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The ability to remotely transmit voices, pain, electric shocks, paralysis, forced muscle movement and other phenomena such as pornographic images directly to a human brain and central nervous system exists and has been often written about in books and published documents. This capability has also been scientificially patented under United States scientific patent number US6965816. Millions of non-consensual human experimentation victims are now being tortured inside their own homes by the capabilities which are described in the aforementioned scientific patent.
The well known published author of the book 'Under An Ionized Sky' and of many other science books, Elana Freeland, claims that the number of victims of silent torture in the United States alone is approximtely one and a half million. There may be as many more victims of silent torture in Europe at this time. I am a long term victim of silent torture which is being transmitted to me from an unknown remote location. My name is Gretta Fahey, from South County Mayo, in the Republic of Ireland. I experience all of the above methods of remotely controlled silent torture but the forced muscle movement which I am experiencing is the most frightening because I have been informed by remote transmissions directly to my brain that the forced muscle movements which can clearly see occurring in my face when I look in the mirror is leading to total remote control of my central nervous system eventually. If that time ever arrives I could then be fully physically remote controlled by unknown neuro scientific and digital media experts while they would physically remote control me from an unknown and now undetectable remote location. If this situation were to come about I would not be the first targeted individual to have ever been physically remote controlled because many others have come forward on a website which is called informing the world that they have been physically remote controlled for short amounts of time in the past.
Individuals who are being silently tortured from remote locations have informed police and their general practitioners of their experiences and they are being sent for psychiatric evaluation which generally leads to incarceration inside a psychiatric hospital where they are then mandated to ingest substances which cause them extremely distressing side effects such as tardive dyskinesia and tardive akathisia among many other side effects. Because of this situation targeted individuals who are being targeted with remotely administered silent torture no longer report their situation to the police. We realise that up until now all communications with church and state have been conducted in secrecy and secrecy allows evil to flourish. We would prefer to conduct all conversations with the police and all other government and church officials on a live computer link where the whole world can listen in to the conversation. We no longer trust church and state officials because many of them are under the influence of strong microwave mind control and some could even be under partial external body control and some of them could be being silently tortured to act in certain ways which would not be in the interest of the complainant. Leaders of organised religions have known about the existence of remote silent torture for many decades and they have failed to warn their followers about this situation. Therefore they are dishonest in their dealings with the followers of their religions.
Targeted individuals can prove without a shadow of a doubt that they are indeed being silently tortured from a remote location but they need to be provided with technology to do so such as a non-linear junction detector or other such technology and I have asked the Irish government to provide such technology for the use of those who are being silently tortured in the Republic of Ireland but I have received no response from them. I am not sure if they ever get to read my registered letters and emails. Even if they have received them they may be under microwave mind control which would manipulate them to disregard certain incoming letters as well as certain emails. I have been informed that this is a possibility which is sometimes used by the intelligence services personnel who work in Irish government circles without acknowledging who they are and who trained them.

For further proof that remotely administred torture exists and is in widespread use I enclose herewith the following article which I found at the following link
THE STORY:Targeted Individuals (TIs) are speaking out about their relentless but invisible electronic harassment and torture. Has the tide turned? How many people believe them?
THE IMPLICATIONS:21st century mind control technology is incredibly advanced. We need to face the reality that Military Intelligence agencies worldwide can manipulate our thoughts, dreams and emotions. The impact upon human freedom will be devastating unless we rise up to stop this.
There are many Targeted Individuals (TIs) around the world who suffer electronic harassment, gang stalking & touchless torture via new mind control technology (e.g. directed energy weapons [DEWs]).

Targeted Individuals (TIs)
are those who the Government (via the Military Intelligence Complex of agencies) has picked out to harass, assault and attack – with advanced forms of invisible electronic weapons. This is the new form of 21st century mind control. Some targeted individuals have connections to the military (e.g. come from a military family) but others do not. Many are not activists or whistleblowers, but have had to become one just to survive. These targeted individuals are being electronically stalked and harassed with DEW (Directed Energy Weapons, also known as Scalar Weapons, EM Weapons and Non-Lethal Weapons) which blast the victim’s head with electromagnetic radiation. These assaults can insert ‘voices’ into people’s heads which they mistake for their own thoughts, can induce severe negative emotions (depression, suicidality) and can even cause paralysis and death. Sadly, many targeted individuals are thought of as crazy and sometimes are thrown into a psychiatric ward just for speaking out publicly and exposing the truth of how they are being assaulted. However, the phenomenon is conspiracy fact not conspiracy theory and is all too real. Even some government officials (e.g. this Polish minister) have admitted as much. What follows are 5 of many TI cases.

1. David Voigts
TI David Voigts is an ex-Navy officer and a whistleblower. He has been tortured since January 2012 and estimates he has lost a million-and-a-half dollars in unearned income since then because of the choices he has made. He served in Electronics Warfare. During his service he heard a victim present her story of a non-consensual human experimentation program involving psychological warfare, electronic harassment, no touch torture and gangstalking. This left a profound impression on Voigts; afterwards he intentionally got himself drafted into the program to understand it better – so he could help shut it down. Voigts has led campaigns to raise awareness about targeted individuals by walking across parts of the US. He writes:

“The Targeted Individual program is a domestic torture program aimed at unsuspecting US citizens … the revelations about organized harassment perpetrated by certain groups in the Church of Scientology match the harassment campaigns aimed at Targeted Individuals.”

Voigts also points to the mind control technology used against US diplomats:
“Another great resource is the recent stories about the recent stories about the “health attacks” on the US diplomats in Cuba. It’s troubling that these diplomats are able to be believed and receive care, but the US citizens affected here in the states are not being listened to, and their pleas for help are dismissed as mostly delusional.”
2. Katherine Horton
Targeted Individual Dr. Katherine Horton is a scientist who studied physics at Oxford University, where she obtained her Masters of Physics and then went on to get her PhD. She is a high energy physicist and system analyst. She worked for years at CERN in Geneva. She has been gangstalked by Military Intelligence agents. She reveals how she has to shield herself in the cellar, put aluminum and mylar all around the inside of her apartment and at times literally sleep in a metal bathtub to protect herself against the ongoing electronic harassment with EM and scalar weapons. These weapons easily penetrate other materials such as wood, brick and concrete.

She runs the informative website She defines electronic harassment as microwave mutilation. She has been outspoken in her attempts to stand up for her rights and the rights of other TIs by taking the various Military Intelligence agencies (MI6, MI5 and GCHQ) to court in Britain, as well as meticulously cataloging the British, German and Swiss agencies (and the people involved) who are perpetrating this against her. In May 2017, she found out that she had been covertly implanted with military bio-technology and neurotechnology. Her antidote to all this invisible abuse is make fun of everything and laugh at these manipulators as she exposes them. For protection, she suggests TIs cover their home with paint containing metal particulates of aluminum and copper (cooper is better but costs 10 times more) as well as using mylar. As Katherine says:

“The only real threats to national security in the world are the military and the intelligence agencies.”

3. Karen Melton-Stewart
Another ex-NSA whistleblower who has stepped forward to reveal what truly goes on at the Nefarious Spying Agency, Karen Stewart became a TI after she learnt how the US military intelligence agencies were involved in 9/11, but her superiors told her to keep quiet. She was verbally abused and shouted at before polygraph tests so she would deliberately fail. She was blocked from promotions, stalked and harassed. She also had her house electronically bugged (which knocked out her microwave).

She affirms that technologies like V2K (Voice to Skull) are real. She reveals how the NSA stalks and harasses journalists, who then became too scared to report anything negative (or anything at all) on the NSA. Interestingly, she highlights how mass shooter Myron May (who killed people at Florida State University in a November 2014 mass shooting) was another TI mind control victim who told many people before the mass shooting (and his subsequent death) that he was “hearing voices in his head.” May even wrote letters explaining this before his death and sent them out to many people. Even the MSM reported this; for instance, here is NBC:

“He believed government “stalkers” were harassing him and using a “direct energy weapon” to hurt him. He said that he had sent packages to 10 people that would “expose” what he thought was happening to him … His social media activity revealed that he believed he was a “targeted individual,” the term used by people who think the government and shadowy gangs are attacking them with mind control and invisible, remote weapons.

In an email he sent at 11:19 p.m., [May] wrote: “I’ve been getting hit with the direct energy weapon in my chest all evening. It hurts really bad right now.” Police say he opened fire on campus about an hour later.”

May was a young Assistant District Attorney. Before his death, he reached out to author Renee Pittman who went on to write a book about May and the shooting, The Targeting of Myron May: Assistant DA Pushed Over the Edge. In the description for that book, it says:
“A gifted young Assistant District Attorney’s tragic end after opening fire at Florida State University’s Strozier Library, just after midnight, November 20, 2014, injuring three and his quest for “Suicide by Cop.”

The suicide letter excerpt…

“My deepest regret is that I did not make a more diligent effort of documenting my experiences as a targeted individual along the way; however, this document is my feeble attempt at recounting my experiences thus far.

First off, to anyone that may read this document, take a brief moment to pray for my soul. What I am about to do I have deep regret for; however, I feel that my options are extremely limited. Because I am a targeted individual, everything has been taken away from me. I have literally been robbed of life through psychological, financial, and emotional hardship…”“

Another obvious example of the mind control-mass shooting connection is Aaron Alexis (who did the Washington Navy Yard shooting in September 2013). He also claimed that he was hearing voices in his head. You can read more about the link between mind control and mass shootings in a previous article here.

4. Mariana Maritato
Mariana Maritato is yet another brave TI who has been mercilessly attacked through various forms of electronic harassment and torture. She has been the victim of sexual assault (remote stimulation of forced orgasm, including many zaps to genitals and anus, which feels like electrocution). Pornographic images of pedophilia are beamed into her head, and she has to open her eyes to stop it, even when she is sleep-deprived. V2K technology is being used against her. Like other TIs, she discovered synthetic nanotechnology (HSP72 [Heat Shock Protein] human tumor cells) had been implanted inside her body. Some of the effects of this daily torture include the following: reduced lung capacity, being forced to bite herself, tooth pain (like a root canal), bloated belly and forced burping (so she can’t eat properly and lost weight), developing a 3-inch cyst in her right breast (benign, but they [V2K perpetrators] threatened to turn it tumorous) and planted/manipulated dreams. The electronic harassment and abuse has changed her life such that she can’t drive or hold down a full-time job; she is in continuous survival mode. Watch her testimony to the ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) which is backed by lots of evidence and detail.

5. Barbara Hartwell
Ex-CIA agent Barbara Hartwell worked for 25 years in the CIA as an investigative and intelligence analyst. She is a mind control victim and childhood survivor of MK ULTRA. In this video clip she shares how she started getting attacked right after she “broke her programming” and started to go public in 1994. She woke up and realized she was living a double life. She was being used by the CIA to disseminate New Age propaganda with the purpose of confusing and distracting people – and as she puts it to bring in the New World Order. In the video she sits next to Brice Taylor, a famous mind control victim who like Cathy O’Brien was used as a mind-controlled sex slave to service the highest officials in the US and beyond. Hartwell emphasizes how Ted Gunderson (ex-FBI agent who became a tremendous investigator uncovering mind control, pedophilia and Satanism) was a great friend who helped her.

Hartwell talks about how she was attacked every single day. Sometimes she was tailed or followed; sometimes she encountered agents in her life posing as someone else; her phone was tapped; black helicopters flew over her house; and she received death threats. She reveals how she was hit with exotic weapons, which she describes as laser weapons and microwave pulse weapons, which sometimes knocked her unconscious.

There Are Thousands of Targeted Individuals All Over the World
There are so many targeted individuals that a plethora of articles and books have been and could be written about them. I have previously written about whistleblower and TI Bryan Kofron in the article Total Individual Control Technology: Insider Exposes How You & Your DNA are Being Targeted. The point is that the technology is way beyond what the average person comprehends. Ex-CIA engineer Robert Duncan has done an outstanding job in coming forward and exposing the true state of current technology, much of which he knew about from firsthand experience since he was involved in constructing it. Duncan mentions all sorts of scary-sounding terms such as the Voice of God weapon, OIW (Offensive Information Warfare), brain nets, EEG heterodyning, synthetic telepathy and the cybernetic hive mind. Speaking of EEG heterodyning, this term is also used by whistleblower John St. Clair Akwei (who sued the NSA in 1992) who claimed:

“NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals lntelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours-a-day. The NSA can pick out and track anyone in the U.S. NSA agents in remote offices can instantly identify (using Remote Neural Monitoring or EEG Heterodyning) any individual spotted in public who is in contact with surveillance subject.”

“With special EMF equipment NSA cryptologists can remotely read evoked potentials (from EEGs). These can be decoded into a person’s brain-states and thoughts. The subject is then perfectly monitored from a distance. NSA personnel can dial up any individual in the country on the Signals Intelligence EMF scanning network and the NSA’s computers will then pinpoint and track that person 24 hours a day.”

EEG stands for electroencephalography (an electrophysiological monitoring method to record the electrical activity of the brain), and to heterodyne is defined as ‘to generate new frequencies by mixing two or more signals’, so roughly speaking, EEG heterodyning (aka EEG cloning) is sending frequencies to the brain to modify and replace the existing ones – and thus get someone to think, speak and act in alignment with the new sen frequencies. A simple example of this is when independent and unrelated reporters Caroline Crowley and Serene Branson were caught speaking almost the same exact gibberish during live TV broadcasts. The EEG heterodyning hijacked their brainwaves and broadcast the same information into each woman’s brain.

Nick Begich, expert on HAARP and related topics, has explained in simple terms how the mind control and emotion control) technology works. You modulate a signal that the brain locks onto to. Then, the brain recognizes it and begins to mirror it (following the frequency via call-and-response). Once brain rhythms change, a chemical cascade is created within the brain which subsequently changes the emotions. In this way, people can remotely made to feel emotions which they would not have otherwise felt.

Time to Accept the Phenomenon of Targeted Individuals
It’s time for humanity to collectively take their head out of the sand and face the reality of mind control, gangstalking and electronic harassment. According to one TI man, EVERYONE is a target. Prisoners and veterans get hit the worst with electronic harassment. It has been reported that 70% of TIs are women with advanced education (e.g. university degrees). How much more evidence do people need to accept the existence of this phenomenon?

Solutions to Stop the Harassment, Abuse and Torture
It is important to note there is something you can do about this if you are a TI. You can join a group or organization dedicated to supporting TIs, such as the Surveillance and Harassment Survivor’s Alliance. Katherine Horton has a victim affidavit collection system. There are materials to stop the electronic bombardment – there were 3 mentioned above (e.g. mylar, aluminum, copper) but there are surely many more for those who research and experiment with it. Finally, it is crucial to always remember that the power of human spirit, will, mind and consciousness is more powerful than whatever mind control technology the NWO controllers are aiming at people. For those of us who are not targeted individuals, we owe it to those who are being tortured to spread awareness about it in the hope that we can stop it – sooner rather than later.













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Voice of God weapons are in widespread use through out the Republic of Ireland but the general public are not being officially informed that they are in use.    According to the scientist called Dr Robert Duncan who specializes in weapons development and who has written and published two books on the subject called "How to Tame a Demon" and "Project Soul Catcher" there are four different methods of inducing voices inside the head of a human being and they are collectively known as voice of God weapons.    The aforementioned weapons have been used to transmit voices inside my head on an ongoing basis for more than seventeen years entirely against my will and without my permission and I have been psychologically tortured by those who use them against me.  Today, Thursday 16th July 2020 at ten minutes past five pm, Grenwich Mean Time which is Irish time,  I heard a voice coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission.  The individual who transmitted that voice inside my head identified himself as a Garda ( a police officer is known as a Garda in the Republic of Ireland where I live).   I then asked him why he was impersonating a Garda and he informed me that he was not impersonating one and that he actually was one.   I asked him who ordered him to transmit his voice directly inside my head against my will and without my permission and he answered that nobody did.  He did it himself of his own accord.  

Because I have enclosed herewith the precise time and date as well as the time zone that I heard this particular voice it is possible for the neuro staff to identify this man and to ascertain if indeed he is a Garda or is he merely impersonating one.    Nobody alive  has the right to transmit their voice inside the head of another individual against their will and without their permission and nobody has the right to order another to do it either.   Why doesn't the Irish government release information to the Irish public about the widespread existence as well as widespread abuse of all four methods of transmitting voices inside the heads of unwilling members of the public.

Those who are being targeted by any of the known four methods of so called voice of God weapons have given up attempting to inform the police or psychiatry about their extreme torture because whenever they attempt to do so they are being illegally detailed inside psychiatric hospitals by both police and psychiatric staff who are presumably under mass mind control programming.  They are also being illegally forced to ingest anti-psychotic medications under the false presumption of being mentally unwell.  Both the worlds police and psychiatrists are under such severe mind control  programming at this point in time that they are aiding and abetting in the worldwide enslavement process that is currently underway.


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Dr Robert Duncan is a scientists and has worked in the development of psychotronic weapons for many years. Further to that he has written two books about the current capabilities of psychotronic weapons which are called "Project Soul Catcher" and "How to Tame a Demon. Dr. Robert Duncan has worked for government agencies like CIA, DARPA, Department of Defense (DoD) on a technology which is called Voice of God (VoG). Voice of God means that the military and intelligence services can put voices into an individuals head and then control these individuals. The individuals that are being targeted are known as Targeted Individuals (TI’s).
I am such a targeted individual and I hear constant voices coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission. Here is an example of some of what I heard coming from inside my head in the past few days as follows:-
"Central Fugal systems are in evidence here. This is not excellent. Anyone can tell that we have been inisde this womans body and brain."
"Doctor her."
"Why are you eating that now."
"Every limb in her body will be broken." "Why did you say that" "Because she has been rejected and we can't make any money out of her."
"Thats a live one." "You are playing it rough with this lady." "Thats Gretta Fahey. She is live. She is electrified."
"Her body will be pulled out of a river some day."
"We will have to get money into this lady."
"Can we bio-robotize a corpse. " "Yes."
"What annual percentage of her income does she spend on charity."
"What the f is she eating bacon for this hour of the night."
"Is there a man in her life." "No." " She will get more than she bargained for."
"How about you lose some weight."
"The view from the scene of the crime."
"Initiate a bowel and bladder problem right now." (They wish to place restrictions on anyone who is claiming disability allowance for Irritable Bowel Syndrome which I am claiming and I have been claiming for many years.)
We all have smart dust inside us which allows military and private contractors to conduct medical experiments on us and it also allows them to speak to us, to hurt us and to enslave, torture and genocide us from unknown remote locations without us ever knowing who they are. However, there is an easy solution. In order to clear the smart dust from your brain and body so that you can then no longer be tortured by remote means you aught to drink ozonated water because ozone is the greatest detoxifying agent known to man. It deactivates every known negative compound that exists in the world. You will find one hundred reasons to use ozone at the following website I am currently drinking several glasses of ozonated water daily and I hope that in this way I will be able to deactivate the smart dust inside my brain and body and thereby stop the wireless torture which I endure constantly.

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I give all the glory to God

How many TI have turn to Jesus and to Jesus only knowing nothing or nobody can help us. Only thing that has kept me from not losing my mind completely is the peace I get from his blood shed on the cross saved by faith alone i am keeping my eyes on that same cross. One day it will all be over and I will rejoice in heaven with the lord. amen and praise GOD. I have been going through this for. 13 yers and its been severe mind torture.
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"All Targeted Individuals are on a Global Network and are Registered as a Business -Find your ASN #."

All Targeted Individuals are on a Global Network and are Registered as a Business -Find your ASN #

i figured it out and have my info now
# 1 go here Comprehensive IP address data, IP geolocation API and database -       look to the box on right that is your info, scroll down to find asn#


  Special Thanks to the t.i. in canada         

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Coronavirus/Corvid - 19

On its own Coronavirus/Corvid - 19 is bad enough, but please be aware that they can beam you directly and imitate the virus, the main emphasis is, NOSE MOUTH THROAT & LUNGS., they can make you feel sick as well, sorry but it's not just V2K & Mental Health, it's most things in the ICD, International Statistical Classification of Desease & other Disorders, as well.


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Many of us have been injected with bio-compatable hydrogel which contains many different types of bio-sensors, bacteria, interactive electronic circuits and even living cells. The hydrogel is infiltrated with nutients inside the human body so that it will grow and eventually permeate the body provided that it is injected as several sites over a period of time. The bio-sensors inside the hydrogel are enabled to transmit and receive information.
After allowing the hydrogel to grow inside the human host and adhere to the tissue, ligaments, bones and muscles of the human host the human host eventually becomes one with the hydrogel. The human host can then be remote controlled like a human robot from a distance. They can have unbearable pain transmitted to them from an unknown remote location. They can have voices and images sent to their brains from an unknown remote location. This is occurring widely across the world but the police and others are refusing the believe the victims because the whole population of the world are being subjected to mass mind control at a level never forseen.
In the future if you dont accept the hydrogel vaccine you will not be allowed to buy or sell and you will not be allowed to leave your home. Algorithms are being programmed now so that whole populations can be controlled by those pre-programmed algorithms at some time in the future. How soon can this enslavement system be disassembled and banned forever?
How can be make the hydrogel biodegrade inside our bodies so as to set us free from remote controlled enslavement?
How and when can be disable the mass mind control most people are under today?
The covid-19 was created in order to bring about a mind set of acceptance of global governance in the worlds population under the contol of the world health organisation.

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The office of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has published the documents it has received from its latest Call for Inputs on its website. 

This shows that the UN Special Rapporteur's office is taking our community's complaints seriously, that our situation has merit and we therefore, look forward to more from his office in the days ahead.

The list can be viewed at:

Wayne Morin Jr an original TI from the 70s born in San Franciscos Haight Ashbury district ...... Can be reahed by leaving message on PP page 9143225673?profile=original

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I herewith enclose the following youtube link where the online researcher Celeste Solum gives us most of the following information. I added some of my own opinions at the end of the post.
In the past microchips were forceably injected into some non-consenting individuals but those non-consenting victims were sometimes able to have them removed. What is now being implemented to be injecting into us can never be removed.
Injectible nano particles known as Hydrogel is placed in a syringe and then injected into us. The hydrogel then begins to self assemble inside us and it then fuses to our tissue, it fuses to our cells, it fuses to our ligaments, it fuses to our muscles and it fuses to our our bones. It grows and grows inside our bodies and we then become interfaced with our own computers and smart phones. We become part of them and they become part of us. We become one with artificial intelligence then.
Artificial intelligence will report your health status to the department of public health without your participation or consent. You will not be allowed to ever leave your own home unless you accept the hydrogel injection. You will not be allowed to buy or sell unless you accept the hydrogel injection.
We must stop this from ever occurring. It is a system of remote controlled enslavement, torture and genocide. We must refuse to accept the hydrogel. We must disassemble and ban all of the infrastrusture which enables this system to work. We must take down the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. We must arrest the policy makers who made these decisions to enslave us in this manner if we ever succeed in identifying them. They are outside the system. They have enabled themselves to be outside the system because we live in a flat and fixed earth where parts of it are not under full spectrum dominance like they wish us to believe. The main stream media is owned and controlled by them and it has been used to create a false reality construct for us over the past several decades.

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The office of the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture has published the documents it has received from its latest Call for Inputs on its website. 

This shows that the UN Special Rapporteur's office is taking our community's complaints seriously, that our situation has merit and we therefore, look forward to more from his office in the days ahead.

The list can be viewed at:

The Special Rapporteur on Torture appears to make oblique references to our cause.   Their report can be found at this link:

Soleimavis Liu presented the paper "Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency" at the E-Leader conference held by Fudan University (China) and Chinese American Scholars Association (USA) in Shanghai, January 5-7, 2015.

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UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

I don't know why Google, Facebook, Twitter... they are all  hacking my accounts and my posts.

Please see American government's action

"Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship "

UN Human Rights and Canadian government :

Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and
, thanks.

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Todays date is 2nd July, 2020.
I heard the voice to skull voices coming from inside my own head say the following in the past twenty four hours as follows:-
"This is the Fahey woman. Her whole body is saturated with some substance which allows us to align her with our computer program for permanent control."

My name is Gretta Fahey.  I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.  I am not being believed by the Gardaí or other Irish government staff when I officially inform them that I am being wirelessly electronically harassed and I am experiencing a large variety of other experiences which are being caused by remote controlled weapons.

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Whenever I attempt to log on to a website called I am informed in writing the following :- "You have no permission to view this directory or page." . I believe that this situation has come about because I am a wirelessly enabled partial slave and I have been thus for more than seventeen years. I have been wirelessly enslaved by the following method as follows:- My neurological system has been harnessed to a computerized enslavement system to such an extent that I am being sent voice commands and disablement at the discernment of the staff who run the aforementioned enslavement system. On whose authority have I been banned from logging into Also on whose authority have I been enslaved by the aforementioned neurological system wireless harnessing process

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This article in the Daily Mail says that Michigan has passed a law making it illegal for companies to force employees to be implanted with microchips. We can hope that other states and countries will follow suit, as it can only lead to violations of privacy, but we know that in Sweden, people have accepted microchips without protesting.

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