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On the Need for New Criteria of Diagnosis of Psychosis in the Light of Mind Invasive Technology鉴于精神侵害技术的现实存在亟需新的精神疾病诊断标准by Carole Smith 作者:卡罗尔 史密斯Global Research, October 18, 2007 《全球研究》,2007年10月18日Journal of Psycho-Social Studies, 2003 《心理-社会研究》杂志,2003年"We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use." [Excerpt]“我们没有理解苏联和西方军备竞赛时代起源的技术的结果,已经导致了卫星技术不仅在监测和通讯系统中被使用,也被用于锁定人类。通过定向激光束、神经粒子束、电磁辐射、声波、无线电频辐射(RFR)、孤粒子波、扭力以及通过使用这些或构成宇宙物理学研究范围的其他类型的能量操纵大脑频率。因为这些操作具有秘密的特点,我们所知道的那些方法,也就是开发电离层(我们的自然保护层)的方法,在我们开始掌握它们的使用意义的时候就已经过时了是不可避免的。”[专家]For those of us who were trained in a psychoanalytical approach to the patient which was characterised as patient centred, and which acknowledged that the effort to understand the world of the other person entailed an awareness that the treatment was essentially one of mutuality and trust, the American Psychiatry Association’s Diagnostic Criteria for Schizotypal personality was always a cause for alarm. The Third Edition (1987) of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) required that there be at least four of the characteristics set out for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and an approved selection of four could be: magical thinking, telepathy or sixth sense; limited social contact; odd speech; and over-sensitivity to criticism. By 1994, the required number of qualifying characteristics were reduced to two or more, including, say, hallucinations and ‘negative ‘ symptoms such as affective flattening, or disorganised or incoherent speech – or only one if the delusions were bizarre or the hallucination consisted of a voice keeping up a running commentary on the person’s behaviour or thoughts. The next edition of the DSM is not due until the year 2010.对于我们中那些接受过以病人为中心的和声称理解其他人的世界的努力使了解治疗本质上是一种互动和信任这一事实成为必要的对病人的心理分析方法训练的人们来说,美国精神病学协会对分裂人格的诊断标准总是警报响起的原因。精神疾病诊断和统计手册(DSM)第三版(1987)要求对精神分裂症的诊断至少有四项被列出的特征,被审核通过的这四个选项可能是:不可思议的思想、心灵感应或第六感;局限的社会交往;奇怪的言语;和对批评的过度敏感。到1994年时,所需的符合条件的特征被减少到了2个或2个以上,包括,比如,幻觉和像情绪上的平展或者无组织的和不协调的言语等“负性”症候。或者只要1项,如果妄想是离奇的或幻觉是由持续不断的对此人的行为或想法的议论的声音所组成。DSM的下一版不到2010年不会出版。In place of a process of a labelling which brought alienation and often detention, sectioning, and mind altering anti-psychotic medication, many psychoanalysts and psychotherapists felt that even in severe cases of schizoid withdrawal we were not necessarily wasting our time in attempting to restore health by the difficult work of unravelling experiences in order to make sense of an illness. In this way, psychoanalysis has been, in its most radical form, a critic of a society, which failed to exercise imaginative empathy when passing judgement on people. The work of Harry Stack Sullivan, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Harold Searles or R.D. Laing - all trained as psychiatrists and all of them rebels against the standard procedures – provided a way of working with people very different from the psychiatric model, which seemed to encourage a society to repress its sickness by making a clearly split off group the carriers of it. A psychiatrist in a mental hospital once joked to me, with some truth, when I commented on the number of carrier bags carried by many of the medicated patients around the hospital grounds, that they assessed the progress of the patient in terms of the reduction of the number of carrier bags. It is too often difficult to believe, however, when hearing the history of a life, that the “schizophrenic” was not suffering the effects of having been made, consciously and unconsciously, the carefully concealed carrier of the ills of the family.替代一个引起异化、禁锢、切断和改变精神的贴标签的反精神病人的医疗方法,许多心理分析师和心理治疗师感到即使在最严重的精神分裂性退缩的个案当中,通过解析经历的困难工作了解一种疾病而尝试恢复健康并不一定是浪费时间。以这种方式,精神分析,以其最激烈的形式,是对没有尽一般应有的同情心的情况下就宣布一个人为精神病人的社会的一种批评。哈利 斯代克 苏利文、弗瑞达 弗罗姆-瑞茨曼、哈罗德 西尔利斯或者R.D.灵——所有这些都是受过训练的精神病医生,他们的工作提供了一种与非常不同于精神病学模式的人们一同工作的方式,那种精神病学模式似乎是鼓励社会通过让一个被明确分离的群体成为其所谓的精神病的病人而压抑它的问题。一家精神病院的一位精神病医生有一次在我评论医院场地周围的许多接受治疗的病人所携带的病人口袋的数目时,带着几分认真地与我开玩笑说,他们以所携带的病人口袋的数目的减少来评估病人病情的进展。然而,在听取一段生活史时,有太多的时候很难相信这个“精神分裂症”患者不是在遭受着被有意识和无意识地当作这个家庭当中被小心隐藏的这种疾病的患者的后果。For someone who felt his mind was going to pieces, to be put into the stressful situation of the psychiatric examination, even when the psychiatrist acquitted himself with kindness, the situation of the assessment procedure itself, can be ‘an effective way to drive someone crazy, or more crazy.’ (Laing, 1985, p 17). But if the accounting of bizarre experiences more or less guaranteed you a new label or a trip to the psychiatric ward, there is even more reason for a new group of people to be outraged about how their symptoms are being diagnosed. A doubly cruel sentence is being imposed on people who are the victims of the most appalling abuse by scientific-military experiments, and a totally uncomprehending society is indifferent to their evidence. For the development of a new class of weaponry now has the capability of entering the brain and mind and body of another person by technological means.对于感到他的精神将成为一片片的人来说,被置于精神病检查的充满压力的情形之下,即使当精神病医生慈善地让自己与他熟悉起来,诊断过程本身可能是“一个让人发疯,或者更疯的有效方式。”(灵,1985,第17页)。但是如果对于一段奇异古怪的经历的归因多少保证使你得到一个标签或被送往精神病病房,就会有更多的理由让新的一群人以他们的症状如何被诊断的名义而被迫害。一个双倍残忍的判决正被强加给成为最骇人听闻的军事科学实验滥用的受害者的人们,而一个完全不做理解的社会冷漠以对他们的证据。因为一项新级别的武器现在已经有能力通过技术手段入侵另一个人的大脑、精神和身体。Harnessing neuroscience to military capability, this technology is the result of decades of research and experimentation, most particularly in the Soviet Union and the United States. (Welsh, 1997, 2000) We have failed to comprehend that the result of the technology that originated in the years of the arms race between the Soviet Union and the West, has resulted in using satellite technology not only for surveillance and communication systems but also to lock on to human beings, manipulating brain frequencies by directing laser beams, neural-particle beams, electro-magnetic radiation, sonar waves, radiofrequency radiation (RFR), soliton waves, torsion fields and by use of these or other energy fields which form the areas of study for astro-physics. Since the operations are characterised by secrecy, it seems inevitable that the methods that we do know about, that is, the exploitation of the ionosphere, our natural shield, are already outdated as we begin to grasp the implications of their use. The patents deriving from Bernard J. Eastlund’s work provide the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than accomplished by the prior art, the detonation of nuclear devices at various yields and various altitudes. (ref High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project, HAARP).利用神经科学产生军事功用,这一技术是几十年来的研究和实验的结果,最特别是在苏联和美国。(威尔士,1997,2000)我们没有能够理解苏联和西方军备竞赛时代起源的技术的结果,已经导致了卫星技术不仅在监测和通讯系统中使用,也用于锁定人类。通过定向激光束、神经粒子束、电磁辐射、声波、无线电频辐射(RFR)、孤粒子波、扭力以及通过使用这些或构成宇宙物理学研究范围的其他类型的能量操纵大脑频率。因为这些操作具有秘密的特点,我们所知道的那些方法,也就是开发电离层(我们的自然保护层)的方法,在我们开始掌握它们的使用意义的时候就已经过时了是不可避免的。[出自伯纳德的专利] 伊斯特朗的工作提供了将前所未有的能量注入处于战略位置的地球大气层并维持能量注入水平,尤其是如果随机的脉冲以比前一种工艺——为了各种目的和以各种态度而进行的核设施的爆炸——所成就的准确得多和控制得好得多的方式被采用的能力。Some patents, now owned by Raytheon, describe how to make “nuclear sized explosions without radiation” and describe power beam systems, electromagnetic pulses and over-the-horizon detection systems. A more disturbing use is the system developed for manipulating and disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency radiation (RFR), and their use as a device for causing negative effects on human health and thinking. The victim, the innocent civilian target is locked on to, and unable to evade the menace by moving around. The beam is administered from space. The Haarp facility as military technology could be used to broadcast global mind-control, as a system for manipulating and disturbing the human mental process using pulsed radio frequency (RFR). The super-powerful radio waves are beamed to the ionosphere, heating those areas, thereby lifting them. The electromagnetic waves bounce back to the earth and penetrate human tissue.现在被瑞赛昂所有的一些专利,描述了怎样产生无辐射的核爆炸和能量束系统、电磁脉冲和“地平线上”探测系统。一个更加令人不安的用途是为使用脉冲无线电频辐射(RFR)操纵和滋扰人类心理过程而开发的系统,以及它们作为一项引发人类健康和思维的负面效应的设计的用途。受害者——无辜的平民目标被锁定于此,不能够通过到处移动而避开威胁。射线从太空中被实施。HAARP技术作为军事技术能够被用于传播全球精神控制,作为使用脉冲无线电频(FCR)操纵和干扰人类心理过程的一个系统。超强能量的无线电波被发射到电离层,加热那些区域,由此抬升它们。电磁波反射回地球并侵入人体组织。Dr Igor Smirnov, of the Institute of Psycho-Correction in Moscow, says: “It is easily conceivable that some Russian ‘Satan’, or let’s say Iranian – or any other ‘Satan’, as long as he owns the appropriate means and finances, can inject himself into every conceivable computer network, into every conceivable radio or television broadcast, with relative technological ease, even without disconnecting cables…and intercept the radio waves in the ether and modulate every conceivable suggestion into it. This is why such technology is rightfully feared.”(German TV documentary, 1998).莫斯科的精神病矫正学会的艾格尔 史米尔诺夫博士说:“容易想象地,一些俄罗斯‘撒旦’,或者我们说,伊朗人,或者任何其他‘撒旦’,只要他拥有适当的方法和资金来源,都能够使他自己进入任何可以想到的计算机网络,每一个可以想到的无线电或电视广播,通过有关的技术便利,即使没有分离线缆......截获通过以太无线电波并向其中调入每一个可以想到的暗示。这就是为什么这种技术被合理恐惧的原因。“(德国电视记录片,1998)。If we were concerned before about diagnostic criteria being imposed according to the classification of recognizable symptoms, we have reason now to submit them to even harsher scrutiny. The development over the last decades since the Cold War arms race has included as a major strategic category, psycho-electronic weaponry, the ultimate aim of which is to enter the brain and mind. Unannounced, undebated and largely unacknowledged by scientists or by the governments who employ them – technology to enter and control minds from a distance has been unleashed upon us. The only witnesses who are speaking about this terrible technology with its appalling implications for the future, are the victims themselves and those who are given the task of diagnosing mental illness are attempting to silence them by classifying their evidence and accounts as the symptoms of schizophrenia, while the dispensers of psychic mutilation and programmed pain continue with their work, aided and unopposed.如果我们之前关心被依据“可识别的的症状”的划分而强加的诊断标准,我们现在就有理由让它们接受更严格的检查。自冷战军备竞赛开始的过去十年来的发展,已经包括进一个重要的战略类别,即精神-电磁武器,其终极目标是侵入大脑和精神。秘而不宣的、不被争论的和基本上不被科学家或使用它们的政府所承认的远距离侵入和控制精神的技术已经被向我们发动了。言说此可怕技术及其令人震惊的对于未来的含义的唯一证人是受害者们自己,那些被授予诊断精神疾病的任务的人们正在试图以将他们的证据和说明归类为精神分裂症的症状的办法来使他们沉默,而精神多样化和被设计的痛苦的散播者们继续他们的工作,在资助之下并且不被反对。If it was always crucial, under the threat of psychiatric sectioning, to carefully screen out any sign of confused speech, negativity, coldness, suspicion, bizarre thoughts, sixth sense, telepathy, premonitions, but above all the sense that “others can feel my feelings, and that someone seemed to be keeping up a running commentary on your thoughts and behaviour,” then reporting these to a psychiatrist, or anyone else for that matter who was not of a mind to believe that such things as mind-control could exist, would be the end of your claim to sanity and probably your freedom. For one of the salient characteristics of mind-control is the running commentary, which replicates so exactly, and surely not without design, the symptoms of schizophrenia. Part of the effort is to remind the victim that they are constantly under control or surveillance. Programmes vary, but common forms of reminders are electronic prods and nudges, body noises, twinges and cramps to all parts of the body, increasing heart beats, applying pressures to internal organs – all with a personally codified system of comments on thoughts and events, designed to create stress, panic and desperation. This is mind control at its most benign. There is reason to fear the use of beamed energy to deliver lethal assaults on humans, including cardiac arrest, and bleeding in the brain.在精神病学划分的威胁之下,小心地筛选出任何混乱的言语、消极、冷漠、怀疑、古怪的想法、第六感、心电感应、前兆的迹象,但是最重要的“其他人能够感知我的各种感觉,并且有人似乎一直对你的思想和行为不停地议论”的感觉,然后将这些报告给一位精神病医生,或者任何不会相信这样的情况是精神控制可能存在的情况的人,将是证明你神智健全或者很可能是你的自由的根本所在。精神控制的一个明显的特征是持续不断的议论,这种议论被复制得与精神分裂症的症状如此一致以致于一定不是没有经过设计的。一部分努力是提醒受害者他们是固定地处于监视和控制之下。设计不同,但是提示的共同形式是电子刺激和轻推、身体杂音、全身各部位的刺痛(阵痛)和痉挛、加快的心跳、对内部器官的施压,全部都伴随着对思想和事件的议论的编排系统,设计来产生压力、恐慌和绝望。这是最温和的精神控制。有理由恐惧定向能被用于实施对人类的致命袭击,包括心跳停止和脑出血。It is the government system of secrecy, which has facilitated this appalling prospect. There have been warning voices. “…the government secrecy system as a whole is among the most poisonous legacies of the Cold War …the Cold War secrecy (which) also mandate(s) Active Deception…a security manual for special access programs authorizing contractors to employ ‘cover stories to disguise their activities. The only condition is that cover stories must be believable.” (Aftergood & Rosenberg, 1994; Bulletin of Atomic Scientist). Paranoia has been aided and abetted by government intelligence agencies.为这一骇人听闻的景象提供便利的是政府秘密系统。一直有警告的声音:“...政府秘密系统作为一个整体是冷战最具毒性的遗留物之一...冷战秘密也授权“活跃诡计”...特殊渠道项目的一份安全手册授权承包商采用“秘密故事掩盖他们的活动。唯一的条件是这些故事必须听起来可信。”(阿弗特古德和罗森伯格,1994,《原子科学家报告》)。 偏执狂被政府情报机构资助并被教唆。In the United Kingdom the fortifications against any disturbing glimmer of awareness of such actual or potential outrages against human rights and social and political abuses seem to be cast in concrete. Complete with crenellations, ramparts and parapets, the stronghold of nescience reigns supreme. To borrow Her Majesty the Queen’s recent observation: “There are forces at work of which we are not aware.” One cannot say that there is no British Intelligence on the matter, as it is quite unfeasible that the existence of the technology is not classified information. Indeed it is a widely held belief that the women protesting against the presence of cruise missiles at Greenham Common were victims of electro-magnetic radiation at gigahertz frequency by directed energy weapons, and that their symptoms, including cancer, were consistent with such radiation effects as reported by Dr Robert Becker who has been a constantly warning voice against the perils of electro-magnetic radiation. The work of Allen Frey suggests that we should consider radiation effects as a grave hazard producing increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier, and weakening crucial defenses of the central nervous system against toxins. (Becker, 1985, p. 286). Dr Becker has written about nuclear magnetic resonance as a familiar tool in medecine known as magnetic resonance imaging or MRI. Calcium efflux is the result of cyclotronic resonance which latter can be explained thus: If a charged particle or ion is exposed to a steady magnetic field in space, it will begin to go into a circular or orbital, motion at right angles to the applied magnetic field.The speed with which it orbits will be determined by the ratio between the charge and the mass of the particle and by the strength of the magnetic field. (Becker, 1990,p.235) The implications of this for wide scale aggression by using a combination of radar based energy and the use of nuclear resonating are beyond the scope of the writer, but appear to be worth the very serious consideration of physicists in assessing how they might be used against human beings.在英国,防御任何对这种实际的和潜在的对于人权的践踏以及对社会性和政治性滥用的一丝觉察的堡垒已被坚实地树立。开垛口、城墙、胸墙具备的无知的要塞极度盛行。借女王陛下最近的观点:“有我们所不知的势力正在活动”。人们不能说在这个问题上没有英国情报局的参与。此技术的存在不是机密情报是不现实的。实际上认为抗议巡航导弹抵达格林海姆康曼的女人们是定向能武器发出的千兆赫电磁辐射的受害者,并且她们的症状,包括癌症,是由一直作为电磁辐射危险的持续警告的声音的罗伯特贝克尔所报道的电磁辐射的作用所形成的是一个广泛的共识。艾伦 弗雷的工作表明,我们应该考虑 辐射作用作为一项重大的危险导致脑血栓的增加,并且弱化中枢神经系统对于毒素的抵抗能力。(贝克尔,1985,第286页)。贝克尔博士曾经作为磁共振成像或MRI医疗技术的一项人们熟知的工具而写到过关于核磁共振。钙流失是回旋共振的结果,后者可以这样解释:如果一个荷电粒子或离子被暴露于稳定的太空磁场中,它将进入一个环形或者轨道,以相对于所在磁场的正确的角度运动。它沿轨道运行的速度将由所荷电量和粒子本身的质量的比率以及磁场的强度决定。(贝克尔,1990,第235页)。这对于使用基于雷达的能量和核共振的组合的大规模侵犯的意义超出作者的知识范围,但看来值得物理学家们非常认真的考虑以评估它们会被怎样地用于反人类。Amongst medical circles, however, it has so far not been possible for the writer to find a neuroscientist, neurologist or a psychiatrist, nor for that matter, a general medical practitioner, who acknowledges even the potential for technological manipulation of the nervous system as a problem requiring their professional interest. There has been exactly this response from some of England’s most eminent practitioners of the legal profession, not surprisingly, because the information about such technology is not made available to them. They would refer anyone attempting to communicate mind- harassment as a psychiatric problem, ignoring the crime that is being committed.然而,在医学圈子中,迄今为止作者还没有可能找到一位神经科学家、神经学家或一位精神病学家,也没有一般的医务工作者对于那件事承认即使是神经系统的技术性操控的潜力需要他们的专业关注。曾有来自一些英格兰最杰出的法律从业者们的恰恰如此的反馈,这并不奇怪,因为关于这种技术的信息是不让他们知道的。他们将向任何试图作为一个精神病性问题而交流精神折磨的人们寻求意见,忽视了正被犯下的罪行。The aim here is not to attempt a comprehensive history and development of the technology of mind control. These very considerable tasks - which have to be done under circumstances of the most extreme difficulty - have been addressed with clarity and courage by others, who live with constant harm and threats, not least of all contemptuous labelling. Their work can be readily accessed on the internet references given at the end of this paper. For a well-researched outline of the historical development of electro-magnetic technology the reader should refer to the timeline of dates and electromagnetic weapon development by Cheryl Welsh, president of Citizens against Human Rights Abuse. (Welsh 1997; 2001). There are at least one and a half thousand people worldwide who state they are being targeted. Mojmir Babacek, now domiciled in his native Czech Republic, after eight years of residence in the United States in the eighties, has made a painstakingly meticulous review of the technology, and continues his research. (Babacek 1998, 2002)在此我的目的不是试图描绘全面的历史,和发展精神控制技术。这些非常可观的必须在最艰难的环境下完成的任务,已经被生活在持续的伤害和威胁尤其是侮辱性的标签之下的其他人清楚而勇敢地表达了。他们的工作可以从本文结尾处给出的互联网参考资料中了解到。为了获知电磁技术的历史发展的深入研究的概况,读者应当参考反人权践踏公民组织主席切里威尔士的时间表和电磁武器开发。(威尔士,1997,2001)全世界至少有1,500人声称他们正成为目标。80年代在美国生活了八年之后现居住在祖国捷克共和国的毛米尔拜伯塞克,已经对此技术进行了艰苦细致的研究,并继续着他的研究。(拜伯塞克,1998,2002)We are concerned here with reinforcing in the strongest possible terms:在此我们想重申这些极有可能的情形:i) The need for such abuses to human rights and the threats to democracy to be called to consciousness, and without further delay.1)这种对于人权的践踏和对于民主的威胁需要引起人们的觉悟,并且不能再拖延了。ii) To analyse the reasons why people might defend themselves from becoming conscious of the existence of such threats.2)分析为何人们很可能自我防卫以免觉知这种威胁的存在的原因。iii) To address the urgent need for intelligence, imagination, and information - not to mention compassion - in dealing with the victims of persecution from this technology, and3)说明对于这种武器的迫害之下的受害者们急需智慧、想象力和资讯,不用说同情心了,以及iv) To alert a sleeping society, to the imminent threats to their freedom from the threat from fascist and covert operations who have in all probability gained control of potentially lethal weaponry of the type we are describing.4)警示一个沉睡的社会来自极有可能已经掌握了我们正在描述的潜在致命武器的法西斯分子及其秘密运作的对自由的迫在眉睫的威胁。It is necessary to emphasise that at present there is not even the means for victims to gain medical attention for the effects of radiation from this targeting. Denied the respect of credulity of being used as human guinea pigs, driven to suicide by the breakdown of their lives, they are treated as insane – at best regarded as ‘sad cases’. Since the presence of a permanent ‘other’ in one’s mind and body is by definition an act of the most intolerable cruelty, people who are forced to bear it but who refuse to be broken by it, have no other option than to turn themselves into activists, their lives consumed by the battle against such atrocities, their energies directed to alerting and informing the public of things they don’t want to hear or understand about evil forces at work in their society.有必要强调目前受害者们甚至没有办法取得对于源自这一被瞄准事实而受到辐射的结果的医疗关注。被否认人们对于被利用做人类小白鼠的事实简单否定的一面,被通过颠覆他们的生活而逼迫自杀,他们被当作疯子对待——最多被视为“悲哀的事例”。因为在一个人的心理和身体中的一个永久“他人”的存在确定是最令人不能容忍的残暴,那些被强迫去承受但是拒绝因此被毁掉的人们别无选择唯有让自己成为社会活动者。他们的生命因对这种暴行的斗争而消耗,他们的精力被导向警醒和知会大众他们所不想听到和理解的关于他们的社会中活跃着的邪恶势力的情况。It is necessary, at this point, to briefly outline a few – one might say the precious few – attempts by public servants to verify the existence and dangers inherent in this field:此刻,有必要大致勾勒几条可以说是宝贵的少数几则政府官员的证实此方面的固有危险的尝试:In January 1998, an annual public meeting of the French National Bioethics Committee was held in Paris. Its chairman, Jean-Pierre Changeux, a neuroscientist at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, told the meeting that “advances in cerebral imaging make the scope for invasion of privacy immense. Although the equipment needed is still highly specialized, it will become commonplace and capable of being used at a distance. That will open the way for abuses such as invasion of personal liberty, control of behaviour and brainwashing. These are far from being science-fiction concerns…and constitute “a serious risk to society.” (“Natur e.” Vol 391, 1998. )1998年1月,法国国家生物伦理委员会的一场公开会议在巴黎召开。会议主席简皮艾尔昌吉克斯,巴黎的帕斯特尔学院的神经科学家,告诉大会说:“脑成像技术的进步使得隐私侵犯的空间极大。尽管所需的设备仍然高度专业化,它将变得普通,并能够被广泛使用。那使得侵犯个人自由、行为控制和洗脑这种滥用有了途径。这些早已不是科学幻想问题...构成了“对社会的严重风险。”(《自然》,391卷,1998)In January 1999, the European Parliament passed a resolution where it calls for an international convention introducing a global ban on all development and deployment of weapons which might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. It is our conviction that this ban can not be implemented without the global pressure of the informed general public on the governments. Our major objective is to get across to the general public the real threat which these weapons represent for human rights and democracy and to apply pressure on the governments and parliaments around the world to enact legislature which would prohibit the use of these devices to both government and private organisations as well as individuals.” (Plenary sessions/Europarliament, 1999)1999年1月,欧洲议会通过了一项决议呼吁召开一个国际会议制定对于可能构成任何形式的对人类的操纵的武器的所有开发和部署的全球禁令。In October 2001, Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich introduced a bill to the House of Representatives which, it was hoped would be extremely important in the fight to expose and stop psycho-electronic mind control experimentation on involuntary, non-consensual citizens. The Bill was referred to the Committee on Science, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services and International Relations. In the original bill a ban was sought on ‘exotic weapons’ including electronic, psychotronic or information weapons, chemtrails, particle beams, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation, extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation, or mind control technologies. Despite the inclusion of a prohibition of the basing of weapons in space, and the use of weapons to destroy objects or damage objects in space, there is no mention in the revised bill of any of the aforementioned mind-invasive weaponry, nor of the use of satellite or radar or other energy based technology for deploying or developing technology designed for deployment against the minds of human beings. (Space Preservation Act, 2002)2001年10月,国会议员丹尼斯J.库西尼克向参议院提出了一项议案,人们希望它对于揭露和制止对非自愿和非经双方同意的公民实施心电精神控制实验的斗争会是极其重要的。这项议案被提交到科学委员会,以及另外的军备服务和国际关系委员会。议案原文当中寻求对于包括电子、心理或情报武器、化学品、粒子束、等离子、电磁辐射、极低频(ELF)或超低频(ULF)能量辐射或精神控制技术在内的“异乎寻常的武器”的禁止。尽管有禁止在太空部署武器,和在太空使用武器摧毁物体或毁坏物体的内容,在修改后的议案当中却没有提及任何上述的精神侵入武器,也没有提及为了部署和开发设计来开展针对人类精神的技术而对卫星或雷达或其他基于能量的技术的使用。(《太空保护法》,2002)In reviewing the development of the art of mind-invasive technology– there are a few outstanding achievements to note:为了回顾精神侵入技术的技术发展,有几个突出的成就值得注意:In 1969 Dr Jose Delgado, a Yale psychologist, published a book: “Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society”. In essence, he displayed in practical demonstrations how, by means of electrical stimulation of the brain which had been mapped out in its relations between different points and activities, functions and sensations, - by means of electrical stimulation, how the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat could be changed, as well as the function of most of the viscera, and gall bladder secretion. Frowning, opening and closing of eyes and mouth, chewing, yawning, sleep, dizziness, epileptic seizures in healthy persons were induced. The intensity of feelings could be controlled by turning the knob, which controlled the intensity of the electric current. He states at the end of his book the hope that the new power will remain limited to scientists or some charitable elite for the benefit of a “psychocivilized society.”1969年,琼斯戴尔加多博士,耶鲁大学的一位心理学家,出版了一本书:《心理的物理控制——走向一个心理文明的社会》。大体上,他通过实际示范展示了如何通过对已被就其不同的点、活动、功能和感受之间的关系进行了设计的大脑的电子刺激,使得呼吸和心跳的节奏被改变,大多数脏器的功能和胆囊分泌也同样,以及通过电子刺激,它们能如何被改变。健康人的皱眉、张开和闭上眼睛和嘴、咀嚼、打哈欠、睡眠、眩晕、癫痫发作被诱发。感受的强度能够通过调节控制电流强度的旋钮而被控制。他在他的书的末尾说了他对这种新的能力将为了有益于“一个心理文明的社会”的目的被限于科学家或一些慈善的精英们掌握的希望。In the 1980’s the neuromagnetometer was developed which functions as an antenna and could monitor the patterns emerging from the brain. (In the seventies the scientists had discovered that electromagnetic pulses enabled the brain to be stimulated through the skull and other tissues, so there was no more need to implant electrodes in the brain). The antenna, combined with the computer, could localize the points in the brain where the brain events occur. The whole product is called the magnetoencephalograph.80年代神经磁力计作为能够检测大脑中出现的波形的天线被开发出来。(在70年代科学家们已经发现了电磁脉冲使得穿过头骨和其他组织刺激大脑成为可能,所以不在需要在大脑中植入电极。)这一天线,结合计算机,能够定位大脑事件发生时脑内的那一个点。整个产品被称为“脑电磁图像仪”。In January 2000 the Lockheed Martin neuroengineer Dr John D. Norseen, was quoted (US News and World Report, 2000) as hoping to turn the electrohypnomentalaphone, a mind reading machine, into science fact. Dr Norseen, a former Navy pilot, claims his interest in the brain stemmed from reading a Soviet book in the 1980’s claiming that research on the mind would revolutionize the military and society at large. By a process of deciphering the brain’s electrical activity, electromagnetic pulsations would trigger the release of the brain’s own transmitters to fight off disease, enhance learning, or alter the mind’s visual images, creating a ‘synthetic reality’. By this process of BioFusion, (Lockheed Martin, 2000) information is placed in a database, and a composite model of the brain is created. By viewing a brain scan recorded by (functional) magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) machine, scientists can tell what the person was doing at the time of recording – say reading or writing, or recognise emotions from love to hate. “If this research pans out”, says Norseen, “you can begin to manipulate what someone is thinking even before they know it.” But Norseen says he is ‘agnostic’ on the moral ramifications, that he’s not a mad scientist – just a dedicated one. “The ethics don’t concern me,” he says, “but they should concern someone else.”在2000年1月洛克希德马丁(总部位于美国弗吉尼亚州的全球第一大国防承包商,本所注)的神经工程师约翰D.诺西恩博士的话被援引(《美国新闻和世界报告》,2000)说他对于将一种心理阅读器——电子精神催眠电话变成科学现实抱有希望。诺西恩博士,前海军领航员,声称他对于大脑的兴趣产生于80年代时读了苏联的一本声称心理研究将广泛革新军事和社会的书。通过破译脑电活动,电磁脉冲将会触发大脑本身的神经递质的释放以抵御疾病,增强感知,或改变心理视觉图像,产生一个“伪现实”。通过这一生物合成技术,(洛克西德马丁公司,2000)信息被保存在一个数据库中,一个大脑合成模型被建立了。通过查看功能性磁共振成像仪(FMRI)记录的大脑扫描图,科学家们能够说出这个人在记录的时候正在做什么,比如读还是写,或者识别从爱到恨的各种情绪。“如果这项研究成功,”诺西恩说,“你能够操纵一个人正在思想的内容,甚至在他们意识到之前。”但是,诺西恩说,他对其道德后果持“不可知论”。他不是一个疯狂的科学家,而只是专注的一个。“伦理与我无关,”他说,“但是它们应该与其他某些人有关。”The next big thing looks like being something which we might refer to as a neurocomputer but it need not resemble a laptop – it may be reducible to whatever size is convenient for use, such as a small mobile phone. Arising from a break-through and exploitation of PSI-phenomena, it may be modelled on the nervous-psychic activity of the brain – that is, as an unbalanced, unstable system of neurotransmitters and interacting neurones, the work having been derived from the creation of a copy of a living brain – accessed by chance, and ESP and worked on by design.下一件大事似乎是我们称之为神经计算机的,但是它不需要像一台便携式电脑那样,它可以被减少到方便我们使用的任何尺寸,比如一个小的移动电话的大小。由于超常现象的突破和开发,它可以模拟大脑的神经-心理活动,即,作为神经递质和交互作用的神经细胞的一个不平衡、不稳定的系统,这一工作已经从一个活体脑的复制品的建立当中被衍生出来,由机会和ESP来评估,并通过设计来进行。On receiving a communication from the writer on the feasibility of a machine being on the horizon which, based on the project of collecting electromagnetic waves emanating from the brain and transmitting them into another brain that would read a person’s thoughts, or using the same procedure in order to impose somebody else’s thoughts on another brain and in this way direct his actions – there was an unequivocal answer from IBM at executive level that there was no existing technology to create such a computer in the foreseeable future. This is at some variance with the locating of a patent numbered 03951134 on the Internet pages of IBM Intellectual Property Network for a device, described in the patent, as capable of picking up at a distance the brain waves of a person, process them by computer and emit correcting waves which will change the original brain waves. Similar letters addressed to each of the four top executives of Apple Inc., in four individual letters marked for their personal attention, produced absolutely no response. This included the ex- Vice President of the United States, Mr Al Gore, newly elected to the Board of Directors of Apple.在收到作者关于地平线上的一台基于收集大脑发出的电磁波并将之传输到另一个将会读取一个人的思想,或者采用相同的步骤以将其他某些人的思想强加给另一个人的大脑并以此方式指导他的行动的项目的机器的可行性的联络函之后,有一个来自IBM管理层的明确的答复说没有现存的技术能够在可以预见的将来生产出这样一台计算机。这与从IBM知识产权网的网页上找到一份编号为03951134 的设备专利的事实不符,这一设备在专利当中被描述为能够远程接收一个人的脑波,通过计算机处理它们并发射将会改变原来脑波的校正波。以四封单独的标注为本人亲启的信件形式发给苹果公司四位顶级行政人员中的每一位的相似的信件没有收到任何回复。其中包括新入选苹果董事会的美国前副总统艾尔戈尔先生。Enough people have been sufficiently concerned by the reports of victims of mind control abuse to organise The Geneva Forum, in 2002, held as a joint initiative of the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva; the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research; the International Committee of the Red cross, and the Human Rights Watch (USA), and Citizens against Human Rights Abuses (CAHRA); and the Programme for Strategic and International Security Studies, which was represented by the Professor and Senior Lecturer from the Department of Peace Studies at the University of Bradford.足够多的人们已经由于精神控制滥用受害者们的报告而对在2002年组织日内瓦论坛足够关切,这一论坛作为联合国日内瓦办公室、联合国裁军问题研究院、国际红十字会、人权观察组织(美国)和公民反人权践踏组织(CAHRA)以及由来自布莱德福德大学和平研究院的教授和高级讲师所代表的战略和国际安全研究项目的一次联合震动的发起而举行。In England, on May 25, 1995, the Guardian newspaper in the U.K. carried an article based on a report by Nic Lewer, the peace researcher from Bradford University, which listed “more than 30 different lines of research into ‘new age weapons’…”some of the research sounds even less rational. There are, according to Lewer, plans for ‘pulsed microwave beams’ to destroy enemy electronics, and separate plans for very-low-frequency sound beams to induce vomiting, bowel spasm, epileptic seizures and also crumble masonry.” Further, the article states, “There are plans for ‘mind control’ with the use of 'psycho-correction messages’ transmitted by subliminal audio and visual stimuli. There is also a plan for ‘psychotronic weapons’ – apparently the projection of consciousness to other locations – and another to use holographic projection to disseminate propaganda and misinformation.” (Welsh, Timeline). Apart from this notable exception it is difficult to locate any public statement of the problem in the United Kingdom.在英格兰,1995年5月25日,英国《卫报》刊登了一篇基于布莱德福德大学的和平问题研究者尼克莱沃的报告的文章,这篇文章列举了“超过30种不同的对于‘新时代武器’的研究思路...”其中的一些听起来不那么理性。根据莱沃的报告,有对于使用“脉冲微波束”破坏敌方的电子设备的计划,以及以极低频声波束诱发呕吐、肠痉挛、癫痫发作以及砖石粉碎。此外,文章陈述,“有使用通过感觉阈限之下的听觉和视觉刺激传输的‘心理校正信息’的‘精神控制’的计划。”还有一个“心电武器”的计划,明显地是将意识投射到别处,另外一个是采用全息投射散布宣传和错误信息。(威尔士,《时间表》)除了这个显著的例外,很难在英国找到对这一问题的公开陈述。Unfortunately, the problem of credulity does not necessarily cease with frequent mention, as in the United States, in spite of the number of reported cases, there is still not sufficient public will to make strenuous protest against what is not only already happening, but against what will develop if left unchecked. It appears that the administration believes that it is necessary and justifiable, in the interests of national security, to make experimental human sacrifices, to have regrettable casualties, for there to be collateral damage, to suffer losses in place of strife or war. This is, of course, totally incompatible with any claims to be a democratic nation which respects the values of human life and democracy, and such an administration which tutors its servants in the ways of such barbaric tortures must be completely condemned as uncivilised and hypocritical.不幸的是,轻易否定的轻信的问题不一定随着频繁的提及而终止,像在美国,尽管有很多被报告的事例,仍然没有足够多的公众会积极努力不仅抗议已经发生的,而且是如果不被检查将会发生的事情。看起来美国政府相信为了国家安全的利益,造成实验性的人的牺牲、有令人遗憾的伤亡,以及因为有附带的毁坏替代冲突和战争而承受一些损失是必要的和合理的。这当然与任何作为尊重人的生命价值和民主的一个民主国家的声明完全不相容,这样一个以如此野蛮的方式教导其公务人员的政府必须被谴责为不开化的和伪善的。Disbelief as a Defence Mechanism作为一种防御机制的不相信In the face of widespread disbelief about mind-control, it seems worth analysing the basis of the mechanisms employed to maintain disbelief:面对广泛的对于精神控制的不相信,似乎值得分析据以保持不相信的机制的基础:i) In the sixties, Soviet dissidents received a significant measure of sympathy and indignant protest from western democracies on account of their treatment, most notedly the abuse of psychiatric methods of torture to which they were subjected. It is noteworthy that we seem to be able to access credulity, express feelings of indignant support when we can identify with victims, who share and support our own value system, and who, in this particular historical case, reinforced our own values, since they were protesting against a political system which also threatened us at that time. Psychologically, it is equally important to observe that support from a safe distance, and the benefits to the psyche of attacking a split-off ‘bad father’, the soviet authorities in this case, presents no threat to one’s internal system; indeed it relieves internal pressures. On the other hand, recognizing and denouncing a similar offence makes very much greater psychic demands of us when it brings us into conflict with our own environment, our own security, our own reality. The defence against disillusion serves to suppress paranoia that our father figure, the president, the prime minister, our governments - might not be what they would like to be seen to be.1)在60年代,苏联持不同政见者收到了大量的来自西方民主国家的对于他们所遭受的最显著是精神方式折磨滥用的对待的同情和愤慨的抗议。值得注意的是当我们能够认同于分享和支持我们自己的价值系统,以及在这一特殊的历史事件中因为正抗议那时候也威胁着我们的一个政治系统而加强了我们自己的价值观的受害者们的时候,我们看起来能够接近轻信,表达愤慨的支持的情感。心理学上,从一个安全距离之外奉行这种支持是同等重要的,攻击一个分裂的“坏父亲”(在这里是苏联当政者)对于精神的益处,不构成对一个人的内在系统的威胁;实际上它解除了内心的压力。另一方面,识别和谴责一个类似冒犯造成了将我们带入与我们自己的环境、我们自己的安全和我们自己的现实的冲突的大得多的我们的精神需求。对于幻灭的防御足以压抑我们的父亲所表现的偏执狂,总统、首相、我们的政府,很可能并不像他们所愿意被人们看起来所是的那样。ii) The need to deposit destructive envy and bad feelings elsewhere, on account of the inability of the ego to acknowledge ownership of them - reinforces the usefulness of persons or groups, which will serve to contain those, disowned, projected feelings which arouse paranoid anxieties. The concepts of mind-invasion strike at the very heart of paranoid anxiety, causing considerable efforts to dislodge them from the psyche. The unconscious identification of madness with dirt or excrement is an important aspect of anal aggression, triggering projective identification as a defence.2)由于自我不能够承认自己有破坏性的嫉妒和坏感觉而将它们存储到别处的需要加强了个人们或人群的无用,这种无用将足以包含那些不被承认的已经产生的唤起了偏执性焦虑的感觉。精神侵入的概念敲击着偏执性焦虑的正中心,导致将它们逐出心灵的相当大的努力。对于污秽和排泄物的疯狂的无意识的认同是肛门侵入的一个重要的方面,触发作为一种防御的突出的认同。iii) To lay oneself open to believing that a person is undergoing the experience of being invaded mentally and physically by an unseen manipulator requires very great efforts in the self to manage dread.3)要让自己以开放的心态相信一个人正经历着被一个看不见的操纵者在精神上和身体上侵害的事实需要非常大的自身努力以战胜恐惧。iv) The defence against the unknown finds expression in the split between theory and practice; between the scientist as innovator and the society who can make the moral decisions about his inventions; between fact and science fiction, the latter of which can present preposterous challenges to the imagination without undue threat, because it serves to reinforce a separation from the real.4)对于未知事物的防御心理能够在一方面说明在理论与实践之间的分裂;在作为创新者的科学家和能够对他的发明做出道德判断的社会之间的分裂;在事实与科学幻想之间的分裂,后者能够做出基于过度威胁的想象的荒谬的挑战,因为它足以加强一个从现实当中的脱离。v) Identification with the aggressor. Sadistic fantasies, unconscious and conscious, being transferred on to the aggressor and identified with, aid the repression of fear of passivity, or a dread of punishment. This mechanism acts to deny credulity to the victim who represents weakness. This is a common feature of satanic sects.5)与侵略者认同。有意识无意识地,正在制造侵略者并与侵略者认同的虐待狂的幻想,帮助抑制了对于处于被动地位的恐惧,或者对于惩罚的畏惧。这一机制作用于对于代表着软弱的受害者的轻信的否定。这是邪恶部分的一个共同特点。vi) The liberal humanist tradition which denies the worst destructive capacities of man in the effort to sustain the belief in the great continuity of cultural and scientific tradition; the fear, in one’s own past development, of not being ‘ongoing’, can produce the psychic effect of reversal into the opposite to shield against aggressive feelings. This becomes then the exaggerated celebration of the ‘new’ as the affirmation of human genius which will ultimately be for the good of mankind, and which opposes warning voices about scientific advances as being pessimistic, unenlightened, unprogressive and Luddite. Strict adherence to this liberal position can act as overcompensation for a fear of envious spoiling of good possessions, i.e. cultural and intellectual goods.6)否认人的最恶劣的破坏性的能力以努力维持文化和科学传统的伟大连续性的自由人文主义者传统、在一个人的过去发展经历当中对于不在“发展之中”的恐惧,能够产生倒退至对立面以防御侵犯性感觉的心理作用。之后这成为对于断言人的天才必将有益于人类,反对对于科学进步的悲观、不开化、非进步面的警告之声以及阻碍科技进步的“新思想”的过度庆贺。对这一自由立场的固着可能是为了避免对优质财富,即文化和智力财富的嫉妒性损坏的过度补偿。vii) Denial by displacement is also employed to ignore the harmful aspects of technology. What may be harmful for the freedom and good of society can be masked and concealed by the distribution of new and entertaining novelties. The technology, which puts a camera down your gut for medical purposes, is also used to limit your freedom by surveillance. The purveyors of innovative technology come up with all sorts of new gadgets, which divert, entertain and feed the acquisitive needs of insatiable shoppers, and bolster the economy. The theme of “Everything’s up to date in Kansas City” only takes on a downside when individual experience – exploding breast implants, say – takes the gilt off the gingerbread. Out of every innovation for evil (i.e. designed for harming and destroying) some ‘good’ (i.e. public diversion or entertainment) can be promoted for profit or crowd-pleasing.7)转移形式的否认也被用来忽略技术的有害方面。可能对社会自由和正义有害的东西可以通过散布具娱乐性的新奇事物而被掩饰和隐藏。为了医疗目的而将一个摄影机置入你的腹中的技术也被用来通过监测限制你的自由。这一革命性技术的设计者提出了各种各样改变、娱乐和满足购物者们永不满足的要求的新发明,并且支撑了经济。“堪萨斯市一切新潮”的主题只有负面意义——当比如说假胸植入激增的个人经验让人空欢喜一场。从每一项以邪恶(即被设计来伤害和毁灭)为目的的发明当中一些“正面功能”(即大众消遣或娱乐)都能够被推销用于赢利或大众娱乐。viii) Nasa is sending a spacecraft to Mars, or so we are told. They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life. We do not hear dissenting voices about its feasibility.8)美国国家航空航天局正在发射一艘太空飞船到火星上,我们听说大概如此。他们计划在火星地表移动寻找水和生命的迹象。我们没有听到关于它的可行性的不同的声音。Why is it that, when a person accounts that their mind is being disrupted and they are being persecuted by an unseen method of invasive technology, that we cannot bring ourselves to believe them? Could it be that the horror involved in the empathic identification required brings the shutters down? Conversely, the shared experience of the blasting of objects into space brings with it the possibilities of shared potency or the relief that resonates in the unconscious of a massive projection or evacuation – a shared experience which is blessed in the name of man’s scientific genius.为什么当一个人认为他们的精神正被干扰他们正被以一种看不见的侵犯性技术方法折磨的时候,我们不能让自己相信他们?是需要的感情移入的识别所涉及的恐惧拉下了百叶窗吗?相反地,发射物体进入太空的共享经验使得共享的力量或者在大量产生和消散的潜意识中共振的慰藉——一个作为人类的科学天才而被赞美的共享经验,成为可能。ix) The desire ‘not to be taken in’, not to be taken for a fool, provides one of the most powerful and common defence mechanism against credulity.9)“不要被卷入”、不要被当成傻子的动机提供了最强有力的普遍的对于轻信的防御机制。Power, Paranoia and Unhealthy Governments权力、偏执狂和不健康的政府The ability to be the bearer and container of great power without succumbing to the pressures of latent narcissistic psychoses is an important matter too little considered. The effect of holding power and the expectation and the need to be seen as capable of sustaining it, if not exercising it, encourages omnipotence of thought. In the wake of this, a narcissistic overevaluation of the subject’s own mental processes may set in. In the effort to hold himself together as the possessor, container and executor of power, he (or indeed, she) may also, undergo a process of splitting which allows him, along with others, to bear enthralled witness of himself in this illustrious role. This may mean that the seat of authority is vacated, at least at times. The splitting process between the experiencing ego and the perceiving ego allows the powerful leader to alternate his perception of himself inside and outside, sometimes beside, himself. With the reinforcement of himself from others as his own narcissistic object, reality testing is constrained. In this last respect, he has much in common with the other powerful figure of the age, the movie star. or by those, in Freud’s words, who are “ruined by success.”作为伟大的权力的持有者和蕴藏者而不屈从于潜在的自恋性神经症的压力的能力是一件被考虑得太少的重要的事。保有权力和对即使不胜任也被视为能够维持它的期待和需要的作用鼓励了无限权力的思想。紧随其后,可能出现主体的自我心理过程的自恋性高估。致力于将自己整合为一位权力的拥有者、蕴藏者和执行者,他(或者事实上,她)也可能经历一个使他同时入神地见证这一光荣的角色中的自己的分裂的过程。这可能意味着权力的席位是空缺的,至少有些时候。经验自我和觉知自我之间的分裂过程使得这位强有力的领导者由内由外有时是从旁改变着自我的概念。由于来自其他人的对于他的自恋性自我的加强,现实检验被限制了。在这最后一方面,他与其时代其他有影响力的人物电影明星,或者用弗洛伊德的话来说,“被成功毁掉”的人有很多共同之处。In a world, which is facing increasing disillusion about the gulf between the public platforms on which governments are elected, and the contingencies and pragmatics of retaining defence strategies and economic investments, the role of military and intelligence departments, with their respective tools of domination and covert infiltration, is increasingly alarming. Unaccountable to the public, protected from exposure and prosecution by their immunity, licensed to lie as well as to kill, it is in the hands of these agents that very grave threats to human rights and freedom lies. Empowered to carry out aggression through classified weapon experimentation which is undetectable, these men and women are also open to corruption from lucrative offers of financial reward from powerful and sinister groups who can utilize their skills, privileged knowledge and expertise for frankly criminal and fascist purposes.在一个面临着对于政府在其上被选举出的公开平台和保持防御战略以及经济投资的可能性和实用主义之间的鸿沟越来越醒悟的世界里,以其各自的控制和秘密渗透的工具,军事和情报部门的作用越来越令人担忧。不为公众所知地,以安全性的名义被保护免于曝光和被起诉,被许可说谎,也被许可杀人,正是在这些机构的手中握有对人权和自由的非常重大的威胁。被授权通过机密的检测不到的武器实验进行侵犯,这些男人和女人们也得以因来自实力雄厚的邪恶组织的丰厚的金钱酬劳的提供而腐败,这些组织能够将他们的技能、特许的知识和专门技术利用于实际上是罪恶的和法西斯目的。Our information about the psychological profiles of those who are employed to practice surveillance on others is limited, but it is not difficult to imagine the effects on the personality that would ensue with the persistent practice of such an occupation, so constantly exposed to the perversions. One gains little snatches of insight here and there. In his book on CIA mind control research (Marks, 1988), John Marks quotes a CIA colleague’s joke (always revealing for personality characteristics): “If you could find the natural radio frequency of a person’s sphincter, you could make him run out of the room real fast.” (One wonders if the same amusement is derived from the ability to apply, say infra-sound above 130 decibels, which is said to cause stoppage of the heart, according to one victim/activist from his readings of a report for the Russian Parliament.)关于那些被雇佣来实行对其他人的监视的人的心理特征我们的信息是有限的。但是不难想象持续从事这样一种职业,如此经常地处于堕落之中会对人格产生什么影响。人们处处得到一些洞见。在其关于中央情报局(CIA)精神控制研究的书(马克斯,1988)中,约翰马克斯引用了一位CIA同僚的玩笑(总能揭示人格特征):“如果你能够发现人的括约肌的自然无线电频率,你就能够让他真正快地跑出屋子。”(人们想知道同样的笑话是否出自于应用的能力,比如据一个受害者/社会活动者看过一份写给俄罗斯国会的报告后所说的,能够造成心肌梗塞的130分贝以上的次声。)Left to themselves, these servants of the state may well feel exempt from the process of moral self-scrutiny, but the work must be dehumanising for the predator as well as the prey. It is probably true that the need to control their agents in the field was an incentive to develop the methods in use today. It is also an effectively brutalising training for persecuting others. Meanwhile the object, the prey, in a bid for not only for survival but also in a desperate effort to warn his or her fellows about what is going on, attempts to turn himself into a quantum physicist, a political researcher, a legal sleuth, an activist, a neurologist, a psychologist, a physiologist – his own doctor, since he cannot know what effects this freakish treatment might have on his body, let alone his mind. There are always new methods to try out which might prove useful in the search to find ways of disabling and destroying opponents – air injected into brains and lungs, lasers to strike down or blind, particle beams, sonar waves, or whatever combination of energies to direct, or destabilise or control.就他们自己来说,这些政府公职人员们很可能感觉免除了道德上自我检点的过程,但是这项工作对于掠夺者和猎物来说都一定是去人性化的。控制其在这一领域的机构的需要是对今天正在使用中的技术的发展的一个促进很可能是真的。它也是一项有效残酷化的训练以折磨其他人。同时,不仅是为了生存,而且是以全部的努力警示他或她的周围人正在发生的事,试图让自己成为一位量子物理学者、政治研究者、侦探、社会活动者、神经学者、心理学者和生理学者——他自己的医生,因为他不知道这一反常的遭遇可能对他的身体,不用说他的精神有什么样的影响。总是有新的可能证明有用的查找以发现如何使敌人失去战斗力和毁灭敌人的方法——注入大脑和肺中的空气、击倒或致盲的激光、粒子束、声波或任何将被定向或激活或控制的能量的组合——可以尝试。Science and Scepticism科学与怀疑论Scientists can be bought, not just by governments, but also by sinister and secret societies. Universities can be funded by governments to develop technology for unacceptably inhumane uses. The same people who deliver the weapons - perhaps respected scientists and academics - may cite the acceptable side of scientific discoveries, which have been developed by experimenting on unacknowledged, unfortunate people. In a cleaned up form, they are then possibly celebrated as a break-through in the understanding of the natural laws of the universe. It is not implausible that having delivered the technical means for destruction, the innovator and thinker goes on, wearing a different hat, to receive his (or her) Nobel Prize. There are scientists who have refused to continue to do work when they were approached by CIA and Soviet representatives. These are the real heroes of science.科学家不仅能够被政府收买,也能够为邪恶秘密的社会所收买。大学可能被政府资助以开发不可接受地残忍用途的技术。发明这类武器的同一个人——可能是人们所尊敬的科学家或学者,可能会列举通过在不被答复的和不幸的人们身上进行实验而得到的科学发现的可以被接受的一面。清楚地说,它们可能被作为对于宇宙的自然法则的认识上的一个突破而被庆祝。在发明了杀伤性技术手段之后,发明者和构思者接下来戴上一顶不同的帽子去领取他(或她)的诺贝尔奖的事实并不令人难以相信。在被中央情报局和苏联代表企图贿赂时有拒绝继续工作的科学家。这些是科学上真正的英雄。In the power struggle, much lies at stake in being the first to gain control of ultimate mind-reading and mind-controlling technology. Like the nuclear bomb, common ownership would seem by any sane calculations to cancel out the advantage of possession, but there is always a race to be the first to possess the latest ultimate means of mass destruction. The most desirable form is one that can be directed at others without contaminating oneself in the process - one that can be undetected and neatly, economically and strategically delivered. We should be foolish to rule out secret organisations, seeing threat only from undemocratic countries and known terrorist groups.在力量角逐中,很大程度上取决于是否成为首先掌握精神读取和精神控制技术者。就像原子弹,任何心智健全的人都会感到普遍的拥有状况消弥了拥有的优势,但总是存在着成为第一个拥有最新的终极大规模杀伤性武器者的竞赛。人们最想要的是一种能够被指向其他人而在其不会被探测到的巧妙地、经济地又有策略地被实施的过程中不会污染自己的形式。排除秘密机构,只看到不民主的国家和已知的恐怖主义组织的做法是愚蠢的。As consumers in a world which is increasingly one in which shopping is the main leisure activity, we should concern ourselves to becoming alert to the ways in which human welfare may have been sacrificed to produce an awesome new gadget. It may be the cause for celebration for the ‘innovator’, but brought about as the result of plugging in or dialling up the living neuronal processes of an enforced experimentee. If we are concerned not to eat boiled eggs laid by battery hens, we might not regard it morally irrelevant to scrutinise the large corporations producing electronically innovative ‘software.’ We might also be wary about the origins of the sort of bland enticements of dating agencies who propose finding your ideal partner by matching up brain frequencies and ‘bio-rhythms’.作为一个购物越来越成为其主要休闲活动的世界之中的消费者,我们应该使自己对人类福祉所可能被牺牲以制造可怕的新发明的途径警惕起来。它可能是为“发明者”而庆祝的原因,但却是作为对于被强迫的被实验者的活体神经细胞活动过程接上电源和进行刺激的结果而产生的。如果你关心不吃笼子里的鸡下的蛋这件事,我们可能不会认为它与审查生产电子方面革新性“软件”的大企业一事有道德上的相关。我们也可能会对提议通过脑电波频率和“生物节律”配对来寻找你的理想伴侣的交友机构那种温和的诱惑的来源保持谨慎。We do not know enough about the background of such technology, nor how to evaluate it ethically. We do not know about its effects on the future, because we are not properly informed. If governments persist in concealing the extent of their weapon capability in the interests of defence, they are also leaving their citizens disempowered of the right to protest against their deployment. More alarmingly, they are leaving their citizens exposed to their deployment by ruthless organisations whose concerns are exactly the opposite of democracy and human rights.我们对这种技术的背景还不够了解,对如何对其进行伦理评估也不够了解。我们不知道它对于未来的影响,因为我们没有被适当告知。如果政府为了防御的利益持续隐瞒他们的武器的能力范围,他们也使他们的公民被剥夺了抗议其部署的权利。更令人担忧地,他们使他们的公民们暴露于其所关心与民主和人权恰恰相反的残忍无情的组织对它们的部署的危险之中。Back in the United Kingdom回到英国Meanwhile, back in England, the Director of the Oxford Centre for Cognitive Neuroscience, Professor Colin Blakemore, also the elective Chief Executive of the Medical Research Council writes to the author that he “... knows of no technology (not even in the wildest speculations of neuroscientists) for scanning and collecting ‘neuronal data’ at a distance.” (Blakemore, 2003, ) This certitude is at distinct variance with the fears of other scientists in Russia and the United States, and not least of all with the fears of the French neuroscientist, Jean-Pierre Changeux of the French National Bioethics Committee already quoted (see page 5). It is also very much at odds with the writing of Dr Michael Persinger from the Behavioural Neuroscience Laboratory at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. His article “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Algorithms” (1995), he describes the ways that individual differences among human brains can be overcome and comes to a conclusion about the technological possibilities of influencing a major part of the approximately six billion people on this planet without mediation through classical sensory modalities but by generating electromagnetic induction of fundamental algorithms in the atmosphere. Dr Persinger’s work is referred to by Captain John Tyler whose work for the American Air Force and Aerospace programmes likens the human nervous system to a radio receiver. (1990)与此同时,回到英格兰,牛津大学认知神经科学中心的主任、教授科林布雷克默,同时也是医学研究委员会的选任首席执行委员,写信给作者称他“……不知道任何(甚至是以神经科学家们最激进的推想也不)远程扫描和收集“神经数据”的技术”(布雷克默,2003)。这一确信与俄罗斯和美国的其他科学家们的担忧显然不同,特别是与法国国家生物伦理委员会的神经科学家简皮埃尔昌吉克斯已经提出的担忧完全不同(见第五页)。它也与加拿大安大略省萨德伯里的劳伦汀大学的行为神经科学实验室的米歇尔珀星尔博士的文章内容很不一致。在他的文章《面临通过算法的电磁诱导直接测量每个人类大脑的可能性》(1995)中,他描述了人类大脑的个体差异能够被克服的方式并且得出了关于无需通过传统的感知方式调解而是经由产生空气中基本算法的电磁感应而影响这个星球上的大约六十亿人中的大部分人的技术可能性的结论。珀星尔博士的工作被约翰泰勒上尉所援引,后者为美国空军和宇航计划的工作将人类神经系统比作一部无线电接收器。(1990)Very recently the leading weekly cultural BBC radio review had as one of its guests, the eminent astro-physicist and astronomer royal, Sir Martin Rees, who has recently published a book, “Our Final Century”, in which he makes a sober and reasoned case for the fifty-fifty chance that millions of people, probably in a ‘third-world country’ could be wiped out in the near future through biotechnology and bio-terrorism – “by error or malign release.” He spoke of this devastation as possibly coming from small groups or cults, based in the United States. “…few individuals with the right technology to cause absolute mayhem.” He also said that in this century, human nature is no longer a fixed commodity, that perhaps we should contemplate the possibility that humans would even have implants in the brain.就在最近重要的BBC广播每周文化评论节目邀请杰出的天文物理学家和皇家天文学家、最近出版了一部书——《我们最后的世纪》的马丁瑞斯爵士作为嘉宾之一,在这部书中他提出了一个清醒而理性的50%的可能性数百万的人们,或许是所谓第三世界国家的人们,可能会在未来近期被通过生物技术和生物恐怖主义——“以错误或邪恶的释放的形式”被消灭。他言及这一破坏可能来自于基地在美国的一些小型组织或邪教信徒。“……少数一些个人持有导致绝对身体重伤害的技术。” 他还说道,在本世纪,人性不再是一种固定的东西,或许我们应该考虑人类甚至要在大脑中植入物体的可能性。The other guests on this programme were both concerned with Shakespeare, one a theatre producer and the other a writer on Shakespeare, while his remaining guest was a young woman who had a website called “Spiked”, the current theme of which was Panic Attack, that is to say, Attack on Panic. This guest vigorously opposed what she felt was the pessimism of Sir Martin, regarding his ideas as essentially eroding trust, and inducing panic. This reaction seems to typify one way of dealing with threat and anxiety, and demonstrates the difficulty that a warning voice, even from a man of the academic distinction of Martin Rees, has in alerting people to that which they do not want to hear. This flight reaction was reinforced by the presenter who summed up the morning’s discussion at the end of the programme with the words: “We have a moral! Less panic, more Shakespeare!”此节目的其他嘉宾都与莎士比亚有关,一位是剧作家,另一位是关于莎士比亚的作家,剩下一位是一个年轻女人,她有一个网站叫做“Spiked(有尖顶的、有尖刺的、掺和的)”,最近的主题是“恐慌发作”。这个女人激烈反对她所感到是马丁爵士的悲观的想法,认为他的见解是销蚀信任而引起恐慌。这一反应似乎代表了处理威胁和焦虑的一种方式,说明了一个警醒的声音(即使是来自于学界泰斗马丁瑞斯这样一个人)在警示人们他们所不想听到的内容时所面临的困难。这一应激逃避反应被主持人通过在节目的最后总结早间的讨论而被加强了,他的话是:“我们有道德!少一些恐慌,多一些莎士比亚!”The New Barbarism新野蛮Since access to a mind-reading machine will enable the operator to access the ideas of another person, we should prepare ourselves for a new world order in which ideas will be, as it were, up for grabs. We need not doubt that the contents of another’s mind will be scooped up, scooped out, sorted through as if the event was a jumble sale. The legal profession would therefore be well advised to consider the laws on Intellectual Property very judiciously in order to acquit themselves with any degree of authenticity. We should accustom ourselves to the prospect of recognizing our work coming out of the mouth of another. The prospect of wide-scale fraud, and someone posturing in your stolen clothes will not be a pretty sight. The term “personal mind enhancement” is slipping in through the back door, to borrow a term used by the Co-Director of the Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics, and it is being done through technologically-induced mental co-ercion – mind raping and looting. In place of, or in addition to, cocaine, we may expect to see ‘mind-enhanced’ performances on “live” television.因为心理阅读机器的获得使操作者能够获知另一个人的思想,我们应该让自己准备好面对一个新的世界秩序,在这一新世界秩序下思想将会,就像它已经所是的那样,供攫取。我们不需要怀疑另一个人的思想的内容将会被铲起,被铲除和被挑选,就像整件事是一场杂物拍卖。法律界将会被很好地建议要非常审慎地考虑有关知识产权的法律以使自己表现得有某种程度的可信性。我们应该让自己习惯于从另一个人的口中识别我们所要做的事的情景。普遍的欺诈,和有人剽窃你的思想而卖弄将不是一件让人爽心悦目的情景。借用认知自由和伦理中心的副主任所用的词,“个人精神提升”的术语正悄悄地潜入人们的头脑,它通过心理高压——思想强暴和掠夺的技术诱导正在被进行。代替,或附加于毒品,我们可以期望在“实况”转播的电视节目中看到“精神提升”的表演。The brave new science of neuropsychiatry and brain mapping hopes to find very soon, with the fMRI scanner - this “brand new toy that scientists have got their hands on” - “the blob for love” and “the blob for guilt”, (BBC Radio 4: All in the Mind, 5 March, 2003). Soon we will be able to order a brain scan for anyone whose behaviour strikes us as odd or bizarre, and the vicissitudes of a life need no longer trouble us in our diagnostic assessments. In his recent Reith Lectures for the BBC (2003), Professor Ramachandran, the celebrated neuroscientist from the La Hoya Institute in San Diego, California, has demonstrated for us many fascinating things that the brain can do. He has talked to us about personality disorders and shown that some patients, who have suffered brain damage from head injury, do not have the capacity to recognise their mothers. Others feel that they are dead. And indeed he has found brain lesions in these people. In what seems to be an enormous but effortless leap, the self-styled “kid in a candy store” is now hoping to prove that all schizophrenics, have damage to the right hemisphere of the brain, which results in the inability to distinguish between fantasy (sic) and reality. Since Professor Ramachandran speaks of schizophrenia in the same breath as denial of illness, or agnosia, it is not clear, and it would be interesting to know, whether the person with the head injury has been aware or unaware of the head injury. Also does the patient derive comfort and a better chance at reality testing when he is told of the lesion? Does he feel better when he has received the diagnosis? And what should the psychoanalysts – and the psychiatrists, - feel about all those years of treating people of whose head injuries they were absolutely unaware? Was this gross negligence? Were we absolutely deluded in perceiving recovery in a sizeable number of them?大胆的新科学——神经精神病学和大脑成像有望很快通过功能性核磁共振扫描仪发现他们已经开始着手其上的崭新的消遣——“爱情触发点”和“罪恶感触发点”。(BBC广播4台:《一切在于精神》,2003年3月5日)很快我们就能订购一份其行为让我们感到惊讶和古怪的人的大脑扫描图,在我们的诊断评估中生命需求的兴衰变化将不再会困扰我们。来自加州圣迭哥拉菏亚学院的著名教授瑞玛柴德安在最近为BBC所做的瑞茨讲座中为我们阐述了大脑所能做的许多令人着迷的事。他对我们谈了有关人格紊乱并显示了一些因受伤而导致脑损伤的病人没有能力认出他们的母亲。其他人感到他们是死了,而实际上他发现了这些人的脑损伤。以一种似乎是巨大的但却是不费力的跳跃的形式,自封的“糖果店里的小孩”现在正想证明所有的精神分裂症患者,都有大脑右半球损伤,那导致了不能区别幻觉和现实。既然瑞玛柴德安教授将精神分裂症说成是否认疾病,或者认识不能,一个有着脑外伤的病人是否已经知道头部受伤这一点就是不清楚的和有意思去了解的。此外,当病人被告知损伤的发生时他们因此而感到安慰或者是能够更好地检验现实吗?当他收到了诊断结果他会感觉好一些吗?精神分析者和精神病学家们对于这些年来训练那些根本不知道他们的脑损伤的病人们有何感想?这是明显的疏忽吗?想像他们中的相当一部分会恢复我们是否绝对被欺骗了?It is, however, lamentable that a neuroscientist with a professed interest in understanding schizophrenia should seek to provide light relief to his audience by making jokes about schizophrenics being people who are “convinced that the CIA has implanted devices in their brain to control their thoughts and actions, or that aliens are controlling them.” (Reith Lecture, No 5, 2003).然而,一位公开表示对了解精神分裂症有兴趣的神经科学家会以开玩笑的方式试图使他的听众稍稍相信精神分裂症患者是“相信中央情报局在他们的大脑中植入了装置以控制他们的思想和行动,或者外星人正在控制他们”的人的事实是可悲的。(瑞斯讲座,第5期,2003)There is a new desire for concretisation. The search for meaning has been replaced by the need for hard proof. If it doesn’t light up or add up it doesn’t have validity. The physician of the mind has become a surgeon. “He found a lump as big as a grapefruit!”存在着巩固的欲望。对于意义的探索被对于有力的证据的需要所代替。如果没有明确起来或累加它就无效。心理医生变成了一位外科医生。“他发现了葡萄那么大的肿块!”Facing up to the Dread and Fear of the Uncanny面对离奇事物引起的恐惧和害怕Freud believed that an exploration of the uncanny would be a major direction of exploration of the mind in this century. The fear of the uncanny has been with us for a very long time. The evil eye, or the terrifying double, or intruder, is a familiar theme in literature, notably of Joseph Conrad in The Secret Sharer, and Maupassant’s short story, Le Horla. Freud’s analysis of the uncanny led him back to the old animistic conception of the universe: “…it seems as if each one of us has been through a phase of individual development corresponding to the animistic phase in primitive men, that none of us has passed through it without preserving certain residues and traces of it which are still capable of manifesting themselves, and that everything which now strikes us as ‘uncanny’ fulfils the condition of touching those residues of animistic mental activity within us and bringing them to expression.” (Freud: 1919. p.362)弗洛伊德相信对于离奇现象的探索将是本世纪心理研究的一个大方向。对于离奇事物的恐惧已经伴随我们很长时间了。邪恶的眼睛,或者可怕的相似者,或者入侵者,是一个熟悉的文学主题,著名的有《秘密共享者》当中的约瑟夫康拉德,和莫泊桑的短故事《恐怖》。弗洛伊德对于离奇现象的分析将他带回到古老的对于宇宙的万物有灵论观念:“似乎我们每个人都曾经历过一个相应于远古人的万物有灵阶段的个人发展阶段,我们中的所有人都保留了一定的仍然有所显示的残余和迹象而经过了那些阶段,现在使我们感到触动的每件事都满足这一条件——使我们触及到那些万物有灵论的精神活动的残余并使它们得以显现。”(弗洛伊德:1919,第362页)The separation of birth, and the childhood fear of ‘spooks in the night’, also leave their traces in each and every one of us. The individual experience of being alone in one’s mind – the solitary fate of man which has never been questioned before, and upon which the whole history of civilised nurture is based - is now assaulted head-on. Since growing up is largely synonymous with acceptance of one’s aloneness, the effort to assuage it is the basis for compassion and protection of others; it is the matrix for the greatest good, that of ordinary human kindness, and is at the heart of the communicating power of great art. Even if we must all live and die alone, we can at least share this knowledge in acts of tenderness which atone for our lonely state. In times of loss and mental breakdown, the starkness of this aloneness is all too clear. The best of social and group constructiveness is an effort to allay the psychotic anxieties that lie at the base of every one of us, and which may be provoked under extreme enough conditions.出生的分离,和对于“夜晚的鬼”的童年恐惧,仍然在我们每个人的心中留下痕迹。一个人心中的孤单的体验——以前从未被质疑的、整个人类文明发展的历史基于其上的人的孤独的宿命,现在受到了正面攻击。人的成长在很大程度上近似于接受人的孤独,减轻孤独的努力成为同情和保护其他人的基础;平凡的良善是最有价值的事物的发源地,它存在于伟大的交流艺术的核心。尽管我们都必须独自生和死,我们至少能够以补偿我们的孤独状态的温柔的行为来分享这一知识。在有所失去和精神崩溃的时候,这一纯然的孤独只是太清楚。社会和集团的建设性的最好的一面在于减轻我们每一个人心底的可能在极满足的条件下被唤起的精神病性焦虑的努力。The calculated and technological entry into another person’s mind is an act of monumental barbarism which obliterates– perhaps with the twiddling of a dial – the history and civilisation of man’s mental development. It is more than an abuse of human rights, it is the destruction of meaning. For any one who is forced into the hell of living with an unseen mental rapist, the effort to stay sane is beyond the scope of tolerable endurance. The imaginative capacity of the ordinary mind cannot encompass the horror of it. We have attempted to come to terms with the experiments of the Nazis in concentration camps. We now have the prospect of systematic control authorised by men who issue instructions through satellite communications for the destruction of societies while they are driving new Jaguars and Mercedes, and going to the opera.蓄意和技术性入侵另一个人的心理是一种极端的野蛮,或许通过摆弄一个调节控制面板,它抹煞了人类精神发展的历史和文明。它不仅是对于人权的践踏,更是对于意义的毁灭。对于任何一个被通过看不见的精神强奸者驱赶进人间地狱的人来说,保持心智健全超出所能容忍的范围。普通心理的想象能力不能够包含这种恐怖。我们曾试图与这些集中营中的纳粹的实验达成妥协。现在我们知道了由驾驶着捷豹和奔驰汽车去歌剧院时通过卫星通讯发出社会毁灭指示的人们所授权的系统控制的全景。This is essentially about humiliation, and disempowerment. It is a manifestation of rage acted out by those who fear impotence with such dread, that their whole effort is directed into the emasculation and destruction of the terrifying rival of their unconscious fantasies. In this apocalypse of the mind the punitive figure wells up as if out of the bowels of the opera stage, and this phantasmagoria is acted out on a global scale. These men may be mad enough to believe they are creating a ‘psychocivilised world order”. For anyone who has studied damaged children, it is more resonant of the re-enactment from the unconscious, reinforced by a life devoid of the capacity for empathic identification, of the obscenities of the abused and abusing child in the savage nursery. Other people -which were to them like Action Man toys to be dismembered, or Barbie Dolls to be obscenely defiled - become as meaningless in their humanity as pixillated dots on a screen.这本质上是关于羞辱和能力剥夺。它是那些如此害怕自己的虚弱以致于其全部努力都放在了阉割和毁灭他们无意识当中所幻想的反抗者之上的人们所做出的强暴行为的一种展示。在这一精神的启示之下,惩罚性的人物像出自歌剧舞台一样冒出来,千变万化的魔术场景在全球范围上演。这些人们疯狂到相信他们正在建立一个“精神文明的世界秩序”。对任何研究过受损害儿童们的人来说,它更是被缺乏同情识别能力的人所加强的、被野蛮抚养的被虐待和虐待别人的孩子的猥亵言行的潜意识重构的回响。其他人——对他们来说像是要被拆卸的“行动男子”玩偶,或者将被玷污的芭比娃娃,变得对他们的人性来说像是屏幕上古怪的雪花一样毫无意义。Although forced entry into a mind is by definition obscene, an abbreviated assessment of the effects that mind-invaded people describe testifies to the perverted nature of the experiments. Bizarre noises are emitted from the body, a body known well enough by its owner to recognise the noises as extrinsic; air is pumped in and out of orifices as if by a bicycle pump. Gradually the repertoire is augmented - twinges and spasms to the eyes, nose, lips, strange tics, pains in the head, ringing in the ears, obstructions in the throat, pressure on the bowel and bladder causing incontinence; tingling in the fingers, feet, pressures on the heart, on breathing, dizziness, eye problems leading to cataracts; running eyes, running nose; speeding up of heart beats and the raising of pressure in the heart and chest; breathing and chest complaints leading to bronchitis and deterioration of the lungs; agonizing migraines; being woken up at night, sometimes with terrifying jolts ; insomnia; intolerable levels of stress from the loss of one’s privacy. This collection of assorted symptoms is a challenge to any medical practitioner to diagnose.尽管强行闯入一个人的思想被定义为猥亵,对受到精神侵略的人们描述的作用的简略测评证明了这些实验的变态性质。异乎寻常的杂音从身体发出,这一身体被主人充分了解以致于能够识别这些杂音是外来的;空气被泵入泵出孔穴就像是通过一个自行车打气筒。逐渐地,常备剧目增加了——眼睛、鼻子、嘴唇的刺痛和痉挛;奇怪的面部痉挛;头部的疼痛;耳鸣;咽喉部的梗阻;导致失禁的对于肠子和膀胱的压迫;手指、脚的麻刺感;对心脏和呼吸的压迫;眩晕;导致白内障的眼睛问题;流泪、流涕;心跳加速;心脏和胸部压力的升高;导致支气管炎和肺部恶化的呼吸和胸部不适;折磨人的偏头疼;在夜晚被唤醒,有时是以可怕的震动;失眠;因失去个人隐私而导致的难以承受的压力水平。以上分类症状对于任何一位医务工作者的诊断都是一项挑战。There are, more seriously, if the afore-going is characterised as non-lethal, the potential lethal effects since the capability of ultrasound and infra-sound to cause cardiac arrest, and brain lesions, paralysis and blindness, as well as blinding by laser beam, or inducing asphyxia by altering the frequencies which control breathing in the brain, epileptic seizure – all these and others may be at the fingertips of those who are developing them. And those who do choose to use them may be sitting with the weapon, which resembles, say, a compact mobile telephone, on the restaurant table next to the bottle of wine, or beside them at the swimming pool.如果以上所述被认为是非致命的,那么还有更严重的潜在致命后果,因为超声和次声能够导致心搏停止和脑损伤、中风和失明,还有激光束导致的失明,或通过改变脑内控制呼吸的频率诱发窒息,癫痫发作——所有这些和其他结果或许就决定于那些正在研发它们的人们的手指间。那些竟然选择使用它们的人们可能正坐在餐厅的桌子前,而这种看似一部小型移动电话的武器就放在桌上靠近酒瓶处,或者在游泳池里他们的身边。Finally – if the victims at this point in the new history of this mind-control, cannot yet prove their abuse, it must be asserted that, faced with the available information about technological development – it is certainly not possible for those seeking to evade such claims – to disprove them. To wait until the effects become widespread will be too late.最后,如果这种精神控制的新历史之中的受害者们此时还不能证实它们的滥用,就必须声明:面对已有的关于科技发展的讯息,想要回避这一声明的人是不可能否定它们的存在的。等到后果蔓延开来就太迟了。For these and other reasons which this paper has attempted to address, we would call for an acknowledgement of such technology at a national and international level. Politicians, scientists and neurologists, neuroscientists, physicists and the legal profession should, without further delay, demand public debate on the existence and deployment of psychotronic technology; and for the declassification of information about such devices which abuse helpless people, and threaten democratic freedom.因为本文试图陈述的这些和其他原因,我们将呼吁全国和国际范围对此种技术的承认。政客、科学家、神经学者、神经科学家、物理学家以及法律界应当立即呼吁对心电技术的存在和部署的公开讨论;并要求对这种践踏无助的人们人权和威胁民主自由的设计有关的信息解秘。Victims’ accounts of abuse should be admitted to public account, and the use of psycho-electronic weapons should be made illegal and criminal,受害者们对心电武器滥用事实的报告应当被允许成为公开报道,心电武器的使用应当被规定为非法的和有罪的;The medical profession should be helped to recognise the symptoms of mind-control and psychotronic abuse, and intelligence about their deployment should be declassified so that this abuse can be seen to be what it is, and not interpreted automatically as an indication of mental illness.医疗行业应当被帮助以能够识别精神控制和心电武器滥用的症状,有关它们的部署的情报应当被解秘以使这一滥用能够被人们看清,而不是被自动解释为精神疾病的征兆。If, in the present confusion and insecurity about the search for evidence of weapons of mass destruction, we conclude that failure to locate them - whatever the truth of the matter –encourages us to be generally complacent, then we shall be colluding with very dark forces at work if we conclude that a course of extreme vigilance signifies paranoia. For there may well be other weapons of mass destruction being developed and not so far from home; weapons which, being even more difficult to locate, are developed invisibly, unobstructed, unheeded in our midst, using human beings as test-beds. Like ESP, the methods being used on humans have not been detectable using conventional detection equipment. It is likely that the signals being used are part of a physics not known to scientists without the highest level of security clearance. To ignore the evidence of victims is to deny, perhaps with catastrophic results, the only evidence which might otherwise lead the defenders of freedom to becoming alert to the development of a fearful new methods of destruction. Manipulating terrorist groups and governments alike, these sinister and covert forces may well be very thankful for the professional derision of the victims, and for public ignorance.如果在目前的对于查找大规模毁灭性武器的证据的混乱和不安全状况下,我们得出结论说没有找到它们(无论事情的真相是什么)促使我们普遍自满,那么我们就是与活动中的非常黑暗的势力相勾结如果我们下结论说极度警惕的做法意味着偏执狂的话。因为很可能有其他大规模毁灭性武器正在离我们的家园不远处研制中,更难以被发现的武器在我们的视线之外不受阻拦不被注意地在我们中间使用人类作为实验平台被开发。就像ESP(超感官知觉)使用常规的探测方法还是不可探测的。可能所使用的信号是不为未经秘密工作忠诚调查的科学家们所知晓的物理学的一部分。忽视受害者们的证据意味着否认,可能是带着灾难性后果,可能导致抵抗自由者变得更活跃地开发毁灭方法的唯一证据。通过操纵恐怖主义组织和类似的政府这些邪恶秘密的势力很可能非常感谢对于受害者们的专业性嘲笑和公众忽视。References参考资料Laing, R.D. (1985) : Wisdom, Madness and Folly: The Making of a Psychiatrist. Macmillan, 1985R.D. 灵(1985):《智慧、疯狂和愚蠢:精神病学家的产生》,迈克米伦出版公司,1985Welsh, Cheryl (1997): Timeline of Important Dates in the History of Electromagnetic Technology and Mind Control,威尔士 谢丽尔(1997):《电磁技术和精神控制历史上的重要日期时间表》,网址, Cheryl (2001):Electromagnetic Weapons: As powerful as the Atomic Bomb, President Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, CAHRA Home Page: U.S. Human Rights Abuse Report:威尔士 谢丽尔(2001):《电磁武器:与原子弹同样有力》、《总统公民反对人权践踏》、CAHRA首页:《美国人权践踏报告》:, Dr N. and Manning, J.: 1995 Angels Don’t Play this HAARP, Advances in Tesla Technology, Earthpulse Press.贝吉克 N博士和曼宁 J.:1995《天使不用HAARP,特斯拉技术进展》,地球脉动出版社ZDF TV: “Secret Russia: Moscow – The Zombies of the Red Czars”, Script to be published in Resonance, No. 35德国电视2台:《秘密俄罗斯:莫斯科 - 红色沙皇的复活尸》,将在《回声》杂志第35期发表的手稿Aftergood, Steven and Rosenberg, Barbara: “The Soft Kill Fallacy”, in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Sept/Oct 1994.斯蒂文 阿弗特古德和芭芭拉 罗森伯格:《软刀子杀人谬论》,发表于《原子科学家》公报,1994年9/10月Becker, Dr Robert: 1985,The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, William Morrow, N.Y.罗伯特 贝克尔博士:1985,《身体电:电磁主义和生命根本》,威廉姆 莫若,纽约Babacek, Mojmir: International Movement for the Ban of Manipulation of The Human Nervous System: and go to: Ban of Manipulation of Human Nervous System毛米尔 拜伯塞克:《禁止操纵人类神经系统的国际运动》 然后进入:《禁止操纵人类神经系统》“Is it Feasible to Manipulate the Human Brain at a Distance?”《远程操纵人脑是可行的吗?》“Psychoelectronic Threat to Democracy” 《民主的心电威胁》 “Advances in Neuroscience May Threaten Human Rights”, Vol, 391, Jan. 22, 1998, p. 316; (ref Jean- Pierre Changeux)《自然》:《神经科学的进展可能威胁人权》,391卷,1998年1月22日,第316页;(有关简 皮埃尔 昌吉克斯)Space Preservation Act: Bill H.R.2977 and HR 3616 IH in 107th Congress – 2nd Session: see:《太空保护法》:第107界国会第2次会议通过的H.R.2977法案和HR 3616 IH法案,见 European Parliament: 欧洲议会系列会议 at Plenary Sessions, scroll down to Reports by A4 number, click, choose 1999 and fill in oo5 to A4点击全体会议,下翻至标号为A4的报告,点击,选择1999,然后填入005 - 04。Delgado, Jose M.R: 1969. “Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society”, Vol. 41, World Perspectives, Harper Row, N.Y.琼斯 M.R. 德尔加多:1969 《心理的物理控制:朝向一个精神文明的社会》,《世界前景》第41卷,哈珀 罗,纽约US News & World Report: Lockheed Martin Aeronautics/ Dr John Norseen; Report January 3/10 2000, P.67《美国新闻和世界报告》:洛克西德 马丁航空学/约翰 诺西恩博士2000年1月3日/10日报告,第67页Freud, Sigmund: 1919: Art and Literature:” The Uncanny”. Penguin,Also “Those Wrecked by Success.”西格蒙德 弗洛伊德:1919:《艺术和文学》:“离奇现象”。企鹅,又称“那些被成功毁掉的人。”Marks, John: 1988 :The CIA and Mind Control – the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, ISBN 0-440-20137-3约翰 马克思:1988:《中央情报局和精神控制——寻找满族候选人》,ISBN 0-440-20137-3Persinger, M.A. “On the Possibility of Directly Accessing Every Human Brain by Electromagnetic Induction of Fundamental Algorythms”; In Perception and Motor Skills, June, 1995, vol. 80, p. 791 – 799M.A. 珀星尔《面临通过算法的电磁诱导直接测量每个人类大脑的可能性》; 《关于感知和汽车技能》,1995年6月,第80卷,第791-799页Tyler, J.“Electromagnetic Spectrum in Low Intensity Conflict,” in “Low Intensity Conflict and Modern Technology”, ed. Lt. Col. J. Dean, USAF, Air University Press, Centre For Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education, Maxwell Air Force base, Alabama, June, 1986.J. 泰勒 《低密度冲突电磁频谱》,《低密度冲突和现代科技》,美国空军中校爱德华 J. 迪安,航天大学出版社,宇宙空间学说中心,研究和教育部,麦克斯威尔空军基地,阿拉巴马,1986年6月Rees, Martin Our Final Century: 2003, Heinemann.马丁 瑞斯 《我们最后的世纪》:2003,海内曼Conrad, Joseph: The Secret Sharer, 1910. Signet Classic.约瑟夫 康拉德 :《秘密共享者》,1910,图章经典出版社Maupassant, Guy de: Le Horla, 1886. Livre de Poche.居伊 莫泊桑:《恐怖》,1886,袖珍书Carole Smith is a British psychoanalyst. In recent years she has been openly critical of government use of intrusive technology on non-consenting citizens for the development of methods of state control. Carole Smith E-mail:卡罗尔 史密斯是一位英国精神分析学者。近年来她公开批评政府对非自愿的公民使用入侵技术以开发国家控制的方法。卡罗尔 史密斯的电子邮件地址:
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Please download the 43 MB file of my radio Show that was done May 21st 2008 with Dave Case, myself, Dahl Wahl, Caroline Palit and Helen Roedrig. is a Radio Show that was done on May 21st 2008- Manhattan Project Backstep- how to figure out the bad science from Good Scientits and undue the sinister purpose of AI on humanityThe Call above was with Dave Case who worked on the infa red interface to the human brain for the US Air force and it was at the time a helmet worn to control aircraft. It was then discussed that this technology was to be put in space as satellites and interfaced with DARPA.Also Dale Wahl is on the call and he describes a system of grounding that he has had great sucess with relief from directed energy.
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22 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Please support Mr. Eric court case in OSC (US Office of Special Counsel) Form12 3/18/2009 Case Number: DI-09-1783 Created: Mar 18 2009 11:26PM Last Modified: Mar 19 2009 10:13AM. Original Entry Date 12/2/2007 9:30 PM Last Modified 3/24/2008 9:49 AM Case Number MA-08-1512 User Information ERIC GRIFFIN Agency: citizen You also can submit your case from this link Please read full information of court case from: (2) Please support Mr.John Finch Court Case in ICC(THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT) John Finch 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627 EMAIL:, 18/03/2009 PLEASE SEND YOUR TORTURE AND ABUSE CASES AND INFORMATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT – use Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 M.P. Dillon Head of the Information & Evidence Unit, Office of the Prosecutor THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands TEL: 31-70-5158515 FAX: 31-70-5158555 WEB: EMAIL:,,, Reference: OTP-CR-70/07 Please read full information of court case from: (3) Eric and Ann invite you to see the Doctor We WERE SETTING APPOINTMENTS TO SEE THE DOCTOR AND I AM GOING TO DRIVE AND PICK SOME T.I 'S UP AND TAKE THEM TO CALI FOR TESTING WITH OUR DOCTOR AND TO SEE THE P.I IF YOU WANT TO GO CONTACT ANN BAKER FOR MORE INFORMATION KIDS TESTING IS $100 ADULTS $260 JUST LOOK AT IT AS A ROAD TRIP. ERIC GRIFFIN (4) Write to Media (5) Welcome to join linkedin group which can meet more people UN groups My linkedin page:
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(2)The directed energy weapon, is aims at some one the goal direction launch technology energy which determined by the user to achieve the target damage the weapon.Because this weapon and the technology are with technical energies and the material and so on launch like laser, electromagnetic wave, ultrasonic wave, infrasonic wave, each kind of beam and particle beam achieved kills the human the goal, therefore, it is different in the ordinary weapon use has the foresight which the naked eye may observe obtains and may verification.It has the confidentiality kill capability very strong characteristic.The ordinary citizen is very difficult to have the resistance and the verify directed energy weapon attack engineering factor.Uses one kind of weapon the risk which verifications to reduce, also increased this weapon grasping and the master abuses its possibility.The directed energy weapon took country military power a part, must restrain in the military weapon use standard the specific war time and the wartime opposes the enemy the attack goal.In the world peace time, used the directed energy weapon in view of our country any citizens to surpass the national compulsion ability category which the maintenance country constitution order needed.It does not have in the technical use covert characteristic in standard politics and the legal proceeding meanly openness which must have for the use country compelling force and may verification.Therefore, it already does not have as public security, National security Department and the armed police army's police violence method uses, does not have to use by the national army in view of the ordinary common people.!!!Needs to point out that, the directed energy weapon may utilize in the aggressive spiritual control technology.It to the goal launch electromagnetic wave, the infrasonic wave reads human's brain wave signal technical carrier by the achievement, also may use together with the spiritual control weapon or take the spiritual control weapon one kind of function, after uses is killed by the spiritual control person the accusation technology weapon.Therefore, forbids in view of the citizen to use the spiritual control weapon, must simultaneously forbid in view of the citizen to use the directed energy weapon.These pose the serious threat and the violation high-tech weapon to citizen's brain thought energetic safety and the safety must be far away people to need to respect, the freedom, harmonious and the happy civilized society.!!!Says from the legal principle theory of law, any forces the human spirit and the psychological physiology characteristic occurs is different with the daily condition hazardous change, constitutes the counter-human crime.Therefore, the spiritual control, the directed energy and so on each kind of cruel aggressive technology is already listed as in some countries the prohibition the technology which uses in our country (to see also appendix material one, two).The preliminary examination indicated that, at present the world already had and is using the aggressive spiritual control technology in view of the average person, and has created the extremely serious violation consequence to people's brain thought safety and the basic human rights.!!therefore the United Nations and the correlation human rights organize departments and so on \ Security Council, United Nations General Assembly and international criminal court, first forms the technical committee, is controlled to the worldwide scale in the brain technical and the directed energy technology violation citizen carries on the investigation. Grasps the first material, the judgment nature gravity, and consequence which can create for the world, carries on the overall assessment, and stops immediately to citizen's violation.They should take the bull by the horns carry on the special technical legislation or the increase legal provision.!!!They may in "the International Criminal Court Rome Terms of an agreement" seventh, harm the human crime, for this terms of an agreement goal, “harms the human crime” is refers in widespread or has systematically in the attack which carries on in view of any common people population, in knew perfectly well this attack in the situation, the following any behavior which implements as an attack part:5. Violates the international law fundamental rule, the imprisonment or deprives the personal freedom seriously by other ways;6. Torture;11. Creates the significant pain intentionally, either causes the serious damage to the human body or the physical and moral integrity other nature same not humanity behavior!!The increase prohibition uses the aggressive spiritual control technology and the directed energy for the citizen and so on each kind of covert weapon carries on the violation.To illegal use, business, transportation and so on aggressive the spiritual control technologies and the directed energy and so on each kind of covert weapon, implements the international surveillance. Carries on the violation to the world citizen, international has the authority to carry on the intervention.Signature name list:Various countries whole show:Various countries main scholar:(world victim):
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Citizens of the world for the United Nations develop < < on the prohibition on citizens to use remote electronic mental control technology and orientation to cover against arms > >legislative motioncase: on the prohibition on citizens to use remote electronic mental control technology and orientation to cover against weapons of the law has amendments(1)In the world, there are many victims.. They are experiencing the reading thought (Mind reading), the spiritual control (Mind Control), the electromagnetic wave weapon (Electromagnetic weapon), the sound wave weapon (Acoustic Weapon), perhaps also has the ultrasonic wave weapon (Ultrasonic Weapon), infrasonic wave weapon (Infrasound weapon), microwave weapon (Microwave Weapon) and other weapons of torture abuse and harassment.. They also expose the fascists, brutal, there are new victims were their abuse..The victim has been deprived the freedom and the human rights which the legitimate citizens all are authorized to enjoy.The victim has been deprived the right which studies; Has been deprived the normal work right; Has been deprived the health right; Has been deprived normally the right which associates with the human; Is deprived has enjoyed the joys of life the right; Also has been deprived the normal sleep right; Even the political rights feels better limits.Also has very many victims to encounter hungry \ to be impoverished, loses the independent life ability.Each kind of environment needs which the human survival destroys, pushes to the human culture morals backs up the edge. There has been faced with the technology to facilitate more hidden danger to society and the safety of citizens, to adopt a more clear and strict technical legislative measures to deal with it a legal and social challenges. To guarantee citizens' human rights.The advantageous various countries carries on the international investigation and the trial.In human's brain the thought is in the citizen individual information is most radically most important also the most privacy information.Carries on the independent thought ,but in the brain not to disturb, to steal with the operation, is most sacred inviolable core right which human any civilization can establish and exist until now.Humanity's energetic characteristic and brain thought autonomous, attributes human's basic value attribute, is establishing the human nature dignity and the individual personality core foundation.It not only is individual a series of economies, social, the political rights own constitution premise, also is the human all wisdom creation basic condition.In the former social life, anybody still did not have obtains in his human brain the thought information engineering factor.Regardless of the individual life is bad in social environment condition, anybody exists at least may not disturb to carry on in oneself brain the independent thought the final privacy space, this also is the human society prosperous energetic field, the rational knowledge thing exclusive area.The brain thinking is that individual citizens in the most important and most privacy of information. In the brain for independent thinking and not be disrupted, theft and manipulation, is by far human any civilization has been established and the most sacred and inviolable core rights.It is both individual and a series of economic, social and political rights of their own constitutes a prerequisite, but also all aspects of human wisdom created by the basic conditions. In the midst of a person does not have access to others the brain thinking information technology. both individual and social life in the how bad conditions, there are at least a person can not be interrupted in their own within the autonomy of the final privacy thinking, the human society is not long ago the spirit Shing Garden, rational knowledge things exclusive zone.However, the human mind and normal life in the last bastion for spiritual control technology (Spirit control technique) the emergence and spread faces a great threat.scientific and technological information and facts show that the spiritual control technology (The control technology through to the launch electromagnetic, read the brain waves, and theft, education and dissemination of the brain thinking.This high technology weapons to ordinary citizens do not know or have no combat capabilities of others to steal the brain thinking, and be compulsory for every 24 hours a synchronous communication. There is no doubt that personal privacy is fundamental to occupation, human dignity against subversive damage. The technology from its external force to the information education and interference in the capacity of the citizens in the spirit in alarm and control of slavery, there was a serious humanitarian crisis.It can be said, once being attackstone by the spirit control or the physiology weapon and violating, the personality system of any citizen and society,live the system,work and will be completely to collapse with society's relating to the system.While sowing in the biggest possibility up can become a brain thinking of persons is been operate by the person by the others control n any behavior of come to a deadlock the technique of the corpse and it to the usage of the common run of people doubtless BE most terrible,the most shameless in all immoral conducts that the mankind treat oneself's of the same kind and also the most evil unruly conduct.The spirit controls the emergence of the weapon and the usage that aims at the common run of people, on its basic property in more concealment way to mankind the inborn thinking characteristic carries on the spirit control and kill the military of the wound to take the offensive the behavior, is a kind of anti- mankind's criminal acts of policy of terror.It is worth to mankind,the normal life of the citizen and society result in of bad influence and endanger, the humanitarianism principle that lose the civilization the society most at least.In view of these arms abuse to the human spirit characteristic, citizens of thinking safety and normal life caused by extreme harmful to society, in view of these arms are extremely high hidden against capacity to ordinary victims hardly known and unknown, it is difficult to ascertain, in view of this kind of technology weapons hidden use characteristics of technological possibilities have greatly increased its misuse to harm to society and ordinary citizens' motives and abuse of these weapons to reap the benefits and against citizens of the Act is in our region, which constitute crimes against ordinary citizens of thinking information security and normal social life of the world. we suggested, the United Nations according to "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" to safeguard the citizen personal freedom right the basic principle,<< the international criminal court Rome terms of an agreement>> profited from countries and so on Russia in this domain legislation experience ("Russian federation Parliament about Prohibition Information And Psychological Physiology Weapon Law Draft Decision") European Union Human rights commission immediately does its A40005/1999 27th section work! to take a clear and strict technical legislative measures to deal with mental control of weapons of the legal and security challenges and to protect citizens from being stolen, interference and control in their brain for independent thinking of the right to remove hidden against the citizens and civil society of the threat of terrorism, and to guide the world for the control weapons and related technology use attention.From world victim's in survival environment pitifulness which already existed, carried on the rational analysis to obtain the essence was: Until in the real life, the society widespread exists is splits the crowd, the fission society, the fission family system splits the human society characteristic.This kind of covert technical grasping and the use, already constituted the harm ordinary citizen brain thought security and the normal social life huge danger and the threat, already close wick edge.It to human's right of privacy, the private and any reasonable knowledge, commercial and the national secret constitution thorough injury and invades, and produces has the violation and the threat unspecific most person's public security question.This technology is in flood causes a society any to safeguard individual privacy, commercial and the technical secret, the national secret legal laws and regulations and the social morals about the respect exists in name only. Damages is the entire human society reasonable survival principle.!!!!
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Shielding technologies and strategies to lessen and stop directed energy.Today there was a conf call that discussed very useful shielding technologies from a company that makes shielding for the medical industry. link above is a conf call that provides very useful solutions to solving some of the problems of directed energy.Eric Evans of provides shielding for the Medical Industry, Civilians, the FAA and has ideas that can HELP America and the world.
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HUMAN AND CIVIL RIGHTS PETITIONS TAKE ACTION ON The Left’s New Back-Door Strategy to Silence Talk Radio TAKE ACTION ON Join the Call for a Nuclear Weapons Free World! TAKE ACTION ON The Consumer Overdraft Protection Fair Practices Act TAKE ACTION ON Call the Senate Public Affairs Committee to Make Successful Reentry a Reality TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Call on Congress to Act on Climate Change Create a World with Enough for All! TAKE ACTION ON Protect your Beach: Speak out against Oil Drilling! TAKE ACTION ON Use your web page to spread the word about the dangers of puppy mills and pet stores—educate visitors with a Stop Puppy Mills web banner TAKE ACTION ON Organize a Meeting With Your Members of Congress -- Sign Up Today TAKE ACTION ON Reshaping Health Care for the 21st Century TAKE ACTION ON 2008 Election Protection Report to Congress TAKE ACTION ON AIG, Bank of America, and Citi TAKE ACTION ON CALL ON THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE BACK $165 MILLION IN AIG BONUSES TAKE ACTION ON It is time to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; it is time to address the economic crisis by cutting military spending. TAKE ACTION ON If a quorum is not present on April 1, 2009, a second membership meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. (EST) on April 16, 2009 at 1920 L Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036. For either meeting, you may attend in person, or vote by proxy by sending back this form with your selection below. TAKE ACTION ON Remove Beaufort and Chukchi seas and Bristol Bay from 5-year plan TAKE ACTION ON Use your web page to spread the word about the dangers of puppy mills and pet stores—educate visitors with a Stop Puppy Mills web banner TAKE ACTION ON Demand answers from AIG's CEO TAKE ACTION ON A group for supporters of Habitat for Humanity International. HFHI is a nonprofit, ecumenical Christian organization dedicated to eliminating substandard housing & homelessness worldwide,making adequate, affordable shelter a matter of conscience & action. TAKE ACTION ON Please co-sponsor H.R. 503, the Conyers-Burton Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act TAKE ACTION ON Urge Your Senators to Vote YES for the Serve America Act TAKE ACTION ON 60 Days to Save the Polar Bear TAKE ACTION ON Help families save their homes TAKE ACTION ON Stand up to media attacks on pre-k TAKE ACTION ON President Obama's Priorities for Women Worldwide & Honduras Field Report TAKE ACTION ON Speak out to ban unregulated imported swordfish TAKE ACTION ON I want to support Public Citizen ACTION ON The genocide in Darfur TAKE ACTION ON CT Attack on Churches TAKE ACTION ON This week, more than 140 citizens from Appalachia and across the U.S. are in our nation's capital as part of our 4th Annual End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington. TAKE ACTION ON Host a "True Security Bake Off" TAKE ACTION ON Current Advocacy Campaigns from International Rescue Committee. TAKE ACTION ON Host or Attend a Pledge Project Canvass TAKE ACTION ON Six Years in Iraq: Write Your Newspaper TAKE ACTION ON No More Dough Till We Know Where It Goes[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON Michigan Tax Alert: Senate Bill 45 TAKE ACTION ON Help Restore Humanitarian Aid to Millions in Darfur TAKE ACTION ON Stop the AIG Bonuses TAKE ACTION ON Unemployed – Put Pirates out of Business TAKE ACTIONS ON neue Kampagnen - campaigns of this week TAKE ACTION ON Help Historic Public Lands Protections Become Law TAKE ACTION ON Keep Humanitarian Aid in Sudan TAKE ACTION ON Global AIDS Month of Action - District Meetings TAKE ACTION ON Thank President Obama - and stop future bonuses. TAKE ACTION ON Submit a comment for tomorrow's hearing, then tell your friends TAKE ACTION ONDemand Accountability for Torture and Abuse Now! Congressional In-District Lobby Weeks, April 6-17 TAKE ACTION ON President Obama: Harm reduction saves lives! TAKE ACTION ON Covenant House Matching Gift Challenge TAKE ACTION ON Save the Bait: Protect Menhaden in the Gulf of Mexico TAKE ACTION ON CNBC: Hold Wall Street accountable! TAKE ACTION ON CNBC should publicly declare a drastic change of direction, committing to responsible journalism in an effort to hold Wall Street accountable in the future. As a first step, it should bring new economic voices on the air with a focus on those who were right about this crisis in the first place. TAKE ACTION ON Rhetoric is not enough to protect farm workers from the heat TAKE ACTION ON Urge President Obama to Stand Up for Wolves TAKE ACTION ON Support President Obama's Call for Global Warming Action TAKE ACTION ON
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#500Hello Dr. XXXXX. I've seen the corruption of false medical and psychological evaluations you spoke of from a unique and multiple view points. I might be able to shed some light on a direction that all this is heading to.My first evaluation was when I had carpel tunnel syndrome and a doctor was hired to evaluate me because the operation had caused damage instead of repairing it. It ended up taking two more operations to repair the damage caused by the first by another doctor. The doctor hired by the insurance company wrote a poor evaluation that I was injured during an operation. I happened to be driving with my child when the doctor pulled up beside me on the road. My hands were through the steering wheel and not gripping it. After seeing this he would not go to court or answer their inquiries. At least he had a conscience and could not go through with it.The second came during my divorce that also took place during this injury. I did well but was asked to agree to have myself and my son living with me evaluated psychologically.The evaluation went OK but it turned out that my wife's family had connections with police and that this was an attempt to cause me harm. I had also filed a complaint against an officer that acted unprofessionally. I have only found out now that this officer lived across the street from my brother in-law.Later police attempted to falsely arrest me and that fell apart. As I pursued exposing this crime that was committed by the very officer I made the complaint against and another officer who's family are best friends with my in-laws I became aware of another type of corruption based assault.Police then got the brother of two past police officers to rent an apartment from me in my home. It was then that I came under surveillance and directed energy harassment from law enforcement or law enforcement contractors from the apartment right above me. When this tenant was evicted the court house hall way was full of police congratulating him on my harassment.It was about a year later when I came under a new form of attack this one by secret or experimental military directed energy weapons. Researching this now it appears to be the MEDUSA weapon a form of microwave weapon that sounded like blast crickets in my head. By morning I was pissing brown and shaking when a vehicle pulled away violently from the side of my home reveling the attackers.I then called 911 and went to the hospital in an ambulance. Half way to the hospital the ambulance was redirected to an obscure hospital keeping me in my congressional district. It was here that my story of being attacked was ignored as fantasy and I was involuntarily committed.I later was diagnosed falsely with a psychological diagnosis. Police then had a mental health clinic contact me and had stopped me from being able to receive anxiety medicine. So I went to this clinic. It was years later that two nurses told me I was being killed by over twice the maximum dose of Seroquel and other medicines. I had been told that these medicines were to replace the small amount of anxiety medicine I used to take that wasn't allowed because of the government.The psychiatrist who prescribed it had a specialty in geriatric psychiatry. It had been discovered that this medicine was killing the elderly at normal doses or 600 mg and lower. I was on 1,400 mg. I was being killed. I weaned myself off this and other medicine secretly while changing doctors. I later found this doctor was also on the RI governors board of mental health.At the worst of it my feet had turned black and the skin could be clawed off an 1/8" deep. I developed sugar diabetes and was very near death. I had been in perfect health before all this happened, strong, healthy and with great physical and mental endurance. I owned and ran a computerized machining company and had built homes. I was and am becoming once again more than capable.Researching my medical records I now know I was accused of bomb making and was hospitalized and my home was searched by police.I am recovering now and only see my regular doctor but what I have learned is a threat to those in power. Pass this knowledge along. None of these occurrences are happening by chance. The FBI, police and control of medical personnel is a form of control over everyone. Contacting anyone to make a complaint or looking for help only alerts officials that you are aware and a threat and this is where it can lead to.During other attacks I was instructed to kill myself this is known as a forced suicide and the suicide increases are well documented. These are covert killing and the weapons capable of doing this give our government plausible deniability. I can not see this level of control being beneficial to our population or the world in general. My attacks seem to have been a result of corruption and abuse of undisclosed technologies that are only now being selectively disclosed now.The terrorism scare tactic is being used to dominate everyone everywhere in the world. This can't be allowed to happen or it will mean the fulfilment of Hitler's goal of determining who lives and who will secretly be killed off by covert attacks resulting in suicides and unexpected deaths by disease or energy weapons.Peter Rosenholm
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16 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) Support the Establishment of a Commission to Investigate US Torture Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has proposed the establishment of a bipartisan commission to investigate torture and other abuses committed by the Bush Administration. On Tuesday,’s Mark Benjamin reported that US Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) is moving forward with with a commission to investigate torture during the Bush administration. (2)Leahy Announces FBI Oversight Hearing WASHINGTON (Wednesday, March 11, 2009) – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) today announced the first oversight hearing of the 111th Congress for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Director Robert S. Mueller will testify before the Senate panel at an oversight hearing scheduled for March 25. Mueller appeared before the Committee twice last year. The Senate Judiciary Committee has held periodic oversight hearings of the FBI with the Bureau’s Director. The oversight hearing will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2009, at 9:30 a.m., in room 216 of the Hart Senate Office Building. The hearing will be webcast live online via the Judiciary Committee’s website. Testimony and member statements will also be available online. Members of the press, especially television camera crews, should contact the Senate Daily Press Gallery ( ) or the Senate Radio-Television Gallery ( ) to reserve space at the hearing. # # # # # March 11, 2009 NOTICE OF COMMITTEE HEARING The Senate Committee on the Judiciary has scheduled a hearing on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” for Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., in Room 216 of the Senate Hart Office Building. By order of the Chairman. Witness List Hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on “Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation” Wednesday, March 25, 2009 Senate Hart Office Building Room 216 9:30 a.m. The Honorable Robert S. Mueller, III Director Federal Bureau of Investigation United States Department of Justice Washington, DC We think that Mind Control victims should contact related people about the covert Mind Control abuse and torture. (3) help Victim Ramona Rosario: This is the link for the interview that Ramona gave to Greg Syzmanski in Desert owl hour Greg cell phone: 304-629-7169 Derrick: Someone has offered a place for her to come. Kimberli, the natural health doctor has offered her place for Ramona to come and heal. I"m sure she can help her. We just need someone to reach her from LA. We can also help her financially to get to Louisiana from California. Bob: Ramona and Kimberli have been in touch by phone. They had an immediate rapport, and I'm sure that things will work out well when they get together. Thank you for arranging this. Ramona desperately needs to get away as quickly as possible, but she has no money. They have sexually mutilated her very seriously. They are telling her day and night audibly through speakers in her apartment that they are going to kill her. When she prays, they even pray aloud with her. She needs to get her car fixed and have money for travel expenses before she can leave. I told her that you had offered financial assistance from FFCHS. She said that if she had $400, she could leave in two days. So if FFCHS can help her with that much, she can be on her way very quickly before it is too late. $400 is a low price to pay for saving a life, and Ramona's life is very much worth saving. I've had strong disagreements with you over legal strategy, but here is something that we can agree on, and if you rescue Ramona, I'll give credit where credit is due. (4) Investigators in USA From Derrick Robinson Hi all. FFCHS is about to hire some investigators for our upcoming lawsuit. One of the services that some of them offer is implant detection and disabling. And we have an opportunity for those that feel they have been implanted to get tested by a licensed investigator for the chips to be detected and disabled. The date and location are: Boise, Idaho, Saturday, April 25, 2009 The investigator is charging $200.00 for detection per person and $100.00 for disabling. He will also provide paperwork for each person as evidence for the upcoming court case and for your personal records. All those interested, please contact me asap. Thanks, Derrick (5) DEW links from Bob Levin (6) A picture from Please send these to everyone you know. Have them print them out and mail them to all the legislatures and the Speaker of the house here in Jefferson City. Louise See attached file Doc1.doc Doc1.doc
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4000 signatures from around the worldSign world petiton for the USA/NATO/ to stop Chemtrailing the world... from USA to Germany to Switzerland to the UK to Russia U.S. CongressWE THE PEOPLE of the United States of America, pursuant to the Bill of Rights, Amendment One, which gives the right of the American people to petition the United States government for a redress of grievances, hereby state the following:WHEREAS, unmarked aircraft are daily painting American skies with bio-hostile substances; andWHEREAS, aircraft which carry no identifying markings can not be identified as American and are, therefore, presumed to be hostile aircraft; andWHEREAS, these unmarked aircraft have been proven to be emitting substances which drift to the ground and are hostile to the health and well-being of American citizens;THEREFORE, it is concluded that Americans are, and have been for years, under attack and have become the victims of BIOCHEMICAL WARFARE.FURTHER, the United States government has allowed, and is continuing to allow, these unidentified aircraft to release harmful substances over American soil, which have been proven harmful to the American people; andWHEREAS, the United States government has neither satisfactorily explained nor proffered any compelling reason(s) why it is in the interests of the United States government to allow harm to the majority of its people with these disease-producing, potentially lethal emissions; andWHEREAS, when asked about the situation, the United States government has engaged in evasion, deception, and stonewalling the American people in their pursuit of the truth of this matter.THEREFORE, it is presumed that the aircraft either belong to the United States government and are operating under the direct command and with full knowledge of the United States government or, in the alternative, the United States government has knowingly and willfully conspired with an outside, hostile group to allow harm to American citizens.THEREFORE, it appearing that the United States government is violating numerous rights of its citizens and in so doing is in a state of treason against its citizens, it is up to the American people to exercise their rights and hold the United States government accountable for its actions or inactions, as the case may be.CONSEQUENTLY, the people of the United States of America declare the following,TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT: Pursuant to the Bill of Rights, Amendment One, we, the people of the United States, declare that we are grieved over the presence of "chemtrails" in the airspace over the United States and hereby petition the United States government to take immediate action to cease all chemtrail activity in the airspace over the United States of America.We, the People, further DEMAND an immediate, thorough and honest investigation into what the substance called "chemtrails" actually consists of and discover the true purpose of spraying America (and its people) with harmful substances. Such investigation will include independent, impartial experts, as well as ordinary citizens.Sincerely,The Undersigned is what is in Chemtrails
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#497#497 I've been being filmed/harrassed by other citizens/perps/policeWinter is ending and I've gone out a few times to the beach that is 60 seconds away by car. I've come up with a fossil of two and recently had a fossil exhibit at my town main library. On the first day when walking back to my car I notice some young girls watching me from a car. so as to not be obvious the one or to remaining in the car gets out and they all watch me.The next time I goes two old women are watching me with a camera held up high. I drove to the next parking lot and looked over the fossil I had found and decided to drive back to the waters edge and watch the sun go down and the ducks grouped en mass out in the water. As I pulled up the driver has the camera pointed in the side mirror directly at me. If I was unsure before I wasn't anymore.Today I just went to the beach 60 seconds away by car with a magnet to collect iron oxide it could be used with aluminum to create heat and energy and metal castings at the same time it could help clean the beaches of heavy metals mixed in with the Iron oxide. Rhode Island was once the jewelry capital of the world but unfortunately heavy metals have been dumped into our water ways. You can find pumice everywhere at the high tide line that was once used to skim off the slag.Within ten minutes a cop came walking down the beach to ask me what I was doing and took my name address and birth date. "Oh yeah we know you River St right." This is part of the harassment paper trail they attempt to build so as to use against you. A thousand other people have been down that beach this year and I'll bet not one has had that happen to them.I suggest TI's only make complaints as a group. If you are already being harassed it will only be turned against you unfortunately.We are far stronger and believable as a group. It is far to easy to paint any one person negatively, then they will rail road you into the mental health system, jail or worst. Together is how we will end this type of harassment.Peter RosenholmPS: Other than making a complaint against an officer during my divorce that my wife's family knew, I had also made complaints of finding medical waste when police began harrassing me. I found and gave them two hyperdermic needles. I was conserned that a child might accidentilly step on them. What a day when good intentions are frowned upon.
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13 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) New Lawsuit from Eric Griffin UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA ERIC GRIFFIN , Plaintiff, ) vs. (CASE NO.) HENDERSON POLICE DEPT,) (To be supplied by the Clerk) CITY OF HENDERSON, etl;al) Defendant(s). ) CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLAINT PURSUANT TO 42 U.S.C. § 1983 A. JURISDICTION 1) This complaint alleges that the civil rights of Plaintiff, ERIC GRIFFIN who presently reside at Henderson, nv 89014 , were violated by the actions of the below named individuals which were directed against Plaintiff at Henderson police dept on the following dates feb 26, 2009 (Count I) 42 USC § 1985.violation(count 2)42 USC § 1986. (count 3)Executive Order 13440 violation(count 4) 18 usc section 241 2) Defendant, Henderson police dept,city of Henderson,etl;al Jurisdiction is invoked pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1343 (a)(3) and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. If you wish to assert jurisdiction under different or additional statutes, list them below. ------------------------------ B. NATURE OF THE CASE Briefly state the background of your case. these officer and city has placed plaintiff's and other city members life's in great danger to cover up a executive order violation and a illegal weapon called d.e.w/voice to skull that has been verified is being used on mr griffin by doctors that is being used and has violated plaintiffs rights for denying plaintiff the right to file a criminal complain,t the right to have a matter investigated, a right to medical attention in a life our death matte,the right to have witnesses questioned, the right to have suspect arrested, and with holding information from plaintiffs lawyer, WITH HOLDING INFORMATION from congressional leaders ,defendants/captain wemsley new first hand of my complaints and told me to come in to one of his office's to file a complaint but when I arrived the officer told me he would not file my complaint even after showing this officer the letter from his captain telling me to come in and file a complaint, these action was totally criminal and a violation of plaintiff's due process..officer also refuse to take any exports witnesses reports,witnesses statements, and medical record show that this crime is going on in this city and that dept has the grounds to investigate and arrest suspect per nv state laws. also henderson police dept stated that the would send this matter to the fbi/cia but yet the fbi/cia has not render over any information to plaintiffs lawyers our doctors our judges in mr griffin case to support this matter, defendants are full aware that these weapon are being used on mr griffin and rather try and make mr griffin look crazy rather then ----------------------------- C. CAUSE OF ACTION 3 . ------------------- E. REQUEST FOR RELIEF I believe that I am entitled to the following relief: TO HAVE ALL SUSPECT ARRESTED AND CHARGED AND PROSECUTED TO THE MAX, ALL MEDICALS EXPENSES PAID,700 MILLION UNITED STATES DOLLARS, AND TO HAVE A JURY DEMAND CONGRESSIONAL HEARING ON THIS MATTER, ALL LEGAL FEE'S PAID I understand that a false statement or answer to any question in this complaint will subject me to penalties of perjury. I DECLARE UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY NDER THE LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT THE FOREGOING IS TRUE AND CORRECT. See 28 U.S.C. § 1746 and 18 U.S.C. § 1621. (Name of Person who prepared or helped (Signature of Plaintiff) prepare this complaint if not Plaintiff) (Date) ---------------------------- (Additional space if needed; identify what is being continued) exhibit 1a 42 USC § 1986. Action for neglect to prevent 42 USC § 1985. Conspiracy to interfere with civil rights Executive Order 13440 violation Communication letters between Mr. Eric and HENDERSON POLICE DEPT Dear mr wamsley we are asking that you give us the information that you sent to the cia and has the cia done any follow up work with due to the fact you still have a hostage matter in your city which also has gotten two people killed from the same house an now slowing killing the third. we are requesting the information you sent to them and has your office done any follow up on this matter and if the cia is helping you get information to help arrest suspect and prosecute ? thank you so much and i am sure you know this is a life our death matter. and i want the city of Henderson to prosecute all suspect to the fullest. due to the fact i am a victim i will have some staff member write you back to further investigate this matter. i also ask that you send my lawyer the information that you sent to the cia/fbi. i am also requesting that you arrest suspect and prosecute to the fullest due to the fact these victim from my house is from Henderson one being a infant and the other a ex solder and now due to the fact mr griffin is being held hostage in your city and being slowly killed by this weapons called d.e.w/voice to skull which now you are full aware of. I WILL HAVE STAFF MEMBERS FROM F.F.C.H.S AND OTHER WITNESSES FOLLOW UP ON THIS LETTER AND SHOW THERE SUPPORT AS WELL IN YOU ARRESTING THESE SUSPECT AS WELL thank you so much MR ERIC GRIFFIN --- On Sat, 1/17/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: To: Cc: Date: Saturday, January 17, 2009, 1:15 PM PLEASE FORWARD SIR WHICH I KNOW YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE SO TO THE FACT YOUR OFFICE HAS BEEN THE ONLY ONE THAT HAS BEEN COMPETENT ENOUGH AND FOLLOW POLICY SO THANK YOU SIR FOR GIVING THE FBI THIS INFORMATION. ALSO NOTE SIR IF THESE PEOPLE DO NOT KILL ME FIRST I WILL MAKE SURE I CAN HELP YOUR OFFICE IN GETTING THE TOOLS AND FUNDING YOU WILL NEED SO THAT YOUR OFFICER WILL BE READY AND ABLE TO TEST VICTIMS OF THESE WEAPONS,SO THAT YOUR OFFICE WILL NOT THINK EVERYONE IS HAVING MENTAL ISSUE AND WILL BE ABLE TO EASILY TEST FOR THESE KIND OF WEAPON AND THEN DETERMINE IF A PERSON IS REALLY CRAZY OUR BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY THIS WEAPONS SUCH AS MYSELF MR GRIFFIN. --- On Thu, 1/15/09, Robert Wamsley wrote: From: Robert Wamsley Subject: RE: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc: "Addah Moritz-Smith" Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PM Dear Mr. Griffin, Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter. Sincerely From: ERIC GRIFFIN [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PM To: Robert Wamsley Cc:; Addah Moritz-Smith;;;;;;;;;; Anthony D. Romero ACLU Subject: when do you want your officer to come test Dear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of Henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegal weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of Henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away. thank you very much sir MR. ERIC GRIFFIN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF FREEDOM FROM CONVERT HARASSMENT MOVEON.ORG COUNCIL MEMBER TRUEMAJORITY.ORG ACTIVIS HUMANRIGHTSFIRST.ORG ACTIVIST PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY EMAIL: HOWREALAREYOU_M@YAHOO.COM PHONE: 702-372 9052 --- On Thu, 1/8/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc:, Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 7:00 AM me for this weapon being used on unwillingly?my lawyers can set this up and the only reason these perps has not killed me is because they think they cant get caught and is very arrogant as witnesses has been trying to tell you. but we need these crooks off the streets fast they have already killed to people one being a infaint i know making a false allegation is a crime and i like my freedom and my life. i also ask you office to inform my lawyers if anyone has told your office not to get involved with this matter --- On Thu, 1/8/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Thursday, January 8, 2009, 6:53 AM as you can see the Henderson police don't even want to have there officers come and test me for this weapon being used on me unwillingly --- On Tue, 1/6/09, ERIC GRIFFIN wrote: From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AM Dear Sirs, I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve. Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter. Eric Griffin Date: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 09:39:53 -0800 From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: CC:;;; to really help you provide protection for the rest of our citizen ask you deputy to come test me for this weapon and you will have the evidence to fully start a investigation. this is one company that knows how to test for these weapons that is being used to hold a person hostage in your great city of Henderson. sir these kids cant speak for themself and the rest of the victim just think there going crazy our is to afraid to come forth due to the fact they know no one is going to help them but if these crooks are that dumb to let me complain i am going to complaint all day till there caught our this illegal weapons is safely removed from body and everyone else. i have a hard time writing so please bare with me sir one of our staff members will make it clear to you on what i am trying to say MR. ERIC GRIFFIN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF FREEDOM FROM CONVERT HARASSMENT MOVEON.ORG COUNCIL MEMBER TRUEMAJORITY.ORG ACTIVIS HUMANRIGHTSFIRST.ORG ACTIVIST PEOPLE FOR THE AMERICAN WAY EMAIL: HOWREALAREYOU_M@YAHOO.COM PHONE: 702-372 9052 --- On Tue, 1/6/09, wrote: From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc: Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AM Dear Mr, Griffin, Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided. They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department. Sincerely, Captain Robert Wamsley Dear Capitan wamleys i went to the Henderson police station on sunset and your officer refused to take my complaint even after i showed him your email telling me to come down and file the report i show him the false u.s money orders i that suspect has been sending me i also showed him the email you sent telling me to come down and file a report, and he refused me stating he was calling you and if you said to file my report he would call me back our get the information from so were else. so now that you told me to go file a report and your officer refused to take my report which was affidavit of truth and evidence enclosed like medical,suspect names, witnesses name and export witnesses and lawyers names. i do have the officer named and time i tried to log my complaint so you can check the record book to show that i tried to file a complaint but was denied. like i said i even explained that you tried to send my complaint to the FBI as well but your officer still refused to file complaint,so can you call the sunset substation which is 2blocks down from my home on sunset and let him know you told me to come down and file my complaint, due to the fact i have a lawyer you can let them know the complaint is mainly about harassment with a deadly weapon and every other detail about witnesses is in my affidavit that i tried to submit with my complaint names of witnesses name of defendants and times and dates of these crimes is listed all other information can be retrieved from my lawyers our if you have a better way for me to get help from your office and these crooks in jail please feel free but i want these rapist pedophiles tourer's in jail and this weapon off of me and my kids. ERIC GRIFFIN FEBRUARY 23,2009 3:19 PM PST (2) Please write to these Politicians in Canada Paul Dewar Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 996-5322 Fax: (613) 996-5323 Constituency: 1306 Wellington Street, Suite 304 Ottawa , Ontario, K1Y 3B2 Telephone: (613) 946-8682 Fax: (613) 946-8680 Dawn Black Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 Constituency: 1116 Austin Avenue Coquitlam , British Columbia, V3K 3P5 Telephone: (604) 664-9229 Fax: (604) 664-9231 Thomas Mulcair Parliament Hill: House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 995-7691 Fax: (613) 995-0114 Constituency: 3333 Reine Marie Road, Suite 310 Montreal , Québec, H3V 1A2 Telephone: (514) 736-2727 Fax: (514) 736-2726 Judy Wasylycia Parliament Hill: 710 Justice Building House of Commons Ottawa , Ontario, K1A 0A6 Telephone: (613) 996-6417 Fax: (613) 996-9713 Constituency: 1082 Main Street Winnipeg , Manitoba, R2W 5J3 Telephone: (204) 984-1767 Fax: (204) 984-1766 Anita Neville Email: Constituency Office: Unit D-729 Corydon Avenue Winnipeg (MB) R3M 0W4 Phone: (204) 983-1355 Fax: (204) 984-3979 Ottawa Office: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 Mr. Mark Holland 92 Church Street South, Suite 106 Ajax (ON) L1S 6B4 Phone: (905) 426-6808 Email: (905) 426-9564 Provincial/Territorial Association: Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON, M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Mr. Michael Ignatieff 656 The Queensway Etobicoke (ON) M8Y 1K7 Phone: (416) 251-5510 Email: (416) 251-2845 Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Hon. Bob Rae 514 Parliament Street Toronto (ON) M4X 1P4 Phone: (416) 954-2222 Fax: (416) 954-9649 Web: Email: Provincial/Territorial Association: Liberal Party of Canada ( Ontario ) 10 St Mary Street, Suite 205 Toronto , ON M4Y 1P9 Phone: (416) 921-2844 Toll Free: (800) 361-3881 Fax: (416) 921-3880 Marlene Jennings Web: Email: Constituency Office: 6332 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 204 Montreal (QC) H4B 1M7 Phone: (514) 489-8703 Fax: (514) 489-2806 Ottawa Office: House of Commons Ottawa , ON K1A 0A6 (3) write to CVT CVT Contact Information E-mail Toll-free 1-877-265-8775 Minneapolis Healing Center 717 East River Parkway Minneapolis, MN 55455 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2600 Directions to the Minneapolis Healing Center St. Paul Healing Center 649 Dayton Avenue St. Paul, MN 55104 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2604 Directions to the St. Paul Healing Center St. Paul Administration 2356 University Avenue West, Suite 430 St. Paul, MN 55114 Tel. 612.436.4800 Fax 612.436.2606 Washington, D.C. 1875 “I” Street NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel. 202.857.3284 Fax 202.429.9574 Sierra Leone 17 Sir Samuel Lewis Road Freetown Sierra Leone Tel. 232 (0) 797 47 456 232 (0) 778 44 458 Liberia 14th Street Sinkor Monrovia Republic of Liberia Tel. 231 (0) 6 442 376 231 (0) 6 587 349 Democratic Republic of Congo 418 Avenue Sapiniers (coin Neufliers) Quartier Bel Air, Lubumbashi Province du Katanga Democratic Republic of Congo Tel. 243 (0) 81 754 17 07 243 (0) 995 374 969
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3 Mar 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) From: Von Kidd Subject: Invite To Write Article To: Date: Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 10:38 AM In my being a member of political activist groups locally within the Freedom Movement, I have the aquaintance of some local people who are some of the movers and shakers in the movement. Some of them are aquaintances of national figures in the Freedom Movement. I have an opportunity to put together an article on organized stalking/harassment and the technology associated with it, including links to information about the technology as references. I already know of a handfull of good ones. I also want to include something from Derrick Robinson about his Ohio based, international human rights group, Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance, along with a link to it. The article will be posted in the anti-statist, pro human liberty Freedoms Phoenix online news portal, which has a national readership( I'm opening this up to input from the TIs on the list as to the better references to articles on the technology in general, particularly the ones that inflict physical pain. These I have absolutely no experience with as I'm not targeted by any of them. (I can sympathize with those who do, as I live with migraines. That is a pre-existing condition in my case.) Naturally we can't post anybody's personal story in the article as it should be direct and to the point, with the exception of some generalizations from some things us TIs have as common experience. There is no deadline and so no hurry, and it could be posted beforehand on these lists for some general approval before being submitted. Obviously not everyone will be happy with the result, as you can't please everyone, and this isn't supposed to be the "perfect" article. It's only meant to provide some good info and the links to resources for further reading. I can already overhear my perps crying tears of rage and bitterly complaining amongst themselves right now through V2K as I write this! ;) In Freedom and Liberty, Von Kidd (2) Reply from Congressman John Boozman February 26, 2009 Dear Mr. Dunlap, Thank you for contacting me to express your support for H.R. 984, the "State Secret Protection Act." It is always good to hear from you. As you know, H.R. 984 was introduced by Representative Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) on February 11, 2009. This legislation declares that in any civil action brought in federal or state court the government has a privilege to refuse to give evidence and to prevent any person from giving evidence only if the government shows that public disclosure of the evidence that its seeking to protect would be reasonably likely to cause significant harm to the national defense or the diplomatic relations of the United States. Further, it establishes procedures and a standard for assessing the privilege claim. Like you, I believe that the government has a responsibility to be open and transparent to the public. However, there are certainly times when it is necessary and appropriate to keep certain information classified. Please be assured that should H.R. 984 come to the floor of the House of Representatives for a vote, I will keep your thoughts in mind. Again, thank you for contacting me on this very important issue. Please be sure to visit our website at, where you can sign up for my weekly e-newsletter. I look forward to your continued correspondence. Sincerely, John Boozman Member of Congress (3) U.K./E.U. HUMANISTS: HEAD TO LONDON TO PROTEST RADIATION WEAPONS GET POLITICAL w / VIC LIVINGSTON British and E.U. ethical humanists, UNITE! Western European citizens who value human rights must turn out in force to protest this week's London conference of amoral scientists, militarists -- and, perhaps, some "new world order" political fascists -- who are pushing the global proliferation of silent,injury- and illness-inducing radiation weapons... armaments that already are widely deployed among security, intelligence and law enforcement personnel and their vigilante citizen operatives in industrialized nations throughout the world. If you harbor any doubts about the motives of an untamed "RAM" -- what we are dubbing the "Radiation Armaments Movement" -- just read this blurb from the U. S. military command, in support of Directed Energy Weapons 2009: Driving DEWs from the Laboratory to the Battlefield, a two-day seminar that convenes Thursday at London's historic Thistle Marble Arch Hotel: "Directed Energy offers promise as a transformational `game changer'in military operations, able to augment and improve operational capabilities in many areas." -- Dr. William Schneider, Defense Science Board Chairman, U.S.Department of Defense The speaker roster is laden with radiation weapons advocates from the United States and Canada, including: **Dr. J. Douglas Beason PhD, Associate Laboratory Director (Threat Reduction), Los Alamos National Laboratory **Dr. Spiro Lekoudis SES, Director of Weapons Systems in the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science & Technology), US Department of Defense **Colonel David Robie, Director, Directed Energy Task Force, U.S. Air Force **Dr. Greg Schneider, Director, NATO Research and Technology Agency **Dr. Benjamin Rockwell, Head of Laser Bio-Effects, US Air Force Research Laboratory **Dr. Jacques Dubois, Electro-Optic Warfare Section, Canadian Ministry of Defense **Susan Levine, Deputy Director, Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, U.S Department of Defense The use of the factually deceptive non sequitur "non-lethal"notwithstanding, those who devised the agenda are not unaware that their advocacy of radiation weapons proliferation carries ethical and moral ramifications. Hence, these program items: Directed Energy Bio-Effects: A Main Enabler To Directed Energy Weapons **Overview of effects on humans due to exposure from laser and high-powered microwaves **Understanding bio-effects as a crucial factor leading to policy approval of directed energy weapons **Policy restrictions due to human effects Another panel will examine the "legal implications" of radiation weapons (of course, the advocates never refer to "radiation" -- to them, it's always "laser weapons," or the euphemistically benign "directed energy weapons"). To underscore the point, consider these agenda items: Problems associated with the introduction of new concepts and technologies Utility of systems in real world conditions: The warfighter vs. the PhD Potential European limitations against the operational fielding of the Active Denial System (a battlefield "people-cooker" that causes severe pain by heating human flesh) Those who are concerned with human rights and what the conferees term the "bio-effects" of radiation weaponry should encourage journalists worldwide to seek to cover this conference from the inside -- and hopefully pose some penetrating questions to "D.E.W." proponents. If you are reading this in London, get on the horn to your local media, newspapers, internet and telly, and let them know about this event. But most important, human rights advocates should turn out in great numbers to line the streets in front of the hotel with signs and megaphones -- a vociferous protest against the proliferation of radiation weapons and the role of the U.S. military in advancing the deployment of what are truly "weapons of mass destruction"......weapons that should be banned outright by world governments as inhumane, a menace to civilian populations as well as to those who wield these hand-held moral equivalents of the atom bomb. Hopefully, British police and secretive international intelligence units will have the good sense and human decency not to silently "dose" protesters with radiation, as has been alleged to have happened in the United States. FOR MORE ON THE THREAT OF RADIATION WEAPONRY: LINK TO DIRECTED ENERGY CONFERENCE AGENDA: (4) Please continue to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA Attention: clerk offices 333 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89101 RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to and you are amending your criminal complaint to this case number and will testify to this matter that defendants in this case above has stop mr griffin/f.f.c.h.s in ever one from getting you protection and the proper medical attention you need and suspect in jail and prosecuted to the up most. united state district court district of Nevada motion to amend this complaint title 18sec 241,1959 violation case# 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 Yours Sincerely, xxxxxxxx v. DEPT OF JUSTICE,etl;al defendants TO THE HONORABLE JUDGE I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to and you are amending your criminal complaint to this case number and will testify to this matter that defendants in this case above has stop mr griffin/f.f.c.h.s in ever one from getting you protection and the proper medical attention you need and suspect in jail and prosecuted to the up most. (5) MIND READING and NEUROSCIENCE on CBS 60 minutes by Leslie Stahl (6) Space Warfare Technology From: Matthew Hoey [] Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 9:14 AM To: Boblevin.writer Subject: Space Warfare Technology Dear Colleague, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists recently published my article titled "The proliferation of space warfare technology." I thought that it would perhaps be of interest to you. The article can be found at the following link: re-technology With best wishes, Matthew Hoey Military Space Transparency Project Web: Email: Office: 617.942.2145 Cell: 617.953.1305 (7) Switzerland Walter Madliger, and UK John Allman will have speech at the 5th European Symposium on Non-lethal Weapons,May 11-13 2009 in Ettlingen, Germany.
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23 Feb 2009 Mailteam works--victims work trends (1) (2) The National Academies of Science released an almost 300 page report that was produced following a two year study into the inconsistencies of CSIs and crime labs. There is no standardized accreditation process and the system is defective with innocent people have been sent to prison. Other MK-ULTRA links (3) Dear all, Please write letters to support Mr. Eric Griffin's court case (1) For non victims UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I, ____________am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to. Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you. _____________________ date__________,2009 (2) For victims UNITED STATES COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RE: case no. 2:08-00303 RCJ-GWF CA9 08-16259 I,_________ am writing this letter in support of Eric Griffin, as I am also a victim of this ongoing torture. Eric is working diligently with Freedom From Covert Harassment & Surveillance to get the assistance of the authorities and to hopefully bring an end to the many atrocities that so many innocent people have fallen victim to. Please take into consideration all that Mr. Griffin might bring to the attention of this court, as it is imperative that this situation be addressed accordingly. Thank you. _____________________ date__________,2009 Here is the version for t'i, this case is a criminal matter and civil you may use this case number to amend your criminal complaint under the Rico act victim in this case is asking all other victims to amend there criminal complaint in this court as well as support letter listed below, make sure when you file your complaint that you state on the top of your of your letter criminal complaint to be amended to case number above. (4) Please Write to the following:-rick bourcher Washington D.C. 2187 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 202-225-3861 202-225-0442(fax) E-MAIL TAMMY MADISON OFFICE 10 East Doty Street, Suite 405 Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (608) 258-9800 (608) 258-9808 Fax BELOIT OFFICE 400 E. Grand Ave, Suite 402 Beloit, WI 53511 (608) 362-2800 (608) 362-2838 Fax WASHINGTON OFFICE 2446 Rayburn Building Washington DC 20515 (202) 225-2906 (202) 225-6942 Fax (5) Act now. Ask your representative to co-sponsor the State Secrets Protection Act of 2009. For those who have had their attempts at justice stymied by improper claims of “state secrets,” this bill could prop open the courthouse doors once again and put us on the right path towards restoring justice. Take action to restore justice by sending the message below to your members of Congress. Please feel free to add your own words below. (6) Mara Wrote: Ramona Lopez is a ti, she left me a message in my answering machine, I sent this recording to Derrick Robinson from Freedomfrom covert harassment, I hope she got help, here's the link, please listen: (7) Another two websites which can contact Mr. Obama and You can sign up these two websites. and search Mr. Barack Obama, you will find his webpages. Leave an comment or write to him. A new website from Mr. Obama "My administration has created, a new website where citizens can track every dollar spent and every job created. We'll invite you and your neighbors to weigh in with comments and questions. Our progress will also be measured by the tens of thousands of personal stories submitted by people who are struggling to make ends meet. If you haven't already, you can read stories from families all across the country:" (8)Sign the Petition "Have A Prosecution Commision, And We'll Get The Truth Too." (9) Contact Captain Robert Wamsley Please write brief of your case summary of mind control abuse and torture to support Mr. Eric's complaint. Robert Wamsley Addah Moritz-Smith 2009/2/23 Robert Wamsley Dear Mr. Griffin, We will not be sending an officer to your residence to take a report on this matter. You are claiming that in your current location you are a victim and indeed in danger. I will not request an HPD officer meet with anyone in a climate where they themselves are claiming they are not safe. The email correspondence you insist upon has not been productive. Please feel free to respond to any of the Henderson Police facilities and file a report with the desk officer. In the future if you feel that you are in immediate danger feel free to contact 911. If you do feel that you are in imminent danger please bring any and all relevant evidence and suspect information you have reference your case and contact the desk officer at any of the following locations; 223 Lead Street – Main Police Station. Green Valley Parkway and Benji – West Police Sub-station Sunset and Ward – North Police Sub-station Again, Mr. Griffin, I want to point out that the allegations you make are not cases a local municipality works or has the equipment to work and just because Harry Reid and the FBI refer you to us does not mean that we can or have the means to purchase special equipment just to work your case. However if you feel you are in harms way and are a victim we are definitely concerned with the welfare of our citizens. Further more contacting the city, myself, or your congressman will not move your cause any faster so please feel free to follow my aforementioned instruction if you wish to pursue this matter for investigation. Sincerely From: Robert Wamsley Subject: RE: when do you want your officer to come test To: Cc: "Addah Moritz-Smith" Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:05 PM Dear Mr. Griffin, Sorry I have not been able to get back to you sooner. I cannot send an officer by your residence to conduct such tests. As you know we are a local municipality and do not have the means of doing such testing and investigations. I can forward your email to the FBI or the CIA if you like and perhaps they can assist you or you can contact them yourself. This is the first I have heard of these secret weapons and these suspicious deaths and must refer jurisdiction of the matter to a federal level. Please contact them if you prefer to pursue the matter. Sincerely From: ERIC GRIFFIN [] Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2009 3:44 PM To: Robert Wamsley Cc:; Addah Moritz-Smith;;;;;;;;;; Anthony D. Romero ACLU Subject: when do you want your officer to come test Dear Mr Wamsley i Eric Griffin is asking that you test me for these illegal weapon being used on me against my will which is a high crime being done in the city of henderson, again due to the fact my emails do get tampered with all the time, and since i have not had your officer come by and test for these illegel weapon like in the james walbert case in case so that you be able to use as evidence to arrest suspect and better protect the rest of the citizen of henderson. my lawyer will be waiting for your called to get this done right away. thank you very much sir MR. ERIC GRIFFIN From: Subject: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc: Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 8:06 AM Dear Mr, Griffin, Thank you for the information. It was passed on to our Homicide Unit to look into however they were not able to find cases on the two names you provided. They will send that information out to other agencies. Feel free to contact the Police Department in the future if you have any further information by calling 311 instead of using the City Comcate System. This will allow you a more prompt response from the Police Department. Sincerely, Captain Robert Wamsley From: ERIC GRIFFIN Subject: Fw: RE: your request to the City of Henderson To: Cc:,,, Date: Tuesday, January 6, 2009, 10:08 AM Dear Sirs, I am merely trying to bring to your attention the "nature" of many of the crimes that are being committed right under your noses. There are currently some very dangerous weapons that are being circulated around within many of our cities. These have given the perpetrators the feeling of having stumbled onto God-like powers, as they allow them to hide and work from another remote location. What the authorities MUST understand, is that many deaths are related to the use of these weapons, thus these perpetrators have been getting away with murder. There are specific instruments that can be used to test the individuals (targets) and even their environment, which can show the specific "energy related" abnormalities. But, the main issue, is that unless we take notice of the many complaints made by the victims, we are ignoring a very serious problem that is becoming more wide spread. We only ask that the authorities thoroughly investigate these complaints to assist in bringing resolve. Thank you for your consideration in this very urgent matter. Eric Griffin (10) Please Write to Steven G. Thornton District Director Congressman Gary G. Miller 42nd District, California 1800 East Lambert Road Suite 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 (714) 257-9242 Fax FROM: WWW.ROB-PROFILE.COM August 16, 2007 (RESUBMIT WITH CURRENT DATA FEBRUARY 2009) THE FORMAL LETTER SIGNED BY CONGRESSMAN GARY G. MILLER WAS RECEIVED TODAY. DIRECTIONS AND INFORMATION ARE EXPLICIT. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE BEEN WORKING FOR ON BEHALF OF ALL. I HAVE RECEIVED MANY MESSAGES BY MANY PROCEDURES THAT INDICATE THE DIRECTIVES ARE EXPLICIT AND SUCCESSFUL. IN ADDITION TO HOMELAND SECURITIES AND THE FBI, THE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HAS BEEN IN CONTACT WITH THIS REPORT. ON BEHALF OF MY FAMILY, OTHER VICTIMS AND THE PEOPLE IN GENERAL, I WILL AWAIT APPROPRIATE PROCEDURES AND PRAY THAT THEY ARE HONEST AND OPEN, REGARDLESS OF STANDARD PAST COVERT REACTIONS. QUOTE FROM Senator John C. Danforth: "It is important for all of us in Congress, the media and the public to acknowledge our own responsibilities for the lack of openness we lament in government. When public officials fear that the disclosure of their mistakes would lead to personal humiliation and professional ruin, it is understandable if they prefer concealment to candor." WE CAN NO LONGER AFFORD AVOIDANCE OF THESE CONFIRMED ISSUES. OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON PROPER REPRESENTATION FROM THOSE WHOM WE TRUST AND PAY TAXES. I ASSURE CLOSURE AND PROPER PUBLICITY. AUGUST 14th, 2007: Mr. Butner, At your request I have initiated an inquiry into your concerns with regard to electronic surveillance. I have contacted both the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. It will take sometime to receive a reply back from these agencies. You should be receiving a letter in the mail stating that I have initiated an inquiry All the best, Steve Steven G. Thornton District Director Congressman Gary G. Miller 42nd District, California 1800 East Lambert Road Suite 150 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 257-1142 (714) 257-9242 Fax PURPOSE: Respectfully, this is an authorization in compliance with the Privacy Act for assistance of Congressman Miller to obtain answer and/or assistance from the FBI and Homeland Securities into the situation concerning the case of Robert O. Butner Jr. as indicated with the UPDATED AUGUST, 2007 (RESUBMIT February 17, 2009) contents of report entitled: ELECTRONIC SURVEILLANCE, EXTREME ABUSE of TECHNOLOGY, SECURITIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS. This report can be accessed on website The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Homeland Securities are requested to ANSWER DIRECTLY to Congressman Miller concerning the aspects of this case situation and status. Congressman Miller will intern ANSWER IN WRITING the details from the FBI and Homeland Securities to Robert O. Butner Jr. If the answer is composed of legal statutes such as ‘secrecy in the interest of the people’, the statutes are requested from the FBI and Homeland Securities and will be honored. At least this type professional acknowledgment, from people we pay taxes, will provide some piece and pursuit of happiness to the family of Robert Butner, on behalf of the people. Otherwise his attempted plea for assistance will continue with the web site report inclusive of extremely high statistics and publication. Personal interviews and detection tests are authorized. (IMPORTANT: Respectfully, this is a call for ASSISTANCE PER THE UPDATED REPORT – AUGUST, 2007 (February 17, 2009) (not prior). THE REFERENCED FBI CASE NUMBERS ARE OUTDATED AND DO NOT REFER TO THIS UPDATED REPORT. Mr. Butner has retired and had no previous time for the consuming editing and preparation of his report. Robert Butner has no criminal record prior to and after initiation of this situation and no history of mental incompetence or inventing reports. As referenced by Mr. Steve Thornton of Congressman Miller’s office, he does understand the point that Mr. Butner is making on his web site report. However since the report is a full case history with substantial information, BULLET POINTING main concerns as follows as been requested: v Electronic surveillance capabilities, extreme abuse of technology, securities and human rights. v The evidence submitted speaks for itself; However, I wish to testify also, as a victim and eye-witness to the atrocities of these "secret" technologies. v Specifically, I am concerned about SATELLITE - MICROWAVE, ELECTROMAGNETIC ‘TYPE’, NEUROLOGICAL CAPABILITIES AND TO WHOSE HANDS THEY HAVE FALLEN INTO. v CERTAIN COVERT GROUPS that have access to this equipment ARE NOT SATISFIED with surveillance capabilities only. v In some cases, Targeted Individuals SUCH AS ME are SUBJECTED TO DIRECT FREQUENCIES THAT ARE SO EXPLICIT AND TORTUROUS THAT THEY ARE AUDIBLY AND VISUALLY APPARENT. v IN ADDITION, other symptoms are as follows: Audible sounds such as hissing, buzzing, clicking, ringing, "beyond normal", and very distinct frequency "changing sounds" (to the point of ear aches). Professionals will identify with this explanation, i.e. beyond normal ringing is associated with certain radio wave and clicking with microwave. Also, sounds such as standing near high power lines. Holography - Eyes open and closed. Sensations of heat and cold. Manipulation of sense of touch. Various parts of the body can be made to tingle, or become numb. Frequent pain: abdominal, headaches, earaches and a stinging or straining of the eyes. These can linger for several hours or come and go in a minute's time. Sleep deprivation, or the feeling of being "wired instead of gaining rest." (THIS ONE IS MAJOR AND CREATES MANY OTHER OBVIOUS PROBLEMS). Very vivid dreams and nightmares (very distinct from your own). Memory and concentration are severely affected. Control of emotional states, i.e., feelings of anger, anxiety, lethargy, peace, exhilaration, etc. "Infuriation is experienced and obviously expected." I KNOW HOW MY PERPETRATORS USE THIS EQUIPMENT VERY EMPHATICALLY. IMAGINE HOW AN Al-Qaeda NETWORK COULD USE THIS TECHNOLOGY ALSO! WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DO TO RECEIVE PROPER ATTENTION AND HELP? WHAT CHANCES DO WE WISH TO TAKE? Sincerely, Robert O. Butner Jr. August 8th, 2007 REISSUE February 17, 2009 (11) Letter from HARRY REID,United States Senator,Nevada From: Date: Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:08 PM Subject: Correspondence from Senator Reid To: February 23, 2009 Mr. Eric Griffin Henderson, Nevada 89014-3899 Dear Mr. Griffin: Thank you for contacting me. It is good to hear from you, although I regret to learn of the difficulty you have experienced. During my time in Washington, I have remained committed to making Nevada a better, safer place to live, and you can be assured that I am sensitive to your concerns. In the meantime, if you believe that a crime has been committed under the Nevada Revised Statute's prohibitions against harassment, please contact your local police department. Henderson Police Department 223 Lead St. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 267-5050 Emergency: 911 Also, if you have not already done so, you may wish to consult the advice of a lawyer about whether you have some other remedy available to you. Clark County Legal Services provides legal assistance free of charge and can be reached at: Clark County Legal Services 800 South Eighth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 (702) 386-1070 Additionally, the Nevada Bar can refer you to a licensed Nevada attorney who has expertise in the area in which you need help. You can reach them at (702) 382-0504 or through their website at Again, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I hope that this information is helpful and that you will not hesitate to contact me if you feel I can be of further assistance to you. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. My best wishes to you. Sincerely, HARRY REID United States Senator Nevada HR:cs
Read more… ongoing nonconsensual human experimentations ! Bring human rights abusers to justiceJuly 03, 2003Dear Mr. Ramcharan,I , a victim of the nonconsensual human experimentation, mind control, international torture, organized crime, public stalking , government frauds, white collar crime, microwave abuse, and satellite harassment, am writing to you inspired by your speech on the united nations international day in support of victims of torture to bring your attention to help me by taking the immediate action to stop an ongoing international human rights abuse crime and save my life out of the hands of murderers.My persecutors are Motorola, Motorola related gangsters, Motorola's international shareholders, U.S President George W. Bush, Chinese president Jingtao Hu, U.S. and Chinese government.This crime has been going on for more than 3 years. The evolution of this crime is astonishing. I was labeled as "mentally disabled" at the beginning of the crime for being panic for hearing "non-existing" voice and "imagine" my home phone's 911 service was blocked. From then on, I am treated as not being eligible to claim my victimization and asking for protection.To protect myself and save my life, I keep on running to the local police, FBI, EEOC, DOJ, Motorola and even Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C. for help. But I am not able to get the help I need. Alone with the government frauds, white collar crimes of Motorola, political games, and the involvement of gangsters, my situation gets worse and worse. From a victim of work place violation, sexual harassment, an involuntary nonconsensual human experimentation object for Motorola and U. S. government, I even become the "lab animal" of my home country - Chinese government after my visit to the Chinese embassy in D.C for asking help. My victimization is then added more features of overtly life threatening personal persecutions, international torture and gangster related international conspiracy. My victimization and the termination of my victimization become a polictical game between Chinese and U.S presidents.Motorola as the major persecutor of mine plays the important role of conducting human experimentation, human rights abuse and conspiracy. No matter what I do, where I go, Motorola and Motorola related people are always major part of this crime. They overtly insult the rightoues of the society and present themselves as someone beyond the regulation of law.I am illegally radiated by microwave for unconsensual human experimentations and persecution purpose. Especially during nighttime, my physical wellness is completely threatened by the invisible harmful and even lethal microwave for murder and torture purpose. My brain is also illegally used to provide energy towards other brains and even used as a toy to play mind game.My life is being taken away daily by the invisible microwave radiation. My intention and any effort to bring these criminals to justice and the progress of the human experimentation are the major driving forces of conducting murder on me.For more than 3 years, I am illegally high-tech stalked. I am under an involuntarily and comprehensive surveillance and even been video taped all day long. My physical activities are watched , there is no single moment of privacy available. The malicious and intrusive comments are broadcasted to the public. My whole life environment is manipulated and controlled - including my cellular, my phone, my car, my laptop, my digital camera, my bank account, my credit history, my mail, my email, my camcoder, my room, my gym membership, the pictures I took and even my online activities. As a pleasure, my persecutors make every possible moment of my daily life a hard time.The illegally collected personal information of mine is complete controlled, manipulated and even used for commercial purpose. In order to prevent me from getting support and protection, my persecutors constantly step into my career, my personal life, my family, friend circle and even the churches I visited. They illegally present their victim - me to people for the purpose of discredit my ability to report this crime and request protection and personal persecution. The witnesses of this crime are controlled, threatened and even abused to prevent them from helping me. Under the cover of government frauds, conspiracy and white collar crime, everything is made "not" provable to me.A recently appeared false identity evokes more and more conspiracy and human relationship scenes to mislead the public. She is expected to play an role to cover for government frauds, complicate my situation and replace me as the victim.Among the verbal harass, intentional mental attack, unbearable stalking behavior of mental sick persons, physical microwave abuse, mind control is the hardest part of my survival. It takes me a long time to realize I am mind controlled. Besides the physical (especially brain) discomfort, I am also emotionally affected in a malicious way. My persecutors could choose anytime to use microwave to emotionally and functionally harass me, disturb my sleep, invoke dream for "testing love", make me extremely sleepy during driving, cannot read, concentrate and think. Lack of enough knowledge of mind control, and not be able to get the assistant from the witnesses, I can hardly be able to protect myself out of the radiation of microwave operated by multiple satellites.My body is also subject to microwave radiation for cancer related and other unknown experimentations, torture and personal persecution purpose. My biological activities are also controlled. The painful experience of microwave abuse makes me even do not want to rethink about it any more.To terminate my victimization requires no more than the permission of providing legal protection towards me. It requires an effective international legal action in against of human right abuse, bring at large criminals and murders to justice, control organized crime, combat government frauds and white collar crimes conducted by Motorola and the gangster involved international conspiracy.I, a homeless international "lab animal", a so-called "mentally disabled" woman for claiming her victimization, helpless and powerless, struggling for saving my life in against of government crimes and gangster involved the international conspiracies, strengthened by the public support, am here to ask you to take the leadership of an public participated and monitored international action from a law enforcement point of view to provide legal protection towards me and look into this international human rights abuse crime.Please help me to take effective and immediate action to investigate and stop any ongoing human experimentations that have being conducted on me. Ban the illegal mind control and satellite harassment. Arrest my direct personal persecutors - HongMin Yu, Jeff Jones, Jessie Zhang, Yuping Wang, Dave Wisti and Christopher Gavin. Protect the witnesses. Call on an investigation independent of Motorola international shareholders, gangsters, U.S. and Chinese government in support of the international human rights. Provide support for the freedom of press. Open the opportunity for public media to participate. Bring the human rights abusers to justice through a public trail.I am looking forward to hearing from you !Sincerely,Zhengrong Li* Click here for more information* To the Top/Sign Petition* Email this petition to your friendsNote: This147 12:47 pm PST, Feb 6 Anonymous United States146 12:35 pm PST, Jan 27 Jennifer Lichy United States145 12:01 pm PST, Jan 26 denise s.pompl United States144 5:57 am PST, Jan 26 Anonymous United States143 9:40 am PST, Jan 25 A.Karoline Fuchs Austria142 9:02 am PST, Jan 24 kevin fowler United States141 7:26 am PST, Jan 24 James Graf United States140 7:19 am PST, Jan 24 Anonymous United States139 12:47 am PST, Jan 24 James M. Vierling Jr. United States138 9:35 pm PST, Jan 23 Carl Sperr United States137 8:17 pm PST, Jan 23 Terry Parker Jr. Canada136 2:24 pm PST, Jan 23 Anti Nazi Zambia135 1:51 pm PST, Jan 23 Peter Rosenholm United States134 1:36 pm PST, Jan 23 Anonymous United States133 8:43 am PST, Jan 23 Deborah Lamb United States132 8:42 am PST, Jan 23 John Mecca United States131 5:48 am PST, Jan 23 Galina Kurdina Canada130 9:39 pm PST, Jan 22 Valerie Gilliam United States129 8:36 pm PST, Jan 22 ERIC GRIFFIN United States128 4:43 am PDT, Sep 15 Sarah Bourke Australia127 3:06 pm PDT, Sep 13 Don j. Brown United States126 3:02 am PDT, Aug 10 adam sanchez United States125 7:36 pm PDT, May 19 Anonymous United States124 2:42 am PDT, Apr 28 Anonymous Poland123 11:34 am PDT, Apr 6 Laurel Watson United States122 1:46 pm PDT, Mar 13 Etienne Parent Canada121 4:25 pm PST, Feb 28 Homer Goodall, Jr United States120 1:03 pm PST, Feb 6 Anton Oscar Iorga Canada119 10:04 am PST, Jan 31 Barbara Scis United States118 7:23 am PST, Jan 30 Victoria Mary Stong / myMOMletDR'sdothistome! United States117 2:08 pm PST, Jan 23 Anonymous Russian Federation116 6:31 pm PST, Jan 7 Brent K Krieger (victim) United States115 1:00 pm PDT, Sep 26 James F. Marino United States114 9:46 am PDT, Sep 12 Jody M. Smith United States113 1:19 pm PDT, Jul 8 Bennie Vorster South Africa112 7:29 am PDT, Jul 2 Juliet Perrin United States111 5:18 am PDT, May 29 Anonymous United States110 11:18 am PDT, May 13 Gerry Duffett Canada109 9:40 pm PDT, May 10 Anonymous Australia108 7:27 pm PDT, May 7 Robert Brown United States107 4:12 pm PDT, Apr 8 Anonymous United States106 12:30 am PDT, Apr 8 M Neves Portugal105 9:39 am PDT, Apr 4 GREG FAMINE United States104 9:10 am PDT, Mar 29 Zorina Huestis United States103 1:03 pm PDT, Mar 22 SEAN LEE United States102 4:40 am PDT, Mar 11 Linda Michelle Lalla United States101 6:35 am PST, Mar 8 Jay Mick United States100 10:26 am PST, Feb 26 Roman Soiko United States99 1:03 am PST, Feb 25 john finch Australia98 2:10 pm PST, Feb 11 Anonymous United States97 9:29 pm PST, Feb 2 Raj Dubey Singapore96 9:21 am PST, Jan 24 Anonymous United States95 3:11 pm PST, Jan 4 israel streetman United States94 3:10 pm PST, Jan 1 Danille Baptista United States93 4:23 pm PST, Dec 19 Anonymous Argentina92 8:32 am PST, Dec 13 Anonymous United States91 7:25 pm PST, Nov 26 Anonymous United States90 5:39 pm PDT, Oct 25 Douglas A. Huntley II United States88 3:07 am PDT, Aug 16 Tamara Josey United States87 12:06 am PDT, Jul 29 KARLA GLOOR United States86 8:59 am PDT, Jun 2 fox mulder United States85 8:51 am PDT, Jun 2 Dana Scully United States84 5:46 am PDT, May 31 WYF ? Tanzania, United Republic Of83 3:42 am PDT, May 29 Patrick harrington United States82 3:41 pm PDT, May 28 David Duke United States81 11:38 am PDT, May 28 Eward J Zander, Ceo of Motorola United States80 12:25 am PDT, May 28 take some Haldol China79 3:15 am PDT, May 27 Steve Klein Canada78 10:40 pm PDT, May 16 special agent michael bray United States77 7:33 am PDT, May 12 Toni Sokoloski United States76 7:54 am PDT, May 7 stephanie lessard United States75 10:25 am PDT, May 4 shane pimental United States74 4:12 am PDT, Apr 13 Thomas Pirovano Switzerland73 8:58 pm PDT, Apr 10 Robert F. Schuler United States72 12:54 am PST, Mar 20 this is bullshit Zambia71 3:53 pm PST, Mar 12 Adam Danischewski United States70 4:15 am PST, Feb 16 Karlheinz Croissant Germany69 2:31 pm PST, Feb 10 Wendy Horn United States68 4:40 am PST, Feb 10 Anonymous Albania67 4:05 am PST, Feb 10 John Davenport Italy66 6:53 pm PST, Jan 27 Danuta Zielinska United States65 11:51 am PST, Dec 29 Rebecca R. Fenton United States64 12:46 am PST, Dec 10 Kenneth Morris Wilbourne,Jr. United States63 8:09 pm PST, Nov 21 Dean Ray Canada62 8:50 pm PST, Nov 16 Paul R.Nash Australia61 10:26 am PDT, Oct 16 J. Patel United States60 7:07 am PDT, Oct 15 patricia przybysz United States58 2:03 pm PDT, Sep 1 Anonymous United States57 11:22 am PDT, Aug 2 James F. Marino United States56 3:10 am PDT, Jul 10 Carla Marmolejo United States55 8:59 pm PDT, May 5 Peter Ubides United States54 8:46 pm PST, Mar 13 Kevin G Myers United States53 12:18 pm PST, Feb 15 Samara Hesemann Italy52 5:27 am PST, Jan 31 petrit demo Albania51 12:50 pm PST, Jan 26 Jeff Jones United States50 11:44 pm PST, Dec 12 todd hurst United States49 4:29 pm PST, Nov 23 Sheri Grutz United States48 11:49 am PST, Nov 23 Hailen Li United States47 7:27 am PST, Nov 19 Anonymous United States46 11:00 pm PST, Nov 9 Anonymous Greece45 7:34 pm PDT, Oct 4 Kyeong-guk Ha Korea, Republic Of44 7:27 pm PDT, Aug 26 mayra A United States43 7:27 am PDT, Aug 12 RICHARD O'HERRON United States42 1:57 pm PDT, Jun 26 Anonymous United States41 12:33 pm PDT, May 24 Ken Lee United States40 10:58 am PDT, May 10 Anonymous United States39 12:21 pm PDT, Apr 17 Richard Larkinson United Kingdom38 2:36 pm PST, Mar 8 Ula Longtin United States37 6:54 pm PST, Feb 15 Felipe Roche United States36 10:26 am PST, Feb 1 Walter Stanley Tribe of S 2-1-04 United States35 2:44 pm PST, Jan 31 Duane A. Keefner United States34 12:33 am PST, Jan 23 U.R. Anidiot United States32 7:51 am PST, Dec 28 Anonymous United States31 7:12 pm PST, Dec 22 Benjamin Brown United States30 11:16 am PST, Nov 13 Heidi Braymiller United States29 6:05 pm PDT, Oct 25 Russel Baker United States27 12:42 pm PDT, Oct 2 Anonymous United States26 11:21 am PDT, Sep 21 Anonymous United States25 1:49 pm PDT, Sep 19 Ron Weber United States24 7:23 am PDT, Sep 18 Yee Ling Singapore23 3:11 pm PDT, Sep 17 Brian Gilmore United States22 7:16 pm PDT, Sep 16 Sarah Nelson United States21 1:32 pm PDT, Sep 16 mary dewaters United States20 6:48 am PDT, Aug 29 John M. Brown United States19 3:02 am PDT, Aug 29 Ray Hecht United States18 11:28 am PDT, Aug 10 Vickie Taylor United States17 10:08 am PDT, Aug 7 Anonymous United States16 3:01 pm PDT, Aug 4 Stefni J. Dusterwald United States15 4:37 pm PDT, Aug 3 Anonymous United States14 5:12 pm PDT, Aug 1 Anonymous United States13 7:13 am PDT, Aug 1 Pure Nonsense United States Minor Outlying Islands12 2:23 pm PDT, Jul 31 Kelly Taylor United States11 10:10 pm PDT, Jul 28 Lisa Li United States10 8:46 pm PDT, Jul 28 Anonymous Korea, Republic Of9 11:13 am PDT, Jul 23 Michael Hanna United States8 6:55 pm PDT, Jul 22 Elizabeth Tudor United States7 5:14 pm PDT, Jul 22 Richard Oldham United States6 4:32 pm PDT, Jul 22 Tom McClelland United States5 4:20 pm PDT, Jul 22 David Beauchamp United States4 11:51 am PDT, Jul 22 Sharon Anne Goodner United States3 11:51 am PDT, Jul 22 Larry Whitsitt United States2 11:34 am PDT, Jul 22 Anonymous Sweden1 4:33 pm PDT, Jul 13 James Henry Graf United States
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USA torture Testimonial from Denise Myles from Swansee Illinois-Naar st. Louis Human Rights violation from Directed Energy Weapons.Stalking is a Crime. is the telecommunications satellite companyresponsible for the infared interface from 22,000 feet aboveTorture via Directed Energy weapons must stop ASAP. The NSA/DoD of the United States has a contract with Intelsat and has interfaced the DARPA network with the satellites to interface with all living creatures. These satellites must be de-orbited ASAP. Prof Larson from Georgetown University is the Director of Ethics of Weapons in Space. He has already met with the DoD/NSA as well as with Thise technology must be destroyed.. all 200 satellites must be de-orbited ASAP and torture must be stopped worldwide from this technology. No one person is responsible and it is something that is under Supercomputer control similar to the "Big Blue" supercomputers what won against the LATE Bobby Fischer.. but much much more sophisticated and a database storage system much more advanced.udible Torture Testimony of "Sara Potter" inside USA- tortured by Josef Mengele himself in 1958 in Roswell Georgia near Atlanta

Sara testified in 1977 and worked with Congress to shut the MK ultra program down in 1977. She is in a banned US Book called "A nation Betrayed" by Carol Rutz. It does not even show up in Boarders on the computer as being a book. The Torture of "Tara Potter" in the US CIA MK Ultra Program inside the United States By Josef Mengele himself.She was an early brain implant for controlShe was present the day John F. Kennedy was murdered in Dallas.George Herbert Walker Bush was there (AKA George H. Scherf) and Josef Mengele was there the day JFK was murdered."Sara Potter" was a conjoined multiple twin- one of 5 twins that was taken from the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN and separated by Josef Mengele himself.She was kept as a pet of Josef Mengele and pain tortured as well as raped from her earliest memories of 3 years of age.She also was pain and fear brainwashed.She was friends with Lee Harvey Oswald. Lee Harvey Oswald was also tortured."Sara Potter" was given the names of the victims of Josef Mengele that were totrured to death... she has no identity... and has been abused her entire life."Sara Potter" is in a book called "A Nation Betrayed" by Carol Rutz. She assisted to shut the MK ultra program down in Montreal in 1977. It just went farther underground since 1977. message was sent with High importance.To:,,,,,,,, "Holiness pope" ,,,,,,, "International world criminal court" ,,,,,,,,,,,, usunpublicaffairs@state.govCC:Subject: Tortrue Testimonial for Denise from Illinois Human Rights Violation adn crimes against humanity. Fw: Voice Message (206-202-1234)Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2008 10:40:58 -0500Show Full Headers Back To [SENT]USA torture Testimonial fromUSA torture Testimonial from Denise Myles from Swansee Illinois-Naar st. Louis Human Rights violation from Directed Energy Weapons.Stalking is a Crime. is the telecommunications satellite companyresponsible for the infared interface from 22,000 feet aboveTorture via Directed Energy weapons must stop ASAP. The NSA/DoD of the United States has a contract with Intelsat and has interfaced the DARPA network with the satellites to interface with all living creatures. These satellites must be de-orbited ASAP. Prof Larson from Georgetown University is the Director of Ethics of Weapons in Space. He has already met with the DoD/NSA as well as with Thise technology must be destroyed.. all 200 satellites must be de-orbited ASAP and torture must be stopped worldwide from this technology. No one person is responsible and it is something that is under Supercomputer control similar to the "Big Blue" supercomputers what won against the LATE Bobby Fischer.. but much much more sophisticated and a database storage system much more advanced."Ye shall know the truth and the Truth shall set you free" Jesus ChristDecember 26th 2004 in Indonesia a most horrible event took Place. Diego Garcia was unharmed- a joint military base in the Indian Ocean run by the USA/Britian. I Contacted Prof Whiteford from New Brunswick January 9th 2005.. I knew there was no precurser eathqakes to the Indonesian Tsunami ecept one that was a 9.0 about a week prior in the North Pole under the polar ice caps. My nickname on Craigslist was morpheusjr in 2004. Whiteford mailed me this around January 15th 2005. Whiteford from New Brunswick Canada and I spoke and he said High Probability of a "Project Seal" event in Indonesia. So who profitted? The ones that had the money of those who died in the bank. Follow the money trail as to who took control of those peoples bank accounts."Just say no to fascism, communism"start.jpg Robert Buckman of Naperville Illinois and Traverse City Michigan is the "Poisoner". He introduces himself as that when you meet him and laughs. He attends St. Thomas Catholic Church in Naperville and has a son in Elgin Illinois. <>l_6b2fe74ffb78bb866662a58614d7d8c6.jpg"Just say no to fascism, communism"start.jpg ABC News- Morgellon's disease from Chemtrails- NATO/USA NSA is doing this to the world.

Chemtrail support forumChase Manhattan Bank knows about the massive murder inside the USA and has justified that this has been taking place and that they can take the accounts and assets of those murdered. They are guilty of massive crimes against humanity. Oak Park Chase Manhattan Bank was taken over by Blackwater on November 11th 2006 and they have video tapes of this. There needs to be an international investigation and the tellers, and illegal taking over of the baNK Branch on Lake street in Oak Park Illinois needs tob e investigated. Murder and attempted murder have no stature of limitation.Again Chase Manhattan bank from Elgin Illinois has confirmed that massive amounts of people are dead and an employee by the Name of Doug in Elgin Illinois justified the murder of peace, truth, and justice people worldwide. Chase Manhattan Bank and it's executive staff are guilty of crimes against humanity.Any more murder inside the USA or world can be directly linked to Chase Manhattan Bank and the current administration. "Thou shall not steal"

Chemtrails Support Forum

NASA photo of chemtrails over the USA and world

Karl Rove, George W Bush, Jeb Bush, Wolfowitz, Denis Hastert, William J Rigby, Richard Chenev are responsible for the massive poison on America chem20-large.jpg Petition to stop Chemtrailing and poisoning the world by NATO/NSA/ US DoD

HAARP Fluxgate Magnetometer

Hurricane Fay created on 08/05/2008 by the HAARP in Alaska
Many died on Sanibel Island, Captiva Island..Fort Myers, and all of Florida.. after.. hurricane Charley.. and they were not given food, water, and starved out.. murdered.. As accounts here in Florida have been reported from eye witnesses. A terrible crime against humanity took place there.

Now in Florida they say that if you do not have a special"pass" or "ID" you will not be allowed in your home. A state Id or driver's license should be good enough to return home

Google Patent 4686605

Google Bernard Eastlund Weather

- Invented in TEXAS... of all places.. on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or PunishmentAdopted by United Nations General Assembly resolution 3452 (XXX) of 9 December 1975If the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand did not happen WWI and WWII would never have been. Chemtrails over Michigan, TN, Georgia, NJ, Illinois.. and all of the USA as well as the world need to stop ASAP. The following individuals will be held accountable for all kidney failures, liver failures, strokes, heart attacks, cancer unless they stop NOW in the criminal coure of justice. STOP THE POSION of chemtrails. http://www.carnicom.comChemtrails cause kidney failure and the health insurance industry run by Daniel Rigby, Ryan Rigby, through Denis Hastert and William J Rigby have profitted off of those surguries. J Rigby is repsonsible for this: William J Rigby has threatened since 1998 to murder me and threatened to murder my entire family or have me or my entire family murdered. Dr Robert Buckman of Naperville Illinois introduces himself as the "poisoner". He will openly admit that he "poisons" people to treat them. Dr. Bob Buckman provides the drugs to William J Rigby that he uses to insert into food to murder those who diagree with him. Joe Sullivan is dead and was William J. Rigby's associate at Vigoro Corporation. His son Daniel Rigby as well as his other son Ryan Rigby also have threatened my life. Lori Palmer Rigby is also involved and Ryan Rigby and Lori Palmer Rigby live in White Eagle in Aurora Illinois- Near Denis Hastert who is the ex speaker of the US House. White Eagle is in Both Aurora Illinois and Naperville Illinois, depending on what phone book you happen to pick up. Mike Keck and Page Flemming (Keck) Live in Eagle River Wisconsin and are fully aware of the torture the Rigby's commit. Mike Keck is a Radio Announcer for a local Radio Station.

US Rep. Jim Guest Letter regarding Directed Energy Weapons US Rep. Jim Guest Letter regarding Directed Energy Weapons of Torture.

Karl Rove, George W. Bush, George H. Bush, Richard Cheney, Rumsfeld and William J. Rigby, Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill Street, of Naperville Illinois, and Denis Hastert from Aurora Illinois, Dr. Robert Buckman-"The Poisoner" from Naperville Illinois, Elgin Illinois and Traverse City Michigan are responsible for the torture Weapon as well as Frank Argus of Long Beach California who is the Project Manager for Northrupp Grumman of Space Torture Satellites

l_58608109f3e62882f3ca5c02817c8441.jpgWilliam J Rigby is near Tampa Flordia on Longboat Key in the Longboat Key Club on Mistletoe Lane. William J Rigby is a Chemist and has worked at Allied Chemical Company, Esmark Chemical company and Vigoro Chemical company. He is a Canadian that has taken control of the US government via payoffs. He has donated large sums of money to Bush Sr, Bush Jr. and is in contact with Denis Hastert from Aurora Illinois. William J. Rigby also maintains a home at 701 Burning tree lane in Naperville Illinois and a home in Long Beach California at Frank Argus's home near LA- His Son in Law Frank Argus works as a project Manager at Northrupp Grumman for the satellites. William J Rigby also maintains a home in Key Largo Florida. They Sometimes go to Eagle River Wisconsin to hide out as well and the Wisconsin Dells. Follow the money trail of payoffs from William J Rgiby as well as Daniel J Rigby of 31 S. Mill Street Naperville Illinois. Daniel J. Rigby is Canadian born and also is destroying the USA by controling the health insurance industry-Blue Cross Blue Shield, Humana Health care. It was his idea to HARVEST ORGANS of those without Insurance and he did it with the help of Denis Hastert(Ex house speaker that resigned. Denis Hastert is from Aurora Illinois and Daniel Rigby is from Naperville Illinois. I met Denis Hastert at a Christmas party at 31 S. Mill Street and he said he was Dan Riby's partner in the healht insurance industry- while being the Speaker of the House. That is a conflict of interest.

Whatever Country you live in call the poison control center if you see chemtrails and ask them to test for high toxic chemicals in the water. Collect water samples NOW from flower pots, barrels, and label them with a sharpie permanent marker to send and send them. Keep samples on hand to give to local labs to make sure that the results at the US Poison control center are not switched.

If you see Chemtrails call the US Poison control Center 1-800-222-1222

US POISON CONTROL CENTER Poison Control Center: Kingdom National Poison Services

Chemtrails are making people worldwide very very sick and it is being done by the USA/NATO NATO has been taken over by George Bush and is under the control of a world dictator. Bush and his father are the brutal dicators Worldwide Suport and information forum:

NASA photo of Chemtrails over USA-MASSIVE MEDIA BLACKOUT by Karl Rove and George W. Bush

chem20-large.jpg Flight 800 Shot Down by Surface-to-Air Missile pt 5 of 6

Google: Wackenhut Martial Law Prison Camps

U.S. Constitution: First Amendment


Google Vice Presdient Dick CheneV

Google-->George H Scherf

Google-Children of the Fold



Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer did not die in vain. His spirit remains to remind us of the pain and bring to the world truth and justice again.

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Long are the nights: a poem

Pain settles over fissureslike a house,settling over the shiftof the moon, and theloose ends of lives aretied too tight to Hitler’s boots,creaking.And tied to the leg of a birdare some wordsthat escape reason andreturn with nothingas days fly by.Nothing is doneabout the cracks in theceiling when thepain settles; nothing is doneexcept a finished moonand the polished boots,creaks andcracks,and lives thatare settledon the truth.S.G.03-07-09
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Reality t.v.

Last night I was watching Idol with my daughter and one of the judges, Paula, had on a wild, 70's looking shirt with a scarf, so I said to the t.v., "Nice outfit, Paula." She sighed. Then said, "It's going to be a long night." These people are not only watching me, they are hearing me. So, I'm giving up watching this show. I hope they are happy, they won't have to put up with me anyone. It happens to be the only network show I watch on television. I watch some public television, mainly news shows. Now, I'm done watching this show.Maybe it was Jung who said something like once you lose everything you are free because they can't take anything else away from you. I still have books, but barely, because the Pulitzer Prize last year was for an author who used the word retard 3 times in the first 30 pages of the book, and this won their prize, plus the author criticized poems that are very close the ones I write by calling them stupid. Its not safe anywhere with anything we do.
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