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Computer services cardiff

With the rise in popularity of laptops and tablets, a dedicated combat control station is becoming increasingly unusual, but that doesn't mean STW can't help with PC repair in Cardiff! We specialize in providing computer repair services in Cardiff. Most tower owners have some knowledge of their own, but the STW team of PC repair Cardiff professionals has the knowledge and parts to figure out where your system has a problem and requires Computer services cardiff. Please go to Contact Us, write down the details, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!

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Just wanted to check in again and share a few words. 

If you have difficult days, you maybe don't think you are strong or you can pull through, but you can! You are so much stronger than the average. You are harder than stone by now. 

You can "Voice to Skull" the hell out of us and send beams into our organs and maim us in our own homes but your program WILL BE shut down because no psychopathic system ever worked in history, which is why the world is at the point today where it is. 

Educate yourselves, don't be afraid to search in Google and on YouTube, the more you know how the system and technology works, the more you can do to defent yourself and stop this. 

Don't forget, if you do nothing, nothing will change. 

You are NOT alone, NONE OF THIS IS YOUR FAULT and you are loved! ❤️

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If bio-technology has been injected into you by state employees on the orders of your government, then the link between your brain and the rest of your body can later be electronically and remotely severed and then your physical body can be externally physically wirelessly remote controlled by unknown others from a distance to commit acts of extreme evil.   You would no longer have access to your own brain and you would be a bio-robot.   Find a way to destroy the nano technology inside your body now.   Share this information widely now.

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I am wirelessly and non-consensually connected to the internet of things also known as the internet of bodies from bio-technology which has been injected into my body without my awareness at the time the injection was occurring.
This situation has enabled some of those who run the internet of things control system to broadcast voices, visions, sensations, pain, disablement and forced muscle movement into my head and body whenever they wish. They also use technology to instantly translate the EEG patterns being generated by my brain into my thoughts, emotions and actions.
Here is a sample of some of the messages which they broadcast into my head in the past.
"O My God. She is taking our her computer and I have not done any of the preparatory work."
"I thought she was finished for the night so I shut down."
"Sever ties with this woman. She has no respect for the church."
"She doesn't eat bread. That will set up back because that is where we import our nano technology into her body and brain."
"We will catch up with her, there is nothing surer."
"We will wait. We will torture you." "Do you plan to torture Gretta." "Yes." (that particluar broadcast was heard by me coming from inside my own head at twenty five minutes to nine pm Irish time on 3rd February, 2022.)
"We wish that the public have a mind set of being wary of the police. You do not appear to be wary of the Claremorris police who are also known as the Gardai."
My response is as follows:-
"The police need to be under the authority of the people and not under the false authority of the corporate state which they now are because the corporate state is unaccountable. The salaries of the judiciary and of the police are paid by the tax payers which means that both the judiciary and the police are servants of the people. We the people are the source of all authority on earth. The existing courts are extensions of corporations whereas the common law courts are extensions of we the people. We must return to using common law and in order to do so we must over turn the admiralty law and birth certificiate corrupt system of enslavement which we are now bothered by.
"Free the hands and she is free. Tie down the hands and she can't do anything such as wash her teeth, type a letter, use the computer, open a door, eat food, etc. " (Some people are often heard to say the following in conversation as follows:- My hands are tied. We dont know if they mean that their hands would be literally tied if they disobeyed the voice broadcasts which they might be hearing coming inside their heads from unknown remote locations.
I was denied justice by the police because they wrongly implied that I was mentally unwell and forced me to attend for psychiatric evaluation when I described my plight to them back one Sunday in February 2014. the date of which I have on record because on that same day and date a vet called Bernie Kirrane from Claremorris came to my brothers farm to conduct a caesarian section on a cow. That is how I know that exact date that I visited the Gardai (police) station in Claremorris where I reported this crime against me.
Many people now have nano-technology inside their brains and bodies owing to the fact that there was undeclared nano-technology inside vials of covid-19 vaccines that were examined officially by independent scientists in Spain, New Zealand and a number of other locations.
Those who are behind the attempt to wirelessly enslave us are known to be the Satanic Jesuits, Pope Francis and former Pope Benedict, the thirteen bloodline families, many and varied royal families throughout the world including Queen Elizabeth II of England, CEO's of various banks and megs corporations, ultra zionists and others. They have been lying to all of their fellow men and women of the world for many centuries about a great number of topics . In order to eventually enslave us under their command the Satanic Jesuits attempted to prevent us from understanding the only way energy works. All energy is fields and fields are not particles. They created many false sciences and other falsifications such as Particles physics, Quantum physics, the Gregorian Calender, The spinning ball earth and numerous other falsifications. In fact, we live in a wave/pulse universe. The satanic jesuits are hiding the pulse by wrongly focusing on the particle. There exists a science known as Synchretism which is a synchronising of all sciences in existence and if you wish to find more about this topic please visit the website of Santos Bonacci which is called


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The police have microwave transmitters close to their police stations which broadcast frequencies and messages on microwave carrier waves right into their heads to the extent that their thoughts, emotions and behaviour is now externally controlled for the most part. They have done nothing to protect their brains from these microwave transmitters.
They enforce the mandates of the corporatocracy who are the super rich. Those mandates are unconstitutional. The police ignore constitutional law.
The police are under the authority of the people and not of the corporatocracy because the salaries of the court officials , the judiciary and the police are paid by the tax payers. Therefore, the judiciary and the police are servants of the people.
The existing courts are extensions of the corporatocracy. Common law courts are extensions of the people.
It has been proven several times over that vials of so-called covid-19 vaccines contained nano-technology which means that their is now nano technology in the bodies and brains of some if not all of those who have been vaccinated by these aforementioned vaccines. When nano-technology is inside the body and brain of a living man or women this allows unknown others to torture them from a distance. Yet, whenever members of the public report to the police that they are being wirelessly tortured from a distance but can not yet prove it the police refuse to validate their statement and instead threaten them with psychiatry to the extent that such victims are intimidated from exposing the matter among their fellow country men and women.
The people are the source of all authority over the courts, the police and governments. Any law passed by the people has sovereign authority and is binding on all people including queens and popes. Here below is an arrest warrant for Queen Elizabeth II of England, Pope Francis, Pope Benedict and seventy two other members of the corporatocracy. This arrest warrant was created by officials of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussesl, Belgium and it is legal and official. The police are legally bound to make the arrests of the named individuals on this aforementioned arrest warrant but will they do so? If they refuse to do so they have become irrelevant. The people themselves will make the arrests because they are authorized to do so under common law provided they have the arrest warrant on their persons at the time of the arrest.
Further to that, frequency weapons are being used to entrain the brains of the police into states of aggression and hostility towards the people they purport to protect and serve. When their brains are entrained into states of aggression they go out onto public streets and use physical violence against law abiding citizens. These incidences of police violence are frequently video recorded and placed on online video platforms for the public to view. There are endless examples of police aggression against law abiding citizens coming from all over the world now.
Police work is not transparent. The police refuse to allow the public to video record any and all interactions with them inside their police stations. Secrecy allows evil to flourish. If the police have nothing to hide why do they refuse members of the public to video record their interactions with them while inside police stations. The public pay the salaries of the police and we demand that all police work be carried out on live video recordings from now on. We must insist that this be the case because the police have even been authorized by the corporatocracy to lie to the public which they frequently do.
Here below is the aforementioned arrest warrant for seventy five members of the corporatocracy as follows.:
. For further information on why this arrest warrant was created please visit a website called

Internatlonal Common Law Court

Globąl Breakinq News: January 15, 2022
Big Pharma, China, Vatican convicted of Genocide and Criminal Conspiracy by International Court - COVID vaccines prohibited as arrest of leaders and seizure of assets ordered
Brussels and Vancouver:

The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China, and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.
The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as "products of medical genocide and mass murder”.
After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence today, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.
The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ’Pope’ Francis (3orge Bergoglio), ’Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
An authorized copy of the Court’s Verdict and Sentence is attached. According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court,
"This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive coverup. The highest offiClals of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID 'vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.

“Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID 'vaccines’, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children.”
The Court’s verdict and sentence casts a wide net over those responsible by tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of indigenous people in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous "Indian residential schools”.
The Court establishes that the public opponents of this genocide, especially Kevin Annett, have been continually targeted for destruction by the convicted defendants, who are responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent attempts on Annett’s life.
"Our warrants empower not only our Sheriffs and deputized police, but people everywhere to enforce the Court’s verdict by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and halting the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID 'vaccines’,” says the Court.
"The killers of children can no longer evade justice using executive or corporate privilege, or by hiding behind the camouflage of contrived public health crises.”
An action plan for direct citizen participation in the enforcement of this historic verdict and sentence will be discussed tomorrow, January 16, at (at 3 pm pacific, 11 pm GMT), and posted at under "ITCCS Updates” and under "Breaking News".
To contact the Court: (attn: G. Dufort, Public Affairs Office)

Issued Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 12:01 AM (GMT)

by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division

Under the auspices of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
(established under the Law of Nations on June 15, 2010)



Common Law Court


The 3yğqement of the Internątionąl Common Ląw Coyrt pf /u stiçe Concerning Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations A Synopsis of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001 (January 15, 2022)

⦁ The global COVID corporatocracy that has dismantled democracy and the rule of law has arisen from a tradition and as the latest phase of deliberate Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by governments, corporations, and churches. These crimes reflect an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy by these powers to eradicate and enslave humanity, according to a master plan of global Eugenics.

⦁ The Court was convened under International Law on September 15, 2021, in Vancouver, Canada, to bring criminal charges and judgement against the persons and corporations named on the two counts of its Indictment: planning, committing, and concealing Crimes against Humanity, and committing or personally authorizing heinous crimes against certain targeted and named individuals, including murder.

⦁ The accused persons and corporations named in the Indictment include the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, PetroChina Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Ltd., the heads of state and top officials of the governments of Canada and China, the Crown of England, and the Vatican, the top officials of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Unitarian, and United Church of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Assembly of First Nations and First Nations Summit, and private citizens, totaling seventy five living defendants and the private estates of eleven deceased defendants.

⦁ The defendants were charged by the Prosecution with ordering or personally participating in fifteen specific crimes, besides the general offense of planning, committing, and concealing Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. These specific crimes included but were not limited to the following:

⦁ The institutionalized kidnapping, rape, torture, trafficking, medical experimentation, drug testing, starvation, and murder of indigenous and other children, in the Indian residential schools and hospitals in Canada, and in present day Catholic hospitals, foster care, and childcare facilities, with the knowledge and sanction of Popes John Paul II, Benedict VXI, Francis I, and the Queen of England.

⦁ The torture and murder of men, women, and children through experimental, involuntary drug testing, sexual sterilization, pain threshold and mind control experiments, slave labor, trafficking, cult ritual torture and killing, and other forms of medical, physical, and biological genocide.

⦁ The systematic destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and other children, and of evidence pertaining to their torture, suffering, and death, upon the order of the heads of the said churches and governments.

⦁ The intentional murder of fifteen named activists across Canada who were exposing these and other crimes, and the ongoing targeting of the defendants’ most prominent public opponent, Kevin Annett, for destruction and assassination.

⦁ The imposition of an unlawful political and economic tyranny over Canadians and all humanity under the guise of a fraudulent COVID public health crisis.

⦁ The deliberate poisoning and murder of Canadians and all humanity through the illegal and mandatory imposition of experimental COVID “vaccines” obtained through medical genocide and mass murder.

⦁ The laundering of money and the trafficking in weapons, drugs, human beings, fetuses, and human organs, in partnership with and for the mutual profit and benefit of themselves and organized crime, corporations, banks, churches, and governments, in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.

⦁ The harassing, silencing, and murder of witnesses to these crimes, and actively obstructing justice and criminal investigations.

⦁ Disrupting the proceedings of the Court, harassing the Court’s officers, and planning and attempting their assassination.

⦁ After four months of adjudication governed by due process, and in the absence of a response from the defendants, the Court found all the defendants guilty pro confesso on both counts and on all charges, and sentenced them to life imprisonment without parole, the loss of their assets and those of their respective corporations, and the latter’s disestablishment as transnational criminal organizations.

⦁ As part of this lawful sentence, and in response to the proven medical genocide and mass murder conducted by the defendants and especially Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals in developing the COVID "vaccines", the Court prohibited all governments, churches, corporations, public health agencies, and medical personnel from buying, promoting, or using the COVID "vaccines" and other products of genocide and criminality, on pain of being charged as accessories to a crime.

⦁ To enforce its lawful verdict and sentence, the Court issued a universal Arrest Warrant and an Expropriation Warrant against the defendants which authorizes Court Sheriffs, deputized police and citizens, to arrest and detain the defendants, disestablish their corporations, and seize their assets and products, including the COVID "vaccines", as part of the avails of criminality and genocide.

⦁ As part of this enforcement of the Court’s lawful verdict and sentence, the assets of the defendants are seized as financial reparations for genocide and for the damages inflicted by them on generations of children, and on the defendants’ victims and their families, including Kevin Annett and his children.

⦁ The convicted defendants and their corporations are disestablished criminal entities that under the law have lost the right to govern, operate, or engage in commerce. Any person or group who aids, abets, or associates with these persons or corporations or their activities or products is an accessory to Crimes against Humanity, and can be arrested and charged under the terms of the Court’s judgement and warrants.

⦁ The judgement and warrants of the Court have the full force and effect of the Law and take precedence over all regulations, authorities, and agencies. They can and must be used to stop the spread of genocidal, criminal actions and procedures, including the now-outlawed procuring and administering of COVID "vaccines" and related measures.

Issued by tha International Common Law Court of Justice, January 15, 2022
(G. Dul'or t, Clerk or the Wozzrg) - ,





International Common Lsw Court of Justice



Concerning Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations


In the hatter of Case Docket No. 09152021-AOO1

Issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of 3uetice convened within the jurisdiction of the sovereign Republic of Kanata between September 15, 2021, and January 15, 2022

This Judgement is issued with the authority and under the auspices of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), established on June 15, 2010, under the Law of Nations.

The complete record of the Court, including the evidence and specifications of this trial and its Verdict and Sentence, will be made available to the public.

The Court can be contacted through its Clerk at

See ww urderb de ee co www re ubl cofkanata ca

IN THE MATTER OF THE PEOPLE {herein referred to as “the Prosecution”} v. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS [herein referred to as "the Defendants"):

Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, 3ohn Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNNENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki,
Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN NOUNTED POLICE

Joseph Ratzinger, 3orge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Gerald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan 3urkovic, Remi de Roo, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the RONAN CATHOLIC CHURCH

Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Nichael Ingham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH

Richard Bolt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon 3essiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpe, Paul Nills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, 3ames Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA

Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT

Anne Heller, John Buehrens, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of 3ohn Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaie, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

Xi 3inping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.

Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, 3ohn Mayba, Wendy Barker, 3im and Eva Nanly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of 3ames and Madeleine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS


On September 15, 202:I, at their first arraignment hearing, the Defendants were charged by the Prosecution with a) constituting a deliberate Criminal Conspiracy to plan, commit, and conceal Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, in Canada and elsewhere, in their capacity as the initiators of and participants in that Conspiracy, and as those bearing a command responsibility for it, and b) personally and collectively engaging in or aiding and abetting crimes against Kevin Annett, his family and associates, children, and indigenous people.

These charges have not been answered, challenged, or refuted by the Defendants, who both individually and as a group ignored the lawful Summons of the Court. The charges against the Defendants therefore stand uncontested as a pro confesso admission of guilt by them.


LET IT BE KNOWN that after the Court’s exhaustive deliberations of the voluminous, verified evidence presented by the Prosecution in court commencing September 15, 2021, and after the Defendants consistently refused to respond to the Court’s Summonses or to answer, deny, or refute the charges and evidence brought against them, and thereby by their silence have admitted pro confesso to these charges and evidence, the Court has come to the following Verdict and Sentence concerning the charges against the Defendants:

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the Defendants have been and continue to be engaged in a deliberate, brutal, and ongoing Criminal Conspiracy against Humanity and targeted individuals, particularly Kevin Annett, who since October 17, 1994 has led the public investigation and prosecution of their crimes; and that this willful Criminal Conspiracy has been planned and committed unjustifiably with malice aforethought to attack and destroy Annett’s life, family, livelihood, employability, civil rights, spiritual and professional calling, and his public work and reputation, including by attempting to kill him.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the purpose of this Criminal Conspiracy by the Defendants was and continues to be to commit and to aid and abet Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations in Canada and elsewhere, and to conceal their own and others’ malfeasance and complicity in those Crimes, including in these and derivative acts:

⦁ The deliberate and systematic extermination of indigenous nations across Canada, and the theft, profiteering from, and despoiling of their lands and resources.

⦁ The institutionalized kidnapping, rape, torture, trafficking, medical experimentation, drug testing, starvation, and murder of indigenous and other children, including in the Indian residential schools and hospitals, and present-day Catholic hospitals and childcare facilities.

⦁ The torture and murder of men, women, and children through experimental, involuntary drug testing, sexual sterilization, pain threshold and mind control experiments, slave labor, trafficking, ritual killing, and other forms of medical, physical, and biological genocide.

⦁ The kidnapping, torture, and ritual murder of children in church and state-sponsored intergenerational cult networks, including the so-called Ninth Circle and Twelve Mile Club.

⦁ The systematic destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and other children, and of evidence pertaining to their torture, suffering, and death.

⦁ The harassing, targeting, and murder of Krista Lynn, 3ohn Sargent, Clark Angus, Karl Angus, Willie Sport, Archie Frank, Harriett Nahanee, Louis Daniels, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Harry Wilson, Ricky Lavallee, Edna Philips, Ron Barbour, and Pamela Holm.

⦁ The treasonous subversion and destruction of the sovereignty and the laws of Canada.

⦁ The imposition of an unlawful political and economic tyranny over the lives of Canadians and humanity under the guise of a fraudulent COVID public health crisis.

⦁ The deliberate poisoning and murder of Canadians and humanity through the illegal and mandatory imposition of experimental COVID “vaccines” obtained through genocide.

⦁ The laundering of money and the trafficking in weapons, drugs, children, fetuses, and human organs, in partnership with and for the mutual profit and benefit of themselves and organized crime, corporations, banks, churches, and governments, in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.

⦁ The harassing, silencing, and murder of witnesses to these crimes.

⦁ The construction of a false and misleading public narrative about these crimes to delay and prevent criminal investigations and judicial proceedings.

⦁ The obstruction of justice.

⦁ Assaulting, defaming, marginalizing, and destroying Kevin Annett and his associates and their efforts to make public the truth and details of these crimes and to prosecute those responsible, and attempting to assassinate Annett.

⦁ Disrupting the proceedings of the Court, harassing the Court's officers, and planning and attempting their assassination.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that this Criminal Conspiracy and these criminal actions by the Defendants are particularly nefarious and a matter of enormous public concern because they constitute a real, present, and ongoing threat to and assault upon the laws, peace, and welfare of Canada, its people, and the people and nations of the world, by deliberately causing, committing, facilitating, and concealing Crimes against Humanity; and that accordingly, the Verdict and Sentence of the Court is made on behalf of not only Kevin Annett and his associates, but the Canadian people and all of humanity, and their interests of justice, peace, public safety, the health and welfare of children, the rule of law, democratic accountability, and the survival of free societies.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that because of this Criminal Conspiracy and these criminal actions, Kevin Annett has experienced and is experiencing enormous and ongoing personal, physical, financial, and professional suffering and ruin, and severe damages and losses, for which the Defendants are jointly liable and responsible by their criminal actions and as co-conspirators in this proven Criminal Conspiracy.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the Defendants were responsible for the nearly fatal chemical poisoning of Kevin Annett during 2021, and that they intend and are actively planning to murder Annett after his hospitalization for surgery, or elsewhere, on or before February 21-22, 2022, according to the Defendants’ Criminal Conspiracy described herein; and that the Defendants have disrupted and impeded the Court’s proceedings, including by harassing its officers, and planning their assassination.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that this Criminal Conspiracy and the criminal actions by the Defendants are part of a broader institutionalized criminality that has been waged against humanity for centuries by the papal, monarchical, religious, police, governmental, military, and business corporations named herein that are associated with the Defendants - a fact that has been established by the previous adjudication of this matter by international Courts of Law; and as such, the Defendants are the active agents and fiduciary officers of Transnational Criminal Organizations that under International Law constitute rogue criminal bodies that have lost their right to operate. Accordingly, as the agents and officers of such bodies, the Defendants have no legal basis or right to challenge or appeal this Verdict and Sentence, which stands stare decisis on the public record.


⦁ The Court hereby finds the Defendants guilty as charged on the general indictment and the charges specified by the Prosecution, namely, of being the prime initiators of and participants in, and of bearing direct command responsibility for, a deliberate, deadly, and massive Criminal Conspiracy to plan, commit, and conceal Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, and of personally and jointly engaging in or aiding and abetting criminal actions against Kevin Annett, his children, his associates, other children, and indigenous people.

⦁ In addition, the Court finds the Defendants guilty of disrupting, impeding, and attacking the proceedings of the Court prior to and during its deliberations in order to evade justice and conceal their guilt and the guilt of others in the matters stated herein, and of conspiring to assassinate Kevin Annett and officers of the Court.

⦁ Accordingly, it is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall be imprisoned for the duration of their natural lives without the possibility of parole, that their personal and institutional authority is nullified, that their personal assets and their properties are seized as partial reparations for their crimes, and that they shall facilitate the liquidating of the assets and properties of their respective Bodies Corporate which, as duly convicted Transnational Criminal Organizations, have lost their right to operate, to manufacture, sell, or profit from their products, or to retain their financial investments and holdings.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall immediately surrender themselves to the Court’s Sheriffs for the execution of this lawful Verdict and Sentence.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that if the Defendants evade arrest and imprisonment, or otherwise defy this lawful Verdict and Sentence, they are publicly declared and will be considered to be fugitives from justice under the law; and accordingly, Court sheriffs and deputized police and citizens are empowered to enforce the Court’s Verdict and Sentence by using reasonable force to arrest and detaln the Defendants and deliver them for the lawful execution of their Sentences, and to assist in the seizing of their assets and properties, according to the terms of this lawful Verdict and Sentence.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall instantly and unconditionally cease and desist from their proven Criminal Conspiracy and criminal actions, including against Kevin Annett, and from any life-threatening, criminal, and damaging actions aimed at him and his children, his associates, other children, and indigenous people.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall publicly acknowledge and admit to all the aforementioned fifteen criminal actions in which they are and have been engaged and are complicit, shall acknowledge their participation in their proven Criminal Conspiracy, and shall disclose to the Court all the evidence, communications, and identities of other persons associated with the aforementioned fifteen criminal actions and with their proven Criminal Conspiracy, including in relation to the following events:

⦁ the firing without cause, notice, or due process and the unlawful “delisting“ from ministry and public, professional ruination of Kevin Annett by the United Church of Canada and its fiduciary officers and agents between October 17, 1994 and March 7, 1997, and their subsequent ruination of attempts by Annett to professionally retrain and earn a livelihood;

⦁ the divorce and child custody lawsuit brought against Kevin Annett by his spouse Anne McNamee between December 24, 1995 and April 4, 1996, that was instigated, organized, and funded by officers and agents of the United Church, the Canadian judiciary, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and James, Madeleine, and Anne McNamee;

⦁ the destruction of Kevin Annett’s doctoral program by the United Church and its agents at
the University of British Columbia between September 1, 1995 and March 31, 1998;

⦁ the destruction of Kevin Annett’s professional ordination in the Unitarian Universalist Church by officials of the United Church and the Unitarian Church during 1996 and 1997;

⦁ the sustained physical, financial, and psychological warfare waged against Kevin Annett between August 1, 1992 and the present through a systematic "black operation" initiated and funded by the United, Catholic, and Anglican Churches, the RCMP, the governments of Canada and China, the Crown of England, the Weyerhaeuser and Pfizer corporations, the Vatican agency known as Santa Alleanza, and Karol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger, and Jorge Bergoglio (aka Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis I); and a public misinformation and sabotage campaign directed against Kevin Annett and his associates by these same corporate bodies and individuals, from August 1, 1992 to the present;

⦁ the assassination of Krista Lynn, John Sargent, I Park Angus, Karl Angus, Willie Sport, Archie Frank, Harriett Nahanee, Louis Daniels, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Harry Wilson, Ricky Lavallee, Edna Philips, Ron Barbour, and Pamela Holm by these same corporate bodies and individuals between Narch 3, 1995 and September 23, 2019;

⦁ the chemical poisoning of Kevin Annett during 2021, and his assassination on or before February 21-22, 2022, by agents of the RCMP, Pfizer Ltd., the Vatican agency Santa Alleanza, the Papal Nuncio to Canada, by order of 3orge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis;

⦁ the planned assassination of officers of the Court following the commencement of its proceedings on September 15, 2021, by order of Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants will immediately issue to Kevin Annett and to the families and estates of the persons named in point (f) above, a complete, unconditional, public admission of guilt and full acceptance of responsibility for their actions in relation to Annett and these persons, and for any other losses, damages, and suffering caused to them by the Defendants. Such an admission by the Defendants shall constitute under the law an unqualified acceptance of legal and moral responsibility for these crimes.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants and especially the aforementioned officers of the United Church of Canada and any of their agents shall publicly acknowledge the unlawful, fraudulent, and covert nature of the "delisting" hearing that expelled Kevin Annett from his profession as a United Church minister, and the participation of United Church officers in the planned, systematic destruction of Annett’s livelihood, marriage, family, public reputation, university studies, vocational retraining, and employment.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall financially compensate Kevin Annett for all his denied income and his financial expenses and losses arising from their personal and fiduciary actions, or their association with the said Criminal Conspiracy. These reparations will total no less than $2.5 million for general expenses and lost income, employment, and benefits, and no less than $25 million for personal grief, losses, suffering, expenses, and damages caused to Kevin Annett and his children by the Defendants.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall financially compensate each of the families and estates of the persons named in point (f) above an amount totaling no less than $25 million for personal grief, losses, suffering, and other damages caused by their targeting, harassing, and murder by the Defendants.

⦁ Accordingly, the Court authorizes through its appended Warrants the immediate arrest of the Defendants, and the seizure and expropriation of the assets and properties of the Defendants and their respective Bodies Corporate, in order to provide these funds and reparations to Kevin Annett and to the families and estates of the persons named in point
(f) above, in accordance with the lawful Verdict and Sentence of the Court.

⦁ Finally, it is the Sentence of the Court that all governments, public health agencies, and medical personnel or companies are prohibited, on pain of being charged as accessories to a crime, from buying, promoting, or using the COVID “vaccines“ and other products of medical genocide and mass murder issued by the convicted Bodies Corporate known as Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, which are guilty of Crimes against Humanity, and as transnational criminal organizations are lawfully disestablished.

This Verdict and Sentence is made and issued unanimously by the magistrates of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Case Docket No. O9152021-AOO1, on this Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022. It has the full force and effect of the Law.

Chief magistrate

Submitted to and entered into tha public racord of the International Common Law Court of 3ustica as Case Docket No. 09152021-A001, on this day, January 15, 2022



International Common Law Court Of JU9tIC6


Issued by the Court in accordance with its lawful Verdict and Sentence

In the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001

The Court authorizes its Sheriffs and their appointed deputies to immediately detain and deliver for the execution of their Sentence the persons named in this Warrant.
The Sheriffs and their deputies are empowered to call upon other police forces to aid in the detaining and transporting to imprisonment of the sentenced persons named in this Warrant, employing necessary and reasonable force.

Issued on the Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022.

Chief Magistrate of the Court

Clerk of the Court

See the reverse for the list of convicted Defendants who are szzd/ecf to Immediate arresf and Imprisonment according to the terms of this /awfzz/ Wamant.


The following persons have been duly tried, convicted, and sentenced by the Court, and are
subject to Immediate arrest and Imprisonment according to this lawful Warrant:

Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harpar, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, John Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki, Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE;

Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Gerald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan Jurkovic, Remi da Rao, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH;

Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Michael lngham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH;

Richard Batt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon Jessiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpa, Paul Mills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, James Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA

Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT

Anne Heller, John Buehrena, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of John Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaie, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

Xi Jinping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.

Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, John Mayba, Wendy Barker, Jim and Eva Manly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of James and Madalaine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS
Clerk of the Court

Case Oocfref No. 09152021-A00‘I - Manual 15, 2022

OU 0f '


International Common Law Court of Justice


Issued by the Court in accordance with its lawful Verdict and Sentence

In the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001

The Court authorizes its Sheriffs and their appointed deputies to immediately seize and expropriate the personal and corporate assets and properties of the persons named in this Warrant according to the lawful Verdict and Sentence of the Court.
The Sheriffs and their deputies are empowered to call upon other police forces to aid in the enforcement of this Warrant, employing necessary and reasonable force.

Issued on the Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022.

Chief Magistrate of the Court


O^«oi »"””
Clerk of the Court

See the reverse for the list of convicted Defendants w'ho are subject to immediate arresf and Imprisonment according to the fezms of this lawful Warrant.
Case Dochet No. 09152021-A001 Jantzary’ J5, 2022

The following persons have been duly tried, convicted, and sentenced by the Court, and their personal and corporate assets and properties are subject to Immediate seizure and expropriation according to this lawful Warrant:

Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, John Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki, Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE;

Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Garald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan Jurkovic, Remi de Rao, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH;

Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Michael Ingham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH;

Richard Batt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon Jassiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpe, Paul Mills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Fread, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, James Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA

Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT

Anne Heller, John Buehrens, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of John Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaia, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

Xi Jinping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of tha GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.

Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, John Mayba, Wendy Barker, Jim and Eva Manly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of James and Madeleine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS

Clerk of the Court

Case Docket JUo. 09152021-A001 - Janoazy YS, 2022



Read more…


Pope Francis and Queen Elizabeth II of England and others gave personal authority to use children in Catholic and Anglican hospitals for drug testing experiments so they are criminals.
Quote by Kevin Annett from the International Common Law Court of Justice - listen to the presentation at the enclosed online link

Here below is an official and legal arrest warrant for Queen Elizabeth II of England and Pope Francis and seventy three other criminals, and this arrest warrant has been issued by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels, Belgium. Further to that, down through the past few decades Queen Elizabeth II of England has knighted many men who have been accused of paedophaelia to the extent that she is a heavily compromised Lame Duck Queen. For further information on this topic please visit a website called

Internatlonal Common Law Court

Globąl Breakinq News: January 15, 2022
Big Pharma, China, Vatican convicted of Genocide and Criminal Conspiracy by International Court - COVID vaccines prohibited as arrest of leaders and seizure of assets ordered
Brussels and Vancouver:

The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China, and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.
The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as "products of medical genocide and mass murder”.
After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence today, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.
The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ’Pope’ Francis (3orge Bergoglio), ’Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
An authorized copy of the Court’s Verdict and Sentence is attached. According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court,
"This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive coverup. The highest offiClals of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID 'vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.

“Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID 'vaccines’, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children.”
The Court’s verdict and sentence casts a wide net over those responsible by tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of indigenous people in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous "Indian residential schools”.
The Court establishes that the public opponents of this genocide, especially Kevin Annett, have been continually targeted for destruction by the convicted defendants, who are responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent attempts on Annett’s life.
"Our warrants empower not only our Sheriffs and deputized police, but people everywhere to enforce the Court’s verdict by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and halting the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID 'vaccines’,” says the Court.
"The killers of children can no longer evade justice using executive or corporate privilege, or by hiding behind the camouflage of contrived public health crises.”
An action plan for direct citizen participation in the enforcement of this historic verdict and sentence will be discussed tomorrow, January 16, at (at 3 pm pacific, 11 pm GMT), and posted at under "ITCCS Updates” and under "Breaking News".
To contact the Court: (attn: G. Dufort, Public Affairs Office)

Issued Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 12:01 AM (GMT)

by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division

Under the auspices of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
(established under the Law of Nations on June 15, 2010)



Common Law Court


The 3yğqement of the Internątionąl Common Ląw Coyrt pf /u stiçe Concerning Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations A Synopsis of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001 (January 15, 2022)

⦁ The global COVID corporatocracy that has dismantled democracy and the rule of law has arisen from a tradition and as the latest phase of deliberate Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by governments, corporations, and churches. These crimes reflect an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy by these powers to eradicate and enslave humanity, according to a master plan of global Eugenics.

⦁ The Court was convened under International Law on September 15, 2021, in Vancouver, Canada, to bring criminal charges and judgement against the persons and corporations named on the two counts of its Indictment: planning, committing, and concealing Crimes against Humanity, and committing or personally authorizing heinous crimes against certain targeted and named individuals, including murder.

⦁ The accused persons and corporations named in the Indictment include the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, PetroChina Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Ltd., the heads of state and top officials of the governments of Canada and China, the Crown of England, and the Vatican, the top officials of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Unitarian, and United Church of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Assembly of First Nations and First Nations Summit, and private citizens, totaling seventy five living defendants and the private estates of eleven deceased defendants.

⦁ The defendants were charged by the Prosecution with ordering or personally participating in fifteen specific crimes, besides the general offense of planning, committing, and concealing Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. These specific crimes included but were not limited to the following:

⦁ The institutionalized kidnapping, rape, torture, trafficking, medical experimentation, drug testing, starvation, and murder of indigenous and other children, in the Indian residential schools and hospitals in Canada, and in present day Catholic hospitals, foster care, and childcare facilities, with the knowledge and sanction of Popes John Paul II, Benedict VXI, Francis I, and the Queen of England.

⦁ The torture and murder of men, women, and children through experimental, involuntary drug testing, sexual sterilization, pain threshold and mind control experiments, slave labor, trafficking, cult ritual torture and killing, and other forms of medical, physical, and biological genocide.

⦁ The systematic destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and other children, and of evidence pertaining to their torture, suffering, and death, upon the order of the heads of the said churches and governments.

⦁ The intentional murder of fifteen named activists across Canada who were exposing these and other crimes, and the ongoing targeting of the defendants’ most prominent public opponent, Kevin Annett, for destruction and assassination.

⦁ The imposition of an unlawful political and economic tyranny over Canadians and all humanity under the guise of a fraudulent COVID public health crisis.

⦁ The deliberate poisoning and murder of Canadians and all humanity through the illegal and mandatory imposition of experimental COVID “vaccines” obtained through medical genocide and mass murder.

⦁ The laundering of money and the trafficking in weapons, drugs, human beings, fetuses, and human organs, in partnership with and for the mutual profit and benefit of themselves and organized crime, corporations, banks, churches, and governments, in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.

⦁ The harassing, silencing, and murder of witnesses to these crimes, and actively obstructing justice and criminal investigations.

⦁ Disrupting the proceedings of the Court, harassing the Court’s officers, and planning and attempting their assassination.

⦁ After four months of adjudication governed by due process, and in the absence of a response from the defendants, the Court found all the defendants guilty pro confesso on both counts and on all charges, and sentenced them to life imprisonment without parole, the loss of their assets and those of their respective corporations, and the latter’s disestablishment as transnational criminal organizations.

⦁ As part of this lawful sentence, and in response to the proven medical genocide and mass murder conducted by the defendants and especially Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals in developing the COVID "vaccines", the Court prohibited all governments, churches, corporations, public health agencies, and medical personnel from buying, promoting, or using the COVID "vaccines" and other products of genocide and criminality, on pain of being charged as accessories to a crime.

⦁ To enforce its lawful verdict and sentence, the Court issued a universal Arrest Warrant and an Expropriation Warrant against the defendants which authorizes Court Sheriffs, deputized police and citizens, to arrest and detain the defendants, disestablish their corporations, and seize their assets and products, including the COVID "vaccines", as part of the avails of criminality and genocide.

⦁ As part of this enforcement of the Court’s lawful verdict and sentence, the assets of the defendants are seized as financial reparations for genocide and for the damages inflicted by them on generations of children, and on the defendants’ victims and their families, including Kevin Annett and his children.

⦁ The convicted defendants and their corporations are disestablished criminal entities that under the law have lost the right to govern, operate, or engage in commerce. Any person or group who aids, abets, or associates with these persons or corporations or their activities or products is an accessory to Crimes against Humanity, and can be arrested and charged under the terms of the Court’s judgement and warrants.

⦁ The judgement and warrants of the Court have the full force and effect of the Law and take precedence over all regulations, authorities, and agencies. They can and must be used to stop the spread of genocidal, criminal actions and procedures, including the now-outlawed procuring and administering of COVID "vaccines" and related measures.

Issued by tha International Common Law Court of Justice, January 15, 2022
(G. Dul'or t, Clerk or the Wozzrg) - ,





International Common Lsw Court of Justice



Concerning Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations


In the hatter of Case Docket No. 09152021-AOO1

Issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of 3uetice convened within the jurisdiction of the sovereign Republic of Kanata between September 15, 2021, and January 15, 2022

This Judgement is issued with the authority and under the auspices of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), established on June 15, 2010, under the Law of Nations.

The complete record of the Court, including the evidence and specifications of this trial and its Verdict and Sentence, will be made available to the public.

The Court can be contacted through its Clerk at

See ww urderb de ee co www re ubl cofkanata ca

IN THE MATTER OF THE PEOPLE {herein referred to as “the Prosecution”} v. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS [herein referred to as "the Defendants"):

Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, 3ohn Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNNENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki,
Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN NOUNTED POLICE

Joseph Ratzinger, 3orge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Gerald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan 3urkovic, Remi de Roo, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the RONAN CATHOLIC CHURCH

Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Nichael Ingham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH

Richard Bolt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon 3essiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpe, Paul Nills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, 3ames Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA

Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT

Anne Heller, John Buehrens, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of 3ohn Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaie, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

Xi 3inping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.

Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, 3ohn Mayba, Wendy Barker, 3im and Eva Nanly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of 3ames and Madeleine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS


On September 15, 202:I, at their first arraignment hearing, the Defendants were charged by the Prosecution with a) constituting a deliberate Criminal Conspiracy to plan, commit, and conceal Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, in Canada and elsewhere, in their capacity as the initiators of and participants in that Conspiracy, and as those bearing a command responsibility for it, and b) personally and collectively engaging in or aiding and abetting crimes against Kevin Annett, his family and associates, children, and indigenous people.

These charges have not been answered, challenged, or refuted by the Defendants, who both individually and as a group ignored the lawful Summons of the Court. The charges against the Defendants therefore stand uncontested as a pro confesso admission of guilt by them.


LET IT BE KNOWN that after the Court’s exhaustive deliberations of the voluminous, verified evidence presented by the Prosecution in court commencing September 15, 2021, and after the Defendants consistently refused to respond to the Court’s Summonses or to answer, deny, or refute the charges and evidence brought against them, and thereby by their silence have admitted pro confesso to these charges and evidence, the Court has come to the following Verdict and Sentence concerning the charges against the Defendants:

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the Defendants have been and continue to be engaged in a deliberate, brutal, and ongoing Criminal Conspiracy against Humanity and targeted individuals, particularly Kevin Annett, who since October 17, 1994 has led the public investigation and prosecution of their crimes; and that this willful Criminal Conspiracy has been planned and committed unjustifiably with malice aforethought to attack and destroy Annett’s life, family, livelihood, employability, civil rights, spiritual and professional calling, and his public work and reputation, including by attempting to kill him.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the purpose of this Criminal Conspiracy by the Defendants was and continues to be to commit and to aid and abet Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations in Canada and elsewhere, and to conceal their own and others’ malfeasance and complicity in those Crimes, including in these and derivative acts:

⦁ The deliberate and systematic extermination of indigenous nations across Canada, and the theft, profiteering from, and despoiling of their lands and resources.

⦁ The institutionalized kidnapping, rape, torture, trafficking, medical experimentation, drug testing, starvation, and murder of indigenous and other children, including in the Indian residential schools and hospitals, and present-day Catholic hospitals and childcare facilities.

⦁ The torture and murder of men, women, and children through experimental, involuntary drug testing, sexual sterilization, pain threshold and mind control experiments, slave labor, trafficking, ritual killing, and other forms of medical, physical, and biological genocide.

⦁ The kidnapping, torture, and ritual murder of children in church and state-sponsored intergenerational cult networks, including the so-called Ninth Circle and Twelve Mile Club.

⦁ The systematic destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and other children, and of evidence pertaining to their torture, suffering, and death.

⦁ The harassing, targeting, and murder of Krista Lynn, 3ohn Sargent, Clark Angus, Karl Angus, Willie Sport, Archie Frank, Harriett Nahanee, Louis Daniels, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Harry Wilson, Ricky Lavallee, Edna Philips, Ron Barbour, and Pamela Holm.

⦁ The treasonous subversion and destruction of the sovereignty and the laws of Canada.

⦁ The imposition of an unlawful political and economic tyranny over the lives of Canadians and humanity under the guise of a fraudulent COVID public health crisis.

⦁ The deliberate poisoning and murder of Canadians and humanity through the illegal and mandatory imposition of experimental COVID “vaccines” obtained through genocide.

⦁ The laundering of money and the trafficking in weapons, drugs, children, fetuses, and human organs, in partnership with and for the mutual profit and benefit of themselves and organized crime, corporations, banks, churches, and governments, in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.

⦁ The harassing, silencing, and murder of witnesses to these crimes.

⦁ The construction of a false and misleading public narrative about these crimes to delay and prevent criminal investigations and judicial proceedings.

⦁ The obstruction of justice.

⦁ Assaulting, defaming, marginalizing, and destroying Kevin Annett and his associates and their efforts to make public the truth and details of these crimes and to prosecute those responsible, and attempting to assassinate Annett.

⦁ Disrupting the proceedings of the Court, harassing the Court's officers, and planning and attempting their assassination.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that this Criminal Conspiracy and these criminal actions by the Defendants are particularly nefarious and a matter of enormous public concern because they constitute a real, present, and ongoing threat to and assault upon the laws, peace, and welfare of Canada, its people, and the people and nations of the world, by deliberately causing, committing, facilitating, and concealing Crimes against Humanity; and that accordingly, the Verdict and Sentence of the Court is made on behalf of not only Kevin Annett and his associates, but the Canadian people and all of humanity, and their interests of justice, peace, public safety, the health and welfare of children, the rule of law, democratic accountability, and the survival of free societies.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that because of this Criminal Conspiracy and these criminal actions, Kevin Annett has experienced and is experiencing enormous and ongoing personal, physical, financial, and professional suffering and ruin, and severe damages and losses, for which the Defendants are jointly liable and responsible by their criminal actions and as co-conspirators in this proven Criminal Conspiracy.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the Defendants were responsible for the nearly fatal chemical poisoning of Kevin Annett during 2021, and that they intend and are actively planning to murder Annett after his hospitalization for surgery, or elsewhere, on or before February 21-22, 2022, according to the Defendants’ Criminal Conspiracy described herein; and that the Defendants have disrupted and impeded the Court’s proceedings, including by harassing its officers, and planning their assassination.

⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that this Criminal Conspiracy and the criminal actions by the Defendants are part of a broader institutionalized criminality that has been waged against humanity for centuries by the papal, monarchical, religious, police, governmental, military, and business corporations named herein that are associated with the Defendants - a fact that has been established by the previous adjudication of this matter by international Courts of Law; and as such, the Defendants are the active agents and fiduciary officers of Transnational Criminal Organizations that under International Law constitute rogue criminal bodies that have lost their right to operate. Accordingly, as the agents and officers of such bodies, the Defendants have no legal basis or right to challenge or appeal this Verdict and Sentence, which stands stare decisis on the public record.


⦁ The Court hereby finds the Defendants guilty as charged on the general indictment and the charges specified by the Prosecution, namely, of being the prime initiators of and participants in, and of bearing direct command responsibility for, a deliberate, deadly, and massive Criminal Conspiracy to plan, commit, and conceal Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, and of personally and jointly engaging in or aiding and abetting criminal actions against Kevin Annett, his children, his associates, other children, and indigenous people.

⦁ In addition, the Court finds the Defendants guilty of disrupting, impeding, and attacking the proceedings of the Court prior to and during its deliberations in order to evade justice and conceal their guilt and the guilt of others in the matters stated herein, and of conspiring to assassinate Kevin Annett and officers of the Court.

⦁ Accordingly, it is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall be imprisoned for the duration of their natural lives without the possibility of parole, that their personal and institutional authority is nullified, that their personal assets and their properties are seized as partial reparations for their crimes, and that they shall facilitate the liquidating of the assets and properties of their respective Bodies Corporate which, as duly convicted Transnational Criminal Organizations, have lost their right to operate, to manufacture, sell, or profit from their products, or to retain their financial investments and holdings.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall immediately surrender themselves to the Court’s Sheriffs for the execution of this lawful Verdict and Sentence.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that if the Defendants evade arrest and imprisonment, or otherwise defy this lawful Verdict and Sentence, they are publicly declared and will be considered to be fugitives from justice under the law; and accordingly, Court sheriffs and deputized police and citizens are empowered to enforce the Court’s Verdict and Sentence by using reasonable force to arrest and detaln the Defendants and deliver them for the lawful execution of their Sentences, and to assist in the seizing of their assets and properties, according to the terms of this lawful Verdict and Sentence.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall instantly and unconditionally cease and desist from their proven Criminal Conspiracy and criminal actions, including against Kevin Annett, and from any life-threatening, criminal, and damaging actions aimed at him and his children, his associates, other children, and indigenous people.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall publicly acknowledge and admit to all the aforementioned fifteen criminal actions in which they are and have been engaged and are complicit, shall acknowledge their participation in their proven Criminal Conspiracy, and shall disclose to the Court all the evidence, communications, and identities of other persons associated with the aforementioned fifteen criminal actions and with their proven Criminal Conspiracy, including in relation to the following events:

⦁ the firing without cause, notice, or due process and the unlawful “delisting“ from ministry and public, professional ruination of Kevin Annett by the United Church of Canada and its fiduciary officers and agents between October 17, 1994 and March 7, 1997, and their subsequent ruination of attempts by Annett to professionally retrain and earn a livelihood;

⦁ the divorce and child custody lawsuit brought against Kevin Annett by his spouse Anne McNamee between December 24, 1995 and April 4, 1996, that was instigated, organized, and funded by officers and agents of the United Church, the Canadian judiciary, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and James, Madeleine, and Anne McNamee;

⦁ the destruction of Kevin Annett’s doctoral program by the United Church and its agents at
the University of British Columbia between September 1, 1995 and March 31, 1998;

⦁ the destruction of Kevin Annett’s professional ordination in the Unitarian Universalist Church by officials of the United Church and the Unitarian Church during 1996 and 1997;

⦁ the sustained physical, financial, and psychological warfare waged against Kevin Annett between August 1, 1992 and the present through a systematic "black operation" initiated and funded by the United, Catholic, and Anglican Churches, the RCMP, the governments of Canada and China, the Crown of England, the Weyerhaeuser and Pfizer corporations, the Vatican agency known as Santa Alleanza, and Karol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger, and Jorge Bergoglio (aka Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis I); and a public misinformation and sabotage campaign directed against Kevin Annett and his associates by these same corporate bodies and individuals, from August 1, 1992 to the present;

⦁ the assassination of Krista Lynn, John Sargent, I Park Angus, Karl Angus, Willie Sport, Archie Frank, Harriett Nahanee, Louis Daniels, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Harry Wilson, Ricky Lavallee, Edna Philips, Ron Barbour, and Pamela Holm by these same corporate bodies and individuals between Narch 3, 1995 and September 23, 2019;

⦁ the chemical poisoning of Kevin Annett during 2021, and his assassination on or before February 21-22, 2022, by agents of the RCMP, Pfizer Ltd., the Vatican agency Santa Alleanza, the Papal Nuncio to Canada, by order of 3orge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis;

⦁ the planned assassination of officers of the Court following the commencement of its proceedings on September 15, 2021, by order of Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants will immediately issue to Kevin Annett and to the families and estates of the persons named in point (f) above, a complete, unconditional, public admission of guilt and full acceptance of responsibility for their actions in relation to Annett and these persons, and for any other losses, damages, and suffering caused to them by the Defendants. Such an admission by the Defendants shall constitute under the law an unqualified acceptance of legal and moral responsibility for these crimes.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants and especially the aforementioned officers of the United Church of Canada and any of their agents shall publicly acknowledge the unlawful, fraudulent, and covert nature of the "delisting" hearing that expelled Kevin Annett from his profession as a United Church minister, and the participation of United Church officers in the planned, systematic destruction of Annett’s livelihood, marriage, family, public reputation, university studies, vocational retraining, and employment.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall financially compensate Kevin Annett for all his denied income and his financial expenses and losses arising from their personal and fiduciary actions, or their association with the said Criminal Conspiracy. These reparations will total no less than $2.5 million for general expenses and lost income, employment, and benefits, and no less than $25 million for personal grief, losses, suffering, expenses, and damages caused to Kevin Annett and his children by the Defendants.

⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall financially compensate each of the families and estates of the persons named in point (f) above an amount totaling no less than $25 million for personal grief, losses, suffering, and other damages caused by their targeting, harassing, and murder by the Defendants.

⦁ Accordingly, the Court authorizes through its appended Warrants the immediate arrest of the Defendants, and the seizure and expropriation of the assets and properties of the Defendants and their respective Bodies Corporate, in order to provide these funds and reparations to Kevin Annett and to the families and estates of the persons named in point
(f) above, in accordance with the lawful Verdict and Sentence of the Court.

⦁ Finally, it is the Sentence of the Court that all governments, public health agencies, and medical personnel or companies are prohibited, on pain of being charged as accessories to a crime, from buying, promoting, or using the COVID “vaccines“ and other products of medical genocide and mass murder issued by the convicted Bodies Corporate known as Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, which are guilty of Crimes against Humanity, and as transnational criminal organizations are lawfully disestablished.

This Verdict and Sentence is made and issued unanimously by the magistrates of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Case Docket No. O9152021-AOO1, on this Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022. It has the full force and effect of the Law.

Chief magistrate

Submitted to and entered into tha public racord of the International Common Law Court of 3ustica as Case Docket No. 09152021-A001, on this day, January 15, 2022



International Common Law Court Of JU9tIC6


Issued by the Court in accordance with its lawful Verdict and Sentence

In the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001

The Court authorizes its Sheriffs and their appointed deputies to immediately detain and deliver for the execution of their Sentence the persons named in this Warrant.
The Sheriffs and their deputies are empowered to call upon other police forces to aid in the detaining and transporting to imprisonment of the sentenced persons named in this Warrant, employing necessary and reasonable force.

Issued on the Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022.

Chief Magistrate of the Court

Clerk of the Court

See the reverse for the list of convicted Defendants who are szzd/ecf to Immediate arresf and Imprisonment according to the terms of this /awfzz/ Wamant.


The following persons have been duly tried, convicted, and sentenced by the Court, and are
subject to Immediate arrest and Imprisonment according to this lawful Warrant:

Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harpar, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, John Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki, Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE;

Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Gerald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan Jurkovic, Remi da Rao, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH;

Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Michael lngham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH;

Richard Batt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon Jessiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpa, Paul Mills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, James Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA

Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT

Anne Heller, John Buehrena, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of John Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaie, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

Xi Jinping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.

Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, John Mayba, Wendy Barker, Jim and Eva Manly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of James and Madalaine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS
Clerk of the Court

Case Oocfref No. 09152021-A00‘I - Manual 15, 2022

OU 0f '


International Common Law Court of Justice


Issued by the Court in accordance with its lawful Verdict and Sentence

In the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001

The Court authorizes its Sheriffs and their appointed deputies to immediately seize and expropriate the personal and corporate assets and properties of the persons named in this Warrant according to the lawful Verdict and Sentence of the Court.
The Sheriffs and their deputies are empowered to call upon other police forces to aid in the enforcement of this Warrant, employing necessary and reasonable force.

Issued on the Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022.

Chief Magistrate of the Court


O^«oi »"””
Clerk of the Court

See the reverse for the list of convicted Defendants w'ho are subject to immediate arresf and Imprisonment according to the fezms of this lawful Warrant.
Case Dochet No. 09152021-A001 Jantzary’ J5, 2022

The following persons have been duly tried, convicted, and sentenced by the Court, and their personal and corporate assets and properties are subject to Immediate seizure and expropriation according to this lawful Warrant:

Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, John Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki, Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE;

Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Garald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan Jurkovic, Remi de Rao, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH;

Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Michael Ingham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH;

Richard Batt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon Jassiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpe, Paul Mills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Fread, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, James Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA

Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT

Anne Heller, John Buehrens, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of John Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaia, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.

Xi Jinping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of tha GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.

Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, John Mayba, Wendy Barker, Jim and Eva Manly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of James and Madeleine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS

Clerk of the Court

Case Docket JUo. 09152021-A001 - Janoazy YS, 2022

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My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
I must have been implanted with bio-technology without my awareness or consent and I am now non-consensually brain to brain interfaced with unknown neuro operatives who speak to me from unknown remote locations. I frequently write down some of what is broadcast into my head by those who have committed me to this situation. Here are some of the most recent broadcasts which I have received into my head as follows:-
"Is she a selfish lover.?" "This question does not apply to Gretta because she is celibate." "There is no such phenomenon as celibacy because under our regeime everyone must be sexually active and married." I myself responded to that remark as follows:- "You are Luciferian and I don't agree with your point of view. I then heard the following from the same source :- "Is she anit-Luciferian." "Yes" "She will attend a seminar on Luciferianism." I responded as follows:- "I refuse to attend." The reply was "Then you won't exist."
Other comments which I heard from the same source are as follows:-
"She didn't switch off the heating in one room when she moved to a different room."
"If we succeed in worldwide takeover no one will be allowed to use pens but instead pencils."
"You are torturing a good woman inside her own home. " "Make no mistake, I will win out in the end."
"There is no breaker between us and Gretta Fahey."
"She will go missing, presumed dead." "Will she be dead." "No. She will be in one of our underground chambers."
"Is she churched." "No." "How do you get these candidates for these non-consensual torture programs. You couldn't have picked a worse protocol if you tried."
"Poor Hygiene." ( I dont have poor hygiene. I have excellent hygiene but all targeted individuals who are chronicling their day to day electronic harassment and psychological torture experiences inform online readers and viewers that they are also wrongly accused of having poor hygiene because those who braodcast messages into their heads receive payment for upsetting them by any means possible.
"Who let her into the system." " She is not in the system. We target her remotely without allowing her to know who we are or where we are located."
"I would stab you if you were in front of me."
"Don't ever bring someone that is hostile to the system here again."
"She is heavily systemized and nothing to show for it."
"Go and wash your teeth." ( This was said to me within minutes of me eating my dinner and I was about to make myself a cup of tea.)
"We are paid incrementally to make negative comments about you."
"We have paperwork here to say you sold your home and your signature is on it." ( Advances in brain weaponry allow unknown others to copy anyone's signature accurately and place it on legal documents without the consent of the victim. What should we do to counter this technological capability.)

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The founder and leader of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab set up 'The Global Leaders for Tomorrow School' in 1992. It was later renamed as the 'Young Global Leaders School'. Those who have been schooled at that school have been schooled to think only as a collective school and not as individuals. There are now working as international politicians and corporate leaders throughout most if not all countries in the world. They remain in close contact for the most part and they co-ordinate the same policies all over the world.
They have been injected with bio-technology to the extent that they can no longer think their own thoughts. (This is known as mind slide programming.) They have intra-brain nano-networks in their brains which is a type of software which allows others to program their thoughts to a precise degree. They have become fascist and fanatical. Their aim is to enslave their fellow men and women of the entire world by forcing them to submit to the wills of the one world government controllers.
Undeclared bio-technology is being found in all vaccines which have been examined by independent scientists throughout the world. Therefore if you have been vaccinated you also have a network of bio-technology inside your brain and body by now. Your thoughts are being externally influenced. In spite of this capability to heavily control the minds, the emotions and the physical bodies of those who have nano networks inside them, some people are not mind controllable. Those who are in chronic pain or who suffer from chronic anxiety or who have unresolved trauma in their minds are unprogrammable for the most part. The above information is heavily censored by corporate owned Big Media because those who wish to enslave us own and control Big Media.
Please view the following online links for more information about intra-body nano-networks.
We need to urgently destroy the nano technology which is now inside our bodies and brains. We also must stop all chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads and we must have all of the transmitters and receivers throughout the world disassembled and banned urgently. Please share this article widely.
I and many other men and women throughout the Republic of Ireland and the rest of the world are being wirelessly experimented on from unknown remote locations by wireless means because bio-medical sensors and other technology which has been injected into our bodies are being stimulated by unknown neuro operatives. My name is gretta fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
Read more…

I believe that all of the current politicians and corporate leaders who in the past attended the corporate funded Young Global Leaders School which was founded by Klaus Schwab are under external brain control and also they were inculcated into a false belief system while they attended the Young Global Leaders School and that is why they co-ordinate the same policies throughout the entire world. What must we do to bring this situation to a stop. Please read the following article by Michael Lord of RAIR foundation USA for more on this topic.
Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school....

Anthony Laing (NOMAD)Click here to view Anthony Laing (NOMAD)’s profile
Anthony Laing (NOMAD)
SIA Frontline Close Protection Officer UK/Sheepdog
Published Dec 9, 2021
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Exposed: Klaus Schwab's School For Covid Dictators, Plan for 'Great Reset'
By: Michael Lord of RAIR Foundation USA

December 6, 2021: Economist Ernst Wolff believes that a hidden alliance of political and corporate leaders is exploiting the pandemic with the aim of crashing national economies and introducing a global digital currency.


How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.

The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school that are relevant for understanding world events during the pandemic in a video from the German Corona Committee podcast. While Wolff is mainly known as a critic of the globalist financial system, recently he has focused on bringing to light what he sees as the hidden agenda behind the anti-Covid measures being enacted around the world.

Mysterious Beginnings

The story begins with the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is an NGO founded by Klaus Schwab, a German economist and mechanical engineer, in Switzerland in 1971, when he was only 32. The WEF is best-known to the public for the annual conferences it holds in Davos, Switzerland each January that aim to bring together political and business leaders from around the world to discuss the problems of the day. Today, it is one of the most important networks in the world for the globalist power elite, being funded by approximately a thousand multinational corporations.

The WEF, which was originally called the European Management Forum until 1987, succeeded in bringing together 440 executives from 31 nations already at its very first meeting in February 1971, which as Wolff points out was an unexpected achievement for someone like Schwab, who had very little international or professional experience prior to this. Wolff believes the reason may be due to the contacts Schwab made during his university education, including studying with no less a person than former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Wolff also points out that while Schwab was there, the Harvard Business School had been in the process of planning a management forum of their own, and it is possible that Harvard ended up delegating the task of organizing it to him.

The Forum initially only brought together people from the economic field, but before long, it began attracting politicians, prominent figures from the media (including from the BBC and CNN), and even celebrities.

Schwab’s Young Global Leaders: Incubator of the Great Reset?

In 1992 Schwab established a parallel institution, the Global Leaders for Tomorrow school, which was re-established as Young Global Leaders in 2004. Attendees at the school must apply for admission and are then subjected to a rigorous selection process. Members of the school’s very first class in 1992 already included many who went on to become important liberal political figures, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair. There are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who went on to become leaders of the health institutions of their respective nations. Four of them are former and current health ministers for Germany, including Jens Spahn, who has been Federal Minister of Health since 2018. Philipp Rösler, who was Minister of Health from 2009 until 2011, was appointed the WEF’s Managing Director by Schwab in 2014.

Other notable names on the school’s roster are Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand whose stringent lockdown measures have been praised by global health authorities; Emmanuel Macron, the President of France; Sebastian Kurz, who was until recently the Chancellor of Austria; Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary; Jean-Claude Juncker, former Prime Minister of Luxembourg and President of the European Commission; and Annalena Baerbock, the leader of the German Greens who was the party’s first candidate for Chancellor in this year’s federal election, and who is still in the running to be Merkel’s successor. We also find California Governor Gavin Newsom on the list, who was selected for the class of 2005, as well as former presidential candidate and current US Secretary of Transportation Peter Buttigieg, who is a very recent alumnus, having been selected for the class of 2019. All of these politicians who were in office during the past two years have favored harsh responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, and which also happened to considerably increase their respective governments’ power.

Gavin Newsom, Young Global Leaders Class of 2005.
Angela Merkel, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1992.
Peter Buttigieg, Young Global Leaders Class of 2019.
Emmanuel Macron, Young Global Leaders Class of 2017
Jeff Bezos, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1998
Bill Gates, Global Leaders for Tomorrow Class of 1993
But the school’s list of alumni is not limited to political leaders. We also find many of the captains of private industry there, including Microsoft’s Bill Gates, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Virgin’s Richard Branson, and the Clinton Foundation’s Chelsea Clinton. Again, all of them expressed support for the global response to the pandemic, and many reaped considerable profits as a result of the measures.

Wolff believes that the people behind the WEF and the Global Leaders school are the ones who really determine who will become political leaders, although he stresses that he doesn’t believe that Schwab himself is the one making these decisions but is merely a facilitator. He further points out that the school’s alumni include not only Americans and Europeans, but also people from Asia, Africa, and South America, indicating that its reach is truly worldwide.

In 2012, Schwab and the WEF founded yet another institution, the “Global Shapers Community,” which brings together those identified by them as having leadership potential from around the world who are under 30. Approximately 10,000 participants have passed through this program to date, and they regularly hold meetings in 400 cities. Wolff believes that it is yet another proving ground where future political leaders are being selected, vetted, and groomed before being positioned in the world’s political apparatus.

Wolff points out that very few graduates of the Global Leaders school list it on their CVs. He says that he has only seen it listed on one: namely, that of the German economist Richard Werner, who is a known critic of the establishment. Wolff suggests that the school seems to like to include even critics of the system among its ranks, as another name among its graduates is Gregor Hackmack, the German chief of, who was in its 2010 class. Wolff believes this is because the organization wants to present itself as being fair and balanced, although it also wants to ensure that its critics are controlled opposition.

Another thing that the Global Leaders graduates have in common is that most of them have very sparse CVs apart from their participation in the program prior to being elevated to positions of power, which may indicate that it is their connection to Schwab’s institutions that is the decisive factor in launching their careers. This is most evident when the school’s alumni are publicly questioned about issues that they have not been instructed to talk about in advance, and their struggles to come up with answers are often quite evident. Wolff contends that their roles are only to act as mouthpieces for the talking points that those in the shadows behind them want discussed in public debate.

Schwab’s Yes Men in Action

Given the growing discontent with the anti-Covid measures put into practice by the school’s graduates who are now national leaders, Wolff believes it is possible that these people were selected due to their willingness to do whatever they are told, and that they are being set up to fail so that the subsequent backlash can be exploited to justify the creation of a new global form of government. Indeed, Wolff notes that politicians with unique personalities and strong, original views have become rare, and that the distinguishing character of the national leaders of the past 30 years has been their meekness and adherence to a strict globalist line dictated from above. This has been especially evident in most countries’ response to the pandemic, where politicians who knew nothing about viruses two years ago suddenly proclaimed that Covid was a severe health crisis that justified locking people up in their homes, shutting down their businesses, and wrecking entire economies.

Determining exactly how the school operates is difficult, but Wolff has managed to learn something about it. In the school’s early years, it involved the members of each class meeting several times over the course of a year, including a ten-day “executive training” session at the Harvard Business School. Wolff believes that, through meeting their classmates and becoming part of a wider network, the graduates then establish contacts who they rely on in their later careers. Today, the school’s program includes courses offered over the course of five years at irregular intervals, which in some cases may overlap with the beginnings of some of its participants’ political or professional careers – meaning they will be making regular visits to Davos. Emmanuel Macron and Peter Buttigieg, for example, were selected for the school less than five years ago, which means it is possible they have been regularly attending Young Global Leaders-related programs while in political office and may in fact still be attending them today.

A Worldwide Network of Wealth & Influence

Graduates from the Young Global Leaders school, and Global Leaders for Tomorrow before them, find themselves very well-situated given that they then have access to the WEF’s network of contacts. The WEF’s current Board of Trustees includes such luminaries as Christine Lagarde, former Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and current President of the European Central Bank; Queen Rania of Jordan, who has been ranked by Forbes as one of the 100 most powerful women in the world; and Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, the largest investment management corporation internationally and which handles approximately $9 trillion annually. By tracing the connections between the school’s graduates, Wolff claims that you can see that they continue to rely on each other for support for their initiatives long after they participated in the Global Leaders programs.

Wolff believes that many elite universities play a role in the process determined by the WEF, and that they should no longer be seen as operating outside of the fields of politics and economics. He cites the example of the Harvard Business School, which receives millions of dollars from donors each year, as well as the Harvard School of Public Health, which was renamed the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health after it received $350 million from the Hong Kong-born billionaire Gerald Chan. The same is true of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, which became the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health after media mogul Michael Bloomberg donated $1.8 billion to the school in 2018.

Wolff states that the WEF’s influence goes far beyond those who have passed through the Global Leaders and Global Shapers programs, however, as the number of people who participate in the annual Davos conferences is much larger than many suspect; he mentions being informed that approximately 1,500 private jets bring attendees to the event each year, overloading Switzerland’s airports.

The Alliance of Big Business & Government

The main goal of the WEF’s activities, Wolff believes, is to facilitate and further high-level cooperation between big business and national governments, something which we are already seeing take place. Viviane Fischer, another participant in the Corona Committee podcast, points out that the British-based company Serco processes migrants for the British government and also manages prisons around the world, among its many other activities. The pharmaceutical industry’s international reach is also considerable: Wolff mentions that Global Leaders alumnus Bill Gates, for example, had long been doing business with Pfizer, one of the main producers of the controversial mRNA anti-Covid vaccines, through his Foundation’s public health initiatives in Africa since long before the pandemic began. Perhaps not coincidentally, Gates has become one of the foremost champions of lockdowns and the Covid vaccines since they became available, and The Wall Street Journal has reported that his Foundation had made approximately $200 billion in “social benefits” from distributing vaccines before the pandemic had even begun. One can only imagine what its vaccine profits are today.

Digital technology, which is now all-pervasive, is also playing a prominent role in the elite’s global designs. Wolff highlights that BlackRock, run by Global Leaders alumnus Larry Fink, is presently the largest advisor to the world’s central banks and has been collecting data on the world financial system for more than 30 years now, and undoubtedly has a greater understanding of how the system works than the central banks themselves.

One of the goals of the current policies being pursued by many governments, Wolff believes, is to destroy the businesses of small- and medium-sized entrepreneurs so that multinational corporations based in the United States and China can monopolize business everywhere. Amazon, which was led until recently by Global Leaders alumnus Jeff Bezos, in particular has made enormous profits as a result of the lockdown measures that have devastated the middle class.

Wolff contends that the ultimate goal of this domination by large platforms is to see the introduction of digital bank currency. Just in the past few months, China’s International Finance Forum, which is similar to the WEF, proposed the introduction of the digital yuan, which could in turn be internationalized by the Diem blockchain-based currency network. Interestingly, Diem is the successor to Libra, a cryptocurrency that was first announced by Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, indicating that a global currency that will transcend the power of either the dollar or the yuan, and managed through the cooperation of Chinese, European, and American business networks, is currently being discussed. The International Finance Forum’s supervisory board includes such names as the WEF’s Christine Lagarde; Jean-Claude Trichet, the former President of the European Central Bank; and Horst Köhler, the former Head of the International Monetary Fund.

Wolff further explains that the lockdowns and subsequent bailouts that were seen around the world over the past two years left many nations on the verge of bankruptcy. In order to avoid an economic catastrophe, the governments of the world resorted to drawing on 650 billion special drawing rights, or SDRs, which are supplementary foreign exchange reserve assets managed by the International Monetary Fund. When these eventually come due, it will leave these same governments in dire straits, which is why it may be that the introduction of digital currency has become a sudden priority – and this may have been the hidden purpose of the lockdowns all along.

Wolff says that two European countries are already prepared to begin using digital currency: Sweden and Switzerland. Perhaps not coincidentally, Sweden has had virtually no lockdown restrictions due to the pandemic, and Switzerland has taken only very light measures. Wolff believes that the reason for this may be that the two countries did not need to crash their economies through lockdown measures because they were already prepared to begin using digital currency before the pandemic began. He contends that a new round of lockdowns may be being prepared that will finish off the world’s economies for good, leading to massive unemployment and in turn the introduction of Universal Basic Income and the use of a digital currency managed by a central bank. This currency might be restricted, both in terms of what individuals can spend it on as well as in the time frame that one has to spend it in.

Further, Wolff indicates that the inflation currently being seen around the world is an inevitable consequence of the fact that national governments, after taking loans from the central banks, have introduced approximately $20 trillion into the global economy in less than two years. Whereas previous bailouts were directed into the markets, this latest round has gone to ordinary people, and as a result, this is driving up the prices of products that ordinary people spend their money on, such as food.

Democracy Has Been Cancelled

The ultimate conclusion one must draw from all of this, according to Wolff, is that democracy as we knew it has been silently cancelled, and that although the appearance of democratic processes is being maintained in our countries, the fact is that an examination of how governance around the world works today shows that an elite of super-wealthy and powerful individuals effectively control everything that goes on in politics, as has been especially evident in relation to the pandemic response.

The best way to combat their designs, Wolff says, is simply to educate people about what is happening, and for them to realize that the narrative of the “super-dangerous virus” is a lie that has been designed to manipulate them into accepting things that run contrary to their own interests. If even 10% of ordinary citizens become aware of this and decide to take action, it could thwart the elite’s plans and perhaps open a window for ordinary citizens to take back control over their own destinies.

Read more…
Herein please find enclosed the arrest warrant for 75 members of the corporatocracy including Queen Elizabeth II of England and Pope Francis and Pope Benedict of the Vatican City. This aforementioned arrest warrant has been filed by the International Common Law Court in Vancouver, Canada as follows:-
Internatlonal Common Law Court
Glogąl Brepkinq News: Jpnuaw 15, 2022
Big Pharma, China, Vatican convicted of Genocide and Criminal Conspiracy by International Court - COVID vaccines prohibited as arrest of leaders and seizure of assets ordered
Brussels and Vancouver:
The International Court that forced Pope Benedict from office in 2013 has struck a blow against the COVID corporatocracy by convicting top officials of Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, China, and the Vatican of Crimes against Humanity.
The Court’s verdict sentences seventy-five individuals to life imprisonment, seizes their assets and disestablishes their corporations, and lawfully prohibits the further manufacture, sale, or use of their COVID vaccines as "products of medical genocide and mass murder”.
After a four-month trial convened under International Law, the judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) issued their historic verdict and sentence today, along with Arrest and Expropriation Warrants against the defendants.
The convicted individuals include Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, Xi Jinping, President of China, ’Pope’ Francis (3orge Bergoglio), ’Queen’ Elizabeth (Windsor), and Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada.
An authorized copy of the Court’s Verdict and Sentence is attached. According to the Public Affairs Office of the Court,
"This case involves a monstrous, intergenerational crime and its equally massive coverup. The highest offiClals of Church, State, and Corporations have for years personally sanctioned and profited by the systematic torture, trafficking, and murder of children in deadly drug testing experiments to produce the COVID 'vaccine’, as part of a Criminal Conspiracy to reduce humanity to slavery. That Conspiracy murders the innocent, traffics in arms, drugs, children, and human organs, and silences or destroys those who threaten to expose it.
“Our Court has put a legal end to that Conspiracy by criminalizing the persons and the corporations responsible, and prohibiting the further sale and use of the COVID 'vaccines’, which are the product of medical genocide and the mass murder of children.”
The Court’s verdict and sentence casts a wide net over those responsible by tracing the roots of the COVID regime to the planned genocide of indigenous people in Canada by the Vatican and the Crown of England, including in the murderous "Indian residential schools”.
The Court establishes that the public opponents of this genocide, especially Kevin Annett, have been continually targeted for destruction by the convicted defendants, who are responsible for the murder of fifteen activists and several recent attempts on Annett’s life.
"Our warrants empower not only our Sheriffs and deputized police, but people everywhere to enforce the Court’s verdict by arresting the convicted felons, seizing their assets, and halting the sale and use of the genocide-derived COVID 'vaccines’,” says the Court.
"The killers of children can no longer evade justice using executive or corporate privilege, or by hiding behind the camouflage of contrived public health crises.”
An action plan for direct citizen participation in the enforcement of this historic verdict and sentence will be discussed tomorrow, January 16, at (at 3 pm pacific, 11 pm GMT), and posted at under "ITCCS Updates” and under "Breaking News".
To contact the Court: (attn: G. Dufort, Public Affairs Office)
Issued Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 12:01 AM (GMT)
by The International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division
Under the auspices of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
(established under the Law of Nations on June 15, 2010)
Common Law Court
The 3yğqement of the Internątionąl Common Ląw Coyrt pf /u stiçe Concerning Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations A Synopsis of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001 (January 15, 2022)
⦁ The global COVID corporatocracy that has dismantled democracy and the rule of law has arisen from a tradition and as the latest phase of deliberate Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by governments, corporations, and churches. These crimes reflect an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy by these powers to eradicate and enslave humanity, according to a master plan of global Eugenics.
⦁ The Court was convened under International Law on September 15, 2021, in Vancouver, Canada, to bring criminal charges and judgement against the persons and corporations named on the two counts of its Indictment: planning, committing, and concealing Crimes against Humanity, and committing or personally authorizing heinous crimes against certain targeted and named individuals, including murder.
⦁ The accused persons and corporations named in the Indictment include the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals, PetroChina Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Ltd., the heads of state and top officials of the governments of Canada and China, the Crown of England, and the Vatican, the top officials of the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Unitarian, and United Church of Canada, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the Assembly of First Nations and First Nations Summit, and private citizens, totaling seventy five living defendants and the private estates of eleven deceased defendants.
⦁ The defendants were charged by the Prosecution with ordering or personally participating in fifteen specific crimes, besides the general offense of planning, committing, and concealing Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. These specific crimes included but were not limited to the following:
⦁ The institutionalized kidnapping, rape, torture, trafficking, medical experimentation, drug testing, starvation, and murder of indigenous and other children, in the Indian residential schools and hospitals in Canada, and in present day Catholic hospitals, foster care, and childcare facilities, with the knowledge and sanction of Popes John Paul II, Benedict VXI, Francis I, and the Queen of England.
⦁ The torture and murder of men, women, and children through experimental, involuntary drug testing, sexual sterilization, pain threshold and mind control experiments, slave labor, trafficking, cult ritual torture and killing, and other forms of medical, physical, and biological genocide.
⦁ The systematic destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and other children, and of evidence pertaining to their torture, suffering, and death, upon the order of the heads of the said churches and governments.
⦁ The intentional murder of fifteen named activists across Canada who were exposing these and other crimes, and the ongoing targeting of the defendants’ most prominent public opponent, Kevin Annett, for destruction and assassination.
⦁ The imposition of an unlawful political and economic tyranny over Canadians and all humanity under the guise of a fraudulent COVID public health crisis.
⦁ The deliberate poisoning and murder of Canadians and all humanity through the illegal and mandatory imposition of experimental COVID “vaccines” obtained through medical genocide and mass murder.
⦁ The laundering of money and the trafficking in weapons, drugs, human beings, fetuses, and human organs, in partnership with and for the mutual profit and benefit of themselves and organized crime, corporations, banks, churches, and governments, in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.
⦁ The harassing, silencing, and murder of witnesses to these crimes, and actively obstructing justice and criminal investigations.
⦁ Disrupting the proceedings of the Court, harassing the Court’s officers, and planning and attempting their assassination.
⦁ After four months of adjudication governed by due process, and in the absence of a response from the defendants, the Court found all the defendants guilty pro confesso on both counts and on all charges, and sentenced them to life imprisonment without parole, the loss of their assets and those of their respective corporations, and the latter’s disestablishment as transnational criminal organizations.
⦁ As part of this lawful sentence, and in response to the proven medical genocide and mass murder conducted by the defendants and especially Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals in developing the COVID "vaccines", the Court prohibited all governments, churches, corporations, public health agencies, and medical personnel from buying, promoting, or using the COVID "vaccines" and other products of genocide and criminality, on pain of being charged as accessories to a crime.
⦁ To enforce its lawful verdict and sentence, the Court issued a universal Arrest Warrant and an Expropriation Warrant against the defendants which authorizes Court Sheriffs, deputized police and citizens, to arrest and detain the defendants, disestablish their corporations, and seize their assets and products, including the COVID "vaccines", as part of the avails of criminality and genocide.
⦁ As part of this enforcement of the Court’s lawful verdict and sentence, the assets of the defendants are seized as financial reparations for genocide and for the damages inflicted by them on generations of children, and on the defendants’ victims and their families, including Kevin Annett and his children.
⦁ The convicted defendants and their corporations are disestablished criminal entities that under the law have lost the right to govern, operate, or engage in commerce. Any person or group who aids, abets, or associates with these persons or corporations or their activities or products is an accessory to Crimes against Humanity, and can be arrested and charged under the terms of the Court’s judgement and warrants.
⦁ The judgement and warrants of the Court have the full force and effect of the Law and take precedence over all regulations, authorities, and agencies. They can and must be used to stop the spread of genocidal, criminal actions and procedures, including the now-outlawed procuring and administering of COVID "vaccines" and related measures.
Issued by tha International Common Law Court of Justice, January 15, 2022
(G. Dul'or t, Clerk or the Wozzrg) - ,
International Common Lsw Court of Justice
Concerning Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations
In the hatter of Case Docket No. 09152021-AOO1
Issued by the Criminal Trial Division of the International Common Law Court of 3uetice convened within the jurisdiction of the sovereign Republic of Kanata between September 15, 2021, and January 15, 2022
This Judgement is issued with the authority and under the auspices of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), established on June 15, 2010, under the Law of Nations.
The complete record of the Court, including the evidence and specifications of this trial and its Verdict and Sentence, will be made available to the public.
The Court can be contacted through its Clerk at
See ww urderb de ee co www re ubl cofkanata ca
IN THE MATTER OF THE PEOPLE {herein referred to as “the Prosecution”} v. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS [herein referred to as "the Defendants"):
Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, 3ohn Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNNENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki,
Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN NOUNTED POLICE
Joseph Ratzinger, 3orge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Gerald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan 3urkovic, Remi de Roo, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the RONAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Nichael Ingham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH
Richard Bolt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon 3essiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpe, Paul Nills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, 3ames Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA
Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT
Anne Heller, John Buehrens, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of 3ohn Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaie, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.
Xi 3inping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.
Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, 3ohn Mayba, Wendy Barker, 3im and Eva Nanly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of 3ames and Madeleine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS
On September 15, 202:I, at their first arraignment hearing, the Defendants were charged by the Prosecution with a) constituting a deliberate Criminal Conspiracy to plan, commit, and conceal Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, in Canada and elsewhere, in their capacity as the initiators of and participants in that Conspiracy, and as those bearing a command responsibility for it, and b) personally and collectively engaging in or aiding and abetting crimes against Kevin Annett, his family and associates, children, and indigenous people.
These charges have not been answered, challenged, or refuted by the Defendants, who both individually and as a group ignored the lawful Summons of the Court. The charges against the Defendants therefore stand uncontested as a pro confesso admission of guilt by them.
LET IT BE KNOWN that after the Court’s exhaustive deliberations of the voluminous, verified evidence presented by the Prosecution in court commencing September 15, 2021, and after the Defendants consistently refused to respond to the Court’s Summonses or to answer, deny, or refute the charges and evidence brought against them, and thereby by their silence have admitted pro confesso to these charges and evidence, the Court has come to the following Verdict and Sentence concerning the charges against the Defendants:
⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the Defendants have been and continue to be engaged in a deliberate, brutal, and ongoing Criminal Conspiracy against Humanity and targeted individuals, particularly Kevin Annett, who since October 17, 1994 has led the public investigation and prosecution of their crimes; and that this willful Criminal Conspiracy has been planned and committed unjustifiably with malice aforethought to attack and destroy Annett’s life, family, livelihood, employability, civil rights, spiritual and professional calling, and his public work and reputation, including by attempting to kill him.
⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the purpose of this Criminal Conspiracy by the Defendants was and continues to be to commit and to aid and abet Genocide and Crimes against Humanity by Church, State, and Corporations in Canada and elsewhere, and to conceal their own and others’ malfeasance and complicity in those Crimes, including in these and derivative acts:
⦁ The deliberate and systematic extermination of indigenous nations across Canada, and the theft, profiteering from, and despoiling of their lands and resources.
⦁ The institutionalized kidnapping, rape, torture, trafficking, medical experimentation, drug testing, starvation, and murder of indigenous and other children, including in the Indian residential schools and hospitals, and present-day Catholic hospitals and childcare facilities.
⦁ The torture and murder of men, women, and children through experimental, involuntary drug testing, sexual sterilization, pain threshold and mind control experiments, slave labor, trafficking, ritual killing, and other forms of medical, physical, and biological genocide.
⦁ The kidnapping, torture, and ritual murder of children in church and state-sponsored intergenerational cult networks, including the so-called Ninth Circle and Twelve Mile Club.
⦁ The systematic destruction of the buried remains of Indian residential school children and other children, and of evidence pertaining to their torture, suffering, and death.
⦁ The harassing, targeting, and murder of Krista Lynn, 3ohn Sargent, Clark Angus, Karl Angus, Willie Sport, Archie Frank, Harriett Nahanee, Louis Daniels, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Harry Wilson, Ricky Lavallee, Edna Philips, Ron Barbour, and Pamela Holm.
⦁ The treasonous subversion and destruction of the sovereignty and the laws of Canada.
⦁ The imposition of an unlawful political and economic tyranny over the lives of Canadians and humanity under the guise of a fraudulent COVID public health crisis.
⦁ The deliberate poisoning and murder of Canadians and humanity through the illegal and mandatory imposition of experimental COVID “vaccines” obtained through genocide.
⦁ The laundering of money and the trafficking in weapons, drugs, children, fetuses, and human organs, in partnership with and for the mutual profit and benefit of themselves and organized crime, corporations, banks, churches, and governments, in North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and China.
⦁ The harassing, silencing, and murder of witnesses to these crimes.
⦁ The construction of a false and misleading public narrative about these crimes to delay and prevent criminal investigations and judicial proceedings.
⦁ The obstruction of justice.
⦁ Assaulting, defaming, marginalizing, and destroying Kevin Annett and his associates and their efforts to make public the truth and details of these crimes and to prosecute those responsible, and attempting to assassinate Annett.
⦁ Disrupting the proceedings of the Court, harassing the Court's officers, and planning and attempting their assassination.
⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that this Criminal Conspiracy and these criminal actions by the Defendants are particularly nefarious and a matter of enormous public concern because they constitute a real, present, and ongoing threat to and assault upon the laws, peace, and welfare of Canada, its people, and the people and nations of the world, by deliberately causing, committing, facilitating, and concealing Crimes against Humanity; and that accordingly, the Verdict and Sentence of the Court is made on behalf of not only Kevin Annett and his associates, but the Canadian people and all of humanity, and their interests of justice, peace, public safety, the health and welfare of children, the rule of law, democratic accountability, and the survival of free societies.
⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that because of this Criminal Conspiracy and these criminal actions, Kevin Annett has experienced and is experiencing enormous and ongoing personal, physical, financial, and professional suffering and ruin, and severe damages and losses, for which the Defendants are jointly liable and responsible by their criminal actions and as co-conspirators in this proven Criminal Conspiracy.
⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that the Defendants were responsible for the nearly fatal chemical poisoning of Kevin Annett during 2021, and that they intend and are actively planning to murder Annett after his hospitalization for surgery, or elsewhere, on or before February 21-22, 2022, according to the Defendants’ Criminal Conspiracy described herein; and that the Defendants have disrupted and impeded the Court’s proceedings, including by harassing its officers, and planning their assassination.
⦁ The Court accepts and establishes as uncontested fact that this Criminal Conspiracy and the criminal actions by the Defendants are part of a broader institutionalized criminality that has been waged against humanity for centuries by the papal, monarchical, religious, police, governmental, military, and business corporations named herein that are associated with the Defendants - a fact that has been established by the previous adjudication of this matter by international Courts of Law; and as such, the Defendants are the active agents and fiduciary officers of Transnational Criminal Organizations that under International Law constitute rogue criminal bodies that have lost their right to operate. Accordingly, as the agents and officers of such bodies, the Defendants have no legal basis or right to challenge or appeal this Verdict and Sentence, which stands stare decisis on the public record.
⦁ The Court hereby finds the Defendants guilty as charged on the general indictment and the charges specified by the Prosecution, namely, of being the prime initiators of and participants in, and of bearing direct command responsibility for, a deliberate, deadly, and massive Criminal Conspiracy to plan, commit, and conceal Genocide and Crimes against Humanity, and of personally and jointly engaging in or aiding and abetting criminal actions against Kevin Annett, his children, his associates, other children, and indigenous people.
⦁ In addition, the Court finds the Defendants guilty of disrupting, impeding, and attacking the proceedings of the Court prior to and during its deliberations in order to evade justice and conceal their guilt and the guilt of others in the matters stated herein, and of conspiring to assassinate Kevin Annett and officers of the Court.
⦁ Accordingly, it is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall be imprisoned for the duration of their natural lives without the possibility of parole, that their personal and institutional authority is nullified, that their personal assets and their properties are seized as partial reparations for their crimes, and that they shall facilitate the liquidating of the assets and properties of their respective Bodies Corporate which, as duly convicted Transnational Criminal Organizations, have lost their right to operate, to manufacture, sell, or profit from their products, or to retain their financial investments and holdings.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall immediately surrender themselves to the Court’s Sheriffs for the execution of this lawful Verdict and Sentence.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that if the Defendants evade arrest and imprisonment, or otherwise defy this lawful Verdict and Sentence, they are publicly declared and will be considered to be fugitives from justice under the law; and accordingly, Court sheriffs and deputized police and citizens are empowered to enforce the Court’s Verdict and Sentence by using reasonable force to arrest and detaln the Defendants and deliver them for the lawful execution of their Sentences, and to assist in the seizing of their assets and properties, according to the terms of this lawful Verdict and Sentence.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall instantly and unconditionally cease and desist from their proven Criminal Conspiracy and criminal actions, including against Kevin Annett, and from any life-threatening, criminal, and damaging actions aimed at him and his children, his associates, other children, and indigenous people.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall publicly acknowledge and admit to all the aforementioned fifteen criminal actions in which they are and have been engaged and are complicit, shall acknowledge their participation in their proven Criminal Conspiracy, and shall disclose to the Court all the evidence, communications, and identities of other persons associated with the aforementioned fifteen criminal actions and with their proven Criminal Conspiracy, including in relation to the following events:
⦁ the firing without cause, notice, or due process and the unlawful “delisting“ from ministry and public, professional ruination of Kevin Annett by the United Church of Canada and its fiduciary officers and agents between October 17, 1994 and March 7, 1997, and their subsequent ruination of attempts by Annett to professionally retrain and earn a livelihood;
⦁ the divorce and child custody lawsuit brought against Kevin Annett by his spouse Anne McNamee between December 24, 1995 and April 4, 1996, that was instigated, organized, and funded by officers and agents of the United Church, the Canadian judiciary, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), and James, Madeleine, and Anne McNamee;
⦁ the destruction of Kevin Annett’s doctoral program by the United Church and its agents at
the University of British Columbia between September 1, 1995 and March 31, 1998;
⦁ the destruction of Kevin Annett’s professional ordination in the Unitarian Universalist Church by officials of the United Church and the Unitarian Church during 1996 and 1997;
⦁ the sustained physical, financial, and psychological warfare waged against Kevin Annett between August 1, 1992 and the present through a systematic "black operation" initiated and funded by the United, Catholic, and Anglican Churches, the RCMP, the governments of Canada and China, the Crown of England, the Weyerhaeuser and Pfizer corporations, the Vatican agency known as Santa Alleanza, and Karol Wojtyla, Joseph Ratzinger, and Jorge Bergoglio (aka Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis I); and a public misinformation and sabotage campaign directed against Kevin Annett and his associates by these same corporate bodies and individuals, from August 1, 1992 to the present;
⦁ the assassination of Krista Lynn, John Sargent, I Park Angus, Karl Angus, Willie Sport, Archie Frank, Harriett Nahanee, Louis Daniels, William Combes, Johnny "Bingo" Dawson, Harry Wilson, Ricky Lavallee, Edna Philips, Ron Barbour, and Pamela Holm by these same corporate bodies and individuals between Narch 3, 1995 and September 23, 2019;
⦁ the chemical poisoning of Kevin Annett during 2021, and his assassination on or before February 21-22, 2022, by agents of the RCMP, Pfizer Ltd., the Vatican agency Santa Alleanza, the Papal Nuncio to Canada, by order of 3orge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis;
⦁ the planned assassination of officers of the Court following the commencement of its proceedings on September 15, 2021, by order of Jorge Bergoglio, aka Pope Francis.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants will immediately issue to Kevin Annett and to the families and estates of the persons named in point (f) above, a complete, unconditional, public admission of guilt and full acceptance of responsibility for their actions in relation to Annett and these persons, and for any other losses, damages, and suffering caused to them by the Defendants. Such an admission by the Defendants shall constitute under the law an unqualified acceptance of legal and moral responsibility for these crimes.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants and especially the aforementioned officers of the United Church of Canada and any of their agents shall publicly acknowledge the unlawful, fraudulent, and covert nature of the "delisting" hearing that expelled Kevin Annett from his profession as a United Church minister, and the participation of United Church officers in the planned, systematic destruction of Annett’s livelihood, marriage, family, public reputation, university studies, vocational retraining, and employment.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall financially compensate Kevin Annett for all his denied income and his financial expenses and losses arising from their personal and fiduciary actions, or their association with the said Criminal Conspiracy. These reparations will total no less than $2.5 million for general expenses and lost income, employment, and benefits, and no less than $25 million for personal grief, losses, suffering, expenses, and damages caused to Kevin Annett and his children by the Defendants.
⦁ It is the Sentence of the Court that the Defendants shall financially compensate each of the families and estates of the persons named in point (f) above an amount totaling no less than $25 million for personal grief, losses, suffering, and other damages caused by their targeting, harassing, and murder by the Defendants.
⦁ Accordingly, the Court authorizes through its appended Warrants the immediate arrest of the Defendants, and the seizure and expropriation of the assets and properties of the Defendants and their respective Bodies Corporate, in order to provide these funds and reparations to Kevin Annett and to the families and estates of the persons named in point
(f) above, in accordance with the lawful Verdict and Sentence of the Court.
⦁ Finally, it is the Sentence of the Court that all governments, public health agencies, and medical personnel or companies are prohibited, on pain of being charged as accessories to a crime, from buying, promoting, or using the COVID “vaccines“ and other products of medical genocide and mass murder issued by the convicted Bodies Corporate known as Pfizer Pharmaceuticals and Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals, which are guilty of Crimes against Humanity, and as transnational criminal organizations are lawfully disestablished.
This Verdict and Sentence is made and issued unanimously by the magistrates of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Case Docket No. O9152021-AOO1, on this Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022. It has the full force and effect of the Law.
Chief magistrate
Submitted to and entered into tha public racord of the International Common Law Court of 3ustica as Case Docket No. 09152021-A001, on this day, January 15, 2022
International Common Law Court Of JU9tIC6
Issued by the Court in accordance with its lawful Verdict and Sentence
In the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001
The Court authorizes its Sheriffs and their appointed deputies to immediately detain and deliver for the execution of their Sentence the persons named in this Warrant.
The Sheriffs and their deputies are empowered to call upon other police forces to aid in the detaining and transporting to imprisonment of the sentenced persons named in this Warrant, employing necessary and reasonable force.
Issued on the Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022.
Chief Magistrate of the Court
Clerk of the Court
See the reverse for the list of convicted Defendants who are szzd/ecf to Immediate arresf and Imprisonment according to the terms of this /awfzz/ Wamant.
The following persons have been duly tried, convicted, and sentenced by the Court, and are
subject to Immediate arrest and Imprisonment according to this lawful Warrant:
Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harpar, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, John Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki, Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE;
Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Gerald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan Jurkovic, Remi da Rao, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH;
Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Michael lngham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH;
Richard Batt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon Jessiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpa, Paul Mills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Freed, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, James Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA
Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT
Anne Heller, John Buehrena, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of John Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaie, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.
Xi Jinping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of the GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.
Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, John Mayba, Wendy Barker, Jim and Eva Manly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of James and Madalaine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS
Clerk of the Court
Case Oocfref No. 09152021-A00‘I - Manual 15, 2022
OU 0f '
International Common Law Court of Justice
Issued by the Court in accordance with its lawful Verdict and Sentence
In the Matter of Case Docket No. 09152021-A001
The Court authorizes its Sheriffs and their appointed deputies to immediately seize and expropriate the personal and corporate assets and properties of the persons named in this Warrant according to the lawful Verdict and Sentence of the Court.
The Sheriffs and their deputies are empowered to call upon other police forces to aid in the enforcement of this Warrant, employing necessary and reasonable force.
Issued on the Fifteenth Day of January in the year 2022.
Chief Magistrate of the Court
O^«oi »"””
Clerk of the Court
See the reverse for the list of convicted Defendants w'ho are subject to immediate arresf and Imprisonment according to the fezms of this lawful Warrant.
Case Dochet No. 09152021-A001 Jantzary’ J5, 2022
The following persons have been duly tried, convicted, and sentenced by the Court, and their personal and corporate assets and properties are subject to Immediate seizure and expropriation according to this lawful Warrant:
Elizabeth Windsor, Mary Simon, Richard Wagner, Justin Trudeau, Stephen Harper, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, Beverley McLachlin, Larry Campbell, Murray Sinclair, John Horgan, David Eby, Theresa Tarn, Bonnie Henry, the Estate of Allan McEachern, of the CROWN OF ENGLAND and the GOVERNMENTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND CANADA; and Brenda Lucki, Peter Montague, Gerry Peters, Paul Willms, of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE;
Joseph Ratzinger, Jorge Bergoglio, Domenico Giani, Garald Lacroix, Luigi Ventura, Pedro Lopez Quintana, Ivan Jurkovic, Remi de Rao, Michael Miller, the Estates of Karol Wojtyla, Raymond Roussin, and Adolfo Pachon, of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH;
Justin Welby, Fred Hiltz, Bob Bennett, Michael Ingham, of the ANGLICAN CHURCH;
Richard Batt, Michael Blair, Marion Best, Virginia Coleman, John Cashore, Jon Jassiman, Jim Sinclair, Gary Paterson, Brian Thorpe, Paul Mills, Paul Webb, Walter Farquharson, Phil Spencer, Foster Fread, Cameron Reid, Bob Stiven, the Estates of Art Anderson, Bill Howie, Fred Bishop, James Goodbrand, and George Darby sr., of the UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA
Roseanne Archibald, Phil Fontaine, Ed John, Ron Hamilton, Charlie Thomas, Patrick Brazeau, Robert Joseph, of the ASSEMBLY OF FIRST NATIONS and the FIRST NATIONS SUMMIT
Anne Heller, John Buehrens, Steven Epperson, of the UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH Devin Stockfish, The Estate of John Creighton, of WEYERHAEUSER LTD.
Albert Bourla, Cole Pinnow, of PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., Emma Walmsley, Faris El Refaia, of GLAXO SMITH KLINE PHARMACEUTICALS LTD.
Xi Jinping, Xu Caihou, Wang Haijiang, of tha GOVERNMENT OF CHINA, and Zhou Jiping, Wang Dongjin, of PETROCHINA LTD.
Harry Ogden, Dena Churchill, Terry Whyte, John Mayba, Wendy Barker, Jim and Eva Manly, Anne McNamee, and the Estates of James and Madeleine McNamee, PRIVATE CITIZENS
Clerk of the Court
Case Docket JUo. 09152021-A001 - Janoazy YS, 2022
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The Dark Luciferian One World Government who wish us all to submit to their wills control each other by forcing each other to commit human sacrifice. By that means, none of them can ever leave the Dark Luciferian Network. Rothschilds, Popes and Royal Families are all controlled by this means. They in turn control Big Media where false and flattering public profiles are fabricated for them continually. Sir Edward Heath who was a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was a paedophile who tortured young boys and then had their bodies disposed of into the sea from his yacht. All of the British Police who are 19 degree Freemasons and above are similarly compromised and they must support the Dark Luciferian human sacrificing worldwide network. How are we going to expose this matter publicly and then have them rounded up and imprisoned because before they murder children during human sacrificing rituals they first torture them in order that the adrenal glands of the tortured children secrete a substance called adrenachrome into their bloodstreams which the dark Luciferians then drink. Do not be childlike and naive. Men and women do not go to the top of hierarchies by being pushovers. Those at the top of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command are ruthless and cruel and they must be imprisoned. Please share this information.

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 Satanic Zionists who have largely taken over control of the world are banning men and women from public spaces, are forcing then to pay fines, are restricting their freedom of movement, are imprisoning good living men and women for daring to challenge the false authority of a one world government unelected satanic zionist cabal and they are having good will, good living men and women wirelessly tortured from long distances. Defy immoral orders and reject all orders which come indirectly from the Satanic Zionists at the top of the so-called one world government hierarchy. The aforementioned Satanic Zionists torture and sacrifice children and then drink their blood.

Conformity, obedience and virtue signalling would lead to your further enslavement by Satanic Zionists.   Refuse to Comply.

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I believe that Electrodes and other types of nano technology have been injected into me and have formed networks inside my body and brain. Internal EEG activity being generated by my brain is being continually recorded and transmitted to unknown remote locations. My Brainwave tracings which show distinctive patterns are then automatically translated into individual words whether spoken or thought by me and this is achieved using a computerized EEG dictionary. In this way my thoughts are being read. Unknown others then reply to my thoughts and words in real time and I hear their voices or simulations of their voices coming from inside my own head against my will and without my permission. Down through the years I sometimes have published small selections of what is transmitted into my head against my will and without my permission. I have never agreed to this and I dont know who is conducting experiments on me. Psychiatry is now and always has been irrelevant partially because psychiatrists are under strong mind control programming to the extent that anyone who informs them that they are being wirelessly experimented on from unknown remote locations and experience inner voice hearing as part of those experiments is automatically and wrongly presumed to be mentally ill.

"Have we a perogative for this."
"We would never abandon this program even if Gretta Fahey bas back to full health because we are getting an enorous amount of money from experimenting on her."
"She lives alone and she has no family. What are we waiting for. Go out and pick her up and bring her in here now."
"She is in her own home"
"I dont care where she is . She has no right to live."
"She is going out to the yard now." (a running comentary of what I am doing sometimes.)
"Leckie Bill." (on one in Ireland ever uses the term "leckie bill which is slang for electricity bill in the north of England.")
One voice which was broadcast into my head said to one of their colleagues as follows "I was desperate to generate attitude." Their colleague responded as follows "It is not your job to generate attitude. It is your job to copy synonems."
"Is it under tenure." (I dont know what was meant by that.)
"Am I mind controlled programmed to hate Gretta Fahey. ?" "Yes."
"She is always feeding herself."
I myself said the following as follows:- "I will choose death rather than enslavement." Then a v2k voice responded as follows "You may as well go now then."
"We can't get into the works" "I'd get in." "You wouldnt get out alive." " O Jesus I would. I would make her head spin."
"I dont like this lady. I am happy to continue it."
"I will see her in hospital." "Why did you say you would see her in hospital." The response i heard was as follows "This is not appropriate. I am running late."
My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo,
Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I am being subjected to remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation and this situation has continued without a break for nearly nineteen years.

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Microwave transmitters are being used to entrain the brains of some of the police, some of the judiciary, and some lord mayors into states of aggression and contempt towards the people they purport to serve. It has been announced that one young man may receive and extremely excessive sentence of twenty years in prison for throwing a drinks can at another passenger during an air plane flight.
Government staff throughout the world are being programmed to do the bidding of the Crime Cartel of Satanic Zionists who wish to enslave us under a One World Government. Our first counter attack is to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and all other receivers and transmitters throughout the world so that our police, judiciary, lord mayors and others can be allowed to think clearly again which they most certainly are unable to do now due to brain weapon technology being used against them.
Further to that, the aforementioned Satanic Zionist crime cartel who are very wealthy own private prisons and they wish to keep them full at all times in order to make profits so therefore they entrain the brains of the judiciary into giving extremely long sentences to young men for petty crimes.
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After reading, you must send it not only for me.

Did "they" poison me by McDonald's cashierS when pouring coffee ? 


Amnesty International Toronto,  Amnesty International Canada and Amnesty International knew it, including Facebook. 






UN Human Rights 

UN Human Rights Council 

Amnesty International 

TRIAL International 

International Bar Association 

International Criminal Court

International Court of Justice 

Canadian Government

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer



Contact : 


Temporary  email :



United Nations Secretary-General, UN Human Rights Chief, Trial International for Crimes Against Humanity, International Bar Association, Prime Minister of Canada, you all received my email to you on January 17,2022.





Topic : Canada refuses to take action to stop my neighbors. I must launch International (legal  ) proceedings against them for breaking international law; for committing terror, psychological torture and  MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada.



UN Human Rights Council 

Forty-third session

24 February - 20 March 2020

Agenda item 3




Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help.


Did "they" poison me by McDonald's cashierS when pouring coffee ? 


Amnesty International Toronto,  Amnesty International Canada and Amnesty International knew it, including Facebook. 





Robin Yan


Canadian victim of torture





Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and, thanks.


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People such as Bono from the band U2, Liam Gallagher from the band Oasis, Meryl Streep, Harrison Ford, Princes William and Harry, and hundreds of others are presenting a Satanic hand signal in photographs where their two middle fingers are down and their two outside fingers are up in the shape of horns. Many celebrities are being made very wealthy only to be returned to poverty again a few decades later where they end up owing millions in taxes. Celebrities such as David Beckham and many others are being forced to have their photographs taken while in a bath covered in suds or else in a bath covered in jewellery. It appears to be symbolic of something. Some celebrities speak about their predicament in their rapping songs.
Others such as former American Presidents, George W Bush and Bill Clinton have also been photographed while making the same Satanic hand signal. I strongly believe that they are under wireless control and they are being forced to do so.
Dr Anthone Fauci and Bill Gates and others have been promoting the false covid-19 pandemic which is not caused by a virus but instead it is caused by the covid-19 vaccine itself and the anti-flu vaccine combined with 5G radiation. These people may also be under wireless external remote control and may be being forced to publicise a false narrative to the public. How deep does the rabbit hole go?
How can we rescue the above mentioned celebrities, politicians and vaccine hoaxers from Satanic and Luciferian wireless control and enslavement. I myself know all about wireless remote control because I have been under partial physical and brain remote control for a long number of years. What is the antidote to this type of enslavement?
There is no point in partial wireless slaves asking the police for help because we can not prove to them as yet that we are partially wirelessly enslaved. Their normal approach to us is to mandate us to attend for psychiatric evaluation where we then may lose our freedom, are stigmatized and are forced to ingest psychiatric drugs which have such extreme side effects that it is akin to being tortured from the inside out.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
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