Many people knew Rockefeller family and relatives had been controlling CIA for many years. The WTC towers collapsed in NY911 attack were sponsored by David & Nelson Rockefeller, which was suspected being allowed by the CIA real boss to release the hatred of being tortured CIA employees towards the boss family. Rockefeller family's female offsprings' specialties in emotion and humanity and that the family had been controlling major banks of America indicated that their control of CIA that lasted around 50 years might be related to the Remote Mind Control and Remote Surgery technologies developed by CIA between 50's and 70's. It was suspected they had been killing CIA trainees and targetted people using the remote surgery and remote mind control technologies as playing games among family members that killed many CIA kidnapped kids.
TV series Doll House indicated creating terrorists is one of the ways to kill the CIA employees. One of the CIA technicals became suddenly crazy (due to remote brain surgeries and they were mind controlled) and did some thing that looked he wanted to kill someone. That CIA technical was killed because of the strange behavior. Many CIA did not know most bad behaviors of CIA human robots (dolls) were mind controlled by the boss, which is highly likely Rockefeller family members.
It was the CIA real boss who on purpose made the CIA dolls kill innocent people (including Margaret Thatcher) in the name of education. The real purpose was to justify killing every CIA employee who knows the secrets, which was the original plan. CIA sent me the original plan by showing me only one part of the movie starred by Judy Foster, in which a tycoon holding a small box talked to Judy Foster that there was a big secret in the box and no one else knew it, indicating everyone else who knew the secrets had been killed.
As the CIA real boss planned to kill everyone in the original plan. It would be too stupid to trust such boss as everything is consistent and everyone is consistent. Normally, people do not change especially when they are holding power. In history, Hitler did not change before he killed himself. To Hitler, no power means no life.