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Stanford Research Institute aka Sarnoff Corporation

Security Products, Oct. 19, 2010Sarnoff, ePortation Demonstrate Iris Identity Verification System Thisarticle reports that the Sarnoff Corporation and ePortation recentlyannounced the new Glance iris recognition system for high-speedbiometric identification at ports and other critical infrastructure.According to the article, using Sarnoff’s proven iris image capturesystem that quickly images the iris of a person in motion and at adistance, the system offers high-speed and highly accurate identityverification even in outdoor climates. While other iris scanningtechnologies require users to stop or closely stare into a scanner,Sarnoff’s technology works differently. It verifies identities inseconds, at an arm’s length distance, allowing quick and easyaccess.

IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 18, 2010DARPA Seeking to Revolutionize Robotic Manipulation This articlereports that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA) recently unveiled an ambitious program to significantlyadvance robotic manipulation. According to the article, the four-yearAutonomous Robotic Manipulation, or ARM, program aims at developingboth software and hardware that would enable robots to autonomouslyperform complex tasks with humans providing only high-leveldirection. There are three major tracks: software, hardware, and anoutreach track. According to the article, SRI has been selected todevelop both hardware and software for a robotic hand.

San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 18, 2010Search Engines Learning to Anticipate User's Needs This articlereports on developments in search engine technology. SRI spin-offSiri is described in the article, which notes that SRI continues towork on virtual personal assistants that address short comings insearch engines. "With most of the systems right now, we expressit piece by piece. It's up to us, in our head, to make sure thepieces all flow together and at the end combine to meet our intent,"said Bill Mark, vice president of information and computing sciencesat SRI. "We're moving to a world where the technology does abetter job of understanding higher level intent and completes theentire task for us."

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Chemistry of the soil affected by telluric currents, effect on crops ..... Telluric currents and the electrical distribution system, more on the Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics: The Ultimate Inside Report on the World Technocracy
rights1.gif Index

Ancient Wisdom and Modern Physics, Leading Edge Research Group, August 1999, 238 pages, 8 1/2 x 11 Velo Bound, with master index. Edited and footnoted by Val Valerian. For almost six years, a select group of world scientists also on the path of self-knowledge and discovery began to transmit fascinating information to Leading Edge Research Group in regard to technological developments occurring behind the scenes in the planetary control paradigm, as well as new developments occurring in other facets of society, covered in annual meetings, primarily in Chicago, Illinois but also in New York and other locations around the world. The information first began to appear in the Leading Edge Research Journal in 1993, where the group introduced themselves to readers and then embarked on a series of revelations that began to evoke a lot of interest in the research community.

In 1995, when more of the series was released in LE Journal No.78, the contents literally rocked people all over the world, revealing developments in manipulative electromagnetics and mind control suspected but never actually verified until that time. The Chicago Research Group periodically released data in the Leading Edge Research Journal over the next several years, often in parallel with pertinent data in Kostas LambrakisUnified Field and Takyon-Delton Physics series, as planetary conditions and situations warranted. New scientific discoveries in astronomy, neurology, applied materials sciences and a host of other areas brought a vast array of data to researchers worldwide.

A tremendous amount of research on planetary changes and changes in the universe around us also came forth as the series continued through the years into 1999, often incorporating commentary, supporting background information and verification of events and trends brought forth by other researchers. A staggering amount of data covering literally hundreds of subjects is contained in this collection of published Chicago Group material extracted from the Leading Edge Research Journal. Issue No. 78 alone contained commentary on 111 different subjects. As the 1990's progressed, more data detailing the involvement of both extraterrestrial and dimensional races in our planetary affairs was discussed, expanding the scope of the information available to LEIRG readers even further. When Alex Collier brought forth his information in the late 1990's, these scientists were able to verify a lot of data on events and trends not only in regard to the Earth, but also our solar system.

In June 1999, the decision was made to combine everything released into one volume, totally re-indexed and expanded to include current developments. For those who have always wanted to know the inside details of what has been happening around them but have never had much success in finding out, this book will be an eye-opening and transforming experience. You will be one of the select few who actually know the details behind trends and events that keep the rest of the population guessing. Incredible discoveries about consciousness and reality are enfolded into the material. You will not be the same person after reading this material. The book is available only from Leading Edge International Research Group, P.O. Box 2370, Yelm, Washington 98597.

Index of Subjects Covered:

60Hz frequency as harmonic of Theta brain frequency
60Hz power frequencies, effect on human brain of
A Global Famine Begins in 1998 - 1999
A Major Split Among the One World Hegemony
A Note About the December 1997 Asteroid Impact in Greenland
A Reiteration on the Blaming of Natural Disasters on El Nino
A Scalar-Takyonic change in natural pulse of Earth is observed
A Space-Time Shift Will Be in Progress on Earth
Aappearance of a new type of acoustical radiation
Acceleration of apparent time flow by spacetime changes
Acceleration of events and magnification of emotions in quantum changes
Access possible to any computer on the planet through scalar freq
Acoustical Emission of Nitrous Oxides and Holographic Patterns
Acoustical sonochemistry and sonic radioactivity
Activation of dormant DNA-RNA and biological processes
Aerial distribution of pathogenic organisms in progress
Alien scenario, general commentary on the
Alien technology for information acquisition of implanted humans
Alteration of the holographic morphogenetic field and cell transmutation
American’s socially tested by the slave media for scenarios
An Evalution of Professor Hapgoods 5/5/2000 Scenario
An intelligence behind changes in the solar system
Ancient prophecies and parallel reality systems
Annual seasonally related social phenomena
Answering machines as a brilliant money-making concept
Apathy of the planet has reached epic proportions
Aqueous media, ability to store information matrices
Artificially Created Solar Plasma Flare in 1997
Aspects of alternative and parallel reality systems
Atmospheric Electrochemical Mind Control
Atmospheric oxygen depletion is at critical levels for human existence
Attitude and orientation, importance of during upcoming changes
August 1999 seen as trigger point for major millennium changes
Being aware of “in-between” spaces
Belief systems and perception, discussion of
Biological kinetics of DNA and RNA and hormones
Biological systems, effect of electromagnetic fields on, discussion of
Biophysical time flux parameter alteration for political aims
Blood, crystalline aspects of, intefered with by external electromagnetics
Bombing of the African US embassies
Books that will help the seeker and student of the spiritual path
Brain and genome research, unusual, being done by governments/military
Brain as a biological space-time energy transducer
Brain entrainment, television and, effect on consumer mental states
Brain Research and Related Topics
Brain research specifically related to behavior modification and control
Brain Research Tools Currently in Use
Brain, discussion of the concept of 10% use of
Brain, entrainment of, by exterior pulsing magnetic field emissions
Brain, human, tampering with, using external electromagnetic frequencies
Brain, patterns, normal vs those affected by external power frequencies
Brain, resonance with external powerline frequencies during sleep
Brazil on the point of total financial collapse
Cancer clusters in humans, relationship with telluric ground currents
Cellular communications towers, national, importance in control network
Cellular Photonic Emission
Changes as a gift of the Is-ness to allow for evolution of consciousness
Changes Coming in Our Reality Are Hyperdimensional in Nature
Changes on Earth reflecting changes in solar configuration
Changes which occur in the Earth Grid Network and biosystems
Changing fundamental physical constants, more data
Changing of the Newtonian into Quantum Paradigms
Chemistry of the soil affected by telluric currents, effect on crops
Cities as potential "time bombs" for electromagnetic control paradigms
Climate, trends in the planetary
Clusters of 3-5 towers spaced 15 miles apart, 50 ft tall
Communications Media Switching to Photonic Technology
Conditions necessary to practice steps for becoming one with all
Confusion of the Population With Synthetic Spiritual Paradigms
Consciousness and Unified Field Energy, link between
Consciousness, mediation by quantum mechanical wave phenomena
Consciousness, public, manipulated to freeze quantum probability wave
Consciousness, pure form of, as holographic information wave
Contact Made with Interdimensional Beings of the 7th Plane
Creativity induction as a defense againt social programming functions
Crop Circles as Geometric Holographic Energy Transducers
Crystalline growth, interference with by electromagnetic fields
Currency manipulations and the use of gold to fund black projects
Current Trends in Political and Economic Control
Cycles of the earth and paradigm shifts
Dairy industry problems with telluric currents
Defaulting of U.S. Treasury Bonds foreseen
Deliberate Alteration of Atmospheric Constituents
Deliberate blocking of human neural hyperfunctions
Description of Electromagnetic Control Measures Started in 1995
Description of the Montauk Delta-T Antenna System
Description of the protective device called the Takyon Capsule
Drastic changes in global scenarios since February 1999
Earth changes and "fear"
Earth changes and personal transformation
Earth changes and religious paradigms
Earth changes and the new millennium paradigm shift
Earth changes, electromagnetics and weather
Earth changes, prediction and prophecy
Earth grid damage, caused by military and technological meddling
Earth grid dynamics and geopathic zones
Earth Grid Network manipulation using electromagnetic technology
Earth Grid Network, interaction with telluric currents with
Earth grid resonators, artificial, constructon of, as aid to planetary grid
Earth grounding of planetary power distribution systems, problems with
Earth oscillations and rotational variance
Earth, planetary wobbles of the
Earthquake production technology used by military industrial complex
East Coast Transmitters Related to Montauk Site
Ecologism and Control of Spiritual Needs of the Masses
Economic overview as of December 1998
Economic state of the United States is precarious
Effect of Binary Solar Radiation on the Human Brain and DNA
Effect of Classical Music on Human RNA and DNA
Effect of Classical Music on the Human Immune System
Effects of the New Solar Electromagnetic Radiation
Effects of the spacetime continuum warp on the human psyche
Effects on people of quantum biophysical changes
Eighth Level Beings and their observation of us
Electromagnetic field effects on biological systems, notable books on
Electromagnetic frequencies, use of, to tranquilise the population
Electromagnetic Manipulation of the Earth Grid in Progress
Electromagnetic theory, brief introduction to
Electromagnetics Being Used to Make Soil Unable to Grow Food
Electronic mind control on national basis immune from power grid loss
Electronic traffic monitors at intersections and infrared beam tech
Electronically induced sono-chemical processes in the brain and body
ELF and ULF frequencies, resonant with cortical brain frequencies
Emotional energy of population being "harvested"
Emotional manifestation of events by the population
Empty but highly focused mind as defense against some programming
Energy fields of plants and humans relative to ambient field intensities
Epic Developments in Spiritual /Metaphysical Communities
Epilogue, Leading Edge #125 August 1999
Goodwill Message from Dr. DD to All Readers, 8 August 1999
1992 UNCED Agenda, main points of the
Ethnic manipulation through technology
Europa Air Engine
Evidence Being Presented That Giza Pyramid At Least 10,000 years old
Existence of Particle Beam Weapons on the Moon
Experimentation with Holographic Circuitry Templates
Extrapolation from animal experiments to human conditions problematic
Falun Dafa, the "controversial" Martial Art of,
Feb 1998 Lambeth Palace Conference on Religious Unification
Field effects created by time and the time flux matrix
Final Age of Confusion, books by the sage Lao Tzu describing
Fluorides and chloride use part of DNA modification program
Fluorides inhibit the hyperfunctions of the brain
Food, depletion of the life force in
Fort Lewis artillery practice resonant with average human heart rhythm
Fulcanelli, alchemist, monitoring of government atomic programs by
Fundamental Constants of Physics Are Beginning to Change
Future changes, emerging consciousness and new technologies
Gaia Worship as a Vehicle for Monitoring and Control
Gamma ray emissions from space, increasing frequency of
Generating Technologically Caused Biological Plagues
Genetic cataloging of the population, efforts toward
Geological changes and imminent "ice age" conditions
Geophysics, Heliophysics, Astrophysics and Global Impact
Gestalt Depth Psychology used as media programming tool
Global manipulation of geological events
Global Mind Linkage 1999
Gold metal, surveillance detection technology used by governments
Gold, synthetically manufactured using high technology
Golden Flower Meditation Best Way to Prepare for Changes
Government corruption has permeated local governments
Government self-survival activities, details on
Government Use of Rage Induction on Populations
Haarp Project, rationale behind the
Harvesting of emotional energy from population centers
Hayes, Anna, and the Guardian Alliance information paradigm
High frequency sound now detectable near new towers
Hilbert space and phase space relative to reality systems
Hollywood use of emotional energy matrices in media
Holographic information wave as infinite information continuum
Holographic universe, introduction to concepts of the
Hot Spots being deliberately created to cause conflict
How to attune oneself and handle the spacetime changes
How to really “Wag the Dog”
Human Body Fields and Thought Processes
Hundredth monkey theory, introduction to the concept of the
Hyperbolic Channels in the Human Body and Relation to Chakra Points
Hyperspatial physics and phase conjugate technology used for gold making
Illuminati Millennium Rituals - Arizona Wilder
Illuminati Millennium Rituals - by David Icke
Imminent presence of Niburu/Elohim and Jehovah civilizations
Importance of the desire to act while knowing what you know
Increased Censoring of Media by Government Agencies
Increasing Amounts of Solar UV Radiation of Many Types
Individual Electromagnetic Signatures
Individual impact in prediction and prophecy
Induction of Rage and Anger States In Order to Manipulate Populations
Information band, acoustical substructure of the
Intent as a luminal process that bypasses ordinary neural networks
Interdimensional forces monitoring events in our timeline
Introduction to the Scientist-Initiates
Introduction to the Scientist-Initiates and Their Order
Lambrakis, Dr. Kostas, Unified Field theory of
Landau waves, quantum mechanical relativistic phenomena of
Latest Astrophysical and Cosmic Overview
Latest Events in December 1997 and January 1998
Latest update on Global Changes for January 1999
Lemurians as Ancient Progenitors of the Babylonians
Light, Color and the Geometric Harmony of Brain Waves
Linear and Non-Linear Time Fields and Coordinate Systems
Magnetic Components of Brain Activity and Structure
Magnetic Fields of the Human Brain
Magnetic fields, pulsating, hyperspatial components interact with biofields
Magnetic-Acoustical Resonance Chambers in the Human Brain
Magnetohydrodynamic effect of EM fields on blood cells
Making the personal choices and investment in our future
Manipulation of the Asian Economy by International Bankers
Mars Mission and Orchestrated Malfunctions
Massive behavior control potential with microwave systems in 1998
Materials science developments, 1993 developmental breakdown
Matrix III Volume Two, Chicago Group evaluation of
Mechanisms of electrical movement within the Earth, proposals on
Mediation of the primordial unified field by takyons
Medical campaign to target "unauthorised forms of diagnosis"
Meeting Agenda and Order of Topics
Metallic behavior variance in reflective vs absorption mode
Micromagnetic fields produced by the brain preceeding voluntary activity
Microtubule activation through quantum oscillations in microwaves
Microtubules and consciousness theories
Microwave systems and the Earth Grid Network
Microwave Tower Proliferation and Electronic Mind Control
Microwave towers constructed on Earth Grid Network crosspoints
Mid-Brain Cavity as a Hyperspacial Bridge Structure
Military experimentation with geophysical engineering
Military projects using infra-sound and scalar-wave engineering
Military, lower ranks of, expendible to control paradigm
Mind and Behavior Control Potential of the Telephone
Mind control projects, present day, result of CIA/NSA work
Mind control transmitters, primary, located under the ground
Mind of biological systems and crystal lattices as transducers
Mind-brain-DNA complex and neurophysiological function
MK Projects, further refinement into super-technological devices of abuse
Monetary Problems of Japan Can Destabilize Everything
Money and currency, surveillance of, planetary
Montauk technology moved to Idaho and Washington State
Moon, placement as gravitational stabiliser for planet Earth
Moon, crystalline structures on, as EM gravitational transducers
More explanations about the dual-sun system we have
More on the insidious nature of fluoridation of drinking water
More on the strategic and tactical political scenarios
Morphic field resonant phenomena manifestation
Morphogenetic fields and the biological information wave/field
Morphogenetic fields, introduction to the concept of
Most Orthodox Scientists Clueless About Nature of Solar System
Multi-body composition of the human being
Multi-Dimensional Aspects of Crop Circles
Nanotechnology and the Neurochemistry of Enlightenment
National Security Agency Brainwave Targeting Technology
Necessity to avoid drinking municipal water supplies
Neural networks, merging of silicon and biological, in classified programs
Neurolinguistic programming (NLP), as a social programming tool
Neurological Magnetic Fields and Altered States of Consciousness
Neurological networks, volume transmission vs hard-wiring
Neutrinos, Solitons, Gravitons, Photons, Takyons, definitions of
New “Moons” around Mercury
New Alchemical Methodology Will Be An Agricultural Dynamic
New microwave towers, multiplexed functions and Delta-T waves
New potentials relating to the global mind linkage
New Science and Technology Will Be Based on Biofields of Consciousness
New Spiritual Cosmic Dance and the New Alchemy
New Theories of Biological Cell Morphology
Nieper, Dr. Hans, invention of takyon plate Unified Field device
Non-attentuation of hyperspatial components of pulsed magnetic fields
Non-linear temporal degradation of EM field affects on biological cells
North Korean move against Japan, Sept 1998
NSA control of the Hollywood media industry
Nuclear confrontation, India and Pakistan
Omega Agency, the
One World Order Composite Religious Structure
Operation Desert Storm, electromagnetics used against Iraquis
Optical phase conjugation technologies
Optophotonic & optoacoustical frequency DNA/RNA induction
Organometallic compounds in the atmosphere represent a hazard
Other frequencies “bleeding through” into this one
Our new psychocivilized society patterned after Delgado & Skinner
Overlay wave, entrainment of the brain by the
Parallel realities and earth changes
Parallel universes, introduction to the concept of
Parks, National, purchase of lands by other interests
Perceived time as a by-product of consciousness and acoustics
Personal Protection from Electromagnetic Control Protocols
Phase conjugation non-linear electromagnetics, use against people of
Phenomenon of Synesthesia
Photon belt concept, origin of the
Photonic and Radiation damage to DNA
Physicists Discover Change in Electron Charge Constant in 1997
Physics and psychology of prediction and prophecy
Physics of Mind Control, theoretical background on
Planetary Economic Came Close to Collapse in June 1998
Plate techtonics, control of, using geophysical engineeting technologies
Polarity-based conflict, a neutral standpoint
Political figures, world, protection of, from electromagnetic control
Political, Psychological and Tactical Scenario
Population control through time and event manipulation
Potential impact of the global mind linkage
Power grid frequency harmonics as resonant with brain frequencies
Power grid, discussion of selection of 50Hz/60Hz systems for use
Precipitation of some “borderline” cases by frequency changes
Present Global Economic and Political Scenario
Prince Phillip, Sir James Wolfensohn and the Pagan World Order
Probabilities and the occurrence of events
Production of Psychoactive Atmospheric Gases
Project "Holy See" and the Techno-Spiritual Hoodwinking of the Planet
Projected Solar Events in 1999
Projections of Observation of Strange Behavior Globally
Prophecies, Predictions, Time Flow and Perception
Protection devices against electromagnetic brain and behavior intrusion
Protection strategies and the subconscious mind
Protective Materials Relative to Space and Solar Radiation
Protocols for Planetary Population Genocide
Psychic Clairvoyance Predicting Pathogenic Breakouts
Psychic phenomena, superluminal perineural transport and, models of
Psycho-Acoustical and Luminal Brain Entrainment
Pulsing magnetic fields, production of, as defense against intrusive EM
Purposeful creation of weather phenomena for other purposes
Purposeful creation of weather phenomena for political aims
Quantum changes affecting human DNA/RNA complexes
Quantum physics, introduction to concepts of
Quantum relativistic shifts in the spacetime continuum
Radiation belt in M45 Galaxy, discussions on the
Rationale for government desire for all children to have computers
Realignment of the Earth Grid
Refurbishment of Abandoned U.S. Military Bases
Regressive Groups, predictions and prophecies
Relationships between fields and potentials
Relationships between weather phenomena and solar status
Religious and Elitist Synthetic New Age
Replica of Giza Pyramid in China Found with Intact Capstone
Repositioning of the second sun using technology
Reprogramming the brain with optophotonic technology
Reptilian Controversy Rocks Paranormal Net Groups
Reptilian presence on Earth and their activities
Research of D.G. Goldstein
Responsibility for HAARP Project Now in Navy ONR Hands
Revelations of the Clementine Moon Mission
Review of Maurice Strongs 1992 UNCED antics with population control
Review of the Work of Dr. Jose Delgado
Russian Mafia and the Soviet Union vs the One World Order
Sacred Dance and Changing Bioelectromagnetic Factors, Tai Chi
Scalar wave energy devices, analysis of the work of Dr. Tom Bearden on
Secret Excavations Going on In Egypt
Seeds need more magnetic field strength to germinate
Self-Styled Elite are preparing to dive for cover
Sheldrake, Rupert, books of
Shifting Structure and Relationships in the Solar System
Silent weapons electromagnetic technology
Situations which can cause dimensional “bleed-through”
Six-Fold Structure of Cell Morphology
Social manpulation, trends in, commentary on
Social rhythms, cycles and clocks as synthetic programming tools
Soft Electrons, Hard Electrons, Positrons, Holes, definitions of
Solar changes will affect crop harvests and stock markets
Solar electromagnetic radiation aggravates EMF/EMR conditions
Solar Emission Spectrum turning from yellow to white
Solar flares and other solar system changes
Solar Phenomena, current activities concerning
Solar Phenomena, prospectus June 1999 to June 2000, concerning
Biophysics of Touching and Love
Solar system activity and a new evolutionary process
Solar system, binary nature of, more data on
Sono-Chemistry and Advances in Neurophysics
Spacetime continuum changes and biosystem effects
Space-time fabric is undergoing twistor motion and quantum changes
Standard Debit Card as the goal of cashless society
Stock Market, Glitches and Mind Control
Subliminals Inserted Into Television Broadcasting
Sun and Solar Radiation Phenomena
Suns as cold plasma white hole structures
Superluminal transmission of morphogenetic alteration in body cells
Super-Secret Nanotechnology of the Technocrats
Nanotech Water
Surveillance of the population, AT&T, FCC and National Standards Bureau
Surveillance tecchnologies, development of new and novel
Surveillance Technology and EM Phase Conjugation
Tactical Implications of New Science and Technology
Tactical Scenarios against populations based on high technology
Tai Chi and Chi Kung, practice of, to promotion circulation of Chi energy
Takyon fields use as protection against radionic and psychotronic fields
Takyons, ability of consciousness itself to enfold
Tampering with human DNA by the Elohim Group
Targeting of Asian Nations With Non-IMF Tendencies
Technocrats Are Urging Increase in Electronic Mind Control
Technological Mimicking of Human Hormones to Induce Behavior
Technological Requirements for Protection from EM Control Protocols
Technology, ability of, to go against the will of the individual
Telegeodynamics, shifting of tectonic stress to other locations
Tele-Geodynamics, the science of geophysical engineering
Telegeodynamics: Technological Creation of Natural Disasters
Telephone receiver, affect on human brain of magnetic fields and
Telephone receiver, monitoring of populations using the
Television and VDT's, effect on Human Genetic Structure
Telluric currents and the electrical distribution system, more on the
Telluric currents, behavioral effect on human mind and behavior
Telluric currents, cyclic behavior of, affected by solar and geomagnetics
Telluric underground currents and their effect on biological life forms
Terms used in alternative energy and free energy physics
Three steps for becoming one with the Universe
Time as a biological field quantum relativistic Effect
Time locks, temporal activation and acoustical brain activation
Time shifts and accelerated flows, more data on
Time, social, impingement on individual experience
Transformation of microtubule structures and quantum operations
Transmitters Similar to HAARP on the US East Coast
Traumatisation of the biological morphic field by exterior electromagnetics
Ultra-violet harmonic technologies
Ultraviolet radiation effects the human brain and psyche
Ultraviolet radiation, profusion of, "B", "C" and "D" radiation problems
Underground tunnel networks linking military bases, Washington State
US Media Avoiding Discussion of Foreign Anomalous Disasters
USAF 1993-1994 Recon Over the United States
Various non-polluting technologies are becoming known
Virtual Reality technology, commentary on
Visual Traces of the Secondary Sun in Our Binary System
Wag the Dog as a Space-Time Sequence Gestalt
Water, restructuring of, as key to remedy for planetary ailments
Wave function of the timeline and events
Weather Modification Technology Blamed on El Niño
What “prediction” really is
What about the ideas of prediction and prophecy?
What’s going on with biological and chemical warfare?
Why Predicted Earth Changes Haven’t Happened Yet
Why the Government Is Interested in Brain Research
Work of Skinner on Behavior Modification
Wormhole Technologies, and NASA
Year 2000 Computer Problem, the

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KEY POINTS: CBPR lies at the nexus of two major underlying ethical concerns--respect for community autonomy and the fair allocation of limited public resources--which have generated considerable controversy about appropriate criteria for evaluating CBPR grant proposals. The complexity of evaluating CBPR proposals is compounded by the multiple purposes that it serves: (1) an ethical function of demonstrating respect for community autonomy; (2) a research method for eliciting ideas for interventions to improve population health; and (3) an intervention in itself, seeking to enhance the capacities of community participants.CONCLUSIONS: Growing use of CBPR raises two new ethical issues that deserve greater public attention: first, the problem of securing informed consent and demonstrating respect for community autonomy when the locus of research shifts from the individual to community level; and second, fair distribution of scarce public resources when practical constraints make the most rigorous research designs for assessing the effects of community interventions virtually impossible. In light of recent federal initiatives, it is critical to achieve a common understanding of appropriate ethical and scientific standards for assessing the merits of CBPR.
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Newer Technologuys Assholes Are Useing

Turning Things Around -

Useing Connections And Lieing To Others To Distort The Tuth Ahd Dnominate The Conecrsation By Lieing On One Frequencies And Talking On Another - Also Used With Frequencie Maps To Make A Map Lure People To It Then Try To Control The Map To Make People Not Hear All The Stuff And Be Able To Minipulate The Sistation To Lie About Things And Answer Questions Faulsly And Keep Others From Knowing What There Doing. This Is Used With Cleear / Hologram Technologys To Try To Control Things So There Not Attacking And There Truing To Lie To Get Others attacked So That Do Not Get Wants Comeing To Them. They Want To Piss People Off Then Hide Like Cowards.

Passing Things On -

To Make Things Connect To Other People To Be Attacked So There Not Attacked And Hide Themself. This Is How They Try To Stay Out Of Jaill And Survive Long Enough To Be A Coward.

Your Crazy -

Makeing Threats To Force People To Say There Crazy When They Speak About Chip Implants They Reply Your Crazy It's A Code To Hide What There Dioing.

Useing Maps And Frequencies -

To Chart Frequncies To Spawn Clears of Holograms On So They Have The Advantage Of Controling The Sistuation.

The Balme Game -

Claiming There Anyone But There Self To Get Out Of What They Do Blaiming Every One ButT here Friends And Stiff.

Botted -

Useing Robots And Scripted & Coded Technlogys Involving Clears And Holograms. To Attack Each Others And Lie About What The Are For

Nanobots Holograms -

Small Spawned Robots Holograns That Are Not So Big But Running Through Computer system And Scripted Also Coded Throught Satalights And Cell Towers And Mk Ultra Towers.

Spawning Thngs -

Spawning Clears Halograms In Or Around People And Objucts Also Useing Tuneing.

Psychotronig Machines - Connected To Computers.

Chip Mods -

A New Way Of Useing Lies To Conseal What Types Of Stuff There Adding To The Implants Desinged To Get Away With It.

Tagging Things -

Useing A Tag On People To Try To Lie And Make Them Look Like Another Person To Mark Them So They Are Reconised As A Memder Of A Group Some Of It Is Fake Tagging were Trojened With Files And Scripts To Get Into Implants And Gain Control Of People.

SIm Cards -

Spawned Sim Cards Holding Data And Halograms Technology

Cohesrment Through Mastering And Slaveings -

Tryng To Get Others To Lie And Say They Want SomeThiking They Don''t Like To Be Raped So They Do Not Have To Worry About Getting Raped Themself

Any Thing They Can Use -

Anything They Can Say And Use To Make Up Something So There Not Cought.

Name Dropping -

Useinp Any Name They Can And Lieing To Others To Get Them Into The Other Peoples Implanted So They Can Act Like There A Friend Of The Family And A Friend Of A Friend

Useing - A.K.A The Used

Useing Other Peoples Implants Through Trojens Them And Gail Access With Root Kits And Terminal And Also Other Things To Install Stuff.

Useing Frequencies -

Useing Frequencie Waves And Machines Like Fridge Frequencies And Wireless Phones

PeerGuardian Style For Implants -

Useing A Application To Block Frequencies And Other Implants To A Form Of Contorl Its Realy Not Working Good Though There Haveing Others Scanning Them Any Way.

Spawn Pionts And Maps -

Useing Prest Sawn Points With Trackers To Find There Destanation Quickly.

Movie And Video Game Moduals -

Useing Parts Of Movies That Are Little Parts Of Movied And Trying To Role Play After Charactors Of Fictional Unwanted Repeats Of Idiot Charactors.

Useing A Story Line -

To Act Like A Charictors Of A Movie To Have What There Doing And Play Out A Fantasy Lieing Enviorment That's Is A Worthless Way For The Ones That Do Not Want Any Part Of It.

Switches And Triggers -

Useing Switches And Triggers In Embedings To Turn Them On And Off To Use Them On A Frequencie To Act Like An Asshole Then Go To Another Frequencie Then Turn Them Off Like They Do Not Know What There Doing

This And That -

To Show You One Thing Then Do Something Else To Others Like Throwing Files Or Trying To Throw Clears And Trojan People Minds And Implants.

Talking With The Worms -

To Talk To Someone Elses Nanotech And Try To Control Toe Implant Most Likely A Voice Reconigtion Application Installed To Use Others Implants

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Satellite Surveillance

-The War and an Analysis of Conflict in Society

Shocking Menace of Satellite Surveillance

John Fleming

Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors or deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the world with detection capacity. Besides tracking a person’s every action and relaying the data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites include reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam. Remote reading of someone’s mind through satellite technology is quite bizarre, yet it is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from a futuristic dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my description of satellite surveillance, I’d simply cite a tried-and-true Roman proverb: Time reveals all things (tempus omnia revelat).

As extraordinary as clandestine satellite powers are, nevertheless prosaic satellite technology is much evident in daily life. Satellite businesses reportedly earned $26 billion in 1998. We can watch transcontinental television broadcasts “via satellite,” make long-distance phone calls relayed by satellite, be informed of cloud cover and weather conditions through satellite images shown on television, and find our geographical bearings with the aid of satellites in the GPS (Global Positioning System). But behind the facade of useful satellite technology is a Pandora’s box of surreptitious technology. Spy satellites–as opposed to satellites for broadcasting and exploration of space–have little or no civilian use–except, perhaps, to subject one’s enemy or favorite malefactor to surveillance. With reference to detecting things from space, Ford Rowan, author of Techno Spies, wrote “some U.S. military satellites are equipped with infra-red sensors that can pick up the heat generated on earth by trucks, airplanes, missiles, and cars, so that even on cloudy days the sensors can penetrate beneath the clouds and reproduce the patterns of heat emission on a TV-type screen. During the Vietnam War sky high infra-red sensors were tested which detect individual enemy soldiers walking around on the ground.” Using this reference, we can establish 1970 as the approximate date of the beginning of satellite surveillance–and the end of the possibility of privacy for several people.

The government agency most heavily involved in satellite surveillance technology is the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of the Pentagon. NASA is concerned with civilian satellites, but there is no hard and fast line between civilian and military satellites. NASA launches all satellites, from either Cape Kennedy in Florida or Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, whether they are military-operated, CIA-operated, corporate-operated or NASA’s own. Blasting satellites into orbit is a major expense. It is also difficult to make a quick distinction between government and private satellites; research by NASA is often applicable to all types of satellites. Neither the ARPA nor NASA makes satellites; instead, they underwrite the technology while various corporations produce the hardware. Corporations involved in the satellite business include Lockheed, General Dynamics, RCA, General Electric, Westinghouse, Comsat, Boeing, Hughes Aircraft, Rockwell International, Grumman Corp., CAE Electronics, Trimble Navigation and TRW.

The World Satellite Directory, 14th edition (1992), lists about a thousand companies concerned with satellites in one way or another. Many are merely in the broadcasting business, but there are also product headings like “remote sensing imagery,” which includes Earth Observation Satellite Co. of Lanham, Maryland, Downl Inc. of Denver, and Spot Image Corp. of Reston, Virginia. There are five product categories referring to transponders. Other product categories include earth stations (14 types), “military products and systems,” “microwave equipment,” “video processors,” “spectrum analyzers.” The category “remote sensors” lists eight companies, including ITM Systems Inc., in Grants Pass, Oregon, and Satellite Technology Management of Costa Mesa, California. Sixty-five satellite associations are listed from all around the world, such as Aerospace Industries Association, American Astronautical Society, Amsat and several others in the U.S.

Spy satellites were already functioning and violating people’s right to privacy when President Reagan proposed his “Strategic Defense Initiative,” or Star Wars, in the early 80s, long after the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 had demonstrated the military usefulness of satellites. Star Wars was supposed to shield the U.S. from nuclear missiles, but shooting down missiles with satellite lasers proved infeasible, and many scientists and politicians criticized the massive program. Nevertheless, Star Wars gave an enormous boost to surveillance technology and to what may be called “black bag” technology, such as mind reading and lasers that can assault someone, even someone indoors. Aviation Week & Space Technology mentioned in 1984 that “facets of the project [in the Star Wars program] that are being hurried along include the awarding of contracts to study…a surveillance satellite network.” It was bound to be abused, yet no group is fighting to cut back or subject to democratic control this terrifying new technology. As one diplomat to the U.N. remarked, “‘Star Wars’ was not a means of creating heaven on earth, but it could result in hell on earth.”

Conflicts in Society

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Mind Control

The most interesting part are the Direct Human Brain – artifcial intelegence – Interface System technologies. MINDTECH will do extensive and thorough research into this totally new area, which at this point, is being investigated only by the few.

Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performed around the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short of serious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this serious research abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to develop the new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man and computer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.

Neurological research has progressed so far that you can hack the neural system is wireless, which means that a computer can communicate with your brain and store all your sensory experiences, and then studying your kognetiva behavior, ie, the ultimate human study. The commercial user fields are endless and it feels no need to explain the far-reaching consequences when abused. This technology brain-computer interaction has happened during the 2000’s and will revoltion our way of life.

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There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get an implant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at large considers desirable or ethically acceptable.“

How threatening for mankind is an Artificial Brain ?

First let me state that at this moment the biggest threat for mankind is the human specie ! ABC-weapons in wrong hands can result in extreme damaging behavior.

Brainchip video:

25-04-2010. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen and media. This group will be dealing with the social and ethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emerging technologies in our society.
Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.“ addresses the specific issues that may arise when neural prostheses are customized to a specific patient, and when large scale neural prostheses lead to whole brain emulation: the emulation of a patient’s complete brain function in a prosthetic substrate. Site content is focused on neuroscience and computational research that is involved in an eventual progression from neural prostheses to the applied science of whole brain emulation, including the concept of “mind-transfer”.

Implant chip in the human brain.Synthetic telepathy is communication systems built on thoughts, not speech. Multimedia communication network is based. Brain copying is performed around the clock, largely by learning computer, copying is nothing short of serious torture. No one would voluntarily give informed consent to this serious research abuse. It takes years of learning and program development to develop the new computer-brain interfaces and multimedia language between man and computer. Subjects are now against their will has been online for five years on Man-Brain-Computer-Interface.

Read E.U -commisioner Professor Rafael Capuros presentation.

Mind Control / Uploading ,,,


That some of today’s cutting-edge neuroscience breakthroughs in nanotechnology, computer-brain integration and information technologies not yet recognized because they are too controversial with regard to the prevailing legal and IT policy and medical diagnostics.

The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create “smart pill” technology.

The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, California. Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver warn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.

The idea behind all this is to create “smart pills” that can sense what’s happening in the body and deliver that information to the patient’s doctor. Novartis plans to start microchipping its organ transplant anti-rejection drugs and then potentially expand microchipping to other pharmaceuticals in its product lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made by other drug companies, too.

The best laid plans…


News: See us at the first public workshop on Advancing Substrate Independent Minds (ASIM-2010), August 16-17, organized by, satellite to the Singularity Summit in San Francisco.

The Oxford Whole Brain Emulation workshop
(the resulting Roadmap)

Whole Brain Emulation at the Singularity Summit 2009
(slides to Dr. Randal A. Koene’s talk, also see Anders Sandberg, David Chalmers and Robin Hanson)

Whole Brain Emulation at AGI-10

Whole Brain Emulation at the Terasem workshop

Interview with Dr. Randal A. Koene on the Sunday Evening Update of (October 25, 2009)

“Randal Koene on Whole Brain Emulation” at

AGI-08 discussion session on Neural Network and Brain Modeling chaired by Dr. Randal Koene

Dr. Randal A. Koene’s web site

Brain Reading

Whole Brain Emulation Workshop

Brain emulation, the possible future one-to-one modelling of the function of the human brain, is academically interesting and important for several reasons:


  • Brain emulation would itself be a test of many ideas in the philosophy of mind and philosophy of identity, or provide a novel context for thinking about such ideas.
  • It may represent a radical form of human enhancement different from other forms.


  • Brain emulation is the logical endpoint of computational neuroscience’s attempts to accurately model neurons and brain systems.
  • Brain emulation would help understand the brain, both in the lead-up to successful emulation and afterwards by providing a perfect test bed for neuroscience experimentation and study.
  • Neuromorphic engineering based on partial results would be useful in a number of applications such as pattern recognition, AI and brain-computer interfaces.
  • As a research goal it might be a strong vision to stimulate computational neuroscience.
  • As a case of future studies it represents a case where a radical future possibility can be examined in the light of current knowledge.


  • The economic impact of copyable brains would be immense, and have profound societal consequences.


  • If brain emulation of particular brains is possible and affordable, and if the concerns of individual identity can be met, such emulation would enable backup copies and “digital immortality”.

Brain control

Resources: Brain Emulation Roadmap

Pacemaker for Your Brain: Brain-to-Computer Chip Revolutionizes Neurological Therapy

ScienceDaily (June 29, 2010) — By stimulating certain areas of the brain,,,




Nanoimplant 1111

Public awareness of the MIND CONTROL Technologies and experiments on humans and its impact on individuals and society in Sweden.

Information and communication society is on its way directly into our brains and the ethical debate is non-existent in Sweden and must be urgently addressed in media.We are a company(MINDTECH) that works for this and have come into contact with people who are victims of these experiments. These victims have shared stories and is living in the same geographical catchment area, therefore, Solna near KI, KTH and Kista. The stories are so horrible when as laboratory HUMANS and to test the new technology in the most macabre and perverted ways.



Only within a small sphere of military / medical classified research and industrial projects are factual knowledge available.

It has once been of scientific research has focused on the new technologoist is developed into a commercial orgy of humantorture and humiliation, injury to a third party carried out by researchers and their speaking computers with artificial intelligence.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and development of crimes

against our fundamental rights as citizens.

Even less is known and discussed issues concerning the electromagnetic system controlled by artificial intelligence in interaction with the human brain.

human_brain-spl - Kopia

Brain-Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence technologies for research and / or implementation of which represent entirely new aspects of the problem in the issue of radiation protection, health, safety, privacy, confidentiality and informed consent.

Brain-Computer Interaction in electronic form, working alternately with the influence of a person or a group of people’s opinions, feelings, thoughts, reaction patterns, and memory and behavior.

Research and technological development is done in / moved to countries where legislation, control and public scrutiny is minimal or nonexistent.

An implant. It is an independent processor linked to the neurocomputer built to house an AI. The AI program has access to the sensory data and information in the neurocomputer, and can “read” surface thoughts of the owner (of course, access controls can be set if needed, both in the implant and the AI). Having (or several) as advisor/secretary/partner is becoming more and more common, although most people rely on an external AI system and a wireless neural connection.


An implant of the limbic system, enabling the owners to control their moods. Normally it just sets an allowed range and a bias (e.g. towards cheerfulness or calm), but it can also induce stronger emotional states. The implant is somewhat dangerous due to the risk of addiction to extreme positive states; most users at least tend to improve their mood. Originally it was developed on Nova for treatment of certain emotional disorders, especially the rare but devastating OIAIS (Ocean Induced AutoImmune Syndrome, an autoimmune illness induced by certain poisons causing severe mood swings due to damage of the limbic system). Later more widespread use developed. There are also moodcasters, systems sending signals to the implants of people who have allowed access.

minduploading brain

.The capability to enhance the brain with extra memory capacity that will be the edge advantage for generations.

Mind Contol

Wideband Link

The implants used by Unity to achieve group consciousness. Unlike an ordinary neurointerface it connects to most of the cerebral cortex and has a much higher bandwidth. It can send and receive signals not just of primary sensory and motor information but also higher order associations and thoughts. Since each human has an individual “mental language” sophisticated translation systems and much training is required before digital telepathy is possible. Wideband links are also used by the Net Transcendence and Next Step Foundation in their experiments with expanding the human mind. One of the most controversial and interesting applications is to let software rewrite parts of the cortex; this could be the ultimate psychodesign, even if it is currently extremely crude.


Medial forebrain pacemaker

An implant in the motivation and pleasure centres that is controlled by the owner’s neurocomputer. It is illegal on Nova and very addictive: users quickly become hooked on anything that activates it. It can be used together with behaviour therapy to change habits and personality, a kind of bionic psychodesign: the user links the implant to some reward evaluator (such as a monitoring AI) that rewards certain actions. The result is a strong increase in rewarded actions, which can be used to produce extreme ambition or tenacity. Unfortunately the temptations and dangers of use are huge.

The capability to enhance the brain with extra memory capacity that will be the edge advantage

Some of the applications for this chips will be to enhance brain power.

Autonomous control

Enables the owner to control many aspects of the autonomous nervous system such as hunger, sleep or pain. Turning off these functions are of course dangerous, but sometimes useful. It can also act as a super-alarm clock (guaranteed to wake you up) or “homeostatic tuner” to optimise the hormone balance of the body.

Hands 2

What you can do:
  • Educate yourself further by visiting our information-packed Mind Control Information Center.
  • Learn more about the intriguing history and development of controversial mind control programs in this excellent two-page summary. Footnotes and links to reliable sources are provided for verification purposes.
  • For reliable, verifiable information from major media articles on the little-known, yet critical topic of nonlethal weapons, click here and here.
  • Read powerful, reliable major media articles on electronic harassment and government mind control programs at this link.
  • Inform your media and political representatives of this critical information. Contact those close to you at this link. Urge them to bring this information to light and encourage public dialog on this important civil rights issue.
  • Spread this news to your friends and colleagues, and bookmark this article on key news websites using the “Share This” icon on this page, so that we can fill the role at which the major media is sadly failing. Together, we can make a difference.

Survival System

An anti-trauma network of implants, intended to maximise the chances of survival when the body is damaged. Small shunts can cut of blood loss and release protecting chemicals, as well as act as a pacemaker for the heart and lungs. If everything else is lost, the implant can douse the brain in neuroprotectants and lower body temperature to slow down damage so that an emergency cryonic suspension can be done.

Medical monitors

Likely the most common implants on Nova. Small sensors implanted in the body provides information on the health state which can be used to detect and diagnose illnesses at an early stage. Simple systems just give some chemical information, body data and a rough picture of activity in different organ systems. More advanced monitors are finely spread, detecting minute local changes and comparing the body’s reactions against medical models.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

Albert Einstein

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and development of crimes against our fundamental rights as citizens.

Unofficial agreements and channels for sharing of research established between countries in the cartels.

In order to initiate a public debate, monitoring and impact analysis of the subject requires international cooperation over a number of topic levels.

Information and communication society is on its way directly into our brains and the ethical debate is non-existent in Sweden and must be urgently addressed in media.We are a company(MINDTECH) that works for this and have come into contact with people who are victims of these experiments. These victims have shared stories and is living in the same geographical catchment area, therefore, Solna near KI, KTH and Kista. The stories are so horrible when as laboratory animals and to test the new technology in the most macabre and perverted ways.


As intelligence or sensory “amplifiers”, the implantable chip will generate at least four benefits: 1) it will increase the dynamic range of senses, enabling, for example, seeing IR, UV, and chemical spectra; 2) it will enhance memory; 3) it will enable “cyberthink” — invisible communication with others when making decisions, and 4) it will enable consistent and constant access to information where and when it is needed. For many these enhancements will produce major improvements in the quality of life, or their survivability, or their performance in a job. The first prototype devices for these improvements in human functioning should be available in 5 years, with the military prototypes starting within ten years, and information workers using prototypes within 5 years; general adoption will take roughly about 10 years. The brain chip will probably function as a prosthetic cortical implant. The user’s visual cortex will receive stimulation from a computer based either on what computer sees or based on an artificial “window” interface.

It has once been of scientific research has focused on the new technologoist is developed into a commercial orgy of humantorture and humiliation, injury to a third party carried out by researchers and their speaking computers with artificial intelligence.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.

It has once been of scientific research has focused on the new technologoist is developed into a commercial orgy of humantorture and humiliation, injury to a third party carried out by researchers and their speaking computers with artificial intelligence.

How long shall attempt to sacrifice their families and work have to fight for their human rights in the frenzy of abuse that is now underway on software developed for mapping the brain.

This development is a threat to democracy and much more.

Read more on “Science” technology are available. We can no longer deny that the development goes against the “Mind control” Systems.

UN mighty Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a platform. Here are committing Sweden in research and development of crimes against our fundamental rights as citizens.

pick up where nature left off, incorporating Google-like master maps into neural implants. This in turn would allow us to search our own memories — not just those on the Web — with something like the efficiency and reliability of a computer search engine.

By: Ellen McMcgee (Boston) and Mc gee and Mq Maguire jr. Jr (KTH Kista Stockholm SWEDEN)

First, we have to remember that all sensory data we experience is converted into electrical signals that the brain can process. The brain does a very good job of this, and we in turn experience these inputs as subjective awareness (namely through consciousness and feelings of qualia); our perception of reality is therefore nothing more than the brain’s interpretationof incoming sensory information.

Now imagine that you could stop this sensory data at the conversion point and replace it with something else.

“This in turn would allow us to search our own memories — not just those on the Web — with something like the efficiency and reliability of a computer search engine.” he postulates.

“How much would you pay to have a small memory chip implanted in your brain if that chip would double the capacity of your short-term memory? Or guarantee that you would never again forget a face or a name?”


Clearly DARPA (USA) and SÄPO (Sweden)would pay quite a lot, given that the research arm of the US military continues to fundscientific development of that exact technology. By: Anders Sandberg. Oxford U.K

In recent decades meetings, between nanotechnology, information technology, biotechnology and neuroscience have produced a new research area, which is developing new, unknown products and services. We are facing a new revolution, which are currently, of universal neurocomputing. A unique perceptual tool, not only does our conscious minds, but also imitate them, sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch.

Legislation applicable confidentiality and privacy is totally absent in this area.

This happens in Sweden now! A number of people living in Solna their brains have been “hijacked” the last three years.

A computer-assisted online connection has been made on objects brains.
Nano-implants have been injected without the consent of the subjects, when visiting the Hospital. After injection, the objects linked to the research computers.

Read more…

Ethical Aspects of ICT Implants in the Human Body

Rafael Capurro

Distinguished Researcher in Information Ethics, School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

IEEE Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS10)

University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia

June 7-9, 2010

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • Introduction
  • EGE Opinion No 20
  • Scientific and technical background
  • Legal Aspects
  • Ethical Aspects
  • Prospects

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies to the European Commission

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„The Group is a neutral, independent, pluralist and multidisciplinary body, composed of fifteen experts appointed by the Commission for their expertise and personal qualities.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„The task of the Group is to examine ethical questions arising from science and new technologies and on this basis to issue Opinions to the European Commission in connection with the preparation and implementation of Community legislation or policies.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„In order to face the ethical issues that are arising with the rapid advances in science and technology, the Members represent a broader range of professional competences in different disciples such as, inter alia, biology and genetics, medicine, pharmacology, agricultural sciences, ICT, law, ethics, philosophy, and theology.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„For every full Opinion to be issued by the Group, a roundtable is held before the Opinion is adopted, to which representatives of the Institutions of the European Union, experts of the fields, parties representing different interests, including NGOs, patients and consumer organisations and industrial stakeholders, are invited to participate in the debate.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Opinion No 20

  • Ethical aspects of ICT implants in the human body (16 March 2005).

Opinion produced on the direct initiative of the EGE

Rapporteurs: Prof. Stefano Rodotà and Prof. Rafael Capurro

Important Notice: This PP presents pictures, videos and links that are NOT part of the EGE Opinion. Please, do not quote the text of the Opinion from this PP but do it directly from the official text.

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „At first sight ICT implants are ethically unproblematic if we think for instance about cardiac pacemakers. However, although ICT implants may be used to repair deficient bodily capabilities they can also me misused, particularly if these devices are accessible via digital networks.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „The idea of letting ICT devices get under our skin in order not just to repair but even to enhance human capabilities gives rise to science fiction visions with threat and/or benefit characteristics.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „The intimate relation between bodily and psychic functions is basic to our personal identity.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Consequently the objective of this Opinion is primarily to raise awareness and questions concerning the ethical dilemmas created by a range of implants in this rapidly expanding field.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • Current Applications and Research
    • Applications: ICT Implants on the market
      • Active medical devices:

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • Cardiovascular pacers for patients with conduction disorders or heart failure
  • Cochlear and brainstem implants for patients with hearing disorders
  • Implantable programmable drug delivery pumps for patients with Multiple Sclerosis or Diabetes
  • Implantable Neurostimulation Devices
    • Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain management
    • Sacral nerve stimulation for control of urinary incontinence
    • Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) for seizure control in epilepsy and mood control in severe depression cases
  • Deap brain stimulation (DBS) for patients with Parkinson’s disease, for essential tremor
  • Artificial chip-controlled leg

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • Identification and location devices:
    • Read-Only: for example allowing to identify Alzheimer‘s patients or children
    • Read-Write: carrying a set of information (such as a person‘s medical history)
    • Devices with tracking capabilities: a device that can emit a radio signal which could be tracked (RFID, VeriChip)

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • The VeriChip
  • What?
    • RFID=Radio Frequency Identification Device
    • Passive ID tag
    • Contains an unique ID number
  • How does it work?
    • Energized by a scanner (RF)
    • Emits a radio signal
    • Transmits ID number to a Database via phone or Internet
  • Current applications (FDA approval in 2004)
    • Medical records (blood type, potencial allergies, medical history)
    • Personal information
    • Financial information

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • VeriChip™ is a subdermal, radio frequency identification (RFID) device, about the size of a grain of rice. This technology, developed by Applied Digital Solutions (ADS), one US-based company, has been used in animals for years and seems fairly harmless.
  • Extending the use to the human population is the next step.
  • The idea for employing the tags to identify humans came after the horror of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon.
  • The chip is an ID tag which is passive (not independently powered). When radio-frequency energy passes from a scanner, it energizes the chip, and which then emits a radio-frequency signal transmitting the chip's information to the reader, which in turn links with a database.

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

Research on ICT Implants:

Medical Devices

  • Biosensors
  • Artificial Hippocampus
  • Cortical implant for the blind
  • Ocular implant or artificial retina
  • Brain-computer interfaces (BCI)

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

Surveillance or tracking devices

  • Wearable ICT
  • Subdermal GPS

Enhancement or commodity devices

  • Prosthetic cortical implant (intelligence or sensory „amplifiers“)
  • Artificial vision
  • Audio tooth implant
  • Artificial hippocampus (to enhance memory)

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • Other potential uses
    • Microsoft patent Number 6,754,472 June 22, 2004 concerns the human body as a medium for transmission of data (or energy) to „other devices“ like PDAs, cellular phones, medical devices, RFID, making possible to localize persons. The patent does not describe any specific device.

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Scientific and Technical Background

  • „Smart guns“: weapons that can be fired only if operated by their owner with a RFID-chip implanted in his or her hand.

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Categorisation of ICT Implants

  • Implantable devices can be categorised as:
    • medical
    • non-medical
  • Both as:
    • passive
    • active
  • Reversible or non reversible
  • Stand-alone or online
  • ICT implants and tags

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Future personal tracking devices

  • Integration and miniaturization of three technologies:
    • Biosensor: read a person‘s vital signs by touching the skin (implanted into a wristwatch)
    • Pager device: takes the data from the biosensor by using a cellular packet module
    • Position location technology: using radio signal to stay in contact with a person‘s pager device

-> this information is sent through cellular data packets to a data centre (Digital Angel™)

-> The first Digital Angel was launched in November 2001

-> Medical emergency purposes

-> Identification/Location purposes

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


ICT Implants

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


ICT Implants

  • Digital Angel GPS and RFID products are utilized around the world to save lives, ensure the safety of our food supply, reunite loved ones and improve the quality of life. We are a leading developer of technologies that enable the rapid and accurate identification, location tracking, and condition monitoring of what is important to people. Applications of our products include identification and monitoring of pets and fish with our implantable RFID microchips, identification of livestock with our ear tags, GPS based search and rescue beacons for aircraft, ships, and boats.

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • General Principles:
    • Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    • EU Charter of Fundamental Rights of 2000
    • Convention on Human Rigts and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe
    • EU Directives
    • European Constitution
    • National Constitutions

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • Human Dignity: providing that the human body and its parts shall not give rise to financial gain
  • Human Inviolability
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • The Precautionary Principle
  • Data Minimisation, Purpose Specification, Proportionality Principle and Relevance
  • Autonomy and Limits of ICT Implants

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • „ICT implants may:
    • allow individuals to be located on a permanent and/or occasional basis;
    • Allow the information contained in electronic devices to be changed remotely without the date subject‘s knowledge.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • „These risks are bound to increase with the adoption of unified technical standards, which may allow data to be read and modified also by entities other than the data subject and the bodies/organizations lawfully managing the relevant plant or connection.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • „Both circumstances are clearly in conflict with data protection rules concerning collection and processing of the information.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • „For the legal background, it should be noted that:
    • the existence of a recognised serious but uncertain risk, currently applying ot the simplest types of ICT implant in the human body (…)
    • The purpose specification principle mandates at least a distinction between medical and non-medical applications (…)

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • „the data minimisation principle rules out the lawfulness of ICT implants that are only aimed at identifying patients, if they can be replaced by less invasive andequally secure tools;
  • the proportionality principle rules out the lawfulness of implants such as those that are used, for instance, exclusively to facilitate entrance to public premises;

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal Background

  • „the principle of integrity and inviolability of the body rules out that the data subject‘s consent is sufficient to allow all kinds of implant to be deployed; and
  • the dignity principle prohibits transformation of the body into an objet that can be manipulated and controlled remotely – into a mere source of information.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Contemporary society is confronted with changes that have to do with the anthropological essence of individuals.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Mind Control
published by MindTech, Sweden

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • Establishing a network of laymen and professionals

21.08. 2009. MINDTECH seeks to establish a network of laymen. This group will be dealing with the social and ethical sides to research, development and the implementation of emerging technologies in our society.

Turning point
Through our work we have found what we believe to be the most important research area when it comes to brain technologies and surveillance systems. This will (hopefully) lead us to new and significant discoveries regarding how these technologies work and the implications it will have on our society

  • Project leader:
    Magnus Olsson Telephone +46 709 26 3o 04
    Jungfrudansen 64, 2tr 171 51 Solna SWEDEN
  • E-Mail:

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Mind Control (Friday 29/2/2008)

  • „Australian researchers trying to regrow damaged spinal cords with tiny bionic implants are seeing for the first time what’s happening at the nanoscale.
  • Meanwhile, philosophers working alongside the researchers say it’s time to find out more about how the public feels about such bionic research, which in some cases is being used to enhance human memory, physical abilities and perception.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Mind Control (Friday 29/2/2008)

  • “Imagine a world in which you, but not your partner, could remember every conversation you’ve ever had,” says Dodds. “It could have a bizarre effect on our social relations.”

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „There is a stepwise shift in progress – after being observed, via video surveillance and biometrics, individuals are being modified via various electronic devices, under skin chips and smart tags, to such an extent that they are increasingly turned into networked individuals.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Thus we might be continuously connected and could be configured differently so that from time to time we would transmit and receive signals allowing movements, habits and contacts to be traced and defined. This would be bound to modify the meaning and contents of an individual‘s autonomy and to affect their dignity.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • Fundamental ethical principles:
    • Human Dignity
    • Non-instrumentalisation
    • Privacy
    • Non-discrimination
    • Informed Consent
    • Equity
    • The precautionary principle

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • Value conflicts
    • „There could be conflict between the personal freedom to use one‘s economic resources to get an implant that will enhance one‘s physical capabilities and what society at large considers desirable or ethically acceptable.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Another value conflict concerns the potential conflict between limiting freedom of people dangerous to others by surveillance and promoting the safety of others.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Freedom of researchers may conflict with the obligation to safeguard the health of research subjects.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Concern for economic competitiveness and other economic values (economic growth) may come into conflict with respect for human dignity.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Some Important Knowledge Gaps Regarding ICT Implants in the Human Body:

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • Human Dignity, Integrity and Autonomy:
    • How far can such implants be a threat to human autonomy particularly when they are implanted in our brains?
    • How far can they have irreversible impacts in the human body and in the human psyche?
    • How will they influence human memory?
    • Does a human being cease to be such a „being“ in cases where some parts of his or her body – particularly the brain – are substituted and/or supplemented by ICT implants?“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Privacy and Surveillance:
    • How far con ICT implants become a threat to privacy?
    • How far can ICT implants give an individual, or a group, specific capabilities that could become a threat to society?“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Enhancement and Self Awareness
    • What does perfectibility of human beings mean?
    • How far should the use of such implants to enhance human capabilities be allowed?“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „Social Aspects
    • How do we relate to persons with ICT implants that are connected online?
    • How far should ICT implants remain invisible to an external observer?
    • How far can they be used to track human beings and in which cases should this be legally allowed?“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Ethical Background

  • „ICT Implants for which special caution is necessary:
    • ICT implants that cannot be removed easily
    • ICT implants that influence, determine of change psychic functions
    • ICT implants that could be misused for social surveillance and manipulation
    • Military applications“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • Scope: „This Opinion focuses on the question of ICT implants in the human body. It does not deal with the whole field of ICT devices or with „wearable“ computing in general, although there may be cases in which such devices could be considered as quasi implants.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „We shall not lay hand upon thee“. This was the promise made in the Magna Carta – to respect the body in its entirety: Habeas Corpus.“
  • „In this new world, data protection fulfils the task of ensuring the „habeas data“ required by the changed circumstances“.

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „At the same time, this is a permanently unfinished body. It can be manipulated to restore functions that either were lost or were never known (…) again, for the sake of the person‘s welfare and/or social competitiveness, as in the case of enhanced sports skills or intelligence prostheses.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „ICT Implants for health purposes:
    • The objective is important
    • The implant is necessary to achieve this objective, and
    • There is no other less invasive and more cost-effective method of achieving this objective.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „The individual and the network:
    • To the extent that an individual via an ICT implant has become part of an ICT network, the operation of the whole network – not just the ICT implant – needs to be considered.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Freedom of Research:
    • The freedom of research in this field should be subjected not only to the informed consent of the persons willing to participate in new experiments aiming at health recovery but also to the awareness of the possibility of damaging not only bodily but also psychic functions of the people participating in clinical trials.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Irreversible ICT implants:
    • The requirements of informed consent and data protection (privacy and confidentiality of the data in particular) need to be strictly enforced in cases where the ICT implants are irreversible and cannot be removed from the body without severe damage of the individual‘s life.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • “ICT implants for non-medical purposes
    • Mental functions and personal identity: ICT devices should not be used to manipulate mental functions or change personal identity
    • ICT implants and personal data: the principles of data protection need to be applied to this area“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Privacy and ICT implants: Provided that ICT devices are implanted in accordance with the principles outlined in this Opinion there is no need to declare these implants. They could and should remain unrecognizable to an external observer. The right to privacy includes the right to have an ICT implant.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „ICT Implants and Enhancement of Physical and Mental capabilities
    • Access to ICT implants for enhancement should be used only:
      • To bring children or adults into the „normal“ range of the population, if they so wish and give their informed consent, or,
      • To improve health prospects“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „The following possibilites should be banned:
    • ICT implants as a basis for cyber-racism
    • ICT implants used for changing the identity, memory, self perception and perception of others
    • ICT implants used to enhance capabilities in order to dominate others
    • ICT implants used for coercion towards others who do not use such devices“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „ICT Implants, Commercialisation and Consumer Interests

It is essential that ICT devices are not put on the market without adequate control. For instance, products that can be regarded as medical products should be controlled according to the relevant legal framework.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „ICT Implants for Surveillance Purposes

ICT implants for surveillance in particular threaten human dignity. They could be used to locate people (and also to retrieve other kinds of information about them). This might be justified for security reasons (early release for prisoners) or for safety reasons (location of vulnerable children).“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„However, the EGE insists that such surveillance applications of ICT implants may only be permitted if the legislator considers that there is an urgent and justified necessity in a democratic society (Article 8 of the Human Rights Convention) and there are no less intrusive methods.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„Nevertheless the EGE does not favour such uses and considers that surveillance applications, under all circumstances, must be specified in legislation. Surveillance procedures in individual cases should be approved and monitored by an independent court.

The same general principles should apply to the use of ICT implants for military purposes.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „General Considerations
    • Development of the Information Society

The EGE considers that the ethical questions related to ICT implants in the human body are intimately related to the development of the Information Society as a whole.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„The EGE strongly supports the vision of a people-centred, inclusive and development oriented Information Society as proclaimed in the Declaration of Principles of the World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva 2003).“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Public Debate and Information

A broad social and political debate is needed as to what kind of applications should be accepted and legally approved, particularly concerning surveillance and enhancement. A precautionary approach is recommended by the EGE.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„The Member States and their national ethics councils (or corresponding institutions) have a responsibility to create conditions for education and constructive, well-informed debates in this area.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Democracy and Power

Public debate and education are essential to ensure transparency and the Member States have a responsibility to ensure that the power of development and access to ICT implants are decided through democratic processes.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Need for Regulation

It is clear that this field needs regulation. Currently, non-medical ICT implants in the human body are not explicitly covered by existing legislation, particularly in terms of privacy and data protection.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „In the EGE‘s view, implantable devices for medical purposes should be regulated in the same way as drugs when the medical goal is the same, particularly as such implants are only partly covered by Council Directive 90/385/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to active implantable medical devices.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Impact Research and ICT Devices

More research on the long term social, cultural and healt impact of different types of ICT implants needs to be carried out, with a particular focus on risk characterisation, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. The EGE considers that this should be kept in mind for the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme. This sort of precautionary research in a rapidly developing field is of crucial importance.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



  • „Need for review

The field of ICT implants is in its infancy and rapid developments are taking place that raise societal fears as well as hopes. Consequently, the EGE has addressed the key ethical issues regarding developmentsthat are current or can be foreseen at the present time.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010



„However, it is clear that the EGE will have to return to this subject to update our advice in the light of future applications of ICT implants. (…) Consequently, we consider that a review of this Opinion by the EGE may be necessary in about three to five years time.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

The EGE recommended

„More research on the long term social, cultural and healt impact of different types of ICT implants needs to be carried out, with a particular focus on risk characterisation, risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. The EGE considers that this should be kept in mind for the Seventh EU Research Framework Programme. This sort of precautionary research in a rapidly developing field is of crucial importance.“

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

Selection of EU projects that have been / are dealing with this matter:

  • ETHICBOTS (2006-2007) (FP 6)
  • ICTethics (2009-2011) (FP 7)
  • EGAIS (2009-2011) (FP 7)
  • ETICA (2009-2011) (FP 7)

For a complete list of Research Programmes dealing with ethical questions of ICT under FP7 see: CORDIS Databank

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Three kinds of integration were analized:

  • Human-softbot integration, as achieved by AI research on information and communication technologies;
  • Human-robot, non-invasive integration, as achieved by robotic research on autonomous systems inhabiting human environments;
  • Physical, invasive integration, as achieved by bionic research.
< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


  • „Crucial ethical issues in these areas include the preservation of human identity, and integrity; applications of precautionary principles; economic and social discrimination; artificial system autonomy and accountability; responsibilities for (possibly unintended) warfare applications; nature and impact of human-machine cognitive and affective bonds on individuals and society.“
< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010

85 < a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

  • The ICTethics project – ICT that makes the difference

The basis of the work is an investigation of the ESLA (Ethical, Social and Legal Aspects) of Ambient Intelligence &

ICT for Security < a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

  • Ambient Intelligence:
    • Intelligent Environments: Personal Health Systems (PHS)
    • Convergence of Physical, Mental and Virtual: Personal Humanoid Assistent (PHA)
    • Internet of Things: Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • ICT for Security: Biometrics

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

  • ICT that makes the difference. The future of Ambient Intelligence and ICT for Security. International Conference, Brussels, Nov. 22-25, 2009 < a>< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Legal aspects

1. RFID. Implants and the human body

  • Legal aspects of ICT implants
    Stefano Rodotà1, Diane Whitehouse2, Penny Duquenoy3
    1 La Sapienza, Fondazione Basso, Rome (Italy)
    2 The Castlegate Consultancy, (CITY) (United Kingdom)
    3 Middlesex University (United Kingdom)
< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


2. Privacy. Toward an electronically identity?

  • Legal concepts of human identity?
    Stefano Rodotà, La Sapienza, Fondazione Basso, Rome (Italy)
  • On Interpreting and Constructing (Non-) Human Identities
    Rafael Capurro International Center for Information Ethics, Karlsruhe (Germany)
  • DNA barcoding and personal genomics
    Giuseppe Novelli1 Tor Vergata University (Italy)
< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

  • EGAIS (Ethical GovernAnce of emergIng technologieS) (2009-2011)

Aim of the project: to overcome the existent limitations of the current approaches to ethical governance in projects with technical development. < a>< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


Conclusion and Prospects

  • ETICA (2009-2011)

Aim of the project: to identify ethical issues arising from information and communication technologies in the coming 10 to 15 years. < a>< a>

Rafael Capurro, ISTAS 2010


How far should we let ICT devices geht under our skins?

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Information and Research into Progressing Technologies

Artificial intelligence in interaction with the lhuman brain

© Copyright. by Gina Rydland
published: 10.04.2010

Most human rights organizations, healthcare personnel, politicians and lawmakers are unaware of what types of HE (Human Experimentation) that are in operation. Even fewer know how to handle it and what it means to their respective profession. A broader investigation is needed to reveal the consequences for the victims and society in general [1].

Some consequences became evident in my conversations with targeted individuals (TI). Years of repeated firing of the neurons and the aggressive stimulation of the hormone system exhaust the body and brain. Subsequently many TIs loose the ability to secure their economy and maintain a stable platform for their life. In addition altered perception on the subconscious level, with preprogrammed trigger points, will surface in the conscious mind and result in changes in personality and behavior. The trial runs of the fluctuating modified behaviors show a variation in duration depending on intent, choice of design and the individual brains response. The rapid variation in mood, perception and behavior creates physical and mental stress in the subject.

Modified behavior can be observed as original personality traits being reinforced or weakened. A common alternation of perception is expressed in the mind of the victim as faulty conspiracy theories. In this state the brain seems to be unable to discover the obvious logical flaws in the stories. Many subjects wholeheartedly believe in what they "preach" while others understand that their perception is wrong but for shorter or longer periods have no control over their will to stop advertising their new world view. The same person may experience fluctuations between both examples. Each individual's personal interpretation of what is happening to them influence the desired results and challenges the design of the experiment.

The subjects ability to understand the nature of direct telepathic communication with AI varies, as does the ability to distinguish between induced and own thoughts worked on by the subconscious. Keeping the presented ideas close to the persons own perception makes it more difficult to detect the mind intrusion.

In cases where the TIs are religious, "spiritual guides" or a "God" may be used as a representation in both the subconscious and conscious state when sending and retrieving information within the brain. Victims of the the alien abduction program experienced telepathic communication with an extraterrestrial life form. In newer more advanced projects characters reflecting the subjects own memory bank, perception, fears and desires are used rather than a fixed set of preprogrammed representations.

Many TIs report that when a communication bridge is opened between AI and the neural network of their brain they experience two or three individuals talking amongst each other, one of them having a conversation with the subjects brain. As in AA (Alien Abduction) the virtual characters interacting with the individual may be combined with a controlled set of emotions and imagery of a suitable environment to go with it. The contact occur when the TI is awake.

Imagine the implications for the TIs when family and friends are confronted with one of their loved ones change in personality and behavior. Such changes will most likely be interpreted as the person struggling with psychological issues and TIs are in danger of wrongfully being diagnosed with a psychiatric illness. Victims aware of the fact that they are being used as guinea pigs will see this as another act of abuse adding to the trauma. However programming may be used to dampen normal reaction patterns derived from the abuse. Stimulation of the hormone system as a part of the programming may even give some subjects a feeling of wellness, willingness and pleasure during abuse. These effects are not permanent at least not at the early stage of the experiment and may result in shifts between the original and the artificial reaction pattern. As a result symptoms of trauma may surface in the conscious mind.

Public healthcare, the social services and the justice system encounter the consequences of human experimentation with satellite to brain technology on a daily bases. Unknowingly the society carries the economical and social burdens caused by the industries classified experiments on humans. Consequently TIs unable to finish their education, maintaining a job, struggling with behavioral problems or becoming violent may result in a overall more dysfunctional society.

[1] Human experimentation for the sake of technological progress?!

Direct Human Brain - AI - Interface System technologies

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Sandra Crouse Quinn, PhDThe author is with the Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences, Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa.Correspondence: Requests for reprints should be sent to Sandra Quinn, PhD, 230 Parran Hall, 130 Desoto St, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261 (e-mail: squinn{at} DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...ReferencesIncreasingly, researchers grapple with meaningful efforts to involve communities in research, recognizing that communities are distinct from individuals. We also struggle to ensure that individual participants in research are fully protected.Community advisory boards (CABs) offer an opportunity to adopt a relationships paradigm that enables researchers to anticipate and address the context in which communities understand risks and benefits, and individuals give consent.CABs provide a mechanism for community consultation that contributes to protecting communities and fostering meaningful research. Furthermore, CABs can help us to re-create informed consent as a process. It is critical that we conduct research to understand the role of CABs in the informed consent process.INTRODUCTIONTOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONWHY DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...ReferencesTHE BELMONT REPORT: ETHICAL Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects1 was born from the fire of controversy over egregious abuses of human subjects. Its principles provide the foundation for contemporary regulations designed for the protection of human subjects. Since the mid-1980s, there has been an increased focus on the participation of groups and communities in the research process, originating from the demand of activists to be heard in the context of AIDS research. New voices and scientific challenges today are increasing the pressure to supplement or reinterpret the principles of the Belmont Report. Gostin2 expands the application of existing ethical principles of respect, beneficence, and justice to populations and communities, extending to groups the protections now reserved for individuals. Weijer3 asserts that a fourth ethical principle, "respect for communities," is necessary to address the increasing vulnerability of groups and to supplement the "atomistic" view of the person epitomized in the Belmont Report. Other scholars also agree that the Belmont framework focuses heavily on individuals. Today, research demands that we consider if not a new principle, a new interpretation of Belmont to account for the ways in which research affects communities.4,5The challenge to expand or revise the human subject protections of the Belmont Report by including community protection and participation as a principle builds on the assumption that new principles or regulations are necessary to include communities in a meaningful partnership. However, to date, the existence of the Belmont principles and regulations governing human subjects research has not fully prevented research abuses nor has it contributed to positive partnerships with communities. Therefore, the solution is not to change principles or regulations alone when in fact a new approach that integrates the relationships paradigm that was advocated by King et al.6 is necessary. Community advisory boards (CABs) become one meaningful and feasible way to operationalize new protections of communities.WHY DOES THE COMMUNITY NEED TO BE INCLUDED?TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONWHY DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...ReferencesAdvances in science, technology, and biomedical research push the boundaries of our Belmont principles, stimulating the need for communities to be involved in the informed consent process. Emergency medical research involves the application of experimental procedures or medications to unconscious research subjects with closed head trauma or other life-threatening injuries when their condition demands immediate action, standard procedures are not thought to be effective in that case, and the family is unavailable to provide consent. Changes in Food and Drug Administration regulations allow waivers of informed consent in such lifethreatening emergencies.7 The rights of unconscious subjects are thought to be accorded a degree of protection through the mechanism of "community consultation" that requires prior consultation (by investigators/the institutional review board) with community representatives, as well as public disclosure to the affected community before and after the research.Burgeoning genetic research fuels public fears, particularly in communities or social groups that have experienced the brunt of social discrimination in the past. As a result, the concept of potential harm to others emerged from the National Bioethics Advisory Commission’s report Research Involving Human Biological Materials: Ethical Issues and Policy Guidance.8 In recommendation 17, the advisory commission explicitly recognizes that the risk of group harm is distinct from the risk of individual harm. Therefore, the commission calls upon researchers to anticipate and disclose such risks and to consult with community representatives if they believe such risks to be possible. In 2000, The National Institute of General Medical Sciences convened the First Community Consultation on the Responsible Collection and Use of Samples for Genetic Research.9 With a growing concern about the potential for discrimination, stigmatization, and breaches of privacy in genetic research, participants raised key questions about how community may be defined in research, what risks and benefits exist for community members in research, and how community members can or should participate in the process of research. Participants echoed the commission’s stance that there are ethical issues related to research with communities that are distinctly different from the ethical issues related to research with individuals. Most importantly, the meeting resulted in 10 recommendations for genetic research:1. Define community in appropriate and meaningful ways.2. Understand the potential benefits and risks of research for communities and community members.3. Obtain broad community input for all phases of research.4. Respect communities as full partners in research.5. Resolve all issues pertaining to tissue samples.6. Establish appropriate review mechanisms and procedures.7. Facilitate the return of benefits to communities.8. Foster education and training in community-based research.9. Ensure dissemination of accurate information to the media and the public.10. Provide sufficient funds for research and encourage community–researcher partnerships.9(p2–3)A number of difficult questions remain with respect to community consultation, including who is entitled to speak for a community, who decides the research questions, and, finally, whether a community should have a role in approving a protocol.Minority communities raise significant concerns about genetics research. In early results from the Genome Technology and Reproduction: Values and Public Policy project at the University of Michigan,10 researchers described Latino and African American participants as particularly concerned that communities of color would bear the burdens of genetic research without receiving potential benefits of that research. Participants argued for a role for communities in every phase of research, whether through partnership, consultation, or a CAB. This is particularly critical in minority communities where cultural and historical context are particularly relevant, and some form of consultation in the process of informed consent can help ensure that researchers gain an understanding of the social context in which community members assess the risks and benefits of research.11 The Hispanic/Latino Genetics Consultation Network is a collaborative effort between Redes En Accion, the Baylor College of Medicine, and the National Institutes of Health to "create a forum for Latinos to identify, prioritize and disseminate information on genetics."12 Their June 2003 forum brought 75 key opinion leaders together with federal agencies to prioritize research issues from the perspective of the Latino community, thereby shaping the National Institutes of Health’s policies, research, and education.Calls for changes in the interaction between researcher and community also emerge from community voices, often stimulated by mistrust and fatigue from being the "subject" of research while rarely benefiting from the fruits of research. Kone et al.13 conducted interviews with community residents in several Seattle neighborhoods in a study of community–researcher relationships. Key lessons from that study include the following: (1) researchers must have a clear understanding of what community means to those involved and the respective communities themselves; (2) community members from diverse backgrounds must be involved in the research process; (3) community members want to have an active role, including being trained to conduct research; (4) more researchers from racial and ethnic minority populations are needed; and (5) mechanisms to ensure sharing of power and resources are critical. The authors assert that establishing a CAB and developing a community-based participatory research (CBPR) process are potential means to strengthen researcher–community collaboration.13Finally, a disturbing linguistic dynamic has emerged in research discourse, and this potentially undermines our existing mechanisms for the protection of human subjects. It is increasingly common to hear researchers describe informed consent as a task to be done, speaking of the need "to consent" the subject. This subtle shift in language exposes a dangerous fault line, raising the question of whether the focus is on informed consent as a product, such as a signed document, or informed consent as a process. "To consent" the subject raises questions about the dynamic of power between researcher and potential subject and challenges our existing principles of autonomy and justice. One key element of informed consent is voluntariness or the absence of a significant controlling influence. However, "consenting someone" implies that voluntariness may be more easily compromised. The extent to which the pressure on researchers to enroll minority participants may interact with this dynamic and contribute to potential breaches of informed consent is unknown, yet troublesome. The evolving language of research requires further vigilance to ensure that individual informed consent is not compromised, opening the door for a role of the community to assist in this process.WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONWHY DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...ReferencesAlthough the drive to involve communities in the process of research stems from a multitude of factors, investigators accomplish this through a variety of means. Inclusion of new principles, elucidation of community consultation and community consent mechanisms, CBPR, inclusion of community members on institutional review boards, and CABs are possible means to include communities in research. Each model has specific roles, benefits, and drawbacks (a full elucidation of those is beyond the scope of this article).Weijer and Emanual14 contend that the primary rationale for involving communities is that the community has a right to respect and protection, based on a partnership with the researcher. Therefore, they suggest that several protections can be afforded communities: (1) consultation in protocol development, (2) information disclosure and informed consent at the community level, (3) involvement in all phases of the research, (4) access to data and samples that again would require community consent, and (5) involvement in dissemination and publication of results.They argue that whether the potential protection takes the form of community consultation or community consent will vary depending on the characteristics of the community.14 For community consultation to occur, the community must have specific characteristics such as a healthrelated common culture, a group that is representative of the community, some mechanism for collective priority setting, and a communication network. If consultation requires a face-to-face meeting, the community must be geographically localized. Such community consultation would consist of involving community representatives in the planning of the study, informing the community as a whole at the start of the study and throughout its course, consulting with the community on the use of the data, and providing a report of the data to the community.14 However, they recommend that for community consent to be possible, the community also must have a legitimate political authority that can make binding decisions.14 This approach to community consent is an added protection that still preserves individual autonomy. One example of this model is the ability of some tribal nations with governing bodies to determine tribal participation in research endeavors.CBPR is a growing approach to the development of an equal partnership between the researcher and the community. Israel et al. write that "community based research is a collaborative approach to research that equitably involves community members, organizational representatives, and researchers in all aspects of the research process."15(p177) There are multiple rationales for CBPR, including improving the quality and validity of research, bridging cultural gaps between researchers and communities, increasing trust between researchers and communities, involving marginalized communities, and enhancing the relevance and usefulness of the data.13,15 Additionally, developing research that is meaningful to the community by addressing its expressed needs is one rationale and benefit of CBPR; certainly, this benefit addresses a common complaint of community members whose perception is that communities rarely benefit directly from research. Explicitly addressing informed consent issues is not generally a rationale for the use of CBPR. Although CBPR lends itself well to some areas of research, it is not applicable to all types of research conducted by public health and other health professionals. Consequently, CABs provide another strategy for protection of communities in research.According to Strauss et al.,16 CABs consist of community members with a common identity, history, symbolism, language, and culture. CABs can play various roles. They can (1) act as a liaison between researchers and community, (2) represent community concerns and culture to researchers, (3) assist in the development of study materials, (4) advocate for the rights of minority research study subjects, and (5) consult with potential study participants to provide recommendations about research study enrollment. Although CABs can certainly help to shape the research questions in ways that may be more salient to the community, their role is not necessarily the joint determination of research questions that is necessary with CBPR. CABs can also play a role in the dissemination of results from a study.There are multiple models for CABs. One model has been the establishment of a CAB for a specific study; much of the literature existing on CABs focuses on this model. However, another model is the establishment of an institutional CAB that may examine a whole array of research studies. The CAB at the Urban Research Center, Center for Urban Epidemiological Studies in Harlem exists to serve the center in its broader sense, addressing an array of health issues.17–19 At the Center for Minority Health, Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh, the community research advisory board is a freestanding advisory board that grapples with studies from investigators across the multiple schools of the health sciences including medicine and public health. In Europe, there are multiple models for CABs.Strauss et al.16 view CABs as a potential protection against breaches of individual informed consent as well as serving to improve research when the CAB provides for ongoing dialogue between the researchers and the community. They argued that CABs can play a valid role in the threshold, informational, and consent elements of the informed consent process in such a way as to help ensure informed consent by the individual. A review of existing literature would suggest that CABs most commonly contribute to the informational elements of the informed consent process by seeking and evaluating information from investigators on risks and benefits of participation, disseminating it to the community, and making concrete suggestions on informed consent forms.17,20,21 The CAB at the Urban Research Center in Harlem includes this statement in its operating principles:All Urban Research Center research projects will meet current ethical standards and will fully respect the rights of all participants in a culturally sensitive manner, including the rights to be aware of risks and benefits, to give informed consent, and to have the option to withdraw from research at any time without penalty to the participant.17(p532)In order for CABs to prevent ethical lapses and to maintain a role in informed consent, they will require appropriate education about human subjects’ protections. For example, the community research advisory board at the University of Pittsburgh holds educational sessions on the principles of informed consent, research ethics, the institutional review board process, and perceptions of African Americans about participation in research.CABs may be one viable means of meeting the recommendation from the Institute of Medicine’s report on responsible research, which calls for human subject participant protection programs to "foster communication with the general public, research participants and research staff to assure that the protection process is open and accessible to all interested parties."22(p64) In fact, the Institute of Medicine considers "transparency—to ensure open communication and interaction with the local community, research participants, investigators, and other stakeholders in the research enterprise" to be a necessary condition for a sound protection program.22(p52) The Institute of Medicine panel goes further to call for adequate protections programs to include access to a "responsible, knowledge, neutral third party."22(p65) The role of that party—to allow for communication, open consideration of concerns, and addressing problem issues—is certainly congruent with that of a CAB.A RESEARCH AGENDA ON CABS AND INFORMED CONSENTTOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONWHY DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...ReferencesA substantial research agenda is necessary to understand the potential roles and effectiveness of CABs in the informed consent process. Critical questions include the following:1. To what extent do CABs have some interaction with institutional review boards? What is the interaction?2. To what extent have CABs contributed to the review or development of informed consent forms and processes? What education or training was necessary in order for them to address these tasks?3. To what extent may CABs play a role in other elements of informed consent, including the threshold elements of competence and voluntariness and the actual consent elements of decision to act and authorization?4. To what extent have CABs fulfilled the obligation for community consultation in emergency research that requires a waiver of informed consent?5. To what extent have CABs been a resource to study participants when questions about ethical conduct of research arise?6. Have CABs experienced the need to address potential lapses in protection of human subjects? What were the circumstances and how did they respond?7. To what extent do CABS help facilitate the evolution of communities that have been historically vulnerable in the research endeavor to communities empowered to participate fully in the informed consent process?There has been little evaluation of the functioning of CABs in the literature. To fully realize their potential contribution to the process of informed consent, we must understand more about CABs in general. Research on their functions, the roles of members, barriers and challenges, and interactions with researchers and community is essential.Although the potential for CABs is great, their success lies in the ability of the researchers and CABs to form a true partnership, enabling their different voices to be heard equally. To do so requires that investigators be willing to develop open communication and to share power and decisionmaking with CAB members. It challenges investigators to incorporate understanding of cultural and social context into their research process. Conversely, for a CAB to be successful, CAB members must represent their community honestly, and they must willingly tackle the need to understand often-complex research studies and protocols. Simply creating a CAB without being truly open to working together may, in fact, further harm relationships with the community, which may rightly perceive the CAB as "window dressing."CABS AS A REFLECTION OF A PARADIGM SHIFTTOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONWHY DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...ReferencesUltimately, CABs may constitute the feasible means of ensuring a role for communities in research and informed consent, enabling researchers to incorporate the relationships paradigm that King et al.6 raise as an alternative to a focus on the principalist paradigm from a stricter interpretation of the Belmont Report.1 They argue that researchers frequently conducted research from what they describe as the principalist paradigm that focuses on "balancing principles of autonomy, beneficence, justice, informed consent and confidentiality; assumes ethical universalism (not moral relativism)—truth (not stories); and maintains an atomistic focus—small frame, centered on individuals."6(p15) They go on to state that "the moral principles held to govern research with human subjects remain current and meaningful but make sense only in context. Thus, the ethics of human subjects research may be universal but is at the same time deeply particularized, so that what autonomy or informed consent or confidentiality or even benefit and harm means depends on the circumstances."23(p213)King et al.6,23 challenge us to expand beyond the synchronic (slice-of-time) "principalist paradigm" of Belmont evident in our system of federal regulations to include a "relationships paradigm." Such a shift in approach would account for both the interactions between subjects and their communities and subject–communities with researchers. Their call for an integration of the principalist paradigm with a relationships paradigm is consistent with the functions and potential roles of CABs. The relationships paradigm recognizes the breadth and depth of relevant relationships between individuals and groups in a community; incorporates the relevant contexts including culture, gender, race/ethnicity, history, community, place, and others that affects research; acknowledges crosscutting issues and allows wider frames of reference; and adopts what they term as a more "narrative focus."6The relationships paradigm calls for a broader understanding of time beyond that of a specific research study and recognizes that issues of importance in the context of broader community life, occurring both before and after a specific research study, necessitate some continuity of relationship between investigator and community.6,23 Not infrequently, investigators may enter a community without full comprehension of relevant issues and previous research demands and depart when their grant draws to a close. Adopting a relationships paradigm requires consideration of a longer window of time in the community’s life and the investigator’s roles within the community’s particular context. Beyond the issue of informed consent, CABs provide an avenue to raise questions of particular salience to the community and to share the results of the research with the community, a frequent source of anger for communities that lament the failure of investigators to disseminate their results.Adopting a new principle of "respect for communities" to expand our existing Belmont principles provides no guarantee that we will conduct research in a manner that fully respects communities. However, CABs offer one opportunity to adopt a relationships paradigm that enables researchers to anticipate and address the context in which communities understand risks and benefits and individuals give consent. CABs provide the mechanism for community consultation that contributes to protecting communities and fostering meaningful research. Furthermore, CABs can enable us to fully interpret the principles of autonomy, beneficence, and justice and re-create informed consent as a process. To reap these benefits from CABs, investigators must truly believe them to be of significant value in the research process and create meaningful partnerships with communities. Ultimately, the health of our communities will be the beneficiaries.AcknowledgmentsThe author was supported in part through a National Institutes of Health grant (1P01 MD0020701) for a Center in Excellence in Partnerships for Community Outreach, Research on Health Disparities and Training.FootnotesPeer ReviewedAccepted for publication November 25, 2003.ReferencesTOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONWHY DOES THE COMMUNITY...WHERE DO WE GO...A RESEARCH AGENDA ON...CABS AS A REFLECTION...References1. The Belmont Report: Ethical Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects. Washington, DC: Department of Health, Education and Welfare; 1979.2. Gostin L. Ethical principles for the conduct of human subject research: population-based research and ethics. Law Med Health Care.1991;19:191–201.[Medline]3. Weijer C. Protecting communities in research: Philosophical and pragmatic challenges. Camb Q Healthc Ethics.1999;8:501–513.[Web of Science][Medline]4. Levine R. Ethics and Regulation of Clinical Research. Baltimore, Md: Urban & Schwarzenberg; 1986.5. McCarthy C. North American perspective. In: Bankowshi Z, Howard-Jones N, eds. Human Experimentation and Medical Ethics: Proceedings of the XV CIOMS Round Table Conference. Geneva, Switzerland: Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences; 1993: 208–211.6. King N, Henderson G, Stein J. Introduction—relationships in research: a new paradigm. In: King N, Henderson G, Stein J, eds. Beyond Regulations: Ethics in Human Subjects Research. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press; 1999:1–17.7. US Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. Guidance for institutional review boards, clinical investigators and sponsors: Exceptions from informed consent requirements for emergency research. Available at: Accessed February 16, 2004.8. National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Research involving human biological materials: ethical issues and policy guidance: report and recommendations of the National Bioethics Advisory Commission. Available at: Accessed February 16, 2004.9. National Institute of General Medical Sciences. Report of the first community consultation on the responsible collections and use of samples for genetic research. 2000. Available at: http// Accessed June 23, 2003.10. Schulz A, Foster S, Caldwell C, Modell S, Singer E. 1999/2000 focus group content report: communities of color and genetics public policy project. 2000. Available at: Accessed April 15, 2001.11. Sharp R, Foster M. Involving study populations in the review of genetic research. J Law Med Ethics.2000;28:41–51.[Web of Science][Medline]12. The National Hispanic/Latino Cancer Network. Redes en accion, news: nationwide Latino genetics conference held June 22–24, 2003. Available at: Accessed September 17, 2003.13. Kone A, Sullivan M, Senturia K, Chrisman N, Ciske S, Krieger J. Improving collaboration between researchers and communities. Public Health Rep.2000;115:243–248.[Web of Science][Medline]14. Weijer C, Emanuel E. Protecting communities in biomedical research. Science.2000;289:1142–1144.[Free Full Text]15. Israel B, Schulz A, Parker E, Becker A. Review of community based research: assessing partnership approaches to improve public health. Ann Rev Public Health.1998;19:173–202.[Web of Science][Medline]16. Strauss R, Sengupta S, Quinn S, et al. The role of community advisory boards: involving communities in the informed consent process. Am J Public Health.2001;91:1938–1943.[Abstract/Free Full Text]17. Galea S, Factor S, Bonner S, et al. Collaboration among community members, local health service providers, and researchers in an urban research center in Harlem, New York. Public Health Rep.2001;116:530–539.[Web of Science][Medline]18. Galea S, Factor S, Palermo A, Aaron D, Canales E, Vlahov D. Access to resources for substance users in Harlem, New York City: service provider and client perspectives. Health Educ Behav.2002;29:296–311.[Abstract/Free Full Text]19. Factor S, Galea S, De Duenas Geli L, et al. Development of a "survival guide" for substance users in Harlem, New York City. Health Educ Behav.2002;29:312–325.[Abstract/Free Full Text]20. HIV Prevention Trials Network (HPTN). HIV prevention trials network community advisory boards (CABs) guidelines. Available at: Accessed June 13, 2003.21. Morin S. Enhancing community participation in HIV prevention research. Available at: Accessed June 26, 2003.22. Federman D, Hanna K, Rodriguez L, eds. Responsible Research: A Systems Approach to Protecting Research Participants. Washington, DC: Institute of Medicine, National Academies Press; 2003.23. King N, Henderson, G, Stein J. Conclusion. regulations and relationships: toward a new synthesis. In: King N, Henderson G, Stein J, eds. Beyond Regulations: Ethics in Human Subjects Research. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press; 1999:213–224.
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this can not be healed by medical

You can try to take as much anti-depressants anti psych what ever but the truth of this in which I know is true is that modern medicine and science can not heal you emotionally. Lots of Doctors would prescribe you meds.. for really anything or nothing at all that was simple for them. Medicine is a cover up. A veil that hides the what is present in your life that has effected you. You need to realize that there is alot of things you need to start doing to combat your spiritual battle. Stand on top of it. eliminate the things they like to watch they like to listen too out of your life. We all need shelter the only shelter I found that goes head on into warfare against those involved in witch craft is to read the word of God aloud listen to his worship music watch CBN and other Christian broadcasting shows. If you start doing this the doors will begin to close on the enemy and you will be able to focus on the reality of his natural healing spirit that has healed many like you in similar cases.
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GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons

GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons

GSS Conference Call on Psychotronic Weapons "EPISODE 50" was a big success! We had 37 participants.

In the beginning of the program, Bruno Marchesani spoke on the topic. He was very informative about the subject. Later, we received various comments from both phone and chat participants and a lot was learned about this subject.

Lastly, we played several audio feeds about the topic, which was posted in the chatroom.

Our next topic will be on SAFE HOUSE and it will take place after the new year.

We are currently looking for 2 or more moderators to host the Thursday's night call. It will be at 11PM EST once two hosts are found.

In the meantime, our first spiritual call will be on Sunday, December 12th 2010 at 8:00 PM EST. The code for this call will not change and a follow-up announcement will be made later in the week.

Thanks for your support!

Chris J. Brunson

Elvira Williams


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Leuren Moret Discusses MKUltra, Tavistock, HAARP, & many of the experiments that were carried out at UC Berkeley, UC Davis, Stanford University, and Livermore Labs. Leuren & I were in San Francisco yesterday, (June 13, 2009). When we passed Stillwell Hall she said, "They held people in cages"Add Also to this Norbert Air Force Base in San Bernadino is NO STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON MURDER- NONE AT ALL Contra was much more than drugs, guns.. it was theft of human beings and MK ultraA Carefully Crafted Hoax - CIA-Sponsored Child Abduction & Prostitution - The Franklin ScandalVery good news for veterans, their children and their grandchildren... the non consentual human experimentation extends into the children of military personel~ "A federal magistrate judge in San Francisco ordered the CIA to produce specific records and testimony about the human experiments the government allegedly conducted on thousands of soldiers..." Must Disclose Data on Human ExperimentsBy ANNIE YOUDERIAN(CN) - A federal magistrate judge in San Francisco ordered the CIA to produce specific records and testimony about the human experiments the government allegedly conducted on thousands of soldiers from 1950 through 1975.Three veterans groups and six individual veterans sued the CIA and other government agencies, claiming they used about 7,800 soldiers as human guinea pigs to research biological, chemical and psychological weapons.The experiments, many of which took place at Edgewood Arsenal and Fort Detrick in Maryland, allegedly exposed test subjects to chemicals, drugs and electronic implants. Though the soldiers volunteered, they never gave informed consent, because the government didn't fully disclose the risks, the veterans claimed. They were also required to sign an oath of secrecy, according to the complaint.The veterans filed three sets of document requests to find out who was tested, what substances they were given, and how it affected them. Between October and April, the government produced about 15,000 pages of heavily redacted records, most of which related to the named plaintiffs only.The CIA argued that much of the information requested was protected under the Privacy Act and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.U.S. Magistrate Judge James Larson acknowledged that some of the requests were too broad and ordered the veterans to be more specific and to reduce the total number of requests.For example, Larson said the plaintiffs' definition of "test program" is "overbroad," as it not only named experimental programs like "Bluebird," "Artichoke" and "MKUltra," but also included "any other program of experimentation involving human testing of any substance, including but not limited to 'MATERIAL TESTING PROGRAM EA 1729.'"He ordered the veterans to provide a list of specific test programs and test substances.But once the plaintiffs narrow their requests, Larson said, they are entitled to most of the information. Each government agency must respond individually to each request, he said, and if an agency denies any request, it must explain -- in sufficient detail -- why the records are purportedly privileged.The CIA has already claimed that some documents are protected under the state-secrets privilege, but Larson said the agency needs to be more specific. He asked for a "supplemental declaration explaining with heightened specificity" why the documents are considered state secrets. Because these documents might contain sensitive information, the judge allowed the CIA to file the declaration under seal.Larson rejected the government's bid to limit the scope of discovery, saying doing so "removes the remaining hurdle" for the CIA to respond to the veterans' sets of requests."Defendants should respond in earnest to Plaintiffs' discovery requests, regardless of any ongoing or prior searches, investigations, or litigation," Larson wrote. He said the government can't limit disclosure to information about the six individual plaintiffs.The CIA insisted discovery was unwarranted in its case, because it never funded or conducted drug research on military personnel.Larson wasn't convinced."[T]his court rejects the conclusion that the CIA necessarily lacks a nexus to Plaintiffs' claims, and orders the CIA to respond in earnest" to the veterans' requests, "particularly because defendants have presented evidence that would appear to cast doubt on that conclusion," he wrote.The government also tried to avoid deposition, claiming too much time had passed since the alleged experiments, and any witnesses familiar with the projects likely no longer work for the government. The CIA further argued, unsuccessfully, that the court should stay discovery until the Department of Defense completes its investigation of the experiments.Larson reminded the CIA that it "cannot use the DoD investigation as an excuse to avoid discovery responsibilities."He then addressed which topics are fair game for deposition, saying the government must produce witnesses to testify about the following: communication between the VA and test subjects on their health care claims; a 1963 CIA Inspector General report on an experiment called MKUltra, and the basis for each redaction on that report; the scope and conduct of document searches; the doses and effects of substances administered to test subjects; any contract or research proposals concerning the experiments; a confidential Army memo about the use of volunteers in research; all government-led human experiments from 1975 to date, but only those that involve specific drugs; and whether the government secretly administered MKUltra materials to "the patrons of prostitutes" in safe houses in New York and San Francisco, as the veterans claimed.Judge Larson ruled for the CIA on other issues, however, saying the agency's not required to testify about test subjects who withdrew their consent or refused to participate; devices allegedly implanted into certain test subjects; the alleged use of patients at VA hospitals as guinea pigs in chemical and biological weapons experiments; or the drug research studies conducted by Dr. Paul Hoch, who was purportedly funded by the government and caused the death of a patient named Harold Blauer.Though Larson declined to sanction the government, as the veterans sought, he warned that he would impose sanctions for any "future unjustifiable discovery recalcitrance."Named plaintiffs are the Vietnam Veterans of America, Swords to Plowshare, the Veterans Rights Organization, Bruce Price, Franklin D. Rochelle, Larry Meirow, Eric P. Muth, David C. Dufrane and Wray C. Forrest.
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沉痛哀悼,又一位自杀身亡的女性难友 “柳青/balloon”

湖北难友 柳青 于三日在医院自杀葬礼五日举行


祥天(397761127) 22:23:08
据战士难友了解到的消息 湖北难友 柳青 于三日在医院自杀 葬礼今日举行 谨致沉痛悼念!

战士 难友 的短信:
柳青 女 27岁 中南财经政法大学毕业 硕士 过去一直在政法机关作文件管理工作脑控受害开始于2008年 湖北武汉人 10月28日住院(湖北人民医院)11月28日出院 后不知什么原因又第二次住院住院前和家人动手打过架 几天前她给我发短信说“我们是上帝最好的祭品” 柳青小姨今晚给我打电话告诉我柳青走了,而且想知道柳青自杀的原因她让我发短信过去,我一连发了好几条短信 给柳青小姨打了电话 她却说不是你说的(那样) 她是不相信我说的死于“脑控” 柳青是3号上午在湖北人民医院自杀的 5号火化了 我很痛心难过 在这里我有一个心愿:让难友永远记住她!

柳青/balloon 据战士难友了解到的消息 湖北难友 柳青于2010年12月3日在医院自杀 5日举行葬礼

刚刚得到消息,又一位女难友“柳青/balloon”自杀身亡 - 卫星破译脑电波大脑研究工程 - 卫星破译脑电波全球同步大脑研究工程














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My latest correspondence

Comment by Jay Sinn 1 day ago "Why not start talking in language that befits the situation? How about public tranparency and legal oversight of IRBs? The problem I have is few seem to speak the language befiting the problem. I can't really access the latest top secret weapon but I can access the double talk.. . I can even learn to rattle it off right back when needed.... " Thanks Jay -

Yesterday I received in the mail a response from the U.S. Department of Justice apologizing for their delay in answering my latest correspondence and requesting that I follow-up with a more detailed documentation of what they are doing to me. First and foremost I especially mentioned the threats on the life of my son. I spoke of the Medical - Scientific Human Experimentation, R&D that is being done to us in addition to the weapons assaulting and brutalizing us. I will send my Cointelpro Testimonial to document absolute credibility and from there will elaborate on the weapons and experimentation. I must encapsulate it all in a clear, concise way so that hopefully God and the good people who are still in the government will finally listen to us and help us. We'll have to keep our finger's crossed.

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How does it work ....and HAARP

I´ll try in my words, to explain to those at this community, that does not understand that these harassments we (almost everyone)are suffering from. It´s not done by some local police or the next door people. It´s the governments all around the world, working with big universities and science institutes and high frequencies research programs. To achieve the knowledge about the secret of our brains, the answers to psychological mysteriums, and to develop new medications and weapons if needed for the future. And to research the yet unknown and unexplored outcome of long term radiation We are all victims, for them being able to make these researches on the human being. We are sacrified for this purpose, and they think it´s maintainable some how, to let thousand and thousands(or even more)people on this planet, suffer in severe physical and psychological pain for the rescue, knowledge and weapon upgrade for the rest of the world and it´s population and it´s future. With out the consent from any of us. In secret. Would they wish this torture for their family, their children, their spouses, their friends? No, And you know what, to avoid the, for every human being that has the ability to feel any empathy what so ever, horror for them, watching the torture that they perform on all of us-24/7, they let the computers do the hard work.

They don´t just torture us, they, themself do not have the courage to watch the monitoring. It must be to awful for them watching it. And lack of time. It´s a race between countries all over the world, finding out the mystery of the brain, and make the artificial intelligence superior. We are monitored by remote, brain-computer-interface.

And, to have the smallest of chance, fighting this, we all need to understand that, again, this is not done by some friend, neighbour, local police or others in closeby area. ( this is all done in a way, by manipulate us in believing that-to disarm us, going in the wrong direction for obstructing the harrasments ) If we can be united in this and then make claims, sues and so on, we might be taken serious and with respect

and hopefully action will be taken in justice.


Jpeg Graphic of Fourier Analysis of HAARP Signal
figure 1. Spectrum Analysis of a Typical HAARP Pulse
This graph shows both the signal amplitude, in yellow at the top, and a spectral analysis of the HAARP pulse in the blue/green patterns at the bottom. To listen to the sound file from which this analysis was made use the wav player on the right. It may take a while for the wav file to download, so continue reading while you wait.
use up-down arrow for volume
( NOTE: Both the above graphic and the sound player were optimized for most versions of IE and Netscape. If you can't see the graph or hear the sound then cut-and-paste the graph to your computer and download either the 1.0Mb wav file, haarp.wav , or the 44Kb mp3 file, haarp.mp3 . If your computer and browser are so old and clunky they won't do any of those, then as they said 100 years ago, "Get A Horse!!" )

HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is a high-powered radio transmission research facility jointly operated by the US Navy, Air Force and several universities. Because of the high secrecy surrounding the government HAARP project, many theories have risen trying to explain what HAARP is and does. Most of them are simply wild speculations, based on fears about what "they are doing up there." It is the purpose of this article to provide sufficient technical expertise to dispel the mystery.

The above HAARP signal was monitored on 3.39 MHZ and recorded in San Jose, California, about 5,000 miles from the transmitter in Gakona, eastern central Alaska. At that distance and frequency, the signal can only be heard during the night after two F-layer ionospheric skips. Some short-term signal fading over the signal path may be the cause for the variations in the smooth roll-off in the amplitude from 1 sec to the end of the pulse at 6.25 secs. These loud 6 second pulses are usually repeated with a quiet 15 or 30 second pause between pulses.

1. HAARP and ULF (Ultra Low Frequency) Waves

The HAARP sound recording may seem full of static. It is not. The rushing roaring sound of a blow torch is the HAARP signal itself, as shown by the silence or background noise of the receiver at the end of the pulse, and by the clarity of the tones at the beginning. If you wanted to see or hear the ULF (ultra low frequency) waves sent out by the HAARP transmitter, you will be disappointed here.

My receiver is not equipped to record ULF waves in the region of 1 to 10 Hz, and has an audio roll-off in the range of about 30 Hz. And besides, you can't hear or see a 0.9 or 1 Hz signal anyway. It is way below the range of normal human hearing. You need instruments to sense it. A powerful 1 Hz sound would probably be "sensed" as a slow rolling earthquake or a slight rocking motion as on the ocean. Nonetheless, a major component and purpose of the HAARP signal is an audio modulation at the frequency of about 0.9 Hz. And what is that purpose? I'll get to that in a moment.

2. HAARP Interaction with the Atmosphere

The HAARP pulse is primarily divided into two components. The first part is the sections marked A and B on the chart and is the powerful "pre-heat" megawatt pulse aimed upward at the ionosphere just above the HAARP facility. As the radio waves travel up through the atmosphere they have no effect until they reach the ionosphere about 200 kilometers above the earth, which is far above the atmosphere. At that point the waves interact with the ions, which may be electrons, protons or ionized parts of atoms like oxygen, ozone or nitrogen.

Normally the particles in the near vacuum of outer-space in the region of the ionosphere are simply moving randomly in all directions. Some particles may hit each other and re-combine into normal atoms of oxygen and nitrogen, thus simply becoming a part of the atmosphere. Other particles may drift off into space and others may move downward into the thicker atmosphere where they re-combine. Then along comes the HAARP signal.

For about a quarter second during the part A and B of the pulse, the randomly moving ions are now forced to madly race back and forth in the direction of the radio waves at the speed of light or 300,000 kilometers per second, which is real fast. Many of them strike atoms in the upper atmosphere and cause the atoms to also become ionized. Thus the number of ions is suddenly increased. Since the neutral atoms in the atmosphere do not react to the radio waves, they remain more or less stationary, and become "sitting ducks" just waiting to be hit by one of the billions of racing ions all rushing back and forth in response to the HAARP waves.

Even if the neutral atoms don't become ionized, many of them are struck by the fast ions and soon most of the atmospheric atoms high above the HAARP transmitter are also rushing in all directions but not back and forth as are the ions. This sudden increase in the motion of both the atoms and ions in the upper atmosphere is called "ionospheric heating." In fact, the HAARP facility, along with several similar research instruments in Europe and Russia, are in the category of Ionospheric Heaters. But its what HAARP does next during the part C of the pulse which makes HAARP unique.

3. Components of the HAARP Pulse

In portion A of the pulse, identifier tones are sent at frequencies of 360, 1000 and 1700 Hz, with some harmonics at higher frequencies visible on the graph. In part B the tones are 650 Hz with a harmonic at 1300 Hz. On the chart the yellow color indicates a very strong signal, the green indicates a medium strength signal and the blue shows a weak signal.

In part C of the signal there is a continuous tone at 2100 Hz which remains during the whole pulse and sometimes several seconds afterward. There is also a much weaker tone around 2500 Hz during all of the pulse. And then there is all that green/yellow stuff at the bottom, sloping upward to the right during all of part C. What the heck is that? To explain that we need to look at the HAARP antenna itself.

fig 2. HAARP Antenna Arrary.
Showing the crossed beams of the circularly polarized antennas.
The HAARP "antenna farm" consists of 48 towers, soon to be 180, about 25 meters tall and each is topped with a pair of crossed beams in a north-south and east-west direction. The actual radiating parts of the antenna include those wires dangling from the ends of the beams.
By sloping the wires and hooking all the antennas together they act as one large single antenna covering 33 acres which can transmit in the north-south or east-west direction.

4. HAARP Circular Polarization

If HAARP only used the north-south beams then the electrons and protons in the ionosphere would race madly in the north-south direction. And likewise if the radio waves move in the east-west direction, so would the ions. What HAARP does is on each portion of the transmitter cycle it switches from the east-west to the north-south beams and back again.

If you could see the radio waves rising from the antenna they would appear to be spiraling or "cork-screwing" upward. This is called "circular polarization" of the radio signal. This is not uncommon, since all commercial FM stations use circular polarization to send horizontal signals to home roof antennas and vertical signals to automobile antennas.

But HAARP is not broadcasting to homes or autos, nor is it switching on each cycle. No, the HAARP signal is corkscrewing upward at a rate of, TADA!, about 0.9 Hz. And why is that? By corkscrewing the signal, the ions in the upper atmosphere do not just race madly back and forth, instead they move in BIG circles. And you can get the most ions running around the "race course" just above HAARP if you make them have a "lap time" of about once per second.

5. Optimizing the HAARP Rotation

What determines the optimum "lap time" is something called the plasma density and is related to the temperature, number of ions, number of neutral atoms in the ionosphere, and some other factors I won't mention here. (Note: For more information on plasma density consult any of the many graduate texts on plasma physics. Also, I have oversimplified the relation between the 0.9 Hz signal and the "lap time." It is not my purpose here to provide a complete description of ionospheric cyclotronic interactions.)

By making the ions, both electrons and protons, move in big circles they each become little electromagnets with a north and south pole. At the latitude of HAARP in Gakona, Alaska the earth's magnetic field lines are nearly vertical. So if the HAARP circular polarization is either clockwise or counter-clockwise you can make the ions racing around at 0.9 Hz either be attracted to the earth's magnetic north pole or repelled. If the circling ions are attracted, then they would simply spiral downward toward the earth's north pole and run into the denser atmosphere and might produce a very weak aurora, hence the name High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. That's all very interesting but its not exactly the real purpose of HAARP.

6. HAARP as a "Particle Gun"

If the HAARP signal rotates so the ions circle around with their north poles pointing downward, then they are repelled by the earth's magnetic north pole and are shot out into the vacuum of space at nearly the speed of light. Wow, you mean HAARP is a particle gun? You betcha! The largest one around, sorta.

But its not really a "gun" because you can't aim it at anything. The particles simply shoot off into space. But they are still spiraling and are magnetic, and as a result they follow along the earth's magnetic field. In less than half a second they arrive at the earth's south pole. There, they don't even touch the atmosphere but are caused to spiral more tightly by the earth's converging magnetic field lines, until they are made to flip over and are shot right back to the north pole, all in less than a second. Thus HAARP is really a particle injector which fires billions of ions into the "magnetic bottle" of the earth's magnetosphere, where they remain trapped for a long time.

7. Uses of the HAARP Particle Injection Device

So what can you do with a particle injector like HAARP? According to the original patent design, this device could be used to produce a thick blanket of fast particles in the region of the magnetosphere which would knock out any electronic controls on, or possibly completely destroy, any space vehicle which flew through it. This was most interesting in the 1980's when the patent was filed and even in 1990 when the US government decided to build HAARP. At that time the main nuclear threat was the USSR and any missile from Russia aimed at the US would need to pass through the magnetosphere over the north pole.

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