Kindness is the most important thing
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Kindness is the most important thing
Mass electronic mind control which is coming through our own devices from antennae which are being positioned on tall buildings and high towers is producing behaviour alterations in the civilian population, and most especially employees of most if not all state controlled government institutions.
Government employees have been electronically mind controlled to enslave themselves and their fellow country men, women and children and they are busy doing that now.
Telecom employees are installing 5G against the wills of their own people. 5G will provide the band width to wirelessly enslave, torture and genocide any and all of us. I became a wireless slave in 2003 and even though I have reported the matter to all, nothing has been done to free me.
Electricity workers are installing smart meters against the wills of their own people so that each electrical device which we use can be monitored, controlled or banned from our use by wireless remote means. Smart meters would enable the slave masters to control the temperature and the time spent in our showers each day and they could also remote control how much heating we are allowed in our homes and what temperature our thermostats is set at. This could all be achieved by wireless means from an unknown remote control centre.
University scientists whose salaries are paid by the tax payers use their time to research and develop new technological means of controlling the public. By this means they would eventually enslave themselves.
The police and military use violence to intimidate and control their own people at the behest of Satanists and dark Luciferians who have infiltrated and captured the control of most police forces throughout the world. Police are now enforcing unconstutional laws. They enforced the hoaxed covid-19 lockdown and denied their own people the right to travel on the roads which are owned by the people themselves. The police carried out these activities at the behest of the World Health Organisation which is known to be owned and controlled by dark occultists.
State controlled teachers are now indoctrinating the children into being uncritical thinkers who group think rather than think individual thoughts. The children are being trained to be unquestioningly obedient and to never ever think for themselves but to always ask the permission of a false authority figure such as their teacher if they wish to do anything whatsoever. Children are being taught to be docile and they are never allowed to express anger even when they are being treated unfairly. Teachers are participating in evil and they are actively harming children at the behest of the Satanists and dark luciferians who control the educational system throughout most if not all of the world.
Government politicians have been continually enacting more and more nonsensical laws under the guise of security which are eroding our human rights one at a time.
At this stage, dark occultists such as Satanists and Luciferians own and control most of the worlds financial resources as well as most other resources. They control many judges through various methods such as electronic mind control, electronic wirelessly enabled central nervous system control, blackmail, fear as well as through some judges already being members of their satanic or luciferian organisation.
Some readers might believe that I am exaggerating. I am being entirely truthful. I and many of my country men and women are being wirelessly harassed, tortured and curteilled and this situation has been ongoing by covert means for many decades but for seventeen years in my own case. Nobody does anything to help us free ourselves from this situation. We have reported the matter to the police who refuse to validate our statements on the grounds that wireless enslavement technology does not exist and therefore we must be mentally unwell and should attend for psychiatric evaluation. When under the care of psychiatry, psychiatrists mandate that we ingest substances that have been found to be poisonous and which have such extreme side effects that in some instances it is akin to being tortured from the inside out. Psychiatrists, whose salaries are being paid by the tax payers, are working to enslave their own people because they are now under electronic mind control to the point of stupidity. Their decisions are being backed up by the violence of that state which is another name for the police.
It is preferable for all wireless slaves to inform the public of their plight in an online forum. If you inform the police or a psychiatrist of your plight in private the secrecy which is allowed in such a situation would then allow evil to flourish. Full disclosure allows good to flourish.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland and my website which I alone own and control is called
Satanists and dark Luciferians are promoting their own people to positions of power within both church and state organisations throughout the world in order to further their own agenda which is worldwide enslavement and genocide. It has now been adequately proven that the covid-19 pandemic was hoaxed by the use of pseudoscience and by mis-attributing other deaths to covid-19. The Satanists and dark Luciferians have been using mass electronic mind control programming to make the world population believe in that hoax and in a myriad of other hoaxes before that one.
The aforementioned Satanists as well as dark Luciferians are installing large towers in public areas throughout the world most of which are there to produce behavioural alternations in the civilian population via mass mind control. Most if not all windmills throughout the world have a dual purpose. They have not just been installed to produce wind energy. They can also be used to broadcast transmissions which both entrain the brains of people for miles around them and which also enable subconscious hypnosis of any and all of the surrounding population.
At this point in time Acoustic Psycho Correction technology exists which transmits audible messages into the human head via bone conduction which means that ear plugs will not restrict the messages. Acoustic Psycho Correction devices are now manufactured as hand held devices in some instances and can be used to mentally torture and torment any non-consenting individual or selection of non-consenting individuals by others who have access to such devices. The victims of the aforementioned audible message transmissions are then wrongly labelled as being mentally ill if they dare to complain of hearing voices coming from inside their heads. The reason that they are labelled as being mentally ill without further investigation as to the origin and contents of the aforementioned audible messages is because the police and psychiatrists are now under heavy mind control programming themselves and they resist all information which does not come to them from official sources. Sadly, official sources can no longer be trusted.
As we can not easily disassemble and ban all large towers which are being used to house technology which is itself then being used to manipulate our brains and bodies from remote locations we must instead develop firewalls for our homes which would block digital transmissions from coming into our homes and into our brains and central nervous systems. Is any work being done now anywhere throughout the world to develop such firewalls? Have they already been developed and if so are they affordable and when can where can they be purchased by members of the public?
My website which I alone own and control is called
I obtained the technological information inside the above post from the following online link
My neighbors, what they are doing, especially when I sleep.
Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Canadian torturers, Ontario Government...
ATTENTION ALL CATTLE, SHEEP, PIG AND POULTRY FARMERS. THERE IS NOW A NEW THREAT TO YOUR BUSINESSES WHICH HAS BEEN BROUGHT ABOUT BY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Many unwilling individuals have already been implanted with various types of implants which are wirelessly connected to computer networks. Some of these implants are similar in scope to coclear implants which are implants given to deaf people in order to enable them to hear. Those implants are wired for sound. Other similar implants are being used to deliver pain and various types of disablement. Voice commands are being transmitted to the implants and are being heard by the victims. If the victims refuse to obey those aforementioned voice commands then they can go on to receive pain or various other types of punishments. The victims of this science and technology are known as virtual wireless slaves or targeted individuals or by a variety of different names. I myself am a virtual wireless slave and I have been so for many years. State controlled governments could provide the finance to supply the police with technology which would prove beyond any doubt that we are indeed virtual wireless slaves but they appear to have been forbidden from doing so. Instead they have chosen to regard us as delusional. State controlled governments could also have provided the finances necessary to create firewalls for our brains and central nervous systems in order to protect us from this virtual wireless enslavement which we have been placed in but they appear to have been forbidden from doing so possibly by the Dark Luciferians and Satanists who own and run the world from behind the scenes of our lives and who have been doing so for thousands of years. Voice commands are being transmitted into implants in my brain which tell me that my meat is contaminated on some occasions when I am about to eat it. In this way the meat industry is being destroyed by covert means. Those voice commands which I hear clearly can also be transmitted subliminally in others in order to eventually generate a distaste for meat in the general population. A wide variety of subliminal messages are now being transmitted inside the brains of those who have embedded technology in their brains which make the general population hold opinions which were not generated by their own private thought processes and which they may wrongly believe are their own opinions. The dark luciferians and satanists who control all access to this technology are planning to destroy cattle, sheep, pig and poultry farming throughout the world so that they can have more control over the worldwide food supply. This would allow them to artificially engineer famines if they should wish to do so in the future. Please ask your politicial representative to provide the police with technology which can identify those who are wirelessly virtually enslaved and provide absolute proof that this is the case. Please also ask your political representative to provide financial resources to independent scientists in order that they will create firewalls for our brains and central nervous systems so that others may not be forced to endure virtual wireless enslavement such as I and others are enduring now and have endured for many years. My website is called
The german law/authorities versus PSI-Terror from Kilic's PSI-Group
Some observations and an analysis
Up side down. Or "Up-side-down" is a telepathic phrase from the time after 1990, the first years in Kilic's new homeland, in Germany. A female turks was and is known for this. It is probably taken from somewhere. But what does such a phrase really mean if it was telepathically brought? The malevolent intend to manipulate.
I think that it marked the beginning, together with hundreds or thousands of other manmade PSI-contents and PSI-manipulations of our legal system, of total corrupting and directly influencing, on a real time basis essentially and if necessary, citizen's understanding what is justice, what is legally conform, what is fraudulent misconduct, what are the rights of ctizens. With Kilic's move to Germany and with the rise of the PSI-groups' manipulative experiments the rule of law is impaired/was/is permanently violated and is obviously itself under the dense impressions and the full manipulative influence by methods of this Kilic PSI-group.
Is our legal system that much sofisticated that it is immune against permanent PSI-influences, are revengeful acts of wrongdoing, of arbitrarily fraudulently misconduct, precluded at all?
Quite certainly not!
I am a victim of a special fraudulent misconduct. A combination of first Parapsychology and then fraudulent misconduct.
What adds up, and this is why it is first, I was a close neighbor to this suspect turkish PSI-household Kilic in Heidelberg, then many years later a fake process, being completely illegitime and unlawful at all followed, this was and is evidently a malevolent fake process. I was legally represented by a former attorney. Heidelberg is known for such paranoid methods, I have already mentioned it up to a certain degree in my other blog, although not necessarily all details refer to what I personally experienced, at all. A selected circle of persons, some judges, some attorneys, some employees of the local "Ordnungsamt" in Heidelberg performed a foul play, showing at the best how sofisticated alleged proof can be fraudulently misinterpreted, fraudulently planted and even manipulated, how sofisticated lies can be propagated.
Comparing this to other german authorities in other cities, I must say I have never had anything like this ever again, but this is merely due to this previous Heidelberg story.
I have always expected that this must be due to a pronounced dangerous combination of circumstances, namely the fact that malevolent PSI-assaults happened to high ranking local CIA-officials for example from the local USAREUR in Heidelberg and others, who themself do not see a possibility to get rid of this. And Kilic/Kilic's family, including Kemal Kilic, is a local resident since years, think about it!
It is then the predominant U.S. influence on german law-authorities(weisungsgebunden) the special circumstances from Kilic's PSI-group in Heidelberg that reasons why legally fraudulent and malevolent conducts exist and why citizens are accused with that much nonsense. This must be understood as a generalized reaction to Kilic's PSI, with arbitrary wrongdoing included and pre-installed.
According to what I personally came to know the PSI-background, especially from far past years, played a pronounced role. The female judge Barthels and the attorney Pistor, expert witness Prof. Rolf Aderjan with known ties and deeper relations to U.S. services and gov'feds from former times, chief attorney Dr. Grauss, the law enforcement officer Körner, the employee of the Heidelberg Ordnungsamt Karl-Heinz Wolfert and his colleges all have one thing in common, namely yearslong extremely cutting-edge experiences with PSI-Terror from Kilic Heidelberg. Then, at least in this case, revengeful acts like sudden misunderstandings, claims to allegedly know special law differently, fraudulent misconduct, or perplex suspect without legal base follow. Although it seems it could be much of "a giant first rage from numberless past years" and personal problems with PSI of these employees of the state, I have no doubts that this fraudulent misconduct happened with other citizens. It must be understood a direct revengeful reaction to Kilic's PSI-activity. Another suspect judge from the Heidelberg area can be stated, the civil judge Rauscher, as being much more frequent known or present over the years with having unpleasant PSI-experiences from Kilic Heidelberg, knowing to the fullest about Kilic's PSI-Terror and yet playing dubious unlawful games, then again protecting Kilic and damaging millions of citizens with alleged psychiatric diagnoses utilizing and instrumentalizing Kilic's PSI-group against the public, also disturbing other citizens. According to these named persons, all citizens but Kilic and Kilic's PSI-group, are stupid, disqualified and unworthy citizens. Considering their own deliberate PSI-experiences there's no question in my mind whatsoever that fraudulent, malevolent and illegal juristical acts were perpetrated by these employees of the state, a revengeful act of extreme hatred because of PSI, telepathy, psychokinesis, mindcontrol from Kilic. We have the proof from a previous court case, if somebody is interested, we can discuss all the details of this case publicly. Don't forget: Kilic was and is a local resident in Heidelberg am Neckar, Baden-Württemberg.
One example chosen from many other noteworthy details and faults of this case is for example: when asking the female judge Barthels in the courtroom why a totally faulty indictment was granted and why we can't proceed in conformity with law as we know it and as it is required by law, the female judge Barthels in Heidelberg answered unprofessionally but consciously: "Ja, dann können wir es ja gleich lassen...."(precise!). This shows so much with what fraudulent and malevolent intents, and definitely legally faulty and invalid, the legal system and moreover selected employees of the state, possibly with intelligence ties the one or the other way, perform out of a personal hateful, revengeful and malevolent intent, and maliciously, with the irrational and superstitious goal to get off Kilic's PSI and make it somehow attach to somebody, and therefore utilize and re-instrumentalize, with an astounding creativity, existing PSI-Problems and also invent here and there whatever is necessary. What adds up is that all named persons claimed to know and perceive a certain law exactly the opposite way it actually is, the judge included. The female judge Barthels was then called as a witness for another lawsuit some weeks later and lied again, claiming again to know the law different as it actually is.
So with other words without manipulating fraudulently the whole lawsuit and several definitions and interpretations, there wouldn't be a lawsuit. My lawyer, a former attorney, also notified it immediately.
Many victims and many patsies exist from this fraudulent misconduct of the law in modern history. We should never hesitate in any way to question the sanity of those employees of the state, because fraudulently inventing a non-proof, in my case also planting "alleged proof" by a Law Enforcement Officer(LEO), disobeying valid laws, misinterpretations, and many other perversions more, in the is all a revengeful act ordered in past times from U.S. intelligence or the Military Government(MG) to maliciously damage innocent citizens, most probably to counter in any way terrible PSI-experiences and circumstances from the own PSI-PSY-Warfare programme, Kilic's PSI-activity from an apartment in Heidelberg.
Political biased justice, political show trials are the most pervert consequence, and this happened in Germany, approximately only 70Km away from the highest german courts!.!.!
I am expecting that an attorney who himself was assaulted with PSI-Terror to the genitals can become acting revengefully and with malevolent intent. As a consequence certain arbitrary and unlawful acts happen, there is utter wrongdoing, there is others.
All named persons from above can be shown and derived in detail to have one thing on common, namely yearslong PSI-experiences. Arbitrarily wrongdoing with the consequence of degrading, inhuman treatment is a long-term preferred method in Baden-Württemberg and Kilic's PSI-Terror had the effect one of these female turks telepathically brought, namely the up-side-down effect.
The problem is that it is all due to Kilic's foul play using PSI-methods, PSI-Terror, PSI-rapes and all the other ugly PSI-torture methods.
Another aspect is the utilization of PSI-methods by german authorities, provably along the line of experimental manovering. There are different sources with different, partly contradicting statements about this. One the other hand Kilic's PSI-False-Flag-Manover is solely in his private hands, he or the PSI-group is the perpetrator legally. But who benefits, Qui bono?
I see merely the concrete and solid problem that many crimes actually are PSI-catalyzed crimes, which means the necessity for it, that it would happen is too much due to the highly manipulative influence of Kilic's PSI-Terror, PSI-experiments, PSI-methods, manchurian-candidate principle, PSI-rapes and OCD and all the other ugly and pervert PSI-perversions from Kilic Heidelberg. If this is a PSI-False-Flag-operation with consent and help from intelligence services and beyond to cover it, to suppress any legal process related to Kilic and PSI in Baden-Württemberg, then it's also the new problem of the world, this PSI-Terror from Kilic Heidelberg.
Is Kilic's PSI-group protected by the Military government(MG) and by still active laws by this Military government? Another possibility is that this was from the beginning a special President's programme(Star Wars programme) during the Reagan-Era, that Kilic actually succeeded in placing himself right into the most expensive programme of the world. To add up to the officially known contents of remote viewing. This might explain why I became an easy and circumstantial patsy for them, an unemployed patsy. There is also proof that I was intimidated and blackmailed in several ways. Parts of it were perpetrated over my Smartphone, for example with bogus-trapping and two colourful OS-modifications, a violett and a grey. Considering the authentic content of my other blogs it clear what reality looks like and what really bothers in our recent time.
In summary we can say that some dubious employees of the state, the persons named above, conspired to personally and professionally ruin me, breaking the law, claiming to read the law differently, claiming to allegedly know the law differently.("Die Schrift ist anders zu lesen"), all this before a yearslong background of continuous and groundshaking PSI-rapes and molesting sexual PSI-Terror by a turkish PSI-group from Heidelberg, leading directly to U.S.Intelligence and even their consensual helpers or should we say main perpetrators(Kilic Heidelberg) of a U.S Defense-Program, namely the remote-viewing-program within the Star-Wars-Program. The only known really effective source of disturbing telepathy and psychokinesis. There is no doubt about these essential connections: I was a close neighbor to alleged or "self-proclaimed defense psychics Kilic's PSI-group in Heidelberg", U.S. Intelligence tries to control this or keep it in control, the chance to personally make me financial and professional damages in the courtroom with fraudulent misconduct, intimidate me as a direct witness, at the same time a "Remote-Viewing-Program" is (still) run by defense using directly these turks Kilic and their PSI-concepts and PSI-approaches in Heidelberg. It is only about this one central and main source of illegitimate domestic PSI-Warfare, alleged "psychics" behind Memet Kilic(Die Grünen). This one telepathic source serves thousands of analysts as alleged source of insight or orientation.
Unemployment is a method to keep the patsy in this state and things calm, it is unclear if any employment is ever agreed to because the german lobby is also a highly intelligence compromised area.
The next question is that all PSI-victims should unite to seek forms of financial compensation from Memet Kilic(Die Grünen), because PSI-Terror, Mindcontrol experiments, telepathic experiments and psychokinesis is not a legitimate function of a state, but an illegitimate, sharply prohibited and unlawful manmade circumstance. Numberless laws and whole human rights working fields are violated or made impossible due to Kilic's fatous PSI-Terror from Heidelberg. Up to now, the real victims of Kilic's PSI-Terror, experiments for the alleged benefit of certain blocks, didn't receive any form of compensation whatsoever, they are merely threatened and treated like a piece of meat or much worse.
Violating the RULE OF LAW is very certainly not the solution to what happened in Heidelberg and to all other regions and countries in the world over the years.
If you love me
Please locate me
If you love me
Let's get married
If you love me
Let's start a new family
If you want me
Look for me asap
This heart is true
I can never live without you
Let's not say adieu
At the wedding please say I do
If you love me
Have faith in me
If you love me
Please put your trust in me
If you love me
I want you to be right next to me
If you love me
Please surrender your heart to me
If you love me
I will be with you for eternity
If you love me
We are each other's destiny
If you love me
Please believe in me
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The police forces of the United States are both trained and programmed to enslave the American people on behalf of the corporate super rich millionnaires who now run the United States and other parts of the world from behind the scenes. On one occasion, a United States rancher was being forceably moved off his privately owned ranch by the American police because he was in debt to the corporate super rich millionaire bankers. Hundreds of fellow ranchers and other Americans came on horseback to the ranch and ran the police off his land.
The American people are now taking back their power from the super rich and further to that most of the American police have now taken the side of their fellow American men and women against said super rich. The super rich and their bankers initially attempted through means of mind control programming and police training programs to cause division in the United States by turning the police and the people against each other so that the super rich and their colleague bankers would remain unnoticed in the back ground. However, all of the American people are now uniting against their common enemy who are the super rich corporate owners and their banking colleagues whose ultimate wish is to wirelessly enslave the American people through forced microchipping and the microchips would possibly be hidden inside vaccines. Once the microchips would be inside the bodies of the American people they would then be connected wirelessly to a central computerized control system where each and every American would receive intense levels of pain if they ever dated to question the dictates of the super-rich and their bankers. If fifth generation wireless capabilities are activated then the bandwidth would be available for enslavement of all Americans. Please ask your legislators of disassemble and ban all wireless enabling capabilities throughout the United States combined with the rest of the world.
If you have to hurt other people to feel powerful, you are an extremely weak individual
Kindness is the most important thing
The trials in life are justtests for your faithfulness
They are also tests for your truthfulness
With true love you can be a trap for darkness
In the Great War between light and darkness
True love overcomes all evil
This is a testimony of an angel
True love conquers all evil
This is a testimony of a hero
Commandments keepers
Versus commandments breakers
Versus darkness
True love overcomes all evil
This is a testimony of an angel
True love conquers all evil
This is a testimony of a hero
There are love tests
There are loyalty tests
There are obedience tests
There are sacrifice tests
True love overcomes all evil
This is a testimony of an angel
True love conquers all evil
This is a testimony of a hero
Ace the tests and become perfect
And keep darkness in checked
Don't be afraid of being rejectedat
For those who reject you will be rejected (by Heaven)
So live your life like a holy angel
And overcome all evil
Live your life like a hero
And conquer all evil
It's a battle between order and chaos
And the Holy Trinity is the boss
Live like a holy angel live like a hero
The trials in life are just tests for your faithfulness
They are also tests for your truthfulness
With true love you can be a trap for darkness
In the Great War between light and darkness
True love overcomes all evil
This is a testimony of an angel
True love conquers all evil
This is a testimony of a hero
Commandments keepers versus commandments breakers
Honest people versus liars
People of goodness
Versus people of darkness
True love overcomes all evil
This is a testimony of an angel
True love conquers all evil
This is a testimony of a hero
There are love tests
There are loyalty tests
There are obedience tests
There are sacrifice tests
True love overcomes all evil
This is a testimony of an angel
True love conquers all evil
This is a testimony of a hero
Ace the tests and become perfect
And keep darkness in checked
Don't be afraid of being rejectedat
For those who reject you will be rejected (by Heaven)
So live your life like a holy angel
And overcome all evil
Live your life like a hero
And conquer all evil
It's a battle between order and chaos
And the Holy Trinity is the boss
Google, Facebook, Twitter, they are all blocking my accounts and hacking this message below :
After UN Human Rights emailed me, they put their dirty hands on everything possible ,on everything I am using; and on anyone "related", on anyone I am contacting. Please see the attached information and evidence :
Robin Yan
Please forward this to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax and
, thanks.