CONtrol (394)

My Symptoms

These are the symptoms that I had since all this started:

- Induced anger, calmness, affection, repulsion, hornyness, irritation, anxiety, fear, sadness, satisfaction, amusement, desperation

- Urges to kill

- Lack of control over my own body

- Psychosis (hallucinations, delusions, catatonia)

- Mania, derealization, depersonalization, changes in the way I percieve myself

- Illusions (visual, auditory)

- Panic attacks

- Manipulated hearing (hearing even the slightest sounds, echoed hearing, background noise seems louder than it actually is)

- Manipulated smelling (diminished smelling ability, every smell provokes nausea)

- Manipulated seeing (all colours seem brighter or duller than they actually are, ability to see everything that moves in sight at the same time)

- Induced physical pain and stinging, numbing and tingling of limbs

- Manipulated internal organs (heart, prostate, stomach)

- Talking brain, heart and brain tingling

Sometimes I also feel the urge to take off my pants while in public spaces haha.

I can expain why these symptoms have not occured in a natural manner, if anyone is doubting it.

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Nanotechnology and mind control

I don't know if this has already been discussed, but I think that they can control us because we are full of remotely controlled cell-sized nanobots. But this is just my opinion.

 The DNA nanobots have arrived

In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Kurzweil highlights why Google has taken an interest in nanotechnology and the possibilities he sees for humans as they increasingly become non-biological and form direct connections with computers, augmenting and/or supplanting our natural processes as we head into the era of cyborgs and beyond.

And of course once our neocortex is uploaded to the Cloud, it positions Google perfectly for searching our every thought and pre-thought. While this might sound like an impossible amount of information to upload, let alone interconnect and search, it is being announced that researchers have designed the first nanocomputer that can push beyond the concept of Moore's Law, which imposes a theoretical limitation on the expansion of computer processing power.

I think that we are already connected to the Cloud.

The many uses of nanobots

Since these robots are so small, they can be inserted into a person’s biological system without any noticeable effects. They are so small, in fact, that they may be the same size as blood cells. They can either be remotely controlled or pre-programmed for a certain procedure.

This is the best explanation I have found so far for some of the things that happen to us (thought reading, seeing what we see, control over our own body movements etc.). 

What do you think about it?

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One question to Darwin:

Do we need the gambling business to be boosted to make the whole humankind better, which means everyone becomes more rational, more efficient, more productive and showing greater social responsibility?


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, published TWO memoire in 80s and 2000s respectively for reasons most people did not know. She specialized in studies of Emotion and Body interaction, which was one of the researches of CIA mind control Projects. She emphasized the importance of Emotional Intelligence, which was frequently used as an excuse of blaming CIA experimental targets for the wrong doings they made due to electromagnetic remote mind control. It is reasonable to suspect that Eileen Rockefeller, one of the leaders of the Rockefeller family, played an important role in running the family controlled mind-control FIRM since 80s. The WTC twin-tower collapsed in NY911 was sponsored by David Rockefeller and Nelson Rockefeller. She knew how to stimulate different brain damaged individuals to do bad things, including manipulating male CIA employees to kill female employees, manipulating CIA employees to kill each other, as what was described by movie <Dangerous Liaison> . Most Rockefeller family members are suspected to be ethnic Italian as what was described in Movie and TV series <GOD FATHER>, where those Italian mafia family members mainly run weaponary and gambling business in America in 60s-70s. That might be the reason that after the assassination of President Kennedy who rejected putting large amount of government money into Vietnam war by “We choose to go to the moon not because it is easy…”, Nelson Rockefeller started to run for president and participated the privatization of CIA secret projects in the 70s.


Which mind control scientist did Eileen Rockefeller married to in the 70s? Who are the husbands of Meggie Rockefeller and Abby Rockefeller (the elder daughters of David Rockefeller)?


What did Eileen Rockefeller do after becoming the Queen of the Mind Control FIRM in 80s? How many lesbians and gays were made by Eileen Rockefeller and her helpers? How many female targeted individuals were killed by Eileen Rockefeller in name of killing herself? How many children were turned into moron robots by the stimulation and encouragement of the mind-control Queen Eileen Rockefeller? How many CIA employees who knew secrets were killed by Eileen Rockefeller and helpers to Eileen Rockefeller using the two-step killing process: Killing Mentally first, then slowly killing physically after the subject being isolated? How many good human beings who live for the betterness of the whole humankind were fooled and killed by Eileen Rockefeller in name of education and in name of waking up the public? Nearly 1000 Americans were killed in Jonestown in 1978 by sleepwalking massive suicide and killings by sleepwalkers. One congressman of California and some journalists were also victims. Rockefeller family had been repeating the same killing process for over 35 years, which is killing in name of education and killing in name of waking up the public.


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, grew up in a Mafia family that running weapon and gambling businesses, educated in Briton, a female, tolerated turning male into gay, female into lesbian using mind control in name of keeping the Human Robots busy at night. What could be her purpose of living? How likely could she change her purpose of living after killing people who live for the betterness of the whole humankind and those who knew secrets and flooded the killings with killings of other victims for over 35 years since 1978? Which CIA moron employees are dreaming that they could be allowed to be alive after knowing so many secrets by the Ethnic Italian-German hybrid mafia family- Rockefeller family that had a long history of killing all CIAs who knew secrets after using them?  Over 180 CIA employees were killed after helping to kill President Kennedy. President Johnson was also killed after helping to hide secrets of killing President Kennedy and after helping the mafia family to earn lots of money in Vietnam War. He was killed the 3rd year after not being President.

Please help to do 3 things for us the victims inside and outside the mind control FIRM, who might have been killed or turned into sleep walker like robots when the tycoon mafia family controlled CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets being exposed,: [1] Same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially those who made decisions. [2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the secrets. [3] Use numbers to replace names of bad people to discourage doing bad things to leave names in history.e.g. Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler; Evil 001 in EM weapon crisis to replace Rockefeller if Rockefeller family was really the controller of the mind control FIRM.

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Snakes surrounded him in the forest.  They were as long as crocodiles and as fat as whistle pigs. 


“Don’t be afraid of them,” Johnny said.


What is he doing in my dream?  Ti asked himself, perplexed in his dream.


“They are easy to kill.”  The movie star in the vision said and begins to chop off their heads with a cutlass as swiftly and easily as a butcher in the market chopping off the heads of chickens.


“Here,” Johnny said turning to Ti and handing him the cutlass.  “Kill them.”


The weapon shook in Ti’s hand and he could not move his feet; they seemed stuck to the spot where he stood.  He was filled with terror at the size of the venomous creatures laying there lazily on the ground, as if sunbathing.  Every inch of the forest ground was covered by the noxious animals that Ti was filled with horror at the thought of accidentally stepping on one of them, even though they looked to be asleep.  They have been fed hate.  He thought to himself.  They have imbibed too much hatred and have become so enormous that they cannot move.  He could not move either and stood glued to this cramped spot in the forest surrounded by creatures that filled him with terror. 


*****   *****



 At exactly 7:11 in the morning, Ti opens his eyes from another of the nightmares that paralyze him with fear; even his bones shake from fear as he sits in bed.  This apprehension dominates his spirit day and night.  He is afraid to close his eyes at night because of the dark images that torture his sleep and is afraid to walk the streets during the day because he is a hunted animal.  Well, he could stay in bed and not go anywhere but then he would starve.  So like an animal operating on its instinct, he rises from his bed of torture to start a day he dreads.


Prompted by an inner force, he glances at the clock before exiting the door.  It’s exactly 8:11.  Funny, he thinks.  You see, since the calamitous acts of 9111 when weapons were dropped from the sky on people down below by certain nefarious individuals, every time Ti happens to glance at the clock, the minute hand is always on the number 11.  It’s as if someone does not want him to forget that venerable day for reasons he does not know.


A shadow trails him as he makes his way towards the apartments’ parking lot.  When he looks back, he sees a young Hispanic man of about twenty walking rapidly trying to catch up with him.  On turning around to face the nuisance, the trailing shadow freezes in his steps—hunching forward like a kangaroo— and with a half-opened mouth, stands gapping at Ti without uttering an English or Spanish word.


“Why are you following me or what do you want?”  A normal person would have asked.  But Ti does not have the capability of communicating with his fellow human beings anymore.  He is no longer one of the people.  He has been cast out and is now an insect—a firefly, captured in a closed bottle.  There are just enough holes on the lid to keep him from not expiring. 


The kangaroo hops away knowing he has fulfilled his role and might be paid some money for the anxiety caused to the fly.


As Ti approaches the parking lot, he sees two black guys sitting inside a small grey car parked next to his hunched, dilapidated white Honda.  His car always gives him away.  Everyone seems to know the peculiar car and its driver.  He even saw it in an advertisement on T.V. one day.  Yes, his exact car with the unique rust and dent in the same location on the rear of the passenger side.  Driving the car was a young white man.  When he first saw the advertisement, he thought he was being paranoid.  That’s my car.  He thought.  But friends told him “We saw your car on T.V.  It had the same rust and dent in the exact positions as your car.”  Then he knew he was not paranoid.  Perhaps someone wanted him to become paranoid. 


One of the black men looks in his direction in a fortuitous way on nearing the car and the two pretend at continuing whatever casual conversation they were having before seeing him.  Much like the Hispanic man, TI knows this is not an accidental encounter and they are not just sitting in the grey car having a casual conversation while waiting for a third party.  They are here to fulfill their roles.   


Ironically, he feels nothing, just a submissive acceptance of the fact that he is being shadowed by an assortment of animals.


Your will has been taken away from you.  You have no will to feel or act.  You are less than human. 


“Monkey,” a voice whispers in his ears as he drives the car away from the parking lot.  He has been hearing this voice for about three months now—a male, monotone voice hurling words at him like stones meant to maim his mind.  He accelerates on the car flying through the first red light.  His emotions and motions are controlled by these brutish words.    


He parks his car under the sycamore tree in front of Mr. Brown’s house, his only patient on this day, and walks up the driveway to the entrance.  There, he sees lying by the door a black bird, dead and hard as a rock.  Beside it is a big, oblong-shaped green pill. 


“Swallow your pill,” the monotone voice says. 


He feels his anger crackling like a newly-lit charcoal fire and wants to pick up the dead bird and slam its pitiful body against the wall.  But he hesitates knowing the behavior can be construed as abnormal by passersby.  He can’t afford to lose control of his sanity otherwise he’d lose everything—his job, his life.  The malevolent voice makes sure he is kept on edge all day long and is bent on driving him insane.    


I might be going crazy on the inside but I won’t let anyone see me crazy on the outside.


***  **



“Mr. Brown, your breakfast is ready!”  Ti screams at the 96-year old man he takes care of every Tuesday.


The old man picks at his food as if suspecting his health aide of trying to poison him.


“Why do you sleep all the time?”  Mr. Brown asks Ti who is in the process of dozing off for the third time since he came to work.  They are now sitting in the living room.


“I’ll get you fired,” his companion tweets in his head.  He sees in his mind the picture of an incomplete face made up of a winking eye and a pair of lips twisted in such a way that they seemed to be mocking him.


Ti is unable to overcome the lethargy that engulfs his mind and body.  Fumes of sleeping gas seem to seep into his nose and ears and every other organ with an opening; before he knows it, he is dozing off again.  But all of a sudden, he finds himself standing up and walking, with a pillow in hand, to where the old man is sitting.  The old man is being suffocated.




He awakens from this erratic slumber, his heart beating fast as if he were about to have a heart attack.  Unconsciously he turns his head in the direction of the patient.  The old man is sitting as erect as Mount Kilimanjaro reading the Christian Monitor.

“I’ll make you do something you’ll regret.  You’ll end up in jail.”  The image taunts.


“What’s wrong?  You o.k.?”  Mr. Brown asks, concerned. 


His head hurts from a burning sensation as if someone was poking at it with a hot iron. 


Absent mindedly he looks at his watch and realizes it’s 5:11.  His duties ended 11 minutes ago. 


As he drives away from the sycamore tree, he hears a crashing noise resembling the sound of a tree falling on the roof of his car.  Immediately, he feels his chest contracting and like so many times during this day, he feels like he is about to have a heart attack.  From his rear view mirror he sees that the sycamore tree is still standing in front of the house and so is the roof of his car and the windshield.  The noise is synthetic much like the words he hears. 


“Ironmonger,” the synthetic voice replies in answer to his apprehension.


Four blocks from Mr. Brown’s house, he stops in front of the red light and notices a black truck parked close to the curb on the right— parked in a way that he could not help but notice it.  Behind the steering wheel sits a tall white man.  As Ti looks in his direction, the man bends his head as if searching for something.  He, too, has fulfilled his role.




Ti enters the mall at 6:11 and makes his way to one of those reclining, vibrating chairs.  He opens a book to read but less than ten minutes later, a short, heavy-set black man with glasses slides stealthily, like a tiger owl in the dark, into the chair on his left. 


He wants to scream out and ask “WHY?”  But when he opens his mouth, not even the slightest “ah” is he able to utter.  It’s as if his vocal cord no longer works.   In fact, all the organs in his body seem to have shut down.  He cannot feel or think.  His brain is like an empty room.  There is no bed to sleep on or a chair to sit on.  All that is contained in the room is air and this begins to fill his brain.  The air pressure in his brain builds up by the minute until it swells like a balloon ready to lift him off the chair into space. 




The traffic is heavy as Ti drives on the highway.  The motorists behind and in front of him drive very close to each other— bumper to bumper— but they leave a big space between his car and theirs.  No one is driving close to me.  They know my license plate.  They are avoiding me.  He feels like a leper no one wants to come near.


“Do not lie with beasts!”  He hears a preacher blare from the T.V. as soon as he opens the door to his apartment.   Had he forgotten to turn it off or had someone else turned it on? 


The preacher’s eyes seem to be scrutinizing his from the screen and he begins to feel uncomfortable.  “Those who lie with dogs have fleas. “  The censurer continues in a voice that makes him feel like the culprit who lies with dogs.  “I will make a covenant with my people and drive wild beasts from this land.”  He is talking to me.  He is one of them. 


Overcome with fear, guilt, and shame, Ti grabs for the nearest object on the table beside him—Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary—and throws it at the T.V.  They are everywhere.  I can’t hide from their scrutinizing eyes.  He sits, dejected, on the couch; his hands massaging his burning head.  He tries to think but every time his mind focuses on a thought, pressure builds up slowly in his brain.  He sees the image of a vacuum and hears the vile man say:


“I have vacuumed your brain.  I have filled it with air.” 




Dogs surround him, barking furiously.  He tries to escape from them but they watch him intently, moving whichever way he moves.  When he sees an opening in the circle they have formed around him and tries to flee through it, one of the dogs jumps up aiming for his jugular. 


The violence of the dream wakes him up.  It’s dark outside.  The red LED light of the radio clock on the table displays 9:11.


“We shall never forget 911,” his nemesis reminisces.


On the floor beside the couch, lying surreally side by side, is a pair of dissimilar objects—a feather and a blade.  He does not know how they got there.   They were not there when he had dropped on the couch like a fallen tree and dozed off.  


Outside, underneath his apartment window, some of the neighborhood dogs have congregated and like the dogs in the dream from which he just awoke are barking furiously, urging him on. 


“Die by your own hands or we’ll chase you into a hole like a rabbit!”



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See Complete Description~ 
A call to action! #TargetedIndividuals of Organized #GangStalking and MILITARY GRADE, Satellite #NoTouchTorture!

The more petitions ALL OF THESE INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES RECEIVE (information and torture and abuse case summaries they receive) the better. Listed here are 4 separate calls to action to get our stories distributed worldwide. PLEASE PARTICIPATE, THERE IS POWER IN NUMBERS. Initially I was sending pleas, and petitions for redress, myself, to several United Nations Human Rights branches. I was made aware of Johns International Pleas and  Petitions, and without hesitation, support and joined this cause! Locally within the States my persistence to our leaders resulted in what I consider a monumental accomplishment, concerning the written response I received from Congressman Rick Nolan, acknowledging my concerns, AS VALID! TOGETHER WE CAN DO THIS! 

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To all TI's with Morgellons

The below video is about an ebola cure that is suppressed. Ebola is a man made disease as is morgellons I believe.

What this doctor is claiming is that a medication known as nano silver can cure most diseases that it has been tested on. I do not know if it will be effective against Morgellons disease but I would think it would be worth a shot.

 The natural solutions foundation has an online shop where nano silver can be purchased.

 Dr. Rima Laibow in the above video has been exposing the new world order eugenics program for worldwide "culling" of the population for years so I take her word for it, she has the credentials and is one of those rare medical professionals who understands the true scope of what is going on in the world.

 I believe that Morgellons is a man made disease much like Ebola and Aids. I am not saying that this is the cure, Morgellons may in fact be designed to resist Nano silver treatment, But I do believe it is worth a shot.

 Godbless and be strong

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Your Brain on Gang Stalking Conspiracy Theories

For this post, and maybe several more to follow, I'd like to take the time to talk about a little known subculture in the internet conspiracy theory world known as Targeted Individuals, or TI's for short.

 First, allow me to get you all up to date on the jargon used by them so that there isn't any misunderstanding later on. A Targeted Individual is a person who believes, for whatever reasons, that they are being targeted by a group of people who conspire to make their lives a living hell. They call these people Gang Stalkers or Organized Stalkers.

TI's usually believe that the gang stalkers are apart of an even bigger conspiracy involving the Illuminati, New World Order, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, and so on. Some even believe that these stalkers are supernatural, and work for Satan personally.

A lot of them believe that the gang stalkers have access to exotic military grade weaponry capable of beaming voices into their heads, known as V2K (voice to skull ), or are "zapping" them with EMF, which stands for Electro Magnetic Frequency.

A few of them even suggest the use of aluminum foil on their heads as shielding from these weapons, even though an MIT study has proven that their protective head gear might in fact amplify some frequencies.

Some even go further than that, and deck the entire house with various metals and aluminum foil to protect themselves from electronic attack, like this individual known on youtube as Vulcan Wolverine.


Some targeted individuals even claim that a person wearing a certain color, or driving a certain color vehicle are paid by the powers that be to stalk them. Certain gestures like scratching your nose, coughing/sneezing, or yawning are believed to be tools of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).


video_object.png (scroll down to the all caps GANG STALKING = ORGANIZED MURDER part for more examples of alleged gang stalker tactics)

Targeted Individuals rarely, if ever, believe only in just this single conspiracy theory. A belief in a global conspiracy to rule the world is almost always a prerequisite to being a targeted individual. Experts have weighed in on how these communities reinforce each other's paranoid delusions.

Quote from the article: “The views of these belief systems are like a shark that has to be constantly fed,” Dr. Hoffman said. “If you don’t feed the delusion, sooner or later it will die out or diminish on its own accord. The key thing is that it needs to be repetitively reinforced.” And that is exactly what this conspiracy theory subculture does. They even go so far as to actively discourage others from seeking psychiatric help, because they believe that the psychiatric industry is in on the conspiracy.

At the 15:00 minute mark in this video He talks about how he is refusing to take the medication prescribed to him.





These screen shots come from the "Targeted Individuals International" group on Facebook, the very same group Myron May was a member of...

They refuse to acknowledge the most likely possibility is that there is a mental issue of some sort, and if they do actually acknowledge any issues, they only do so by claiming it was caused by the gang stalkers.


Trying to reason with targeted individuals can be extremely frustrating. They will claim that you are a gang stalker too if you call any of their claims into question, express doubt, or ask to see tangible proofs of the stalking taking place.


This can have a negative effect on the TI's relationships with family and friends. Because they believe that everyone is against them somehow, the ones who genuinely are concerned and want to help them as much as possible will be considered enemies.

 Trying to reason with them can often be counter-productive, and might lead to the TI burying themselves even further into paranoia, and might make them refuse to communicate with you further, making any attempt to help them nigh impossible unless you can prove they are a danger to themselves or others.

(testimonial from a person whose wife believes in gang stalking)

(a targeted individual talking about how his immediate family members were his gang stalkers under the employ of the local police)

Conspiracy theorists in general typically react to anyone doubting the theories in a similar way, accusing them of being paid agents/provocateurs and so on. The difference is, the conspiracy theorist is protecting their ideological beliefs, the targeted individual is protecting their paranoid delusional perceptions of reality.

Sometimes it is a lot easier to convince yourself that you are the target of a vast conspiracy, than it is to simply admit you might be wrong.

So how does a TI deal with their persecution delusions? Some handle it by going on the internet and joining the various online communities that focus on "supporting" targeted individuals. Some write blogs, some make videos, some make comic strips, some write e-books, and some make websites. There are also some who handle it in a completely unproductive manner that usually lands them in a bad situation, e.g. being committed to a mental institution.

Take this video for example.


He goes out into his front yard and begins shouting about how his neighbors are attacking him with stolen military equipment. The gentleman in question previous to making this video had a gun pulled on him by his neighbor for pulling similar stunts, and to be honest, I can't blame the neighbor for doing that.

I can't recall the exact videos, but this guy claimed before that he had been committed to a mental institution at least twice in the past. Some of these people can and WILL get violent, which I will show examples of later in this post.

Before I get into the meat of this post, I just want to make one thing clear. Gang stalking DOES exist, but not in the type of way these people are talking about. In the past, the KGB and the Stasi used similar tactics on their political opponents. COINTELPRO was also very similar. There is also work-place mobbing, members of street gangs who will harass, stalk, and kill former members, and generally spite filled people who don't like you and want to pick on you for some percieved slight against them.

 For instance, Christian Weston Chandler, an internet personality known for being a whacky autistic man with a heart of gold, was the target of a conspiracy organized by trolls to ruin his life.  (go do your research on him, this cwcki is an authority on all things Chrischan.

These are genuine instances where gang stalking has occured, and there is a plethora of evidence to back it up when it does happen. Except, the majority of the people making gang stalking claims now rarely, if ever, have proof that this is indeed happening to them. Somehow, through impressive mental gymnastics, the lack of evidence proves that powerful forces are seeing to it that evidence never sees the light of day.

If evidence surfaces that proves their claims wrong, they see this as further evidence that powerful forces are fabricating plausible, but still false, data. After all, these powerful forces control the media, government, and so on; obviously the truth will never see the light of day, right? "They" will invent and plant new evidence to make their accusers look discredited, or ridiculous, as if the TI's aren't doing that well enough on their own (e.g., the guy above shouting about his neighbors "zapping" him with electronic weaponry, or stuffing his shirts full of aluminum polyester)

With that said, meet Myron May. Myron May claimed he was a targeted individual. He belonged to a Facebook group named "Targeted Individuals International". He recently asked the group a question that SHOULD HAVE set off red flags for everyone in that group. He asked, "...has anyone here ever encouraged by your handler to kill with a promise of freedom?".


Apparently, not one person in that group thought that question was an odd one to ask. Soon after this he sent out various packages to people, and then after conducting his preparations, Myron May went to Florida State University with the intent to kill. He wounded three, and was killed by the police. One of the people he sent a package to was Renee Pittman Mitchell. She also considers herself to be a Targeted Individual. Hours before he opened fire at the Florida State University library,Myron May left a desperate voicemail for her with this plea: "I do not want to die in vain." She said that after their initial conversations, she became wary of Myron May, concerned that he might be what she called an "impostor." Instead of getting Myron May the appropriate help he needed, she instead let her paranoid delusion that he might be an "impostor" get the better of her judgement. Perhaps she could've prevented this somehow if she didn't assume that he was an impostor, rather than a person crying out for help. Included in the package she and nine others received, was a letter.

In this letter, he implied that he intended to die, and become a martyr for targeted individuals when he said, "Lastly, please whisper a prayer for my soul. I am still a believer and honestly feel there is no hope for me. Consequently, I am making a sacrifice so that others in my same position might have a chance at a normal, harassment-free life. I realize that my methods are not the best selection and probably will not be perceived as the selection of a Christ follower. But I have prayed incessantly for months to no avail. There are targeted individuals that have endured this torture for decades without any relief. And what targeted individuals need more than anything is media attention."

I can not imagine why none of the recipients of this letter didn't do or say anything to anyone about it. Whether the recipients, like Renee Pittman Mitchell, believed him to be an "impostor" or not, it should've been taken to the authorities. Renee Pittman Mitchell also hosts the public Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance conference calls on, and they had at least one show discussing Myron May and making excuses for what he did. I recommend listening to it if you have about 4-5 hours to kill.

The members of that group have now erected an "RIP Myron May" page, full of martyr worship by the targeted individual community. A large portion of them believe this event was an 'inside job', perpetrated by the very same people who are targeting them. They aren't alone in this belief, because now there is cross-pollination between the TI community and conspiracy theorist communities as a whole. If you type "Myron May" into the YouTube search bar, you will find that the majority of the videos in the results are conspiracy theory oriented. The only ones that aren't conspiracy oriented are the clips of news reports about the event. Before the dust has even settled, conspiracy theorists leapt on this like white on rice. And as usual, no evidence is provided, only speculation presented as if it were fact.


(Here's a drinking game, take a shot every time he makes a claim without providing evidence. On second thought, don't do it. You will 100% die from alcohol poisoning)

Myron May was also trying to start a law suit on behalf of the TI's in that group, which lead to the group believing that he was killed or "MK'd" (a reference to Project MK ULTRA) in order to stop the law suit from going forward. Never mind the fact that several people in the past have done the exact same thing, and didn't get killed ( Never mind the fact that he was trying to kill people when he got shot down by the police. No, it must be a conspiracy. Targeted Individuals never lash out violently or anything, right?


Meet exhibit A; "Richard" from Port Alberni, British Columbia.

Richard's current whereabouts are currently unknown, he has not posted to his youtube channel in over two years. He is, like most TI's, pretty unhinged in his videos. Even in the videos in which he appears calm, there seems to be a torrent of emotions boiling over under the surface.  Here, I link you to his recollection of events that occurred while he was out driving one day, and to make a long story short, ended in him grabbing a random person and screaming in their face about how he knows they are a stalker. This story was delivered across three videos, but every minute is worth watching if you want to gain insight into what he went through that day, and the events that transpired afterwards.




In these videos, he narrates as if it was aimed at his wife and children who seem to have left him after what occurred. He is trying to convince them he isn't crazy, despite what some "sick doctor" claims. This leads me to believe he was diagnosed with a mental illness, although he doesn't disclose what his diagnosis was. He tells the story of how he drove down a country road somewhere in Port Alberni looking for gang stalkers, and then began to chase down a person who drove passed him while talking on their mobile phone. According to Richard, using a mobile phone while driving was some kind of cue to let him know that the gang stalkers are watching him. The chase ends with the person parking at a co-op service station, and getting accosted by Richard for no apparent reason other than Richard is delusional, and talking on your phone while driving is some sort of underhanded persecution according to Richard's delusions. This is a violent lashing out that luckily didn't end up with someone getting seriously hurt or worse, however, it appears to have ended Richard's family life as he knew it, and understandably so. Unfortunately, events like these are a dime-a-dozen for "targets" who often perceive normal public behavior as some sort of persecution against themselves.

Meet exhibit B; Jason Rodriguez. Jason's story ends a lot worse than Richard's does, with 6 people shot, 1 person dead, and a life sentence behind bars for Jason. Jason claimed to have been gang stalked, and his main stalker went by code name "Sharptooth", who communicated with him via voices in his head.

Quote from the Orlando Sentinal's news article on Jason-

The defense's case relied on opinion, in the form of extensive expert testimony about what was going on inside Rodriguez's mind at the time of the gunfire.

Six forensic doctors testified, all with the same conclusion: Rodriguez suffered from paranoid schizophrenia at the time of the killings and wasn't able to know what he was doing was wrong.

In the words of Dr. Randy Otto, Rodriguez "believed that there was a conspiracy of many people working together to harm him and his family," which involved his former employers and law enforcement.

The paranoia centered on "sharp tooth," a voice Rodriguez heard that he believed was sending him "threatening and derogatory" messages, Otto said.

Added Dr. Jacquelyn Olander: "'Sharp tooth' had threatened him for years... Mr. Rodriguez reported that when he walked through that door into [RS&H], 'sharp tooth' was there with his followers."

In her closing argument, public defender Melissa Vickers argued the defense had proved Rodriguez legally insane.

"Six doctors, with over 100 years of experience, came in here and told you, number one, [Rodriguez had] paranoid schizophrenia, number two, he didn't know [what he did] was wrong," she said.

Williams, however, argued those opinions were "sloppy, incomplete... They're incomplete because they didn't consider the facts that you have heard," he told the jury.

Williams noted that Rodriguez left a threatening note and made a menacing gesture when RS&H fired him in 2007: "He pointed his finger... and pulled the proverbial trigger," the prosecutor said.

Williams argued Rodriguez's career had been in steady decline since he was fired, and he had hit rock bottom by Nov. 6, 2009. When his unemployment benefits didn't come as expected that day, he blamed RS&H, Williams said.

Rodriguez stalked the halls of RS&H, Williams said, "firing two at a time, pop pop.... walking along the hallway where his managers worked, the people responsible for his firing."

"Those, ladies and gentlemen, are the facts that you heard," Williams said.

Rodriguez, 44, remained stoic as the verdict was read. He faces life in prison at sentencing Dec. 18.

After the verdict, Beckford's family said that's the sentence they want: "I want him to spend life in prison for killing my innocent grandson," said Beckford's grandmother, Deleta Earle.

Said Beckford's mother, Icilda Cole: "He's a monster."

On to exhibit C; Aaron Alexis, the Navy Yard shooter. His story ended with 13 people dead, counting the victims he murdered, and himself. In case you don't remember, he believed, just like a lot of other targeted individuals, that he was under attack by low-frequency radio waves. He etched the words "end the torment!", "Not what ya'll say, better off this way!", and "MY E.L.F. WEAPON!" onto the barrel of his weapon. The clues about Alexis’s mental state and motivations come from inscriptions found on his Remington 870 shotgun and documents found on his electronic devices.

In one document, he wrote: “An ultra low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months, and to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this.”

The police also claim to have computer disks and thumb drives that were found, the contents of which have not been released. I assume that it contained a lot of the same type of material about gang stalking and targeted individuals that Myron May was sending in his packages to his acquaintances.

Exhibit D; Benjamin Frankum. Benjamin Frankum broke into the house of Daniel Quelch, a 34 years old father of three, and stabbed Daniel 82 times in front of his children. He emerged almost naked from the house covered in blood just as Mrs Quelch returned home in her car. In the aftermath of the attack, Frankum is alleged to have claimed that he was from MI5 and had been ordered to carry out the killing because Daniel was a torturer.

In September 2001 Frankum was sectioned and admitted to an establishment in Brighton, where he was diagnosed as suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and auditory hallucinations, described as 'hearing of voices and delusional thoughts.'

'He suffered from bizarre behaviour and a lack of insight into his own condition.'

Mr Frankum had been in residential care until shortly before the attack.

He was discharged into the community on two occasions but had to be readmitted because he relapsed due to not taking his medication.

When he began to improve in June 2007 he was placed in supported accommodation in Littlehampton, West Sussex.

However, his condition began to concern his support worker and his family, and there was evidence that he had been attacked, that he was drinking alcohol and was not managing his money.

Then, it appeared he had still been taking his medication.

But when arrested and examined there was no evidence he had been taking the prescribed medicine.

Exhibit E; Tamerlan Tsarnev, one of the Boston bombers, thought to be motivated by radical Islamists, either directly or indirectly, in fact turns out to have been motivated by his mental illness according to the investigation conducted by the Boston Globe, link here. The article is quite lengthy, and would take up a large portion of this post to even summarize, but in it they refer to Tsarnev family acquaintances who suspected Tamerlan of having mental illness, and a doctor who suspected him of being schizophrenic. He apparently told his mother at one point that there were voices inside him, and that he felt as though he had two people living in his body.

His mother and father have been reported as having a history of visiting psychologists for therapy sessions, yet they never sought help for their son Tamerlan for his mental illness and allowed it to blossom within their son's mind. He and his family also believed that 911 was an inside job, that was perpetrated by the US government as a false flag attack in order to create the pretense to wage war against Muslims. This belief in conspiracy theories is important and relevant to this post, because most if not all targeted individuals believe in such conspiracy theories.

 There have been conspiracy theorists in the past who have committed violent crimes without being targeted individuals, Timothy McVeigh being the most notable. But when you combine it with the ultra paranoid belief that you are a targeted individual, which is predicated upon a paranoid belief in conspiracy theories, along with mental instability, the results can be deadly.

It begs the question, which came first? The conspiracy theory, or the mental illness? I shall pontificate more on the answer to this later.

Tamerlan also grew very close to a friend he met through his mother, named Don Larking. Don and Tamerlan attented mosque regularly together for several years. The following is an excerpt from the Boston Globe's report regarding Tamerlan's belief that he was being mind controlled. Pay attention, because this part is imperative to exhibit E.

As their relationship grew closer, Tamerlan confided in Larking his troubling secret about the voice inside his head. Tamerlan told him that he had been hearing the voice for some time, and that he had a theory of what might be afflicting him.

“He believed in majestic mind control, which is a way of breaking down a person and creating an alternative personality with which they must coexist,” explained Larking. “You can give a signal, a phrase or a gesture, and bring out the alternate personality and make them do things. Tamerlan thought someone might have done that to him.”

The person inside him, as Tamerlan described it to Larking, “was someone who wanted to control him to make him do something.”

In 2010, DEMOS think tank published a paper in which they discuss how conspiracy theories are used within the context of extremist ideology recruitment, and terrorism.

Tamerlan has been suspected of being linked to terrorist groups, or at the very least compelled by extremist muslim rhetoric. His internet history confirms as much. He and his brother Dzohkar, Don Larking, and their mother Zubeidat also believed in conspiracy theories. This ideological alchemy is strong enough to create killers, without mental illness even being a factor. If you consider possible schizophrenia into the mixture with absolutely nothing done about it, it would be quite surprising if that person didn't lash out violently at some point.

Another quote from the Globe report.

Larking, too, found his young friend changed in several ways on his return. Much more serious than he had been, Tamerlan insisted that Larking grow a beard, “to honor the prophet Mohammed.” Larking complied. He also pressed Larking to remove his wedding ring, saying that most Muslims did not wear gold, but Larking refused. The last time Larking and Tamerlan sat together in the rear of the mosque, Tamerlan once again mentioned the voices in his head. This time, as Larking recalled it, he seemed afraid.

“He said, ‘Someone is in my brain, telling me stuff to do,’ ” recalled Larking. “He said he was trying to ignore it but it was hard to do. Whatever it was he was being told to do, he didn’t want to do it.”

Sounds to me like he was an already mentally unstable individual made even more unstable by being indoctrinated by conspiracy theories and extremist Muslim rhetoric.

DEMOS think tank published a paper that went in great detail about the subject of extremists groups utilizing conspiracy theories as indoctrination and recruitment tools.


Quote from the report:

Our analysis shows that conspiracy theories are widely prevalent across this extremist spectrum, despite the vast differences in the extremist ideologies themselves. For far right groups, the concept of Zionist Occupied Government (ZOG) – that a small cabal of Jews controls world governments – is central to both ideology and propaganda. For al-Qaeda and other radical Islamist groups, the conspiracy tends to be a generalised Judeo-Christian-Capitalist quest to destroy Islam.

Far left and anarchist groups propagate a Marxist-inspired bourgeois conspiracy of ‘international financiers’, or ‘global elites’, which they sometimes believe is leading toward a ‘New World Order’ of a unitary, totalitarian world government. Cults, on the other hand, tend to believe in conspiracies that are targeted against their specific group or movement. It is striking that there is considerable overlap and fusion between many of these conspiracies, even across groups that exist at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum.

I'm not going to say TI's are forming terrorist extremist groups, but they are a conspiracy theorist subculture that recruits people into their fold in a very similar way.

The Boston Bombers grew up in a family and atmosphere that encouraged the belief in absurd paranoid conspiracy theories, Tamerlan grew up with possible schizophrenia, and his parents encouraged him to stay mentally ill by choosing to ignore the problem and not get him help for any of it.

They encouraged the brothers to turn to the more radical and militant parts of the Islamic faith. These elements mixing in the same pot is a deadly concoction. It would only be a matter of time before a person like that lashes out and attempts to harm others or themselves.

Back to the Chicken or the Egg, Conspiracy Theory or Mental Illness, which came first question. 

When it comes to TI theories, its really hard to tell which came first. Some of these people who get interested in the gang stalking/targeted individual conspiracy theory usually start out as conspiracy theorist that might, on the surface, have nothing mentally wrong with him at all. They are just conspiracy hobbyists. But then, they gradually convince themselves over time that its true, and from that point on, everything negative in their day-to-day life is the fault of the "gang stalkers".

They slowly start to believe that every person who sneezes or coughs in public, or scratches their nose, or talks on their cell phone, or wears a red article of clothing, or drives anything red is automatically a gang stalker there to fuck your life up.  So the conspiratainment hobbyist doesn't do research and gets sucked in fairly easily into believing the claims of TI's. Paranoid schizophrenics that haven't been diagnosed yet also go onto the internet, seek out their symptoms, such as voices in the head, they most likely are going to be directed to some TI website discouraging them from getting help, because the doctors are gang stalkers too, and some other nonsense about v2k. Other TI's don't want to help you, they just want to recruit and indoctrinate you into joining their online mental institutions just so they can get attention and validation for their delusions.

One last exhibit. Exhibit F; Todd Giffen, advocate for the murder of innocent people on the behalf of Targeted Individuals. Just after the evens that happened with Myron May, a person in the very same Facebook group "Targeted Individuals International",  in which Myron asked if anyone had ever been encouraged by their "handler" to kill, someone else claiming to be a TI began advocating for Myron May's actions, and hoping there would be more. He believes the people that got shot by Myon deserved to die simply for being "peons" and "idiots" who have most likely never heard of gang stalking.

He posted this shit in the very same group Myron posted the just days after the shooting took place.




Not a single person in that group even so much as batted an eye at these posts besides myself. In fact, his statements were defended by others in the group. They didn't see anything wrong with him saying these things. One would think they would have a problem with this, considering Myron May was killed by police for attempting to kill others at FSU after posting about killing in this exact same group. But no, they were perfectly fine with it, and defended or made excuses for his actions.

The majority of TI's seem to literally believe that its impossible for a TI to EVER be capable of hurting themselves or others. They also think its impossible for a TI to actually have a mental disorder/illness. I think the exhibits I presented here prove that to be wrong. There is actually quite a bit I had to leave out, because this is an extremely lengthy post as it is.

Special thanks goes out to the members of Targeted Individuals International for inspiring this blog post, after seeing how willing they are to advocate and make excuses for Myron May's actions. Hopefully some of them are reading this and will snap out of their paranoid state before its too late. We need to work on preventing these people from hurting themselves or others, not encouraging them.

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Rockefeller family are ethnic Italian American tycoons not ethnic German as what they claimed. Its most family members are ethnic Italian American tycoons. (A tycoon is richer than a billionaire)

Nelson Rockefeller started to run for president after assasination of President Kennedy. Nelson Rockefeller supervised the privatization of CIA secret researches after NYTimes' report on CIA experiments using American citizens in 1974.

Eileen Rockefeller, the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller specialized in Emotion and behavior interaction, which was one of the CIA mind control FIRM's major research topics.

However, most CIA employees and technical supporters do not know (1) they are working for tycoon Mafia family rather than for any government; (2) they are being killed secretly by man-made cancer, man-made heart attack and other diseases, man-made car accident, aircraft accident, sleep walker suicide etc. by the tycoon family using electromagnetic weapon (electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control) they are supporting tehnically, as they didn't know the simplest rules in nature: everything is consistent, Evil is vicious to everyone. It is CIA employees: Shawn the sheep and Brice Taylors, your jobs to tell every CIA employees and technical supporters what is really going on.

The tycoon family is blocking media report of testimonies of many CIA empployees and remote experimental targets on remote mind control by redirecting telephone calls to secret agents, stealing or replacing documents with fake ones, damaging memories of journalists and editors using EM weapon and distracting editors with other things, modifying memories of camera, photocopy machines remotely using EM weapon.

The tycoon family had been killing in name of education for over 35 years already. Nearly 1000 left wing Americans were killed in Jonestown in 1978 by the tycoon family using excuses of sacrificing 1000 waking up a whole nation. The tycoon family had been repeating the same killing process for over 35 years, killing in name of education, killing in name of waking up the public.

The female tycoon had over 35 years experience of mind control. She had been killing innocent people in name of targetted individuals and killing targetted individuals in name of killing herself.

Now the tycoon family is trying to create a story that they were kidnaped by a bunch of moron robots to do bad things. They created many young robots by damaging the brains of many adopted children when they were babies. They used CIA obedient helpers, most of whom are ethnic minority Americans to teach and train those adopted children to kill and to fool others under the command of the tycoon family.

It is CIA employees your job to kill your boss and sub-boss who don't help to expose the secrets. Targetted individuals can't kill your boss. Targetted individuals can only provide conditions and environments.

Please help to do 3 things for us who might have been killed or turned into sleep walker like robots when the CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets being exposed,: [1] Same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially those who made decisions. [2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the secrets. [3] Use numbers to replace names of bad people to discourage doing bad things to leave names in history.(e.g. Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler; Evil 001 in EM weapon crisis to replace Rockefeller if Rockefeller family was really the controller of the mind control FIRM


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Tactile hallucinations used in my enslavement

This is a text-message I sent a friend not long ago. I thought it could be a valuable thing to post.
I was basically asked, "What kind of tactile hallucinations do you experience constantly? How do you feel about them?"

The hallucinated drooling... That started after I drooled in sunnybrook hospital. I associated my saliva with poison. But the drooling doesn't happen spontaneously, it happens when I have creative or imaginative thoughts, or when I try to think of evidence that sunnybrook harmed me, or evidence that something is still harassing me. It slows my thoughts right down, often to the point that I can't think and forget what I was thinking about.

I am under the impression this is a mind-hacking/controlling tactic used by a secret authority to disable creative thinking. It also symbolizes my being mentally slow, something I think they might be using to reduce my self-esteem (they do this a lot), etc. I get hallucinated tears below my eyes. This also reduces my thinking, but reminds me of helplessness and sometimes trauma, as in "we removed your ability to cry, but here's a tear whether you like it or not, just to remind you of what we did to you."

Both of these hallucinations can also be upward (i.e. drooling toward the mouth, crying toward the eye), where they will give me a feeling similar to adrenaline or fear (instead of blankness/sedation), and is occasionally used by the authority as an attempt to backtrack by one programming step (reversed movement in a hallucination can symbolize going backward, and in sunnybrook I tried to rethink the last thought to allow them to program my brain more effectively when I thought submitting to them would reduce the torture. They just turned that backtracking into an automatic reaction, triggered on command, using fear/trauma-based programming that ingrained the reaction in a part of my subconscious mind. I think).

There are also itches they produce all over my body, which happened every night since about age 10, but I didn't know what it was. Now, when I ask them to stop, they specifically increase the frequency/severity. This can prevent me from sleeping and wake me out of a dream unless I'm fully immersed in it. Sometimes, they will try to make me scratch myself, then punish me by adding itches at the exact time I decide to scratch. The itchiness can really distract me and increase my irritability. In the past, it's been a bit of a trigger for drug use, too.

I also experience gentle prick-like hallucinations on my fingers, which I feel are like commands/communication from the authority. Example: prick on the index finger symbolizes waving of that finger, as in "no, don't do that" or on my thumb it symbolizes thumbs up, as in approval or encouragement. On my middle finger it's like using the middle finger, which symbolizes humorous, rude discouragement, a sarcastic remark like "that's a ridiculous idea."
And so on.

There are muscle spasms, strange interpretations related to other hallucinations, twitches, and visual impressions I get, also with their own special meaning, but those aren't really tactile hallucinations.

Oh, and how I feel about them... I hate them. They constantly suppress my mind, are used to program me thought by thought and action by action, change my decisions based on whether or not I'll be harassed with the hallucinations if I make one choice over the other, etc. They are mild hell. They weaken my ability to have hopeful and beautiful thoughts that make me resistant to them and their programming.

Sometimes I experience mild "artificially induced" pain in parts of my body but this doesn't bother me very much.

The End. :)

Love, Daniel

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Meeting a mind-controlled horse

email: cubicle227 at yahoo . ca - you can contact me any time for any reason.


I was in Muskoka with my dad in late august of this year. We stayed at Deerhurst Resort in Ontario, Canada.

During my stay, I went horseback riding. When the horses were pulled out of their stable, I already saw something akin to depression or unhappiness in them, particularly in their eyes.

During the ride, the instructor told me, "I want you to not worry at all about hurting it. Kick it in its sides as hard as you can." Then, "Your goal is to not let it eat (grass, plants or leaves)."

We were also supposed to harshly pull its head to the side we wanted it to move in. At one point we were supposed to keep it from moving.

The instructor told us the horses weren't supposed to eat leaves because it was a choking hazard, but admitted she had never seen any of them choke. She did say to a horse, "you don't deserve it anyway" regarding leaf-eating. By the end, my horse lashed out a bit at that woman.

How exactly are these horses mind-controlled?

My own mind control, as well as that of others I know about, involves being prevented from eating normally (being forced to eat certain amounts of certain foods) during key programming periods. Like the horses being kicked and having their heads pulled harshly, I often receive little nudges and kick-like sensations, as well as forced movements, like my head moving to one side, the primary purpose being to alter my behaviour and thinking, action by action and thought by thought. The difference is that the horses' perps (harassers) are its riders, not just some secret authority.

The horses are kicked harder and harder until they move from pain or discomfort.

Less important information:

When I went horseback riding in Costa Rica, we treated the horses much more nicely, even giving them pineapple when we had stopped. It may also be worth mentioning these horses were constantly twitching near their necks. It could've been a bug. It could also be a triggered itch, as is the case with me. I, too, suspected I may have had bed bugs before it became obvious that something else was going on.

According to the instructor, the horses didn't feel anything unless we really kicked them. I have evidence to the contrary: it moved specifically when I kicked it gently, at first.

Over time, it became more tired and decided not to obey the signals.

Disobedience isn't the same as lack of awareness.

This post is the least I could do to try to help the horses in some way.

Love, Daniel

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Mind control (symptoms) log, updated frequently

email: cubicle227 at yahoo . ca (you can contact me any time for any reason)

This is a mind control (symptoms) log I will update frequently.

Here, I will try to post symptoms I am currently experiencing caused by the mind control, and related experiences. These are suspicions at the least, facts at best.

I hope to update this post about once every day or few days. I was inspired by Martti Koski who did something similar. Another victim who spoke to me by phone also recommended I write about it each day.

I lost a log I was keeping from a few weeks ago.

"They" usually means the people or beings who are secretly trying to enslave and robotize me.

For more information on how mind control has affected my life and how it began, you can read this blog post:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

They tell me to "remove internet posts about mind control, immediately/completely" through text that briefly appears or "flashes" in my vision.

(May be induced directly or as a learned reaction to thoughts about my posts, from past indoctrination)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

They close my jaw onto harder foods so as to cause me pain when I eat, which makes me angry and want to use ketamine (teeth are sensitive from dental procedure).

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

They jolt my arms to cause painful collisions when I move close to objects.

They greatly reduced a feeling of joy when I was with a friend, by making my throat muscle "click" in a way I'm trained to react strongly to.

They made me stay in place when I was thinking of moving, by triggering a "drooling" hallucination that grounds me and blocks thoughts about how I will move away.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

They can force me to make simple sounds with my voice, but not full words.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Had a dream related to my hospital-induced trauma, in which parts seemed artificially induced in one way or another: a childish voice telling me "Some people will stay and some will die, but it doesn't matter because one day you'll be the only one left" (similar to what produced delusions about being forced to live forever and being alone on earth when they triggered my psychotic episode). Also, being mocked in the dream when realizing the skull I see (in real life) is related to the damage my psyche endured during one night in the hospital kitchen.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

As is usual, tiny burp-like "clicks" keep me thinking about drugs (and sometimes psychosis, trauma, etc.) in a crude, essentially unimportant way.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Especially this evening, They are using the tactile hallucinations I'm programmed to react to, to make me think in a more self-centered, subjective, uncreative way. While I wrote this, they symbolized my neck being cut. Every day, they irritate me (emotionally) when I decide to do something (i.e. drink some water). Through this, they are probably reducing my motivation to do things by will, and may be preparing me for another catatonic episode.

Monday, August 18, 2014

They directly made me say "hell" and "yeah/ya,"

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Through the tactile hallucinations they induce, they have been limiting my range of thought to here and now, inhibiting my ability to recall memories or think about things which are not directly present. And even then they try to stop the thoughts.


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

According to them, they work for the CSIS, and indicate they are telling me the truth. They also communicate that my amygdala is greatly damaged. My own mind can see the link between one of the nights in the sunnybrook hospital kitchen and (perhaps) permanent over-activation of my amygdala or part of my brain stem. It's a suspicion.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

They sometimes (only slight today) gradually oversensitize me to hums from machines, which they overload me with when I am vulnerable. Too much mechanical energy. This doesn`t happen much anymore.


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Constant suppression of thoughts as usual, resulting in uncreative and repetitive thoughts about drugs. Thinking creatively about a spiritual, psychedelic reality when I could gave me hope and made me more resistant to their itch torture.


Sunday+Monday, August 24+25, 2014

Constant thought suppression through mini burps and drooling hallucinations


Tuesday, August 26, 2014?

They use itch hallucinations across the Inside of my knees and elbows, which can make me think of bone-breaking. They also mimic a painless version of a needle going through my inner elbow.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Itches on inner knee when I changed my position or felt comfortable during the night.

For months, I`ve noticed synchrony between my thoughts and actions, and people coughing or honking in their car. It may be used as a way to discourage such actions. This can sometimes be noticed in sitcoms, too.

More than a coincidence, I say.


Out of all the writing I did today, the one above is the only one I was discouraged from writing through throat-muscle clicks.


 Saturday, October 18, 2014

 Psychosis started. I used DXM instead of alcohol, and paid the price. Essentially all drugs seem to aid in my tendency to be programmed against my will, but this is partially because I don't use them when I desire, but rather during moments of anger or even panic.

It is essentially about being given knowledge by "aliens," having them force me to believe they were never here or that it is my own delusion, etc. By giving the universe an idea as to all of my desires, I may also have knowingly and wrongly informed it about myself.

Apparently this psychosis will be painful (as were the other two episodes) and I have tried to warn the universe of the severe consequences. It seems to have tried to warn me, too.

Love, Daniel. And hopefully, I will not be too much more of a robot after this.


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Internal Problem can only be solved by Internal People. It is CIA employees’ job to kill their bosses who do not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control.


At least 30 or 50 years later after the nature death of current Rockefellers, humankind will make the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control. Humankind would dig out what really happened today. It would be harder to hide secrets with development of technologies. Bad people bad behaviors like yours’ will be discouraged. That is how humankind survive.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one dare to do bad things and no one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide anymore. How many good things would happen when everyone have to do good things and think about doing good things only? Only Rockefeller family and their helpers do not want the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one worry about job, no one worry about money because humankind could afford free education, free medicine, free accommodation long time ago. There would be no death penalty and even no prison, because humankind could prevent bad things from happening using technologies long time ago. Only Rockefeller family and their helpers do not want the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


Rockefellers want to kill every CIA who know secrets about mind control. Rockefeller family long history of killing everyone who know secrets after using them. Over 180 CIAs were killed after helping to kill President Kennedy. President Johnson was also killed after helping to hide secrets, although he helped Rockefellers earn lots of money in Vietnam War.


Rockefeller family had been repeating same killing process for over 35 years: killing in name of education; Killing in name of waking up the public. Nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown were killed by Rockefeller family using excuses of Sacrificing 1000 and Waking up a Whole Nation  in 1978, 35 years ago. Rockefeller family had been repeating the same killing process for over 35 years.


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, 62 year old in 2014 had over 30 years’ experience of killing with mind control. She is like the queen described in Movie <Dangerous Liaison> , who is good at manipulating CIAs to kill each other and making male CIA kill females. She admitted the Lesbian and Gay were created because they had to make the CIAs busy at night. Rockefeller family members had died thousands of times by killing targeted individuals and other innocent people in name of killing themselves. They had killed thousands of clothes of themselves.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one dare to do bad things and no one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide anymore. How many good things would happen when everyone have to do good things and think about doing good things only? Only Rockefeller family and their helpers do not want the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


Please tell the whole world to remember the victims outside and inside CIA mind control FIRM for 30 years, in case the two secret technologies can not be exposed successfully in time. Please help us who might have been killed physically or turned into sleep walker like robot when the CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets being exposed, to do 3 things:

 [1] Ask for doing the same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially on those who made decisions. Death penalty is not necessary anymore. Without enough punishment, remote surgery abuses could not possibly be prohibited.

[2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the CIA secrets. Engrave stories of heroes on walls to encourage youngsters to do the right things.

[3] Delete the names of those who did bad things to humankind. Use numbers to replace bad peoples names (e.g. use Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler. Use Evil 001 in CIA mind control and EM weapon anti-humankind crisis to replace Rockefeller in every history record if Rockefeller family is really the controller of CIA mind control FIRM) to discourage people from doing bad things to leave names in history.


When CIA asked me “What do you want?” I said “I want over 80% population of the world knowing the secret REMOTE

SURGERY and REMOTE MIND CONTROL two technologies and what had been done with the two technologies.”



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Who are We?

WE ascertain you

the voice of a cuckoo


Who are WE?

Soliloquized me.



WE make it our business

to know your business

WE create heroes

like MLK the dead hero

recites the cuckoo.


Electric wires ignite fire in my head

The agony makes me plead to be dead

Stop!  I beg

as currents jolt my leg

You don’t play ball

with men tall

Do you want to be a dead symbol

or keep playing the cymbal?


My brain is burning

while learning

about the enigmatic WE

and the minute me

a wiggling worm in a fastidious net

long ago set.


WE oversee you

reaffirmed the cuckoo


My voice wound like a toy

by the mystic WE.


WE write the script

or rewrite the script

as WE deem the case to be

WE set the stage

WE manage the play

The role you play!

Commanded the cuckoo.


WE hold the light

that guides your path


or illusions WE create.


WE are the monkey

superior in this jungle

the cuckoo claims.



MLK—Dr. Martin Luther King (the African American Civil Rights leader in the early 1960s).


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Born in 1952, youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, Eileen Rockefeller and Rockefeller's husbands and relatives who are above 60 years old and mind control others are evil source. Without these elderly evils, secrets of remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control had been exposed long time ago.


Internal Problem can only be solved by Internal People. It is CIA employees’ job to kill the elderly evil bosses who do not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control.


At least 30 or 50 years later after the nature death of current elderly Rockefellers who mind control others, humankind will make the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control. Humankind would dig out what really happened today. It would be harder to hide secrets with the development of technologies. Bad people and bad behaviors like yours’ will be discouraged. That is how humankind survive.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one dare to do bad things and no one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide anymore. How many good things would happen when everyone have to do good things and think about doing good things only? Only Rockefeller family and their helpers did not want the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one worry about job, no one worry about money because humankind could afford free education, free medicine, free accommodation long long time ago. There would be no death penalty and even no prison, because humankind could prevent bad things from happening using technologies long time ago. Only Rockefeller family and their elderly helpers did not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


Rockefellers want to kill every CIA who know secrets about mind control. Rockefeller family long history of killing everyone who know secrets after using them. Over 180 CIAs were killed after helping to kill President Kennedy. President Johnson was also killed after helping to hide secrets, although he helped Rockefellers earn lots of money in Vietnam War.


Rockefeller family had been repeating same killing process for over 35 years: killing in name of education; Killing in name of waking up the public. Nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown were killed by Rockefeller family using excuses of Sacrificing 1000 and Waking up a Whole Nation  in 1978, 35 years ago. Rockefeller family had been repeating the same killing process for over 35 years.


Eileen Rockefeller, born in 1952, the youngest daughter of David Rockefeller, 62 year old in 2014 had over 30 years’ experience of killing with mind control. She is likely the queen described in Movie <Dangerous Liaison> , who is good at manipulating CIAs to kill each other and making male CIA kill females. She admitted the Lesbian and Gay were created because they had to make the CIAs busy at night. Rockefeller family members had died thousands of times by killing targeted individuals and other innocent people in name of killing themselves. They had killed thousands of “clothes” of themselves.


After the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control, no one dare to do bad things and no one even dare to think about doing bad things because they can’t hide anymore. How many good things would happen when everyone have to do good things and think about doing good things only? Only Rockefeller family and their elderly helpers did not allow the whole world know Remote Surgery and Remote Mind Control because they killed 2 presidents: President Kennedy, President Johnson, and nearly 1000 Americans in Jonestown in 1978.


Please tell the whole world to remember the victims outside and inside CIA mind control FIRM for 30 years, in case the two secret technologies can not be exposed successfully in time. Please help us who might have been killed physically or turned into sleep walker like robot when the CIA electromagnetic remote surgery and remote mind control secrets being exposed, to do 3 things:

 [1] Ask for doing the same surgeries on those who enabled electromagnetic remote surgeries on innocent people, especially on those who made decisions. Death penalty is not necessary anymore. Without enough punishment, remote surgery abuses could not possibly be prohibited.

[2] Build memorial buildings in every country to memorize the heroes killed or disabled due to exposing the CIA secrets. Engrave stories of heroes on walls to encourage youngsters to do the right things.

[3] Delete the names of those who did bad things to humankind. Use numbers to replace bad peoples names (e.g. use Evil 123 in the 2nd World War to replace Hitler. Use Evil 001 in CIA mind control and EM weapon anti-humankind crisis to replace Rockefeller in every history record if Rockefeller family is really the controller of CIA mind control FIRM) to discourage people from doing bad things to leave names in history.


When CIA asked me “What do you want?” I said “I want over 80% population of the world knowing the secret REMOTE

SURGERY and REMOTE MIND CONTROL two technologies and what had been done with the two technologies.”




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I found most of the posters I posted were either modified or deleted. The CIA employees who are helpers of Rockefeller family do not want to risk thiir lives to make the who world know. They only enjoy making themselves killed secretly and making other good or innocently people killed secretly. They are genetic morons who didn't know the simplest rules of nature: Everything is consistent, Evil is viscious to everyone. They are dreaming they would be treated differently after Rockefellers having killed so many CIAs who know secrets.

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FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER VOICETOSKULL@VOICE2SKULL OR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT VOICE TO SKULL UNITED KINGDOM.Below is the correct software,technologies and most importantlly the correct frequencys.This is how v2k(voice to skull)radio broadcasters from around the world target innocent civillians who are allready dealing with mental illness especially mental illness sufferers who deal with voices.
1)download winamp media player
2)download shoutcast dsp
3)add frequencys 162.50mhz to winamp library(there should be 162)
4)connect shoutcast dsp to winamp and play library
5)sync winamp to smart phone 1
6)name smart phone 1 bluetooth device 00000111111111111111111111
7)download transparent windows from google play to smart phone 1
8)download best static professional from google play to smart phone 1
9)have frequency 87.75mhz playing on smartphone 1 internal radio
10)connect audio spotlight processor to smart phone 1 via jacklead
11)mirror all above onto PC using appropriate programs available
12)connect PC to TV via hdmi or any other connector
13)place audio spotlight speaker projections at your left ear
14)place TV visual/audio media to your right
15)set smart phone 2 internal radio to 107.75mhz
16)name smart phone 2 bluetooth device 1111111111111111111100000
17)pair smart phone 1 with smart phone 2 using bluetooth
18)pair smart phone 1 and smart phone 2 with PC
1)Winamp is a media player for WindowsAndroid, and OS X developed by Justin Frankel and Dmitry Boldyrev[5][6][7] by their company Nullsoft, which they later sold to AOL. Since version 2 it has been sold asfreemium and supports extensibility with plug-ins and skins, and features music visualizationplaylist and a media library, supported by a large online community.
2)SHOUTcast is cross-platform proprietary software for streaming media over the Internet. The software, developed by Nullsoft, allows digital audio content, primarily in MP3 or HE-AAC format, to be broadcast to and frommedia player software, enabling the creation of Internet radio "stations". SHOUTcast Radio is a related website which provides a directory of SHOUTcast stations.DSP is a plugin feature that enables you to broadcast your content on winamp through your own personal internet radio station
3)A weather radio service is a broadcast service that airs weather reports. When the radio is on and tuned to the weather band, it airs both normal and emergency weather information. If the radio is off or tuned to another band, it automatically turns on and goes to the weather band for emergency weather information.
Weather radio services may also broadcast non-weather related emergency information, such as in the event of a natural disaster, an AMBER alert or a terrorist attack. They generally broadcast in a preallocated very high frequency (VHF) range using FM. Usually a dedicated weather radio receiver or radio scanner is needed for listening, although in some locations a weather radio broadcast may be retransmitted on a conventional AM or FMfrequency (as well as HD Radio substations), some terrestrial television stations broadcasting in MTS stereo transmit weather radio on their second audio program (SAP) channel as well as on one of its digital subchannels(where news and weather are applicable), on local public, educational, and government access (PEG) cable TV channels or during Emergency Alert System activations for tornado warnings primarily on cable systems.Primarily voice automated these generate a constant vocal 24 hrs a day in a male and female voice
4)Connecting shoutcast dsp plugin to winamp media player.first you need to go to website and set up a free account.This will give you the correct broadcasting coordinates and ports for your shoutcast dsp plugin enabling you to broadcast your winamp media aswell as talk live.
5)syncing winamp/shoutcast to smartphone 1.This uses ghz if synced over your wifi so the sync frequencys will be mirrored back to the PC then through to the TV
6)Naming smartphone 1 bluetooth device.As bluetooth uses free to air digital binary the a.m frequencys of the two smart phones and PC projecting through the TV generate a 1khz fixed frequency from infrared devices by using 5 seprate digital devices(smart phones paired via bluetooth to PC and TV infrared device combined)making the infrared device(remote control) a digital constant free to air device that generates 1khz constantly using the televisions R(red hue)from RGB as a visual subcarrier, tavelling at 1080hz from left to right it reaches 1000hz which is 1khz transforming a digital free to air frequency into a visual stationary transparent RED hue that bleeds through the scroll of R to create a red to pink to white transparent audio/visual noise through the televisions chosen visual/ audio(which is all media, all devices converted ultrasonically by audio spotlight)The smartphone name generates a binary search which is projected through the TV and audio spotlight speaker.
7)download transparent windows from google play apps for smart phone 1.
This enables the broadcaster to mirror the visual static from the smart phone to the PC to the TV
8)download best static proffesional from google play apps.
once the static has been downloaded send the information from smart phone 1 to PC to V, the visuals travel on the radio static from the smartphones which are converted ultrasonicaly.preferred colour of visual static is RED and BLACK.The red static is attracted to the 1khz which is emitted through our homes by way of loudspeaker pulsars,these speakers can emitt the 1khz containing the visual static even when they are on stand by.The static becomes invisible as it is converted into sound that travels on the invisible static emitted ultrasonicaly through out our homes.
9)Frequency 87.75mhz playing on smart phone 1 internal radio.
Most mobile internal radios start at 87.50mhz to 88.00mhz,the reason the radio is set to 87.75mhz is to a)produce a static sound that will also transmitt the visual static from best static professional once it has been converted by audio spotlight. b)to replicate the number of single 1 khz frequencys the audio spotlight uses to create its directional audio.c)to represent 25 letters of the alphabet carrying over the 26th to 88.01mhz resulting in a continuous echo of the broadcast including vocals all the way to 107.75mhz(which plays on smartphone 2 internal radio)remember a mobile phones internal radio is always recieving a signal even when your not using it and all smart phones recieve an 800mhz signal or 1200mhz to use internet.
10)connect audio spotlight to smart phone 1 via jackleads.
The audio spotlight processor converts all frequencys from the smartphone to the PC to the TV to the audio spotlight speaker this includes everything connected to the PC and TV including all 3 mobile phone devices,all internal radio frequencys including bluetooth,cb,free to air,A.M F.M,3G 4G digital,mhz,hz,ghz,khz(these include the 80 channels cb radio uses,800mhz mobile internet,1.8ghz,1080hz 88.00mhz internal radio,108.00mhz mobile internal radio)and all these frequencys including visual static and translucancy apps are converted by the audio spotlight processor and sent back through the smartphone through the PC and through the television and its loudspeakers and through the audio spotlight speaker which will be placed near there second smart phone as this will be playing 107.75mhz and contain all the random visual static and sound from all mobile devices from everywhere sending the information back to all recievers starting at 87.75mhz which repeats the cycle,all are converted into ultrasonic low a.m  1khz frequencys and there broadcast relies on this for it to transmitt automatically on the converted visual RED and BLACK static that is desguised within the BLACK static surrounding it which is infact BLACK NOISE which is silent in nature.Remember all frequencys known to man are converted into ultrasonics and broadcast between smart phone 1 which is set to 87.75mhz and smart phone 2 which is set to 107.75mhz which repeats the cycle all around the world.
11)mirror all above onto pc
already exsplained above but just for a recap convert all audio/visual from smartphone 1 and all other connected devices including infrared frequency range connect with PC which in turn is connected to TV then all is converted into ultrasonics by audio spotlight processor.
12)connect pc to tv using hdmi lead
they use various connection leads to connect to the TV but hdmi is the best quality.or if you have a PC with a coaxil and TV tuner you can do all of above on your PC without the use of a seprate television.
13)place audio spotlight speaker projections to your left ear.
it is believed that you can hear better with your left ear as it processes information from the right side of your brain
14)place visual media to your right.
explained above.
15)set smart phone 2 internal radio to 107.75mhz
The reason the broadcasters set it to this frequency is because all the information they collect from around the world automatically collects mobile frequency data from 87.75mhz,the static collected echos the remaining 0.1mhz(bringing the frequency past 88.00mhz) through all internal radio frequencys reaching there 2nd smart phone at 107.75mhz repeating the cycle,this totals from 0.25mhz remaining from smart phone 1 to carry 0.1mhz past 88.00mhz to the 0.25mhz remaining to carry it past the 107.75mhz .all mhz frequencys are converted into ultrasonic frequencys carried through all internal radios giving a combined end result frequency of 0.1mhz which emitts through there loudspeakers giving them synthetic telepathy audio which they can adjust by volume settings as oppose to us victims that hear in khz A.M frequency ranges resulting in hearing voices.
16)naming smart phone 2.
results in a bluetooth binary character search for binary digits.
17)pair smart phone 1 to smart phone 2.
18)connect both to pc using bluetooth
Please be carefull who you show this information to as in the wrong hands will only generate more and more v2k broadcasters.Because i have studied frequencys and if im honest it began with a stroke of luck,i can assure you the frequencys are correct because of the primary foundations of weather band radio which is broadcasted globally by free to air transmissions,also free to air frequencys are used for wi-fi bluetooth infrared and cb radio scanners ect so if controlled by a media player and personal broadcast these foundations can be manipulated.All telecommunication devices come with a manual and this explains the FCC15 rule which states a device must or must not accept any types of interference so basically each manufacturer is not denying you could at some stage no matter what the device is pick up interference.All you need to broadcast voice to skull is 2 smart phones audio spotlight and a pc but in order for it to work you need the correct frequencys and software.Voice to skull broadcasters hear in audio(mhz)as oppose to victims who hear in the low end khz range,this is possible as they collect all frequencys through 1 phone and broadcast it through another(using the PC,s bluetooth and placing the output audio which plays through the audio spotlight speaker near the second phone)this repeats the process all around the world collecting a range of 0 to 25 random khz(which travels on there visual static)per mobile device condensing it to reach there devices at 1 mhz which creates a cerebral hypnotic radio station.I will go into greater detail when i recieve a response from yourself.They believe that because victims hear voices and also have thought projection there is no way for them to get past it,past there own imaginations and only they can intervene because they hear in audio (1 mhz) which has been collected from all known devices in 1khz frequencys to form 1mhz audio.They condense all collected visual/audio static and frequencys and record on a 3D blue ray recorder and burn the information on a disc that automatically converts the incoming data into a bit rate,a bit in computer terms means YES/NO its a command ,so if they ask a personal question they will hear the answer as YES/NO then torture the victims with retorical questions .The v2k broadcasters recieve collective reactions to there imaginations,in audio which is for them a safe passageway of broadcasting because with audio you can turn it off and on,thats how i know they hear in 1mhz emissions.When they play a 3D recording back they use transparent light which they can adjust to there desired level .example if they play a sex film and burn a desired transparancy over it when they watch it in 3D they see there imagination cast over it ,this is because transparancy is black and white and so is your subconcious so when they put on the 3D glasses which are red and blue,what they see in red travels on the red and black visual static that has been collected and converted ultrasonically and gets projected from there mind to the inside of the grey outline of the actors,performers on screen and records on the R from the televisions RGB that scrolls from left to right and travels on white visual/noise.They also strongly believe they get cleverer because when they recieve all the data they collect all the binary and binary is what all computer software is based upon ,but what they are actualy doing is hearing each others ideas which are all the same but said in a diffrent tone of voice ,so what im saying is they hear a simplified version of what they already know.They talk to each other all the time and know no one will hear how its done because when you have thought projection like victims have you cant think of something you dont know its impossible unless your the first to figure the freqencys out and know its binary,they knew who ever did would be mentaly ill and be diagnosed with schzophrenia and eventually die or kill them selves ,or they would be the very first in the world to prove a flawless way of murder can be proved by also proving mental illness diagnosis all of them known to man can be transmitted ,broadcasted and recieved by a human subject.
please take this matter with upmost importance,there are certain illusionists who i shall not name who use the technology i have mentioned and it is very,very effective.I have as much information as you could possibly want reguarding this worrying situation .
I ask you,what story could be more bigger than a person diagnosed with schzophrenia proving all known mental illness diagnosis can be synthetically recieved by a cult of radio broadcasters who have been getting away with murder for more than a decade!That the hard facts!
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The device to control human brains

I read the news about a device to control human brains, call it A brain–computer interface (BCI).

I have no idea about this device but this must be something related to V2K harassment.

Here is a copy part of the wikipedia page:

A brain–computer interface (BCI), often called a mind-machine interface (MMI), or sometimes called a direct neural interface (DNI), synthetic telepathy interface (STI) or a brain–machine interface (BMI), is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. BCIs are often directed at assisting, augmenting, or repairing human cognitive or sensory-motor functions.

Brain–computer interface - Wikipedia

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