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Posted on August 19, 2019 by gretta fahey
If community activists are making leaflets or other documents to offer to members of the public they should create the original leaflet with a pen or marker in their own handwriting and their own drawings rather than creating it digitally. When they photocopy the original leaflet it can not be decoded by digital means and blocked from the printing process which is now an ongoing capability.
Currently there is an effort by the would-be enslavers of the human race who are strongly believed to be mostly members of the British Privy Council combined with bloodline families, members of the Vatican and Washington DC to create a false belief in the ability of machines to make uninformed decisions. According to a group of researchers who are known as the American Intelligence media, computer code does not drag ideas out of the sky.  Instead of making uninformed decisions as we are being asked to believe by the would-be enslavers of the human race, computers rely on hundreds of pre-programmed algorithms acting simultaneously to come up with a decision.    Computer programmers are renewing computer code on an almost daily basis because of anomalies. Subroutines are being implemented in computer software to make it appear that a computer can make uninformed decisions but said subroutines are being constantly created by hundreds of millions of computer programmers in the background. The would-be enslavers of the human race constantly create hoaxes in order that we direct our anger away from them and towards a non-existent enemy.
We must consider removing the sovereignty of the Vatican State, Washington Dc and The British Financial district all of which are legally considered sovereign states within sovereign states and which act as one unit in an effort to control and enslave the human race.

My website is called

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Hola, aquí es de noche, estoy en una crisis, unos de los gangstalker  me dijo que si seguía hablando de Álvaro Uribe Balas me iban a picar, por supuesto que lo seguiré ofendiendo, desde luego no necesito ofenderlo, él solo con sus actos se ayuda, espero que caíga, aquí en Colombia "picar" es un método de los paramilitares que te asesinan y se vuelven pedacitos, esa es una de las opciones que tienen, pero me dijeron que no aparecería con mi nombre, otra víctima silenciosa de este País, la otra opción es que tenga una especie de aneurisma y "pojjjjj" quede ahí, para descanso mío, el otro método es que te envenenan, ya he estado dos veces envenenada, aquí en la casa de mi madre, cuando escuchaba al controlador al oído decirme "metáselo en el culo", se siente mucho mareo, en Sincelejo también me envenenaron, esta vez mandó a una mujer, decía que me inyectaba, recuerdo que es de mareo, náuseas, el bendito calor en la cabeza, sobre todo en la cara, mucho calor, no bastaba lavarse la cara, la otra, el hecho es que no realmente no se cuánto tiempo me queda, la moda aquí es la siguiente, dicen que soy una boba, que me tienen de pista donde todo el mundo "aterriza" donde todo el mundo se conecta a la red del gangstalking, mis amados vecinos, de verdad que su dios los bendiga, si que bendice bastante, así que la red debe cambiar de antena, la antena soy yo, lo que he entendido es que yo sería un zombie, que mi voluntad corresponde a otra persona, y que esa persona no quiere estudiar más, que no me quiere servir de guía, dicen que según ellos, fue un gangstalker quien estudió a través de mi cerebro, él ahora me cobra 3 mil millones de pesos por mi vida y mi profesión, no me quieren dejar ir a Bogotá a realizar mi diplomado; la le pedí al gangstalker que me eliminara, me dicen que diga que creo en dios, ya se que ese dios es mentiras es un humano, que usa todas sus malditas malas vibraciones para dañar a la gente a través de esos malditos equipos, estoy muy tranquila, se que puede ser hoy, esta noche, mañana, en Bogotá, otra vez de pronto me envenenen,  

No sé por qué, yo creí que perseguían a los biólogos, ahora se que a mis compañeros les ha ido bien, creí que me equivocaba mucho, no entendía por qué me pasaba todo lo que me pasaba, después de saber que desde los 13 años soy TI, duré mucho tiempo en la Universidad, la cual no quiero sacar a relucir porque es otra muerte encima, sólo diré que varios de mis profesores, muchos de la facultad y de otras sabían qué estaba pasando conmigo, un hombre me abrió las puertas y me permitió trabajar en lo que yo quería, a pesar de que lloraba mucho, estaba haciendo realidad usar mis manos para llevar a cabo una investigación, todos los pequeños cursos que me pagué, fueron con mi esfuerzo, y le que los revise se va a dar cuenta que todos, absolutamente están relacionados, con restauración y con mi botánica porque como dijé moriré de pie, 

la verdad desconozco el hecho de que yo esté viva o no, el hecho es que en ese caso, una persona debe usar el casco que dicen que tiene mis conexiones neuronales, haré el esfuerzo, 

lo otro que me da miedo, es que uno de los hombres, no se si de otra frecuencia, dice que me va a hacer pasar por su esposa y que el proceso va a ser largo pero que al final moriré con alguna enfermedad de esas fuertes y él podrá cobrar me imagino yo, un seguro por mí, 

a este punto no sabes si para atrás o para adelante, si analizas, estás en un punto en el que analizando y con el dolor del alma, no he hecho nada en la vida, hasta ahora cumplí con una de mis metas pero desafortunadamente mi cabeza parece un coco vacío, la masa encefálica sigue ahí y es visible a la tomografía pero no hay mucho que trabaje, no he podido estudiar inglés porque el jefe de jefe dijo que era muy bruta y que nunca me lo permitiría, ya me ha cambiado mi sagrada ortografía, vivo con mucha tristeza, ahora resulta que mi casa es pura tristeza, hemos analizado y mi mamá dice que nunca a sido feliz, ella está enferma, yo estoy mal, mi abuela está mal, mi hermana está mal, resulta que vine a saber que toda mi familia, un núcleo de 7 personas somos TI, yo quiero descansar, esta realidad de saber todo lo que ahora sé, me ha hecho ver la realidad, estoy esperando a que ellos actúen, yo respeto mi vida, es sagrada, y estoy aquí para dignificarla, aunque lo que viene es más duro, el tipo seguirá colocando la frecuencia de muerte, yo se que resistiré, 

hace 36 horas que no duermo y se que eso me funde lo que pueda haber de cerebro, 

le agradezco que haya leído hasta este punto, el Dios del sol y la lluvia lo bendiga, sólo le pido que no se deje creer el cuento de cambiar, eso es sólo gangstalking, desafortunadamente cambian las personas de formas que usted no imagina, yo estoy organizada de tal forma que tengo como 10 personalidades en mí, CREA EN USTED, CREA QUE PUEDE, A PESAR DE LOS TROPIEZOS CONFÍE, SI QUIERE ESTUDIAR ESTUDIE, ellos evalúan quien pasa a una universidad, a los buenos los ayudan pero su cerebro es dañado paulatinamente, a mí me lo dañaron desde joven, sin embargo estudié, pero supongo que por eso la universidad me permitió graduarme, tuve un promedio de menos de 3.5. 

Usted no se imagina los hilos que mueven esta sociedad, en unos años todo lo relacionado con recursos naturales está vetado para algunos, a mí me vetaron, en este momento hacer un cambio, de tal forma que los vecinos que siguen creen que yo miento al escribir, los vecinos están engañados, este tipo les hizo creer que yo era pedófila, ellos le piden que me elimine, que haga lo posible por que yo salga de este pueblo, el tipo critica todo de mí, desde su punto de vista cree que soy mala en lo que hago, alguna vez percibí una desafortunada descarga dentro de mi cuerpo, creo que alguno de los gangstalker entró en mi y tenía aversión hacía mí, el tipo que en este momento está haciendo gangstalking en mí claramente me tiene rabia, pero no sé por qué. 

Creo que a pesar de todo, hasta lo que he hecho, iba por el camino que me había trazado, 

la verdad es muy bonito estar tranquila y saber que uno se ha cumplido así misma, que no se ha faltado, y que puedo morir en paz


Gracias por leer, espero que estas vivencias le sirvan de algo, que mi experiencia pueda guiarle de alguna manera, es para que entienda qué pasa y si descubre que también es TI, pueda vivir la vida mejor, en mi caso, yo aceleré todos los procesos, la radiación poco a poco va mellando mis capacidades, 

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Hola, buenas tardes, este es mi grito en silencio de hoy, no he dormido en estas 36 horas que han pasado, mi gangstalking me está presionando y hace que pase pulsos en lo que quede de mi cerebro con frecuencias supremamente dañinas para cualquier persona, estoy haciendo un trabajo muy importante para mi estudio, pero él hace muchas cosas, me hace distraerme a ratos, los vecinos me gritan cosas, algunos se ríen, a diferencia de muchos TI, yo no tengo teatro callejero porque mis vecinos lo practican, en este momento ha sesado un poco su performance. 

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Lucky Elon Musk

Lucky Elon getting rich off the backs off TIs tortured to death to develop this tech. So there must be a whistleblower giving him miltary secrets were patents are hidden. I assume its a beneficial for the public to know what the miltary has done since 60s "really". What about compensation to familys whos child was driven to sucicide by the brutal torture to develop this. Again I guess having the public know the truth is compensation . Done believe me. I will tell you something you dont know right now. You can record all your telemetry eyesight taste hearing feeling thoughts and save them on hard disk. Then with dream programming you can relive that again like reality. For example record your vacation and relive it like reality again later. Its already been invented. CIA dream programming. Its not virtual reality. Its beyond virtual reality. You heard it from me first!!!! Want to know more? PM me. FYI with AI and Dream Programming you can create beyond virtual reality experience. It would be like Star Trek Holodeck but via Dream Programming and implants. Guess what? Its already invented long time ago. Eventually most people will spend all their time doing this when commercialized. Its not like a video game its like an alternate reality. Public sector already has AI that can generate youtube videos.B2B communication (Brain to Brain). See through the eyes of another person. Feel what it's like to be another person
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Posted on August 17, 2019 by gretta fahey 
Resistance to the new world order central control system is possible. There is a world war being fought at the moment by unconventional means. Most of the human race have dust sized particulates inside their heads and bodies which came to be there because it has been sprayed on us and placed in processed food. Said dust sized particulates coagulate inside the human body to the extent that eventually they could technically be called technology. Many of us have already been wirelessly linked from this technology which is inside our bodies to super computers by a myriad of bi-directional wireless links. We each have a unique brain signature so we can now have our brains dialled up and be forced to listen to the voices of unknown neuro operatives whenever they wish to speak to us. By the same means they can also wirelessly send us voice commands and pain signals. They can place us on a virtual reality hold whenever they wish, where we are then forced to watch either a still or moving image inside our closed eyes. We can also be sleep deprived by wireless means. Information can be sent via the wireless links which can make any or all of our organs malfunction. Information can be sent to our muscles which can force them to move against our wills. When enough wireless two-way links are eventually created between a human being and a network of super-computers then that human being can be wirelessly remote controlled by unknown operatives who control that human being from an unknown remote location even though that human being might never have met the individuals who remote control him or her.
As soon as your unique brain and body signature has been collected and collated by neuro operatives you would then be placed on this wireless control, enslavement and torture system. It is a simple matter for the neuro operatives to collect your unique brain and body signature. People are employed to hold a device close to your brain and body for several seconds while you are out in public, and this occurs without your knowledge. They then collate this information back at the control centre. You will then begin to hear inner voices. These inner voices could possibly be made to speak to you on such a low level that you would not be able to hear them. Never the less they could affect the way you think and act. We must resist now before fifth generation wireless technology is installed and activated throughout this and every other country in the world. If you fail to act, the bandwidth to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland will be available to the individuals who wish to enslave us.
I have been enslaved by this method for more than sixteen years. The Gardaí are not being informed about wireless weapons when they attend Templemore Gardaí Training College even though wireless weapons are now widespread throughout the whole world. This leads me to believe that those who run Templemore Gardaí Training College are not being truthful to the Gardaí or to the Irish people. Trainee psychiatrists are also not being informed about the existence and widespread use of wireless weapons. It is a well known fact to those behind psychiatry that psychiatry is a false science with nothing of a scientific nature to sustain it.
If you allow yourself to become wirelessly linked to the worldwide central control and enslavement system you could be tortured by wireless means if you dared to disobey. You must act now to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters. We must organise ourselves against the individuals who control the the international banking community who are also known as the deep state. We do not know who they are. However, they have been attempting to set up others to make them appear as if they are the ones who are in charge. Those who appear to be in charge might actually be wirelessly controlled neuro slaves. Therefore because we do not know who the would-be enslavers of the human race really are we must disempower the second layer of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command so that the unknown individuals at the top of the hierarchical based chain of command will have no one available to carry out their orders. We aught to remove the sovereignty of three states within states acting as one unit of power throughout the world and said states within states are The Vatican State, The London Financial District as well as Washington D.C.. We must dissolve all power which is currently enjoyed and abused by The British Privy Council and by the United States Senior Executive Service who happen to be the American counterpart of the British Privy Council. The members of the British Privy Council are mostly corporatocrats. They own shares in giant corporations who have more financial assets than whole countries. They make decisions for the human race which affect us negatively without our permission. They start wars in order to make money.
I know that demonic possession is a hoax which was created in order to cover up technological possession. Many other hoaxes were created in order to mislead the general public such as the religious apparition hoax, the moving statue hoax, the hoax that signals can travel sixty five thousand miles down from satellites in space to attack us. I believe that all weapons are either ground based or either in low enough orbit to be shot down..

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Thank you for your comments.

Today was the first day they had the system activated on the grave yard. It's unbelievable. I actually thought, they might have left it in peace. I have visited the grave yard recently almost every day. It's very beautiful at this time of the year in Finland. There's a lot of flowers and it's colorful and green. The summer time is only 3-4 months long, so people bring lots of flowers and make the graves pretty. Today, at the entrance my forehead was tickled, then I kind of lost my feelings and it became hard to breath. This is what they do in the center of the town, supermarkets, malls, etc. and for targeted individuals also at home. Before this day, I have seen only a few people visiting the grave yard at the same time as me and they have not been close to me, but further away, and there were no signs of gang stalking. Today was the first day I could notice elements of gang stalking. I think that by activating the system they take away people's feelings, and by "adding on" some anxiety it's possible to connect them to the system.

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I am wirelessly linked from technology inside my brain and body to what I believe are a network of computers and super computers who are staffed by neuro scientists and many other neuro operatives. These neuro operatives send and receive material to and from my brain and body via the various wireless links which fuse me to their equipment. I hear their voices coming from inside my head which we now know to be which is also known as voice to skull or microwave hearing and not mental illness as previously thought. Wireless enabled harassment and torture have been occurring for more than a hundred years without the knowledge of the general public and everything was successfully covered up by the use of the false science known as psychiatry.
I have never met any of the aforementioned neuro operatives or their financial backers and I as yet do not know who they are. I can not prove when or how the technology came to be inside my brain and body but it occurred without my knowledge or consent. These neuro operatives who interact with me regularly send signals to my brain which have the capability of interacting with both the visual centre and the hearing centre of my brain as well as forcing my muscles to move against my will as well as sending me pain signals when ever they see fit. I have been locked inside what is known as a virtual reality hold where I was forced to see moving images while my eyes were closed. I have also been forced to see images of a variety of entities and even television cartoon figures which were moving around my home while my eyes were open which is another one of the many and varied capabilities of neuro science at this present time.
The worse of these neuro science enabled experiences which I am experiencing right now is the experience of having the neuro operatives send information into the muscles of my face and body in order to allow them to eventually gain total control of the muscle structure of my body so that they could possibly externally control me by wireless means and from a remote location. I am frightened by this capability more than any other.
Yesterday, I was sent several short term pain signals to my right knee which made me scream and complain to the neuro operatives who are constantly engaged with me via this internal technology. A male voice which was coming from inside my head was heard by me to say the following “Will you stop hurting her right knee.” I female voice responded as follows “I can’t. I am in the middle of a routine.” Through prompting from me she continued as follows “I have an anomaly with your right knee. It is not information which I can insert as expected. Every time I insert information in your knee I need updates on what is gone before and I am not getting them. The technology inside your knee is still there as expected but it probably has moved out of alignment so I am not getting feedback from what I already inserted. I wish to make your knee available for remote control because I get paid for it and I am in debt so therefore I am forced to conduct immoral work.” I myself then asked this female voice if she was sorry that she ever undertook the evil work of bio-robotizing me. She replied as follows “No because I am a psychopath and I have no such qualms.”
All targeted individuals including myself should be supplied with jammers to jam the digital signals which are being sent to our brains and bodies on a continual basis at this time. Please make that happen.

Last night something unusual was made to happen to me by these unknown neuro operatives. I felt a strong energy forceably come into my body and pulsate through my heart for about five or ten minutes. I then heard one of the neuro operatives say the following ” She will have senergy cascading through her.” I do not know the precise meaning of the word “senergy” when used in this context but I post absolutely everything I experience online in case it is helpful to people who are fighting against this control and enslavement system. This morning I heard another internal voice say the following ” Your blood is now streaming inside the areas we have worked on over the years and you are soon to be almost totally bio-robotized.” Many of my facebook friends and others are also reporting the same experiences of having their own muscles forceably moved against their wills as I am. We are all experiencing unusual experiences because many of us now have unwanted technology inside our brains and bodies which has been put there against our wills and without our permission. The individuals who do not have any dust sized technology inside their brains and bodies are dark occultists who live in a country which this dust sized technology is not being placed in the food or water supply and is not being sprayed from the skies over their heads. One mathematician who charted all of the airline flights throughout the world stated that said country is Madagascar

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Posted on August 15, 2019 by gretta fahey 
There is a wirelessly enabled control system being set up throughout most of the world. It is the wish of the would-be controllers to have everybody other than themselves implanted with technology and wirelessly connected to a super computer enabled control system. The would-be controllers themselves plan to remain outside of the control system. Some of the technology required to connect and control you to the control system is probably already inside your body. It came to be there through inhalation and ingestion of dust particles which carry the required technology and it is then carried throughout your body via your blood stream.
We currently do not have enough broadband to support a system where everybody in my country and further afield would be wirelessly tethered to such a system so that is the real reason that fifth generation millimeter wave transmitters which are capable of carrying pain signals are now being installed throughout many if not all European countries as well as further afield.
I have been informed by my sources that operatives have been corralled inside large structures and they have been implanted with said technology. I have also been informed that many of these operatives have attempted to leave these large structures but even though the doors of the buildings where they reside are nearly always ajar they can not leave because as soon as they attempt to leave something untoward occurs which renders them either paralysed from the waist down or damaged in some other way. Pre-programmed microchips can now be implanted inside human beings which have been programmed with pre-set boundaries that the implanted individuals can never pass without suffering injury.
The operatives who have been wirelessly implanted with pro-programmable technology use wireless interfacing in order to speak to me. I am forced to listen to their voices which I hear coming from inside my head against my will and without my permission because of the technology which is inside me. I have never met any of them and I never wish to meet them. The wireless interfacing which links me to these unknown operatives us used to upload all of the electrical activity which is being generated by my brain and my body on a continual basis to super computers where it is automatically translated into everything I think, say and do. The operatives respond in real time to some of my thoughts, words and deeds. They issue me with voice commands and sometimes with pain signals. They force me to see virtual reality scenes inside my closed eyes and the only way I have found to escape from this type of virtual reality hold is by attempting to hold my eyes open so that I do not have to view distressing virtual reality scenes. Other targeted individuals have reported that they can be held in a virtual reality scenario with no chance of escaping from it by opening their eyes. Some of their senses are taken over where they become engulfed inside a virtual reality setting and they must remain there until whatever neuro operative wirelessly controls the control system decides to release them from it. The operatives have the capability to partially control some of the muscles of some targeted individuals. They have forced some targeted individuals to hit themselves with their own fists against their wills, a feat which was enabled through wireless control. They have forced some targeted individuals to walk a short distance against their wills.
I believe that many senior politicians throughout the world are under wireless control. They are afraid to speak openly about the existence and abuse of wireless weapons because they could be sent pain signals or partially paralysed if they chose to speak openly about this whole body control technology, some of which you possibly have inside you already. Because microwave mind control is also being used through most countries throughout the world at this time it has served to damage the brains of most people to the extent that they are unable to express some feelings such as outrage or anger when confronted by information about this control system.
We have been informed by the media that in future nobody would be able to exist outside this control system. They have informed us that the control system would be used to depopulate most of the human race by killing them by wireless remote means, and the remaining people would be obliged to live inside smart cities where they would not ever be allowed to own anything. They would not ever be able to leave their appointed smart city without permission because their pre-programmed implanted microchips would disable their ability to do so. They would be persuaded to agree to live in smart cities initially due to the invented hoax of global warming and due to the fact that they might not be able to over ride whatever electronic mind control they were being subjected to.
It is in the interest of the would-be controllers of the human race to bring this situation about as soon as possible because if the majority of humanity wake up to the truth of what is happening before it is finalized we would stop it from ever happening. I have been wirelessly enslaved to this system for more than sixteen years and despite informing all and sundry of this fact I have received no help because most are unable to over ride their electronic mind control influences and for many other reasons.
Many and varied hoaxes have been invented in order to cover up the extreme capabilities of wirelessly controlled neuro weapon capabilities such as the demonic possession hoax, the existence of extra-terresterials hoax, the near-death experience hoax, the hoax that claims that satellites can send signals a distance of sixty five thousand miles down from space to our brains, and many other hoaxes.
Some people are still outside the control system including the people of Iran. While they remain outside the control system we have hope of taking down the system. We must support Iran in its attempts to remain free of the control system.
We can easily solve the problem of human enslavement by internal technology. We must create jammers which we can keep in our homes in order to protect us from unwanted digital signals. We could even sever all of the under-sea fibre optic cable which transmit signals throughout the world if we deem it necessary. If deemed appropriate we could tear down all microwave transmitters and 5G millimetre wave transmitters now before it is too late. If they are torn down people will recover from the electronic mind control which has been inflicted on them within one month according to my sources.
My name is Gretta Fahey. My address is Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. My website is called

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Posted on August 14, 2019 by gretta fahey
Constitutional law has been dissolved in the republic of Ireland. Many men and women who live in the Republic of Ireland are being wirelessly tortured by directed energy weapons and other advanced technology while they are inside their own homes . The protocol which is being used against these victims follows well known no-touch torture techniques which are in use in almost every country throughout the world at this time. When they report the matter to the Gardaí they are wrongly psychiatrically evaluated by the attending Gardai as being in need of further psychiatric evaluation and are brought to an attending psychiatrist where more often than not they are send to a psychiatric detention centre. Because of this strategy which is being followed by all of the Irish Gardaí bar none these victims of no-touch torture are now afraid to complain to the Gardaí any more for fear of both psychiatric detention and mandated drugging with highly toxic substances which would lead to brain damage and body damage if continued for a long period of time. Some Gardaí throughout the city of Dublin, Ireland are now enforcing laws which are not constitutional such as visiting the home of a single lady at 11pm one evening to say the following “I saw your light on so I came to see if you were alright.” This Gardaí behaviour is not upholding the constitutional laws of the republic of Ireland. Therefore what laws are the Gardaí of the Republic of Ireland enforcing at this time? Are they new laws which have been given to them from the worldwide central control system which is known as the United Nations. Are the Gardaí now enforcing laws which have been introduced without the permission of the people of the Republic of Ireland. It is unconstitutional and it always has been unconstitutional for an agent of the Irish state to visit the home of a private citizen of the Republic of Ireland without an expressed invitation. I believe that the Irish Gardaí are not been properly introduced to Irish constitutional law at the Irish gardai training college. Who is currently in charge of deciding the Gardaí training curriculum at the Irish Gardaí training college at Templemore, Co. Tipperary?
I have been informed by the unknown neuro operatives who wirelessly implement a no-touch torture program on me that police harassment programs and other harassment programs are being enforced in some areas throughout Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland but not many police are involved and the police who are not involved are not even aware of the existence of these police harassment programs. The police who are being recruited are involved in soft torture and know how to use directed energy weapons and other advanced military weapons. They have been licenced to kill any and all individuals who they wish to kill at their own discretion. They leave no evidence because many of their crimes are carried out wirelessly and from an unknown remote location. The police who are selected to use these no-touch torture wireless weapons have been recruited for many reasons but mostly because advances in neuro science may have identified them as sociopathic and therefore useful in the no-touch torture world.
My name is Gretta Fahey. I live at Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Eircode F12 Y560, Republic of Ireland. I was born at this address and I have lived all of my life in the Republic of Ireland. My landline home phone number is 0949360901. My website where I outline my experiences of more than sixteen years of no-touch torture is called

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