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Posted on August 17, 2019 by gretta fahey 
Resistance to the new world order central control system is possible. There is a world war being fought at the moment by unconventional means. Most of the human race have dust sized particulates inside their heads and bodies which came to be there because it has been sprayed on us and placed in processed food. Said dust sized particulates coagulate inside the human body to the extent that eventually they could technically be called technology. Many of us have already been wirelessly linked from this technology which is inside our bodies to super computers by a myriad of bi-directional wireless links. We each have a unique brain signature so we can now have our brains dialled up and be forced to listen to the voices of unknown neuro operatives whenever they wish to speak to us. By the same means they can also wirelessly send us voice commands and pain signals. They can place us on a virtual reality hold whenever they wish, where we are then forced to watch either a still or moving image inside our closed eyes. We can also be sleep deprived by wireless means. Information can be sent via the wireless links which can make any or all of our organs malfunction. Information can be sent to our muscles which can force them to move against our wills. When enough wireless two-way links are eventually created between a human being and a network of super-computers then that human being can be wirelessly remote controlled by unknown operatives who control that human being from an unknown remote location even though that human being might never have met the individuals who remote control him or her.
As soon as your unique brain and body signature has been collected and collated by neuro operatives you would then be placed on this wireless control, enslavement and torture system. It is a simple matter for the neuro operatives to collect your unique brain and body signature. People are employed to hold a device close to your brain and body for several seconds while you are out in public, and this occurs without your knowledge. They then collate this information back at the control centre. You will then begin to hear inner voices. These inner voices could possibly be made to speak to you on such a low level that you would not be able to hear them. Never the less they could affect the way you think and act. We must resist now before fifth generation wireless technology is installed and activated throughout this and every other country in the world. If you fail to act, the bandwidth to wirelessly enslave every man, woman and child in Ireland will be available to the individuals who wish to enslave us.
I have been enslaved by this method for more than sixteen years. The Gardaí are not being informed about wireless weapons when they attend Templemore Gardaí Training College even though wireless weapons are now widespread throughout the whole world. This leads me to believe that those who run Templemore Gardaí Training College are not being truthful to the Gardaí or to the Irish people. Trainee psychiatrists are also not being informed about the existence and widespread use of wireless weapons. It is a well known fact to those behind psychiatry that psychiatry is a false science with nothing of a scientific nature to sustain it.
If you allow yourself to become wirelessly linked to the worldwide central control and enslavement system you could be tortured by wireless means if you dared to disobey. You must act now to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and millimetre wave transmitters. We must organise ourselves against the individuals who control the the international banking community who are also known as the deep state. We do not know who they are. However, they have been attempting to set up others to make them appear as if they are the ones who are in charge. Those who appear to be in charge might actually be wirelessly controlled neuro slaves. Therefore because we do not know who the would-be enslavers of the human race really are we must disempower the second layer of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command so that the unknown individuals at the top of the hierarchical based chain of command will have no one available to carry out their orders. We aught to remove the sovereignty of three states within states acting as one unit of power throughout the world and said states within states are The Vatican State, The London Financial District as well as Washington D.C.. We must dissolve all power which is currently enjoyed and abused by The British Privy Council and by the United States Senior Executive Service who happen to be the American counterpart of the British Privy Council. The members of the British Privy Council are mostly corporatocrats. They own shares in giant corporations who have more financial assets than whole countries. They make decisions for the human race which affect us negatively without our permission. They start wars in order to make money.
I know that demonic possession is a hoax which was created in order to cover up technological possession. Many other hoaxes were created in order to mislead the general public such as the religious apparition hoax, the moving statue hoax, the hoax that signals can travel sixty five thousand miles down from satellites in space to attack us. I believe that all weapons are either ground based or either in low enough orbit to be shot down..

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There are two centralizations of power in the world now and one controls the other but who controls who? One centralization of power is the three privately owned states within states acting as one unit which are the London Financial District, The Vatican and Washington DC which the so called ruling elite work out of. All world banking is being centralized in the privately owned London Financial District while the privately owned Washington DC is considered to be the control centre for the military wing of the new world order and the Vatican is now considered the mind controlling and inculcation centre of the new world order. The individuals who own and run these three privately owned states within publicly owned countries work beyond the reach of governments because they work through world banking, giant corporations, the main stream media and the intelligence services which they are purported to own and run themselves. Many publicly run bodies feed into their central control system which is considered to be the British Crown.

The other possible centralization of power may be a rogue branch of the intelligence service which has armed themselves with wireless weapons and which is outwardly taking orders from agents of the British Crown such as Arvinder Sambei but who may have used wireless weapons to secretly enslave Arvinder Sambei and other agents of the British Crown by possibly gaining wireless control of their central nervous systems and immobilising them if they refuse to obey all orders. One can now partially wirelessly control the physicality of some human beings through controlling their central nervous systems to the extent that those human beings can be physically remote controlled to commit acts which are not in their own best interest. There are patents and informants to support this. Agents of the British Crown who appear to be controlling the whole world could possibly either be under microwave mind control or physical body control. However, the individuals who control the British Crown have endeavoured to rigidly control all wireless weapons and to heavily compartmentalize the work of the intelligence services to the extent that it might be impossible for a rogue branch of the intelligence services to ever break away and attempt to gain control of the top of the heirarchical based chain of command wirelessly while working from a remote location which is how these weapons are being used. It is being claimed that the only ones who have any freedom left in the world today are the unsuspecting individuals at the bottom of the worldwide hierarchical based chain of command and we are the individuals who must act to free the others from both mind control and physical body control weapons. Which group control the world?. Is it the British Crown and their allies or is it a rogue branch of the worldwide intelligence services?

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“We can put minimal sized electrodes in a network within a brain, through only minimal intervention, in order to be able to read and write into the brain function in real time, remotely. ” This is a quote by Dr James Giordano which can be found at the youtube link here below.

I personally have been implanted with brain technology and now unknown strangers are able to read and write into my brain function in real time, remotely. For many decades the CIA and other intelligence agencies have been implanting unaware members of the public with a large variety of implants in order to wirelessly conduct a large variety of experiments on them at a later date. The normal mode of operations of the CIA is to break into the home of the selected targeted individual and render them unconscious using frequency tools before they implant them. The targeted individual has no memory of the implantation procedure when they wake up the following morning. However, at a later date they realize that they have become targeted with extreme technology when they begin to experience strange and unexplainable phenomena happening to them on a continual basis.

When a targeted individual becomes implanted with black budget, classified brain technology they are then wirelessly connected by a two way low frequency, electromagnetic stream of energy which then allows criminal neuro staff to read and write into their brain function. The targeted individual is effectively online on a continual basis for the remainder of their life. The criminal neuro staff can force the targeted individual to listen to them speak by wireless means, whenever they wish. The criminal neuro staff can send moving images by wireless means to the targeted individual which the targeted individual would then perceive as a mental image inside their head. These mental images which the targeted individual receives are often images as well as a large variety of other types of disgusting images. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly send electric shocks and pain signals and other bodily sensations to the targeted individual. The criminal neuro staff can wirelessly write false information into the brain of the targeted individual in order to render the targeted individual unwell at any time, or even paralyse or kill the targeted individual if they so wish.
I have been a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled remote experimentation for sixteen years. I keep a frequent online blog where I outline some of what the criminal neuro operatives say to me when they reproduce their voices inside my head using their extremely advanced and classified wireless technology. Here below is a small sample of what they said to me in the past two days and my response to some of it :-
“You will do what I say because I am your better.”
My response to that statement is that all human beings are equal under natural law and all are of infinite value. Anybody who believes otherwise is living in a false reality construct where they believe they should grovel to some of their own equals and look down on others of their own equals.
“Tidy up your image.”
“I am bitterly opposed to this technology being used in Ireland.”
“We are not interested in propriety. We are only interested in enslaving the human race.”
“I will take the wheels off your bicycle when you are in town.”
“We are forced to detail the life of a woman who doesn't do anything.”
“She is informed, and we know she is informed, and now we are going ahead and paralysing her from head to toe.”
“Implore her to get a housemate or they will kick her out of that house.” My response to that statement is – I was born in the house that I now live in fifty nine years ago. It was built by my grandfather without any financial help from a bank. It is my family home and they do not have a right to kick me out ever.
“Don't be naughty.” My response to that statement is – When human beings become slaves the slave masters treat them as children in the sense that when African American men were enslaved they were called boys instead of men in order to belittle them. By telling me not to be naughty they are treating me like a child instead of an adult woman in order to psychologically bring me down to the level of a child.
“She better get up. They don't tolerate her being in bed during the day.”
“Go and get a life” My response to that statement is as follows – I have a life. You are the one who is interfering in my life, obviously because no one will listen to you in your own life. That is why you and your colleagues force me to listen to you on a continual basis, each and every day for the past sixteen years.
“I’ll lock you up if you don't shut up.”
“You’re a lightweight.”
My name is Gretta Fahey from Newbrook, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Republic of Ireland. My website which I alone own and control is called My landline home phone number is 0949360901. I do not accept payment for my online blogs which can be found throughout many social media sites, where I outline my experiences of being a targeted individual of wirelessly enabled directed energy weapons for sixteen years. I have attempted to inform government staff of the fact that I am being targeted with directed energy weapons and voice harassment technology in the distant past but I have not been taken seriously by them. I made two serious attempts to take my own life when I first became a targeted individual and this can be verified by my local hospital. I now no longer trust church or state. I believe that church and state are the two arms of the enslavement system. I believe that church and state were set up thousands of years ago for the sole purpose of eventually enslaving the human race. I also believe that anybody who works for church and state are mostly unknowingly being used to further the enslavement agenda of the dark new world order self-proclaimed elite. I write my online blog in order to wake the public up to the extreme danger of technological enslavement they are in. I believe that they are under electronic mind control.
Our first task is to disassemble and ban microwave transmitters and related paraphernalia so that the general public can awake from their electronic mind control spell and begin to think more clearly. After that it is a simple matter to tear down all of the infrastructure which allows unknown neuro operatives to enslave me and hundreds of thousands of others by wireless means and from a remote location. If this is not done soon, this program could be fully automated and everyone other than the would-be enslavers could be hearing computerized voices coming from inside their heads issuing them orders and delivering pain signals to them if they did not obey immediately. Those who are awake and aware are now mostly of the belief that the existence of satellites is a hoax, and all of the technology which is being used to technologically enslave us is ground based or air based. Therefore we can easily reach all of the technology being used against us in order to disempower and destroy it

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