"One can develop a system that can seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period."
Quote by geophysicist J.F. McDonald who worked for United States President Lindon Johnson in the 1960s.
Our air space is being continually sprayed with metal particulates such as strontium, titanium, barium and others which make our air space highly conductible so that signals can be transmitted and received through it against our wills and without our consent.  We inhale and ingest some of this material which then makes our brains and bodies more accessible to those who wish to analyse or to damage our brains and bodies from unknown remote location.
Here are just a few patents relating to chemtrails and geoengineering for those who doubt the authenticity of what is being claimed:

Patent #1619183
Patent# 2045865
Patent# 2591988
Patent# 3437502
Patent# 3531310
It is now believed that the brain performance of all duly elected politicians,  government employed police and all government employed military personnel (as opposed to private armies which now exist and are presumed to be in secret use) throughout the world has been impaired because they appear unable to act in the face of millions of their fellow men and women being wirelessly and invisibly and silently tortured inside their own homes by microwave signals being transmitted to their brain and bodies from unknown locations by unknown groups.
We must call an abrupt halt to all spraying of the air spaces of sovereign countries. We must call an abrupt halt to forcing the police to work close to microwave transmitters and to carry TETRA communication devices on their person at all times during their working hours. TETRA communication devices are trojan horse devices which combined with nearby microwave transmitters assist in impairing the brain performance of the police, even at the most senior level in each country. We must have microwave transmitters disassembled and banned throughout the world and we must return to the use of wired/corded devices.
The enemy do not spray their own air space with metal particulates and other injurious materials. It is self evident to those who can still think clearly that the earth is fixed and flat. It has been proven that not all areas of the fixed and flat earth are being sprayed with chemtrails which is also known as geoengineering. Madagascar is one country that has been left unsprayed according to one mathematician who calculated the journeys and flight paths of both air craft and drones.

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The corona virus hoaxed pandemic was created to distract and to misdirect the general public from what is really occurring which is that we have become embedded with dust sized technology which has allowed unknown others to wirelessly tether us to a computerized control, enslavement, torture and genocide system. We can now be wirelessly mind controlled, body controlled, tortured, enslaved and genocided while we go about our lives falsely believing that there is a virus pandemic in the world. There is a simple solution. Canvas your local political representative to have all wirelessly enabling infrastructure in your country taken down, rendered unoperable and banned immediately. Canvas your local politician to have all chemtrail spraying of the air stopped and to have all airline pilots who continue to spray us with said chemtrails without us ever have given them permission to do so arrested and imprisoned whenever they land at airports throughout each country. Canvas your local politician to have all drones and other airborne vehicles banned from use for the forseeable future. The existence of satellites is now largely believed to be a hoax but drones and airborne vehicles are being used against all of the men, women and children of the world on a constant basis.

Wireless weapons are also being used against the police and military for the purposes of mind controlling them to the point where some of them eventually refuse to question the immoral orders of their army generals and military commanders. As soon as the infrastructure which enables wireless weapons to be unusable then they police and militaries of the world will no longer aquiese to their immoral hierarchical based chain of command whose orders originate from dark occultists. Those dark occultists see their fellow men and women as useless eaters who are using up all of the resources of this world which they wish to keep for themselves so they have openly informed us that they wish to lower the population of the world by ninety percent. Therefore if you wish to remain alive and free then you must canvas your politician today to have the wirelessly enabling infrastructure disassembled and banned from the face of the earth.

Sadly, most politicians are under wireless mind control themselves.   They have slowly and incrementally become absorbed into the universal mind set which is being created by computer programmers whose work is heavily compartmentalized to the extent that they do not understand where their work is ultimately leading.   We should mandate that public representatives as well as the police and military stay way from all  television or smart phone use and  live away from  any type of transmitter is they wish to continue to represent us. Many of them are already bio-digitally programmed to believe everything that comes to them from the universal mind programming which is being transmitted to smart phone users and others.  If you live in a state of happy apathy then your mind has already been absorbed by the worldwide mind control system. Please act now. You have a moral duty to do so for the sake of your own freedom and that of future generations of human beings. Please ignore all idiots who push the false notion that something of a supernatural nature is involved in our enslavement. The slave masters wish you to misdirect your anger towards non-existent enemies such as sentient artificial intelligence, extra-terresterial beings, supernatural beings and many other hoaxes so that you will not look at your real enemy who is your own fellow man. You are his equal and yet he wishes to make you his slave. Act now to raise awareness of this and to have it stopped.

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I  acquired my first smart  phone a few months ago and I don't use it often and I keep it inside a faraday bag when not in use.  Before I purchased my smart phone I used a Doro phone which may sometimes be being presented as a smart phone but it has different frequencies than a standard smart phone.  I  use a land line home phone for all my phone use. I only purchased this smart phone because I could not access an account without verifying that account by downloading an app on to a smart phone and verifying the account through that system.  

  I use my smart phone an average of one time per week.  I have now noticed that after each time I use it I become more trusting and apathetic towards the worldwide control system than I usually am.  This feeling of false trust and false apathy lasts for about one hour.  Using my computer does not have the same impact on me at all. 

I am now reading a book called "Artificial Intelligence, Dangers to Humanity" by Cyrus A Parsa.  He claims on page 225 of this book that AI can enter people via smart phones more easily that other digital media devices because the smart phone has already created a bio-digital flow-cycle with the human being who owns it.   

I know that almost all individuals who are now using smart phones are heavily programmed into dangerous states of happy apathy.  We are in the greatest danger of being enslaved through our smart phones and yet they are dumbing down all of the people who hold smart phones close to their brains to an extreme degree.  They don't realise that they have been dumbed down.  They actually believe that they can think clearly.   They have been programmed to resist all information about the dumbing down capabilities of smart phones.  They have been programmed to believe every lie that the behind the scenes controllers of the main stream media generate and distribute.   Smart phone users who are senior politicians are even rushing in the erection of 5g millimetre wave transmitters which when installed and activated would then be used to send us voice commands as well as pain signals if we refused to be obedient to the dictates of the individuals who transmit the voice commands.  I believe that those politicians are not evil .  They have simply been programmed to be in alignment with programming which is coming through their smart phones and in a less powerful way their other digital media devices.

Your smart phone is a powerful transmitter and mind control programming device.  Keep it away from your head and keep it in a faraday bag when not in use.    

Through geo-engineering the skies have been sprayed with chemicals, biologicals, nano technology and conductive pieces of metal  to the extent that the atmosphere has now become electrified.  There are many reasons for this including enabling wireless capabilities throughout the entire earth for the purposes of plasma studies, weather engineering, and full spectrum dominance through interfacing our brains and central nervous systems  with compurters, thereby enslaving us through central nervous control which has been explained in patent number US6965816.  

If we put a stop to this aforementioned geo-engineering we can escape the  total enslavement fate that dark occultists have planned for us.

I have been a non-consensual victim of  wirelessly enabled experimentation for nearly seventeen years  and I have informed my general practitioner, psychiatrists and the police of this but they all failed to believe me because they have already been programmed to disbelieve anything that is contrary to the ongoing programming they are receiving through their digital media devices.  We need to disassemble and ban all microwave transmitters and HAARP phased arrays throughout the world as well as all related paraphernalia.

There are heavy metals included in the geo-engineering chemtrail spraying of the skies over our heads which we inhale and ingest.  One of these heavy metals in particular is causing enormous problems for human health.  That is aluminium.  Alzheimers patients, autistic children, patients with Lou Gerigs disease and patients with parkinsons disease have all been found to have high levels of aluminium in their brains.  Aluminium is also being used as an adjuvant is most  vaccines and this is totally unnecessary and dangerous. Many children either develop autism or they die shortly after receiving their childhood vaccines.

Elana Freeland has published a book called "Under an Ionized Sky" which I plan to read in the future and which will support my claims. 

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It is my profound knowledge that there are multiples of individuals throughout mostly Britian who are helping each other to tie down the synapses of my body bit by bit.  To that end their work is co-ordinated by a group of individuals who are known throughout the world as the self-proclaimed elite,  in order to organise these disparate individuals  to work in tandem with each other  on a daily basis so that they may eventually tie down all of the synapses in my body so that they would  be able to then paralyse me from head to toe  some day or else to some day bio-robotize me.

A large portion of these disparate individuals who work alone throughout Britian have no way of knowing what they are doing or who they are doing it to.  They have been informed that they are attempting to achieve something of great importance for the human race.  Instead they are indirectly helping to enslave themselves because if human bio-robotization becomes widespread the bio-robots will be forced to  go on to enslave others.

I along with most other human beings in the western world have inhaled and ingested neural dust.  I have been informed that some neural dust particulates have coagulated inside my brain at this stage to the extent that they have become a miniature very basic smart phone so that I am permanently online whether I use digital media or not.  I have no way of proving this.

After more than fifteen years of being targeted  with directed energy weapons and both remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation the muscles of my face and neck can be  moved by wireless means   by individuals who remain unknown to me and who work from a remote location. Said individuals move  the muscles of my face and neck at their own will.  It is only a matter of time until I am completely bio-robotized unless I can stop it from happening  and there may be ways of stopping it from happening either by drinking ozonated water which might help to dislodge the neural dust inside my body or by the use of a home-made emp pulse gun whereby I would shoot myself with strong pulses of magnetic energy, thereby dislodging the neural dust inside my body and set myself free from this wireless tethering to computer networks which I am currently enduring. I would appreciate any and all advice on how to make a magnetic pulse gun.
These unknown criminals can now disengage small groups of my muscles on a temporary basis from time to time causing me to walk with a pronounced limp for a short space of time. The pronounced limp reappears and disappears at disparate intervals.

The abuses of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation capabilities is the real reason why we have no European Parliament of any consequences.  Most people are in the know about remote neural manipulation and they are afraid to speak out.

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It has been widely claimed that for the past decade the skies over our heads are being illegally sprayed with chemtrails which contain nano technology, which we inhale and ingest, after which we can then be experimented on wirelessly and non-consensually by unknown criminal operatives for the purposes of neuro weapons research. This process has come to be known as human engineering and it is widespread.

If the nano technology inside our bodies is piezo electric, and it is powered by the radiant energy that comes from all digital media screens, and if we wished to continue using digital media screens, is there any other way that we might safely discharge the piezo electric energy from the nano technology inside our bodies in order to maintain total control over our own muscles?

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Washington DC, The London Financial District, and the Vatican City are all states within states who work as one unit from behind the scenes. They are bound by no known laws and they own and control all of the legal power on earth.

The are now attempting to own and control all of the corporal power on earth. There are currently two types of corporal power on this earth, one types of corporal power which they already have control over is control over business corporations and... the second type of corporal power which they are now attempting to have total control over is total and absolute control over the human physical body. To that end they have sprayed us with chemtrails from our skies, which contain nano-bots. We then inhale and ingest those nano-bots and the nano-bots then can penetrate the blood brain barrier. Some individuals are then being selected to be totally and absolutely controlled by means of sending and receiving wireless signals to and from the nano-bots inside their brains and bodies. Nano technology may also be gaining entry to our bodies and brains via vaccinations and other surreptitious means. These selected individuals more commonly known as targeted individuals can be totally bio-robotized in the sense that they can be forced to speak and act totally against the wills and moral judgement. This can all be achieved wirelessly by unknown bio-robotizing operatives working from an unknown location. I myself am a targeted individual of non-consensual remote neural monitoring and I have been so for nearly fifteen years.

The powers behind the above three states within states can only ultimately control our bodies and brains while telephone towers remain standing. Without telephone towers these interlopers have virtually no power over us. We aught to dismantle all telephoen towers and related paraphrenalia as well as dismantling the super-structure of the three states within states acting as one unit which are Vatican City, Washington DC, and the London Financial District.

These three usurping powers working from behind the scenes as one unit have created many hoaxes over hundreds of years including the existence of space based weapons and satellites, demonic possession, the existence of extra-terresterials and many others too numerous to mention.
The bloodline families of these interlopers have planned to enslave the human race over many centuries. These bloodline families have produced most of the popes, most of the United States Presidents and all of the European Royal families over the past many hundred of years. They manipulate us from behind the scenes via duplicity, wars and trojan horse technology.

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I took this photo back in 2009, it's someone crying in the sky. I thought it was a sign from God, but now I realize it's a chemical trail or in other words, Chemtrail left behind. Chemtrails have something to do with Electronic Mind Control.9143021877?profile=original

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* Don't want to hear about chemtrails.
* Don't want to hear about aliens or UFO's.
* Don't want to hear about lizardpeople.
* Conspiracies do happen all the time but everything and most things are not.
* Do not want to look like Andy Samberg in the video "I Threw It On The Ground"
* Do want to keep an open mind which doesn't mean inviting every absurdity
in the search for explanations that make me appear exactly like a scripted lunatic.
This happens to be what your tortureboys want.

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