history. They have falsefield archaeology, anthropology and all ancient knowledge. They have created numerous hoaxes in order to confuse and destabalise the whole human race. These hoaxes include the extra-terresterial hoax, the religious apparation hoax, the existence of satellites hoax, the landing on the moon hoax and the space based weapons hoax among many other hoaxes.

The thirteen bloodline families have infiltrated psychiatry and they have adjusted all psychiatric law in order to create a cover for their illegal experimentation. They also use the false concept of demonic possession in order to provide more cover for their non-consensual wireless experimentation of human beings. They have bound the police, psychiatry, social workers and healthcare workers to unfair and unjust laws. They use both mind control and brain entrainment control on government staff so that said government staff will not report the dangers that society are currently being exposed to.


Please immediately enact laws to stop all chemtrail airplane spraying throughout the world because the chemtrails contain nano-bots which after we inhale them they then cling to the cells of our brains and bodies. These nano-bots are then being programmed remotely by criminal neuro weapons experts in order that certain human beings can be remotely controlled to speak and act against their wills on occasion. This process is happening in Ireland as well as elsewhere.

Please immediately enact laws to have all mobile phone towers and other mobile phone paraphrenalia dismantled. Mobile phone towers are the super structure that generates microwave radiation which enables digital signals to be carried to the nano-bots which are currently inside the brains and bodies of most of humanity. The final attempt to enslave humanity will occur if these mobile phone towers are not dismantled now.

Please enact laws so that the soles of all shoes for sale to the public be made from electrically conductive material rather than electrically insulating material which is currently the case, so that humanity can protect themselves to a certain extent from wireless enslavement by electronic weapons.

Please enact laws banning the registering of babies at birth, because it is through the legalities contained within birth registering that we become legally enslaved to the crown corporation which is a legal entity owned and controlled by the Vatican, who is known to be the controlling force behind slow global lock down enslavement.



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It's the government help for me

I'm just rambling now but I used to have an awesome life.....I was a teacher (still kind of am but not loving it and they are making it impossible)....then I began a short lived career as a skydiver, even made a few BASE jumps.....but just like the famous film point break with Patrick swayze (my rapist actually did the stunts for that film and many more) a lot of the film rings abuser is a extreme sport junkie so it makes since that he's government involved and trains the army, knows a few presidents, was head of CIA ......AND IM JUST A NOBODY who accused him of rape....I was warned to shut my mouth, but I never did life is fucked, I can't jump anymore and every extreme sport I've tried afterwards I was not welcomed
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Coming face-to-face with an avatar on screen may help schizophrenics cope with their hallucinations, a study found. Patients confronting avatars turned out to be less distressed and heard voices less frequently.

According to the research by King’s College London (KCL), the new treatment for schizophrenic hallucinations could be twice as effective as counseling. The study, published in the Lancelot Psychiatry Journal, tested 150 patients. Of these, 75 who had been hearing voices for more than a year were given six sessions of avatar therapy, while another 75 got straightforward counseling.

Avatar therapy entails that patients give an estimation of what the voice haunting them might look and sound like, so that it can be simulated. The patients will then have the means of controlling it.

“After 12 weeks there was dramatic improvement compared to the other therapy. With a talking head, patients are learning to confront and get replies from it,” study author Professor Tom Craig told the BBC. “This shifts the idea that the voice is all-controlling.”

Seven people from the avatar therapy group and two from the counseling one said their hallucinations had completely disappeared after 12 weeks. The two groups showed the same level of improvement after 24 weeks.

During the sessions, patients were told to enter a personal dialogue with the avatar, and to say things along the lines of “I’m not going to listen to you anymore.”

READ MORE: Brain chemical could be key to blocking unwelcome thoughts – study

Professor Stephen Lawrie, head of psychiatry at the University of Edinburgh, recognized the impressive results of the research, but claimed it requires more investigation.

“Further study is required to replicate these results, establish the role of such treatment versus others such as CBT [cognitive behavioral therapy], and clarify who might benefit most," the BBC reported.

Sir Robin Murray, professor of psychiatric research at King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, said that if they could be reproduced, the findings “will add an important new approach to care” and “make us rethink the way we conceptualize auditory hallucinations," according to the BBC.

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I once heard wirelessly transmitted technologically induced voices coming from inside my head in the past. These internal voices informed me at that time that they were planning to totally paralyze me in the future but they would leave me with the ability to feel pain. They further informed me that they would then wirelessly send pain signals to me after I was totally paralysed but I would not be able to move a muscle to let anybody know that I was being silently tortured. This silent torture would then go on for the rest of my life.


During this time my muscles were being manipulated against my will wirelessly by electronic muscle stimulation technology. I was so frightened by these psychotronic weapon attacks that I could not stop my teeth from chattering with fear. I attempted suicide on two occasions because of these frightening messages and wirelessly generated sensations. After the suicide attempts which were both overdoses of medication I was unconscious in Castlebar General Hospital for four days on each occasion. The reason I am telling my story to the public is because I am afraid that remotely administered silent torture may be being administrated by wireless means to individuals in hospitals who may be suffering from dementia or who may have locked-in syndrome and who may have no ability to inform the staff of their extreme suffering. We need to discuss this phenomenon on the off-chance that it is happening to somebody somewhere.


For my full story please read my website which is called

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2003.1.12 ---2003.2.20:上海国安警察对我连续发射1个多月胃、肛门等部位痛觉无线电信号,疼痛难忍,生不如死;


2004.4.10:上海国安警察用微波射线发射器照了我 2 小时;
2004.4.26:上海国安警察用伽玛射线照了我下身 4 小时;


2004.5.3-5.7:上海国安警察用放射性射线每天照射我 8 小时,有寒冷感,有恶心感,呕吐,感觉疲劳;
2004.6.5:上海国安警察用微波射线发射器照了我 5 小时;
2004.7.23:上海国安警察用伽玛射线照射我下身 2 小时;
2004.9.9-9.24:上海国安警察用放射性射线每天照射我 8 小时,有寒冷感,有恶心感,呕吐,感觉疲劳;
2005.2.19:上海国安警察用伽玛射线照射我下身 2 小时;
2005.2.23:上海国安警察用伽玛射线照射我腰部 2 小时;






























































2017.11.20 更新

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please god help me

I know ive lost, i know im worthless, and i wish i could take my own can i worship the god who did this to me so i will no longer be a target ...ive begged for my life for so many painful years as I am begging now

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World Takeover by the Jewish nazis - updated

Please help oppose all this nazi rubbish –
the Orwellian terrorism, wars, torture programs and secret police states

Please publicise everything I send you everywhere you can

World Takeover by the Jewish Nazis

The takeover of the Western world (and consequently, and subsequently, the rest of the world) by the Jewish nazis – surprise and dystopian totalitarian nightmare coda to the ‘End of History’. *

Long planned and worked on activity by the Jews and servants – both legal and known about, and extremely deceitfully and criminally **– by the beginning of the 21st century gained them complete socio-economic-military-political domination of the world – thereby giving them almost complete control over all of life.

All the Western and International institutions, processes and standards were ‘white-anted’ and taken over by the Jewish nazis.

The Jewish nazis more or less stopped everyone else breeding and interbred prolifically themselves.

With such power they promoted unquestioning obedience and subservience to their nazi party everywhere.

* ‘End of History’ an essay written in 1989 describing the worldwide success of liberal/social democracy, and predicting its global spread, dominance and ‘finality’ – even incorporating local cultural and religious specificities.

** they were behind almost all the wars, ethnic conflicts, military dictatorships and economic crises of the 20th century. Including substantially orchestrating Hitler, the 2nd World War and the Holocaust. And they were behind 9-11, almost all the terrorism, wars, ethnic conflicts and the Jewish nazi Orwellian police states of the 21st century.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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Strange street theater (planned Organized Stalking)

Well, yesterday I experienced one of those strange occasions where perps directly do weird shit.
This is usually uncommon these days, but the few times that happened makes me remember why some TIs might believe that perps are expectant of a TI action and try to "communicate something", as in expecting not just a violent response or retaliation, but in the sense of following certain actions that the TI might or might not be guided to interpret situations or actions accordingly to per-shared rules that the TI "need to understand".

Some TIs label this Alice In Wonderland MKULTRA programming, as you might be "guided" to interpret things like colors/numbers/signs or hand signs and others behaviors (of course when the TI isn't over interpreting, and the perps aren't ambiguous). I see this like a plain attempt to take the TI out from a comfort zone to be guided into taking risks and follow what some call "the perp game", like finding things in your home that aren't yours and being guided into take it and give it to someone/somewhere, following V2K commands to approach someone, say something, do something. This is the worst situation a TI can do, as you might be tricked into thinking that "following commands" the perps might leave you alone, when you really ignore if the purpose of the harassment was exactly to take you to that point of following those commands, and the punishment is never-ending harassment and "inability to enjoy your privileges" (as someone told me).

Of course this isn't the kind of thing you'd like to tell a non TI as it's easily linked to simple "reference delusions" and "voices commands" that are common in schizophrenics. It's not that a TI would follow an expected behavior from a perceived hostile situation anyway, at least not most of the time, other times just wondering why perps won't communicate "what to do" or why don't seem to respond directly to TI requirements/inquiries (they don't), other times the TI might do and the harassment really didn't stop. I base these conclusions based on my own experiences and after reading other experiences, although I really never thought to follow "a plan" or guiding regardless of my own assumptions of the possible source.

I'll try to describe what I call street theater from last night:

-Was coming home after walking my dog, a man in front of the street looking directly at me
-A car that seemed to pick him arrived
-He still looking at me
-Someone from a different building starts whistling at the same street and no one else is around, this man looks at him (the man at the building), then look back at me
-Other guy keep whistling, I of fucking course, won't turn my head as I ignore everything harassment related
-I get into the building, the security guard from the block gives me the correspondence from a different apartment, yet knowing where I live (maybe a coincidence, yet first time this happens)

Recent days:

-Walking the dog with my grandmother
-Hear someone laughing when we are at the corned of the block, it's a taxi driver in a cab
-Starts rolling up the window while staring at me, maybe implying I could retaliate
-Some cabs get around here with no passengers, one time when I was walking the dog one dumbfuck partially got off the road making a strong noise.

From years ago:

-Found what it looked like a little electronic component in my bed
-Felt the urge to take it for some reason (I didn't)
-After I got into a bus, felt the urge to give it to someone in the bus that start staring at me (i didn't have it but i wouldn't do it anyway)

So, in the end same as always, remember to never ever follow anything that perps seems to coerce you to do. "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"

Edit 1:

BTW to clarify, the electronic part (just some kind of industrial shaped led) I found over my bed wasn't even mine and never saw it before. It disappeared from my room the same day when I came back. This happened  a long time some months after the harassment started.

Edit 2:

To update on this, that security guard I talked about is actually the nicest person there and it was just a coincidence.
Another security guard is actually strangely saying thing under his breath but loud enough for me to hear like "you don't understand" and yesterday, an actual insult after I came back from a store. This doesn't have any explanation beyond the harassment as I don't even know him.
BTW, interesting enough he's loud enough for me to understand, as I have certain degree of hearing loss or difficult listening on the outside/places with background noise, so if a perp say something with a soft voice or in another conversation there's 99% possibility I wouldn't notice.

Next time I'll just keep the phone recording whenever i pass over there (Although those encounters should be recorded by the security cam...), because I'm not going to fall for the perp suggested "alternatives" like a supposed event "I'm not understanding".
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Industrial hemp is the earths number one resource.   Industrial hemp is an environmentally friendly plant.  Industrial hemp only takes ninety days to grow to full maturity.  Industrial hemp has sixty thousand different uses.  Industrial hemp can be used for building materials, clothing, fuel, food, paper, vehicle manufacturing,  bio-degradable  environmentally friendly plastic, animal fodder and medicine, among thousands of other products.  Industrial hemp stops deforestation of the soil.   The cultivation of industrial hemp would give all of us lives of abundance.   Because industrial hemp is so versatile it posed a threat to the profits and monopolies  of large corporations such as giant oil, steel, paper and fossil fuels to such an extent that they launched a smear campaign against it and eventually had it banned throughout large parts of the world.  They had industrial hemp banned on the grounds that it is a close relative to marijuana.  However, no matter how much industrial hemp you smoked it could never drug you or make you high.  Industrial hemp is genetically distinct from marijuana.  The banning of the cultivation of industrial hemp is an example of deliberately engineered scarcity by members of the self-proclaimed elite.  However it is not the only example.  Nearly all famines are caused by deliberately engineered scarcity.  If the self-proclaimed elite wish to reduce a population they will first make access to certain common food products scarce and then they will delibeerately introduce a virulent strain of virus into that area in order to reduce the population of that area over time.  This saves them a lot of money on armies and ammunition.  The great Irish famine of the eighteen forties was deliberately engineered by this manner.

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Public Awareness Campaign

Join us for public awareness campaign around the world. Signs on auto's, Wear Tee-Shirts and hand out fliers. Only bring awareness of these crimes to the public will bring them into the light. I have handed out over 7,000 fliers this summer and hoping to make it 10,000 by the end of the year. Each person that joins in shortens our fight for the truth to come out. WE WILL WIN THIS FIGHT/WAR AND BRING THIS INTO THE LIGHT. God Bless all

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Many individuals are claiming the satellites do not and can not exist. They have been hoaxed into existence in order to make us believe we can not easily solve the non-consensual remote neural monitoring problem. It is highly improbable that they exist because they would burn up immediately upon entering the thermosphere. Air and space can not exist side by side as we are being informed. Air and space have never even been made to exist in a laboratory setting. In view of the fact that so many other issues have been deliberately hoaxed in order to bring about technological global enslavement via wireless means why should we believe in the satellite hoax.

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