There is another thing I would like to explain see the people are fighting but the law enforcement is also afraid to get cought they never remove my chip and my wife chip depending on there degree of involvment see they would never admit what they did now. i know some are people others are afraid for getting cought for drugs some are sex offenders and others the police and government are killing and threatning becouse they do not want people to know there Involved. it's a mixture of people me and my wife are 2 people. some are from other citys and came here and the gvernment dose not want me to talk to anyone they want o make up a story about it after they try to get me and the others that know killed.

alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?

They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.

See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.

These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.

They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.

what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.

see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.

now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.

they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.

yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.

see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen

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There is another thing I would like to explain see the people are fighting but the law enforcement is also afraid to get cought they never remove my chip and my wife chip depending on there degree of involvment see they would never admit what they did now. i know some are people others are afraid for getting cought for drugs some are sex offenders and others the police and government are killing and threatning becouse they do not want people to know there Involved. it's a mixture of people me and my wife are 2 people. some are from other citys and came here and the gvernment dose not want me to talk to anyone they want o make up a story about it after they try to get me and the others that know killed.

alot are hearing first names and it's becouse they are cutting words out trying to make it like thy can choose what i say. so if there is proof the government and police involved they hope they get away with it all these frequencies are mixed recall me talking about Underhand ?

They got 1 frequencie to listen and stuff with a few guy on it. then another to listen then they use first names on the other to start trouble the government would like you to kill one another. every one wants to claim it's a program and i got a feeling that the government is doing it all the time and haveing something to launch the program they say it's 2 people if there are 2 people and 2,000 listening why are they all hearing a few voices becouse of the voice synthsizer and i figure the system that keeps me on it is in the pawtucket police department or close by this is why they do not shut the chips off becouse there afraid to get cought.

See i always hear them changeing my words all day long to day there word is your dead and there saying im saying this as i hear them in my head.

These guys got a words list keywords to use to piss people off. and they mix it with racial coments.
these guys try to get others in fights and double talk people.

They try to get people to respond then try to get them to talk to people. some of these guys try to make it look like someone has there wife or familey member. This is what and say to others while they are doing things themself. so we got mixed people on here. if they blaim one or 2 people they forgot to look at the others some use a technologie to hide themself.

what would the police let it go on for and the government there afraid to get cought.

see some people are talking to others and stuff then talking shit like someone knows it all then they do not. why would some stay on a frequencie for years and hear only a few people then know it all it's imposable to do.

now people are comeing forward with more evidanve and still some do not belive. me i have not done anything more then the police or the government.

they use the mental disorder bullshit to to away with shit replying to others it's all in your head.

yeasterday i heard someone was explaining chip types and the swine ful vaccine with the ready made chip in it this is a chip that works one way they say to listen only a NWO chip. i was told this was to monitor people so even if they got an old they can only listen with the new one and record data to track people.

see chips are no god i been wanting to gt mine and my wife jennifer's chip removed and the government refuses and the doctors and the people want it out but some will not let it happen

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I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and arevictims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found andremoved. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people havelied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it wasmyself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired theydeserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't knowanything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military andothers it started with the police department. Then I found out therewere Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happenedhere i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation theylied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife theytold me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .nAnubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and iwould like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there werefamileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when theysaid it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defendedher Jennifer is not at fault.

Read more…
I Would like to get help for me and my wife we are chipped and are
victims i need info on reporting it and i need to get it found and
removed. we have been kept appart on the frequencies and people have
lied to me and they tryed to rape my wife and make her think it was
myself it was them. A Police officer chipped. I did get them fired they
deserved it then they set me up. people used my name and I didn't know
anything about chips they said they were the F.B.I and the Military and
others it started with the police department. Then I found out there
were Others on here and they started this rape shit so things happened
here i am 6 years later.. my wife dose not understand the situation they
lied to her and try to blame me for it all. I defended my wife they
told me I had had no wright to be with.
so i fought for my wife and myself she was realy the victim in John .n
Anubis she dose not know what i had to do. my wife is jennifer and i
would like to report it and get help.

After the police I never belived these people the said there were
famileys chipped the cop lied so much i never belived them. when they
said it and then they said they were going to rape my wife an i defended
her Jennifer is not at fault.
Read more…
2 Guests, 2 Opportunities

We had an unusual conference call last night. We were visited by two unexpected guests at the call bearing potentially very good news for us. The first was Lynniceia (pronounced lin-NEE-see-uh). She lives in California, is Native American and also targeted. Targeting her ultimately proved problematic for the stalkers since because of her heritage, she was able to marshal tremendous forces to come to her defense.

After discovering her plight, she went to the elders of her tribe who then launched an investigation. Because they are an autonomous nation, they had the resources to commission investigators who surveilled those who were surveilling her. How long this investigation went on, I'm not for sure however, it was not until she came to our group Thursday evening and attended Orville's conference call, did the stalkers realize that they, too were being spied upon, identified, tracked, recorded, and that evidence had been gathered as to their activities by her nation.

To hear her defiant spirit and how she spoke about those who were surveilling her that now they were being surveilled in their private moments, along with their friends and their family members. And that their private information was being collected and gleaned for litigation and more, resonated so much with the group at the call that we felt like standing and cheering for all they had accomplished!!! It was the most hope that I had felt since this struggle began.

Lynniceia's matter and our own, will now be presented not only in a court of law, but at the United Nations as these people are a sovereign state.

We spent around 2 hours at last night's conference talking to Lynniceia, as she fielded questions from the callers about her and her situation and how the tribe can be of assistance to us as well as her. The elders feel that we are all one family and are outraged at the atrocities that are being committed upon us and feel that something must be done. If one family member is suffering, then all of us are.

As a sovereign nation, they apparently have the resources to investigate claims of illegal activities and further, realize that we do not have the resources to address these issues on our own.

So for those that would like to join the lawsuit they're starting, they are asking that you send a brief summary of your situation to Orville Weale or Gerry Duffett, who will then forward the information to Lynniceia.

Here are the addresses to send a brief summary:

Orville Weale: oweale@yahoo.com

Gerry Duffett: duffett52@yahoo.com

Bryan Glazer came on the conference call last night to appeal to the community for a last-ditch effort to keep our issues on the list of shows for the upcoming season of Jesse Ventura's "Conspriacy Theory". He is requesting that as many as possible read and sign this letter he wrote to the producers by sending your:



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to Cassandra Lewis at: gardenlove1988@msn.com - so she can affix your information to the end of this letter and forward it to the production company.

Dear Misters Smith & Weed:

My e-mail to you respectfully requests you reconsider ASmith and Company's decision regarding the production of an episode of Conspiracy Theory on the matter of advanced electronic harassment and psychotronic torture.

We, the undersigned have been victims of these atrocities for many years.

We are hopeful that Conspiracy Theory will confirm the existence of the advanced technologies used to torture countless, innocent Americans and that your producers will interview the targeted individuals that have been in conversations with them since last year.

Although the plight of people who are being attacked by microwave weapons, satellite acoustic transmissions and orchestrated stalking may sound like science fiction, there is plenty of scientific fact to support our claims which we could present to you immediately.

Mainstream media coverage of this issue is critical. This widespread, covert pervasive war needs to be exposed in hopes that America's leaders will take notice and investigate these crimes against humanity.

I hope that ASmith and Company will lead the way in what needs to be a crusade to inform the American public about these attacks.

Please take this matter seriously.




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Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance • 3925 Paxton Ave. • Cincinnati, OH 45209
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Please use the common subject/reference: I join the lawsuit of the victims of mind control - electronic
harassement and surveillance worldwide or the reference number

Please use the following link as a guide:


Togehter we are strong

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This is what out government dose to us My wife maybe yours and your children here is picture of what they detail found it and i want to see if there is anything thing other countrys can do about it.

This is America others say it's there neighbors and other people alot of it's your own government.

maybe we can get support here http://www.stopchildrape.net/

Please Help The US Stop Our Government

this is what they been trying to d to my wife it's rape through mind controal they try to do it in the real world too and force people...

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Letter to the Editor Published

FFCHS at Democracy Now! Event in NYC


Dr. Posner in Fresno to Start TI Meetup in Central/Northern California

Radiation Measurement Device


Indymedia Article About Gangstalking

Fly on the Wall Drone/Spy Uses Ultrasound Sensors


Survivalist Communities

Food for Homeless Animals


HAARP Documentary



Printer-friendly link: http://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1410300711


So far, we have one letter to the editor that is known to have been published: The Douglas Enterprise in Douglas, Georgia. If anyone else has information about other places that published the letter, please let me know.


April was quite a high-profile month for FFCHS. First, there was the press conference in Louisville, Kentucky, then on to New York City for the Democracy Now! fundraiser.

Due to the generosity of one of our members, two TI's from our community, FFCHS paralegal, Lynn Weed and Attorney Keith LaBella, recently attended Democracy Now!'s fundraiser in New York City, at $250 per person. Some attendees apparently paid $1000 per ticket to attend this event. It was a small, elite gathering of 40 individuals who listened to Amy Goodman interview film producer Michael Moore, singer Patti Smith, and journalist Juan Gonzalez.

The event went quite well and that FFCHS attended was a plus for our group, as some attendees were national journalists and other activists who would possibly take our claims seriously.

One hitch to the event was that in the process of all this, Lynn Weed lost her glasses. So we're trying to fundraise to replace them at a cost of $200. If any of you all can help with this effort, it'd be appreciated.



513 344 4113

Here is Lynn Weed's account of the evening.

Amy Goodman’s Interview With Michael Moore At Democracy Now
By Lynn Weed

New York City April 27, 2010

On April 26, 2010 Keith LaBella, Esq. and Lynn Weed, paralegal attended Democracy Now’s interviews with actor/producer Michael Moore, singer/poet Patti Smith and journalist, Juan Gonzalez at Democracy Now’s new studio in New York City. Award winning humanist journalist Amy Goodman, of Democracy Now interviewed all three. About 40 event attendees listened in a semi circle around the TV stage. Viewers commented that the interviews were interesting and brought many facts to light.

Michael Moore related information concerning events, following his Academy Award speech. Apparently because of his comments concerning the Bush Administration and the Iraqi War, his home was vandalized and he has received death threats. He travels with a security team and rarely gives out personal interviews to the general public, at this time. His interview with Amy Goodman was lively, informed and extremely witty. He is engaging, talented and willing to share his political views. Some of his earlier exploits with the nuns in the parochial school he attended, had the listeners laughing.

Patti Smith sang several songs. In her last song, “Because the Night Belongs to Lovers”, she had the audience singing along with her. Guest were heard commenting that her singing was "amazing and very good." Her Baez-like tones were appreciated.

Award winning journalist Juan Gonazalez spoke of the need for independent journalism to continue, as corporate journalism looms and internet journalism threatens to diminish the professionalism, characterized in the field for so long. He spoke of the need for an independent free press, in a capitalistic society, to keep democracy working. It was a good intereview and his points seemed well taken and were well received.

During her interview with Amy Goodman, Patti Smith spoke eloquently and poignantly of a man, she is working with, in a human rights capacity. He had been detained and kept in a small cell in Guantanamo Bay. He had been shackled there for many months. The light had been kept on the entire time he was in the cell (months) and he described this as another form of torture. When he was finally freed, as an innocent, he had trouble walking because of damage to nerves and muscles from those months of being shackled.

As she told each step of his plight, this poetic artistic clearly portrayed the pain inflicted on this innocent man and how it affected his life. The story was extremely moving story and I believe everyone listening was touched by the pathos of this true story. Later, thinking of her descriptions and the pathos now in this innocent man’s life, I became aware; his plight had truly touched me. I realized that the parallels between our plight and his were many and in some ways similar.

We then moved to the wine and hors d’ oeuvres part of the evening. Keith and I circulated and gave our information to many people attending, who may be of help to us. This included some show producers, a journalist, two lawyers and one Midwestern camera and cable man, who may have been with Michael Moore’s party and showed interest in what Keith and I were presenting. It was a productive evening.


Hello All:

I am attempting to start a meetup group of TI's in Central California, specifically the San Joaquin Valley, which covers an area loosely from Bakersfield to Modesto.

I live in Fresno, which is the most populous city in Central and Northern California outside of San Francisco and Sacramento, the state capital. I anticipate that we would meet up--depending upon the wishes of the group--between one and four times a month.

Myself included, I have three individuals who are interested. If you have any knowledge of individuals who might be interested in joining such a group. please encourage them to contact me through this forum.

Thank you,

Dr. Moss Posner




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http://www.c-spanarchives.org/library/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=CD2009 TAKE ACTION ONhttp://action.citizen.org/t/1153/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26931&track=dia032509 TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress About the AIG-Panama FTA Outrage!http://www.rebuildandrenew.org/calls/?code=hcan TAKE ACTION ONhttp://my.barackobama.com/page/s/ccreport?source=20090325_CC_F TAKE ACTION ON Report Your Calls to Congresshttp://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/977/t/8393/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=715 TAKE ACTION ON Support Fair Electionshttps://secure2.convio.net/npwf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=255 TAKE ACTION ON Take the Pledge - Show Your Support for Women & Familieshttp://usactions.greenpeace.org/action/start/240/ TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to keep limits on global warming pollution in the budgethttp://act.truemajorityaction.org/p/7002/rsvp?petition_KEY=109 TAKE ACTION ON Call to help Obama pass his Budget!http://www.petitiononline.com/top_petitions.html TAKE ACTION ONTop 25 Online Petitions - PetitionOnline.comhttp://action.walmartwatch.com/page/s/photo TAKE ACTION ON Show Your Support for Wal-Mart Workershttp://www.avaaz.org/en/put_people_first/?cl=206849527&v=3064 TAKE ACTION ON London G20 Summit: Put people first!http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/977/t/8393/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=715 TAKE ACTION ONhttp://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/siteapps/advocacy/index.aspx?c=jhKPIXPCIoE&b=2590179&template=x.ascx&action=11998&ICID=G0903A01&tr=y&auid=4661410 TAKE ACTION ON Make Detention Standards Enforceable and Use Alternatives to Detention!http://www.c-spanarchives.org/library/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=CD2009 TAKE ACTION ON Pre-Order your copy of the 2009 Congressional Directory!http://www.petitiononline.com/sce/ TAKE ACTION ON To: Secretary General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei and Head of the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudihttp://www.naturecanada.ca/advocate/great_lakes.html?gclid=CKqlvdbnv5kCFQZlswodvCNOuw TAKE ACTION ON Protect Water Quality in the Great Lakes Basinhttp://www.r-word.org/ TAKE ACTION ON It is time to “Spread the Word to End the Word,” and on Tuesday, 31 March, events throughout the United States and around the world will make people stop and think about their hurtful and disparaging use of the word “retard.”http://www.flokli.ch/index.php?page=251http://www.ncpanow.org/petitionhttp://action.foodandwaterwatch.org/signUp.jsp?key=4126 TAKE ACTION ON Volunteer with Food & Water Watch at Earth Fair in Balboa Park!http://www.freedom-now.org/home.php TAKE ACTION ON WELCOME TO FREEDOM NOWhttp://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/625/t/8560/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26923 TAKE ACTION ON Change U.S. Policy towards Colombiahttp://www.ahrchk.net/ua/support.php?ua=UAC-026-2009 TAKE ACTION ON Support AHRC's Urgent Appeals Programme> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a man; his lawyer receives threats from the police> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a man to get information> PHILIPPINES: Two farming villagers killed under pretext of a 'legitimate encounter'> INDIA: Please take action to stop child prostitution in Meerganj, Allahabad> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly torture a young man> PHILIPPINES: Soldiers assaults and illegally detains seven construction workers> SRI LANKA: Police allegedly threatened a complainant to withdraw the case> SRI LANKA: Legal action to be taken against officers responsible for fabricating evidence> INDIA: Please take stronger measures to stop malnutrition deaths> NEPAL: 5th anniversary of the killing of Maina Sunuwar - Prosecutions Now! Save Justice!http://www.couragecampaign.org/page/s/WhichSide TAKE ACTION ON Tell Senator Feinstein to join the rest of the California Democratic Congressional delegation in co-sponsoring the Employee Free Choice Acthttp://www.ncpanow.org/petition TAKE ACTION ON College athletes generate billion of dollars a year and the NCAA should act immediately to implement policies that will provide these athletes with basic protections. With administrators and coaches enjoying six and seven figure salaries, it is unethical to subject college athletes to unnecessary physical, financial and academic risks.http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/cadbury09/wuknkn82o7w7nwm5? TAKE ACTION ON Thank Cadbury for its Fair Trade Commitment!http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/obx_access_03_09/i7gsu5bf17838373? TAKE ACTION ON Recognize the unique ecological, recreational and economic value of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore.Call for a Nuclear Free World... Be a Trade Hero, Change EU Trade Policy... Toxic Wast Poisons Children of Kosovo... Immediately release Womens Rights Activist and re-open Human Rights Centre... Free Burma's pro Democracy Prisoners... Help Restore Humanitarian Aid to Millions in Darfur... Take responsibility for Toxic Coal Waste spills... an Imports of unregulated Swordfish... Save Wolves… 60 Days to save the Polar Bear...Take actionhttp://www.flokli.ch/index.php?page=251 urgent campaignshttp://www.flokli.ch/index.php?page=249facebook HUMANRIGHT and ENVIRONMENTAL CAMPAIGNS http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16464667612Call your members of Congress today! Support the Department of PeaceDear Metric,More than 400 of us are in D.C. right now as part of our national conference. We are visiting our members of Congress all day today and tomorrow.You can increase the impact of our visits! Simply contact your Representative (and Senators) today as we arrive on Capitol Hill, and then tell us that you did.We need your support to help make this bill law. Call, fax and/or email your Representative and also spread the word to everyone you know (you can copy this alert and forward to people in your email address book.)Nothing you can do will have as much impact as contacting your member of Congress TODAY. Further information is given below.The earlier in the day that you call, the better! Help pave the way for your colleagues holding the meetings!•TAKE ACTION NOW!Don’t know who your Rep is?Visit www.congress.org and put in your address to find out.•CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVECall your member’s office directly or call the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121, and ask for your Representative’s office.Is Your Member a Cosponsor?Tell the staffer who answers how grateful you are for their support and ask your member to commit to enrolling more cosponsors of HR 808, the bill to establish a U.S. Department of Peace. You can check the list of current cosponsors online.Is Your Member not a Cosponsor?Tell the staffer who answers that you want your Representative to sign on as a cosponsor of HR 808, the Department of Peace legislation. Request a written response explaining your member's position and the reasoning behind it.You can call your local office as well, but it is most effective if you call the D.C. office first, then follow-up with a fax or email.•WRITE YOUR REPRESENTATIVETo write your Representative, click here to get started. This will allow you to send a fax and/or an email to your congressperson.•CONTACT SENATORSPlease contact your Senators as well. There is no bill number as legislation has yet to be re-introduced into the Senate. Urge your Senator to be an initial sponsor in the Senate.•REPORT YOUR ACTIONPlease tell us that you took action. Fill out this simple form to let us know what you did. This is extremely important for our reporting and record keeping.Thank you for taking action for peace!https://www.aclj.org/donate/Default.aspx?AC=DNE0903031&SC=3423&email=metricclay@hotmail.com&guid=FC3EF0D7-0983-45EC-BE13-C94AA2602AB2 TAKE ACTION ONhttps://secure.freepress.net/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=305&JServSessionIdr008=syeawstai3.app46b TAKE ACTION ON New Networks Must Be Neutral TAKE ACTION ON $450,000 LIFE AND FREEDOM MATCHING CHALLENGEFor the Sake of LIFE and FREEDOMhttp://www.avaaz.org/en/pope_benedict_petition/?cl=204301067&v=3052 TAKE ACTION ON Pope Benedict: Help Us Prevent AIDShttp://www.flokli.ch/index.php?page=251 TAKE ACTION ON World Environmental only UShttp://www.foe.co.uk/campaigns/economy/press_for_change/trade_hero_17787.html?ic_number=1537007&m_sourcecode=CA0700CAEM&product=CORPACT TAKE ACTION ON Be a trade herohttp://www.heartsforhealthcare.org/ TAKE ACTION ON Eighty million Americans suffer from cardiovascular diseases and too many of them cannot afford the health care they need.http://capwiz.com/pcusa/issues/alert/?alertid=12954456 TAKE ACTION ON Support Temporary Protected Status for Haitianshttp://tools.advomatic.com/8/budget TAKE ACTION ON President Obama has said again and again that to fix our economy, we must fix health care, and we must do it in 2009.
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http://www.iamprogress.org/video/video/show?id=2210265%3AVideo%3A6446http://www.flokli.ch/index.php?page=251http://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/2749/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=2631 TAKE ACTION ON Tell Secretary Napolitano to Stop the Raidshttp://rethinkafghanistan.com/?utm_source=rgemail#petition TAKE ACTION ON Dear (Sen. John F. Kerry, Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee, and Rep. Howard Berman, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee),http://readthebill.org/petition/ TAKE ACTION ON "Congress should change its rules to require that non-emergency legislation and conference reports be posted on the Internet for 72 hours before debate begins."http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=zB3x_2f7QiIewM066qu34KLA_3d_3d TAKE ACTION ON Our work means nothing without your support. Your feedback will help us do our work better and provide you with better tools and communications. Thanks for taking 3 minutes to fill out this survey.http://www.fitkidsact.org/register.aspx TAKE ACTION ON Help America’s Children Get Off on the Right Foot for a Heart-Healthy Life!http://action.nwlc.org/site/PageNavigator/Call_Congress_to_Support_Budget_FY_2010 TAKE ACTION ON Support President Obama's Budgethttp://www.commoncause.org/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?c=dkLNK1MQIwG&b=5050131&auid=4641168 TAKE ACTION ON Demand your Senators make bailout accountability the law!https://secure2.convio.net/dpa/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=318 TAKE ACTION ON Let States Set Their Own Marijuana Policieshttp://www.civilrights.org/action_center/urge-your-representative-to.html TAKE ACTION ON Call Your Member of Congress: Give D.C. Residents a Voice in Congresshttp://americanfuturefund.com/sign-the-petition-calling-for-tim-geithner-to-resign/ TAKE ACTION ONhttp://www.frontlinedefenders.org/act TAKE ACTION ON Across the globe human rights defenders face various forms of persecution in their everyday struggle for human rightshttp://act.truemajorityaction.org/p/7002/rsvp?petition_KEY=109 TAKE ACTION ON Call to help Obama pass his Budget!http://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/2749/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=2631 TAKE ACTION ONhttp://www.villagebanking.org/site/c.erKPI2PCIoE/b.5029841/k.19E0/Support_Development_Funding_for_Afghanistan/apps/ka/ecard/cardForm.asp?c=erKPI2PCIoE&b=5029841 TAKE ACTION ON Support Development Funding for Afghanistanhttps://secure.aclu.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=1367&page=UserAction&s_src=UNS090301HHE&JServSessionIdr008=wqq2cwt1s4.app24a TAKE ACTION ON Help protect women's health.https://secure3.convio.net/acscan/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=3733 TAKE ACTION ONhttp://americasvoiceonline.org/page/speakout/PelosiReforms TAKE ACTION ON Speaker Pelosi is Under Attack for Speaking Outhttp://act.truemajorityaction.org/p/7002/campaign?campaign_KEY=1576&tag=A-AIGbonusescare2 TAKE ACTION ON Don't Let Our Tax Money go to Undeserved Executive Bonuses!http://aarp.convio.net/site/PageNavigator/c_HAN_take_action TAKE ACTION ON What do you think of our current health care system?http://actionnetwork.org/campaign/MTA_2009/iug3b7s9178678eb? TAKE ACTION ON Help Stop Bus & Subway Cuts New Yorkhttp://www2.americanprogress.org/t/1371/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=6 TAKE ACTION ON Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Down and Paycheck Fairness Act To Gohttp://momsrisingaction.org/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26888 TAKE ACTION ON Over $100 million to AIG execs? Help get federal stimulus money to the people who really need it.http://www.avaaz.org/en/free_burma_political_prisoners/?cl=198788982&v=3010 TAKE ACTION ON Free Burma's pro democracy prisonershttp://my.barackobama.com/page/content/budgetaction/ TAKE ACTION ON A New Foundation for Growthhttp://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/1421/t/8660/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1870 TAKE ACTION ON Help Michigan's Children Breathe Easier: Say No to Coal!http://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/site/c.jhKPIXPCIoE/b.5030681/k.47D0/Justice_for_the_Women_of_Atenco/apps/ka/ct/contactus.asp?ICID=I0903A01&tr=y&auid=4633194 TAKE ACTION ONhttps://secure3.convio.net/aahf/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=334&JServSessionIdr008=lhgjklz8r1.app303a TAKE ACTION ON Tell the FDA that You Do Not Support the Ban on P5P!https://etools.ncol.com/a/tfc/bg_vomtfc_cti-tfc-flash_309.html TAKE ACTION ONhttp://capwiz.com/fconl/issues/alert/?alertid=12665566 TAKE ACTION ONUrge Your Rep. to Work For Middle East Peacehttp://takeaction.amnestyusa.org/site/c.jhKPIXPCIoE/b.5030681/k.47D0/Justice_for_the_Women_of_Atenco/apps/ka/ct/contactus.asp?ICID=I0903A01&tr=y&auid=4633194 TAKE ACTION ON TO: Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa — President of Mexicohttp://www1.onlineresearch.us.com/?config=5547&pub=1&src=WC-236944aaa:200340:1&&vote=&zip=&fname=&image_prefix=&address=&state=&selection=&desired_degree=&lname=&phone=&gender=&hi=&country=1&desired_interest=&redirect_url=&city=&email=&dob=&address2=&DownloadID=&country=1 TAKE ACTION ON OnlineResearch.us.com is an independent rewards program for consumers and is not affiliated with, sponsored by or endorsed by any of the listed products or retailers. Trademarks, service marks, logos, and/or domain names (including, without limitation, the individual names of products and retailers) are the property of their respective owners.http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=S1UJxVuFy6Z8XcyHzCDnKQ_3d_3d TAKE ACTION ON As you know, we're in the middle of redesigning our Web site and merging Connect for Kids, the Youth Policy Action Center, the National Youth Development Information Center, the Forum for Youth Investment's InfoBank and Child Advocacy 360 to create a one-stop powerhouse of news, views and action alerts from across the child and youth field.http://www.patientprivacyrights.org/site/PageServer?pagename=Legislation TAKE ACTION ON Congress must give patients the power to decide who can see, share and sell our most sensitive information on earth -- our health recordshttp://www.environmentamerica.org/action/global-warming/stop-carbon-lobby?id4=ES TAKE ACTION ON Support the president's budget, stop the carbon lobbyhttps://secure.freepress.net/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=299 TAKE ACTION ON Congress must pass the Local Community Radio Act. This important Act will open our airwaves to more low power FM radio stations across the country, and bring diversity of news, views and music to your radio dial. Sign the petition below. Your elected officials need to know that the public supports LPFM! Click here to read the text.http://action.citizen.org/t/6693/signUp.jsp?key=4103 TAKE ACTION ON Join us for a FREE interactive webcast this Friday, March 20th, 2009, 1:00 - 2:30 PM (EDT)http://go.sojo.net/campaign/afghanistan2009_obama/8n3dn782ojtdb6m7?qp_source=act%5f0903%5fafghanobama TAKE ACTION ON Support Economic Development, Not Escalation, in Afghanistanhttp://youthpolicyactioncenter.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.viewPage&pageID=686&nodeID=5&ypacif=capwiz%252Ecom%252Fmobilize%252Fissues%252Falert%252F%253Falertid%253D12833881%2526type%253DCO TAKE ACTION ONhttp://www.kintera.org/siteapps/advocacy/ActionItem.aspx?c=ovI3IdNWJyE&b=3754219&aid=11890 TAKE ACTION ON Urge Congress to Support a National HIV/AIDS Strategyhttp://capwiz.com/aarp/issues/alert/?alertid=12846746 TAKE ACTION ON Health Reform Must Be A Priority!http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/727/t/3823/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1882 TAKE ACTION ON Ask Nicaragua to Withdraw from the SOAhttp://action.americanrightsatwork.org/campaign/efcacitigroup/wnixdeb4l76kkem7? TAKE ACTION ON Take Action: Citigroup MUST stop using bailout funds for anti-worker lobbyinghttp://action.foodandwaterwatch.org/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=26890 TAKE ACTION ON Protect our right to water. If you don't speak out, our access to clean, safe, affordable water is at risk.https://secure.freepress.net/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=305http://www.ourfuture.org/node/36490 TAKE ACTION ON Dog The (Blue) Dogshttp://www.globalaidsalliance.org/page/speakout/fy10150account TAKE ACTION ON Urge Congress to Support Essential International Affairs Programshttp://call.seiu.org/9/budget TAKE ACTION ON President Obama has introduced a budget proposal that provides the tools to fix our broken health care system.http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/callcongress/budget/ TAKE ACTION ON A New Foundation for Growth — Call Your Representativeshttp://healthcareforamericanow.org/page/s/healthreformgov TAKE ACTION ONhttps://secure2.convio.net/psr/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=343&autologin=true&JServSessionIdr008=zv7xxku152.app1b TAKE ACTION ON Tell President Obama: Take Nukes off 'hair trigger' alert!http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/228428209?z00m=19751341 TAKE ACTIONhttps://secure.truemajority.org/o/2/p/7002/tma_default?donate_page_KEY=112&amount=40 TAKE ACTION ON President Obama has proposed a terrific budget that invests in education, health care and job creation. But special interests are pulling out all the stops to squeeze Republicans and some conservative Democrats into opposing Obama's budget.http://action.panna.org/t/5185/questionnaire.jsp?questionnaire_KEY=754 TAKE ACTION ON Thank you for sharing your story!https://secure.freepress.net/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=305 TAKE ACTION ON New Networks Must Be Neutralhttp://www.1800genocide.com/?utm_source=JangoMail&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=Obama+Appoints+Special+Envoy%3A+Take+Action+Today+%28230975875%29&utm_content=metricclay%40hotmail%2Ecom TAKE ACTION ONhttp://www.ourfuture.org/node/36490 TAKE ACTION ON Stopping genocide is only a phone call away.http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/2215/t/8100/petition.jsp?petition_KEY=1410 TAKE ACTION ON Think Outside the Bottle Pledge
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