I heard a voice coming from inside my head this morning which said as follows "Your brain and body are connected to my computer via implants which we have placed inside of you."
HEAD (5)
Brain to computer interface systems are now live in pockets of society throughout most of the world. We are being systematically implanted with a wide variety of implants by agents of the C.I.A. and F.B.I. The CIA is a rogue agency. In my opinion, the CIA is responsible for most acts of terrorism throughout the world and they take their orders to carry out acts of terrorism from individual members of the Council on Foreign Relations. In my opinion, the Council on Foreign Relations are actively working towards slowing down the world wide economy by any and every means possible. They work for the greater evil of the human race. The the people of the United States should immediately have laws implemented to defund the abolish the CIA combined with the rest of the intelligence services of the United States.
I have been non-consensually targeted by directed energy weapons and bio-communication methods for many years. I hear the voices of agents of what is commonly being called Remote Neural Monitoring in combination with Remote Neural Manipulation coming from inside my head on a constant basis. I regularly post online some of what these internal voices say to me on many social media sites in order to inform the general public about what it is like to experience being subjected to a brain to computer interface system. Here below is what some of what these unknown neuro operatives have said to me and about me in the past two days:-
"It is while she is in her bathroom that we obtain most of the information which is most pertinent to our research. We analyse the contents of her bowel and bladder while she is in there."
"She will not be in her own home for much longer."
"She can get out of bed the same as everybody else."
"Why have you allowed this woman to languish for so long."
"You don't understand the aim of the game. The aim of the game is to terrify them."
"I will quell her some day.
"We can take Gretta Fahey out of the country. There is not one single person in this country who cares whether we take her or not. Who would know? She lives alone."
"Bring her to justice please. This can not continue." ( I don't know what that means as I have never broken a law in my life.)
I complained to the inner voices about the fact that they were continually waking me up to ask me questions during some nights and here is the conversation we had as follows:-
I said as follows "If you wake me up too early or if you persistently wake me up during the night it is counter productive because I then need to go back to bed to rest later on during the day." I heard the voice of one of the unknown neuro operatives coming from inside my head as follows - "We have had this conversation before and it doesn't work for us to leave you asleep."
Any human being in existence can be non-consensually wirelessly attached to a super computer from implants which are believed to be already inside all of our brains and spinal cords. That super computer then reads and stores all of the electrical activity which the individuals brain and body generate throughout each and every day of their life from that day forward. . Some of the data about the individual which comes to be stored on the super computer data banks can automatically be analysed by computerized algorithms. The remainder of the data is researched by teams of analysts who further categorise it into specific categories based on computer monitoring of the normal everyday routine of the targeted individual.
The super computer categorises every word the targeted individual says and further categorises this data into specific categories so that it can be researched at a later date by neuro specialists who exist primarily to catch good will individuals out in some small way so that said neuro specialists can exert further control over the lives of the targeted individual by legal means if necessary.
The super computer can also now map out the electrical signals from the visual cortex of the brain of a targeted individual. Once these electrical signals are decoded they then project the visual images of what the targeted individual sees, and what the targeted individual imagines and remembers and dreams on to a computer screen for further analysis.
By having access to an individuals brain waves by way of this two way super computer enabled monitoring system neuro operatives can send covert signals to the brain and body of the targeted individual. This capability enables neuro operatives to project their voices as well as moving images and pain signals to the targeted individual. This capability also enables neuro operatives to force the targeted individual to move their own muscles against their own free will. This capability effectively enables unknown neuro operatives to paralyse a targeted individual from head to toe if they refuse to obey an order given via bio-communication by any neuro operative. The targeted individual then become a prisoner inside their own body and is not allowed to move a single muscle unless they do exactly as they are told to do.
I, Gretta Fahey of Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland am a targeted individual of this cruel system which has come to be known as remote neural manipulation. I have not got to the stage where I can be paralysed from head to toe as yet. I can still move my muscles of my own free will. However, I do not know how long I have got before the neuro operatives obtain the knowledge to biologically enslave me inside my own body. I believe that some of the neuro operatives who have been communicating with me over many years during this non-consensual black budget research which I am undergoing are themselves compromised in some way in the sense that a large portion of them appear to be helping me to get the information out beyond the ring fence that surrounds whatever information I post online.
My website is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; My facebook page is called www.facebook.com/gretta.fahey.98
A Voice to Skull voice which I heard coming from inside my head in the past twenty minutes was heard by me to say the following " I command you " . I replied " What are you going around commanding your own equals for like a plonker"? The reason he attempted to command me was because I was refusing to remove my computer from the room I am currently in and extraneous information is coming through from my computer into my brain and body to the extent that the neuro operatives can not work on inputting unwanted digital signals into my brain and body. I am refusing to remove my computer from the room that I am in on the grounds that I have nothing to lose because these neuro operatives have intimated that they are going to destroy my personhood by remote means regardless of what I do or say. They implied that there are dark times ahead for my country if I will not co operate. However, they often imply that there are dark times ahead for my country no matter what anyone does or says, so I will not co operate with them no matter what they command me to do.
I am currently hearing intelligent sounding voices of my fellow human beings coming from inside my head. You will shortly begin to hear voices coming from inside your head which will be sent to you by digital signals. These inner voices are currently being generated inside the heads of millions of human beings throughout the world. There are at least four different types to technological means available to the intelligence services which they and many other groups use widely for the purposes of direct voice communication. This technology and the work the intelligence services do is covered under various secrecy clauses. However, it is an open secret that such technology exists and is in widespread use.
This morning, an unknown wirelessly transmitted voice of a real human being asked me a question. I refused to answer on the grounds that the questioner was forcing his voice inside my head against my will and without my permission in an act of extreme evil. I then heard the voice report to a colleague that he was being met with resistence. His colleague feigned surprise that I was refusing to speak to him. That colleague said that they regularly spoke to the staff during conference calls on a regular basis. That colleague was then told that I was not a member of staff because I had refused all offers of bribes which were made to me over many years via voice to skull direct communication. The colleague then went on to announce that I was a criminal and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of inner voice forcing technology whether I was amenable to it or not. The colleague was again informed that I was not a criminal. The colleague then replied that I was the subject of investigation and as such they had a duty to speak to me by the use of said voice forcing technology.
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland. My landline home telephone number is 0949360901. I am a real and verified human being. The voices which I hear coming from inside my head have informed me that my long term receipt of disability allowance is uninvestigatible by the normal means because I am claiming disability allowance for irritable bowel syndrome and bladder problems. Neither of these conditions can be investigated for eligibility under normal conditions so I was placed on a program called remote neural monitoring more than fifteen years ago. nother reason that I was placed on remote neural monitoring was because I officially informed a disability assessment doctor that I had been neglected by main stream medicine for my irritable bowel syndrome condition and I had been denied a request for disability allownace which I made to Dr John Connolly, Pontoon, Castebar, Co. Mayo in the past. I have written my whole story on my website which is called www.targetedindividualsireland.net. ; Most of the story can easily be listened to on several youtube videos which are linked to that website. If or when 5G , fifth generation technology becomes operational then millions of human beings can be placed on remote neural monitoring at the same time, against their wills and without their permission. They will by linked via telephone lines close to their homes to hostile and insulting voices which they will hear day and night every waking moment. They wont be allowed to sleep. They will sometimes receive electric shocks and other sensations. This brain wave technology is enslavement technology. Please organise to have all telephone masts urgently banned in order to save yourself and your children from imminent enslavement.
IrishTargeted individuals of remote neural monitoring and remote neural manipulation no longer inform the Irish Gardaí or psychiatrists of their torturous experiences of being remote neural monitored and remote neural manipulated because we are disbelieved by all concerned. This is more than likely due to the fact that electronic mind control has become universal throughout Ireland and we can no longer get through to them verbally, and we no longer trust man-made laws which have become so out of alignment with natural law and ethics that they should no longer be honoured.