Gretta Fahey's Posts (361)

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Cataracts You have Oxidation from consuming a diet too high in carbohydrates. Also you are deficient in Vitamin A. Take anti-oxidents and also take Vitamin B1 in the fat soluable version which is called Benfotamine. Also take NAC N-Acetyl Cystine Drops for your eyes.
Loss of Hair on Top of Your Head. You have too much DHT testorone. Zinc will lower DHT.
Losing Outer Eyebrows - You have a slow thyroid gland. You must take iodine in the form of Kelp tablets or you can rub some iodine on your arm each evening and it will absorb into your body during the night.
Bloodshot Eyes - You have a liver problem or are consuming too many carbohydrates. If you have a sandpaper feeling inside your eyelids you have a diabetic problem. Eliminate sugar and carbohydrates and go keto and eat only within an eight hour eating window.
Dark Circles Underneath Eyes. - You have insulin resistance. Your insulin levels are too high. Go keto.
Bags Underneath Eyes. - You have kidney problems. You must go keto.
ACNE, Oily Skin and Facial Hair - Take more Zinc. Your carbohydrates are too high. You are eating too frequently. Go Keto. A high carbohydrate diet depletes Zinc.
Red Cheeks - Microbial imbalance. You must take natural antibiotics in the form of Garlic, Oregano, Thyme, Wormwood extract or Sage. You must then take probiotics in the form of Saurkraut or other forms of it.
Scaly Skin Around Nose and Dry Eyes and Dry Hair - Low levels of Omega 3 and too high levels of Omega 6 from consuming seed oils and nut butters and grains. Instead Use Butter and animal fat.
Black Heads - A simple Vitamin D deficiency.
Cracked Corners of the Mouth. Cracked Heels - Vitamin B2 Deficiency from consuming too much bread and grains. Go on a ketogenic diet.
Cold Sores - You are under too much stress. Take Garlic or Zinc. Also only eat within an 8 hour eating window.
A Round Face. - You are eating too frequently. Eat all your meals within an eight hour eating window.

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Two hundred and eight universities and institutions throughout the world, including in Ireland attempted to isolate a covid-19 virus and failed to do so because it is simply a virtual construct which was implemented with computer algorithms and it does not exist in reality. There is no contagion because there is no biological agent.
We were given a brochure which told us the official composition of what is known as the covid-19 vaccine. However, independent scientists using micro Ramon microscopes and fluorescence microscopy tell a different story entirely. They tell us that what are known as covid-19 vaccines contain a highly poisonous substance called graphene oxide. This has been confirmed by Dr Pablo Campra from the University of Almeria in Spain in an official legal document and it has been corroborated in other parts of the world such as the United Kingdom and New Zealand.
When we are injected with graphene oxide some of it crosses the blood brain barrier and settles in our neurons making us more forgetful than usual. When 5G millimeter wave and scalar wave transmitters are switched on then the graphene oxide in our bodies and brains absorbs the radiation which comes from the 5G transmitters, which in turn depletes our bodies of gluthathione which causes us to have breathing problems. The poisonous radiation from the 5G transmitters combined with the poisonous graphene oxide in our bodies also coagulates our blood which causes our blood to clot which in turn causes many of us to have strokes and heart attacks and which has brought on a pandemic of something called sudden adult death syndrome.
Furthermore, whenever our enemies raise the power which comes off the 5G millimeter wave transmitters they cause a new wave of illness and death. This explains how they can predict in advance when a new wave of illness and death is coming. They plan to switch off some public lighting in the future so that they can have more energy at their disposal to increase the power of the 5G millimeter wave and scalar wave transmitters so that they can kill more people in their ongoing depopulation program which is occurring throughout the world. This is an act of war and it is genocide.
The main reason that graphene oxide has been injected into us is because it has applications in the field of neuroscience to the extent that it allows neuro scientists and others to remote neural monitor us. Because some of the graphene oxide in the injectables and also in the food and water supply passes the blood brain barrier and clings to our neurons which are our brain cells they are being used to record electrical impulses in our brains and then translate them to such an extent that they can now know what we are thinking. Graphene has magnetic properties, a fact which was verified in 2013 by spanish scientists from the Higher Council for Scientific Research. The magnetic properties of graphene oxide helps to enable others to read and write information into human brains. Neuro modulation and neuro stimulation are now being used to insert emotions and thoughts into the brains of the population of the entire world. The European Brain Project received vast amounts of money to research the human brain and the spanish scientist Rafael Yuste was in charge of this research project.
I obtained some of the above information from the following online video and from many other sources.
Excellent Health Tips on How to Counteract Vaccine Damage and Other Health Problems.

CHLORINE DIOXIDE cures autism, malaria, typhoid, cancer and all other diseases because it carries any and all pathogens and heavy metals out of the human body, thereby allowing the human body to cure itself. What is known as the covid-19 vaccine is causing the red blood cells of those who have received it to clump together. Taking chlorine dioxide helps blood cells to move freely without clumping.

NAC which is also known as N-Acetyl Cystine stops blood from clotting and generates glutathione in the human body. Those who have been vaccinated need to take it.
IODINE OR KELP TABLETS produce thyroid hormones which regulate body weight and body temperature and maintains energy.
BILE SALTS breaks down fat, coverts T4 to T3 and kills microbes in the small intestine.
APPLE CIDER VINEGAR cures stiffness, cataracts, arthritis, cramping and muscle pain.
BENTONITE AND ZEOLITE carry a strong negative charge which acts like a magnet inside you and attracts positively charged toxins such as heavy metals, fungus, yeast, pathogens and mold. They attract up to two thousand times their own weight and neutralizes them. Never stir bentonite or zeolite with a metal spoon. Always use a plastic spoon.
DMSO improves eyesight, cures stiffness and gastrointestinal disorders. If a family member gets a stroke or a heart attack then fifteen droplets of DMSO in a glass of water will dissolve the blood clot which caused the heart attack or stroke leading to immediate recovery without any long term damage.
PURE GUM SPIRITS TURPENTINE kills bacteria, fungus and parasites and removes mold from the human body. It improves blood circulation, cures candida, depression and insomnia among many other health problems. Take pure gum spirits turpentine on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. When it begins killing candida and parasites in the human body toxic substances will then be released by the body which will create die off symptoms which are known as a herxheimer reaction. If you begin to feel ill with a herxheimer reaction then you must take activated charcoal which will absorb any newly released toxins and eliminate them safely from your body.
HYDROGEN PEROXIDE AND OZONATED WATER, similar to CHLORINE DIOXIDE and all other oxygen therapies will cure, Acne, Sore Throats, Athletes Foot, Bad Breath, Gum Infestion, Ear Infection, all pathogens which may be in the gut, lungs or head. All oxygen therapies are cure alls which are heavily censored by those at the top of the worldwide power structure who are pursuing practices which make the people of the world dependent on their poisonous drugs. Natural healers are pursuing practices which eliminate all need for the highly poisonous trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry. The evil doers at the top of the world wide power structure attempt at every opportunity to silence and eliminate natural healers because that is the only way that such evil doers can remain powerful and wealthy.
Avoid all vegetable oils because they set you up for metabolic disaster and they destroy mitochondrial function. Use butter or animal fat instead.

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It is possible that by now there are nano weapons, such as bio-sensors and other technology being built into the floors of major stores of the type that are owned by multi national companies and which in turn are owned and controlled by Luciferian business men and women. Nano technology built into the floors would generate an artificial energy field which would be used to detect information about the customers who entered those stores, such as private biological details. Nano technology is being injected into the shoes of some targeted individuals. Nano technology has already permeated the feet and legs as well as the rest of the human bodies of most of the human race. I have been informed by means of voice messages directly into my brain that codes are being transmitted into both my legs and my shoes which align with each other in order to enable unknown others who must be sadistic criminals to physically remote control my physical body at a later date. I am fully aware that parts of my body can already be remotely controlled against my own will by unknown others who psychologiclly torture me from unknown remote locations by the use of digitally transmitted voice messages, pain, electric shock, heat sensations, cold sensations, the sensation of touch and many other unwanted experiences. I have been informed by means of voice messages in the past that roads are being surfaced with materials which contain nano or micro technology which can detect the level of traffic which travel over them. Please inform the public that nano and micro technology is being used to build a digital prison for us all by Luciferians and others. If the public were fully aware of the urgency of this situation they would have all smart street lighting, 5G transmitters and microwave transmitters disassembled and banned as a matter of urgency. Please share this.

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Every adult human being has approximately thirty trillion cells in their body. Each of those approximately thirty trillion cells contain a pair of sex chromosomes which determine whether that individual is male or female. Females have two x sex chromosomes in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies. Males have an x and a y sex chromosome in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies.
If a male should wear a dress or ribbons in his hair he has a moral right to do so and all logical thinking human beings support his right to do so. If man made laws demand that we call him a female those man made laws are immoral and should be ignored by all logical thinking human beings.
Law makers can not make something moral or immoral simply by decreeing it so. If a law maker enacted a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. If a law maker enacted a law stating that a boy is now a girl it would never make it true.
Natural laws are laws that man did not create, which govern the manifestations that occur as the direct result of the behaviour of a human being. Natural law is the most hidden knowledge in the world and it is being kept hidden from us by dark occultists. Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science. We are all infolded in and surrounded by a field of intelligent energy. Our behaviours interact with this field of intelligent energy and then this field of intelligent energy will give back to us new experiences based on our past behaviour. No one on earth is exempt from Natural law.
We must learn to act in harmony with Natural Law. This is accomplished through self mastery and not through mastery over others. Human beings throughout the whole world must study the natural law principles and we must integrate them into our lives in order to bring harmony to earth. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. We must conduct our lives on the basis of objective right and wrong.
Dark occultists have introduced nano technology into our brains and bodies, some of which adhere to the neurons in our brains. They use 5G and other artificial energy fields to affect the nano technology inside our brains which in turn affects the neurons in our brains and the neuro transmitters which our brains secrete. This in turn affects our emotions, thoughts and beliefs leading many to believe what they are encouraged to believe rather than what is objectively true. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that there is no objective truth. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that governments have rights which they do not have. Many children are being subliminally influenced to believe that they are boys when they are girls and that they are girls when they are boys. Many government employees and others are being subliminally encouraged to totally trust in untrustworthy sources of news.
If a right does not exist by one individual over another during a one to one encounter than that right also does not exist by a government over a human being. Governments also can not grant rights to others which they do not have themselves.
In order to obtain harmony on earth we must disassemble the infrastructure which allows others to externally control our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
For further information on Natural Law please listen to the work of Mark Passio whose website is called Please listen to his podcasts number 73 to 81 which are about the topic of Natural Law.

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Every adult human being has approximately thirty trillion cells in their body. Each of those approximately thirty trillion cells contain a pair of sex chromosomes which determine whether that individual is male or female. Females have two x sex chromosomes in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies. Males have an x and a y sex chromosome in each of the approximately thirty trillion cells throughout their bodies.
If a male should wear a dress or ribbons in his hair he has a moral right to do so and all logical thinking human beings support his right to do so. If man made laws demand that we call him a female those man made laws are immoral and should be ignored by all logical thinking human beings.
Law makers can not make something moral or immoral simply by decreeing it so. If a law maker enacted a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. If a law maker enacted a law stating that a boy is now a girl it would never make it true.
Natural laws are laws that man did not create, which govern the manifestations that occur as the direct result of the behaviour of a human being. Natural law is the most hidden knowledge in the world and it is being kept hidden from us by dark occultists. Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science. We are all infolded in and surrounded by a field of intelligent energy. Our behaviours interact with this field of intelligent energy and then this field of intelligent energy will give back to us new experiences based on our past behaviour. No one on earth is exempt from Natural law.
We must learn to act in harmony with Natural Law. This is accomplished to self mastery and not through mastery over others. Human beings throughout the whole world must study the natural law principles and we must integrate them into our lives in order to bring harmony to earth. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. We must conduct our lives on the basis of objective right and wrong.
Dark occultists have introduced nano technology into our brains and bodies, some of which adhere to the neurons in our brains. They use 5G and other artificial energy fields to affect the nano technology inside our brains which in turn affects the neurons in our brains and the neuro transmitters which our brains secrete. This in turn affects our emotions, thoughts and beliefs leading many to believe what they are encouraged to believe rather than what is objectively true. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that there is no objective truth. Many are wrongly encouraged to believe that governments have rights which they do not have. Many children are being subliminally influenced to believe that they are boys when they are girls and that they are girls when they are boys. Many government employees and others are being subliminally encouraged to totally trust in untrustworthy sources of news.
If a right does not exist by one individual over another during a one to one encounter than that right also does not exist by a government over a human being. Governments also can not grant rights to others which they do not have themselves.
In order to obtain harmony on earth we must disassemble the infrastructure which allows others to externally control our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.
For further information on Natural Law please listen to the work of Mark Passio whose website is called Please listen to his podcasts number 73 to 81 which are about the topic of Natural Law.

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I believe that an electronic surveillance system exists which is being used as an aid in the generation of negative profiles of morally righteous men and women,
Illegal electronic surveillance combined with what is known as Remote Neural Monitoring is being used throughout most if not all of the world to generate profiles of many of the men, women and children of the world without their awareness or consent. The software for the electronic system which is being used to aid in the generation of such profiles has been written by individuals who may or may not be untrustworthy in the sense that they have written the software in such a way as to make it generate negative profiles about most if not all people so that a false perception of them is then perceived by those who have access to the profiling system and to some of the information which it contains. The laws that we are required to abide by are out of alignment with moral law which is also known as natural law and instead we are being required to abide my immoral laws and that in itself as one of the reasons why negative profiles are being generated about us covertly by agents of the new world order cabal, in my informed opinion. Natural laws are laws which man did not create and which govern the manifestations that occur as the direct result of the behaviour of a human being. Dark occultists have created religious systems and other distractions so that we would not look into the knowledge of Natural Law.

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Teacher Enoch Burke is in prison for refusing to call a boy a girl. Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males have an XY pair of sex chromosomes in every single cell in our bodies. If a boy decided to wear a dress and ribbons in his hair he is both morally and legally entitled to do so but he is not entitled under natural law to call himself a girl ever because in every single cell of his body there is an xy chromosome.
If a law maker enacts a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. Abdication of personal responsibility by obediently following false laws will eventually generate harsh experiences for all subservient order followers. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. Moral relativism is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law on this earth so therefore it is the only law on earth. Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science.

You must stand up for the truth which is that men are men and women are women. A teacher from Castlebar, County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland called Enoch Burke is a hero for aligning with his own conscience and for refusing to adopt a poisoned world view mindset which is based on Satanic principles. Our rights are inherent. They are granted by creation itself. They are a birthright which we have that can never be separated from us. They are unalienable. They can not be made foreign to us. Our rights can not be taken from us regardless of what anything scribbled down in a law book may happen to say or regardless of any claims which might be made by people who think that they are God in this world, and can take whatever power that their ability to wage violence affords them.

Please read the news article included herebelow which is taken from and which is called "Teacher Enoch Burke spent his first night in custody isolated from general prison population"

Enoch Burke is brought into the Four Courts by gardaí, accompanied by his father, Sean Burke (left). Photo: Collins Courts
Robin Schiller, Shane Phelan and Aodhan O’Faolain

September 06 2022 06:30 PM

Teacher Enoch Burke, jailed for contempt of court stemming from a school transgender row, spent his first night in custody isolated from the general prison population.

Burke was committed to Mountjoy prison in Dublin yesterday by order of a High Court judge.

The initial stages of his incarceration will be spent in the jail's C-Base where all newly committed prisoners are placed on their arrival to undergo a standard risk assessment.

As part of measures introduced by the prison service to prevent the spread of Covid-19, all new committals are also swabbed following their arrival and isolated until testing negative.

It means that Mr Burke will not mix with the general prison population until a negative test for Covid-19 is returned, as is standard practice, if he remains in custody.

Mr Justice Michael Quinn has the schoolteacher will remain incarcerated until he purges his contempt of court and agrees to comply with the injunction secured by the school.


Burke has been committed to Mountjoy Prison for contempt of court after telling a judge he would not abide by a court order restraining him from attending for work while suspended, claiming that to do so would violate his religious beliefs.

The schoolteacher opposed an application from Wilson’s Hospital School for his imprisonment, saying: “I love my school. I am here today because I would not call a boy a girl.”

He told Mr Justice Michael Quinn: “It is not something I will do. It is in violation of my conscience.”

The evangelical Christian was suspended on full pay on August 24 pending the outcome of a disciplinary process after clashing with the school’s principal and board of management over a request that teachers address a transgender student by a new name and use the pronoun “they” instead of “he”.

However, he continued to turn up for work, prompting the Church of Ireland diocesan boarding school to seek and secure an interlocutory injunction from Ms Justice Siobhan Stack last Wednesday restraining him from coming to its premises in Multyfarmham, Co Westmeath until September 7.

Despite this order, he continued to come to the school each morning. This led to a further application from the board of management, and Ms Justice Miriam O’Regan ordered on Friday that Mr Burke be arrested and brought before the court.

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Teacher Enoch Burke is in prison for refusing to call a boy a girl. Females have an XX pair of sex chromosomes, and males have an XY pair of sex chromosomes in every single cell in our bodies. If a boy decided to wear a dress and ribbons in his hair he is both morally and legally entitled to do so but he is not entitled under natural law to call himself a girl ever because in every single cell of his body there is an xy chromosome.
If a law maker enacts a law stating that two plus two equals three it would never make it true. Abdication of personal responsibility by obediently following false laws will eventually generate harsh experiences for all subservient order followers. Natural law states that morals are not relative. Natural law states that morals are absolute. Moral relativism is one of the four evil tenets of Satanism. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law on this earth so therefore it is the only law on earth.   Natural law is a knowable, testable and proveable science.
You must stand up for the truth which is that men are men and women are women. A teacher from Castlebar, County Mayo in the Republic of Ireland called Enoch Burke is a hero for aligning with his own conscience and for refusing to adopt a poisoned world view mindset which is based on Satanic principles. Our rights are inherent. They are granted by creation itself. They are a birthright which we have that can never be separated from us. They are unalienable. They can not be made foreign to us. Our rights can not be taken from us regardless of what anything scribbled down in a law book may happen to say or regardless of any claims which might be made by people who think that they are God in this world, and can take whatever power that their ability to wage violence affords them.

Please read the news article included herebelow which is taken from and which is called "Teacher Enoch Burke spent his first night in custody isolated from general prison population"

Enoch Burke is brought into the Four Courts by gardaí, accompanied by his father, Sean Burke (left). Photo: Collins Courts
Robin Schiller, Shane Phelan and Aodhan O’Faolain

September 06 2022 06:30 PM

Teacher Enoch Burke, jailed for contempt of court stemming from a school transgender row, spent his first night in custody isolated from the general prison population.

Burke was committed to Mountjoy prison in Dublin yesterday by order of a High Court judge.

The initial stages of his incarceration will be spent in the jail's C-Base where all newly committed prisoners are placed on their arrival to undergo a standard risk assessment.

As part of measures introduced by the prison service to prevent the spread of Covid-19, all new committals are also swabbed following their arrival and isolated until testing negative.

It means that Mr Burke will not mix with the general prison population until a negative test for Covid-19 is returned, as is standard practice, if he remains in custody.

Mr Justice Michael Quinn has the schoolteacher will remain incarcerated until he purges his contempt of court and agrees to comply with the injunction secured by the school.


Burke has been committed to Mountjoy Prison for contempt of court after telling a judge he would not abide by a court order restraining him from attending for work while suspended, claiming that to do so would violate his religious beliefs.

The schoolteacher opposed an application from Wilson’s Hospital School for his imprisonment, saying: “I love my school. I am here today because I would not call a boy a girl.”

He told Mr Justice Michael Quinn: “It is not something I will do. It is in violation of my conscience.”

The evangelical Christian was suspended on full pay on August 24 pending the outcome of a disciplinary process after clashing with the school’s principal and board of management over a request that teachers address a transgender student by a new name and use the pronoun “they” instead of “he”.

However, he continued to turn up for work, prompting the Church of Ireland diocesan boarding school to seek and secure an interlocutory injunction from Ms Justice Siobhan Stack last Wednesday restraining him from coming to its premises in Multyfarmham, Co Westmeath until September 7.

Despite this order, he continued to come to the school each morning. This led to a further application from the board of management, and Ms Justice Miriam O’Regan ordered on Friday that Mr Burke be arrested and brought before the court.

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Hierarchies are always out of alignment with natural law. Natural law is the only fixed and immutable law on earth. It demands that we all take one hundred percent responsibility for our own lives and it also demands that we have one hundred percent freedom to make all of our own decisions freely according to our own conscience.
Hierarchies are out of alignment with natural law. They require us to unquestioningly and subserviently follow the dictates of a leader and never to use our own conscience. Hierarchies are always evil. There is no good hierarchy. Therefore all organised religions are evil because they do not allow us to follow the dictates of our own conscience. You must abide by moral law which is natural law but you must never join any organised religion whatsoever. If you do unquestioningly follow the dictates of an organised religion or a government unquestioningly and obediently then you are breaking moral law which is also known as natural law and you will be severely punished in the fullness of time.
Under natural law everyone is equal and they are treated equally and with equal respect. Society is organised around a system of rules without rulers, which is a linear based self-regulating system. No one needs rulers but we need rules which are based on moral law which is also known as natural. Under such a system where there are no rulers we would not need to own possessions and instead we could easily share them because we would be at ease in the knowledge that on one could ban us from having access to those material possessions ever because of the fact that on one ruled over us and no one would ever be allowed to rule over us. We only have a desire to own material possessions rather than simply share them because we are fully aware that within a hierarchy if we dont own our material possessions then some megalomaniac ruler or rulers would ban us from accessing material possessions if we were not obedient to him or to them.
Hierarchies are kept in place by means of fear and covert violence. Hierarchies require than everyone inside a hierarchy must be very afraid of those higher up than them in their heirarchy at all times. If they are not afraid of those further up the hierarchy then they will challenge them. Hierarchies require that those at the top of the heirarchy have more possessions and privaledges than those at the bottom. In order to keep a heirarchy in place, those at the bottom of the heirarchy must be empoverished, uninformed, disempowered and frightened and those at the top of a heirarchy must be powerful, priviledged, wealthy and informed. Social controllers always use uniforms, titles, credentials, possessions and opulent surroundings to create hierarchies. They use the main stream media to push the false notion that some human beings are superior to others. They sometimes demand that those at the bottom of hierarchies grovel, bow and curtesy and kiss the rings of those at the top.
When I was growing up in Rural Ireland in the 1960's I often wondered why I and my fellow school children were kept in a state of intense fear at all times while at school. I often wondered why our teachers were supplied with canes and instructed to hit us with those canes frequently. I often wondered why those teachers were encouraged to shout and scream at us and to criticize us in front of our class mates whenever they wished. I am not blaming them. I am blaming those social controllers who organised the social heirarchy within the cathloic church in Ireland and who knew that in order to maintain any hierarchy, those at the bottom must be rigid with fear at all times so that they would never question the actions of those higher up the heirarchy than them and that they would also never question what they were taught. I now understand heirarchies and exactly how evil they are and how they are maintained from generation to generation.
Psychopaths always rise to the top of hierarchies because they are prepared to murder anyone who stands in their way of getting to a place of money, power and privaledge.
The reason that school children are no longer being beaten with canes by their teachers is because school children are now under a covert form of control which is known as remote neural manipulation. Their bodies and brains have become saturated with graphene oxide nano technology and with hydrogel. These ingredients turn each child into a transmitter and receiver of information. Their brains and bodies are being harvested for data while they are close to smart street lighting and microwave transmitters and other antenna during the school day. Subliminal messages are also being transmitted to them which convinces them that they are inferior to those at the top of hierarchies and should never challenge them ever. However, there are various substances they can take in order to eliminate the nano technology out of their brains and bodies, such as zeolite, activated charcoal, borax and many other substances. We should take down all smart street lighting and other infrastructure which is enabling others to technologically enslave us and we should shoot down all airplaces which illegally spray our skies with poisonous chemtrails.
We all hate living in a world which is organised by hierarchies. A hierarchical based mind set is a poisoned mind set where those inside such a hierarchy are required to follow orders without first assessing if the order given is morally right or wrong. All hierarchies require abdigation of personal responsibility. We will regain our harmony in this world such as soon as we abandon all hierarchies such as organised religions, governments, monarchies and secret societies. Abandon whatever hierarchy you are under now.
For further information on natural law please listen to podcasts number 73 to 81 at a website called which is owned and controlled by Mark Passio from Philadelphia, U.S.A.
For accurate information about the contents of vaccines please listen to Dr Poornima Wagh at the following online video link

My name is Gretta Fahey and my facebook page link is


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There is a total loss of public confidence in the healthcare system. The healthcare system has become fascist in the sense that we are no longer allowed control over what is introduced into our bodies and brains. Further to that, we are not even allowed to know the contents of what is being injected into our bodies and brains . We are being lied to about the contents of such vaccines. During the lockdown struggling and extremely unwilling senior citizens and children were physically held down and forceably injected with unknown substances. Homeless people were injected with poisons while sleeping on the beach. Not alone has all trust in the healthcare system been eradicated from society but we actually run in fear of the healthcare system because it is being used to imprison some of those who question it inside psychiatric hospitals under the false guise that they are mentally ill. Mandatory injections which are known as covid-19 vaccinations have been tested in laboratory settings all over the world by independent scientists and have been found to have two purposes as follows:- They are chemical weapons which were created to depopulate the world by means of slow and deliberate poisoning and they are also being used to inject technology inside the bodies and brains of mankind for the purposes of wirelessly enslaving those who don't die from the slow poisons which they contain. Here is a link to an online video giving details about the contents of what are known as covid-19 vaccines links and that video is called DR. POORNIMA WAGH - THE JAB (IT'S POISON & WILL KILL YOU) !

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Scientists are using algorithms to decode brain signals which then translate those brain signals to the thoughts we think and the feelings we feel and the images we imagine.
Here is the link to an article which was written by Cathy Hacki and which has been published online by which names ten companies who are working on reading your thoughts.
Those ten companies are named as Neurable which was founded by Ramses Alcaide, MindX, Next Mind whose headquarters are in Paris, France, Neurosity, Kernel which is based in Los Angeles, California, and was founded by Bryan Johnson. Nectome, CRTL-Labs whose CEO is Thomas Reardon, Neuralink which is owned by Elon Musk, CRTL-Labs, and Paradromics.
Whenever main stream science admits to doing certain research, that particular research has already been completed successfully by black budget science at least sixty years earlier. Most if not all of us now have injectable technology inside our brains and bodies which act like electrodes and allow others to read our thoughts, feelings, emotions, intentions and mental images from a distance by wirelessly and invisibly linking us to a gateway system such as a smart phone or a computer which transmits all such data from our brains and bodies to unknown remote locations and which sends data to our brains in order to externally program our minds without our awareness or consent.
If you attend for an interview at a large corporation there is a chance that your thoughts may be being read from a screen by those who are interviewing you. They will know if you are hostile to any of the questions which they ask you. They will have access to vast amounts of personal data about you, some of which you don't know yourself, such as your long term health expectations and to the private opinions that your colleagues hold about you.
I am a victim of non-consensual brain and body research combined with harassment and psychological torture for many years. I believe that my brain is permeated with nanotechnology and is wirelessly linked to a network of computers which are being used by criminal neuro operatives. These Criminal neuro operatives read my thoughts, my moods and the mental images which I generate and they reply to them in real time. They regularly accuse me of having tedious thoughts. At twenty minutes past seven am Irish time this morning which is 1st September, 2022 I was accused by one of those criminal operatives who broadcast their voices or simulations of their voices inside my head of having tedious thoughts. I often mention the time, date, time zone and content of the voice messages which I hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission in the hope that by doing so those who force me to listen to them will be held accountable some day.
Another example of a voice message which I received at 18 minutes to 9 pm Irish time on 31st August, 2022 is as follows:- "We could move in next door to her in an attempt to influence her more thoroughly."
Still another example of a voice massage which I received later on that same evening is as follows:- "I asked you not to let this woman portray us in a negative light and yet she continues to do so."
If you refuse to believe that others have the ability to read your thoughts and to influence your thoughts and beliefs it may be because you are being subjected to brain modulation and brain stimulation from technology which is close to you. There is still time to enable us to have all the infrastructure which allows others to enslave us by technological means disassembled and banned from our world. If we wait much longer they will soon be able to remotely and wirelessly physically immobilize anyone who even things about destroying the infrastructure which has been installed with the purpose of enslaveing us forever.
My name is Gretta Fahey and my postal address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I have a bitchute channel under the name grettafahey with at least 240 videos which details my experiences of being partially wirelessly virtually enslaved by unknown operatives who send data to my body and brain from unknown remote locations without my consent.

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The Jesuits Erased All Knowledge of the fact that the earth is flat and stationary in order to discredit the bible as a reliable source of science.
The Jesuits own astronomy and they have falsely claimed that the earth is a spinning ball in order to discredit the bible. They have also created the fictional big bang theory.
By the year 500 AD the Roman Empire had mutated from being a military power into a religious power, thereby co-opting the beliefs of Christianity and mixing them with ancient Egyptian, Greco and Babylonion paganism.
Christians were told by the Roman Empire run Vatican that they could no longer govern their own salvation. Instead they needed Rome to ensure their salvation. They were told that they must rely on priests, bishops, and cardinals if they wished to have their souls saved.
Christians were told that if they purchased indulgances by paying money to the church then the Pope would release their dead relatives from purgatory. The Roman church burned all her enemies alive. Ordinary Christians were not allowed to own bibles and any who owned bibles was burned alive as a punishment.
By 1517 the Gutenberg printing press was invented which allowed Christians to finally find out how corrupt the Vatican was. An Augustinian monk called Martin Luther wrote ninety five thesis or complaints about the Roman church and on November 1st 1517 he posted them to the door of All Saints Cathedral in Vitenbert. The Gutenberg press allowed them to be translated and replicated easily. The news about extreme corruption by the Roman Church spread like wildfire around the world. The Gutenbeerg press also printed out large quantities of common language bibles.
The Roman Church fought back by discrediting some of the contents of the bible in order to force people to return to accepting the authority of the Roman church. In order to discredit the bible the Roman Church created a false reality matrix. They created the false notion that the earth is a spinning ball, and not fixed and flat as the bible correctly states. A Vatican mathematician and polish priest names Nicholas Copernicus deliberately created a matrix of lies on behalf of the Roman Church and that matrix of lies falsely claimed that the earth was a spinning ball. Nicholas Copernicus did not wish his dishonest work to be published before his death but Rome forced him to have it published in 1543. The Roman Church and the papal agents the jesuits began to push this false cosmology and they either pushed out or murdered anyone who contradicted it. Protestant reformers disbelieved the Roman Church and disbelieved the spinning ball earth falsehood. In response to that situation, the Roman catholic church then quickly rewrote history so as to present themselves as defenders of the flat earth truth. Galaleo who was pushing the false notion of the earth as a spinning ball was tried for herasy and then placed under house arrest for the rest of his life. However, it was falsely presented that the earth was a spinning ball and that they Roman Catholic Church must now accept that reality.
The Jesuits now own astronomy. They travelled across the world and insinuated themselves in royal courts in order to become the official astronomers of those royal courts. The Jesuits now have their own observatories both in Italy and the United States. They have called one of their telescopes by the name of Lucifer. The Roman Catholic Church was never against the promotion of the spinning ball earth hoax but for a time they claimed to be against it in order to save face because they were being widely disbelieved. Jesuits are also the creators of the Big Bang Theory. Albert Einstein who was a supporter of the Jesuits and the Vatican fabricated the theory of relativity in order to help make their flat earth falsehood more convincing. The existence of dinosaurs and the theory of relativity are in doubt. The Jesuits control Freemasonry and all freemasons throughout the world. The so-called astronauts who falsely claimed that they went to the moon in 1969 were all freemasons. Most of those who work for NASA are presumed to be freemasons who would be tortured and then murdered if they ever broke their vow of secrecy about the true nature of the earth. I believe that they possibly have been injected with technology which tethers them to a central cnntrol system and which monitors their words and actions so they can not speak the truth even in private without endangering themselves. The aim of most of the falsehoods which have been generated by the Roman Catholic church controllers is to discredit the bible which would otherwise have be taken seriously as a work of science. I believe that the Roman Catholic Church is owned and controlled as a private business by thirteen bloodline families such as the Orsini's and Medici's who run it as a business for profit and for eventual control of the world.
I obtained most but not all of the above information from this online video link which is narrated by Johnny Cirucci

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In farms which have installed computerized milking parlours sometimes all of the cows wear collars which have built in computerized technology which is being used to harvest data from the cow's body and brain on a continual basis. Some if not all of the data which is being collected from the cows is then transmitted to the smart phone of the farmer. The farmer is informed which if any of his cows is in heat during what is known as the breeding season.
A drafting system is also installed on some farms where there are computerized farm gates which detect exactly which cow is going through the gates based on the cow number which is automatically obtained from the collar of that particular cow. If a cow which is in heat approached the drafting gates the technology built into the drafting gate detects that a cow in heat is approaching the gate and on each occasion that this occurs algorythms in the software of the drafting gates make the gates move so that that particular cow is directed into a yard to await artificial insemenation and immediately that cow has gone through the drafting gates the gates move in another direction so that the rest of the herd of cows are sent to the pasture. This is all allowed to happen automatically without any intervention by the farmer. The farmer does not even need to check his smart phone.
When women wear smart watches or fit bits or when they carry smart phones close to their person similar data is being extracted from their brains and bodies without their knowledge and consent. This has been occurring for the past two decades at least. Data such as when a women is menstruating is being harvested from their bodies and brains. That data is being transitted wirelessly to large data banks where it can be accessed by scientists who have signed a secrecy clause and would then be imprisoned if they went public with this information. Other data is also being collected by those who keep digital devices close to their persons. That data included how often they visit the bathroom each day, if they are sexually active and if so how often they have sexual intercoures and for how long , their around the clock blood sugar levels, their breathing rate throughout each day, their moods such as how often and when they become irritable and angry, how many steps they take each day and many other types of private data about them.
Carbon nano tubes and graphene nano sheets have been found in tested vials of what are known as covid-19 vaccines. This has been proven scientifically and legally by Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain and he has published a legal document proving that this is a fact and that aforementioned legal document is freely available for download at the following online link The nano technology contained in what is known as covid-19 vaccines have the ability to pass through the blood brain barrier of the recepient of such vaccines and then become embedded throughout the brain. Graphene oxide and unnatural amounts of heavy metals have been found in the public food and water supply, and some of this ends up inside the bodies of both humans and animals, even dairy cows. Graphene oxide has the same properties of an antenna which turns the bodies of both humans and animals into antennas which are capable of transmitting and receiving data.
When the carbon nano tubes and graphene nano sheets which are now embedded in most human brains throughout the world receive electrical pulses, this then creates electromagnetic currents which alters the normal functioning of the brain which in turn manipulates behaviour, emotions, mood and thought.
When a human being speaks certain words, phrases or sentences and when they exhibit certain actions, attitudes and thoughts this results in them stimulating certain regions of their own brain and those specific regions which they stimulate have been identified by electroenchphylography. Artificial intelligence run algorythms have now been developed which can now be used by unknown criminal scientists to artificially stimulate certain regions of a human brain or human brains in order to redirect the attitudes and behaviour of certain individuals or groups, which in turn remotely influences their lives, their work and their economic decisions.
Masses of human beings are now being artificially manipulated to remain in states of happy apathy at a time when they should be concerned about the decisions being made at a high level about them which will soon render them enslaved if they continue to do nothing.
Brain stimulation is closely related to brain modulation. Remotely administered brain stimulation is being used against individuals and groups in order to effect the secretion of neuro transmitters throughout their brains, and this in turn effects synaptic communication between brain cells which are also known as neurons and this situation effects the transmission of messages and other signals throughout the whole nervous system of the human body. Because all those who have been vaccinated by what is known as the covid-19 vaccine have carbon nano tubes and graphene nano sheets embedded throughout their entire bodies and brains, their brains can be remotely stimulated to increase or decrease the secretion of neuro transmitters which in turn effects signal transmission and signal reception throughout their brains and bodies. By this means and by possible other means sensations of pain, pleasure, intense fear, anxiety, depression, apathy and any number of other feelings and emotions can be provoked in individuals or even large groups by wireless remote means by those who possess the knowledge and weaponized equipment to carry out such crimes. Be means of both neural modulation and neural stimulation combined , subliminal conditioned learning can be achieved in people in order to induce in them a mind set where they would be willing to trust untrustworthy authority figures and where they would slowly and incrementally accept legal enslavement under maratime admiralty law.
Many of those who have been vaccinated and a small group of those who do not remember ever having been vaccinated but may have been vaccinated without their awareness or consent with what are known as covid-19 vaccines are now generating anonymous media access control (MAC) addresses over a bluetooth wireless network. The manufacturers of those aforementioned MAC addresses can not be identified because they have not ever been legally registered and those MAC addresses which are being generated by the vaccinated and others also do not appear on any MAC address data banks. Because the vaccinated are generating MAC addresses over a bluetooth wireless network this means that the vaccinated have been legally turned into transmitters and receivers of digital signals. Items or people which are capable of both transmitting and receiving signals are sometimes known as transceivers.
Here are several online links to here you will find all of the above and other information relating to all of the aforementioned topics. Some of the above information is provided by a group of scientists who collectively call themselves Mic Anderson due to the fact that they fear for their lives if they reveal their real names. However, they have been endorsed as being honest and reliable by the team of scientists who work at who are themselves based in Spain.

Executive Order 14067, officially titled Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, was signed on March 9, 2022 and is the 83rd executive order signed by U.S. President Joe Biden. The telos of the order is to develop digital assets in a responsible manner. The executive order addresses the potential national security implications of cryptocurrencies.
If Executive order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th, 2022, then the American people will become enslaved on that date. If it is allowed to come into effect, the currency being used in the United States will become programmable digital currency. Americans who refused to conform to the dictates of the central bankers would be placed on a financial time out where they would not be able to spend their own money for a set period of time, possibly until they agreed to be obedient to their slave masters.
Because technology driven financial innovation is frequently cross-border and therefore requires international cooperation and compliance across durisdictions then if the Biden executive Order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th 2022 it will lead to the enslavement of all of the people throughout the world except the self-proclaimed elite who are the would-be slave masters.
When Dr Jane Ruby of was interviewing Clay Clarke who is the founder of the Reawaken America Tour about the Biden Executive Order 14047, Clay Clarke stated that if we refuse to put RNA modifying technology into our bodies we would no longer be able to use money, and he implied by the power to stop us using money would be given to the United States Government by means of executive order number 14067.
Here is a link to some further information about executive order 14067 which you can find at the following online link
Researched and written by Gretta Fahey, Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland who is wirelessly connected to the internet of living things and has been so for more than nineteen years.  I have obtained most of the information in this paper from publications by the scientists who work at and their colleagues who go under the name of Mic Anderson.






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The canonization of a saint is simply an act of mesmerism. Nothing of a supernatural nature actually takes place during the canonization ceremony other than the willingness of some of those in attendance to believe that something of a supernatural nature has taken place place. After the act of mesmerism is completed nothing has changed about the man or woman who has passed away many years earlier. Furthermore, those who carried out that act of mesmerism have simply carried it out in order to fool their followers into going along with the false reality that is being created for them. That means that the creation known as Saint Patrick is fiction.
Around 1800 years ago in Ireland, the man Patrick is supposed to have lived and he is attributed with inculcating the people of Ireland into believing in a religious cult called Christianity. Those who belong to a religious cult are discouraged from using logic in order to reason out the truth of what they hear. Instead, they are strongly encouraged to use something known as faith to build their belief system on. Using faith alone means that they are required to base their beliefs simply on what they are told to believe without any evidence or scientific proof whatsoever. If logic was used by religious people there would be no religious people in the world. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by suppression of free thought.
If the people of Ireland were truely aware that Christianity is simply a cult they would refuse to celebrate Saint Patrick's day because no one wants to celebrate the life of the man who inculcated them into a false belief system. We Irish have grown out of Christianity and we are now a race of logical, rational thinkers and we no longer wish to celebrate the life of an inculcator on an annual basis. We are happy about the national holiday which occurs on 17th March, each year in Ireland but we wish that it is no longer called Saint Patrick's day and we would prefer if it was called 'The Spring Holiday' or any other name but Saint Patrick's day. We realise that those who wish us to remain inculcated into the cult of Christianity are doing so in order to lock our minds inside mental cages so that they can continue to manipulate us into being subservient and obedient to them for life and into placing them on a pedestal and donating money to them while behind the scenes they abuse our misplaced trust in them.
According to well known researcher and film producer Joseph Atwill, Jesus never existed and Rome never fell. He further claimed that the Roman armies did not disappear, they simply transitioned into what is now known as the Vatican because it is easy to control people through the mind control mechanism of an organised religion. Religion is manipulation and control of the masses by the suppression of free thought. Religion is a device which is used to modify the behaviour of the general public, which allows the public to be manipulated and controlled. Refuse to recognise Papal authority. Religion undermines the intelligence and rationality of humanity and by doing so it harms society at its core.
Saint Thomas Moore tortured people for daring to own a bible in English. In the year 2000, Pope John Paul ll declared Saint Thomas Moore to be the patron saint of statesmen and politicians.
God does not bestow spiritual authority on the pope. The pope has no supernatural authority. He is interested in making people believe that he has supernatural authority because he works for a corporation which is a business and what businesses care about are profits. We aught to live by a strong moral code found in Natural law. Morality does not come from the Vatican or from any Pope. The Vatican is the controlling force behind the drive towards a one world government which is attempting to place the world's population into enslavement with the Pope as the chief slave-master. Please canvas your elected representative to have Saint Patrick's day abolished and instead have 17th March declared as a public holiday without having any religious connations connected to it.

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Carbon nano tubes and graphene nano sheets have been found in tested vials of what are known as covid-19 vaccines. This has been proven scientifically and legally by Dr Pablo Campra of the University of Almeria in Spain and he has published a legal document proving that this is a fact and that aforementioned legal document is freely available for download at the following online link The nano technology contained in what is known as covid-19 vaccines have the ability to pass through the blood brain barrier of the recepient of such vaccines and then become embedded throughout the brain.
When the carbon nano tubes and graphene nano sheets which are now embedded in most human brains throughout the world receive electrical pulses, this then creates electromagnetic currents which alters the normal functioning of the brain which in turn manipulates behaviour, emotions, mood and thought.
When a human being speaks certain words, phrases or sentences and when they exhibit certain actions, attitudes and thoughts this results in them stimulating certain regions of their own brain and those specific regions which they stimulate have been identified by electroenchphylography. Artificial intelligence run algorythms have now been developed which can now be used by unknown criminal scientists to artificially stimulate certain regions of a human brain or human brains in order to redirect the attitudes and behaviour of certain individuals or groups, which in turn remotely influences their lives, their work and their economic decisions.
Masses of human beings are now being artificially manipulated to remain in states of happy apathy at a time when they should be concerned about the decisions being made at a high level about them which will soon render them enslaved if they continue to do nothing.
Brain stimulation is closely related to brain modulation. Remotely administered brain stimulation is being used against individuals and groups in order to effect the secretion of neuro transmitters throughout their brains, and this in turn effects synaptic communication between brain cells which are also known as neurons and this situation effects the transmission of messages and other signals throughout the whole nervous system of the human body. Because all those who have been vaccinated by what is known as the covid-19 vaccine have carbon nano tubes and graphene nano sheets embedded throughout their entire bodies and brains, their brains can be remotely stimulated to increase or decrease the secretion of neuro transmitters which in turn effects signal transmission and signal reception throughout their brains and bodies. By this means and by possible other means sensations of pain, pleasure, intense fear, anxiety, depression, apathy and any number of other feelings and emotions can be provoked in individuals or even large groups by wireless remote means by those who possess the knowledge and weaponized equipment to carry out such crimes. Be means of both neural modulation and neural stimulation combined , subliminal conditioned learning can be achieved in people in order to induce in them a mind set where they would be willing to trust untrustworthy authority figures and where they would slowly and incrementally accept legal enslavement under maratime admiralty law.
Many of those who have been vaccinated and a small group of those who do not remember ever having been vaccinated but may have been vaccinated without their awareness or consent with what are known as covid-19 vaccines are now generating anonymous media access control (MAC) addresses over a bluetooth wireless network. The manufacturers of those aforementioned MAC addresses can not be identified because they have not ever been legally registered and those MAC addresses which are being generated by the vaccinated and others also do not appear on any MAC address data banks. Because the vaccinated are generating MAC addresses over a bluetooth wireless network this means that the vaccinated have been legally turned into transmitters and receivers of digital signals. Items or people which are capable of both transmitting and receiving signals are sometimes known as transceivers.
Here are several online links to here you will find all of the above and other information relating to all of the aforementioned topics. Some of the above information is provided by a group of scientists who collectively call themselves Mic Anderson due to the fact that they fear for their lives if they reveal their real names. However, they have been endorsed as being honest and reliable by the team of scientists who work at who are themselves based in Spain.

Executive Order 14067, officially titled Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, was signed on March 9, 2022 and is the 83rd executive order signed by U.S. President Joe Biden. The telos of the order is to develop digital assets in a responsible manner. The executive order addresses the potential national security implications of cryptocurrencies.
If Executive order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th, 2022, then the American people will become enslaved on that date. If it is allowed to come into effect, the currency being used in the United States will become programmable digital currency. Americans who refused to conform to the dictates of the central bankers would be placed on a financial time out where they would not be able to spend their own money for a set period of time, possibly until they agreed to be obedient to their slave masters.
Because technology driven financial innovation is frequently cross-border and therefore requires international cooperation and compliance across durisdictions then if the Biden executive Order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th 2022 it will lead to the enslavement of all of the people throughout the world except the self-proclaimed elite who are the would-be slave masters.
When Dr Jane Ruby of was interviewing Clay Clarke who is the founder of the Reawaken America Tour about the Biden Executive Order 14047, Clay Clarke stated that if we refuse to put RNA modifying technology into our bodies we would no longer be able to use money, and he implied by the power to stop us using money would be given to the United States Government by means of executive order number 14067.
Here is some further information about executive order 14067 which you can find at the following online link
Kiyosaki Warns About EO 14067, Calls CBDC Creation 'Communism In its Purest Form'
By Nica Osorio
07/19/22 AT 4:35 AM
Rober Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," has some choice words for the possibility of the U.S. introducing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), as well as for Executive Order 14067.
In a tweet Monday, Kiyosaki called President Joe Biden's signed executive order "the most treasonous act in U.S. history" and the creation of the CBDC "communism in its purest form," encouraging Americans to "stay awake." The tweet read, "Jim Rickards made his most important announcement today. It’s about the most treasonous act in U.S. history, Biden’s Executive Order 14067. It’s communism in its purest form, the creation of CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency. Stay awake. Tune in to Rickards. Tune out, Biden. Take care."
Please ask your elected representative to put a stop to Executive Order 14067.




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Executive Order 14067, officially titled Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, was signed on March 9, 2022 and is the 83rd executive order signed by U.S. President Joe Biden. The telos of the order is to develop digital assets in a responsible manner. The executive order addresses the potential national security implications of cryptocurrencies.
If Executive order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th, 2022, then the American people will become enslaved on that date. If it is allowed to come into effect, the currency being used in the United States will become programmable digital currency. Americans who refused to conform to the dictates of the central bankers would be placed on a financial time out where they would not be able to spend their own money for a set period of time, possibly until they agreed to be obedient to their slave masters.
Because technology driven financial innovation is frequently cross-border and therefore requires international cooperation and compliance across durisdictions then if the Biden executive Order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th 2022 it will lead to the enslavement of all of the people throughout the world except the self-proclaimed elite who are the would-be slave masters.
When Dr Jane Ruby of was interviewing Clay Clarke who is the founder of the Reawaken America Tour about the Biden Executive Order 14047, Clay Clarke stated that if we refuse to put RNA modifying technology into our bodies we would no longer be able to use money, and he implied by the power to stop us using money would be given to the United States Government by means of executive order number 14067.
Here is some further information about executive order 14067 which you can find at the following online link
Kiyosaki Warns About EO 14067, Calls CBDC Creation 'Communism In its Purest Form'
By Nica Osorio
07/19/22 AT 4:35 AM
Rober Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," has some choice words for the possibility of the U.S. introducing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), as well as for Executive Order 14067.
In a tweet Monday, Kiyosaki called President Joe Biden's signed executive order "the most treasonous act in U.S. history" and the creation of the CBDC "communism in its purest form," encouraging Americans to "stay awake." The tweet read, "Jim Rickards made his most important announcement today. It’s about the most treasonous act in U.S. history, Biden’s Executive Order 14067. It’s communism in its purest form, the creation of CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency. Stay awake. Tune in to Rickards. Tune out, Biden. Take care."
Please ask your elected representative to put a stop to Executive Order 14067.

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Executive Order 14067, officially titled Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets, was signed on March 9, 2022 and is the 83rd executive order signed by U.S. President Joe Biden. The telos of the order is to develop digital assets in a responsible manner. The executive order addresses the potential national security implications of cryptocurrencies.
If Executive order 14067 comes into effect on December 13th, 2022, then the American people will become enslaved on that date. If it is allowed to come into effect, the currency being used in the United States will become programmable digital currency. Americans who refused to conform to the dictates of the central bankers would be placed on a financial time out where they would not be able to spend their own money for a set period of time, possibly until they agreed to be obedient to their slave masters.
Here is some further information about executive order 14067 which you can find at the following online link
Kiyosaki Warns About EO 14067, Calls CBDC Creation 'Communism In its Purest Form'
By Nica Osorio
07/19/22 AT 4:35 AM
Rober Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," has some choice words for the possibility of the U.S. introducing Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), as well as for Executive Order 14067.
In a tweet Monday, Kiyosaki called President Joe Biden's signed executive order "the most treasonous act in U.S. history" and the creation of the CBDC "communism in its purest form," encouraging Americans to "stay awake." The tweet read, "Jim Rickards made his most important announcement today. It’s about the most treasonous act in U.S. history, Biden’s Executive Order 14067. It’s communism in its purest form, the creation of CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency. Stay awake. Tune in to Rickards. Tune out, Biden. Take care."
Please ask your elected representative to put a stop to Executive Order 14067.

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I am being subjected to Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation against my will and without my permission by cowards who are unknown to me and who always have been unknown to me. This situation has continued since the spring of 2003. Because of this aforementioned system of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation I experience unwanted voices coming from inside my own head, unwanted visions transmitted into my head, unwanted sensations on the surface of my skin and also inside my body. I also experience pain, electric shock, sleep deprivation, forced movement of some but not all of my muscles and joints and forced immobilization of some but not all of my muscles and joints among many other unwanted experiences. The sensations which I feel on the surface of my skin are being achieved by a scientific and technological capability known as Haptic techniques. The haptic techniques which are being used on me often are pulses of energy on my bottom, both front, back and middle. These pulses of energy are applies to the front, back and middle of the private area of my body every day very often. The unknown cowards to harass and psychologically torture me by making me feel pulses of energy around the private area of my body do so while I am sitting on the toilet and while I am out on a public road, walking or cycling a bicycle and while I am in bed at night trying to sleep and also while I am going about my home or shopping in a store. Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is hell on earth. I have no mental privacy whatsoever because when one is being Remote Neural Monitored their thoughts are being read and some of them are then replied to in real time. I believe that this system of Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is due to be imposed on almost everyone in the world soon by those who own and control the United Nations, the World Health Organisation, the World Economic Forum , and the central bank of central banks which is believed to be located in Switzerland. Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation is easily achieved by unknown neuro operatives because the technology inside virtual reality headsets and other similar technology has now become injectable, ingestable and breathable and by those and other means it has become embedded in the brains and bodies of most of the human race and can now be wirelessly stimulated from unknown remote locations inside each of our brains individually due to beamforming capabilities which have been built into smart technology in our towns and cities. Beamforming is the capability of braodcasting individual signals to each receiver such as the technology inside each human brain rather than broadcasting one large signal in all directions. Beamforming allows each human brain to be linked separately by a two way stream of low frequency electromagnetic radiation to a supercomputer netowrk so that data is individually collected from the brain and body of each individual separately and then analysed separately and when that analysis is completed then individualized data is separately prepared for that individual alone and then broadcast back into their brain and body separately of all the other individuals at his or her location.
NEURAL SURVEILLANCE OR NEURAL MONITORING is the monitoring of individual brain activity so as to have knowledge of that individuals moods, thoughts and behaviours.
NEURAL MODULATION OR NEURO MODULATION is manipulation of portions of brain tissue by the act of transmitting electrical pulses into technology which is already in the brains of those who have received what is known as the covid-19 vaccines due to the fact that that all covid-19 vaccines contain technology which can only be seen by the aid of an electron microscope or another microscope of similar strength. Those transmitted electrical pulses then create electrical currents inside the human brain which in turn alter the normal functioning of the brain so as to in turn alter the emotions, beliefs, behaviour and even thoughts of the individual or individuals who are being targeted by said neural modulation.
NEURAL STIMULATION OR NEURO STIMULATION is done in order to effect the neuro transmitters being secreted by the brain so that a state of persistent anxiety or persistent fear or other effects can be engineered in order to affect the academic performance sporting performance or work performance or health performance of an individual or group and this can all be carried out by wireless means from an unknown remote location by operatives who remain unknown to the victims.
Some smart street lighting and other public technological installations which have already been installed in a number of towns and cities throughout the world have been found upon examination by well known British electrical engineer known as Mark Steele and by others to be an illegal, unregulated, uninsurable and unapproved weapon system which is currently being used to interfere with the brains and bodies who live close to it.
Those individuals who are responsible for all Remote Neural Monitoring combined with Remote Neural Manipulation on earth are believed by me to be the Rothschild banking family, the Rockefeller banking family, and the thirteen bloodline families of the world and they are believed to be controlled by the following three individuals as follows:- Pope Francis and also the head of the Jesuits, who is sometimes known as the Black Pope and whose name is Arthuro Sosa and also an individual called Pepe Orsini who is also known as the Grey Pope. My name is Gretta Fahey aka Margaret Mary Fahey and my address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland.

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What qualifies Queen Elizabeth ll of England to make major decisions on behalf of the people of England, Canada and Australia and on behalf of the people of a number of other countries throughout the world? She has no academic credentials whatsoever. She received very little education and most if not all of that came from a governess who educated her when she was a child. Queen Elizabeth ll on a daily basis signs important legal documents on behalf of the aforementioned countries, which directly affect the lifes of the people who live in those countries. She is purported to have said that the people of Africa are unable to manage their own affairs to the extent that outside intervention is needed in order to run that continent. As Queen Elizabeth ll has no academic credentials and has never been elected by the people who she makes legal decisions for, I have to assume that she makes those legal decisions based on her DNA alone but she has never produced a sample of her DNA so that the people of England could then have it appraised to see if there is anything unique about it and I personally assume that it is standard DNA with nothing exceptional about it.
All hierarchies are evil because both covert and overt violence are being used to keep them in place. Also bribery and psychological manipulation are being used to keep them in place. Natural laws are invisible laws which are built into the world and which can be deciphered by long term study of the cause and effect of our behaviour throughout the world. Hierarchies are always out of harmoney with the Natural laws. Hierarchies are always evil and are always maintained by evil. We aught to return to managing our affairs by using a linear based self-regulating system, a system of rules without rulers. How soon are we going to introduce a system of rules without rulers throughout the entire world. Those who are positioned at the top of hierarchies become megalomaniacs because they surround themselves with people who pander to them and who stroke their egos.

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