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If you are a Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operative and you happen to be one of the operatives who remote neural monitor me while I am quietly going about my private life inside my own family  home and if you should choose to submit a negative report about me I am now at a stage where I can be immobilized to the extent that I would not be able to move a muscle in the forefront of my body.  My hands and legs could also be rendered immobile at some time in the future.   Be careful before deciding to join the ranks of the Remote Neural Monitoring neuro operatives because you will eventually be required to torture the good people who you monitor.  This Remote Neural Monitoring System is being set up with most of the men, women and children of the world in mind.  It is an as yet invisible enslavement system for most of the worlds people.  If you are in a position to prove  that this is happening in secret please report the matter to the police immediately.   Thank you.  Gretta Fahey.


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Posted on September 12, 2019 by gretta fahey
The so called world management team have deliberately sabotaged world systems for the purposes of worldwide genocide. They have deliberately blended pharmaceutical medicines as well as vaccines and some public water supplies with toxic substances in order to destroy the health of their fellow human beings. They have deliberately created policies which are turning many of their fellow human beings into debt slaves by giving themselves an unfair monetary advantage over their fellow human beings because this so called world management team own and control the federal reserve banking system where they create fiat money out of nothing and they then charge enormous interest on that money in order to impoverish the borrower of said money. This so called world management team are attempting to gain total wireless electronic control over the physical bodies of both human beings and farm animals by using neuro science and technology to gain access to the brains and bodies of a selection of non-consensual human being and attempting to wirelessly immobilize any of their fellow human beings who refuse to be obedient and subservient to them and to their staff. This system of having wireless control over the physical bodies of their fellow human beings is called transhumanism. This so called world management team are responsible for sending subliminal post hypnotic suggestions to politicians and government staff throughout the world via the smart phones and other smart technology of said politicians and government staff and via microwave transmitters in order to manipulate all politicians to unknowingly act against their own best interests and against the best interests of their own constituents. The so called world management team have plans to depopulate the nations of the world because they view their fellow human beings as being in competition with themselves for the resources of the world. In order to give their fellow human beings the illusion of scarcity, this so called world management team have banned industrial hemp from the market place even though industrial hemp is the worlds number one resource and it is capable of generating sixty thousand different products from animal food to soft furnishings to oil and they have also banned free energy generation devices from the market place for the same reason. Some members of the so called world management team may outwardly appear to be active members of the so called management team but they may in fact by either physically or mentally wirelessly enslaved so we must not harm any of them but we must disempower them now from having positions in world management. How do we go about it?

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A system of control is being set up throughout the whole world behind the scenes of our lives, which has been engineered by dark occultists to be a severe and unrelenting control system. I am under direct contact with this cruel control system because I was selected by individuals who work within the control system to be placed on continual monitoring and manipulation via a two way wireless link from my brain and body to one of their computer networks. Because they employ directed energy weapons and some other energy systems to monitor and manipulate me this dark occultist owned and managed control system leaves very little trace of evidence of its existence or of its power.
I have been informed that there is a policy of demeaning the staff who work within the control system if they show signs of disobedience to the code of behaviour created by the dark occultists for their staff. The male staff are forced to remove their lower clothing and display their posterior to their employers as an act of unquestioning and submissive obedience to the code. The female staff and indeed all women throughout the world will no longer be allowed to work outside the home at all if the dark occultists ever succeed in taking over control of the whole world. They plan to set up a rigid hierarchical based chain of command where dark occultists would own and run the whole world by wireless means. We would not even be allowed to know who they are because we would all be connected by two way wireless means to the computerized control system where our daily lives would be micro-managed possibly by computer generated voice commands via a voice induction process which is commonly known as voice to skull. These voices would give us orders throughout each moment of each day and if we failed to obey said orders we would possibly receive a pain signal or be paralysed for a few hours or even a few days at a time. I know this situation is on the agenda for everybody because I and many others throughout my country, the Republic of Ireland and indeed most other countries have been subjected to parts of this system for many years. We are all continually warning the world of our plight in the hope that they can over ride the electronic mind control they are under long enough to believe us. There are easy ways to circumvent this system if we all act urgently to tear down all microwave transmitters, millimetre wave transmitters and related paraphernalia now.
Inculcation methods as well as electronic mind control is in widespread use against politicians, senior civil servants, university staff, the police, the military, psychiatry and students and many other individuals throughout the world. Many of us are aware that there are many ways to circumvent this control and eventual enslavement system which is currently moving towards you and your family. I offer a few suggestions here below.
Supply the lower level police forces with technology which can easily detect anomalies in the human energy field of all individuals who come to the attention of the police. You can no longer trust some members of the higher level police because I believe that all police forces throughout the world have been infiltrated and manipulated by the afore-mentioned dark occultist would-be controllers and enslavers. I firmly believe that the United States patent office is currently under the control of the afore-mentioned dark occultists and I believe that they have been stealing patents for many decades because a differential in knowledge eventually leads to a differential in power. We must take back control of and make public all available patents. We must stop registering babies at birth because by doing so you are legally handing over your baby to enslavement by the state. We must refuse to recognise and legitimise psychiatry because it is a pseudo science which is backed by the violence of the state and it has provided false cover for criminals who are targeting individuals with directed energy weapons for many decades. Please spread this warning to others to let them know that they will be enslaved if they do not act urgently. My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, County Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called www.targetedindividuals

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If we ever become locked inside a killer grid electric fence which would some day surround all smart city reservations we would then no longer be able to demolish the electrical infrastructure which is slowly and incrementally enabling our technological enslavement. Act now to ensure the freedom of your children.

Many individuals have already become secretly tethered by wireless means to a computerized control and enslavement network by technology which has become embedded deeply inside their brains and spines. We now know for definite that this human computerized control and enslavement system is run by dark occultists. We are at a critical stage in this secret worldwide war of attrition. You must help by spreading awareness of the current dangerous situation which is happening in secret throughout most of the world. I have already become wirelessly connected to this human computerized control and enslavement system by a two way stream of energy, where all of the electrical activity being generated by my brain and body is being automatically translated into what I think, say and do by the computer network. Teams of operatives issue commands to me as well as death threats on an almost continual basis. This system could eventually be automated so that commands and punishments would be fully automated. This system could eventually be automated to automatically connect everybody who already has embedded technology deep inside their bodies and brains which I believe is everyone.

Many individuals throughout Ireland and the rest of the world  have already become wirelessly connected to the afore mentioned computerized control and enslavement network.  Whenever we inform the police or any other government control agents we are deliberately not taken seriously and we are then sent for forced psychiatric evaluation which may or may not lead to incarceration inside a long stay psychiatric institution.   That is why anybody who has already become wirelessly connected to said computerized control and enslavement system now stays away from all involvement with church and state and would invoke the right to remain silent if questioned about this situation.

Cover stories are being used to provide a reason from secret advances in technology especially in the area of brain weapon research.   Some of these false cover stories include the extra-terrestrial hoax, the religious apparition hoax, the demonic possession hoax, the existence of satellites hoax,   the moon landing hoax and many other hoaxes.    It is being claimed that all of the astronauts were high level freemasons who are obliged to lie in public when ordered to do so by their control system.

My name is Gretta Fahey.  I reside at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland.   My landline home phone number is 0949360901.   My website is called   My facebook page is

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 I believe that electronic mind control is being used covertly to turn both Christians and Muslims into religious fanatics for the purpose of eventually fomenting  a war between so called Christian countries and Muslim countries so that we are then destroyed leaving a situation available where Zionists can take charge of the world. While the war would be ongoing the Zionists would use wireless weapons to kill hundreds of millions on both sides covertly and we would be wrongly informed that it was our enemies in war that did the killing.  For further information about electronic mind control please read the following online article  "Microwave Mind Control" by Tim Rifat, which can be found at the following link

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Any human being in existence can be non-consensually wirelessly attached  to a super computer from implants which are believed to be already inside all of  our  brains and spinal cords.   That  super computer then reads and stores all of the electrical activity which the individuals   brain and body generate throughout each and every day of their life from that day forward. .  Some of the data about the individual which comes to be stored on the super computer data banks  can automatically be analysed by computerized algorithms.  The remainder of the data  is researched by teams of analysts who further categorise it into specific categories based on computer monitoring of the  normal everyday routine of the targeted individual.   

The super computer categorises every word the targeted individual says and further categorises this data  into specific categories so that it can be researched at a later date by neuro specialists who exist primarily to catch good will  individuals out in some small way so that said neuro specialists  can exert further control over the lives of the targeted individual by legal means if necessary.

The super computer can also now map out the electrical signals from the visual cortex of the brain of a targeted individual.  Once these electrical signals are decoded they then project the visual images of what the targeted individual sees, and what the targeted individual imagines and remembers and dreams on to a computer screen for further analysis.

By having access to an individuals brain waves by way of  this two way super computer enabled monitoring system neuro operatives  can send covert signals to the brain and body of the targeted individual.  This  capability enables neuro operatives to project their voices as well as moving images and pain signals to the targeted individual.   This capability also enables neuro operatives to force the targeted individual to move their own muscles against their own free will.   This capability effectively enables unknown neuro operatives to paralyse a targeted individual from head to toe if they refuse to obey an order given via bio-communication by  any neuro operative.  The targeted individual then become a prisoner inside their own body and is not allowed to move a single muscle unless they do exactly as they are told to do.   

I, Gretta Fahey of Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland am a targeted individual of this cruel system which has come to be known as remote neural manipulation.   I have not got to the stage where I can be paralysed from head to toe as yet.  I can still move my muscles of my own free will.  However, I do not know how long I have got before the neuro operatives obtain the knowledge to biologically enslave me inside my own body.   I believe that some of the neuro operatives who have been communicating with me over many years during this non-consensual black budget research which I am undergoing are themselves compromised in some way in the sense that a large portion of them appear to be helping me to get the information out beyond the ring fence that surrounds whatever information I post online.

My website is called ; My facebook page is called


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Things are changing on a wider basis maybe the word on the street about the scandal and history of this group has finally hit home elsewhere but it is still at the core nothing has changed got through to them this locality is still the bermuda triangle despotic criminal regime-

I am living in total uncertainity actual danger without legal redress and my home life and externally well is dominated by this terrible group the physical violence and of a group that I am having to not only encounter the oppression of cowards bullies on the street and their pretence at averting the situation they created and attempting cover up externally.

Have other people named the criminals whom have committed offences on a log for safe keeping in case of emergencies or accident.....this group have criminal surveillance in my home and other hideous techno and they live very close by.

Everything I write say or do is being monitored and I am being told by them audio orally directly they seem to continue to avoid any formal group accountability.

No police have ventured into this street over the past few years when the open criminal offences has been blasted out like street audio theatre or police gone into these others houses taken away their technology or full scale police inquiry?

In the meantime these felonies are now continuosly side-winding pretending they are suddenly all into group interaction in a wider sense but never them personally

 and possible destroying relevant material...... I am literally been done over it is basic cruelity

As to privacy tag does it mean just everyone in peacepink. ?

and unfortunately I have to point out in my case the controlling abusers

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