harassment  (25)

腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-10-13至2019-10-20)

1.         腦控空間賤人每天都在遙控電子武器摧殘市民的健康,相信是在幚目前區議會選舉籌集資金。當一個政黨自己沒有生財能力,需要在腦控人操控下,利用市民的微波痛症買藥錢作為選舉資金時,試問香港市民仍為投他們一票嗎?好了,當選後,區議會日後的營運資金仍靠吸市民血生存,試問這樣的一個政黨,如何為民請命,似是要取市民命吧!


2.         腦控空間有一傳說,周潤發已被槍毙,事情是真是假,政府未作出公佈。問題是周潤發有一個複製人,被槍毙的是真的周潤發或是複製人,收到的答案是所有被槍毙的犯人都必須經DNA核對,但以我的認知,複製人的DNA同真人應該是一樣。


3.         本週變態控芯片賤人關閉我腦控機上三個掣,一個思維掣,令我思維,記憶困難; 味覺掣,令我食而無味; 大小便掣,令我大小便困難; 相信受害者不只我一個。


4.         腦控空間有一小撮人,他們不能食任何食物,每食必嘔,只靠輪血為生,他們不能去醫院,原因不明。當在腦控空間見到相同血型的人,身處他們附近,會以綁架的方式,強搶他們去抽血供吸血鬼所用。大家都奇怪到底他們是什麼人,是否某種科技實驗的副產品?望有識之士賜教。 

            另我同受害者都有相同一個疑惑,在科技上,併芯片是否可做到血液轉移? 我曾經發覺自己肚臍有些微出血的情形,原以為是我肚臍貼磁鐵磨破所致,但用酒精消毒時,並未發現有任何破損傷口,為何會流血? 




 5.         在溫哥華,每天在圖書館做資料搜集,才知道原來我們在香港,很多重要的新聞各大媒體都不報導,可憐的香港人不僅思想被控制,連我們的新聞知情權也被剥奪。特別是同腦控,腦控訴訟,新聞作假等都全部不被報導,每天打開香港報紙,藥物廣告比新聞頁數還要多。 當選擇讀電子報紙,到重要新聞時,網頁永遠都沒辦法打開。我在加拿大短短一個多月,讀了許多在香港沒辦法讀到的新聞。只要同腦控有關,又沒有版權限制,我會轉貼到我facebook同大家分享。






6.         根據南華早報報導,目前香港有很多私人企業設立個人資料中心,其中最高準確率只有65%,如果將控制權放在卑鄙小人手中,被冤死害死的人更是不勝其數。


            以我個人為例,上期提到我個人檔案同賤人掉換,令我聲譽,求職受到制肘,好在特首明察秋毫,令我沉冤得雪,還我一個 A 級的個人誠信檔案。








Mind Control Space News this week (Oct. 13 to 20, 2019)




1.  The metamorphosis chip controller remote-controlled electronic weapons harm the health of the citizens every day. It is definably to fund raising for district council elections. When a political party does not have the ability to making money themselves, they not only choice is use the money that earn from pain killer that citizens’ microwave pain causing by electronic harassment, also under perps mind control. Do you thing under this situation, the Hong Kong citizen still giving them a vote?


Well, after the election, the working capital of the District Council will still use the blood of the citizens to survive. How can such a political party to help the citizens against mind control perps?  It seems to take the lives of the citizens more than anything !

2. There is a legend in the brain control space. Chow Yun-fat has been shot. The matter is true or false? The government has not made an announcement. The problem is that Chow Yun-fat has a clone. The one had been shot is the real Chow Yun Fat or the clone? The answer is that all the prisoners who before shot must be confirmed by DNA, but in my knowledge, the DNA of the original and clone should be the same. Right? How to distinguish the real one and the clone?

3. This week, the metamorphosis chip controller turn-off three key in my mind control machine, one for thinking, it caused me reading slower and difficulty in the thought and remember; second one, off my taste key, caused tasteless when I eat any foods; The third was off my urine, that caused me so difficulty in urinating. I am not only one victim, but most.


4. There is a small group of perp in the brain control space. They can't eat any food and vomited. They only rely on blood for a living. They can't go to the hospital. The reason is unknown. When the perp saw someone who got the same blood type, they will be kidnapped to take blood for the vampire. Everyone wonders what the hell they are? is it a by-product of some kind of technology experiment? If you know, please tell me with thanks.

In addition, I have the same doubts as the victims. In terms of technology, Mapping the chip can be able to transfer blood? I once noticed that there was some slight bleeding in my navel. I thought it may caused by the magnet that I stick in navel. However, when I disinfected with alcohol, I did not find any broken sign. Why did it bleed?
          Later, I realized that someone was unconsciously being taking blood in sleeping from the navel. Because I had a magnet, so mapping me with the victim to stop the blood draw. The blood draw was stopped, but my navel remained a few blood, which blood is someone else's or my own, I don't know? But it is horrible!


The above real story proves the possibility that the mapping can draw blood from the navel between two or more persons. To avoid getting blood from your deep sleep, protect your navel, I use a magnet, but if you have a virus in your body, the magnet will speed up the spread of the virus. If you have good idea, please let me know.


5. In Vancouver, I collect information every day in the library, that made me understood when I was in Hong Kong, I was being block by the media, a lots of important news will not be post in the major media and newspaper, poor Hong Kong people not only control by the mind control machine, also the right to know is also denied. For example, the mind control news, the brain control litigation, news fraud, etc.  above never reported before. Every day, when you read the newspapers in Hong Kong, the drug advertisements are more than news pages. When you choosing to read an electronic newspaper, when it comes to important news, the web page always cannot open. I have been in Canada for more than a month and read a lot of news which I never read in Hong Kong. As long as it is related to brain control and there are no copyright restrictions, I will post it to my Facebook to share with you.

However, after the mind control perps noted, when I read the news, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping me with someone who did not understand English, causing me cannot read in English. And the other hand, the perp turn my mind key off,  I have repeat and repeat to reading for understanding.

When I saw most of perps and their children, they did not learn anything only do stalking in mind control space, when you mapping them, you will felt your brain disorder at once, so we shall keep reading to upgrade my brain, although you feel difficultly and terrible when you under mind control, please don't give up, read it a few times, and naturally increase your memory.


6. According to the news, there are many private corporation in Hong Kong that have set up personal data bank. The highest accuracy rate is only 65%. If the control putting in the wrong person, that will causing a lots of unjust cases.

In my own case, in the last issue, I mentioned that my
citizen social credit files have been exchanged with perp who harm victims to live in mind control space, which has made my reputation and job hunting constrained. Fortunately, the Hong Kong Chief Executive has been done in investigation and verified, give me have a A-Grad citizen social credit

There is a very important point here, The control and edited person who whether got integrity. In today Hong Kong, many company got private databases with mind control machine, it can be arbitrarily modifying by someone else, change the appearance of others, and used against whatever their real enemy or fake enemy just for pay, such only in their mind which may set up by the mind control machine.

So warn to the victims, if you everything in rough, please check your citizen social credit file if possible, to find out what’s wrong.

Read more…


1.         本人已被逼避走溫哥華,而變態腦控賤人仍不肯放過我,持續指使遙控電子武器越境令我和受害者頭痛。據說, 他們大佬答應每月付一萬元薪金給願意在空間工作的人,但每月出薪金前,要求他們一定做一樣犯法的事,才有糧出。此所謂犯法事,大多數都是遙控電子武器害人。




2.         於溫哥華時間19日下午15:35變態腦控賤人利用滑輪腳底接摩工具使用者同我併芯片,令我滑倒在街,據說同時有三人跌倒。滑輪使用者是林家棟家姐; 另一方面,每晚當我睡眠時,劉江遙控電子武器攻擊我腿部關節穴位,令我腿都酸痛。據說長期被攻擊可致腿部骨骼移位,相信腦控賤人正在有計劃地殘害我腿部至殘廢


在此提醒變態控芯片賤人,我的惩罰性索儐條款是具法律效力, 詳情請參閱http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4669269  , 衡量自己是否賠償得起1000億美金才可害人傷殘。


同時提醒受害者出街時小心謹慎,賤人已到山穷水盡, 又跑路在外,只要有錢賺,任何傷天害理事都做得出。


據說當時控芯片者,有倆個組合 一個是黃子華,馬鼎盛; 另一個是張堅庭,劉江。哪個組合才是罪魁禍首?相信賤人自己心中有數。


3.         本週於晚上睡眠時間,變態控芯片賤人用多部電單車引擎的躁音嚴重滋擾,令我沒法睡眠,直至人大。想不到我們中國人在本國欺凌中國人後,繼續於外國失禮中國人, 有辱國體。實屬國耻!


4.         腦控空間有一真實的事件,多位在空間害人的孽障,利用掠奪受害者的賠償金,去投地起樓,但因他們既是外行,又偷工減料,令樓宇起成後不合格,政府拒絕發出入伙紙,令孽投資化水,還要將預賣樓花錢嘔出來賠償與買家。


還有另一帮收投資者資金起樓後, 資金去向不明, 現在西九工地因缺乏資金而停止運作. 故此, 人不停遙控電子武器賺藥錢之餘,還威脅投資者, 首期付款者, 令他們放棄追討的權利。卑鄙,無耻,賤格!


5.         另有一事,我百思不得其解,變態控芯片賤人經常將子宮癌痛患者同子宮健康者併芯片,令不知被腦控的受害者檢查結果以為自己子宮有事,到醫院摘除完整健康的子。我一直困惑為何要做此損人不利己的事?經他人提醒,認為是同器官移植有關才恍然大悟。可惡!




Mind Control Space News this week (Sept. 16 to 22, 2019)


1. I was forced to leaved Hong Kong for Vancouver, and the metamorphosis brain control perps still non-stop tortured. continue used globalizing remote control electronic weapons cause victims and me headaches for 3 days. It is said that they big brother have promised to pay a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan to those who are willing to work in space, but they are required to do something to break the law before get the salary, and most of these so-called offenses are remotely controlled electronic weapons to torture victims.


The big brothers behind them are: Liz Wan, Alfred Cheung, Patrick Tse, Simon Yam, English Tang, Paul Chu with his brothers, etc.

2. At 15:35 pm on Vancouver time, the metamorphosis chip controller mapping my chip with someone who rolling the foot massage, made me slipping on the street. as said that three people fell at the same time. The user of the foot rolling was Gordor Lam's sister;


On the other hand, when I sleep every night, Lau Kong remote control electronic weapon attacks my acupuncture points on the legs, which makes my legs sore and pain. According to expert said that such attack can cause the bones of the legs to shift. I believe that the brain control perps are intentionally to damaging my legs to the disabled.

I would like to remind the metamorphosis chip controller that my punitive claims are legally binding. You should refer to my website for details http://weshare.hk/red8fireplace/articles/4669269 and measuring your paid ability, whether you can afford $100 billion for my compensation of disability.

At the same time, remind the victims to be cautious when you walking on the street. The perps were urgently need the money at this time, so even any source for making money, they will without human being, breaking the law to earn, even harm to innocents and everyone all they don’t care. So everyone shall be cautions it.

The culprits are two combinations: one Dayo Wang, Ma Ding-sheng, and other one is
Alfred. Which combination is the main culprit? You tell me.


3. This week's when I sleep in the evening, the metamorphosis chip controller used computer to create the motorcycle engine sounds for nuisance, so I can't fall asleep until someone to slap him down. I cannot imagine why the Chinese people who continue to be shame on the Chinese in foreign countries after they have shame on Chinese in China. It is a national shame!

4. There is a real case in the brain-controlled space. There are few perps used the victims compensation money to bought land and constructed building. However, because they are both laymen and cut corners, they will not be qualified after the building is completed. The government refused to issue occupation permits, so that the perps in the tight funding situation, since the investment was totally loss, and the pre-sales fund should be return to the buyers.


Also have another group of perps, they got an amount of fund rising as property investment for western Kowloon project, and then said the money totally lost with unknown, Now the site is shut down due to lack of funds. Therefore, the perps continue to remote control electronic weapons to making money in mind control space, also threaten to force investors to abandon their invested, let them give up the right to sue for compensation. Despicable, shameless, and so mean!


5. There is another nasty case. The metamorphosis chip controller often mapping the uterine cancer pain patients with the uterus health person together, the health person did not know being brain-controlled, going to check and got uterine cancer results, then book an operation to remove the whole Healthy uterus. I have been confusing why the perp done that to harm victim without any personal interest. I was reminded by someone who said that such case was related to organ transplantation for perps’ benefit. OMG!


I am lucky, I have been mapping with someone who got uterine pain, and I met a good ethics doctor in Hong Kong who save my healthy uterus.


Read more…



1.     腦控空間聚集大批角色扮演的人,A貨的明星名人, 而被扮演者真貨都藏於A貨的後邊. 疑似操控或監控A貨作業. 而我恰恰相反, 我的A貨全在我後面跟蹤, 我連她們的真名都不知道. 這就是施害者同受害者的分別.

 另一方面, A貨蔡瀾被真蔡瀾控制於腦控空間以併芯片性騷擾女性沐浴為生, 據說A貨有一因長期用眼部跟蹤而近乎盲眼的兒子, 和一個智障的未來兒媳婦.


2.     兩星期前, 有一帮以曾志偉為首的台灣人在空間集結, 據說是同近期台灣選舉有關.



3.     腦控賤人利用人跟人的方式跟蹤特定目標, 電腦將人物和被跟人物腦部合, 主記憶放於跟蹤者, 令跟蹤者記憶目標人物的日常時務一段長時間後, 將跟蹤者的大腦同被跟者分開, 目標人物在被跟蹤的那一段日子的記憶變得模糊, 因此解釋了為何經常聽到有人講遠記憶仍非常清晰, 但近記憶却是很模糊的原因.


簡單測試, 將主記憶放於跟蹤者身上, 將跟蹤者同我的腦部合併, 一起記憶一段文字, 然後將跟蹤者的腦部同我分開, 我對剛剛記憶的文字完全忘記, 但當跟蹤者腦部再一次合併後即記起那一段文字.

腦控賤人利用此一原理去腦控獨居長者, 更甚者利用不同跟蹤者, 記憶日常不同的時段, 然後混亂不同跟蹤者的時間記憶反應到長者身上, 令長者思維混亂. 例如長者剛剛食完午餐, 腦控人將跟蹤者掉換, 新跟蹤者的記憶是未進午餐, 甚至感覺到新跟蹤者肚餓而再一次進食午餐而不自知, 相反可能經常感到飽肚而整天不需進食, 當長者子女發覺此現象時, 只會認為是長者腦部記憶衰退, 甚至老人痴呆. 所以提醒做人子女, 多關心家中獨居長者, 留意是否有被腦控的現象, 以免誤服藥物而加重病徵.


4.     我家中EMF FIELD測試是0, 但當有人同我合併時, 數字變得不, 跳動得很快. 解釋原因是當我做測試時, 控機賤人關閉我的EMF FIELD, 所以測試結果是0, 當開機時, 數字就不停跳動. 所以不要太相信EMF的測試結果, 所有EMF數字都在腦控賤人控制之中. 據專家解釋, EMF FIELD 數字同併芯人處於WIFI環境有關.


Mind Control Space News this week (July 29 to August 4, 2019)

 1. The brain control space gathers a large number of role-playing people, that is, the substituted of stars and celebrities, and the real one was hidden behind for manipulated. But I am exactly the opposite, my substitutes all behind me for eyes stalking, I don’t even know their real names. That was the difference between the perp and victim.

On the other hand,
the substitute of Cai lam was used to within the chips with women who taking shower in mind control space for sexual harassment, he said was control by real Cai Lam
. As known the substitute of Cai Lam who have a son got almonds blind caused from long term eyes tracking, and a mentally disorder daughter-in-law.

2. Two weeks ago, a group of Taiwanese arranged by Eric Tsang gathered in mind control space, which was said to be related to the recent Taiwan election.

3. The brain control perp uses computer to combine both brains of tracker and target, then puts the main memory on the tracker, so that the tracker remembers the daily life of the target person for a long time, then separated their brains, the memory of target during that period has become blurred, so it explains why people often claims their past memory still very clear, but the current memory being very vague.

Simple test, put the main memory on the tracker, merge two brains between the tracker and mine, read to remember a text together, and then separate the tracker's brain from me. I completely forgot the text I just remembered, but when the tracker merges again, the memory show up at once.

As above principle, the brain control perps use this technology to control the elderly who live alone, and even more use different trackers in turn to memorize different time periods of the target daily life, and then mix the time periods to confuse the memory to the elderly.  For example, the elderly just had lunch, the brain control perp will change a new tracker. The memory of the new tracker has not yet taken the lunch, and the target even got a same feeling of hungry with the new tracker, and taking lunch again without self-awakens. In contrary, the target may often feel full all the day without meal when the perp control the trackers after meals in turn to confuse the target who think he/she had meal already. When the family members of elderly knowing this phenomenon, they will naturally think that the elderly have a memory loss or even
Morbus Alzheimer. So warn to the family of elderly, take more care to your elderly living alone, and pay attention to the elderly who may under brain control, if so, avoid to taking too much drug, such only increasing mental ill. 


4.  The EMF FIELD test in my home got 0, but when someone merges with me, the number becomes unstable and was fluctuated very fast. The explanation was that when I do the test, the controller shuts down my EMF FIELD, so the test result got 0. When the computer is turned on, the number will be fluctuates. So don't trust the EMF test results. All EMF value either in high or low are under the brain control machine. According to experts, the EMF FIELD figures was related to the WIFI where you are stand on.

Read more…


1.     本週二下午開始, 腦控賤人持續遙控電子武器令我頭痛,1-5級程度的痛楚發展至週三8級頭痛, 背後始作俑者是汪明荃, 林建名, 周星馳, 曾志偉, 倪震, 其喪心病狂實令人髪指.

最令我百思不得其解的是以上人士全部是特區政府甄選出來的人大代表, 政協委員, 到底人大代表和政協委員的職是為什? 是以遙控電子武市民為生的人嗎?

2.     在現實生活中, 我發現有很多我相識的人, 有另一位樣貌同他們年青時一模一樣, 一樣的聲音, 一樣的舉止, 但有著不同的語言, 而年輕相似者大部份在中國. 到底他們是複製人還是另類科技? 他們有個共同的點就是都被腦控, 我懷疑可能有人將早期被腦控人士的芯片記憶體錄製, 然後將芯片同在中國的另一個人併在一起, 令疑似複製人與原樣的人有相同樣貌, 但不同年齡. 最其怪的是年輕者大部份都聲稱自小到大都是一樣的樣貌, 沒有大的改變. 奇怪

3.     本週羅啟新和鄭子誠因指使遙控電子武器而被行政拘留.


4.     自從我刊登螞蟻受手機頻率影響的視屏後, 我家中開始有螞蟻, 最其怪的是它們不近蜜糖, 只是幾只盲無目的的爬行, 相信是腦控人同我玩微波螞蟻遊戲.

5.     腦控空間有一位名叫曾惠文的女子, 經常將她肥胖的身型同我併芯片, 將他的家人用特技投於我家中進行滋擾, 據知是她嫌棄她家人失禮, 將他們的芯片同我併在一起以失禮我, 並向外訛稱他們是我家人, 將自家的羞恥寄托於他人的痛苦之上. 記住己所不欲, 莫施於人.



Mind Control Space News this week (July 08 to 14, 2019)

1. Starting from the afternoon of this Tuesday (9th), the brain-controlled monks remote control the electronic weapons caused me headaches. The pain from the 1-5 level up to the eight grade headache on Wednesday. The perps whom gave the order for harassment as know were Liz Wan, Lam Kim Ming, Stephen Chow, Eric Tsang, Joe Nieh etc. they are all as mad as microwave killers.

The most puzzling to me when I typing their name, all the above people are representatives of the
people's congress elected by the SAR government. Members of the NPC and CPPCC, what are the duties of NPC and CPPCC members? Are the SAR or NPC gave them right to harassment the citizens both in China and Hong Kong?

2.  I have a discover in the recent time, I found that there are many people whom I know, have the other one who face looks exactly the same as when they were young, the same voice, the same manner, but with different languages, and most of the youngers are resident in mainland China. Are they human clone or other high technologies? They all have in common were being brain-controlled. I suspect that someone might record the memory chip of the brain-controlled person in the early days, and then used the chip within to other person in mainland China. Causing the suspected copy person has the same appearance as the original one, but in different generation. I ask to the young one, they claim that they have the same appearance since childhood, no big change. They are surprising me. 


3. The DJ of Cuson Law and The TVB actor of Timothy Cheng were detention on suspicion this week for remotely controlled electronic weapons for harassment.

4. Since I share the video of ants affected by the frequency of mobile phones, I got some ants in my apartment that never saw before. The strangest thing is that it were not close to honey, but blind and purposeless crawlers. I believe that brain control perp playing the microwave ant’s game with me.

5. There is a woman named Tsang wei man in the brain control space. She uses her own obese body shape to
within chip with me.  Projected his family members with special effects to my home to nuisance and mental abused. As known that she dislikes her family since rude. So done above for embarrassing me, and misled people that her family was my.  Waning to Tsang Wei Man, I don’t even know you, don’t place your own shame on me ever you don’t want to.


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腦控空間本週新聞 (2019-05-27至2019-06-02)

1.     變態控芯片賤人將多人同我併芯片, 眼部跟蹤我家中一切. 在法律上, 將他人眼跟蹤進入私人地方等同未經同意擅闖私人地方, 屬嚴重刑事罪行. 敬請留意!


2.     有人在空間以假的李兆基先生和劉鑾雄先生聲音作為招徠, 吸引投資者買賣股票, 實質上是以腦控方式欺騙投資者金錢. 望大家投資時, 小心謹慎, 以免受騙.


3.     當有人在空間被電子武器摧殘至死時, 腦控賤人刻意出來同受害者玩, 潛受害者聲, 大聲喧嘩作樂, 令死者家屬反感. 因大部份受害者都沒有眼部跟蹤, 並且被局部屏障, 不知發生何事, 只是在情緒影響下苦中作樂. 望死者家屬見諒!



4.     被腦控賣樓案例, 有長者在被腦控併芯片的情況下自己將物業出賣, 將金錢匯到不相熟者戶口後, 當上門收樓才醒覺物業已出售. 因整個交易程序都是業主自己處理, 所有人口供證實業主是處於清醒(被清醒人併芯片)的情況下, 又沒法提供被腦控的事實, 所以要追回物業很困難. 望長者小心, 將屋契交由銀行或子女保管較為安全.



5.     腦控空間經常聞到一股腐尸味, 據說是控芯片人將已死的人同遙控電子武器殺人犯併芯片, 令死者的尸臭味跟隨殺人犯作為懲罰. 我好奇的是, 人死後, 腦電波自然消失, 為何仍能傳播尸臭味? 據講, 當併死尸芯片時, 死尸復活, 潛聲時, 能講話, 但仍是死尸的模樣, 當芯片分開, 又恢復死亡, 有如我們電影所見的僵屍. 有人利用此種科技, 併死者芯片立遺囑和改遺囑, 實際上非死者的意願, 而是併芯片者的詭計.


6.     我的樣貌一天多變, 有時照鏡吓自己一跳. 近期將我同中國異見份子併芯片, 真不知變態控芯片賤人意欲何為?


7.     我住的大廈大部份住客都是律師和外籍教師, 但近期有娛樂圈三級女星同賊人入住, 並將同單位不同樓層的良家婦女同三級女星合併後在腦控空間以眼部跟蹤方式播放, 陷害良家婦女, 其中大部份是法律界單身女仕. 望本大廈業主小心挑選租客, 以免影響大廈的保安和聲譽.


8. 被告知, 有變態控芯片賤人在腦控機上做手腳, 令我腦部很多雜音, 長期局部智障, 令我執筆忘字, 書寫時感覺特別吃力. 另一方面, 腦控空間有人提出, 經常聽到我講話, 但他們同我講話時我聽不見, 很奇怪.



Mind control Space news this week (May 27 to June 02, 2019)


1. The metamorphosis chip controller within my chip with a group of strangers, eyes tracking into my apartment, knowing my apartment everything, even personal belonging. Legally, group stalking same as trespass into private area without consent, it is a serious criminal offence. Keep your eyes out!

2. Some perps using false voices of Mr. Lee Shau-Kee and Mr. Joe Lau in the mind control space, taking the trick to attract investors to trade the stocks with intention. They used mind control technology to control the investors to buy and sell stocks to manipulate the stock market as their own.  
Mind your step to the trap!

3. When someone dead by electronic attacked in mind control space, the movie stars will come out to
present a false picture of peace and prosperity, play with the victims with loud and happy , making the family member of the deceased disgusted and misleading all people taking pleasure in others pain. It is so sorry, since all victims without eyes tracking, and partially block by the chip controller, they don’t know what happened in that moment, just playing under the influence of emotions as enjoy the hardships.


 4. Base on the case story, there is elderly people who sell his property being within the chip with perp in control. After all transaction completed, and the money remitted to someone unknown, whole property selling without owner’s own mind. The owner was wake up by the new owner when hand over the property. Show by prima facie, the whole procedures are handled by the owner himself. All the witnesses are confirmed that the owner with clear mind situation (actually within chip with clear mind perp), and the owner cannot provide the proofs that he is being mind controlled. Therefore, it is very difficult to get the property back. Warn to the elderly, your deeds safer to be kept by banks or your own children.
5. In the brain-controlled space, we often got a smells from dead body. It is said that the chip-controller within the dead body chip will the killer, the corpse smell is followed by the murderer as a punishment until the chip separated. I am curious, as I known, when certify the human body dead based on the brain stop working, when the brain stop working, how can the microwave connect to? Why the body still can spread the smell?  


According to the report, when live person within chip with the dead body, the dead body can have a movement with live person as live person wear a dead body clothing as cover, of Couse you listening the voice own by the live person, but the appearance own by dead body, like the zombies that we saw in the movies. Such make someone use this technology to have a fake sentence to making a will not the dead person’ will, But the chipmaker's tricks.


6. My appearance is changing day by day, sometimes I am scared by the mirror. In the near few days, I was being within chip with the dissidents of China. I don’t know what the wrong with metamorphosis chip controller, what are they intention for?

7. I residence in the apartment building, and the most of the residents are lawyers and foreign teachers, but recently there is a dirty movie actress together with thief are as tenancy, used difference floor but same flat to merged as movie and broadcasted to someone for eye tracking, the most of them are single women in the legal professional. Warn to the owner of my apartment building, carefully selects the tenants as responsibilities to protect the security and reputation of the building.

8. I was told by someone, the metamorphosis chip control making a serious tricky in brain control machine, which make my brain got a lot of noise, partially mental disorder, I can felt particularly difficult in writing, always forgot the words when I write. 


On the other hand, someone in mind control space said that often heard my brain sound, but I couldn’t hear them when they spoke to me. It was so strange?


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