CONtrol (394)

Mind Weapons

I found an article in that contains some good information about mind control technology. it can be downloaded from here(pdf file 208 pages, 8.5 Mb):

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Here is the Table of Contents:



























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Due to the constant hacking & identity theft efforts of the stinking drug peddling & mind control gang 415 in San Francisco (headed by the notorious “MOTHER” (aka – Dee Dee Patel out of that infamous drug den, the Sunnyside Hotel at 135 6th st. SFCA 94103) I have been out of a computer for over a year, & can only get online at public computer centers.  About 2 ½  years ago I moved into the Rose Hotel (125 6th Street) after being approved for a section 8 application through the Housing Authority.  Unbeknownst to me until the day after I had moved in, the Rose is next door to the Sunnyside (separated by a small alley-like street called Minna which is drug traffickers central in the neighborhood).   Of course, all of this was masterminded by the dreaded “MOTHER” using her contacts in the housing authority – part of a near infinite network of gangster, drug money based connections throughout SF & California.

I decided that to stay & confront these stinking perpetrators head-on was the best way to get to the full truth of the matter.  It wasn’t long before they began raiding my apartment when I wasn’t home with a pass key.  As I am a poet & a visual artist, they began stealing my original journals & reading the works back to me in my head as a form of torture.  The bitch is said to have burned them.  They’ve stolen the majority of my personal & business papers, plus all kinds of tech equipment.  As I had made my room into my live/work space, they began stealing my artwork.  I was forced to rent a storage space to protect my computer hard drives & older creative journals – a more-or-less lifetime of creative work & development.  Most recently they went into my storage space, opened the expensive lock & stole the hard drive to my ex-laptop & the external hard drive, giving them all of my digital artwork, writings, digital photography, videos, music collection, personal information – everything.  I have a few things saved on flash drives, which I keep safe by keeping them physically on my person at all times.  I am still living at the Rose Hotel, & intend to stay there & fight this out with these shit sluts.

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Tycoon family controlled CIA Mind Control FIRM wants to kill me and use a fake me to send and post messages. The killings would not be able to continue without the help of technical staff. Who are those technical staff besiding the real husbands to real Rockefeller family? Rockefeller adopted many children and pretending they would not kill the adopted children because they have emotion bond with the children. Which CIA trainee did not grow up in that FIRM? How many had been killed mentally or physically?


Rockefeller family want to kill me by using CIA obedient technicals, in order to stop talking about Rockefellers, so that every CIA employee who knows secret can be killed secretly with no cost to Rockefeller family members themselves. Those adopted children were not taken as Rockefeller's real children at all. Most of them were brain damaged when they were babies. They can't think properly as my family members who were also brain damaged after CIA mind Control FIRM demonstrated the 2 technlogies( EM mind control and remote surgery) to me in 2008. The reason Rockefeller family dare to do brain surgery on them is that they did not intend to allow any one of them to be alive after using them.


Suicide attacks were made by the 2 Secret Technologies that caused 1000 Americans

committed suicide together in Jonestown

In 1951, French people in Pont-Saint-Esprit went crazy. CIA chemical weapon experiment was used as an explanation after the death of CIA engineer Olson Frank in 1953 who participated in the experiments. However, chemistry can only weaken self-consciousness. Controlling people to kill themselves needs electromagnetic(EM) signals. Based on technologies developed by German scientists in the 2nd World War, electromagnetic mind control started much earlier than people expected. Tycoon family’s control of CIA around 1975 might caused the bizarre deaths of nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978. Tycoon family controlled CIA is killing more CIA employees who know secrets about mind control to cover the killings of President Kennedy and others. Exposing the focused electromagnetic(EM) remote surgery and remote mind control two  technologies can save billions of people’s lives if the so-called doom day plan by CIA is real.



3 Secrets testified by CIA


  1. CIA is controlled by a tycoon family rather than by the government. Former CIA officer Mark Phillips indicated in Jesse Ventura’s TV show that CIA’s technologies and experiments were transferred to private firms under tycoons after the Church investigation in 1975. It was suspected the weapon producing history of some tycoon family e.g. Rockefeller families was deleted from website by secret FIRMs.
  2. CIA electromagnetic mind control technology were developed before 1966 (CIA trainees Christine deNicola’s testimony on March 15, 1995 in the hearing organized by president’s advisory committee). NY911 and nearly 1000 Americans massive suicide in Jonestown in 1978, Massacres in Cambodia (1975-1979) and former Yugoslavia in 1995 might all be made by tycoon family controlled CIA using remote mind control and remote surgery technologies;
  3. Focused electromagnetic energy remote surgery technology can do surgery on human, machine, earth and air particles. It can create diseases (cancer, heart attack, inflammation etc.), create aircraft accidents, create earthquakes, create wind and control weather (CIA director Leon Panetta said that to Pastor Brian of New Zealand who and whose wife had stayed in Leon’s home for one week and later traveled around the world to talk about mind control and other secret CIA technologies. The testimony by Christian deNicola in the hearing on March 15 1995 also indicated that CIA had been doing experiments on her body using focused electromagnetic radiation.)


Who killed nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown? Which tycoon family blocked massive media report of testimonies of so many CIA employees’ since 1995 on Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control experiments from 50’s in mainstream media? Why did tycoon family controlled CIA want to set up government for bad things they did?


Many CIA employees are crying for help. It was suspected that the tycoon family had killed too many CIA employees. CIA employees are worrying about being killed massively as what happened previously. The following CIA employees’ exposures of Remote Mind Control and Remote Surgery technologies were not reported massively in mainstream media.


(a)CIA_Director Leon Panetta said CIA had remote mind control technology a long time ago, CIA could create wind, control weather and create earthquakes when he was talking to pastor Brian from New Zealand, who and whose wife had stayed in the CIA director’s home for one week (around 2010) under the invitation of Penetta’s wife. (The president of United States may not know the technologies. Former President Bill Clinton was one of the victims of remote mind control)


(b) In 1953, the strange death of former CIA scientist Olson Frank was suspected to be a murder, because he tried to quit and stop doing what he did previously. Olson Frank was a CIA engineer who participated in the famous CIA experiment in south France, a small town in Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1951, in which people in the whole town became crazy and 7 were killed. That experiment was suspected to be related to mind control using chemicals and electromagnetic waves together. Chemicals can only weaken one’s consciousness. To control one’s mind electromagnetic signals are needed


(c) CIA was never really controlled by the government due to the mission of CIA being to achieve goals by illegal methods. It was suspected that the deaths of President Kennedy and President Johnson were all related to CIA. The real Vietnam War started after the death of President Kennedy. Did military tycoons benefited from Kennedy’s death? Nelson Rockefeller started to run for president after the assassination of President Kennedy. Coincident? Former CIA officer Mark Philips said (in Jesse Ventura’s TV show) the Church investigation on CIA mind control Project in 1975 had resulted in the transferring of the secret technologies (include remote surgery and remote mind control technologies) to private companies under tycoons. Rockefeller foundation and Ford foundation had been used as conduit of CIA fund. Eileen Rockefeller Growald (born 1952), the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller had been studying mind-body interaction. Did she participate in the secret remote mind control and remote surgery project? The WTC twin towers and the CIA headquarter WTC 7 collapsed by 911 robots were sponsored by David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller. Coincident? Many “Rock” style stars died of bazaar drug abuses, including Michael Jackson. Was that due to the hatred of CIA slaves toward their real boss who was identified as Rock**?


(d) Nearly 1000 Americans died of bizarre massive suicide in Jonestown in 1978, which was believed to be made by CIA remote mind control and remote brain surgery. Many victims strangely left wills of giving money to that time enemy country- Soviet Union, which indicated CIA’s involvements. In the second year (1979), one of the Rockefeller family members died of a sudden death, which was believed to be CIA EM weapon related. Is that a coincidence or a balance for the deaths of nearly 1000 Americans in order to keep the control of CIA by the tycoon family?


(e)CIA can change data in microchips wirelessly using focused electromagnetic signals. CIA demonstrated the technologies to many targeted individuals. Focused electromagnetic energy can stop the motion of electrons. It can transmit data using available port of microchips. This technique might have caused many man-made disasters already. (CIA sub-contractor Snowden’s hacking into Chinese University of Hong Kong might also be achieved by using wireless method provided by another CIA subcontractor possibly under the tycoon family, as the university did not find any hardware attached to their server.)


(f)Two important hearings organized by US government officials that were not reported in detail by every mainstream media. They are (1) Hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation on American Children in the 60’s and 70’s, organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15March, 1995, and (2) Congressional Hearing on Child Protection on 13 March, 2004, where Ted Gunderson testified CIA kidnapped Children and use them as sex slaves and killing targets in CIA.


(g) CIA trainees Brice Taylor, Barbara Hartwell and former FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson had testified in many public occasions since 1998 on remote mind control. However, most victims didn’t understand that human's brain can work as a bio-mobile phone and human's thinking can be synchronized remotely as the signal synchronization of a radio.


(h)Former CIA software engineer Robert Duncan had mentioned a bit about the killings and tortures in CIA mind control FIRM on the second cover of his book <SOUL CATCHER>,    “To honor those good and brave Americans who have fallen while trying to bring truth, justice, and liberty …. Many of my fiends have been tortured, betrayed and killed by the very government for which we worked and country in whose values we believed. This book is dedicated to one of these fallen heroes, Darin Smith, …”. He didn’t mention those mind control and remote surgery activities were controlled by a tycoon family who is the real controller of CIA FIRMs.


(i)There were at least 3 former CIA employees killed in 2011 and 2012.


Evidence and Reasons for not successful report are shown below

Killings are related to Electromagnetic Scissors Remote Surgery technologies being used by CIA mind control FIRM controlled by a tycoon family such as Rockefeller family since 70’s


I did not believe guy and lesbian were made by mind control, if the CIA director did not admit that CIA had mind control technology a long time ago (in 60’s) and CIA can create wind, control weather and create earthquakes himself. I would not believe the Hurricane Katrina, shootings and major earthquakes that killed so many people were really man-made. Most people who did not know how the CIA employees being tortured mentally and physically would not believe today the two most advanced technologies (Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control) which should be used to help humankind and save lives are being used to kill people on purpose, and the NY911, the Massacre of close to 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978 were also CIA made using remote surgery and remote mind control.


Leon Panetta said CIA had remote mind control technology a long time ago, CIA could create wind, control weather and create earthquakes when he was talking to pastor Brian from New Zealand, who and whose wife had stayed in the CIA director’s home for one week (around 2010) under the invitation of Penetta’s wife. Pastor Brian later gave us a talk on CIA mind control and other secret technologies on August 3, 2010.


I’m one of the CIA mind control remote experimental targets or called targeted individuals around the world, whose lives are in danger because CIA is using the two secret technologies on us by torturing us remotely. They threatened us that they will kill us if we tell others about the two secret technologies.  I happened to be a victim who knows electronics. Many victims do not have much knowledge on electromagnetic signals. Many of them were misled by fake information on the internet. They didn’t know CIA can change data in microchips wirelessly using focused electromagnetic signals. Focused electromagnetic energy can stop the motion of electrons. It can transmit data using available port of microchips. Human's brain is also a bio-mobile phone and human's thinking can be synchronized remotely as the synchronization of a radio or a mobile phone. Remote brain surgery using electromagnetic scissors already turned countless number of ordinary people into human robots. However, many people including most physicists only know optical scissors that were used in bioengineering, they did not know electromagnetic scissors with frequencies beyond those of visible light also exist. X-ray is also one type of electromagnetic waves. Part of the electromagnetic energy focusing technology won Nobel Price in Physics in 1997. Remote surgery using focused electromagnetic energy can induce inflammation and different diseases, and they are being used to kill more and more people every day due to the distraction strategy used by CIA to delay the exposure of the two secret technologies probably due to tycoon family control of CIA. CIA demonstrated that they can:

(1)Control languages and thinkings and made me say “crippled” in front of a disabled colleague for no reason;

(2) Can disable electronics and change data in microchips of a camera remotely; (3) Do surgery on human, and create cancer, inflammation, and other diseases and turn a normal person into moron; (4) Can make a moron look and talk like a normal person; (5) Can make ordinary people sleep walk and write things when they sleep walk; (6) Can use focused EM energy to create earthquake, wind and control weather.

CIA was never really controlled by the government due to the mission of CIA being to achieve goals by illegal methods. It was suspected that the deaths of President Kennedy and President Johnson were all related to CIA. Former CIA officer Mark Philips said (in Jesse Ventura’s TV show on CIA’s secrets) the Church investigation on CIA mind control Project in 1975 had resulted in transferring of the secret technologies to a private company under tycoons. Rockefeller foundation and Ford foundation had been used as conduit of CIA fund. After 1976, there were no major protests in America as the anti-Vietnam War protest any more. In 1978, nearly one thousand Americans in Jonestown were killed due to reasons that many suspected being related to CIA mind control.


In 1984, CBC news reported CIA’s experiments in Canada in 50’s and 60’s. Some Canadian victims suffered permanent brain damages from the experiments. However, it was the Canadian government not CIA or US government compensated the 127 victims $100,000 each person. After the CBC report in 1984, no attempts on mainstream media report of CIA mind control secrets were successful.


Due to no mainstream media massive report of the details of the testimonies by many CIA employees, including those of Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen, Brice Taylor, Barbara Hartwell and former LA FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson and Valerie Wolfe since 1995, the secret tortures (such as sleep deprivation, sex abuse, physical torture) and killings of many CIA trainees and employees were not known by the general public, including the president. Lots of evidence suggests CIA employees are still suffering similar tortures today when they are used to mind control others as what was described in TV series <Doll House>. Using mentally and physically suffered employees to mind control others might be the reason of NY911, in which the World Trade Centre sponsored by Rockefeller family was attacked. NY911 might be a soothing trick for the being tortured CIAs who hated their boss. Due to no mainstream media report massively, people who testified might be killed by using the Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control technologies. Both Ted Gunderson and Valerie Wolfe died of cancer, which Ted Gunderson believed was due to CIA electromagnetic weapons. There were at least 3 former CIA employees killed in 2011 and 2012:


(1)Dr. Fred Bell (68),died in Sept, 2011. He was one of the scientists involved in CIA MKUltra and Paper Clip projects. He was killed by heart attack, which could be made by CIA electromagnetic signals, on the way to Minnesota to film an interview with Jesse Ventura about CIA secret projects.
(2)Pam Anderson (53) died on Sept 8, 2011. She was a former CIA trainee, an MKUltra project experimental subject. She lost her mind and was killed by shooting herself. It was suspected she was killed by Remote Brain Surgery and Remote Mind Control.
(3)Cindy Goldman died on Feb. 15, 2012. She was a former CIA trainee, a survivor of MKUltra Project. She was killed by a crazy tenant, who was obviously a suspected human robot, created by CIA Remote brain Surgery and Remote Mind Control.

The tortures and killings of CIA employees were also reflected in some books. Former CIA software engineer Robert Duncan had mentioned a bit about the killings and tortures in CIA mind control FIRM on the end cover of his book <SOUL CATCHER>,    “To honor those good and brave Americans who have fallen while trying to bring truth, justice, and liberty …. Many of my fiends have been tortured, betrayed and killed by the very government for which we worked and country in whose values we believed. This book is dedicated to one of these fallen heroes, Darin Smith, …”


As electromagnetic scissors remote surgery can turn normal people into less-self-conscious morons and remote mind control can completely control a moron and make a moron look normal, mainstream media massive report on the two secret technologies might be impossible without the help of those who are using them. I was told by a correspondent of NYTimes that some correspondents were sent to mental hospital because of talking about remote mind control.


There were two important hearings organized by US government officials that were not reported in detail by every main steam media. They are (1) Hearing on CIA Mind Control and EM Radiation on American Children in the 50’s-  70’s, organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15March, 1995, and (2) Congressional Hearing on Child Protection on 13 March, 2004.

In the Hearing organized by President’s Advisory Committee on 15 March, 1995, former CIA trainees Christine deNicola, Claudia Mullen and their psychological helper Valerie Wolfe testified. It was indicated in Christine deNicola’s testimony that in 1966, CIA already can relate brain signals to the images in people’s brain. She was brought to a lab in Kansas City University by her nature father who was one of the CIA employees to do related experiments in 1966 when she was 4 year-old. According to doctor Valerie Wolfe’s testimony, those children who were used as experimental subjects of mind control and electromagnetic radiation experiments were not able to tell people after leaving CIA as they would be sent to mental hospital when they mention about mind control. Claudia Mullen mentioned about many retarded Children being also used in CIA’s experiments. Studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on different parts of a human body were mentioned in Christine deNicola’s testimony, although she did not understand the real experimental purpose at that time. It was suspected that CIA can use electromagnetic energy to give people heart attack, cancer and diabetes remotely in the 70’s. CIA MK-Ultra project contents on electromagnetic mind control were deleted from website and only chemical mind control methods were exposed to the public. The bizarre suicide of CIA engineer Olson Frank in 1953 who participated in CIA experiments in Pont-Saint-Esprit in France in 1951, where the whole town people went crazy and some committed suicide may also be part of the MK-Ultra project. Chemicals can only weaken one’s consciousness. To control someone to commit suicide needs electromagnetic signals


In the Congressional Hearing on 13 March, 2004, former FBI senior officer Ted Gunderson mentioned that CIA kidnapped Children on the street. Some kidnapped children were used as sex slaves and body parts in CIA’s ceremonies, which to my understanding are similar to the recruiting ceremonies shown in movies, where gangsters kill someone all together. Ted Gunderson not only helped many kidnapped kids. He also helped some former CIA employees including Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell, who participated in CIA mind control in the 80’s and 90’s. Ted Gunderson himself was also targeted by CIA. He called the government controlled by CIA: shadow government. In the videos of interviews with Ted Gunderson, Barbara Hartwell mentioned that her speaking capability can be stopped suddenly by remote mind control. The speaking capability can be stopped when certain part of our brain is interfered by focused electromagnetic energy. The interference can be easier if a biological relay is built in the brain, which can be achieved using electromagnetic scissors.

In the interview, Brice Taylor indicated that she had been used to mind control talented Americans to have homosexual scandals. It was suspected that Brice Taylor’s father had sex with her when she was a child and that Brice Taylor felt she had the tendency of sex abusing her own daughter were all related to CIA remote mind control. However, due to the limitation in knowledge, Brice Taylor and Barbara Hartwell could not understand the real mechanisms of the technologies they experienced. It was suspected the following events are related to CIA remote surgery and remote mind control.

(1)   Hurricane Katrina in (2005). Former CIA trainees who testified against mind control experiments Christina deNicola, Claudia Mullen and Valerie Wolfe were all from New Orleans. People who knew them disappeared after the hurricane disaster. 

(2)   SARS pandemic (2003) killed over 600 people and disabled many in Hong Kong, mainland China. However, the virus disappeared suddenly when it reached America. It was suspected the SARS virus was a bio-weapon made by US military company. Unlike Canada, no one was killed in US.

(3)   NY911 (2001). Results of many analyses suggested the aircraft fuel was not powerful enough to melt down the WTC. CIA focused electromagnetic energy technology might had been applied as what happened in many other occasions, such as earthquakes.

(4)   Oklahoma city explosion (1995), mind control brain damaged human robots to create terrorists might be for justifying the necessity of CIA’s existence and asking money from US government after the collapse of USSR.

(5)   The deaths of 3 presidents of Soviet Union within 4 years (1982-1985) and the collapse and separation of Soviet Union (1985-1991)

(6)   In 1986, Chernobyl nuclear plant accident due to over heating, which could be induced by focused electromagnetic energy and mind control. 

(7)   Jonestown Massacre in 1978. Around 918 Americans committed suicide and many of them bizarrely left wills of giving money to Soviet Union.

(8)   The deaths of the 3 toppest China’s leaders in 1976 and the War between China and Vietnam in 1979 immediately after Deng Xiaoping’s first visit to United States, 3 years after US soldiers’ withdrawal from Vietnam.

(9)   In 1968, students of Tsinghua University shot each other using machine gun on campus. Many China’s leaders were tortured and killed by crazy youngsters between 1968-1976.

The non-lethal weapons were used to kill human beings on purpose. What could make that happen if there was nothing extremely abnormal? Tycoon family’s control of CIA since 1976 might be the reason that many victims inside and outside CIA were killed secretly and exposures of the two secret technologies after the cold war were not successful. Please tell the whole world to remember the victims outside and inside CIA mind control FIRM for 30 years, in case the two secret technologies can not be exposed immediately. Please help us to do 3 things, when the CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets are exposed:

[1] Ask for doing the same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially on those who made decisions. Death penalty is not necessary anymore. Without enough punishment, remote surgery abuses could not possibly be prohibited.

[2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the CIA secrets. Engrave stories of heroes on walls to encourage youngsters to do the right things.

[3] Delete the names of those who did bad things to humankind. Use numbers to replace bad people’s names (e.g. use Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler. Use Evil 001 in CIA mind control and EM weapon anti-humankind crisis to replace Rockefeller in every history record if Rockefeller family is really the controller of CIA mind control FIRM) to discourage people from doing bad things to leave names in history.

                   Annie (Dr.) One of the CIA remote mind control experimental targets or targeted individuals (TI)

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In this article I have included the references in the brackets like this: [Wikipedia article:TMS] and omissions from the original article like this: […]

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a relatively new method of treatment of depression. What makes it relevant to TIs is that, it uses a non-invasive method [which means a method that does not require any surgery or cuts or insertion of external devices into the body] to influence the brain directly. In this post I will first talk about the treatment itself, then I go into an overview of technical aspects of the technology, finally, I’ll talk about implications it has for TIs. So first the medical treatment:


TMS works by by delivering highly focused […] magnetic pulses to non-invasively stimulate the brain in the region associated with mood regulation.[…] It does not require anesthesia or sedation and patients remain awake and alert during the treatment session. Each treatment lasts just under 40 minutes and is typically administered daily for four to six weeks. The number of treatments depends on each patient's response to treatment. The patient sits in a reclined chair and the coil is placed over the left forehead area. The treatment coil generates magnetic fields which turn on and off very rapidly. Patients may experience muscle tension headaches or scalp discomfort at the treatment site. Although rare, there is a risk of seizure with TMS therapy. [Rush university: TMS]

publications reporting the results of reviews and statistical meta-analyses of earlier investigations have stated that rTMS appeared to be effective in the treatment of certain types of major depression under certain specific conditions. [Wikipedia article: TMS, Therapeutic use]

Now let’s talk about how it works:


Generally, we know that a current of electricity in any wire generates magnetic field around the wire, also any change in electric field can cause magnetic fields.(this is a part of Ampère's law with Maxwell's correction[Wikipedia article: Maxwell equations]). In addition, change in the magnetic field around a conductor can cause electric current in the conductor(this is deducted from the Faraday’s law). [Wikipedia article: Maxwell equations])

The coil that is held above the head of patient has a changing electric current which causes a magnetic field. Because the electricity inside the coil is rapidly pulsating, the magnetic field generated by it is also changing regularly. This change in the magnetic field causes the brain cells(called neurons) to get electric charge. This electric charge is enough to cause the flow of electricity in the neurons and between them. (the activities of the brain including thinking, mood, movement of muscles etc. are caused by the flow of electricity inside neurons and between them). This electric currents in the brain mimics the brain’s normal activity. That’s how the brain is forced into activity.

Now let’s talk about the implications for TIs:

The same principles can be used to cause induced thoughts, involuntary movements, mood change and many other aspects of mind control. Although the structure of the brain is very complex and mimicking the exact electric current that causes a specific thought or a specific mood in the brain is difficult. However, observing and recording the activities of the brain of the target and by using the extensive “Thought Dictionary” (this is the name I have given to the software that translates specific electric currents in brain to specific thoughts) it is possible to induce the desired thought or mood in targets.

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Brain to Brain link at Harvard and Washington Universities

The first rat pressed a lever, anticipating the tasty reward it’d been trained to expect. An implant in the rat’s brain converted its neural activity into an electronic signal and beamed the impulse to the brain of the second rat, which leaped forward and pressed a lever in its own cage. But rat #2 had never been trained to press the lever. Its movement impulse came not from its own brain, but directly from the brain of rat #1 – despite the fact that the two were separated by thousands of miles.

What we have created, said lead researcher Miguel Nicolelis, is “a new central nervous system made of two brains.”

That advance happened in 2012, and other labs were quick to one-up Nicolelis and his team. In the summer of 2013, a team of Harvard University researchers engineered a brain-to-brain interface between a rat and a human, enabling the human to control the rat’s tail movements simply by willing them to happen.

Finally, in August 2013, University of Washington scientists Rajesh Ro and Andrea Stocco succeeded in making one leap everyone was waiting for: A human-to-human brain-to-brain interface. By strapping one person into a non-invasive EEG helmet, and strapping the second into a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) helmet, the researchers mind-melded themselves – for the sake of science.

Mind-Meld Gaming

The experiment went like this: Rao and Stocco sat across campus from one another, watching the same video game. Rao, wearing an EEG helmet, was at the controls – but instead of using his hand to hit the spacebar to fire, he simply imagined moving his hand.

Every time he did this, with near-instantaneous speed, a computer converted Rao’s brain signals into a digital signal and beamed it to Stocco’s TMS helmet. That helmet converted the signal into a burst of magnetic stimulation delivered to the precise region of Stocco’s motor cortex that controlled his right hand. Stocco’s hand would then twitch involuntarily, tapping the spacebar and (sometimes) scoring a hit in the game.

Researchers Rajesh Rao, left, and Andrea Stocco, right. Credit: University of Washington

Researchers Rajesh Rao, left, and Andrea Stocco, right. Credit: University of Washington

What did this feel like? “The two of us had very different experiences,” Rao says. “For me, it was only after the action had occurred that I had the chance to reflect upon what had happened – that it was Stocco’s hand, stimulated by my brain signal, that had caused the action. That realization was both exciting and a bit eerie.”

Stocco, on the other hand, reports that he simply felt an involuntary muscle twitch, which caused his hand to move and hit the keyboard. There was no conscious “need” to flex the muscle, he says, since the entire sequence of events from stimulation to movement happened within just a few tens of milliseconds. And what’s more, Rao says, “I don’t think he can resist the movement once he’s received the stimulation, since it operates at the subconscious level.” Eerie indeed.

But even with this subconscious level of connectivity, the process wasn’t flawless or error-free. And in fact, the system’s flaws and errors reveal some interesting truths about how our brains process information.

Technological Hurdles

The EEG device that Rao used to send outgoing signals is based on technology that dates back to 1875. Though today’s devices are far more precise than those nineteenth-century models, they still operate on the same basic principle: Electrodes distributed across a person’s scalp pick up patterns of electrical activity that oscillate at specific frequencies within that person’s brain. Because EEG electrodes sit on the surface of the scalp, they can’t pinpoint this activity to a specific three-dimensional point within the brain. But with a little calibration, they’re very handy for tracking large-scale brain phenomena such as mood swings, shifts in attention and movement impulses.

TMS is a more recent technology – and, because it works by disrupting activity deep within the brain, more controversial. Numerous researchers have reported that TMS triggered sizures in some of their patients – although most experts now agree that the risk of seizure is extremely low for subjects not already prone to epilepsy. Meanwhile, experimenters throughout the 1990s and 2000s have succeeded in using TMS to trigger involuntary movements, to temporarily increase working memory, and even to treat depression.

On top of all that, TMS is non-invasive – so when it Rao and Stocco set out to design their brain-to-brain interface, TMS stood out as the clear choice for the output end. “I realized that, in EEG and TMS, we had noninvasive technologies for both recording from and stimulating the human brain,” Rao says. “So I approached Andrea Stocco, who had just arrived at UW and was using TMS for his cognitive psychology experiments. Andrea and I got really excited about the idea, and we started brainstorming.”

Brain Training

One thing that quickly became clear was that Rao’s EEG wouldn’t always send a clear signal. “EEG signals are quite hard to use for controlling devices,” he explains, “because the signal is a weak, noisy, filtered version of the underlying brain activity.” Movements of the eyes, face or body – or even stray thoughts – can interfere with the signal. Such stellar concentration took months of practice for Rao.

“In the early sessions,” Rao says, “we had several false positives, where Andrea’s hand would hit the ‘Fire’ key even though that was not my intention.” But as the trials wore on, Rao learned to control his EEG output more precisely – until, in the final session, Rao and Stocco achieved close to 100 percent accuracy (in their signals, though not in the game itself). “The only miss after that,” Rao says, “happened when Andrea’s hand moved but didn’t hit the key with sufficient force to fire the cannon.” A small bug indeed, in light of the team’s overall ambition.

Sign Me Up

Perhaps the most exciting thing about this project – aside from the “mind-meld” aspect – is the fact that it’s built on technology that’s rapidly entering the consumer marketplace. Although TMS remains confined to medical facilities and laboratories, groups of indie engineers around the world are hard at work building their own TMS devices. Home EEG kits, meanwhile, are widely available from companies such as Emotiv and NeuroSky – that is, if you wouldn’t rather build your own from scratch.

And though Rao’s initial tests transmitted mere movements, future iterations could theoretically transmit perceptions, concepts, or emotions. Then we truly would be talking about a mind-meld – allowing two people, through technology, to communicate directly via their brains.

For as long as we humans have felt curious about the world around us, we’ve struggled to communicate our thoughts to others clearly and to understand them in turn; to “get inside their heads.” But it hasn’t been until the last couple years that each of us can put on a little plastic helmet and watch what’s happening inside our own brains – and the brains of our friends – right at home. What’s next but to truly get inside each others’ minds and see what we find there?

Technologies like these might seem to have the potential to make robots of us all – but they also hint at a future of empathy more direct and immediate than any we’ve experienced before.

Here is the Link to the main article:

Here are the links to the mentioned researches:

Brain-to-Brain links between the two rats:

Brain-to-Brain links between the two humans:

Brain-to-Brain links between the human and the rat:

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Technical proof that Scalar Waves exist...

Technical proof that Scalar Waves exist


Summer 2011 White TV got the hint from the Swedish Secret Service, that scalar waves are used in mind control. The victims, targeted individuals (t i) complain, that nothing is shielding against the radiation attacks (tin foiled hats) and that they can be targeted in high altitudes ore far beneath the ground in caves. This already indicates, that they are not targeted with electromagnetic waves, but another kind of wave.


Soon the contact was made to the leading scalar wave researcher, Prof. Konstantin Meyl, teacher and researcher in physics at a university in southern Germany. Because of the more than 100 years on-going cover up against scalar waves, he decided 1999 to construct an experimental kit, that shows how Nicola Tesla worked in the late 1890-ies to detect scalar waves, which are longitudinal waves, not transversal, as the electromagnetic waves.
This kit has been sold to more than 1 000 researchers all over the world, opening their eyes, that other interesting types of waves exist.
Prof. Meyl, the Nikola Tesla of today, shows not only the difference between the electromagnetic waves (Heinrich Hertz 1888) and the scalar waves (Nikola Tesla 1897), but also different and more convenient ways to apply them.



1. scalar waves propagate with different speed, sometimes much quicker than the speed of light,
2. scalar waves can transport wireless electricity
3. scalar waves can have huge over unity effect by collecting neutrinos (free energy)
4. a scalar wave transmitter realizes directly, if the receiver is in resonance
5. no shields against scalar wave
6. scalar waves do not decay in the distance, you can send them through the earth to the other side

Technical and medical improvements:

1. cell phones only using scalar waves do not emit electro smog and have one dimension more to modulate information both on the frequency and the wavelength; computers run by scalar waves have much better  efficiency than even quantum computers
2. wireless transportation of electric energy without losses; cell phones, electric cars, motors etc. need no battery, they can be charged through the air while running without pollution
3. scalar waves are able to transmit medical information to the body in a positive context (bio resonance/frequency medicine, ie. Bicom, Oberon, Scio) or negative: mind control and remote killing
4. DNA and cell communications can be physically explained
5. free energy devices collecting neutrinos can be built

Finally it has to be noticed, that Prof. Meyl detected a third kind of wave, the magnetic scalar wave, which is biological relevant. So there are three different kind of waves: the electromagnetic (Hertz), the electric scalar wave (Tesla) and the magnetic scalar wave (Meyl).

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#1386 Tools for Getting Into Our Brains Bioethics(DARPA) and EPR/ESR

#1386 Tools for Getting Into Our Brains Bioethics and EPR(Electron paramagnetic Resonance)-ESR(Electron Spin Resonance)

There is now discussion at the Bioethics and disclosed science on the tools being used to access the brain. Take the time to watch these two segments at least of the Bioethics from Tuesday's discussion on "Obama's", "Brain Initiative".

Play section 6 of meeting 14, starting at the 16:00 minute mark. Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D.  Deputy Director  National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke   Deputy Director   National Institute of Neurologic Disease and Stroke    National Institutes of Health......  Monitoring and effecting brain function , the tools being created even communication with DNA. They talk about going from individual probes that allowed access of just a small amount of Brain activity to using materials now to access down to each neuron firing.

John C. Wingfield, Ph.D.   Assistant Director for the Directorate for Biological Sciences   National Science Foundation starts at about the 25:00 minute mark,and at 28:00 minutes talks about studying animals in the field using nano sensors! We are studied in the field. Notice the problem with data storage mentioned and we know the capabilities of data storage that the NSA have, they must be gathering massive amounts of data by decoding the brain. Winfield is from the National Science foundation that funds research.

DARPA follows in this segment:
William D. Casebeer, Ph.D. (U.S.A.F., Retired)   Program Manager   (DARPA)Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency  National Institutes of Health

Noted by a very educated TI;

Electron paramagnetic resonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a technique for studying materials with unpaired electrons. The basic concepts of EPR are analogous to those of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), but it is electron spins that are excited instead of the spins of a...

Something I noted while reading on EPR

Remote neural Monitoring?........from the Wikipedia on EPR

A quote I found in reading this................ Medical and biological applications of EPR also exist. Although radicals are very reactive, and so do not normally occur in high concentrations in biology, special reagents have been developed to spin-label molecules of interest. These reagents are particularly useful in biological systems. Specially-designed nonreactive radical molecules can attach to specific sites in a biological cell, and EPR spectra can then give information on the environment of these so-called spin-label or spin-probes.

Are these special reagents the nano sensors mentioned at the Bioethics as nano sensors for studying animals in the field? It seem like a very good possibility.

Dr. Micheal Persinger's video on knowing all things and possibly the first case of quantum entangled brains in the laboratory using magnetic fields.

Michael Persinger on No More Secrets
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Dr. José Delgado

Hello everyone,

to stop all of this questioning of how or why it is possible to do such things:

Please inform yourself about Dr. José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado.

He has been doing mind control experiments since the 50s, and was able to control humans at least in the 70s.

Google him and find out about it, you can read many of his experiments on humans, where he also implanted children with devices I think this whole thing was even overt.

Here's a little snack: Yummy!

Keep up revealing stuff and a big fuck you to all of those perps

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#1406 Surveillance Role Players Lockheed Martin Corporation - Fairfax, VA

Check this out: Surveillance Role Players
Lockheed Martin Corporation - Fairfax, VA

Req ID 268656BR Industry Job Title Surveillance Role Players Job Code/Title E4413:Training & Development Rep Sr Job Description Candidates will operate as Surveillance Role Players in support of field training exercises within the Washington Metropolitan area and surrounding areas. Role players should be trained and have various levels of expertise in surveillance tradecraft skills (Basic – advance) in order to meet this requirements. Qualified personnel should demonstrate an understanding of surveillance tradecraft, surveillance detection techniques and terminology. Role Players will conduct surveillance activities, evaluate students’ performance, provide feedback and participate in exercise debriefing. Candidates supporting role players responsible will be responsible for providing any support props and clothing articles. Basic Qualifications • Experience as role player supporting field exercises
•Map reading and navigational capability
•Availability to work flexible hours on a part-time basis
•Physically fit and capable of walking, standing for extended periods of time
•Valid US driver’s license
•Experience working in DoD special operations or Intelligence community training environment highly desired
•Active Top Secret clearance with SCI access
Equivalent experience/education combinations are permitted based on the Typical Minimums required for this job which are 5 years of related experience and a Bachelors degree in a related discipline. Security Clearance TS/SCI LMCareers Business Unit ESS8806 MISSILES AND FIRE CTRL (S0806) Business Area Missiles and Fire Control Program SRP Department R865:MFC-TS P5 Eng Svc - LMOS Job Class Intelligence Analysis Job Category Experienced Professional City Fairfax State Virginia Virtual No Relocation Available No Work Schedule PART-TIME-less than 40 hrs/wk; Req Type Part-Time Direct/Indirect Direct Shift First
Lockheed Martin Corporation - 30+ days ago
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EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, – The "Transhumanist Agenda"


EU Panel: Human robotization, Nano implant technologies, Mind control slavery, Neurological weapons torture, Gang stalking – The "Transhumanist Agenda"

Panel: Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment with Alfred Lambremont Webre

Using detailed research, the EUCACH.ORG panelists describe Transhumanist Agenda that is now using advanced scalar technologies, super quantum computers, a quantum cloud, a super grid of over 1000 grids that is connected to HAARP for global coordinated mind control of a growing population of human robots that are created via these technologies for a global control and enslavement agenda. EUCACH.ORG Panel

In a 2-hour wide-ranging Panel with Alfred Lambremont Webre on the Transhumanist Agenda, Magnus Olsson, Dr. Henning Witte, and Melanie Vritschan, three experts from the European Coalition Against Covert Harassment, revealed recent technological advances in human robotization and nano implant technologies, and an acceleration of what Melanie Vritschan characterized as a “global enslavement program”.


Shift from electromagnetic to scalar waves

These technologies have now shifted from electromagnetic wave to scalar waves and use super quantum computers in the quantum cloud to control “pipes” a reference to the brains of humans that have been taken over via DNA, via implants that can be breathed can breach the blood-brain barrier and then controlled via scalar waved on a super-grid. Over 1000 grids worldwide are now connected into a mind control super grid that is connected to HAARP as a master planetary mind control machine, according to EUCACH.ORG.

Six million brain-entrained humans in the European Union alone

Several years ago, one conservative estimate of the number of individuals whose brains had been entrained into the super grid was set at 6 million persons in the European Union alone, and now is estimated to be greater. EUCACH.ORG performs free RF radio frequency readings for citizens to ascertain if these individuals are being targeted with scalar nano technology control weapons. In a recent public RF testing in London, UK, 40% of the participating public tested positive for emitting RF frequencies, and indication that they were being subjected to non-consensual scalar mind control. In one public testing, 100% of public participants tested positive. One targeted individual testing positive for RF frequencies was a five-year old child, indicating that children are at risk of human robotization in the Transhumanist Agenda.


Homeopathic gold is effective protection

Technologies that were thought effective against electromagnetic (EMF) mind control frequency weapons are not effective against these new scalar wave technologies. EUCACH.ORG research has found that homeopathic gold is effective in protecting a targeted individual against the scalar wave intrusions of the super-grid.

Parties behind Transhumanist Agenda

When asked for individuals and institutions operationally involved in this new mind control super grid and Transhumanist Agenda, Dr. Henning Witte indicated that his was his personal opinion that the Agenda is controlled, and is implemented by military-intelligence agencies in a pyramidal organization. At the top of the Pyramid is the Mossad, which serves as the military-intelligence arm of the Rothschild bloodline banking interests. Next on the mind control implementation pyramid are U.K. agencies such as MI6 and, closely connected to the British Crown and City of London bloodline banking families. At a third tier are the Russian and U.S. military-intelligence agencies (KGB, CIA, NSA,NAVAL,US Air Force). A lower level of the pyramid includes the Swedish and German military-Intelligence agencies. The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is a leader in research on the scalar and nano-technologies for robotization and neurological torture of humans, including so-called “Smart Dust” or Morgellons, as well as the FOI, the Swedish counter-part of DARPA, and the Nobel Prize recipient Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden, according to EUCACH.ORG. When asked if he believed the Wallenberg Foundation may also be involved in funding mind control research, Henning Witte responded that he agreed it was plausible. ExopoliticsTV has reported that the Wallenberg Foundation may be funding the Tromso Norway HAARP facility which is responsible both for the Norway Spiral of Nov. 1, 2009 at the time of Barack Obama’s Nobel Prize speech, and for the March 13, 2011 Fukushima HAARP nuclear false flag event.[1]

Can the Transhumanist Agenda be stopped? Magnus Olsson of EUCACH.OTG estimates that the Transhumanist Agenda can be slowed and stopped, with significant progress on protecting targeted individuals happening in the coming decade. One focus of activity is alerting public awareness through media, including a series of interviews that will be aired on Russia Today (RT) and other mainstream outlets. Another focus is legislative, with activity at the European Parliament, although the group concedes that a global ban is necessary.


1. European Coalition Against Covert Harassment

2. Mind Control

3. Brain Computer

4. The Research Laboratory


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在 2002-03-07 10:33:00 您写道:


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摘要:真实现实(Real Reality)、扩展现实(Augment Reality)和虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)属于同一系列的概念,它们共同组成了真实—虚拟连续统(Reality-Virtuality Continuum)。它们是对客观存在的三种不同的认知形态,共同构成了知识世界的范围(Extend of World Knowledge)。
   国内外已有一些关于虚拟现实(Virtual Reality)讨论。不同的学者对虚拟现实有着不同的理解和定义。笔者认为虚拟现实是使用计算机所创造的交互式的三维空间效果,在这个三维空间中物体有一种空间存在物的含义。它具有如下几个特征:
   虚拟现实是人类利用特定的计算机语言或软件(如OpenGL SDK,VRML),整合一些特殊技术(如信息图形技术(Infographic Technologies)、人体运动跟踪技术(Human Movement Tracking Technology)、实时人体运动捕获技术(Real-Time Human Body Motion Capture Technologies)等)和特定的输入输出设备(如头盔显示器(Head Mounted Display)、数据手套(DataGloves)等)开发形成的一个三维人机互动系统。在这个互动系统中,参与者不仅具有参与感,而且具有身临其境的沉浸感。随着虚拟技术的理论和实践不断发展,这一系统已经达到了以假乱真的境界。
   虚拟原义是假,现实含义是真。因此,将这两个术语结合起来,属于典型的矛盾修饰法(oxymoron)。国外的一些学者认为这样术语不容易让人们接受,所以又将它称为“合成环境(Synthetic Environments)”、“赛博空间(Cyberspace)”、“人造现实(Artificial Reality)”、“模拟技术(Simulator Technology)”等。国内在引进这一术语时,有人曾认为虚拟现实易于“客观现实”这一术语相混淆,故提议译作“灵境”。但是,“虚拟现实”这一术语还是被绝大多数人所接受的。
   真实现实和虚拟现实是人类对客观存在认知的两个极端形态。处于这两个极端之间的就是扩展现实(Augment Reality),扩展现实也称作为混合现实(Mixed Reality)。其实这两者还是略有区别的,我们将在下文中论及。不过扩展现实术语更能反映人类的认知能力和形态,因而更能为人们所接受,除特殊说明外,我们将在等同的意义下使用扩展现实和混合现实。
   混合现实是由真实现实和虚拟现实共同组成的。例如,真实的环境加上虚拟的物体共同组成一幅(组)画面,在这组画面中我们根本无法区别哪些是真实的,哪些是虚拟的。混合现实又分为两种情形。一种是扩展现实。上面举的例子就是属于扩展现实。另一种是扩展虚拟(Augment Virtuality)。例如,虚拟的环境加上某些真实的物体共同构成扩展虚拟。
   我们都知道神经系统是人类进行意识活动的基础。 神经调节的基本方式是反射 (Reflex) ,即在中枢神经系统的控制下,机体对内外环境变化的刺激所发生的有适应性的反应。反射活动的结构基础是反射弧 (Reflex Arc) ,它由五部分构成,即:感受器、传入神经、神经中枢、传出神经和效应器。反射弧的路径为:
   刺激 感受器 传入神经 神经中枢 传出神经 效应器 产生行为
   人的神经系统并不会因为信息科技的发展而改变。在真实现实、扩展现实和虚拟现实中,信号在人的神经系统中输入输出的路径是一致的:即反射弧。从输入端看,真实现实与虚拟现实所不同的是神经元所接受信号的方式不同:在真实现实中,是具体物体对感受器官产生了刺激,比如波长为 370~740nm 的电磁波刺激了眼睛中的神经元而使大脑对事物产生了感觉。而在虚拟现实中,这种信号表现为由 0 、 1 构成的二进制中的一些字符串,其最小单位为 bit 。它们是对人类神经系统产生刺激信号的一种方式。
   随着信息科技的发展,虚拟现实中的 bit 信号刺激可以越级进行,这在真实现实中是不能做到的。这种越级表现为:在神经反射弧路径中, bit 信号不一定必须从感受器开始,而可以从传入神经、神经中枢、传出神经或效应器开始。这是有别于在真实现实中物体对机体的刺激而导致生理行为的路径,这也是科技进步给人类认识与行为带来的贡献。由此也导致了人是否会成为机器的奴隶的争论。
   从输出端看,不论是 bit 信号还是具体物体的刺激信号,最终都必须通过效应器对机体的行为产生影响。与真实现实一样,在虚拟现实系统中,人们与系统环境不仅有信息的沟通,而且也有物质和能量的交换。比如,在一个充满恐怖的虚拟现实系统中,人体植物神经系统中交感神经居于主要地位,此时机体心跳加快、内脏与皮肤血管收缩、支气管平滑肌舒张、胃肠蠕动抑制、瞳孔扩大、竖毛肌收缩、汗腺分泌、糖元代谢加快、葡萄糖分解增多、能量消耗加大。在这种情形下,虚拟现实中的人们不仅有信息(恐怖)的交流,而且也有物质(葡萄糖)与能量(热能)的改变。
   人的反射活动,进一步可分为非条件反射( Unconditioned Reflex )与条件反射( Conditioned Reflex )。非条件反射是种族所共有的、与生俱来的、有着固定反射弧的反射活动,比如吮吸反射、角膜反射、性反射。条件反射则是在非条件反射基础之上的个体在其社会实践中逐步形成的反射。
   当我们考察以间接的方式(例如对不明物体的扫描)获取作为知识形态的真实现实时,就有一个重要的概念必须提及,即知识世界的范围( Extend of World Knowledge, EWK )。
   虽然知识世界的两端是常见的情形,但是更多的是需要将真实的物体和虚拟物体融合在一个视频画面中。这里就有三种情况: where 、 what 和 where+what 。在某些情景中,我们可能知道一个物体的位置,但是却不知道它是什么;在另一些情景中,我们可能知道场景中的物体是什么,但却不知道它的位置;还有一些情景,我们知道场景中某些物体是什么和它所处的位置的信息,但却不知另一些物体这些方面的信息。与此形成对比的事,在非模型化世界中,我们没有任何关于“ where ”和“ what ”的信息,在完全模型化的世界中,我们知道所有的“ where ”和“ what ”信息。
   知识世界范围问题在扩展现实中有着十分广泛的和重要的应用。通常,将任意一幅虚拟画面叠加到一幅真实现实的图画中,技术上是十分简单的。但是,从实际应用出发,为了使图像有合适的显示,就必须确切知道真实世界的物体在哪里和它的轨迹。当我们处理非结构化和完全非模型化的世界,这决不是一件简单的事。假设我们知道视频世界所有物体的“ where ”和“ what ”信息,那么我们就可以认为,与虚拟现实相比,扩展现实对于人类是最有价值的。





物理学家总是模拟生物学原理制作各种灵巧的机器,这就是仿生学。仿生学是生物物理学的一个分支学科,它按照生物学原理提出设计原型,制造用于特殊目的的"功能器件"。 "纳米机器人"的研制属于分子仿生学的范畴,它根据分子水平的生物学原理为设计原型,设计制造可对纳米空间进行操作的"功能分子器件"。













  (1)呼吸链酶系一直是研究生物能量转化机制的典型实验材料。 呼吸链酶系是研究生物能量转化规律的典型实验材料,国内外科学家对它已经研究了近半个多世纪。可以预言:将来制造直接利用太阳能合成面包的纳米机器人很可能要遵循从这个酶系统总结出来的原理和规律而进行组装。







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brain implant

ICAACT Phase III Testing

ICAACT is an Independent evidence gathering Non Profit Human Rights Organization.

This report details the findings of the ICAACT phase III testing procedure. The ICAACT Phase III testing is about testing the human body for RF (Radio Frequency) emission, in a shielded environment. A Faraday cage was utilized to conduct the testing. The shielding spectrum of the environment was rated to be effective between 9KHz and 18GHz. The Faraday cage was certified in December of 2011 and was less than a year old when the tests were conducted. All tests were conducted inside the shielded environment also referred to as a Faraday cage.

magnus olsson

Magnus Olsson

Our intentions are to share our findings in hopes that it will lead to further investigations within the scientific, medical, and forensic communities around the world.

Video of the scanning of Mr. Magnus Olsson (Director of EUCACH) from Sweden.

Download the report in PDF format

Download the zip file containing documents referred to in the appendices

Context of the report

Human electronic implant technologies are not new, they have been in existence since the early 50's. The use of implant technology has in recent years also gained interest outside the medical and scientific community and has now become tools of interest in many newly emerging commercial fields. They can provide real-time data from real life scenarios, rather than from the restrictive and in many cases limiting artificial scenarios that can be recreated in laboratory and clinical settings. There is a boom in commercially driven neuroscience research like marketing and consumer behavior. The social sciences and especially the behavioral sciences are having a “Field day”. The ethical and legal implications that arise from these implant technologies, and their commercialization, are as yet unsolved, and need urgent attention. These implications pertain to tampering with the innermost sacred sanctum of a human being, the mind.

Link to original:

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#1374a Everyone has to watch All the answers from an intelligence analyst
If you watched this video here is what I'm thinking and why we are in this program.
    I'm beginning to see that they want me(us) tortured and frustrated so that if this attack on US citizens takes place and I was involved, that I would be angry, become involved and be their eyes and ears on the ground so to speak. We know this, they have picked innocent people to torture and also to infuriate them for a reason with an intended goal. Those who have lashed out have enabled the false war on terror. We need to look at videos like this to understand there goals. The use of gangs, foreign troops and criminals and allowing asset forfeiture is one way to attack the American people by others without using our troops who won't go against their own people and families. On Alex Jones they did and experiment and our troops wouldn't fire on their own people. Who does the stalking? Who is controlling the mind control technology against us? Foreigners could be doing the latter with the aid of computers and voice cloning, Computers can solely be involved as they are only heartless machines.
    They have endeavored to isolate us and keep us apart as a torture, also if we are motivated to learn it will be harder to share information. Sensory deprivation from being alone is the main torture and why they have prisons.  Count on all of these prisoners to  be let out of prison if this all goes down as well. I'm sure they have been tortured and are surveillance drones as well. This could be why we have more prisoners that the rest of the world. This is Hitler and the NWO at its best.
    What we can do is educate the public, support each other and get along, while not being played by being their tools. We have to work hard at this because we are being influenced to cause disruption among us. We are patsies in this struggle. The best we can do is inform the public right now before any major outbreak happens. That would be our duty as Americans. We have to pass this
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美国人想方设法使我在法庭上赢不了,回不了加拿大,无法在加拿大诉讼美国的秘密、美国的武器等。2010年初开始,我的脑袋已经被摧残坏了(记忆力属于很差水平、被传入思想、梦境等等)。我给 (Cheryl Welsh)写过E-mail,美国、加拿大、中国有Targeted Individual Victims of mind control weapon。我是在2006年冬天在加拿大开始有卫星跟踪感、监视感,开始生病,2010年11月发现mind control weapon、Targeted Individual Victims of mind control weapon,美国有军事秘密。另外,联系过 Liu)、 Baird、SUZANNE LEBOEUF)。我是这样的受害者。
美国人使用mind control weapon、HAARP等,秘密群控过大量人,这些人的脑袋没坏,许多人意识不到武器。美国有军事秘密。美国的武器不仅脑控人,还秘密使人致命,美国有“无声杀手”——微波、次声波、激光武器等。

Websites about High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), Mind Control Weapons, Targeted Individual (TI) Victims of Mind Control Weapons, Directed Energy Weapon (DEW), military satellite and space weapons... 


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Never dream any of us can survive without deleting the female British boss who looks similar to the one in TV series <DOLL HOUSE> and the male in charge who looks similar to the one in TV series <HOUSE> in CIA mind control FIRM, who did not help immediately expose remote surgery and remote mind control technologies in mainstream media massively.  They are likely undercover Rockefeller family members.


The slow motion (delay and distraction) in CIA mind control FIRM is to kill every CIA who knows the secrets of remote surgery and remote mind control. Killing every CIA is the only real purpose, so that only Rockefellers (nature family member not adopted) survive.


CIA indicated to me that on July 3, 2013, many CIA software workers were killed by the Rockefeller technicals (the British female boss and the House in Charge are responsible). The two Rockefeller in laws are extremely selfish as they sacrificed too many innocent people’s lives for their power, not for their lives.


Never trust the two Rockefellers (in charges) who used too many lies to kill too many innocent people. Rockefeller shifted targets remotely. So you have to start from CIA firm’s sub-boss. They are those who can directly reach the two evil Rockefellers. If your sub-bosses do not help immediately expose remote surgery and remote mind control in mainstream media massively (every media every day report), deleting them is helping humankind and helping everyone.


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 What humankind should do to prohibit people to behave like Rockefellers who rejected changing when they holding power and knowing what they are doing are damaging humankind and they can stop the killing, torturing and fooling by exposing the two secret technologies electromagnetic Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control in mainstream media massively? Their changes would be useless to humankind when they lose their power.


My suggestion is if they are still alive when humankind establishes a new system to monitor the two technologies, we should tag them forever and let everyone around them know what bad things they did wherever they go. Mind controlling them to tell everyone the lessons they learned from the bad things they did to humankind in the past might also be necessary if they can’t voluntarily do the right thing. What good suggestions do you have?

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Whoever is using young human robots that were brain damaged when they were young, who did brain surgery on children. More likely they are still doing brain surgery on more kids today, as if they had stopped doing surgery on innocent children, they had exposed the secret remote surgery and remote mind control in mainstream media massively.


They did not expose the two secret technologies (remote surgery and remote mind control) could only because they do not want any CIAs who know the secrets to be alive before allowing the general public to know the two technologies. The technical boss did not stop doing bad things that already damaged a whole generation of humankind.


CIA young morons should stop helping their boss and lock themselves up if they can’t concentrate on exposing the two secret technologies (remote surgery and remote mind control) in mainstream media only. That is a help to the whole humankind.


CIA technicals should delete their technical boss who did not help to immediately expose the two secret technologies(remote surgery and remote mind control) in mainstream media massively, as they would be killed by that technical boss after more human robots being produced. The technical boss does not need to use the human robots to do complicated things. As long as the human robots can be used to delete every technical, it is good enough for the technical boss, as his main concern is he could not hide his secret deeds forever.

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Everyone knows if there are no bad technical staff, the killing and torture of innocent people remotely using electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control two technologies would not be possible. Initially, I thought it was the tycoon (such as Rockefeller family) kidnapped the technical staffs using the tycoon family security guards who have guns and forced them to do bad things. However, the killings had lasted for over 10 or even 20 years. The likelihood of using kidnapped technicals to kill people systematically without being exposed is very low, because the technicals should have tried to kill their boss if they can give order to the robots. Why didn’t they in so many years? Were they trapped in the traps built by themselves or they are addicted to what they are doing everyday including torturing and bullying CIA employees and people outside CIA?


Of course, the number of technical staff and scientists, who can think and are working for the CIA is very few. Majority good scientists had been killed long time ago. Those people who could plan and control victims so systematically could not possibly be victims being kidnapped. They might be in laws of Rockefeller family who benefited from the ruling using a slavery system that had lasted for many years since 1950’s.


Why did they kill and torture people willingly when knowing nothing can be secret forever? (1) They might be waiting for the death of certain family member who did bad things (2) They might be trying to kill the CIAs who know the secrets when playing the killing game. Some of the to be killed CIAs might suggested the boss to kill more innocent people in order to distract the attention of the boss. They even recruited international students to bully and torture them to distract the attention of the boss from themselves as what they were trained to do in CIA. In the original plan proposed by those people to their boss might be to kill every CIA who knows the secrets of the two technologies after the PROJECT. The idea might be based on their previous experiences in the assassinations of President Kennedy, President Johnson and around 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978 under the same boss.


The number of innocent people killed due to the delay of exposure of the electromagnetic mind control and electromagnetic remote surgery technologies is much more than the number of technicals who are helping the evils to hide the secrets. Who should be sacrificed?


Brain damaged CIA robots are following the rules set by the boss and helping to hide the secrets, for instance, they hide the names of the victims in China (to my knowledge over 10 victims had been killed) that reduced the cost of killings to the CIA real boss. They did not know following the rules set by the boss only make every victims and CIA robots killed secretly with lower cost to the boss. All the killings would be secret when every CIA is killed. (Boss knows it as boss was not brain damaged robot. Only brain damaged robots think what is written by me could change what they boss planned to do) Those robots did not know they are deleting traces of themselves by deleting names and information of the victims killed. There were so many reports on Boston Bombing in mainstream media. Why didn’t the boss allow any report of the killings of former CIA employees by mentioning their CIA mind control experiences? Did they encourage killings while hiding the secrets of electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control at the same time? Why did the boss hide the secrets if they did not plan to kill every CIA who knows the secrets?

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There is no game, no rule in the CIA mind control FIRM in reality, although CIA trainees were told many rules about a killing game that does not exist at all. Otherwise, the CIA real boss, who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies (electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control) in main stream media massively, had been killed a long time ago. The secrets had been exposed a long time ago. I said countless times that “American morons dare not kill the CIA real boss (who is a tycoon) who does not allow exposing the two secret technologies in main stream media massively. They dare not expose the two secret technologies in main stream media massively”.


Only CIA employees and other innocent people are being killed and tortured. The CIA real boss (the tycoon) never suffered. Don’t mention about being killed. The only thing really going on is killings of CIA employees and other innocent people mentally and physically to protect the tycoon family e.g. Rockefeller family, so that no one knows what the tycoon family did using the CIA mind control FIRM. Killing every CIA employee who knows the secrets is the only real plan of the Tycoon boss.

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