stalking (119)

GSS Friday Night 9PM EST Conference Call

GSS Friday Night 9PM EST Conference Call


This is the inform you that I will be accepting notarized Affidavits. You are welcome to send it to: Previously I was accepting summaries describing your issue, but due to the work load involved, I could no longer do that.

We will be open to interviewing you on the conference call and then drafting these Affidavits, but it is your responsibility to have these Affidavits notarized.

Once we have received 10 or more Affidavits, we will start the coalition.

Anyway, there has been a lot of sabotaging going on behind the scenes. The organization claiming to represent the TI community has brought it upon itself to take on doing these Affidavits.

There is no problem with this position, except that, they had many years to decide that doing Affidavits were important. This was especially true when they actually had a lawyer working for them. So why the sudden interests?

Could it be that they never intended to have a legal case in the first place? I don't really know, but I find them wanting to do Affidavits pretty suspicious!

Now that I have galvanized the interests of having these Affidavits done, now they want do it. The president of this organization stated that we should send it to the Justice Department as if that is going to solve things.

I wrote an Affidavit over a year ago and the Justice Department was one place I sent it to. But it wasn't just sent to the Justice Dept. It was specially sent to Eric Holder.


I did get a response, but it wasn't favorable. The Justice Dept. completely ignored most of what I written in the Affidavit, but they did recognized my police harassment manner.

In other words, don't expect too much to come out of the Justice Dept. It is just a smoke screen just to get you to believe that something is going to be done.

I said this from the very beginning, the Affidavit is just one step you need to take to get rid of these crimes. The second step is to start the coalition and to start networking with human rights organizations.

If you are tired of being jerked around, then you should take the power in your hands and join me in this effort in getting rid of these crimes.

Your opinions and suggestions will gladly be appreciated and we will do our best to work through some of the bottlenecks.

Our next conference call will be Friday Night at 9PM EST or 6PM PST. The call is hosted on or you can call 724-444-7444 ID 83319 # pin 1 #


Chris J. Brunson
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On October 14-15, 2010, there will be the America ’s Spiritual Revival conference call starting at 7:00 p.m. EST. The call-in number is 218-339-2500. Access Code is 1080656#.
October 10, 2010 was the start of the year-long God-sent America ’s Spiritual Revival (A.S.R).
A.S.R. will follow the principles of 2 Chronicles 7:14. In order for us to be successful, we must have the support and commitment of the church who want to bring more people to God and see a healing of the nation take place. This commitment will involve both prayer and action like Nehemiah did. We want to unite and empower the churches.
We want to revive, restore, and renew people's belief in the church and in God because many people are presently "lost". People can no longer distinguish the Christians from the non-Christians. There is lawlessness. There has been an increase in murders, teenage suicide rates, thefts and divorces to name just a few. There has been greed and corruption from politicians to religious leaders. Many people are asking themselves the question: Where is God? God is here and have answered your prayer about having a Spiritual Revival.
God revealed the acronym W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G. which stands for:
W stands for “Worship”
R stands for “Repent”
A stands for “Anoint”
P stands for “Praise and”
P stands for Pray”
I stands for “In the”
N stands for “Name of”
G stands for “God”
In other words we should enclose or cover ourselves through Worship, Repent, Anoint, Praise, and Pray In the Name of God.
PASTORS, MINISTERS, and RELIGIOUS LEADERS: We must be in one accord. We are requesting that all pastors, ministers, and religious leaders preach and teach on the subject of SIN for the month of November 2010. The sermons and teachings should include all types of sin including " The Sins of Omission”, “Sins of Commission”, and the “Seven Deadly Sins”. The church must get their house in order, for this Spiritual Revival to be successful. Many Christians are not totally committed to God. Each month will be a different topic for the year.
YOUR COMMITMENT TO PRAYING FOR 21 CONSECUTIVE DAYS: For the next 21 days we are requesting that you pray between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 am and/or between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 pm each day in your designated time zone. Your prayer time can be done with family, friends, and co-workers either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. In order for our prayers to be heard and answer by God, we must be in one accord. God will hear our prayers for hours and in addition, our prayers will become “exponential” because so many people are praying at the same time.
FAMILY MEMBER PRAYER WARRIORS: The devil has destroyed many families. Unlike many years ago, many families are living thousands of miles apart. We are asking that the prayer warriors set-up a designated time to pray time either in person or via a conference call. The family that prays together stays together. There are many free conference calls which are available online, which you can do this.
VOLUNTEERS REQUESTED FROM EACH STATE: We are looking for volunteers from all states to lead the prayer in their state (STATE PRAYER WARRIORS). In addition, we are looking for people to help coordinate visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities in their state (STATE COORDINATORS). We are looking for YOUTH COORDINATORS from each state.
SPONSORSHIPS: We are looking for sponsors to provide 2 RVs, which we can travel around the country, as well as, office equipment (computers, printers, etc.). We are looking for someone to develop website and updating the site.
PARTNERSHIPS: We are looking to partner with churches, religious leaders, organizations, individuals, community leaders, Christian artists/musicians/singers, and Christian TV networks, in order to make this massive endeavor successful.
A.S.R. TEAM: We will be visiting each state for the next year. From November 7 - 13, 2010 The A.S.R. team will partner with churches in New Jersey to visit hospitals, senior citizen homes, foster homes, juvenile detention centers, and other facilities. PA will be November 14-20, 2010. DE will be November 21-27, 2010. We will have a full schedule of the states available by October 21, 2010.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? We invite everyone of all ages and for believers and non-believers. Everyone can do something. Pastor Miles McPherson wrote a book Do Something which talks about that issue.
IS THIS JUST FOR AMERICA ? No, we are asking for other nations/countries to join us in this event.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Get involved! You can post this on your website; send it to your friends, family members, religious leaders, pastors, ministries, and co-workers. It is the only way that change can occur.
If you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, please contact us. We look forward to hear from you.
For more information, please contact the A.S.R. office at 347- LOVE JESUS (568-3537).
God bless you,
Letitia Peters
A.S.R. Organizer
“ America ’s Spiritual Revival: Healing the Nation through W.R.A.P.P.I.N.G”

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GSS Friday Night 9PM EST Conference Call

GSS Friday Night 9PM EST Conference Call

After some discussion, I decided to change the day and time the calls occur. The new day and time reflects the amount of TI's who could not be on the Thursday call.

Our next call will be on Friday at 9PM EST and 6PM EST on The focus of the call will be Affidavit Completion and News concerning the TI community. If you will like to participate, please call 724-444-7444. ID: 83319 # pin: 1 #.

You can also visit Click on "LIVE". Then scroll down until you see "Government Sponsored Stalking". Click on "JOIN IN". A new browser window will open up.

The goal of these conference calls is to establish legal credibility. This is accomplished through the writing of an Affidavit. Once we receive 10 Affidavits, we will be starting a coalition.

The purpose of the coalition is to establish alliances with other human rights organizations and to seek their assistance in the legal process. The legal process involves several things, which would be discussed in the new coalition.

If you are interested in getting involve, your cooperation will be gladly appreciated.

Thank you for your participation and have a nice day. 2

Chris J. Brunson

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Conference Call with President Obama

Conference Call with President Obama

You are Invited to a


Linking Community and Faith Leaders to Information about New Benefits

Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Time: 4 PM Eastern, 3 PM Central, 2 PM Mountain, 1 PM Pacific

Dial in information:
For those with internet access, please join the call online at:

For those without internet access, please dial: 1-888-455-6860 or 1-866-844-9416

A Conference Call for Faith and Community Leaders with the President of the United States

You are invited to join President Obama for a conference call to discuss key new benefits under the Affordable Care Act. We want to ensure that community leaders like you have the most up-to-date information and resources about these new benefits to share with your communities and congregations.

On September 23rd, the six month anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, several new health care benefits begin to apply: eligible young people up to age 26 can stay on their parents¿ health plan, key prevention benefits are covered without co-pays or deductibles in new plans, and insurance companies may no longer deny coverage to kids because of pre-existing conditions or drop someone from coverage because of a paperwork mistake.

President Obama will speak about how consumers and communities are already benefiting from the new law. HHS officials will provide an update on how the Affordable Care Act is being implemented, highlight new outreach resources, and answer questions from community and faith leaders. Community and faith leaders will also share their efforts to bring the benefits of health care reform home to communities.

Please forward this invitation to your members and partners.

This call is closed press and for your informational purposes only.
You do not need to RSVP for this call. If you have questions, email

Hosted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships.

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GSS Thursday Night 11 PM EST Conference Call

GSS Thursday Night 11 PM EST Conference Call

Dear Comrades,

The conference call was a success. We were able to interview two TI's about the crimes happening to them. Affidavits are currently being prepared for them, which they agree to take to a notary next week.

We do hope that you follow their direction, as we are close to starting the coalition.

Next conference call will be Thursday at 11PM on Or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #

Affidavits and descriptions outlining your crimes should be submitted to:

If you will like to be place on the talkshoe list for future conference call, contact me at

Our website is located at:
Our Affidavit is located at:

Thanks for your time and hope you attend the next conference call.

Chris J. Brunson
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Affidavit Completion ReEXAMINE

Affidavit Completion ReEXAMINE

We were hoping to get 3 Affidavit in this weeks conference call.Unfortunately, we did not meet our mission. So I want to know how can Iget an affidavit from you so that we can start this coalition? As youknow, the coalition will be setup to assist us in addressing thesecrimes, because the coalition will be run and control by TI's.

The Affidavits will establish legal credibility, while giving TI's the confidence to know who we are dealing with.

Lets move forward with this affidavit so we don't spend the next 5, 10, 20 years being assaulted.

Contact me at with a brief description about howyour crimes started and the parties involved. Then summarize how youwant these crimes to be dealt with and I will write the affidavit foryou to have notarize.

Once this has been completed, we will start moving forward with the coalition.

Chris J. Brunson
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Government Sponsored Stalking


Idid some intensive upgrades to my parent website. Although it is closeto finished, it would never get to the point where it fully fulfill itmission. The mission to end all organized crime world wide. That's whyit is important that this is a group effort. Otherwise, the missionwill be lost.


You can still reach me at my sister's website:

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Conference Call Thursday 9PM Eastern Time

Dear Comrades,

I will be hosting my own talkshoe program on Thursday, May 27th at 9:00 PM Eastern Time. It will be an introduction to a work meeting we plan to develop through the conference call. Other highlights of the call will be recorded interviews and music interludes. 724-444-7444 id 83319 then 1#

Chris J. Brunson
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Affidavit Completion

Affidavit Completion

Dear Participants,

I want to thank you all for participating in last week's GSS conference call (our teleconferences are every Thursdays at 11PM on Call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #). It was a pleasure to present you with all the information you need to complete your Affidavit. As you know, affidavit completion is the first thing we need to do to get rid of these crimes. The next step is to create a coalition and elect officers.

If you are serious about getting rid of these crimes, you will have your affidavit completed by Thursday's conference call. This is the time that I will set aside to go through the affidavits that was submitted to me.

Remember, I will be checking your affidavits for grammatical errors and content reliability. Once this has been completed, your affidavit will be resubmitted to you.

Here's my email address to submit you affidavit:

Once your affidavit is completed, you should:

1) take your affidavit to a notary republic and have them sign and stamp it. Please have your id or license.
2) make 5 copies (3 copies will be submitted to the parties listed in the affidavit).
3) send your affidavit in a 9' by 12' envelope and ask for certified return receipt from your local post office before mailing it.

We are shooting for 10 competed Affidavits before discussion of a coalition occurs. So please make this possible.

If you need assistance, I can be contacted by:

Phone: 347-285-7954

Once 10 Affidavits are completed, we will be discussing the new coalition next week. This includes:

1: name
2: mission
3: elections
4: robert rules of order
5: forming committees
6: duties concerning committee members
7: outreach

At this point, GSS will no longer be hosting this conference call. The date of the next conference call will be decided by the chair and voting members.

Thanks for your assistance.

Chris J. Brunson/Kwalspony/Qolspony
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Dear readers,

Is anyone familiar with these websites? I'm currently using photobucketto upload photos and videos that I have taken to document these crimeshappening to me. Unfortunately, I have been having trouble uploadingvideos and thought of an idea of using NING to continue thisdocumentation. Has anyone thought of using NING to do the documentation?

NING is quite a bit more expensive than the photos/videoswebsites and offer less features. However, it does offer a forum aroundthese photos and videos and this might just be enough to switch.

Notbeing able to upload videos through traditional onsite functions doeslimit my ability to get this evidence to the public. But the FTP optionis a must for uploading large video files.

Youtube has been thebest offer so far, but I'm very limited on how many videos I can upload.There is just too many videos with a lot of substantial evidence for itto be a logical choice.

Besides, only the strongest evidence iswhat I want the masses to see. The less evidential video is just thereto piggy back on the more prominent material.

Your comments aboutthis subject will be gladly appreciation as it will enlighten me (aswell as others) on which available options exist.

Thanks you foryour comments when given.
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GSS Conference Call Was A Total Success

GSS Conference Call Was A Total Success

Dear Comrades,

The conference call was a success. We were able to interview two TI’s about the crimes happening to them. Affidavits are currently beingprepared for them, which they agree to take to a notary next week.

We do hope that you follow their direction, as we are close to starting the coalition.

Next conference call will be Thursday at 11PM on Or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #

Affidavits and descriptions outlining your crimes should be submitted to:

If you will like to be place on the talkshoe list for future conference call, contact me at

Our website is located at:
Our Affidavit is located at:

Thanks for your time and hope you attend the next conference call.

Chris J. Brunson

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Thursday Night Teleconference

Thursday Night Teleconference

Good Day Comrades,

We are in the fight for our lives and it is not getting easier. Butone thing we do have is each other. Won't we take this this opportunitybefore it passes us by?

What I'm referring to is the idea to create this coalition. But firstI need you to do one thing. Won't you put together an affidavit so wecan began the process of ending these horrific crimes?

The crimes I'm referring to is organized gang stalking, electronic harassment, chemical warfare and so on.

If you want these crimes to stop you will take heed. If you areunable to fulfill that mission, I won't just let you go, but I do needyour help.

If you find it too difficult to write this affidavit, in return, I can accept a summary description outlining these crimes.
It should start with when the crimes happened (specified date), whowas involved (name of person(s) and place), what techniques were used(organized gang stalking, electronic harassment, chemical warfare, etc),and how can your elected official assist you in stopping it.

All correspondents should be sent to:

Other matters. Recently, there has been a lot of rumors that acoalition should not happen. But this is the reason why it shouldhappen. Perpetrators don't like coalitions, because they operateindependently from government sponsored 501c3 organizations.

First of all, Targeted Individuals will dictate what happens with thecoalition, not some IRS corporation that operates in Washington DC. Wewill make decisions whether the government likes or not.

Another issue is the sudden interests in these other conference callsaround the importance of creating an affidavit to document thesecrimes. Do not be fool by this new position as it is there to distractyou away from forming this coalition.

The members of these conference calls are affiliated with anorganization that has failed TI's for over 5 years. Don't think for aminute it will change. It would be business as usual once the coalitionis no longer a factor.

Please do not let this happen.

If you need help with putting this affidavit together, I will help you every step of the way.
Do not believe that the affidavit is all you need to stop thesecrimes. The affidavit is just one process in stopping these crimes.

I have written 5 affidavits and since this time, my crimes havegotten worse. Reason? I did not have an organization behind me.

Now that we are almost there, all it will take is YOU willing tosacrifice an hour of YOUR time to put this affidavit together.

Anyway, if you are still hesitant in making this decision, just thinkabout your current situation. Is not doing an affidavit worth 5, 10 oreven 20 more years of cointelpro targeting?

If I thought so, I probably would not being pushing this idea.

It cost dearly to do this every week and I don't get paid a red cent.I don't expect to. But I do expect that there is enough TI's willing tosupport this idea.

What do we have to loose? One more Saturday teleconference of constant blabber?

Weekly conference calls that repeat the same message about how bad things are, but never have a solution of how to solve it?



We can't sacrifice anymore of our PRECIOUS life for this NONSENSE!!

We must get down in the drenches and tell the world that if these crimes continues, THERE IS A BIG PRICE TO PAY!

Are you tired?
Teleconference are held every Thursdays (TODAY) at 11PM on or call 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
Chris J. Brunson - GSS 3

PS: If you will like to be place on the list for future conference calls, contact me at

Important links:
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Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM EST

Thursday Night Conference Call 11PM ESTTOPIC: We will be having a writing workshop to produce Affidavits. If you have not receive the Affidavit sample, you can find it below:Link: purpose of producing these Affidavits is to develop legal standing. By developing legal standing your credibility is upheld.Web Connection: If you have a persistent web connection, you should visit and click on "LIVE". Then you should search for "GOVERNMENT SPONSORED STALKING". Once you have found this room, you should click on "JOIN IN". Another browser window should open up. You will be listed in the room as guest until you create a talkshoe account. Creating a talkshoe account will give you your own identity and at some future date, allow you to create your own room.PHONE: If you don't have a persistent web connection, dial 724-444-7444. You will be prompted for an ID, which is 83319 # (pound sign). Then the operator will ask you for your PIN, which is 1 #. If you already have an account, your PIN is usually a phone number that you assigned. Just type that in and the "#" sign and your identity will show up in the chatroom.For any reason you have trouble getting into the conference call, please feel free to contact me at 347-285-7954 or email me at: bmarkforce@yahoo.comHope to see you tonight!Chris J. BrunsonKWALSPONI
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Thursday Night Conference Call - Affidavit Completion

We are accepting Affidavit drafts today and expect that it would becompleted next week. Then we will move forward in starting theCoalition. This involves naming, electing a chair, creating committeesand much, much more. Hope you join us.

If this is your first time seeing this message, please go here:

Conference calls are held every Thursdays at 11PM EST and 8PM PST Just click on "LIVE" and scroll down until you seeGovernment Sponsored Stalking. Or if you preference, call: 724-444-7444.They will ask you for an id. Just type in 83319 # (pound) and your pin 1#.

If you have trouble, just contact me at or 347-285-7954.

We want to move forward in creating this coalition and if you seriouswant to stop these crimes, you will put your Affidavit together.

I will assist you at your convenience.

Thanks for reading and have a good day.

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STALKERS Act of 2010 (H.R.5662 -- IH)

H.R.5662 -- STALKERS Act of 2010 (Introduced in House - IH)

HR 5662 IH




2d Session


H. R. 5662

To amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to the offense of stalking.




July 1, 2010

Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary



To amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to the offense of stalking.


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,




This Act may be cited as the `Simplifying The Ambiguous Law, Keeping Everyone Reliably Safe Act of 2010' or the `STALKERS Act of 2010'.




(a) In General- Section 2261A of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:


`Sec. 2261A. Stalking


`(a) Whoever, with intent to kill, physically injure, harass, or intimidate a person, engages in any conduct in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce or in the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States that--


`(1) causes or attempts to cause bodily injury or serious emotional distress to a person other than the person engaging in the conduct; or


`(2) occurs in circumstances where the conduct would be reasonably expected to cause the other person serious emotional distress;


shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).


`(b) The punishment for an offense under this section is the same as that for an offense under section 2261, except that--


`(1) if the offense involves conduct in violation of a protection order, the maximum term of imprisonment that may be imposed is increased by 5 years, over the term of imprisonment otherwise provided for that offense in section 2261; and


`(2) if the victim of the offense is under the age of 18 years, the maximum term of imprisonment that may be imposed is increased by 10 years, over the term of imprisonment otherwise provided for that offense in section 2261.'.


(b) Clerical Amendment- The item relating to section 2261A in the table of sections at the beginning of chapter 110A of title 18, United States Code, is amended to read as follows:


`2261A. Stalking.'.




In the annual report under section 529 of title 28, United States Code, the Attorney General shall--


(1) include an evaluation of Federal, tribal, State, and local efforts to enforce laws relating to stalking; and


(2) identify and describe those elements of such efforts that constitute the best practices for the enforcement of such laws.
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Room Closing

Room Closing

If you are a regular participant of Government Sponsored Stalking andwas in the room on Thursday July 29th, I apologize. The controversysurrounding the room closing is very complicated and I learned avaluable lesson from this experience.

If I'm not able to moderate the next call, I will send out a notice informing you that it won't be open this week.

I do apologize for the abrupt closing as this was not of my doing. Igenerally will keep the room open after recording has ended.

Because I was not moderating the room at the time of closing, I hadno control over this action that was taken against my will.

No longer will I be entertaining secondary moderators.

Thanks for your acknowledgment to this understanding.


PS: This isn't a SUPPORT call. Calls are hosted on Thursdays at 11PM EST. 724-444-7444 id 83319 # pin 1 #
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Operating System

Even with the best of "protective" programs, myoperating system is being hacked. But I have found a and offer more benefits and doesn't cost youanything. It runs under a Linux based environment and that means it ismore stable than MS windows.

The best thing of them all isthat you don't have to install the operating system. You can run itdirectly from the cd you create when you download the files.

I like this option very well, because the criminals can't delete files that compromises the integrity of the system.

I'm also looking at other alternatives to MS and will be posting here. Thanks for reading.
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