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When we earth outselves by walking on grass or bare earth or on the beach with bare feet, vast quantities of negatively charged free electrons are absorbed in through the soles of our feet in to our bodies. The earth is a giant magnet. We are means to be in touch with the earth on a constant basis by walking with bare feet or else wearing shoes whose soles are made of a natural material such as leather. We must be in touch with the earth at all times. We must also slee...p on the ground on a bed of natural materials for example a mattress composed of nothing but industrial hemp.

The self-proclaimed elite bloodline families had made plans to enslave the whole human race by electronic means for many hundreds of years. To that end they encouraged us to wear shoes with soles that were made of synthetic fibres in order to insulate us from the freeing energy of the earth. They also encourage us to pave our roads with tarmac which also servies to insulate us from the freeing energy of the earth. They encouraged us to place a thick layer of non-conducting material under the foundation of all new homes so that we would always be separated from the health giving energies of the earth. They also created mattresses which contain coils which are deliberately designed to attract negative electricity into the human body so that the enslavers might more easily use this negative electricity to conduct neuro weapons and other experiments on non-conducted human beings.

Please earth yourself every day by walking barefoot on bare earth or on the beach. If that is inconvenient please purchase an earthing sheet for your bed and plug it into the grounding section of your electric socket wall outlet. From there it will be in contact with the bare earth if your home has an earthing rod buried in the ground. This is sometimes not the case. It is vitally important that you share this information. The freedom of the whole human race depends on it.

If you are a targeted individual of neuro weapons or indeed any type of brain weapons your brain can not store programmed information in the hypocampus for reasons that there is not enough negative energy to absorb the programmed information for several

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Temporarily memory loss is what the perps give me a lot.Because of the perps I forgot things. You have forgotten something they say, you don't remember! It's their way of saying you don't know where you left your stuff. Then they say oh you left your phone on the table. They want their midterms/ support to know that I have memory loss. They make a big deal of everthing I do. They don't tell them that they are figuring me on my head an electronical weapon. They tell their listeners/followers that I am lying, They tell them that it not true all that Gangstalking. My recorded thoughts could been seen as radio show with music and drama and gossip, that's what they made it out to be.

I hear cars driving by my house with his Gangstalking show. They are my neighbours, it's neighbourhood harassment. I can hear my name on the recordings. I have no camera outside my house. They harness me when I am in my house. All my neighours know but nobody says something to my defense. They all are ignoring the noise in the neighbourhood. That's how I live. The Gangstalkers have messed up my life in the neighbourhood. They make a lot of noise daily.

The Woman Perp has taken over. The male perp  is gone. All the woman does is rape me. She likes it very much. How can a woman enjoy rape so much.  She also mocks. me. She tries to be honest to win my trust. It's all play pretend. The Perps are afraid of me . They are young people in their twenties. They follow me around the most.

Yesterday day I went to a different city to see a new house. During the house visit I saw a strange man, Maybe it was the Perp. The person who lived in the house reminded me of the woman Perp.

It looking back it could be fake. Maybe the Perps took over. I not sure, but it seems fishy to me. The perps don't want me to find a new home. 

They have hacked my computer. My head is tired. I want some rest in my head.

I am not gonna get it. They psychic Vampires, just waiting to take the side for someone who ticked me off. You should hear them " you are mean". Most of the time I don't listen to them. Before they talk bad about my friends or some colleagues, people in the store or my family and when I don't react they clone my voice and say nasty things about the person. So they lie. Sometimes they manipulate my thoughts so that I get angry at someone and say nasty things about them. Of course they find the person and let them listen to my recorded thought as proof that I am a gossip. That's their proof against me

The perps wants everybody to believe them, everyone I see or meet has to believe them. They feel the power of their Social media hype thing. They play it on their phone and in their car. I heard it so many times recording of my voice recording of the Perps voice. I hate it!!! They are Narcissistic. Strangers on the street follow me around the show up where I am am. Nothing has Change, people still like it Social Demonic Hype thing to discredit me, They don't wanna stop it nobody wants to help me stop it. I have ask them. They all Gaslight me.

They all have left me in misery. I am thinking about the future. I don't want to see anyone who left me to drown when the Perps disappear. When perps are arrested and trailed I don't need the "keeping it hush hush people" around me.

Right now they are all enjoying theirselves on my account.

I just want the people to leave me alone. I am sick and tired of the them. 

The perps want me to stop writing, she raping me because I am writing on Peape pink. 

I don't know how to stop them from raping me every single day. 

When I was young I was sexual abuse, it keeps on coming back in my life this abuse.

Men want to use me as an object. I get no love at all. 

The woman Peep sounds stupid, her voice makes me laugh. I don't think she's the brightest person alive. You've got to be stupid to Gangstalking person. The mess with my head so that don't sound smart. I can't speak right some times, writing is difficult sometime.

Well Bye bye for now,

Angeline Klas

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Human beings come onto planet earth for approximately eight decades. They come from their mothers womb empty handed. They leave again approximately eight decades later equally empty handed.

While human beings are alive on planet earth we are all equal. We are all made from the same genetic material. We all have endless potential. We are all of infinite value for no other reason than we are human beings. We do not need to prove anything to anybody.

While we are alive on planet earth we learn to co-operate with each other and we learn self-mastery. There are a small number of individuals who do not evolve properly. They fail to learn self mastery over their own lower egos. They become inculcated into a false reality construct where they adopt a heirarchical mind set. These sick individuals feel it is acceptable to look up to some other individuals and grovel to them like toadys. They feel it is acceptable to look down on other individuals and order them about, and torture them with secret wireless torture technology if they do not obey their orders.

These individuals have come to be known as the self-proclaimed elite. They are causing a problem to the rest of the human race at the moment. With the aid of advanced wireless technology they are attempting total worldwide takeover. They are attempting this planetary wide takeover by using a number of different methods.

The would-be dictatorship have infiltrated the public school system. Their teaching methods now involve changing the attitudes of the students so that the students would be willing to accept a total totalitarian dictatorship and would be unwilling to ever challenge the false authority of the self-proclaimed elite. They illegally drug some students. A dumbed down and uninformed human race is easier to enslave that a healthy, confident and intelligent human race.

The would-be dictatorship have infiltrated the pharmaceutical industry and they have blended all pharmaceutical drugs and vaccinations with poisons.

The would-be dictatorship have infiltrated psychiatry and they have illegally created fake mental disorders so that the legal system could be circumvented so that sane individuals could be incarcerated in mental facilities if they did not fit into the rigid control system which the self-proclaimed elite are currently creating.

The would-be dictatorship have created hundreds of hoaxes over many years in order to confuse and distract the human race. They have created the extra-terresterial hoax, the demonic possession hoax , the existence of satellite hoax, the near death experience hoax and the moon landing hoax among many other hoaxes. They have achieved a measure of success by using extremely advanced technology where they can insert whole experience sets into the mind of a human being so that said human being can not tell the difference between a real experience and a falsely inserted experience. They have also used extremely advanced technology to bio-robotize some partially brain-mapped human beings by the use of neuro weapons and made these human beings behave as if they were demonically possessed.

The would-be dictatorship attend the World Economic Forum, which is an annual think tank, where they sit among the guests and make decisions which will impact negatively on the rest of the human race for years to come. We must stay way from the World Economic Forum because demonstrators may be covered with invisible nano-dust by the security staff so that they can be identified and punished at a later date. Instead we must expose the real agenda of the would-be dictatorship to the rest of the human race while there is still time in order to obstrust their intended evil plan of world wide wireless enslavement of the human race.

Technology is a trojan horse. There are many simple solutions to stop this wireless enslavement of the human race in its tracks. Telephone masts generate microwave radiation which is needed to carry the wireless control signals to and from the targeted individual. We must urgently dismantle all telephone masts. Two further helpful tips which I received in the past are linked herebelow.


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I wish the Perps were dead

I wish the Perps were dead, so I could get some rest.

I want all the female perps to get raped by men and women.

My torture has a lot to do with rape. 

When I am happy the rape me. I am a happy person and the perps want to take that away from me. There's no religious bone in  them, still they fight me for religion. 

They say we are Jehovah witnesses and you're not.

Why can't they get trapped in a alley and get raped. The male perps need to lose their penis. They need to get raped by men and women. They need to get trapped in a maze with no clothes on. See how they like to get stuck with no way out.

They lie a lot and still pretend to be better than me.

They try to stop me from writing. They hate it when I date. They are very jealous. If they could get a heart attack. I hope they get a heart attack. The neighbours are still harassing me because of them. 

The perps plays Simons says with me. For the public is just two people gossiping on a social media, not know that I being raped and torture for information. I suffer in silence.

When I ask a neighbour to leave me alone, he said that I made a big deal about nothing. He said he would not keep his do quiet. They thought their dog to talk. It tells me the things the perps say about me. It call me names. My neighbours love to hurt me. They have fun. I don't know them. I have never did a thing to hurt them. All I can do is cry and call the police. My neighbour told me in my face that he's not gonna stop. The police told me to call when the dog start barking again. They are new in the neighbourhood they have no manners. 

Well Bye bye for now.

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Soleilmavis presented this paper at E-Leader Conference held by CASA (Chinese American Scholars Association) and and Stamford International University at 388 Sukhumvit, Klongtoey, Bangkok, in January 2018.

Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people (or tribes) in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. However, the Zhuan Xu People seemed to have disappeared when the Yellow and Chang-jiang river valleys developed into advanced Neolithic cultures. Where had the Zhuan Xu People gone?

Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of individuals, but also the names of groups who regarded them as common male ancestors. These groups used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, later spread to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age. Shanhaijing reveals Zhuan Xu’s offspring lived near the Tibetan Plateau in their early time. They were the first who entered the Tibetan Plateau, but almost perished due to the great environment changes, later moved to the south. Some of them entered the Sichuan Basin and became the founders of Sanxingdui Culture. Some of them even moved to the south of the Tibetan Plateau, living near the sea. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.

Keywords: Shanhaijing; Neolithic China, Zhuan Xu, Sanxingdui, Ancient Chinese Civilization


Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas) records many ancient groups of people in Neolithic China. The five biggest were: Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of individuals, but also the names of tribes who regarded them as common ancestors. These groups used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, later spread to other places of China and built their unique ancient cultures during the Neolithic Age.

This article introduces main Chinese Neolithic cultures, Sanxingdui Culture, Shanhaijing and its records of the Zhuan Xu People. Shanhaijing reveals Zhuan Xu’s offspring lived near the Tibetan Plateau in their early time. They were the first who entered the Tibetan Plateau, but almost perished due to the great environment changes, later moved to the south. Some of them entered the Sichuan Basin and became the founders of Sanxingdui Culture. Some of them even moved to the south of the Tibetan Plateau, living near the sea. Modern archaeological discoveries have revealed the authenticity of Shanhaijing’s records.


Ancient Chinese Civilizations

Archaeologists and historians commonly believe that Neolithic China had two main ancient cultural systems: the Yellow River Valley Cultural System and the Chang-jiang River Valley Cultural System. Starting from the lower reaches areas of the Yellow and Chang-jiang rivers, these cultures spread to surrounding areas.

The Yellow River Valley Cultural System, which included Di Qiang and Dong Yi cultures, was established on millet cultivation in the early and middle stages of the Neolithic Age and divided with wheat cultivation in the Shandong Peninsula and eastern Henan Province and millet cultivation in other areas, during the period of Longshan Culture (about 3200-1900BCE).

Most small regional cultures of ancient China had faded by the end of Neolithic Age, included the Changjiang River Valley Cultural System. However, the Yellow River Valley Culture became the mainstay of ancient Chinese civilization and developed to a much higher level.


Sanxingdui Culture (about 12000-3000BCE)

The site of Sanxingdui, located in the city of Guanghan, 40km from Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is recognized as one of the most important ancient remains in the world for its vast size, lengthy period and enriched cultural contents.

The first Sanxingdui relics were discovered by a farmer in 1929 and excavation has continued ever since. During this period, generations of archaeologists have worked on the discovery and research of the Sanxingdui culture. In 1986, two major sacrificial pits were found and they aroused widespread academic attention around the world.

Archaeologists have discovered remains of human activity in Sanxingdui as early as 12,000 years BP. The archaeological site of Sanxingdui contains remains of Bronze Age culture. The culture of the Sanxingdui site is thought to be divided into several phases. The Sanxingdui Culture (about 5,000-3,000 years BP), which corresponds to periods II-III of the site, was an obscure civilization in southern China. This culture was contemporaneous with the Shang Dynasty. However, they developed a different method of bronze-making from the Shang. The first phase, which corresponds to Period I of the site, belongs to the Baodun and in the final phase (period IV) the culture merged with the Ba and Chu cultures. The culture was a strong central theocracy with trade links that brought bronze from Yin and ivory from Southeast Asia.

The most obvious difference, between Sanxingdui and the Chinese Bronze Age cultures of Henan, is the presence at Sanxingdui of a figural bronze tradition – statues, heads, and faces – without precedent elsewhere in China. The Sanxingdui artifacts had been ritually broken, burned, and carefully buried in two large pits within the ancient walled town. This is a typical way of decommissioning sacred objects, and no doubt that is what was going on here. They are often called “sacrificial” pits, although they were not associated with human remains. The pits were dated, by stratigraphic and stylistic analysis, to around 1200BCE. Pit 1 is a few decades earlier than Pit 2, which implies that there were two separate acts of decommissioning, performed a generation or so apart, at the site.

The Sanxingdui Culture ended, possibly either as a result of natural disasters (evidence of massive flooding has been found), or invasion by a different culture.

Archaeologists have discovered the archaeological sites of jinsha near Chengdu, 50 kilometers to Sanxingdui. The cultural relics of Jinsha Culture (about 1250-650BCE) share similarities with Sanxingdui, but some of Jinsha’s relics share similarities with Liangzhu Culture (5300-4200BCE) in the lower reach of the Changjiang River. Historians believe that the Jinsha People came from Sanxingdui, but had influenced by the Changjiang River Valley cultures.

Shanhaijing, the Classic of Mountains and Seas
Shanhaijing, or Classic of Mountains and Seas, is a classic Chinese text compiling early geography and myth. Some people believe it is the first geography and history book in China. It is largely a fabulous geographical and cultural account of pre-Qin China as well as a collection of Chinese mythology. The book is about 31,000 words long and is divided into eighteen sections. It describes, among other things, over 550 mountains and 300 rivers. Versions of the text have existed since the fourth century BCE, but the present form was not reached until the early Han Dynasty (202BCE-220CE), a few centuries later.
The exact author(s) of the book and the time in which it was written are still undetermined. It was originally thought that mythical figures, such as the Great Yu, or Boyi, wrote the book. However, the consensus among modern Sinologists is that the book was not written at a single time by a single author, but rather by numerous people from the period of the Warring States (about 476-221BCE) to the beginning of the Han Dynasty.
It is also commonly accepted that Shanhaijing is a compilation of four original books:
1): Wu Zang Shan Jing, or Classic of the Five Hidden Mountains, written in the Great Yu’s Time (before 2200BCE);
2): Hai Wai Si Jing, or Four Classic of Regions Beyond the Seas, written during the Xia Dynasty (about 2070-1600BCE);
3): Da Huang Si Jing, or Four Classic of the Great Wilderness, written during the Shang Dynasty (about 1600-1046BCE); and
4): Hai Nei Wu Jing, or Five Classic of Regions Within the Seas, written during the Zhou Dynasty (about 1046-256BCE).
The first known editor of Shanhaijing was Liu Xiang (77-6BCE) in the Han Dynasty, who was particularly well-known for his bibliographic work in cataloging and editing the extensive imperial library. [1] Later, Guo Pu (276-324CE), a scholar from the Jin Dynasty (also known as Sima Jin, 265-420CE), further annotated the work.
Where was the Great Wilderness recorded in Shanhaijing? According to Shanhaijing, the Great Wilderness was a large tract of savage land that unfit for human habitation and was in the south of the Mobile Desert, today’s Taklamakan Desert. Clearly, it included today’s Tibetan Plateau, west areas of the Sichuan Basin and western Yungui Plateau. Shanhaijing also mentioned “east wilderness” and “other wilderness,” which were not today’s Tibetan Plateau, but other savage lands that unfit for human habitation.
In Shanhaijing, the River refers to the Yellow River, which rises in the northern Bayankala Mountains, and the Jiang refers to the Changjiang River, which rises in the southern Bayankala Mountains which is located in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.
The Mobile Desert in Shanhaijing refers to today’s Taklamakan Desert, the Asia’s biggest and world’s second biggest mobile desert, while the Rub Al Khal Desert in the Arabian Peninsula is the world’s biggest desert.
 The Chishui River in Shanhaijing was located in the east of the Mobile Desert, today’s Taklamakan Desert, and the west of the Northwest Sea. Shanhaijing uses “sea” to name saltwater lake and uses “deep pool” or “lake” to name freshwater lake.
The Northwest Sea is today’s Qinghai Lake. The Qinghai Lake, also called Kokonor Lake, is a saltwater lake and used to be very big, but it had reduced to 1,000 kilometers in perimeter in the North Wei Dynasty (386-557CE) and kept reducing to 400 kilometers in perimeter in the Tang Dynasty (618-907CE) and 360 kilometers in perimeter today.


Shanhaijing’s records of the Zhuan Xu People
The Zhuan Xu People and their descendants first lived near Mount Buzhou, later spread out to the west of the Qinghai Lake, the Tibetan Plateau and southern areas. The literal meaning of the Chinese characters “Zhuan Xu” was “Simple and Honest.”

Where is Mount Buzhou?
The Classic of the Mountains: West records, “Mount Buzhou is located in the northwest of Mount Chang Sha, 370 li away. Mount Zhu Bi is to the north and Mount Yue Chong is next to it; Lake Ao Ze lies to the east. From Mount Buzhou 420 li to the northwest is Mount Mi, where Huang Di lived in and ate jade ointment; another 420 li to the northwest is Mount Zhong; another 480 li to the northwest is Mount Tai Qi; another 320 li to the west is Mount Huai Jiang; another 400 li to the southwest is Kun Lun Mound; another 370 li to the west is Mount Le You; another 400 li to the west is the desert. From Mount Le You 350 li to the northwest is Mount Yu, where the Western Queen Mother lived in; another 480 li to the west is Xuan Yuan Mound; another 300 li to the west is Mount Ji Shi; another 200 li to the west is Mount Chang Liu (hereinafter written as Changliu), where Shao Hao was respected as the White King or White Ancestor-god.”
Today, one kilometer equals two Chinese li, but today’s Chinese li is different with Shanhaijing’s li. We cannot verify how much Chinese li in Shanhaijing was equal to one kilometer.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West records, “Mount Buzhou is located in the region beyond the Northwest Sea (today’s Qinghai Lake), the border of the Great Wilderness (today’s Tibetan Plateau).”
Wang Yi, an author of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220CE), thought Mount Buzhou was located in the northwest of the Kunlun Mountains.
Many current scholars believe that Mount Buzhou is located in the eastern Pamirs Plateau, to the west of the Kunlun Mountains, but the specific location is not confirmed.


Shanhaijing clearly identified the following people who were from the Zhuan Xu People:
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West records:
The Shu Shi People were descendants of Shu Shi, son of Zhuan Xu. And the Yu People fought with the Gong Gong People in the Guo Mountain. The Shu Shi and Gong Gong lived near Mount Buzhou.
The Lao Tong People, Zhu Rong People and Tai Zi Chang Qin, who started making music, lived in the west of the Chishui River and north of the Kunlun Mountains. Zhuan Xu was the father of Lao Tong; Lao Tong was the father of Zhu Rong; Zhu Rong was the father of Tai Zi Chang Qin.
The Chong People and Li People; Lao Tong was the father of Chong and Li; Li was the father of Ye, who lived in the westernmost of the Tibetan Plateau.
The San Mian People were descended from San Mian, son of Zhuan Xu. The San Mian People lived in the northern Tibetan Plateau, had three faces and one arm and did not die.
Also in the west of the Taklamakan Desert, there were the Yu Fu People. “A fish was half withered; its name was Yu Fu. Zhuan Xu recovered from death. Heavy wind came from the north, the sky was like a big water spring. The snake who was Yu Fu became a fish.” The historic truth behind this story is that the Yu Fu People, who lived in the west of the Taklamakan Desert, were nearly erased due to the great natural disasters. Heavy wind came from the north, while great rains made the sky like a big spring pouring out water to the Earth. The Yu Fu People moved from the north and west of the Taklamakan to the south of the Taklamakan Desert, then further to where Zhuan Xu’s group used to live and was buried, and claimed they were the Zhuan Xu People, saying the Zhuan Xu People recovered from death. They changed their totem from a snake to a fish.

The Classic of Regions Beyond the Sea: West records:
“Xing Tian fought with Zhuan Xu for the status of Ancestor-god. Zhuan Xu chopped off his head and buried the head in the Chang Yang Mountain. Xing Tian turned his two breasts to two eyes, turned his umbilicus to a mouth and brandished his shield and large axe.” The historical truth from this story suggests the Xing Tian People had fought with the Zhuan Xu People for the status of their Ancestor-god in the west of the Tibetan Plateau. The leaders of Xing Tian People were killed and buried in the Chang Yang Mountain, but the remnant Xing Tian People continued fighting the Zhuan Xu People with shields and large axes.

The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North records:
The Gun People used to launch an offensive against the Cheng Zhou People in the Yu (literal meaning: Rain) Mountain in the northern Tibetan Plateau.
The Zhong Bian People, who lived between the Qinghai Lake and the eastern edge of the Taklamakan Desert, were descendants of Zhong Bian, son of Zhuan Xu.
The Shu Chu People were descendants of Shu Chu, son of Zhuan Xu.
The surname of the Miao Min People was Li. The Zhuan Xu People were the ancestors of Guan Tou; The Guan Tou were the ancestors of Miao Min. They lived in the north of the Black River in the north of the Tibetan Plateau.
Hou Tu was the father of Sin; Sin was the father of Kua Fu. They lived in the northern Tibetan Plateau.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North records that Kua Fu, who was overblown, followed the sun, wanting to catch it in Yu Gu in the far east. He was very thirsty after drinking up all the water in the Yellow River. He went to the big pool but died before reached it. Also it records that the Ying Long People killed the Kua Fu People. This story is obscure, but we could grasp some historical truths. The Kua Fu People, who lived in the northern Tibetan Plateau, believed that the sun rose from the legendary Yu Gu in the far east. They undertook a mass migration to Yu Gu. During the dry season of the upper reach of the Yellow River, they were very thirsty and moved to a big pool, but they were killed by the Ying Long People before reached it. Ancient people believed that the dry season of the upper reach of the Yellow River was because of the Kua Fu People drinking up all the water in the Yellow River.
Also the Gong Gong’s minister Xiang Yao, which had a snake body with nine heads, was killed by the Yu People in the north of the Kunlun Mountains.
“Zhuan Xu and his nine wives were buried in Mount Fuyu, which was located between the River beyond the Northeast Sea (today’s Qinghai Lake).” The Yellow River has a U-shaped turn in the south of the Qinghai Lake and northeast of the Bayankala Mountain. The Mount Fuyu is located in today’s Aemye Ma-chhen Range, which is located inside the U-shaped turn of the Yellow River.
“A big hill was covered 300 li around. Di Jun had a big bamboo forest to the south of the big hill; Zhuan Xu bathed in a deep pool, named Shen Yuan, in the west of the big hill.” This hints that the Zhuan Xu People and Di Jun People lived in close proximity to each other in their early time.

The Classic of Regions Beyond the Sea: South records:
The Zhu Rong People moved from the west to the east of the Chishui River, lived in the far south of the Di Mountain (or the Yueshan Mountain). Their totem was an animal body with a human face and they drove two dragons-shaped boats. This hints that the Zhuan Xu People moved to the south along the east of the Tibetan Plateau.

The Classic of the Great Wilderness: South records:
The Ji Yu People ate millet and their ancestor was Ji Yu, son of Zhuan Xu.
There was a group of people, called the Zhuan Xu People. And there were the Bo Fu People, who ate millet and were descendants of the Zhuan Xu People.
“Guan Tou, who had bird’s beak and wings, was said to just begin to fish in the sea in the south of the Great Wilderness, driving by wings.” Gun and his wife Shi Jing were the parents of Yan Rong, who was the father of the Guan Tou People. There are hints of historical fact to this story. The Guan Tou People moved from the north to the south of today’s Tibetan Plateau, had a totem figure with a human body and bird’s beak and wings and sailed on the sea with sailboats. These sailboats had sharp heads, like bird’s beaks and sails like bird wings. The sea highly possible refers to today’s sea near Dhaka of Bangladesh in the south of the Tibetan Plateau.
The Chi You People fought with the Huang Di People and were killed by the Ying Long People (Huang Di’s offspring) and Ba People (descendants of Huang Di). Chi You’s fetters were thrown into the Song Mountain, where they became maple trees.

The Zhou Dynasty’s new stories of the Zhuan Xu People in The Five Classic of Regions Within the Seas.
Huang Di’s wife Lei Zu gave birth to Chang Yi; Chang Yi was the ancestor of Han Liu in the Ruo Shui River; Han Liu’s wife A Nü gave birth to Zhuan Xu.

Shanhaijing’s records of Neolithic Chinese People
Five Biggest Groups of Neolithic Chinese People had Lived in the Pamirs Plateau before They Moved to other Places of China.
The Classic of the Mountains: West records that Huang Di (Yellow King) lived in Mount Mi. The word “Huang (yellow)” suggests that Huang Di had a clear Mongoloid racial characteristic - yellow skin. It also records that Shao Hao was respected as Bai Di, “White King” or “White Ancestor-god,” by people in Mount Changliu. The word “Bai (white)” suggests that Shao Hao had a clear Caucasoid racial characteristic - white skin. The Chang Liu People regarding Shao Hao as their “White King” or “White Ancestor-god” indicates the Chang Liu People were offspring of the Shao Hao. Mount Mi and Changliu were located in today’s Pamirs Plateau. Today, we shall comprehend that Huang Di refers to Huang Di’s group due to they living in the matriarchal clan society, so did Yan Di, Shao Hao, Zhuan Xu and Di Jun.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: East tells that Shu Shi, Zhuan Xu’s son, lived near Mount Buzhou, also The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West says, “The Yu People (Di Jun’s offspring) fought with the Gong Gong People (Zhuan Xu’s offspring) in the Guo Mountain near Mount Buzhou,” suggesting Zhuan Xu’s group lived near Mount Buzhou in the Pamirs.
Shanhaijing does not give information about Di Jun living in the Pamirs Plateau, but records many groups of the Di Jun’s offspring lived in the northwestern Tibetan Plateau, including King Shun’s group and the Yu People, who lived near Mount Buzhou. Clearly, Di Jun’s group used to live near Mount Buzhou, their offspring moved to the northern Tibetan Plateau and had a lot of wars with Zhuan Xu’s offspring.
Shanhaijing does not contain any detail of Yan Di living in the Pamirs Plateau, but clearly records Ling Jia, Yan Di’s great-grandson, and Hu Ren, Yan Di’s great-great-grandson, lived in the west of the Taklamakan Desert. Drawing inferences about other cases from Huang Di, Shao Hao, Zhuan Xu and Di Jun, we can say that Yan Di’s group used to live near the Pamirs Plateau, later his offspring moved to the west of the Taklamakan Desert.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West tells us, “In the west of the Qinghai Lake and a corner of the Tibetan Plateau, there was Mount Buzhou. There were ten spirits (gods). It said that Nüwa’s intestines scattered into ten spirits; they lived in millet fields and slept on roads.” “Ten spirits” came from Nüwa and under her jurisdiction, lived near Mount Buzhou. This reveals that all ancient Chinese people, including the five biggest groups, regarded Nüwa as the Goddess since their early time.
Due to all ancient groups of Chinese people used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, they might have moved to the south areas of the Himalayan Mountains to the Indo-Gangetic Plain and contributed as some origins of the Ancient Indus Valley civilizations (about 3000-1700BCE). In this article, I will not discuss this. I will only talk about those ancient groups of people who moved to China and built ancient Chinese civilizations.

The Second Gathering Areas of Neolithic Chinese People were the West of the Qinghai Lake, East of the Taklamakan Desert and North of the Tibetan Plateau.
Shanhaijing records many groups of people lived in the west of the Qinghai Lake and north of the Tibetan Plateau, including offspring of the Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Shao Hao, Yan Di and other peoples, such as the Xi (west) Zhou, Bei (north) Qi and Xuan Yuan People. Here I mainly cite some people from the five biggest groups.

In the west of the Taklamakan Desert, there lived:
1) People recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West -
The Western Queen Mother lived in Mount Yu.
The Hu Ren (also called Di Ren) People were the ancestors of the Di Qiang People. Yan Di’s grandson was the father of Ling Jia; Ling Jia was the father of Hu Ren.
Yu Fu was the son of Zhuan Xu. Later the Yu Fu People turned their totem from snake to fish and recovered from death.
2) People recorded in The Classic of the Mountains: West -
The Western Queen Mother lived in Mount Yu; the Xuan Yuan People lived in the Xuan Yuan Mound; Huang Di lived in Mount Mi and Shao Hao lived in Mount Changliu. They were all in today’s Pamirs Plateau.

In the northwest of the Tibetan Plateau, near Mount Buzhou, there lived:
 Shu Shi, son of Zhuan Xu, recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West. Also “The Yu People (Di Jun’s offspring) fought with the Gong Gong People (Zhuan Xu’s offspring) in the Guo Mountain near Mount Buzhou.”

In the west of the Chishui River and east of the Taklamakan Desert, there lived:
1) People recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West -
The Bei (north) Di People were offspring of Shi Jun, who was grandson of Huang Di.
Tai Zi Chang Qin, who lived in Mount Yao and started making music, was the son of Zhu Rong. Zhuan Xu was the father of Lao Tong; Lao Tong was the father of Zhu Rong. Later, the Zhu Rong People moved to the east of the Chishui River and lived in the far south of the Di Mountain, recorded in The Classic of Regions Beyond the Sea: South.
2) People recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North -
The Zhong Bian People were descendants of Zhong Bian, son of Zhuan Xu.

In the northern Tibetan Plateau, there lived:
1) People recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West -
The Xuan Yuan People moved from the Xuan Yuan Mound in the Pamirs Plateau to the northern Tibetan Plateau and their life-span was more than 800 years. (In ancient China, people often used eight, eighty or eight hundreds to mean a lot.)
The San Mian People were descendants of San Mian, son of Zhuan Xu.
The Ye People, who lived in the westernmost place of the Tibetan Plateau, were offspring of Li. Zhuan Xu was the father of Lao Tong; Lao Tong was the father of Chong and Li.
2) People recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North -
Shao Hao was the father of Wei, who had only one eye in the center of his face. The Wei People, with the surname of Wei, ate millet.
The Bei (north) Qi People (Jiang Zi-ya’s ancestors).
The Shu Chu People were descendants of Shu Chu, son of Zhuan Xu.
The Quan Rong People ate meat. Huang Di was the father of Miao Long; Miao Long was the father of Rong Wu; Rong Wu was the father of Nong Ming; Nong Ming was the father of Bai Quan, also called Quan Rong.
The Kua Fu People. Hou Tu was the father of Sin; Sin was the father of Kua Fu.
The Ba People (descended from Ba, Huang Di’s daughter).
3) People recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: South
King Shun’s group (Di Jun’s offspring) bathed in the Chong Yuan Lake.

In the west of the Qinghai Lake and east of the Chishui River, there lived the Xi (west) Zhou People (the Zhou Dynasty’s ancestors) with the surname of Ji, who ate millet, recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West.
Shu Jun started practicing cultivating grains. Di Jun was the father of Hou Ji and Tai Xi; Tai Xi was the father of Shu Jun.
Yu Hao was the father of Yan Er. Yan Er was the father of Wu Gu. Wu Gu was the father of Ji Wu Min. Both the Yan Er People, who ate millet, and the Ji Wu Min People, who ate fish, had the surname of Ren.
The Guan Tou People and Miao Min People had the surname of Li. Zhuan Xu was the ancestor of Guan Tou; The Guan Tou were the ancestors of Miao Min.
Later the Guan Tou People moved to the south of today’s Tibetan Plateau and fish in the sea (highly possible today’s sea near Dhaka of Bangladesh), recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: South. Gun’s wife Shi Jing gave birth to Yan Rong; Yan Rong was the father of Guan Tou.

Shanhaijing does not give time sequence when recording locations of ancient groups of people, but gives us clues to find out the time sequence. These clues lead to a conclusion that Huang Di’s, Yan Di’s, Zhuan Xu’s, Di Jun’s and Shao Hao’s groups spread out from the Pamirs Plateau to the north of the Tibetan Plateau, west of the Qinghai Lake and east of the Taklamakan Desert, excepting Yan Di’s offspring, who spread out to the west and north of the Taklamakan Desert; Yu Fu’s group (offspring of Zhuan Xu) also moved to that area.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North tells that Wei, son of Shao Hao, lived in the north of the Tibetan Plateau, suggesting the Shao Hao People spread out from Mount Changliu in the Pamirs Plateau to the north of the Tibetan Plateau.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North goes Zhuan Xu and his nine wives were buried on Mount Fuyu, which was located between the Yellow River beyond the Qinghai Lake, suggesting that the Zhuan Xu People spread out from the eastern Pamirs to Mount Fuyu in today’s Aemye Ma-chhen Range.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: South says King Shun lived in the northwestern Tibetan Plateau; also Di Jun (Di Ku), King Yao, King Shun and Shu Jun (grandson of Di Jun) were buried in the same place on the Yueshan Mountain. The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West says the Yu People fought with the Gong Gong People in the Guo Mountain near Mount Buzhou; also Shu Jun’s group lived in the west of the Qinghai Lake and east of the Chishui River. These records hint us that the Di Jun People spread out from the Pamirs to the northern Tibetan Plateau and begat many groups, such as the Yao, Shun and Yu People, also the Hou Ji, Tai Xi and Shu Jun People, who lived in the east of the Chishui River and west of the Qinghai Lake.
Huang Di’s group lived in Mount Mi in the Pamirs Plateau, while their offspring, the Miao Long, Rong Wu, Nong Ming, Bai Quan, or Quan (Xi) Rong, lived in the north of the Tibetan Plateau and the Shi Jun and Bei (north) Di lived in the west of the Chishui River.
The Xuan Yuan People spread out from the Xuan Yuan Mound in the Pamirs Plateau to the northern Tibetan Plateau.

Wars recorded in Shanhaijing.
Shanhaijing records many wars between different groups of people and these wars led to some agreements of their shifting routes.
One of these famous wars happened between the Chi You People (offspring of Zhuan Xu) and the Ying Long People (offspring of Huang Di).
Shanhaijing records Zhuan Xu had at least nine wives and many sons, more than Yan Di, Huang Di, Di Jun and Shao Hao. The followings are Zhuan Xu’s sons: Yu Fu, Shu Shi, Shu Chu, San Mian, Zhong Bian, Lao Tong, who was the father of Zhu Rong (who was Tai Zi Chang Qin’s father), Chong and Li (who was Ye’s father). The Zhuan Xu’s offspring also include Hou Tu, Sin’s father and Kua Fu’s grandfather, also Gun, who and his wife Shi Jing were the parents of Yan Rong, Guan Tou’s father and Miao Min’s grandfather. There were many groups of people who were offspring of Zhuan Xu’s group and they could beat others by numbers when they lived in the west of the Qinghai Lake.
The Chi You People had a sense of “safety in numbers” and launched an offensive to the Huang Di People, who had fewer groups. The Ying Long People took up the challenge and killed the Chi You People with the help of the Ba People (offspring of Huang Di’s daughter Ba). Later, the Kua Fu People (offspring of Zhuan Xu) moved to the east and became far away from other Zhuan Xu’s offspring, the Ying Long seized the chance and killed the Kua Fu People. After killing the Chi You and Kua Fu, the Ying Long were afraid of retribution from Zhuan Xu’s offspring, they escaped to the south and later moved to Mound Xiong Li Tu Qiu in the north of the eastern mountains.
Another famous war happened between the Ba People and Shu Jun People (offspring of Di Jun). After the Ying Long went to the south, the Ba People, who had come to help the Ying Long, lived in the west of the Qinghai Lake. They had conflicts with the Shu Jun People. After negotiation, the Ba People believed their Ancestor-god Huang Di asked them to move to the north of the Chishui River. These stories hint us that ancient groups of Chinese people made an agreement after these wars, that the Huang Di’s offspring would live in the north of the Chishui River and move to the northern areas, matching Shanhaijing’s records of their later inhabitation areas.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: South records, “The Yu People launched an offensive against the Yun Yu People in the Yun Yu Mountain in the northern Tibetan Plateau.” The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North says, “The Yu People killed Xiang Yao, Gong Gong’s minister, in the north of the Kunlun Mountains.” Also The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West tells, “The Yu People fought with the Gong Gong People in the Guo Mountain near Mount Buzhou.” Clearly, the Di Jun’s and Zhuan Xu’s offspring fought a lot when they lived in the west of the Qinghai Lake. After these wars, they might have reached an agreement - Zhuan Xu’s offspring would go to the south, while Di Jun’s offspring would go to east. Such migration routes matched Shanhaijing’s records of their later inhabitation areas.
“Shao Hao nurturing the immature Zhuan Xu and the Zhuan Xu discarding their musical instruments - Qin and Se,” recorded in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: East, hint us that the Shao Hao People mastered the most advanced sciences and technologies and the Zhuan Xu People built close relationship with them in their early time, learned eagerly from them and discarded musical instruments, which were first invented by Tai Zi Chang Qin. Due to the Shao Hao mastering most advanced technologies, all other peoples would like to build close relationships with them, therefore, Shanhaijing has no records of Shao Hao’s offspring fighting with other peoples in their early time.

Neolithic Chinese People spread out from the Pamirs to the West of the Qinghai Lake and East of the Taklamakan Desert, then to other places.
The Huang Di, Zhuan Xu, Di Jun and Shao Hao People, and some other peoples, such as the Xuan Yuan, Xi (west) Zhou and Bei (north) Qi People, spread out from the Pamirs Plateau to the west of the Qinghai Lake and east of the Taklamakan Desert, lived nomadic lifestyle side by side, hunting animal, collecting millet and learning from each other. Within five to six generations, they had mastered many new sciences and technologies, Tai Zi Chang Qin (Zhuan Xu’s great-grandson) was the progenitor of making music instruments and Shu Jun (Di Jun’s grandson) was the progenitor of practicing cultivating grains.
After some wars, ancient Chinese people made some agreements. The Huang Di People moved to the north of the Chishui River, Tianshan Mountains and further northern and northeastern areas. Most of the Zhuan Xu People lived near the Tibetan Plateau and later some of them moved to the south, such as the Zhu Rong People, reached the Sichuan Basin, such as the Yu Fu People, and the Bay of Bengal, such as the Guan Tou People. The Shao Hao and Di Jun People moved to the east to the Weihe River Valley.
Of course, there were also possibly very few groups from the Di Jun, Zhuan Xu and Shao Hao going to the north, or going to the south; due to they were not the majority, we would not discuss them.

The Third Gathering Area of Neolithic Chinese People was the Weihe River Valley.
The Shao Hao and Di Jun People spread out to the Weihe River Valley.
The Zhuan Xu People, who lived in the Aemye Ma-chhen Range, were very near the Weihe River Valley and had the ability to move to the Weihe Plain. However, due to the Zhuan Xu People had many wars with the Di Jun, it is highly possible that the Di Jun People did not allow the Zhuan Xu People to enter the Weihe Plain. This matches Shanhaijing having no records of the Zhuan Xu People living in the central and eastern areas.

Archaeological Findings Match Shanhaijing’s Records of Ancient Groups of Chinese People.
Current humans share a common group of ancestors who were late Modern Humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) and who became the only surviving human species on Earth about 20,000 years ago. This latest human species, Homo sapiens sapiens, our ancestors, soon entered the Neolithic, a period in the development of human technology. The Neolithic period began in some parts of the Middle East about 18,000 years BP according to the ASPRO chronology and later in other parts of the world and ended between 4500BCE and 2000BCE.
About 20,000-19,000 years BP, the end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period, vast ice sheets covered much of North America, northern Europe and Asia; many high mountains were covered by snow and ice. The world’s sea level was about 130 meters lower than today, due to the large amount of sea water that had evaporated and been deposited as snow and ice, mostly in the Laurentide ice sheet. At the later stage of the Pleistocene since about 18,000 years BP, temperature rose quickly and snow and ice started melting, including the Pamirs Plateau and Tibetan Plateau. [2]
Shanhaijing records Huang Di’s, Yan Di’s, Di Jun’s, Zhuan Xu’s and Shao Hao’s group lived in the Pamirs Plateau and their offspring moved to the east and spread out to all over China. Many recent Chinese Neolithic archaeological discoveries have included cultivated rice from as early as 14,000 years BP. These include sites in Dao County of Hunan Province (about 12,000BCE), Wannian County of Jiangxi Province (about 10,000 years BP) and Yingde of Guangdong Province (about 9000-6000BCE). Archaeologists have found a lot of remains of human activity 10,000 years ago in China, including Bianbian cave of Yiyuan in Shandong (about 9,000-12,000 years BP), Nazhuantou of Xushui in Henan, Yuchanyan of Dao County in Hunan, Diaotonghuan in Jiangxi, Baozitou of Nanning in Guangxi, Ji County of Tianjin and Qinglong County of Guizhou. In 2013, Hou Guang-liang, the professor of the School of Life and Geography Science of Qinghai Normal University, and other archaeologists of the Cultural Relics and Archaeology Institute of Qinghai discovered remains of human activity about 11,200-10,000 years BP in Xiadawu of Maqin County, Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Qinghai Province.
Shanhaijing’s records and archaeological findings bring us a scientific conclusion. The Pamirs Plateau was very cold and unfit for human habitation before 16,000 years BP. As temperature rising, people, who came from the Middle East, began to enter the Pamirs Plateau around 16,000-15,000 years BP, soon they found that in the east of the Pamirs, there were vast fertile lands, they moved quickly from the Pamirs to the east and spread out to many places of China during about 16,000-14,000 years BP. The early ancient Chinese people lived nomadic lifestyle, moved frequently and were not able to leave much archaeological remains to us. However, when the Neolithic Chinese people started cultivating grains, they were able to settle down and left many archaeological remains.
Archaeologists agree that ancient Chinese people were in the matriarchal clan society before about 8,000 years BP, when human knew only mother not father and accepted only endogamy. It was able to ascertain the patriarchal clan of a group of people instead of an individual.
In prehistoric China, people usually named their groups after certain ancestors. Shanhaijing records many ancient groups of people and name a group of people with “Guo,” its literal meaning is nation or tribe. Shanhaijing does not identify the patriarchal ancestors of most ancient groups of people due to the long-time of the matriarchal clan society. However, Shanhaijing clearly identifies some individual’s patriarchal clans and around 150 groups of Neolithic people, which came from the five biggest groups of people: Huang Di, Yan Di, Zhuan Xu, Di Jun and Shao Hao. These were not only the names of individuals, but also the names of groups who regarded them as common male ancestors.
When the patriarchal clan society began in about 8,000 years BP, almost all ancient Chinese people still accepted only endogamy, those people, who believed that they were offspring of Huang Di’s group, tried to compile their patriarchal clans and claimed Huang Di was their common male ancestor. However, they were not able to ascertain which particular individual was Huang Di, due to Huang Di living in the matriarchal clan society - his group had female as leader and he was not able to be the male leader of his group. Clearly, Huang Di was only a figure from compilation, not a real person. Or, Huang Di originally was a female leader but people in the patriarchal clan society claimed that he was a male leader. Today, we shall comprehend that Huang Di refers to Huang Di’s group. The Huang Di People refer to all people who were offspring of Huang Di’s group and regarded Huang Di as their common male ancestor. So did Yan Di, Shao Hao, Zhuan Xu and Di Jun.
While most geographical positions written in Shanhaijing cannot be verified, Shanhaijing still provides some hints to let us know the homelands of ancient groups of people.

The Movement of the Zhuan Xu People During the Neolithic Age.
The Zhuan Xu People spread out from Mount Buzhou in the Pamirs Plateau to the east of the Taklamakan Desert and west of the Qinghai Lake during around 16,000-15,000 years BP.
Shanhaijing records many wars between different groups of the Zhuan Xu People, such as the Xing Tian fought with the Zhuan Xu People for the status of their Ancestor-god, recorded in The Classic of Regions Beyond the Seas: West, suggesting the Zhuan Xu had different factions. The famous legend of Gong Gong fighting with the Zhuan Xu for the leadership but losing, bumping his head against Mount Buzhou in anger, was also due to the faction conflict.
Shanhaijing also records many wars between the Zhuan Xu and Huang Di People and those wars ended with the Zhuan Xu’s defeat, such as the Ying Long killed the Chi You with help from the Ba and later killed the Kua Fu. The Ying Long and Ba were the Huang Di’s offspring while the Chi You and Kua Fu were Zhuan Xu’s offspring.
The Classic of the Great Wilderness: North says Zhuan Xu and his nine wives were buried in Mount Fuyu, which was located between the River beyond the northeast sea (Qinghai Lake). The southern Mount Fuyu had much copper and northern had many irons. The Mount Fuyu is located in today’s Aemye Ma-chhen Range, which is located inside the U-shaped turn of the Yellow River. Deerni Copper Mine, which is ranked one of the biggest copper mines in China and built in the southern Deerni Mountain in the Aemye Ma-chhen Range in Maqin County of Qinghai, proves there is much copper in that area.
The Aemye Ma-chhen Range is very near to the Weihe River Valley. Some of the Zhuan Xu People possibly followed the Shao Hao and Di Jun People to enter the Weihe River Valley. However, many wars between the Di Jun and Zhuan Xu People since the early time and those wars ended with the Zhuan Xu’s defeat, recorded in Shanhaijing, hint us that the Di Jun People did not allow the Zhuan Xu People to enter the Weihe Plain and move to the east to grab territories from them, when the overwhelming majority of them moving to the eastern China. This matches Shanhaijing having no records of the Zhuan Xu People living in the eastern China. Shanhaijing has no record of the Zhuan Xu having war with the Shao Hao, instead, The Classic of the Great Wilderness: East records that the Shao Hao People nurtured the more immature Zhuan Xu People and the Zhuan Xu discarded their musical instruments - Qin and Se, suggesting the Zhuan Xu had built close relationship with the Shao Hao since their early time and learned eagerly the most advanced technologies from the Shao Hao.
The famous Dzopa stone discs, which were made about 12,000 years BP and discovered in 1938 in the Bayankala Mountains, were the evidence of the Zhuan Xu entering into the Tibetan Plateau about 13,000-12,000 years BP, when scientists believed that the temperature there was fit for human habitation.
However, about 11,000 years BP, the Younger Dryas Event happened, the temperature in the Tibetan Plateau dropped nearly three degrees, meanwhile, the rapid uprising of the Tibetan Plateau began since 10,000 years BP. During this period, there were many earthquakes. The famous legend of Gong Gong fighting with the Zhuan Xu for the leadership and bumping his head against Mount Buzhou, was one of the earthquakes. The Zhuan Xu People in the Tibetan Plateau almost perished due to the great changes of environment; most of them had to move to other places, only a few groups of people were able to survive disasters. The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West says that the San Mian People lived in the northern Tibetan Plateau, had three faces and one arm and did not die. They survived during the environment changes.
Shanhaijing has many records of the Zhuan Xu People living near the Tibetan Plateau and later moving to the south. The Zhu Rong People moved from the west to the east of the Chishui River and lived in the far south of the Di Mountain, recorded in The Classic of Regions Beyond the Sea: South, hinting us that the Zhuan Xu’s offspring moved to the south along the east of the Tibetan Plateau. The Guan Tou People, who were offspring of Gun (Zhuan Xu’s offspring) and used to live in the west of the Qinghai Lake, moved to the south of the Tibetan Plateau due to the great environment changes and settled near the sea, highly possible today’s Dhaka of Bangladesh. From that area, the Guan Tou People had the ability to spread out to today’s India, South Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Polynesia and Australia.
The Zhuan Xu People lived in the south and west of the Di Jun People’s territories. Both the Zhuan Xu and Di Jun People had the ability to reach today’s Chongqing, where Daxi Culture (4400-3300BCE) was developed.
A famous record in The Classic of the Great Wilderness: West goes, the Yu Fu People (offspring of the Zhuan Xu), who lived in the west and north of the Taklamakan Desert, were nearly erased due to the great natural disasters. They moved to the south of the Taklamakan Desert. “The Zhuan Xu People recovering from death” hints us that the Yu Fu moved to the Aemye Ma-chhen Range, where the Zhuan Xu used to live and were buried, and claimed they were the Zhuan Xu People. They changed their totem from a snake to a fish.
Archaeologists believe that the Yu Fu mentioned in Shanhaijing left remains at the archaeological site of Sanxingdui in Guanghan City in the northwestern Sichuan Basin. Some legends said that the ancestors of Sanxingdui came from the north along the rivers. The Aemye Ma-chhen Range is exactly in the north of the Sichuan Basin. Archaeologists have discovered remains of human activity in Sanxingdui about 12,000 years BP. However, Yu Fu Culture in Sanxingdui was not the early Yu Fu Culture written about in Shanhaijing, which existed before 14,000 years BP. The Yu Fu Culture in Shanhaijing was instead the ancestor of the Yu Fu Culture whose remains were found in Sanxingdui. The cultural relics of Jinsha Culture (about 1250-650BCE), 50 kilometers to Sanxingdui, share similarities with Sanxingdui, but some of Jinsha’s relics share similarities with Liangzhu Culture (5300-4200BCE) in the lower reach of the Changjiang River. Historians believe that the Jinsha People came from Sanxingdui, but had influenced by the Changjiang River Valley cultures.
The Yu Fu People were the living evidence of what became of the Zhuan Xu People after they were nearly eradicated during the natural disasters. They moved south and entered Sichuan Basin. The Yu Fu People changed themselves from a group of people, who used to eat millet and animals and kept the snake as an animal totem, to a group of people, who ate fish and worshipped a fish totem. The Zhuan Xu People recovered from near extinction and Zhuan Xu Culture recovered to be carried on by the Yu Fu People.

Due to the long-time of the matriarchal clan society, it was difficult to ascertain an individual’s patriarchal clan. However, almost all groups of ancient Chinese People accepted only endogamy during the Neolithic Age, enabling Shanhaijing to identify about 150 groups of people, who came from the five biggest groups of people and had played important roles in building ancient Chinese civilization. The five most famous groups were the Zhuan Xu, Di Jun, Huang Di, Yan Di and Shao Hao. They used to live in the Pamirs Plateau, soon gathered in the west of the Qinghai Lake and north of the Tibetan Plateau, then moved to other places of China.
When the Shao Hao and Di Jun People entered the Weihe River Valley, some of the Zhuan Xu People possibly followed them. However, Shanhaijing records many wars between the Di Jun and Zhuan Xu People since the early time and those wars ended with the Zhuan Xu’s defeat. Due to the overwhelming majority of the Di Jun People moving to the eastern China, they did not allow the Zhuan Xu People to enter the Weihe Plain and move to the east to grab territories from them. This matches Shanhaijing having no records of the Zhuan Xu People living in the eastern China.
The Zhuan Xu People spread out from the north of the Tibetan Plateau to the south along the east of the Tibetan Plateau, such as the Zhu Rong People, who move to the far south of the Di Mountain, the Yu Fu People, who reached the Sichuan Basin, and the Guan Tou People, who moved to the Bay of Bengal.
The Zhuan Xu People lived in the south and west of the Di Jun People’s territories. Both the Zhuan Xu and Di Jun People had the ability to reach today’s Chongqing, where Daxi Culture (4400-3300BCE) was developed.
Sanxingdui Culture came about as the Yu Fu People (offspring of Zhuan Xu) moved from the northwest to the south and settled down in Sichuan Basin. Early Yu Fu-Zhuan Xu Culture almost perished due to the environmental disasters. However, about 12,000 years BP, the Yu Fu People settled down in Sanxingdui, adopted the fish as their new totem and built Yu Fu-Sanxingdui Culture. The Sanxingdui Culture ended about 3,000 years BP, possibly either as a result of natural disasters (evidence of massive flooding were found), or invasion by a different culture.

[1] Liu Xiang (79BCE-8BCE) and Liu Xin (53BCE-23BCE, son of Liu Xiang) were first editors of Shanhaijing (before 4200BCE-256BCE).
[2] Vivien Gornitz, Sea Level Rise, After the Ice Melted and Today, Jan 2007, NASA, ; accessed June 2, 2016

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I used to hear technologically induced voices coming from inside my head in the distant past. On one occasion in the distant past these internal voices informed me that I was to be put on an auto control system as soon as the criminal neuro operatives have completed their task of brain mapping me.
They also informed me that this effectively would mean that I would have no control over the movement of my limbs whatsoever and I would be auto controlled by means of artificial intelligence.
The internal voices further informed me that the computer program to achieve this feat has already been basically written and they were fine tuning it.

When I was a targeted individual in the distant past my head could be vigorously made to nod and shake totally against my will. My outstretched palm could be folded into a type of fist totally against my will. Words and whole sentences and swearing could be made to come out of my mouth totally against my will. My whole body sometimes felt as if it was taking on a life of its own. These neuro weapons capabilities are a logical explanation for the fake cover story of demonic possession and the fake cover story of shape shifting.

The internal voices informed me on another occasion that they could only achieve their task if I continued to use digital media screens. I would welcome feedback about the use of digital media screens. Do you believe that they are essential in all neuro weapons experimentation or are the criminal neuro scientists attempting to stop us communicating effectively with each other by making us afraid to use digital media screens.


While millimeter waves have a hard time penetrating solid objects, they will still penetrate our skin and skulls to a certain depth and this is how it will be used to influence epigenetics on the human population. You see those bio-nano-particulates being dropped from those Chem-Tankers in the sky are so small that they will pass right through the blood-brain barrier in our bodies and thus can be sent directly to our brains. This is evidenced by the fact that they are absorbed into our bodies through our skin pores and also through our lungs as we breathe them in on a daily basis.

If you get out of line then all they have to do is target your specific bio signature and zap you with whatever they deem will put you in your place or they will simply euthanize you out of existence with some exotic disease or maybe just a harsh energy pulse that fries your brain. I dunno, use you imagination on that one.

The indiscriminate testing of biological weapons on humans is nothing new and make no mistake, Transhumanism research is the new arms race of the 21st century. Neural lace is just one more biological weapon and the primary function of neural lace is to create an electromagnetic control layer interface that will give the sentient computers a control interface for the human nervous system.

By having access to the control of our nervous systems, they can effectively gain full control of our entire bodies, right down to the ability to twitch your nose or wink your eye.…/beast-system-one-world-govern…/

For further information please see a youtube video by neuro scientist Greg Gage called "How to Control Someone Else’s Arm With Your Brain"

For further information please see a youtube video called "Electronic Concentration Camp: Surrogate Enslavement."

"During steering the contraction of the muscles of the torturer is being measured with radar techniques. The contraction of the muscles of the torture victim is measured with radar techniques as well. Then electrical pulses are transmitted by laser or microwave techniques into the muscles of the torture victim till the muscles of both persons are contracted likewise, resulting in synchronous movements including speech. Being steered results in exactly following the movements of the person steering and saying what this person says."

System and method for controlling the nervous system of a living organism
Patent No US 3837331 A

Many small animals including rats and mice have already successfully been remote controlled..
For further information of neuro-hacking and human bio-robotization please read the following story of 21st-Century Bio-Hacking and Bio-Robotizing in the Case of Rohinie Bisesar: Breakthrough as Defense Attorney Confirms Her Receipt of Letter from Human Rights Activists…/21st-century-bio-hacking-a…/

In mid March 2016 the Polish defense minister Antoni Macierewicz visited the University of Father Tadeusz Rydzyk to participate in the discussion on problems of contemporary politics, armed conflicts and terrorism. One of the listeners asked him, whether Poland has got a strategy, how to solve illegal experiments with electromagnetic weapons on unwitting Polish citizens. Antoni Macieriwicz replied that his ministry is conducting an analysis on this subject and that he is going to establish a commission, which will investigate the complaints of Polish citizens.
In this way the Polish minister of defense admitted that there exist electromagnetic weapons, capable to interfere with the functioning of human organism and that it may be used on Polish citizens.…/5584676

Barton L. Ingraham and Gerald W Smith published an article back in 1972, in a United States government document called "Issues in Criminology", Volume 7, Number 2. The article is called " The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior, and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Control". The article states the following:- "The development of systems for telemetering information from sensors, implanted in or on the body will soon make possible the observation and control of human behaviour without actual physical contact. Through such telemetric devices, it will be possible to maintain twenty-four hour-a-day surveillance over the subject, and to intervene electronically or physically to influence and control selected behaviour".

There are many simple solutions to stop this wireless enslavement of the human race in its tracks. Telephone masts generate microwave radiation which is needed to carry the wireless control signals to and from the targeted individual. We must urgently dismantle all telephone masts. Two further helpful tips which I received in the past are linked herebelow.…/How-to-Stop-Electronic-Harass…

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The disturbing proof of the us government crimes against humanity programs.
Even more disturbing, is the government has lied and claims to have ended these heinous programs and crimes.
They are continuing to this very day, with even more sophisticated technology, and still there is no oversight.
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因上期提到曾偉明, 曾偉光一家為錢長開載有我芯片的腦控機, 以作為併芯片竊聽跟蹤, 滋擾, 遙控電子武器摧殘之用. 經讉責後仍然照開, 聲稱他在腦控空間超過20年, 經常帮腦控賤入保管和長開腦控機, 而大部份將腦控機分散去鄉下不知詳情的親戚朋友代為保管.


據知情者透露, 腦控賤人經常利用無知婦孺, 目標人物身處之大廈管理員, 長者家人等, 將載有目標人物芯片的腦控機24小時長開, 以供腦控賤人併芯片竊聽跟蹤,滋擾和使用電子武器摧殘. 大部份被利用者為了錢, 根本不知道部機的作用, 只知道依照腦控賤人指示長開機, 即每月可賺取一萬元. 不知道因此成為殺人凶手.


據了解腦控空間經常有人無故死亡, 實因為長開腦控機被遙控電子武器攻擊至死有關. 腦控集圑保管住大機總控掣權, 將只有一個開關掣的腦控機分散出去, 利用無知婦孺承擔風險, 當警方查到時, 將人交出去交差消案.


在此呼籲市民, 如有來路不明的人利誘你代保管一部機, 並要你長開機時就要小心, 你隨時可能成為殺人凶手. 如你身處香港, 中國大陸, 一經跟蹤查獲, 國際慣例是有權不需要經過任何審訊而令你人間蒸發.


A catastrophic mind control meltdown As mentioned in the previous issue, Tsang Wei Ming and his brother keep my brain chip with brain control machine, turn it on for 24 hours per day for the money, used for perps to gang stalking and remotely control electronic abuse. As they self-confessed, they stand in mind control space over 20 years, used for perps to kept mind control machines with chips and contributed to their relatives and friends in countryside who unknown the detail about machines. Just being told to keep the machine plug-in with electronic power.
According to insiders revealed that brain control perps often use some people such as ignorance woman, children and homeless, the building manager where the targeted individual resident, the member of elderly family, used various lies and money to the ignorance people to keep and turn on the machines 24 hours per day for brain control perp within chips for eavesdropping and tracking, nuisance and use of electronic harassment, the keeper do not know the role and specification of the machine, only accordance with brain control perp’s instructions that can earn 10,000 yuan per month. They don’t know therefore will commit to the murderer.
Now you understood why often the victims die with no reason in mind control space, all attacked by remote control electronic weapon. The organization of mind control group own a main control, and used to dispersed sub-machine that only one switch, they used the ignorant people only for taking risks, when the police found, the perps will hand over the ignorant one for close files.
Warn to the public, any unidentified person ask you to keep the machine, you have to be careful who may let you spiral into a catastrophic mind control meltdown when you turn the machine on, you may become a murderer at any time. If you are in Hong Kong, mainland China, once seized, It is customary for the international practice does not require any trial, but evaporate in the world without any interrogation.

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1. 腦控賤人將一些需要在空間做竊聽工作的人同被腦控不自知的寫字樓職員作為中間併芯片, 令竊聽者的定位位置顯示為寫字樓職員所在位置. 此舉一方面掩護竊聽者的位置, 另一方面當被竊聽者知道後調查時只顯示寫字樓職員所在位置, 而寫字樓職員有公司同事做證人, 證明他們正在處理自己公司事務而非跟蹤竊聽. 增加調查工作的困難. 以上做法是真是假? 技術上如何處理? 有賴科學和腦控機使用者去證實.

  1. 腦控賤人同時利用元朗一處露宿者之家作為併芯片定位, 當調查人員跟蹤到露宿者之家才知道. 有人嘗試遙控電子武器, 發現在場者很多人即時頭痛, 證明很多露宿者確實是被腦控. 老人院一樣有很多不自知的受害者被作為定位系統使用.
  2. 如果你是自知被腦控, 又沒有公司同事作見證人, 又被動地被併芯片作為定位系統, 為避免惹禍上身, 最有效的方法是不停聽收音機, 聽歌, 出外走動. 如在家中, 將家中光線較到最光亮.


  1. 我有另一發現, 我是大眼睛, 當同小眼睛者併芯片時, 眼睛有拉扯和睜不開的感覺, 令眼部週邊出現皺紋和變型.
  2. 據稱腦控賤人慣常手法是控制應賠償而未賠償受害者的生育, 令受害者索償不能延續. 控制受害者生育方法之一是長期將男性同女性併芯片, 令荷爾蒙失調, 不能排卵, 不能生育; 方法二, 將子宮有病患者同受害者併芯片作身體檢查, 令受害者以為自己子宮有病患而切除; 方法三, 將來經期的女子同受害者併芯片, 令受害者經期混亂致不能懷孕
  3. 變態賤人吳震宇同朱咪咪各自為每月一萬元照顧便溺和便秘長者, 控芯片賤人將便溺和便秘長者各自同他們併芯片. 但吳震宇同朱咪咪沒品, 將他們自已同受害者併芯片, 關閉同長者感覺掣, 同時開啟受害者感覺掣, 令受害者飽受便溺和便秘之苦. 可恥!


 在此聲明, 如再將便溺和便秘者同我併芯片, 本人一定按懲罰性索償計算方法同當事人索償.


  1. 腦控賤人拆散夫妻方法, 關閉妻子思維掣, 將他人思維併妻子芯片, 令妻子口出狂言, 虛假思維影響妻子不停無理取閙, 乞人憎, 令丈夫心生厭惡, 再安排年青貌美的女子(腦控賤人自己人)於丈夫身邊以作監視. 達到腦控賤人所要的的最終目的.


Mind Control Space news this week (December 25 to 30, 2017)

  1. The chip controlller used Someone being mind control without self consent,  who working in office  as  position display point that will show in the Radar , conneted with the perp whom needs to do eavesdropping work in the mind control space,  so that eavesdropping position is displayed in stead of office staff . This technical skill used for cover eavesdropping.  On the other hand, when the victim aware being stalking, then follow the stalker, it only displays the location of office staff, at the mean time,  the office staff have company colleagues as witnesses to prove that they are handling their own business rather than tracking eavesdropping.  Such gang stalking skill  true or false? I never practices, the answer could be on scientific and the users  of mind control machine.
    2.  There is other case as position display,  using the place for  homeless  in Yuen Long as a chip positioning, when the investigators tracking the stalker to known.  and then  remotely control electronic weapons attacked and found a lot of people present immediate headache to prove there are a lot of homeless people being mind control as position display, and many victims without self consent also being positioning in the home.
    3. If you are self-aware of being brain-controlled, and without company colleagues as witnesses, but also passive within chip by  chip controller as a positioning point, in order to avoid distractions, the most effective way is to keep listening to the radio, listening to music, go out and walk around, also makingthe light of the home to brightest as you can.
    4. I have another discovery, I am a big eye, when the metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with small eyes person, my eyes have the feeling of pulling and can not open, so that the eyes around the appearance of wrinkles and variants.
    5. The metamorphosis perp also used mind control technical to manipulatethe victims' childbirth, since such victim have a large amout of compensation fund but not yet reward. the perp want to keep the amout for his/her own, so used cheap track to make the victim claims can not be continuedone to junior upon awake. One of the ways to within the male chip with the female for long-term, so that hormonal imbalance, unable ovulate, unable pregnant; Method 2, The metamorphosis chip controller with the victim chip with patient got Cervical cancer for physical examination, So that the victims think they have a diseased uterus removed;   Method three, the metamorphosis often within victim's chip with someone on period to physiology mess up the victims Menstrual disorders cause unable pregnant.
     6. This week, the pervert perp Ng Chun Yu and Zhu Mimi for ten thousand per month to within chip with urinate elderly and constipation elderly in their responsibility. but such two persons seduction from morality, within their chip with elders to victim, turn off the feeling key themselves and then turn on the feeling key to the victim,  so that to harassed the victims from suffer from urinate and constipation.
     I hereby warn to that if within my chip with above elders, the chip controller , Ng Chun Yu and Zhu Mimi should be paid the Physiological and psychological compensation to me,  I will claim compensation from the above parties in accordance with the punitive compensation that had post at the date October 6, 2015.
     7. brain control perp used the method to split the couple , turn off victim's wife mind thinking key, use other one's thinking intercepting to the wife, make victim's wife outspoken, negative thinking affect wife keep unreasonable access, annoying at the extreme, make her husband hated her, and then arrange Young and beautiful girl (under perp manipulated person) to her husband for surveillance, to achieve the ultimate goal of brain control perp.



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腦控空間有很多無故被腦控的青少年, 有些一出世已被腦控. 在他們成長的過程中, 父母要面對嬰兒在換尿片和沐浴時被偷窺, 擔心成長過程被併芯片影響樣貌和骨骼成長, 我見有約3歲大的小朋友, 變態控芯片賤人將她同朱儒併芯片, 令可愛的小女孩變成怪樣貌.


當兒童成長上學後, 因被腦控, 所以要面對的專注力不足的問題, 知識沒法吸收; 當克服了專注力不足的問題, 考試時遇到變態控芯片賤人將他們同智障或文盲人仕併芯片, 又是捧蛋.


到讀完書, 找工作, 好不容易找到一份好工, 如遭到變態腦控賤人搞事, 將他們被腦控的事公開, 昇職沒有希望, 甚至掉了份工.


好啦, 到了終身大事, 女姓要面對 “當被腦控時, 應早婚或遲婚? “的問題. 當你身處被腦控的情況下, 你很難找到另一半. 原因一, 變態控芯片賤人可能將你長期同男性併芯片, 男性思維影響你, 令你的男性思維不喜歡男性, 除非妳是同性戀者. 原因二, 當妳身處被腦控的情況下, 變態控芯片賤人可能將妳同不同人併芯片, 令妳的樣貌一日三變, 甚至情緒也受到不同人影響而產生變化.


我個人意見是如果你熱愛家庭生活, 能找到合適的另一半, 不妨早結婚, 早生育, 因微波和將子宮有問題的人併芯片可令人不育. 另一方面在生產過程中, 變態腦控賤人遙控電子武器令受害者子宮收縮不能順產, 最好選擇麻醉剖腹生產. 另一個要面對的問題是夫妻生活, 私隱會受到併芯片和而造成的心理和生理障礙. 如果能克服以上二點. 再加上夫妻真正了解對方且互相信任. 則無往而不利, 早婚又何妨!


有人選擇遲婚, 趁年輕時在事業上搏殺賺錢, 在社會上争一席位, 令老年生活無憂.  等思想成熟時再考慮建立家庭. 但只怕到時因微波效應和電子武器摧殘令妳人老珠黃, 想找個伴都難.


萬一找不到合適的另一半, 妳可能要面對的是孤獨終老的問題, 所有喜怒哀樂, 生活問題都必須自已解決, 自己承擔. 如能做到性格獨立, 堅強, 對可能因腦控而引起的柏金遜病能做到預防同心理準備. 那麼單身也何妨, 這樣反而能減少生活, 家庭所帶來麻煩, 婚姻所帶來的煩惱. 但當然人生一定不完美.


最後妳會選擇早婚, 遲婚或者被迫單身? 我認為一切還是隨緣吧!


在此一提的是腦控賤人的存在功能, 他們志在打擊受害者, 癈受害者武功, 令受害者沒有反擊的能力, 甚至變成他們的同類.  我以過來人的經驗, 無論腦控賤人如何打壓, 都必須完成學業. 時刻自我增值, 加強自己手上的籌碼. 我個人的經驗是一邊努力工作, 一邊專心完成大學課程. 當腦控賤人打壓事業時, 專心學業, 當打壓學業時, 專心工作. 當兩樣同時被打壓時, 出外旅遊, 增廣見聞, 擴闊視野. 所以在此勉勵被腦控的青少年, 不要放棄, 力求上進, 同腦控賤人打一場持久戰. 做一個有社會價值的人. 大家共勉吧!

The conern of victim's life

There are a lot of teens in brain control space, and some of them have been brain-controlled since they were born. In their growing-up, the parents were faced the not privacy situation such as diaper changing and bathing for their child, worried their own child would be hurt by mirowave auditory effect, worry about within chip would be effect to appearance change, also DNA change to bone growth, I have saw a 3-year-old child have a 40 years old face and child's body, all above since the metamorphosis chip controller within the child chip with dwarf, so that lovely little girl turned into a dwarf's appearance.

When children grow up to school, due to being brain control, they have to face the problem of lack of concentration, knowledge can not be absorbed; when overcoming the problem of lack of concentration, when they are in exam, the metamorphosis chip controller within their chips with someone who got mental retardation or Illiterate people. all their study can not remember at that time. the result will be zero of cause.

  ">After school and got a job. the trouble maker of perp, make victim in trouble as a mental disorder person or treat them as perp of stalker, if your boss believed the lies of perp, you will loss the opportunity of promotion, even lost your job.

Well, is the time to face the marriage, most of the female will ask the question of "what is the right time for getting marry when you under the mind control circumstance" ?  when the girl being mind control, if the metamorphosis chip controller within her chip with a male, male thinking affect to girl's thinking, male mind do not like men, unless you are a homosexual.  Cause problem two, when you are being brain-controlled, the controller within the girl c ">hip with different persons, so that your appearance change from time to time, also make your mind and memory change time to time too, even emotions effection are change by different people.

My personal opinion is that if you love family life, and you can find your Mr. right in early time, you can getting marry early, early childbirth, due to microwave will cause a lot of problem to famale's  uterus by within chip with patients. On the other hand have a serious problem during delivery, since the metamorphosis perp may remote control electronic weapon attack uterine to contractions, so it is best way to choose anesthesia Caesarean section during delivery. Another problem should be psychological and physical problem, your marries life open to public, not privacy.  if you can overcome the above problems. and really understand each other and trust each other that just do it.

Some people choose to marry later, take advantage of their young in businesses to make money, fight for a place in the community, make herself not any economic concern in the future. But I'm afraid due to microwave effects and electronic harassment will hurt your health and appearrance, you can not find you Mr. right as you want.

If you can not find the other half, you may have to face the problem of loneliness, all emotions, life problems must be solved by yourself. If you have confidence, tough, have a psychological preparation to the Parkinson's disease cause by mind control, so single will be a good idea, you don't need to face the problems cause by familys, husband and children. but of course, life must not be perfect.

Finally,  what ever you choose, early marriage, late marriage or forced to single?  just follow your heart

And the addition, the perps' function are fighting the victims, abuse the victims to mental disorder that do not have the ability to counterattack, or even become to perp. Come from victim's experience, regardless of perps How to suppress you, you must complete all school studies to increasing yourself-value, got your bargain power. My personal experience was working and completion of university courses in same time. When the perp suppress my career, concentrate on study, or convert, concentrated my career. When the both are being suppressed at the same time, go traveling abroad, increasing knowledge and broadening my horizons. we are never give up and encouraged to each other, against to mind control as a protracted war.

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本週腦控空間作孽者: 吳孟達,秦沛, 林家棟, 麥潔雯, 吳震宇, 朱咪咪



1.   據說腦控空間有一家人, 名叫曾偉明, 曾偉光和曾惠群, 吳孟達交他們一條我的腦芯片, 以每月一萬元報酬要他們長時間開有我芯片的腦控機, 以供他人竊聽和併芯片. 此一家現在已被曾志豪所用. 在此呼籲此家人, 或認識此家人和曾志豪的人, 見字後請同我聯絡. 我是被腦控受害者, 並非在腦控空間工作的人. 任何人仕未經我同意, 擅取我的芯片直接或間接使用都屬嚴重刑事罪行, 請立刻關機停止使用. 否則必須按我聲明中提到的懲罰性索償計算。


2.    腦控空間賤人經常誘使受害者同他們合作, 以高回報為餌, 利用受害者做一些犯罪行為後, 食言不付報酬, 反將受害者被誘使所犯的罪行作為勒索的把柄. 大家切記, 不可輕信腦控賤人的謊言.


3.    本週當我購買聖誕禮物, 贈送家人後, 有腦控空間的人到同一家商號購買相同價值的產品後, 隔日再去退貨取現金. 不知是何原因? 據講每次我購買禮物後,腦控賤人都有此情況發生.


4.    本週有糖尿病上眼者同我併芯片, 令我全週雙眼酸痛痕癢, 精神狀態很差.


5.    本週變態控芯片賤人持續將頸部, 左右眼紅腫敏感者共三人同我併芯片, 令我皮膚持續惡化.


6.    本週變態控芯片賤人將一位70歲長者同我併芯片, 令我滿面,滿頸皺紋, 呈現老態.


7.    本週變態控芯片賤人梁姓的跛腳鴨將幾位傷殘人仕同我併芯片, 令我右腿不良於行.


8.    無線有些甘草演員和臨記, 明星,DJ 父母, 老年住在老人院, 為了面子, 付款變態控芯片賤人, 將他們的芯片同住在私人物業者合併, 用住私人物業者眼壓, 隱瞞住在老人院的事實. 我不明白為何要為住老人院而有心理負擔, 在老人院有人照顧, 有人聊天, 一樣可以生活得好開心. 為何偏偏要併芯片滋擾陌生的受害者, 而目的只為了滿足自己的一點點虛榮心. 此舉不止令自己失禮, 更令其子女感到羞恥.


Mind control space news this week (December 18 to 24, 2017


This week work as metamorphosis troblem maker were known: Ng Man Tat, Paul Chun Pui, Gordon Lam, Kitman, Francis Ng. Mimi Chu


1.  There is a family in brain control space named Cheung Wei Man, Cheung Wei Kong , and Cheung wei kwong,  It is said that Ng Man Tat handed over a piece of my brain chip to such family, and require them to turn on the brain-control machines within my chip for 24 hours per day last one month for HK$10,000, which is used by Tsang Chi-ho.


Please someone if you know such family and Tsang Chi-ho, to contact me after seeing the word, and I am a victim not a person working in a brain-controlled space. Anyone who uses my chip directly or indirectly without the consent of me is a serious criminal offense and must be shut down immediately to stop using it or will claim according to the punitive damages that mentioned in my blog before.


2.   The perps often lures victims to cooperate with them, using high reward as bait, making use of the victim to do some criminal acts, then never fulfill their promised, used victim to commited crimes as a goods for extortion money.  Remember don't be fooled by perps's lies.


3.   This week, when I bought a Christmas gift for my family, then a perp also to bought the same value product from the same department store and return the goods on the next day for cash.  I do not know why?  this situation was not first time, but every time after I bought a gift.

4. The metamorphosis chip controller still within my chip with diabetic patient, made me
eye sensitive and felt so tired this week.

5.  The metamorphosis chip controller continued within my chip with someone who got neck and eyes irritation, 
there are three patients within my chip, so that my skin getting more serious this week

6. The metamorphosis chip controlller within my chip with a 70-year-old person, make me full face and neck wrinkles,
my appearrence shows as a 70 years old woman.


7. One of metamorphosis chip controller, his name is Leung, and was a legs disable person, he used to within my chip with him also others, intended to break my leg as threats for money.


8.  Some TVB older actresses, walking-on actors, and the parents of film stars, DJs, most of them living in nursing homes, they want to hide the fact, pay to chip controller for within their chip with someone who living in the private property, misled the people who in mind control space recognized that they are living in their own flat not in nursing home.  I do not understand why they have such psychological worries for living in a nursing home.  In nursing home have professional nurses to take care and have people to chatting, you can enjoy your lift.  They want to within chip to abuse the victims only to satisfy a little bit of fake vanity, this move not only rude to themselves, but also make their children ashamed.



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腦控, 止痛藥, 毒品的關係

根據東周刊文章提及, 美國目前有二百萬人濫用鴉片類止痛藥, 正面臨鴉片類止痛藥成癮的危機. 美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)提供的統計數字, 每天有一百四十萬人因濫藥喪命. 而波士頓醫療中心有研究發現, 美國有十二份之一的醫生, 曾收取藥物生產商提供的利益.


從以上資訊, 令你聯想到什麼? 遙控電子武器所產生的痛症是否同以上數字有明顯的關係?


根據空間消息人士資料, 每當發生遙控電子武器令人集體劇烈頭痛後, 香港毒品的銷量上昇30%, 各類止痛藥平均上昇15%. 各醫務所生意上昇5-10%. 以上數字, 你們又聯想到什麼?


The Collaboration in mind control, painkiller and drug

According to the article from the East-Week magazine currently, there are two million people in the United States who abuse opioid pain killers and are facing a crisis of opiate analgesics. The statistics provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) daily are 1 million four hundred thousand people died of indiscriminate drug abuse, and a study by the Boston Medical Center found that a dozen of physicians in the United States accepted the benefits offered by drug manufacturers.
 From the above information, what do you think? The remote control of electronic weapons torture a lot of people to difference pains whether relative to the above figures ?
According to space sources, when perp remoted control electronic weapon torture victims, the sales of drugs increased by 30% in Hong Kong, and sales in individual types of painkillers increased by 15% on average each time, Also the medical center business growth about 5-10%. Look at all information provided above, we have a answer why the perps used electronic weapon so often.

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I recommend cold showers

I recommend taking cold showers. The benefits are countless. For example they strengthen the immune system and reduce stress and (brain) inflammation. They change your brain structure, make you able to think (more) normal (which is not the case when you are under constant stress and inflamed).

They also give you more energy and reduce the receptivity for 'sound torture/sound transmissions'.

Try this together with a simple breathing exercise and I promise you that you will be surprised by the result! Start slow; with a 30 second cold shower the first week (for example). Then increase gradually to 60 seconds, then 90 seconds etc. Let it take time. Interestingly the body adjusts to the cold , it's like training. After a while it doesn't feel especially cold.

Check up Wim Hof and his books, home pages and videos for more information. 

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* for possible technical explanation see below


Whenever and from wherever I turn on a TV that is broadcasting to me live I'm seen on the monitors in the TV studios or on the monitor of the live camera. This happens every single time I turn on the TV. IT’S BEEN HAPPENING SINCE 2004.


It doesn’t matter where the TV is being broadcast from - as long as it’s live - as soon as I turn it on I’m seen on the monitors in the studios or on the cameras. Thus I’ve been transmitted live to studios or cameras in Australia, US, France, Spain, China, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Indonesia, Germany, Chile. All the newsreaders of the news programs from those countries that are broadcast live to Australia have been seeing me since 2004, as well as all the guests who appear live on their programs. Also all the regular Australian newsreaders and live TV presenters and their guests. They have all been seeing me since 2004. Anyone could see me if they were in one of the studios or in front of one of the cameras that’s broadcasting live and I turned on that channel.


Initially I treated it all as a joke and laughed and smiled and waved etc. at them. So they were mostly friendly, curious.


Then I started getting aggravated by the invasion of my and my family’s privacy that this “TIVO-1984 TV” represented. Sometimes I got abusive or confrontational. That didn’t help at all.


But then I realized that all they know is that I appear on the monitor – and that they don’t necessarily know about all the DIRECTED ENERGY and NEUROLOGICAL WEAPONS torture and abuse that’s being done to me. So I started holding up protest signs and signs telling them I was being tortured etc.. Now they know there’s definitely some “funny business” going on – and they give me concerned looks etc. I don’t know if any of them have taken any other steps to help me. Some are more sympathetic than others, some seem to be thinking along the lines of – “he must have done something to be put in that position”. All the Australian journalists know that it’s all completely out of the hands of the Australian Government because I have protested, abused, held up signs and messages to the Prime Minister, other Ministers, the Governor-General etc. when they have been live on TV - and they just have to sit there and take it.


In this way such people as Donald Rumsfeld, Christopher Hill, Nancy Pelosi, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, John Howard, Angela Merkel, Silvio Berlusconi, Richard Holbrooke, Hilary Clinton, Barak Obama, and many other politicians, officials, commentators, journalists and celebrities have seen me and are all potential witnesses to this technology and this aspect of my abuse.


It happens any time I see a live broadcast, no matter where I am. It completely ruins watching live TV - as you are actually like being in a video-conference - so it's hard to remain impassive or unaffected.


It's been happening since 2004 - so most of the regular newsreaders etc. are quite used to seeing me.


They also see whoever is with me in the room.


Nowadays mostly I hold signs saying "I'm being tortured. please help me" or "stop directed energy and neurological weapons torture" so I don't have to stare directly at them.


I'm just astounded that supposed "free media' people, politicians, officials etc. - can witness this bizarre invasion of a person's privacy and human rights - plus the fact that I'm telling them I'm

being tortured - without doing anything about it.


So, of course, I conclude that they are completely unable to do anything about it - even if they wanted. and I have seen how they find it just as unusual as me.


Although - as I come across on the director's or producer's monitor - they seem used to people coming across there - and at first were perfectly unsurprised to see me there - it's just when I started abusing and protesting and not acting like the typical people who appear on those monitors that they realised something was wrong.


For them it's like they get tuned into a reality TV show - me at home, in a bar, with family etc.- except I’m holding signs saying "please help me I'm being tortured" , or I protest or wave at them etc..


A lot of what I've experienced technically seems perfectly explained - and simply explained - in

John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA at

as far as I’m concerned that gives a very plausible and simple technical explanation of 80% of what I've been subjected to -  including the media stuff they can alter, insert etc. digital information whilst it's passing through the air, or go directly into the hardware.


NOTE: I also believe that they can sample a DJ, NEWSREADER’S or anyone’s voice and synthesize a message in that voice and “deliver” that to your TV, radio, head or whatever. So it may not be the actual DJ or NEWSREADER etc. collaborating and it may just be a artificially synthesized personal message directed and delivered to you only. Also I think they have the ability to alter pre-recorded digital images and information prior to and during transmission – so for example a pre-recorded “talking head” can appear to be talking to you and reacting to you.


What I have experienced and described above is quite different, and quite easily distinguishable, from these type of fabrications.


Please assist me.




"The NSA's electronic surveillance network is based on a cellular arrangement of devices that can monitor the entire EMF spectrum. This equipment was developed, implemented, and kept secret in the same manner as other electronic warfare programs.


With this technology NSA personnel can non-obtrusively tap into any communication device in existence. This includes computers, telephones, radio and video-based devices, printers, car electronics, and even the minute electrical fields in humans (for tracking individuals).


The NSA's EMF equipment can tune in RF emissions from personal computer circuit boards (while filtering out emissions from monitors and power supplies). The RF emission from PC circuit boards contains digital information in the PC. Coded RF waves from the NSA's equipment can resonate PC circuits and change data in the PC's. Thus the NSA can gain wireless modem-style entry into any computer in the country for surveillance or anti-terrorist electronic warfare.


Radio and Television signals can be substituted at the receiving end with special EMF equipment. Replacing signals in Radios and Televisions is another outgrowth of the NSA's Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) mission."


From -


John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA




INTERVIEW with 2006


1. Can you please tell me when you first noticed  something was happening and can you describe this experience?


I sent 2 human rights activist emails to public authorities and forums beginning in 2003.


In 2004, Feb-April, I sent some more specifically regarding the war in Iraq, and the war on terror.


In about June 2004 I became aware of being surveilled by media "feedback" - messages directly, personally concerning me and things I was doing. these messages were embedded in TV, INTERNET, NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES. some were specifically personal - that could only relate to me. others were like horoscopes -applicable if you want to draw the connections.


Also a CCTV street photo of me was placed on my internet home page, and some very old emails I had sent were sent to me.


Also I had a few "Organised Stalking" experiences - cars following me and groups of people noticing me, and seeking to draw my attention to them.


This was a disconcerting experience. I initially thought my house was video-ed and bugged and was being directly transmitted to the internet - thereby giving people the information about me that they were commenting on.


So I moved house. Then it started happening in the next place I lived. this was Sept/Oct 2004.


This was very disconcerting and bewildering.


Then, about 6 months after I became aware of being surveilled, I was subjected to a relatively short bout of mentally invasive torture - noises, dogs barking, bullying people. one them was a "respected" newspaper columnist and Australian literature board director - really, also, a local Gestapo member.


The media "feedback" was also continuing all this time.


Objects, papers - various types of messages were also presented to me - for example on the street where I was walking etc.. This was achieved, I think, by nanotechnology - de-constituting the objects, "delivering" them by directed energy, and then re-constituting them. or it may been direct image placement into the brain - although I don't think so because those type of images are recognisably in the brain.


About 6 months after that, April 2005, they hit me very strongly - with sleep deprivation torture for a week, sensory overload torture, and various very clever and well- produced  "headtrips", and then vasectomy (it felt like castration).


Since then the torture and abuse has been continuous i.e. not just surveillance and "feedback" - but mentally invasive and physically destructive torture, abuse and tricks 24/7. This started in May, 2005 and has continued since then.


A lot of what I've experienced technically seems perfectly explained - and simply explained - in

John St. Clair Akwei vs. NSA, Ft. Meade, MD, USA



As far as I’m concerned that gives a very plausible and simple technical explanation of 80% of what I've been subjected to. including the media stuff they can alter, insert etc. digital information whilst it's passing through the air, or go directly into the hardware. also they take some time to do the brain-mapping/EEG readings or whatever.


2.Why do you think you were singled out over other peace protesters and human rights activists.


I think it may have been a combination of the tone and timing of my emails. Also bulk emailing public forums and authorities worldwide as an individual, not a member of an activist group, may have left me more vulnerable. I think I hit some raw nerves, and may have been considered particularly forthright and outspoken.


3. Do you see a pattern of the victim of this torture, some type of profile from other cases you know of.


I think some are specifically political/ideological/"security" targets. Others, more randomly, are being used for experimentation. And some to create confusion.


4. Can you please give an example of one of these emails you sent.


The Record of the United States


The record of the United States is monstrous and abysmal and yet its self-righteousness, assertiveness and unilateralism is undiminished. Why is that?


Since the end of World War II the United States has killed more than a million Vietnamese in the Vietnam War, it has sponsored and trained death squads, armies and police in Central and South America and elsewhere that have killed millions. It has been, and is, a major supporter of mass-murdering China, Indonesia, Turkey, Zaire, Nigeria and others. It is the major supporter and sponsor of Israel who has dispossessed and is brutalising and oppressing millions of Palestinians.


At the same time the United States has denigrated, undermined and actively opposed the United Nations and the rule of international law and standards – so much so that it will not even support an international human rights and law court. A knight in shining armour? More like Frankenstein. The United States and the world will greatly benefit when it becomes an honest and positive participant.


Besides honestly and positively supporting international laws, standards and institutions it could start by, along with other members of the international community, directing 20% of its military budget to the creation of a standing United Nations humanitarian intervention force. It could also start by encouraging Israel to withdraw to its 1967 borders, in compliance with numerous United Nations resolutions, and along with the international community especially European countries, by organising and funding a generous compensation, assistance and development plan for Palestinians, including a large voluntary assisted migration program.


Gold coast 2004


5. Did you report this to the police or local authorities and what happened when you did this.


No because it seems too incredible. I didn't believe it, and still find it incredible and nightmarishly totalitarian and hard to believe. Family and friends didn't and don't believe me.


Also I didn't think it was or would be necessary because what has been done to me has been extensively witnessed by public and authority figures both in Australia and overseas -

i.e. Since 2004 whenever I turn on the TV  - if it's live, I appear on the director's/producer's monitor. Thus I have been witnessed by, and have protested and appealed to, many newscasters in Australia and overseas, and by anyone who appears live on the news.  Politicians, celebrities, newscasters and others have thus all witnessed me in this position and I have appealed and protested to them –

for example - Bill Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Queens of Sweden, Norway, England, Prince Frederick of Denmark, Princess Mary of Denmark, Colin Powell, John Howard, Mark Latham, Mark Vaile, Angela Merkel, Julia Gillard, Nancy Pelosi, John Howard, Donald Rumsfeld, the Governor General of Australia and many other Ministers and Officials.

And from Australian TV - Alan Kohler, Kerry Obrien, Li Lin Chin, Mary Kotstakidis, Silvio Rivier, Andrew G, Andrew O’Keefe, Mari-Anne Kennerley.

From American TV - Jim Lehrer and the other people from PBS News, Katie Couric and many, many others.


With so many public and authority figures thus witnessing my predicament it seemed unnecessary to make any further reports. I certainly have no lack of witnesses to corroborate at least this aspect of my story!


Also since 2004, I have continually appealed for help, in writing, to Governments, UN Missions, UN Organisations, EU Organisations, other International and Human Rights Organisations, and many, many media outlets in the US and worldwide stating all the facts of what is being done to me. I have received virtually no help, or even acknowledgement, from anyone at all! Both the technologies and the perpetrators of these atrocities remain secret and unprosecuted, although so many people, including many so-called authorities and journalists, are aware of my situation.


6. Has the media in Australia addresed your story?


Not at all. Even though all the journalists and newscasters have in the ways outlined above witnessed and have been informed of my situation, and even though I always ask them “What happened to a free media?”. The most totalitarian censorship has thus been blatantly applied to my story in Australia and all over the world. I think they’ve been told it’s “National Security” or “Patriot Act” type secrecy.


7. Who do you think is doing this and why?


An extremist US security organisation  - neoconservative extremists who are extremely well-resourced, connected and coordinated and who are using US National Security resources and pretexts to further their own ends and to operate unaccountably. As such they have very seriously undermined and overridden all the democratic processes and institutions.


US National Security resources and pretexts also gives them near complete control over the dissemination of information. In concert with a virtually non-existent diversity of mass media sources and opinions the result is incessant propaganda, selective reporting, double-standards and the virtual absence of any real, hard news and information i.e. any news, information or opinions contrary to their agenda and interests.

So they control the public agenda and avoid any real accountability and scrutiny.


Democratic people, processes and institutions have been made accountable to this SECURITY/SCIENTIFIC/BUSINESS/INFORMATION COMPLEX. Whereas in a properly functioning democracy this SECURITY/SCIENTIFIC/BUSINESS/INFORMATION COMPLEX should be accountable to democratic people, processes and institutions.


"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military/industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together. "


Dwight D. Eisenhower




"We are in a time of extremism, permanent war, and the unilateral manifestation of ethnocentrism and power by a cabal of people in the U.S. government. These power elites have been in operation for decades and are set on nothing less than the total US military (cultural) domination of the world. They defy the foundational values of the American people to achieve their ends."


from - A Study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons at  my italics.


One must wonder what exactly the so-called war on terror is being fought for. In western countries free speech is being attacked, diversity of mass media sources and opinions is virtually non-existent, civil liberties are being undermined, the rule of law, accountability, the right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence are being openly ignored and abused, and the humanitarian treatment of detainees has been rescinded and shrouded in secrecy. This driving down of standards lends support and legitimacy to tyrants, dictatorships, corrupt and authoritarian regimes the world over.


At a time of global paranoia, violence, injustice and change where are the human rights and international law upholding leaders, representatives and supporters? The abolition of torture, the upholding of universal human rights and world peace and development based on international law needs real global leadership and support not this pitiful coterie of acquiescers, complicits, fellow-travellers and compradors  obediently, self-deludingly and/or indifferently supporting war economies, national security state imperatives and criminal belligerents.


I believe an extremist US security organisation is doing all this stuff to me as ‘pedagogy’, ‘teaching me a lesson’, 'making a fool of me', a ‘retrieval’ (I’m part Jewish – so they told me), a sadistic, ugly power-trip and/or a psycho-physical ‘reengineering’. Whatever the reason it’s all forced and in complete disregard for my human rights and well-being.


Thus, from this horrendous personal experience, I can confirm that thought control, monitoring, commentary and disturbance; audio and visual input direct to the brain; and other remote physical and mental torture and abuse technologies are in existence and are being abused. Essentially it is “star wars” and directed energy weapons technologies coupled with advanced neuro and medical science, and also using nanotechnology and holography technologies.




For anyone at all concerned about human rights, liberty, democracy, privacy and ALL aspects and degrees of  human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health this uncontrolled and unacknowledged technology and abuse is intolerable!


There is massive ignorance and secrecy regarding these technologies and victims such as I are being subjected to uncontrolled and unacknowledged torture and mental and physical destruction.


These aggressive, exploitative philistines have stolen and wrecked my human rights, happiness, health and democratic freedom and are breaking multiple laws with impunity. How and why has such a situation been allowed to develop and continue? Why are the “democracies” and their ruling classes and exploiters, and the international and human rights organisations displaying such double standards with regard to my case and these abuses? Why is there no press freedom regarding my case? Why the public conspiracy of silence and acquiescence or complicity regarding this complete denial and abuse of my human rights? Why aren’t the criminals responsible for this being brought to justice?


8: Have you sought medical help of any type?


Yes my family asked me to see a psychiatrist. I saw a few and told them what is being done to me. None of them paid much attention to any of that and made various diagnoses – schizophrenia, deluded, psychotic – and gave me some medications. Of course none of the medications made any difference to my “symptoms” – they just gave me various “doped” effects plus some side-effects.


9. Have your symptoms changed while doing this interview?


No not at all.  I’m still being : -

1. continuously - 24 hours a day 7 days a week  mentally and physically monitored. (2004-present)


2. subjected to sleep deprivation torture. (2005)


3. continuously subjected to sensory and mental torture by being verbally and aurally abused, goaded, disturbed and engaged with - directly into the brain. This takes the form of a running commentary with a personally codified system of comments and responses to my thoughts, activities and biorhythms - both straightforwardly and with echo, repetition and distortion effects.  This sensory and mental torture directly into the brain has varied from extreme causing near-complete mental breakdown and desperation, to loud, intensive and continuous, to milder. It is all, however, unignorable and inescapable, and it has profoundly degraded and wrecked my mental and physical life and being. (2004/2005-present)


4. repeatedly and relentlessly subjected to electrical abuse and torture on the genitals - electric currents are applied to my genitals at different intensities and positions, often continuously for extended periods of time. This ranges from mildly disturbing to extremely torturous. The cumulative affect is sickening and constant mental and physical stress and tension. This electrical abuse and torture on the genitals is applied at any time of the day or night. I am often woken up by the application of electric currents to my genitals - night after night after night. My genitals have also been liposuctioned, collagened, vasectomied, and my scrotum subjected to repeated reductions and enlargements. Also my nipples are often “electrocuted”, and more recently what feels like my semen glands, and other internal organs are also being intensively “electrocuted”(2005-present)


5. continuously subjected to multiple nightly neurological experiments and interventions  - night after night after night 2,3,4,5 or more times per night artificial "dreams" are introduced into my brain and therein experienced and processed "organically" (?). This has resulted in mentally and psychically exhausting, degrading and wrecking me. I haven't had an uninterrupted nights sleep in over 2 years. (2005-present)


6. subjected to "deep" neurological interventions on my brain creating a lasting "lobotomised" effect. Repeatedly subjected to multiple other experiments and interventions on other areas of my brain. (2005-present)


7. subjected to various other mental, physical and social tortures, degradations and dirty tricks. This includes being extensively publically exhibited via internet and TV which has greatly magnified the complete violation of my privacy. (2004-present)


As an ancillary to these each and every night I am repeatedly put to sleep, woken up, made to go to the toilet, and mentally mood and temper controlled on waking. Other nights I am given erections, and occasionally voided of semen (my sperm production has been stopped). I am being used like a lab rat. This regime has been ongoing now since 2005.


Each and every waking hour I am thought and image read, and continuously subjected to the various forms of sensory and mental torture by being verbally and aurally abused, goaded, disturbed and engaged with - directly into the brain. Coupled with the various forms of genital abuse and torture. This regime has been ongoing now since 2005.


Thus my human rights, liberty and privacy have been completely violated and ALL aspects and degrees of my human freedom, individuality and mental and physical integrity and health profoundly assaulted, tortured and wrecked in this ongoing totalitarian nightmare.


10. Have you tried any methods of protecting your self against this?


No I thought about things like Faraday Cages to sleep in etc.. but I’ve heard the specific waves are too hi-tech to be stopped. Think about it – they are beamed down through roofs and through my skull into my brain encrypted with “information” and “effects”,  and transmitted back. There are continuous links to and from my brain and body  no matter where I go.

Scuba - diving under water did lessen it, but I was still reached.

By the time I even slightly conceptualised properly what was being done to me the bulk of the damage had been done to me i.e. my creativity, drives, and stuff relating to my “primitive” brain (I think they call it) had been knocked/burnt/lobotomised out. And the sustained nightly stuff had already substantially wrecked my imagination, sensibility and memory. My perceptual and sensory acuteness, strength and quality very much degraded. My mind-body relationship had been wrecked, and my psycho-physiological fluidity and coordination wrecked. My brains and wits had been addled, and my mind enraged, incapacitated and mangled in sheer powerlessness and frustration. My ability to sustainedly mentally focus wrecked. My digestion, heart beat and all my metabolism had already been altered and wrecked. My natural organic growth and maturation already truncated and wrecked.

Also my body had already been disfigured.

So it was a bit late.


Now, although they’re doing the same stuff, they are just farting around – the damage has been done and no substantial new effects are being achieved – just incremental, progressive aging and degrading of my psycho-physiological being. Although I think they are still trying to “rewire” my brain – by continuing the same stuff and seeing if prolonging the “treatment” helps and, with the aid of time, making me forget who I used to be and how I used to think and feel.


I think they have utilised all their technical resources – demonstrated the full extent of their “science” and obsession and now it’s just torture, abuse and live research and experimentation.


Originally I think it was a “psycho-civilizing” project (maybe something about a “retrieval” and Jewish Bell Curve racism). I think they were proud of their “science” and technical ability but all it has achieved is a stupid vandalism and has demonstrated the conceptual poverty of the whole “science” – their profound disrespect for, and lack of appreciation of, human complexity and diversity – and the simplicity, stupidity, reductionism and reifying-effects of the whole biological/genetic/physical determinism and behavioralist paradigm they are operating in.


It’s just hi-tech 1950s style US psychiatry – more precisely targeted and amazing but in the final analysis just vegetable-making brutal butchery. Another form of destructive invasive assault – TOTALITARIAN DESTRUCTIVE INVASIVE ASSAULT.


Of course if I could protect myself I would and obviously if I could get it stopped and the morons prosecuted I would. Also there are various rehabilitation steps that could subsequently be taken – after the first and foremost one of getting this directed energy and psychotronic weapon torture and abuse stopped!


11. How many people do you think have heard about your case in Australia?


10s 0r 100s.. Probably 1000s in the US and worldwide. Although many would only know little bits of it.

Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627


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"Security tips"

Happy New Year to all TIs!  Let`s hope this year will be much better.

I just want to make some comments about a video, "Shane`s Security Tips"-

The slide bolt shown at 14.28 mins looks like a round cylindrical bolt. This can be rolled over from outside the door using a screwdriver until the catch is open and they will open the door and walk in. I do not know if a flat bolt can be moved from outside, but personally I would not use any bolt to secure a door.

The "pressure pad alarms doorstop" at 11.53 looks to me as if it could be moved sideways from outside the door with a flat tool without setting off the alarm, although I am not certain.

The only way I would secure a bedroom door is by barricading it with furniture, which is what I do, example, an arm chair jammed between the bed and the door, the bed secured on the other side with a heavy box of books.

Stay safe, everyone.

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