I am a non-consenting victim of remote neural monitoring combined with remote neural manipulation which is being conducted by unknown criminals who work from unknown remote locations and this situation has been happening to me continuously for more than seventeen years. By now I have endured so much remote neural manipulation that the unknown operatives who both remote neural monitor and remote neural manipulate my brain and central nervous system can cause most of the muscles of my body to move against my will. The aforementioned unknown criminals have informed me via brain to brain interfacing that they have now enabled a situation where they could get me to perform acts against my will by manipulating both my brain and central nervous system from an unknown remote location while I am in any public arena. They have also informed me via the same communication method that they will influence me to give one of their operatives the keys to my home on an occasion where they would influence me to meet one of their agents in public. If that occurred and I publicly handed over the keys to my home to one of their agents while under remote influencing capability they would then acknowledge to the world that I had given them the keys to my home of my own free will. They have informed me that others in their group have pulled that exact scam on a vulnerable individual while that vulnerable induvidual was being remotely influenced by brain to brain interacing capabilities and by several other means.
I now plan to leave the keys of my home in the care of someone I trust whenever I leave home in future. If you are a targeted individual of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation please be aware of this type of manipulation and act to protect yourself from it. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. My name is Gretta Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
All Posts (12220)
but just windered ho
i cannot handle this anymore, my genitals ove again are getting burnt every time i lay down and tot he points of infection it i so sire i cannot sit down with agaony and i dont know what to do this has been happening for 5 weeks now
A covid-19 template has been set up which allows for sudden and widespread deaths without proper certification.
10 years ago, CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES Association, Canadian media, and Minister of Public Safety stated in this being hacked video.
Who hacked them? Please forward it.
UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government
In Canada, class action against Facebook Canada has benn lodged.
Canadian Government again, please take legal actions or measures to stop my neighbors, who are madly committing torture, terror and crimes against humanity by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons.
This is my request of second time. The first time was 12 years ago.
My neighbors are now entering my house at any time without opening any doors and hide in my house attic. Please see the security alarm I put and the ceiling.
Ceiling :
Canadian Government : "We don't need terror."
10 years ago, CANADIAN CIVIL LIBERTIES Association, Canadian media, and Minister of Public Safety stated in this being hacked video:
Canada Gangstalking harassment CSIS Illegal Spying
I hope Canadian Government can work with UN and International Criminal Court to deal with my torture case. Here is from International Criminal Court and UN
UN Human Rights :
"No government, no monarch, no leader can be viewed as free of accountability. No one should be above the law."
Again, please see our emails between UN and me:
Again, how and why are they now becoming more brutal and more evil?
Fight for my life being threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder by every possible means, I am not alone and I need your help.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax and sr-torture@ohchr.org
, thanks.
For the uk parliament to reject this petition is disgraceful there should another be chance for this petition and if created it should be taken seriously!
Today too many psychiatrists are diagnosing a label of conditions on individuals.
Today too many psychiatrists are diagnosing people with conditions
such as psychosis and schizophrenia.
Just because someone has told them that someone has attached them with electromagnetic device.
They do not believe them people they get diagnosed wrong and put onto antipsychotic medications this highly wrong and needs to be stopped immediately!
I hear of too many cases of where people have reported cases of electromagnetic torture to the authority's and then have to go for a mental health test in my opinion so they can get away with incompetence.
I have heard cases of where people have ended up mental hospitals
because of this.
Authorities must be told that this wrong and authorities must take
electromagnetic torture cases seriously and to investigate properly
to use detection equipment to detect electromagnetic devices
to catch the perpetrators and arrest them.
We should be able to trust psychiatrists and authorities and do the right thing and listen to individuals rather labelling and judging them.
Twitter has filtered my tweets for many years. Recently, they are filtering this tweet.
Please forward this.
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
Some individuals have been stealing data from my brain and body for the past seventeen years or more by wireless remote means. They also have been writing codes into my central nervous system in order to gain wireless external control over my physical body. Here is some of what they were heard by me to say over the past twenty four hours via bio-communication technology by direct means into my brain as follows:-
“Gretta. Your brain and body have now been coded for external remote control. You are going live next Thursday.”
“You are now a sleeper agent who can be physically controlled through a computer.”
“Take her in for questioning.”
“This lady is not someone I wish to interfere with in the course of my life. I dont want her to be free.”
“We dont want her to commit suicide. We are not really there yet.”
“I am deeply dismayed by her trajectory. We were not expecting this.”
“Systems analysis of the lady right now.”
“You dont have the right to ask for systems analysis of her.”
“I have the right to ask. I am paying for this charade.”
“We wish to stand down.”
“Alot of work has been done on this lady. We wish to have a stake in her ownership.”
“If she was mine I would be more co-operative to the system.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 0949360901
My email address is gretta2011@hotmail.com
My website address is www.targetedindividualsireland.net.
If you should ever complain about false authority figures such as rogue intelligence agents or rogue government staff then they have an understood policy of using whatever leverage they can find against you in order to make your life difficult.
If you are in financial debt, or are addicted to any substance they will use your addiction or debt to manipulate you further.
If you have children they may attempt to take them from you often citing that you are an unfit parent and supplying a bogus reason for claiming it.
If you have a spouse they can easily manipulate wireless electronic mind control weapons to turn your spouse against you.
If you are in rented accommodation they can manipulate your landlord or landlady to evict you.
If you drive a vehicle they might stop you on your travels often in order to examine said vehicle.
Even if you normally drink tea or coffee they could then call you in for bogus questioning and deliberately keep you waiting for hours without tea or coffee. Tea and coffee are nervous stimulents and they are also a type of drug so if you are a habitual drinker of these drinks and you can not access them while at the police station you will begin to feel very tired without a regular intake. When you reach a peak of tiredness you will then be interviewed while you are physically at your worst.
I am in a very strong position because I dont own a vehicle and I dont drink tea, coffee or alcohol and I dont smoke cigarettes. . I also am single and alone without children. I live in my family home where I was born and I am not in any debt. I have never committed a crime in my life. The police or military have no leverage against me. However, now with advances in technology we can have our physical bodies externally controlled through central nervous system control which is described in United States patent number US 6965816. A computer to brain interface can be used to write information into our brains and central nervous systems under the above patent using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can cause your muscles to move against your will and this can all be achieved by unknown criminal operatives while they work from an unknown remote location. There are thousands of books in circulation about this capability. I am under wireless brain to brain interface against my will and without my consent on a constant basis and many of my muscles can now be forceably made to move against my will. Many other targeted individuals throughout the world are reporting the same or similar experiences to me.
Rogue authority personnel can use this capability against somebody they wish to compromise and they often do.
After seeing what ICC and UN say and are doing, I think you must help me tweet or forward what I can't.
Robin Yan
After watching this video for UN Committee Against Torture , you must send, forward this whole message for me.
( Continued)
Robin Yan
Canadian victim of torture
By analysing the temporal lobes of the human brain using electromagnetic radiation scientists can identify unique EEG patterns and relate them to the individual words, thoughts, body movements and emotions of the human research subject. In 1972 Dr Lawrence Pinneo of the Stanford Research Institute created an EEG dictionary of each unique EEG pattern and its related unique thought or unique word. That EEG dictionary can now be used to translate your unique EEG patterns into the thoughts that you think and the words that you say. Now, whenever you are in the presence of electromagnetic radiation, specificially extremely low frequency waves your thoughts and words can be monitored without your awareness and can then be transmitted by your digital device to a computerized storage capability so that the intelligence services can know what you are thinking and speaking at all times when your smart phone is on your person or when you are in front of your computer screen. For this and still further information about this topic please read a book called ‘Guinea Pigs’ by Dr John Hall.
We all have neural dust inside our brains and bodies and it got there mostly through inhalation and ingestion. Each neural dust mote contains a piezoelectric crystal. The neural dust motes inside our brains and bodies are being used to read our brain signals and the data gathered from our brains and bodies is collected by whatever smart phone is registered to the name of each individual. The smart phones can automatically transmit the data to a central control system. This has all been achieved without the permission of the majority of the human race by individuals who wish to wirelessly enslave or else torture or genocide us.
When our neurons fire and pass signals to each other they reach what is known as an action potential when generates and electrical pulse. These electrical pulses are measured using EEGs and are automatically translated into what you see, hear, feel, smell, touch, taste and they are also translated into all of your muscle movement including the smooth muscle movements of your intestines. This information is extracted from your brain and is transmitted wirelessly to a central storage system. This process is called A BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE.
A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE writes information into your brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation or by a number of other means. Phosphene induction is used to write information into the brain. The process of writing information into your brain is used to stimulate your action potentials which generates electrical pulses. The process is called SSVEP. The electrical pulses which are generated by this process cause you to see, hear, feel, smell, touch and taste what is not actually real. It is simply an illusion but yet you can be made to feel as if you are inside a virtual reality setting which can be used to either torture you or to allow you to experience a state of bliss. Some of the electrical pulses which are generated when information is written into your brain can be used to cause the muscles of your face and body to be remotely controlled against your will, which can be used to turn you into a bio-robot. This process is currently being used throughout the world as a form of wireless remote controlled secret torture. I am one of the victims of this type of secret torture.
A BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE is created by attaching a BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE TO A COMPUTER BRAIN INTERFACE. By means of brain computer interface the brainwaves are extracted from one human being and they are stored inside a computer. They can then be sent thousands of miles across the world to another computer which can be owned and controlled by criminal neuro operatives. The criminal neuro operatives write this information into the brain of a second human being, often against the will and without the consent of that second human being.
The industrialist Elon Musk has stated that he plans to inject a neural lace into the brains of members of the public in such a way that the neural lace would form a brain computer interface which would in turn enable him and and his colleagues to connect the brains of members of the public to the internet. Targeted individuals whose brains are already permeated with neural dust can now be accessed by thousands of criminals with knowledge of neuro science who the victims do not know and who work at remote locations which are unknown to the victims. The victims can be remotely harassed, tortured, enslaved, bio-robotized and even genocided by any number of unknown brain and body hackers. Targeted individuals of remote wireless torture can have their bodies externally controlled to such a level that a hoax of demonic possession was created as one of many cover stories in order to cover up the extremely advanced current capabilities of science and technology. Targeted individuals can now have their facial muscles and their speech controlled to such an extent that criminal neuro scientists and neuro operatives can actually speak through the targeted individual and by this means force the targeted individual to confess to a crime that they did not commit and even to unwillingly sign a statement to that effect.
I am brain to brain interfaced against my will and without my permission to an illegal human control system which is being set up across the world without the knowledge or consent of most of the world. I spend a lot of my time raising awareness of it online. I have lots of friends throughout Ireland who are also non-consensually brain to brain linked with this illegal system but because it is wireless and invisible we find it difficult to convince the relevant authorities that this is what is happening to us. However, everybody will know about it soon. If you would like to know more about it you should then read the following books:-
'Guinea Pigs' by Dr John Hall.
'Project Soul Catcher' by Dr Robert Duncan.
The Irish government will eventually have to disassemble and ban the infrastructure which allows this human brain to brain interfacing system because it is not in the best interests of the Irish people. In fact, it is a wireless enslavement system and many Irish people and others are already partially enslaved by it but because it is wireless and invisible they do not have the technological capabilities to prove that they are wirelessly connected to it so they are being disbelieved.
Yours Sincerely,
Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.
My landline home phone number is 094 9360901.
My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net
My youtube channel is called gretta fahey